CITY BULLY,TIN. , Min:mom 1%1 issiON.—The ftdlowing nartidiVe of a Muching incident connected AN ith tin Midnightt Mission. Is furnished to us by one of the laborers in that most excellent charity: Amongst the fruits of this M as it lens pursued it.' earliest. miobtrusive way. may be recorded :111 instance oceurrillil, under the very shadow of the Mission Holme a few • months ago. Blunt:dial ely opposite is a. home of the abandened, through the ever-bowed shutters of which the light of day is lad feebly admitted; and yet this strongliokl of sin has been penetrated by the rays of the' sun of righteousness reflected from the warm hearts of Christian laborers, Whose voices lyri•lt been heard in prayer and praise from the Adage opposite. On the 21st of March a messenger issued from that. haunt of vice and entered the door dedicated M virtue and religion. What could be the object of this importunate call? A nioligst the poor victims of temptation there, • one •was.rapidly approaching the close of her evil career; and this was the appeal: "Will no 0110 =etude anti pPay with her'."' A loving Christian heart was at hand, providentially, ready to respond: 'A visit was paid at once,' and the first word of tender sympathy spoken. Shortly after Ward two others of our lady man ageiS were drawn by the Holy Spirit to seek the bedside of that, child . of shame, and then it was the work of grace seemed to commence. kneeling by the Sick one with gentle caresses: and 'WOrds of compassion, the avenue Was opened to a heart lihnostseared by unforgiven imonitY. It vas (I,,ideut that the . deSire - fox, spiritual help had not dome from the ]lying' girl herself, hut, by •it 'strange inconsistency, frown the miStreswof the house who - had hith erto lured this poor soul into the way of per-:. dition. But unfamiliar siyunds of Christian pity' woke the ear of conscience, and poor .?]laic fixed her large, dark eyes oil one of the ladies with an earnestness that, sought pierce to its very depths the motive which had broil : gilt a pure heart into contact with one so defiled. "Annie," said our friend, "you are very,ill." "Yes," she replied; "ecxy " And how: does it look beyond, Annie?" "(Roomy— fgoomy—gloonty;" was her answer. The 51St Psalm • was then read' JO her, with a desire that she would einlearof to make the words her own; and when prayer was offered, the Mistress of the house drew near and knelt and wept also. When this affecting seem: was over the ladies withdrew, having been invited to repeat their visit: Tlds one of them did in a day / or two, and found Annie much weaker, but overjoyed by her coining, and ready to render her that homage which belongs only to the Master of the vineyard. "Annie," said she, "you. must not speak so; / cannot save yon; none but Jesus can do that." "1 know it," was the reply, "but you eau help me. Oh, pray for inc." From time to time these visits were re eated, and it became evident that the poor aral, first brought :under deep conviction for ;tt st sinfulness, was fi nding its way to the Re d liter's feet, bathing them with penitential tear s, and receiving His blessed assurance. sins, which are many, - are forgiven thee.' The last time our friend was with her she seemed fading rapidly, but in a broken Nvliiqlef said, 'Oh, if it bad not been fur yuee— if it had not been for you, I should have, died without hope: but now I believe my sins have been pardoned. Last night I dreamed I was in heaven . , and it was all so bright and beauti ful." "Dad you want to come back. Annie?" "No;" said she," indeed 1 did not. I thought. I had really gone—but now I think I was brought back that I might be baptized before 1 die.' "Annie," said the lady, "von must nor depend on that. for salvation. the blood of Jesus alone can cleanse from sin." "I know it-," .she answered, "and look only to Hint, but feel: that 1 ought.. to be baptized." This desire continuing strongly with her, Rev. Ceo:Bringlairst 'called next day, which was the Sabbath, and administered the rite. From that time she quickly sank, and about noon gcntly,breathed her lasts, leaving in the minds so deeply interested the joyful belief that she bad been rescued from eternal destruction by the mercy and power and blood ofjesusthe blessed Lamb of God. Before her death she plead with her companions ill guilt., and espe cially with him why had encouraged her in this life of infamy for years, to forsake their evil ways and lice to Jesus. . - mean frequent occasions for visiting the lious'e gave opportunity to appeal earnestly to the otheripmates, and to the proprietress, Who confessed her NOSII TO abandon her Calling. One of the unhappy girls said she had often ut _11 2 16 , 10f the:, closed shutters and heard the voierif-Plitered-Pong from the ,Mission House, until she longed to join the company assem bled there—but felt it would be mockery to go and still eontinne in sin; and she saw not yet how to forsake_ it. By request, several of our ladies were pre sent at the funeral. With a Christian courage that overcame all ll:aural repugnance, they sat down beside the remains of this poor Mag dalen in presence of others of her sisterhood. One of-douse_ noble-hearted women read a por tion of Scripture, Collo wingit with appropriate and totiehing e*hortatiOns, and then all bowed together in brokenness of spirit, and when the occasion was over a quiet tpust remained that the seed sown :tad watered-in connection with the death of Annie W— would appear again at the great day of i ngat heri lig, a rich and precious sheaf, to the praise of Ulm who is LOrd of the harvest. FItANKLIN i.NSTITUTE.—The last regular meeting of the season was held last night, with the President, Mr. J. V. Merrick, in the chair.: After the usual business the Resident Secre tary, Prof. Al ortou, presented his usual report On novelties in science and the arts, in which he liu,t introduced the Shaw-awl-Justice pump ing engine, and called upon Mr. Thus. Shaw, who was present, to make an explanation. One Of these pumps waS on the table, and an engraving, showing its interior constrnetion; vk•as, by means of the lantern, projected on the screen. Ily this literals everything was made clear to the audience. This pinup consists of two hemispherical vessels bolted together at their edges, and separated by a loose (lia r phragin rul.her and (hick. Inlet awl outlet Valves are provided in the limier part for water or air, if VISIO be puuq,od, :nil below for s team and wte-spray for condensation. A spindle auachc• I to the diaphragm controls the strait ;k1 1•, and all the other valves are automatic. The opermi•o• of the apparatus is then simply as follows: cant beim, ' admitted below, the diaphragm forces it lip and drives 0111 uptipper compartment Ili, propel' outlet pi pe. 'Shen water beim; Injected and die steam condensed, the diaphragm 001111'5 IIOWII lie releloll it atmovhf.rk, jnes snre which tills the upper part with water or air, in saving Uppt'r and lower,part, we allude to the entire space al•••ve and, below the diaphragm, which practically inn•lies the 'entire capacity of' the vessel, as the liexible diaphragm moves from conta,••t with tie sur- Thee to contact with ln..other. This diaphragm is sitbjected to no strain, as the pressures on each!!side of it are e, . It acts simply as a partition t• • cut off heat. The lower hemisphure. is also lined with , non-con ucting material to avohl loss. This apparatus is very economical in its cost of construction, and is said to work with the best economy. There was also exhibited the vapor stove of 7.‘1 r. D. H. Lowe, in which benzine or gasoline vat lor is employed, Very suecesSf ally as a fuel. A vety 'ingenious broom Mal I(nd:holder, by Mr... 1. inanufaetured by Frank :B. Judd & Co., was also - " Various engineering works and mechanical improvements were then described, and sotite pictures presented by ul r. Langdenlichn weillexhil•ited in the • lantern, Among these --an-instantanemis head excite( muchadmitation: SEHENADE.—Major Jos. F. Tobias, who is aliout to visit Europe, was serenade(' by the officers of the Philadelpida Fire Zonaves and other friends, at his residence, .N 0.1705 Locust street, last evening. The band was under the charge of Prof. °herr:kirsch. Among, those present were Majors H. B. Wylie Mitchell and Thoß. S. Carstairs, and Cala, John W. Ryan, of the Zouaves, and several • members of the --- eitY'rroop - auci - other military organizations. ------The-afrairpassed-off-verypleatantly.-----7 POLICE APPOINTMIINTS.—The favor Lax Made the followhig appointments (Jr patrol men; Fourth District—John Dcgan. Filth District—jamcs F. Gill. Sixth District—John Kanats. Eighth District—Mitthins lint; , Jua. B o ok :Nita District--:lieury Caillell. Sravdrai's and highly efficient organizabon is now in UM operation: It originated With a few friends of the seafaring fratetnity. The meet ings. held on Xonday evenings of each .week, at the. Sailors'' : H01ne;,422- South Fronti near L o p ii iiard street, are peculiarly interesting. • It. is hopedthat all interested in the Welfare. of this noble body of men will favor the project; ley. D. B. P..nanierson, residence 606 Nortli TWO] ty-tirst street ;Correspondi ng Secretary of the Pennsylvania Seamen's Friend Sobiety, is flu President of the . Temperance Union. Captain .l. T. Robinson, Superintendent of the Home, is Treasurer and Librarian. The re maining officers include many earnest ChrlS thin and temperance work - erg:both male and foliate, in all departments of labor, and in, every section of the city. The object of the Society - is to render aid to the inmates of the Sailors' Home and'. others, engaged in our merehants service, in: the, foranation . and continuanee of, habitS of temperance, morality and religion. In this connection it might be stated Ahat a meeting for prayer and religious Conference is held at the Home on every Friday evening. • • - All moneys received Trete, initiation fees, dues, by donation otheriVisc, are applied to relieve sick, destitute and • ship N i -recked, mari ners; to advance the, interests of the Temper atieo ThiiOn, and to eeiiiperate :with the Penn sylvania' Seamen's Friend 'Society. It, is. pro ijecl Shot* to give an - tittractivepublie tertainnient, at ,one of our OP fem4churehes, fori the benefit of the TeMperance Union, duo notice of which •••Nvill• -be given in the daily 0131T(TAIIYMeetiog Of the 'Coininercial Exchange was held this morning; Vice PreSident A.:J. - Blake in the'chair., ; • , Gem Chas. ,M . Prevost, after a feW appro priate remarks, submi!ted the following, which were unanimously agreed to : 117a-reos, In the'inserntable rulings ; of Divine Providence, our late friend and, associate, W. D. Sherrerd. 11:18 been removed by death from our midst; and Whereas, He was ever regarded as a worthy member, of our association, which deeply fee& his loss ; therefore. 1? es oir,ll, That while we. recognize in his death the band of Him' who tioetli all things wisely, - we cannot withhold some piddle ex pression of our sorrow for the departure °folic so long known and so deeply respected. Re-sokerl, That, nindful of the fact that in the private and social circle., in which he moved his absence will be still more keenly felt, we feel called- upon to tender our sincere con dolence to his family in :their bitter affliction. liese/red,..That a Committee of rive be ap pointed iniiOmplete the necessary arrange mentB for his funeral. The foll'iYiVing gentlemen Arre appointed as the Committee : Major-General Charles M. Prevost, Atwood Smith, William Arrott, A. F. Sabine and dames 1. Boswell. WASITINGTO24 NQUARE.—The following, which we take from the Korth American, con tains a proposition which we heartily approve: -A proposition is now being entertained by cothicils for a footpath through Washington square on a line with Seventli street. It has been matter of wonderment • with those who lm -c reflected upon the subject, why this pub lic necessity should have been so long deferred. There can lie no proper objection to it, whilst ill called that locality by business or pleas are will be convenienced thereby. 'lt would I.e well, indeed, if others of om..squares wete also thus adapted. Witness the change in this reluil in the Penn squares; heretofore they wore the 'solemnity of graveyards'—now they freely Neil 1)y tbOse Who require rest or have business in their vicinity. The Mayor has Loin guest service in detailing police to rid and keep our squares free of the gross objections tiny had too long been subjected to. Let his act of reform be followed up by other needed improv4 melds, until they become a source of end velli elite as Well as in the eyes of all right-minded citizens." .ATTEmy'rEo Wi FE MURDER.—John f ;ember, residing; at No. 1.*;4 Dott street, in the Twentieth Ward, was before. Aid. flood this niorning, upon the charge of assault' and hal tery rut his wife, with intent to kill. It son ins that he got rather too full whisky yes tcrday, went home and quarreled with Ins wife. It is alleged that he seized a large knife ;old attempted to cut her throat. She received a severe cut in the aria, which was thrown up io ward 011 the blow intended for the throat. She was then stabbed in the head and was scverely hurt. The accused was committed to aw Mt the result of the injuries inflicted 11.t , a BA 1..1..-11 teat( hetwectt the 'clatters of the You 'llO. The score was— ypi w 1/4)IENICA. . . Ila hl, 2(1 I. 6 2 Mewl.., e. f 0 3, Jahhs. 33 I , 2 7' i'. Newhall, r. f 2 0 D. 'Newhall. h 3 h 1 6 4 : . Newhall. I. f 0 24 II . Ici..w hall. p 2 6 - it. N' hall, , • -- 2 — .3 l'eaE.e, c 0 2 27 43 Total INNINGS 1 2 2 3 6 0 5 4 5 ]0 10 ' 1-1.3 17 17 5 0 3 13 0 tl 4-70 Youi)g BEITOIRD STREET.—We are glad to hear that movements are on foot to establish free limbs on an enlarged scale, hi connection with the Bedford Street Mission. This is going to work in the right direction, and the enterprise should meet with the promptest co-operation from our philanthropic and liberal citizens. We make the following additional acknowl edgment for this good work Already acknowledged Cash. M vs. .1 . 13. 11.. . I - 7 $'26.00 . . 11' lIA RGF.n WITII E3IIIEZZ LEN ilier. aged '2N years, o•ho ha. been employed in the drug store 0t• H, A. Vogelback, on I'r:uikl•urd rowl, opposite Hanover street, was arrested vesterday by Lieut. Pritchett, and taken befilre .Akterman Heins, on the charge ,It t•illhezzied the ihhas ut' his em ployer. 'l•he aroused admitted having taken •.:30. but it is alleged that $7OO are miss ing. Till. NVa. , ; cunnrtittetl, in di.- rata( .1100 bail, to answer at court. \N NEn. WANT ED—Two 'boys ()Malt( ,nut. gruct , r's wk•iglits fur sale at ;t -st:t , contl liana ;Amp, ton Brown street, above Front, las evening% A policeman was sent for, bet lie a rri vet I the youths ruin away. The weights w hieh are supposed to have liven stolen, area ii St•vent li.Distriet; Police Station. Horst , . Romimtv.—The dwelling of 11 r. Link, N 0.251 South Seventeenth stteet, was entered I foreily, open a back window, last night. The premises were ransacked from top to hottem, hut as the family arc absent it is not known whether anything has been stolen. ELL FROM A WINDOW.-JOllll O'Brien, aged tour years, fell from the seeotal story window - of the resitlence of his rdhei, James i'Prrien, at Front and Pine streets, this.tnorn ing. and was seriously injured about the head morning, about ten o'clock, a. lirr ~ eeurred in the boiler-room of the turning of Wm. Kilmerle, No. 1128 Charlotte street. The loss snstaineil is estiniaied at. s.: 500. THE ll AENNIcIZ42II•OIt.—TiIiS Soelety was in corroratol March 19,-18118, and therefore :the statement that. the Young :Nraennereber was the first singing society chartered in this city W:18 errontonSi. DitOwN.En.—A young inan eniployed on the. selmoner-Peeora, lying in the Delawar6i'olf Are street wharf, fell overboard last, night inst WaS nis body has not been re covered. A Rata;BUsl.N.lthi OPronTuNITy.--The ad vertisement of Mr. John Greig; of Chester, Pa., olleting for sale the stock, fixtures and gowl will of a first-class book, :and stationery flews depot, is worthy of the attention of those ,wito may desire to enter into amelbestablished and highly profitable business. .Mr. Greig about to become'conneeted with affirm in En- Toile;:hilt for"that - reastrrilaitbont - torelimpitsh his establishment, at Chester. Mr.. Greig has given his business the closest perSonal atten tion, and therefore has it on a very sure foun dation. TARGET PRACTIC'E.-"D Company," First Regiment. Second Brigade (Gray- Reserve.s), NViii go to Media 1:or target practice on B:au day,the "19th inst. , h i lllniattainkr t• -PHILADELPHIA THIIRSDAY,IITNE 17, 1309. h game was played yes ' tiTletic Club and the ilt; America Cricket ATHLETIC. 0. R. Ilerkeindoek. e. f 4 7 Wilkins,s.n 3 S t 2 9 Fisler. 2d 1, 2 lO 5011ew11.14.1 . 1 4, 1'. ISt h 2 i Me:111111in. p 3 9 Ilicuble, I. .......... 3 9 1%1 i•yerle. t- - 2 19 Berry, 3d h 2 ItMMEI slii 00 . • •,•• 100 10 00 Pirintinanntrin. Ivlncnnisics have earned a. wide-spread fame, not only for their skill and taste, but for their economy of eoustruction, much of which is attributable:to•the fact that the best mechanica l as workmen, prefer to live in l'hiladelplua at nadderate 'wages, to (Aber cities at much higher. pay. :Every workman in this city can,hy, industry .and frugality,.occupy, a house hi by rnsell' and live in a Certain style of refinement most agreeable to his desires. -Skill and refinement with me 'cluinitxt are almost synonyttions, us,is aptly il lustrated in the great progress made in the liner branches of ornamentation. Within the recbllection of'many of, our citizens the various manufacturers of hotise-furnishing, such as cabinetware,, carpeting, mirrors and' paper hangings 'made their goods from similar de signs, each manufacturer varying, the.pattern jUSt sufficiently to make a distinction. Thus, in cabinetvvare, a pier -table was known as truer voile's pier -table; a sofa, as Cook it,Parkins's sofa; bedstead, as White's bedstead; and these articles were minute without; reference to the rival ng ornaments on the o therfurnit tire in the room; but at the present thne the ornaments on the sofas 'and chairs,'..on the cousol and centre-table, and 'on tlie different articles in the chamber, must all match ex- perfecting Ihe''hartliony' of 'the wbble. We are led to these remarks, by noti cing the variety, of .design ,tind 'the . general harineny of the !hare:tit atiitsYof both parlor 'and eh armlet ; furniture displayed in' the • large second-story rooms of Thomas' , So Sons (being pert of the surpluo stock of the cele, brated cabinet-maker;lll.r. George j...Henkels), Which is toberi sold on 'Friday; . :jiiite.l.Bthi at F. public wile; • VerY orevalentNarb4 49!,gti and finish is here represented, and, ii n , our judgment,: it is the. most. perfectly ,constructed and tastefully finished lot Or goods , we have, ever examined. :Mr; }leaches( reputation , is pledged for the quality ,anti the representations of Al. nettles' & Sons pass iii the "community Without questioning. ; r Pm& TI trot Point POINT REEZ .--- IC• .3 ; Breeze Park, announced for Monday next, will be a tine one. The nags entered for the. con test are "Harry D.," by J. Hamil; "Ironsides," by Bodine; and " Victor Patchen," by J. Lovatt. All of these horses have beenknown io have made about 3.:10 time, and being so evenly matched, betting is already quite lively. The trot will be interesting and exciting. TEE LAniES of the Arch Street M. E. Church will hold a Strawberry, Floral and Musical FeStival, at their Church S. E. corner of Broad and Arch 'streets, this afternoon and evening. This will be a great treat - to those that can participate. Tickets can be had at the door. CITY NOTICES. ALMOST ANOTHER THAGEDY.-11 is ,said that one of our prominent citizens, upon returning to his home one day hist week, suddenly met his better half iii caliph* , with a strange gentlenum, en Pramena , /o. Ile kirked up quite a raw in the street; but his wife coolly informed him that she wanted some company in her walks, and he wore such horrid boots she was Quite ashamed of him. He went immediately to William 11. Ifelweg, No. NM Arch street,. and purchased a pair of splendid patent leathers, of the latest style. This en tirely i eroncileti the lady, and they now proinentole together. SINGER'S SEWING MM . :KINGS ou easiest possible terms, by GOING OFF Bllir, HOT CAKES—SaVery & Co.'s Combined Water Cooler and Refrigerator—cool as they are. They are excellent for the nursery as well as tin dining-room. Nos. tl4 and tilt Market , street. "VERY SUPERIOR OOLONG'TEAS (Black); in 5,10,10 lbs. Handsome Cguldies, at a great redurtionfrom mail priees. FAIRTHORNE & 00,205 N.:Ninth and 1036 Market st." TilE VERMONT SPRING WA:rlin The great remedy for Cancer, Scrofula, Disease 411111 other Kidney affectiollF. Sold by Johnston, Itollo~ray& GO2 Arch tamer. SURGICAL INSTRumENTs and druggists' sun- Conxs,_ Buiiions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr, J. Dayidson, No.: 91f. Chestnut street. Charges moderate.. Lik iEs ' - HATS LADIES' HATS At Charles 04.foril & Sons', under the Continental MOSQUITO BITES.—A never-failing 'anti dote for the poison of inoieinitoes: and °THEE INSECTS has been found in 'BURNETT'S KALLISTON. figonal worsted for SUMMER SUITS. ew in style and very'beriutlfulijust - thething to wear at CENDEMI Also, a full assortmiil Side - band Driliiuge for PA.IAt CHARLES ST9ICE'S3a. 823 Chestnut street IMINIENSE REDUCTION ' In prices of Dress Goods. The entire stock offered at rt great sacrifice to close out to , MARE ALTERATIONS. nosiery at reduced prices. Gloves at reduced prices. Japanese Silks, ‘514)0 And $1 121',Ivortli :31 75, at A. J. B. Bartholomew's, Importers of Kid Gloves, 23 North Eighth street. GENTS' STRAW HATS can be purchased at oakfortls' t s&t tuul B'3t; Chestnut street. Latest. styles sways un Rand. TO THE LADIES. Ladies going to the sea-shore or country should get one of those elegant Sundown,' sold by Charles Oakford & Sons, at and 536 Chestnut street. QUIET and soothe the pain of children teeth ing—Use Bower's Infant Cordi4.ld by all Drug gists. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH J. Isaacs. 11f . P., Professor of the Eye and Ear t treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city C4lll be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as lie has no secrets iu his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. 8100,000 WORTH 01' 'First Class 1 7- arniture For sale clamp for ca,th or approved short credit. BEING SURPLUS SPRING STOCK. GIOEsID...T.IMEN - MELAS, 1301 and 1303 Chestnut Street. lmrp FURNITURE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTriI 1' STREET, GIRAItD ROW s tn th (inn GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER,I Established 1844. 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. IlViy7-3m4p FIJRNITIJR,E. T. & J. A. lIENKELS, RaY Ing,REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH ST., Are now spiliug first-clads FURNITURE at very ro timed priced. tub22-3mrp§ DAVIS, 810 Cliostnut street SNOWDEN 8: BROTHER, 2.3 South Eighth street DRY GOODS. - L'A D'l S who are preparing fpr a Summer Trifii - or the Watering Places, will find our atock of • , WM-WI; .0P0.. 1) very complete, embracing tip zitEssts, THIN NATERIAL FOR WAISTS'A . :Including , • , 8-4 FRENCII MUSLIN AT We. ARLATANS,'IMENOII NAINOOKS, , T'n Plitin; Striped and Plaid. PIQUES, - PENINS, Ac., &c. ; • As we make NECK-TIES, SCARFS, BOWS, LINEN COLLARS SI— ' 4I44 " II SVII IP ILT: .E .7,.sI } II,IIII I PER " ' In Our ,assortment , wlll always be found approved novelties. M. NEEDLES CO., 1126 Chestnut-Street. my 27 th s to lltrp ' EDWARD FERRIS, No, NO. 807 s CHESTNUT STREET; IMPORTER OF ! , WHIYE GtiODS,' " ' • LACES and EMBROIDERIES, OFFERS TO TILE TRADE 200 Pieces Choice Piques.' ' 400 Pieces Plaid and Striped Nainsooks. New Homburgs. New Guipure and Valenciennes Laces. New White Goods of all kinds, desirable - for Spring trade. Just opened and for sale at a small advance on cost on noportation. EDWARD FERRIS No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. ja2B to th s POPULAR PRICES DRY GOODS. Riviqy l sitop*Qa. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. REDUCTION IN DRESS GOODS. POPLIBETTES. JAPWSE,SIIAS• GREY GOODS FOR SUITS. EMBROIDERED GRENADINES. LAWNS. GINGHAMS. CHINTZES. CHOCOLATE COLORED LINENS. 'CHOCOLATE COLORED PERCALES. WHITE GOODS. MOURNING GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP &tCO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. my 3 SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, Have opened a large stock of ELEGANT NI ATERLA.LE4 SLIP COVERS FOR FURNITURE. TWILLED FURNITURE STRIPES, BAZIN FURNITURE STRIPES, FANCY JACQUARD LINEN STRIPES, PLAIN AND 'FIGURED LINENS, WHITE TWILLED STRIPES, UNDRESSED BROWN LINEN SLIP COVERS made to Order in the hest manner. ALSO, MOSQUITO NETTINGS, BOBBINETTS, all colors ; TARLETANS, all colors ; . , Far covering Mirrors,:Ohaudeliers, Jr() ALSO, LINEN FLOOR CLOTHS, In every'widtli. STRIPED ' VIMIANDAII LINEN, in great variety. --jell Btrpti • SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Offers 11Is entire stock of Summer "Dress Cr-oods At GiTatly.Recluced_Prices. .fiernanies. Grenadines, Lawns, Organ. filer Poplineitem,Suminer •Pop., - • • lins, rice. , • . ALSO, LABIA AND INDE LACES IN Points, Paletots, flatlands', Sacanes Marie Antolliettes and Zoitaves. BLACK AND WHITE. mlin • mrvi FITLER, - W - BA - Y-ER&•cor--- - NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. 22 N.WATER Ore* and 23 N.DELA.WARE avanya CALCINED AND GROUND . PLASTER Far hale by E. 11. SOURER h (JO,. - jali 3t Duels litreet wharf. DARING ATTEMPT TO ROB HERRING'S Patent Franklinite Banker Chest. PIMRYSVILLE STATION, Penna. IL It., June 12, 1010 Messrs. FARREL, HERRING 8z: CO., GENTS : A persistent but unsuccessful effort-was made'on the :night ef°llfii . to drill the Ibmkers' pherit received frOm•you a few months age. From facts that have come, to our knowledge.,' kis evident that. the attempt, to open it was, renewed .Sunday evening follewing. Finding all efforts to-drill it useless, the effort was then made to .break the flock. • The lam- meting was heard by 'parties hithe'neiglihor hood.for several hours, but supposing 'it -to arise from the railroad men replacing a deice; excited no'alarm. The tools, with the:exception of 'the drills, were left,' It is evident that theY were not onlywellproparod,' but perfectlyfamiliar with the construction of ; your chest. That they faile.d 'Ls another evi dence'that yeur Mtn:kers' Chests'are what you claim for them-:—Burglar-Prool. Itcspectfully, yours, J. BALSBApIf., Agent. .41(1 (Itrp§ CHOICE GOODS. POPULAR PRICES. PARIS FLOWERS LINEN BACK SATINS Ladies' and Misses' Hats and-Bennets. S. A. & D. STERN, 74 ARCH STREET. ap2T-tu t bnirp mh3l-Smr THEPARHAM' • NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Thispew Ind admirable Sewing :',sltteltitle lila, already ; achieved a' optilarity net 011trIltitiell byy ,010 chines of the country ; It combines alit hagood oitalitias of the best 1111tellillPli ill the market. with 1111tTly new atlld superior features not found in any other :is ADAPTED • FOR EVEHY 7)ESCEIPTION OF FAMILY SEWING AND FOICLIGHT •.- 31.ANUFACTURING'PeRPOSES; Is elegant in style and finish. •Kilrlpki in construction, noiseless in operation, makes perfect work on every de scription of mattriol, is very light running. perfectly tree in fill its movements, is adapted to a greater range of avork than any machine yet invented, and is emphati• rally the MOST - PERFECT. SIMPLE AND RELIABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EVER. OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. It is a positive pleasure to operate it. • Cull and examine it at the office of the PARIIAII SEWING MACHINE CO., No. 701 CH STN UT STREET. MUM ARTISANS' AND BUILDERS" Ornamental Iron and Bronze Works SPARKS,STILLMAN,DOWDELL&CO., Cast and Wrought Iron. Railing, GARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS. FijuN TAINS, 'VASES . , Y.ERANDAHS, SETTEES, CHAIRS, itc. IRON STAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEIVANDIBI= PROVED STABLE FURNITURE, ' • • Foundry-2028 North Tenth St Wareroon).--807 Chestnut St. nlll3O tit 3mtiplz & ARRISON, ,t11!* li. M. LANE, Builder of First-class Light and Heavy C.A.ARIZTAIGVJES 9 Respectfully invites attention to his large stock of finished Carriages. Also, arders taken for Carriages of every description, at 3432, 3434 and 3436 MARKET• STREET, Three squaren west of Pnannylvaida Railroad Depot Went Philadelphia. fr2Yn th patniT fa TO RENT, A Very Elegant Country Seat, Completely Furnished. Ass, Ice Mouse, b esti tlful-L awn .uf 8 acres, and au abundance of Shade, Shrubbery, Fruit tildes. Gardener on the place. Will be rented very low to a careful tenant. J. T. MAY, 3.42 tiiiestnui my 10 rptf LET.—TH TWO UOMMUNIC AT l ink Booms mr the third ifoOr ofthe•bnilding, :AS Wal mit riot. AV lY ~ 0 001111 story. back office. It* PATENT OFFICES N. W. cor. Fourth and - Chlistnut; ( Entrance on FOURTH Siyeet.) FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS, • Soircikir of Patentsi, Patents procured for inventlOnVin the -United states, and Foreign CdtinfrieS, and all brisinesS re atlog tai iho same promptly transacted.. Call or scud for circular on Patents... Move open until 9 o'clock esery'nvening. mh2o-8 ryt th lyrp§ ET T VSBUItUr ICATAINSINI WATErt: _Jr can be had of ail firet-ebute druggists, 11160 of W. if. 11. JONES at hie New York Depot, No, 5 Murray etreet, or of the Cettyeburg . SprinWe Company at Gettysburg, POllllll. Prices at the New York Depot, MI cenle per quart bot tle, $lO per eatie of two dozen quarts. . Pricer' at the Spring, :ST 50 per (70130. jel2-s tit tit 12tF, . _ Alf ARKIN CI WITH :INDELIBLE INK EmbrOderlng, Draldhur, Stampine. Ace. DI. A. Tunltr, Iffibort aruot. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. 629 CHESTNUT Street, philadplphin MILLINERY 'GOODS. Iu unrivaled ass7tment L A-D I E S 9 HATS AND . BONNETS' AT Greatly Reduced Prices. OUR ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOOK IS NOW OFFERED AT RETAIL , VERY CHEAP, To (lobe out' the Whim:out our Straw .Goods. NEW FEATHERS AND FLOWERS JUS.T:OPENED. THOS. KENNEDY & 8R0.,. No'. 729 Chestnut Street. - SEWING MACHINES. AMENTAL - IRON WORKS eAItRIAGES: Manufactory and. Warerooms, TO RENT • REAL . ESTATE . SALES. 1:1 ESTATE.;i i IIOIS - IAS & sale,--Dandsome modern • three-stery brick roof- •. &am No. 1922 North Twelfth .street, above Rerios streeti4t3fnetr front; thi,Tiresday.', June 29th, 1669, at o'cltick, noon be sold at public sale, at thAs • Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome modern three-story -brick inessurige, • with three•stery back building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Twelfth- street, between Berke and Norris streets, No,• 19V; the loteontainitig infront nn Twelfth street 48 feet, 6 and extending in depth 100 feet. The house is 19 feet inches front, new and well built, and has the modern convenienees; parlor, dining•room and two hitchers; on• the ,firtit floor; commodious ehambers: marble wash.: is,ards in !wirier, gas,.batiti hot and cold water, water; closet, stationary washstand, furnace, ,'cooking ratrgei, . marble sink in kitchen, &c.; large garden, stone front, 'with iron railing, . , Ternn-7,000 may Iremnin on mortgage. • • , Immediate possession. Open daily for examination.. M. THOMAS tt; SONS, Auctioneers, je1719 26 • • .' • • 139 and 141 South Fourth street. • /IP-1 REAL ESTATE.-1110MAS & SONS' Rate-.--Modorn-Three-storY 'Erick ReSidence No 9911 ' spring Garden street, east of Twentieth strivit.-4n Tn ebd y June, 29th,. 1869,, at 12 o'clock, noon, will Ito Sold at public sale,' at the Philadelphia Exchmign; OH • • that lot of ground, with the Three•sfory brick nisidenee %%Oh three•gtory double briek buildings thereon ere-0..4. situate on the north side of Spring Carden street 233 feet rt./inches eastward from Twentieth street; containing in ' front on Spring Garden' street 18 feet, and extending it depth 90 feet .to. l'unterey, street, -,The house bag the , modern conveniences; gam, bath hot and cold water,. water igoseristatfernirl washstands, NYllits marble vesti , • bule. fritehens,•Av. •.• 1 . , tr."' Clear ofail inciiinbraueZ. . , • TerMS---,14;500 may remain ini mortgage. - maybs - examined nay day previous' to sale, between 19 • M. THOMAS Ar., SONS, Anctioneenr, • io'ne,26 •' . ' 139 and 141 Youth , Fourth street. Evan Ftix,d(1.411 , V1..-.Tllolllng Sonii;Auctioneers., Aim° and veritable - kit, ;Arent bet Ween Frank- . ' • lin and Eighth streets. On Tuesdriv,June 29th, 14(9, at 12 o'clock. noun, will be sold at public sale, at the Plaila• delPhin Exchange, all that large and ',valuable lot of groins], situate on the north side of Girard 'avetme, ' tween Franklin and Eighth streets; containing in front on (0114rIt 1111 . 11110 85 feet 31i inches; thence extending northward IS feet .3la fueling; - thence east '134 feet a inehcs to Franklin street; thence north along • Frankliir , street 314 inches; thence southwest to Girard avenue.- • ;see plan at the Auction Rooms. lir order of RENKY HAINES, GEO. lYlltl NER > Executors; . • . MARCY VOX, , . • M. TIEUDIAS 4; SON S, Auctioneers. jell 1978' 130 mind 141 S. Notirth street. • ,ICEAL ESTAT,III---THOM.A.6 & SONS' Sale.—Three,atory B D rick welling,. 161 N North seeinal . street. alarre Oxford street'. Nineteenth Ward. 'E on nesday. Anne 29th, 184). at 12 o'clock, 110011, will im NOM at public salo,at the Philadelphia tixchange, all that genteel three-story brick messnage, with one-story frame kitchen and lot of ground; Satiate on the west - side of second street, above Oxford street, No. 1641; containing in front oh Seeollll street 17 fret, and extending In depth 121 feet to. Philip street; containe 7 rooms, Willis in good repair; has gas. range, Ac. Also; a frame dMellibg, COW - analogs rooms and a weater shop on Philip street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 4get 25. terms bale posesdon. May be eXlMllifleil any day preVions to sale. M. Timm AS h SONS, Auctioneer+, It 4 and 141 S. Fourth street. 1(.17 1921; ail _LEAL ESTATE.--1110 ),1 AS & SONS ' t 44 Sale.—Very Pestrabir itellidt`llCO A N. 14. corner 01 Thirty-sixth anti Ilaverford streete, West Philadelphia. Oa Tuesday, June :nth, at 12 o'clock. noon, will b o sold'at public toile, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome and very dosimble 21.1-story stone( plots tered Ithrtlatoge and lot of ground, situate at the north east cornet...if and Itaverford streets; the lot containing in front on liaverford street 105 leet, and extending in depth ISO feet to a :In feet wide street. Thu 1101161' is well awl substantially built,' anti conveniently arranged. The grounds are elegantly laid out and planted with fruit nod shade %reel.. small truitA, Nay tie C.T.altllll , ll any day previous to sub., THOMAS St 140.1iils, Auctioneers, 139 awl 111 South roan,' atrrrt. Ow A.T.P...-1 1i 0.'4 . SONS ' Sale.--Threv-story Wirt; Dwelling, No. 417 - East Dauphin street. Nineteenth Ward. Ott Ins...osy, J un . 29. Idal. nt 12 o'clock. noon, will he sold at public salty, st the Philadelphia Exchange, all that I hreestory brick messuage mai lot of ground, situat.- on the southwest. erly side 01 East Dauphin street. lin feet incited hOIIiIkOISI of I/Minim& Ninottsintli Ward; con taining to trout on Emit Dauphin atr,-.1 11 fret IP int•ltex, and extetaliirg is depth 92 fret to a 4 fret wide alloy, It 1016 Orr, rallfle. SOlpiert to a yearly gr,0111,1 1,0 of 1?91. Imnadiate pussession. 3lit7 he examined any day . TIIOMAS gt SONS, A tirtionNyN, ion 19 199 and lii Smith Fourth Street. k.H.F.AI 1.,.—'11 - 1 I )31 & SONS' LiaiSalc.—lfentoel Dwelling. N. 49 Wieder street, Ger mantown.—liti Tit,day. June 22 , 1, at 12 o clock. 1 0 , 0 4. is 11l Ie sold at piddle aale. at the Philadelphia Exeliangr. all that 4ov:oJ:rata trick dwelling, No. it Wister ,•trori tierzliantown; lot 37 fret front, 115 fret "deep. • TI, bit IlSe 1..11W111e.7 runts; his gas, bath, hot mid rolo Term I f eaaL. In pod4eAftital. 31, TIII.IMA A 150318, A It iAl o ne e n, 139 a lid 111 South rout th street. L T 1.2 Tt kit B.AL . E La—E.tat, of ffinNo • li deteasell.—.Tainel A. 1 reeninti. A tietionet-r.--Three-etor brick Dwelling, No. 1121 Spruce street. node'. AtiOno tti- emit:tined in the will in the late oil Wedrten day. duo. 31. 11.09. at 12 o'cieet, Donn, will be sold at piddle sale. without re,r% e. the Philadelphia Ex• chima .. the followll n described lieu! Bidate, viz.' All that three-etoried brick house with town:lent and.bath mum. an. 11.1 of ground. situate on the north side of stja-nre street. in the city 'of l'hiladolphia. itt the dis taiwr of l-' feet front the west T •htlit of Quince street. be ta ElT•Venth and Twelfth idreets.contuining in front on said Spruce street 1S feet and in depth northward on the east sole thereof 60) feet to the south side of an alley; thence 00 K 00 0 ,1111014: he south shit. of .e.thl.alleY 13 feet to the said quince street; them, northward along the tr....T.OWe of Kahl Quince:4ml 2!i feel; theta.° weatwnr,i 29 feet: thenee tort fe-et inelirs to: the eejitne of the partition wall of a privy; thence along the centre of the swirl wellwemtwatti ,ii t, thence southward r.l feet 4 inches to Spruce •st reel. tiee plane .01 the beginning. The alley is private. tf.?'“c4 npancy September. le7o. 11Erflear of iocurn. pruner. . a-SF - Sale absolute. 137 - .521)0 \to be paid at the tittle of um AS S. , 11Altri; it J A 31. ES A. Alletieneer. Store. 422 Walnut street. .1...:itAT1.;--J.A.MES A. P.ItEE- Lamm', A net ioneer.—Centeel Dwelling. No. 1216 tleop street. and email Dwelling, 1215 Olive— Oil Wednesday—lune:tn. 'sat. at 12 o'clock, noun, will he ld at ',oldie nale without reneree. at the PIM:41011in Exchange. the follien hitt denerthed real estate. y iz.:—A II that lot aground and the dwellings thereon /qr.:red, bat note. on Brown street. between Twelfth and Thirteonth streets. it the city of 10 feet front and 1'25 feet 2!... Inl'herT deer. TO 00 re street. 'On Drown ntreet 14 eroded a genteel three-story brick dwelling house, with double three- logy back budding. with modern in one silents. hurti ac range. gat. bath. k;'. On Olive street is a neat tint-If-dory brickwith two-story Intel; build v. it h range and p:10 11101,11100 d. Thelon, rent for 010 per +ultimo to good, pm:idiot' tenant,. .53.000 unty it (11,ir-ii. 0;100 to Ine paid at the time of sale JANES A. FIa:ENAN. Auctitmeer, iel7 24 Store 422 Walnut street. 0 - 14 It It; Al. ES'FAT E--.I A:11" ES A. 1,4 4 :il Man. A litonnes r...-Two Dwellings. NOS.' 2170 and :478 .Tolip r!ct N ineteenth Ward. On IN eduesda+ lulu_ as 12 o'rliielt. noon, will hesold nt 0./ le at the Philadelphia Exchalige. the following de serilied real The two hole of ground with the threo.story brad: roligli•cant houses thereon -reeled. Situate Not , . 247ci nod 2 t7ii Tulip street, iii the ,N ineteenth w an d, u . iu d i rt feet In incite,: front and in feet deep. Ihowes M o re eight DiOrns each. 0110 is a corner TWO ] t I nil .14chsOIT. St 0 0)1111 , 1 I. silitable for a. A.ore, 110 utter leis The the of an alloy leading into 'romp street. lir No thelinthritheel.. 11811 the pureluue motley limy remain. Wit" The 110hItthurhool is rapitlir n..?" Le WO to he paid on ea,ll at time tt sale. JA 31 ES A EEHAN. A net bower. Storo. 42'2 Walnut street. C - 0 - FART.N ERSIIIPS lIISSOLUTION, • JJ The Co-partnership heretofore existing twt weer' the Undersigned and 111. 1111.1,1N05, late of th., eit y of Ne w York and now deceased. under 11W 1111111 , ut Cll A IFFWE k C(l..iß,by remion of tin, death of tin. tmid ltlliti 11, 111LLINCS on the 1 ttb day of April. loft. lenninutPd and dies,“ thin day. pursuant to the agreement tinder which the said partnernhip f01111..11. The RITA n , of tin id partnership trill be 8:.1- tled by either of the underaigned it the t.tore or the la to tit in,ttd Franklin street. garner of Church M., New fork rity: F.. CHAFFEE, •t.. 11. ;411111.:11 , :. !caw - Yon K, (i()PAIZ'J'NEIttiI - 111.% ik.-) The trialersirined have, together with the E Ktylam., of lift' !MU./ it Di ES ill . 111LL1N1;S, .114 , AF:(1, mid itii4l,.r aunt I,t virtue of the provislotlN of his Into limited partnership, pursuant to the tdatntes of the State of New York, tinder the name and st) le of (11l MEV I.:, the inaiersinited being the Partners therein. and the EN1 . C11(1.1 . 4 of the said ill 14,1 Nt4ti being the Special Partners therein, and contributing as spovia I capifaHlrereto-tivo-Itinoln..,l--thonsarattiollarsi.s2Vo,ooo),. 'flte undersigned will confirm, the loudness of the late firm 111 . 1311.1,N1G5, CIL\ I , TEE S. CO. E. J. CITA U. li. i4IIItEVE. Jett ;MUT' thrp§ . 1. 1899 • I'It()PIISALS,i 1.)'.11U It; '1 0 UOWI'IA UTO I: s. _LI • • 'I,vIT,VARTAIrNT - 01 , til,livl j . • No. 221 South Filth ktrett fdite 15, SealNi proposals will bo .received Itt..till . ltepat:tutent of Surveys..l\ 0..221 Smith Fifth otreet, until 2 chat Mi. on MI tNIIA the 28tIr glee of June !natant. for the colloll net ion of. the 31111 ('resit' , Sewer, to be located on the line of FortY•thiril street. front the south line of ItYlitillf! to SIIIISOM Vtlyl4,-tIiVIO,2-.1Ve361111%11 to \VPlit line of Foriy-fourth reet.with knell bronchi:4 emptily be conneot tho Sower 1)11 FOrtY-third t4,lscut .1.4)10)1 of Co estiltil street, therewith.. l'hins and profile can he tietql allti blank proposals and specilirations oloaltied at t hie Department ot'Stirrefs. No bids will be recelvell unless accompanied by ii eorti -licate froth the City Solicitor. that :the provisions of an - 4111114th lice. pprovisl Nay 2.5t11.18 . .0, have coi „oi w t with ; and further. howl' with real estate security .the Hlllll of tweak thnusnnlaolltirs..signed by the bidder 'ed two ref.poefolitt , Korotica. . guaranteeing the faithful performance of the work. All 1114 illust neole.ttlion the blanks prepareit there- The Cit v of- l'ilibulelphiti reserves the right. to 'reject 111111 all t bids should they' not prove satisfactory. li iiiiiileFiClire—inviteri—to,lir.preisent-at-theliintrittl. pinec above noted, to whin kit the "lumina of the bids re; tieivcil. hlltH 1:l1ANlr KNEASS., Chief Engineer owl Slirvevor. MAHLON DICKINSON', Chief Commissioner of -Highways. n i in nnt. 1. D D INU AND FING AGlirAt. ENT vv. 'flings of solid 13 karat fine Cold—a nneehtlty: nosortment of sizes, and no charge for engratina mines, tats. - PARR & 1110 /TILER, Maker, Loy 24-rp tf 324 Cltedtnut dfreet , below ro uni,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers