TO I.OIIIG BRANCIVIN THREE 1101.111,14. Yesterday- another new avenue of travel was. opened to the pleasure-seeking , public of PhilsidelPhia: Heretofore: 'a single car has been run from Philadelphia to Long Branch, but yesterday inaugurated a new line. straight through from Philadelphia to the Branch, Without change Of cars, in three hours. yesterday morning, at OA. M., a spe cial train left the city, containing a few in vited guests, representing our railroad, our commercial and . our editorial fraternities. Among the invited guests were Wm. H. Getz mer, President of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company; R. S. Van iltenssalear; Su perintendent of the Camden and Ainboy Rail road; Benjamin Fish, the oldest Director of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company; A. W Markley, John J. Stevens, Walter' Freeman General Freight Agent; Charles Bispham;P r esident of the Burlington County Railroad Company; N. S. Rue, President of the Pemberton and Hightstown Rail road Company; General J. S. Irick; Presi dent Yincentown Railroad Company; General W. J. Sewell, Superintendent West Jersey Railroad Company, Geo. I. Robbins, Trea surer West Jersey Railroad Companyi Geo. A. Dadmun, General Ticket Agent Philadel phia and Baltimore Railroad Company; H. W. Gwinner, General Passenger Agent Penn sylvania Railroad Company; Col. I. S. Bucka lew, Superintendent Freithold and Jainesburg Railroad Company; C. L. Kimball, Superin tendent Delaware and Raritan Bay Railroad Company; E: B. Byington, General Passenger Agent Memphis and St. Louis Packet Com pany; Wm. A. Whitehead, New Jersey Rail road Company; John H. Markley, General Superintendent West Jersey Express; Harry Gorman, Adams Express; Geo. R. Dunn, Superintendent New Jersey Exptess; Jno. H. Miller, General Ticket Agent Pan Handle Railroad Company; Capt. J. N. Abbey, Agent 13ellefontaine Railroad Company. Besides these railroad men were several of our prominent citizens ofPhiladelphia, 'in cluding Mr. George W. Childs, James H. Orne, Charles Knecht, Stephen H. Souder, John ,Hutchinson, Charles P. Dieterich, I. Newton Brown, Joseph It. Evans, Harry Murphy, Theodore Fitler, A. Louden Snow den, Frank McLaughlin, and many others whose names Ido not remember. Among the rest, however, I must not forget to mention that Dr. Alexander Sharp, the Marshal of the District of Columbia, and brother-in-law of our illustrious President Grant, was on the train in charge of Mr. A. Louden Snowden, whose guest he is while stopping in Phila,. delphia. Along the route we picked up several of the notabilities of New Jersey, among whom were Ex-Governor Newell, Ex-Gover nor Parker, H.. N. Cougar, Secretary State of New Jersey; William P. McMichael, Treasurer State of New Jersey; Gen. C. K. Hall, Adju tant-General. TO mit. J. WARREN GORE the excursionists are indebted for the ad mirable manner in which everything was :ar ranged for their comfort. He originated and arranged the entire matter, and never did a similar occasion give such entire satisfaction. Capt. C. S. Gaunt had charge of the train, and Mr. John R. Graham, of the U. S. Hote foot of Walnut street, had charge of the efresh mein car, where everything was p 'ded for the inner man with a laviSh hand. THE ROUTE. Leaving Walnut street wharl,and taking the cars opposite in Camden, the route lays along the banks of the beautiful Delaware through charming country, and past the flourishing villages of Palmyra, Delanco, Beverly, Bur lington, Himmiels, Florence, to Bordentown, where the road leaves the banks of the Dela ware and runs north-northeast through Yard ville, NewtoWn; Windsor, Hightstown and Cranberry to Jamesburg. Here we leave the Camden and Amboy Railroad, forty-eight miles from Philadelphia, and run over the Freehold and Jamesbury Railroad, nearly due east, to Farmingdale, nineteen miles, from which the route is almost north over the Rari tan and. Delaware Bay Railroad to Long Branch, fifteen miles. the whole distance is eighty-two miles, and, although we made it in three hours, the running time this summer will be four hours—a very great difference, by the by, from the olden times when it took all day to reach the Branch. THE MARL PITS At Farmingdale the cars were detached froM the locomotive, and were run down into the marl pits of the Squankum Marl Com pany, to afford a view of the way in which this new fertilizer is taken out of the bowels of the earth. Although these pits have only been opened since jarmary, they have taken out an immense quantity of this decayed animal matter. This marl formation runs across the State from Long Branch to Salem, in a north east and southwest direction, exhibiting itself in Some places to a greater degree than in others. Here the vein is about eighteen feet deep and about live miles long. It can be bought at the pits for about $1 1. - 0 per ton, and adding a dollar for transportation, it • makes the cheapest fertilizer that can be had. The surrounding farms bear the most convincing evidence of its value. IME3 About 12i I'. M. we arrived at the Branch and after taking dinner at the Mansion House, at the joint expense of the different hotel keepers, the company separated to enjoy them selves, each in his own way. Each watering place has its devotees, and tong Branch has many of them. it is, however, siti generis; there is none other like it. The beach here is iffy to sixty feet below the level of the bluff, and all the hotels are built along this bluff, so I the visitor at the Continental is several miles from the Stetson House. An elegant gravelled drive runs along the entire front, between the hotels and the pavilions erlooking the beach. The visitor can sit either on the spacidus verandahs,,of the hotels or in the comfortable pavilions and see the gay equipages drive past. This is what makes Long Branch so attractive, and this is the only thiulz needed at Cape May to make it the hest sea-side resort in the United States. This drive is the great feature of the Branch; here everybody can see and he seen, and the l;r:inch can never have any successful rivals - until just such a drive be made along the beach in front of the hotels in a similar man ner. I suppose there must be hotel accommo dations at the. Branch for 10,000 or 12,000 people. The hotels are of a mammoth char acter, especially the Continental, the Stetson and the Mansion. PRIVATE covr AGES. Probably The most beautiful summer resi dence at tins or any other watering place in that of John Hoey. .The grounds are, Indeed, all that nature and art combined can make them, although my taste would be to have less magnificence and be nearer the sea. Our worthy fellow-citizen, Mr. George W. 11a.4 a cottage here, and long may that noble-hearted man live to enjoy it—is the only harm I wish him. Mr. H elmbold, of Buchu fame, has also a cottage here. EIMMIa W e left the Bratiitt - 4:45 - P. — M; — , acid reached Camden at 7.45 P.M., just three hours from the Branch; and thus ended a delightful trip,for which Mr. 3. Warren Gore and the company have our undivided thanks. CITY BULLETIN. j!01.10E ArroiNTmNTs.--The followngad, tlit lona] ap . pointnients have been made by the ayof; lirst District, H. H. McCaffrey, John Johnson; Fourth District, William H. Hotz, iSergeant in place of Benjamin Shourds,_rc moved; Patrolmen, James Williamson, P. G. Daley, P. Fizell; Fifth District, James Mul len; Ninth District,John Camady, :John Henk, Wm..l. Gallen, Win. H. McKinley; Twelfth District, Michael Crowley. Cirrflti(t AFFAIR. John Miller was ar- Tested at one o'clock this morning,at Eleventh street luid Girard avenue, upon the charge of assault and battery on Robert Mcßride, with intent to kill. The two men got into analter cation. Miller, it is alleged, drew a, knife and nuule a dash at Mcßride, but onlysupeeeded iii ctittiitira — hule doting. Ile *as taken before' Alderman Hood, mid was held in 5600 bail for trial. Four:mar:G.—A male infant, about three weeks old, nicely dressed, was found on the steps of a house, .No. 2748 Frankford road, last night. The little fellow was taken charge of by Policeman Strobel. about half-past ono o'clock, a tlre.broke out in the whisky distillery of James . Donnelly, id eated. on: liinth street, below 'Dories, in the Twentieth Ward. The building was of brick, one part being . two Stories in • height, and - the other part, one story. The flames spread rapidly, and • the building was completely gutted. The machinery,' fixtures and stock, except a few barrels o 1 whisky, were entirely destroyed. The loss is estimated at $5,000, upon which there is an insurance of $2,000. The origin of the fire is attributed to the ex plosion of a coal oil lamp. • A row of two-storied dwellings on Percy street, in the rear of the distillery, took fire and were slightly damaged. The furniture of the occupants was much injured by hasty re moval. ATTACK ON REVENUE OFFICERS—ONE BADLY INJ unEn.—Deputy Collector of Inter nal Revenue Foulkrod, of the Fifth District, John Hause, Assistant Assessor of the same district and several assistants paid a visit to Port Richmond, on the afternoon of the Nth. They visited different houses where it was suspected that illicit whisky distillation was carried on, and were followed by a mob of men, women and children. Fi nally, two stills were seized. Then an attack was made on the officers. The. row lasted about a half-hour, and the stills were taken possession of by the 'crowd. Mr. Hausa was seriously injured in the melee. He was badly eut about the head, and. had his left arm broken. No policemen were about, to protect the Revenue officers in the discharge of their duties, or to arrest their assailants. ENCAMPMENT !OF THE FIRE ZOUAVES.—The Philadelphia Fire Zouaves, under command of Col. Sellers, will have an encampment of seven daye at Atlantic City during the latter 'ilt of July. The Camden and Atlantic Rail road Company, in accordance with its well known spirit of liberality, has offered trans portation- of the men and baggage. The place selected for the encampment is a small clump of woods near the Light House. During the stay of the regiment reception hops will be given at the new Excursion House, United States Hotel and Congress Hall. The com mittee having charge of the arrangements is composed of Major Carstairs and. Captains Ryan, Shinn and idelett. •- ORDINATION.-TllO annual ordination of graduates from the Philadelphia Divinity School (Protestant Episcopal) took place this ;morning, at St. Luke's Church,Bishop Stevens' presiding. The ordination sermon was preached by Bev.Julius Grammer,D.D.,of Bal timore. The following gentlemen were ad mitted to the:order of Deacons : Messrs. Chas. H. TuckerX — H. Mead, Henry C. Mayer, V. H. Berghausy and Kirkland; and the following to . the order of Priests: Rev. Messrs. Bigarl,V. W. Newton, H. K. Brouse, H. J. Row l and , R. N. Thomas, and Jos. M. Turner. FtnE.—The carpenter-shop of Owen Moun tain, at Tulip and Cumberland streets, was de stroyed: by fire last night. The loss is esti mated at's7oo. No insurance. The place is supposed to have been set on fire. CRICKET— TOWN vs. COUNTRY.— To-mor row a match between Elevens chosen from the Young America, Germantown and Philadel phia Clubs, will be played on the grounds of the Germantown. flay to commence at 9.30 A. M. A tine exhibition of cricket is ex pected, as all of the prominent players of the three first Elevens will piay. PAPER ANGINGB.-N O. 3 Decatur street— Howell 8,7, Brothers, paper-hanging manufac turers,are prepared to furnish,at wholesale, all styles of paper hangings, at their store, o. 3 Decatur street, mitt! the completion of their new store, on Sixth street, below Market. Two Scots ip Trouble.- An English paper tells this story: "in the year 1504 a painter belonging to Port Glasgow, Scotland, left that town and joined the American army. From time to time, for twelve months thereafter, word was regularly received from him, the last being that he was pi omoted to he a sergeant in the Union army. About two months after that letter was re ceived, another came to his wife, in Port Glas gow, stating that her husband, the sergeant, was no more; having been shot in one of the battles in which General Lee was the opposing commander. His widow, his father, mother, brothers and sisters mourned for him as dead, and donned the usual habili ments for twelve months. After that his sup posed widow was married, and with her second husband lived happily till Friday night last. when her former husband arrived at Port Glasgow, all alive and in excellent health. The wife refuses to leave.ber second spouse, while the first threatens to take legal proceed ings to compel her to share his bed and board. How the matter may end it is premature to conjecture. Meanwhile the gossips of Port Glasgow are busy discussing the matter. The first llusband was in Greenock on Monday, consulting a legal gentleman as to the course he 'ought to pursue." "lIONI SUIT QUI MAL r PENSE," is the motto of the Sovereigns of the British Empire, and also that of the Order of the Garter. A Duke of Orleans, perhaps in ridicule of the British monarch's motto, had "Iloni soit qui nud y PANSE" [Evil he to him who in these sta bles looks badly after the horses] inscribed over the entrance of his princely stables at Chan tilly. According to James Rowell, the lexi cographer, the common English translation 01' this well-known proverb—'"Evil to him the evil thinks"—is utterly wrong. "1 will add hereunto another proverb, which had been quite lost had not our Order of_the Gaiter pre served it, which is, !luny soil qui 11101 y pense— we English it, 11l be to him who thinks though the true sense be, Let him be beruy'd Lbewrayed] who thinks any ill, being a meta phor taken from a child that lugs betrayed his clouts. and in France there's not one in a hun dred IVlio understands this word now-a-days.- CITY NOTICES. SPLENDID BARGAINS J'S PIQTES, WHITE Goods. Goods. Phiid 1111181i1114, Hosiery, Gloves, Kid Gloves; In'ess Goods—Japanese Silks, Black Silks, Ilernani, Iron liarege, 0111111 Gloves. White Gloves ,nt IlAn- TIIOLONIEW s, 23N orth Eighth street, befor! , making alterations. THE PURIFICATION TREF,. TWA mune mayrorly be given to the South America' Soap Tree, the ]Sark of which, atm' maceration, nen tralizes tiny kind of pollution thaf clings to the gar mnts, and restores to them their original purity am beauty. As an ingredient of the celebrated SOZ9DONT It produces the same effect upon all impurities U the Teeth, and fortifies them against discoloration an decay. EX-PRESIDENT MARTIN VAN BUREN AND his nhysielaue testified to the wonderful efficacy of Jonas Wlnteondvs Asthma Remedy in hitt own case. S I NGEIT' S SEWING — WACII r oti eaniest pudsible term°, by SunoicAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sun dries. Ssowuuri & BROTIIER, 2.3 South Eighth street. • Comcs, Bunions, Inverted tfetlted liy Dr J Davidson, - No. 015 Cho:data — street - . Charges moderate. To THE LADIES. Lailies going to the sea-shoie or country should get one of those elegallt Hold by Charles Ualtford & SOUS, 834 and MU Chestnut street. diagonal worsted for SITAIDZIEIt SVITS, tie* in style and very beautiful, just the thing to wear the SEA SHORE. Also, u full assortment of Side•band Drillings for PANTALOONS, At CHARLES STOKES'S, NO. 821 Chestnut street GENT . I6' STItAW 'FIATS Car. be purclittsed at OnkfordrO, 834. and 836 Cliedtnut street. Late . a. etylen away 11 on bail. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear.,:treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can bo seen at his office, No. SOS Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted. No chum matte tor examination. MM=)EZ==i2MIMI THE -DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, 141,IDAY, JUNE 18, +-16 - Austice-.11-mrs At Oharlee Oakford it Bone'. under the Continental.. ' QurEr and soothe the pain of children teeth ng—Uee Bower's Infant Cordial. Bold by all Drug- I late. WEDDING CARDS, INVITATIONS V V for Parties, &c. New styles. MASON &CO au2stfli , 901 Chestnut street. WEDDING INVITATIONS EN - graved in the newest and beet manner. LOUIS DREKA, Stationer and Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street. fe2o tf BRISOON . —POLL ARV —On the , 17th of June, at St. Oement's Church, Philadelphia, by the ReY. , Dr. W. H. N. Stewart, Frank D. Briscoe to Niorence Pollard, nil of this city. [Baltimore and Richmond papers please " FIWDELL—VON TAGEN.—On the 17th inst., by Rey. .1. W. Claxton; Robert Trude'', Jr., of Allentown, to Tillie G., third daughter of C. G. Von .Tagen Esq. of this city. muinTL—LIPPINCOTT.--On the 17th inst., by Roy. S. H. Gipsy, D.D. Major-General George W. Mindil to Miss Lizzie L., daughter of Lewis E. Lippincott Eoq. all of this city. MORRIS—STOKES.—On .the 16th inst., at the resi dence of the bride's father. Moorestown, New Jersey, by. Friends' ceremony, Joshua H. Morris, of Philadel phia. to Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. John'll. Stekes i, of Moorestown: STARR—EMLEN.—On the 12th inst., at St. Mark's Church, by the Rey, Albra Wadleigh; James Starr to Mary, daughter of the late George Emlen. HAWLEY.—On Thursday morning, Sue wife of Samuel D. Hawley, mid daughter of the late Jos. T. Al tennis. rt - 014 - 13AitEGA.VIES' IRON DAREOES, 8.4 WIDE IRON BAREGES;4-4 WIDE IRON BAREGES, 3-4 WIDE. ' EYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND AMID not. TO TOURISTS. ' JOHN WA_NAMAKER Would announce that, at the New Chestnut Street Clothing Establishment can be found all that goes to make up A Complete Outfit For Gentlemen Traveling this Summer.. Traveling Suits, Fine Linen Dusters, Linen Overalls, Toilet Articles, Compact Dressing Cases, Valises, Valises, Valises, Fancy Colored Shirts, Summer Gloves, &c., &0., &c. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. myB rp [la° ROSE HILL CEMETERY. A new and beautiful CEMETERY has been recently located on LANCASTER Avenue, 11 short distance from Overbrook Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Rail road, just beyond the city line and near the boundary of the new City Park. The Hestonville Passenger Rail road, It is expected, will shortly be extended and pass in front of this Cemetery. These grounds, in natural and created embellishments, are equaled by few and.cur. piuwed by no Cemetery in the country. The projectors are now selling a limited number of Lots of. 10 by 12 feet at ;$2ll per lot, payable in installments. Wbe price will shortly be doubled. Portions of the ground can now be Atoned to Societies on favorable terms. Parties desiring o purchase are invited to visit these grounds without [clay, and judge for tin mselves of the advantages offered. or further information, apply at the Office of the Presi lent, A. M. HOPKINS, 818 WALNUT Street, GEO. CHANDLER PAUL, 1723 North TENTH Street. BOARD OF MANAGERS:„ Or of tie Secretary, A . llopkinn, Geo. Chandler Paul, Jacob Oakeler, Geo. W. Buckman, Saml. J. 'Wallace. jrl7 ltnrp§ Boardman's Second Annual Excursion TO ATLANTIC CITY, From, Saturday Afternoon, June 2Gth, to Monday June 28th. Leave Vino St. Wharf. Saturday, June 26th, at 3.30 P.M. Returning, leave Atlantic, Monday, June 'kith, at 7 A.M. TICKETS FOR ROUND TRIP $2 00. jel2l2trpli [ub MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 1869-70. PRE6IDENT, FRANKLIN PE ALE. VICE TREsIDENT, THOMAS SULLY. TREASURER, WILLIAM L. MACTIER. SECRETA 111 WILLIAM 1,. DUNCLISON. Francis Gurney Smith, S. Winner, Bryant Forgnmon, Joseph W. Drexel, Thomas Fitzgerald. Chas. E. Lex, .lax. V. Patterson, DI. D. Chas. p . rn r, . , Theodore Cuyler, . Willi am Maris,Jr., C. F. Stolte. iims. It. Maris, F. A. Carl 11. 0. Son tz, Francis C'ooper, CoUNSELLons, 11. PIiLDRIAUX. lIIEODORE CUTLER, CHARLES AML S V. PATTERSON, M. D., CHARLES I'. TURNER, M. D. NUPERINTENDENT, THOMAS J. BECKETT IN 1 ERSITY OF PENNSYL VAN IA —Faculty of Arts.—The Annual Comment, meat for conferring Degrees in the Arts will be It •Id on •f ii LI:SDI - 1..1110e 24th, in the Academy of Millie. Pile Recureeti Clergy, Judges of the United States en State Courts. the Mayor of the City , Select and C 1111111011 'Olllll Ik, the Board of Directors nud Presider. .till Girard College, the Principal or the Central High S,Mool, the candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts, an 1 other Graduates of the University, are invited to Inc 4 the Faculty in the Foyer of the Academy, at a quarter before fu n'rha•k A. M PHILAI)ELPHI A , JUNE 17, 1e69. 11 17 —Notice is hereby given that an installment of FIFTY CENTS (Eoc.) per Share on each and ,•very Share of the .Capital Stock of the /ETNA MINING COM PANT • ham been culled in, payable on or before the tlfst day of.lnly, PitD. at the (Mice of the Company, N 0.324 Walnut street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. t jyl§ B. A . HOOTES. Treasurer. [U. UNIX ERtirrY OF PENNSYLVANIA —Faculty of Arts. The Examination of Candidates for admission will be held at the University, on WEDNESDAY, the 234 of June. at 10.3. , ; o'clock A. N. Students can apply fur ad mi,,,fort to pursue the full course for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or only that portion of it for which the degree of Bachelor of Science is given, or any such por tion as the }acuity may 01111Ctilill. FE A NCIS A. JACKSON, jolit it§ Secretary the Faculty. STATE RIGHTS FOR State rights of n valuable invention net patented, and designed for the slicing, cutting and chipping of t dried beef, cabbage, &c., are hereby' offered for sale. It is amarticiumfmat value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and it should be introduced into every . fam ily. State rights for sale. Model can be seen at the telegraph office, Cooper's Point, N. J. MUNDY & HOFFMAN. 0. F. DAVIS, 810 Chestnut street UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA. U'•rD'' NIA (FACULTY OF ARTS.) THE ANNUAL PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS of the Junior, Sophomore and Freshman classes, at the close of the College year, will be held daily (except Sunday's); fronviirottock;: A. M.vto-2•o'clock-,P:11-4-from-June -4th to Juno 22d. . . . EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION to• the College will be neld on June ?-311, , beginning at o'clock. THE COMMENCLMLNT will be held Juno 24th. FRANCIS A. JACKSON, . je4,l7t§ Bab PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA, May 15, 1869. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The books are now open for siabscription and payment of the new stock of this Conipany. • THOMAS T. FIRTH, mylB-30trp Treasurer. Uo B. FRANK PALMER, LL. geon Artist, has just been commiiiiiloned by the Surgeon-General to supply the Palmer Armland Leg for mutilated Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy The Governmental offices are to be located in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and are all conducted by. Dr. • • •• ' my2l' 78trp§ - THE — PENNSYL-: Tanis. Peace. Society, Friends' Meeting House, Norristown, Pa., FIRST DAY, Sixth Month 20th, 1389, . 3 o'clock P. M. A number of speakers will be present. j All are cordially invited. 2" • NOT re E.—l HAVE JUST RE CEIVED a fresh supply of those Cigars "Like Father Gets," besides a number of other choice brands. McCARAHUR, Seventeenth and Locust. jol7-3t*rp pSPLI 4O " . 'IMMg MARRIED. DIED. - SPECIAX; - NO'FICES. P. 0. Hollis, John Gibson, Rich. J. Ounglison, M. D E. LEX. PIIVHICIANA FRANCIS A. JACKSON, SeCretary ~CLT~~.~ '.j~X.Ci'L'4l3^'r`:'~:3vT~"iL 3 .J~F'i~t "4 : a..?:~.u ' S.L'W.F:l:}~f~4itftC4.l. WIT , WIIIFVr7VMM iob 'THE GREAT RU], ,CEMETERY, mount hiortoh; boy two fiquares from the Darby}toad Passenger Enitirayp. is. easily, reacbod by the Cheetnnt or Market street care:::. • iol27trp* TURKISH : BATHS - GIAABICSTRZINTAMOAROILVS FAUX THIO, Ladies' department ptzletlY-.prii, , ti.e. Open • day_ apd evening. • apl-ttrp:_ HOWARD : HOSPITAL,: NOS. 1518 tirD" and 1520:Lombard street; Dispensary Department. —Medical treatment andmodictne furnished gratuitously to the .00r. DI'VIDEND' NOTICES. 10P S NI. A, RAILR6AD 7 COMPANY TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. • PutrAnEr.ruta, Pd., May 3d,1869. The Board'of Directors have this day declared a semi annual Dividend of Five Per Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, paya ble in cash on and after May 30, 1869. Blank powers.of attorney for 'collecting dividends can be Mutat the Office of the Campany, NO. 238 South Third street. The Office will he opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 4 P. H., from May 30th to June sth, for the payment of divi dends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. No-rm.—The third instalment on Now Stock of 1808 is due and payable on or before Juno 15. my4-2mrp§ SUMMER RESORTS. STOCKTON HOTEL, CAPE . ISLAND .N; J , - Will Open on the 24th of June, 1869. This hotel has been erected within the past year; affords ample accommodations for nearly one thousand guests, and is furnished equal to any of the leading hotels in thettnited States. For terms, &c., until then, address PETER GARDNER, Proprietor, No. 307 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. jet lmrp REVERIE HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS. This noted Hotel has been thoroughly modernized. The house has been contpletely remodelled, painted and newly furnished. Suites of rooms for large and small families—water, bathing-rooms, &c., introduced—so that it now offers unsurpassed accommodations for travelers. The "Revere" has always been celebrated for its table and the attention paid its guests, and its high reputation . in these particulars will be maintained. Mr. GARDNER WETHERBEE, late of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, has become one of the pro prietor Sand will be pleased to welcome the traveling publi WRIGLEYe Hotel. WETHERBEE It CO., Proprietors. je4 f m w 2Gtrp CAPE ISLAND, N. J. • A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, A LA CARTE, WILL BE OPENED BY ADOLPH PROSKAUER, Of 222 S. Third Street, Philadelphia, On the 7th of June, under the name and title of MAISON DOREE, At the cor. of Washington and Jackson Sts., Known as Hart's Cottage. OW" Families will be supplied at the Cottage. Lodging Rooms by Day or Week to Rent. my 29 tfrp§ CLOTHING JONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, Fir Class Eeady4tade Clothing, 'suitable for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of 0 Piece Goods for Cus tom Trork. OEO. W. WIEMANN, Proprietor. CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES ! ! CARRIAGES !4 tir4P 3 0i. frAAii E Al ,# ..- WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET. Superior Carriages of my own manufacture built for the DRIVING SEASON OF I_ S 0 9 COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY, and ELEGANCE OF FINISH. Mil" Attention given to repairing. 117 - Carriag( a stored and Insurance effected. apl6 fm w3rn STATIONERY. BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety of FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOORS, " DIEDIORANDITH, PASS, COPY-BOORS, Etc., Etc., To be found in this city, is at the Old Established BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY OP JAS. B. SMITH 80 No. 27 Souch Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. °lnce andlialesroom. First Floors n W hl trmerwlrsrlrirspV" Stai MORTGAGES. a • D OTHER SUMS TO $50.00,, invest In th3i purchase of City_ or Country Mortgages already existing, or to Loan onßeal Estate Co'latex*. Apply to. E. R. JONES, ie7B 6t§ 707 Walnut street. $201.00$1(,)10.0 and . SB,OOO WANTED co.tim inve o 4m on enta tu 30' E. B. J ONES 707 Walnut etttgage of central city property. • joltl Firet r . - ee -AND--$,OOO TO $5 l OOO — PrV ,oho 3t§ r6IFIT , I7oINAIVb t t rpeet SPIRITS TIJRPENTINE ,AND ROSIN.— 110 burro's Spirits Turpentine; 14.2 barrels Palo Soitii Rosin; 1106 barrels No; 2 Shipping Rosin, laraliK from steamer Pioneer, for sale by EDW. Li, ROWLICI , 16 O. Wharves. _ _ • REMOVAL. E. BORHEK -& SON OPTICIANS, Have Removed from No. 402 CHESTNUT Street, to . No. 1230 CHESTNUT STREET. • Their stock of Gold, Silver and Blued Steel Spectacles; Hand Glasses, Opera Glasses, Spy Glasses, Microscopes, Am., am., is one of the best in the city, which they will sell on very reasonable terms. Also, the celebrated PARABOLA 4. PE CTACLES, Which possess clearness and finish not equaled by any other lenses. - jell Strp GAS FIXTURES. A great variety of patterns entirely new in this market. OUR IRON AND BRONZE GAS FIXTURES Excel all others in durability•and finish, COUNTRY RESIDENCIES Fitted up with the latest improvements in KEROSENE LAMPS and CHANDELIERS. Our Meridian Burner Is the safest and beat made. Also, Bronze and Parton Figures. • COULTER, JONES & CO., 702 Arch Street. my2o lmrp A GOOD THING. Important to Housekeepers, Hotels, Banks, Offices, &c. , The Patent Adjustable Window Screen • 1 WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilation and light, screen from view and exclude Files, Mosquitoes and other Insects. For sale by Dealers in House-Furnishing Goods. The Adjustable Window Screen Company SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 623 Market Street, Philada. rel 4 rn w f &tiro§ • WIRE FLY - AND IvIOSQ:6ITO WINDOW SHADES, Signs for Banks, Offices, .tc., LAN DSCAPES,&c., FOR PRIVATE HOUSES Plain 'Shades of every description. G. DE WITT, BRO. & COl. No. 633 Market Street, Philadelphia. f M2llwP Important to Housekeepers, Hotels, Banks, Offices, &c. The Patent Adjustable Window Screen WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilation and screen from view and exclude FLILS, MOSQUITOES and other Insects. For sale at N 0.16 North SLXTII Street. "Window Blinds,and Shades Of all, kinds. Repairing, &c. 13. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, No. 16 N. Sixth Street. my.ll2mrpL F ITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY No. 22 N .WA TER ;Arcot and 23 N.DEL AWARE avenue DARING ATTEMPT TO ROB Patent Franklinite Banker Chest. PERRYSVILLE STATION, Penna. R. R., June 12, 1869 Messrs. FARREL, HERRING 6211 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. •G E NTS : A persistent but utiSlleCeSSfill efibrt was made on the night of May 2.9, 140, to drill the Bankers' Chest received from you a few months ago. From facts that have come to our knowledge, it is evident that the attempt' to open it was renewed on Sunday evening following. Finding all efforts to drill it useless, the effort was then made to break the lock. The ham mering was heard by parties in the neighbor hood for several hours, but supposing it to arise from the railroad men replacing a defec tive rail,.it excited no alarm. The tools, with the exception of the drills, were left. It is evident that they were not only Well prepared, but perfectly familiar mtli the construction of yOur Chest. That they failed is another evi dence that your Bankers' Chests are what you claim for themßurglar-Proof. Respectfully, yours, J. BALSBACK;, Agent. jpls nti pi LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS AT • Greatly Reduced Prices. OUR ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOCK IS NOW OFFERED AT RETAIL VERY CHEAP, To dm out the balauceof our Straw Goods. NEW FEATHERS AND FLOWERS JUST OPENED. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO., No. 729 Chestnut Street. TO RENT A Very._Elegant_Country Seat • I Completely Furnished. . - Carriage House, Ice House, beautiful Lawn of 8 acres, and an abundance of Shade, Shrubbery, Fruit and Vege tables. Gardene:i on the place. Will be rented very low to a careful tenant. J. T. WAY, 322 Chestnut Street. my lO'rptf iffM POSITIVE SALE BY ORDER OF Orphans' Court. Good business locution. Store. and Dwelling, No. 221 South Second street, on TUES DAY NEXT, June 2211, at Philadelphia Exchange. See TIIOISIAS Fe SONS! SA LE s -- Tern ens . jelli Pun* LOAN ON - NTON PRESERVED GINGER. C Preserved Ginger, in syrnp of the celebrated Oily lacing brand; also, Dry Preserved Ginger, in boxes, tin 'ported and for sale by JOS. B. BUSSING & (JO., 108 South Delaware avenue. SI/EATHING FELt.—TEN PRAXES I:nglialt Sheathing Pelt, for Sale byPETER WRIGHT & 00/iti,llo Walnut streot. NOW IN FULL OPERATION, FIRE-PROOF SAFES. HERRING'S - MILLINERY GOODS TO RENT. FOR SALE ri-E1,1480LD13 FLUID EXTRA.OIr DlJOtiti to nteaosat in taste. and odor, free from at injurious proportlea l and immediate In its notion. TIVELMROLD'S EXTRACT BTTOEFIF .1.1. gives health and vigor to the frame and blown to the pallid cheek. liability is atuOmPLktd Naar alarming symptoms, and it no tiestmeat is submitted to. OonsumpUon, Insanity or Epileptic Fits ensue., poit NON-RETENTION OR INCONTI nence of Urine, Irritation, Infininmation or Ulcers lion of the Bladder or kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Glands, Stone In the Bladder, Calculus, Grayel or Brick Dust Deposits, and all Diseases of the . Bladder, Sidnetfe. or Dropsical Swellings, USE HELDIDOLD'S FLUID EXTRAOT BUORIII I'EBBLED AND DELICATE 001f effintions, of both sexes, use RELEBOLD'B EX TRACT BUCIIII. It will give brisk end energetic foe loge, and enable you to sleep well . MAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND unsafe remedies for unpleasant sad dangeroso diseiviee. Use lIRLMBOLD'S EXTRACT MOO &NW— TM OVED BOSE WABIT THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH; therefore the nervous and debilitated should hartui ilistely use RELMBOLDI3 EXTRACT 8110111.1. MANHOOD AND YOUTITFUL VIGOR are regained by It B L M BOLD'S E XrT 11 A OT BUCHII. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS BE STORED by lIELMOOLD'S EXTRACT I3UCHU. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU la a certain cure for diaeases °Ulla Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organfc Treakiiffs, Female Complaints, General Debility. .kml all disvasi.s of the. URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever C:11150 originating, and no matter of lIOW LONG STANDING Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to,Connumptiou or lusaulty may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported froth these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Dosterlty, depend upon prompt use of a re- EMM HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUM. EhtabliHlied upwara9,oo , s Yettrfi• Prepared bY H. T- lIEEMBOLD, Druggist. 594 BROADINFAIK,,NEW YORK. 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. Price el 25 per bottle, or six bottles fur "$L LO. de livered to any address. Mir Sold by Druggists evorywhore
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers