EMMEM FIFTH EDITION. LY TELEG.RAPI-I. LATEST CABLE NEWS Arrest of a Fenian Conspirator at Cork Emigration to America on the Increase PARIS ELECTIONS THE LATEST OFFICIAL RETURNS Beg,eiley . iroject Before tlieSpanishCortes the Atlantic Cable. , Loricolc, June 9.—Despatches from Cork mention that one Johmon, a printer, has been arre§ted in that city, last OYeniagy ow a charge of being connected with the Fenian organiza • tion: The particular' offence einisisteil in cir culating docainents of a treasonable character, mining the soldierS.' ' • .LivF.rirOol.„ 9: EmigrfutiOn to AineriCa is Setting in strongly, 6,000 people having left last week. .lune 9.—The following are idle of& - cial returns: Cover:mem OTposition . Unknown. The general result throughout the country was: as follows Government, 213; Indepen dent; 42; "'Wheal, 35. • .ISerions riots occurred at Nantes and Bor &auk yesterday. .M.Akonty, June 9th.—The regency project was debated at great length in the Cortes yei:- terday and was at last referred to a commit tee. :13:tiling the discussion, Olazaga stated that tha.election Of a King at present was im possible. " ' VIENNA, ,Ttme 9th.—ft is reported that a treaty has been concluded by the commission appointedby the Turkish and Persian govern ments, to arrange the boundary between the two countrie 'LoNnoN, June ,0, Evening.—Consols for moues', 92,1 and for aceottht, 921. \ Five-twen ties, So g: Erie, 181. Illinois Central, 94 , .1. At lantic and Great Western, 25. FRANKFORT, June 9.—United States ve twenties firmer, but not higher. LivEnrool.,June 9, Evening.—Oettou closed quiet. VlA:aids, 11 , 1 d.; Orleans, 12d. Sales to day, 10,009 bales. LoNnoii, June 9, Evening.—Sug:u•, afloat, easier at 21;s. 9d.a295. Turpentine, 2.5. 9d. ANTWERP, June 9.—Petroleum Ousel at -M. The Stednier Arles Afloat. Spec i ant eoat eh to thoPhilu. Evening Bulletin,] New Yank, June 9.—The steamer Aries, from Boston for Philadelphia, before reported ashore at Swum, got off and left for Philadel phia in tow of the Coast Wrecking Company's steamer Relief. . a Marine liztelligence. NEW 'oux, June :).Arrived—Steamship Bremen, from Bremen. Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] NEW Yonx, June 9.—,The steamer l‘LanNa tal' sailed for Liverpool, to-day, with X 50,000 itt specie. CITY BULLETIN THE REPEHLICAN NONINATIN(4 CONTENTIONS. THE PROCEEDINGS THIS MORNING Thervarions conventions of the Republican party for the nomination of candidates for City and County °facers, for a Senator in the First District, :Intl Representatives in the eighteen districts comprised within the city limits, were held this morning. The proceedings were as .follows: Corodee's Convention The doh l iatos elected to the convention to nominate a candidate for Coroner. met in the main hall of the AS neinbly lcuildingc. Tenth and Chestnut streets, pant 100 chali thin morning. A temporary organization WaN effected by the eleatimi of James 1. N;qill. of the Eleventh Ward, as President, and It. M. Popluusi. of the Fifteenth Ward. and Jessee Tittomary, of the Second Ward. an Secretaries. The credentials of the delegates front the various 4.lcction districts were then received. A committee. cmisisting of one delegate from each ward. on contested seats ' and a like committee on perma nent organization, Were then appointed. The roll was next called, and the delegates wore sup plied with admission tickets. On motion of Mr. Andress, of the Fourteenth %Vont, the Convention, at 20 minutes past 12 o'clock, took a re yes, until half-past one o'clock this afternoon. The Convention re-assembled at quarter of 2 o'clock. The l'ontinittee 011 l'ormationt Organization pre.onled their report, as follows : . President --Win. Campbell, of the rif, h Ward. Vice Presidents-13. NV. linnotierslv and 'Major Pratt. Secretaries-15..1. - Honey. J. It. Cantrell. Tellers—ltichard Poppin and W. Cluirleton. Doorkeepers-3.3. Clifton and C. 1113 era. The report of the Conenittee was itceepted. and the above declared petinatient otiteeru or the convention. The report of the Committee oil Cool ested stated that lint one seat had been contested—that of the Four teenth 1 . 11‘1, , i0n of the Second Vl'ard. The Committee r• , . ported in favor of Iticlt-d Itrown. The Convention then proceeded to inalie general WWI CM , 111 . 4'. Os 10110%1'8: Eld. , `ll. Titterinary. At'in, Ta'ylor, Jacob It. Sitt.";:o, r. Ilarry 111 Uhler. N. T. iinrons,Jilloes lt. Fletcher. E. C. Shapien!ll.lll. os. Heritage, 31. 1)., Chas. 31arliacker. Jacob T. !less. The Convention then proreedoil to tutu r.st ballor rint,T 1111,1.0 T. Itrt Fletcher .521 .52 - .llarinteliel' 11 r•Oluplehth 'I $11.... Int lb. IN It: 1.1 I II \.. Ilrrltom 11] . 111 • 1 , 1i1 . 11 to it ,e 1•1.11111,3111,4 i I.v Treasurer~ Con • The ii , legoles 10 le 1 . 1111V1.11111111 for W.11611:111.11 of a City Treasurer at...quitted in Washington Ilull, at the is'. \I • and Spring Gitrtlen at r.ets. at 30 o . rita'l3. lh, 1110itot ~r Mr. J. C. .M.trtin. tieneral Louis NVittoter lo lit 10, (1.111111)1.41ry 11D111•1111111. .1. Alex. Filnp.uu Itl.l .1. P. Sinter 11-ere st.h.eted to :let us fe lll l l(lllll 'YUoatq:eepct•n—~les.+rs.lt:lllll.y, B110:11111. Z:1111, Patton and 13anth t W lo ,9l_tho the.tlttlitVall!s 1 1 1 11 11,.11, pro. 51.111141 ill numerical order conni t ittee s wer e It p l u ttit h.,3 on organization and credential,. etattrosetl respertively 111 IMP delegate front itch littriitg the interim rause.' it) the t o " „I th e ~,1 1111111t14.1, . patriotic addres,es .6:ere ma t te I t) It 11 111111. .1 . 1 111111111, . 111111 .1111.1... T Ill' Committee on 1 , p191i0n...10 tinottlizo thin reported the toll(Oving-npoll geotlemeil as officer', viz.: 1'rosi .11111m: Viet—Presidents—A Oei. 11. It. siek,l. Woi: 11. lloona; Spereteries—.J. Alex. Trek11 , 11114—.106(1111 N. Ilneliee):: Tellers—jemes Zinonertnetl. :Notes W. Sovre; I ,6 rlo.vrs—.lo , oes i'ottoti. Rem o , r.. 1.4,11 Was odoptNl t iltidros+Pil the lu 31 , 1-.IIIIIjIIU the gluties.of the Chair. 1 t haul; you for ii tin have , liven incased to roofer upon me, in 4,1 11i1112.1111. to preside over a 1,011\1'11ti , 1114 . 0111111 1111 •iitc•, I pronoßc you ti strict itottartfalit3' ill the otitiircein , mt of iho rules uoc , •roin4 ittic luidy, 111 the iwe,ervitt ion or the °Dior. , littoity and decorum should cluiructor lie ill.. ( I. lil..r;Ltioli of the (' . nit ccution. Lank y'oliT cor dial Ida and co - operation. As tho 1 . 41,11c:1,0M ices of fie creel Itoptillictin ' , arty of to idiom the itilltoriutit mot activate trill) has hcen confided ~r 1.,11 111: 1 propoT pencil' to rout Tolllllll manage flu:ll:inure of I he .thriue the elisninu let seek I ah.cliarge that trust iii such It manner as 1%111 liot oul3' itivo catisfiicticil to Cho great iliassoi of our party, but Josurc Iti ,. tlcsnect,contidwice luta Kllpport I ottizoll %s hi, tai honest, (WOllOllO , lll 11101 fllithrll.l .1i1.111111141' ,if till• antics imposca upon thy ' l'reastiTer of this groat tuctropolls. eni Imeii—A ;lulu thfililZing vial for tho honor roll- Icrrca. I flit rowdy to "'Toccoa with tho husluess of the There hg/hitt but nee 1/1011h/StPll elite the COMlllittel. fin (. 1 , 4,1111114i- reported at lin curly' hour. thi 6uh 11 noniinationn wore goer into, NI lion the or following gontLenion I`ll' 111 . 1,011041, F. Dlarcor, Aloxitnilor Ft/X. It. Stlilth- AV(111.11. The balloting titral counlaneCA and rastilt.al : 31arc , `ri ligi; Fox, 99; S.aithwortb. I . r. liinicer tin.r.lipaii Otiorool to be nip nonintor ( . 1 ' ( " 111,, lition, motion, it wax /111IIIP In I,IIS The inoninoo AVIS thell ilftrdlied te ile Cnvent ion Una Teturntsl thanks for tho ! e Kann. e confu t ral o upon.hint., -j._.. : . Recorder of Deeds. • . At JO o'vinek thie morning the Convention to nominate a candidate for Recorder of 1/ cede met In Spring Garden Ilan. corner of I . l.lrteentl. awl Spring Garden utreete, Air, .14.1 H. V. • flreeley. 4.1 lid Seventh Ward, was called to the i diair. for the purpose of ellecting a la . giialia6l7 argalliZatilTh. A ftvrwitrilh. Dlr. It obert 11. ileatt y . tho i T I,tn porary 14(•crltiry, andt•org.., bicaridci ttupQrary dourkef.pvni. - 4:00 sent Irery repor it, (lit. First ti: tits Ehlitli \Vont. First u: the Sts•oril Fond —volt of tit , . Totitlt 'l'weari y•futirtlt or tlio Third \Vaisi Twriity-fourth tits St,:th Twility-sixth of I la• Siulh War).'l'iranty-ttixth Eluywith Ward and S,..lmt of the Niatit War!. OD TrMti , ll ot . 'Air. Fletcher the pre..ent teniporary 4 Inver., mere (1,4 lured the pernottient officers of Cie l'oh ventioli. .1 motion that a dele4att. from each be anvoia: , a l a Canaith tee on OrgittllZltliftll.ltlld 011( 4 ft*o II Vara NN . 411'41 11.. It C1411411itii 4 4 4 4441 C 0111 44 lied ti,al., tent 414101144 . 41. T)II 4 '44111111[414444r4 NV4414 thou appointed 11 4 1 a 4114' Coat a 4- 11011 avijotanctl for half ttu boot'. The etiveat hal I e-a,4,.t•nthled at INevaly -11 ve minutes pa,:t - Otto (Intataittee 1111 Organ iz.ltion repot-it, 1 the follosv eftleers : I'rositl , lo4—.lol.ll S. - Hutto!. :nut If. It. I%':t Id Ji,•lll'N' L. Smith. Ttllers—Tlitttaq It. Ikeve,4 and il.Pnrkr. Doorkonwre— Nicholas Eitgl; , li. John Laud nth , llarComck. report \Vitt , lit Ver . f•li. •Alt , '1' , 11:1 . 1111 , 1 0 ; tile 11)01'1 a til(i on COll - for e1 ,, r1; or Quarter SossioDs Tlitomis 6a111111,1 I'. Jones. Jr.. (' Is.tile Jl4.ltridr..lnl i 1 n tind Geo., 111eCollister. Prothonotary of the Dimt inlet Court Con- • wiTeappointed a eoinntitti , count the Tido 101 l tOolllporltry Chairman,- alai after t , iiiiidileralde time NVIII, 11. liitil4ll - onto deo . 11111•11 othoootoool. • NVlll.llrvarly 'VII, lempontry Vico-Presi The Convention reassembled al I o'clock. 'Plle reports of the committevii on Credentials n nii Permanent Organizalitm were hen pre:witted. The ColiouttOa. on Permanent arganlyation im ported the following gentlemen as permanent officers of the Convention -'76-' he' ;76 mai, appointAt t. alters, oft 0 tficen h• tit t o[lo' r• iv innotary, o. he Distr et ou ~ , .. .. 1 .. • . _ 1 "77-;27:7-----L- 511 -7-- -"T----:-17 4T 7 k61Ti - Fq Ti'kr -=--- 'l ----- '6 - " ------7: lt 4----: '' ' s' -7 ': 7 11 : Treia Mil kotlii - -I'-' •• '-' 7--7.7 : 7 -- Vt erd ~41M 61 It n t secretory. - J.- ' ' • *• • •' • , wore • thc.n zmule, , when , the 'l.6llow . ing , gbotlenten were % 1 - - - ----- ------ ------------ ----- 7 The delegates then all retired to the rear of th e MU. I notninMed : -' , ,•. ..', ', /. ••• ~, ,•• - ~' ',' • ' .- naValleiDg again by Wards, presenting' their certificates,' : • William K. Hopkinit,C,lappliu A, . K, Dualcel, Will lam . : i FOUND AT LAST , This pht was found to .1:e impracticable, as amid the ~ ' The first ballot was then preobeedelfwitt, and resulted i ,-•-,'-,J- • ;, 2 ,- - r - ic - ;, - ; . ,- ~. '‘ „ - t•,' . crowd in the room those nut entitled to seats could itot , astollows:. , - ' .' t' ' "•• t. , - - , , . In this emergency the Chairman directed that the • 'Hopkins • • • ,' 1181Duuktil , • .54 . 1 A BURGLA.R P • ROOP 8a11.,. shoal :I - be ; vacated, the . delegates • then Selby ' . ' t.. 1131 ;;,.., .1 .-1 ' again coming forwent by Wards: with their credentials. , . This plan was readily acquiesced in by the Convention, ' . • The •Legishitivie' Ticket.' and worked with sIaCCOSS. it Wag 'Oa OHM POUII, how- . The followie g are the .eaUditlatee . ..nominated for the . ever, that all the certillentes had been presented, in- , LeMslature • i.pected mid the holders °intern allotlosi soots - Tllis WOB • `-' ' 'nkrort. SAI'E •- ' but the beginning of the. pennaneut organization. ' mventlo At teriminutes of one o'clock the Secretaries coo- .E. ty/ trimmed culling the roll in alphabetical order. HcAlicl •It was then moved, and carried, that a committee on N permanent organization lie appointed, consisting of 'one E TAT delegate front each ward, mating by the body of Elm ,delegates d , 111 from that wit s 1. ' ' • , Twt in pursuance of the motion the following were constl• TA B I uted the eonunittem - • IVards. ' 1.. Henry M. Wisner, • Fo 2. Edw. II elferty . . C .1. Kennedy MeCirw, FP 4. Wm. Matthews, Si , 5.'1)r.. M. Ilizer. : 6. Chas. Alexander, Sc ' 7. Jos. Glenn, 8. Jun. W.Baker, E 9. Thos. axter, 10. Hoht. Thompson, 71. CMts. lim,lant, 12. IL AV. Green, 13. Chas. O'Neill, 14. Isaac Townsena, i •After a long Interval the loom from which they bad i announced the following out President—John V. Creelv ' Vice-Presidents—G. 11. 7i , John B. Tlaneack. Secretaries-Frederick-J. I ,Valter, Robert 11. "Beatty. •Tellers—Nnt Mtn L. Jones, Samuel 31. Fox. Door 7 Ke( pers—Geo.llowern, John Blellride. A Committee on Contented Sentn, monnoned Of one dele gate from enelfWnrd. woo then Ixppointed, It retired to on on nOtp-room, Ond had not yet returned when our re port cloned. City Commissioner's Convention. The Convention met thisi morning at Broadway Hall. The meeting wns temporarily organized by calling Pr. - .1.11. Seltzer to the chair. Air. S. W. Henderson and 11Ir. Cooper were chosen secretaries pro tem. After call ing the nnting to ordema mot ion misfile& and.carried, for the delegates to present their credentials to the sec retary-, which was doneby precincts. . \ The room was then cleared, and, the delegates only. being admitted, the Convention went into permanent or ganization. There was considerable confusion during the calling of the precincts, the members being gathered in Allan knots all over the hall, nod, many calling out at the same time. . On motion, one delegate from each Ward was chosen 'as a Committee on Organization. The seabid the delegate front the. Third Division of the Twenty-fourth Ward was contested it being alleged that elections in said precinct were held at two different places, in violation of the rules of the party. ' Ilto following gentlemen were appointed as the com mittee on organization: First Ward, J. L. Graham; Second Ward, Samuel W Ward; Third ard, .1. G. Lammey; Fourth Ward, li,. I'. Gillingham; Fifth Ward, H. M. Hoboes; Sixth Ward, W. 11. Miller; Seventh Ward, .1. M. Leeds; Eighth Ward, B. Penn,'.Niottli Ward. J. Swee ney;W O ~ Tenth ard, . .• Miner; ,Eleventh Wnrd. It. Walters; Twelfth Ward, T. K. Finletter; Thirteenth Ward. S. W. Laird; ;Fourteenth Wnrd. E. AV. Leightot.L.Eitteenth Ward, J. W. Brown; Sixteenth Word, E. linbieventeenth Ward. T. J. Chandler; Eighteenth Went, C.• Ihmun • Nineteenth Ward. 11. ('couch; Twentieth. Ward, J. 'L. Bowers; Twenty-tirst Ward. AV. King . ; Twenty-second Ward. .1. Grahltill TWelItY-third Ward, E. 11. Mackie; Twenty-fourth Ward. K. N. Crowell; Twenty -fifth Ward. E. C. Walton; Twenty-sixth Ward, D. 11. Baker; Twenty-seventh Ward. A. D. W. Caldwell; Twenty-eighth Wand, W. es. After the organization of the committee it retired to decide on the . contested elechOn of delegate from the Third division of the Twenty-fourth Ward. The meeting was then adjourned for half an hour to await the report of the committee on organization. During the recess there was quite an exciting scene in the corner. a kind oilmass meeting being, held to discuss the merits of the various candidates who were to he be ton. the Convention. On reassembling the Committee made their report as follows: For President.—]hr. J. H. Selicen. Vice PreflidelltB—W, S. Kmhersperger, Twentieth Want; T. Cllllllfil,,r, Seventeenth Ward. Secretaries—\V.P.Cooper,Fifteenth iVard; S. W. Hen derson, Tenth Ward. Treasurer—James Boyd, Ninth Ward. Boorkeepers—Messrs. Noble and Albright. • The Committee on Contested Seats reported as follows: That the two contested seals be tits:tared vacant. owing to irregularity in election. The report was adopted. A motion was MOP and seconded that the Convention proceed to nomination. Carried; but amid lunch confu sion repeated yells were Made to plot out men who were not members of the Convention. It was moved that the, room he cleared to allow none lint members of the • Con- VelltiOn to be in the room. -Carried. On reassembling the President rc.td a communication from the delegates of the Eighth Ward .protest ing against Ihe admission of o n e of the delegates, as he is not a resi dent.. A motion sus made and seconded to exclude him from the Convention. On the question being put, a divi sion sus (111W(11111(1 motion carried. The 11011111111ti011 for City COMIIIIHSiIIner was then pro reviled with. The follow iu¢ 110111e8 were then presented: Captain 11. Conner. Twenty -fourth WA rd; Snrg. Miller, Soventh Word; \\ nom Wattson, First; John Kurtz, Sixteenth: 11. McGinley. 'Twenty-fourth; Thomas Inch fool, Twenty-fifth: .1 ohn 111. Loch. Twelfth; 11. Poulterer, twenty -Hord; James Shaw, Twenty-first; Joules 11. Linhort. It Wll4 then Moyeli that the 110111111111WILIS Ito 00(04. Clll'lll4l. In motion 1111 . 0 t. tellers were appointed to conduct the chiction. Tile President then read the rule. , , and. on !notion the delegate::: wero forbidden to le,:ve the coon.' tt bile the voting was going, on. The following Wilb thou I , sllit of the . . John Int•t/ 311Steplien 31111(7 "1 The.. )1. 1.00:- ''l \l'u, D. Watt ;on 1 P•ilmer.r. 31,Ginley "otStf.plo.n P. PonltPrer 3 'rho,. 11. Dickson 31.1n5. 11. Lonibert 1 rapt. 111.1111' Cornier '33 .fitni:•A SliitW 1 Hilmill 11:1...i.1R 11). Mitillit'W 4 .45 No vholve It:trim: been tomb. hr the conventio, tlm tams of the uothlillsttes 'having less than Jo cute; tco^e dropped, neeonlitt ,, 10 11111 .4 . the Conveittlo,l pro eiletl to the nl•ei)li4 - 1 TLe 1,91111 t of the sevotid Intuit Ivas a follmvs: KECONT, BALLOI'. li miz Lorke 3fet:lnley Conan 511 Total Neet.t,tory to a ( Alnico, 13(1. Nu cuialidatt• CAA, the Convent ion proceet 161111 r tt hew. 11tpDTillor 21; Poulterer Clerk of Quarter Sessions' Convention The Republican delegates to the Clerk of Quarter Se, sions• Convention mot at ten o'clock this morning fill he American :Mechanics . 1 fall, Fourth and George streets. Wm. 11. 3fatin called the Convention to order. lie hoped that tbe proceedings would's/le marked ‘rith de corum. and that the sense of the (.7v secure shall be final, and such candidate nominated as will the entire vote of the Republican part) nominated Chrirtian Chairman. Mr. Kneass was fulanjmously ( * e lm!. On taking the Chair he said it would be his endeavor to Lie impartial, to 'whist. and to be fair to all, In convention fif this kind a n d in all Republican Com en lions I here should he harmony, concord and good-will: all indications of success. hen AV , ' make our selection of Clvrk of the Quarter Sessions. let it he a With whom W O cuu go to the community and ask 1110 confidolit of securing the full vote of the Republican part):. When Wt. 110 so we do our duty to the panty awl I he count ry. 0111111/0011 of James 11. Thonipsiiii. Alilermitii Do rid lieltieJ :mil 11. L. Smith were elvetvil S& eretnrie+. 'era tllNu appOillt , ll.llllll till. el• 'eutials of the deletzateri rervivell by the Seeretaiqes 'fhb, oven ded about au hour and a Halt•. 'l'h.• Con, k•iitiou lh.•u prm,ell(3l to hullo(, an 1 . 0110%Vf , 8A1.1.0T. 1221.101111 Givt'll A Oaoli ventlon. (!onventioti to nominato a calialitlitto fnr Protlamotar? till. I)istriet Oottrt asstaulthst at (Jon al•l94, ..locic this montinu. W 11. I.uddiuuw and Jatts.s ltruarley wttre tionti imloll inn tilaporaryt!hairineti, after which 11...1eg:111.m ref I , lla w,•], romimitted by presenting tttir.crtsteu . N1'1.3. P. While and Itohori T. James were then neleeted at , temporary Seeretarie,4. )1e,,,r, 'Robert...) awl Smith were then appointed tem porary doorkeepers. .1 Committee on l'ernianeid itevulittions and Creden tials was then appointed, - eonnihting atone delegate from each committee theuretireilto-wArimine the erodentiald, to nuke nrraiimeinents for It pernninunt ormipizittion. The Oonvention then to 4 11 reeoBl4 clock. AETiF/ENOON SESSION. Ptestilttitt—W. Itttililimati. Vice-Prehl(lonts—Ssowiel I'. Ifitneock, 3411110ri P. NVltito, Ithloit TtlllorB—Adjutant Charlek, It. Dougherty, T. It. Bring Doorlceeners—Thoodore Roberts, Charles Smith. - The Committee 1111 Credentials then made their appear ance, and announced the names of the 11041g:1(1'H to the ionverithor; who. lig m i , J .,l from the rear end of I :tad received Weir card, as niembern of the convention. THE DAILY EvrgNINGIBUIJAI I III — PHILADELPHIA,i WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9, 18d9. W 0 rdi. 12, Th,A.ll. Shlrer, 10. Thos. Wilson, IT. .Ins. McCain.' ' • 12. Jos. Dicerich, ' 19. Isauc'Shaner. • 20: 13. Frank Major, ' 21. N:11.. Jones, IV, Chas: D. Thomas 23. Win. Grew, 24. E. F. Stokes, 25, Sam!. 11. Irwin,' . 23. Geo. Roberts,' ' 27: 3 no. Malone, 'ZS. Reuben Wander. committee returned to the etired for consultation. and Sananol C. Pt.rlittat, veil a natjoritv of all votes lad ton third ballot. COMM First District—The Gonvention•iß atilt in session. 'The thirerballot stood : J. D. Dyitilall,'lM; W. W. % 23; Win. Taggart, W. G. McMichael,. ; .. REPRESENTATIVii.B. ;First District—Adjourned Eleventh District—Win. N. • until afternoon. . •Bunn.. `Second `District—= , . Twelfth District—Alex -Third District-- Adaire: !Fourth District—Wm. El- ThirteenthDistrict—Joseph A. Goisz. Fifth District—Jos. K. Mc- Fourteenth' DiStrict—John Common. : Cloud.. • . Sixth District—Robert Gra- Fifteenth. District— ! ham. • , Sixteenth_ District—M. C. Seventh District—Robert Hong.. Johnson. •• . Seventeenth District—Wat .!Eighth District—jas. T. son Coinly. • • Stokes. • Eiabteenth District—James Ninth District—Jas. Berry. • Miller, • Tenth District ' In this Convention a poe .drew, and afterwards munint FROM NEW:IOIUL • NEW Yonx, June 0.--About, eight o'clock last evening a destructive fire occurred at No. 358 Pearl street, occupied by Whitehead & Brothers as a paper-box manufactory. The tire occurred on thefourth 1100 r of the strue- Which is a ',llVii-StorY brick. 'Messrs. ;Whitehead & Brothers are 11186 the occupants of the third floor, and sustained about $3,000 damage. The first floor andeellar Is occupied by Francis A. Beggs, dealer ini iiietals, who loses $5llO. The second' floor is•occupied by E. Bonnie & Co., printery, 'who siiStam about .$l,OOO. - • . The tire extended to the adjoining building, No. 350, occupied by Spooner, BraShus & Co., manufacturers of paper boxes, who also occu pied the filth floor of Nos. 358 and 360. The damage by water is, estimated at $5,000. The first floor of No. 300 was occupied by A.Luson, dealer in leather,_ who sustained abOut $2OO. The other floors of the building are:occuied by E:.Bess, paper -lox nianntacturer, whose loss Was trifling. The building, which is owned by Robert Morris; Was damaged about $5,000. k. In the United States Commissioners' Court yesterday, before COmmissioner Betts; Moses under examination on a 'charge of havilig failed to make a full and correct Statement of his debts in his schedule of bank ruptcy, was honorably:discharged. • The waiters' strike has ended, the Union having resolved to let any one go to work for Wilolll he pleases and at any wages he can get, but the proprietors refuse to take the strikers back unless they forswear their trade's union. The National Woman's Suffrage Associa tion held a meeting yesterday afternoon, at the - Woman's Bureau, No. 49 East Twenty third street. Addresses were made by Mrs. Stanton, Miss Anthony, Mrs. Patten, Mrs. Livingston, Mrs. Barlow, and others, upon woman suffrage, and upon plans for further agitation of the question. One of the heaviest hail-storms that has visited this neighborhood for a number of years visited it yesterday. The weather after wards turned very chilly for the time of year. The fourth annual regatta of the Atlantic 'Yacht Club of Brooklyn took place yesterday. The Gracie, the Saidee, the Alarm and the !(ainette won the prizes. _ CITY NOTICES. THE 136STON PEAU JUBILEE. Grant will be there with wife and wife's cousin, The Corps Diplomatic, a couple of dozen, The Secretary of State,'Mr. Hamilton Fish, liollr and Bono. I think they will wish Their ears were of copper to stand the din, !rhe bands will make when they, all begin: Thousands of singers all over the hunt Will join this wonderful Jubilee Band; And trumpets and fi ddles legions Win come. To say nothing about the mammoth bass drum. To this Niagara of music, the best to be found, Will be added that organ of wondrous renown; And music will swell tn melodious notes rmsznart=il=ziamm And fill' Star Spangled gannet. the song of the free, Will he 11M111IIITOBLIII the nation front ocean to eon. Marl Ito ue110 , 4 of pence through the land will go h - Uniting in friendship the SOUni and the North. CHARLES STOKE.:, Continental, No. Elowr TwENTt• FOUR, ,I JIBS superb stock of elothing, and his prices are lower Than alt his rompetib.r.s, se be r• Hai to to co To ThILIIT TWENTY-FOUR CIIIIsTNUT. IF YOU WANT TO BUY LOW. THE PECULIARITY in Barnett's Floriinel eunsisk in its delicate and Iffliting odor.—B,,ton Trans'l. mPnovEmEN eduction in prices of Dross Goocls to clisu out stuck to make improvements, at A. 6: 1. B. Bartholomew's, 2t North Eighth street. ItimucTiclN in prices tci close out stock to make imorovements, at Bartholomew 'B, 23 North Eighth st reet , SuncicAL lissTnunir,Nrs and druggists' sun dries. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES on easiest terms, by O. F. DAvie. 810 Chestnut street DECAY DEFEATED The teeth should last a lifetime. They will do so if regularly cleaned with Somalont. All its ingredients tare preservative, one of them—the Bark of the South American Soap Tree—called from (pillion, to wash or puritY , :protects the enamel from every dentruc• tiro agency. To K ILL MOTHS In clothing, fors, carpets, &c., use Lyon's Ansect Pow der. It will do it. Nothing else will. Don't wait till the mischief is dons. Kill them now.. Dr sure you get Lyon's Powder. See E. Lyon's signature on the flunk. Buy no other and you will itvold disappointment. Depot, 21 Park Row, Y. THERE'S NO M ISTAKE AEOUT is a picasorp to deal with a not Elt111:1., the artistic Bootniker, at No. 501 North Wight!' street, above Buttonwood. Ms Min is to give entire satisfae tion'to his palmns, and we scarcely need Hoy he accom plishes it. Ile gets up some of the very best work in Om city, and his prices challenge competition. Try hlut once and you heeollie a permanent customer. To THE LADlF.S.—Ladies can get the latest style of Bats and Caps at Charles Oakford - etz Sons', 8:14. and 836 Chestnut street, at prices lower than arlywhoro else in the city. Tim leading Hat and Cap Store in the city is tat anti 836 Chestnut street, (Mkt:Cul & Sons. Comm, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, .No. NO Chestnut street. Charges moderate: STnnismEns in the City who are in want of a tine' II at or Cap of the latest style, can procure tt . at Charles Oakford & Sons', FM and 836 Chestnut street. QUIET and soothe the pain of children teeth, Bower'e Infant : Cordial, -Sold'by all Drug giata. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH T. Imam M. Professor of the Eye and liar, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. 'Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, Nu. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany . their patients, as he has secrets in his practice. Arti ficial etas inserted. No charge made for examination. SEWING MACHINES NIX FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, This new and admirable Sewing Machine 11110 already achieved a popularity not surpassed by the oldest ma chji[eN of the country. It combines MUM) good qualities ,if the bent machines in the market, with many new and superior features not found in any other f• - is ADAPTED FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FAMILY SEWING AND - FOR MOUT MANUFACTURING PURPOSES •• • • rs eleganfin style amt finish; simple iii eouktritetion, noiseless in operationnmkes perfect work ou every de scription of material,' is .very light running. perfectly frt.. to all its movements, is adapted to a greater range of week than any machine yet invented, and is euiphati oally the • 310 . S'1' 'PERFECT. SIMPLE AND RELIABLE • FAMILY SEWING MAURINE EVER • - OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. It is a posit Ire . pleasura to operate it. Call and (!xattune it at the °lnce of tho PAR HAM . SEWIN44 MACHINE CO., • , . • jel DarP • N 0.104 CIIESTN ITT STREET. _ LEGAL •NOTICES. . • • • rpHiEsTATE OF MAIIGARErr LE WRY, lieCCllNPli.—tiVttPrii of administration upon the eft- 'tale of the bald llCCVlient having been grouted to -the un-. derslentl, nil persons indebted to said estate arc re, quested to make payment, and. those having claims or demands against the NIIIIIO to make them known without delay to MARY I,F,WRY, HARRIET C. LEWItY, Aden's.. No. It-n 3 Wallace 'street; or to their Attorney. ROBERTPt. LOGAN, No, 481.14.. Third street. je9-w6r 1 - ) ICE-11l .CASICS M Ir CA ROLINA Rive. now latolhig from Kt mtmor J. W. Evormun, mot for COCHRAN; ItUtihiNLL S (JO., 22 North Trout street. • Alen :of the delegates with atod Joseph Bready MMtill , • • (York Detnocriktin Preis - , June 40.1 1 The First National . Bank, On Tuesday, placed .in their vault one of . ; DIATLVIN Sr, CO.'S ,Chrome;,-- Iron Spherical Buralar- Proof Safes,' which was purchased from their agent,: Henry forinerly of this place. • The safe was sold to•the bank subject to such test as the Directors saw tit to put it to: They invited machinists : and_ others . .to.. try :their ;bandsat safe-breaking and baring. The liank employed 1•T44 - (m,-,EgLEv, one of the. best ;Inbp:,' 'chinists in this section of the country, to "DRILL THE SAFE; IF POSSIBLE." The Major, with the -tiistanee'pf his'sots, spent several hours Inlireparing:his drills and tools, and having seetn;6,lka strong 'l.pyerage, went o .:sr ork and after entirely : thing up his iti tind'haidly nalting.an impkemion °nate ,safe,' gave his'opiniOn that drilling through iii sidle of two we,elcs was out of the question- The safe was , then attacked with heavy sledges. ..11,fessrs: .13rt,t3t RYER & Co., were called ulion for three of their hest BLACKSMITH STRIKERS, who were furnished with heavy sledges. After placing the safe in the middle of the side. walk, they commenced Whacking away in regular Ole style, dealing blows that "were heard for squares, but With no effect on the safe. It may be itnagitied.with What strength they dealt their blows, when they were suffi cient to crack the sledges and render them useless. The trial created.gnite an excitement and all were satisfied that a BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE HAD AT LAST BEEN FOUND. THESE SPHERICAL SAFES FOB SALE BY MARVIN & CO., No. 7QI Chestnut Street, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. 265 Broadway, N. Y. 108 Bank Street, Cleveland, 0. je4.61 rp§ CLARK & EVANS, No. 630 Chestnut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Manufacturers' Prices. Retailing at Wholesale• Prices. Gobi Watchrs, Silver Watches Fine Jewelry, Plated Ware, German Accordeons, Splendid Chromos, Photograph Albums, Family Bibles, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Pocket Books, 4:c., Money saved by purchasing your goods of CLARK & EVANS. a p 2.3 tfrp GAS FIXTURES. A great variety of, patterns entirely new in this market. OUR IRON AND BRONZE GAS FIXTURES' Excel all others In durability arid finish COUNTRY RESIDENCES Fitted up with the latest improvements in KEROSENE LAMPS and CHANDELIERS. Our Meridian Burner Is the safest' and best made : r : Also, Bronze and Parian Figures. COULTER, JONES &I CO., 702 Arch Street. nn 20 lmrp FINE INDIA CHINA TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET CHEAP COLOGNE SETS. TY.I.thALE & MITCHELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET ENGRAVING ON GLASS. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 707 CIIESTNITT'STICEET CREA P GLASS WARE TYNDALE & MITCHELL,- 707 CHESTNUT STREET • DECORATIONS ON CHINA: TYNDALE 4: MITCHELL, m 1115-m ,NV ,f .1m rp B. J. WILLIAMS &. SONS, N 0.16 North Sixth Street, MANUFACTURERS OF VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES, Large mid fine assortment at low prices. STORE SEAMS made and lettered colidces, Tnesek, Repairing, &e pTERESTESG TO THE DEAF. GRAND OPENING ON MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1869, OF ALL 'KINDS OF INSTRUMENTS TO ASSIST TIM HEARING, In every variety and of the most approved construe tion,at . P. MADEIRA'S, EAR INSTRUMENT DEPOT, 115 Tenth Street, below Chestnut, .Lies.-7.43)25 • •• • • .. •-• • - - - - ISAAC NATIIANS, ACCTIONEER, N. E. corner Third and Sprite° streets, wily ono square below the Exchange. 1ii250,000 to loan, In largo or small amounts, 0/I. (Blllllolla, silver plate, watches, lowelry, 4 . and all goods of value.. °nice hours from 8 A. M. to 7 P. Al. 1 ".. Established' for the IdAt forty years'. Ad vances made in large amounts at the lowest market rates,_ • jail ttrp Siiiionery; Perfumery, Suspenders, Neck Ties, llosiecy, CassiniPres, Linen Table Covers, Linen Napkins, Linen Handkerchiefs, Woolen Table Coven, Notform, &c., &c 707 CHESTNUT STREET myll Imr PHILADELPHIA 11 - 410:0:EI6LANEdus. l'grERE PVT 4''AND:TlOSQ,triiliel • WINDOW SHADES,' SignO for Rooks, °Mee% " ILANDSCAPES4O" FOR PRIVATE HOUSES Plain illacits of every desonptton. • , G. DE 'WITT, BRO. & 1 CM.' NO: 633 Market Street,, ehikarelphia,; ruyia-w a4wirp • - 1, - GamER; WEAVER ke NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN , FULL OPERATION, : . %24 - 0. 22 N.WATER street and 23 N.DELAWARE avenue ,•• ' • . vrii, co., V : - lEt . , . .',CLARK &BIDDLE" Jewelers and Silversmiths• -' Having Removed from • • , . . 712 CHESTNUT STREET TO THEIR NEW 'BUILDING, • 1124 CHESTNUT: STREET ; . Are now opening a harks nod new assortment ot'Diamond nod other , fins Jeyclry,.American. amt Swiss Watches,' Writing s3lver ;Wuri.,:Gurbam Electro-plated: Ware, - Mantel Clocks, &c., &c. 1e27 s wlyrp§ THE UNDERSIGNED begs to 41[6min:his frlerulacrisiomera sand public germ 'rally that o• • - - .WILL REMOVE 'about the Pith of June from his present location, MO,' TO 1016 CHESTNUT STREET. 'JAMES T. GALLAGHER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Late of Bailey & Co. ' P. S.—All goods warranted first quality, at moderato prices. DIAMONDS ESPECIALLY. , 24 w f :Mum JONES' ONE-PR C~ CLOTHING I - TOUSE, 0,04 MARKET STREET, lI.ADELPII lA. First Gloss Ready-Made Clothing, suitable for all",Sen.sons, constantly on hand. dilvo, a 'Atticlsome Vine of Fiece,Goods foe Gus. -. , font Work. - GEO. W. NIEIIA.N.N. Proprietor. -- sTATioNEuv: - CARRIAGvES WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 . and 1011ICHESTNUT STREET. DRIVING SEASON 1569, COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY, and ELEGANCE or FINISH.' KarAttention given to :topnirhAft: fr,"Ciirrlaes itiulltiournueo effected. TAT ED DING AND ENGAGEMENT • v lunge of eolia la lcarilt fine hpoclulty; at full assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving names, etc: FARR dc BROTHER, Make my24-rp tf 924 Chuottint Ntroct, bolotr,Fourtlt. SIMON G . , UNDERTAKER, 35 South Thirtoeuth groet. trth2O-Omrob A ,CLEAR'SMOOTFISEIN- thind BEAUTIFtIt COMPLEXION follow the use 4 CONORNTIWE4D IM7'AAOT.B 4I.I% BAPARkLLA . ... it retaefee Week pots, pimpiea, moth.patChollAimial. I ,iruptioitobt the ikiu. IN TIEF:43PhIIiG MONTHS ' , the eystrtn naturally aii dergoes a change, and lIELNILIOLD'S .1110-11LYIf- OhlifiltATXD EXTRACT, ON, 8411862ABILLd le a aasistaat at the ftreatest value.. , - YOUNG LADIES; BEWARE! OF TILEINJURIOUKT:FFECTS Of Pace Powders and Welshes. All such remedies close up the . . pores of the Erk in, and In a short titan destroy the complexion.. If pay would liaie afresh, healthy and youthful appearawoe use IiELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA., NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that afflict =antic arise from corruption of Ike blood. 11EhbIBOLD'S TRACT LiAIi§APAIIILLA. is a remedy of e Wows ♦aluo lIIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARRAPARILLA eleannes and renovates the blood, twain); the vigor of health into the vystotn s and purges out tha humane Ma make QUANTITY va. QUALITY. LIELEBOLD'S EX• TRACT SARSAPARILLA. The done fan-man. _Those who &elle a large quantity and large dos , :a of utPdiaiae .KIIR. THOSE WHO DESIRE BRILLIANCY OF COW. PLEXION must purify and enrich the Mood, which LIEL.HBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA invariably itnes. Ask fur HELM BOLD'S' Take no other: BELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT KAR SAPARILLA i Ole GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED -- FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Eradicates Eruptive and Ulcerative Diseases OF Tl{} Throat, Nose, Eyes, Eyelids, Scalp and Skin, Which so disfigure the appearance,PUßßlNG the evil ; (feet* of mercury and removing all taints, the retimanta Of DISEASES, hereditary or otherwise. and is taken by ADULTS and CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. TWO TABLE-SPOONFULS of the Extract of Sarsa parilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon pint Drink, and one bottle Is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sorsa parilla,or the decoctions as usually made. AN7INTEItESTINCt LETTER is published in the Medico-Chi rugical Review, on the subject of the Extract of Sarsaparilla in certain' aft - Mk/M t by Benjamin Tra imrs, F. It. S., Om, Speaking of those diseases arising ront the e re errury. he States that Utt remedy t. ismal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla ; its power ix extra 'ordinary, more co than any other drug I am acquainted with. It is, in its strictest sense, a tonic, with this in- Valuable attribute, that it is applicable to a state of the ystein so sonhen, amid yet so irritable as relllierB other 4ubkances of the tonic class unavailable or injurious. HELMBOLD'S Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla, Established upwards of 18 yearit. , Prepared by T:-1-IEtEMBOLD; Diliggisi and. G7►oniist, 594 •BROADWAY, NEW 'YORK, And No. 104 South Tenth Street, Philada. O'Sold by Druggisth everywhere PRICE. 0125 per bottl or 0 for 06 50. w rtt