Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 01, 1869, Image 5
~~?U1TY gtiLL~TfN:. _ , TOE Holitatbirtnc.:Aint Assocrivrtot-A stated Meeting of , the above. association .way held this Morning at 1l o'eloCk,in tbe , HOnite' opatbie College; on Filbert _street, west of Illeventh, for the purpose of transacting the business of. the Taw which is to be held in Concert_Hail on the 15tli of this' month. ; Eld-. ward Lawrence, Es 4, preSidek Mrs. Wad-, leighi' Secretary. The minutes were read from: the beginning of the organization, dating frOm , Aptil it2d, . 1869; they were ap proved. The committee oiucake made a re port; which was accepted. After a large miin ber of donations werereceived from the kata . of AssOciatieil fot refreshments d ; it was nib that, all donations' of cakes, berries, 8.:c.,5h0.R,. u be referred to their respective committees,. Aftet a considetable amount of debating, the -meeting adjoittneti. , ____......._ ......._. _. A etlitlol3 Vorxmk.—There has recently been presented to the Historical Societyn manuscript folio volume of some ninclunadred• pages; heing, a cOmpleteeopy of the Quaker registers of bittlisonarriages and deaths among themiembers of that society in Chester county frOm about the year 1700 to the present year. Tbi.4 immense work hm: been compiled by Gil bert .Ccipe; : df Chester county, and contains, matte* 'of, interest to Many whose ancestors follOWed the teaehingti.df Fox and Penn . It is probable that a similar volume, in regako DelkWare &linty Will becomplled. .. PpLICE. AET:ESTS OF A'MONTIL—The num ber of 'arrests Made by the police of. the city during' the month of. May.wa.s 3,210. The.: prisoners.were divided among the several dis z : trick; as follows Second.... Third Fonrth.... Fifth Sixth Seventh.: Eighth.... Ninth Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth, RcreimiCAN.RaotsrnATtorr.,--The regist lion Of the Republican.yoters in the city will be made this evening; in accordance with 'the following notice issued by Mr. William R. Leeds, President •• of the Republican City Ex' ecutive Committee: "In conformity with rultesixth of the rules for the government of the Union Republican party, the register mg officers of each division ( consisting of the Itepubliattue 'Judge, or. the pandidate, and the Inalsoctors of Electidfi‘i elected in October last, and the Executive Committee,of each division) shall meet at the regular places of holding elections, on Tuesday, Juno 1, between tho hours of 4„, and 8 O'clock•P. M., for the purpose of making a registry of the Itepublieuti 'voters under the provisions of said llonnEnrEs.—The residence of S. Harper, N0..1302 North Eleventh street, was entered through a back window last evening, during the.teniporary absence of the family. A lot or clothing was carried off. The hotel of Jeremiah King, on the west side Of thO Schnylkill river, near Fairmount, was entered by means of false keys, at an early hour yesterday morning, and was robbed of several deinijohns .of liquor, two boxes of cigars and a coat. The stolen property is valued at S5O. FirAL,AC,punniT.—As Mrs. Charles J. Wis ter.was returning, last evening, from town to her residence in Germantown, her carriage was overturned •by coming in contact with some, obstruction on the new turnpike, near Ilicetown 'Lane. Mrs. Wister was thrown from the vehible, sustaining a violent coneu.s !don of the brain; causing almost instantaneous death: The venerable lady received every kindness , and attention at Cole's Inn, near which-the-- laccident-occurred,-- 2 -but expired beforelnedical aid could be obtained. WIRGILrA-LIITEA,. On YELLOW 'WOOPP.—The • finest specimen of this rare and beautiful tree in this latitudenuty now be seen in front Of 925 LocuSt street in full bloom. Its long pen dulous racemes of odoriferous white flowers, descending ai it were from a crown of .pale greenleaves so thin.as to be ahhost ,tratifspa rent, present an exquisite object seldonwit nessed by our readers. The Virgilia is a native of 'the South, and was discovered by the younger !Michanx in the year 1812. tricroutimm..+lt was stated in the BULLE TIN, yesterday, that the Coroner had been summoned to No. 407 Barnwell street, to hold an, inquest 'on the body of Mrs,. Me Cues, who had (red suddenly, and that there were rumors that death had resulted from _a beating. An investigation shows that the ru mon; were unfounded. The post mortem exam ination showed that death resulted from natu ral causes. The husband of the deceased,who had been arrested in consequence of the re ports, was discharged by the Coroner. VODND DROWNED. —An unknow white man Wa.4 found drowned in the DlAr:viart, at Port Richmond, last evening, by the Harbor Police, The deceased appearal to be about 45 years of age, and was neatly dressed in a black suit. The body of - an - unknown man was fonpd last evening, at Almond street wharf, on the Delaware. . The deceased was 40 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches in height, brown hair, and large r black goatee. He Wore a dark cloth suit of clothf,s i cheek shirt, and laced shoes. The Coroner tool: _ charge of the body. ASSAULT AND BATTERY.—ellarleS 'BRAM was before Alderman Dallas this morning, upon the charge of assault and battery on Be inard Duffy.. The latter was sitting on the steps of his house at Twenty-second . and Pemberton streets, last evening. Brown came along mind the two had some words abo , ut Orangemen. Brown, it is allege( Wiry a viol It ' blow upon the heat for trial. CRUELTY TO AN ion Brinklery from Woodbury, N. ded ye*aday at Fifth and South streets, for cruelty to \ani mals. He had a heavy load of furniture,drawn by a poor-looking horse ' scarcely able to do .i) the work. The hoofs of the horse were filsO split. Brinkley was taken before .Alde lino- CAMS, and' was committed in default o bail: NARROW ESCAPE FROM I)ROWNIN(I.—A lad 31:11lied William Ellis, aged years, reSi.divg . at Twenty-fourth and South st'feets, went.* the Schuylkill in a boat, to fish, yesterday: He fell 'overboard, and when nearly exhausted, Was taken out of the water by the Schuylkill Harbor Pollee. Pit Ems Ctun.—'l7 e regular stated meeting of the Press Club of Philadelphia will be held fp-morrow afternoon, at the roonis,.. 807 Walnut street. Nominations for officers for the ensiling year will be made. . LARCENY OF A COAT.—Thornas Daffy was committed thin morning by Alderman Cal , Felder, to answer the charge of the larceny of a coat, from a . house on Dock street. \ • FELL OVEMSOARD.—ChariCg N A 7 p6tCOtt k ,f ., t into the Delaware at Chestnut• street whit f last night. He was rescued from drowning by Officers Deward and Westcott, of tin' Harbor Ari OWNEIt l A F TltiTED.—llie Sixth District Pollee desirn an owner for a now vali o t ki .e b w:w found on Chestnut street last eve .g!", IM PltOVErlEr T TO t Ti:AM. 13 ‘ 014.t its.—A pat t• Ilt has been recently • granted to :Mr. 17lionnis S. Speakman, of (.7amden, New Jer . sev 2 for an improvement to steam boilers, which pro Mises to prove most useful and valu able. It is, suhstantially, for the purpose of burning the, smoke and :laving the heat,usually,, escaping from the top of the chinineyA,'tlifiS economizing more than fifty per cent.,of the usual fuel employed for .generating steam 'in boilers. This economy is the result of the fol lowing process: The heat from the fire, after acting on the boiler, is conducted by means of a fuse and .other appliances into the fire-box, and, again passing through the lire, the smoke and the 'heat vildelf eseape by the ordinary chimney or' flues, being, thus carried, in connection with the smoke, through the fire.. The necessity of reheating is thus avoided, which economizes it the rate of about 'fifty per centiun. The improvement can be, applied to boilers of all sfZes an was satis factorily exhibited yesterday,,a ti No:ti:l.s Chest but lifted, • AUCTION SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES AND.HATS. al. L. Ashbridgo Auctioneers, will Hell. at t.heir Btorp, 505 'Market strect,l64norto* raorning, by catalogue, at 10 1,000 package-8 of boots and shoes, of city and Bastern make, to.which the attention of deal ers is called. Open early in, the morning „loy Qxooo.nation. ~~~ y-' p . _. 4 ~ .!~' - ,' Thirteenth 93 Fourteenth 39' Fifteenth 18 Sixteenth 11r2 Seventeenth i 279 Eighteenth 43. :Reserve Corpxl: Del aware 1iarber..r..(.... - . P ..;0• 5ebny1ki11'Harb0r...........,12 Cliewtnut Hill Vagrent. Hetenti , 20 d hi $7OO bail . • . INSTALDiENT trioii : :iiiSTALititiii t :AOCkhill : .S: ;Wilson do not pursue the.lan. of eel 4 off. all their clothes; and.then,',4ll of a':euddon, get tinga great new,lot;' On the contrary, they get nine ' instalment .of • ckiy. Early in the Morning r •during therheat of the day; and until the shades of evening, „bundles after bundes piles after piles, loadii after,loalis of:EixoAavr NUMMI: 11,MNIENT come,. , hurry-„ink into the sixth street door.' CroVrd'br in telligent Men and boys come for these novilk arriving mountains of magnificent masculthe apparel, and purchase them at, our celebrat A toreprices. A Thousands of hands, tens of t ~ - es * 4ians of fingers, and no end of needles e busily preparing these vast, quantiti Tpf Splendid apparel, and all have to work to their utmost capacity in order`te• meet the wan of ' our great army of Customers. ' '!` 4 ., .• Come ,on,.customers,..in: - full , force, tor, we are ready for-yon: The gl'ater the deMand, the greater shailte they. . Boththe goodS ; and:the prices exactly to suit you. , " Itooxinr.L & WiLst, ....,t.„ . , Great Brown Stone all,' . . . 603 and 605 Chestnut. street. .. ' Philadelphia..-, . • .. 9:163 WHITE HOUSE PTANo.-- 2 1`heteautiful concert grand piano, selected eight years ago .. by Mrs. Lincoln for the White House) is now at the warerooms of Messrs: Schomacker .80 Cov, No:1103 Chestnut street, where it-may be seen; and heard by those who may, call4n thew.. This film received the order from Ms. rat to furnish the 'new instrument, Wbich was plaeed there several weeks ago,and the one selecled by Mrs. 'Lincoln was*brought back their WitteromnS. All loVers of music . and Mmirers.of line-:i,Wsi. Should call, and see this instrument. It "E'4l become historic and will be retained as a relic; butrindependent Of this; it is the finest Speebnenof workma n- "gliip tlt hag ever been turned ont;and the tone -is sill Wor'to any instrument*. we.'ever heard, as, though its use had ofily improved its Inusi eal. ne ~ : i . •-. ... - • .. . - Samnalt. Hilt, one of our oldest and most reliable insurance agents, gives, in his advertisement of thdper •mania, Hanover and Commerce ,Comprtnies of NeW.York, g mSst complete and satisfactory statement of the internal condition gf these favorite companies: The advertiseinents-ex hibit the • charatter and extent of the assets, incotie, liabilities and average yearly expendi fuses of each, the par market value of the shares, and indeed all ghat can make an insurer feel Atistied and safe. The exhibits prove the above companies to be strong, in good work ing trim amiliONsessed of facilities that amotint to special indocements. .Weak and dangerous insurance organizations dare not 'come before the pUblic with such details. Mr.Hilt,the agent and attorney, will be found at his office, 'lee went No. 117 South Fourth street. CONGRFAS HALL i CArii .114,,tx - n, X. J.—This largo and commodious hotel . was opened by the proprietor, Colonel J. F. Cake ; this, morn ing.in his-located in one of the most pleas, t parts of the Island, and the portion Iron ' ig on the sea is graced With a large and :beau ul lawn, on whioh . have been erected handsome obserfatori,es and summer houses overlooking the sea, to be used by those guests who prefer to look at the bathers rather than take a dip themselves. There have been ninny other im provements made for the comfort and welfare of the guests; and all under the personal su pervision of the proprietor. For years past COlonel Caltelias kept this 'hotel, and kept it right and we anticipate for him a-season even -niOre-successful—thaii—heretofore,, if such .- thing is possible. Tux ALAItA.MA etAlllCS".afo ; now up again for adjustment, and the : British government,: has expressed,itselfilegrOus of„an.arbitration. Among the': claimsperSistentV presSed life those ofthe tver-present/and aettiroX(l, Ayer . & to.;' , for the' vAlue of•sliipments of 'Ch. ry Aas Pectoral; Sarsaparilla, Ague - Cure and; in.transit for Oregon; Vancouver's 'lsla anti Russian America, destroyed on the na Schmidt, off the coast of South Amer ea., .o universal is the use of their remedies that t ey are afloat on almost every sea; and this _firm is frequently caught between the 'upPliri- and nether millstones of contending mittens: But Alum are known to static( up for their, rights,, and to get them.-; 7 l?epublicon, Washiiigioli, lo:c. . . CnANG.}I OF Houns.—Tht North -'l 3 eninSyl= Railroad Company offer • to .-the public to•day . their arrangement of trains for the summer season. On account of the continued i berease of the passenger traffic over their linty the Management have found it necessary to make corresponding additions to their means of transportation. They have, therefore', largely increased the number of their d trains, an under the present arrangement will Send out froth Berks Street Depot 15 daily trains, distributed at such hours as will suit both lo- Y.:al and through travel. MB Annual Exhibition of the 'Academy of Fine-Arts will close at the end of thiq week; therefore thbse who have not yet seen it have but a brief opi tortunity of gratifying their Moe. The pictures which form the spring collection never ;reappear' in any consequent aniett 'FRE TURF. POINT. BREEZE ‘- • • PARK. 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2d. SECOND MATCH, $5OO. Hile Heat 3inb, to littraosA. Goad day and track. R. P. STETSON manes b. h. PETROLEUM. OWNER...names bIk.ni.LIZZIE PATCHEN. ' iny29 3t AUCTION •SALES. J AM ES A. FREEMAN, A UCTIONEER, No. 422 Walnut greet. EXTENSIVE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, JUNE 9. 4,14iF1 Sale, on WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchnome, will include— 3. . . STOCK S—Share in Philadelphia-Library • " Mercantile • A * i'EY ES;rEENTiI anibell ESTNUT,-The PA of grot nd S',,,E earner of SuYeirteenth and Chestnut strects,ii2x • r feet,: lth two residences, each' feet wido, and it 20 feet lo ( ltheltllllt Stlllet. and twc wellings on SOYenteenth 4, rect. Lot rum, through to E.•gex- street . 3 fronts. 'o.c -tiv tinpancy of the front with the'deed.and of the runt- inside of a year. :..' 32 00 may remain. Pull aescriptions at the AIIiOUND RENTS—A wol' se c ured rent of $ 5 53571 ((•l' . ar , :ipi.t#2.ti ft)), hUeured by large Twnnty fourth and Orphans' Court Suet—Estate a! Evans, ••aca i at ,. rOUND RENT 80U—Out of a lot S. E. corner Mnty -third and no. btreoth, 401[120 .feet. Orphans' Court Su,--Samv.-Esrater G.ItOi . NI.I RENT S , 6U—Out of a lot of ground with a bil.e-,4tory• brick store and dwelling, S. W. earner T 'I y -weond awl: Wood 6treets, t.oxloo feet. Orphans' ("our: :Su le— Nano r Emute. - . GROUND itliNT, q 66 Z—lttedeenible, payable to silver, ont of a lot. \' )Wl, near Tweuty•tlird, with a gaud inoirovetnetitt 1874:x10.i feet. Same Estate. Ghtll.l.ND ,'l4O-I'n able, in milver,hat of a lot wharf and oilolvorlib, St. David above Race street; 75 filet front and extending into the river. ' Same estate. YA.L CA BI- F.II'TEENTI.I AND •INA.•II.I..VGTON AYENUE.—A valuable lot at the S. E. rownenot In a btr..05..121x9.2-1 foot; will be divided and Auld ao ...I-ding to a plan by the City SurYeyor.'-They are well ..heated for in forwarding ow proolneu 1/11.31110tiel, or for a ,111,i. of , the PIIITIIIIISPIIIOIIeY may Plan at tit.torn. deherilltiOlltc ill• Az 4 w.t. 1,06. e Dbi DEN STREET—Two bouseS and the lots in at court on the reY r of 907 Ogden street; no be sold sopnrittely; elcar of inenudiraneee. P oiti, a sale by order id the heirs go John Wo • z . 1,3,`, - MORRIS ;AT lt EET—Three-stori ,brick bons°and` Lack building. MAO leot; si,; ground scut. Orphans' l'«urt sn , e. I , ..weie enthurin, Sirens, ,I,Tetwed. TWENTY-FIRST AND FILBERT—A three-story brick lionise and lot, ISx63;i feet; re4Y. 14) ; ground rents. Sena 'state.' I , ll'l'll lut below Caual street, 15 feet inehvd, owl 61 feet' deep. Orphans' Court sale. rf Peter N. Se fill, tleevused I'ANALSTItE.I.IT—A loryrestw aril of Jeffersoliar cogs, -14x47-foet ineurobrauces.. Sante egate. GROUND BENT el3d—Out or r<mull honer and lot .40.10 of ;110kS cant or Riglali 0 . 1.441, 10x55 1(11 deep. E.re,otors' .ILittle,. of Elizabeth Ann e i gge 01,4.v:teed: ACEES, ISS AfrICKON - A Vl'..N UE—Township line road ~11.oxborougli. A very benoti • l ' ci sitefor a coon e. ace at Allon't, hum Half may remain. 1 , ,, , pry-Fottrrif AND SOVTII'STREETti--A lot at the N. W corner; 45x84 feet-, It will Le di*tded into 5 deoe.riptlons. Nos. 2405 .uita..2403 -South otreet—cortior prOpert7;'_Nor. 547161 . .1 . 519 S . ont x-fourth ot Fnll dvstruptionsiji tiantll»lbe Masters' almulute sate. I' tale AP. , • . • AdmintBtrathi:tilitile,li4i. 8 gonth roitrth Btr&t. STUCK AN I) FIX - TURES OF A .SA DDLEAY AND . . . - • ON Ilitr./NDAY.ItIORMNO; . • --. ....,. , nt 30 "'dock:, Will ho molchtt public Hai...!. by order of the Athol tart jot or of 3111toti•11. 'Atkins, IlKenhett, the Stork end Vixtpreii of it Sadillery - ittutllarneex Nttre, iheluding Siofille-treeH, Ittartiogalee, Itibi,•Stlrritpx, &e . .; alio, thi' Yireproot, Store I , ix t ure;..1.)01; , ~ t t•,. ire:.-The Spire isjer mile. 'A tw . ly . trrtheAliEtioueer. iffii EVINING - ItfilielN 4 =PHl - I*BELPHIA - ; I TIABDkt - JUItiE -1 ; 186 k 1 . . • . . • Old front hullaint a torn down. New one erected in Jul* and /kunst. Selling goods cheap tO collapse the stock. We invite you to call while it is fresh. During the work will operate in the rear. ' . COOPER & CONAIiD, . 8. E x corner Ninth and Blarket ti • • • "1" ... LINEN. STORE,' . : 82S A. - 44ah Strpet o AND NEW STORE, 1128,CHESTNUT STREET. NEW BARNSLEY, LINENS. BEST BARNS tit SHEETINGS, ALL IDTHS, AT RAII AIN PRICES. .Taylor .Taylor & Co.'s..Barllsley Damasks, • 7-4, 84 and 94 wide, from 01 37 1.2 sp. Special Notice. The Power' Loom NOpkins, made expressly for us, at $2 75 and $3 00 per dozen. Our customers who have been waiting for these very durable Napkins will please: . eall 'at either of our stores. MATERIALS FOR SUITS In Stripes and Gray Mixtures. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON THIS MARKET. RICKEY, SHARP & CO' 727 Chestnut Street. SILIKS SILKS " In Stripes, Checks and Shots, IN GREAT VARIETY. RICKEY SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. LINEN POPLINETTES, A New and Deirable Article, • At 37 . 1-2 Cents Per Yard. RICKEY, SHARP & CO: 727 Chestnut Street. Japa,frese Silks ~AND POPLINETTES, A FULL ASSORTMENT. RICKEY SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. - 7- 7-- -77 ---- LACE POINTS Iri New and 13, , c.- • tiful Designs. RICKEY ARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. EDWARD FERRIS , No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, IMPORTER OF WHITE GOODS, LACES and EMBROIDERIES, V OFFERS TO THE TRADE 200 Pieces Choice Piques. 400 Pieces Plaid and Striped Nainsooks. New Hamburgs. New Guipure and Valenoiennes Laces. New White Goods of all kinds, desirable for Spring trade.. Just Jumt opened and for oalo at a mall Wynne() on cost on importation. EDWARD FERRIS No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Ja2B tn Ito BATHING FLANNELS. J. M. HAFLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 Chestnut Street, 5 CASES BATHING FLANNELS, 100,000 YARDS GREP GOODS, Reduced to 23e., 37 1.2 c. loud 50e. my 29 3L ME= DRY GOODS. Will Open; Monday, May 31, At 25c. E=Z= •SANI,V..EL)‘;:R:',::::••I7II.LV, State Agent and Attorney, STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF -TILE COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ON THE IST 'DAY OF JANUAEY, 1869 Capital Stock, - - -' $200,000 The value as neatly as may be of tho Real Estate held by the Company None. 'Cash on hand Cash in banks, specifying the batiks Na• 3,398 03 Ronal Bank of the Republic Cash in bands of agents in course of transmis sion' Noue. Amount of Loans secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting the first lien on heal - Estate,On which there is less than, one year's interest due and owing 62,000 00 Amount of Loans on which interest has not been paid within ono year None. Amount of stock owned by the Company 178,720'00' Amount of stockaheld by the Company as collateral' security , for loans ' 5,000 00 Interests on Investments due and'unpaid None.. Accrued interest not yet due None. Other available miscellaneo . us assets... 4,370 15 • Amount of losnee during the year, adjusted but not duo $6,675 00 Amount of losees reported to the Company but not acted upon None, Amount of losses resisted by the Company.— Amount of dividends due and unpaid Amount of money borrowed Amount of all other claims against the 'Com- - pony, contested or otherwise looe oe Amount required to safely reinsure all out standing risks. 23,166 Amount of cash premiums received $68,380 98 Amount of prc minims not paid in cash during . the year .... None. Amount of premiums earned. 25,214 61 Interest received from investment.; 311.882 70 Income from all other sources None. Amount of loseee paid during the year 6g6 76 Amount paid and owing for reinsurance pre-1 minute Amount of return prentinini, whether paid or 3 ' B°6 87 unpaid Amount of dividends declared during year Amount of dividends paid WOO Amount of expensea paid during the year, in eluding conabiodona and fees paid to agents and officere of the Company 24,975 94 Amount of lomees dun and unpaid None. Amount °flaxen paid.by-the-C0mPaitY,...,...-..-..:A 4,229 29 Amount of all other expeimee and tz.lpendt-. turns None Amount of-promissory notes orig.inidly form ing the eapitul of the Company None Amount or said notes held by the Company us part in the whole of the capital thereof None Par and niarket'vsilue of the Onupauy's stock per share: Par value, 8100. Market value, $lOO. BASEMENT No. 117 S. FOURTH STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA, PA my2s to th m SUMMER SILKS, CLOSING OUT. Blue anti White Plaids. Green and White Plaids. Violet and White Plaids. Brown and White Plaids. Black and Whit Plaids. Plain, Blue, Purple and Green Silk, low, for Japes. Llama Lace Pointes of Fine Grades. Llama Lace .11a t chets. - Llama' Lace Fischnesi - Llama Lace Botands. White Olgas, Points and notunds. 8 , 4 Black Iron Barege Heaviest Mesh. 4-4 flack Iron - Barege. 3.4 Black Iron - Barege. Iron Barege Shawls. .8-4 Iron Barege for Shawls. EYRE LANDELL. Silk Chain Pongees and Poplins for Suits N OTICE. • JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, !Ins just received a magnificent nsifortmont of LAMA AND INDE LACES IN POINTS, ranging from - - $lO to $lOO ROTUNDS, ".• " • - $25 to $75 PALETOTS, " - - $l5 to $5O CORSAGES, " " - - $lO to $25 SACQUES, • " " - - $2O to $5O ZOUAVE JACKETS, - $lO to $25 m 1127 3mrp LADIES • who are preparing for a Surrimer Trip, or the Watering places, will find our stock of • WHITE GOODS very complete, embracing THIN DIATERIAL FOR WAIST§ AND DRESSES, Including 8-4 FRENCH MUSLIN AT aoc. TARLATANS, •FRENCII NAINSOOKS, - In Plain,Strlpedaud Plaid. PIQUES, PEKINS, Ac. . As we make NECK-TINS, SCARES, BOWS, LINEN COLLARS . AND- CUFFS, EMBROIDERED SETS, SASHES, tc., SPECIALTIES, • In our aseorlinent will always he found approved novelties. • =. , - E. 11C — IVEEDLES & CO ., 13126.chestriut Street. mv97 ill it in Vitro JUST-RWEINED AND IN STORE 1000 CRAM of. Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia W.inve, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa' ()rim Ruin. 'line 'old Brandies and Whiskies, - Wholeealo and Retail. P. .10RDAN.220 Pear street, Below Third anti Walnut streets; and above Do t ck et reot. • de7.t. INSURANCE. F.etnbllslied A. D., DM. OF NEW YORK; ASSETS INCOME. EXPENDITURES: Temporary Office, DRY GOODS. EYRE 6,; LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. EYRE At LANDELL. Stripe Paplins. • Stripe Illohairs. Stripe Percales. Stripe Lawns. EYRE 6: LANDELE. .INSURANeE.• - Al*...Us:rb:..X . .,'-: . ; . :ftTl''..iT Stite Agent ~,and Attornpy, FAilabllshed A. D., 1833. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF TILR HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 'NEW ON THE IST PAY:OF JANITAIt Y, Capital Stock ) - - Lsloo,ooo 'ASSETS. rs The value as nearly ea May be of tIM Beal Estate held by the Company Cash on hand Cash in hand, spixdfying the banks: Hanoyer.Nntional Cash , in liands of agelts in Course of trans Mishkin . Aniountyf Loans secured by bonds and mort• gages, constituting the first lien on Real Estate, on which there is less titan ono year's interest due and owing... Amount of Loans on which interest line not been paid within one year 'Amount of stocks owned by the Company Aznount of stocks held by the Company as collateral security for Loans Interest on investments due and unpaid Accrued interest not vet due. Other available uliiicellanipms assets ' LIABILITIES. Amount of losses during the year, adjusted but not due • Amount of losses„reported to the Company but not acted upon Amount of losses resisted by the Company Amount of dividends due and unpaid Amount of money borrowed Amount of till oilier claims against the COM. piny , contested and otherwise Amount legulred to safely reinsure all out standing risks INCOME. Amount of cash premiums received Amount of premiums not paid in cash during the yenr Amount of premiums earned Interests reeehrod from investments Income from all other source4_ EXPENDITIIRE 4 4. Amount of losses paid during the year 4219.149 37 Amount paid and owing for reinsornuce pre whims- • 41,104 17 Amount of return premiums. whether paid or unpaid Amount of dividends declared during year...) 0 0 J0 00 Amount of dividends paid 40, Amount of expenses paid during the year, in cluding Commissions and fees paid to agents and officers of tile Company Amotait,of lossesPle and .... ... N o m. Amount,td - titi.ea paid Aty; Anl o 4 lll t all s olW'r',F 7 trte ttse4":aitd vcirndi wit,* ' • .... . Ainotpititif promis . spry notes orittlnal.fortn : ing#te : kapitalbfXbe Compatiy....4.4 .... Anuiaukl,f4aid tildes held by t Cotripil l y, as part or the whole of the capital thereof Par . aturruarliet ratite of the Conwillnek sthelc Par yillue. e5O. 31a rik.t 851 Pd Temt)osai:.k Offletb,' BASEMENT No. 117 S. FOURTH STKET, PUILAUELVIIIA,PA. tity2S tit thm 3t wiNi: - s - Awn - TrQtroits. CHAMPAGNE. K IJPI' ERB ER G'S 1 111111.1 A One of the finest Wines ever used in thus country, and among the' most popular known in Russia. Received direct through the Agency, and for sale at the Agents' prices by SIMON - COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut. 331EMEEPICPLIST V 49 Made by the Monks of the Abbey of Necamp, France. Established in 1510. This Liqueur hue not changed from the time of its' first introduction in 1510, and the original recipe employed in its manufacture has been religiously observed. FOR SALE VI A. MERINO, No. 1 , 10 South Front Street, Agent for Peunsylvanla z, "my2G Gtrp§ GOODS. CHOICE GOODS. POPULAR PRICES. PARIS FLOWERS. LINEN BACK SATINS AND Ladies' and Misses' Hats and Bonnets. • In unrivaled assortnalit. S. A. & D. STERN 724 ARCH STREET. .07.,” tit s 2Dlrn 13arga,ins Handsonlely- Tri,ralmed (HATS AND • BONNETS. AL$O, FINE FRENCH FLOWERS, Richest Assoitment over Opariediti America WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, VERY CHEAP. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO., No. 729 Chestnut Street. FITLER, WEAVER Sc CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. 22 N MATER tit root and,23 Zi.DEL &WADE %velum 7.:-,wlm-L,i*.•:.ll,:f.i:ifit,r.r..i,.. State Agent and Attorney, Esiablished A. D., 1863. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION Gt-ERMANIA. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ON THE IST DAV OF JANUARY; 180. Capital• Stock, - $500,000 The 'rutin, as nearly as may be of OM , • tate held by the f.lompany " 445,900 p. Cash on band, 61i 31 Cash in hand, biiecifying the . batate: Gm"- nia National Bank rtioN it Cash in hands of agents and in iourne of thini • • miseion Amount of - Loans, soeured.by bonds and mort gages, constituting the first lien on Real. Es tate, on which there is less than one year's Interest due and owing 205,75a In Amount of Mans on which interest his not been paid within one year Amount cif 'flock owned by tin, Company -Amount of stock held by the Company as col lateral security for Loans— ............ Interest on investments due and unpaid. Accrued interest not yetdue ........ Other available tufseellaueous assets. $ /LOT 53 11,579 03 170,700 00 None. 40447 ZO 57 ,SUO 0 Nunn 22058 17 Amount of losses during the year,adjusted but not due 154,91101 Amount of louse reported to the CoMpany but not acted upon Amount of lessen reffinted by the Company--; Amount of dividends due and unpaid. Amount of money borrowed Amount of all other claims against the-Com pany, contented or other - Wise Amount required to safely reinsure all out standing rinks 50479 00 None. 142,115 24 447,439 80 Amount of cash preMiumsreceirist.. ........... 01 Amount of premiums not paid iu cash during Year- .......... Interest r,cri yeti from in reidrnonts„. I moms from sll•other sources, None. 337427 57 39,44 11 Amount oIIORM4 paid during the year 00,101 Amount paid and owing for re-inegarunee premiums Amount of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid Amount of dividend, declared during year... t se " 00 Amount of dirhb•nda paid Amount of expellee, paid during the year, in. ridding conunitvions and feet paid to agent, and oflic4, of the Company .............. Amount of 10iit , f4 , dmo nn nupaid Amount of brae, pa i d by thel'mnpany Amount of all other es, pen t.*'And .oxpoindi 143 61'1 0,3 threw An/Wild of proinktory note,' othrinilly forin t/1g the capital of the Company Amount of maid noir, held by the Company in' part or the tvlinle of the capital thereof. FyAr and market TOW* of Companyr'satockper Par value. trjo. blarket value, eLV BASEMENT No. 117 S. FOURTH-STREET, Plll LAMA. PHIA , PA. iny2s ttt tb in 3t TUALe FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Office, No. 3 South Fifth Street, The Only Strictly . Mutual Fire Insurance Company in the Consolidated City. A Rebate of 33 per et-rd. is made, and a further deduc ti,M may he expected if the Company continues as Hue cennful an It has been. All to tvliom economy on object should Insure in this Company. Perpetual and Lin/Bed Insurances mails on Buildings Annually on Meratandise and Household Goods ASSETS, - - $1.53,6512 32 4 Clothi..r. lluojmnin 11181o1w, Thomas Mather, T. Ellwood Chapman Simeon Mutlack. • A uroo Gankill, CALEB CLOTHIER, President. BENJAMIN MALONE, Vice President. THOMAS MATHER, Treasurer. T. ELLWOOD CH APMAN,Secretary. m 129 n to th Gtr )§ TO RENT. TO RENT, • A Very Elegant Country Seat, Completely Furnished. carr i age Howe. Ice House, beautiful Lawn of 8 acres, and an abundance of Shade, Shrubbery, Fruittind Vega [Odes, Gardener on the place. Will be rented very low to a careful tenant. J. T. WAY. 322 Chestnut Street. my 10 rptf FOR SALE. A A FIRST-CLASS.. RESIDENCE, No. 3903 SPRUCE STREET. Lot 100 by 175 Feet. `: POSSESSION IN-SEPTEMBER: ..• Apply nt N. 700 awl 703 SANSOM STREET, - my 27 6trp: 10M - D. - M". Builder of First-close Light and Hemiy: .Ifespeetfully invites attenTion to his largo stock., of finished Carriages. Also, orders taken for.t.larriages of every description, itt Manufactory and Warerooms, 3133, 3434 01 1 0 1 3 4 36 -41M34ETN711,1E161',. 'Arco -squares west of Tertn6ylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia. • • nirp • te2 to th so • , GFaill !NE RIO TAPIOCA, WITH FULL directions for use. Fresh Bethlehem; Canada and Scotch Oatmeal. Pearl Sago, Bards , .Farinaceous Food, Baca bout; COX'H Gelatine, Caracas Cacao and other Die tetics. For sale by .3 A 811.,6 't. W. ear. Broad staBprttce tit meth. apl3 trim irrsuRANCE OF THE OF NEW YORK, ASSETS. LIARILPTIF~I. JINCONIE. EXPEIVDITURES. Temporary Office. (sEvoma broar.) RATES LOW. D I It EC TORS William P. Itscitor, .Joseph Chapman, Francis T. Atkinson, Edward M. licsallss, Wilson M..lenkins, „ Lukens Webster. FOR SALE CARRIAGES. '29,480 TO mane 614.0 00 . 61.43410 5,406 94 . 21,36 T 49 . 241,803 0 none. 94.01111 Oil nocie. ramtli 011-