Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 01, 1869, Image 2
12101 fr MILL OF . THE ATE ~YiVS , - A NI AGLI I ei*,),, ' • The Citifary. ampany,of , Apt!? 1 -14-- .1.-i An abstract - of the Will, of the lei Janies i 1 1i,1.1. D., was Published:A.o% - 11unn .3:1 r , Asf yesterday. The ~.I t . e ,t,D, , c p, was very precise in his directiongin regiA to his handsome. bequest to theiLibrary flifinlpkiny - of Philadeb i phiannd the manner of condacting th*aftltirs , of Cemp . a.ny.,. We therefore publish the ~.,,. .., .. I ,_ ~ 113.111n4uuftd:Aut,. ....N • ~. - ..: • Pc it rememberc ~ That Iviftinfeii Rush, of the city of Philadelphia, M. D., ao , make this iny last will,aml . testament, herebyn-revol.ting all; others by me heretofore niadb r in manner fol loving—that is to gay,: ~‹„- „„, I willirfid direct that all my just de its which itill be found' very„„,fe i w in number and nsigni ficant in iiinount,Sball be paid by my eXecntor • as seen tuSpoSsible . v'... . .. • 4 ,.,. , ..lt is triyantention,:by-a cedieil or codicils to . thia•my will, to give cow, derable.. legacieS,' annuities - anti devise dial . • tif, pemons, but asidesire to take soEM time or reflection on this subject, and as I have made up my mind is "to the disposition of my residuary . estate after the payment of these legacies,.annuities and devises; now,. therefore, 1 do hereby give, bequeath and dome my. whole estate, real and personal, legal and equitable, whatsoever and. Wheresoever the same may beartate my brother in-lavi,llenry 4. Willian,of theoity of Phila. 41elphiadsis . heirs.and assigns, to be held by lim.for end Uri .. the following trusts and purposes, and for a dupen no other use, trust , •r purpose' whatev r—that is to say: . In trust, after paying for, providing for, and, Otinplying Witt 4141.egacies, annuities, gifts, bequests and vises, declarations and inter bons which may be contained and expressed in any Codicil or codicils to. this, My last will andlestarnentpwhich -I may hereafter make (to be signed by me atethe , end thereof), Whether the same-be formally dranni or not; to , have and. (hold the 0. le residue and .amounts of my e ,e,re :;, Crsonal, what soever and-;whet rA.t --. " See may be, for the folloWing us 4DCILI 4,01 'VIM , ' - I. In trusls s pti setup,, , tut . or ase a lot.. of . ground not less than- IV -4,. - ..s qu ar e„si ta fa t e between Fourth and.' Eof tpntip and -Spruce, and Race streets, in th.l3,'of PhiladelPhia, .nnd thereon to .erect. a •Ilre-proof building sufficiently hiige to J acteninibtlate and contain , all _the books' of Library Company of Philadelphia (whose. Tbrary is now at the corner of Fifth and' Library streets), - and to . provide for its future extension' according to plans, '4,li.rections, , e o 'and = specifications Which . IN- shall .hereafter ' snake Or ''give;.. but if. 7 I' ,sksouid not make or leave any. .s. dattsr;directioris or specifica tion's, then teentivet the same according to his bestjudgnient, and to the views which I have erfpressetl to him , . -It L' my .wish that this building slionleTe-txceedingly substantMl, . completely tire.-proofe - w hetitit any large, lofty, ' or merely ormunlntal halLsrlecture rooms;' the interior to be divided'insuch a way . 4.s to contain-the greatest number of books—to - be well lighted, and so ar anekas to be of eviy and convenient ace . ' '„,,,,,d. . And upon this faotber s 't , '',- - -oze soon as this i t building is cot MX a -ready for o.ccupa tittm,, then in t., I to c •ey the same, with the lot of grouni . wher iit is erected, unto I°lle Library CompanolPhiladelphia" afore- Said,.and -, their snec4.ors i , for. the uses and purposes .of thefi library, and for no other use • , 1 eir purpose whatey„er..--', , Provided, howeveritliat. Wore any such con-, veyance shall be irnaN4 the said library com pany, they . shall,eitheeb a alterationin their .c charter or in ssam ether ,-= atiafactory to my, executag. bi ---- iemselves and tileit'AlleCeSS6l4o 'CON * '' — ii.P..l---citimply with the felllng4 e ...1 4 , i ,oigtrztion.s, and any. others, T. • v. h p i 6 % . , pose, unde • ( 7 4.1 - Which they are io) the Ilia . oper , • all other bequests tan rev' • 4 . rein or re after. givear to them::'---/ - 4. ' - Ile , first--fit the said Lib.r. ,_oci any shall not . Ist, allow, oree ' .4.7,,tices, public ora..*:iii, or oral` a dr .si.is or e - "bitions of '-',. any: :.'nd to..be delivere , given, or to take dace • 4 - tri) said lot .of grow id, or the Said : .• ding. nor shall they - cans rallOin or permit• Utfliii , 1, atimfiw s :4 1 yAtat - 3 93WW 7)__ tare • .ntroits, or punt . - in eon or therein, moo, iall'iliey use, a ~,,,rik, : i eitiltiy funds . , dyed from me, or ' , A:,n5,.., , will , r codicil theretO, in proctui.m . or . N. t_ e expenses of any #ctirfit'ss .L.' i rt. i public ora tions, or.ot r abalilresses, or.' . sr.l,fre. s sta4hruent • or suppo oti or 'or di .9.". .:. I-4 IF,ny such ransen abinet erOor J .lleot,tan, paint 'trigs, 0 iortr.. ' 8 a d :eapecially that of the .telitato o ,„....„, e sahlilot and in the said build 9, ........, ......, ~,,.., • , , ~,,,., ~ ~1. ecta foreigil to and inconsistent „wit thejegin i...e_purposes of a public libra ryA nitoWs onlyßif' the preservation, exten . nr.and free ant). convenient use of such a - library; without ainfambitiOus or pretentious displan - Aat it is desired to make provision. ,Se---.gluit all the accounts of the receipts and expendiriWes.,a the estates aforesaid shall be kept separate and_,..(listinet from all other accounts of the saidlibrayvn , ompny, and shall 411, be hen* d -and k4Ar . its the accounts of "Pie liidtito , rthiehlif the Libraill COilillally 4-41(11;iladqpiti so that- m anti it ay be always easily / AB an ceamly seertained whether the appliea,„, tier) of thOse - estates ;anal the i neome derived therefron...." has'a been )n accordange with the provisions 0 this nay , will. . . ' And Ifu er will, direct, lnatueath and de vise tha A' enever the said builtli tin . all have been con 1 nltst 4 andtrausferred to hi; ' rid id li brary con any, and the prelimii'.,. e.". - ,- di -titan; coin IlLd with, then my said' axe i ..or *Shall asgign tra...r,-atial Con r , ___,.. _ - to ar more detaLs a 14Weintinents, cl -- n' n''' 1 - -s and ‘ remainder of ray residuary es 'l.'i- , ,-- , :, -.-- ••out and expended in the purchase 3, the °lbt- old the„eotistrueti on of the buil&ine aforesaid, and in 1.4 e legal and eittinai '' iarges and. ex po-rises, unto the saidtbr. •., nifipaity, to be 0 held and used by the'i an innaioc,essors,for the following uses,Thisfs ; lid plarposes: FirEt—The trust to keep tie whole of tile real estate granted and conveyed to them by my executor in good order and repair, and to make fr,,an time to thiie such additions to the library building :I‘.o' inay be found nevessary for fla exteesion and ,reservation.and ‘con venient use of the: said library and all lidditions - thereto. ,Second—The , n,rust, after paying all neces sary taxes, charges, al d expenses incident to . the aid property. to 'set aside .annually ten per cent. of the de; net income, to fortll „cotitingent fund t be invested, and. ;the in terest added to t e principal, - which fund, or so much thereof as may be required, shall be , applied-- First—To build upon, improve, alter,' awl renew anyjani s and tenements le•reby devi se d to the said comm any, so as to increase the in come derived t i • efroni. -' - Second—To ma , good said re place any losses from the faili re of any investments made or fr 4 the property hereby bequeathed tor the said co ,any and, Third—Whenever the said contingent fund sbalkamount to 930,000, then to pay over and ' ntpplAthe whole surplus beyond the said $30,- Oto for the general pin•poses to which the in come of this residuary cstatels herein devised to be applied. Third—ln trust to pas' all necessary salaiies of the likariatu and Ms.:Dish:tants . , and the ex penses or Mg iidi lig awl preservint books of the whole library, malting elteitalogues, and all Charges i 'talent to the care and man ag..inent. The said library is tube kept open frotinnine o'clochA. M. until at-or near- sun - Set, except on sllildll3,{ Mid holidays: ' Fourth—And in trust, after complying with and fulfilling the provisions, trusts, and pur poses liereinbetore contained and expressed, to apply the remainder or surplus of the . said lietammalincone, or so &IL n .1i lervo 11 1' t as TIM 'LW. 11 t4A'SKIF*N' Of (11:Sill'ab144,10 the 'a . ' Y .extitisi(nt 9f the said libiliry 11(' Z se •"" .. . , lint I direct that no t_Lorti;; ' f my real es . tate ,aduresaid shall be -4`11141 by 3l that () library 4:0111- Two tor to yoltre4 '011:r my death, nor then, unless itke;an.n,littely' neeessary for the • . ilws 01 . 1 : e li ( it: ,r t i t \ T ,, v , : irr i ,: i.; , . y m 14001116 ill7;i l ln uI i ; sheahl Attleam the Said sales as .11; and. ill 11') cause, cree ~ i ;. 1 . 1 ~, L i t . sanctiolied by a ide ....,c. of tile. ‘.s lJp . ‘,„.. as . k;,p, i„t. or a ee art of EqUitv, vitri 4 1 " a" lit.t.i.ce„.tl,. -. .alts are not, in co i ,o,B,,,,,,,tioli.4ink:oeroritrthia ui 'l' ''''''' •, ~ .&pd in ;stern? ellab eu , Y - ' - --W 1 .1 , ~.. , . 3, , Y ete.:.-ntoeti.) carry „,• . .• • k.„ ~ ~ w; , N . _ ...., ,""-\. .. .... . mt.4,,lie_dirA3CtionS,D 4hifiAny...willj,herejVtu7. thorize and cave**, huiiVgrant, bargain ant ;. sell :Any part or .pa o f a‘r . ealestate,..at pnV v . . lie, pm-ate sale',l -an 4 ricer or. considet* 40141tithlany restk t ilot*:, ehiarlAtiotuteove -3 ,„ou, o„.,...iniid.4i.__. , for : :f 2 „easli or ‘,o#:, credit, taldft seCuritr:.on , 0 preMPes for the , balance of We piireha4o.mOn ys; or' to Nit °in - 'o Ind rentiMiortgatie,,e , ~ angO,Or nigce 'Pg. ;.osll Of the sapie;:nr any oxyart.4!:.thekn )1' .dd • fOefil, exeente, Witt ttelt*erull deklie olts_l l ,,, $ meats, InOrtgage.sassiiranceg, o r Alder it Str' ments, necessar y for the purpe; SAfore.said, without` any obligation on thA rir - elniqvrb purchasers to sect to or be responsible fos„ th application .of the purchase intuit& or other consideration; or,,tbr the propriety of fikil'efier cise of this power. ' And Ifni - tiler will,desire and - direet that all in yestmentsiif any should be &ado by my execu tor, and all tric;e which may atonzs,,,titm: here after be made by the said library company • from-the principal cg income tlf my said estate, slyalliaelirgyoundrenti or ofh7r.real -estate in the State o f Fentisyli bonds 'or in: Mortgages upon PrOperty Within the said State, • iir in •-loans of the Stud State; or or - the':Uuir StateS; Mid, lastly; I hereby -appoint 'any brother-in,laW, Henry J. Williams, of the city. of Philadelphia, execntorof rag ; hwt, will and, testamezt. In 'witness Whereof I hav e hereunto set my band and seal this 26th day of February, A. D. 1860.. • - . J'atfEs Rusts.. Witnesses—Wm:l% Judson, H. Farmer, It. S. ,Hunter, .1. S. Farmer. Oeteber 16 3 1865. Be it /Remembered; That I, James RuSh, of the city of Philadelphia, M. D., do make this codicil to my hist will and testament, dated the, twehty-sikth day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and 'Sixty - (18430), b ni the Manner following—that is to say: Whereas, By my said last will and testament, I hare provided that the bequests 'and devises to the. Library Company of Philadelphia are t0,,,,be held under the conditiohS and. restric- Slunk therein contained, and any others which rmight thereafter impeSehow, therefore,in accwalance with and in exee ii of that pro vision, I add and impose the fellow - lug condi tiohs, restr* •fions, and directions: , .First—One - objeets in giving my resid- Miry estate for the use of the said libribsccom pany was to express my respect and regard for my father-injaw, the late Jacob Ridgway, and 'my affection for and gratitude k to his daiigh ter,- Plice - be Anne Rush; by-em&tkig to- their memories a monument which 11:11. ie will, prove more durable - than any recofd I could pike, Ot, and be infinitely more useful to th comuninity. As it, was from them 1 derived the greater part of iny, Property; which' (under Special an m • ti /, dent manageent of faithtniand trtistm o agents). - W ;enabled me to devoie; happily, ii ' • undisturbed,the latter part of my life to pursuits of scientific inquiry, which I have designed t be more beneficial than the ruore::eoitim I ' en joy-nicht trf' an ample fortune, iCis,'l.4o, .i, just and proper that I should thus employ it, the mote especially as Mrs. Ritsli had led me to believe , that if she lead survived she would have applied it to a similar purpose. • Vow, in order to carry out this intention in iii , pnbli. and permanent form, I direct my execute& A have a marble slab, With the following .ai scription, on a plain ground, with a border o' • simple mAdding, without anv4hurrou.u.diu2 . ornaments, placed and maintil on some.- • appropriate - part of one of the 'mei for 'rooms of the hWI eibrary building, in which mf private - flitarylind other personal effects s,re /I to.be reserved: , The Ridgway Branch • of the • Philadelphia Library. A monumei to the memory of i Ridgway, - I rs. - ' Second.—l •Trted in the ac - quired to carry and codicils, el ' First—That n of the directors of the ty on 4 of the three le; the or medic dyer, . not intended to exclude any of the present members froth re-election: Second—That the number of shares in the . \ library shall be limited to those actually issued `at the time of my death. But the managers, allow any respectable person depositing ark] amonnt and paying'an annual sum to be fixed - 7 by the board of managers to have the free use of the library, as completely as if they were sld'eholders. Third—That the library •shall not connect i themselves with any other body, corporate or politic; my residuary estate will form a large fund for tine use of the library, and I - wish them to be' free from every inducement to go beyond what I consider the legitimate objects of a library company... Third-1 will. add that lily reasons for choos ing the Philadelphia Library C.;'ompany for•my residuary legatee and devisee are because it has always been conducted quietly and unob trusively, steadily pursuing the appropriate objects for which such libraries, are estati keeping entirely aloof from the excite ment of politics and other means whereby public bodies so frequently Seek to obtain an evanescent and mischievous notoriety, and be imuse during my early life. • derived' great pleasure and advantage iron' the usosuf its books, and from • the readiness and ,4taility, with which they were always furnished me. . Fourth—l understand that the -than:igen; of tlagibrary company have never applied any • of drfunds todefray the expenses of tip very simple refreshinents Of which they - ar'e ac ciistomed to partake at the mOnthly, meetings of the board, but have, iii Variably paid them from their own persolial means. I higlrly ap prove of this course, which T fear is not very thaud i and in order that their example may-be followed by their successors, I direct that, no part of the funds of the Ridgway branch- of the Philadelphia Library shall ever be used expended in providing refreshments, lunches . (so called), feasts, or entertainments for man-• agers, visitors, shareholders, or for any other' persons 'irhatever. do not wish that any work should he excluded from the library on account 0f , ,1(S diarence from the ordinary or conventional ~ ( ..qiinions On the subjects of science; govern- Mem, theology. morals, or medicine; provided it contains neither ribaldry nor indecency. Temperate, silicere and intelligent inq ry and discussion are only to be dreaded by the advo cates of error. The truth need notfear them ; nor do I wish the Ridgway Branch of the Philadelphia Library to be encumbered with the ephemeral biographies ; • novels. al • works. of, fiction •or Me it; newsp:;:pers r or periodicals 'n 'kith form so large a part of the current litr ',Atiirkiliogillie day. The great object, of a pnbli • library is I - wining' within the reach ntthe rd adeu valltrie student works which .priVate (ollections do not and cannot contain t • and which in no other way could be acceptable to the pill ilk. Its excellence will depend not uncut the number .of its voline , be*" their intrinsic vaiim, and) to be carried out by the hope, will never be influent mon ambition for the mere urity. Sisll;,--I give and bequest my private library, my rights and papers, and also Dr. Benjamin Rush (in my library company, to be ,by 1 room in the new, building. kept. The books may be ...._ books of the library company, but this room is not to be opened to gratify idle or. objectless . • • curiosity. 'Seven ill'Mil I: di reet - that • - the - building t() be erected for the Philadelphia Librarc , Company under the provisions of my will shall have a basement story of a height not less than eight feet six inches, above the level of ifibf.pavementat its . front, leaving-the height._ of such basement in the rear to depend upon .e`the grade for 'the drainage of the lot. The entrance to the front of the story, immediately above the basement shall be-by-a •broad • lit of stone steps. Other entninces nifty be : in Such places and inataer conVeiii ice, or . nee situ iiiay require. • • • • . L; !f the Philadelphia-Library Com pally-slit-7dd omit or declilbinta acceplf..zny rag' sidttari- estate on the terms-aud o gy . r ray codicils contained, or to coj ply with any of the preliminast! isial di r4•;;J ti• m ion thereixi entioneir tlien Mt devise the whole residue of, my estat THE DAILY EVENING EIUL -, 1 lxid-Re • I . , 2N'isoever a d wheresoever the • Hume. ~ Ay , ‘, e ,pAying ridsecnring all . an , - ;nilitl ,e„S"'" iefoests, / L and legactesi and devit,..,s ,10 , . ate those to the said library company t• , ..,.•. , .or an inture ctoklisitkv,ontair.c4, unto %Het JAVillisbaS .iny t Zi,'ninysalditulk. W•il h . eir . catorp ai1..l . to f4aralAbal . . o . 7 itlistixia ( . oin trt , •' : .hia . 4ibrary, at , ,tliffAhlgwa,y ilettpreg,illationlf, coljth lii ),L) .( 6: 46 gsl!..V i v lt i! t l i lf n i e f ( ( i l .. r art of my estate may g . e• •new hbrarrhnild- A z i • ev ex re and fall a 0 ill - be ; ply sntli4 V,itiindtB, )ffirp .:Is Of a 1: A,i: • trykki k t ti ._..a , a . 5 the roll 11 T wish tha , tli be spent if ingSte _ into -:- -Thki deur' or t library. . - Nint/ sm lly inbeThlrrefo I have. Rive -wholetsilig WiNiaKin -- i - Al. int ii qratt first. i _., to with • lega devi - !s, Glee .14t.tk i. 4 Noy be‘e Mt. to t e said, .. mi it.thcre. i th end titer . , n 9; nowitlii pyovision;l.- itinblevisA Tell th—l - domestic 1. - tired dollars, months after Knee; my fat annuity or y' payable hall ti ue single ; 1 . 3larylet to be paid to - .efively r' el any- (}cat ec itor at the_ e. ice from 'them Q 40 so,, '34( • 610 7 ! Cathari e . (,r, . \ lv decea..ed - i .ty.,t. hunilre 00 r-4, ,t, be :du L.--s-c o W,_,Wt is-lies. • , 'elV n. a ,_,. . - .;0 . ..6 . ,,t1ft/e—l,give `an's 'O. non li. untF - ',l`l. Craven, ylk9l / liar -beet ~ '-i - :*kp;&e ' LtD faithful7lll.,VOt?pf mY 4,--' I . .-•,,, 11,/ ". I.l.l.eaeb. of 4.-tiVtl) ~ it.uleces, lit. am i, M aria S., Aathri a ie, a d Richard ilr -/ ish I:4ltlr,en of 1 •111) , brother, le, late' . 1 art I ush,.an :m -inty or year , Sipe of 1 Cc:blind 'ed and sixty . I .I,rs, to be aid ht f-1 kirl:3 - to each of my ati, i k s ll a N ' ..c., :i f itp I l t r i e o w v s, a - ch bi o • Li ' a i l i. 3, k ,.s„ hirri m ig ee t e li s e s i o r i r o ta n t g i , ir as al ( the 3 respectiyel,YBli r let single and un marriedirwilhout% itii. .ti ..yivor;ilup, . These several annuities,with ', similar amount which I -Autended to ha i• %given to their brother, the late J. Murrl4 . ish, 'make to gether the sum of • eighteen to red dollars per .annum, which I. lirtignet for the children leftb*y my brother,'ltichard Busk ~.ixteenth—.l give and be q neto unto my niece,' Mrs. Georgrima 'Clark, wife of; . }ls A. Clark, Esq., and daughter of my sistef, Mrs. b3mily Cuth ert, of Lamoraie, Canada East; an an ' suit sryearly- sum of eighteen - 110000 d dot ' lars ii . Itakiskip her half-yearly so long as ~s i . hall corififfMtlie Wife or widow_of her isent husband. . - ' - ' ,',..: rthtoentlt---1 give and' beAnitlif f aia omy neplAw, n Ma,p rs r Robert Mai& • • :and t ) my • .__s .. "Viliry tanule. -.r . • ng,- net -•R o c"-, ester, Kmit7 . '-Englatid - , ariniuti‘S m mili 3 m sue hm 4 of nine lred - dollar4.- - eaq, to e mid • i j - 3 ttl 147 gaid_nepli • half yearly :,.. t mu : 41 ring his natural. hie,) and to my, sail 1 , eee ro/long . as she shall continirkisin• le rind - un .... ' ed. Eighteenth—l , 41.172 • RE betweath unto my niece ,`Julia., Bid le, Wife of CotAlexaMicr Birdie, OD it (- . t,.*_, .., of 'Philadelphia, alai daughter of- '4 \ ate brotliir•Sani ;I Rush,' an a nnmty 6V•iffitent hour dol 's,to be paid to half .., Lady -so long ass e 4 mil continue r alkwife or 1e ni -. ot her plfdl : ...Jushand. 1 ineteentl . l' ,'flit' beg Wea iin 1 110,,e -way silver di. --.. s , -'uy, 1) . 4 it.-i tt.' sz i 'Jo 1,1. Ilidgwar'i: - • i.•)i. if* in'',...: , - - Twetiti I , ..--.1 - ; gl-:. and lan. !at 1 , . 8,1 ~ 4ie, jaw w - so.. et .. ' ' . ! . 'rel, w•-ne ..•., 'e velkt-, trink ets, &e., f.* ni7.,4; t . 11-t.Aelid o inyt t lif : to my except° ,to lit, sp tsediof ttecordim, .verhal direetit its Which I have given him, bit rith; me any nbligation to aceount to awn), • Whattiver for them Or any of them, or trot the disposition thereof. $ ' ' .l . ??Ord - Ali the delays of 1 lie law, 'of the co - iii*Tii . of the lawyers,may prevent me from., disposing in toy lifetime of my share of my brother; William Bush's estate, in ease I should not lituve done so in my lifetiine, l give' 'and devise the whole thereof' to inyideee,M.l. Georgians Clark, daughter of inyilster, 3 , lrt;. Emily Cuthbert, her heirs, ex e(4-etteirs and ad ministrators,as a riquunerationt.d4wr mother'ii share of my mother's estittionyliteli she was thoughtlessly mid ungenearfaY;deplved. .TV ni?/-& , cond.---.T. will aud direct hat all legliey or collateral inheritance taxes c arse, able upon the Inqtjtests,7t7iteiq and aniu ities, w gilt or betwathett by . ny last will and testa ment,. shall be rte. 14.1 f .• 1 and out of my resid uary estate, 3 1 .hat ill the ammities therein and therOy..,• ~, ii,. I commence from the.. tlay; , /, toy also.AMlatid direet that all tl • annuitie wif 11,,T. have' given; or may 114 a fter`give t ; :„ '3,lnarried lady,4. all be for thrhr sole and separate .itl•te, ' freed from all debts... obligatioiiS, or control of their re spective 1 ins - baudtt taut all annuities whfch I have"griyoi to any fe4nale, married or single, or wlii(b.l may hereafter give them, shall - be, payable to them personally, or to their • own tract' of rebeipt signed. and dated not, more than three months before the same• ,;ails. or becomes clue, and shall not be suMeet to any antietpation, lien, or inetimbrg i ee, 'nor to - aily tranler or assignment by their own act, or 113.-ithe act oroPeration of law'e or other- Wise: • And in ease tiny of' the said ,lmale an .nuita m nts shall attempt to alien ; anticipate, or Ineumber, - or assign her anfruity, or muse, or pjrnait, or Adler, or procure it to be done, then, and in that ease, I authorize and em- power my executor, in his discretion to With hold the seinimnnual payments thereof (which shalt fall into and become part of my residuary estate), until the attempted alienation or anti ciliation, lien or inetimbranee, transfer or as signment shall be cancelled, released, given up and amiulfell,. - And I further will and direct that all - the annuities which I have given, or '"which I nuiyhereafter give, Shall; upon the expiratiwof the periods which' hey were re spectivelY given, fall into and become part...6f my residuary estate., • • „ - Twerdy-t4ird-1 direct, nr) eNeentors to dis-• , pose of the perishable part .iY ftirniture, ll • 1rt. not to haye any auction- twol _ i a niy is :premes. -I-wish it sold . air ii y as; possible,• 4 ( and would prefer a privatesal% e en it' it were not so product:lire. I also direct. - .. - ,tutor to keep my'residebee, NtOilbt•M - b v)i t i;;it •tip,et; for at least two years; unlessli 70%7 4 11. i,sfte of it at present Sale for a Vice wif.' , r littittit ole discretion, he may think reas• et ..•4 1 r the. expkation of that, time he in, tii:s •, he thily.think , best.k i :, - Tiventthroilrilt—l havViltiT to my executor to haV; '`.- as possible, nitlyvt . any of ,t,,. . , nal indkeations of mourning. ',. _No -turitations are to be sent h&lre4 Telatioi ', and .:3,,,,SpereidkU Way be bn 1 1 in Silence. -- If ,will penal ii,. .1 - shoilld -- bo"gl, maths of the la, Jakob 40:1 1 daughter, \'. , y . , e iv.ifi, '.aii4 . l)i be reri • 1-:.. ! i new' It ..V: 1 it' s t ar; be pl: : (11 1 , Ulthi 7re . 4 tvak - 1.11114. fi ::-. utigs . !l . - ai , simple 1,. N ' .l "• TIN-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1869. li oral klo.f • /' • toi / pa'd hi natur: AnAo iss ;1r.4. S. H. 'an'annuity 'dolltivs, to of them so all- continue uldinarry 7 -he said o'hg a'43 unto MLss 111 Ritchie; of yearly paid to her main single ... .. . itaelfis intended;, ..their morniment, and „I, iviiiiitrikiiierainyaiilt7tlf,ltONV 6 VisFgr''t i t la 7- interested:,:in tho-.ground in , whiOr iiiiP I her-in-law is btiried should obtapt to % ii. til , ii` Movril Ilien ••Adesirp,lbat ria?Witi , .ij' and . cg . s Viliy-14. 1441 , 1 n the'new I.M . tlirytilding above fee e 1.. The Irary.-14BK hen be 01%, 4 intim ' t,,' d I degt rto li.SklikAier side. I. 1 ; , ';) 4 TicenWiffli,..Arid I Nth . iiiiywdlland (bleat thittif OxiyOthe.a,eviiees Orilegateek or laii•L' , nuitantalier,eoonunted''shalli,,attilialpf,'4liiim selves, , er aidc.assist, l 6r eltcontagelother - Onestion, dispute,. litigate, or object to the validity or'etfeet of any part or portion of my Will, or any codicil thereto, or of any gift or .devise,therein ,inentionedy then, and , in-: that case, all the clauses in my will or any codicil ,thereto . conferilng.any benefit upon the said 'lerson int' persons aforesaid shall stand and be .7y,,evolted and annnlled, and the same shall be p id d and ,' en. Dyer to the said _library coin- Tank. . ( .... 1 \ ' T . . TWoitii s6:'o-, 1 1 - tvimts' and Circumstances oc . ourringA , bin- the lust six year*. have obliged 100 p cl - Orl , canges in my:014.101d I ,Slitm 4 i e iiWerareil. h that all My testainentary, di.., - .._ low should have appeared as a com -1 o whole, instead. of 'being contained . in grate instruments; but at my age life is pre .9,1,1)118, and were It have them ;condensed, 'redrawn, and re-executed, the most important crt of the whole might fall under the„opera, don of the ill-coneeived, inconvenient, and miselnevOus law'(resimlting from a narrow sec- , •triau spirit),. which voids all gifts to literary.. ..o religious institutions made and; interpreted' w thin a calendar month , rcif the termination of a testator's life, no matter what-his mental ea-. niicity may' have' been. To avoid the possi unity of such a result, I Must let it. stand as 'W is, and add other provisions as they may occur - Twoliy-siwenth,-If any annuitant in any codi cil to IfIV last will named., whose residence is . in the "Tufted Stales of Amerieit, shall leave this country a ter my death to remain either temporarily . . permanently abroad, I will and direct, that t cir respective annuities shall be suspended ntil their return; and the several - half yeatF ' paVinents becoming duo during their is .cc shall fall - into and become parts of my r .siduary estate. , • Two ?frelghtlfr,l ,liiettire . my, executor to be allow d a commission of three per cent. upon ,e_, lininistration of my estate; and, in the 0. of lie deatb• of my, brother-in-law, _Henry r %...T WU p ains,whom I have named as my execit 'or iti iy last- will, either befli2e or after me, I nominate and appoint Colonel Alexander Bid dle and Thomas Critycjiltp - ho my executors in his room. They afernWhowever, to assume' the executorship, or be ' 'qualified ',therefor, until after his .death, resignation, or refusal to act. .' !. , ',.. • •,,,, t. In witness whereof I have hereunto set, my Band and :seal • this 16111 day of May, Anno r o hal , 184)6. - _ • JAMES RUSH. tSeall Si mil, sealed; publifffied, and, declared by 1 )r. : i amesilushabove-named,as and for a co n t ' 11 to his last will and testament,in our pres eact,,' diO, in his . iresence and in presence of eaCti,ot4er,. at his request, have affixed our names as ;ultnesses.thereto. n • J. S. FAaitiit, . ItICHARD S.-HUN - THU.. • May 16;1866- May 16,1866. . Be it remembered' that I, .Tames. Rush, 4of the City of Philadelphia ; 331.1)., do make this ad ditional codicil to My last will and _ usda intuit, dated:the 2.fith day.Of February, A. I). (1860) eighteen bandied and sixty, in man ner following—that is to say: l'il have givefi and devised the greater part of my estate to my executor for the pur pose of erecting; ]for the Library. Company of PhiladelphiTatuilding not only large enough to contarn4lieir present bociks, hut also their probable increase for.years' to come. Now; as I do not desire that the library company shall hayh an : income . greater than is required to, provide for the legiti mate (note. competing) increase of the library and: other current expenses (not to be so large 'ait to invite extravagance and waste), for which purposes the sums to be set apart to secure the legacies and annuities given by my said will and testament will be sufficient, I hereby authorize and direct my said executor to ex pend the. Whole remainder of My'estate in the. purchase , of a lot and the ereetion—nf the li, hrary bffilding, construction of book cases, &b. ! leaving thasaid company only an income sufheient to defray the ordinary and strictly • dirmonriUte eiNtiellSe.S'of find' :i., i Lis, i ten. Li. • - i 1invc , ..1;6...,.....,-.1 .3,..../, large annual incomes in:comaate -bodies almost: invariably lead 'ta waken] exiyaviignimeraiiniailse Ilii; instita ti oils ta become the prey of schemers, who, tinder the specious cloak of liberalitY ' or of being what is called public-spirited citizens, have.no heSitation.in spending the money of other people, btorder, to gratify their own ,vanity. or promote their private interests. Such persMlS pass so much-of their (time in the dis tractitotof change from one place of popular importance to another, that they lutve no op port-unity for oltervation and reflection,to pun intellect enough to comprehend the purpose of hooks of knowledge, and therefore can be, of no service, but rather the means of disturbing the quiet duties 'of a public library. Let them • find instruction in its Volumes with thankful ness and modesty; yet beware of admitting ,thein.to even a part of its government,or they will lit sure, unless the Managers are wise and watchinl, - : tfy stone manomvre to direct the whole. -They are consequential spendthrifts, who; under the plea of patriotic improvenfent and of Ornamenting a city, misapply govern , Ment taxes and -embarrass the funds of scien _ fifty literary,and Charitable as well as moneyed institutiOns. over whielt ' by poPtilar artifice, e t -g tboy havaincel a control. As a contlition; therefore,..of toy will, let the managers and contributors join to f•keltide all such persons "from the direction of the library compaay. It is from the quiet, tmotaentati ous, and disinter ested Character of its directors, and of their management; that I have drawn taro' motives which i minced the, to choose the Philadelphia .Library Company as the heir to my estatmand I' would add a ye,ry influential consideration, that, Baying always conducted its affairs with bblidence And foresight; it has never by living beyond its Means, in collecting more .books than it bIIS lot for; been brought to the dis gracefid paitper condition of those instil - 1 iii Ons which are constantly begging for thonsands 'mid drawing apon:the public parse by fails and , lotteries,_ in order to erect sPlendid buildings or lit pay debts rashly and inconside- Aitely incurred. : _, Second—l bayeln'inywill limited the extent _Utile lot to bejturehased for the library build ing, as well a5 ,. 41.0 locality, but :LS I desire that it_ n sliall have not only strength, durability, and accomni6flation; but alse be of sufficient ittagnitade ter any future Or •contingent, but not, an and ntiOus or coamteting, increase of the library,. and In ordet• to Tirevent, if passible, its being torn doWn in twenty years and the lot sold.at a specidative profit to suit the hyper . hole of the - times, .1 authorize and allow • ply' executor, under a broad anti thoughtful foresight, to increase the size of ' the lot and select any situation lie may deem most expedient, without regard to any pro vision law Will or codicils. I know that an ..ostentatious library, to.keep up . with the pro gress of, our country, collecting too many beaks' may be like an avaricious man who ac cumulates: money: to the 'ruin of both his modefity and his intellect. • But .1 have a for lora hope that.the mind may yet be improved beyond :even a patronage or even a toleration Of those crowds of graver or more puerile fie ill:Mists. who fatale:id the idle, and of those garbling compilers who overlook or corrupt the truth effidler and more useful works by purloining from 'their pages,. in attempting to abbreviate andreuder them popular for their aWn advantage. .' • . . . Third+-Ilaye given the copyrights of all my works tathe. library emiipany, and I will and direct.that they t4Nlill) for the next half century; iitibliSlt ' every ' teit -- 3 . mats - (tuad. earlier and -oftener if called for) an edition of tiVehundred i copies of any or All Of them; so that they shall always have On hand a windier sufficient to supply any. denunid which may be made for - any - nuniber - of them, at a'price - not - exceeding the cost of °publication. I leave additions and corrections /tithe printer's Copies, preparatory . ..to a. , salifietitteht edition, which I imperatively reffitirato beitublished exile-Ryas theyare left. :The ,originalparts of them lithe been written foithkitassistaucco'ind, I Wish to be, alone re- SpOnsibielOr all the faults Of thoaglit; diviSiOn, deli niti Or ILT.ESt:Aqt4 , 11 - &•ol;iiist cN)i'M;te<C- or 'i ' ''' I.' • 1 't •tiography,,,aa . consu er i . . .''' : ' . • :: Au :. effitor..Apetimes joins "himself to a Work bytt, :supposed emendation of it. Let hini in.:1 ... h00k of his'ovin jtimtly, blame what be PleaSes'in minn;buttiOt attempt to Ault it to :any % , fatiire - .:t' 0 and manners. : .khiery it„.., !•ctions private exter- •e• to my Ithat rtr qafiees t-the • iti= ay, -of his ' Bhottlil [4 whop ne spot. Yrllji Idillg, is library . . writing should.have its own times and .man ifeW:-T-L'et-hll4-iireScrit—itoVtaagyiarrAypu,--- „. aphical errolN; let him stri.. AtontOroye my. o -.-..: Bog only When the Wed 74orrects its own i .r mdanees, anontasion hthht point, ,*.., e ot Important faith's t!,ttlii baCrnoralitY x , e*.eif - inee'lence and li*atnrp, to to to *Fano the elikge of errors tktfing them over ,i to °thin* fitirtorrection. igi ph ~, I:',i i , P.l-:i 0": 7 •rourtl In Order thrinsurtWas. far. ms ax ii jr ,4rty, pow r, the applit4tloit of the 0n5,' , ."f1e...... vises al 1. bequestswhieh,l havemada for 'tile Use and benefit iggia,444.try company, in ac cordance with rib , ' 'whales and 'directions, I hereby devise, direct, Will and declare that the .whole and every-part of.my.. estate r -real , and personal, given or devised for ' the use and benefit of the said library company, and all the bookS and furniture purchased by them with the income and proceeds thereof, shall be taken and held bythem (whenever the same, by the provisions of my will, or of any codicil thereto, shall come into their iiessession, and -become-Subject-to- their control); :1.4 trustees, - for the uses, °hied.% trusts, and 'Plitposes in my said , will, any codicil thereto, Mentioned and expressed; and if the' said li-! brary company Shall , in any respect Violate or' . . . omit to comply with any ,of the Provisions ? , Conditions,. ordirecting regulations or, re.Stric-. tionstherem eontained, then I will and direct that the Pennsylvania Company for, Insurance tia a Liyes . nd'Granting Annuities, . shell ••and 'Jolty (Or if they:Mnit i ,negleet, or' reftise. so to do, any citizen of the city of Philadelphia) ap . ply 6 the P i roper courts of this Commonwealth .to compel the:said library cOmpany to comply with the provisions of my said will and codicils , Or to remove theta from the said trust, and transfer the . whole real and ' personal,es tate aforesaid, Including the library building,. and all the books and furniture belonging to • the Ritigivay. Branch of the Phibulelpida Library, uuto the said Pennsylvania Company for Insurance. on Lives and Granting Armin tieS, or if they shell neglect or refuse to.acceptr the trust, to some” other trust company of Philadelphia, who shall take and hold the whole of the said estate, real and personal. library Ifitilili ng, books,m id furniture aforesaid,. iii trust to collect and reeelVii the whole in-` conic thereof, and apply the mine to the uses, objects, end purposes of icy said will and codi cils ,thereof i permitting, howevery t if in .their wise -discretion they shall think proper so to do, lsit ncit'etlieriViae;lhe - `Mid Plalialehihia - Library Con - many to occupy the library build ing, and to take charge , of Ale hooks,•&c., of 'the Ridgway Branch thereof; provided they shall do so under the alwolutc direction and control of the new trustees, Who shall strictly supervise and entirely control and direct all the expenditures of my : estate in relation there to; aud who may, at, any time, remove them from the said charge, if the library company shall not subunit 'and conform to such control and direction .. . 4 : -...,:,„;,...,,,,,,,. "Ift/i.---If. at any time Mr: Thomas CriiVini slitnild take out letters testamentary to my estate, I.will and direet that the amotuit of the annuity heretofore given himshall becredited to my' estate, and, deducted from the. _commis sions to Whieh he will be by law annually en titled; anddf,those annual commissions should not equal the amount of such annuity, it: shall be -'taken , and considered as full payment thereof. . . Mrth—l desire to express still more em phatically than I have yet done my wish and direction that the library company shall never make any efforts to rival. the other libraris of America or of Europe in the mere number of of volumes they contain. If the amount of hooks in. the Philadelphia Library is simply recorded initS catalogue. it will. be sufficient for every useful purpose; and . whateVer its number may be, it need not be held hi the gloom of discontent at its inferiority to others, nor in a prideful exultatiofilititssuecess above thein Let it rest in a Modest contentment in , the useful quality . • of • its volumes for the benefit, not, the amusement alone of the public, nor let it over an ambitions store of interior printed paper, flap its tlimsY leaVes, and crow out the high est number of worthless books of fiction to be found upon its shelves ; but let it not keep cushioned seats for time-wasting and lounging readers, nor places for every-day' novels, mind-tainting reviews, controversial polities, seribblings of poetry and prose, biographies of unknown 1181neli, nor for those teachers of dis jointed thinking, the daily newspaper%, r .ra for roleconee, to silliport,: since such an authority could ....11,13:MprOVetbe authentic date of . event, In short,.let the managers think only of-the in trinsic Value of additions to their .shelves; for I hope (yet fearfully.) that the streams flowing into the library will he clear, pure and deep, diffusing healthy, truthful and valuable infor mation throug.hout the commun4y; and not to be overborne by a common flood' of contempo rary literature that may sweep off the firm foundations of knowledge, and leave no high places for a useful intellect to rest upon, to ex tend its bounties, and to he secure. To as.sist acuomplishing the purposes of instruction above deebtred; let the contribu tors strive to elect to the management, if they can be found, at least one or two persons of gePerd-knefilexigeonen-4)1-more-thati common college and high school education, with broad observation, retleethen and taste, and liberal thoughts, not sectarian to any of the proles sionsamr to the gains of t rule and speculation. but those who have been called "men of good choice,'! and_ who may_ _have wider _views in government and selection than are commonly taken by the conventional and popular charac ter of most public beneficiarws; recollecting not only there ik safety in the multitude and agreerneurof counsel, but that wisduhi, too, should there be Mini& which will insure safety in giving the broadest intellect With its widest compass the opportunity to enlighten, to cau tion, and to extend tie capacity of those whose occasions or means or disposition may have prevented their thinking it necessary to go beyond the self-sa.tistied character of a ma- Jority. In witness whereof I have hereunto set lay hand and seal,: this eighteenth day of April, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty seven,_(lB67). ISEAr:.] " 3 . .swEs ltusn. Signed, sealed,. published and thatiart , gt by the above named Dr: James Rush, as and for a codicil to his last will and testament, in our presence, who,in his presence iwesowe of each at his request, liave hereunto set our hands as witnesses thereto. (1. FARMER, April 18, 1867. R. S. HUNTER, April 18, 1867. T, jaIRES Rush, do snake thin-codicil to my lest will and testament, for strong and Sufti cient reasons : I hereby absolutely revoke all legacies ' anunities and bequestm given in my will and teAament, or in, any codicil thereto, unto Benjamin Rush, son of niy brother Rich ard Buh, and Robert and :Julia Manners, ehildien of my sister Mary Manners. ' - Witness my hand and seal this , twelfth day of A iril, A. D. 4869. .lAMF.S ItUtiff. .[~IW~CiI~I.ICA'I'IOT~9.. ~- --~ ALPHABETICAL INnIX NEW TESTAMENT. A useful and necessary help in the study of the Scrip tures, arid iirthe preparation of Suuday-School lessons Prices, 25, 40, and Lti cents. Just published by tho • AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. IPA Chestnut Street, Philadel phla. .. • niy29 s to th tit . , 10PHIL OSOP 1-1.,Y OF MARRIAGE.—A 1 new course of Lectures, us delivered at the Now YOrk Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; How to Live and what to Live for; Youth, - Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed:, the COMM Of - digest iom"Flattilence and 'Nertimii - Diseases - ueentinted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered Sm., &o. Pocket vohnnes containing these Lectures Will be for warded, poet paid, on rece4pt of 25 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary Jr. Southeast corner of Fifth anti Walnut • streets, Philadelphia. . fe26-Iy3 • Pil t) ePllet S v Pa tr at?d l- IVsion .l'lrltc.t..iri)tleXTfoALOGUES r distribution at 740 'ansont ittreet. .10.11WCAMPBELL. my2o-1m" "'" - • - - - - ROOFI - NG", - ;= 7- =-.. 1 " - -- --,---:-- T" R 0 BUILDERS AND CONTAOTOhS. .i. We aro prepared tn.SitrniFltEntilimh imported • - ASPIIA .'.C1(.3 . 10()F - ING F.1..u•,i. - In ounntitipm to uit. 7in roo , fin t y m - 116 1A B nod to , cover . : the Parie Exhibitl uin 1136 T,.., tyn i vy „. co my44lng. - . t. and 519 Miner etreot. . • . SUM MLR.RESORT TIMER RESORTS_ t, ja ON a lin LINE OF Gr 'Philadelphia - 4nd Reading Railroad -- .AND BRANCHES. • h '. ' 'I: , I ' . y 4,:' Illattaion *Liaise, Mt. Carbon. • lini. Csrolhie Wund,r, POOBl/111n P. 0., Schuylkill 40. Tutienrora Hotel, Mrs. M. L. Id inPr, Tuscarora. P. 0., Schuylkill county. 3EII warm 'louse, NV, F. Evian), Mnitaiitry City P. 0., Schuylkill County. ==== CharleN Culp, 31ouut Cerupd Pi 0., RdrtifiunPlragd'op') . , "White ' " E. A. liorni,Roading I'. 0. Ilenry;Weaver, ' " f • Sprifigio Dr. A. !With, )yernersvillo E. 0., Berko county Cold Mink; Rine vot ri 114iyertounn Seminary; 'F.- S. Stauffer, Ileyerlowir I'. 0., Berko county. • r - ' Linz Springs, Geo. F Greider, Lilly. P. 0., buncuoter county. Ephrata. Spring's,: Jolin 'Frederick ,Ephpoit I'. li.,,JrAuwoqitercuu9.tr..; Perk iOltiell iiridlga Doris Lougaher, FroClund P, o.e Alentgouiery county • Proopect Irtirkitee, ' Dr. James Pahnerk Freeland P:S if )tontgomery county. • Sprlpl,7 Mill ' Jacob H. Drcisch, Conshohocken P. 0., Ifontuomeryco. Douty noose, . • Theodor° Rowell, Shamokin, Nurthuinberlaud county. u”•4•2ut§ LITIZ SPRIN LANCASTER COUNTY, .PA Will be reopened Jitne 15 for the'iturnmor, Those desiring . a rind and healthy summer resort, with all tho condfirto of home, will find thege Springo tiliourp.ttoext. For partleplare tithioms GEO. T.. °RIDER, my2B-Ing Proprietor. STATEt% . CAPE MAY CITY,NEW JERSEY, Will be opened for the toquon on SATURDAY, May 2nth. In all first class appointments, equal to anY, aid yet affording to families all the comforts of a home,— President Grant expecte to visit Ogre May this seasen, and will stop nt the "United States." Addrom AARQN MILLER, my 27 am Proprietor. , CONGRESS HALL, •CA1 1 14.1 :4IA], NEW Jersey, will rect , lve guests, Tuesday. June let. Fok . mans address, J. P. ("AKE, to . 00 th.s.tu.9' Proprietor.. 7CiroTits; - triiBgiSriargt47 - ..iic. -A'SHI'~UIO MILLS LAWEENCE, 314614 sCOTCH CHEVIGTS„ These goothi are known to the Trade ea ..011gArroTs" and ••13A NNOUti B URNtS,J O and-stro.t strommet,dittat ino.t durable woolen fabrien which can be Made, ae it M itntaw , ible hi.amtze them of eitoittlior any other mate rial with which the manufacture of wooltuti ha"! iteually bean c heammed. WASHINGTON MILLS, LAWRENCE, MASS t'IIF.CIUTI4, for sprite; and summer wear, HANN OCR Itr ItNS, for autumn tool winter have 10 ru l'olllll/ 1 . 1 . 13111 the hest risadelt %tyke, and mum fact lard IrrunAlat imported wool, whlch alone can give the proper effect to Uumt. At first It woo thous/lit by the parties who contracted for the goods that they would hetter without the Ili,linctive mark of the Washington ]fills; but it has been found that in general appearance and durability they ere quite 'sobs] to their foridiu pimiut P4* there fore the largest romtiniersha4e reituested that the regu bar Waishington ticket should be AU:L.IIVA to every piece; and in order that purchasers may be protected front the porelbilltrolhavlng inferior goods sold to them in garments, under the ozone of the Washington Janie Cheviot's, the following named parties hereby advertise to the trade and Public generally, that they haver gltru th e ',reference to these gouda, and will have thorn (Oil • stoutly hr Nt.+i• k , A N I) NO INrkiltlOlt CdtADES WILL. ISE 01:1-ThAtED AS SCIISTITUTES. * NEW YORK. BOSTON. Alberto:thy k Co. Whitten. Burkett. 4: Young : 1 '4.llins Plummer A Co. Miner, 114. i ii A.. C o . - t!tithart .NV hit tot-d A 1.70. C. Nl'. Freeland, I.l , .atrd At. 311111,10 W:lidl . , .4.4 C0..1C011...din ll...din At , fro.- .: . ' .. : I , CINCINNATI. Drokiew 11r04. 'Lockwood Brent .4. Co. ltrooks Hr.,. CHICAGII, Gen. W. White k Co.. f,,r•i, yield, 114.ntlifrs 4 C 0 nterly White. Whitman A C ALBANY. N. Y. Co_ _. ~,,,: 1)1%1-4,0 -aft. k Wo ilmn. A . Itityiirna. — • ' — I.ITTSIII.JR ( 7 - P '-...; 1 . 1 . A. Itittdmkorl 1tr.,4 k Co. . Stein Bp.. Kirtland, I.talwork A; Bran • I TROY, N. Y. m '"' . ' ' I G. V. 6 . : Q . 11.4 , 4*.n;t4011t ..t. P IiILADELNII.A. Co. Wlllllll/1111:er A. Itr..wn, - Dore A: Rune. Can», NVi Ig TT,N. I ',.. i PRON . ! I) ENI !E .R. 1. 'Frier, 31.111 ,, vd .4 Ilan kinfi.Putio.e. 11. heal X t'). Itrook6h.l.l .4 i.rk. ' 1 PORTLAND. ME. ap 15 th s to :OA Irimilliourne k. Kenr:ail. 'FIRE-PROW - SATES: CHAMPION SAFES. Unsuccessful-Burglary, LETTER 01-' 311:SSI:S. DAVID LOWS NEW YOUK, .4.pril 10, Vial. BEUJUNG, FAURE'. SHEILMAN, No. Bruadw•a's ENT: On the night of the 224.1 ult. our store, No. IN) South street, was entered, and a des perate attempt made by burglars upon one of your safes in our vomiting-room. The key to the -ate in which we kept our se entities was locked inside of Otir tire-proof book-safe, the doors of which were literally tut to pieces; from this they obtained the key to the other safe and (Melted it. Fortu nately we had one of Your Burglar-Proof Bankers` Chests inside, iii which atr valuables were deposited. This they went to work at with. - a and evidently used up all their time and tools in vain attempts to force it. The night was dark and stormy, and - the fact Oktheir knowing where our key was kept shows that their plans were well matured. They tried wedg,ing the door and body of the Chest, and the faithful sale bear§ evidence of the labor anti skill devoted -to the work. All was useless, and it is wi th great satis faction we report that nium opening it we ,found our securities all wife, and can .therefore tf*ifully indorse the Btirgular-Proof work fecOrtriticruled b • yon. ' You Will,pletise send the new safe purchased by us: te ; Otir ; counting-house, and take the old oneVithow that some safes are kill inanu factured i‘,'Uithy of the name. HERRING'S PATENT CRAM I'ION SAFES, "THE MOST RELIABLE SECU RITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN," 'Manu factured and sold by " _ FARREL, HERRING &, HERRING, FARREL & SHERMANi No. 251 Breadway, New York. HERRING & CO., Chicago. - • HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN,N.O. fe2htthe tfi : ' - • *: V . S. 130Y.D. Window Shades, Mattreseeo, Carpets and ilurtalne, No. 136 North Ninth street, Philadelphia al ways en hand, nrniturejepaired and varniohed. • inhl7 3m JAW: 14 A. TEOENTO.N NEE, CLEMENT A. GEM 'COM, THEOnnILE WEIGIIT,-ERANILL..2.I.E.ALL— PETEII. MIGHT & SONS, Importers of earthenware . • Shipping and Commission Merchants No. 1111 Walnut street, Philmielphiti: • __ F lO'l T 0-N -8 • OF EVERY .J 'width, from 22 lollies to 76 incites wide all numb .1 Tent •and Awning Puck, raneralliakers Felting. ail Triliet &C. - .10rni.....EVERmAN, a' 6 No. MI Chum. h•street, City Stores. PRIVY 1 . 1 1:1M OWNIUts. arty rho inily vine° to get 'kir). walla claancad an d illeinfected. very low A PEYSSON, Juanu. ctu ri , r of Poudratte , (I oni Hee Hall, Library 'Arad; :ILLEMOVAL: - . E 3I 0 VA L— THE • LONG-ESTA.II - depot for the pordlinop anti talc) of oecond litgrnelt l)tgWrx'il tudoa Sal3rlcklultoile• ti are for H . a.le in greet vnriely., . Moo new Dolan, P.inll, Shutteroi &c. npl3:4ln. NATILIS W. ELLIS... DAVID DONS &CO. A .,...,,,‘1tt ‘ • .ELEWIAlblitIc SIIIIIIIIIAUY. Dec • ba. reyokell, his _ order, ,sending a number I iio 'teal 'prpioners fro Cuba to A SKIRMISH near Cienfuegos, -between Spunihh regulars and the imurgents, is re , . , Host.BENJ./Oils' nt WA was commits sioned :is a Director of the Union ;Pacific Rail road yesterday. THE Irish Disestablishment.billpa.ttited the British Rotwe of Commons la4t evening, by. a •• 'vote of Nil ,awes to 247 nays.,., Internal ReVennti receipts yesterday, anitinnted.to s2so' ,000.. For the month of May, $20,277,70fi, and for the ifscalyear of eleven Months; $1:1:030;17L: THE work of examining the old plates and • died. of the Treasury Department, preliminary to their tlestroction;luot been< Commenced in . 'Washington. INYolciitivriors bas.been reed red at the State ' Department of the burning of the North 'American'Company's steinner America, at. a san Jun del Sur, April IL -• Tim tourof Ismael Pasha, which is 'to ex tend over Europe, iii taken for' the yorpose,of, determining the neutrality of the Suer. CalLa/ to 11/1 Hatiolll4. 7 iii PrOTesTOOT Congres.s met yesterday, at Worms, and was attended ity over twenty thousand persons. The- idea, Of a- -united Get , man Clitirch was discussed. 's Wm. A. A N idaisoN, an apparently successful dry goods dealer in Louisville, Ry.i has made fui assignment. ills liabilities ttre said to ex ceed sl,CeO,eoo. -IN THE case of the Steamship Quaker City. in New the owners have fied- their answer, which simply holies tint allegation:t in the libel that the, ves el , was fitting( out as a privateer. c• Locgaintoof:, and Eld ridge, of the Congressional committee to in vestigate the charges agai 'lSt Judge •liretteed, re:whist Montgomery, Alai (ulna, on Saturday night. Judge Busteed adjourned the court yesterday, until Wednesday at 12 o'clock. •, Om; Rey. yesterday tried his violin in the Coliseum at Boston, awl protionneed the a e . • coustie tpoilitiesof thehnilding excellent. He WHY, -dOring the pedbrni , his; own arrangement (4* "Auld Lang Syne," accont - Tallied by ;in OreIICSII"4.O.T.I,OOOIIDOXUTOOTITS. IN lor ease of John D . ...McHenry, convicted in Few York, on Saturday last, Of perjury, in makbie false affidavits, de., against Rollins, Harlan I and , nthew, :st motion is to be made for an arrest of judgement on motion for anew trial. HON. A. CuwrlN, Milli:44er to Russia, . yesterday received full and- final instructions from the State Department, and afterwards, called at the 'Executive Mansion to take leave of the President, With whom he had quite a long conversation on international affairs. • Governor Curtin, as President of the East India Telegraph Company, having requested the Navy nt.partment to extend such aid to that enterprise as might seem proper, Secre • airy Boric has. instructed Admiral Rowan, commanding the United Staters Asiatic Stool dron, to give full protection, and render alt assistance within his powtr to the work oflay . ing the cablw of the above-named company, and to manifest to the Chinese authorities the deep interest which this Government heels iu the bucees.s of 'the - "enterprise. Captain Alex eander et arias is detailed to prtweed to China, and give his aid and experience in making the - preliminary surveys anti soundings.- Minister Vurtin has anpointed as his perSonal secretary and diploinaue attache to the legation, Mr. Robert B. Grain, of Pennsylvania. He will sail from New. York, accompanied by Mr. Cof fey, secretary of legation, and Mr. Gratz, un the lathof June. Pliilladelphla ittusk Statement. The foliwning ia ;tileweekly wtan , lnent of the Phila. 4 1•Iphin .11;od„,-.. made up oil - Monday afttruoon. Ithteb pressetas the following aggregat,s: Capital I , toek ' 6 16,035.1:41 Imams awl 'Discount:. ~ 52,210X4 Specie.. -. .- -• , . .. . . . kW= j* , ltue front otherßankos „ 5 dd.4.90 "hie to other Hanka. . . . .. r-CnIA.SOI , .fleprodt a 58,221.15 a 'irculation .....' .....„;,..........-....-........:-............ 4 . 10414461 17nitill Stat.., clearinga ' ''• - " 36,675.T.55 lialancss. - ... ...- ..- - . . ---- ... 3.L43.2.41 — The - trstiairtiiT - airtntrt - Th . o;;:itiit , " condition of the flanki of Philadelphia ,at Parioue time* during the latt few montlw Loan.s. Specie. (Wm/a:ion. Depo.tio. Jan. 4 .31,716.999 332.4,3 10401.719 31,932.569 11.1.. I 232412.913 ZY).2.72 10.:',13.331 33452.531 31ar. 1...... _ . ... _..52.1 t 't1l 259.031 10.4.V.545 31.0x4.951 Ap•il 3. :30:41 4 . ) ,566 ; 1e3.00 10.6.4.....01; t.V.261.9.1 - lil ay 3.. . ,....,.....1.510.W.! '..3)1.733 10 .517:313 32 . 463.642 " )0 .51,014,330 270,323 10,6174.34 31.340.413 .. IT—, ...... .52,163300 V 6,07 10414.616 33.30,1 M "24 52.361.741 - 174,113 04,61a.242 33,470.792 " 111........--52,210.1374 156.2.37 10.61N361 3641415 The folkooftio Ix a Outailod statement of 41.. busin”sa at iho Plsibs4l.4llla Clearine Ifotos for the past, week, fur nished by G. .E. Arnold. Ea., 3 1 aa , 414.*r: 4: tar n,-a. 'leant's. r .ots ,04 03 8364,722 33 51345.237 41 337,970 21 6351463 71 491.519 SO 5.36:,'6.13.. 342144 03 , 3.443.394.1 .37 441.500 37 3.519,011 M 610,177 21 .13 6 . 6-I S- 7 5 5 E13,153,,,i4 )5 Statement of the Antolittant irreasttrer of the tailed Ilitatea, at Philadelphia. 'rho follow iTI:Lis the' totatetnent of the 'buslue.s At the 01114 r c.f tl;e .- Ai;;lstailf Tri..tr - drer l'hiladelphia:for the mouth a May. 1.4 J : Zd 1-11alance , , on hand at tlain date._ ..... Iteveitito during the month. s '• 31—Account Grneral Trraourv, inclu ding Cu5t0m5...:...... 61 Office Etttn.4. 33.:Zii as later...a Fatal I.ti,buraet 'Fund 52.1.329 59 1)r.• Payments during the month, viz: '. 31—Act . ..mitt Gaite r a I Treasury ' 4'.1\.8118., .Bti9 416 .t.l l' ost Otlire 154 81 ... Interest 982.128 32 llisliurser's m 23,528 97 3,772,619 cf 4 BAlawn at claw of huninenn thin ihiy 85,019,405 43 Truipnrory Loan Drpartmortfor 31,inih of May, 1869. Nay 1-21iii3saer dor to depositors at this date 7,000 00 31-12epayment of Deponitorm during ho mouth. '3l—ilalancos due depositors at clo?n? _ business this day " 31--Freetional Currency redeemed . ' 'dome the munth.....-. ... . ....... Szti,Su 00 CLARK & EVANS, No. 630 Chestnut Street. .OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Manufacturers' Prices. Retailing at Wholesale Prices. Gold . Watches, SilyerVettche•A Niue Jewelry, .P4ted .oeinian ACCOrdeollti, Splendid Chromes, Photograph Albtittu, Family Bibled, 'T,ablo Cu‘tlerY, 'Pocket Cutlery, 'Pocket Bq'oL - e; &c., 'Honey 101 Y CA, btintrcla*ng your. &oda of CLARK & EVANS. aIY23 tfrp PATENT OFFICES, N.W. cot. Fourth and-Chestnut, -:—(Entninci on FOITRTIt-Stri,ot.) FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS, Solicitor of Patents. „ . . ” Patents procured for Inventions in the United States and Foreign Countries, and all hristness relating to the name promptly transacted. Call or Head far offender on ,patents. Offices oppit until 9 o'clo& every evening, inh2o-a hi th lyrp§ - ---TH-WDAJLI-EVENINGI3-UiIttIN , PIIILAIMPHIA,I-111ESDXY, .111N_EA;JfiG9.:: $4,702A41 44 4,090.024 2.1 ti ;9.2 ,065 Sint lottery, Perfumery, Suspenders, Neck Tiev, Hosiery, 6assimeres; Iltien Table Covers, Linen Naapkins, Limn Handkerchief's, -Yoolon Tublo Covent Notionti, dc., &O INSIJItAIVCE. STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO. The following statewent of the condition of the' Com panyon the Ora day. of January, WA is Pohlialted iu steoordsnce with an act of Aw4etubly Capital Stock, nil paid op, . 8200,000 00 ASSETS. r, Cash on head $14.23 G 2 Cash in National City Batik 3419 84 cash in hands of Agents in 'course of trans mission 12,697 43 Amount of Loans secured by Bonds and 3fort gag.es, coriitituting the first lien on Beal Eetate,jn which there is less than one year's • itherestdue and owing 84,n6 89 United States Bonds, pur value, fiCki POO, market - . 6030500 Atuvuu; of Stocks held by the Company as collateral eecurity fur loans, amount loaned cm each kiu.l. par asid market value 44,422 22 On .11ontle uu..l3lortgag-s, Ir,•11 secured •...4 : 2..ki tfa A irtount Parr Marta. LOCI Ilefl. -' t Corn. Nut. lik. stock land) 1 95 : 000 $16500 $ 6,500 00 - Phu 4') eh. 3ler. Nut. Bk. stock (Cleve- 1111)41 4,000 5.000 4.600 00 On 135'eh. Nut. City - Ilk. rdock (Cleve land) 13.500 14,550 12.252 78 On tv di. Cleveland Purer Co. 'dock— aitt 900 700 09 . On 32 eh. People's • • Gu Co.vtock.. ±ilD SID 469 44 On 76 eh,Lake Sure-. • ' • • rior Iron Co.ttock 1 - ,890 1,000 00 On 100 eh. Wi•atern Cuion Tel. stock. 10.000 3,300 3,000 00 On 'Western. Union • ' T• 1. Londe.— .. .... 900 9.500 9,000 00 01113.S.tioverniu'ut - bombs. . . .... . ... 7.500 8.110 7.500 00 , • Inter.-4t on isorlmtmerita due and unpatti-- 2470 00 Accrued inttreet not yet due 8,161 00 Bilk receivable, Starine-pretniunni, etc. 10,786 65 Bert:nue Stamps 25 09 Pert.onal property. °ince, Safe, Furniture, etc., etc 2,916 01 LIABILITIES. Amount of losses during the year, adjusted but nut dn. 89,035 72 Amount reiriiiired to safely reinsure all out standing, risks 35,700 10 IN COME Alumni( of rash premiums received .5 1 1 0 9 7 6 59 NoT.E.—All premiums are regarded as cash. ' Only on St tery small amount is credit given for whorl periods, principally on 'Urine Amount of premium earned 1143,970 59 Interest receivod from investments 73,3 ii 09 EXPENDITURES. Amount of _lonAes paid during the_year...:.. - --5557,561 33 Amount or return premiums paid ortinpaid... • 11,921 Amount of eipensed paid during the year, in chiding commissions and feed paid to agents and officers of the Company • '6 .167 Et 3 Amount of taxes paid by the Company 2,215 45 Amount of all other expenses and expentli- .„ lured.-- ..... " '4,22693 Par and market value Of the Company's stock per dhare 1:11:11ID P. MORGAN, President. , J. B. BERLIN, Treasurer. SEARLES, Secretary. TILLINGHAST & HILT, State Agents and-Attorneys, NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R. BUILDING, No. 409 WALNUT STREET, myn th a to 3t§ PIILLADELPHIA. INSURANCE. 829 • - CII.ARTER PERPETUAL I FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. :Office--435 and 437 Chestnut Street. . Assets on asnuary. 1, IB6R, -sf-Z,4137"7 1 ,372 13. A'apital ;Aceruisi Surplus !Premiums $400,000 00 1,083,523 70 1,193443 43 , UNSETTLP:I3 CLAIMS' • 111COIE F3 , R 1369, 623 1 71 in 12. .13(94,0041. .I.,oHes Paid Sinc,e 1.529 Over ' 4 517.") . , 5(30,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms Compam also It , SIICN POliefOß upont the Rents o kinds of buildings, Ground Rents and Mortgages. DIRECTORS. • Alfred Filler, Thomas Sparks, Wm. S. Orant. Thonuis S. Ellis, .Ginitartni S. Benson,‘ BAKER. President. ES, Vice President. • Secretary.. Assistant Secretary. fell tde3l 3 A 1 fred G. Baker, Samuel Grant, , Geo: W. Richards, • Ir•aar'Lvat, - Geo. Fallen, aALFRED ( • GEO. FAL ' 5 JAS. W. hicALLISTEIt, THEODORE M. REGER MUTUAL SIIKETY • IN ; ,i tiv.lcANcE COBIPANT. 5.; ncorporatrdby the Logia I attire of "YeAnArlvalita,lB3s. Office S. E. corner, of Tiffin) nnl WALNUT Streets, _ , • N sunNiveES- • On While's. Cargo nod Freight to all parts of the world INLAND 'INSURANCES On goods' b -river, canal, lake and laud earring° to 'alt -• • '- • 'ports of the Union. FIRE INSURAN'CES On Merchandise generally. on Stores, Dwellings, !louses, 4c. . ASSETS OF'TIIE CO3IPAine, November 1, 19;9. 5900,000 United StatC4 i teeYerCent.Loan, 1.11,000 Milted States I.er Cieut. Loan, . IE9I • /36,800 00 20,000 United States Six Per. Cent. Loan • (for Pacific. Itailroad) ' L 0,0,00 00 200,000 State of I'ennsylvania „Six Per-• • Vent, Loan ' 211,074„00.- 125,000 City' of Philadelphia - Six Per Cent. " Loan (exempt from Tax)......... 123,Y34 00 50,020 State of ..hew Jersey x PerCeut. , Tioast - " • '' 51,500 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad..._First Mortgage Six Percent . londs 20,700 00 2.5,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second ,Mortgage Six Per Ceot. Bonds 24;000,00, W eistern Pennsylvania Railroad • s. Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. It. It. guarantee) 20,625 OS 90,000 State of TOllDelitleo Five Per Cent. L oan, oo . 7,000 State of Teun6ssee Six Per (kW"' 21 coo, Loan 15,031 25' 1-5,020 Germantown GasCompany,princi pal and interest gultrante,Nl by the City of Philadelphia, 30() shares stock 150200 00 10.000'Pennsylvanialtailroad Company, i'.oo ,hares stock_ 11,300 00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Itailroad Company, 100 shares . 3AOO 00 20 000 l'hiladelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares Muck 15,000 00 201.900 Loans on Baud and Mortgage. first liens on City Properties- ..... • 207,900 00 61,109,900 Par. - Market Value, 81,135425 25 Cost. $1.098.004 % Beal Estate 96,000 CO Dills receivable for Insurances made 322,486 94 balances due at Auencies—rre natures- on Marine Policies— Accrued Interest and other - debts due the Company 40,178 88 Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpo rations, 63,156 00. Estimated value. Cash Cash In Drawer. ThomasC. Hand, DIIIEC J T ai ° O It e S s * IL IlleParland, Y.dward Darlington, William V. Ludwig, Joseph IH Seal, - 'Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A.S.:Older, ' Joshua P. Eyre. • Theoph ilus Paulding, William G„Boulton, Hugh Craig,. - Henry C. Hallett, Jr.,_ John C. Davis, 'John D. Taylor, Jnmea C. Hand, Edward Lafourcaoe, John It: Penmse, Jacob Reigel, 11. Jones Brooke, George W. Bernadou, Spencer ill'llvaine, 'Wm. G. Houston, Henry Sloan. - • D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh Samuel E. Stokes, John It. Semple, do., James Traquair, A. 11. Berger. do. THOMAS C. HAND. Pirsident. JOHN C. DAVI S, , Vice Presidunt. - I . IEN DT LTLBURN, &cretary. HENRY BALL, Awl Seen/tart' tiTh COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM- A. PA NY.—Office, No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. The Fire Insuinnei+ Company of the County of Phila delphia.' incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia in 11519, for indemnity against loss or damage by tire, esclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continuos to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise. &c., either per manently or for a limited time,, against loss or damage by tire. at the lowest rates constetent, With the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and wild with all possible despatch. DIRCTORS . Chas. 3. Sutter, Andrew IL 'Milky, Henry Budd. James N. Stone, John h orn. Edwin L. Roakirt. Josepbloore& t Robert V. Massey, Jr., George Mecko, Mark Devine. CRARLLS J. SUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD,Arice President. BENJAMIN F. ROLCK LEY, Secretary and Treasurer. - • DR CE NI X INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILA DELPRIA. INCORPORATED Idate-ULLARTER PERPETUAL. No. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. Thin Company insures from lossacor damage by FIRE on liberal terms, on buildings, merebandiee. furniture, kc., for limited periods; and permanently on buildings, by deposit or premium. The Company hue been in active operation for more than .sixty years, during which all losses nave Mien promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS : John L. Hodge, David Lewis, — l4l7Brltlishonyv Benjamin Ettirt.7.: John T. Lewis, Tho ' 11. Powers, Win. S. Grant, . A. 11. :McHenry, Robert W , Letlinindi Edm nd Catitillon, D. Clark Wharton, Stun el Wilcox, e Lawrence Lew is. Jr.. Lewis C. Norris. JOHN B. WUCHERER, Praddent.. SALMVEL WlLCOS...B..tcretary. T' PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE . INSIP RANCE COMPANY. —lncorporated lists4.."harter Perpetual. No. 510 WALNUT street,opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continued to• insure:against lose or damage by lire on Public or Private Buddhists, either permanently or for a limitelP time. Also on Furniture. Stocks of Goode, and Merchandise generally, on liberal ternis. Their Capital. together with a large Surplus Fund; is invested in the most careful manlier, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss . . DIRECTORS. • Daniel Smith..lr., Ale•xeunlcr Thomas Smith, Isaac linzlehurst, Ilienry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fell, Daniel Haddock, -Jr. . WTI. G. CROWELL, Secretary. apl9-if VAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO SY.I CHESTNUT STREET. • INCORPORATED 7816. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL, $200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire t either by Per. petual or Temporary Policies L _ _ DIRECTOIO. Charles Richardson, — .. , Robert Pearce, Wm: 11. Maim. , ' John Kessler. Jr., Francis N. Buck, • . Edward B. Orne, Henry Lewis, - Charles Stokes, Nathan Mlles,• I t John, W: Evertuan, Il George A. West, Mordecai tizby, CHARLES ICILAADSON, Pres ideat, , • - ' W.D1,11. RHAWN — V, ice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ant tt Jc it .. ' Vati iig - 14.1t — }T liziiifA - i .',rc i P, 4:531"- PANIC of PlifiadelPhia.-offich,No. '24 North Fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets. elik,ooo. Make instirance against Lessor damage by Fire on Public or Private'Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Her , cheudise, on favorable terms. • ' -, - ... • DIRECTORS. Moyer Wm, - M cDaniel; ' • ' ' Edwar P.o, Israel Petertion, . Frederick Ladner, John F. Belsterting, ' ' - Adam 3: m asa , . • - . , Henry Troemner,• • Hairy Delany, Jacob Seliandein; . ,-,‘ ( Christian Elliott, Frederick Doll, , Christian D. Frick, Samuel. Miller, - , . • George E. Fort, .• , William D. Glirdner. WILLIAM MuDANIF.L, President. ISRAEL PETERSON, Vice President!, .._rupor E. Ce..LENati, Speretary.and Treasurer. ,_ , TTNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCM V COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. . This Company takes risks at the litrest rates consistent with safety, and Collsllo4 its business excluslyely to ERIE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL - ' • PHIA. OF FlCEs—tiOr 723 Areh sheet - 'Fourth -liationalllank Dui/ding. ' • DIRECTORS. Thomas Martin,. Henry. W. Brenner, John Hirat. Albert's Wm, A. Italia, Henry Bumm, Jam M ongan, James Woad, William Glenn, . John Shallerooo, • Jamoil Janney, - , J. Henry Askin, _:Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan, Albert 0. Roberta,. Philip Fit r.pairtrk; James F. Dillon. CONRA WM. A. RuaNi Tread. ,i 116.140 03 413 Go 116= Z 3 $1,817,357 80 DA'QISL SMITH, Ja. Preeidont WM. /I. VAG EN. SOC'Y INSURANCE. The Liverpool e 99 Lon elO;i & Globe Ins. Co.. <Geis Gold, 81 7,690,390 '44 in the United States 2 ) 000 ) 000 Daily Receipts over $20,000.00 ,Premiums in 1868, $5,665,075.00 Losses in iB6B, $.11 6 6'2445. 00 No. 6 Merchants' 'Exchange, -, Philadelphia. MHE RELIANCE INSURANCE .0014- AL • PANIC OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 18-11. Charter Perpetual. • Office, N 0.303 Walnnt street.. • CAPITAL $300.000. ; ' Tristires against lose or _damage by }IRE; on IfOnnes, Storm and other Buildings, limited or. perpetual, and on Furniture, Goode, AVares and Merchandise in town or country.. 'LOSSES PROMPTLY AIPJUSTED AND PATH: Assets...- • $437,593,32 Firstlnvested in the following Securities, First M'ortgages on City "Property, well se , Cured ,9163,600 01:1 United States Government Loans ' 117,0011 00 Philadelphia City 6 Per Cont. Loans 75,000 00 'Pennsylvania 8,3 A:MAW 6 Per Cent Loan 30,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds First Mortgage 5,000 00 ettllldl.ll and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent ;Loan 6,006 00 Loa' on.culiaterals 500 00 If untingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent, Mort gage Bonds 9,560 00 County Iriro insuranco Company's Stock .1,0.4 00 - Mechanics' 'Bank Stock - 4.00000 Commercialllank of l'ennaylvania Stock 10,000 00 :Union 'Mutual Insurance Company's Stock 360 00 Belianco Insurance Company of Philadelphia stock • 3.250 00 'Cash in Bank and on hand • 12,256 32 .$ 4 37 , 2 3 32 Worth at Par Worth tiiiu date at tnctrket.pricts DIRECTORS. Thomas C. HBO Thomas H. Moore, William ?dosser, Saniuel Cashier, • Samuel Biepham, James T. Young, H. L. Corson, Isaac F. Baker, Win. Stevenson, Christian J. llotrinau, Benj. W. Tingley, Samuel B.' Thomas, Edward Sitor. THOMAS C. HILL; President. W.ll. CHUBB. Secretary. Ytui.enYertaA, February 17,1869. jal•tii th t tf ATHRACITE INSIIIIANCE COM zt. PANY.—CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philada. Will insnap against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build ings, either perpetually or for &limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandisegenerally. ;-• Also. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. • Lewis Audenried, ' John Ketcham, Ji E. Baum. John B. 1141, • Samuel 11. Rothermel. :USHER, President.: • DEAN, Vico President. ' • ja22 to th El tf William Esher, It. Luther, John IL Illsekiston, William F. Dean, Peter Sieger, WILLIAM WILLIAM W. M. SmiTll, Secretary A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COM ZIYA N Y. incorporated 1810. 7 -Charter Perpetual. N 0.310 WALNUT street, above Third, Philinlelphia. Having!' large pail-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, teasels in port. and their cargoes. and tither personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. , Thomas It. Claris, - Edmund G. John Welsh, Charles W. Poultucy, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, John P. Wetherill, :William W. Paul. THOMAS R. MARIS, President. , ALBERT C. CRAWVORD, Secretary. FIRE ASSOCIATION OF Cr., A PHILADELPHIA, Incorporated March w • ... • • s i 21,1320. Office, No. 31 North Fifth street. Insure Buildings, Household Furniture -, "7 and Merchandise generally, from Loss by - Firo. Assets Jan. 1,130 TUUSTI ES: William H . Hamilton, Seinnel Spa rhawk, Peter AL-Keyser, Charles P. Bower, John Carrow, . Jesse Lightfoot, George I. Young. Robert Shoemaker, Joseph R.Lyndall,— Peter.Armbruster, Levi P: Coots, M. 11. - Dlekinsiin, Peter Wi Damson. WM. 11. HAMILTON, President, SAMUEL SPARHAViK, Vice President. WM. - . T. BUTLER, Secretary: LUMBER. Taurriber Under Cover, 4413 VATS D • WATSON & GILLINGHAM, • • 924_13.ichmond Street. • - roliTO-/y§ ' MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500' South Street. 1869 --PATTERN MAKERS. Back PATTERN MAKERS. CHOICE SELECTION F MICHIGAN O CORK PINE FOR PATTERNS. 1869.'E.MAAV) HEMLOCK. 1~6e7. LARGE STOOKi'..,,- 1860 . FLpRIDA FLOORING. 1869 FLORIDAFLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING' A'S'H FLOORING: WALNUT FLOORING. IL STEP Vlt D lB69. FLORIDA A. 9.869. RAIL FLANK. RAIL PLANK. 1869 * wALKuT p ealtps AND IIi en u WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. • WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAKERS. BUILDERS, AC. 1869• • UNERM BER. TAKERS' D LII • UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1869 SEASONED POPLAR. Qac k SEASONED CHERRY. Vel • ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS% • HICKORY. 1869• CA1,t0L1N A St;iI.IT.LING.I 9taii LS. IAJU tf .P • • 1. 869; CfcMitt SHINGLES.. • 1869. CYPRESS SHINGLES. ,LARGE ASSORTMENT. • NOR SALE LOW.. . •. 1.869. PL P I LUR I iVii i g r Li%T. II. 1_869• • LATH% MAULE BROTHER 4: CO.. 250' 0 SCUM STREET: rPHOMAS & PODL, LUMBER, MFR:: chants, No. 1011 S. Fourth street: At their_yard will be found Walnut, Ash, Poplar, Cherry,. rine, Hem lock, & - c., &c., at reasonable prices. Give thorn a call. MARTIN THOMAS, ELI. S P0I1L: - T O CONTRACTORS, LUMBERMEN _l_ and Ship-builders.—We 'aro now prepared to execute promptly 'orders for Southern Yellow Pine Timber, Shipstuji and Lumber. COCHRAN, RUSSELL & CO.; 22 }forth Front street. - inb24 tf _________ _ ATELLOW -7- PTNE BER.—ORDERS for cargoes of every description Sawed Lumber exe cuted-at - abort - notici—guallty Eillhject - to , inspection. - Apply:to EDW. lI:ROWLEY. 16 South . Wharves. fe6 mlll7-6m . •' - HEATERS AND STOVES. THOMAS S . DIXON Sc SONS, _ .. - --- -- Liao Andr wd& Dix - on, No ~ 1 .324. CHESTNUT Strooti,Th t ßada., - Upposito United States Dim , Manufacturers of • ._. , - LOW DOWN, , • 1 PARLOR, • ' ' - ' CHAMBER, . - - OFFICE And other GRATES, - • . For Anthracite,. Bituminotte and Wood Fire; FURNACES, B For Warming_Publlc and Private ui B.F.OISTEBS, V,ENTHATOBS, Ksn • ' CHIMNEY CAI'S, ' • k'• • 000KING-RANBES, BATH-BOILERS. . VIIOLICSALE and RETAIL. CAN.TON, ttINGEICZ-- Preserved Ginger, in syrup of the celebrated Oily loong brand; also, Dry Preserved Ginger, in bonen, im ported and for sale by . JOS. WS South Dolgware avenuo. • . ; AUCTION igAtLft r . r mr . ;TH . OM AS & ,, EIGNS t 'AIIVIIIONEBAS, - Nee. 133 end 141 SouttITRTII etreet. HALES OrST9OKM AND REAL-ESTATE: girt p.ublic galee et, the philadelpbta .Exchange. every 4•IIE9ItAY,at 12 o'clock. low lenrnittirtt, Onleg t)t the Auction. Store -EVERT THURSDAY. Olir. Mates at Begidenceg receive egpecial attention. VALUABLE THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLA NEOUS BOOK.S. FROM LIBRARIES. ON. TUESDAY O AFTERNOON, June 1, nt' 4 o'clock. - • . Alto. idea Or l'hilailelphin newspeOrs. Sale No. 1206Wainut street. ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, Property of It. Irk. Gtntg, goingjo Europe. - ON.WEDNESDAY MORNMG, • :June 2, at 10 h'CiOrki at :No.lolo Walnut street, by cata, logue, the entire elegant Furniture, comprising suit ale • gaut ebony finish Drawing Room Furniture, green satin .coverings, elegant Walnut do., green Satin; elegant gilt ,and rosewood ..Tables,jolittf mosaic marbles, elegant Rosewood Piano; made by tichorruicker, cost 8700 ; rose. wood Melodeon,:ltandsoMe *teen .cloth and Lace Cut , ming, elegant: ages, OrnaMents, Marble statue, Pier iMirror.ivery elegant ClockdV.@uperior Mall Furniture, ,Dining : Room Furniture; morocco coverings; superior :::11uffet, large Extension Tables, handsome carved' Oak Bookcase, elegant China. Dinner and . Dessert Set, Cut 'OlasS, elegant Axminster, Brussels and Other Carpets, superior Walnut Chamber Furniture, superior ant :robes, flue Bair and Spring Matresses, Bolsters, and Pillows, Bedding. , Kitehen Furniture, &e. Dia y be examined the day previous to the sale, from 10 tu , l O'clock. Previous to the. tilde of FlirtlitUrh will be Fold, on the premises, the elegant Thren-idory Residence, with three-. story back tkuildings, 26 feet front, extending through to •Lytitial! street. • , ' Also, if uperior' brick Stablwi—Coach House, south side of Lyndall street .botwee 'alnut and Locust,nbove Twelfrladrtet. 1.1.16.....0,6 „.- • Full parti=trSin lin ills and cot.— AI O - ISCELL ~ S BOOKti. FROBI. LIBRARIES, 'ON 'WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, , June 2. nt 4 o'clock. ' , Orphans'• Court -Perernptoiy.Sale On the Premises—Es; trite of George G.T.eiper, deceased. • .• VERY VALUABLE - 'REAL ESTATE, • LEIPERVILLE, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. On THURSDAY. June'3.lB69, at 1 o'clock P. If., Will be sold at .public sale, On the ; Prenih ea, Valuable Stone Quarry, blansion,..Uottint Mill and Tenant Rouses. Stone and Frame Factory, ..tc. • Full pul-ticularsin,cataloguee .0 . ale at tho Auction Rooms, Nos., la and 1p South Fourth street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD •FIIINITURE, PIANOS, • MIRRORS. FIREPROOF 'SAFE, HANDSOME 'VELVET, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, dm. ON THURSDAY MORNING June 3, at 9 o'clock,tit the Anctioit Rooms, by catalogue, a large ti.ssortment of superior Household Ftirniture, comprising—liandstinte Walnut •Parlor Snft9, tottered with plush, reps and hair cloth; superior Library and Din hig Room Furniture. Walnut and Cottage Chamber Suits, superior Oak Bookcase; 2 Walnut Secretaries and Bookcases, Wardrobes, Sideboards, ' Etageres.' Exten sion, Centro Bouquet Tables, fine Hair • lifatreases and Feather Beds, China and Glassware, large aSsort meld Office Furniture, Mefrigeratork, • Chandidiem, l Stoves. Superior Fireproof Safe. made by Farrel ,Sr Her- King; Sailmakers' Sowing Machine, handsome Velvet, Brussels and other Curpets,•dtc. $'454,331'32 . Sale N 0.3509 Baring street West Philculol Lin,. HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR, SITTING ROOM. CHAMBER. ANI/ OAK. DINING ROOM Fujin. TUBE, WALNUT BOOKCASE,' FINE CARPETS, &e., Scc ON _FRIDAY MORNING, • June 4. nt JO o'clock, at No..3Lo9 , Baring street, between,. Th4o-fifth 41/111. Thirty-sixth streets, below Bridge at., the handsome Furniture, comprising-,Walnut Parlor Suit. green reps covering; NY alma Bookcase, Oak Dining Boom 'Furniture, 'Walnut Sitting 'loom and Chamber Furniture, fine linissels, Ingrain and 'Venetian Carpets, China, Glassware, Ref rigenttorliitchen Furni ture, Sc. May bo examined on the morning of sale at A o'clock.' flie The Vine street ca'e run within one square of the place of Hale. ELEGANT P.RIYATE LIBRARY. ON . VRIDAV AFTERNOON. June 4. at 4 o'cliick, at the auction store, the choice Pri vate Library of Robert H. Gratz, Esq., going abroad. . - PRIVATE STOCK OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. ON SATURDAY, June 5, et 12 o'clock noon 01 the auction store, the pri vate stock of Robert 11. Gratz. Esq.. comprising tine old 31a deira, Sherry, Port, Catawba, Catalonia, Hock, San tactic, Ruin, AV losky , Samples ready one hour previous to the gale. Executor's Special Adjourned 5a1...--Estate of EDWIN' A: STEM ENS. Esq., dec'il. • • ' . 187 VERY DESIRABLE - mil's . , CAMDEN, N. J. • • ON 1110NDAA June 7, at 12 o'clock neon precisely, will be sold ht pub- He sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange. all. those 187 De sirable Building Lots, in the city of Camden, N. Jersey, situate between Mickle, Hamilton, Second and West streets. late the property of Edwin A. Stevens, Esit., dec'd. The lots on Benson street' and north side of Washington street, between Third and West streets, will, be sold Subject to the restriction that purchasers shall not erect other than dwelling' linhses of the class of those erected within s iA limits, and such as would not be ob jectionablegood neighborhood.. • , T rent. cash at the time of sale; al per cent. when titleis Mile. say within twenty days;and balance secured on jortenises by bond and mortgage in four years or less, at the option of purchaser. Interest 7 par cent. per • For full particulars see plan, which may be had at the auction rooms. . . . • Sale will commence at 12 o'clock precisely. • 51,406,035 08 BANKRUPT'S SALE-STEEL PLATES ON TIELTRSDAY MORNING. June 10, at JO o'clock at the auction store, South Fourth street. will be sold. without reserve, by order of the As aignee of John D. Rico. Bankrupt. nineteen Steel Plates. including George and Martha Wiishingtoni (lay, Web ger, Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, McClellan > kc. EXTENSPiE PEREMPTORY SALE, STOCK . CAF ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE • ON FRIDAY MORNING, the 18. at 10-oie leek-,-at the auctiOn rooms. Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. by catalogue, a splendid assort meat of First-class Cabinet Furniture manufactured by GEO. J. HEN - EELS, expressly for his wareroom sales, comprishig rosewood Parlor Suits, covered with plush and other tato materials; Walnut Parlor Suits, with the finest and most fashionable coveringin elegant Library Suits, in terry and leather ;'elegant Hall Furniture, very elegant Walnut and Ebony Chamber Furniture, Walnut Chamber Suits, elegant Centre and Bouquet Tables, Boamirood and Walnut Sideboards, various marbles, eta geres, Fancy Chairs, Sac., all from Mr.llenkels's ware rooms. irr This sale will comprise the largest amount of first class Furniture ever offered at public sale, and will ho held moor large sale-room, second story. Mr. Henkels having determiard not to carry the stock over tho sum mer, purchaSeta , are assured that every article will be sold without eserve or limitation. B i--mlll7 & CO., AUCTIONEERS ;••,'•GASII AUCTION ROUSE, No. 230'1WARK ET street, corner of Bank street. Cash sdTanced_ori consignments without extra charge LATUIR I'EREMPTORY SALE. ON WEDNESDAY DIORNING. • Jnne2, commencing at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, 1000 lots wiz.: Cases and lots of Summer Dry Goods, Domestics, &c. —ALSO— ' At 11 o'clock :large stock of Ready-made Clothing, com prising Coats, Pants, Vests. &c .ALS- Sexertil Stocks of goods from Retail stores. Particulars hereafter. • - `SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE OF BONNET AND TAFFETA/ HANDKER. CHIEFS. &c.—To Close — a Foreign Account, 011 Follr Mouths' Credit. by onler of Assignee 4 ON. TH URSDAY G, • June 3, commeneing at 10% O'clock, cartons of latest spring and summer styles Bonnet, and Taffeta Ribbons. Also. 25 cases of Linen Handkerchiefs, &e. Also. a line of Embroidered Handkerchiefs. • Goods arranged on second floor. Particulars in catalogues. 1869. rpHOMAS BIRCHSON, AUCTION .EERS AND COMMISSIAN MERCHANTS, No.lllo CHESTNUT street. ' Rear entrance No. 1107 Salmon' street. Household Furniture of every description received Consnt. Sales of Furniture at dweliglings men att .- 6701M to on the meet reasonable terms. STOCK OF A FIRST-CLASS GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING STORE. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, ' • Arlo o'clock, at the Aurtion Store,. No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold the entire Stock of u first-class Glen tlemors Furnishing Store, comprising a large assort• merit of fine Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers, Line. and Paper ('oilers. Gloves of every variety, Cuffs, Stock ings, Neck Ties, fine Brushes and•Cembs, Perfumery, 'Jewelry, ,tic...tc. The goods are all of the best quality, at will he soli in lots to suit purchasers. . • Catalogue will be ready on Tuesday. . MBE PRINCIPAL M ONE Y ESTABLISH nient—S. E. corner of SIXTH and ItACE.streets. Money advanced on Merchandise•gentirally--Watchm, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on: ' WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Doubleßottom and Open Face English. Anwrion and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open FacoLepine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and Open Faco English, American awl Swiss Patent Lever and Lepino Watches; Double Case English Quartier and other Watches . Ladles' . Ladles' Fancy Watches; Diamond - Breastpins; Ft:Mee - Rings; Ear-Rings; Studs; am.; nue Gold .Chains; Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pine; Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases and Jew- Ory generally. . • • • FOR SALE-A large and valuablarFirepro - of Chest: - suitable for a Jeweller ; - cost 8650, Also, several Lots in South CaMden, Fifth and Chest •nnt streets. . • _ TAM'ES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, .e 1 • - - 423 WA r.N UT street. EXECUTORS' SAL&I 15,600 SHARES PIIILADEL, . •PItI A GAS FIXTIiILES CiIIIVANY• • . ON WEDNESDAY, 'Suite 9, 1869,at 12 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, by order Of Executors. 15,600 shores stork the Phila. , dolphin Gas Fixtures Company' par 810. ng• • 1 or information relati to-the Cempanii application eon he made to LAI*: & llONEY,•Attorneys; N0..211 South Fourth street, • . s EBBS. N 0.505 301fENTstilief , ablvofFiftti.' SALE OF 110fr08. BltOk S. HATS, ON WEIINESBAY MORNING; • -June 2, at in o'cloch, wo , will soil by catalogue , ' ithont ; looo,pnekages of Boots and Shoes, of city 'and .Bastern make. Also; o 0 eases Hats and Caps, to which the atten— tion of, City and Country Moroni is call's], , , "el D...I I ,4CDEEN 86 CO., U. - AUCTIONEERS; • No. COG MARKET streitt. BOOT AND . SHOR SAL it ES D E AYVE.ny MONDAY ANIII TliVO ELEGANT RESIDENCE [llls and catalogues IMMME9 • ... - . x) ...‘: Iroe 232 and2:3llllAßlETigreet.'coriter of Bank, assist„ ; " 5W41404611, to OH NB. MYERS 400, LARGE SAL) OF FOItEIGN AND pont - so:Am I)RY GOODS; t '4 OIrHUItSDA2 DtOBtiYNG- ' June 3, on four nuMtbecretlit at, 10 otclock E inclablne, Boles bbinchedanditrown 3Dislins and ; -do white and scarlet nil wool anddomet'ilannega....“..,), CANWEI Kentucky and other Jeans, Mtwara' Flann„ 4 :4 ,4 _•"t do Blue Checks, Ticks,-Denims, Stripes, o;so.Prifie' do Silecins,orset jeans, Linings. Paddln ; :t ,•ts - do Manchester and Domestic. Gingham*, Lott 4 i 4 a 4 FiLio do Satin'ets, Cassimeres t LINEN GOODS. . Cases Bltinched' and brown "4:. ! blo Cloths and Anako do Shirting and Sheeting Linens, Diaper, Napkisia: det 8U11141114, AlplllllBb, IlleY and Mantles- Linens. do Crash, , Poylltur; - arid - Inner Drilald DlElttlli ANT TAILO.US! GOODS: , •, , Pieces black and colored all wool and Union,- Clottute do French Doeskins, Fancy Cassimeres and 00M1LIIMPII. do Meltons,_,Tricuttr, Silk Dlixtures', Satin de Chines ~.4 do Londonallackitglian Clothaf_blir DrapAPEte, Qo I'OtESS GOODS, SILKS-AND SHAWLS. Pieces Paris Ilaregcs, Grenadines,. Illo2ambiottes, , Lenatios 'do London black and colored -Idohairs. , Alpacessi Gumboil's. - do Lawns, Percales, Pitjues,Helaines, PoPans,l black and colored Silks, Fancy linking slidWlllst • Cloaks. . , . Full lines L. C. Ildkfa., Balmoral and Hoop BkiAso Yull lines libsicry anti Gloves, Quilts, While G 0 0( 1 4% '• Full lines Traveling and Under Shirts And Drawers....,.. Full lines Suspenders, Umbrellas, Parasols, Trimtattillir, Fans, Sc. • , .• • . , LARGE SALE OF WARPETINGS, CANTON TINOS, OIL CLOVIS, &c. • • . • . ON FRIDAY •111.ORNING,.• tt June 4, at 11--o•clock,'on four months' eneditf pieces Ingrain, 'Venetian, List, liennh'COttnitO -,1 4L111 7 /4111V , CarpetingH. 1000 rolls CanGOßALittingst Oil •Olotku4drn,i..lt, LARGE sax..OF. FRENCHAND 7 oTßEir,Earitih: , • PEAS DRY GOODS, &c., • •,• ":44 ON MONDAY MORNING; • • June i, (alp o'clock, on four months' credit.. MARTI.Initc.OTHE'ES,',ATTURR:ifit4K ((Lately Salesmen rapid... Thomas & Sons,/ 4 7 No. 029 CIIESTNUT.. , streat; rear' entrance tromflgria. • Salo No. =Chestnut street. •• •••, • 1-• ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR', Aftlik DINING ROOM FURNITUItE,' Chickerin'fr wood • Piano Fort,.; Elegant Plano Forte' , bp' nuicker, French Plato Mantel and Pierltlirrono,iargin Fireproof, . Safes, nuule by Lillie, Evans & .Wati a E . ' an Farrel d & II erring; Finer. Spring_ IlLitresetes;TA • and Very Superior Electric Machintc,•Haralsotne'Br gals- and other Carpets. China:and .Glassward, BafreC Sideboards. Jacquard Doom . _, ,x fte. ' WEDNESDAY' MORNING,: ' • - .Tune?, at 10 o'clock; at tho auction rooms; by safs/Ottshit,,l very attractive assortment of handsome limtsehold.Fitn.l nature, Ae.' • • Also, one share Point - Breeze Park Assoclation. Sale No, 9 Ont aii reo. sumtion...nousmnoLn • FURNITURE. ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 3, at 10 o'cloek N0..9V Ontario streetaietweeta Thirteenth omtl Broad' Ntrvkits: above , Poplar, the entire HuperiOr Household Fitruiture,. Una Imprtial Carpets, Fen t her Beds, Matreseett, Kitchen Nxtrniture, &e. May be Seen early on morning of sale. ExeCutrix'itle?..lo: .1331:Nortil Mu tit street: . SUPERIOR' PARLOR -AND . 1 01fAMBER TURF., 2 FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, HATIDI-1 . SOME BItUSSELS CARPETS, FEATIIER, 8EDi1,,. - CIIIN'A AND. GrLASSWARE • ,te. UN FRIDAY 21111.1tNING. At 'lO o'clock, n t No: 331Nortli Ninth' Wept, liidruier*_,: Executrix, by catalogue; the entire Superior BlottiiehOtir Furniture, May beexamined early on morning of salo. A 7. 14-6CI,,ELLAND, . 1219' ettFaTl!l_llT street:, CONCERT TIALL AUCTION ROOMS.. War entrance on Clover street. , • Household Furniture iunl Mereliondlse of every desert.; tion received on Consignroont. 14ClietV of 1r ntufture et dwellings Offended to on rensonnble terms. , • Salii tit 4219 Chestnut street: - SUPERIOR WALNUT • AND • COTTAGE EURNI- T UNEM , ATRESSES, WAnnitoAES,BOOKCAIign. • OFFICE .1./ESKS,-• TABLES. A'r „ . ' ON FitiMAY-MORNING, • June 4, will bekold. by eatalogue, at the Auction Epolnth. 1219 Chestnut street, commencing nt 10&clock; allargis assortment of lirst.class Walnut Chamber Suite,. not, styles t ' , W P age Suits, arlor and Lining Rooln Furnittriir: Office Desks, Matresses, Sewing Machines and a lag ffity lot of Secondhand Furniture from families declining' _, . . housekeeping.. DAVIS & HAW/ VV, AUCTIONENRS . ((Leto with M. Thomas .1( Bons.) • ' Store _NOR. 48 ancI•80 North SlXTlLetreot. • B SCOTT. dtt., AUCTIO,NE4A, ' SCOTT'S Aler GALLERY, lO4OCItESTNti street, Philadei his PAINTS ... _. . . C11.8.A.P PAINTING.-- ' , / , , 'lOO lbs of Ute Pl.Colli COMPM4.Og 1/ Gamin) PUNT (N0tig'44121.50)141:1 s paint ureb rem! 2,AltAgor, COST LEAD. address S. BMW, Sesfy.itio.ls9, N. Valcull I mill E i litilitlaiii a .13-tu th a 3m MACHINERY, I ,&C. CUMBERLAND NAILS' $4BO PER KEG, Containing 100 The. tfailst other bratzdS Of " "Wails $4 60per keg; Bordutan's likulted Blind , Staples, . s4_ 23. per_ Ibex of 10 Abs. Staplesv Shatter Hinges, fro= 10 . to - 11 in., complete with fixtures, '73 ets. -- :s set; 11 . 2 in. Frame Pulleys, 26.0841 in. !Mt eta.. per doz.; Rim Leeks -a 'Knobs 03 per • dozen, at the Cheapi.forki the.C'ash Hardware and Tool, Store Of J. B. SHANNON 1009 Market Street. myfl-. to th ly VOR BALE-FOR ACCOUNT 'OM 1 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 2 HARRISON STEAM. BOILERS, 37 HORS! POWER. ALSO-FITTINGS, COUPLETS. All of which may be seen at the Aladdin Were/totals No. 43 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • my2B.l2t§ • ' BRERETON MER RIAM. sorts, 77. - SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY ~ 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, • MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—HI and LoW Pressnre, nor/vow, tal, Vertical, Beam, scillating, Blast and Ole k` • n . . BOILERS--Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, &o. . • STEAM HAMMERS—Nutouyth and Davy styles, patitvt all sizes. CA STINGS—Laam , Dry and,Green Sand, I3rass, ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate 'or 'rot.. TANK S—Of Cast or Wrought iron,for relinerieti,wateve oil; &e. GAS MACHINERY—Such as .Retorts Bench Castings, Holders mid Frames, Purifiers, Coke and 'Charcoal Barrows, Valves. GOVernors, &c. . SUGAR 3IACKINERY—Such asl Vacuum Pans snit Pumps, Defccators, Bono Black Filters, Burners; Wushers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Roma Black Curs, &c. Sole manufacturers of the following epecialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity ,of William 'Wright's Patent Vuriubb• Cut-off Steam Engine. t • In the United States, of Weston's Patent Selicealer in g and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugandraininglasw chine. Glass & Barton's improvement on Aspinwall Centrifugal. Burtol's Patent Wrotight-Iron Retortlid. '" • Strube n's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design, erection and fitting up of Bey fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. CIOPPER AND YELLOW METAL Sheutilizig,Nrotier'n Copper NAN, Bolts and Ingot Copper,.eonstnntly: on hand and for mile' b 7 HENRY_ VINSON .57, CO.. N 0.3.32 South What-vett. ' GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. FRESH FRUIT IN. CANS; Peaches, Pine Apples, &c., Green Corn Tomatoes, French Peas, Mushrooms; AsparaguS, &c., &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES; Corner Eleventh and Vine Otreetal SWEIa OIL.-161) DOZE ;OF ,E34.T841. outfit?' Olivo oit,er grossly briporrod,fOr Col[lo , 111 Stint End Grocery, No, 1.13 tiouth Bewail street,' VRESB: TEACHES IN. BARGII:I:IA.NEE, at. Fifty Cents per. .chow• good's in the city, at COUSTY'S• Etust,F,nd Grocery; Nci: 118 South. Second, atreet.• . „ JL! - and for 'sale at ',COLJ STY'S East Lthr. Gre:coryitio.l.l2 South Second etreet. . • , ---------- IkTEW D A.TES,' : - FI " rEITNES, .111 olne and Alrootubi.—Allortiew arop-16 stars a90.111* sato at 00USTY'$ Raid Sad .Grocer , No 113 . 09411 - 1 . 1 -• Stroud street, • ' • .•••• • • STONial ORER-RIES, FTii7DiS BLAOM berries, Peseltes, Priutolkis, Peaty, Lima Baum, Shaker Sweet Corn,nt COEII4..IIY,I+Esst Eat]. Grocery, N.. 118 tioutb Second street,