Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 02, 1869, Image 3
I‘t ; BUSINESS NOTICES. .4t..„ , th Pianos /W i ,'„ ,,A, P ---- rri / Z - 0 1.7:;1 1,- Y - . "71711 W a le ni be e P l. 4r i edt" B, : n 'itinr - K l3 .p iri l r " . .. eon, illa Bull , ' I n ini i i.les and " c4er :ieat artists. 'For solo oar bY ~c ,*,,1,. „ A N ",' '.1(: : II.: Y 3,14. GETZE, , • •aPIO 1 ? 7 t•f l i •• . 1102 piestnnt street. a .. Lo • t ' r' • iiliiiitiiiie r ~,,,,r,....., 0 ..t. ~ ~,„ th relebritted Iron Frame Piano, has received' 1100 ,1 Pe 61ft:dater the Werld'S 'Great - lix hibitioti , Lon- , ids, ilegichtY.'• 'l' he hifthi,'t-prize, awarded when and w rryq cx. h.4i , ii.el. , yeareroottul, 722 Arch street. :... lel - , Ts' - I Pi •, • n*,il thr3v)v aq l § : e nwarw.Planos received the highest , swam (tit Ohl medal) nt the I nternatibnal Exhibitiou, *ow Ilia.• See Official Report, at the Wareroom of , • BLASIUS BROS.; '. ime r. ) , l , if , . - No. 1001 chestnut street. ” t iChe , eilekering ' , Pianos. received the' blithest awatti at the Paris Expoß_ R ' ion 1 8i 7 . . • • 1 ,• : , . DUTTON'S Wareroorna,o , • sell-tf I: • 914 Chestnut street. FEirkg - ti - G - 1341 - 17f4t - tiw. Wedniesday,' June 2. 7" Persons leaving the city for the sum-, *T, and 'wishing to have tha itsTiii sent to them, will please send their ad dress to, the office. Price by mail; '75 Cents per ' . Sr*tEi' CiEANING airAUMMEttit. . . &The puttErm has frequently: - tutted the adePtion of machinery in the 'Work , of Cleans itreets. We new. Mentien 'Baltimore as the .first ; city in the Milted Statesto establish a systeta of Scayent;ering in accordance with, the' spirit of the time .7 , ,The cleansing 'of streets n Baltintore, asin . rhiladelfhia„ is under thetlirect'stipervisien of the Adartl of Health, wMch in the,former city,. by the way, is composed of only one Ccinunis /loner of Health' and two 'Assistant-Commis sioners, all of *hem receive their appointnaentS froirf the layer, subject to confirmation by the City Councils. ; , .This simple ,organi.zation gives potter and effect to the administration of the Depaytment. - . The, street -cleansing. 'arrange ments are amPle and complete. Strong and ac lite:horses only are employed, while, the carts are ; ofoe.best'construction: , Those employed 'Or the collection of ashes 4nd garbage are both lOpter.-t,f,Oitmid ceoe)tti:', "yhe street sweeping is principally doilejiy machinery—the city hay ing iiirctaSeil . E. A. Smith's Excelsior Ma shines-,--which are now , nightly employed by 11103,00 Of Health in the work,. . The followity , ition to the Mayor and CoMicils , speaks fr itself; ,and confirms our. opinion.. We earnestly commend it to the ikinSitleMtiOn of our officials whose duty it is _ be see to thiS : ' ' To. Hs; honor,: the ;IMO?, mid the Hon., t/iet riirCounci/- of Baitintore—GioithumEN: As the erne! Panted by the inventor .for testing the qiialities'of the sweeping machine now on trial by the Board of Health ii about to expire, it - becomes my duty to inform you of that fact, mid further to,state that for three weeks every night .between the hours of 12 and 5 o'clock, whorthe weather permitted, I. superintended peri;onatly its,operations, and that I now re s.:amend it to your Honor and the Council as n impleinent of the very first necessity to the proper appearance of the City, and to the somfort, convenience, health and tax-paying interest of the citizens. The great thorough= ihres to Which it been applied are now and can •be kept 'in a comlition which no "amount of manual labor' obtainable can effect Within the hours available for the purpose; sor must ithe forgotten that during these un seasonable hours, from 12 at night until 5 in the'reorning, sa Violntion of the laws governing the humamsystem; and this darkness, combine Se prevent even the most willing men from sendering , the service equivalent to the money which it is necessary to pay for such manual labor. view ,of. all the facts, opportimities and iliopositionii pertaining to this subject I feel it incumbent On me to express it as my deliber ata.opinion, that by a persistent continuance of the present system,unproVed by the amend ments which the experience of each day sug gests,. governed by the sternest . economy, strengthened by the employment of none but able-bodied, industrions,. faithful men, and strong, active horses, assisted by the use of this most efficient machine, Baltimore can be made to maintain lierpresent pre-eminence as th most Cleanly and healthy city in the coun try', at a cost challenging comparison. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, MILTON N. TAYLOR, M. D., Commissioner of 1:1 That Ph iladelphialamSt Conic to the use of machinery for street-cleaning purposes there can be no reasonable doubt. The experiment now being made by the Board of ; Health will fail, notwithstanding all the energy and deter mination whichare nowapplied to the enforce- . ment of the law, sintPly _because the „walls employed are inadequate to the ends to be ac complished., The sub-division of the eon tractors' districts is, of course, an important improvothent, ; hut it, alone, will not'keep the streets clean. The great atea,of Philadelphia demands the etnployment either of such an army of street-sweepers as'is unattainable, or cf . such machinery as will do the work syste matically and. well: We arepretending to clean this huLe busy city with just the same ap pliances as werein vogue a hundred years ago, when Philadelphia was a small, quiet town,that Could not get very dirty under any circum stances. The increase of population, of area and of business \has converted Philadelphia from the cleanest to one of the dirtiest cities of the 'Union. Dirty New York is not worse than Philadelphia in this respect. Its best streets are a great deal better. The little bands of crawling scavengers who Constitute the forces of the street contiuctors do not begin to keep up with the fresh acettmu lationa of filth, mach less to clear away the old deposit of the last year. Even the few mounds of mud which are scraped up, here and there, often trampled 'down and .scattered before the carts return frOm their long voyages to the distant Suburbs. The Board of health is doing its best with the present system. 'lt is prompt 'in its attention to complaints; peretotory in its exactions from the contractors; independent, honest and vigorous in the discharge of its dif ficult duties. It will . not_be the fault of the Board of Health, so much as of the system, if Philadelphia breeds a pestilence out of her mud-Leaps this summer. But why cling to a system confessedly so imperfect and insufficient? Will it cost more k) clean the streets by machinery? Possibly it will: But it ought to .cost nfore to do the work than it does to leave it undone or only kali' dote; Philadelphia cannot be kept clean for nothing, and it cannot afford to keep up a condition of chronic filthiness, such as it now presents. Neither the reputation of Philadel phia as the best place of residence.on_this Con tinent, nor the health mid- comfort of its rap idly-growing population will permit the thought of surrendering hopelessly to the domination of Mud. We do not desire to discourage the Board. of Ileahit,. On the contrary, we .would sustain it its caudal:de efforts: But alit preA'lat,'.fiiperitnent should be made a very - aliort.one....Another month should suffice -to testr , the ,eittesOon of its failure or success. If it fails—and we have small hope of its success, —the Board must turn its attention, seriousih< I-to - 111e the people of li s id i ladelphia liad such a arrible surfeit'ofthe'miseries of filthy streets, that Alley, ,willgladly sanction : whatever ex _ penditure is found necessary t o rid them of the' nuisanee. ' • < ' .<; IFR'un• AND vritAthililLE Our types, hi the 7-article: on, this; subject ih SatiirdaY'S;l3ox.v.wim, were so transposed as, Ito impair some facts. It should have 'been 'linderStciodiliat; :While' one co-partnership' be- 4,ween fanner and' iikan':,i maker sufficed to isuppl the entire - demand of the country for ` , canned tomatoes a 'dozen' years 'ago, to-day, !South Jersey alone stipPorts ten (10) steam ;packing eStabliShnientS, supplying 'our ffiarkets ;with over two millions cans of , tomatoes p,nnu- .besides . abundance of other frnits.,,, It is not only in the quantity but also in thiil miality of its canned vegetables, S:c., , tbat BOuth, !Jersey .N.Tels; the preferenee hell* given in all Ithe.large cities of, the Union to goodS Canned : !in this 'seetion. , The Quinton ',Packing Corn-' ;PanY at grave so far siicceeded in per teeth% the art of retaining in!cans.the fnll:: tiaral , flavor olioniatoes in season al, in a com iairisoh, finstiate utterly all attempts to :deSitffiat.e . ' which are the spring tomatoes at forty cents a quart, and which are the canned ffilicld: it . the Price. Each can of Quinton tomatoes contains three • quarts iof fresh tomatoes, the wastage of. ,skins, excessive, juice, .f..:c4 exceeding in bulk the: solid portions. We' are informed that Ohio is nrojeCting can ring factffiieS, 'and that California will make an experhnental shipment 'to New York this yeiu of twenty-five thousand cans of choice friths of its own picking. These are claimCd by the Califfirnians to be as tar superior to our Eastern fruit as their trees are bigger than ours. The New York World contained a sadly jocose article the ,uther dAy, in which an effort was made to ridicule ' Philadelphia ; journalism. Such a poor . attempt at wit is hardly worthy of notice; but we may say,.. that whatever 1 , the deliclencies.a. our newspapers, none : of, those Which lia.o,7'tmy standing have .ever been reduced tirgitch,,an eXtreinitYits to require the circulation of :a letter:signed:by the Governor, or any other high , ollicial,begging forrpecuniary assistance l to 1:64 theM alive. GoVernor Holr man found It neeessary to bolSter the World in this Way, and in answer to the appeal one dol lar was extracted horn the pocket of Sympa thising Brick Pomeroy, whose rather , , superior blaekputrdism has' placed his journal high in the favor of the World's former friends, the Democrats of New York. We may also add that the editors of our leading Democratic daily are known to be sincere and honest in their opinions, not having adopted theiu, as Manton Marble did, because a portion of the community wanted a Copperhead sheet. And however detestable thoie principles are,, it 'must be admitted that tie Age has: stuck 'to them and to the party heroically, even when that super fine journal, the. World, deliberately betrayed them last fall, and endeavored to defeat 'the party candidate by bringing confusion into the ranks. While the recollection of that base result of the application of August Belmont's money remains, the World had better remain silent upon the subject of decent mid indecent journalism, It is. not at all unlikely that the action of Peru in recogniiing the belligerency of the Cuban patriots, will be folloWed by most of the other South American nations, and per haps by Mexico. Peru had esrecial reason to hate Spain because of the outrageous manner iu which she was treated by Isabella's govern ment in the recent war, which, by the way, has never yet been ended definitely. But the neighboring republics also have many old scores to settle with that Spanish people whose rule,'from the time of Pizarro, was cruel and oppressive, and whose policy since the depen dencies have thrown off the yoke has been to persecute them with the malignant persistency of jealous hatred. Now the time has come for revenge ; and although it may appear that the assistance which these Iyeak republics can ex tend to Cuba may be trifling, it must be re membered that the Spaniards hold the island by a very insecure tenure, and that the smallest aid to the rebels will be of immense value. Peru has a fleet of iron-Jads ready for service; curd she, as well as her sister States, have ports in which Cuban vessels can be fitted out, and from which men and munitions of war can be furnished in unlinnted quantities. Upon the 15th inst.—the day ' appointed by Boston for the beginning of the noisiest festi val of the Century—Philadelphia will witness a celeln•ation which will be quieter, but hardly less interesting and important. Tuesday, the 15th, is the semi-centennial annive4a - i'y of the ,John's Commandery of the Masonic Knights Templ;u•s, and the fraternity intend that the event shall be celebrated in the most imposing manlier. Large delegations of Masons of tile higher orders are expected from all portions of the country, and the city will be crowded as it has not been since , the great August Conven tion of three years ago. It will be judicious for our citizens to imitate the example of Bos ton, and giVe to the strangers a warm welcome. They will bring a great deal of money to the city; and if . they are favOrably impressed, good results may accrue in the future to om• trade. These men will represent every branch of mer cantile business, and every section of the coun try; and it will be simply the part of a wise and far-seeing policy to impress them favorably with our city and its peOPle. Some organized action on the part of the Board of Trade, Would be the most effective means of beginning the ; good work. be New York Timo vouches for the truth of the story that Spain in. 1803: actually re solved to make war Anni the United States, and issued orders, auil began to make prepara tions to that effect. Certainly this is a very extraordinary and very interesting revelation, but its only effect will be to heighten our - gratification-at the-overthroW- of-Isahella's.des potic government. It cannot excite any ill feeling4n this country against Spain under the new dispensatiOn, for Nye learn that, the, bel ligerent scheme was abandoned through the . Influence of liberals who (tire now at the head of the'Spantsh revOlUtionary government. Ad : Mitting the; truth of this, 'we must acknowledge that We we to these good "counsellors some- thing of gratitude for their kindly otlices; and we shall 1e olsptised more * than' ever to' THE DAILY EN ENINOr BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1869. them our sympathy in their e. fforts to form a truly free government:: Ifth,ey4fluldrireligve 116- CiitilliViWtii.4Wnill . 1 2Y: YVhich - , 1 ) 1 4 are oppressed,our.friendship,3yould stand upon even a surer foundation. ! Some of 41,0 Z‘leverMoilt . plttiirsOpy an item from a London journal . describimg a very won- , dc ftll°presst hick *l4chiviihipp*: e d.i. 4 to LiindOn Vines' establishment. The peculiarity of this press is that the TaPer is fed into it in a !long, utibrOkOn/ribbliii,eand /then %Alt?. cut; Ito sheets and printed, upon by,asiligle machine. Doubtless, thig'ti4unfid of inge 'unity deserves a great • deal of praise, but as several of . the , moenintt.ne)velinpefs irthis City' have bad pressesOflkM&Vtigl description (the invention of a Philadelphian) in operation fir ,• years, the ' ehtlinSiasm of ..t,he New York !journals is rather late. •S,omp:of it could have !been expended on Philadelphia enterprise a long while ago. • il k kt".,alPilltPKTAllgTOlPl4l)),lfinNalP4!R i l ; serve Association took ,place at West Chester yesterday, and l l'64a - itei4eilli'S7 a large number of officers and men'of the famous old corps that, did such k glorious service in the war of the rebellion. The oceasiOn was Mbrd_than uSually interesting, because it was, M a certain sense, a farewell, demonstration_ in honor of the Presi dent of the. Association, ex-Governor Curtin, who is ahtfut,to depart on his Mission too : Rus sia. Tbe oration of Col. R. Biddleßohertswas a chaste, - elegad and schola'rly" The proceedings at the bangtibt; iii 'the evening, were all full of good feeling, and the occasion was one that will long be pleasantly remem bered. Colonel George Plitthas been , appointed by Secretary Boutwell to be 4 special agent of the 'lreasury Department for the (Willa, compris ing the States of; Pennsylvania and De!Myhre. Col. Plitt was an old Democrat; but' for a qn un ber of Yea's' has been ari earnest, zealous and 'active Republican. He will' be a faithful and 'excellent'officer, and his appointment is • one of the nrOst 'acceptable, to the peOple: that could have been made. . , Bunting., Durborow ¢ Co., AuclAoneers, 232 and 234 Market Nt met, will bold tin to-Morrow, unk/Asi n Jithe 3d, at 10 o'clock, on tour Months' Crllit, a largo and iwportant Knit, of Fobeign and Doineslic Dry Cowls, including 170 pa,kageKihquestic; 4)0 rolls Canton Matting, limp Carpets,. 600 pieces spring Wyolens, Ital hues Shirtmtr, lionsCkeepmg and Taikiring linens; 100 pierert Marl Lenos, MOhnirev,AlPacas, Fancy I)r,bs hoods. Shaw &c.; 50 pieces high. cost Black :Silks; also Skirts, Hosiery,. 4.410vi5, Ties, !Shirts and 31ra wcrv. U P Goods, mbrellas, arasols,' i•hicfs. Fans. & un Fn IDA Y, Aine 4tb, n,t ll'o'clock. , by .clitalntlue, on four monthe' credit, AI bout pieccti ingirain,..llrnsKelt4. lienin, Cothige and Rag Carpetingm; lA/Oran% Can t,., v,. , ..Lboet oterh, ' ••• • , Inkß. lt. E. THOMAS, THE LATE OPE rater at the Colton Deraid Atisociation,ll3; now the Mit!, one in Philadelphia who deyotea his entire tittle, and' practice to extracting teeth, absolutely with - oat pain, by fresh nitrous oxide gas. Office, No. 1027 IValnut Ofieets:l • ; r: !, 1 otthp7lyrp§. (It/LION DEN TAII'ASSUCHATION ginated the amesthetic use of NITROUS OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS, And_ilevote their whole time and practice ;to extracting teefliwithourpaln— Ofti., Eighth and Walnut etreet4. an 2019 tliiTS AND RAILS, POSTS AND E.AILS, P all styles. hour-hole, ivrare and half iciund'pome. Shingles—Long and short, heart and Pap. 10,000 feet hrgt common boards.' . • .. Shelving, lining and store-flitinc material made a spe cialty. NIHOLSON'S, mys-tfrp Seventh and Carpeilter Streets. ri WARBURTON'S IMPR — OVER, VEN- Jsm Mated and easy-fittlug Dreiai Hats (patented) in all the approved fashions of the 612a5011. Chestnut street, next door to the Boat-Office. ocb-tfrp . .. j A3l ES S. NEW BOLD S 5 SON, BILL BROKERS AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS. niy3l 2tit rp' 12d SOUTH SECOND STREET TAOYOU . USE TIIEGO'S TEABERRY Tootle,waßh—the celebrated T. T. T.? is' noW , the question of the day. All who desire to nreserve the teeth, and have a sweet, pure breath, certainly : do.. Sold by t).e proprietor,A. M. WILSON, Ninth and Filbert streets, and by alldrnegists. myll-ly-4p. BAKE, BREAD, AND FRYING PANS, Sance-pans. Tea-kettles, Gridirons, Cake Griddles, V. atille Irons. and other housekeeping hardware. for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty five) Market street. below Ninth. IE PLANES, FOR SHAV I into small particles, to quickly cool uvula water or other beverages or for medical renuirements, os sale by. TRUMAN S.: Nt., 835 (Eight Thirty-ti, (k`flarket street. below-Xiath.-Ttliiltoleiplinv. YOUR BOYS WOTILD FOR Joy if you give them a box pf ols and a SO. of Croquet, m Quoits, from TR UMAN_&I ;To SHAW'S, No. 835 ( Eight Thirty , tivel :Iclarket street, below Ninth. GE• t_TuR - . - 11f CUTt AT 1869. I:(sYY'S Saloon by first-class ' hair-cutters. Hair and whiskers dyed. - .ltazqrg set lii order. Ladies and children's hair cut. Open Sunday morning. No. 125 Exchange place. [ It* j • , G. C. FOSALR E—.HARAIONY DINING AND priakiaa Saluan• APPIY. S• quaer Third and MAL: IN s fTl i a E , INK, . A. j YOß a ltlll'lbit street. MAtiAZIN DES MODES MRS. PROCTOR. Cloaks, 'Walking Suits, Silks Drebe Goods, Lace ' Lliaieß' Underclothing and Ladies' Pure Dresses made to measure in Twenty-four Ilobrs. E VERY BUSINESS MAN SHOU LD hoar Fulton TO-NIGHT. "Whom shall we trust?" It THE 'MOUTH AND THE TEETH DR. J. DE HAVEN WHITE'S Name and Htanding ih Medical Dentißtry are a enaran tee for the Egicaey of whatever he Pre eeribeß for the Mouth and Teeth. The great demand for:tho preparations made from him formnla has induced many persons to sell their own preparations under his name. To'protect his reputation from suffering this practice, anti to secureall.3 best remedies for ins patients in regard to Me . NEW MEDICATED DENTIFRICE, - ' AND MOUTH WASH AND GARGLE, Ike has taken legal measures to :prevent his formula from being compounded by any other Chemist or Drug the United States but GUSTAyU ,‘. B;IIIItI7SII, N. W. eor. Twelfth and i Cli l e ' s l i= l t n rv Y eilt, Philadelphia As testified by the following certificate: • "I hereby repudiate as SPURIOUS all tooth powders and mouth washes sold under my name, except those having my signature on the table and compounded ONLY by GUSTAVUS KRAUSE,Apotherary , N ear-. ner of TWELFTH and CHEnNuT iitreetS: — Philadel phia who ALONE holds my prescriptions, and is 'autbo. rized to prepare the same." .1. DEHAVEN WHITE, M. D.; D. D: S. Beware of all "pink" Tooth Powders sold under Dr. White's name, A liberal disconnt on the above preparations' will be made to the trade. ' - Inlll3-ii in wain rp§ 5 CHOICE, SEATS, KELLOGG OPERA, FOR BALE, AT ONE DOLLAR AddrePo, 'KELLOGG, Box 2400 Philatia. P.O. it* EDD IN G AND ENGAGEMENT Rings.of solid IS karat fine Gold—a spkialty; a full assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving names, etc. • • FARE & BROTHER; Makers, sil2-1.-rp tf Chestnut st reet , below Fourth.- _ LUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FlT tinic in t eityi r or r c i o c t i rtry a d a rt l i x n n t i h m e li b4tit . manner, Tipp, and Plumbers' material generalty; fu i r r icniieS at manufacturer s rates, by SAMUEL W. LEAAU, tayl2 1 11l South Seventh street. VW% IN VALID S;A - • 31USICAL Box as a companion for the sick clamber; the finest asSortment in the city, and a great variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direst •- • • • - • ' ,FARRI: BROTHER, xnhletf rp • 324..Chestmlt street, below Fourth, MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT 4 LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES,' JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, &c., at . 5 4: 7 JONES &CO.'S OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner er Third and Gieikill etreetis, Below Lombard. N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES,jEWELRYiGUNS,' R f4ALI: AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. guY24 harp§ 1014 WALNUT STREET • , • ‘s, •L , . ;WE HATE IT—The lowest scale , . „ WANAMAKER & BROWN..' . . • EDWARD. P. KELLY S. E. for. Chestnut and Seventh StS. Choice Goods for Present Season. , In daily receipt of New and Staple Spring Goods. P-P-P-Pr-Pr7Pr-Fro-Pro-Pro - C L4MATION FROM ROCKHILL & WILSON. DIG BUSINESS! It's a mighty undertak;»g This, busincss,of clothes making, • : AT THE GREAT BROWN HALL GIGANTIO'F3TOCK ! Though our tmles have'beel tremendous, our stuck is 'still stUp' endous, , AT THE . GREAT BROWN HALL. 81' VI, ISHI Our styles were never neatef; , Our stock can't be completer, AT TIM , GREAT BROWN HALL CHEAP!:.• Aud the people knOW the fact is, Selling cheap is still our pinetiee,- 1 AT THE GREAT BROWN HALL COME ON! And WO have, for each new comer, Most delightful elotlaes for summer, AT THE GREAT BROWN HALL :WE KEEP 9N! ; Anil we mean to keep on telling How monstrous cheap we're selling, AT .TILE GREAT BROWN HALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, to You, gentlemen, for the warm Weather Come and buy our Cool Clothes, Cheap for Cash. ROCKHILL & WILSON, 603 and 605 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. REDUCTIONS IMPROVEMENTS Second Story Stock Very Attractive. PRICES ALL REDUCED. BOYS' CLOTHING. BOYS' CLOTHING.. LADIES' SILK MANTLES. LADIES' SILK MANTLES. LADIES! CLOTH CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS. LLAMA LACE POINTS. LLAMA LACE POINTS. 500 SUMMER SHAWLS: 500 SUMMER SHAWLS. 500 SPRING SHAWLS. 500 SPRING SHAWLS. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. cor. Ninth and Market. Sts, SITAIMER RESORTS STOCKTON HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Will Open on. the 24th of June, 1360. This Hotel has been erected within the past year; affords ample accommodations for nearly one thousand guests, and is furnighed equal to any of the leading hotels in the United States. For terms, &c., until then, address PETER GARDNER, Proprietor, No. 307 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. jet lmrp CAPE ISLAND, N.J. ° A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT,. ALA CARTE, . WILL BE . OPENED BY • 'ADOLPH' PROSKAUER, Of 222 St Third Street, Philadelphia, On tie ith ,Janes under the tuimci: and title of • MAISON DOREE, .At the cor. of Washington and Jackson Sts., . • ICnown ae Hart', Cottage, • ll®' Farailleo will be supplied at the Cottage. Lodging Room by Day or Week to Rent. my 29 tfrp§ WIRE FLY AND MOSQUITO ViINDOW SHDES, ,siguti for Banka, Offices, &c., LANDSOAPES,&e., FOR PRIVATE HOUSES . Plain Shades of every aeseription. -- G.DE WITT, BRO. & CO., No. 633 Market Sh.eet, Philadelphia. Iny39-wkionikr, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. I(l,ooo , Yards; Silk Emin.nidered Orono:- Centsa.Yar4. 10,000 Yards Broche Grenadines all 37 1 7 2, Cents a Yard: 1• • • fl;000 SI4OI S k ; ' ) ' l?vigge ft „ Grertaillses,: 1 Ceiitica Yard. 1,• 1 " 4;9 04 Y; sPlol3 o t i , 44.41. Cents a Yard. The abov'e . ainifARCSINS, being oitered at little more than t 0 wits en the dollar, AND ARE FAST SELLING i OUT. e •< l, ^ ,) IJ. W. PROCTOR & CO • 1 1 CO., BEE=HIVE ,' '• ' . . No. opo- Chpstnut Street. Oren NEW PUBLICATIONS. Published This' pay: •,1, - ,.,10nr New Way Round the-World'; on, WHERE TO GO AND WHAT TO'SEE. Charles Carleton Collin. One volume. f,OO pagem. Printed,from new, large-nized, clear type, containlmi eevi•i•Al full•spng . o Mapg, phowirig etcatiwhip lined and routeN of ttltVel, lubtrated with more than lOU engravingi. reproduced from photograph,' and oisighial slietelaet, Crown octavo. Morocco cloth, fik..3 00.. Malf Calf, ..If, UV. The author of tlifsivoliono tx the welblmuwn corres pondent "CA It " of the Boston .ftrurnal. Ivhose let• tors during the war and since have been inure admired and prah , ed than ony others ever given to the American public. Ile left the United Stated in July. 1q;4;. amt I n ca reeelitly returned, having made the tour of the wißridi t • ( t iotomit foenveiri ono interew-u in life development of the coltillieree. of the country. inasmuch as it gives in detail ti,t the kind of ititorm allow whit:lll.ll4e neo ch plc) of the rYftitOo - iPttitelli re' 0 ire in telittietf tri ina; So mot loth.; x - glaro:e at the headings of ,•everal of the chapter,: will show from 'lv hat a. wide nntl diveysitied tiola Mr.ieuflinll3?l gathered his =forint r ' NiW York to MarbeilloK; Modern Egypt; Cairo; pelta of the Nile; Suez I.•anal: • Egy=pt to Botatay; ltrithdi India; Itailnays of India; Hi-tort', Philosophy 8111.1 the. TIOCCAtI; iu the Tien rt of Indhi; Seel ei Allah:Owl; S , 4101o1A; Allithabad to Jt ettareN; The Valley of the Ganges; Our Fir,,t Night Eii'Vation of Ilindoo Wonn.n; Life in India; Aerosl the Bay yf Tjp: smice 41.1krilltilacvs; , '8Itigap61,. to, Gimp Koiipz; li (if.l/dl.4olys tit itti,torg ‘t , ( 1101)14 , 114.474001t4 TV; f'nk 9,0 , 0 11 t0u; The intlarnr; tht,h SoutgOm (Allow littul.l4in (21trOIL, . . 11. THA.crtiovELs. :- 1110 - Usielkold 'IIE4.ItIQII Uniform, Compact, „Legib r ie r Handsome, ') f„ Cheap a• f y 'Fd trni rut tbelfuth.Pbott N ' -- p'c „ pr.A•-• 04'-1' Thy tii,rtirthat.l P " 4,0 reach all I isLin t table.tl iton n ft)121;,, ter cef Tie 4d °I is I great JUST -PUBLISHED VANITY FAIR. With firt6' rork,r4t oF Thacket•W P,tke Ea-- Other Vol um , 6 min jidloic ;titthrd ink" y. " For Nile I.y iill..lValaellers. paid .oa receipt of price by iliTarPaiblisherti, FIELDS, - VSGOOD;Aco'CO., 124 Trentioniaitreet, ilogton. Turner Bros.. 64„P0,.,'s New Books. JUST PUBLISHED Beautiful Snow, ;in Otlier*Yeetu§, .., My J. W. Mllktepat i ' , i, I' ric4' IF) :20. }NUL' Al Ottl . ; %,. 01 THE 121:57 N 0 WE LI3PUZLiji E.P,r l , ~ -0-P it. , Tbe pf iii ' 40;p1Aerp:oitr.ppoitilv. , itR"; ~,,, , .,,t , ~ ,,,,1 ~,,, , ;.„,, :.,ipt ....,. J.....,,,Ew5 4 y,, ~ .. p 4 ,. 't:,, ,. & OV., r2, 11, P i riftY4le at& A , t,.., ~,,,, ..., ~,g . ! in ottirtegtepttkoderdot tbo rlliih*ltio l lio,t4i. v tit IW. e i fitirel isto*.editjinis 00:101purilift pa . laVpilgs: RATIMEXNNDII% ', , p If ItntiN DON , ' , t )J COUJNIONAION,SE.. .`-'i ., AllerlLT AND , Ft 4 -.l' a&J;fillifiETavau,T4:l,Vi -. Olkihra XXXII . - - ,,,, -.. , -"WfrtfirftriUS 'STRANC:E. • • MARRIED., 'Reatly.Titnc 15th.' • - AND AMERICAN. Tlll• largent aftsortannt itt tlte.cntattry,k4 hps than Tit taitilwre' pricfY. " • • " ritUR - NERS', SOS Cheotitut Street;Phlladelptifidkt my3l m w fa 4trp • • .. I:IIMTSM3EMSESffa ALL THE` NEWBOOKS For, Sale ~at.iyholcsale. Prices by PORTER & COATES, P y IIL,ISITER,s .4qp,IIOO . KBELLL:AS;= No y ` CHESTNUT - STREIT; --- Marble Building, adjoining the Continental. Our Ncw and Vl.(2gant • ART GALLERY ift now open with the tineAt collection of PAINTINGS, CIIROMOS and ENGRAVINGS in the city. mh2o m w f rptf . ZELL'S POPULAR 4 . lvcv - cr,cor)lDrA., A Dictionary of,Universal Knowledge, T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, 17 ancl , lo South Sixth Street. JAM w e Sinr THE PAAHAM NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE.' This new and admirable Sowing , Machine- has already' achieved a popularity not surpasseirby' the eldest ma chines of the country. it combines all the good qualities of the beet machines in the market, with many new and superior features not found in liny other: is ADAPTED, FOB. EVERY DESCRIPTION' OP FAMILY SEWING ANDFoit LIGHT MANUFACTURING PURPOSES Is elegant in style and finish, simple in construction, noiseless in operation, makes perfect work on every de scription of material, is very light running.. perfectly free in all its movements, : IS- adapted . to- a greater range of work than any machine yet invented, and is empliati-' MOST PERFECT. SIMPLE — AND RELIABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. It it; a positive , pleamore to operate it. Call and examine it at the office of the PAIMAIK SEWIN( MACHINE CO., No' 764 CHEST.N.UT:STItt.ET. jel lin p • •TH A 111.1 - - - , _CIL best city references, wants a situation for the Sum mer. Address, STEWART,III2 Walnut street. It*. CIENUINE 140 TAPIOCA, WITH FULL Iv directions for use.' Fresh Bethlehem, Canada and" Scotch Oatmeal. Pearl Sago, Herds 'Farinaceous Food, Ithcaliont, Cox '8 Gelatine, Cifracas Cacao and lother tetics . For sale. by JAMES T. SHINN, S. W. cor. Broad and Sprnewstrebta. - - 'ADM tf , , TITST RECEIVED, AND IN &Tont i,ooo' ty (quiet; of Charnpakrce, sparkling Cataa , teri and 'Cali fornia Wines, Port, Madeira, Sherry,Jantioa and Santa Pruz Rum, fine old Branding and - Whialtiea,'Whoicsalo, and Retail.. P. J. JORDAN; 720 Pearetreot i • Below Ilaird and Walnut atroota, anal , atano , Dock + atryot, (la ti • GROCERIES. FINE:': . -G , ..R90. , K41g&- a> ,, FOR, THE 'COUNTRY.' SuivtiOd, at tliefr Sgutuler „ ''iWithin . retti3bnoo (lintrinc6) . By Our Wagons. Goods Carefully Paeked for,T:radeportaftort. MITCHELL :iSi, I ' . FLETCIIEII, 1204 CHESTNUT OCHE , • p 2 1 yrp FANCY `BISCUITS BISCUITS SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, AGENTS FOR THE ONLY GENUINE AND ORIGINAL AltalEitT and EilGl-10NIOq: ;With.:.a,.to,ioty.,Qf o,therYitle-.:Bjscaits, FROM . PEAK FREAN 8c 0 LONDON, The. Largest Biscuit Manufacturers In Ettrope RJR WINS. VERY,OLD PORT WINES. Vintages of 1830 and 1847. ,-• . , . Thrse'l'orts on; acktioiciodged • U thO, !luck' critics to be fir superior to anything of the. kitid'over imported ; . into the Univ.(' Statets. This ems :vetoed:4 , l44oll for our own loud trade. Sane pies in elm e, and hpreiths gheri In ally buyer to take it' from betel Pliymfeiaili. anti wille erit(eff I,l,lafte nolite Of thin For Fah. I,y 11,,, 0,11(m, SIMON COLTON &:CLARXE • .. IMPOICTERN, S W. cor Broad and Walnut Sti: 8 .Y ;( 77-7 4 -- a\ r. TI L E " 13" E -S T: [Flii.j . ' ) ": f -11, ( Ot tlll - 17VATIIRAL FLAVOR REMIND' c ; I NK LARGE AND FULL OF SOLID TOMATOES: FAktnags and REkTAURATEDRS p_rdmitinuo thou THE III:ST, and thiteefere THE CHEAPEST. for their utte.and Indispeneable at every well ordered dinner. 'DEALERS 'prefer them berauve of their geed strlfit audd . the en tire sat Infect ion theygive to conatuarpi. Deakin' Orders only received at SOLE AGENCY 45 NORTH WATER. STREET: Or( re are now being entered for the coming scaeon's etipply. ' , netted exeltitively at Facturl ClultiArinad county, N. J. QUINTON PACKING COMPANY. so 15 ltor THE FINE ARTS. GREAT NOVELIip... Looking Glasses, MITRE FRAMES, New Chivnios, New' Engravings. EARLES' GALLERIES, el 6 CHESTNUT STREET. HAELTINE'S GALLERIES OF THE ARTS; 1125 Chestnut Street. Alwaytt on FREE Exhibition and for, gait', Fine and Original Oil Paintingm. A complete 4 rtock on band of old and new Engraltings,.; fhromos, French rhotographs,Looking Glasses,Afiste! Materiang, /cc. On Special Exhibition—Admission 26 cants—" Tho Princess of Morocco," by Lecompte, of Porde; —Bearing Home the Sheayee,"l)y Vend*, of Paris, with other rare and great works of aft ITUItE, &C. GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINETMAKER, Established 1544-. 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET_ nty6 3tn4p FURNITURE. & A. HENKELS; Having REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, (002 ARCH ST., Are now Belling Rret•claes FURNITURE at 'very re duced pricem. 1021-3Lorp3 FINE INDIA CIiINA. TYNDALEA3TITMIELL, , . , _707 CHEgTNUT STEEEV.. UIIEAP COL'OC:NE SETS TiNtiA.Lt 411.7CRELL, ENGRAVING UN GLi~dd. ' TYNDALE k MITCHELL, 'CHEAP GLASS WARE TYNDALE a': 707 CIIESTMUT,STREET., DECORATIONS ON " TYNDALE & 31ITOIIELL ; , ' - 107 CIIESTNIPT-STREET:7 aihl6-Ka.,w,f.31y1.9i H. P. 6:1 O. R. TAYLOR; _ pEnnum.EitY AND TOILET SOAPPI, 641 plud'643 N. NinthStvietL myl3 lyrp§ 707 CHESTNUT STREET 707-CHESTNUT STREET EINI -- -SECOND-EDITION • - TAIL.OO - 141,4,PH. /113"ri?. 71r-nr :ti• • rff • State. , ‘ol.pe , LondOn'Moiley`Maiiiet' LIVERPOOL,COTTON -•- FRAM CUBA'S SELLTGERENT Tki . g', - ...!:.'5g00..CNti:0N: . :•.,0'..4.4 . ....;.rp0ti . Other` o,.F(4llqvy, N a• - v a 1 ` Ass i g nrnentr Jl7 the Atlantic Cable: LOVD(f,` Jhee 2, :A. CM:viols for sconey,, '11241; for account, 02 4 3 ; ex-diyi 4dend' IT S. Five-twentieS, Stocks gniet;' Brie, 10'1- Illinois Cential,ll:l;, Atlantic and Great. W;:stern, 2:51. . . • rhAllitiortirc:ftine z=u: S. Iriyo'-tweuti 410Scd'Iaht night at 801. I'Ants, ,, June 2.—Thu Bourse closed steady lakt night. 'Rettte.s; 71f. 47e. •A. 3.f.L--41otton, firmer; Uitlands ' 11 g (I; 3liddling Orliat ,1114 tlf! flth% of the day are estimated at 12,000 Breadstuff',quiet, HAS P; Jtne'2,.-;-ChAton last, night ed buoyant for ,botli on the spot and ado:a: , on spot,•l4oK.; afloat 1171. - Lonnos, J.utto '2.---Linseed Oil buoyant, at £3l • - Adviees from China , report that the total vhipments of the new crop of tea,thus iltr,ltave been 140,000 3„ LONzPN,June P. M.—United States • 801 Five twenti es eartier at E "ra rie ilroad, 19. 1111- , , 'leis Central, M. 'Lrviatriobt..,, :Tillie 9., I'. li =('ottotr firtnpr It ix; not thought'tlrr!lalea will 'he 15,1)0. , Petroleum, 18.134.1. Sprints, HA RE .TOne openA for, 100 tli on: 1114 spot: o4ul ,'ufloat; ox.s the spoi, 141. frallaia t . . 4,41 .4 . # A )I PTD 12.-11,riived-Stean2 , isiult,New York .frorn New York.- Cittuli°lo I;telligereist SpaialLtvpateli to thr, sv4,o WAMIUSIITO . S", dime .thought here , that tho example of Peru, in recognizing' the belligereney of the Cuban infmrgents, most likely be follewAtsl by,', Chile and other South American, republics. A Peace : Confer i!*e betwOen,theSe republieSand Spain Was to luiVe been held - here, this Month, to arrange far filet' settlement of the 'queStions whieh • re quilted in the %%lir between the tWo powers , tWo iitars ago. lint the, action.: of Peni•on the Cuban question, and the dispe• sift en inani rested by 'other Republics to siistain and . follmv,her in this coarse will, it .is be, i evedCAUS e a pitstpo ein nt ofth e. Conference What,pelicy Spain \t ill pursue after becoming': aware of this unfriendly act on the part of Peru is . as yet nnknown, but the general inn, presSiim bere in diplomatic cireles is that she vrill resetitit. The cbinlitsion of the matter is watched for with conidderable interest. The new Peruvian Minister has artiYeil,Aint:his credentiahMave not been laid before the Secretary of State. AA room aS this is done he will be presented to the President: From 'Washlmrton. WAstrtNoros, June '2.--The following na val orders were :issued to-day : Counnander Harmony bait been ordered to the Navy Yard at New York, as Inspector of Supplies. De tached—Commander Hopkins, front duty as Inspector Of Sappliet, at the New York Navy Yard, and placed on Waiting orders; Comman der Blake, from the command of the Swatara, and placed on waiting orders; Lieutenant. Commander 'Farquhar, Surgeon ti. L. Bates And Assistant Surgeon Griffith are placed on waiting orders; Paymaster Robert IV. Allen, front the Sivatara, and ordered to settle his accounts; Lieutenant-Commander s c hi es ,, front the Naval Academy, and ordered to the store-ship Idaho. The i ,NavY Deparbnent has received a de spatch • from Rear-Admiral Radford,• com manding the European squadion, dated Tou lon, France, May 11th, in whblb he states-that the.thtgship Franklin arrived there on that dtiV. The Richmond•arrived at Pirams, Greece, on April •2tith, from Carthagena, Spain, having touched at Algiers, Palmas Bay, Sardinia, Tunis and Malta, and - would sail on the 29th for Smyrna. • • The Kenosha piieeeded to eVel'S•flit AIM no dtsfitr banees being antitipatiA, left that place and arrived at Gibraltar on the :Nth The store-,Shiptsiirad arrived tt Valermo, from Lisbon, having touched at Gihraltar. She was to sail for Naples and Speiia. May 10th, and would arrive at the latter place about June 10th.. 4t Algigrp. the Yranklin , was i .visited by the Gayer - in* :-41f , the -province, Marshal Mc- Mahon, Duke of Magenta, who WiLl received with the honors due,his rank. Fatal Shooting. Pown.A.ND, June 2.-lirs. Baker, a widow, and a milliner, was shot fatally by. Mrs. Parker, a;lawyeeti wife. Jealousy was the cause. Mrs. Parker was arrested. Weather Report. J L'NE 2, 9 A.M. Wind. Weather. Plaibter Cove • V. W. Cloudy nulifax Y. E. Clear. Philadelphia S. W. Ilondy Wilmington. Del 4 W. Cloudy Washington S W. Cloudy Richmond s E. Cloudy :%.. ~ . S. (Tear. 88 S. W. Clear. Go Holy. 73 .S. W. CloudY• 71 .SJ:. Cloudy. 77 Xalui. llazy.so Cloudy. 78 Clear.., .83 Clear. 84 Cloudy. - 79 Clear. • 71 Clear. .... fS2 esvcsgo Buffalo Pittsburgh., Chicago .Loulsvi . New Orleans Key Wifsr.. Havana} Augusta. Ca Savannah Chtirleeton Euro tiLivituat, 30.19 State of Thermometer This Day at the ' • Bulletin Office. 20 A M 79 deg. 1211 t 81 deg. 2P. Ai 111 dog. Weather cloudy. Wind i3outlavvent. FINANCIAL 'AND COMMERCIAL. Philadelphia Moe NO eh Sch Nav titk b3O 10 • FIRST TAO City fie new C&P 100 WAX) Penn 6ti let.ser It 101,:i /000 Elmira 78 02 2000 Pbila St Erie 7e b 5 001 i 0000 do btio 00 100 Union Canal 11ds 113 200 eh Oil Creek dt Ale River NO Its 43;,i . 200 sh Catawlesa pi' Its 341 100 sh do b3O '_ . 36.5.; )00 sh do stiOwn 363; 100 eh do WO 37 6 eh Little Sch R 46 slrSch „NAY, pfd 2054. 010 sh , do • stk 10 /00 eh do stiOwn 010 20 eh Grn&Coates St RM . 41 eh Lehigh Val ICUs 66% 1464 h Penn R.lts 6753 336 eh . .. do stock its 63 . . . . • 18. b do recoipts Its 671 i 200 sh OQ-b3O Ice 533 28e.5h.!• ,. do Its b6O 58!‘ BETWEEN 2000 Cam & Am 66 139.1 ts 93 4000 do do 03 310 Lehigh 'di - . • Si 600 Lehigh Gold 99.14 3000 Lehigh Con Ln 83 7 eh 131 i of N A IN ES 240 2 511._ di) FS 210 ] Ix Fitt' tt Meth l3k 119 ?is' 20041 h 69 Pciiii;ll ;r.. 98 • 100 eh • h3o 67ii SOW Philie& Erli• 78 3000 -' do do iis 1 tp 'B9'.i Bob ,lax Gii '42 • iO.; 200 J 14 uni, 11211' iiil Ox, 90 Ioooo' Old In 99,4: RICI!EM ExeWing° Sales. BOARDS. 1200 sli Phile 3, Erie Its .33 BOARD. 1100 eh Reading R h3O 50-1.16 l• 11-811 do Its 50 200 oh do c ' 50. ,100 o oh do 50h do b3O -1. 5016 100 100 oli do 1130 50 300 oh . do 2(1yo 50 200 oh do 1160 Ito 504-16 600 oh do b3O Its 50 100 eh Phil di Erb, -33 1 ; 100 oh do . b3O • 339 i 100 oh — do 830 wit 331.1 11X) olt do • 333. 100 oh do 830 3334 , 200 elt do Its ' :133. 100x11 do 33 4 ,1 200 oh do 1113 • .1314 100 oh do c 335 . 100 oh do 1)30 33' 100 oh do b3O • 3-3 1 4 400 eh do • 337 300 - do- -05 Ito- -33 , 4 100 oh ' do 55 337)it BOARDI. 8 611 West Jersey 11 63.1 i 100 eh Reading 11. 50 100 eh Catawbout pfd 37. 2 i 500 oh Philn&Erio 1)30 33.!. 100 eh do slown '33.5 100 81, do esttint 33 1 ; 100 eh do sdye • 33141 300 eh do 851su 331 4 100 Ijh 241y5 ' .3314 100 eh do • ' 530 33? / 013 0 Union 12 eit,Lehigh Nav atk &Vl' (ler. ai R , 30 lOU oh Paull RB5 , tott 15 il 12 11'.11.vatling 4 bg. yehiladelulkin Money Blarkeit. \ - af t l i v: l l4rOly . money market te-day. The r tinnes very Ittnited. 4101 lenders have a ft :ls - rim ear ror all 3re oPiritrit i 4Vtitelrifunerrrane . i n m t il o k l , l s the third street iitni p ti rli o Th'T°, o •Virit'AVl" t "" lure very shitndatit " aria , at" relltititlitlY jtalitY i tlse demand I on-the ,Inerptiise i hilt tile iliek "r ) • 7 4 1 .. I ran tg femur.; of tho paarkft . . .% mKninr enstotners beinttlitr behind their lure treh vutchag.is et tidtslde piLpor. thin Rfinld not t(rueti'vritli a long p4ir,gl rate&may baritlrlv VilietVit as. ti in 'Aintreney • the • banks and itilitti4llsll:' l elulell 4' lToll l ,; ?1 , „„ h „ freely lor--all they efts get.. disro. l llits tiro 1 _ , 'hanks and 'olittddl at 'tad; pOr ednt, rgrfl I psi per. 1/4. • troit.rilmont t•t b ut , ,tn a dy , Until , 'erkfr y1"0 weak * kinfi :if. 10 osllluic , on 17 . 1iirit . , t.treet at 130: - . i There was consider:46l4 aniniatifin Iti the Stoek 141 arket this tin. 'teinltaienveff - nrieed for alittifit Si.ryttiloglni ths list was ilekitledlyt onward. •Citl-Lliaftei'', were tdelaly at 10(5. Stitt l i oalis tlic:re were trinifute- Cons thei firer series 1(4,34, • • Minding lll4lllfoad' - wits ilalf at i 0 l'enlif;yl‘;it'ila Rail r0..41 ad ea weft ; dnti said at the f'lut'e ar nS., , unit .I.rietllallrofill wan tirtifstuillAnnetlre.and sold itirgnly. at Xl3(-inn utlefinee.4 estfoilvlssa tits Preferred•ttpt• oreeiated 1, and elifenged , liands at 37. and - Lehigh Valley i !tall oad 545 N , In tChtail stooks ;but little. nidveinent.' ' Selfuylkill Vag (nation Common solfl at 101 and 'lank and P3FNeIIgVE Railway nhares dhe werotio4dotoge.o wort hl or not ice. tle , ere. '4!t No: 40 South Third t street, make the following onotalifinn of the rates of ex -4 change to-day at l'.31;:-IJnIteli•States Sixes' of 1881, I 12244172,'.1;d0 410, 1862,, 12-0144.412214;.,d0.f10.144414.117a117.1.i; 4110. do. 184:6, 118114119; do. do.lB6fi,' new, .119,tia120i,;; do. do, 184,7, new, 11itti ,44 12034,4_00:,41444- 1 8W, nrw, 119 'fia 121) 'i: L's, 1040.., 1(19?‘al094‘; U. S.t, XI Year 6 per rent, Cur teney, 107 2 4a10144,* Conlootind Interest liotes,lo.4; • Gold. 130a1804; 1.11i4133, . Smith, Randolph Co.. lainkern:Third and Chestnut streets, some at 1014 o'elork an follows: G0h1.139,• 5.. Sixes, 14461,122"in12214; d0.f10.5-20. 1862, 1223,041221i;110.410., 1E64, ' do. do: letz; Ilfit-i.a119; do. do„, July, t 1865, 120a1283i::ttio, ,18c7, 1.2tta12016t, Jhly, 1868, 120a120,s r do., s's, 10-40, ,10930•199.!*; City'' !reney 6's, 1074441071,1.. .• • - • Jay Conkeic CAP, quote °Awe:nu:tent neuritisB'. ie.: to ' day an follows: . 1,81,.1,22,44a122,16;5-208 1M62, 1 22' • a 122i4; do. 1864,1173;a117 %; . 'l4.loreffiber, 188 115:4a, 1101. do. July, 1865, 120a1::014; do.ltstilil2oal244; do. 186 b. 120;k1aLti ,Ten;fortieie. 109;islt1004:, Mettles, 107,1,1 n . - . 107+,1; Giald, 13911: ' • t • • l'he follotliffg 1,4 the istatkoif , ot. (lie Pennnyltittula Ittveipte for t I e'we'ek Lifting May 20 1860.. . : ' 11 . 16,274 yJ • l'res loan In 1864 108,435 37 Total 144501 — 1 124 : 6, 34 To tenor period , , ' 72;03 01 ‘!" Inerohne In 1569 .......... . . . Philadelphia Produce ltlark.et,: - .• 4 fly EDNENDA 1'..1 tine 2ihtliD...-The :Flottr market im with ont improvement, tl/e , detruitiel befog Ilmitod to the ini;+! to++diato wattle of + the, noine' conaunions. WllO ptir. r)utPo4l a foie Ituinttoil i barttle at .ei1..95 25 for Supertinei . 75ati ,for , Extrae; • /Wee:. 75 . Jowl' - AYIAft( , )101!I man •+ Mtlenoiota extra' • fatnlivs Fit; :Mai 50 for Pennayloanla• do., ,10:;y7 - 75A r ts SOfer , )illfr .10.. +l+ ,,, and tit thnoy , loratala. according to qnalft , Flour eolle at s t,, +5 70. - The Wheat marl:o,lN gre•atly +l,vroaied, and there lobo 111:4111 , X1. , 14 for , l+rliaa+lotei 'lt•.• , +l at 1 304 1 40;1101 I+ faney 341chisran Andrei tit Fp, I f+03165, and I.IIIHII tote hf hilO at 'sl fl - 0 fa offered at el 33 'per i.u4.1 - ror t'orn doll tit• till &VI hie 11014'd S/IIC/itif Vet lOW at %come, and 31100 1/11x++++1 aySlatk..lllo,l%lttPr riitE fit lii2il lII' () ; ;to arc tita•lottl,Retl; 2011 I+o,l4+llolle+Aeri . . , . . .. Nothillit 'doiii iii Dirii...}' 6r ,3fitit . -.• • " - " - It ~ It K .—ln Ow 111,-10--of *1•1147+ - :% fr 'fi!v - ,. 64 1 N... 1 Qn•r•- ,•itrffil at5....t.,14.vr kiti.- WiA iiY tthi,geo ft4m w l..‘, o'i If) p•-r- ~ : ailoit. tax'pilid.- :• • - '- "-- • *. • The New Yerh IkozA'ew: .31arlieU I From the 'tit vslidirk II et - Ma of t4-11;iy .1 . , . .1t 7 , t t! jo -- ,TheAllol WY 'llitsrllet witte,TlJl , "t . i/CtiVe' 'and. 7 per eetd, W. , : paidist all , n , 6 ,; me' ktoelt4, and . its 11.•arly to l N' ''lrryjsu.tfltry pll t..evprrdeent collatesAt , . • Tile perat•luth or ttit. ,. ditlirrldtta:e vr a ,.. primarily tit- 'fct that It I dal, was the lint the month a great In'tny ims wore eltaltsted. otrlstsi to the I,N pint Ils oi eel eoutract., sm.l : ttr' makin g . - 4 iI , V; agn't-111 , 11 j. r.illti AVtility With tehtll, , t1.1 , 8/.017. , (.I Ice the -he.tr , . ltll4, a., , Le.g. - rarated flitter*, as innelt a, p0.,i1.1e. If t!1 , 4 did not a , 4ll.tily . if , * up fittoh. ..tortte honk aectottiti wor nor made. ~ up unlit tar's' thr-e, o'clock.' Cl.lll- ii WI Paper nil , INVe a nlight eottreti,laa: tin ; ra.te i t, ' e. - Itieb, Ifni the hulk 'ot Int SJ nartiettr , eran,t , from ~,,i i fr o eight RI.II :Omit' per cent. 26 twine, irsterances..partio- - larly were ti, maker fl 11 ,, t AliPtX),, , ,ll ta "fin tilioppitra" for n market. Ittt H lifil..thottpr in 1 0t 4t... or• ertiere the antonsit i.lttrwer than the trial run of Index, stood pa,- 1 .. r I,:i.l.eet t ..501.1 lit {e.4 MO, Ith nine per {..Plit. dh-courit. Tjwi,rivitte tnarliet and fil , V-0111ritry I.atik , •itre...llls.jecte , F, t o 'm o re ....,topet t i t ,.n fr. Hi the city hank. which. from, the t edutalanry of stational ellrrencY to. eked on Deposit 1 , ) t bent, at, well an tat at,onnt. or the.,foDiOrnry In lower interet.t...6 11,411111 n I.ltittnti,r, are inclined to enlarge theirgecorstmodation, . rat it mreitt Ittittyiutcy. in ro.tpunse tit riso 19 for bonds ht Irepthitb, sind-prie,es.iit the n boned bitteliell their eihre thi s *harp ~lielfiii tios al ternoon tlicre was ciniridf-rable 1101, While NMI(' i:easlitf•rs waif, .4iileivittiniiii by all ,trro ut.itint cable wietatiiiii giving the price lAA 79'; lit OM' o'clock. listcr in the. *lay this wits iliscovonsi to be nu utter 6,r Po.N. The at-lofty hi nio n vy, Itowort-r. pre. 14 , 1414,1 a • A telept ant front London to tin! fmrain! S;. rs bowie . umler date of Slay 14. confirm , : t h e. utter of five mllllOll4 *.tt rting in gold mud.. by the Hank of Franc.° to the Rank of England, which Ira*, Itowcrer, refused by latt,r, Mr. N'ah.byek.the Aoolotztht Treaottrer in thitteitr, did hoi retire front the clritieo of hip °Mee to-day. Sl+7l•- tan Boutm ell having tett neottol that le• would continue in the P..iiioll Until t h e ILtlt inot. Thin would indicate thatr. Boutcrell hag not yet oeleettol it gueceloor for the pooet km from which Mt. Van Dyck formally r.s• mane time ago. Southern ercuritie,: were Maher and stronger. In ef3-rn pathr with an improvement in Telnle,..o-14 Mitt SOrth VarlaillllA. a report being in circulation that the.] lily in terest the latter could b.. paid. The advance iu gold a. well as the hi. 2114 q notation.; for ti 1 4,1114'111th , in 'tendon created 3 fuller supply of commercial end bond bills, under which bankers' Mier ling bills mai-till an eighth to a lough, IVer eellt. While the night quotation Vlll3 MITI/1111111v 1103 at the close a gild deal had been done at 110. Cable Iratisfers were node at 110?.. , . Coll waif FtrOlig under the renewal t4the bull trpecula tiou,and rose over one per gent. The success of the movement might have been Inure derided had the foreign Althdatiup for five-twenties nut deterred outside buyers. I From to:tlay's N.Y. World.] r'egtock- market - la - dull excepting- n 31 ichigiiiiut hem and Pittsburgh. which were maiiipu• lated by the cliques. Michigan Southern fluctuated be tween 11lffa and 117.4. and Pithdpurgh 10d. and MP' It is reported - that - 31r: Horace F. Clark will be made I resi dent of the Consolidated Lake Shure and Mtehi,gan Southern Roads, and 31r. Legrand I.ockwood,Treasurer. This report caused some to buy and others to sell ? tic voiding to the different views they took of 'the result from the proposed officials. The Broadway brokers' firm and their friends were - free sellers of Michigan Southern, but the Vanderbilt party were. free buyers, which prevented the threatened break in the stock. At this crisis the market was on the verge of a sharp decline. which might have resulted seriously in the present feverish condition of affairs. Prudent .ope rater. generally are selling and realizing the large- pro fits offered to them by the clique manipulators. bill Mat St: Joseph preferred shares advanced from 120 to 131. Owing to the company 'holding assets to the amount of .tffi.135.00, which win be used to ITdeent the laud bonds' • . 4 i 1 .9011,0u9; the eight p-r cent, loan, . S.i'SCALOOUsitI the ten per rent. loan of 1572. and INV. S.:LOOMS.). It is also reported that the com pany. in addition to redeeming these bonds, will declaim 10 per cent. cash and LO per cent. scrip dividends.. This read is 275 miles in length, and its capital stock is R„2.- OW.OOO common and 65.000,000 preferred, and funded debt 1ff.760,000, or at the rate of .0,i10.000 per mile. The Vanderbilt stocks were dull. Southern securities were firm and North t'arOlillaS andTonnessoos Wore strong. The following is a table of the extreme fluctuations of the market : The New York Stock 31arket. ► Corresrondence of the Associated Press.) NEW •strong; Gold, 138.7'ii; Ex change, 1 P93•G•6 , 20 4 , .11' 4 32, 12'2'.1: do. 1664, Tl7_ do. P. 45, 1187,,,,_• new, • Lai; 1&7,. 10-41.1 a, 109 3 ,i; Virginia 6's. 613.'; Missouri 6' ,s 69.4, CantarrCompany.6.3; Cumberland Prilferred, 3536; New York - Central. 101.!,i . ; Reading, 1004; Hudson River Ifet?.'• Michigan Central, MO; Michigan ' Southern, ' ; mom Central. WI; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 10.5!'; Cleveland and Toledo, 114; 'Chicago and Rock 1e1ant1,1264; Pitttborgh awl Fort Wavne, 115. Markets by Telegraph. ((Special Despatch to theP Uinta. Evemna Bulletin.] NEW Yana, June 2, 1214 P. M.—Cotton.—The market this morning was -active and strong. Sales of about 1,500 lades. We quote as follows :—Middling Up lands. 291.030 c.; Middling Orleans, 301:03034e. Flour, ,te.---Receipts 13,400 barrels. The market. for Western and State Flour is irregular with a fair business; freshground firm; fall. heavy. The sales are about 6,000 barrels, including superfine State at $525a 6.5; extra State at $6 10x5630; low grades Western .extra, $5 7304 15; Southern Flour , is dull; sa l es of 200 barrels. Call Flour is quiet; sales of 400 bbls. Gra in.—lt eceipts Wheat 100,600 bushels. The market is firm with a fair demand. The sales are 25,000 bushels No. 2 Milwaukee at el 42)(11 43. Corm—Receipta 73.600 bushels. The market is steady and quiet. Sales of 10,060 bushels New Canal Western at 66a74 afloat. Rail road lots 81a85. Oats.—Receipts 63,000 bushels. Mar; Mid firm. with a good demand:. Sales of 27,000 bushels at 77. Rye quiet and nominal. • Provisions—The market is- firm, with a fair jobbing - demand. Sales of 400 bbls. Pork at s3l 50a31 75 for new Western Mess: Lard—Recelpts,soo packages. The Mar ket is dull. We quote fair to prime steam at 19.!1ia19,ii cents.. j Whisky—Receipts, 1,500 barrels. The market is dull. We quote Western free at $1 02a1 04. Groceries quiet and unchanged. PITTBIII7IIOII, Juno 2.—Cruile • Petroleum 'quiet and weak; sales of 3.000 bblo. s. 0., June f. o. b. Venango City at $400; 2,000 bids. a. 0. July at 14c.; 2,oooblds. June at 14c.; IMO June, 40 to 45, at 1234 r.; 1,000 We. '1 illy, 40 to 45, at 1336c.0,000 bbls. August at 133.i.c. Refined also weak; sales ot 200 Wild. 0. 0. June at 20i,1c.; IWO bbhi. July s. 0. at 303(c. • Shipped by A. V. It. R., 1,569 labil., and by Penn alt. R.. 424 bble refined and 50 bide Tar. NEW YORK, June 2.—Petroleum ie dull. Crude, 1334 a 1436., Refined. 30. [Correspondence of the Associated Press . .ls i NEW."Vcing,June 2.—Cotton firmer, but 03tiet 900 bales sold at 20361130 c.. Flour dull, and prices favor buyers: sales of - 6.500 barrels. Wheat easier and quiet; sales, ot 34,000 bushels; Amber lowa ei al; No. 2 Amber $l . 43. Corn dull; sales of 41,000 bushels mixed Western at 57d 75 via canal, and: .77 ijata-dull Beef 'quiet, Pork quiet; new mess, $3l 50a31 60. Lard drill at 10.4. Whisky dull.• .• • BALTIMORE, ~June-2.:Cotton_.ixeri. liplands,29centii. Flour dull and irregular. Wheat dull and nominal. Mixed Corn firm at 88a90 cents; yellow dull at 86W8 cents. Oats dull at 65a70 cents. Rye dull and nominal. . Provisions NCI* . firm at:provious quota tions. Whisky dull at slo2asl 0231. lob TURKISH BATHS. . , . • Ipp . oll3,AW) STREET, TWO SQUARES FROM THE. ev L e g n ie g e . ' . i . l7:,77".t , r ,, lc , tl , y ., private.' Open ap . ity fr ia . ._...F caTALKoR ,13ALE, •...3.80 • TONS 4:41 Applt to WORKHAN 0.0. • • . . • •, Walnut.strefit. THE DAILY EVENING- BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1869. • • • TELEGRAPH. ATER FROM WASHINGTON ppQin,tmplits by the P sid L4l ik ; - .—•-• .1 1 si Appointments.4-Reslignation. (Special Peepittch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] I WA tin I.IIGTON, June Oeverai appoint-. onents were nulde 4 by tlr Pl'iljiAert,tp-,4y, but. the only dinifof itny, that of iltobert L. Brown ; Collector of Internal Reve nue for the Twenty-third District of Penu.sylL vania. ' , NY : . rp,, par Invonon in the Vreasury, rtAgtieir.yesterflay.. The White Home was thronged as usual Itliis..,witirping,w,itit 4-;:-seckerts• Sailing of the Russia. (Special Dt•epatch to the Philo. Evening Bulletin.] Yona, June 2.—The steamer Itassia I sailed tty-tlay r for.-.!,ANTrpvl. 4.B,lle n took no specie.t 1 , 4' La 1 .1 1 I 1 ; From Chicago. k , iO6; :711 - ifii2A t: l/0001elleheflhitttittier tion of Lay do gates into the Methodist Epis copal Church; submitted,.to the. membership by the last General Conference, was taken in a portion of the churches in this city yeAcr- • (laic MO ope w.olligaiff. TIM nit fUr Aid 13 iigafit.d. Destructive Fire in Woonsocket, R. I. WOIWESTEIt, June 2.—. A diSaßtrOtl3 lire oc curred at Woonsoeket,R:l.,last night, Elliott's inills,contaltdug. ' large aniciunt, of stock and inachinery vinployetl in various trades,"was de stroyett Theloss is estitnatefl at 8100;000 as fol lows: National nil Ils, owned by Elliott; containitig , a catifenter sho,p; grist itudl house; stock of paints, nails, ete., S 50,000; in sured f0r,515,;(10,0 in the &tin .. ,- Phanix,.liart-; , ford' find PlOlllllll ComPaniesi; of " Flartford; ;Horne, New iifivert, , Commerce, Albany awl Y. Equitable,hnii , Finpe, , ;of .1' ro vi leneo. l Lost] of,th Woo 4:Woke t Tar e :and Ilindintr .Cfn .4,25 upany ,000,. which is in ' Flared for ":•t:13,4 . 11(N) in . the''NAw HalcbtiCetrally, and (_41.0Q0 in ,l i rd,yi v ilf.nde offices. 'The, logs of W. E. Hublifird ?i0,000;. A. S. Fuller & Co., c-3,000, and S. 1,000; all without :illy insurance. • Tw'o' hundred persons are ;thrown ofit . ufteinployinent by thefirer .whieh is the largest tha,t eyeroccurred therq,..and is a. sad blow the eti,t r erpii4e of tiie 4r5/,974 3G iNEW YORK 3KOIITEY ',KIMSEY • • e ,The Market Essential 'Change , ;Gold Opened Strong, and Advanced ‘A Decline Later in :the Day :Market Devoid of Exciting Influences ' 1.7 N EyIN GOVERNIVIENI'S I Special Despatch to the Philatia. EveuingDelhi.) . NEW '10tt0..., June 2.—The money marker . IS .without essential ,change, being posy, at niter ;et nt. on (?sOvernment;bonds,and 7 per cents* tnisecTlitu ens collitterabi." Prime ; - discounts: range from 7 .to 19 per . Bent. .061 d opened strong at 1:10?, and adVanced. to 1:11, - but not Withstanding that the London price for bonds came lower isy.2 percent., thepreminm fell off to There are no especial cOnsiderations. :Ifteeting the premiuM; but, Speonlative, t - eeling is shown. The believerS in arise are gradually pining up ; a considerable 'amount . iof gold, although the market it: devoid of any exciting influence, Cash gold is ;in good ..tc ,quest. Six to 8 per cent. is paid for carrying. Government, bonds 'opened about-steady at Ow closing quotations of last night, and eon- Jinued strong at-these figures dunng the early part of the day, owing to the quotations of bonds in London at 80i. At the noon call the 'market fell off I,to in response to the decline in bonds to 80/. The general market is dull, flitsl Shows little interest or importance. For-, t-ign exchange is dull, as usual on a steamer day. Sixty days. 109): sight, 11M. Storks opened strong, being finn, but have since been dull and generally lower. The prevailing Patures of : interest are the . same as for the last few days. Nothing new or interesting has been develoml. ..1 NIPQRTATIONS. E. ported for the Philadelphia ETennut — TIAN hlids niiihni;;e4•42 do E C 71 & CO. -. . • . . ('.AY FITANCES—Brig Corira (at Chester), Nixon -4:43 blals molasses Jolly Mason & Co. -MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PIIILADELPHIA—JviB2 IrirSce. Zlarine Bulletin oil Inside Base. :SHRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer F Franklin, Pierson, 13 hours lama Bahl ore. with mdse to A Groves. Jr. Steamer Ano Eliza. Richards, 24 hoots from Now ,rk . kith noise to WP Clyde k Co. • . . . Brig Malin( Br), Gen.lon.lo daps from Havana, with inoln.s r , E (.) Knight k Lehr Maggie W Main. Forbe4, 6 days from Norfolk, NVith shingles to Tl' Calvin & Co. • Schr Hnttie Page, Haley, Salem. • Sehr J Aliderdice, Millets. Boston. Sehr G Babcock. Smith:llodOrt.' • Schr I A ('rocker, Currier. Providence. ' Sam I V McCabe, Pickup. New Haven. Tim lindswi. Nicholßon, from Baltimore, with a tow 'of barges to IV 1.4.71yde & Co. ' : Tug Chesapeake, Merrillew, from Havre de Grace, ,with a tow of bargee to \% 1' Clyde At Co. CLEARED THIS DAY. Stemmer A C W P Cly,le&Co. Schr C E Paige, Doughty, Alexandria, Va. Lathimry, Wickersham. Co. - • Sehr A E Martin, Nerrill, do do Eleeta Bailey. Smith, • do'do Schr Taylor A: Mathis. Cheegman.do do Schr Sophie Wilson. Nowell, Wilmington,NC. do Schr Cohassett, Gibbs, New Bedford, Otani , r, St!ckney & Wellington. Schr Cornelia, Noyes, Norfolk, J Rommel, Jr. & Co. Schr Restless. Mulford. Salem, Davey Sz,• Co. Tug Thos Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. \V P Tug Cbesapeake.:Merrihew, Havre do Grace, with a • tow of barges,V,;,P Clyde & Co. AT CHESTER. Brig ('orira (Br), Nixon, S days from Cay Frances, with melaeEe,. to Joln4 At aeon & Co. Coitespondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. ' • LEN% 7 ES. DEL., May 31.- Ship Asia, for Bremen; bark Sarah B Hale, for Matan zas, and brig Robin. for Winterport, all from Philadel phia. went to sea to-day. The Robin returned: Brigs Lophema and Lavinia, from Laza, for orders, :are at the Breakwater, in company with schrs Florence 'Rogers, from New York for Georgetown, DC; Fawn, from Pittston, 31e. with ice for Washington. DC; Wood ;ruff Sims, from New York; Chas Moore, from do; Julia A Crawford, from Greenpoint; Susan E Jayne, from New York, and Warren C Nelson, from Malden, all lbound south. Wind Went. Yours, &c. JOSEPH LAFETRA. Ship Tamerlane, Sumner, hence for Antwerp, off the Isle of Wight 20th ult. • Ship N II Palmer, Low, cleared at New York yesterday for Shan gime. . • Ship play flower, Call, cleared at New. Orleans 24th ult. for Barre, with =ti bales cotton, 640 i staves, 114 bales hides and 55 hhds tobacco, • Ship Preston ( Br bllonald.cleared at New OrleansD3th . ult. for Liverpool, with WO bales cotton, 3620 staves, &c. Ship Rosalie(Br), Grandison, cleared at New Orleans 20th nit. for Liverpool, with 2661 bales cotton and 12110 Steamer Ruexia ( Br), Lott, cleared at . New York yes terday for Liverpool. Steamer Itere, - Fuireloth, cleared art N York yesterday for $t Thomas, &c. . Steamer Nebraska (Br), Gnard, for Liverpool, cleared t New York yesterday. Bark Excelsior (Br), Jones, cleared at New Orleans ith ult.fpr Liverpool.w it 3256 bbls flour and 6.525 staves. Bark Andaman, Otis; 10 days from Matanzas, at New ark yesterday. • • Bark Anna, Nielson,hence for Elsinore, off Dover 30th BarkiVm Van Name, Craig, - at Ilavro 19th ult. from i New York. • - Bark Jeanette, French, sailed from,Pernambuco 29th 'April for this port. . - Bork Amie,Blorrisoc, from Shangliao. sth Feb. with teal at New York yesterday.' . • Brig Cairn, Carroll, hence at Antwerp 22d ult. Fehr E P Polll2lafM, Ellie, hence at Newport 30th nit. 1--Sobr-North-Pacitic, ofeauricetown, NJ, - -177-tone re sister. built at Cape Ma in IMO, has been purchased lir Capt. Beni F and Josep ,Eatoti, and others, of . Narra ,§ll,,nws e p t o t x , i ß u l li 370. command Captainwill te rt9aatftoenr late iti l o f t: e r r , Alida. • mar i ..... . Thiiing a squall at 8 o'clock , on Sunday meriting, Fehr Emma M Fox, Case, from. Fall River for Ebiladolphia. whilo at, anchor in - Newport harbor; dragged foul of pealing scbr Frank —, of Bouthbay, tearing the latter e mainsail and breaking main boom. " . • . trni,ii6nA.T6ll • • NEW YORK. June 2--Arrive4l, ofeamer Manhattan, soirEasjsk.....• • SIMON. GARTLA.I3D,• • • • ' • UND . FATAICER. ematti Thir.”44.iti'd!to:o:,:.)llltairPO =IEI MEMORANDA 91 11-11 gX, - 1 1,-" CIiRA - 114 ' I - : - 7 „ 7 LATtST FROM WASHINGTON iaietrießt of the public. Debt for May Ilietiuc ' tfo 4 n of kboOt , '$ll,OOOAO A . Cbulit-Martial Sentenee EtiRCHASE OE RODS • , „, Iftpdi4etion 4tif 'the ,IPaitolte Debt. , fh e at t ch fiithe Philp.. Evening Bulktin.) WAsnusrox, June 2:--The piddle, statement for May, which will not be issued until late horu• Lida afternoon, will, it is believed at the. ,;Triguinry, Department, show, a reduction of 'about $14,00,000, a few, hundred thousand 'dollars in except; of the stun mentioned by yourroorrelmondent several day! 'ago. The of ficial statement itself, is a suilietetit refutation ;of ;the aasertions that ;your correspondent's statements were mere guess-work, t From Warditrag:tor. ~x At TON;,/ aim 2.—Seconil LleutMiant ;Oldham, )ICG'ec, 20th Uniteil States Infantry, -who , was tried by court--furatial at 13aton. `Rouge, for riotous and disorderly conduct, to the .prejudice ofsood order and military dis ,cipline, in August last, lias been sentenced to be i dismissed from the United, States service ana onfi ne d in the Louisiana Penitentiary !Or,tive years. , The,President has appointed the following postmasters: E. W. Lyman, at Fairburg. 1.11.; - Edward .T. Southworth, at ,iindson, Mich.; Charles P. Wheeler, at Ertfaula,Ala.; George A.Lifirr, at Greensburg, Indiana. • - GovOrnmentprnirclutoe DeFputchto the Phllg Evening Bnllrtin.) ; NEN, You ---- E, Tune following are the 'awards of 'the purchase by the Goverrunent of a. million in bonds to-day: Fisk & Hatch, $lOO 000 regular 625; 116.37; $70,000 655; reguhti,, 116.45;150,000' 1 655, regulari - 115.90; $100,000*078,' regular,lls.9o. VOttnilyea'& Co., $251,000 68s, c0up0n5,115.95: $200,000 6 4 54; - vonpom3, 116.49; '575.000 625, regidar,llo.B7; $25,000 655, regular, 1 116.36; $50,000 675, regular, 116.49: Pratih'&' GarLs;',s:3s,ooo 655, .regular, 116:49; 05,000 641, coupons. 116..50; F. , :80,000 b2s ,, regular, ,116.50; '515,00 07s; .Coupons; 116.50: • • ' ' ;, Sentence of Ofiptain Gardner: BOSTON, June 2.-I,Vari•en late ',mater the'schnoner Twilight,-NinVicted ;scuttling the vessel, was sentenced to fonr iyears imprisonment. CITY BULLETIN. SraErr Cr,E.k....Nn.--4,11y, the 'reports' Of the iii4ectOrs made t 'flit! Sttilift Cleaning Coin i•-iiittee, _of the Itoavl of Health 'it • appears ;that the Second, Third, Tenth, Eleventh, j Twelftli, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Si-kteenth intl ,It",ighteenth diStiictS•• n v re in a ery.fair sanitary Jchndition, and the COmmitte(i -ill in a 11 . - ,or two, report in favor of draining warrants ;for fhr Pay) ent •Of tlielcontratlors. The First districtis rapidly improVing. The 1 7 ourth, district is in very filthy condition 4intlit"large number of sirs etki ore - reported tm ':•Tite.-:'.2,Viftli and Sixth ""district a Ore 'improving. The contractor is working' laid and in a few days expects to report those diStriets 'thoroughly cleansed. 'The Seventh District is partially cleansed.. The Eighth Din-' Arid is nearly cleansed. The Ninth District is lit a filthy COD dition, but the contratior is labor ing energetic Ally. The Thirteenth District is nearly cleansed. The Seventeenth District is . , Taputly 111 regard to the removal of ashes no speCial , cOmplaints have been received. No warrants for the payment. of the. Con-' tractors will be , issued:until the Districts are reporteirby the Inspectors to be in a goOd 'sanitary condition. • OterAisrwo MONET UNtlEn' FAhsp: Plll - Graham, etiqs Brown, :aged lb years, was charged with obtaining money from Mr. 'Watson, the cracker-baker, at 157 North Front street. John Jordan; Esq., employed in Mr. Watson's - bakery, stated that Mrs. Brown came into the office some time ago and got .owe crackers, am l' wanted some money, sa;;;iiig Unit she would like to be' admitted in the Penn WidoWs' Asylum. Mr. Watson gave her tiye dollars. Afterwairds,going to inquire if such a lady had been adMitted intone asylum,he was told that no such person belonged. Yesterday she came in - again - Matt rtied - to'borrow - s - h — dollars, and they had her arrested. 'Held in bail to answer. ' EfrAlth;"CCA T CENTRAL STATION.- , -SITS: zabe.th Miller and David Miller were charged' with throWine . t - stones at a pair of butralOes this morning, between 12. and I o'clock. The animals are owned by John McOrystal, who keeps them for exhibition at the "Log Cabin," on the Wissahickon. The prisoners were held in SCCb bail to anaNi7er • • < v • BANKERS, 4' o _ __,...._. N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD. STREET, - .'PHILADELPHIA. - .--•-• ....-- AENERAL kENTB' FOR •-_, xi, • PENNSYL VANIA -0,,. A , i • 4 11 Zati NVI SV;-4 • 4.... , P,7 l ' OF THE (...) AIIOOLIFE . tNS %Pre ) MP ~' Of THE • ,,,,„ ji UNITEYSTATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL LITE INSURANCE COMPANY Is a corporation chartered by special Act Of Congress, at, proved July 25,1888, with a CASH CAPITAL,II,OOO,OOO,IIILL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our °Mee t , locat in the second 'story of our Banking House, yvbere Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the advantages offered by the Company, may be:had. W. CLARK a co.. - No. 86 kiingit Third St. CA ' ETI GS, &C Spring- 154309. LEEDOIVI - • & -- SHAW 910 ARCH STREET. • . 7iVe are 4wreceiving a very large !tech aof new goods for SPRING-SALES; Fmtiracing all the now styles 'of CARPETINGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, mha_ •,'-' MATTING'S tiic' ), • - 11 - 4NRY PREILLLETI, > f , .A.JL /qI?iTtER ANDBIT/LDER Ad. 'm4801300 &MAW!, I'inteullLVlt4A, i Je3•3y4p . , ; , ywrry. J .,_ _EDITION. , . , BY- TELEGRAPH. •4TE'S! . I: I ';'.•`OAB. - L,E• '_:.-NEWg Interesting 'Woceetling in the House of Commons. Etritish'North American Possessions The Colonial Policy of the Government F C ILT Et A_ Another -Engagement Reported A Floblicide in Williamsburg,N.Y THE PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT By the Atlantic Cable. Loo June 2.—The ,proceedingsin:• the House of Commons last evening, in regard to Canada and .other :British ,colonies in North, America, were very interesting. Mr. Verney inquired - What the policy of the Government . 'would be towards the American colcinies. '4Esi Mr. MOnell replied; and; While declining to enter on the 'ccilonial- ithe govern inmit, intimidated that a part of that policy was to throw the cost of self-defence on each colony. Measures to that end had . been , pars 'bay talmn, and would • he extended, next year. He had no doubt that.the arrangement fondle cession Of the Hudson Bay.. Company's territory woptd, receive the ratification of the Canadian Government. , .;, • 'Tice question was not one , Of pilrehase.only i but also ,of development of colonization and tivilization,which hadhithtero to been virto-, ally closed:, if the scheme was ~ succes,sful, the dominion . would be able to extend from the /Athintic,to -thee Pacific. He believed, all the. interests of British:Columbia lay .in cornice ;tion with Canada, and every facility would he: 'given to forward them. Mr. Northeotethought the Canadians were better able to decide. for themselvevs than:to; act omthe advice, of the Government, and he believed the question would soon , be: satisf.he torily settled. • , • . • Mr. Bury 'regarded Canada as the future liighwoydo-theltitlices,and the East, and.ritlis ruled annexation to the United Btates.Canada, sucha course, had.'everything to lose and. nothing to gain. Mr.. Adderly regarded the arrangements as eminently satisfactory, On:principle, he genes , i - ally,disapproved the system. of .govermuent 'guarantees, yet lie would votein , favor of this.: , , From Cuba. - • HAVANA, June 2.—The property eonlif.cated between April llith and -lune Ist produced 570.000.." The eity is terribly excit;sl. since'ye,s terday. 'Volunte ers are arming and serious riots are f.xpected. A heavy engagement lies taken place between the:lays of ...Sipe and Baros. The official report annonnces that four cannon have been viiptined,Jcythell& The Homicide in Williamsburg.. [Special Despatch to the Philada. Evening Bulletin.] NEW YORK, dime 2.--.4-arentiah Stricklathl, who was shot by his brother-in-law, Isaac S. Waters, in self-defence, yesterday afternoon. at.N0.:44 South Fifth rect, between Third and Fourth, Williamsburg, died this morning. The shots tired. by Mr. Waters entered Strick brea.st, near !the heart, producing the above fatal result. Strickland was very dis sipated, and a terror to the family. Mr. Waters is a young man, and very highly spoken offor his inoffensive •nature, and has borne a high reputation among all who knew chin]. Nunierons ofthrs of bail were made for any amount. 7he Pubne Debt Statement. WAsnmeToN, June 2.--The tbllowing is a recapitulation of the public debt statemornt for May : DEBT MARINO' COIN INTEREST. it per cent. bonds.. 527,022,000 00 do. 10-40 bonds - 104,569,500 00 6 per cent. bonds,lBBl 281,677,4(H) 00 5-20 (6 per cent.) bonds 1,602,615,400 00 Amount outstanding ",107,882,100 00 Interest. :38,476,362 U. DEIST BEARING INTEREST IN LAWFUL MONEY. Three per cent. certificates .. 55:3,073,000 00 '. -: pension fud,..,-,........ 14-,0(X) ; 000-00- Amount outstanding 67,075,000 00 Interest . .. 1,2.16,4500 00 _. bitter BEARING NO INTEREST. _ Demand and legal tender notes .$350,059,241 00 Postal unit fractional currency.. 33,452,323 40 Gold certitirates of deposit 23,340,720 00 Amount outstanding 41.° 9 87 40 twirl' ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED SINCE Amount nntstandi Interest Priiiritial ontstainling Ac'2Tued interest . Total debt, principal and in teri•st . t....2.,ii:1;:i,ii70,11:13 10 Coin in the Treasury ... ~i 51;839,469 49 Curreney 19, ). 4,5ai 07 Amount of public debt, less cash and sinking fund in the Treasury '2,:,05,412,813 12 Decreit. , e of the piddle d ebt ' during the past month ... 1:1.: , .84,770 97 Decrease since March 15t,1880... 211,050,640 89 From Washington. WAsiancwrox, :June 2.—ln order to accept the appointment of Bank Examiner for the State of New York, the Hon. W. H; Andrews, Chief of the Loan Branch, Treasury Depap nient, has tendered his resignation to Secre tary Boutwell. - DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN Issue Drafts and Circular Letters of Credit, available on presentation in any part of Europe. Travelers can make all their financial arrangements through us, and we will collect their interest and dividends without dhargo. Drexel, Winthrop & Co., NEW YORK. Drexel, flatlet) dr. Co„ PARIS. mhlo tf FITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. 22 N.WATER street and 23 N.DELAWARE arenas ISAAC NATHAN'S,. AUCTIONEER, N. E. corner Third and Spruce streets, only one square Inflow the Exchange. e2f4,000 to loan, In large or small amounts, on diamondq, silver plate, watches, pirclify, and all geode of value. Office hours from 8 A. M. to , 7 P. ow - Established for the last forty years. Ad lances madain.largo_amounta. at, the lowost marka Jab ttrp- §-- -- - PIRITB TURPENTINE AND ROSIN.— no barrels Spirits Turpentine; 142 barrels Palo Soap sin; 1156 barrels No. 2 Shippiße Eosin, landing from Steamer 'pioneer, for sale by 14.UW. u - , ItpwLEyoti 5. Wharves. . -PItE'SERVED ', GINGER.-- _V Preserved Gingee, syriiip of the celebrate& City loong brand; also,l/ry Preserved °lnger, hi hosts, Ita- Dorted--aintlor-sala- bY-JOS,-8. - -BUSSI,EjtiA.GO;, hltf Ill'ollth Delaware avenue.. . . , ±IOIINC.RIJ7+I.I?; BUILDER, , AI CILES.TNUT OTREF.T; • and 218 LUDO P M Tit FIET liVehniiicif 4 6 i7 I , rapch reqhired for b g suod fitting promptly LACE AND • •NOTTINGIWI LACE SHADES THE STOCK-. IN THIS D Ei'AllirtiENT lIN VALLE]) IN STY.LEiilAßPgq,..:',..,':]:?!•-.7..f. Terries, Striped: atC,Figlittoi.- PIANO AND, TABLE COVERS, TAPESTRY AND EMBROIDERED.. ' *TT Gilt and Wah Caned;Viiiiicis' • • • Holland and , Prepared gaiiilaoq, Window Shades In a variety of tints, to which;we invite speft • cial attention.. • ` •.=, ' 1 v ` Wholesale and Retail. F 'l' l 4 die giftibiltg.l • ;1* I. E. WALRAYM: 'No. 719 CHESTM gTRtEIt. ' • , •'• • . • ; ,;- JAS. E. • • UAIMELL. VICO. , No. 819 CHE STNUT STREET , (Until ALoir .Storejo .11VITORT138"0F Manufactdrers of,PlarOntid4oWorryp i - . SOLE AGENTS:titEßl,.,l 4 oli. i ' . l ' il ii ..., • •H. Ri EICEG - RENS Genevg, pmdCop4agep.;7o94l,o l ,, Repeatem SPECIAL AGENTS IiORA I FIE; SALE. . 1.1( Gorham nano faciaring• CovapatirO'' FINE ELECTRQ; PLATED WARES.. • • • , A tell . full iincl yaludide collection irC•NtrEST SIGNS for ' ,'• s t" Bridal. Presents and Househntd-Use.. MANTEL CLOCKS,' - • •• • FINE BRONZES, , • < ~ - • FANCY ARTICLES. NMI(' but FIRST CLASS COOPS` KEPT: aatl. overi . ARTICLE SOLD UPON IT'. OWN MERITS. begs to inform his friends, customers and Witte gene about the 15th of June froni his present foCatiOn,' untrs TO 1016 CIINSTNOT: JAMES T. GALLAGHER . . , k S. = AllitpoOs wfkrynAted firfi.t_iltl4llly3Atmiz&lAtfo prices. DIAMONDS ESPECIALLY' m 314 w f ?nap CLARK& BIDDLE 55,421,8ti3 134 726,339 95 4 ..- -- 2,11!1:1,231,251 04 41,024,84:1 00 THEIR NEW BUILDING; I Are now opening a large and new assortment of-Diamond , . and other tine Jewelry, American and Swim Witches ' Engliah Sterling Silver Ware, Gorham : EleelrO-plated, Ware, Mantel Clocks, &c., fe27 e w lyrp§ CLARK & EVANS, No. 630 Chestnut Street. Jobbing at Manufacturers' Prices, Gold Watches, Silver Watches Fine Jewelry, Plated Ware, German .Accortleons, Splendid Chromos, Photograph Albums; Family Bibles, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Pocket Moire, &c., Wiley sated by purchasing yoUr goods of aTO23 trip LANGSTROTH &_.BOULTON 130 WAL NUT STREET, „ , ilvarda azio o f OTARTI sn o E Solo .Im direct portere Pen_ne_ K. Dpuy co, , s COGNAC DRA.s CO., and otherAMPA INER. vieni6icrEq Tulip DIN, JAMAICA TIM!, tiCOTUR BUItTON, BASS and INDIA ALES. LONDON; STOUiI I . • and PORTER. CLARETS end.witirE BUII ULNLY,.PCDIT and lowvlced 3 .r i ) 11171i1Ck..111.0t, .Ixiliiitatecr ' VERY OLD PURE SHERRY; MADEIRA and , WINES in boxen, one dom hotliee each, or in jaic ag Choice briinde nld RY}3 , :and , BOMB Warec led t ; Above gee& Vuetoef , Renee and. , NT.... houeeiw ' - 7 ctiltirAM4s. QF NEW , n'Asox.*P,.o - 44;::; . THE UNDERSIGNED WILL REMOVE Watchmaker;and Jeweler, Late of Bailey 5e Co m :17 - a, t Jewelers and Silversmiths Having Removed front :12 CHESTNUT STREET 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Retailing .at Wholesale Prices,: stAtiopery, Perfumery, Sumpentlers, Neck Tice, Ifosic ry , Cussimerep, Linen Table Coveri; Linen Napkin., Linen lian4ket:chiefe, Woolen Table Coven. Notione, &0., CLARK 80 EVANS.: