Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 02, 1869, Image 1

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    GMSON PEACOCK. Editor.
IVY for Parties, &e.
,New styles. MASON &CO .
VW Chestnut Street.
• 'FI3-
1i graved In the newest und,LAgirPinanner. LOUIS
DItEkA. Stationer and Engrarer, 10.33 Chestnut
street. . - , fe.2o tf
Timmley; JUDO jet [if NeV,j..Andkpw llarila, t. Lir -
inguitott Diehop,,Of New tife. l / 2 .1m, tb Irt 44.. youngest
elaughter of Geo. W. Mumma. of alb+ city. *
I31t011I1}:AI)—tlEN7"L. Ito Tneaday, June lat. 180,
at the Chunk of the Atonement; by tholley.lienjuntln
Edward •Livingston' IJr7alhpr4l,• of the
'Delaware Water Gap, and Mary tltallelnia. daughter of
Wm. G. Mentz, of Plilledelphfi. NO iNirliv4. I Erthttni
and New York papers pleure copy
_ .
`i 71111.1.-c•Ort : MolultirMarnln ]fay 3iNti 142 o'clock,
at-the recideactr - Of he litiVbantiv Mn.: Mary- , Evel Inc
flayre, wife of Ylobert 11. Sayre, of llethleliern. l'o,
The relatives nail (Hondo. are reineetftilly Invited to
Attend the funeral att above. on Thu rcilay morning, June
8, at 10 ito o'clock.. •
FiTEV ENS.—On the ll,t. butt., Ahn, relict of the late
Gideon Y. Ste% mix t in the 7tith vear iterage.
The reltktiyerstalt friplido th, family grevespectrinliy
Inv Reit' tir . attend her - itinAral; from' her; late reiiiletice,
No. hill Green street, eo Saturday morning. at 10 o clock,
Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Camden. 'N. 3.
fiermantipm, May Mat, /56 9 i
Sire. (Marie% J Whitey, in thollst fent of liernge. ,
fimeral A*lll Movg from her toe reciilence; Main
.Ir et, Germantown; at . 5 o'clock, tin Thnritil.ty after
noon, ad lust: • •
No-Atrlttabr grgAltii COT LT ME3l'-
I.Kst of the Society-are itirit , 4l to attond the funeral of
-their late fellow-member. WILLIAM .1.31rG11111. from
bia /Are tenldence, 234 Monroe Ktrvet, T0.31011,110W
It* ,
A. S. PRITNIA fiecretary.
Gen s~ 4 1enth and'thairen.
$lB and 820 Chestnitt St.
Pa,tor of the Tremont Temple Baptikt Church. DOattta,
Vitt Lecture at
CONCERT UALL, Cheetaat at reet • - above Twt•lftti,
hi Aid of Spruce street Idle/don.
Tickete may be bad at the Rooms of the Baptist
Publication Society. WO 'A reit litrigt. at J. E. Gollid'd
Music. Store, Cheetuut strain, below Tenth, and at the
Tickilt GO tie.: Reserved &tato without extra charge
tny= 2931 je I 2. strpf
the nartmentof Ana l."—Hitract from_tho Alin ut..4
of' the Faculty of Arts, of Hue
"The , following preamble and resolutions were unani
mously adopted: .
ithersa, The Senior Class was permitted to ..x.cupy
the hall of the University on Friday last, as he been
customary, for the Class-day celebration, without the
control or supervision of the Faculty, under the implied
condition that nothing should occur/ on that occasion
which should injure the reputation or be hostile to the
interests of the Univerilt•; end whereas, George K.
Reed. a member of that class. abused the privilege so
granted. and, in the presence of the class and a large au
dience, did publish a foul, nalicions and scandalous libel
of and concerning the professors and instructors of this
Faculty. and of two of their friends and former col
leagues; and whereas, such conduct has caused great
public scandal, and the person guilty of it is nut only
\Alm - illy unworthy of the honors of the University, but
utterly titifit to continue a member thereof
" Resoircd, That the Secretary be directed to withdraw
the name Of said need from the BO of candidates to be
presented to the Honorable hoard if Trustees for the de
gree of Bachelor of Arts. and that the said Beed be forth
with dismissed from the University.
Resoiveil. Thut this preamble and resolutions be read
for the information of the students, to-morrow morning,
after prayers.
" Resolved, That it copy be also sent to Dr. Goislwitin and
President Coppee." order of
• CHARLES .T. STILLE, LL. Tr., Provost.
Pnasms A. JACKSON, Startlir]. It§
Rey. CHARLES P..KRAUTIL D. D.. will lePture TO
MORROW (Thursday) EVENING at S o'ciock. Sole
ject—" The Vision of J Seca..."
All me welcome. I
Young men especially invited. -- -rnion Prayer-Meeting
every Saturday evening. It;
Cigar, I would sayget a box . of those time Cabar
gas which ant Nulling at less than cost of importation.
All the leading brands at a low figure. McCA RAIL E lt,
'Seventeenth and Locust. my3l 3trp"
and 1520 Lombard street, Dlapernetry Department.
—Meilicartreatuteut and medicine furnished gratuitously
to the poor. • r • ;
out'a of my Smoking Tobacco; over 50 kinds
on hand; Seventeenth and Locust.
State rights 'ea' Valuable invention just Patented,
:111( designed for the slicing, cutting and chipping of
d r i e d beer. cabbage; &c., are,bereby offered fur sale. It
Iv an article of 'great yoiluo to proprietors of hotels and
restaurants, and it should be introduced into every fam
ily. State rights for sale. Model can be seen at the
telegraph_oftice. Cooper's Point,
niv,29-t0 MUNDY & IIOFFMAN: '
Spurgeqn,of America. Concert THIS EVEN
• it;
gecin Artist, has just been commissioned
titgeon-General to supply the Palmer Arm and Leg for
mutilated Officers of the U. S. Army 'and . Navy Tho
o:loyernmental of are to be located in Philadelphin,
Now York and Boston, and are all conducted by Dr.
YALMER. my 27 7Strp3
PHILADIMPIIIA, May 15, 1669.
open for subscription and payment of the new stock of
Ellis - Company:. THOMAS T. - FIRTH, ---
mylB-30tr .§ • Treasurer.
PIIILADIiI,IIII4, Pa., May 3d, LitiO.
The Board . of Directors have this day declared a semi
annual Dividend of PlieTer Cent. on the Capital Stock
of the Company, clear of National and . Stab taNes ; paya
ble in cash on and after May 30,1869.
Blank powers of otterney m
for collecting dividends can
be had at the Ofilce of the CoanY, No. =3 nth Third
The OMeo will be opened nt 8 A. M. and closed at 4 P.
M., from May 30th to Juno sth, for the payment of divi
dends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
• THOMAS T. Ptian,
N 0 TE.—T h e third instalment on - Now Stock of 1868 Is
Ade and payable ou.prbcfpre Sotto /5. 111Y1-2mrP§
. • .
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[Corretipondenee of
,the Plillaneinhia Evening Bulletin.]
Pants, Friday, May 21,1809.—The electionS,
the elections-7-nothing but the elections
Although. the nubile meetings are over, the
old candidates are doing 'their, best to keep
themselVes in remembrance; and every .day
some new addreAs is appeariag; while, as , an
ticipated, eandidals dela dernfire !ware, as they
are'ealled here, or,as we say; candidates of the
last moment,; are continually cropping !kip.
Sem*, Of these latter *are 'mere men of straw, or
entimsittatic ore eriers,. who have suddenly , per
suaded ••thonstelvets that they are • fitted
Ibr legislatetsi and statesmen. Their.addresises'
are often 01 absprd description, and
may be summed. up by saying that they pledge
themselves pretty nearly to the "abolition of
everything," if they, should have the honer of
1)04' elected by their fellow-citliens. Oettoi,
taxes, army, navy, conscription, budgets of
all kinds are promised to be swept away, and
a political millennium to be inaugurated, if
these regenerators of society could
only be. put into the place of the Emperor
and 31. Rouher, or even of Jules Fevre
and 31. Thiers. Of course these men, whose
names even it is not worth while to Mention,
have no chanee of success. But it amazes one
to see how vast an amount of political and so
cial ignorance exists amongst the population
even of such a city as Paris; and how crowds
stand around and greedily read,or more,often,
haVe read to them, these monstrous utopias,
and seem to swallow them down as realities.
There is hardly any theory too atTard to be
put forth and find faith amongst a people so
excitable, and at once so unpractical and ill
informed on political questions, as are the
French MasseS, even in the capital.
Here and there the Govermnent has been
encouraged by these extravagant demonstra
tions to lay aside its forced neutrality in Paris,
and to bring forward not exactly an "official
eandidate;". but a "Candidate of order," which
every oiii• knows to mean the !same thing.
Thus 31. DesnWre, the great bronie manufac
turer, patronized especially by the Court and
the noblesse, was persuadetLonly yesterday,to
psi tient bittirierli:i T i—tb eleeteral-ffiVl
sion—his plea behig' that it' Was time for the ,
"friends of erderto rally round,their banner
lions stop to all the wild and Subeersive
doctrines; and I .shouldn't wonder if he meets
coasiderable amount of support., „
litifthe lafilliatheginS`'OtiStindaY 'neitand
ends on 31orttlay,atalallantenlation on What
is waning will soon be swallowed up in the re
sult. That the ,niajority, for ,the government
%yin still be very large throughout the eountry,
cannot admit of a doubt. Hut I think its coni
plexion in the ,Chambers be very much
modified by the circumstances under whiCh it
has been elected; and the language it has been
compelled to hold, and the pledges it has
found it necessary to give, in Order to defeat
its opponents and secure its 'return. There is
also a fair chance of several able men, such
for instance as 31. Laboulaye, the author of
Po* en Ainerique, and others, being elected,
and adding weight, and strength, and influ
euce to the small but talented opposition.
Let me warn you, once for all, to put no
faith in exaggerated telegrams which may he
*eta over to America, respecting political dis
turbances in Paris or elsewhere. Nothing of
the slightest real importance of that nature has
either taken place here, or is likely to do so, '
or anywhere else. But the ministerial au
thorities are notoriously anxious to make the
most of the_ trifling incidents that have hap
pened, both to alarm people at home and to
justify the iMperial policy and system in the
eyes of foreign nations.
Nothing can demonstrate the absence of al
real ground of alarm here more than the suc
cess of the financial speculations ,which" are
being just now floated, and the eagerness with
which the public is throwing itself into them.
The official returns of the City Loan have
not yet been published, but I am enabled to
state that they will exceed even the extrava
gant expectations formed of them. The total
amount subscribed for, in return for the de
mand for two hundred and sixty millions, will
be found to be not less than between seven
thousand or eight thousand millions. The rage,
for purchasing these bonds has exceeded
ptecedent, and has invaded all ranks of the
population. I suppose there is scarcely a
family in France of whieh' some member has
not been doing a little gambling in the lottery
of the Prefect of the Seine. Something like
two hundred thousand money letters, with
remittances Mid applications for bonds, were
received/at the Hotel de Ville alone, besides
all the subscriptions paid into the hands of
bankers and regular agents, and the officers
appointed for the purpose. The apportion
ment is expected not to exceed more than if
per cent: on the amount , demanded, and even
before this has taken place the• bonds are sell
ing at a premium of 25 or 30f. previous to their
being issued. People have here,rtm Wild after
speculation and the hope or prizes, and have
ceased to care for moderate and regular invest.
ments. The fever will be kept up by quarterly
drawings, and the excitement of a lottery offer
ing such chances as 200,000 francs.
