tm , DismicrivE Fins IN THE FOtritTENTIV NV/a—This morning, .about half-past E two o'clock, a lire broke out Ina large four-storied brick building, on the south - side of ' Willow street', west of Eleventh. The building:was owned hr COl. Win. B. Thomas, and .was 00., etipfeff bti •Messrs. Pen - nipacker • & Sibley mannfacturera . 'of barrels, ''and Mrs. ' Wright 'as a Manufactory of white lead. .Vlteftrunes originated near the engine in the lead works, and owing to the' combustible na”, ver y of the Contents of the building, struc ture rapidly. In a short time the entire was, enveloped,. and the firemen turned tbeir attention to the surrounding property. 'The building and its eontents were --entirely destroyed, - and the walls, except a small_ por tion'at the eastern end, fell down. The building is partly insured. Messrs. Pennipacker & Sibley had • a largb• stock on hand, and it was banned. Tim flames communicated to a row of frame dwellings located on Division street, owned by Job Eartlett. The roofs and, rear portions of these houses were badly damaged. The occu pants removed their household effects hastily, and suffered considerably by the injury to their furniture. These houses were occupied as fol lows' - 1109, by Mrs.: Dillon , who lials no in surance. No.llll, Mrs. McConalighy, no insurance:' N 0.1113, Nerns, insured. No. 1115, Mrs. Totem, insured. The damages to these buildings is covered by insurance. ' • During the progress Of the fire A. J. Logo_ and D. Weckerly, members -of the Empire Hook and Ladder Company, were injured by bricks from' the falling walls. Mr. Log;o was injured about the head and body, and 'Mr. Weeketl,y's back wits hurt. Mr. Weckerly was-in the mill when the wall fell; and was struck by a rafter, and, knocked; out into the street. Fritz AT THE FALLS OF THE SCHUYLKILL —BtrEKINO 'Or A BLANKET FACTORY.-Thies , morning, about twenty minutes past twelve o'clock, a Are Was discovered in a largo stone building, located on Scott's lane, Falls tsf Sch*lkill, Twenty-eighth Ward. The build ing was ownedby John Dobson, and was oc cupied by him for ,the' manufacture of blan kets. The structure was 75 by 50 feet, and was fpnr stories in height. Attached to this building was a wing 70 - by 45 feet,and two stories in height The Seines spread through the entire struc tire, and bprned stubbornly for three hours before they;were mastered by the firemen. .The building and its contents, consisting of machinery, and stock of material and goods • 'ed_and inprocess of manufacture, were entirely, destroyed. The machinery was en tirely new. - - - The value of the building, machinery and fixtures, was $49,000, and the stock and mate lists destroyed were valued at about $7,000. The building and 'machinery were insured foe $23,000, as follows : , Etna of New York Washington of New York Niagara of New York Continental of New Manufacturers'; of Philadelphia Imperial of London Crocatrai.. TsunvEs.—This morning, about two o'clock,.Ofticer.„Strowhauer' of the Thir teenth 'District; discovered', at Roxborough, taro 'men 'carrying 'a - basket and - valise. Upon observing the policemari,the men dropped the Insket.and ran. Theywere_pursued, and . , one t w was captured. The baskeas fOund 65ii tain six pair of chickens. Three negroes were arrested - this morning on the Lancaster' turimike,near Hestonville, with a lot of washed clothing- in their posses sion. Some chicken feathers were observed upon their'Clothing, and when charged with being chicken thieves they acknowledged the fact, and alleged' that they disposed of their plUnder to James Stevenson, residing at Olive Cemetery. His house was then searched, and alot;q-featliers.wtucfound.-- He. _was arrested- The prisoners were all committed. byAlder- BOA*I,oF Sunvnys.—At a meeting of the BOardr,otSurveys this morning, permission was granted for the construction of sewers in the. following streets : On Thirty-eighth street, from-Walnut to Chestnut; on Baltimore aNtenue,g, between Wren and Forty-second streets; on Broad street, from Oxford to Columbia--avenue;-On--Heath---street,-from. Thirteenth street to Ontario street; on Twenty fourth street, from Walnut to Locust street; on Spruce street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, - and 'on Oxford street, be tween Sixth and ]Marshall streets. POLICE ArrouvilitarrTs.—The Mayor has made the following appointments : First. District- 7 -John Donohue, Andrew Connor.'_.: Third District—John Moran. - - - - Eighth Distric ehurchhill. - Thirteenth District—Andrew Vraig, Ser geaut, in place - of — John - S. Cameron, resigned. Sixteenth District—Win. M. Leech, Lieu tenant, in place ofJohn.Tolbert, resigned. Schuylkill Harbor—Wm. Smith:—Henry C. Edger,son of Lt. Benj. Edger, of the Delaware Harbor Police, died suddenly, while sitting in a chair at his home, on South Third street,on Saturday. The deceased was .32yean4 of age, and served very creditably during the war as a member of Co. K 121st Regiment P. V. He had many friends, who will hear'of his sudden demise with great regret. To SAIL. FOR EUROPE.-Arthur G. Cofiiii, Esq., President of the Insurance Company of North America, will sail for Europe, on Wed msday'next,for the benefit of his health. Mr. Coffin is one of the oldest insurance under writers in this city, and his friends hope that the voyage Will be•of ,, great service to him. He will be accompanied by his wife. FRIGHTENED OFF.—The residence of, Mr. KeyS, S. W. corner of Twelfth and Lombard streets, was entered on Saturday evening through the, trap door, which wax reached by hpassing through a new building adjoining. The ouse was ransacked, but the thieves were frightened off before they had time to secure any plunder. WANTED TO JUMP . Ovimno.tun.-Williain Hubbard attempted to jump from the Wire Bridge into the Schuylkill, last night.. .As he WWI about to make the leap he wax seized by a policeman. Be was full of whisky, and this morning was tined for drunkenness by Alder man Pancoast. TELL EROM A ScAFromi.—John Sinister, aged 25 years, was 'badly injured about • the back and legs by falling from a scaffold while repairing the roof of a house on Green lane, in Manaynnk, this morning.' He was taken to hin•home in Mulberry street. OnnEnr. The dwelling of Solomon Snaucker, No. 1721 Mount Vernon street, was entered on Saturday afternoon, during the ab sence of the tinnily, and was robbed of silver ware valued at $lOO. CRICKET,-A match game of cricket between the Philadelphia and Young America Clubs will be plaved on Friday and Saturday next. Some very fine playing Mak - be' expected. DESlGNED.—Policeman Hart, of the Seirerith District, resigned this morning. He has been Vine street wharf for years past, and has been a faithful and attentive officer. • ACCIDENT.—Timothy Turner fell at Fortieth and Market streets, yesterday, and broke his leg. He was taken to his home in that neigh borhood.: 'DOG KILLED.-A dog, supposed to he mad, was shot and killed at Twelfth and Pine streets yesterday: . ennELEssrmss.—Thejwliee of the Fifth Dis trict found eleven dwelling-houses which had been,left untistened last night. I listens en ON RENTS.—The Franklin. Fire Insurance Company calls especial attention to the following section of the conditions of the policy issued by them on the rents of all kindS of buildings: • XV. All insurances of rents- by this policy • shall be understood and agreed to be upon the terms, conditions and limitations following: The Company Shall indemnify the insured from any - loss - of rent he maystiStalirby a tire - liiiF poling' within the period limited to the build mg t3pe-cified, whereby .it.. shall have- become untertantable; and that although part of the consequential loss of rent be after the period • ~of insurance shall have expired. The loss sball be computed from the date of the lire; shall iier the Actualcot 3 - 4 — oof:rent by :44mwop. of tho premises or part thereof r having been tondered. untenantable by fire; at the to of,-:relit per. annum expressed in the poliel; and for a time not to exceed the period of -twelve 'months, nor the time when the builciii4 E;hall be made tenantable. It is also imderstood:, and agreed that the insured shall proceed'';without:; delay,' and with de.spatelf, to repair or rebuild the damaged or burnt building; and the said Com pany shall be subrogated - to the' remedy which, the insured may have against any:tenant liable for rent during the period of repair or restora tion, for their reimbursement.' .P.NTERPRISP. VS. LUCK.—,When allusion is made in,our social circles to those • who ,have risen through their own individual .efertions to positions of honorable eminence and Wealth,how_upt„is the expression, It was good hick." W'i ' thout regard to what may be the Many 'fine qualities, the indomitable persever-: anCe and determination of character,.or the, thousand and one struggles and failures to ob tain a foothold on fortune's road, future' Success and prosperity is invariably attributed to that "luck." Never was a word more grossly , misapplied--maii may have luck , in specula don, in the barter of goods or 'Da the lulled-, twice of alortrine, but to the ,youiig beginner with scanty means, unknown credit, and few if any friends luck would indeed be a sad and fatafdependenee. If after a brief struggle his efforts should prove in vain and he shouldquietly favor laim, the result is easily imagined. ,rt is net luck that enables such an one t