Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 08, 1869, Image 3
MMU'L=MI We have watched non rap of 00 many 1 1- Ureetred , emaciated .and forleta , dYepeptiat, of worn- out and prottrated. femalea, who have taken a new leave ande, and gradually' rveei<vd vigor: strength, health: he -power of social pleasore from the eir.cetti pf r X. 4 N. tiveTtort -Itil`eritS, that we are not eamprirea at the Tev wioniale daily received. If it is .a , pleasure to do good in Ike world, how full Must be the meUtute el the Proprie lent of these celebrated Bitten. . lleariaome. WAr7;ll.—Strporior to the . best imported: itleruinColeght, and sold at half the price. balm th e3t _ ;tiCkomaekerlic.teillt PhiladeAphia 4. GRAND, SQUAB/1 A tip DPRIGLIT PIA NOS. - Are universally sekuowledged to be the best Instru- Moats made, and, have been awarded the highest pre miums at ell tbo*Prineipal Exhibitions ever held in the'. eoustry, Our extensive facilities 'for manufacturing emablo us to otter great -inducements. (tall at our bean tital Warereemt, No.. 1103 CHESTNUT street, and o*. • amine our extensive stock of ,thtp, , r ior .Rosetvoott Fianna. P' , s.- THE BURDETT WIGAN. We have secured the agetiey for the sale of the. etic kratied Benny Organ. It has no rival. The superiority toeethstrtnnentx over all others 'is ,9 great that we *Tali fare Call and I :::arll3Ste them before purchattlip els, where. Grand 'Piano selected by. Mrs. Lincoln for the 7t7litolloute; eight years ago, is now at our Warerooms exhibition,on where it will be shown to any one having a desire to tee this historic relic. B.Mr New and second hand Pinnoa to rent. Tim ing and moving promptly attended to. Send tbr Descrip tive Circular. SCHOMACKER PIANO .11 , F , C, jettu 11(13 CHESTNUT Street. Steck & 'Co.'s and Haines Bros. Pianos, Mason .t..llarnlin'e Cabinet and Metropoitan Organs, with' Vox , J. E. GOULD, sah27-8 to ih No. 921 Chestnut street. lingran's .111agnolia Italia. This article fro .True Secret et Beauty. It is vvhat'Fashionable Dadiet; Actresses and Opera Singers use to produce that oultivated dist ensue appearance so much admired iu the. Circles of Fashion. It removes all unsightly Blotches, Redness, Freckles, Sunburn and Effects- of Spring Winds, and gives Po the' Complexion a Blooming Purity of transparent aplicacy and power. No Lady who values a Run Coin plciion can do without:the Magnolia Balm., 75 cents will buy it of any of our respectable dealers L`yon'sßathairon is a very delightful Itair Dreiising. mytti a tii th lihi Albrecht. RDEEES St SCHMIDT, • • Manufacturers of FIRST-CLASS AGREFFFI PLATES • PIANO FORTES. Warelooms, ' No. CM ARCH Street, zata.§stuth3m§ . Philadelphia. 19teinuay's Pianos received. the highest award Hirst gold medal) talkie International Exhibition, Paris, MT. See Official Report,'at the Warernom of ' • - • • • ' ;BLASIUS lIRDS., Nn. 1005 Chestnut street. "rhe Chiekerik Pianos received the highest award at the Paris Expositioil PUTTON''S Woreroome, sell-At§ Ol4 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. Tuesday, June 8, 1869 Persons leaving the city tor the snm nicr, liicl wishing, to have the EVEND.re But: LETOI sent to them, please send their ad dress to the office. Price by mail, 73 cents per month: ' • THE El GOT LIOUR LAW. Tresident Grant's recent proclamation: - in reference to the Eight Ham Law has naturally excited 'lunch notice .and comment. Tl* - fact that Attorney-General Evarts and - Attorney - - General Hoar had united in interKeting the law upon the!principle that it. did not give ten hours' wages for eight hours' worlt,was thought to be!toriclusive upon the subject. But the President's brief proclamation re-opened the question and reversed the decision of his Attorney44enerah It declares that "147iereas, act of Congress approved June 25, 1868, constituted, on and after that elate, eight hours a day's work for all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by or on behalf of the Government of the United :States, and repealed all acts and parts of acts inconsistent therewith, now, therefore, I, U. S. Grant. President of the United States, do hereby direct that, froM and after this date, no reduction shall be made in the wages paid by the Government by the day to such la borers, workmen and mechanics on account of such reduction of the hours of labor." It is noticeable in this laconic document, that no opinion whatever is expressed as to the merits of the case. The President has been a working-man himself, and feels an honest sym pathy in all the true interests of the working classes. But he is 110 demagogue. His whole history shows a thorough contempt for those arts and devices by which popularity is sought and won by reckless and unprincipled men, ir respective of the dictates of truth and common sense. There is 'IWO nonsense" about. Presi dent (4rant. Mere clamor atleets him as little as it affects nny man living. Plausible sophi stries do not mislead him, and glittering gene ralities do not dazzle or blind him. How, then, are we to account fou his apparent bid for the , favor of, the trades unions in this proclamation? It is not to be taken lOr granted that Presi dent ()rant believes in the absurd doctrine that a jean should be paid ten hours' wages for eight hours' work. That proposition is too radically senseless to make it' possible Ihr mind like the President's to accept it for a moment. It has no foundation hi any prin ciple of common-sense, and no analogy in any or the workings of human society. It is simply an arbitrary, tyrannical and very mis chievous declaration, which puts a premium upon idleness, defrauds the employer without really henefitting the employed, and helps to destroy ,just one-fifth of ab the great productive 'eutrgit.s of the nation. '1, 1 T14 key to President Crain's proclamation must be sought elsewhere than in the theory that it is a decimation of his sympathy in the short-sighted policy which induced Coitgress to sacrifice important princi ples of p 1 lie policy for the sake of a little political popularity. The taste key to President Grant's proclama tion will be found, if we are not greatly mis taken, in the . famous words of his Inaugural Address : "Laws are to govern all alike— those opposed to, as well as those who favor jheni. I k now PO litetbOVl to terror lite repeal Of bud or obnoxi9us boa so vlii:cl . jec os Mar :grin J'Pej d bin." else President's proelaniathot is a -stringent execution" of a -bad laid obnoxious law." Ile t'ividently believes that Ciingress itettiallY meant to declare that eighty cents make a dollar, and that forty-eight minutes make an hour. lie does not believe in this special arithmetic 'himself, but he meets it by a "strin gent execution" of the law. The inure rigidly. the I,rochtniation is enforced, the sooner the 'work , at baue will _see the v;asetilticss___and__ - fOly 4 'l ' the laV.. They Will see that the public Ulu= . the saute tittle, the public interests tire suffering, because, so far as Go‘erninent work -is concerned, one-fifth of the labor of the country has been absolutely alestroyed, While the cost of it has not . been filininished. Congress has done 14.sothing, fits a long time, so foolish and wrung this piece cd class-legislation at the public expense, and . Presidenttfi.ant has only acted with Ins usual independent sagacity in holding, up its foolish tesS and- mischievous tendency by insisting _ tiffon the "stringent execution7:Of the : FOIL 'IIIE GILAIVI) JUICY. respectable newspapers of this city have j o i l , ( ( I in denonncing the compromise supposed to hare bee'n effected,tlirough the age ocy of Lhc . . +cid for4iongwhile that ;the detectives of t h is and:16661.i cities used :their intirnate,ac . o 9 :oiPlance with burglars, pickpockeiS and'snoli , to ,- .lna,ke -- ,,arrests - when7crinte - WW committed; but to bring 'Orient "arrangements'? Vetween , the' rebberS • arid 'their victims. Of &Air& it I*3 been net - u•ly impUssible for publicjournals to obtqiiti Arqrsitive proof of 03th, trapsiietions; anti:SO 4he 01,4 of the. system: 1 • were minified topass unnoticed until a favor able opportunity-:Wits presented for denouncing: it ! This has ailast andthe circumstances 'of Pres'ent'eae. are'So peculiarly aggravat i4og, that they illustrate, as, forcibly as - we could, • Wish, - thri : iniiiisity . of the Whole business. The stolen sixiiley was • held in trust by the institu tfon.froni.whieh it was taken, and if , any post - tion of It was given to the thieves as. a reward ' for, the;return of the remainder, two wrongs were committed by the officers of the Fund-- , the_misusing their deposits, and the compound ing of a felony. We do not believe tliat the,. thieves returned the stolen .securitieS . Vithout sbine inducement being held out to•them. As the same thing has been done under similar eiretrinthuiees before; we are entitled to believe that 'the detectives. cted as middlemen between . :the robbers and the Fund; and arranged the terms. If this , should: be so, they . too were ' paid for their :-services. Now as they are salaried cam* 'of this city, and servants . of '''the; we want to knoW:, who, paid them; 'and why souse arrests Were not made. A thief who can be reached for purposes of negotia663., can .be u-sptisre,d for trial, nnless 010, 41 - liceis are, ,sliasisefully in 7 competent men; in which case they should be removed. If they did etlect •the compromise, they, too are guilty of two crimes, of Perjury ) in violating theirnathS to per - thrill' their duty faithfully, alai of participation in coMponintiik,., a felony. We do not, by any nieans:, assert . that these crimes ii ye actually been committed. , But the whole matter has an ugly , look; and it will be hard to. co.uvince the of this conunniiity thaftbere .lais • .'net,. been villainy of preklkly, 'the kind &Scribed. At any rate 1 , we demand an investi-,' gation,'Mul we should like to'have it made by the Grand JurY • noW in session. It has the • power; and the subject may properly receive its attention ? ,fOry thiii - -OPPosed :: partnership !be tween the deteetiVeS and the 01(-iVoi 1S"-ork infr, incalculable injury, by taking away that fear of . S'etribittiOn which should deter men from outlawry ; and by Placing a premium On crime, so that a thief knows that his immunity will be greater in precise; proportion to the gigantic character of.bis Offence. 01It INTER:I4AI. IMPROVEMENTS. Another of "the iron threads we shin, That weave our web of towns," is being pnslied toward completion in the new railroad which is to connect Reading, Pa.,, with Wilmington, Del. This road, seventy-one miles long, traverses one of the richest manu facturing and agricultural sections of the State; crossing the Pennsylvania, Railroad at Coates ville, and' the Reading road at Birdsboro'. It opens up a region crowded with important in dustries, comprising iron -foundries, gristemills, furnaces, faCtories and shops, beside the rich farms whose, produce is thus to be opened to new markets: The coal traffic upon the Wilmington and Reading Road will be one of its, great features, as it brings the coal 're gion of Pennsylvania into direct communical non with the State of Delaware, and !supplies not only all the intermediate points of manu fitetme, but the. -constantly growing establish its of Wilmington with their fuel, at reduced rates, and with increased rapidity and con venience: The Wilmington and Reading Road was projected about three years ago, and is now en tirely 'graded, and will be ready for, use by the end of the present year. It is needless . to elaborate any argument to show the importance of this addition to our internal improvements. Its location, and the extent of business already waiting for its completion, are enough to t lei no strut c that it te Wilmington.andßeading is to be not only one of the most useful and successfitl of the railroads of Pennsylvania, bitf also one of the surest investments for our Capitalists. A limited amount or its — First iNlortgage BondS, hearing seven per cent. inter est, currency, are now in the market, he n; of fered by the agents, Messrs. Win. Painter & Co., at cents, with interest, and they cer tainly °M A. a good inducement at that rate for the safe and profitable investment of capital. Methodist Lay Representation. .'The question of lay representation, which has long helm agitating the Methodist Church, is at last "coming to a head." The various con gregations art to vote upon the question dtu•- ing the present month, and some have already done, so. lit Wilanington, Del., Grace Church has declared in Elver of the laity by a vote of to' I 1 LaSt. night, Nazareth Church, in this city, followed in the same direction,' ity a vote of 110 to 32. To-night a mass meeting is to lie held al the Green Street Methodist llutrphi in reference to the same movement. Bishop Simpson, the 11ev. Mr. Alfred Cook man, 1 Thomas T. Tasker, Sr.; anti other trentinent: persons, a•e to discuss the subject, which, to the outside world, seems altogether• past discussion. It is one of the strangest anomalies of the Christian Church, that :Methodists, of almost all religious denominations , 'the most elastic and adaMive itt :71 f perations, should have • submitted so long to a form of government in which their people have no veic It is sim ply au incongruity which was sure to cure, it self sooner or later, and the Only , wonder is. 'that - tilt pit St itt — i t oTu Lion, Jiiidt h 1 to be alinost unanimous in the direction so long delayed, or so mUch tallied about with out being efiected. FINE ARTS. twmmtmmlnwrxiTffi I , AI-111{11'10N AT PARIS The catalogue of the spring salon is always a forniftlable attain; .thgtt for itl69, which we Pei c from a correspondent, is a elnottecimO an: inch,and'a half ,thick, igontaining 628 .pagegt, and taking cognizance of considerably more than four thousand works of art, executed i 141i1 . 1 year. , ,The American contributionsat.ntl iTtNitifef:: - Ons, and the' increasing notice taken of our progress in the arts of civilization cannot be altogether due to political Causes. Arnonk the contributions of our' Countrymen and country- Women' we observe the following: rm..E.p.4lll.Y'': EVENING...., . -IiPT:444,TiNtP,P. TTA.4 P 4.T....41 . 4,-: . .: : 1',..P . g5.P.Arj..,411N.5:.Hj,5..0p,;7„:..;..,....,:.r.„.,. . . 2tho,Pennsylvania-a6rnyeihibits-for-tho t. first time, in a:.ooptinenttil . salon;, his picture -- rkpresentg,a BretOnAirEreadinkaletter from her lover;andlhe cataloOe eveiCi'editlo our . Academy by T'ptijOyijf the , „School of Eine -ArtS" "of Ramsey sends, a ‘ study: - of -Howard,. gelinkc* tt,'•Pikinting, Called llowAr(fiZobeTtil it bust of the collate 'James Henry Haseltine a,";gatue7C - In brOnze called a Excelsior." Hefdy'spertr4t,Of Grant 44440 great tention, and we believe is In the highest de . g,i•ep worthy. both izt: . Tal,tit k er, , : , artti . sitter: . Another Portrait of Grant is by Miss ESther Wilson, of Richinond.. ! Mm etil~ibits .L. portrait of Hon. Mr. tnrlinginne, and 'one of Mrs.,Pratt,,daughter,of Sims. Bierstadt contributes his-" Storm in" the Rocky Moun tains." d oho Ware,' of Bbstoil, and Beach at Dou'arnenez, Bridg maim's "Carnival in Brittany".wa,Cone' of two , Amerfuan pictures seleeted for haiee' b the' 'London Athenceum,', Healy's portrait of the President being the other. Bridgmann has another subject on exhibition, "The Eavorite Pigeon." .Miss' Elizabeth 41ine:;:,Gardner; of New Hampshire contributes a,- PReiurdfrom the Chase." • W 6. cannot - to-day notice': the 'continental pictures, although there is ,a; ,great deal of curious gossip connected with many of them. We May; however, observe as a singular in- Stance of activity late in -life, that , Connt Wal deck, at the . age of 103, 'soak two ptiiotings, one a reminiscence of studicsjarkexican an tiquities, called "Episode iii. the • History of 46:ki(!o in . lsoo,",the' ether classical; or;tit least arelueological, in sentiment, and depicting Ariadne ghring Thesus the '.,of ,:thread to gOidc, him through the labyrinth. , . , . Srdes 'l,y Order of Orplkons' Covert. 'MIS. E • . . TM4 AND OVIERS . .--TllOlllll/3 4:. 50116 7 sale . , on ruestlay next, Jill's lath, NVIli ' comprise a number of vop , &siva blal)nollings, countyy Seats, StOreki, &c. BOWER, GEORGE• .0 • E OF i1)t.T11...17ND VINE STREETS' ' . - Openeil ;His New - Drag . :Store, No: 406 CHESTNUT STREET , Loden the Western Thoth, This (Saturday): June 5, with a full and complete assortment of FRESH MEDICINES, English, French and American Per , Winery and Fancy Articles , Suitable for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Toilet. Mr. BOWER will alSo make a specialty in manufac turing SODA WATER on the latest *proved principle, Which insures to lovers of this. refreshing and healthful beverage'fref.tint from nil apprchensiaiio " of impurities. : SYRUPS manufactured from the juice of ihejritit only. The Artificial.WaterS of Ylch'y, kissingen and Sara toga will be kept on draught, drawn from ice cold foun tahas • No. 4-00 CHESTNUT STREET, Under the Western Bank. ie3tf WELDEN SPRING WATER, Alterative. Clialybeate. A large supply Jima received by , FREDERICK BROWN, (N. E. corner Fifth and Chestnut Streets, N. D.—Descriptive Pamphlets to be had upon applica tion. , • my 22 s to th 13trp§ R F. THOMAS, THE LATE OPE rator at the Colton Dental Associationv is now the only one in Philadelphia who devotes his (iliac time and practice to extracting teeth, absolutely without pain, by fresh nitrous oxide gas: • Office. No, 1027 Walnut streets. riOLTON DENTAL ASBOCIATION ,QIU ginated the antexthdtio utie of NITROUS ()Milk:, OR.ILATiGUING GAS, And devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Office, Eighth and Walnut fitreeti. ap2tily JOHN CRUMP, BUILDER, • 1731 CHESTNUT STREET, • and 213 LODGE STREET. lleeltanies of every bratath required for bottsti , buillf tw, and fitting. promptly furnished. 1e27-1.1 POSTS AND RAILS POSTS AND IL AIIS all styles. Feur-hula, _square and half round writs. Shingles—Lung and short, heart and sap. 50,0uu feet first common boards. Shelving; lining and store-fitting material made a spe cialty. Nl(' OLSON'S, tnys-tfrp Seventh and Carpont , r strvets. wAir,BuitToN'S IMPROVED, V EN eaa,, Mated arid eat:y,fitting Dress Hats ( patented) in all the a)iproved .fashions of the season. Chest oat street, next (hair to the Post -Office. 0(1i-tire : FIIOI{ REY'S FE IV RACKEIZ'S 0.14.1)1.Ith.11 unit GUOCICH Frei:ZITS Of various Nizt , s, forrittle by TIZXMAN & Sll.l.Vi, N. K 7.15 ( Eight Thirt Market fitreel, btlow Ninth, Phila. .telithlit. ft Alt V El) WAL .1N UT AND NEXT Branzed Iron - Brackets at a variety of style, and .air , •M.. at TRUMAN & SHAW No. 835 alight Thirty-lire) , stn below Ninth. Q 1.2 lq ER F RN ACES FOE, B Uclitps, charcoal, or 06110,010. With ,11 nor alosed topa. A variety al Ihain for salt by TRUMAN A: SHAW, Nu. E Thirty-five) Market Philadelphia. 13AL12 CUT AT' 1869. Ji(l' , l ,- T - s•E- -) ,i'i r 4 ilair and whiskers dyed. 'Razors set iu order. Ladios and 't+ hair cut. • Open Sunday morning. Ni.. 125 'Exchange place. [lt'] G. C. Kopp. BiNG, GAS AND !STEAM PIT- A. Ring in cit 3 or country done in the bust manner, promptly, at fair prices. Gas Fixtures, Terra COUR Pipe, :cud Plumbers' material generally, furnished at manufacturer's rated, by SAMUEL LEINAU, n 0 .121 mo.rp* 11l South Seventh street. . . M.AGAZiN i DES MODES. MRS. PROCTOR. Cloaks, \Valking Suits, Silks, Dress (Mods, ace-Shawls ! Ladies' inderelothing . •—• and Ladies' Furs. Dresses made to measure in Twenty-four flours. -1 01:, FINE MLCSICAL X Box as a companion fur the sic]: chamber; the finest assortment in the el ty, and a great variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direct by FARR & BitOTHER. nihnitf rp 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. 1%/I . B KING WITH INDELIBLE Iva Embroidering, Braiding., Stamping, &c. TOItItY. Filbert ettelit.7,_. 1 1 .. . • EN - LUNE ItIO TAPIOCA, WITH FULL directions for 11t40. Fresh Bethlehem, Canada and Scotch Oatmeal. Pearl Sago, Herds' Farinaceous Food, • Race bout, Cox's Gelatine, Caracas Cacao imd_other Die tetics. For sale by J AMES T. SHINN, S. W. cor. Broad and Spruce streets. apr r tf rp RUBBER—MACHINE - - BELT;- • Ins, SU:lan:Packing Hose, _ . . do Ellglpeerli and dealers will .find a foil assortmetitor' -Goodlui es... Patent .Volennizeil7Rlllol,e.r,,Reltlitgi &e.;;2-at 31enernetOf ,, e , t)--H-eaulluarterei GOODYEAR'S, 304 Chestnut street, South shim ' N. have now on hand a large lot 61 Gentle men 's. Ladies' and Misses' Gum Boots. Alto, every va• tidy and style of Gum Overcoats. • AlO YOU USE TB gGo's TEABERRY Tooth-Wash—the celebrated T. T. T.? ill HOW tllO goerntion of tho day. All who &aim to prernervil tho • teeth, and hay° a sweet, are breath, eartaialY (10. Sold by the prom iutor, A. 111.. WILSON ) Ninth; and Filbert atreetrn, and by all drhOttirntrn. ' . _ • MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT • ~ 4 39; N LOANED UPON IHAMONDS,_.WATCHES, • JEWELEy, PLAT } , CLOTHING, ke., at • JONES Jc CO.'S - OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE,' Corner of Third and Gaskill street°, • . • , . Below Lombard. . . -.1i.,:-DIAMONDS,WATCHES,JENVELICY,OUNSI POlt BALE Al' 11E31 . ARK ABLY LOW PRICER.. m 124 . _ lfEl'AlltS TO WATCHES AND BOAVS,III the best manner, by Flkilfful workmen. FARR & BROTHER, n 4 Chostnut otreet, below Fourth. St. Albans, Vt. PI ILAMLPHIA 1014 WALNUT STREET CLOTIiTN6 __ - TILE NEW SUMMER RE,SORT•' - Near at ifand--Easy - of Aeces. _ifUlicm& - _Defiance to the "let Illeather. .13 A THINE, l'.l - 57ILVE, HUNTING AND 7111D,ING • 'NOli OPP: " THE SUMMEI?, and offering to the people, the . BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS at the , LOWEST OF CHARGES. GREAT 0.-.llr HALL, THE SUMMER RESORT, most popuka• with Philacitiphi«ns, visited by more than defter CAPE MAY OR ATLANTIC CITY. Be sure you take "OAK HALL" in your trip this season: WANAMARER (1:: BR 0 TV.Y. - EDWARD P. KELLY a-A.1140"z., S. E. cor. Chestnut and Seventh Sts. Choice Goods for kresent Season. In daily receipt of New and Staple Spring Goods. .Justice Libe - rty 'Economy .! Free 9Pr'ade° To secure evenhanded JUSTICE just come and see what splendid bargains are offered in the gorgeous stock of Spring . and Summer Clothes just prepared and exhibited to the public by ROCKH ILL! & 'W 1 LSON The fuIIest.LIBERTY is to be enjoyed when . the Illall who enjoys it is neatly dressed in a suit of new Spring ClOthes which lit him so comfortably as not to abridge the freedom of of his motions. Such clothes are to be had at P~UCKIIILL & WILSON'S: ' TO practice ~117,CONQMY, ijou't, spend vast sums of money *here extortionate people charge fancy prices for unsatisfactory clothing; but come mitt get the worth of every dolliir you spend at • - ' ROOK WHAT& WILSON'S: FREE:TRADE of thefreest ' sort•,l9l!-'oi'"Nl every day al I all 'day* the GREAT Z.t.) STONE HALL. There thb people bring their, cash, and there they get their clothes. Every man free to buy at all times. Trade tre inclidodsjust noes at the. - -Great Brown: Stone Hall, ROCKHILL & WILSON, 603 anti 605 CHESTNUT Street, OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, • No. .827 ARCH STREET. LATE WITH A: BROWN. All the novelties in Fine Goods, which will be made to order in a style unsur passed, and upon moderate terms. mylB to th x 3itt4p§ THE STAR. THE LARGEST ONE•PRICE ,Clpthing Hou e. Eo advaoAage taken of a Avant of knowTh.dgo pf goads. FINE GOODS AT TEE LOWEST RATES. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. PERRY & C 0., No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, above SIXTH ap3o f to th 2inrp THE FINE ARTS GREAT NOVELTIES L oolking G.-Lasses, PICTURE FRAMES, &c., &c. NeW ChromO, New Engravings. EARLES' GALLERIES, EaG CHESTNUT STREET. IVENDEftOTII, TAYLOR & BROWN'S ~. Esta w w ograp at; ortratt Gallery. Furnished with every C 11 venbancc and facility for producing the best • •work. A new private: eiu‘sago from 'the La 'LA 4 (1104' Dressing Room to the 011 , !rating-Roonr.-- . • the yofinernente.of Photography) sueh . ne • Iverytypes,•' . • " tures' l on porcelain, • • "0 p a 1 0 t. ypes," the `"Note Critymts' 7 orikinateil with this cstabliehment. WENDEROTH;TAYLOR& BROWN, 914 CHESTNUT STREET. 111)27 to th s 2Gtrp§ ' JIAS E TINE'S . GALLERIES OF THE ARTS, 1125 Chestnut 'Street. Always on FREE Exhibition and for Halo, Flue and Original Oil Paintings. • . .•, , A complete Blink on hand of old and now Engravings, Ehromon, French Photographs,Loolting Glasses, Artists' Materlale, Sc: On Special Exhibilion—Admission 25 cents—"Tho' Princess of Morocco," by'Lecompte, of PariH; "Boiming Rome the ,Sheaves,'? by Volthl, of Paris,iwith other rare and great w'arlticif art. • S. I W. CORNER NINTH AN •ja3 th n to ALEXANDER MIAS'S WORKS, The Greatest Novels of the Age. Neu) Editions just P abdelltd old For Sutc by T.. 8. PETERSON '# BROTHERS, No. 306 Cho tiout Street.. Proprietors COUNT OF. MONTE-CRISTO. Illustrated. "One ; aura, cloth, 70; or raper cover, fur. &I So. EDMOND 'DANTE'S. Being a Sequel to Du man's cote brated novel of the "Count of Monte-Cristo." 75 ctmts. THE CONSCRIPT. A Tale of War: Price Al 70 lu Raper; or in eloth, &I 15. • CAMILLE; OR THE FATE OF A COQUETTE. Only currecrriaingrution from the Original. French, One , volume, ppper, print tk IA . ); or iu clout,t I 75. ; THE THREE GIA RDS:KEN. Prica 75 cents, iu paper cover; or in cloth for el /5. " TWENTYVEARS AFTER- A Scion!' to the -Three Guardsmen." Price 75 cents, la paper cover; (Win use VOIMIII,. cloth, for e 175. • • BRADELONNE; THE SON OF ATHOS: Thing the eon ' tinunjiou of “'lwolity ,Years After. - Price 15 coute, j. in paper; or.in cloth. hir el 7.5. • , THE IRON MAtiN. Being the ' , , , osithination rf th.; "Three Guardsmen," •-"Twetity Year', 'A ft , !r," and ••Bragehinne.": Taper el W; or in cloth, tiel 75.. • LOUISE I.A. VALLIEHE ; Tin SI!COnd Seri,' ;aid end of the "Iron Al Paper el Al; or cloth, el 75. THE MEMOIRS. OF. A Pli YSIGIAN, . Beautifully' illustrated. Paper, el 00; or ii. (loth, for . el To; THE QUEEN'S NECKLACE ; or, The "Second Series of the Memoirs of a Physic', n. PaP4,r cover. Price. no; or in ono rOl., cloth, fore) 75. SIX YEARS LATER ; or; Taking 01,the Ilturtile.j. Being the •'Thltd Storied of the Memoirs of a l'hyalcian.' Paper 1 011; or in cloth, fur : $1 75. Oft7N TESS OF ell A RN Y • or, , Tio, Fall of the French 31kn " . "'C • lieiir th " l'Yonrth SOritat of Ow M e m o i rs (Au ellysirMlC 1.4,r •'I to); ur in cloth, for :..51 75. ArmittE DE TA VERN EY. Being the -Fifth of the Memoir' , of a l'hy,ielan Paper Price 81 00; or in one VOL. cloth, for 75. CHLVALIEIt ' • or. tie: "Sixth Scri., and final conehtsloa of th the, sloltiOirA of a Phy,icitto." fr ier) . 1,15) in paper; or el 75 in cloth. THE ADVENTURES OF A MARQUIS. Price 61 ('li; 4,r iu one col., cloth, fur ;zit 75. THE FORTY-FIVE GUARDSMEN. Prioc 75 Cl,;.s or iu taw Voililtio, 00111. Kit, 81 75. DIANA OF MERIDOR. Paper (-0 , ...,1'4 liceUre Poll u r; or in ono vol., cloth, for 75. THE LEON HAND. Price 75 Cents, ita paper cil or, Or m one volume, cloth, for el 77, A NNETTE : lill, THE LADY OF TILE PEARLS. A companion to "Camillo.' Price 59 cent, TEE FALLEN ANGEL. A Story of Love and life in Paris. Une vultane. Prix'. 75 cents, TILE MAN wrrn FIVE WIVES. Complete in one volume. l'r:ci? 75 cents. ; 011, THE. PLANTER OF THE ISLE itc FRANCE. Olie VoIUDIO. Prim:socent, SKETCHES IN FRANCE. Prke 75 cents. ISABEL OF BAVARIA. Price 75 cents. FELINA DE CHAMBURE...Price 75 cent, THE HOKBOItS OF PARIS. Price 75 &WAN. THE TWIN LIEUTENANTS. Price 75 rola, THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. Price 50 THE MOHICANS OF PARIS. , Prii•e 54) emits. • cor NT or ldf.kRET. Pri.::051.) coots. THE MARRIAGE VERDICT. - L. 9 eridn. • BURIED ALIVE.' Price 25 cents. All the above celebrated. Books on: written ander Dumas. .t . , pips army of tip' itbove books %%11l Lo ...tit by mail ) . ONt-r..oti, to any our, rocefiet of price 11) the Pub All (woke. imbp , ltyl A rt. for eul toy It? , tli moment thy Ir o ja itt !"•r.Oll. or ,tol for whatt-ver hooks yott 1118) W;1111.. to • .. 'I.. B. JPE'r.ERNON6 ROTHEL ERN, 306 Chestnut PM Indelphtu, - Pn. 114 p -DUFFIELD ASHMEAD'S H~ulietin of Recent Publications For Sale at Wholesalarrices ettivroWN 1. Slra. Stow,‘. nall4 - 11111 TOW !1.. ••Cli.olgt . tl •Itrid , !A," - Forlicr ,•(latts ide ofa.o.'• W,loan a n d 0ta.,40, • ' •'Slaqt Trip Gut& ln. Europe." "1i"lilt it 111 S):ow. - and " Soident ,Ohl Teet nie I ktory , by pr. N% ra. Smith. Call at flit Old Stand, • No. 72-1. Chestnut. Street. • N. R. We f , ell , 'N't . lything at NV le.le4ale ellee , . -- 110111 t; to th t, :I rip $1 25 NEW MUSIC ALBUMS. $1 25 licclovul (Inc .00110 e , 10 1 ;01!i-sfirr: Sold at J. E. Goold's Piano Room, Containing FIFTY PIECES 311 - S/('. V.eaLlind I.trn rin•nW. ort • , .•:15.1,,Aunt in )1,,r, , and !,:1101, -,:n.-iv galtlyr 111wlinrz akno to and Ttrenty-fir , .J. E. uuCLIY:-,, nt Cif UT Street, phia. - A NEAT COMMODIOUS DWELLING, 230 S. Twcnly-first St., below Walnut. EDWARD ADDICE.S, 811440. 1''(llt MALE 111:. Y. 1 .0 RENT—AT cm. cement thr,o•ktf.ry sttmo rvomm, hkr;p• ;;:•.i.11: Wan t 4 ,11 thf• Apply to JILJUtEJtT 1,1,t ,Y1,,J112. ts. I...mrth str,t. F()J,t, OIL TO 1, AI (.1...1,- t‘%.,,tory 1 , 1011, 4.:(ltOP'; 8 jv(1111,. g0(..1 ital. A-roly to 11 PAIL EIIT .1. 1:1,0Y.D. • No. 112 In TO RENT, v • - Itriont - Colgri Completely' Furnished. 'Carriage Iloutie, Icc• Bonet•, beautiful Lawn 'of 8 acres, and an liblindooce of Hhndr, shrai;hery, Fruit and Veg.e tablret-*Gartlili.'r thuplace; --- Will - lie - rtrntA very low to a careful tt•t:aot. v. T.WAY..322 Cheknut :Strckt. '.7IV rpl .. One Minion cif Feet OF Dry- 4.4 Gang Sawed White Pine ]a u uiier• FOR SALE Osceola Mills, Clearfield County. Ayply at Forrest Place, 125 South P,'ourth Street, H. 11. SHILIHNUFHHD • IJ A . ., Jima :p. R. TAXI - 2,0R, PEEFITI,IERY A1.41$ TOILET SWAPS, E AT 1-11 N FELT.—T.EN Shrailthig Felt, for Bole byl'E'l WIIIGIIT 135 Walnut hared.; "Wholesale and IR.etail PAPER 11. NGINGS, From MI Chestnut Street to NEW'I'UBLICA . A FEW LEFT No. 923 I'IIESTNUT FOR SALE FOR SALE M, oN TEI01:4, Olt TO iIIENT, ‘PPLI"ro 1230 MAIMETS'IMLET. TO, RENT. LUMBER. 6411 and 643 N. - Ninth hitireet. REMOVED FINE. GROCERIES • Families Supplied attheir Summer Hornet Goods Carefully Packed for Transportation.- MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1'204 CUEST%UT STREET. The .and Greenine ALBERT MACIEENZIE ' MACKENZIE, TI1P! 1,0.c:11N: gro ~ u trpred r.gulatly to 110 ( 4 , 10,U,the it") 411 1411/li4 and thr nobilitYUHL TIIO.7IIPSON BLACK'S SON & 'CO.,. Broad and Chestnut Streets. ! ' iLlWr 1.'0% f!r • THE r Sr r 1,70(1101/1-1 AVAlrti f(fUll NATURAL FLAVOR MIMED. CANS 'LAIME AND rrLT, or 1:(11:11) TomAToEs. FAMILIES' and IIESTA 1.111 'MEIN PP , 11. , 100 , theta THE LIE: 4 T..uot t 4 r.doro TILE CII EA PEST, tlir it u , o-and notirpon , aido at orr•ry or , frp - d dinner I> EA I. EES tto-to 10-raviro uf their t;owl htyls, and the 1)1"Y :;iv , coominv•rs. I), Order, tidy rr tired rat SOLE (.7 ENCY, tr, NORTH WATER STREET. Ord , rs rr unto twine .o ,, trAllfm• tin. coming folpply. pnekvel exchudvriy ut Fr.ctcr) , I.:nada:omA county. N. .J. QUINTON PACKING COMPANY. MIMEO BUGGY i'MBIIELE.AS, For Open Carriages, No-Top Wagons, Express Wagons, &c., In Limon, Scote:ll mad .tnn.rican Gingham, ..:rah.:lll. and jp:ated eti. ka. with revolt j.intX• and nevc.ll'). for dri% big in hot her. Maaolactarrd awl for WILLIAM A. DROWN.. 2,.. 1 Irp Th!,s ..11 , ht,wn atal fat (wile Ilaunv hal t 1 , 111.1 . ; t1.1 irt.: Ita rc-ownaal I.y 11i 1/11 4 11 . 1'.1LM1 . d. {IN a lit,t Faintly hotel, On the 4 , 1 “ ) h..P.111n.• n••er 11. 'CLANIIOI ;Iffy y 31,14 Of flur• bt , :tvli. It ,tv.i;•,r to Y.Olll 1ie...111111 of 111;ifq Iti.ll eltalllClVr Of its g rtwl a in krpt -tri.-tiv lt , qll-lik, fit ~ ..ry -ti, 1:12, ll,ts it ~j) nil 1“:111:: uthur impvCnnt itupt va 1M will iolltri -101:1,' P) , ttiV 1, , the 4,1 yearrt r't ter :%lay 110t. , 1 I. tielo , ,s, aio; lokvo sitiatn , i 11' 4 P )1 1 :ch wilt ell11:11 hurt 111 h• r ltou. VII 111 , ir1.1:14. El et') t'flll %A ill L^ :ohdi , to 2 , to ;di who ntay fa.% or tiv; OI'EAN lif )I.:SE tlr:ir patron. FOESr.. ,)k:" C ' iv: S.l WY _Ell JOHN V.% EYCETT. 111111.41.21.ip';:. Nt"iti Open on tht 24th of June, ISGfJP. This 11,10 bus Ow 0.4 year; atier(l• si•eililtiiiiiiittions for waft: one thoneand ,guk•st,. and equal In any of !liol iii I is• • mit i I Then. PETER c4.IIMNER, Proprietor, N. 3C7 Witinot St reet, Philadelphia, Pa. CAPB ISLAND, N.J. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, A 1).0EPII PROSKAUER, Of 222 S. Third Street, Philadelphia, o the7th of .Imie.,ondor the 113111.2 and t (1 ' Don.V.t, Al lite cor.of AVasitinglon aadJacksoit my 29 tfrp§ rinfiE , BRA)An Tor IIot;r2.cTA.IN 11 USE ()Hood for tho,reception of gueNts.i?ow2oll). For t0rm0. , ,,,Ve.; lo:ders.4. NV T. PIiA RSON Propriotor, 11-orating,foo-oonniy_..!-P.A.- " POINT BREEZE . PARK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1869. llon , es flint' have never beaten 2.31. :5'1:0 ontritnee. • 31110 heotii,,3•lll 11-to 11111.111.'88. , AN,ol:illtiollltdilltr DATINItii. • , I n lirce or 1)101'0 eiltrO.4 to till mid two to gall. • • only bite lie \VIII to elititilA to lilt tail elation:it looney. Should three or toore start, , the. E'oeboil horse to ' , live his Nitro - nee. Folrieti to be al ilreiwed to the Secretary, nod 19 91011 inAtitnee c•neloshig the e,ott•ttpeti.Fott•tet; to, by elos(q1 itt 12 o'clock, I.IOVII, .• , - ItILI'.\TIIICIi, tAeeretory;'; 111.5. FOURTH Street. jeS tit 11i$ 31§ SIMON GARIL AN'D, UNDERTIK mr. t . • • - ez smith Thirte•qab strout. mhl-Guirp§ ROCERIES. FOR THE COUNTRY. ( Within reamintbie dintanco) Ey Our `'ngons. BISCUITS, ,M.ANUFACTURED By 1:41 i as bail rxh. Fein s Al:if BY SIT 31 311:1t. -RESORTS 2403 MARKM STILE ET. OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE MAY, N. J CAPE (SLAND,N. J., A LA (ARTIa3, WILD; SE 00i:N.ED BY Known lei Bert 's Cottius.e. • 41-1-1..e-Knipli • . Rooms by Day. or Week. to Rent SNI*I:lil'5T . Al.l: ~f!., :~:h, :'dl s t Io tour approm or it' Cosng o the otig Room the desertion ei the 1111113 to their opponents'. ranks gave the latter an overwhelming 'west and enabled them to utterly rout the remnant of their enemy's forces. Ti n t ehvainc Witt; to much as three to six per cent. for the lead- Ing railways. It was not accomplished all at once. Each yielding of l or 2 per cent .was followed lip a reactiomand 111. process woo repeated at eaeli Onto ON the downward . movement. At the lowest perma of the day Ito ck island touched 118.3,i; 3lichigan Southern, 10 . 4 i: It. Paul, 7671' Pittsburgh. Nmiliwestern common; Now York (NMI rid 188; Hint Fort Vtaq'ne, 10i.. The market rallied _ SECOND_EDITION- BY rrt.l. - ,ii:t4.R . X! • . ,__ l l4)_-DAY_&__CAI3,E_AE,YtTS Financial and 'Commercial Quotations By the 1 tli:ll4e Cable. Lux nu N , 18-; 8, A. id.-( onsokfor money, 92;-• atal fokaiheoiniti 021: Itailway,4hternly: Erie, 18:1. 111i11018 Central, fol.. :Atlantic ,nil (;neat Wesl - ern, v..ia t i•oor„). OM 8, -A.. firther; 71planf14; 11:,;(1 7 4 Orleans, .12d. . • 1110, , - :;lee Jo -day e rrielt• 10,000 :bales. Wli I. for Cali ft' White, arid. MI:. for - Rol Western. . Lf.)Nno,l,l, June (it,L june:B, P:31,--11onsols' for Morioy, ff2';',; for neCoinit; 92,1. U. 8. FiveLtAVentie4, 80,1. Amerlernistialoi firm. • ' ' Li VOurom., 'rune 8, P. M.—Yarns and fa brim at :Manchester are tiriner,at better prieeB; Breadritathi dull. Flour, 218.0 d.- Lardi 718.6 d.. Naval storen‘lull. I lAvitH, B.—Uotton B.—Arrived—steamcr St. Lau-. rent, from New York. - From Indlawspolis. TNOIAN'APotdmi - June 8.--Attorney-General Williamson delivered an opinion to-daY that the Aieeitie appropriation lull and ; other measures - passed by the House at the elOse :of the'Sjoecial session, after j the resignation 1)1%42 I)einoeraticrueinber;;,vrercB in tieisinlance with all the requireinilds of the ethistitntion and ought 'to: be observed w constitutional law State of Thermometer Third Day at the Het's!' °Mee. , 10 A 37... ..- ..13 .; deg. .42 31.. .. . . deg. 2P. AL Wcltiler7•lo:ir. Whitt NOrilllVeXt THE COURTS Qi.A.ntgn Linilow.—Tiiik morning tim t. mirt took iip prim) coot" , tun( tilimmicd of a mow ATTIOIIg theta tram the, ease of Sarah loot 31aty Joao South; mother alai dnurldrr, clnint , xl committing nn 111./ 1 111.11t Ulla bat tell' tlytal WhO 1 . 1!4 , 113.1 ii, no nano holing!. The fact.t. it will bo. rotoctoboced. WPM: 0,1141.11 ill tinw or tlic occurrontm.. Tito partiea to=il e cont14:0:41. FINANCIAL - AN Philadelphia Woe BEV()Lt :YO Icpailing 2.1 p. Its 49 I City 01 , 1 • - c.kp 9•1 1411(' CA now ,ft , 11A 1 ) [rlo 1•' 1111 en Ls !of., 4 1 455 tit'l.onisli r stAtl LI, J 0.5 51e.Se1(:',•111‘• 7 p t lAt 75) :41 1 1 Lehigh Gold Ln gl.f 11(U du, do r. !A-if WO do do ' )(orris (.!1 pain lI ols Little 31:11%11. • .45 jrxl wit 'Stdt *vtV pfd 6 ,11 Penn 11 ' ,7 3 4 .1 "..T, -4* do • -1)5 •• • SV•,',. 1111 eb. do Its' 4; 01 . 1111 a WO .11 tit, bii) ils r.tro( S 119'0 141 -0 (1 1 .1tV CM 11 , 'W WO wit, ( I' 304441 Lolligh [wit In Ith9 f Ittq Lehl . gli Val It Cu Sew Die. (3) relr 2f)4 Ca.& A Tin IA •e 9 wfo st It 48 I 4 friljAlll - 11 ,. . NW' _ r rer It )turrin I'l.l (1.5 :91 .h 36 , 4.1tau1c5. llk is 3( 43 ell Pent) ra t ," - in ree+.ipt4 a Wil 1.0 elt l'lnla A:l4p.m It 1-27 C Poo I, ,, ltigh 'GM In ft'N'i; 301+" Phila Erir wry i 'rh IN'av PM 10 IV) .h 4 uhtv.i--ii l'rf :11Loney Market. Tur.stci. June. ff. Lt3g;9l—Tlify chief feature of the 199101 linirloA dtyhtg the week tavt he tan lrirreated net ivit yof the toille?. The weekly , hank statement shown" un provesnoit iu Ibi. re in-et to Ihr amount raf:5'615.0011, aidhi the 119991 , 9941## :IP. lu P1K.#,94 of hod weak $256,279, We look Upon them , figures to, fat oruble to it wore regu: eurirtit retire in the future. and more' ;Wit re olnlttiola of trade. 'there it , a 1.01717 g off hi Icral t#911 , 1(91 , t0f .F.?„lo4,rid.t.whieh may ,p.r. hap , . in dia• Im part to the - gold .4 , 7. , in New York, I le , tigh there in a relig:it also in the sn, •Nrie re pore #9 of $:151i11. Tlo• Government Halt-.of gold hi Now York ye tderday ranged from 1i to 13.1.31. The hide Nvere srdriv,l and roveridl a total of elt ntlllion.. Tho ree,tilt wah without vi,ilde etfe,t on the market value of Fl rcit<. NO #`lltltittl. to 11,4 , 9 iti the rites for loan- - ; amt 4overtiment I.oatr. are oil‘d. anti the new ix.item, are weak and .11. thdil open , ll at 1.3 4 .;'. and at 12 M. he 49)1d us tarp. State and Ctty Loa in are mirliatoved. The esp , ,mlittive,laire, wt•-re dull and weak. .11. , adin:q 'Railroad th.elined to 49.119 , : 6::57, toad at 6T'>--a of 45; and Plaladdpi, la aloi Erie. Railroad at r anal shun were in rather better demand. hut Bank 1014 Railro.ul wer , • thiclving i The 'Overton? of the till it =ht Petro:rum c.inillau.9 hale ileehinN! It quarterly rlirid, sal of 4 per ,eut_ upon tip , • co pitch tdock, payal.de on air' aft ;r Thursday, done 10. A .111i•at/172001 , 1iY01.101 of I per clod. has hen dedorell et the capltsl stto.A.l of the Ifeli,olot Ins Coln ha li, Nis 31,4!..0 detail tot • - I , ar of taxes The 6.1p/TI. 011 110 r 1;04.1 L.:111 4110 Lflikrh Coat 11101 puiy the 15111itot., paid it, au,lt altar that .talc. 11.1141,r sof too or noir- 11,110.104 ar- 1 . 4 , Illf - vt. l l to prorott t6nt. for pat hold lo,foro. tho it'ih att.! rciTiVe- r. - Toipts jtayttl.l.• th, 15th hot. . . .1„y Cooke Co. quote Government b•emtritiel. ,te„ to- U. S. 6.. L - ' , 1.1.2114n1t2; 5 •2 4.1 1 1 2 2', 1,S;1. 117',11117!., • to. Novemb e r, 1 , 45. 111.,5, oIY • I' l 6 , 1/f. , T - o111 1 ; do. ; do. Ten-tort 109,!..i5k10'.. it 107',: itch!. 1.1 , 1,. j:,%11,1011511 t Co..l.3oP•ith Third and (lhemtnut rtn els, iinote at 1031 o'clock ;:o fOiIOW/4: 60111. ; Ll. S. 110. :.-29.1532,122.,3122.5; do.do. )17),d1177 4 : do, do., 1 , 65, i1 , .. 4 ;,11.0,; do. A. I' 4l ' , 11 9 'in/heal do. do, July. l:V7. l. Ilti'•;a11 , F1; So. July, 10,11. 1195. , 1ath0, , ;; do., .s's. Itf.l,',otlUJ!,; De lover Brother, No. 40 South Third otreet, inalce the ilotatimoi of the rates of oa t l„ttnze to,hty nt 11'. 31.: L'ititol Stat..; Sixe.4 of ISil, 120,4021.?.;d0 do. 15‘'.2.1=',A12.2.',,; do. d01:431317 q.a.np,; do 110. 40. do. hus, now, 119 , 19!b; d o . Ilia, new. 1 do, do. 106.3. Il eW,ll9iijallOi n ; 10.40'5. U. S. lit Year G per emit. Cur reney Due, Comnottittl Interest Notei, 110,i; 137,,.. , ; Silver. 131a1:13. Philadelphia Produce 3larket. Tur.:l , As Jitne a . ,-Tle•re is nothing doing in Quer titren Itnrk. NVo quote ,0.. .t tt. , f2 p..r ton. The Flour market voutinut,:i exees, i vely dull. in fart. the entire Ilreaddttlfts trade hi stale, • flat mid tutrwolit able, with liberal receipts. tree sellers Itt rtirrent quota tion ,toul but few buyers:UP trammetlons in Flour were votilitted ton few hundred barrel.; at 25 per Ithl, for supertiue; 1010;f6 for Extras; ,- ...4;a&fi 50 for Sprint: Wit , to ExtraauttliesisdkiSl for low' grade and pool l'etimyhtiPiii do. do.; tc,10..:5 . for Ohio do. do.. and at tiettret.. , for fancy brands. Flour sells in lots at 75. Pre.,, , of Corn .1;leal are nominal. lie Wheat market' to tiosettlod anntlowrir: - 9(tles or 2-Gem Red f,•A 30a1 4)); Amber at :91 Teal 4:9; and White at Wail 75. Rye is al.. very doll, with sales of 1.000 bushels np S.:, 30 • for l'etinit. lVestern, and SS; IXi for Choice New York. Corn is very ettli.'t, With snit o of 2.a.1,1N10 buottel ikte.ll9l(l. for yvilow; Rsc.aStle." - fOr mid f‘Se.Alle. for high Weitern.„ yellow; (bats are dull at 74e.1175e. for AVeshom and tiOc.a7oe. for Souilteru itutPl'ettligylvania. NN'ltisky 18411.10, with sales of la) barrels at fur tax paid. The New York Money Market. [From the Now York Herald of to-day. I E .—The depression of the ettalt market, which begaMlast`Week with n spirited bear attack. culminated to-day in a %en. sharp decline in the railway list and a beery drop in many of the miscellaneous shares. The bullish feeling seemed to entirely without frce, ex cept for a brief spell in the earlier portion of the day, when prices were comparatively steady. The bear feel ing, on the contrary, was- contagious, and the lack of elasticity in the market this morning conducted to spread it. Thu lines which' umrked the di.' vision of the respective forces constituting the opposing parties of Wall street began to become nalis t Met, as k one after Jungian' of the prominent cliques be gan to long stock, if they did not also 2.n •-• " ---at the close 'from a 111,11 lu Otte-and-a half par cent; 'The .decline WON ilsBisted by the comments upon that' unfavor able character of the bank statement of Saturday last, nod anticipations of neProaChing greater activity In money. Iran:an:thins In the stocks hest tentinerated shove were on a very large weak,. and the scene in the Long 'loom during the afternoon wits . 017 e of great ani 'nation, if not excitement. . The money market in tile earlier 11011r11 of the day was teem active than usual for some weeks, Mid seven per runt. Was freely paid all round. The inquiry seemed to lie easily tettletled. for there was less demand towards the clew., of banking hours. Commercial paper was without new feature Haul steady at the quotation 7 to We per cent. for prime double name aeceptancee. Foreign exchange wits 4fillet 0.1111 BEM tat /09 1 i i. for prime hankers' - sixty (Wye and 11W4 for sight Nterlitut. th)vet•nments were N'i.ry steady all (tits mid shored noun of the 11netuations Of thicYailway list. Prices w 'to cliwr , gord the activity - i,f nioneY and imitate the steadi- • newe of tam 1,01111011 0 11 Otitti011;Whitill wit:480.1;1.1'11e ington riot ' , vented to have uo e ffect upon the lieirketi' Southern weenritles WPM . . pretiSell for satewympit thiw( 11 quite closely with - the stock nutrlcat. - The earlieet operations in gold were-cu the "bull' , wide the tnarltot, under which the price Eilit up to 139.' The "bears?'. seemed to grow stronger unlit B tage,within rhiwy of , the "1111118" HMI the 111'101! 1111114 . 1 . We11t tt l'elOpi4e to OtherWl,lll t hi, market watt D COMM EirCIAL I Exchange Sales. 100 eh Leh Nay blk 344 - 100 eft .10 100 oh (1., 1.30 3614 • oi ,•th ~%41 400 oh du 1,34) Ito • 3 , P4 100 Alt 1 , 4!) 354 sh R.-ailing It 1,30.49 1..00 eft .tltt 46.04 4 4 4 , oh 410 1619 Its 40.04 • Zki .do - 40 404•A1t de, 1,430 Els • 40 11.01,41 ,- 40'i; 111 g4l. .lO OZA) .V..; h b 5 ' 40 ' 100 ell do It , . -15 40 100 rh III; Moult EtnAfar:4. 6 rts WTI lo :',1.711, '' nit Cum k Am 1: I'l7'i' 50 At Ll.7lltistv rtk VlO tilt Cottwlttia ft.tf 160 31'.i tut rli riri rutOwit 100 rh du rstqwit 109 r , ll Eri." c 31, RV :di do rrs.: Vint :.t2"s. rh k int 41‘. P Jdh do 1,5 .I`.Pnt lOU Oa 49.1-16 ofi elt do' 1100141 do r.; 4-,0; I nii 1.01411 Vat It T. 5 :0; • (1.1 b 5 r 6.4 100 nplAing I!. 44.91 Ilrl Plt iiiilrflre'l46giffietilriik; t iug t 6,3 gell4fra I attention 011ie ill•ftet - , 4. 4 .o..lvigrolthwrs , tivi , etteriletrind,tfxhlbitti - g , fit4inaren.for , hprt 4Wltile,the ratq tot earrY-', Qinjz over bitlanco. was rev et to -live j.T. cent., .nostiorlw nreurrlNl 'at .three- • ter. vent.; and "fiat." st , per cent. IVIAN puffl:aftpr Vlt-4ring Bonne. t The dim ' Ilyrn , tnentn of volt fntery et w . o.q.e 4. 4 247,917. The follow . - lug in the report 6f the Gold I,l7f...ellange flank , (101(1 clear. ' 'F:53.7270V. "Gold ~ 1,1M.934 • The New York Stork:Market. • gm , : I Yonx, p Juh e e n ' e B l . - O - f S ttoheek ApeWo e c ; iikldPC 03.3 a ' ; Ex. •;Li+tlige, 4 U 4, 11393,12331; d0,.19e4,1173.i; do. , 1e41 5 , ' /10.4; 18a7,-litii' i ; 10-40 a, 109'0; Virginia n'mi i;2;:llhisourJ ir4;9l)Z*; Canton Comm ny Mbniln lot Preferred, 3:1Ii; New York Central, Pgl;llooding, 9774; inlson It I ver, ir6.l` 4 ' ; Con tral, 130.'1;; 31Ighig•to Southern, 10 '0 ?,,, Illinois Central. 140... Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 97: Ch•reinla and Toledi), 10l; ,Chiestgo: elid Ihn-k Island,lls7i"; PittAnirgh and PnrlWityrie.l.s7; Markets by Telegraph. (Special Despatch to the' Dbilmlas Eliciting Bulletin.] N Yon w...lune uton.—The irkot this .morit lug was tirin,..wlth a fair slew, ad. bales 9f ahour '4boo• IV9 iiiithte 'as follows; )Iftldling 31 cents; Mleitlitim tirleans.:ll!..i refits. • Flour, A: v.—Dix:OlMS 7,800 barrels. The market for Werii.•lll owl State Flour irregular; fresh ground ste.oller; fall heavy. Thu s:;les are 'Llama 5,000; barrels. Soutiforte Flour is ;lull; sales of lOU hbls. California Flour 6.11111 et ~ 1 21)0 bhlM.: • •ira in.—Receipts Wheat 'PLAN) bush tn bushels. Thoarlcet IS in good &wand 1 orprime. 'Thu 5i11t..4.1 are 2.5.01 k) bushes No. 2 31 1 la nuke° at el 42a1 .43; NO. 1. t!1 44.17,0rn,—1te , relpts 15.7110 bushels. The market is better and net fro. Sam: , id NI.OOO 1,1141(.1,4 New I ! n oal westeil, at 74a, ,, :te. 11110:It; E.X Ira, do. Railroad. s,Sattle. 21,- 700 bit,liels. Market firm. with a fair detnittal.' l,ales 104()) bushels at el c. ' • - . Provisions—The market is einiet and tirtmat - .e31.7t for now Western 1id0.41. , ./listrd—lteceipts, lii. Mts. The market fs Jinn. •\s'e quoteprime 5t4.11111 tit 19. 11 hlskr—lteceipts, 1.800 'barrels. Tito market la dull. W , ;lltioloWestern (moat 4:recta-leo tirm.—Stigars.lP-ia/rl. Petroleum—Crude, 111 0(1611;32.1:i. I'ITTNISent; II 211110 111Arket for Petrolnum .opened. yesterday With notch activity, and many sales "'• were made early In • the forepart of the day at an advance, but later flu ' this 41:1Y 111 , T1- was le,s doing, nod the market closed Ault at it 0110111 decline. The following Hales (Aggregating 2 . 2.000 bids. Cr tale,and L 5,900 Relind) were reported; 4.000 Mils. crude. ittly, at 15c.; 2800 'bbls., •August, at 15"..1 2000 ibis., R. O. ' all the year,'at 1354e,t I.OlAt bids.. July and August, at 1,000 0.. June at 14, f; c.; 1,500 bldg., spot.. at 15e .• 500 bids. do. at 14c.; , t4lOO 2435; bids. each mouth, August to Ib' -mbar, at Relined there were sales of: , 1,500 lolds..'dttly, at 31. e.; I.tro ibis.. August, at 34e.; WO lapis,. fOO barrels. August. 32 cents; 1,500 barrels, J line, at 3 33:1 r (.11in; 74d0 barrels . , at33f.i cents; 500 barrel's do. at 33 cents; 500 barrels, June. b. o. at 32 cents; 2,010 thirr'.la, o:firt :13,i Cents; I,OlXt barrels, Jul, to August, at cent, , ; 500 t r ust half Jane at 3234,eents, and Lilo barre ls, July and • A ((gust at 32! ' 11',.1,41414 0.7)0;. Shipped by A. V. It. It. G5O, and via l'ennsylvatua Central Railroad f,On barrels. ' ' I' of filo Artaociated Prenn. l YON k, June 11.--COtton 'inner: 80U bale+ sold at 31 cent,.. Flour State , el 95a s . sl; 10; Western, Eft It ); Southern, tit;tit; , WI teat firm and in I , dr &Ina ull; Pilttlfß of :LOW bushels Nn. l at 44 and N 0.2 at F , .1 43. Corn firmer and advanced la 2 saute; r• I' of 34.11(X) busliel# mIXL,I Weidorti• at 07 cents for old. bats turner at Al centA, Beef quirt. Pork. and; !we, 31e,., t:3l 47)1::93) 11.3. Lard dull at 18;;;n111.Whielty dull `and quotation. nre nominal. Itnt•rt .111110 firm id 31c. Flour ,1111) and demand light. but price# are unchanged. What tteady • prima to cldcf, %a ll.ty Hod. 1 dla 8)• fair to forlieavy.• By.. dull and notolnal 'at Al ?Patti 33. Pro• frieme firm oi,d 1111(thaDaNl. WlHllry flat ;it KI 00. • 11/1 PO I C)Nrn. /I , Tortcd for the rhiboleltddr , Eitenina 11. 11 1TE1:71AN—Bark Meta, Schultz-100 ck, 1nd...! 10 1. , w- C F k G 4; wino C Lennig; Lont.r , tristh lloulton: 2.5 ca‘km d 6 Georg , Whit. I : 111 hit 20 q r pi du Kt...brj & (": IS Stitt 7 'lO,l Vit plat(' l piano I carriage TI Rohl , CO; 10 pkfz. wino 04) baskets Irut rlyd m;1-1 ul waN.c A St, plgitu k Or: 1 rank wino If NVD.- 1. , 1,. 12 elc,, .In , I do cordial. 'l' Gruber k 1 4 ,11; 1.)..401 2ph I. 111•1•., ek , bo;11.-. .I.lth Butz; I case lolonly II Guie.?ruo.ti; cs wino W Carey; ta pk,vlncbc., WN. v .lit,: 17.1.4 do W F 1Joyl,; 6slo 21a.ltrir Bco; Brink: 105 zinc N Tr.dt..r A; Co; 1(k) bbb; Whit , . F.' Itieltard. ,t Co; 1 ca...k wine I'e t. 41: W Itollibuer; 7,clbc Ind. , Lloyd. Soppier. & Wal t 4-11: ,10 1' , 32 Hid ca , ka win , : 1 ca-k Mum., )1A VA(;UEZ—Barlivntiip.. Andros, Taylor—a) to dohv m“, on ,t eO. • MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Jr ;‘ret Marine Botletin nn Inside, Pare. AIIIgt•EJ) THIS DAY. Sirllll/11- hour. , from 80,..t0n, with I , ll,,eilgUrti to II Wia,:or . Co. At Math tPrd..y.,,n A I.,:trmu, voo.eff hark Ilowilwrars. suppo,oal tut•!• holtltti for New 1 ork. Passed aovvrat 14 , 0 are ,uel , Itt tile bay au.l river, 1..1111111 up. 1 't••::na•r A 0 n0x,24 l d front New York, slit!. DA.... 1,, 11. Clylie Co, :.-I.moyr ft Wlllitur", CumMT, Li bourn from Baltimore, h AA:roven. Jr. ratawr 111,11., Gray, 70 hour: , from (Ulm-le:ton. 01,,.. F, i10n,1,0..t I:9. 1. 1 ;1,...,1 bark 1. G B in.lll 1111(1 brig 80. from Trinida4, below 11,,A) Bark Comet (Br), Petrk,3s ilay.f , •from Fahnoutlt, Nrith iron. Av. to I* B BMW.- • • ' 15,3rk 31,6, Shnitz.fdlil.iy.; from Rotterdam, with mdse to 1 ti GL7.111/4.',. . -- 11:01011tiO? A lidro , - , ` (nr). Taylor, 11 from Maya 12,nrz. v.ltll sitgar to John Ma=nn .k ;trig J.-al:note Swedi. Fitiwk,34 days from Perna m. with agar to A Ina 'rhos Jefter.io: Alien, from Baltimore. with a tow of 1,r3r.. , .. W PChinA CO. Tort 4 o mmodol,, Wib. on . from Havre de Grace, with a tow of to W P ClYde A 4'0.. THIS PAY. 3.ll:Ctip, Nv‘v Yak AV & c o . TuLl Nichob , o,n,ll:thimori , ,ivith a tow of barges, I.‘ 1' TM! Merrillow. Drlawaro City . MEMORANDA. S homier Roman. Baker. 111•11 f, at Ito,;ton yevterday. Steimier lil,hoo3rl, Cutting. trout List flap and towete4 own 21th.with 1167 pa-songers. at Now York r Ilolratfa (NG Ehlers, el,kr,d at Now York ~,terdA y for ibiaburg. Stemner T)brr!. Delano y. elear-d at New York yts,ter day for St Thom, and San Doming.... Steamer Seidia 8r)..3 mlkiu.. from Liverpool May 29, rud Querio.town ?Atli. at Now York Y. , terdaV. Brig Goodwin. Collin. from Rio Janeiro 23,1 March, at .. Net, York 5 - c.lerilay, with c l otle, II :Alaunon, hence at Providence (it Selo' Westmoreland. Rice. hulled from Providence 6th f“r 1111,, Srbr ),113,11,,,,, oonll,. saika [rum Li,bou '2Uth ult. for this port. 'Plus foolor•igrieff kali erioted ti tcr :IA the %• (',.a.ter: ' Light —) 4111 th , Ear 4 Chop 'rho 6eiclit of the lantern' HMIs, the level of the sea is about ...ix!) feet, from which a fixed red light gill b., esAlikted lid after .1 tine.',. l'apt.iimr, I 'wile!, and Underwriter: it e-seb4 cannot rail to convonitincii td' Light. :ma ~hould therefore be willing to contribute to t.upport. SILAS DAtli:El7, Bratieli l'ilot. Holmes' Jule, ILt•rn. T.V TYLEGRAPIT.I 111:1;! , T..fuu , c .lrriyea, nt,nuner City or Antworp, firm, Nom York. N ENV YORK. .1 nue B—A rri t‘teatnerA Britannia, . ant! I lonm.o frian Livorpo‘J. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION! EC/)n131 1: or DEEDS. To THE 11EPETILD'AN C)NVENTION To NOMI NATE A CANDIDATE FOR OP 1)1.1,1” , t;EsTi.E.unN: Among the liana.; - will he for the Mlle, of lie, ortler it DC.llS..llti 111111i1111111..11 )I'olllll 141 V.. ittoll. ..-afbflact ion tliffil that of CIINIILES It. T. COLL Is. Ilk um"...i.zy in th g , Imst campaign. m: Chairman of thii'Sid.licr.o and Sailors' Mate Central 4 . olllllliilve. in 110 ~ 1 111111 tgi - i r tdicee,, lii OcfolMr and N0N,11111,1.. 111. S untiring. devotion and fidelity to Republican priliciplf, 11110111111 MT:I,4OIIS, t 11411/e 111111 to the emHi.leration anti emlorbenient of the members of the Itepublican party. 11 e I tirrc hie nomination would hen 4almilmit of hi- ',Evil, to the country durlng the rebel lion. 11114 a proper recognition of the claims of his Jimmy ('. Crey, Horatio (fates .1 onus, Caften R Co.. Sinnuel 11. l'erhile , , fted. J. Ilrecr. Piertion E Turley. 31cElroy, Levi Dungan, .lammg lionbright. IS. F. Fh.her. S. NVeir itehell..)l I'. It. Metlara Co., Inivid Thum :ton. fluorite Raphael Co Af A. It. 3lellehry & Co l'llry • . .Lillian .1:11111.S:Brody, . ifli3Orgo )(11iVA, George M. IL Carpenter W. thr3iiirunn. Jr., J. Hinckley Clark, chz , s s. dolin Tucker, Jr., - .l.l) th ie n berry, ,Clutries 11. Hanes. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 7, 1869. unilersigtosh -dealers in-Witod and Willow.- WIWI', Carnet ,yarns, &c., hereby itgree to close our placest of In mucus oil end after June 10. at rt o'clock I'. IT., unit on•Saturdaysi nt 3 o'clock I'.-- Itf.this arrangement. to remain in force until September 1, unless terminated be fore by mutual agreenient. _ --- A. 11. Franciscns & Co. .T. 11. Coyle & Co. \ bite & Pechiu. Worthington, Twining & ChiP711(111 tit White. Carver. Rowe. Euston & Co. • Musselman .t Kirk. Cowley, Bennett & Co. 11. T. White Lancaster & P. S. Dewabi & Co, lt • PATENT OFFICES, N. W. cor Fourth and Chestnut, (Entrance on FOURTIt Street.) FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS, of Patents. Patents procured for inventions in the United States and FOlTigll Coiffitrice, arid all business'relating to the 811111 C Pr()liiptiS tr7t . llBlCied. , Call or send for circular on nitride. Offices oppn until 9 o'clock evOry'ovoliug. loii2o-s th lyrp§ .T.4 . 4 : 4410...g-...F4TN,,i.ANaT!vtiu.,T)..5 7 • 7 y4.04.1).F4:41 - 4:4,ir,w.F,.5,E1 , -4 - y.Gjv,Ns _8,:.4.6.ati..-,..;.:...4.:. Fi or.Tindal.., Jamo,, , Thomp,:on Clark & Evan Randolph, .loveph W . Sallll/ , 'i C. Cook, John 11. Inch], Thinae. C. Timid, flimiry H. Itoid, Ileniamin Sharp, \V. S. Stewart, Itakniol, Hr. It. Hicks & Co.. iame , 4 .Manll, Jr., tic Co., Beuttic e: Ilay, William Brio. , Ilnzby & Co., THIRD EDITION. OMNI •]3Y rrELItIORAPI-1. A Heavy Storm in News To—rk Heavy lIIMI Storm in New York.' ISpOchil Iholo , trAt to the Phtlada. - Eyeoltig Bulletin`.], Juni! heavy hail ' bag just cominencFsl, accompanied by thundin.' and flail na lat'ge a' bullets is bill-' NEW YORK MONEY MARKET MARKET STEADY WITH 400 D DEMAND GOLD FIRM AND ADVANCED GOVERNMENTS HEAVY. AND LOWER Railway Speculation Irregular !Special Dexpatch to tho Yhilrr, Eroping. Bulletin.] .NEV Tonx, June B.—The Money market is steady at 7 per cent. on calf,. with, a good de mand generally. Prime discounts remain, chill at 7 to 8 per cent. . Foreign exchange is with out any essential change. Prime sixty-day bills, otao3; Sigh";, 10/410.1. : • : Gold is firm and and advanced, opening at 1:383 and rising_ to 1383. Govertnnent bonds were heavy and lower early hi' the' day, but afterward's 'firmer.' The fluctuations were within ialper cent. • '• • Southern State securities more active; •:ini Missouris and' Tennessees, otherviise. The market is chill. Teimessees are weak, and• de d to 63; new Missouris rose to 92. The' Railway speculation is irregular and the Market unsettled. Sorne'stocks are weak and. others fowler. NeW York Central advanced to 190 l; Fort Wayne to 1571; Rock • Island to 120; and these were Strong. Michigan Southern was weak; f the. Market do-: united to 10tH, frequently fluctuating between 1 OW, and 1101. Lake Shore s . yinpathized,and fell, to 109. Pittsburgh, New jersey 'Central. Wa bash and St. Paul are heavy'and lower; North western 'aCtiVe and steady; and after: the niendian there Was a firmer tone getiefally.: The highest prices of file day were madeabont one o'clock. Reading, ilsiann , ,;; P;(atie Mail active, front 1•=,2 to 8:i1; Mariposa pre ferret I, ii4la.-1:;:.„; first preferred lit 1. The Other stock:: are (lull and unchanged. Express stocks are (trill and (trooping. IVeatiter Report. Wind. AVeatlier. Thor ..N. Clon•ly. 54 ...N. E. clear. .1t A. 31 Plai , ter Co: e 11plff.,x MEM= MOM 5..14'. Cll.Ai -014.,:r :4, W. Clilir Del t'Vri a azt on W. (!ca t Fort revs 314,rirm• 6 ', \V. Ulrar rit.b.l.in Or, I.'hicazo q. 11lotr Loni,4 . N. I'l•ar Ne%: Orka hcy - \%' t" E. (loud) . . . . . 11, 1 'v :that. I ',ilia. Ili all g . ~a 1 tie. . 83 Augusta . Ga \V. 4 'lea r. 76 Say:lmm 1t...... N. Chat'. 71 eharliq.-t nu N. I - . 76. • " . • liaroneter—"Key Wt,t. 31. N. ',Havana,. 3033 FRO3I TRENTON, N. J. Agricultural Fair;—Potters' Strike and Lock OUt--Itobberies. Correstiontletare of the Phila. Evening Ilulletin.l Ttiax.rws, June 7,111.—T1i41 - Central Agri cultural Soeiety:Nril bold a Spring fair this year, which opens on their grounds to morrow. There is already more interest mani -rested in it than anY which has heretofore been held in the Fall. Nino fancy trotters, owned by Mr. ..1 oslin. of Connecticut, who brought them from that le3 4 tate,i attract much attention. It is expected that tle racing will be unusually exciting. A velocipede race is also in anticipation. The Company have made extensive preparations on the ground, and the entries which have been made and. are still increasing indicate that the Fair will be 01,0 of thefinestever held here. The strike and lock-out at the potteries Still continues. The difference between the em ploying potters awl their hands came up for discussion at the regniar meeting of the Beard of Trade. Both sides were represented. The employers made their statement of the case, and proposed to submit the two price-lists— the 0111 and new—to any accountant to decide if there was any reduction on the whole. The employs, through their representatives, atl mine that the new list increased ; the price oil curtain c asses of hollow-ware, but alleged that of this class little was manufactured, while the articles on which the price was re pit were in constant demand. The employers say they have' made arrange ini,nts to procure a sufficient uumber of hands front Germany, who, will arrive in a few weeks, and that, in the meanwhile, all of the ohl hands who choose may come to work at the prices of the revised list. Nut less than 500 i)ersons have been, through this strike and luck-out, idlOfor about eleven week:, during Nvfif efi thee they woull, if at work, have earm d over - , 70.000. The trade is almost at a gn•afly to the loss of all emwernM, and greatly to the detriment of the business interests of Trenton. There have been several robberies of late in our usually quiet city. About noon On Satur day the wholesale grocery store of Mr. Jona than Steward, on State street, was robbed of -Ito in money and 54,000 in notes. The thief in' mti the store under the pretence of pur clkfo‘illg come hams, and as the clerk was about to contluet him to the cellar he suddenly disap peared, which excited swipicion, and an ex litjliatiolt ofthc office revealeil the tact that it li:zd been robbed of the above amount. The nil I ler has not vet been arrested. , Early on morning the auction store .M v. 'Willis, :No. til Greene street, and the hotel of r. 1 I :Ford, adjoining, were also toldled. Tln; burglar, in attempting to force open the safe in :qr. Willis's store, made so much noise that it aroused the inmates. 31 r. Willis tired at him, and he ran. He was sub sequently arKested, almost stupidly drunk. Hie was brought before the Mayor this morning and voniutitled to await the action of the t; rand ,lurv. _ The stolen prOperty has all been recovered. The most remarkable feature in this ease ix that the accused, a young colored man, namell .111'1111 Scott. has been employed for vears in the Willis family, and ; they reposed the , most huplicit faith and confidenee in ltim. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE GENERAL SYNOD OF THE REFORMED CIEURCH OF AMERICA. Se*enth Day. • • 111111111i1M. i i reMili.•lltellitrieS it. i 4 titt in tho chair. 11.. v. .\ .11 . 3134.r.1 ,d in prayer. After th.• roll call and tho millules of Yvolorday's proroolhills woro road and up iyored. the tirg hall hour. its'uvinal. was apeat dov..)- mood condurtial by bor. I'. I). Van Cloof,1). Elder It. Yoorheo,4, Elder .lanive 31yors, 11.ov. John itt`V. John 31. Wagner and Elder Cornelint...l.slnl4ll.- - - . . lb . .;eertnance tafered the ft dlowing r. , solitti on: Th'at the ,sturteotts invitotimi of the-Union= I.l.agite.that the Synod visit their rooms, be accepted, and that the elnrk return thmlicarty thanks of the Synod to the League for .tiirirkiitd nttenttott. A dopte,l. ' • Rev. John 3let'.llohnes °tiered the following: 1?,mite,..,/, 'Ana this Synod has heard with unfeigned ratisfaet ion the statements of the line: Pr. Taylor, Cor responding Secretar3- of the American Bible Society, re specting the work in which that institution is engaged, 01111 that Aratefully recognizing the Divine power which has accompanied the . efforts of the Society in the past, it invokes n continuance of the mom ithisittg in,the tuturo. and cordially n •ttds it to the' gympatliv and prayers 1111(1 liberalities of the churches within its bounds. Adopted - 'rho resignation by lbw. Pr. 11: D..llentar , st of tho office of Stated Clerk- was pr , sented to the. Synod. C, oflered the following Rrso,ped, That the Synod deelineto-accept th.. resig- Litt ion preSenttsl by their State,' Clod:44ole ()giro !Eq.( hiat. awl take oeeasion to expreSs their high appro elation of the services if Dr, Denutrest, nail th•iir entiro satistat firm with the order and correctness ,with ..whialt. liteirmittureNpreloivit,awl with the ellllllllclt of the vied business of the -edict. of Stated Clerk. It. being in order to r' delegates, the Ilev. David Steele. rt. It., delegate of the Iternruted Pre.hyteriatt t'hureb itt North Anterien, wait called upon, and made a sldritell and Impressive address, which was 'warmly 'IQ- Snouted to by the l'regkieut. 2.:111; O'Cnoolt. Clmuic. .L 0 WINDOW SHADES. GOILD-BORDERIED SHADES, TN v. he W. J. It . T.aylor otter( dtb r 110ov;ng Irrsof crd, I hut the nibco of Permanent: Clerk hu hat'itto'stMal - Firi - ' - tr.l7lllbor•-:Ltr ‘ ittartatt-git,t7 bets O.IOIIIP otlice anal th r'ttated Clerk: ,16 , NnIrrri. That ' he Permanent Clerk' be all maiur - Y , c't An)* &ilium Per an aum and that heir ne.o-; , r.,tty. ex Mises Milk-oft , tiding th, tieuerat Synod Mi td.. That tint Bev. Pahl B. fled, bo ap_pointed Pth - tnatient Vfork. ho rtoodtitbitis vrOpp.adoppst„, ' ?rim credentials of Biturdeleo.tte I coin filo iTi4io4ll—Nor,iii,TilliiOf the I.4littll Pre:4llll^llll.llTriliFT6l 7, .gorth.tnierica were received: fieaddressed tho Synod; and WWI11 . 0111)11(10(1 to by the President. • • . • Nev.y W. .11.1.111 then read a report f rollt theCemmitto -on ;toniestie 311asions. Tim n-port states that clear and - ago:deft evidence in forniFtied of the progress of Dotricatic Missionhr'y. Tbisrvidrnen la found in the con-' Itilintioinitnaile to the Board, which amounted to $21,- , ••973 of aelrlch vain /it; 9tii tt err, given by the churches; an onerease over Inst. year of 6'1,007 froni this source ' —ti• larger • 'atnount than has over before been given by theta in 11113' I , IIP year. By the roport of the Board of the ChurcJnltpiliilig Fllllll. 1111ppvit t hat this unit is_ --rendering , portant ald in the work of Doinostie ' Twelve churches 'lave been onishisi (Loring this year: m• live reached nn advanced stage ofprogress through thii.rnsistance rocuivell through this rund; . l2l o-hurches have coldributod to it the Mang. AZ more , than the preceding your,- their contributions amounting to r:, , 111,7'72 OP. • : Thh following retio6;tiont: Nytre tut:v.ll , 4 to . tho, re !port : Thnt this• Synod - tiratr , folly rntototizo the fitivor of God t,,waray. the work of the Hoard during the 11;0' y.' r. eed, That synod has learned With much gratifi cation or the Myvase in the number of ehurehes eon tril ming to the lloard.and urgently Ti21!011117101111 livery 'church in our denominationthe importance of taking a egtllectll,ll tor it miring the'f.imang and every succeeding . : Bssoir,f, That the lion rd be Instructed to make efforta• DPI speedily . Pe 4 sible. by employing an agent hitherto r 001.1'17A -1 by SYtnal. or by the agent+ appointed during the past year in the several classes,to inerease the ThilL.l in¢.F'undto t?ltX1C11. firsoi red . That the patrons of our churches-and superintendents of Sabbath schools be recommended .wheri, suel, organizations an , already in existence, to fonniTh'imestio Missionary A flSOCifttioll, 11l their Sabbath sellouts. to Ohl the Iloard in their work. ttl'he resolutions and report were adopted, .. et-; S.'llortleY. member of the .Tudiciary CoMmit tee.' presented the following resolution. item?,red. 'f hat for the fut ure theelret ion .or permanent , olliaers,of General Synod be held in the afternoon of Cite tiny of appointed meeting. -unless two-thirds of the, • regular commissioned delegates shall have previously re portml themselves to the Clerk of the,Synod. Lost. • • Rev. Dr. Dewitt offered the following reimlution: That the regular hour - for the, future -of opening the service of Synod be 3 o'clock; 'Adopted. • Elder .1: W.' Perth:in, Chairman Of tiM Committee on the Beard of Direction, presented tfielr report, to which was appended the fol Owning res.olutions: - • • . • ite,ioire,d. That it be referred - to the Hoard of Directors to relieve The Theological DrofeSsors from the debt, .5 , 6,- 2T/o:incurred by theF.e under' authority of the leneral Synod, In order to complete the Professorttl houses, rasher by a temporary loan or by ,such. other means as :they to deem most ' Resofrtd, That the chlsses which hare failed to p.iy the assesment made for raising .$:1100 for the ,further endowment of the Profe4sorai Final, be re onested to take immediate measures for the payment of it heir respective iinotas; and that, in the judgment of the tieneral Synod, they might to - pay interest on the amotnt of which 110. aro iholicient during the term of noel, deficiency from this date.' ifieso/md, That the Board of Directors pc . • anthorizeA to n ir t e lfi t .G. ' l 6 ll7;!4 i t -' ;-L i g i fitt bequest of Mrs. Anna Ifertzog. and also from time - to such int, rest as may hereafter accrue. . • The re , olutions were adopted.' I.:lder.lelin S. Smith offered the followitiz regolution: That im . notelt of tire tt. , ,imssment for the :SW.- MI al. remains luipeo! by the I lorty clas:ies of NVIV YOrk, roil charged to the South church of New York. lie, I rans- Mrred to-the 4d New York for collection; and that portion charred to the ..litarket Street church and the cher, hat Stapleton he remitted. Adopted. -- The - report of the Committe. , On Nominations WIN pm rented i.y the Pm. John Forsyth. D. D.. arid ttro•pti,AL • The ilisemslon on the formation of a National Council: EVllng,liral Church's WaH in progrm.is when our report A eeneral tnerting will hi' held this (9'ur.4- day) eV , qlillll, in the First Reformi-d Church. corner of So.ventb. and Spring “arden streets, nt S o'clqck. Ad drensr•Fl by Rce. E. C Send&r: itov. L. W. Kip. (rim China, and flev..l. 11. Ballagh, from Jap.m. The nubile are invited to Attend. CU R'rAIN-111-ATERTALK--- LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CIUT/ rrA..I7CS. LACE SHADES AND DROP RIDEAUX. TER STOCK IN THIS DEPARTMENT UNRII YALLED IN STYLE AND PRICE. Terries, Plain, Striped and Figured, OF NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, TAPESTRY AND EMBROIDERED. Gilt and Walnut Carved Cornices, Holland and Prepared Cambric Window Shades, In a variety of tints, to which we invite spe- cial attention. Wholeale and Retail. RAILROAD CAR SUPPLIES. I. E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL, No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. WE INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR . SPRING ASSORTMENT OF IN PLAIN AND ORNATE STYLES. White Holland, Gothic and Italian • - Landscapes. B,Hides, we havti _coop LOW-PRICED SHADES, which WO !?en made, trimmed and put up to windows all the time at One Dollar and Fifty Cents each. ALSO, PAPER. HANGINGS IN THE GREATEST VARIETY. CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHE & CO., E. S. E. corner Thirteenth and Chestnnt. nom th Rtu .9.901,§ CLARK & EVANS, No. 630 Chest4ut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Nlanuflicturers' Prices. Retailing at Wholasale Prices,. Gold Watches; Silver Watches Fine Jelitelry, Plat alVaro, errnan Accortleons, Sploplid Chromos, , Photograph Albums, Table entkry, Pocket Cutl9!Yl - • Money saved by purchasing yoili goods of CLARK & EVANS. up 23 tfrp StationerY, Perfumery, Suerenderet Deck Ties, llobitry, , 6issilnere6, Li twit Table Oovers, Linen Nnpking; Linen Handkerchietd, Woolen Tu Qovere, Nu(ione; &C, I &c YABIRT 11 ll DIU OR =BY . BGRAPH. FROM,WA Sill N THE MUNICIPAL. ELECTION RepublicanS',Elated Over the Result The Rioters Severely Condemned MOVEMENTS. OF TIM.. .PRESIDENT LATE INDIAN OUTRAGES The National TypograOhioal Union Washington eetioil-Riii,toc; Special Deepatch tlie Eveninst Bulletin.] WASHINGTON; ',Tithe a—The , :•Republicans are greatly elated over their success yesterday at the municipal election, it being larger than the most sanguine their leaders expected: The action of the negroes in preventing several colored;, Men from voting , the Democratic tiidtet, ailtV . ,thereby at One time 'nearly citing a teas' only 'Suppressed 'after killing one negro 'and . wounding several others is severely condemned by the Itepub heans "and Democrats alike. Persons who witnessed the disturbance say that no trouble wonld have , occurred had „the police three' `acted in a coolant! nnithpasSioned manner, belt their ecinthiefonly incensed the negroes and prmlueeif 'blemished. "' „. Washlinzton Election. 'lVAsitilstoro.ti; .lent; B.—The Repnbliean ma jority is nearly • live thousand--that party sweeping all the wards, and electing all their ;vanilla:nes—Register, colleetor,,t-3uryevor, and Councilmen. 'Of 'seven Aldertheif ‘holtiing tWo are Democrats. Thene•are now. colored„ Cominon- Councilmen, one colored Alderman and one colored City Gesterill GranVt . t Illoventents. [Special Deeputeli to the Philo, Evening Bulletin.] WAstits'axoN, June 8.--This:being Cabinet - r, ,, day lint few -isi tors were , admitted to seethe President. A General Grant leaVes for West . Point to-niorr w :•night, the ' rush:to obtain andienee with him this morning by: the oiliee seekers was very great. , . The President .ill .be absent . from here about p.. week, and-Will not go beyond West Point ftvmorrow. •:11e Haiti last itight that he did not think,he would be able to attend the 11oston Peace jubilee. " , , Secretary lloutwell also .aver here ~tom orrow night for his honi •• at Groton, Massa chusetts,- and will be absent about two weeks. Appointment by the reeshient.i- SpOcia) Despatch' to the Phila. Evoning AV A snix(ITON, June B. , —()nly one appoint nient was Made to-day—J. F. Assityer of the Mint. at, Denver, Colorado. The Indian Ontre4.res iti Kansas. [Special Despatch to the Phila. Eveuing • WASHINf:YON, !line S.—General Parker, Commissioner of Indian Aflairs, has received the following despatch from Friend Enoch _Hoag, the Superintendent for ICansas: "The reports of hostilities , in NOrthwestern K:utsas are `• exaggerated , and con dieting. • Some eight or' ten remote settlers are said to be killed, and the xposcd' settlers are preparing for. defence. The IndianS•who are on the war path are sup posed to be Northern Cheyennes and Sioux. National , Typographical Convention. 'AURA NlC..lune 8.--The Convention me! at 0 o'clock. The special Committee on Proxy CTellentiaLs rei(ort(d that they found the cre;- (lentials regular. A long and animated dis ( fission ensued, which resulting in adopting the resolution offiTed by Mr. Conkling, of New York, excluding proxy representatives from the following Unions:. 'No. 31, Montgm mery. Alabama; No. 50, urlington, Iowa; NO. 00, Jackson, MiChigan, and No. 114, Annapolis, Illaryland. The convention accepted au invitation of the Albany Union to - make, an excursion on the river to Trov this afternoon. A recess was taken for the purpos,e of having the members photographed in a body, ill front of the capi tol. After the recess a resolution Was adopted to proceed to an election of officers at 8.30 11'l•fock this evening, aml the convention ad journed until that tiine. Robbery--. Obituary. SYRACUSE, June B.—The office of R. L. Smith, at Lysander, Nati robbed of $20,000 worth of bonds; mortgages and certificates of deposit. dameAlionroe. President of the Third Na tional Bank of this eity, and State Senator for two terms, died last night. From St. L ST. 11.011 N, June S.—Papers were read at the Board of Trade ineeting last night showing the practicability of direct trade between St. Louis and foreign ports Thiriag a large poi'tion of the year by light draft.propellors. The tig nri s produced show that vessels could navigate the nver cheaper than barges. Storm in► New York. NEW NOR lc, .1 1111 t 8, 1.1401).1.—A violont thunder-storm is now prevail , aceompanied by hail. The stones are of an enormous size, and torrents of rain are falling. CITY BULLETIN ItuN Ovtut.—An unknown girl, three ynarA of age, Was run over at Cadwatader and Mas ter streets, and bruised about flu. taco. Takon in charge by Mrs. Ann began, No, 1:414 Law - _ relict! street. SINGER'S SEWINEI 31A(31IINES on eitEiest tellll4 7 O. F. DAVIS, 810 Chestnut. OrSet To rim LADJEs.—Lathe§ can get the latest Style of flats awl Cape at Uhnrlol Oakford Sena', 831 awl 83t1 Chest not street, at prim,' lower then anywhere else in the city. WIRE FENCING FOR FARMS, GARDENS; LAWNS, &c. ChEAPEST AND BEST KNOWN. WHITE METAL WIRE - 44 G. DE WITT, 11110 & CO., 7-- 033 Market Street. znylB to lb 8 2mro . Sprixxg. Styles BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTS' WEAR. BAIZ,rILETT, gtSixili Street, above' - Che'stnnt. ~t - , • Del? tu th lyrp§ •TAM b,IS. .1k..1 .1A BOLD Br. 8.1‘.1, el fuLT, ND 6liNlirt.AL .N (1 N Miy3l 26t 0`;`• • • • 34310U1715F.U0N1 STREET: EI_FITE- -EDITION. 3:00 (J'ColockJ A New Aspirant fer the Spanish,Throne ilow,They Peeide glectiehs igtrahce, Ansfrian Gaverninent , and the Saaz-f;anai Regency :OW ;Reed :ht„ the. SPenish Pertee By the Atlitntte ' "F,!EsTu; Julie &—Tint'OppositiOn party haVe determined to move for , the `withdrawal of Hungarian troopstront the .provinces border= itu,ton the river -Leitha, unless ~the. Govern 'inent is able to offer a satisfagiory explanatiOn : ' 4.)f their employment there.. ' FLOREtit:E, June B.—Several quite serious „rban „ disiuces have occurred at Carniola 're; eently."'"Nepartienlars Mile been reedited. At the last:accounts order had `been reatored.' MADRID, une 8.-The Duke •of Genoa' hi • now a prominent: candidate for' the Spanish „ . • Ili:nt.i*; June . B.—Kirigllintn:nnti Count Von Ili9nareic, will go to ,13reinen on Jnne 13. PARIS, June B.—Tlie yeshlt of the. elections where, ti biillet nec - S : Stq3.i,te (Weide is as fob lo WS: ' itidal candidates,!2l;' Unofficial; 1; &pendent, 1; Opposition, 15; unknown, 17. Among the opposition eectedds•Henri At= plms° Esti/tiros, authorand.philosopher. June R.—lt is: said the. Alistrian , GoveOnkent /*cruses to decide in the /natter of. the ,neutralitY,of the Suez Cnniil Without the ailtice Mid co-operation et - Fre/nee. - T: ' 31. hot rip; June - B.—The :11 eget/ ey • bin • was; for the 'first time in the. CorteS'yeSterdny,,rl . . • ilbimix;Jole 8.-At ithietin.' of the Presbytery (Old School), held :todaY; `lj isis'of rettnion Of the Old: arid ilsreNir SehoON" agl'eed upon 'at New :York-Wal Atuaaihnottsly" adopted. This Presbytery is undqubtedly. the: fiat to take aetWoluthe goestion. . ! Dgmt. Sins At the very - destructive tire of 3fertars: llclsum Ilifighaut!s Saw 'Kill, whieh occurred oh the evening of the 6th instant „ . • Thei , ifeteannfactored by you, oelouging to:the late, firm of F • thirrisOU, buildhig and 811bjected tit: a 'i:ery severe, test, as the fire raged fiercely fin' several hours; and Flo great Was'the heat that braes plates were ;melted oft, anit pi. our great mar; prim, when the Safe.was oPened, we found all the books and papers uninjured. . • HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION sAyEs,"Tim MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM yntE NOW K NI'INVN;" Mariam:lllml and liold.by - FARREL, 'HERRINGS. CO., 629 CHESTNUT phiturtelota: , ; ; 111;:12III.NO, . FARREL • & SHERMAN, - No. 251 BROADWAY, Nqw York. ' HERRINGS CO., Chiettgo. • .. _ ' .• • FAIftEL More titan 30,(0111E1tRINO'S SAFES have been ant! are now iii Use; iind'over HUNDRED-have passed through accidental .firee, preserving their contents in mane instances witCre ninny others failed. . 50t...1d-11TO Savo: of our owit,iu4 othor :malcors, %lug linen received in part pay for the improveti. Fier, ring*o Putout Chothpion, for solo at low priceS. jeB-tu th :Strpitz • • ' , No. 34 South Third Street !ESTI° Drafts and Circular Leiters of Credit, avalitible Oa presvntation in toy part of Europe: - Travelers can make all their fitianaial arranernenti4 thrgugh' on; and . wo will collect their interest and dividands - Witheut chargti: --The .NATIONAL- LIFE INSITRANCIC- CoatrAsy_fs_a__. corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, ap.., proved Jply 25, 1868, with a • CASH CAPITAL $I 000 000 FULL PAID. Liberal terms offbred to Agents and Solicitors, whQ are invited to apply at our °Rice. Full particulars to be had on application at our office.) located in the second story of our Banking House, , where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the advantages offered by the Compauy t may be bad ,r, X. W. CLARK & C 0..• 1P o. 83 South 17ard WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT- -' Itimts'uf solid 18 karat tine Guld-,a specialty ;11. fntl assortment of sizes, and no eharge'for untisavingttameo, • etc: • FARM k, 11210,111174, Makerti. , • my.l4-rp tf 824 Chestnut street, hokum 'Fourth. ;• .... • Ql s llll'lB TIMPEN. TINE - AND ROSIN 1177 710 lime i Spirite Turventititii I.4Z.bbirMir•PlLle-Sonp Itoklu;ll.s6.barrolo No. 2 Shipßinix itoisto„litndinfrorpt ateutoor rtonoer, for solo' by-EPAY. 4..ROW.P . N.Y z- , 16 *. • ; - p A. CIIEMSEs--ARINVOICtE or Non. TON'S celebiattill 'PITA Ap la ehotwe daily e 4 3 pecteil, quid fur oale.by 40S. B. 111.18Itai , OU., 8414, iz• -I'YQ, =le •13Y".• , ' T E EGRA .. "Fr:' ,V} LATER. CABLE 7NEWS Affairs in ,Continental Europe, T4e_Presbytprian Requion., 11IlSCELLA,NEOIiS. CHAIVIPION GREAT FIRE AT CAMDEN. • , CA3IDENT,Juni37, 1869 . . . F.lllltEt, co., No.'629'CILESTITUT ''Storirs, respectfully, • : bA3rL: B. GARRION, Late of F, 31, Biiighani ,Garrison FINANCIAL. DREXEL & CO., AMERICAN AND FOREIGN 11~TI~ERS, lirexel; Winthrop d: CO., NEW YORE. Drexel, EforJesA Co., PARIS./ . mblO tf Ty AkttiAßK; ,) ° BANIcERS: --- 9 No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. *NERAckENT3, FOB t al & PENNSYLVANIA 4 1 4iA, ) ,,, AN D 10- 1 ,1 4 4Y ZRIV IFE 1,-. I, Ala ' OF THE 71'q 0 . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. EM.I SAFES ! PHILADELPHIA.