Amongst other securities which have been
benefited by the abundance of unemployed I
capital, and the feverish thirst forspeculation,
are those of the Isthmus of Suez Canal, which
have jumped tip Within .the last feW days to 570.
francs.' The projected opening, and the eclat
Of the promised visit of the Empress, seem to
have suddenly inspired the public with : fresh
confidence in the financial success of the under
The subscription to the Trans-Continental
Memphis-Pacific Railway, which Closed. here
three days ago, is also announced as having
more than realized the expectations of the
parties concerned init.
,The 38,000 bonds of ;
$lOO each - have - hit the 'taste of the general
French public better than bonds of a larger
amount, and the conditiOnsWere made very
tempting. Issued at 410 francs, and re-im
bursable, in twenty yeara, at 515 fraues,-With
interest at 30 francs 00e. per annum, payable
from the Ist of July next, the, :LinVeStmeat'ef
fers its iota what is eqmValerit' to 91: - : per cent . :
The temptation has proYed tocigreat for the
small and greedy Freneh capitalist 'and petit
ten . tier to resist, and I understand that • that
class has embarked. largely in the venture.
What is remarked upon, however, as curious
and unumal Abont tte aINVo 410 iBl that, it
appears - under no personal patronage Or iden
tity, but ifi announced only as issuing from the
offices of the 3foniteur des Tirages Financiers,
an anonymous association of only recent date,
and unhnown origin arid oomposition. The
subscription to the. Honduras, line of Central
America, open since the g9th and to close on
the 25th inst., is also said to. be prosperirig.,
The bonds of 300 francs are is:Wed at 225 frarieS,
repayable at par in ' seventeen :ye:t TA, by half-
Yearly drawings;With .interest, Meanwhile, at I
franci per annum. • • • ; • ;
(By the Athletic (Able,'
The English Press. on Mr., Dinneen; Alls-
LolinoN ' )tine 1,18(1).-Mr. Motley, is iiii
derstooci, to 7 4lay, addressed a letter, to Lord
Chircnapn,. informing LAM of his arrival in
Louden, and officially requesting the appoint
mentof a day for the presentation of ins are
di!utials. As the Prince of Vales holds,a
levee to-day, to-morrow has been named as the
more fitting time for the ministerial introduc
Mr.'Moran; the United tat.e.s Charg4
d'Affaires, attended the levee and was , pre
The burden of the iewspaper artiel6.l3ub;
fished here - to-day on t a subject of Mr. Mot
ley's arrival is *merely. to the effect that the
writers find in his speech in Liverpool an in
dication of the spirit, of the instructions given
to him by President Grant. ,
The London Dail News says that it is glad
to be able to conclude from the speech of Mr.
Motley that he has not come without Specific
instructions, and that it Ls satisfactory to find
that on the question of :the relations between
the United States' and England, President ,
Grant has a policy of conciliation and peace.
One clear gain likely to resultfroni Mr. Mot
ley's presence in Lontiffn, with definite instnui
tions from his govermnent, will be the removal
of a difficult question from the region of nil
official debate and - rhetorical exaggeration
into that of a business statementand
matic negotiation. The English people are
content to leave. our side of the:matter in the,
hands of Lord (larendon, and the contitrywill
acce any plan of settlement which he and
Mr. Motley may arrange, and should be glad
to be equally sure of its acceptance 'by the
Senate of the United States.%
_ . . .
The London ..41cw publishes q highly compli
mentary article, in which it says that the char
acter of Mr.-Motley is in itself a sutheient in
dication that the 'ruffed• States of America
will treat the pending subject honorably,while
the presence of Mr. Bright in the Eiig,lish
Cabinet, with Mr.-Gladstone at the" 'head of
the Ministry,- constitute an equally sufficient
guarantee that England loves peace, and that
a (Wei minatiop to 'do justice animates the
The relfgraph thinks that- Motley will
for the 'present devote himself to the discharge
of the ordinary duties of his Office, and that in
that capacity he may consolidate that cordial
alliance which ought to exist between.the two
countries.. It will be a reproach to English
politicians andjournals if, for the sake: of pan
dering to popular prejudice, they threw diffi
culties in the way of the mission Of good will
and peace which Mr. Motley declares he
comes to curry out even to the end:
The London
_Times understands that no•tiew
domain' has beeni addressed to England. Mr.
Motley enters upon his_ duties without any
prospect of controversy, but at the same time
says that the EngliSh government should 'ex
amine any new proposals anti see if they pro
mise a just and equitable solution. If the neu
trality proclamation is made the subject of
grievance we are bound to listen to the argu
ments adduced, though it is improbable that
any good purpose would be served by raising
such discussion.'
The Pa// Mall Gazette,a.s usual,bas a snobbish
article on the subject, boasting that America
has backed down before British pluck, and
that under these circiumstances the arrival of
the new Minister is of • small importance, and
the best result they anticipate from Mr.
Motley's mission is that hiS duties will afford
him sufficient leisure to prosecute his histori
cal studies.
'Notwithstanding the tone of the London
pres.s, I hare good. authority for saying that
not one of the newspapers has received the.
- Slightest hints or indications of Mr. Motley's
instructions, which I am assured will in the
end be found thoroughly dignified aisl in a ti rm
American tone.
I By the Atlantic Cable.]
Grand Farewell Banquet to Glen. Dix--
Eloquent Speech of the Retiring Minis.
PARIS; June 1, 1869.—A splendid farewell
American banquet was given to Gen. Dik at
the Grand Hotel to-night.. Between three and
four hundred persons were present. 1 did not
notice any foreigners in the room. Messrs.
Washburne ' the- General's "successor; Burlin
• game and Bullock, of Massachusetts, were the
only American guests. Mr. Cowdin, of New
York, presided.
General Dix, in response to the toast of his
health, delivered an eloquent speech, thank
ing the assembly ler the compliments paid
him. He reviewed the past progress, and re
ferred to the future prospects oft heir common
country. Alluding to the completion of the
Pacific Railroad, he said it realized the pro
phetic dream and great thought of Columbus,
by opening a western passage frotn Europe to
the Indies. He said that in the present cen
tury little more was needed to complete
the -work. It engaged no external attraction
to induce a pressure outward or from within
so as to divert the public Mind from
.the work:
There never was an instance in the history of
' humanity when society possessed so many el
ements calculated to devote the attention of a
great people towards internal developthent,
and turn- their thoughts from the fatal policy of
forcible agg - randisement,
which instinct,com
bined with thespirit of international discord,
carries with it all the elements of do—
mestic disaster and humiliation. If the juris
i fiction of the United States -of America be en
larged it will be by amicable arrangements
with other States. America gained nothing
at any time by violence or injustice, and she
desires to gain nothing in the future by un
worthy schemes of territorial aggramlizement,
by winch nations, sooner or later, are sure •
to work out their 'own: dovinfall. If future
accessions of territory come, it Will be, as in
the past, from 'causes . : prepared beyond
the circle of our influences, and by
agencies.higher than oiir! enn. After allud
ing to the proper ambition of the American
people •the General said : 'We. may trust in
Providence for a continuance of : , pur national
prosperity, if in our intercourse with foreign
States; we conform to those rides of inter
national right and obligation which have re
ceived the sanction of the civilized world; de
manding only that the' same maxims of reeip,
rocal justice shall be sacredly respected by
others; that the high seas shall be recognized
as a common pathway; and that the nations
shell:. be free from all ! pretensions of
superiority` or arbitrary control. In
relation to France, he said-that- there existed .
between America and France,.. from the ear
lieSt period, a strong bond of intiiiity which
should never be broken: France came to Our
aid, at a trying ordeal, in the: infancy of the
country; s and - during the 'very throes of natural
She rendered essential sdrVice to
Washington by the swords of her : soldiers—,
Lafayette,Bochamboau and, Count de Grasse
—while DEstainge,Truxton and Paul Jones,
at sea unsheathetrtheir swords-in the cause of
indepeudeiice. .(Aving, to this, misunderstand.
lugs .betweenthe two countries for nearly a
'Century hare been few, unimportatit,and brief
in duration, leaving no rankhngfeeling or re
sentments behind. .
'After paying an eloquent tribute to the geni us
Of Napoleon and the worth, acid virtue. of.the
Empress;' General Dix referred to the qualifi
cations of his successor, Mr: Washburne:
Speeches were subsequently.inade b Mr.
Burlingame, Mr. Wa.shliurile,Mr. Bulkicic and
The ewrtaiurnentmais a - greatsuccess. , '
French View of the Importance of His
Mission: • ' •
From La. Liberal, of Mai 21.1
!We have already annoutieed -the - arri,Val of
Mr. Washburne; who comes to assinne the
duties of 'United States' Minister: in ',place of
General Dix. In view of the' ever-igereasing
iMportance of the political influence of.the 'United
States in'Europe; in view .also 'of the'. heStility
of the United States' Senate to *England, and
of the. complications,that • miglit,•anse should
the now ' existing difficulty culminate in
a serious coidliet,, a biographical Sketch
of ''''Mr. Wasliburne ' is . •of positive -in
terest. Mr. Washburne is one_ of the
most popular men in his eountrv.; the ' friend-
Ship binding him to' General Chant is'of the
most intieiate character . ; hence the nnssion he
has come to fulfil in Paris has an especial
ounce. • * at * Since' the Union war,Ameri
. earl policy seems to have had for its object the
augmenting of the share of influence of the
Republic, that had hitherto stood aloof from
the contests of Europe. The mission of Admiral
Parragut, the 'negotiatienis commencer) with
Turhey and Italy for the establishment of an
American naval station in the Mediter
ranean, the persiStency of the . ' American
Senate in exacting from England amends,
regle for the support given the yro-slavery
pafty, would Huth ee to vouch for this tendency,
even .were not evidence of all killft9 at halllttO
attest its *existence. General Grant, it, is said,
isr 41411)0 . 8e11 to emphasize it still inure strongly
by'nutking of the programme we refer
_to the o -
jectire poipt his policy. . this be • true, the
new President Needs to represent his Gover n- tient cis-ci-cis the European powers, men upon
whotn he call place as perfect reliance as upon
himself. • Mr. Wasliburne is such 'a Man; he
qui at least be regarded as one of ' those' _lrt;'_r
sorni Who possCAS tile fullest' conlide.nee of the
Rxeentive, and are the best illibral'efi a 9 t 0 1113
secret plans.
Eight Recent Expeditions—Vhelr Gene.
ral Success and_ Elfecle—Twenty 'Thon.
• sand Arms Supplied the Patriots:..
. Spanish Corruptions-41414a Sold Mile
Insurgents from :Havana—The"New
Captain-General and his DllHcalties. '
• roil] the New York Tribune.] 3 '
- tVeria.Ve special and credible advices that,
by means of seven or eight expeditionS which
lave within a few months left New York and
Philadelphia, the Cubans have reitelied 'large
and, somewhat s tirprising 'quantitis of arms
and munitions of war. The Cuban anthciris
ties here and in 'WaShington. baVe, as we are
informed, been incessantly active, and the re
snit theireffarta' is seen in the animated
hopes renewed spirit of 'the patriots in
the On the strength of the recent
• help given to .their' cause, Or promised them
at no late day, the campaign of General Qne-
Sada, is believed •to have assumed a new as
pect, in proof of which are the series of sue
. cesses.lately achieved for Cuba at Las Tunas,
Altagracia, Sabana Nueva, the Bay of Nipe,
and near -.Puerto Padre, all of which are
claimed by Quesada's forces. The following,
is an authentic list of the expeditions alluded
to, and their cargoes of military supplies: By
the Salvador; from Key West, 1,500 arms and
three field- pieces. From Nassau, by
the same, 2,500 guns and 5 cannon. 13y
the Perrin; 3,660 guns and 6 cannon. By the
Grapeshot, 4,000 guns and 2 cannon. These
vessels originally left New York. Those sent
from Philadelphia in the first expedition there
from were three schooners with 3,500 arms and
four steel guns. This cargo was delivered near
Trinidad on the lith of April, and has already
if report be credible, told with effect on the
situation in that greatly disaffected quarter
The second _ expedition had its landing
at the___same___place____with 3,500 guns in
a small steamer. The third expedition
has just gone with 2,500 arms. By these
various expeditions the• Cubans have re
ceived 21,100 small arms and 22 cannon or
field-pieces. These supplies, received within a
period comparatively brief, constitute the most
decided and extensive aid the Cubans have
ever obtained. There is reason to believe that
the Cubans are powerfully supported in a now
and unexpected quarter, of the character of
which-we-are-not -permitted-to-speak. Their
cause is not likely to fail, we understand, for
want of efficient symPathy on the part of the
North. Never have the patriots of Cuba
seemed so confident of victory. " -
We are favored with private advices from
Havana representing the extreme corruption
of the SpaniardS there, and the venal indiffer
ence of a number of their officials to the fail
ure or success of the war. So gross had the
avarice of these. officials or officers become,
that it was a matter of belief that they had
privately sold arms and supplies of all <
kinds to the enemy. . indeed, it, is
known to Cubans resident in New York,
that the first supplies of arms, some thousands
in number, received by.the Cubans, were
bought in in • the Spaiards themselves.
Charges or reports of corruption are still com
mon at the capital, and in the field. Not less
significant is the fact that Spanish papers be
tray a tone of concession to the rebels, one of
them going so far as to admit that the rebellion
is gaining headway.
• The appointment to the Captain-General
ship of Caballero do nodas is viewed by the
Cuban authorities in Now York as a
sign of fiercer and more merciless hostilities
on the part ofthe mother country. De .Rodas
is an able and prompt commander,, and will as
semble arcan - IMM the worst and least scru
pulous chiefs of the anny,such as belong to the
class of the'. duellist . Escalente. it
is expected that he will draw
the • reins tighter upon the goaded
Cubans, and by conseqnence make the war
more desperate and unrelenting. Meanwhile,
and before his arrival, the Cubans and their
supposed :filibustering allies will have gained
needful headway. .The clog upon the lIOW
Captaill;General's effinta will be found. in
the finances of the island, and the generally al
leged corruptions.of its officials.
New advices have been received hero from
Cuba, relative to the recognition of the bellig
erency of Cubans by the Government of Peru.
This was brought.. about, it • appears, 'not -
through the persuasion of a special, envoy, as
has been stated, but by an official Communica
tion, addressed by Gen: Cespedes to the Presi
dent of that RePaNic, .deSeribbig.the.progress_
of the revolutionary movement in Cuba, .and
prospeeta.of the patriot cause. Similar ,
munications,it is presumed, have been sent
by Cespedes to the - Preaidpnts of the,: other
republics of South and Cettral America, . and
it is confidently eXpected that tinfe — xaniple
Peru hi this matter willjahertiy,
by Mater refiiblies.- •. • .
The recognition . of Pubanindependetiee by
the United States is anXiously, looked for.herei
and Oldie:opinion is complainin of
lay; since, itis.argned, the United States have..
greaterright:to interfereherethanifrancellad
in MeXieo, and the longer they withhold their
assistance the worse it will be, as Mi . :OEl*M
he desolation. Annexation to. the United
states is the ardent desire of thei.Ottbaus.
. .
Tin: 'GENEU.A.I. SYNOD OF 1 / 1 11i ; ILF.FOI:STED
entincit xiS - .A.M.EniCA.'--'llieSikty-third'annual
session of this bodyconnetieed this morning,
at ten o'clock in the First Reformed Church;
of Seventlfand Spring Garden streets',
The 'Synod Way
.epeited with. prayer 'I . ),V ReV.
Dr. Porter. " The . roll of members Was; theu
called the StatiA,elerk, Rey: Dr. - Deirierest.
At . the' close, Of the rell-call! the Convention
went into an election ft)r President and AdseS
sor; Idessrs. Lee anitCrosby acting as tellers.
The tellers report(l that lifty-four ?nembero
were present, and li ty-fetiebrdlotS. - ,' t --, 4
FOr Prrsident—Rov. l't r. ,, Stitt, 26 votes; Rev. J. El.
inendorf. 12; Rev. J. Denterest, 1; Itev..J.Demerest,.Tr.,
li Rev. 111 r. Searle 1; Itev. 111 r. You Chit , 3; Rev. Mr.
TAIIT, 1; Rev: blr. Formytlii . 7; Rei,lllr. Thompson, 1.
For Ads...sm.—Rev. D. lon CRY, 15 votes; Rev. Mr.
Talmag 10; Err. Mr,,Forsytti. 5; Rev. .1. Demurest, Jr.
1; Rev.. 1.11. Thionpfuni, 2 . ; Rev..J. Scudder. 3; 'llev. , .T'
F.lnteniterf. 6; nos. mr; Enyani. .1; WV. Mr. Eddy, 1;
Rev. Mr. Stitt.s; Rev. Mr.' Tllessl , 94 - , 1; Rey . Mr. Cottk
lin .'1; Rev. .T. Demerest.
The "'resident . and , ' adsessor , having'' to be
elected by a. majority,according to,the rules of
the Synod, there was no election, and the tell
ers were' compelled to proceed again. Rev.
Dr.VanCleif withdrew his name a 8 a. candidate
for ad.serisor:: The -tellers reported that for
l'resident Reif. J. Elmendorf had received 20
votes and . Rev. I)r. Stitt 38 votes, and for ad-
sensor Rey. .Goyn Talmage 50 votes and- Re*.
Vail Cleif 2 votes. Rey.l)r.Porter then handed
up the seal and keys of office-,to his sddessor;
and Dr. Stitt made a veryneat and appropriate '
address, thanking the Synod for his election as
'President of the body.' , • ' • • ; ':, .
The. election for clerks was then held, , and
Rev. Mr. Sutphin . and Rey. J. Rogers were
The minutes of the last session were then
read. i
. After some unimportant business the Synod
adjourned with prayer. until two and a' half
&clock Ibis afternoon.
At : the "evening session the annual sermon
will be delivefedlry the Rev; Dr. Porter, ex-
President of the Synod..
N Inv Yonn, June 9.—The National Wo
man's Sinfrage- Association met .yesterday: at
the Woman's, Bureau, No. 49: East .Twenty
third Meet. Resolutions were,adopted against
the passage by ~ Congressthe Fifteenth
Amendinent, and also, in favor of allowing
girls to, enterthe College of the City of New
York., Another. resolution was adopted re
garding the privilege recently accorded to wo
wen in the•Methodist' Church, of ,yotingitsrto
whether lay members should .be admitted to
the General Conference. The resolution urged
that they shouldALso vote for the lay members,
and likewise be members of the Conference
themselves. •
The Brooklyn Sunday Schools had their aml
niversalry parade yesterday. There were forty
thousand children in i tbe • procession.
George H. Butlor,, theatrical .critic of the
,bruit of the Tines, wa: before Justice Ledwith i
yesterday, on the complaint of Mr. klender.7
son, of ;the: burlesque troupe: at Xiblo's, of as
sault and battery and libel .. Butler waived, an
examination in`loth cases; and gave in
$1,300.t0 answer. • - ,
.. .
Thomas. Nanghton, the ex-policeman who
committed the late assault with a policeman's
club on Police Superintendent Konnedy,•was
yesterday tried in the Court of Special, Sessions,
found pithy and sentenced to six months in the
l!eilitentiari,' .. : . •7 - . •
Two, brothers-in-law, named -Strickland mid
Waters, had a fatal altercation. yesterday at
the residence of Waters, in South Fifth street,
Williamsburg. Strickland,. it appears, was
abusing his wife, Waters's sister, when Waters
interfered and the tight commenced, in which
the latter shot Strickland twice. Vis con
dition is critical. Waters gave himself up. :
The car drivers on the Seventh avenue Rail-
road struck yesterday morning for an advance
of a) cents a day upon-their wages of $2. The
President compromised with them upon $2 25,
and somewhat lessened' heir period of work.
That Dist ntereste4Allshtnan.
The Washington correspondent of the New
York Herald says :
The "wealthy Englishman" whose gene
' rosity shows itself in a refusal to accept the
legal rate. of interest on the United States
"bon'ds, and. who_has .returnecLfiye-twenties-to
the Treasury Department as "conscience
money;" is said to be a lunatic. In England
he was famous for the same thing. His mania
is a low rate of interest for money, which he
insists ought to be enforced all over the world.
He is not partial to United States bonds any
more than he is to British consols. The story
that Secretary Boutwell had written him and
invited him to visit Washington is incorrect.
]fr. Boutwell has sent no communication to
The Delaware Whipping• Post.
The Ilefilford • (DclaWare) Mutual Friend,
which - is, by the way; one of the most readable
and agreeable weekly papers in the State, says
it is "hot of the opinion that the whipping
post tends to decrease crime in our State, any
more than the gallows does to prevent the
shedding of another's blood. It will be a proud
day for our little State when every vestige of
that relic of the dark ages when men did not
hare the light of civilization to guide them on
the path of progress; is swept away, and in its
stead erected a penitentiary, where the pri
soner may be doing sometinngito earn the
bread he now devours at the expense of the
LECTVRE ON VlSlON.—Professor MortonN
lecture last night was in its interest and sue
cess repetition of the six others oh the same
general subject of light,which he has delivered
at the Academy on previous occasions. We
enjoyed the privilege of a view. behind the
scenes just before the lecture, and were sorry
that all the audience could not have likewise
seen and estimated the' extent and eomplete
nesS of the preparations made for their enter
At the rear of the stage, mounted on a
form, reached by a double flight of • imposing
steps, was a large magic lantern, with as: ad.-
juncts of gas-bags, weights, tables for .objeets,
and other articles, about
.which; hovered
several anxious assistants, putting the last
finishing touch to all-their arrangements.: At
the foot of these steps stood on the floor
another lantern, with its adjuncts and attend;
ants,which was to be used in• the shadow
pantomime. .11ere and there, about the stage,
stood groups of figures in extraordinary 'cos
tumes, with -heads of. birds and bodies of
beasts, who were to perform their parts in the
same illustration. Down the centre of the
stage . ran . an iron track, on
Which stood, a- truck ; with a table
carrying a pair of lanterns, with two assist
ants; one to manage each, with the usual ac
companiment of gas bap and various special
apphancesneededinthe display.of the phaa-__
tasmagoria. At another point appeared some
immense disks covered with brilliant patterns,
and, the machinery to revolve them, • waiting
for their turn to act as thaurnatropes. , Yet
another lantern with its adjuncts, and 'also a
'sk-lifg_apertures;_,.stood - near by for use
th these iattvx,Av4ile in sheltered nooks of
the greenroom stand the knife - eleetric
and on atrap below the stage :stoed,the
tery. and: coif which Aires to rise et 9ail from
and inspire them with light
and life., ' •
Theisubje4 treated in , this Etletere , vias that
of Vision. The Structure of the :eye and its re., ,
Wien to ordinary leuseS was most clearly and
concisely explained. Prof. Morton lias, with
out doubt, •t he combiued> faoultioe opt often
F. L FETHERSTQN. 'Pablisbr
- P4I.Og...TIMEHONT.O.'.::::' , :t
possessed, of thorongh knowledge of his stillli- - c" .
jet, milted with a rare facility of utakinicia . , •
points clear to. • thotie not ' Conversant bef4,(4-
Land with any of its details'. - ' '. ' - '' ' ' `. l'' ' .ll
With this we were pecUliarlyiniporOised:t •
this occasion. We had long desired to coffin V.
bend that method of .•spectrum: anajltsis '''
bi; . .which such .- wonderful , , discoVeriea. dill
P Plea!, astronomy have, ;been „ rtnntio:.
tinting' - the • • hist year` 'Or
but, - hke theSt other bast pec i ple;ktid.Anind 4
impossible to study up the • suirjectitfany . of thiiii
scientific essays Which liaye beetitittblishedblit , • .
the subject., But last evening r in.five' minntli* , . .
likthe aid of a r ti ngeniouslyarningectdiagilim; ..
Prof. Morton ;se ~put , Ut, in. possesion. of theV.
Main facts of the case, that while we are still .
More aiiiions than ever 'to learn n ter eV - r e plijk '
longer feel blind, but cats see liovr i tile result a
accomplished and . appreciate ' the tel
the various * parts of the•• great subject. ITIMi +''
brief expositiOn was introditeetiiin connebitioel ••
with the varying sensitiveness ,of ithe2eYelor°C.
impressions of unequal inteasitxj and Pi ' ::'•
gemous means devised of late lirw4n4l'
backs arising from this' haVe'heen:.DVD ' pm,' ' C
t ip
as in the observation of' solar fianles'idithel)ilt . :
an eclipse. ' . - •• . ~ • , • iz ..f , -• i: •.,. ' ,
The fallacy, of •eye-judgm ents of sizeMA ilia:,
tance of objects was then , shoWn by the Thaw.
tasmagoria and the shadow ~ p antomine, lir
the first.. of these,. statues and .other•llgtrees
~. . . ...
eniergin from- the 'far tlis' Unice seemed, to
. .
approachand recede. 'l'hus the stage beraMn
a vast tunnel, through which . rushed . it "'lode;
motive; which; when ready to roll ininion the, ..f.
audiencei.vanished and left 'an ocean' grott• /
in the tunners st , ead.‘ .This• Was a. very capita/
illtistration,and very well performed ; in the ' clexvments reired co a n n s d id
singlloppomtpinitmforrehearsqu whichmust
exist in. such Cases." Many, lowed. sitnilar effect:4.pr,
The shadow pantomithe;
in _order, wa.s ludicrous inthe extreme. :The •
egg-hatching by gunpowder Was 21.4 funny as it, •
was ingenious, while, tbegentlenaan Main ntirz.- .
simitteil; in shadow, Mother Goose, (find:lvo:3d
, .
a real genius fore - xpreSsive pantomime. ', * ..,
The, chrom'citropes,• the! electric , fitarsillh ' •
trating persistence of vision, were mostheatt.r...:
tiful, and the illustration of subjective Colo
. _
was a very enrious.thing; and when the k r .
.-: : .
titter concluded, lie sincerely felt that he and -
his assistants had well earned theillefuty.atij
plause of the audient.e whiekthey received..: '
- - mr.,Jobu Canine, the Irish comedian', will appearnt
the Anil this evening in the drama Ring OVVettaied the
farce Tritely the Tiler. Mr. Craig and Miss Davenport
will appear in Jenny Lied.,, , • ‘• ,
-At the, Walnut, to-night, Hr. J „
OH.. Jeffer4oh will ( tits
peat his superb personation of RiP rpri !Sable. , . • .
• - ,
, The Elise Holt 'Burlesque ilirniPaWill'ii
YW' intetir ' at '
the Chestnut thho evening, in the butlekque-Lurretirc '' ,
Bralcen. Le 0 - ramie Pooresse. 'micro will bea'VeloulliedeL. .
eSeensionmarn a tight rope. .. • • ,;...
.alfis WSIIS:111 Gal toa and her clever COM paAly: ;will - ; ttp, :
p 1 .4r at the Theatre' Conilque this' evening, tu 'Ffor,ktra
___ , x , , .
-A lecture will he delivered 'at 'Cloncertflall,"thist . . •
i Weanesday 1 evening. by the ltev: , l,lnstin: D. Vultetti ~
Pastor ortilf. Tremont Temple Baptist ;Chttrich, Boston..
The subject of the lecture 'will be: Whonl,,shall shall
trust:" - , Tlio p.ntlenian . lectureele. a ' -Very , : eloquent
speaker, and as the proceederof "the - lecture , ::will: be .ile
•oted to the. aid of the-Spruce Street Mission.- we..hopai ,
there will he a large asinencepresent at coaceitmem..... •
-Thu .kaiSrlealt Theatra'annouPceaa'iititedAio io T er
bill for to-night. The De •Lave 'Sietergymninits •of -.
great skill and ..gripe.-perform some •vronderfnli teats,.
end there will:be a roiscellaneou, ontertalpinfdit ,ot an,.
now excellence - b , side4. - -' • , ,
• --Mire , Clara • Linibia Helledg:Fl"tran,rnitTeli
eoV? will be given In .thi ' Acadenly, of Aluslei t I Wed- , •
esday evening', when obevein;,be avvisteit 'brlitliat.Alidei ' •
Topp,Mr.fludolph tiennig, Signer-Bgettl t Signed Oval,
and other_ 'first - class 'nth std , Ob. Tniareday„titgbt tats
Barber rf Seriile'will be mos - , with inaseasewtet,‘
large chortle and a splendid urcheirtra under Abe olirect
Lion of Mr. S. Behrens. Tickets can he'hati at Tsnip s ,
The annual e'thihition Of_parntings lama,' ifien•neitat
Denney) vania Academy'ur lane Arts. -•-, -, . - • •
-The Chestnut Street Rink, at. Chestnut and Mirefity:
third streets. is ~open day .and evening for. Gawp t who -. 0 ,
wish to practice velocipede riding or learn, thp art,- , ,
-At the Amatettr lb airingßoom, Sovoriteanthsti•oet;
above Chestnut; on Thursday evening, a .toirb! 1111ISICabt
will be given'onder the auspices of Hrs. 1 2. 4 witietnt,
Fairlamb.• A number of wen-known musicians wile • .
:• :, _ • -
-A Grand Exhibition of billiards will be g_ivert. Wit.
evening, at 09 Chestnut street, at 8 o'clock. ' John `Mc-
Devitt, ex-champion of America, Victor Estephe ' , and!
James Palmer will be among the principal - players__._._
Hatches at the French thres , ball game and the four-ball - 1,
game will be played. The public are invited, The saltr;
contains twelve fine tables. .
-The West Philadelphia Choral Society is a young
association of young arnatprs. Last - even
ing Morton hear with filled,with a' shionablis 'audience, •
assembled to the last concer of the seagull, The,
Germania Orchestra, Mr. Dietrich leading,,o_pened.ottebt -
part of the concert with the overtures to •, irtira_andl._____—
- (Thrash-The choruses - were - Riea's - Cantrila of Mora,
ise and The Heavens are t il ling', from the Crealloa.'Th6 •
voices are all young and fresh and the skill with which
they rendered these two beautifully descriptive creations
uf genius last evening reflects great credit upon the _,
leader, Mr. George F. PeirSoll. The cavidina, Tarea la , w
notte, was given nervouitty;• - and at times indistinctly,;and
with indecision. -A beautiful tenor aria. from Wallace's"
La iliac Was exquisitely sung by Mr.Charies Splunidt,atid.
tie familiar base° solo. Vi roe etsa,frout ?otnnetatbula;ra- •
calved additional charms from the singing of Mr. Horace& 1 - .
Nathan,. The tenor 8010 and chorus' 0 foss. raritatile
'yam„.iveit with taste and feel Mg. The ilithatett from -
Martha and Sextett from Lucia were sang correctly and .
Dillond taste. The tenor of Dr. Thomas Mt. •
ham wire here displayed to advantage.- ~Theo . .
concert was a success, and shows what can be done in as
q list unostentatious manner Moor city limier such man-''
terly skill and tion.evernnee as the conductor, Mr. Pair'-'
sun, hasexhibited. - •
(For the Philadelphia }lie'drat Ballotia.l
The chosen voice of freedom,l:--- ;
With silence welcome misery!
(me moment with my dainty lip, '
From coolest spring I deign to sip;
Then, cushioned on the.rosy . 1'
I mount and charge it every - where.
T hoof the.sunbeant,_vault steePi
'With nerve and joy in eyery leap:
'Tis Freedom's fields aonfine iny
'Tis Freedom's voice within' me rings.
'., , T0 be a cloud o'er clouds I hie, •:
A speck, a dot - Upon the sky;
'Then, like a snow-flake, tok the plain '
I float, or, singing, soar again.
The rhythm•of my weary tread"—
The bowing of my Weary head.o
Fit markings these as lags along
The ditrerent measure of my song.
The heat and dust and harness grip,
The gallild flank, the fateful whin ' •
Are tricks of time. I've played my part,
Nor longer feel the ancient Amart
Of •
whatit is to chafe Or fret.
Of Freedom's songs I half forget. •
happy so. Through chinks 1
Smiling bits of greenery. a ,
• Pleasant scents trom beds of eleter •
Conic to me the hedge-tons over. : ,
.1 thank my master that I own'
Good blinkers from the blazing sun. '
—My broken yoWs? Through dannestifa*l
And Warr of youth's bewild'ritik d,aytt :
Their echoeS come! Alas! God Wot '
HO* can Ibe what lam not? •
has adopted-the-new pitch ti)r her,
military handri.
--- .
Tamberlik into sing the tenor part
_Kass in Madrid.
—Mozart's "Don Giovanni" was never board
at Buenos Ayres until during the past . *infer.
—Wagner, in one of his publicationo n eaßs
the_Parisians_!‘a_stupirtandthipkrboaded pc44._
plc," 'because they do not admire his rawly.
—Mr. Pechter is to leave England . for.::'°thh
country, in about a. month and make that
appearance in this country as ".lantniet. , • ,
—An'American tourist named Bently, wan
recently killed near Reggio, I.o' Simmer:2
light with bandits. .
• —On an opening night at an-opera tvise
Nevada an enthusiastic admirer of an actress
threni an eighty - dollar silver brick at her.
qux• Bale," • "the man
yairns," is announced, by a raider Of:
"L'lromme - -• • •- • "
—Baron Brissemakes sixty or seventy then- •
sand francs a year by writing CUlluari tuceipts•
for the Paris daiiie. ,•• • • ••.
_..~.. .
'..}:. ~ ..:.0~: