Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 03, 1869, Image 1
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'''i' • • •:• , 'f•-.. - ..... • , . • . . . .. , . . . . . .. . . , • i f ,•.,.,. ; .... .‘,..' :. --: ;.. , ..'• : : : ' , 7 - '7,: :'.?•-• -'.:::..• _ . . ..;,•• . :. ,• ~ '..'...: 1,- '-- ' '... ••?- , .. . . . . ......, . . . . / . •. ,• • : ..• . , . .:'..•.. - . •'-''',. • .. . . . . . , .. ' , • • ' • - • . . , . .. • .. •..,. , .. . .. . - .•,•....._.-.._ . ... . . . .. - . . •... . . . .. - . . . .. ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . • • • . . . . . .. . . . . . .... , . . . . • • • " • • - -..-- - . . . . . GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME MIL=NO. 47. BLVD IN G CARDS,' INVITATIONS for Parties, ite. Now etzlee. MASON &00 att2stt§ . 907 Chestnut street. -WEDDING INVITATIONS EN _graved in the newest and best manner. LOWS DRAMA, Stationer and Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street. f egO tf MARRIED. NG STAN Tkt. ..aisrmorning, Central Presbyterfin Church, Eighth and Cherry eta., by Rev. James It. Eckard ( Profeeeor of . Rhetoric In La fayette College, Easton ,Pa.l, Rev . . Leighton W. Eskard, son of the olll z y g ating minister, to Retails A., (laughter of the late Thorn M. I.,ongstreth. No cards. * • 110.WCIIK —NEAGLR.—At the Church of the As cension, Claymont, Delaware, on .Honday, June let, IE6 e, by the Her, T. D. Litton, assisted the Rev. J. 11. Clemson. A.D., and by the Rt. Nev. Alfred Lee, D.D,, the Rev. Samuel F. Hotchkin, of Claymon t Delaware, to : 4 Ltrah Sully, daughter of th e late John Ncagle, of Philadelphia. DIED. noEcKLEY.—On Wedneeday, tbe 2d Iml,, Henri Louis Hoerkley, aged 26 years. Ilia relatives and - frlends ate respectfully invited to at tend his funeral, from the residence of his parePtdt No. 1831 North Eleventh street, on thiturday next; the Stb inst.. at 4 °Week I', M. MaLE(lll.—`oB tbe3lat ult., babel McLeod. Funeral From her lam residene, No, 1331 Vine street, this (Thuredayi afternoon, at 4 o'clock. ' D AItK LAWS AND LIGHT ORGALAWNS DIES DARK FRENCH LAWNS. FINE FRENCH ORGANDIES. MAGNIFICENT 'GRENADINES. IRON ILAREGES, FIRST q,UALITY. EYRE lz LANDELL SPECIAL NOTICES. WANAMAKER HAS IN STORE ' . NEW THINGS TAILORING GOODS, AND A. LARGE ASSOIITMENT OF HEADY - MADE CLOTHING von Gents, Youth and Child r en. 818 and 820 Chestnut St. HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN 10 CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 11003 IS. NA- T lONA UNION CLUB, HOS CHESTNUT STREET. ender the provisions of Rule 7 of the Rules for the go •erntnent of the . Union It•liubliean Party, the annual primary eleetionicwill be held in • each election division 'on TUESDA T, June Fib. between the !sours of Land g o"( o<. P. . • There elt3ll be elected from each 'Division one Delegate VI each of the following Conventions. vie.: Coroner. t Clerk of Quarter Sessions, City Tressurer. Prothonotary of the District Recorder of Devsis. Court; City Commissioner, and in the - First Senatorial District, one Delegate each to a Senatorial Convention. There shall 111-40 be elected one Delegate from each Election Division to a Representative Convention, and two Delegates from each Division to a Wurd Conven tion. - - A/1/1 from each Election Division three members - of a W s vd Executive Committee, as provided for in Rule XI. The above conventions shall meet WEDNESDAY. June 9, at M o'clock A. M.; except the Ward /Con ventions. which shall meet. at o'clock I'. Dne notice will be given of the places of electing of the Cit y `Con vent ions. By order of the Re.publicna City Executive Committee. W. R. LEEDS, President. JOHN 1.. 1111.1., Secretary.jel t jeS§ - . [s GREAT TEMPERANCE LECTURE AT CONCERT ILALL, Cutler the auspices albs YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, IU. F. R. LEES, F. S. A., The Eloquent Temperance. Orator of England, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 7th A limited nutubcr oC re4erved teatv Tickets for sale at A'SIIMEAWS. 723 Chestnut street jrl-tu th d Uri, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA NIA. At a 110 , tingof the Board-oftruetees of the University of Pentiyivanns, held Julie 1, 1C , 59, the following pre• aniblo end resolution were unaninionelradopted : 11 , 70 ores. Our co-Trustee, 'STEPHEN COLWELL, Esq., has conveyed his bulge and very valuable library upo, tinle,ds of social science to five Of the Trustees of the Uni•ersit y of Pennsylvania, upon a trust that will 'liable them to transfer the library to the. University upon certain reasonable and proper conditions ; there fore. be It. (z,.+o, r e d. That the thanks of the Trustees of tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania be preectited to STEPHEN COL. well. Lou his munificent contribution to the survieb of science and humanity. B order of the Board, lt4 CABWALAPER IU3:.FLORAL FESTIVAL A.Nli PROM ENADE CoNCEBT at Horticultural Halt on \ TUESDA Y and WEDNESDA Y Afternoons and *E. ven• ings. the Bth and 2th of June, by the LAMES' AID SO CIETY of the• New Baptist Church, col. of •Broad and Snruce streets. Opal) from 9to R 1 o'clock, P. M. Pronumnde Concert at $ o'clock. Germania Orchestra. Season Tickets, 60.ceutm. -.Single Tickets, 25 cents. For rule at C. W. A. 'Frumpier's, 928 Chestnnt street ; J. G. Shine's, southwest corner Broad and Spruce streets, and at the Hall. . • je3 at§ Oi'STATE. RIGHTS TOR • SAL E.— Stato rights of - a valuable invention just patented, and designed for the slicing, ..iutting and chipping of dried beef. cabbage, Sc., are hereby offered for sale. It is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and it should be introduced into every fain tly. State rights for std.. Model can ho seen at the te l egrap h office, Cooper's Point ,N.. 1. my 23-10 MUNDY- St HOFFMAN. PERSONSIN DELICATE Ff M PAL nashould avail themselves of the Scientific Treat - moot of lire. GALLOWAY &BOLIJES Their discotery COTlBiflttl in the proper application of ItTagnetism. Galvanism and Electricity for -the cure of all They make this department of the Healing Art a specialty, and in many instances they cure after all other means bad failed. 011 ice, 1230 WALNUT street, second door from Thirteenth. - fitp6-tu thslitrpli TENTH. AN,NIVERSARY OF THE U suhbuth Schools cyNORTII BROAD STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHUR THIS (Thursday) EVEN MG at Vl,' o'clock. Pin floral, decorations; excellent elfin - Mg; dialogues: addrespegjo . the Peeler,- Superin tendent and Rev. A, 'A: '4.chnjupoit"2h B. FRANK PA - GMER, LL :D., SUR urY-. geon Artist, has jeer been commissioned by the Surgeon -General to supply_ the Palmer Arm and Leg for ventilated Officers of the U. S. Army and Nary % Tho Governmental offices are to be located in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and are all conducted by ]fir. PALMER, • • . my 27 7fitrp§• NOTTG7:='L~UTIC lb' I 1 RbBY alien that Certificate No. 148, for ten shares of the capitnl stock_ef_Eie West Cheater and Philadelphia Rail rota; stliadinit iwthe name or JAMES TYSON on the hooks .of said - Company, has been lest or mislaid, and that application - has been made for a now ono. je3th3t* JUDGE TYSON. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD wep' - .COMPANY, TDEASURNE'S DEPARTMENT. ,_,DIGLADaLPHIA, Mai 15, 18 0. NOTICE TO STOCKJIoLDnus.—The books aro now open for subscription and payment of the new stook of this Company., TDODIAS T. FIRTH * nty.lB-30trpi:i • • Jreasuror. 1: HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 0 1. and 1520 'Lombard street, Diapenoary Department. —medical treatment and methane furnished gratuitously to the poor. IUbWAANTED—AN ORGAPIR3T FOR the ChCreh of St, James the Less. Inquire of C. G. Dodson. N. E. cornerirlith and Chestnut sta. It• 115 GIRARD STREET, TWO SQUARES FROM THE CONTINENTAL. Ladles' department strictly private. Open day arid evenin.. a .1-tfrp) U' OFFICE OF. THE BUCHANAN ROYALTY 911 COMPANY, 148 South Fourth at. ' ' • ' PHILADELPHIA, JUllo2di 1869. The •Direetora of - this Company have this day de clared their 13th dividend, bettor , Ono Per Cent. on the capital stock, payable on demand. By order je.3-3t* JOHN S. AL - EXAM/BET eecretarY. ..10DP E NNSYL VA NIA RAILROAD COMPANYi TRNASIIREB'S DEPARTMENT. ' • - Pumsaatenta; Pa., May 34,1869. The Board of Directors have this day. declared. a semi annual Dividend of Five Per Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, paya ble in cash on and after May 30,1869. • Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can bp had at the Office of the Company; No. 238 South Third -street. • The oMce will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed. at 4 P M., from May 30th to June Gtb, for the payment of dirt denda,.aud after that date from 9 A. DE to 3 P t 31. ' THOMAS T. T plum reas urer. NOTE.—The third Instalment on Now . Stock of WA is due and able on or before June lb. mr4-2mr List of Patents issued from the United States Patent Office for the week ending June 1,1869, and each bearing that date: Tooth-Pick--Alphons Krizek, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to himself , T. Richardson and J. Reath. Strap for Sams—Emanuel Andrewa,Williams port, Pa. Safety Attachment for.Pocket6-o.V.Boughton, Tittuvrille, Pa. Burglar' Alarm—H. D. Chance, Allentown,. Pa. Velocipede—W. Frankel, Springfield, Ohio. Velocipede—H. Batlimann and G. frjohnson, Buffalo, Y. Velocipede—G. C. Buell, New Haven, Conn. irclocipetie—A. Nielsen Williamsburg, N. Y. Velocipede-41. P. Reed, Boston, Ma:is. Veloctpede—H. Thompson; Mobile, Ala. loopede—J. Guild, Buffalo, N.Y. • Veloc4pede-4.1 0 . Piper, Boston, Mass. Bee Hire -1. B. Farquhar, Bloody Run, as signor to himself and J. W. Lingenfelter. Guano Arlorlnpent for .Sf'eti Drilbs—J. F. Fisher, Greencastle, Pa., assignor to himself and D. Breed. Dwirefor Applying Gilding Preparations to Oval Frames--D, Garrison, Philadelphia, assignor to Hall & Gatrison. ..4mitionce to Homes and Means of Hitching lionws to . Vehicles--J. L: Kreider, Chestnut Level, Pa. 1,7 (m mai Water Meter—G. R. Moore, Philucid ',lda, Pa. . 4 ipoke Lathe— T. S. Roland, Reading, Pa. kieeting ifochine—T. Shaw, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to himself and Philip S. Justice. ,Sti•oln I.'ngine Governor—W. Smith, Philadel phia, Pa. (..!(!tree Pot—A. 11, Walters, Philadelphia, Pa. .1'?! wing Lever—J. S. Appel, Kulpsville, Pa. Bout Detaehing Apparutu.s.T. Foster, Jr., Camden, .N. J., assig,nor to himself and N. Band. ,'. 4 priitti Hinge—H. B. MitkOugh, 314n.sfield; Pa. • :gum Generator for Fic>nal.les—.3 . . - C. Pen nington, N.. 1. • Rot Blast Oven for fron.Furnaces—S:lad J. Thomas ' Hokendaugua, Pa. ste,„•,, Plow—S. B. Milton, Pa. Pyrometer—E. Brown, Philad e l p hi a , p a , Bayou Brake—W. It. English and S.' Itogen3, English Centre, Pa. I,,fe Bout—C.D. Flynt, Philadelphia, Pa. Green Corn Fork-W. L. Gilroy, Philadel phia, Pa. Base Burning :gore—H. C. March, Limerick Station,Pa. • Nut ock-I.G. Palmer, Littlestown, Pa. Umbrella Rumier—O. 31. Smith, Philad& OM, Pa. Plotc—W . H. Tyler, Conneantville, Pa. —Horresten—G. Yost u Corry l -Pa,------ Fih-Place Stove'-D. Stuart L. Bridge, Philadelphia, Pa. RE-ISSUE—Head Light for Locomotives—A. C. Vaughan, Philadelphia, Pa. DESIGNs-2 Gentleman's Scarfs—Conrad Ro der, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to himself, W. S. Weil and I. Lowenstein. Stocking Fabric— C. 11. Salmon, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to Thomas Dolan. Sole of a Boot or Shoe-31. Thornton, Philadelphia, Pa. FRANcis D. PASTORILTS, Solicitor of Patents, N. W. Corner Fourth and Chestnut sts. If For the Philada. Evexiine Bulletin.) / A 'Worthy Case. John Bernard, a Christian young man and a Union sailor, 2, years of age, is now in sour city in destitute circumstances. He bravely fought during the recent war, under Commo dore Dupont, at Fort Fisher and elsewhere. He has since lost his right hand, but is other wise able-bodied. He is desirous, by reason of , 1 - ifi s i - disability, of securing an honest living on shore. lie is strictly temperate, honest and willing 'to work. Surely the Union sailor, especially the maimed and destitute and sick of this class,are entitled to as much considera tion as the Union soldier. The merchants of Philadelphia have a peculiar interest here_ Mr. Bernard is now at the Sailors' Home, Front and Lombard streets. I. H. H. The Coptinental Gazilte has an ac count of the Ilosiere of the year - for the town of Nanterre; it appears she is the (laughter of a vintuer,whose good wine will be none the worse for the bush: Secret/try "Once a year; within a short distance of Paris, female virtue finds its reward. On this oceasion,virtue and good-looks are combined. According to animal cuLstom the most virtuous girl of the good town of Nanterre was crowned on Sunday, _May 16. The mare, who, in 1869, has been warranted by Monsieur le Cure. and Monsieur le Maire,is a young latly,of eighteen summers and preposSessing appearance, who rejoices in the owner of a wine-shop - for paternal. relative. Crowds were attracted to the town to witness the procession and cere mony in the church. Of' course the redoubta ble ; ‘ll 3 oiripiers (firemen) do Nanterre' were in full force and resplendent on the occasion. The ivklifre received a gold-watch, chain, and :500 fr. -Many regret their inability to be a rosieTe." PENINSULAR JUSTICE. How Marylanders Treat Negro Women. Th(!itteptd,',a DemoOatic paver published at eWtoWii,Woree - ster county, 'Maryland; imder the head of "Just Retribution," Amblishes the following brief account of one of the Most pri mitive eases, of administered justice We re member to have heard of in a civilized Com munity, without the perpetrator being punished. The Record says: "A colored girl was hired by a gentleman -residing a few miles froni-Newtownim Somer: - : set, and having been furnished with Money: and clothes in advance, took her departure the first opportunity: ,Qn Stuaday last, the, gentle man overtook her on one of our public Streets, and aftef chasing her for souse distanee,caught and stripped her of every garoient she had on, and left her on the street in a state of 'complete- —Cardinal Antonelli is in such a stem 'of health as to, give rise to the most serious ap prehensions. . Some .over-eager persons are already' _deedgiuttiiig as his sueeas.sor Mgr, Pitra. SPECIAL NOTICES BATHS DIVIDEND NOTICES. LIST OF PATENTS. The Bose-hush of 1569 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 3,1869. ENGLAND. Correspondences on the Alabama Thmaty. [Bathe Atlantic Cable.] LONDON, June 2„1869.—The correspondence that has passed between the two governments ' •of Great Britain and the United States on the Alabama claims treaty has been published. .The first despatch is from Lord Statiley to Mr. Thornton, the British Minister at' , Wash ington under, date of February 16, 1868, by which 'that envoy was informed that. Mr. Adams had Communicated portions of a. de spatch from Secretary Seward, °optimising a wish for the speedy settlement °fall difforances arising from the Alabama claims, the San - Juan aflair, the naturalization question and the Ca nadian fisheries. Secretary Sevrard, therein suggested that the true Method would be to treat jointly - through the medium of an inter national conference, and the first step taken the negotiations should be on that basis.. Sub sequently Mr. Adams communicated a de• spatch to Lord Stanley froni Secretary -Sew ard, to the effect that the naturalization quea• lion caused great uneasinesis in Anierica, and was the . most important - point then pending, and until that • were settled it would be hopeless to attempt the remova of any ofthe other differences.. It further ad snits that' no delay can be conipatible'with the maintenance of the good understanding be tween the two countries. Lord Stanley was also informed that Secretary Seward. reserved his opinien of the Manner of proceeding to be adopted In respect` to the Alabama clainia,,as any deeislOn in that regard would "have much ini)ueuce on the proceedings in the naturaliza tion question. .I.p due time protocols were signed on the subject of, the naturalization treaty and the San Jtian question. Oti()ctober 21 Lord Stanlerwrites that Mr. Reverdy Johnson called upon-him the day be fore, and that much conversation passed be tween them, in the conrse Of which Mr. John son again made a proposal, on behalf of Mr. Seward, that the matter be referred to a com mission formed of an equal number of British and Americans, with power to call upon an umpire in case of disagreement, , -whose decision should be final. Lord Stan ley further writes that in this con versation little was said about the point on which the former negotiations brokeoff, namely, the claims that the Americans would' raise before the arbiter; and the question of the alleged premature recognition by her 3lajesty's government of the state of bellige rency, of the Confederates.. He moreover stated to Mr. Johnson that this point could not be taken up, and thereby cause the govern ment to depart from the . position already taken, but that lie saw no difficulty in S. framing the reference that by mutual consent either a tacit or express ditliculty might. be avoided. The negotiations thereafter pro ceeded rapidly on the basis of this agreement, by which botfi nations were to be blended for the purpose of making tltings run smoothly: On November 10th a cofivention was drawn up for the settlement of all outstanding claims, which was signed on December Bth. Lord Stanley further writes Mr. Thornton that sub' sequent to the signature of the convention he was informed by Mr. Johnson that Mr. Seward had stated in his despatch that if Washington were' appointed as the place 'of meeting all would be, right.h being This point, therefore, conceded by her Majesty's government, he liad every reason to suppose that the convention, in the other re spects, was accepted by the Cabinet at Wash ington, with a fair hope that it - ultimately would receive the sanction of the Senate. On - 111 -WT. Thornton writes that Mr. i4eward. had informed mai Luau tee ruutenrs ...- Convention were not in accordance with the instructions given to Mr. Johnson. The Bresi d eta and his colleagues could not approve of cer tain stipulations, which, in the present form, would not receive the sanction of the Senate. Mr. Thornton also writes that Mr. Seward proceeded to assure him that his government earnestly desired that this good work should be brought to a satisfactory conclusion, and not fail in the last moment. He consequently --at-knowledged-that-his-Lordship was-justified in declining to reopen the negotiations, but hoped that in consideration. of the importance of the subject he would not do so, but consent to sonic moditication that would render the Convention acceptable to the Senate. On the English Ministry being changed Lord Clarendon wrote, under date of Decem ber 24, that the British Government was pre pared to mee4he wishes of the government of the United States, and sent the draft of a vention, by which the negotiations were to be completed on the 14th of. January, 1869. The second convention:drawn up by Lord Claren don, which was lately rejected by the Senat3, was, in fact, a proposal to cheat the public by deceptive clauses in regard to the recognition of the belligerency, and excited indignant comment here with all fair-minded-men, and appears to have fully justified the action ot the Senate. BIOGRAPHY OF THE NEW SPANISH CAPTAIN-GENERAL. Serrano's Lieutenant who is to Replace the Dying Dulee--The Monster of Xeres --A lk;nrely Military man to Hold the Reins or GOvernment. The name of the new Captain-General of Cuba is Caballero de Pudas. He is about 47 years of age, and was, previous to the revolu tion of last fall, a man of but little note in Spain. Then he held the position in the, regu lar army of Mariseal del Campo, which corre sponds to our rank of Major-Genefid; but as there is au immense number of „officers in the Spanish army, many of whom have seen but little service, the tact that lie held such a position indicates nothing .as to his capacity. He was always esteemed a brave man and of rather a (Win , " disposition. When the revo lution broke out he repaired , at once to the standard of Captain-General Serrano, under whose eyes he performed prodigies 'of valor'at the great battle of Puente de Akolea. There. he was second in command, and to his conduct the pronouncing party owed very .ninth for the brilliant result which crowned his arms. Isabella 11. was dethroned, and De Rodas was immediately prOinoted to a Lieutenant-Gen eraley. When the Republicans a 'feW - Months ago raised the disturbances in Xeres, Cadiz and Malaga, De liodas wits despatched as the right hand man of Gen. Serrano to suppress them: He did this, but in an exceedingly brutalmam ner. Cadiz was bilinharded ior, three days, and Malaga for a Whole week, which caused the loss of a great munber oflives, while thon isands were wounded.. His action at Xeres was likewise bloodthirsty, and upon the whole ;all - -Europe was struCk. With horror at his con duct. It must be borne in with, that the men killed mid wounded in these places Materially Sertane, llC.Hadas and: the , uther chiefs during the revolution; and when: it is added , that the bloodshed, or at any rate'. the greater part of it, could-have 'been and would .have been avoided by a prudent General .and good man, the. impression.naturally.kft. must be that the new Governor-General is a bold, bloody, bad Man. '. The, chief officer of Cuba is.lffith , Captain= General of the armies and Governor-General of die province.,' In the civil serviee Do Pucka , has, it is believed, never spent a day, his Iv thole tastes and previous occupations having geeir exclusively , military.. booking to his past his tory. and his training as a soldier,. ono can easily believe nut his'govoinnent.w4l indeed. be an era of bloodshed. He bill have but little Ilse for the law. ,E,YerYtbi»g will assume -a military; despotic shape,,and the (Albans if . poSsible,„ faro harder under his rule than under that of Duke. —The Leipzig publishers' sold in 1868 $lO,- 600,000 worth of books. OUR WHOLE The Graduates This Tear. The graduating class of 1869 at West Point Military Academy is unusually small, cotusist; • ing of but 39 members. The ,y are : B Eric ergland; Illinois; Leonard G. Hun, New York; Bamuel E. Tillman, at large; Philip M: Price, Jr., Pennsylvania; Wra. C. Fitzsim mons, Michigan; Daniel M. Taylor,"atlarge; Wm. P. Duvall, Maryland; Worth Osgood, New York; Arthur S. Hardy: Massachusetts;. Henry L. Harrie t at large; Jacob A. Au gur, at large; David A. Lyle, Ohio; John G. 'Bourke, at large; Charles H. 'Rea, Illinois; John Aspinwall, Wisconsin; Remembrance H. Lindsay, Pent4lVailia; James E. Porter, Maine; - Earl D. Thomas, :Illinois; Frank E. Nye, Maine; Charles Braden, Michigan; Franklin Yeaton, at large; Wm. L Rees — , Ken tudky; Wm. T. •Craycroft, Kentucky; Henry, P. Perrine, New Jerser, John W. X f ulituart, Washington Territory; Charles Morton', Mis souri; Wm. F. Smith, New York; 'Charles 11". Rockwell, Ohio; Virelles W. Leggett, at large; Wentz C. Miller, Pennsylvania; Jenifer H. Stnallwood, New Jersey . ; George R. Bacon, Illinois; 'Rawson, Missouri; Henry W. Sprole, New York; Edward W. Brady In iliana; Martin It. Hughes, Pennsylvania; Wm. W. Robinson, Jr„ Wisconsin; Wm. G'erhard, at large; Mason M. Maxon, Wisconsin. The first five held at the examination last year 'very honorable nositiotu; in their class, which then numbered forty-six. Berglund, a H Swede by. birth, held the best average. e was' third in Philosophy, second'in. Chemistry and Infantry Tadtics, twelfth in Drawing and fourth in Artillery Tactics---demmits, .eis teen. Hun-was first in Chemistry and Infantry and Artillery Tactics, and second it: Philoso phy. Tillman, a Tennesseean, was= first in Philosophy and third in - Artillery Tactics. - Opening of the Examination Exercises WEST PoixT, June 2.—The regular annual examination of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy„ began this morning, at 9 o'clock. It will be many days before the examination of the Graduating Class is fin ished, and during that time the other classes will have ample opportunity to brush up their studies, and prepare for the dread ordeal of meeting the Board. From* 9 o'clock until 3 theyirAClass were before t e Board in the Library, and were examined o the subject of Military Engineering, includin `•\ 11 the construction of works of, defence, pla of celebrated campaigns,str4tegic movements, Ste. Among the plans described and discussed were those of 1814, the battle of Gettysburg and the assault on Fort Wagner. This sub sect, one of the most important in the West ' oint curriculum s as it embraces in fact the whole science of war, will hardly be ex hausted before to-morrow afternoon, when the class will be tested in the knowledge of Ethics and Law. The hotels are both crowded, but there haS been no sauntering about the beautifulgrounds Of the Academy since . 'early morning, on ac count of the Incessant rain. As I write, it is coming down with a heavy pour, as if 'all the celestial water-carts had been opened at once, and there were no end to the supply of water. ;Very few distinguished visitors hive yet arrived,.. Beside the Board, who are all here, the only notables on the ground :since Monday were Generals 3forell and Butterfield, both of whom have left. It may* interesting to you to kno'v that in the class ,about to graduate, 59 in number, there are 2:soldiers, all of whom have seen active service in the field. :Sla - iy of 'these were,ir r onE.A-Wrinalt,lok . Mifarch_ to ,the , reieit in tile Ist Maine Heavy Artillery; Wentz C. Miller, 18, was a private in the Sig nal Corps; I. Reese was a First Sergeant in the 2tith Kentucky; Edward W Brady; 19, was a private in the Ist Indiana Heavy Artil. lery; Earl D.,Thomas, 19, 'was a Sergeant in the Bth IllinoiS; Epic Berglaad, 22, who stood first in his 'class last year, was a First Lieut. in the 57th Illinois. Wm. Rawson. 19, was a private in the Bth'lllinois• ' Charles Morton, 20, was a private in the Ist Missouri Engineers: - Wiat - G:Fitzsinunons - , - 21 - , -- who - was - filth in his class last year, was First Lieutenant and \ Ad jutant of the 11th Michigan Cavalry; WirtAW. - Robinson, 20, was a private in the 7th Wis consin; Wells W. Leggett, 19, was a captain and Aid,de-eamp, and John G. Bourke, 20; was a private in the 15th Pennsylvania. The class of 1863, which - graduated last year, -con tained 48 soldiers; the class of 1866 contains 15, and the class of 1807, which graduates in 1871, ° numbers 8 young veterans among its members. Among the recent additions to the rolls of the Academy—and at this . season these ad ditions are made every day—is the name of young Quincy &M. Gilmore, a son of General Q. A. Gilmore, and a grandson of Mr.. Timothy O'lNlalier, who has held for mere than forty years the position of Commissary of Cadets at the Academy. Young Gilmore arrived to day. In the Second Class is Charles B. Sco field, a son of General Scofield; in the Gradu-. ating Class_ is a son of General Augur, and also a son f Quartermaster-General-Pernne, of New Jersey. In the class that graduated last year was the son of Dr. Metcalfe, the cele brated surgeon; also sons of Admiral Dahl gren, Admiral Farragut,General A. Z.Y. Whip ple, General Rodman and a nephew of Gen - end Pope. At 5 o'clock the cadets engaged in the ex ercises of the Trooper •in the great Riding Hall. As an old lady visitor said this, afternoon, "It's a great deal better than the circus," although the good spul could Mitfor bear entering - her protest against the pistol. firing. The riding was excellent, and the ex, ercisu with the saber and pistol most admira ble. Very few : "Turks' Heads"' were misSed by the flashing steel or the cork bullet as the riders, rushing at headlong speed, slashed at the dummies with their sabres or, sought to :bring . them down With ball. The hurdle jumping, the riding without stirrups ,and then -the bare-back riding were done by horsemen who will neyer.be at sea with, a good bit of horseflesh under them and a stint bridle rein at hand. To-morrow the examination continues. In. the afternoon there will be a battalion' drilL or, should,..it., rain,,an hour's exercise wider cover with the sword and bayonets-s-Tribune. A peeldedily thirecoustrueted 4ehel. The following extracts from a lecture re cently delivered by Father Ryan in Atlanta, Georgia, 'before an enthusiastic audience, will lie of some interest to,lklorthern' readers. The speeCh was specially rported Tor the Methodist Advocate: ' ' They tell us t‘Sforget, the past; to let bygones: be bygones. But we ea.nuot,;.We must not,.we , will not.' There are too many ruins to remind us; ,and too tuanygratvw ever Our land;ln the valley, inthe shade of , tbe wood, and around us to let ithe forgotten. The future will yet bring the:honeS of the past; There are those: Who Fill again be proud to wear the vaikt and go forth to battle for the cause of the South. * Shall they drag us away front the grave of the "Lost Cause?" No! We will yettneet to worshin there. The cause's not dead; it only sleeps. ifs 'Easter Sandal! come: It will live again. It 'does live deep down in the heart of the true and brave* Some little boys love to be.called . little South ern Bebels. The boys are fathers' to the Men that are to lte. * * Some men. have been "reconstructed." ' Yes;: 'of 'the' smiter: leave them. We would iicarcely giveithem pbsotutioa,: But there are others. who Canal , who will not forget past:, Yeo,':,th\ire are mothers—thank heaven for Maher's: ' are 'IE64 1 alive. „ • :and ' aglow, and aliame;' the'. cause ``)Ost” lint to. j:)0 ;Ye this: Sonetinies the iehisper of a mother in tho Car of a OUTSPOKEN TREASON. , child to-clety, becomes the boom of 'a -ciomon a century hence! The cause shall yet., succeed, And whoever the man is will take up the, flag again, and let the stars and bars 'applause] wave over this land, he will find that there are more true, brave, patriotic men . who are ready to rally around that standard,. and. do battle for the right- ,* * * think I have given you all a dollar's -worth of "disloyalty," and I must close. ' - AMIISETWENTISI. , MISS. KELLOGG AT THE ACADEMY. —The Kellogg concert at the' APiideray of MUSIC last night Pl`lo3 but. partially successful.. The principal at tractions upon the programme were the selections from Rossini's famous posthumous Mem Solennelle, a corn pisition which has never yet been sung In this city. Tha EICICCtIODS were three, in number, and if we are to accept the testimony of foreign critics they comprised ahout the most uninteresting portions of the great musician's masterpiece. The Cruciftrus; a soprano' solo of much, tender beauty and feeling, was hung by Miss Kellogg correctly, and even elegantly, bill with that eold, unsym pathetic manner which will ever stand between this fair artist and the great reputation to Which she aspires. It would be impossible to find" any fault with her execu tion, but she sang with so little 'fooling that all . the delicate aroma of the music was lost, and we had nothing • but • a brilliant mechanical effort. Signor Boetti gave the Domine Deus, a very ambitions but beautiful tenor solo, in ''a manner which can best be described by the' cornflour cial phrase "fair to middling,' The dißlcult music must be well sung to be effective, and Boatl exerted himself to give it faithfully. The fact that ho made a cone Nora:, ble effort was very plain, and this marred the perform ance somewhat. Boetti has energy and warmth, but Iris style is hard, and ho dues not succeed' In touching his hearers in the slightest degree. But both the artists • mentioned were superb compared with Signor Aetna: This gentlemen , is announced as a basso. At onetime lie may have possessed a high baritone voice. Just now, he .• has no voice of any particular kind, unless it be a mixture of falsetto, broken tenor ant harsh baritone. It was foolish—almost sacrilegious, to select him to sing the Quonia,n, which is a splendid bass solo, and worthy of tho Lest endeavors of a first rate singer. Signor Beina was by uo means agreeable or satisfactory. Wo era sorry that the music of this mass was first presented in this piecemeal manner—to say nothing of the poverty of the performance.. The compo- Within is a consecutive work, and we would much rather have waited until the whole of it could have been given together with a chorus and proper orchestral accent. panimentii. • For the rest of the progTareme Mr. Rudolph Hennig played a concerto by (letterman, and an Elegie by Raz zliii upon his violoncello. Of course his performance was great. Hie fine powers were never displayed to better advantage, although the audience, dull to the great merit of thoartist, received him with lees enthusi asm than he deserved. Miss Kellogg sang, for the first time in America, a - one from Thomas's Hamlet, and sang it very well. She received an enenrei of corn- so, as she did when she sang the Crucifixes. There are people in this world who would insist upon the repetition of ii long meter hymn in church,' or of a two hours' stump speeeh at a political meeting, if they thought there was any iprobability of their being gratified. Miss Alide Topp, the pianist, gave a- polonaise of Liszt, upon the theme of "Home, - Sweet Home," and a ,brilliant little plece of Gottschalk'e. She was called out after both performances, and compelled to give the people twice as much as they paid for. Miss Topp's playing is something to be enthusiastic over. She possesses great . talent, and lira a very brilliant future . before her. Her contribution to the concert last evening was in the high est degree satisfactory. The worst part of the perform ance was the singing of a duet from Verdi's Den -Caries 'by Boetti and Reins. It was given "for the first time in America," and we sincerely -- hope for the lust time in America in that peculiar style. In the first place, Rehm is wholly incapable, physically, of singing thb music Boetti, - scar -- attacha,— , ll,..hq...cuad the pitch, and sang the entire selection. flat. The result was eminently unsatisfactory to everybody but • the two performers, who rattled away in blissful uncon sciousness of failure, but apparently satisfied that they r s t- rat e t .r Thutrio fro ikTs the Barker, r t aitu e scuz by Miss Kellogg, and Signori Boetti and Reins. We must c w l e u r d e e d getting wt h not forget to state that Mies Kellogg was warmly re leong well-known ll ceived by the audience, and that she was presented with quantities of floral offerings. • , -- This evening ilia whole company Will - appear bier de Stviglia. —At tho Arch this evening Mr. John Collins, the Irish comedian, will appear in Rory Oafore, ufter which the farce Jenny lieu will be given. —A floral festival and promenade concert will be given by the Germania Orchestra, 'at Horticultural Mil t on J une 8 and D. The Germania is a fine organization composed of the best musical talent of the city, and are la every way worthy of receiving tluvt encoaragement from the liberality of the public which their efforts to entertain deserve encouragement from the liberality of the public, and they will undoubtedly meet with that success which they deserve in - their efforts to please the public. Under the auspices the entertainments will prove successful. The annual exhibition of paintings is now open at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. —The Chestnut Street Rink, at Chestnut and Twenty third streets. is open day and evening for those who wish to practice velocipede riding or learn the art. —At the Amateur Drawing Room, Seventeenth street, above Chestnut, on Thursday evening, a soiree musicale wilt be given under the auspices of Mrs. Remington Fairlamb. A number of well-known musicians will participate. • —At the Waluut, to-night, Mr. Jos. Jefferson will're peat his superb personation of Kip Van Wink*. —The Elise Holt Burlesque Company will appear at the Chestnut this evening, in the burlesque Lucretia Borgia, Le Grandy Durvesse. There will be a velocipede aSconsion upon a tight rope -,Miss Susan Gallon and her clever company will ap pear at the Theatre .Cutuhine this evening, in Fioreste the Cricket. —The American Theatre annoullai a varied and novel -bill for to-night. The lie tare Sisters—gymnasts of great skill and daring—perform sumo wonderful feats, andthere will be u miscellaneous entertainment of un usual excellence besides. • —An interesting soiree will be given at the Drawing Boom,Seventeenth street, abort, Chestnut, on-Saturday next ..I uno Oth, at 8 o'clock. by Carl Gaertner's Vocal and .lostrumental Society. Lavers of music who -attend the soiree will undoubtedly be pleased with the pro gramme and the ability. of , the performers. The Society oTitpomed of students from tue Conservatory of Music, as well as private.pupilsnf Mr. Gaertner, whole , ability in developing talent is well known. We would advise nil who are interested in the cultivation of music to hear the members of the Society. TiCkets can be obtained at Carl Gaertner's private office, at the Conservatory of Music, southeast corner of Tenth and Walnut streets, or from lumbers. —Mr. John S. Clarke,' th•• comedian, has just pro duced in London a capital play by -u Philadelphia drama tist. Tho Loudon Times speaks of it as tolloWo: Illicit the drop-scene fell after the termination of the first act of a new piece' brought out on Saturday with the odd title, Fox vs. (These, we - thought we had seen a por tion of a farce more amusing thou any that had been produced for seine time on the London stage. There was nothing very novel in the Incidents, whia, indeed, re 'called to memory the once, popular liaising the -Wind of the late Mr. James Kenney, but they were lightly handled, and afforded scope rests very singular &bloat.. firm of human weakness by the AnieriCan comedian, Mr, John S. Clarke. litany hearts' roars were excited in tics course of the piece, and it reached ite conclusion in safety. •ma the operations el excision and compression may be healthfully perlormed. We take time following Intero'sting informatioh• from the N . Y. Cr ipPer : Aug. Pennoyer, business manager of • the Richings English Opera Troupe, who welt te Europe a few weeks. ago to secure first-class talent and soe new operas for his party fur the ensuing season, im s expected to arrive here a uringqinypresent week,ras he Immi secured passage byylityLonisiatma,. that was to lease - England on May 19, • Mr.Pentioyer a visit haa been attended with considerable success, so much to that the - Richings Troupe for the next iicaeon will • IWO ablY bu as o atrimgin its tarsi:llou, if tilifstrenger:MeonimYreapacts; Than •before, as all tits principal singers are actors as well. .Mr.Pennoyer has secured Henry Halizir; the celebrated lyric tenor, and said to be (next to • Reeved/ the best• tenor in England; also, Henry Drayton, a good baritone and actor, both . fromTlientrest event Garden and Drury Lane. Drayton amlllaigh are both students of the eml7. • vervatoire Imperial of Paris, both said to be - well up in English opera,and both flue-lookingmem. !In hits. also socuredosaaaistant prima donna to Aire. 13eruard, Miss Blanch.Ellertimu,ea beautiful young.girl walla Plaffuill•:. cent soprano voice—bailing from Covent GmuTen, and a pupil of ; the celebrated Arditi, of London,( well-known teacher in that city); . also, a good contralto singer. Ito has purchased two ot Offenbach's comic operas and times heav y operas, Dam de Pinta, Vtelarine, and one other. So that, altogether, thellichings English Opera Troupe will come out next 'season in grand style: • _ . —Mr and Mrs ; Gladstone, While out riding,. narrowly :escaped a bail aeeident.. A. i'aris paper represents the lady a speaking .thus of the occurrence: never thought of IVilliam; I nekser thought of myself.; J never thOught of my children. I only .Thought, what.: on earth will become of the bill relating' to the Irish Uhurchl" F. I. FETBERSTON Pubh4litt PRICE THREE CENTS . r, FACTS AND TANCII:II*,-- : —The Japanese are ooming,to CalifOrnbly 120 families being already on tileirr , ay. —Jayhawker Jennison inins'a faro bank in Kansas. —One of the young Atistrittn Archduketi yc said to be a kleptomaniac. --The new Freneli twent3r-tive f4u3.9„. goipi pieces will be called Emiaerenurs. ' . ' —A San Francisco soalteE lately swage tts having drunk 28 bottles of wine in silt hours. —A Bluenose has found a $ 3 00,000 diamond and has gone out to lowa to a rag* on the strength of his windfall. • —All the guide-boards on the roads letuting to an lowa town warn travelers that imall-post is prevailing there. • , • • .- •'• —Guizot's decrepitude' has become so giehit that hisphYsicians have advised him to wrtt4 no more books. • .. --Nearly all the Quaker ladies in. Europar have recently discarded the peculiar 'Costtuzus' of their sect. —Victor Hugo ought to be the man *ho laughs.: lie gets a do cents a line for Id& idat• —Verdi is to write the music and Sardoit 'pup libretto of the opera destined to open the new Grand Opera House in Paris. / ' —A :$40,000 clock has been 'finished for Cathe Aral of Beauvais, that has 90,090 *hoe and gives the time in every , capital not 1h: world. —A man iii Arkansas is baying up corifat'e' rate currency at ten to fifteen cents on tlifit dollar. He finds plenty of people willing tai —Toombs once boasted that he would -r oan. the roll of his slaves under Bunker Hill Noun, moot.. He now asks a. colored postmastar,,for his letters at Macon, Georgia. . : • --Alboni has been engaged ,by Strakosah fit sing in Rossini'S hfass next fall 'fifty times for 180,G00 francs. The tour will be in. Fr:Aticcr, Holland and Belgium, —The keeper of an organ-grinders!-lodging house in Utica "accommodates!' fifty: tuneful" beggars every night. ;Ulla establishrrierrt ewe , tains six beds. It is a l ",pent up Utica."' '• -Seven hundred' Bishops are. eipeeted tai participate infthe deliberations of - the C_Beume mcal .Council. „There are, altogether,:/about; eight hundred and fifty Bishops; exclusive.o( the. Bishops in partibus. —A perusal of the programme of the Bostoar, Peace Jubilee (published elsewhere) awakens feelings of the liveliest emotion. Neirer before was such a grand miudcal feast prodded;_ either in this country or iu Europe. ' • —Victor lingo's grandfather was not at noble extraction, as is conamonlyhelieved,,bue very poor cabinet-maker, in the aniallto*nr of Alirecourt, Department of Les Vosgett. Victor. Hugo's great grandfather WWI a German. —The theatre in Calcutta is a temporary . building of iron, which can 'at .pleasure . pulled down and packed away far., future use: This was actually done at the close of. the last, season. . —Tamberlik, the (famoustenor, has estab lished:himself as a gunsmith at Madrid,'wheris he has undertaken an important governMeut contract for the manufacture and .zdteration:OF firearms. • , —L'honime qui rit—ColfaX. • L'homnie nut boitYates. : ' - L'homme qui fume—Grant. ' .' ". :;?-•:',:' . L'hornme qui - jure.:-Wade , : —The next avalanche of rhetoric' Will &ear iye,,,XtlitexerAtititojintutts return to the Unite& say for hirmielLT He will fili,.cat deal We .. in Baltimore, and restinie - Valiratio.ce-Fai profession. •._. . ..: —The Viceroy of Egy t,a notorious etiiva has been so much frightened by the attempt lately made to assassinate him'in his . box at the Cairo Theatre; that 'he is said to ha'ne reiolfed to take up his residence iziTatia; and never to , return to Egypt, ' -- —An ( 'uglyclub'llailie - Cifi:Torga, iiiiied-nPiiie— priately.atinfflanapolis, Indiana. -The initia- non fee is $5, width() ugliest man will be ,its _President for the ensiling 'Yeser. --4- The --- can -- - dates for this . position arenumerous, and some are said to presenteXtraOrdinaryclainiek • 1 —A great number ''of iron bird-nesisfor sparrows have been- imported by the Bosnia' • authorities from - 'England for - their, ..parkti.;. - - They are so constructed that the birds.eaux • hatch their young, be protected from weather and intruders, are ventilated from the boitern o ;. and attached to the limb of a; tree with.Sareive.: , —Tallow candles were'ffrat used for lights-in - the year 1290; glass windows for lights in 1184: tea was first brought-to Europe from .ohina: in 1601; coffee was first brought to :England; in 1641; priniiug in colors was invented in 1626, and the art of printing- from movable types in 1440. • ' : - .. ' , . -A gentleman well and faVorablY knoWn to , - the public, and one of, Mr..Bboth's inostiiiti.: 2 • mate frends,says that the tragedian was quiet -- - ly married to the lady whose name is now be!;, • ing bandied about in connection with,hiS;not - long after his magnificent theatre was opened' : to the public: IV. Y. Express. . . —The London Saturday Reviegi likes piordes:,:' . It says : "There is more spboning dote et pie.-; - ides than anywhere else; and more offers :are, made there; under the shadoW of the old - I'oll4' ' or in the qfflet leafy nook by the 'river side, ;than at any other gatherißg time of 'the . :Conn try." —Queen Isaliella had a Splejnii mass read at. the Chaillot ' Church as soon,as'ahe'learned7 What the Spanish free-thinkerli had said in the Cortes durmOhe debates on liborty•cif :Con science, During the service the Queen was, seen to shed many tears, and :heard' M. utter ' sighs and groans. ' . . .. . . , . —A Paris letter writer says.: "Poor Patti! .; She is the victim Oa terrible disease, WhcS.e - course Medical men are not able to foresee. '. She is afflieted with wens in the head. Tyre , years since they were extirpated, so the silt geon lieped, but they have been growing con,„, stantly; and are once more, of a size which ren ders their removal necessary. The operation - was performed a feW days ago. It will be per,,, • formed periodically. What a morrow M lier , triumphs'." --r• Mrs. Johnsen, who was appoiutett , poste'q• master -of Leavenworth, Kansas, had - a iittlei . controversy with her predecessor, and became, so angry that she would neither borrow,. but, _ nor use the fixtures of the office. Adcordnaglp : she began operations without a,box, desk;'or: table. , The mails were emptied-upon the itioor and got into such disorder that the ofticelnuL. to be closed for a day or two. , nebtisiness; men td the city began proceedingsin two di-. i . 7. reethais to : remedy matters, -.4 . petition was4_,,, . : eireulated, asking the reinoVal.44,Mis,jelin.„--,. Ison, and an :effort was made to inducalier;tot use the fixtures of the old °Mee.' - The latter . , measure was successful. : , , ' ::', , ,-,'l Sacramento paper tells the followtUr rather funny story: It is currently reporttatr that a new tribe of Indians , have been' dist covered near independence, on the lino of tii_Wl; Central - Pacitio, - whO did-not seemitotbe - ASltedifr -- posted ill regard to railroad matters ast red-skin brethren of the plains. -The' others day, a locomotive having pa.ssed , lay, to •their , bewilderment, they resolved to"lay in waif or pursue and lariat the monster: ‘Aceordingly; they made a very strong lariati, , intipercoirlo46 the mystery approaching, stretched.' it acre,io the' track, either end being , held .11rInly psi'; twenty or thirty of the would-be eeptortW The engine came thundering along, the, Uri* was struck just before the head-light,, rand Wile' said the Indians exhibited ''greater i ' around and lofty tumbling thou, WaSiever'Sdaii' first-class cirCuS, E==== 1.11 .: rri; ;~~;.~.