War the naladeliWViiiiitig - Y —' LOVB_ BONON • Man the spirit peeps out throiiiih , • brown eyes, ) k Norah Magee, it etow like a light from thtffakiell B.l4es,^v Dawning on met • I watch with joy those wonderful beams— 'y are bright as light, yet mild as dreams, And dear as , life to me 'When the sou) shines clear in thyAdark brown _Womb Magee, My yearning heart to thy trite heart flies, ,Sighing for thee CO the love of a life new-born, And forgetting the vow that my heart bath ' worn, •• I bow my pride to thee! Not aJwaya.the depth of thy true heart:lies, Norah Magee, lii 'the shadowy rings of thy strange, sweet • eyes, Dawning on me; Thy spirit sinks 'neath the cares of life, Arid - hides away from the noisy strife, Where very few may see. But when sunset dies in the western skies, Norah ,Magee, I watch for the light of those starry eyes, Shining on, me; As twilight waits for the star of love, Queenlike to reign in her sphere'above, Bo do I wait for thee ! Aton.F. E. CLARK NEIW I,=n,tICATI.ONN. A.A'genial narrative has been made up by a member of 'Farragut'S staff, James Eglinton Montgopiery, A. M., of the Admiral's cruise in command of.the European Squadron of 1867-8. Thisvoluptuous ;pageant of peace—a hind of aquatic Alexander'sleast, with Timo theus perpetually clianting 'Sweet is pleasure , after pain,' passed from New York pretty nearly two years ago; crossed the Atlantic to Cherbourgorioved onto the North Sea, (with a long episode of Russiain terra firmad4ext went to Stockholm and Copenhagen, thence to Lon other British ports, thence down to Lis• bon and Gibraltar, to Toulon, Nice, Flor ence, Yeniee,Naples, and back to England by Malta and the Straits again; an afterthought then: carried . the squadron, with the stout old Franktinstilltitshead, Southward once more to 'the e Mediterranean, which paSsed the feet on'thronglt its Whole length te'Contitantiaople and back to Athens; and Sandy Hook bar was finally crossed, after a home passage of twenty one days .from Gibraltar, on the evening of November ninth, 1868. The whole cruise was one prolonged pleasure to the gallant Admiral, Whose . own high spirits Were Communicateci to the whole personnel of the expedition. Mr. Montgomery's sketch of the journey is graphic, and spirited, and - is quite filled with the most piquant anecdote. Messrs. Putnam • Son have put out a limited edition of the ,work in the handsomest manner, in a fine pApiare octavo, on tinted paper, with a splendid photograph of Farragut and abundant en- IST.Avings• As goldbe.aters sweep up their dust, so the publishers of Dickens' are apt to collect every ,particle of Dickens that iS at all tangible, mal very good gold-dust itis. Hurd Sr: Houghton bave now put together a quantity of his mis cellanies, - including 'Master Humphreys' Clink, the Uncommerial Traveler series, the Additional Christ:lE6ElB Stories, &c., in a solid volume, and included it in their neat "Globe;' - Dickens. The book numbers a thousand pages; duodeeimo,and is completed by a Dick tug glossary, that is in itself yery.amu.sing and curious, —wherein may be seen at a glance the precise debut and locality of such world-re nowned phrases as "Ain't I volatile?" "I know your tricks and your manners !" "tough, sir !" "here's richness!" "in case anything turned np," and "I'm so 'nmble." Sold by Claxton, ,Remsen Sc Hafte4inger. Peterson's - C9unterfeit Detector and Bank Note List, for May 15, , 1860, has been laid on our table. It contains a list of all the new.counterfeits,altered National Bank Notes, rates of discount in all the principal cities and ether valuable information indispensable to every person in pusiness. Every business mail may safely subscribe to it. Price, only St 50 a year. ' Apdress T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa.. TUE PUBLIC LA WS OF 1869 The following is the list of all the genera laws-enacted-ley-the—Pennsylvania--Legislatut t e of 1869, auttapproved by the Governor No. 1. Providing that in cases of feigned issues,wben exceptions are taken to the rulings or charge of the Court, a writ of error may he taken without prejudice to the right of appeal or final judgment, or decree. No. 2. A supplement to the act of April 27, 18115,, entitled an act to amend cerntin detects of the law for the more just and safe transmis sion And secure enjoyment of real and personal estat e. No. 3. A. supplement to the act. of March 13, 1847, confirming certain partitions. No. 4. Providing that the rate of tonnage tax to be paid l.y railroad and other transportation companies oni, eoke and crushed rook sand shall mat begreater than the rate upon the product of inines: No. 5. Appropriating $50;000 for the deficit of the year ending June I,IBM, of the Soldiers' Orphans' Department. No. 6. Repealing the act treating the Twenty ninth Judicial District. NO. 7. Providing that insurance companies created by Courts of Common Pleas, under act of• Marcia 26, 1867, shall be chartered as first class; fixing capital stock, and providing for the payment of the bonus, and that the pay rtients ..for stock shall be in lawful money of the United fitate.s. No. 8. Relative to fraudulent debtors. No. ft Allowing railroad companies to pur chase and hold the stock or bonds of other railrOaxl companies, or to purchase or guaran lTs the payment of the principal or interest of the bonds. ' . - -No. Allowing-railroad-directors or mana gers to increase their number seventeen by selecting from theid-oelsbolders, and giving the stockholders power to locate the general office. No. 11.' Enabling railroad, canal and slack- water navigation'companies to enlarge and 16. improve their lint_ •ind bridges, piers, Sze. '-' No. 12. Autho " ig : the appointment of-two gij pmissioners t tte, mid. Weide. the bound - gerri, int - hetwediiliiintr64vania - a - tid Pciaware. No. El. Explainin , * the meaning of fhe act of February 20, Ng relative to sluts in (lower and partition, and of its tinpplement of .April 17, 1856. % ' -- N 0.14. Relative to the placin of names in the wheel under the act of April , 1867, "an act for the better and more impartial selection of perstins to Serve as jurors." N 0.15. A supplement to the act to regulate arbitrations and proceedings in courts of jus- Ace, appyoved_ Alwrch 21, 18014_ mailing .two • verdicts and judgments on the same title final - ' - arid conclusive. 0. Di.. Itelative to the ahan(lomnent of the • No. 37: Fixing the hours that flat Stab. brarynhail be kept open - . • _'-- - 1 4 0: - 18. — Atithorhzitti- ---- the — i•ougrerzating o COUVietB Welittni P.:ititmitiary for lal)or, karning - and religious servie,*. • , No. W. Author) zing Ale. A nititor-tleneral, • Htate„Trerumrer and Attoriley-(ielieral • to re . yi eitlltlzettettle act:Omits of persons or hodiet3 EMI 1. .po4tlat•-whenit a p . ~, , • ve_be •. _ c , , I ts Der,cor,., _. .17,..7 . e s, :A .)-TX \I ''s so, ~s.-. Allipple ~ ~t to act.Ytelati•Mreto:, the . • . •'°:' oFesh ' , 4,the ' qutliannal prOo, vidil( i es 011thits: ~ thelthfh CoMMWonelif; el shallgprocureVCon. entpe latioriqwithi AfaryUnd, so#f to ti feff4l; n $ the 1344` 4 , qUeitifinalm4 its . "lito, . th,envets or,, tshibasketaitand‘to ;'hate , ‘elbse'`days" estab lished; to investigate the laws of this and ad joining States relative to fishing . iu the Dela ware and the tributaries ; giving power to judges .off, courts of Common Pleas to. make local constables water' bailiffs ; providing for the payment of the expenses incidental to the fish suits of the State versus the Pennsylvania Canal Company, et al.; and extending the term of the Fish Commissioner. . No. 21. Directing public notice to be, given when county land lien dockets are for Warded to the respective counties, and. staying pro cepdings by the Attorney-General for, ono., year from the date of forwarding the same. No. 22. Providing for the punishnieut of Cruelty , to animals. . „ ' No. 23. Relating to suits brought by parties residing in another State "against parties in • this State. No. 24. Relative to the merger of railroad companies. ' ' No. 25. Relative to interferring with the con necting of railroads of two companies, made under act of April 23, 1861. No. 26. Declaring Good Friday a public holi-. day.. No. 27. Relative to actions of trespass, and for 'theme profits. ' No. 28. Relative to cases of proceedings in the Orphans' Court, in partition, wherein a wife makes her declaration of her desire that the Money shall be paid to her husband, and subsequently becomes divorced. No. 29. Increasingthe annuity to the- Deaf arid Dumb Iristitfition from $240 to $250 for each deaf mute taught at the expense of the . State, the change to date from September Ist, 1868, and to last five years. , No. 30. Requiring a., Majority of the direc tors or managers- of any, corporation to consti tute a quorum. No. 31. Allowing parties in interest to 'be witnesses. , .• No. 32. A suppleinentlo the act . of May 20, 1864, directing the entry of liens for the prin. , cilia] and interest due the State for lands held by virtue of locations or other office titles. .N0.:33. Authorizing railroad and canal corn panii?s to aid in the development of the coal, iron, lumber arid. other material interests of this State. CorpOrationi.pessessing mining or manufacturing_priyileges in,Schuylkill County are exempt from the' proVision.s of this act. No, 34. 'Repealing an act of April 10, 1867, Which authorized the'sale of the property of any inctirpil'cOnipany upon the bonds se cured by a Mortgage'grven by it, with like ef feet, as if sold up on. the mortgage. No. 36: Providing for' he ordinary expenses of government : for .the year ending May 31, 1870. . No. 36. RequiringeOunties under certain cir cumstances to pay, for bridges erected over rivers; Creeks or rivulets where they . cross ,a public road. , No. 37. 'Ptoyiding or the extinction of irre deeniable rents.. No. 313. The Geneial Registry law. No. 39. Airthorizing. county auditors to be paid out of the county treasury by Orders .drawn by the county•einiimissioners. No. 40. AuthoriZinkthe present county sm.- xeYors to hold their offices until .their success ors are duly qualified. ' Nc. 41. Repealing the last proviso to the thirty-ninth section of the act of April 29,1844, • relativdlollie - State - Board cf Revenue -Coin missioners. - • No. 42. Confirming the acknowledgments of - deeds, mortgages, or other instruments •of writing imule by corporations since April 22, 1863, except in cases heretofore judicially cided. _ No. 43. Fixing the minimum of all volunteer military organizations at thirty-two non-com missioned officers and privates. (No. 44. Exempting all sewing-machines be longing to seanistressesfroni-levy and sale on execution,or distresslfor rencin articles of value; now exempt by law. • No. 45. Extending the time for paying cer tain enrollment taxes. No. 46. Providing for the protection of con tingent interests. No. 47. Ell - ending to all manufacturing or Mining - companies the provisions of the twenty-fourth section of the act to encourage manufacturing companies, approved April 7, ,1849; and requiring the treasurer of every manufacturing or mmingconipany to keep an separate bank account for the corporation. No. 48. A supplement to the act to declare and regulate escheats, approved September 29, 1787. No. 49. Relating to the appraisement of real estate devised - by any last will and testa. anent within this Commonwealth. No. 50. Providing a mode of inquiring into the origin of fires. 'This bill gives the Mayor, Alt ermen,or Justices Of the 1 eace;in any city, -borough or township power to appoint ajnry to investigate the cause of fire; provides for the binding over of witnesses and the arrest of accused incendiaries, and does not apply to Philadelphia or Allegheny county. No. 51. Providing lot the discharge, under certain circumstances, of husbands, in Lan caster and other counties, who desert their Wives. No. 52. Allowing writs of estrepement to issue to stay waste, pending writs of error in partition and other real actions. No. 53. Relating to dower. N 0.84. Providing for the admission of cer tain classes of the insane into hospitals for the insane and for their discharge-therefrom. - N - a.55-Construing - the act- of April 1:3, 1867, relative te the - alineXing of lands for.school pur • poses. No. 56. Authorizing . the councils of cities and boroughs to provide for the inspection of milk under such regulations as will protect the People from adulteration and dilution thereof. No. 57. Extending the provisions of the first section of the act of August 22, 1864, allowing the, banks to become associations for the pur- Phse of banking under the United States laws, seven years. • No. 58. Enabling Courts of Common Pleas to change the name,style and title of corporations. N 0.59. Making valid indentures of appren ticeship made by the Trustees of the Route for Friendless and Destitute Children of D elaware,• with citizens of this State. No. 60. rovi ding; for the taking of game. N 0.61: Aiithorizing United States Commis sioners in Philadelphia to administer oaths and nth mullions :Ludt o take depositions to be used in any court of this State. No. 62. Relative to returns of surveys to the Surveyor General's office. No. 63. Relative to the collection of school tax in certain school districts. About twenty counties are exempt from the provisions of the bill. No. 64. Repealing the sixth section of the supplement to the common school law approved April 9, 1867. N'o. 65. Authorizing the Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer to exchange registered bonds for coupon bonds. No. 66. Creating a Board of Public Charities. No. 67. Repealing the eleventh section of a law providing_for theincorporationoffias_and Water Companies, approved March 11, 1857; and providing for the settlement of claims for damages by property owners. No. 68. Providing that the general repeal of the acts ordered by , the act of May 1, 1868, to revise, &c., the laws taxing corporations, brokers and bankers; shall read "so far as-the same are altered and supplied, except. so far as HbalkbeTipmsr4ry,,to ; -andfjurSurii , Vikali-tnxes-assesseit due,-and payable under said acts or any: Of them." • -- • No. 69. Explanatory ofthe act of April 10, 1867, granting ail increase of capital to literary or charitable institutions becoming soldiers' orphans' schools. No. 70. Extending the act of January 9,1861, enabling citizens to hold title, which had been held by aliens and corporations, to all sales and conveyances of real estate made prior to . t.be passage of this act. No. 71. Appropriatin, as chiue - ) I t - lion of buildings fox the --A. ltlj l -i g l r ° 4 B:lt Wlg ll 7- seiarn Pipesa;dgal 1 WE iog 21? e a super lorstokat Eighth adWaluut.2n tf . ! W lLElit e Tiliils l ßET4 7r t gait lidanufacturers of llavana Cigars in Philadel- Ala. Of course their immense ficilitier; enable them to "I! al, the lowest possible pram. Eighth and 'Wal lin'. ' • . aY 23 rP tii Emw THE DAILY kEMING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, , 1869. B L A-N K B S-.. The Largest Stock and Greatest 'Variety of FULL AND HALF-SOUND. BLANK BOWLS, - EtEMORANDII3I., PASS, . : COEY.IIOOELS, Etc., Etc., To be found in this city, is at the Old 'Estal?4§hed.. BLANK BOOK MANift'ACTORY OF JAS. B. SMITTI. 4sc No 2'7 Sptrth Severkth Street, PAILADELPHIA, -. Office and Salesroom. First Floor. Warerooms. IJp Stairi. m w f 3mrps lEsta,blishecl 1544. • GEO. J. HEN KELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHES 2 I - NUT STREET. .3)6-3m4p -- -Acloo - for the pur le alteration and eree = L = =" --.- -_. --..-,v STATIONERY. FURNITURE, &C. I. LUTZ , FURNITURE, No. 121 South Eleventh , Street A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE At Moderate Prices. ap2O harp§ FURNITURE. T. & J. A. H:ENKEIS : Having REMOVED to.their . ELEGANT - STORE; 1002 ARCH ST., Are now• eelling first-close FURNITURE a nt very re duced pricee. mh2l-3mrps THE TURF. Point Breeze Park. Spring Trotting Meeting. Commencing Monday, May , 24th, 1869 No. I.—Sweepstake—For horses that have never beaten 2.35. :t5O entrance. Mile heats, 3ins, to harness. Association WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th. No. 2.—Sweepstake—For horses that have never beaten 2.40. ,t , 50 entrance. Mile heats, 3ins; to harness. Association adding net receipts. FRIDAY, MAY 28th. No. 3.—Sweepstake—For horses that have never beaten 250: ,F„ , 25 entrance. Mile heats, cins, to lutrness. • Association adding net receipts. Three or more entries to till and two to start. Should only one horse appear, he will be entitled to. all the en trance money; should three or more start, the second horse to save his entrance. Entries to hti addressed to the Secretary, and in each instance inclosing the en trance. Entries _to be closed - " at 12 o'clock, noon, on Thursday, May 20. SAMUEL KILPATRICK, Secretary 144 South Fourth street, Philada. myl4 fit ^ GENTS , \ FURNISHING GOODS. PATENT 'SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Ordi-rs \for these celebrated Shirts supplied promptly on brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing.GOodso. - Of late styles In full variety. - WINCHESTER & CO., je3-m w f tf 7o6 CHESTNUT. • • FINE DRESS SHIRTS AND GT , NT! . • J. W. SCOTT & CO., No. 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, • • / Font . doors below Continental Hotel.. nthl-f m w tf •i ---- ..F:::::,t - . - . - .7.=77, -- • - '- ---:--- - ------, - -- .: ..- ,- - - 7 - 7, . . - -. 4k.RT.S'_ iii:SIEN.T.:tiSPRING. and buttoned Over Gidtern, Cloth, Leather, white and brown Linen; Childrun'n Cloth 4 , 4 , and Velvet LegrillllN; nbio. made to order, ,‘,,, ,:t.' -='..• IIirGENTS' FEBNIBIIING GOODS, .... • ••" of every deecrlptlon,very low, 903 Client -1 . tint street, corner of Ninth; The bent Kid Gloves for ladies and gents. at . • • • RICIIELDERFER'S BAZAAR. nol4-tili OPEN IN TILE EVENING. CORSETS 131:t() , VV - N - 7S - o - ot,§Et sTOittf'Bl 329 and-8119-Alth Where - the Merchants and Ladies will find an extensive assortment tanufactured ()meta and Hoop Skirts. --.:. '''' 1 : 5, I : , y,. t.., , , , 'l t ., -- 7—,,, , , ,-„,-,.., : ~ i i ,y. ~ , 1 / 4 t , ~. .., . . q Ilto OTV to a full Page'lllustration. CONTAINING 2 , 11) THE 1111BALEAS: A iiovxr...—PAßT By Ron. Robert Bale Owen. bIRTE. ,Two NEW YERMIONR. • ENO:0410N THE CONTINENT. • . OUR POSSESSION. • . HAANEYHOW'S HUMMOCK: A TALE. • Bir.11ro: Juno GSA tln. qI. ON EXPRESSION IN ARCHITECTURE. VII. THE MAIDEN SOLDIER: A TRUE STORY. By-Mrs. Eliot VIII. DEDICATION: A POEM. IX. ONLY NO LOVE: A TALE PART T. After the German, by ldre. A. L. Wiater, trans • lator of "The OM 3lam'eelle's Secret," etc, • X. ON USING STRENGTH WITH ECONOMY. XI. THE NEW WORLD EXILE IN ITALY: A Posit By Howard Glyndon. XII, THE . PROSPECTS OF TRADE. By Hon. Amaral Walker. • XIII. A LOST CHAPTER OF HISTORY. XIV. RUBBISH AT THE PATENT OFFICE. • XV. OUR MONTHLY GOSSIP. XVI. LITERATURE OF THE DAY. . Special Announcement. The Publishers of Liengcorr's MAGAZINE take pleasure in announcing that the opening chapters of "The Vicar of Bullhampton,P A NEW NOVEL OF GREAT INTEREST, By ANTHONY TROLLOPS, Author of "Phinede Finn," Orley Farm," "The Cla- Tertngs," "The Belton Estato,:' etc. THE JULY NUMBER, COMMENCING VOLUME IV ggir For Sale at all the Book and News-stores. Single Number 3i' anis. - Yearly ,übscrißttiani, 84. ,Liberal terms to Club:, and Agents. , - , B . uppmcorr & Co. Publishers 715 and 717 -Market Sto ): Phill. myl6-2tl MR . SATOWE',S, NEW NOVEL , OLDTOWN FOLKS Just received and for sale by , PORTER . .(4; poATEs, PUBLISHERS AND BO6I3.IihLLEBS, No. .822 CHESTNUT STREET, • Marl& Building, adjoining the Continental. BOOKS RETAILED .41' WHOLESALE PRICES rah2o rptf. THE _FAMILY DOCTOR. A Complete Dictionary or- Domestic. Medicine and SuirgerYN. Especially Adapted for Family Use. BY A LONDON DISPENSARY SURGEON. lustrated with upwards of One Thousand Illustrations; crown Bvu cloth, MO pages and an Appendix. e 2 a); half morocco, $4 00. AGENTS WANTED. Apply to ap23lm§ PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.-A new course of Lectures, as delivered at tho New York Museum of Anatomy; erobmcing the subjects; flow to Live and what to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Ago; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause of In•' digestion,. Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage . PhilosciphicallY. Considered & e., &c. Pocket volume!: containing_ these Lectures_will:be _ for, warded, post paid, on receipt of 2d cents, by addressing W. W. A 2'Leary, Jr., Southeast corner of. Fifth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. feal-ly§ WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. JAS. E. CALDWELL & No. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, (Until tieir Store iiirebutltt) IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, Manufacturers of Diamond Jewelry, SOLE AGENTS IN AMERICA FOB H. R,EIKEGREN'S Geneva and Copenhagen Watches, *Repeaters and Chronographs. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR TIIF, SALE OF Gorham Maintfacturing Company's FINE ELECTRO - PLATED' WARES ARTISTIC , SILVER WARES. A very fill and valuable collection in NEWEST DE SIGNS for Bridal Presents and Household Use. MANTEL CLOCKS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY ARTICLES. None tint FIRST CLASS GOODS KEPT, and every ARTICLE SOLD UPON ITS OWN MERITS. tips-xn ,w ;r,2nl§ LADONUS &cc — M -4 1 OND- DEALERS & JEWELERS WATCHES, JEWELRY Zs SILVER WIRE. WATOIEEB and JEWELRY REPAIRED. 802 Chestnut St., Phila. Ladies'and Gents' Watches American and Imported, of the most celebrated makers. Fine Vest Chains and Leontines, In 14 and 18 karats ! Diamond and Other Jewelry, Of the 'Meet designs, ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS, In 18 karat and coin SOLID SILVER WARE FOR. BRIDAL PRESENTS TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, Etc. jal-tf wm: B. WARNE. •& CO., Wholesale Dealers In WA'T'CHES AND JEWELRY, 8. E. cor. Seventh and Chestnut Streets, And late of No. 35 South Thjrd street. je2 ly AGRICITLTURAL. . • For 'Lawna, Gardens, Green-Houses and U er s • Haw none Super Phosplude, of 'Lime • Will be found a powerful - MAN URE. It.isprompt in its action; it contains the veils of no pestiferous weede, and will produce 'luxuriant growth of Omani Flowern, Strawberriee, and all Garden Yegetablen and Plants. Dealers by the cargo; direct from the wharf or the manufactory, on liberal terms. -.,'HalulAWT'aildftnis and procure free, "Journal of the Bprurt • • • 4: SONS, . K. South DELAWARE Avenue. This Fertilizer can be had of all Agricultural Dealers in city or country: mhlu trl irr3nt MUSICAL. • 0:10. P. fiONDIisiELLA., TEACHER OF KJ Singing: —Private lessons and classes. Raahlancl, 308 S.rThirteenth "'treat. , au2s-lyg ROOFING • rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. We are p_ P.t r_olityd to furnish English ii;epotted. , AiALTIC ROOFING kA"L'I, Fahibiiioll in NV. MERCHANT ttrittuti&fflititt,stiti - $11 ,1 1=21 . - REMOVAL: R EMOV A L. .EFTE LONG-ESTAB jA; dished depot for the ptirebase and cal° of sacontl band Doora,Windowa, Store Fixture'', dr.e., from Somali atreet to Sixth street, above Oxford, whom Mid/ articles are for sale In great variety. . • Also; now poop, Boohoo, Shutters &c. uP/An4 . MATUAti W, =ALM GEO. DEBBIE, No. 730 SANSOM STREET --., ' - .-' . StINMERRELSO -e, L t... 4 '• N--2-17\,.. ---- ~..----- . N. ,- It ~,,, - ..1 / 4 : . ,12. . , ' Ohl I 1 v! r.., CAP..' 'r , , i t4e fb„_ • - ii.: v04.4 ,. 4, . -.., ,„.. , ~ , ,;, 2 ctia,i ), - 1 1 wili be O P e O . '' . l .r .., - • ' vie - . , k. 1 s,Y,''' a adar fT .: .' • F or Boome, c., prop rietor,., , JNO. H.. DENNISON, MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Philadelphia m yl2 l4trp§ SUMMER RESORTS :4114E2y Philadelphia and Reading Railroad AND BRANCHES. z. llansion llousc, lit. Carbon. Hrs. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P. 0., Schuylkill co. Tuscarora Hotel, lire. M. L. Miller, Tuscarora P. 0., Schuylkill county Mansion Mouse, W. F. Finitb, Diabatioy Pity p: 0., 800%111 c4iniity". • Mount (arum! Howse. Charles Culp, Mount Carmel P. 0., Northumberland co White Ilotme, Z. A. Mope, Reading P.O. - - Andatustai Henry Weaver, Reading P. O. Living Springs Hotel, Dr. A. Smith, Wernersville P. 0., Berke county. Cold tinting* • Hotel, Lelbranon County, Wm. Lerch, Pine Grove P. 0., Schuylkill county. Boyertown Seminary, F. 8. /Renfro:, Boyortown P. 0., Berke county. Lithe Itiprizeri, • ' Geo. F. Greider,Litia P. 0., Lancaster county. Ephrata Springs, John Frederick, rphrata' P. 07.,'LanCaeter county. Perkiomen Bridge Hotel; Davie Longaker, Freeland Ih. 0., Montgomery county. Prospect TerrOce, • Dt. James Palmer, Freeland P. , 0.; Idontgomerj county 'Spring Mill Heigh* J f aeob Conaholtooken P,. 0., iliontgomeryoo • Douty Tliebdore Howell, Shamokin, Northuinberland county ELASTIC 13PON GE. . • . Penneylvanie. Elastic . Sponge : C 0,,. , • ( .Chestnut. Street • Philadelphia . 'ELASTIC SPONGE. • A SUBSTITUTE FOR 'COILED HAM FOR : ALL , ' 'UPHOLSTERY puurtirA. CHEAPER THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR AND FAR • •SUPERIOR.' • • . The Lialitest, ' Softes a t,and most-Elasticawl Durable ranteriallnown for • • MATTRESSES, pri, oL CwsUS; C AR CARRIAGE AND, CHAIR A It to entirely Indestructible, perfectly clean and free from dust. ' • IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL! Or s t tl e u s w i f i r i nf i r n tmi t t i t:secblife;lo perfectly healthy,an If soiled in any way, can bo renovittjd imielcer and easier than any other Mattress. Special attl'lltiOTl given to ; VURNISHING CHURCHES, lIALLS.tc. • Ratlrtwd men are especially invites[ to exatuine the Cushion Sponge," SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE TRADE SUpPLIED j '2om w Itch GROCERIES, LIWEIORS, &C. FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches-,--Pine Apples; &c., - Green Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas, Mushrooms,. Asparagus, &c., &c. •ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. ------- QWEET OIL.-150 DOZEN OF EXTRA KO quality Olive Oil,expressly imported for COUSTY'3 East-End Grocery, No. 118 :South Second !Street. FRESH PEACHES IN- LARGE CANS, at Fifty Cents per Can—tho cheript;st and best goods in the city, at. COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. )18 South Secondotreet. - WREN (AI PEAS,. 311.1SHROOMS, Tltirli': fire, Tomatoes Green Corn, A sparaous..t c..in store - and for sale at CO ' ESTI"ti East Lud Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. _ NENV DATES, sin and A ltrionde—all of tit:v./crop—ln tor and for bale at COUSTY'S. - Eaat • End Grocery, No.llB South lecoud rtreet. CjTONED CHERRIES, PLuars, BLACK 1,3 berries , Peaches, Pruneltas, Pears, Lima - Beans Shaker Sweet CorpAteUli ay , sEtust End Grocery, No 318 South Second street. LUMBER. WILLIAMS CO., Seventeenth and Spring Garden Sts., HAVE rolf-SALE • 50,000 /FEET EXTRA-WIDE 5-8 OPLAII BOARDS, LOW FOR myll tt§. Lumber Under Cover, ALWAYS DRY. WATSON GILLINGHAM, 924 Richniond Street. rnli29.ly§ IVIAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500 South Street. 1869. .;, I ,;l'}i';'," B 1869 1101( E SE,V,CTIoN MICHIGAN CORK PINE FOU PATTERNS. 1869. 8 9tiWiA'A?) riliTi 4 -1.0%`V" . i869 LARGE STUCK, 1869. FLORIDA l iqP(Va N ; th : 1869 CAROLINA FLOoRINI:. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DEWAWARE FLOORING' .ASII FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. I.B69.lqatEd.‘k- STEP BOARDS. IL" 1869 . 'RAIL PLANK. RAIL PLANK. 1869 WALNUT Pi !VIRW3 AND - 186 • , ‘i'ALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. • WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT .PLANK. ASSORTED FOR. CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS, &C. 186JuNDigrA.K.10,6._•. . 1869 * UNDERT L AREUNATMBER. BED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE.. 1869 APA t 4 PN E F, i n 4 1?1:W 1869 ASIE WHITE OAK i l i Vai ii 4k . ND BOARDS 1869:cANtiMF.4s;ITLidi N ;c 4 :1869: NORWAY SCANTLING. . • 1869 -CEDAR SHINGLES., . CEDAR SHINGLE:i. CYPRESS SHINGLES. ' - 1869 'LARGE ASSORTMENT. • FOR SALE LOW. • PL PLASTERI N ASTERING G LATH. 1.11 e./ LATH. 180,011 . LATH. • . HAELE BROTHER at CO, 2tO9,SOUTH STREET. ffitilsiAti POHL, , LUMBER, MER: 9hoptB, No. 1011 S 1869. Fourth itroet. At their _yard • '• •la,_(.lhtirry,_P_Lue,_llunt, lock, •&c. , &c . , at reasonable prices,. Give Guam's call. MARTIN TiIOM.A.S,. 910 n CONTRACTORS, - I:4:I3fI3tRAEN ‘ _ d_ELiyauildera,"=Womittnew_tormasteectste • gli o ts m a l :u tl tl an r :l lH Limber.i r So gn i itZN l , l 7ll . 22 North P rout street. ". •ruh2 r t tf -O _ ELLOW . "PINE LIJINII,IER.---ORDERS fcir canteen of every deecription Saved Lumber exe cuted at short notic,—tmality 'subject to inapection. to 1111.1 Y 11, .I.l9}Yitra 116 ninth Wbnrytql, . feQ S. " 1 ---- )-' t ?': w ` - 't.e 4134- TrEA_ rf r ~-, .14.- - . i) tfi r 'Eli • ' • -,. t.f.. , ii• - . TACIFIC ;It AILROAD CAPE MAY, N. 1$ , EI;NISJIMI; .-.i•-•:ii.k::.t.. FIRST M'ORTGAGE IB9NDS OF THE UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RS. BOUGHT 'AND SOLD: Bankers and Dealers in GovernmentS, 40 S. Third Streei. ap..9 BANKING HOUSE jAyCooxF,6co), and, 114 Sp. THIRD ST. PHITAD' A .DEALERS N ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. . . We will receive applications for Policies of Life insurance in:the new ..N . ational Lifo In surance . Cornyany of the United Statem - :"' nfl information Oien'at, our office.' •, ll , IT , UDOLpt P A4 WERs _ ft" --Dealers in 11.-1 , 4.-Bondx and- Members - of — Stock and Gold Exchange, receive ac counts of Banks arid Banke rs on liberal terms, issue Bilis of EXclunige oil • C. J. Hambro & Son. London. B. Metzler,.S. Sohn ,& Co.. Frankford. 'James W. Tucker & Co., Paris. And other principal cIU F, and' Letters of Credit avallable-throughout Unripe S. W. corner' Third and Chestnut-titreets. - RF,MpvAL. Having. removed to their New Building. 09 SOUTH • THIRD STREET, Are no* prepareti . to trottottet GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, And deal lit GOVERNMENT and Otlitr GOLD. BILLS. m. ceive MONEY ON DEPOSIT, allowing interest.. NEGOTIATE LOANS, *icing APe-^cial attention to :Mere,. t le paper. Will ex* cute ardent for Macke, hands, &v.., on Com- Inivsion, at the Stut-k Exchanges of l'hilailelphia, New York. Boston and. Baltimore. 1 - • = "1 feta, r s . . "at 715 CHESTNUT STREET. rtiys f inSni MISCIELLA - NEOTrS. (If the latest rind most beautiful ilea Igoe!, atal all other tAlate work on hood or nuide,to order. , Factory 011(1StiliatrootusSINTEENTIfand CALLOWV ISILL WILSON & MILLER. 11te21 tints • PLUMBING. JEZ.HOA_T3S, 1221. MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA Roam and Gas fitting, Hand Power and Steam Pumps, Plumbers!,Marble anti Soapstone Work, Terra Cotta .Plpo, Chimney Tons, ka, wholcHate and or 'finished work may be aeon at my store, VI lies 'mad ISlCosquitbes. Magoun's Patent Adjustable WINDOW SCREEN WILL Fjpr ANY WINDOW. -SELL.ERS-33-110T-.11-P4 No. 623 Market Street,' Philadelphia, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. Liberal diacoant to thu Trade WILE FIN-fr:T3-. lOstablisked 1705. Ar S. ItOI3INQ_N, FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, 13 e tiful Chromos, ENGR-AVIINGS AND ijAIWINGSi ' liffintaliCairer of all kinds of . Por trnit-&-riCtuTe-lA•innw Door'ithovvtlio , Continsyntal, P I 11. icripnrA A CTI 3 BABGAIN FEENCH A HOto *ovori PiqueN, ut d,c. yvr yard. (TUNS IsN STODPART ez BROTHER, in 'l3-3t • WOW. gutl 10i li9Ktit 009°6 Tex 1 t ndi GovernMent'Vril/ soon Issue a pester 411;A11i ita array'. IT 114 110W' 11(401 1 4 tlat , l.;a , 'regency 'willf/e, established Spain.; Tux corn and w'heat 7 4dps of i lia l tqas are iu a ilotirliihing`e.on r'(7ititstssuitran. PAntcart haS pnrohased Tn dial), goods enough to, last for one year. to flood in the lower Mississippi has begun to subside. • -Rtnros L. 'LORD; the victim 'Of the great "Lord.bond robhery,"died on Baturda3i in New Tar: latest •tel4..rraphic advices from Paris, received last night, represent the political ex citement 118 intense. Tun Cortes has rejected the amendment to the' new Constitution, making Spain a Federal Republic.. • SEvEnst. members of the Spanish Civil Guard have been arrested on elia,KgeS" at pre sent unknown. .• TROUBLES have • arisen with the Spanish volunteers of Cuba in consequence of non payment of bounties. A DIAN - , giving his name as Webb, has been arrested at Harrisburg, on suspicion of being the escaped Brodhead murderer. Tut , : Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company's laving mill, at Scranton,Ta., was burned on baturda,y night. The loss is $15,000. RBI/. ASHLEY OXENDEN, of Kent, England, has been elected Bishop. of Montreal and Me tropolitanof Canada, after three days ballet , THE French Government announces to Paris by 'of - placards . , that.a renewal - of the recent disorderly political conduct will not tie tolerated. It is now definitely known that the - Secre tary of the• Treasury will continue to purchase at least one million dollars' worth of ponds weekly, for the creation,of a sinking fund. , . TUE United States GrandSury at Richmond, .74,Tirginia, has indicted several oftice-holdem for perjury, in taking the, "iron-clad" oath after 'having participated in the rebellion. Cer r. E. MOIL TIMANY, who killed a mem-', • berolthe.Georgia Constitutional _Convention was.on Saturday acquitted,of the charge of murder. . Tint safe of the Douglas Axe Manufacttir ing Company, at East ,Douglass, Massachu setts, was blown to pieces and robbed of from 1,0,000 to $20,000 in cash, on Saturday even . , IA2 'rim_ Republican Convention, held on gaturday at Ilath,'Northamptati county, dele gnt6a were' elected to the Republican • State Convention, and instructed to vote kir-Gen. J. L. Selfridge for Governor. " "A.w altercation occurred in. Worceaer, Ilassachusetts, on Sattirday evening, during which James, R. Washington, colored, stabbed Patrick Kinnery, Irish, in the boWels with a pocket-knife. It Is. feared .the •wound will prove - mortal. Kinnery' was the ag gressor. Mn. JOHNSON, _the American minister to England, took formal leave of the Queen by letter, and not at .a personal inte.rview,as was reported. He had, on Thursday, au interview wit' Lord Clarendon, and officially announced his ' •retireinent, at the same time :presenting Mr. M in as charge d'afildieS. _Due ix thunder-storm at Eddyville,•lllster ' contra , -. Y., the lightning Struck a building r ) a, of th'' Delaware - andfludson Canal Company, --setting it mitre,- and-before the Haines- could be subdued five barns, two stores, and the ways of a ship-yard, with a boat, were destroyed. Three hundred honies were fortunately saved. The loss has not been ascertained. Trig MeMphlie. Tenn, Opera House has been arranged for , the approaching convention,' dividedinto,seetions for the :different States, with -ample . arrangements for delegates and meinbers of the prem.. The order of. ceremo nies provide for a display 'of the Fire Depart• menu; and a series of erxcursions, banquets end' hops. 'Dun latest South ' American advicos state that the Allied forces showed signs of insub ordination when onlered to march into the in terior of Paraguay, alter Lopez, and that it was snot expected that they would' be ready to adianee for at least two months. A financial crisis threatened to suspend all huffiness at Montevideo. - 0 .---- • IN EE preliminary hearing of the libel suit , preferred by William R. Ford, ex-Member of the - Pennsylvania Legbilature and a candidate J for renomination, against ohn W. Pittock, proprietor of the Pittsburgh Leader, Mr. Ben jamin Singerly, the State Printer, testified that Ford had repeatedly approached him in such a manner as to lead to the belief that a divi dend was expected by Mr. Ford for his iuflu- • ence in preventing the proposed investigation into Sing,rerly's accounts as State Printer: - Mr. Forst denies the charges,.and the ; case goes to a higher court. „ IN the Dominion Home of Common on Friday night, the Finance Minister, Mr. Rose, introduced his new financial plan. It is mainly copied from our National Bank system, • but there are difterences. The currency is to consist solely of hank notes secured by Gov ernment debentures, which the hanks may purchase and deposit with the Receiver Gen end, receiving legal tenders to the Fimount. de pcOted. , Interest on the debentures deposited is to be paid by the Government. The banks MUM hold one dollar in gold for every five of their circulation, to redeem the legal tenders. Mum,' consternation was caused in a proud _nentßros,d_street__banking_house,_in_New- York on Saturday, by - the disappearance of the junior member of the firm, taking with him two certified checks, one for $95495, and one:for: 523,650. He left the oflice at two o'clock, carrying with him the certified' checks and certificates of stock to the amount of $9.5,- 000, to make deliveries of stock and deposit the proceeds. Not returning at three o'clock, his partnermade inquiry at the City National Bank, and ascertained that instead of making the deposits lie had obtained .the certified clieckfi•aboye mentioned and had decamped. Nothing has yet been heard of him. Temsme's Opera House,at Dayton, Ohio, was totally destroyed by reyesterday morn ing.. It "%VMS occupied by McKee, Woodward. & - Weekley, wholesale grocers, Black & Fox, - wholesale china and queensware, Grover & Baker's Sewing Machine Company, and F. ;Large's restaurant and billiard rooms. No-; thing was -saved but a few sewing machines. The fine residences east of. the Opera House, on First street, of.j. Schwab, Joel and T. A. Kuhns,were also destroyed. The fire communi cated to the building on the south on Main st., owned by, M. Choner, which was entirely de stroyed, including the large furnishing estab lishment of M.. Choner, and the fancy store of Samuel Meyer & Brother. One 'of the firm, Herman . Sandmeyer ' while endeavoring to save some of his. goods, was crushed to the floor by a falling wall His brother and several -others endeavored to extricate him, but it was impossible, and lie livedln this conditiOn fol. a While; when another crash 'Caine, burying him in the ruins. His 'wife and family were pre _ s3entbut no humanpower could save him. The scene tas heart=reiAing.. The total loss is•eatit • matedbetWeen $OOO,OOO and 800,000. The Opitra he:nisei was one of the finest' in the.' West, and wag owned' by J. M. & W. M. Tutnei, whose loss will be' about $250,000 ',over, above an in surance of $43.0,000.. ~ I•- , .• , ~• .- - - ' Reported for the'Vhiladelphia - Evening Bulletin. BOSTON—Stecnier , Roman, Baker-168 bags wool B - Bulltick'sllonc.26 bales 16 es 20 rolls mdoe N. Bruner & Co; 10 bales 15 co mdse , B Chase & Son; 15 cs do Coffin. & Altemus; 2fitaileol.do Farnham :& Kirkham; lirbalos 35 - co dcrErotkinglitini:ll Wells; 10 'ca do I' C& J B Garrett; - 13 bales 59 cases do Lewis, Wharton & Co; 11 bales .i 4 cases T'T Lea ' Co; 23 cs Loland, Allen & Bates; 19 roilkdo.MeCallmu & Cochran; 41 bales do Penn Elastic. Sponge Co; lb co do Sutton, limith&Co; MO co mdse order; .68 or boots and oboes Bunting, Durborow & Co; 21 do 0 G Braman; 70, d 0,3 bill leather 0 S Claflin & Co; 23 cases, boots and'shoes Graff; Watkins & Co; 31 do Munroe, Smalls & co; 21 do A A Shumwey & Co; 30 co do A Tilden & Co; 61 do Slitter & Miller; 300 cs in small lots order; 80 bbis syrup Burns & Kmueker; 2 00 empty hit bbls' 100 gni do 1.7 8.0rowell; 7 cs sowing machluse Grover & Bak.er. S M Co;10 blido grouse 35 bxa do C' If Grant & Co; 600 ,rolls 1 cse paper Howell & Bros; 199 rolls paper Howlett., Onderdonk &, Co; 198 - cc - chair stock - Kilburn - & Gates; 45 cku cacotinut oil MiSKeon, Van Hagen & Cu; 25 bblo oil W -_7l hlur~bs bblilfisliTrA'Sonder & Co; 65 bbls 70 do 2U 4orsdo flohMarding & Bro; 45 bbls 25 hit do,tioh Atwood Batik; 60 bbls 40 hlf do fish order; 150 bills pails 20 crates -do'lso bxc 200 bills - furniturciind - blialriftdeVlEbbld oil 100 - pkgsgbissware 20 bass wool 9 bales rags order. • E PZ , NAMBCCO—Barklmperador bags sugar A 139ARD 01.0 'TRADE.: 1. PRICE ETIIERILb, G. STOKES, MONTIITA OOMMITTEE .1/01)S.DOUG - 110,12EXPIPIEfk 'et, "IMEACIFIEII,: i - -. k s edr il ttelk%l=l,..l4 - eaig.. r ir'''' ; '' 1 3 t. Z i ?Santana ' Llierpool...New York via 13 May 4 0010rad0 Liver*l...Npw York... ~ . ... -......May. 0 !Hwilabut4.l4....4iirs 1:„INhilf afflrfr . c . • : '' iltfer 5 eityoffirritok{yn...lll4 - erri oLI'..NA, Ycirk '' • ' * ' Mr' 6' } Atuitralnslan Liverpool... New York. May 8 !Etna- —..• Llverpool.„Neve. York vie 14.-- . ,81117, . B', , Ilanunonia • Havre s :..:NeW York May 8 tit. Laurent Brent—New York., May 8 :Atalanta ' - -,..1.:„L0nd0n....N0w York May 8 Leipzig Southampton... Baltimore May 8 T 1) DEPART, I .Yestplialia New York„.llamborg May 18 • City of Cork New York... Liverpool via H.. - May 18 Nevada New York... Liverpool .....; May 19 Cuba New' York... Liverpool ... May 19 Aleppo New'York...Liverpool .._May 20 , Morro Caatle....New York...flayana - May 20 H Chauncey ' New York...Ampinwall May 21 ' Fah•lrea ' Now York... Bermuda May 22 G Wanhington..New York... Now (Menne - May 22 Tonawanda —Pklladelphla...Savannall ' May V. 'Paraguay' New 1 ork...Liverpool ...._ • May 22 South Ainerlca. , ..New York-1110 Janeiro, &co, 'May 21 Me10n...., Now York... Glasgow ' May 26 DrAIRINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-MAT IT SUN . R10:8,4 42 I ficzt Sri's, 7.1 U I HIGH WATER, 6 43 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. SteamOr Fonltn, Truman, 20 hours from Now York ,with rods. , to John F Ohl. Bark Elgin BV, Healey, 27 days from Ardrossan,with pig iron to S & Welsh. Bark Sarah B Hale,Wnite;lo days from Cardenas,witit molasses to E (I Knight & Co. . . Bark .Impentdor (Br), Heard, 24 days from Pei j nam- Imo. with sugar to A F Damon., April 22, Int 530 8, lon 34 45 W, spoke bark Meaco, 2.6 days from Rio Janeiro for Philadelphia. • . Bark Pl•ank Lovett ( Br), (Jaun t 47 days from Andros- Bail, with pig iron to order. Burk Paragon ( 110,1logart, 9 days from Cardenas,wlth sugar and molasses to.hutaz Hough & Morris. Brig Galatea (Br). - McKenzie, 11 days from Matanzas, 'with sugar to Dallett & Son. • Brig J H Dillingham, Blodgett, 10 days from Sagus, With molasses to 14 & W , welxh. ; • Brig Clara Brown, 'Osgood, 9 days froth Sagna, with sugar and molasses to S & W Welsh. Brig Potter(Br); Shields., II days from , Calbarien with molasses to S ' ' • ' • ' • . . _ Brig Chilianwalla 030—, 10 (lays from Sagua, with Sugar and molasses to .ti Norris Wain do Co. . hehr Waif (Br), Demsen, It days from St. Johns, P. with sugar to John Menu & Co. I" "gin rt e Schr Mary p , or flays from Curacon with ran to John Dallett & Co. . - Seim, Vesta, Waite, 14 days from Hasa, pith sugar and molasses to S deW Welsh. Behr Charlotte Fish. Strong,' 10 diyi from Matanzas, with molasses to E C Knight di; Co. Seim It C ThomaitiCr,ockett s 9 days from Matanzas,with molasses to 'order. - ARRIVED ON SATURDAY. Steamer Ronmck ,Boggs. 45 hburs frour‘Boston, with mdseand paspengere I°ll Winsor & Co, • Steamer James IS' Gram. Vance, from Riehrtiond and Norfolk, with wrist, to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer New York, Jones. from Washington and Alex' andria; with rodeo to W P Clyde & Co. , Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards . 24 hours from New York, with mdse to -W P Clyde & Co.. Steamer E C Biddle, McCue, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. • . Steamer Mayflower; Fultz, 24 hours from New York, with midge to W P Clyde & Co„ Steamer Tacos N burs Nichols. 24• from New York, y, with mdse to W Baird i& Co. • Schr Curtis Tilton, Somers, froth Now York. Schr Cooper, Gallaway. 3 days from Rappahannock River, with lumber to Hickman is Cottingham.. Tug Time Jefferson. Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of bargee to W P Clyde & Co: • - , AT WILMINGTON, DEL. Schr Emma L Porter , • Sparks, 13 days from Nerasea, with guano to J H Bailey tCo. CLEARED ON SATURDAY. Steamer Pioneer, Barrett, Wilmington, NC. Philadel phia and Southern Mail SS Co. Steamer Norman, Crowell, Boston, H Wirusor & Co. Steamier Geo 1.1 Stout, Ford, Washington gad Alexan dria, W Clirds & Co. • - Steamer Norfolk, Platt, Richmond and Norfolk, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Bark Castries (Br), Kemble, Aspinwall, S L 31erchant &. Co. Bark Village Queen,Gray. Turks Island, Workman&Co. If Bark S Wolbrot3k;Volleys,Trinidad,.Warren&Gregg. Brig Lizzie Wyman, Gamage, Zaza..do Brig Home, Phillips . Port Spain, T attson A Sons. Fehr Henrietta, Clark, Cambridge, Westmd Coal Co. Srhr Sabin°, Currier,-Elavannals, 8 L Merchant & Co. Tug Hudson, Nicholson.Baitimore,withn tow of barges, P Clyde & Co. ' Correspondence of' thaPhilmielphin.Exchange. • LIM ES. DBL., May 15. Bark Geo If Jenkins, for Philadelphia left the Break water yesterday. SchrsJ II Lockwood. froutl 4 .law.York: fur Bichmond;.lletiry,./ gamma. from. Georgetownlor Providence, and Sophie Ann, from Philadelphia for Baton. remain at the .harbor. Steamtug. America re ports the folliniring iresselm haying passed in 'for Phila delphia: Bark Savannah, from Sombrero, and brig • Robin. from SR gun. Ynurs, 6r.c. . LABA2 L. LYONS., Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. I.:LAI/LNG. May- 15, DM. The following boats from the Unidit Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and sneNutivinns with .ember to Boas & • Boudeithrist . ; Onward. do to Croskey & (o;' General Grant, ilo to'J' Fegely & Co; Utah. do to Morrett & Evans; Leviathan, do to Norcross A tihnets;-Ke.tone, do to Patterson & Lippincott; - Merchant do to Taylor & Betts. F. Ship Onni . ,Dannevag. hence, at •.Ebtinore.29th.ult. for It i'llip rfarritiburg, Wlswell, .ailed front Buenos Aires 13th 31arch for Hampton Roads. < Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings, cleared at Savannah 11111 inst. for this port. Steamer China (11r), Irockley, cleared"iit No - w fork 15th inst. for Liverpool. Bark Comet Petrie, from London for this port, sailed from Falmouth Ist inst. Bark Whetilland,Bursley,4s days from Buenos Ayres, at New York 15th Inst. with bides, Az. Brig Nigrota, Stowers, hence at St. Thomas 2d inst. via Barbados. Brig Bermes, Blacken , at Laguayra 22d ult. for this port in das. bchr Eitgle Wiug (Br), Stanley, hence at Barbados 29th ult. Seim Queen of Clippers, chimed at St. John, NB. 14th inst. forts. port. - . • Schr.).: Ltuticutt, Endictt, hence' at: Barbados - 14th tilt. for Orchilla. Schr II P Russell, Nickerson, cleared at New Orleans 11th inst. for Boston. Schr J J Spencer, Smith, cleared at New Orleans 11th inst. for,Cardenas, with 4511 emp hhds and emp tierces. NOTICE' TO IiA7IIIIERS Blonde Bock, upon which the English steamer St. George was recently lost, is not on the coast of Blaine as stated in the newspapers, but lies SSG E 3 miles from the Seal Islands off the coast of Nova Scotia. The Beal Island Light-bonse ( English) is-three and a half miles from Blonde.Rocit. Treasuil Department. Office Light-house Board, Washington, D. C.. Nay la. laai. ICE I ICE! • - ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE ICE ICE! OFFICE OF THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY, No. 435 Walnut' Street, PHILADELPHIA. Established 1832. Incorporated 1884. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Shippers of EASTERN" ICE. THOS. E. CAHILL, President; E. P. KERSHOW, Vice• President; A. HUNT, Treasurer; E. H. CORNELL, Secretary;.T: A. HENDRY, Superintendent. • Ice delivered daily in all parts of the consolidated city, West Philadelphia, Mantua, Richmond, Bridesburg, Tioga and Germantown. • ' ' -•— Prices for families, offices, etc., for 1862: 8 pounds daily 60 cents per week. 20 61 03 " Large consumers at wholesale prices. Orders sent to the °SIC°, or any, of the following depots, will receive prompt attention: North Pennsylvania Rail road and Master street, Willow street wharf, Delaware avenue; Bridge avenue and' Willow - street, Twenty second and Hamilton streets, Ninth street and Washing ton avenue, and Pine street wharf. SChrtylkill. Ice! 'lee! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice!' Ice! my 2 lmrpt FINE INDIA CHINA, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 70T CHESTNETZ STREET - - • Otit.AP COLOGNE SETS. TICIPEY4I4: h PLlTc,}ll,lf, 707 CIIESTNUT STREET. ENGRAVING ON GLASS TINDALE & MITCHELL, CHEAP GLASS WARE TYNDALE & FLTCHELL, - - 707 CHESTNUT STREET DECORATIONS ON CHINA:" TYNDALE di MITCHELL, , 1 , 707 CHESTNUT §TICEET mhls-m,w,f,3mrp JORD.A-137,6 CELEBRATED p,trHgg,Tpxw Ale for invalidtf, family nee, • !rho subscriber h novefdredshed with hia full , Winter supply oflile highly nutritious and well-known bever age. Its wide-spread and increasing " use, by order of physicians{ for invalids, use of families, ere., command it , t.o..the_attentioi_of all consumers who want,a strictly. puretirtirle; larri4frekt tier lip in the moatarefulmanner for home use or traramor4 baton. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly sapp4o4, P. J. Joßpitli, . . , . • No: 720 Pear street,:' Below Third and Walnut streets., CIANTON PRESERVED GINGER.- 1. 1J Preserved -Ginger, in eyrun of, the' celebrated Wong brand; also, Dry Dreserv,ed.)Giuger t in boxes, im ported and for sale , by. JOS:B. BI.T§FDA•tt CO., 108 South Delawaro avectle.. , • • , , • • $ ; E A.Cr A 4 ctoD mhAitllAff6 t-4 • .: " 4767 CUE STRUT STREET - • /14 - 1. - iiii - bt - I.t. •LIVE .. INSURING . COMPANY OF. 711 E UNITED STATE S DE AMERICA, Washington, D. C. Cbartered by Special . Act of Congress, Approved July 25,1868. Cash Capita 61,1,Q00,0b0 Paid in Full. BRANCH OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PHILADELPHIA: Where all correspondence should be addressed DIRECTORS: OLARENOE H. CLARK, F. A. ROLLINS, JAY COOKE, W. ELLIS, W. G. MOORHEAD, dEORGE F. TYLER, J. HINCKLEY CLARK, 11. C. FAIINESTOCK • 0 FFI ERS: CLARENCE •H. CLARK, Philiadelphis,'Preaident JAY COOKE, Chairman / Finance and Executlia Com !Wass, - - HENRY D. COOKE, Vi'ashington, Vice President. .• EMERSON W. PEET, Philadelphia; Sec'y and Actuary E. S. 'TURNER, 'Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. S3IITIi,M. D., 'Medical DiriTtor' • • ~i 1 ~ 41 1 1 h i This Company, National in its character, offere t by reason of its Large Capital, Low Bates of Premium, and New Tables, the most desirable means of Insuring Life yet ; presented to the public. - • ; CirctilaiS,Taxophlets, and full particaltai given on ap ,plication, to the Brahch Office - of the Company or to ifs General Agents. General Agents of the Company. JAY COOKE & CO., New York, for New • York State and Northern New, Jersey. JAY COOKE do CO., Washington, D. C., for Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. B. W.: CLARK k CO., for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. D. S. BraSELL, IlarrisbUrg,llfanager for Central and„Western Pennsylvania. J. ALDER ELLIS A. CO., Chicago, for Illinois, Wiscon gin and lowa. nab_ STEPHEN -MILLER., St. Paul. for-Minnesota and N. W.Whicintaitt. . . JOHN W. ELLIS & CO., Cincinnati, for Ohio awl Con- tral and Southern Indiana. T. B. EDGAR, St. Louis, for Missouri and Banana S. A. KEAN 6: C 9., Detroit, for Michigan Ind Northern Indiana.. A. M. MOTHERSHED, Omaha, for Nebraska JOHNSTON BROTHERS hr. CO.,BaHlraore,lar Mary- land. New• England General Ageeey Ihoid!eir the' • - Direction of R. A. ROLLLNS and j Of the Board of Dicec tore W. E. CIiAIiDLER, J. P. TUCKER, Manager, 3 Merchants' Exchange, State street, Breton DELAWARE -MUTUAL SAFETY IN, SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated hy the Legislatireef ~ P epusylviOnlB9.si Office S. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia, MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, Cargo arid Freight to all parts of the world. • • INL AND" INSURANCES On goods by--river, canal. lake mid land carriage to all D a FIRE INSURANCES OnMerchantliee generally, or. Stores, Dwellings, ASSETS OF TIIE COMPANY, • November 1,16.18. 7. e 330,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, 10-40's. - $ OD 00 --1.13,040,1rnit0d States Six Per Cent. Loan, 1.56„89000 moo° United States Six Per Cent. Loan • (for Pacific 'Railroad ) 50,000 00 200,040 Stater of Pennsylvania Six Per - • Cent. Loan... 211X5 00 125,000 City oPPhiladelphia Six Per bent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 123,594 00 - 50,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. r 51,500 00 20,000 Pennsylvania - - Railroad ' First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 20,200 00 25,000 Pentieiyhrania ' Railroad s Second ' Mortgage Six Per Cent:Bolide 24,000 00 25p00 Western Pennsylvania Railrpad, • Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. R. R. gparantee) 20,625 00 .50,000 State of Tennessecleive Per Cent. Loan 21,000 00 - 74300 State - of -Tennessee Six Per Cont.` Loan 5,1:01 25 35,000 Germantown Gas Company, princi pal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia,soo • shares 5t0ck,:..... 15, 0 00 00 104X10 Pennsylvania Railroad — Comparri, 200 shares stock - • • - 11,300 00 5,,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 100 shares stock 3,500 00 20 000 Philadelphia and Southern -Mail . Steamship Company, SO shares • s 1.5.P00 oo 207,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens ou City Properties— 207.900 00 81,109,900 Par Market Vakm, f51,130,r..5 25 . Cost, 81,001,604 26 Beal Estate 36000 00 Bills recet'vablo for Insurances made .- 322,436 9i Balances due at Asencies--Pre-, minors on Misrule Policies=. Accrued Ititerctst - and other debts due the Company 40,173 88 Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpo . _rations, 83,156 00. Estimated value.— • 1,813 00 Cash in Bank 8116,150 08 Cabal in Drawer , 413 65 DIRECTORS. Thomas C . : Hand, . James B. McFarland, Edward Darlington, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Jacob P. Jones, - Edmund A. Souder, Joshua P. Eyre. Tbeophilus Paulding, William G. Boußon, Hugh Craig, Henry C. Hallett, Jr.., John C: Davis. - John DTaylor, /nines C. Haud, Edwatd . Lafourcade, John. B. Penrose, ' Jacob Beige], • , 11. Jones Brooke, George W. Bornadou, SvencerM'llvaine, Win. C. Houston. . Henry Sloan, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh Samuel E. Stokes, John B. Semple, - do., James Traguair, tiuritt , C A. B. Berger, do. HANDS President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President, HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. 'HENRY BALL, Ass:t Secretary MEE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM- A_ PANY.—Office, No. 110 south Tonal, streOt, below ' Chestnut. The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phi'n (101)11111," Incorporated by the 14eAjeleture of PennsYlva nia in ltiV, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER -PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with iimPle capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in , sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, ,Ac.,nither per . Manently or for a limited. timei• against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest fates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. 'Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. ' DIRECTORS: 'Chas. J. Sutter, • Andrew 11. Miller, Henry Build, . • • : --Edwin N. Stone . , .John Horn, . Edwin L.Heakirt, - ;Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr., ;George Alecke, Mark Devine. • ,CHARDLti SUTTER, President. . ••••• :• ' HENRY 'BUJ/Di - Vice President. BENJAMIN Y. HOECKLEY l , , Secretary and Treasurer. TEFFERSONFIRE INSURANCE COM PANY of Philadelphia.-office, No, 24 North Fifth streetimis, w Market street. . ' c'. _. ancorporatOd--by-ith9 -Legislatato- Of-Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. 'Capital and Assets.'Bl6B,ooo. Make insurance against Loss or damage by Fire on Public - or Private Buildings, Furniture; Stocks, Goode and liler chandiso,,on favorable teos. ~ ... •• , . . , . . DIRECTORS._ . I Win. merawef; .-.- " - Edward B:Moyer, Lintel Peterson, ' ,- • Frederick Ladner, . John F.l3eleterling, '-`,__._. Adam J. Glass, Henry Troemner, 'ii, .... liMiry Delany, "' Jacob Schaudein, ~ 1.,. (John Elliott, Frederick Doll, .., ;.i: „.:' Cliristiah,D.' Frick, Samuel Miller ie ".•._ .". ,- Georizo•-10,:Fprt, •: , • A Williath D. Gardner.'-' • • . `• ' • tIVILLIAM MoDANIEL. Preeident. ~ ~. 'ISRAEL PETERSON, Vico President. riiitTr,E:COLEMAN, Seeretary.and Treasurer.; ,- ... • F AME, INSURANCE COMPANY; NO J. 809 CHESTNUT STREET. - INCORPORATEp .I&SB. ' , CHARTER, PEF,P.ErtiAL • LIIIKETX_Atir42 OO ,IM: • - * • If,TRE NMI - RANO LEXOLUSIVELT. • 's,lfoyfirety.,4 - .;,, , ,,,,,5 , : r05s Dents,gety:Fire., either- by_Per , • - petual or Tiluporary..rolicies. - - - - Inßazrolts. • , .. • • Charles Richardson,— -Robert Pearce, - - Wm. H. Rhawn, John'Keeslor, Jr., Francis N. Book, •_' Etlwatii Bv - Orne, • ; Henry Lewis, Charles Stokes, • , Nattunn Ulnae, ' , John W: Plirerman, George A. West,' • Mordecai: Busby, ' = CHARLES ICHARDSON•, Prealooloi4. WM. 11. RHAWN, Yire•Preeldent. - WILLIAM'S LiTILANOUtatD - Secretarr. _ • tt NMIU HENRY D. C00K,,, , w. E. CHANDLER, JOHN D. DEFREES, EDWARD DODGE, 116,563 73 81,647,367 80 :-xr~s~~rt~.~. 1829 - ChARTER PERPETUAL. FRA.DofIK.I.4IN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELP 1114. Office-435 and 437 Chestnut Street' , 40.0 t on January 1, 1569, 13: Capital . . . , Accruvd durpins rrerniunta :UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOR 1869, 823,788 12. 8360,000. Losses Piiid Since 1829 Over ,:ifts,so_o', Op°. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Rom pan , also issues Policies upore! the Rents of all kinds or buildings, Ground Rents and Mortgages. DIRECTORS. Alfred Filler, Thomas Sparks, Wm. S. Grant. Thomas S. Ellis, Gustavus S. Benson, BAKER, President. ES, Vice• President. Secretary. Assistant Secretary fell tde.3l Alfred G. Baker, Samuel Grant,' Geo. W. Richards, Dane Lea, Geo. Falea, ALFRED GEO. FAL JAR. W. McALLISTER, THEODORE M. REGER UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Tlilit Company takes risks at the lovresfrateif consistent withisafety, and confines its business exclusively to FLUE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL PHIA .. 'OFFICE—No. 72.3 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Minding. , DIRECTORS. , Thomas J. Martini • Henry VirißreriuOr,* John Hirst. Albertan King, Wm. A. Rohn, Henry Mama, James 1/1 ongan, ~ James Wood, , William Alonn , , John Bhalleross; Jailies',Tenner J. Henry Asian, Alexander P. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan, Albert C. Roberts Philip Fitzpatrick, , • ' James k _•• ' • "CONRAD B. ANDRES, President. Wiltr. A. Romx, Treas. , W. H. FAGEN. See'v T' PEN NSYLVANIA FU 113SII RANCE COMPANY. —lncorperitted 1825-LChartor Perpetual: No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite IndependenceS9nare. Thin Company, favorably known to the community for over forty. years, continues to insure against loss of damage by hre on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for, a limited. time.' Also on Furniture, Mocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on , liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is inrested In the most careful manner, which enables them to offer . to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. John Dercroux, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham Fell, iddock, Jr. DANIEL SMITH, S. 'rotary.' upl9-tt Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, Isaac liaxleburst, Thomas Robins, Daniel Hai WM. G. CROWELL, Sec PH CE NI X INSURANCE . COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.. ' • INCORPORATED Mt—CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. =1 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. ' • This Company, insures from losses or damage by FIRE on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise. furniture, &c.. for limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit or premium. The Company has been in mitre operation for' more than sixty years, during which all lositeilliave been' promptly adjusted and DIRECTORS: ' ' John L. Hodge, David Lewis, M. B. Mallo', . Benjamin Etting, ' John T..Lesns, Thus; H. Powers, =.- - -"Win. S. Grant, - -A. R. Mclieurv, - Robert W. Leaming, - Edmond Castillen, - D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr.. I Lewis C. Norris. • JOHN - R. WUCHERER, President. • SAMUEL WILCOX. Secretary. • FLEE ASSOCIATION. • ...OF • PHILADELPHIA, lilcorporated March 27, 1820. Office, No. 31 North Fifth street. fL4.„. 41 ' Insure Buildings, Household Fnrnituro _7.- and Merchandise generally, from. Loss by Assets Jan. 1,1869_ ..... .. ... . ....$1,406A35 OS TRUSTEES. - i , Sainuel.Sparhawk, Peter A. Keyser, Charles P. Bower, Johli Carrow, Jesse LightioPt, George I. Young. Robert Shoemaker, Joseph It. Lyndall, Peter Armbruster, Levi P. Coats, M. H. Dickinson, .Peter-Wi Hamann,;,.. WM. Mt - HAMILTON, PrPsideirt, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vice President WM.. T. BUTLER, Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO3l- PA NY.fricoriorated 1810.---Charter perpetual. " No. alo WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pail-up Capital Stock and. Surplus in vented in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on dwellings,- stores, furniture,' merchandise, vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other persona' .prop e rty. All losses liberally and promptly.adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Maris, • Edmund G. John Welsh, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, • Israel Morrii, - John T. Lewis, John P. Wethevill, William W. Paul. ALBERT C. Cnawroa ,T S HOMA reta S R. MARIE , -President. ec AUCTION SALES. THOMAS BIRCH & 8011, AUCTION EERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N0.,1110 CHESTNUT Weer. - Rear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. Household Furniture of every description received on ,Consignment. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the most reasonable terms. Sale No. 1110 Chestnut street - ELEGANTFURNITURE L ROSEWOOD PIANO 'FORTE -, WALNUT, AND GILT FRAME MIRRORS, BRUSSELS INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CAR PETS, CRINA, GLASSWARE, ROSEWOOD ME LOA ON ygoN, . • • O TUESDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut at., will be sold the following--7Abottf 10 suits of Parlor Furniture, covered; with plush,- terry, reps and hair cloth; suits of Walnut Chamber Furniture, finished in oil; with Wardrobes to match, Walnut and Oak Dining RoomFurniture,-Booketteee -Lotiuges i Centre-Tables, ri Secretaes, Reclining and Arm Chairs, Office Tables and Desks, China, Glassware. &c. SECONDHAND FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Also, a large - assortment of Furniture and Carpets from families declining housekeeping. The furniture will be arranged for examination on Monday. Sale at Nraakfottl . . MACHINERY AND TOOLS OF THE COOPER FIRE ARMS AND MANUFACT'URLNG COMPANY. ON FRIDAY MORNING, May 21, at 10 o'clock, at the Cooper Finn Arms and Manufacturing Company, on Frankford road, at the creek ,will be sold, the Machinery, Tools, sc., consisting of— Hand A: Slide Rest Lathes,' Trip Hammers, • Core Machines, • Rifling Machines Hope Iron Co.'a Shears, Large Silting Machine, Presses.— • - Also, weer 300 feet main shafting, pulleys, hangers, couplings, over 3,000 feet belting, WO feet oak portable benching, machinists' and blacksmiths' tools of every description, portable forges, furnaces, platform scales, Also,. a lot of speCial machines and tools used in mann k - fauring fire anus. ' Also, over 3,000 feet gas pipe; 26 double-point brackets; 109 sawing brackets; 70 plain brackets, &c. Also, 2 pattern makers' benchesylarge tool chest and tools. Also, Lute Shed and fencing. OFICE F.URNITURE, FIREPROOF SAFE, &c.— Also, large Farrell it Herring Fireproof Safe, oak high Desk, oak pedestal office Table, 12 oak Ariz Chairs, Diattin_g, Stoyes, &c. Sale Peremptory. LEASE 'OF, THE PREMISES.—At the commence ment of the sale will be sold the balance of the Lease of the premises for 7 years. Catalogues ready ut tho .Auction Store; on Tuesday, 18th. . . Access can be had by the Second and Third Street and Fifth and Sixth Street Paasenger Oars by stopping at the lane leading to Paxton,Flennning & Lloyd's coal and .lumber yard. • THE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH nnit-S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACratreets. • Money advanced on Merchandise genera/IY—Watolies, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Pin , arid on all articles of valup, for any length of time itgreed on. WATCHES' AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. line Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open I•'tu•e English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watchee; 'Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Lepino Watches; Fine Gold Duplex. and other'Watelies;Thie Sther;lifunt.: lug Case, and Open Face English. American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lola° Watches; Double Case English, gnarlier and other - Watelles;_ Ladies' Fatici.'Watchee; Diamond Breastpins; Finger Rings; Ear Rings; Studs; &c.; Fine Gold. Chains; Bracelets; • Scarf Pins; Breastpins; Finger' Binge; , Pencil•Casets and JOT! eirY generally. FOR SALE—A largo and valuable Fireproof Chest, suitable for a Jew:iler; cost 46f4.. - • Also, several tots in South Camden, Fifth and Chest nut streets. . . B SCOTT, Jig., AUCTIONEER, SCOTT'S ART GALLERY, 102X1011ESTNOT street, Philadelphia. ! . , SPECIAL SALE OF REST QUALITY TRIPLE , . SILVER PLATED_ re _ RNING,, ON TUESDAY: , w , , May 18, at 10% o'cloeic, at Scott's Art Gallery, IMO Chest nut otreet, Wild bo sold without reserve, a falf , and_frelle• ral assortment of best quality Triple Silver PhttellWaret riPAlteltas r ~ e p GLABEIWAILE, FABIAN WA4 I ., ,4g9z ,__Also, 11,11 tir o tiriternfO e Ctitaii . -- . 4*- Alio, au invoice of Ormolu Gilt French 21-day Clocks. D. 32,00L8E • & 09.; $ • • kji • • fsm.• ,JuroTlONßEirs, KET street:, • • fah e 4 xvi4nir moNbAr &ND - • Taint DAY: • ...3400,000 00 1,083= 70 1,193543 43 Hand Planet', Index Milling Machines, Largo Circular Saw, Frame and Saws, Large Soda Water Kettle, with coil of steam ripe. JOSAL' THObr z IV ' a tqNfit t : AUCTIONEERS; laifto - 511 S OKI i i ttßatiega t ir eet. WES ter I! ie,10 Y 1 , Lair Furniture • eaten at- the Aciptin.n.Stet . e YRiti THURSDAY. ""• ' ie - Salea'aqgfdere eDoc . i l e l attention. r ratfZ i 4 ll: °L. 34l t B°4III ...... ON TUESDAY, MAY R.. 13o'cloisk noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange -6000 Dejaware Railroad coupon bonds. 20 0 ° Notch d Pennsylvanialii u Rail r oadi 2000 Illinois Central Railroad 7 px. , en t t 3i : n ce nt. 2000 Union Canal 6 per Cent. 500 Cumberland Valleßailroad 8 per cent. Railroad 2000 Allegheny Valley 5 per cent. , 322 67 do. do. do.. Scrip. 120 , North Pennsylvania Railroad Scrip. 1000 Chester Valley Railroad 7 per .cont. 123 shares Williamsport Bridge Co:Stock. 395 shares Wrightsville, York and Gettysburg R. R. G 42 shares Georgetown as Light Co. - Executors' Sale—Estate of Joseph Andrade. !6000 Lehigh Zinc 7 per cent.,-January and July. WOO do. do. do. May and Novem.ber. . MOO Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co., 7 per ci. 150 shares Oswego Gas Co. For Other Accounts— s27oo Mcßerin and Elk Land and Improvement Co., second mortgage. e 13,700 Union Canal Co. • ' * 4 10,000 Huntingdon and Broad Top Consolidated Bonds. 100 shares Empire Transportation Co. an share% Reliance Inidirance Co. , $4OOO Harrisburg and Mount Joy Railroad. 5 shares Southwark Bank. - Shares in Philadelphia anti Mercantile Libraries. 5 shares Coal Ridge Improvement and Coal Co. 2000 shares Honeycomb Pet. Co. VALUABLE-MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ON TUESDAY ANTI WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, • - • May 18 and 19, At 4 o'clock, including Historical, Biographical Poetical and Scientific Works, English and American editions. REALEST ATE SALE, MAY hi. VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, BRICK RESIDENCE and substantially built CHURCH PROPERTY, Eighth r street, above Race, 100 feetTront. It is situate in It very improving and business square, and well worthy the at tention of Capitalists, Builders and others. See survey and handbills. HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RE SIDENCE, No. 1531 Girard avenue, 20 feet front, 150 feet deop to Water street. It has alljhe modern conveniences. Immediate possession. _ • Peremptory SaIe—VERY ELEGANT. and SUPERIOR FIVE-STORY STONE MANSION, with. Stables and Coach Houses, No. 1512 Walnut street, - 45 feet fr0nt,,,159 feet deep to Chancellor street,63 feet In the rear;2 fronts. 'i x, It Is finished in a very superior manner, and ha every modern convenience. Immediate possession. LARGE SALE OF CAMDEN LOTS,on Second, hird, Fourth and West streets. between Itiunilton street and Bridge avenue,Camden, N. J.. belonging to the Estate of he late Edwin A. Stevens, Esq., dec'd. Full particu lars in lithographs. • - . . ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE, 12 acres and 152 Perches, Waverly Heights, Limekiln Turnpike, Mont goinery county, Pa., 9 miles from Philadelphia and half a mile of 'Abington Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. . . . • . COUNTRY PLACE, 4 ACRES, Old York Road, near' Oak lane, about quarter of a mile from Oakland Station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. • • • Peremptory saIe—VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT, 40 acres, near Old York 'Station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. . HANDSOME MODERN 234-STORY STONE RESI DENCE,with Stable and. Coach House and Green House, No. 123 Duy's lane, Germantown. • Perethydory Sale—For. Account of a Former Purchaser —MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,No. 1513 North Twentieth street. Has all the modern COUTO nielices. Immediate possession. ,NEAT MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL LING, No. 531 Wharton street, with a Three-story Brick Building in , thesear on Mcllwain Arent, Nn. 522. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND-STORE. No. 317 North Eighth street, Above Callowhill, 39 feet front. Peremptory Sale—To Grain Dealers. Flour Merchants and others—VEßY VALUABLE BUSINESS PRO PEETY•-•TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING. Washing ton avenue, east of 21st street, 85 feet front, 130 feet deep to Alter street:. Peremptory SaIe—SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING and 'LARGE LOT, Washington avenue, west of ~Twentieth street. - Peremptory Sale—To Close a Partnership Account-5 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS,Dos..I72O, 1722, 1724 ; 1726 And 1728 Leib street, between Front street and Fratdiferd road. and South of Harrison st. Same Estate—GßOUND RENT . 4 ,4'50 a year. 2 VERY DESIRABLE LOTS.; Ridge avenuer through to Turner street. Northwest of Hd. • Peremptory,. Sale—TWO-STORY BRICE. DWEL LING, No. 13e,ach Street; betiveen . - :Mariborengh - and - Hanover. Peremptory SaIe—HANDSOME MODERN THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, with Stable and Coach Ilonse Forty-first street, above' Hutton, West Philadel phia. 'Lot 120 by 166 feet to a 55 feet street. Executor's Sale—Estate of Hannah Howell'. dee 41.—; VERY DESIRABLE TIIREESTORY BRICK RESI DENCE, No. 218 South Fifteenth street. below Walnut. • VERY DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 4 AClllit'S, Baltimore turnpike, Delaware county. Pa., about 2 miles north of Chester and 10 miles from Ph ihuielphia. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, N 0.22.36 Main street, Germantown. 41 feet front,-, ' THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. al Otter :street - , - west of-Frankford..road,7l6th.l.Ward,..with.a_T-W0 , .. story Frame Shop in the rt•ar. - MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING; 421130ut1i Thirteenth street, between Lombard and ' THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N 0.219 Juni _per street, above Race. DESIRABLE LOP, Ridge avenue, N. W. of Vineyard street. Peremptory' SaIeVERY ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT—THREE-STORY STONE - NIANSION,- Stable and Coach-Houset, Green Houses, Ac .. 23 acres,- New. Second Street Road,Noutg.ornery county. Pa., near City, Line Station, North Peninnivania Itailroad—Residence` of Wm. G. Moorhead, Dirt, WELL-SECURED GROUND RENT, $ll2 50 a year, Payable in silver. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 909 North Fifteenth street. Atiministiator's Peremptory Sale—To Close an Estate —4 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 1059; 1061, 1063 and 1065 North Front street. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1906 Wil cox street. Peremiddry StiIe , —BUSINESS LOCATION—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Dwellings, Sheds, Tracks Sic. an old-established , Coal Yard, Front-street,nertik of bites, 12th Ward.fiiet front. MODERN -- THREE-STORY - 'BRICK''DWELLING; No. 2128 Franklin street. VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY, N. W. corner of Twenty-third . and Arch streets; 72 feet front; 370 feet deep. Itconediato possession. Executor's Sale—Estate of Joshua Longstroth, deed VALUABLE STOCKS. ON TUESDAY, MAY 25, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange -110 shares Philadelphia National Bank. 100 shares Northern Liberties National Bank. 43 shares Girard National Bank. 16 shares North Ameilea Nation al - Bank. 10 shares Commercial National Bank. , 15 shares Philadelphia Exchange. 20 shares Now Castle and Wilmington . Railroad. 3 shares Pennsylvania Insuranpe Co. 1 share Philadelphia Library Co. • For Account of Whom it may Concern— SO shares Fame Insurance Co. • *_Sale No. 1402 South Penn Square. NEAT HOUSEHOLD-FIT TS RNITIME; .k AIIIIROW,••OAR PE c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 18, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1402 South ,Penn Square, (Broad, above Chestnut,) by catalogue, the neat Furni ture, comprising Walnut Parlor and Dining Room Fur niture, superior. Extension Dining Table, Sideboard, Pier Mirror, China, Glass and Plated Ware; Mahogany Chamber Furniture, She Hair Matresses; Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Brussels, Imperial and Ingrain Carpets, Kitchen Utensils, dc. Sale No. 614 Spruce street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, PIANO, MIRRORS, CUR TAINS. OIL PAINTINGS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 19, at 10 o'clock, at No. 614 Spruce street, by 'cata logue, the entire Furnitstre,corupristng Rosewood' Draws lug Room Furniture, crimson satin; two elegant Arm Chairs, Centre Tables, Tennessee marble; elegant Rose wood Piano, 7-octaves; fine Broratelle and Lace Cur tains, six French Plate . Mantel, Pier and Oval Mirrors, fine Oil Paintings and Engravings A Bronze Ornaments, superior Walnut Dining - Raom Furniture, Extension, Dining Table, Buffet Sideboard . fine Cut Glass, China and Plated Ware, Library and Sitting Room Furniture; fine Wilton and Velvet and Brussels Carpets, four ele gant Walnut Olusniber Suits, fine Wardrobes, pottage Furniture, fine Hair and Spring Mistresses, Bolsters and Pillows, superior High Case Clock, Kitchen, Furniture, .Refrigerater,&c. . May be examined on the , morning of sale at 8 o'clock. Sale at the Auction Rooms, Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. HANDSOME HOUSEROLD FURNITURE' PIANOS, MIRRORS, HANDSOME VELVET, BRURSELS AND OTHER THURSDAYc. • , ON MORNING, May 2, at 9 o'clock,at the Auction Rooms, by catalogue; a large assortment of superior Household Furniture,. comprising—Handsome Walnut Parlor Suits, coverer with plush, reps and hair cloth; superior Library and 'Dining Room 'Furniture, Walnut and Cottage Chamber Suits, superior - Rosewood 7 octave 'Piano orto, Rosa , wood Cabinet Piano,French Plate Mirrors, two elegant Walnut Secretary and Bookcases, handsome-Wardrobes, Sideboards Etageres, Extension, Centre and Bouquet Ti~hles,Rnu Hair Matresses andl Feather Beds; Rue China and-Glassware, Plate Glass, Showcase, large. assortment Office .Furniture, Gilt Twelve-light Chandelier large „painted Bar; Marble Top, Refrigerator , 8 doz Windsor Chairs, Stoves, handsome Velvet, Brussels and other Carpets, Matting,Oil Cloth, Sic, .; Sale No. 445 York avenue,. • • 'HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. • ON FRIDAY MORNING, May 21, at 10 o'clock, at No. 445 York avenue, (between Fourth - and-Fifth - streets, - above the surplus Furniture, comprising—Walnut Parlor and ,Oak Dining Rtioni Furniture, Walnut and Mahogany Chamber Fur niture Oak Cottage Snit, handsome Velvet, Brussels and other Carpets, Kitchen Furniture; '&e.. 7, TO RENT—A: Cory largo and elegant * Country Seat and Mansiori, with all modern conveniences, gas; bet and cold water, out-buildings,. beautiful garden, tyrsw i erith Ward, suitablefor a bciarding,bouse. FOR BALE. LARGE AND VALUABLE TIIREE-STOKY STONE MILL and six Houses and Vann, 5.1 acres. Allen's lane, of a nine of Chestnut Hill and Mt.' Airy S ta tion ;on the Chestnut Hill Railroad, nd Ward. For particulars apply to M. Thomas &Sons. rr L. AgitisttlDGE SL , .UO., AUCTION .I.. • 505 MAKK ET street. above Fifth. LARGE . SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CP. , • ON-WEI/NESDAV MORNING; May 12, at 10 o'dock. wo *ill sell by catalogue _ i about MO packages of Boots and E Shoes, of city and udora manufacturo., . , - • csiseeof nien 7 e and hope, Far Hats, flaps •Tgvwltlen b ttsntnid>rOf City. apt -Country buyers ty . called ' Open early on the morning of sale for examination. UY BABBITT St CO ~ ~ CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. IN MARKET street, corner ()Malik street. full advanced on consignment* Nrithni elitcp (illarget r l / 4 ggit: 0. Q tia • ot: • • i ra a 'ria 7 _`• This Salo, on WIDNESD...4 74 4 '.' Veatrriatapivr Erchangd;wiltiactuda the To owing— " Nortgaga. of .801,well secured. PACEMCIELACE--Throehttoi7 'WTI= 3d and Vine sts.,/ lot 36 , by Pt ftiet Sale—Estate af P. 'CIO:, deed. . 4t t'i7 4 t No. 714 .LIXISONST-Three-story Brick Div,* lot IS by 90 feet to Ellett st.,2d Ward; subject to ground rent. Orphans' Cuter; Sat e -E5t444,14-1, 7, frft Cdrraheri deed.. • • - , TJ; BUILDING LOT—afeßetin at west OflH;reteattf stti , 16 by 76 feet. Orphans' . Court Sale---Betate of johistp. Bland, dee'd. • No. Wiz NORTH TWELFTH. ST--Gentoot. Thrift story Brick "Dwelling, with back bullth_ngs, lot 1.61/ feet. Subject to 4138 ground rent. Has the, :,4 conveniences. -la_ ' • • - ,-;, No. 71.1 sawn; S ECOND ST—ThreeStorrßriellt- Store and . Dwelling, lot 16-bY 74 fe et., Subject to i round rent. Sate by order, the- ,Tl',uSteo e k e No. 615 PASS*UNK ROAD—Business, Stand, lot 21/ by 75 feet. Clear of incumbrance.• Sam . GROUND RENT OF e 44 PER ANNUM—Well se- '' cured aud_punctually paid. Sok by order ot Ole COOrtar Common Pleas—Estate of Ben,: ;Davisofec'd. - Nos. 811 and 813 NORRIS ST—Two genteel ThreeiL story Brick Dwellings, with back brdbliugsilot 16by iii feet. Have the modern tonveneences.• • ' " VALUABLE.OLL CLOTH MANUFACTORY, out buildings and over 4 acres of land, Setond' st;and avenue, Tvrenty•fifth Ward; on the JunotfotP and near' the North Pennsylvania Railroad, with line facEttiea for shipment.•./The machinery will be included itt Sale. , Plan at store. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate at lames Csrtnichnet dee'd. , - - . . _ . , , MERCHANTYILLE—Two lots of ground, fronting oil Moorestown and Camden Turnpike road and. Finn ate,' nue, Camden county\ N. J., each 177 by 200 fef 3 t.- 3akf absolute: Plans at the store, • - BIERCLIA.NTVILLE-3U buildings. Lot adjoining thitp. , above, fronting on Finn avenue and Chapel roads, tack to by 176 feet. Plan at the store. Salo abtoluto., COAL LANDS-10-33 interest in 2,500 acres of coal 1 , land in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. • • Full particulars in Catalogue. • Pererurtory'Sale on tho Trembles. ~ STONE DWF,LL NG AND GROUND, LANCASTER - AVENUE AND FORTY-NINTH STREET., ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON; May 20, at d o'clock, - will be gold withertl reaerve, on Epp prembloo— . - LANCASTER AVENUE—Two-story Stone ilatulai west of Forty-ninth street. Lot 26% by 105 feet. BUILDING LOTS adjoining the above., - • STONE DWELLING, adjoining. -Lot by 100 feet. MERION AVENUE—A trlanguat 10t,25 feet front: • MERLON AVENUE—Building Lot, 25 by 100 feq. Plan at the store. Sale absoluto. • Sale No. 23 South Tenth street. • LEASE; GOODWILL AND • FIXTURES OF , DRINKING SALOON, LIQUORS, lIDOSEROLDP FURNITURE, dcc. 1 , , s , • • ON FRIDAY MORNING, • At 10 o'clock, will be sold without reserve, the Leassi (hating 314 years to run), Goodwill awl Fixtures of . ta llestaurant, Brandies, - Whites, Whiskies, lioUsekol4 Furniture, Cottage Suits, Carpets, Mirrors, Hitches Utensils, kc. , • • 1001713TINpr, DURB(.)ROW &. Co.,'• JJ „ • AUCTIONEERS • • Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET street, corner of Batik street. M • • Successors to JOHN B. YERS dr 01).,_±.- • • •, SALE OF 2000• CASES BOOT:4,-8110ES, LAQIETS, EATS, CAPS,•STRAW' GOODS, ece. , • • ..CiN TUESDAY M0RN.W14,,. • , • • • May 18, at 10 o'clock, on four months credit,' including-t- Cases men's, boys'. and youths' calf, kip, ban - 'Satherent • grain Cavalry. Napoleon, Dress and Congress Bootsfan& Balmorals; 'kip, buff and polished grain , BroganS;WW , 111111 . 8, nussesr and children's calf kid, enamelled and buff leather, goat and morocco Balmorrils,....• C6bgresst Gaiters; Lace :Boots; Ankle Ties; Slippers; Metallic . , shoes and Sandals; Travel iniA Bags, ShAsslitte.ets, AcAL. 10,000 PAIRS ARMY BROGANS. Men's prime sowed Army Brogans, regularly amoral' ' , 0s to I.s. . LARGE SALE or • . • ' 60,000 ROLLS PAPER HANGINGS. • ON WEDNESDAY,, _ May 19, will be peremptorily sold,on four months' credit; 18 4 000 rolls Wall Paper and. Bindings, of the, most .ais• proYed patterns and styles, by order of Messrs. JANA WAY & Co., of New York. • • LARGE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GEUM4I( -; AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ON 'THURSDAY MORNING, 31fay 20; at 10 o'eloch, on four months' credit. . „ LARGE SALE OF GARPETINGS CARTON' priAt. • • TIROS, OIL GLOTHS,_&.c. - • ON• FRIDAY MORNING, ' May at 11 - o'clockitin"four ItioiitherOdfr;abotirmer' -- pivces Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage, and gijr, , f, ,, t2arpetings, CIX) rolls Canton 'Matting's, Oil Cloths, Sc. , . AirARTIN BROTHERS; AUCTIONtERS; 'lnt (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & ~ .No. SZ) CHEBTN UT street, rear entrance from Minor. Sale No. WAreh stmt. , • • VERY VALUABLE • AND SUPER FIREPROOF • •SAFES; MADE BI LILLIE. • • • ON TUESDAY MORNING, •• May 18,t i 10 o'clock, at No. (139 Arch street; by mite-, logue, the entire balance of stock of, very superior .Pixe. '1 Burglar tid Fire and Burglar-proof Safes, of very de sirnble sizes, with the celebrated Monitor and Intoda ,cagoitPatent combination locicormadm.b.y.tho.Lll.lo,Safa_., mid Iron Co. - - EXTRA LARGE AND VERY -SUPERIOR SAFES. Also,•extra• large size double door• Fire• and,-Burglar proof Safes,,w4 net glar-proofs, suitablo brokers er-jewellers. ,• may be examined Batle) , pr vious tO sate, •, ": Sale nt No. ST) Ch, : butt - street. '- ' .:1 . .I`. , ' HANDSOME WALNUT PA • ; FURNITURE. 6 SUPERIOR WALNUT .Cll , I . SUITS, l'iart. e Forte, 5 elegant French Ph te •Mant . I, , Pier end Ova Mirrors, Wardrobes . 800 Mos, Han yomer-Bittssola,- - Velvet and Ingrain Ca ets, fine 11 , ir, and Spring, , ' Mistresses, Feather Beds,China and - Glastwaro, Chefs. , deliers, &c. . ' • . ' . . , ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, _.L: May 19, at 10. o'clock; at the auction -rooms,“No; 525 t. Chestnut street, by catalogue a large , and ; very desirable - assortment of Household Furniture,. &c: .'. .- ', ~ ' PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, LENSES, CA.M.Hr. . - RAS, &c. ' Also, 10 very line Cameras, Lenses, Photographic DU.. terials, &c. '' - ' . ~ ' ' ' . MUSKETS, REVOLVERS, &c.'. _ , - _ Also, 120 U. S. Muskets . ,.42 IT. S. Pistols, 7 lawe Rer velvets, &c. . FIATS, CAPS, &c. A150 . , - la.rge invoice of Caps, Silk - and . relt .,- Hate, HattS 4--- ter, Tables, &c. VERY FINRIVINDOW SHADES. ' . . - ' ,-. Also 700 Window Shades, late styles, yea liandsopiefy painted and ornamented. • _ Sale 1626 North Tenth street. - SUPF,RIOR WALNUT AND HAIR OLOTTEPAHLON FURNITURE, CHAMBEK,' DININO ROOK AND ' SITTINO ' ROOM FURNITURE, HANDSOME-. BRUSSELS CARPETS; KITCHEN 'FORNITURN,, , ON THURSDAY MORNING, • , May 20; at 10 o'clock, at No. 1826 North Tethth sireetiii . ' catalogue, the entire superior Household FurnHure. • T. A. McGLELLAND, A.IICTIOXXER, • 1219 . CHESTNUT etreet. .1 CONCERT HALL AUCTION HOOEIS: • I Rear entrance on Clover street. Household Frantiture and Merchandise or every dekrip. , tion received on consignment. Sales of Euraltur,e.ag, dwellings attended to on reasonable terms.' NEW AND FIRST- CLASS ROUSEITOLD PunNl- TUBE, MATRESSF. ,t 3 CARPETS,. OFFICE giya- NITURE, SILVER WARE, dre. ON TUESDAY MORNING, . May 18, at ffi o'clock, at 1219 Chestnut street, bo sold a large variety of 'Parlor, Chamber and Dining ItocgC S Furniture and Cottage uits, Wardrobes, Bookcases, „• Sideboards, Office Desks Matressos , Marble Top Tables:. Carpets, Silver. lated Ware, &c. ASSIGNEES' SALE OF FANCY GOODS , AT TM* AUCTION 1100315,'_1210 CHESTNUT STREET; • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING,- May 19, at 10 o'clock, will be mold by catalogue, by order of assignees, the entire stock ef if FanCy Goods , Storey consisting of Falls, Cabas,W rittng Cases,Portfolkei, Fine Cutlery, - Silver Ware, L Tea Sots, Jewel boxes y Dlusie Boxes, Opera Glases, ady's,,Gold.Watch, Gent's Vest Chains, Gold Mountings, line Pocket Cutlery, Perfume Boxes, Bohemian Vases, Parton Dusts, FronettJewelry, Ladies' Work Ilexes; Shell CombS,Ladies' ComPanioney Bronze Ornaments. Also, 2 silver moUnted Showcases, 5 feet long, to be sold without reserve. TIAVIS & HARVEY, 'AUCTIONEERS,, (Leto with M. Thomas & Sons.) , • Store Nos. 48 and 50 North SIXTH street. • Sale at the Auction Rooms: ELEGANT FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD. PIANO, • FREN FURNITUREMIRRORS, FIREPROOFS, OF FICE , ROOKCASES, SPRING AND HAIR MATRESMES, BEDS, FINE TAPESTRY CARPETS, MATTING, Ac. • ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'cloek, at the auction rooms;Nos.4B and 10 Noitit • Sixth street, below Arch' street, including very superior . Walnut Parlor and Chamber Furniture, in suits; Sofas and. Chairs,_ handsome Walnut Wardrobes, Etagere, Sideboarde, Eitension Tables,•Contre and Bouquet Tel:- bits, superior Secretary Booltcasoe„ Rosewood • Piano Forte, large French Plate Mantel blirrore, Pier Mir •rors,•3 superior Fireproof Safes. Quire Tables awl Desks. superior Spring, Hair and Husk Matresacs. Fea ther Beds, Housekeeping Articles, Chinn and Ohm- • ;ware, An. In New York! 'ffENR D: MINER, .AUCTIONE ER: I Silearoolu, No. 8 Cortlandt street: Art Gialertes, Sib Broedway, two doors from Fourteenth street. FINE ARTS. 'I ,-, . Now on exhibition free, day and evening, at mints ' & BARKER'S Art Galleries, 84 Broadway Maw York.2.s Third animal eale by,D'll IJYVETTER, lbsti., °rant-. , werp,, , of - vainsble jimintings, painted to his order .bri ., .: l• A • some of the most distinguisbed - andrhighlY esteteneslar-,--..- - lists of the French, Belgian and Dusseldorf Sondes, tnut l which, for artistic finish, beauty of oointandtigntm,ariai..;' of subject, has not been excelled by any collOctlono - fired to art lovers in many years, . • 7 +-, , .1.1 , ,) FA; ' i , lIENRY D. MINER A , RARER will Banat arfetlen t tn: • Thursday r and Friday 'evenings, 'May 20 and..lD, ita YG,,„ I o'clock, at their Art Galleries, fil4 Broadway, the en 4 gallery of superb .Pictures belonging:4o Diguyrofgrw,, 1, Esq., tu, which the following favorite and (*bout lir- „. tints are characteristiculir.and beautifully 'reprOlianteirl 0 ., ,5% F...lirere, . /: . ' 14. , Ten - 11.00;. ' .", , All'iri-t5cA E. Fichel, • kll. 1/e Deal,. __,. 4 . ~ , F. Willes,tu . .`• ' ' COuritließllttuMl, 4 2 1.0 `• 1 P. Van Schendel, T..Rooteroil l ,,,, ; ~,,,...,,, Plassati,' • - F . Mus c it ,7 6 , --I , --, .s r..: Amara, . , . ; ..11,,Sav ~,„..,,,, Troyer, - Koelr, , Koek,- '. Dargehuh ... . • . : E. sett, .... ' E. Ridan, No elitgoit, tieignao; . '... ,' : ' .. , W tileaW ,:f. w a 6:8N . , F!' Morgoin.,•. 11. Thinner,, • : JC. Veiboeckhoten, L. Itobbe,.Van _. Jacob Jacobs,' Dart 4Got,• The Geraitt;' Schaefelac, And 'others op ilititpctiOU OCt Calleitt =ME tQTs•lt. ' : t iddatitt( ;Strobel* .Iretorsohtur, • ,DOYstille., Not SOM. • - 'Wvgerti • iltAlosqoc 4 "‘ sr goi!trigai."°Bll—,,,