4 iKnlittng the Ncarl.” A sly little maiden Bits hy_me to-night, ' Softly bumming an old tune low 3, Irbe bright threads huh through her Adgert white, As the guideth tbe needle to and fro. , Sweet Is the tong that the maldei singeth, • Bad to_my heart ere theihoughteit bringeth ; Dreams that vere borie,llao long ego, Under the snkat;—undar the enow. • Little 00:r cider' knoweth of this. Weaving.the bright threads In the while; Ifer thoughts are weaving .a dream of bliss,. Atod the redlips -part In a sweet half smile, As her happiness in with eaeh stitch she twineth, end the light in the luminous eyes that shlneth Under the lid grows o tender and dlm, Thinking of him—thinking of him I Thus tbek needle bearetb a double thread, As daisitiliin and out it flies, And the conscious flood in tier cheeks glows red, 'Neath the smile of my steady eyes. Shake down the cloud of thy brown hair's glory, Lest thy blushes should tell the story , That was old when the Eden skies were blue, Yet ever is new—ever is new. Bo blushing and shyly the maiden sing', Knitting the scarf for her absent lover; And methinks two angels with golden wings Softly round the maiden hover. • Heaven grant , that the hopes thou art weaving Leave no room in thy heart for grieving ; "Angels keep thee," I softly pray, Turning away—turning sway. AN EVENING 10 ;1 1TH THE iMMORTALS. BY' .76EIN QUILL. Mrs.-Tweezer, my landlady, belongs to a spiri tual circle which meets in- her back parlor on - Thursday eveniegiti 31rs—Tweezer' -believes in spirits. Before old Tweezer died - she was a Second Advertf.womanfand used to rig • herself out in a lot of - pillow-cases with arm-holes in them, which ohs Milled "ascension robes," and eoncenting whictliTsibezeir used to remark, that if an old heifer like her everdld get into the spirit world with those dads on,,she would be sent back to earth to dress herself decently. But Mrs. Tweezer never went up; probably be cause she weighed abent three hundred pounds, and never could entirely overcome the attraction of gravitatkoxi,;) - But Tweezer died; it was said, of a rush of Mrs. Tweezer and a poker tO the. head, and os she im mediately afterward turned .spiritimilet, it was thought that Tweezer's departed spirit must have come buck to %Atli:lent her, in order to wipe out some of the old scores she• had run up in her So Mrs. Tweezer - joined a circle, consisting of five women, four men,and a long, lanky medium, whd was shaped like a clothes-pin, and whose mouth was so large that-when he yawned the top of his head tell over like opening the lid of a mus tard pot. One evening, after a frugal supper of cold liver, and' tea that tasted as if copper cents had been boiltd in it, Mrs. Tweeaer invited me to join the circle. I did so. The mediiim was the head centre, and he sat in the. middle, with the com pany around him, and. Mrs. Tweezer next to him, crowding him in such a tender style that the do parted spirit of old T-weezer would have got up and howled if ,he had cared a cent for her, which be didn't. There Were three or four of the other boarders present, and - the medium, after rolling his eyes • aroundas if he was in the last agoniesof strewn latlon, and opening his moutla puffin looked like --- theDeliiiitfe - Wit ter Glip - Tobfierved - thnt - thirspir= - Its:-informed him that there were _unbelievers present, and that it was desirable ;441 convert Mr. Smith, the funny - young man of our board ing-houseostated-that he not only thought it was allbosh, but he didn't believe the spirits could convert him a cent's worth. No sooner had he ttil4reg there words than Min. Tweezer got to j um pi n g n iont i i 4 5 i; washnhg_on a string, and somebody was milling if, a ncu LT, first thing knew ehe fell-againat-the fanny_boarder,_Smith,_ Ilungler arms around his nick i and liked to have_ mashed him as fiat as a sheet of boiler iron. The medium stated that she .was under spirit ual influence, and that an invisible presence had Impelled her to hthave so. - Mr. Smith said he believed it would be judi cious to dispense with the services of the said in visible-presence for the balance of the e_ultipg, or there would be a man about the size orthe me dium hurt. The medium then said that if Mr. Smith was still skeptical the spirit expressed an anxiety to pick up the arm-chair and slash him over the Tose. But Mr. Sdulth said he believed not this evening; and the spirit had better go quietly home to It's own torrid clime. He thought the room must be uncomfortably cool for an immortal being who was evidently accustomed to live in a fiery fur nace. Three raps on the mantel-piece, and the me dium jemarked that an important spirit wished to speak. It-stated that it gave a last warning to old Miss Ferguson that she must stop taking brandy in her water,,or she would die of spontaneous cow . bustion. " It's not so. I never touch it!" said the venera= --- hie Ferguson, wilt her face so red that it actually made her flnely-colored nose look white. `Yes It is though, and I'd advise you not to go around listening at Mrs. Barry'S keyhole again as you did last night, for she's 'laying for you with a pitcher of water to so - use on you over the door " "What an awful story; there's not a word of truth in it," said this fluffy old girl. "It is true," said the spirit. "I am George Washington. cannot tell a lie." " As the spirit seemed inclined to be sociable I thought I would converse with him. "Well, George, old boy, how aro things?" "Oh, first rate," said he. "What do you think of the crowd here to night?" "Ott, it's all well enough excepting that I think it would be judicious for young Tompkins to sit p squeezieg Mies Mill's "waist under the,pre • et that he is trying to keep her shawl on.' Sudden movements on the part of Mr. Tomp kins, who said; "Leek here; I think we had better put out the bt his. 'I he spitlts work easier in the dark." Another rap. Spirit wanted to communicate with me. "Who are you?" I asked. -- "I cm the spirit of Horace Greeley," it said. "PrhaiNl Why, Horace ain't even dead!" "Yes, he is, though." "No, be ise't." "Yes he is!" ''l, We "Is!" "hied" 6, 10 7,v, • "But I know be isn't dead!" "Well, then, It he ain't,l'm the spirit of your aunt." "But I never had an aunt," you bac! Don't you recollect your dear Aunt Amanda 2" "L o, I don't recollect my dear Aunt Amanda. .1 Weser had one, I tell you!" ' . Yon had!" "1 raon't!" "Hutt 1" "Hadn't!" It don't make any difference, then. I'm the spirit of John Brown." 'Bat I thought that was marching on 2" "W(.11, It bus utoppcd." "Well. how are you, John?"' "Oh I tolerable. Could you give the medium a drltk of that fineold brandy ot yours, this even- thould think not." This wee the last I heard pf this . remarkable spirit, and I thought the medium appeared dis &pieta , d that, he had gone away. It may have tech the brandy, though. Then the medium stated that an imperceptible etrei,ce desired to converse with Mr. Smith. ' Bow is the imperceptible essence on throwing chairs'?" it quirt Suilth. win not hurt you. I am your guardian an -. 0," said-the-spirit. "Is that ?" slid Mr. Smith. "Well, wll5 •dhit.'t ou hover around sooner ?" ' I don't k hover. pervade apace," said the spirit. - - - /he :wrathy vtithr your - wings ! 1,1(-nfted Any of ohr (emit is? Order you I,esv pair, shell I ?;'• d Smith. "I 'dui- ttnni. - My duty is simply to 'watch over you." s.whero was 'I lust night?" asked young Smith' “it tplturch." 'Tight: You utesin't tell where'l, was night before last." "At a 'free and easy,' " al hispered , Smith to me. , kiiiff - ,ll4l — TWUZerTirrlhe irit world?" inquired Mr. Smith. • "Yes; be where. now." "Is he happy'? Aed if. so, what is, he doing?"' is in ecatacy, because he knows Tompkins, is going off without payinghis board. He is now engagEd in shaking his 'spiritual fist at Mrs. Tweezer." "That's him I" said Mi.' TWeezer--"that's him Always the same old' fool ! But where's that Tompkins ? I'll blister him—l will !" And Mrs. Tweezer pranced down into the entry, to lock the front door, and lay in wait for Tompkins. . "Yon are my guardian angel, are you?" said Smith. "Do you care a great deal for me?" "A great deal." "Well, then, ,just. lend me seventy-five cents; will you?" "The spirit has departed in anger," observed the medium. , "Nice old guardian angel that," said Smith; "very careful of his stamps for a first-class bent flee= spirit. Any More imperceptible essences around waiting to converse with me?" was what Mr. Smith, remarked. . 'There is one," said the medium; "that of a young girl with a wart on her node." "What's your mune?" asked Smith, turning a little pale at the mention of that wart. • "Mary Daly." , "Welk what • can I do for you?" "You jilted me, and broke my heart," said she. "Served her right, too, the hussy!" said Smith's "Keep cool, my dear;" said Smith to his spouse. "Weil, Mary," said he, "you-ain't a bit more sorry than I am. • rm being_ punished bad enough with this old pullet here ,Mrs- Smith." s • "Mr. smith, I' ll scratch your_ eyes out, you good-for-nothing, impudent wretch!" said Mrs. Smith; but instead of that she flow at the medium and tore all the back hair off of him„ and.in two minutes there Was- one of the moat • successful 'riots in. the roorathat I have ever seen. It ended . by the`eirele being broken - up; whilethe-inseri-- eible, medium was laid on the sofa, and had a whole bottle of. 'Mrs. Tweezer's best brandy poured. down ' before be revived. ,Smith's wife afterward sued for -A divorce, and Smith says he don't obtually care a cent about it, for she is too much addicted to the use of her nails when she gets mad. T But taking it altogether, I don't think I will visit the circle again. I am under the impression that the medium is in love with Mrs. Tweezer and the brandy, and plays the spiritual dodge so as to walk into - her affections and her 'liquor. And I'm not going to him do his courting. WILLIAM _PENN AND ; THE INDIANS.' waex WTLLIADL PAID FOR rENNSYL4ANIA We giviitracrw the deed by which the State of Pennsylvstilii Was transferred to William Penn by the Indians in 1685: This Indenture witnesseth that we, Packenah- Jarekham, Sikals,"Partquesutt. Jervis' Etsepen, auk, Felku oy,Hekellappans Eeconus; Mactiloka Metthcongas, Wises Powey,lndlitu Kings, Bache makers, right owners Of all lands from Quing- Luingue, Called Duck creek, unto Upland, called Chester creek; all along by the west of the Dela ware river, and so between the said creeks back wards as far'as a man can ride in two days with a horse, for and in consideration of these follow ing goods to us in hand paid and secured to be paid by William Penn, propriefary and governor of the provinces of Pennsylvania and territories thereof, viz.: 20 guns,. 20 fathoms matcbcoat, 20 fathoms strondwater, 20 blankets, 20 kettles, 20 pounds of powder, 100 bars_ of lead, 40 toma hawks, 100 knives, 40 pair of stockings, 1 barrel of beer, 20 lbs. red lead, 100 fathoms of wampum, 80 glass bottles, 30 .- pewtertpoons - ;100 - awl - brsdes, 800 tobacco pipes,_loo hands of tobacco, 20 to bacco songs, 20 steelii, 300 flints, 30 pair of scis sors, 80 combs, 60 looking-glasses, 200 needles; 1 skipple ofnalt,Bo lbs. sugar,s gallons of molasses, 20 tobacco boxes, 100 jeweharps, 20 hoes; 30 gim lets, 30 wooden screw boxes, 100 string beads, Do hereby acknowledge, &c. Given under our: hands, &c., at Newcastle, second day - Of the Eighth month, 1685. - Band-Baggage at ,Niagara -- l'ho c9Rnaisgoner OttatOrdS-hafriSaued-the following : As the regulations, for some time past in exist ence, in relation to what is termed hand baggage .of -passengers,entering-the,Thaited States, upon the Great Western Railway, pitieing tnrough Canada, have proved to be inefficient to accom plish the purpose desired and onerous to the company, it Is deemed advisable to discontinue the plan of having inspectors accompany the trains over this road, between SuSpension Bridge and Detroit, from and after the 25th day of May, instant, and, in lieu thereof, the following regulation is presented in reference to the inspec tion of band baggage, owned by persons passing from one point to another in the United States over the above-mentioned road: Regulations prior to the departure of any train from the United States. The local customs officers shall attach to each piece of hand baggage, of through passengers, the customs stamp now used, with the addition - of - words designatieg the number of the train and the date and hour of the day of leaving—written, not printed—and his own signature plainly written in, ink on said stamp. If, at - the point of arrival of such train, it shall appear that the owner 01,,,,the baggage thus stamped has traveled con tinuously through on the train designated by the stamp attached to said baggage, and there is no reasonable suspicion of intended fraud, the Cos tume officer shall pass such hand baggage with out further inspection, at the same time cancel ing or removing such stamp. But if the hand baggage have no stamp thereon, or if it desig nated a different train than the one upon which ,he owner of the -baggage arrived, the baggage shall undergo the same examination as if it be lorged to a person coming from a foreign ter ritory. hr. officers must conduct all examinations of bliygage with as mach despatch and as little an noyance to passengers , as may be consistent with thoroughness and the-safety of the revenue. N. SARGENT, Commissioner of Customs. A pproved—Ggouox S. BorrwELL, Secretary of the Treasury. Suggestions.-1. The managers of the railway should, as far as practicable, assign a car to through passengers, and instruct the conductors and brakemen to prohibit local or way passen gers from entering or occupying such car. This will greatly facilitate the examination of the band baggage, and relieve the through passen gets from much annoyance. 2. Officers should closely scrutinize all large pit ces of hand baggage, even though stamped, t specially if the owner is judged to belong to a well known class who seem to have a natural proclivity to defraud the revenue. The stamp is not to protect the baggage from thorough+ex amination if there is reasonable suspicion of In tended fraud. 3. The officer whose duty it is to apply the stamps to the hand baggage, should have them prt pared before the time they are to be used, so that there may be no unnecessary delay or cause of complaint. N. SARGENT, COMMIBEIOner. PAPER COLLARS. DORE, DORE, DORE.- BUMMER STYLE. BEST QUALITY. The. Only, Narrow Round End Collar. Furnished by the principal retailers. 0 rS IL DOLLAR FOR FIFTY COLLARS. Put up in new style, five mall boxes containing ten rollers each in a 14HAVPIFUL VALHOY OATITON. All who prefer hannow COLLAnn are requested to gyve them . a Dial. Trade enepll. d by the REYBTONE. C i OLLAR COMFANY tn , yl2.w s w St§ No. ISSI CHESTNUT STREET. QARRIAGEb. SPECIALITY OF Pony rithetolls and_Velocipedes Of the lat l e i z e y: i tzlegglo p ei n e t zt e . erl o e f ew n tr o fither with all Phaetons and Carriages, In Mock and flnlobing. For sale by S. W. rAUOBS, • No. 617 Arch TCI 4 w list flu LIN ER lr • . AN ELEGANT ABBfilthiENT OF ONE French. MlBinary always on band by Mida A• Bonner. at box Dhow rooms, No. -VA Olean BU evt,. . 5004=4 THE DAILY EVEDIIII6- BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1869. R.-RICET&:7,;!,.W QlQ));.. N. W. corner Eighth': and Filbert: Just received a new lot of Whiti.M6ode. Satin Plaid Nainsook 3fuslitta: , '• • • ' ••• Satin Shape Nainsook Afuelips• Plaid and,Stripe Swiss .111usliint.... Fine Plaid Cligandies,37),ic. a yttrU' Swiss latislins,llctorlajmwns, Nainsook • Softalnishenitibrics, Shirred 'White Brilliantes, India Twilled Long Cloths. • • White Threes, 2.5,37.%, ES, 62.1,5,70;85,,40.and $1 a yaid Dormant , In Linen Goods. Table Linens: Napkins and Tow_plo. . - Nursery Diaper and Linenitirdsoye kir aprons. • - Figured Shirting Linens, Mt. yard: Best makes Shirting Linens; ace., 40. Best:makes Bleached and 'Unbleached Musllns. Pillow-ease and Sheeting ?attains. All wool and Dontet Flannels. • Summer Flannels; all wool and-Domat, Angola Flan nets. Marseilles Quilts,:very cheap, $4, N 4 p, $5, ..5.03, $7, $B, up to $l2, imported to order,• and, much ladow the regular prices. lioneyc,ontla and Jacquardyery cheap. BLACK SILKS. :BLACK .SILKS. • Good quality • Black Silks, T 55; 2, 5i2 25, ,v 2 35, 4'2 50, 52 75, S 3 and $3 50 per yard. A cheap lot of French Lawns; 25 cents per yard. Stripe Alpaca Luetres and Stripe Detainee. A cheap lot of mixed Poplins, :25 cents per yard. • Japanese Poplins, 33 and 3734 cents Per yard. Figured ,Silk and Wool Popllue, 80 cents, worth $11234. Bargains in Ladies' and acute' hosiery and Gloves. Ladies' and Gents' Handkerchiefs. Gents' • shirt Fronts, NeOk Ties and' - Suspenders. Jouvin Kid Gloves, best quality iniportod. , • A good Kid Glove, S 1 a pair. Ilaniburg Edgings and Inserting& • • , A large lot of Linen Fans, very.cheap.' Autograph Fansandßilk_Fans._ Silk Umbrellas and Pamela. • PRICE ct WOOD, • N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert: un - IS s w 2t ' JOHN - BURNS 3 245 & 247. S: Eleventh St., ab. Spruce, . 'Will . Offer this day, front New York .A.uctiOns:— r.t.l SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ..5."43 .4111. HOSIERY, HOSIERY; -HOSIERY: - ... Children's Gauze Merino Vests, from 9 to 30 in. Children's li, and 51 Socks, finest imported. Ladies' full regular made HoSe up. Ladies' double spies, regular Male Hose, 37%c. Ladies' khiwie Merino Vests, all sizes. Gents' Striped and _Panay Colored. Socks, 25c. up:TIQ English superfine Hose, best lmported,3Mic• Gents' Gauze Merino Vests, Si% 62%, 75c. np. Ladies', Gents' suit Children's Balbriggan Hose. BARGAIN'S IN WHITE GOODS. MO yards London Cord Pique t 25c.; worth 60c. Ftue French Organdies, Plaid and Striped, 3731 a. Piques at a), 25,30, , to 81. Soft finished Cambric, ISe. up. .• • Plain Nalnsook, I2c. up. Ilainburg, insertings and Bdgings. Large and small Plaid liainsookS for Dresses. TOWELS, NAPKINS, LINENS.' Damask Toirels, large size, 25, 51,50 c. tip.' Damask Napkins, all Linen, .5.; l 60 to ell. Richardson's Shirting. Linens, 37%c.. up.. Irish;Barnsley and Scotch Table Linens. 124 Linen Sidieting, el . 31,,,.9,1 45 to Ccistiute LuteriShifecifig - ;2?zydsiVide;tll2. ' Job Lots of Handkerchiefs. Please examine quality and pried before purchasing elsewhere. myliks t It2t • 41. SI - ANY g T 4 Fourth and-Arch. - Summer Silks Closing Out. Fashionable Stripe Silks. Japanese Stripe Silks. Japanese Gray Silks. • Summer Mourning st ll tk 4 - Best Black Silks in the City. EYRE & mwetf Materials for Suits, In Stripes and_Gfay Mixtures, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON THIS MARKET. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut. Street. SITAKS ,SILILIKS In Stripes, Checks and Shots. 114 GREAT VARIETY= RICKEY, SHARP • & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. 8-4 BLACK HUNAN', HEAVY MESH, AT $1 SO PER YARD, RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINETTES; A _FULL ASSORTMENT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street* LACE POINTS, In New and Beautiful Designs. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestmit Street. .213 , 8 310 D. S. DORMON, 310 910 N. Eighth Street, above Vine; Spring opening of Black Bilks. Drees Goode, Datieimeree. White Goode, Rid Gloves, Etnbroideries, liosiery, qloves, Triremings and Notione, together with a full line of all goods usually kept In a large, firetmlnee Dry Goode Store. \ Black Bilks, $2, $2 25.182 40. Gobd White Muslin, I.oe. Haack Bilke:s2 50022 7658, Plaid Muellne, - 20, 25c, !Bark Alpaca, 'Bl, 85. 40c. • Stripe Naineook. 22, 25c. • Alpaca, Imetres, 20, 55, 00c. White and Buff Pique, 25c , I/chair Lustros, 65, 76, Oil. Yard wide Chlntzeo, 280. Beautiful Drees Goode. 23.25. WeolCaenimer,e, 15. 65, 75c. 6 priu a Alpaca; 25, 28, 31c. „ Black and. W hite tikirte, l l2)c Our goods are new etylcifesild freeli,boughfat the lowest - cash - figures;n - and will- btroffered - arepecial - bargrrine;' tc make room for.kiummer purchases. Remseinher the Number, 810 North EIGHTH. Street.'. above VINE, (largo double front litore.) . • ml 6 Ilmrp - . N BARGAINS ID: FRENCH STyLe, A ra. I v ' 4 T l,N B l :o ' . v c .• i P t w f l it i 4 ( ls • N f t :_ s4 a s l 2, o :s lj e d . D p olA u n r il y s a o T ailt d . 13 kilt ecooTadffizhiceroot: (Soccettor to Marries T . SUMTI(Eit DRESS? GCBOI)ST. • • 10.000 YARDS . . , SILK FIGURED GRENADINEI4- ... At 871 Centel- Per Yard, Coss to import, fittptive boll** J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The 'Bee-Hive," 920 CHESTNUT STREET. • mylBlhett DRY GOODS. 13 a rg nine EXTRAORDINARY. ~8.000 yards 86-ineh • SEAL HAND-SPUN FRENCH LINENS. 1.000 yards 25.4nch BAND-SPUN TIELGIAN LINEN TOWELS...UM 1.000 yards 100 Inch HAND-SPUN FRENCH LINEN ButETDias. 200 dozen 8-8 by 8-8 HEAVY DAMASK LINEN NAPKINS. All of the above Jots we are selling for currency at gold Wean, being a reduction from regular' pilafs ef 833 i per tett. Alio, a lot of 2CO dozen HEMSTITCHED AND CORDED-BORDER LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, For Ladiee and Gentlocnen. at a reduction of about 25 per cent. from reguler price. 200 pairs rich and very elegant Real Lace and Nottingham Lace Cuitaina, The finest qualities ever manufactured or imported. Also, a Line of ' FASNCEI TABLE CLOTHS, WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH, in entirely new and elegant Patterns. 2,-;4 to 5 yards long the very finest qualities. ' Sleppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, m Driers of House Furnishing Dry Goode, Curtains and Linen Goode, 3008 CHESTNUT STREET. „• 13 th a to 6trpB 215 NORTH NINTH STREET, ABOVE RACE. - ELDER, WALTON & JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS, OFFER TO-DAY GREAT BARGAINS IN Black Silks, AfP — a - cas and Mixed Goods, Pique, White Goods, Bonjour Poplins and Drees Goods in general BOUGHT FROM FIRST HANDS AND AUCTION. myl ■ to tb lmrp - EDWARD FERRIS, - No. 807 OILESTNIIT STREET! IMPORTER OF WHITE GOODS, LACES and ' EMBROIDERIES„ OFFERS TO ME TRADE. 200 Pieces Choice Piques. • 400 Pieces Plaid and Striped Nainseoks. New liamburgs. New Guipure and Valendennes Laces. New' White Goods. of all kinds, desirable for Spring trade. di r c e i t t ne o rgd and for male at a mall advance en coot of EDWARD FERRIS No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FRYER, 916 CHESTNUT STREET. Invitee attention to Me elegant stock of India Shawls and 'Scarfs, Black and /Fancy Sillis,—Japane'se Silks, • Materials for Suits, Dress and Fancy Goods. r in great variety, purchased on ir,oet , advantageous term for cash, and will be sold as cheip as at any etoro in th city. N. 8.. 4 1nd1a Shawls altered, repaired and cleaned. myßlm . GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, JOHN W. THOMAS, Nee. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Has now in stock a large and handsome assortment of New Style Grenadines, in Wipes and figured, New Style Lawns and Organdies. 8.4, 4.4 and 84 Iron,llesh Hernani. Together with every variety of new and elegant _ GOODi3. - New - and choice Goods are received daily from the New York and Philadelphia Markets. mb27 611119 W -- ITE, ALSO BLACK SPANISH LACE, Just received, choicerpatterne, at 20, 26 and 111 cents, mach better than usual for the price. MEN'S lIEM.STITCLIED LINEN EGKEd. • • Will open today. 'several lots, from 60 center to iIL very good for the price. MARSEILLES TRIMMING. Will open to-day, one lot. 26 grout. at 65 cents a piece. and one lot, 68 gross, at 40 cents a piece, or by the yard at R mall advance on piece price. much below regular. pi ice. IMITATION GUIPURE LACES. ' Jed received, several lots Imitation Guipure Laeel'verY good for the price. ENGLISH TIIREAp EtGINGS. Will open in a day or two, 2 lots. 5,703•,1 yards Real Ent. lick Thread ltdainge, under a gold valuation. -BLACK:-ALsO--W 1.6(-IEI BARBES...— _ A large lot, of superior Barbee , only 23 cents. MUSLIN INI36:RTINGS, IN PIECES t• By the yard , for Yokes.' Bodied, &c. VICTORIA AND BISHOP LAWNS. And a very. full stock of foreign White Goode, Tinder regular prices. at • WORNE'S • - • . Lacei and Embroidery Store. • No: 38 Mouth Eighth street. . . -AU i tFE . LI°PPINC TVSMAG Al. I NE.' With a faii.Pae CONTAINING ;.:.• - I. BEYOND KEA.Tr. IC§: A Novit:--PAnT By Hon; Robert Dale Owen. .14 D/ESJR./E. . Two NEW YERSIONti. M. THE ENGLISH ON THE CONTINENT. • By George - M..Towle. • IV. OUR POSSESSION. • V,IIARNEVIIOW'S HUMMOCK: A TALE. By Mrs.'Jnos G. Austin. • - VI. ON EXPItESSION•IN ARCHITECTURE: VII. TILE MAIDEN SOLDIER: A TRUE, STORY. By Mrs. Ella. VIII. DEDICATION: A Pogs: IX. ONLYNO LOVE:. A TAIAL••rPAAT - I. ' After tlei Germ:in; lky Mrs. AIL. Wilder; Il to of "Ti e _fild tkinin'selle's Secret," etc... X. ON USING STRENGTH WITH ECONOMY. • -XI. TILE NEW WORLD EXILE IN ITALY: A r0E.:4.. By Howard Givrolon. , • . • XII. THE PROSPECTS OF 11I.ADE:' , ••• • • By lion. Amnon Welker.. •XIV, A LOST tIfIAPTER. OF HISTORY. • XIV, RUBBISH AT THE PATENT OFFICE.' XV. OUR•MONTHLY GOSSIP. XV 1.; LITERATURE OF THE DAY. • Special Announcement. _. The -Publishers of Lieemeores AIAnAZtNE take *pleastire in announcing that the opening chapters of "The Vicar of Bullhampton " 7 , 4 NEW NOVEL OF GREATINTEREST; ! ' By ANTIIONY TROLLOPS, .. Ailthei of "Phineas Finn," "Oiley Fermi" "The Cla verings,""The Belton Estate," etC. WILL APPEAR IN THE JUL,Y NUMBEH, . COMMENCING VOLUME IV. ItEirFor S&L; at all the Book and Wetas-stores. Single Number,3ls Cents, Yearly Subscriptions, Bi. liberal terms to Ctubs and Agents. J. LIPPINOCirr& Co Publishers,, -- • -- 715 and- 717- 5 Market -I?hila. • my 5,26 • MRS. STOWE'S NEW NOVEL, • ' OLDTOWN . FOLKS , Jut received and for sale hy PORTER, & COATES, BUBLISDERS AND BOOKSELLERS, ° ' No. 822 CHESTNUT ' STREET, • "bindle Building, adjoining the Continental. ROOKS ET:TAMED AT WIIIII,ESALE PRICES. Just Published by • TURNER BROTHERS & 00., 808 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Moonlit! Snow, and Othsr Poe.ms,l By J. W. Waison.. • • This elegant volume takes its namw from the opening poem, a beautiful idyl. lt is in hiss end appearance uniform Wit h hu' found and Gates Ajar. Tout tit% rare sud skill which all engaged in preparing this vol have devoted to it, the publishers feel warranted iu laintins that it n ill tank among the Wettest of Ws year's Guest and most 'popular publications. 16tu0., green and wine cloth, with gilt sidestamp.. ........ $1 2.5 TURNER BROTHERS, & .00. • Bucciussors to G. rITCD.ED, Publishers and Booksellers , „ _ Also, Dealers in American and Foreign Chrome. Photo graph Albums. bibles, Prayers, Gold Pens Pencils, latereorcopte, Stereoscopic Views. Planchet , es, Flaying Garda, Stationery, , SOS Chorinut Streit, Philadelphia, Pa. • mylem w 3t4P • - completion of -the Pacifio-Railway One Week to San Franciaco. REVIVAL OF THE BOOK TRADE, 12 New Books of Special Interest, READY THIS WEEK • A UDUBON,-THE NATITEALIBT. llle Life and M il ventures. Edited by hie Widow. One of the molt entertaining and valuable of modern biographiea. In a handsome voL, ft). BAYARD TAYLOR. THE BY-WAYS OF F LTIORK. '1 he final book of Travels •of tbis popsisr sottur said by the critics to be the best. "Nothing c•in bt more eiguipite than hts pisturo+,"&c. Mau. $. '4. PLINDPITS. The Fourth Edition of thin popular Sew. tish Novel. $1 75. • SIM BBAC E. THE NEW WEST; OR. CALIFCiENIAAS 18. Full of new and Impotent ;Acta u et ;Be tic' about the . Natural Wealth of Baliforaia—th.:, Vine Crept; hilk Growing, Furming,.&c. 'the r - Semite aid the Railway—a-propoa to the g,.." event of the day. 12mo. $1 75. CRAVEN. ANNE SEVEIIII4. A Novel. By the author of ."A fileter's Story." "Remarkable f.w It purity and simplicity." "A hook that the mo.t f oee =there might give ea the moat unsopait Heated daughter." 12;no, $1 50. DAVIS. TILE II.TRANDED SHIP: A new story of remarkable power and, Interest. 161n0., 5 , !:/ couM, paper, or d.l, ha cloth. Di-storySTEDT. The Fourth Edition of the brilliint of THE AMAZON. 12ino 31 50. VAY. 'NORMAN LESLIE. By Hon. Taco. 8.1 7 e.v L. late Hinieter of the United Matte In PtuJdlu end Switzerland. 12m0., $1 76. •e' A story of forty years ego,nocr wholly re-wi Ite dramatic Interest le intense. and Ito moral and re !talons tone of the pureet character. EIARRA GUT. Admiral Farragrit'a Extraordinary t ndee, and Reception by the Governinente of Europe. A very handsome volume,with forty iliue tratione hY NAST and , ,I'AZKLIS. }:Jyal tivo. Yab Hand for eubearibierie `. • 1 RVING, New editions of all the works of WASHING TON DIVING, "the most delightful of authors," of whose works BRYANT predicts "deathless re• norm." . See separate Hits. IitTNAM'S MAGAZINE—'"rhe King of the Month. Tho T1111t1) Votrnn' Is new complete In ouc volume, 716 pages, $2 50. STEAENS. The EITAKSIWARE TREASURY of Wis. dour. Wit and Knowledge. A charming b3ok, novet in its design, and every way suitable •for- the ■tn. dent. the family, for at hoot prizes, de. 12in6.; gtic • tops, $2 50; plain, $2 .8. •: Pan atria Catalogue of other new books may be had on application. G. P. PUTNAM & SON, 661 Broadway, New York, 6ND ALL BOOKBELLEi6 DUFFIELD ASHMEA D. Publister„ Bookseller; Stationer, AND DEALER CHROMO LITHOGRAPIFIS, No, 724 Chestnut Street. Ail Books Oold Retail at Wholesale - Prices. nahlfi to th n tf ro' ZELL'S POPULAR "Clr - ol;olP9Er)x.4 A Dictionary of Eniversal Knowledge. T. ELLWOOD' Z1A1414, Publisher, 7 an d 19 South Sixth Street. mbar w e ems _,,,,,._ _,________ MR s4ovorwoutirs NEW BOOK 1,...,:', nrtANGED BRIDES ~,..,.... , • I , RnageRr4RIDES. By Mn. Emma D. N. N. Sonthnto h • " 11 11" 4 Ng IT 'lgti i T 'S 0V71. ) 4 32 23 1 15 entledr, Ns ROT it Other NevrißillaftMAtpllahed tele day Vf ' T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. PHILADELPHIA And are for sale by aßßooksollera and News Agents. man. souirletwouiraps NEW SOUS. THE CELAN GED BRIDES.. By - Mns.Emnia.D.-E: N. tioathworth. Complete in one lords duodecimo volume of over fivo hundred . Rages. Price cloth ; or. isipaper cover. ; • wHE CHANGED BRIDES 7vlo command a vB'7ll'llll sale, as itfa fully tumid to F,.ir • Play" and "How He. Won Her which have proved to be two et the best' novels aver. published. and which -are having unprece. dented saleb. for Mrs.: South worth fa. heyet4 alldoubt • the first fetuale novelist of the day.' ' ei ;It lit e.iirfileaWAll NEW.. 1110 OW: ae15 46 14 1' 1 -Tr gg 4 l Dai a4nko.7l. , an Berke the : Breginanofia , loos! , ChariseG. Leland; nur op s "Hans Breilmsnies Party." With-a ' . ' portrait of liana , Breitm ;IL thie volume. fluted paper. PrIC. BevPilitY five dints. ' . , IiANB BREITHANIVE3 PAIrrY. With other Ballad,. nein • the • "First. Sertee tur tbs Brettnicinii Ballade* biz -A _Edition. By Charles G. Leland. tine volume. tintedt a per. Price 75 cia,ts; l= gar a above two VOioll c.ontain everything that "Bane reit mann" has written up to the present time' and they are creating a greater sensation in Europe and America than an• poems aver before pablithelL Every. body ahoald pt them- at once and read them. ANN N.Blkrillas dal? MEW PIOVIBIL • TE CURSE OP GOLD. TAW Edition Now Riede. By M r Ann 8. Great 'lumen of it. Complete, in or large duodecimo volume of Ave hinadred Price $1 75 in cloth: or $1 Min paper cover. ge. outhwm re 15 7 1 s Mew Novel*. • Bow kyli WON Irr i. ' Fowl* Edition. A &mud tO. "ItAir PlaY." fly Ars EUIUM D. E. N.tuthworth Co_ pieta' in rue large duodecimo volumh o ver tiVe bunartlifi* Pages. Price $1 75 in t loth; or, $1 50 patier'etiver. YAM PLeY 1 At Mn,. EinmeD IL N. Southworib; Beath Edition now ready. Everybody is reading and. recommending it. One volume. elfitb. Nita $1.76, or one volume, paper Cover. prie r *, $1 50. CODiel of any of the above booke will be swat by Wiany post paid. on receipt of mice by the Publishers. _Pie% LIPSON _lc 306 Claehtnut St., Ybilladelpplia, es. NOW READY, PpTNAM% MAGAZINE FOR JUNE, Contents. ENGRAVINGS—View or Niplos ; Reception of Entet46 at Chet bon re , FetTaall 1 0 ,ett at Constantinople. I. FERDINAND DE REF& AND. THE SUET..: CANAL—with Maps and Plans; Edward 'DO. Leon,' IT. T.TON TIM BEACH. Rev. R. W. Darn/M. ' ILL A STRANDED Mlle (concluded). L. Clarke: IV. BUMMER PICTURES, C. P. Cranelt. • , V. MI HEM'S V A LASE, F. H. ilookten. • "VI. THE ELI WULF DON. Francis tio , outt o SU, MI It SNOW. A. ugustpAt Adqe, • VI LA SY mILLINK TRIO. Marl B. Kinney. , IX. I'ILDAY—a Romance (rlititlatied),lLD.Klmball. X. FOUR A MP:RICAN WHIM, Chas. A. Munger. XI. DE SCARLET DJ BItiCUs.J.. Mlltoa Mackie. X/I. SOME Tinton IN LONDON AND PA.IDS. .1e36-109 O. P. Putnam. XIII. .MON'l LILY CURD; ICLE—Carrent Eeoata, It Perkins. IV, lIE A ETV, B. B. conant. • LITI- ItATC RE, ART AN SCIE'NCE ABROAD; sud Tat lor. XVI. LIT ERATURF:—At. Dome E.U. Stedman. X 1. 11. TA DLE.TA Cl',' erica Zit NT:`LY ItILLETIN OF NEW PUREJCA: TloN s, TITLE AziD CONTENTd OF Tot n VOLUME. • Price 35 cents per number; $4 per annhm. LIBERAL TERMS TO CLUBS AND AGENTS. G. P. PAtTNAM lig SON, o 1 BRONDWATi - New York- MRS. STOWE'S - NEW NOVEL Published This Day: OLDTOWN FOLKS,. B arriet Beecthei. Stowe: Author of 'lluole Tona`s Cabin." 'Armes of BErronto.n etc. 1 vol. 12roo. 602 pigee. $2 00 This is the tiret novel written by MM. Stowe elnco 18814 said is the only one of her ;eerie- egret it "Dried" that has appr aced first in book form. It la entirely new, no part a> log been pleviourly ltlea stow of :view •ligtand itf.i, and t us/races a groat variety of original ono tithing charact. re. alto. 9cu:roicperfectlyfamiliar ith all hh.ses of New IF °gland character. laud depicts moss granhiatilly the mode of life, the atylit of Onnurtiti, anti the manner of VZI,TenIIO/1 of the time to which her rum belongs. nt-n Istimia before us the stately Parini Lathrop and Lady Lathrop, Alr() by virtue of their Poti. (lon were COW iderf`i be • empor.l and 4 , :lrituid cup grime of everybcoy in the pariah: ram Lawion. the vill Alta 4o nothing. and Ilia wife Um ey. r gnarly- compact. efficient itie peones box of a wen - iv: auLt Katzlah. the home.. licit mid Untie-et women In' 04. town, a princees .eve chanted behind it hide. of ragged and unstghtly thorns; dulclLeif. happie car area Icup,rfect it ether pythale la ere Oct hoer,, only they mu.t he hatniy on her patkirn and in her iy ; gocd Warn-. tic dcee.whote calimeereue. be:ifs - part fittro gae_aLatthif Letiedicte/n as he sat in Lis pew of a e uoday ; Uncle %Angina a narrow?. generous heart. d man who look. ei , peCi 41 p,/111 to bring to chord( .'I the' dr). k rt. ro. t e.nutorits sOCCitl24.ltl of femaktmor talh.y, in taldtown and at:linty: dapnygla Smith, a werauisiniachtne. &twiny. wit and up and going; Eliery Dot ei.rori a *rat daub of dobathan Edwaide, a ge.ritle- Ulla: of varied rtetoiatilshrov nit and farcinatiug man tura. yet able to "lie as Innocently acid sweetly and prot• thy as a Trench Yeoman:" Debby Kittery, loyal to King tvemee, " the tree (hint-hi:" /tev. Itr._.afeses Stern. to v bum "en auk. re, I c flea 'Cie, grand indifference to all 31ainsi- earthly a etura to gyre toe prestige and dignity of it rupetinatural heirs and mane ether striking figured drawn from life. Thii ail' ha r sap , : 'My studies have been taken from real characters. real licence and real in cidents. /tad come o: those hinge in the story which ev appear most tonaptic and like fiction are simple rer dertnica and applications of facts." It Ic belie. od that New (lugged life of sixty years ego bar never before berm co lattlitelly or graphioAly dea tineatcd re In till. book. Tne 4e.teiriotiona of tildtown. it, old meeting house, Fatter ,ends,, the way Thanka giving Day woe kept at Oliatown, .ernes dnape raid. the rt 'rival. arid 13.1 rulorleso other and Incidents; the hictaor and pathcr. the, round /tense and deep human teuderrit is of the slot"' sive it a fascination which the, remoter of "Uncle 'lorti'n Sabin" and "The hlinfiterl reco ‘ ,nizu w ilh delight. +: For sato by all BoArellera. Sent poit•paid on reeairt of price by the PubSaber*, FIELDS, OSGOOD & CO., Boston. THE FAIVIILY DOCTOR. A Complete DictloriarT. of DomesU. !ledtette and ourgery Especially Adapted for Family Use. BY A. LONDON DISPENSARY SUMMON. Illustrated with upward.. of One Thousind Blustratione , croup eco., (100, 760 pages and anAppondix. $2 i 4; half morocco. $4 00. AGENTIS I A'ANTED. Apply to G CO. GEBBIES, No, 780 SA.NSOM. STREET. 1423 but To Sunday-School Superintendents and Teachers' • NEW UNION EXPLANATORY QUESTION BOOK nu tho liarn.ony of the Goopebt Eilty•two leasons. Each qutttion ',cowered in foll,thepenaino with coalmen. torite. Geoat?phicel vortione. with intereeting Sinatra. bone from Oltenia!, trovelets. Price, 15 canto. IMPROVED QUESTION - BOON. en the Lifo of CHRIST, with the text. Arranged for clawed of all ages. Price, lb cuts. Jott onblithed and for sale by . the ••AIIESIOAN SUN DA Y.SCHOOL U.f.NION, 1122 ltheatnut Street. Philadet. Oda. myll to ttt a 51.5 it llf I .OSOPELY OF MA It ICAO E.=-- - /t 'NEW - COURSE 1. alLecturer, as delivered at the Now-Yorkjliingeruit t - m nab of Au:iy; eraeing the subjects: How to Live snit xchat to Live for; Youth. Maturity and Old Ago; Man. hood generally reviewed; We - Cause of Indigestion. Flat. niertte and Nervous Diseases accounted fort Marriage Conridesed, &a., itc. Pocket volumes containing thee° Lectures will be forwarded, post paid. on receipt of coots, by addressing W. A. Leary,Jr., South. east coruer ot —l4th and Walnut streets, Pbiladet, phis. fe26.131; COA4. 41010 WOOD, . JOIEN TONIZATIT. 1,113, 0 JONEQ TIViiITE NIT ENTIOki TO Lehigh and Loooat Mountain cod. -rElif:riktrlllui°6:4l:44:4o:Coo:o.ni:taLn. . .. 1 whi , h, w i t i, the warm ood; divan by TA we think can-. not bo excelled by 'rtY iws otherl. )3 ° a lldi • N 0.15 8 Sov th ' otlice„Fricaklln Ulu e ti ng, 4 op 114 HINES & BiIbAET.. . -144.-- ... :^7- --- ; .--- AfolultrOot wlia" rf echnvlkil4, jale-tf - .....„.. .....„.. t -- i l / 4 -0c,.11A2i( - 4F, OF PRICES iikACCITNI' OP A. el vt 4 ri i k sC. l o t t i t r l ° ln a t c. : ' .n c k o n a r. i, t , x 7 t 6 T; t ae ve int 7 tn_ 7 l s _a i r n eg t lol. : breaking and uropro 114 CO'l it i n g i nl l- 11 yard by machinery. Orore =tic a' Vyaehlugton ave. .24 yv .0 SESINGIOR. - L iroisstirobeigogiotiotatiffz, P trd • Mitsteren as nrne nar yea aye THIS weather is cold antiltdurious to the cotton Crap r "Wk'rode} pts frOnlinternid reventle, Yesterday, $707,481. A Canna filibustering eciPeditleneis said to be fitting out in Baltieeßee. keel Je • Tine French steam frigate Semiramis arrived at New 'York raterdg,. 4 „ Sevitnife pcilfireal•rneefitiketwererdlimCised in Paris yesterday. fieveral of the pollee were badly - beaten. • e "'• ••. - r Tint remains of . Daniel O'Cininoll were yester day re-interred;?ehem cemetery:at Glenne:vice; neer;Dubffni-ite-teetattly'marblemansoleum.' Irheunderstood that the President has deter mineduppiethe appointment of General Daniel • E. Sickles AB Minister to Spain. 'Son Indiana House of Representatives yester day ratified the Suffrage Amendment, it having been previously ratified by the Senate. AT the adjournment of the Apatrian Chambers, yesterdaYi the Pi:Cadent reede a speech,ttiVhich he announced the situation of the as Empire • beghlylinprOVed. '”' ' • r • ; rleatt Cortes iv.p.s,yesterday e occupied in ' dIBt ceasing - the - future form of the Government Spain. One of•the leaders of the Republican. party advocated the formation of a Federal Ite publie. • ; . , . • - BAVARIA bait formally invitee the governments of France, Austria,+PtilEatil,- Baden and Wurtem burg to be preeenVat the. Conference to he held in Munich, for "the Purpose of preserving the rights of the Statettgainst the Church. ' TUE Assistant Treasurer at St. Louis has been authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to Belle, to importerb Mettle gold they may'ece•el"`• to e ' pay chilled ireSt. - Lonisent the current rates 'in AT s,baequot given' Copee-hagee, to , 'Rees laof,la te Danish Minister to the United States, Mr. Raitteaof in a speech said, that the negotiations for the sale of the Danish possessions In the West Indies to the United States Would yet be ratified by the United States Senate. -kocouliTerfro,pa all parte of Bouth . Caroline re; preeent the uphold cotton erop aa very seriously injured by the recent old weather, in many eases rendering tedanting neeariry. The Sea 'Batelle crop-genera lly looks promiiing. Cron the verdict of the coroner's jury at Troy, pa., Michael King and his wife Mary have been committed to jail, charged with having pro duced the death of a little orphan boy living with them, by perpetrating the moot inhuman of cruelties. •PA4T of the walls of the bonded-whisky ware house of Joseph O. Finch, at South 'Pittsburgh, fell in yesterday, baryiegehree men, (3eo. Cavin, Government storekeeper ; David Stull, carpenter, and John Robinson, fireman, in the ruins. Stall and Robinson were taken out beverely - injured. About NO,-barrels of whisky were destroyed. Cavin bus since died. JoineW. Preroce", proprietor. and Joseph ell) a, editor of the Pittsburgh Leader, were yes terday held to bail to answer the ctearge of libel, Preferred by Mr. Foy, a member of the Pennsyl vania Legislature. The suit is based on a charge of the Leader that 11r. Foy'a vote was in the market when he was in Harrisburg. Tog Railroad Investigating Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature had a public meeting in Boston last evening, when the testimony given before them hi private was repeated. The officers of the Bostcin Harbor and Erie Railroad were ex ______sealnede bet nothing-was shown az _to payments of money to improperly influence the Legislature • , Aroma, stave:Y . will be leaned to-day, sp pointing July 6th as the day for holding the election in Virginia. The Constitution' is to submitted with separate votes on the disabling and test oath.clausea. *A delegation of therCon eervativreVirginians called upon the President, yesterday, and asked that the ...clause relating to county officers be also submitted to a separate Vote, but failteitn their,request. ° esaltsetes or clerks. • PUILADELPITIA, 31a* 14. —To' the Editor of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.--Sru:--I do not know whether your columns are free for the dis cussion of eubjects,in which there is always and honestly a ditferenee of opinion amongst all. classes; but believing the object of all discussions is to arrive at truth, I cannot help thinking that any paper would best- serve that end by allowirut 501ne, space in its; columns. -to ?cor respondents ' who differ froir It lit many of Its views. - It is not often that I am privileged with a sight of your columns, and were it not for that excel lent institution at 1210 Chestnut street, which admits all freely to its reading-room, you would not have been troubled , 'by your present eortes pondent.4 I know nothing of the "gentleman from De troit," the "workingman's champion," - nor am I a' - great favorer of tradesAiiiione. Many of the acts done in their name, particularly those re vealed at-Sheitielli f England, cannotbe_too highly condemned. Iw', more, any man who does not hold all such acts in abhorrence, and fight against them, be he workingman or capitalist, deserves• not the name, and ought to be despised by all men who set the least value upon their reputa tions. • . I go much further than this, and say that any society whose most secret actions will not bear lila-broad el4lighl, although it may neural° its members advance .of wages, is one :lett in the end; by destroying all that to noble in man, will have "mixed a curse mith'every blessing." Ido not wish to be misunderstood. There are matters connected with the "inner life" of so cieties, just as , vrith individuals, which are not in tended and ought not to be always open to the ken of the public, but, nevertheless,are such that, should it become necessary, their very souls may be laid bare, and nothing shall be seen that will net add-to their beauty . • I agree with you that those "who work at a' purely mechanical employment hays no better claim to distinction as working men' than clerks at whose wages they would scoff." And now let us see who Is the despot. You admit that "clerks,who are unable to form trades unions, are those who suffer most from em ployers, and that mechanics, who are still dis contented and are demanding-a , further increase, are more richly blessed than any.' Of all the arguments in favor of trades-anions this is the moat powerful I have nßet with. Where the masters - have the power we see how it is ex ercised. "These are silent, although they have a right to complain;" and Nye see the result. But why are they silent? I will tell you. The "clerk market" is overstocked, and - were they to complain , there la a very short method of dealing with them. • I need not tell you what it I know of one man in this city—an educated man, a clerk, with'a wife and two children—who is receiving t 5 per week,for his services. Who is the despot ? "Why the man is a foul 1" Is hit ? I think I told you he had a wife and two children. I am one of -this unfortunate class. I have answered scores of advertisements duringthe Iwo months I have been out of employment; of teplies I have had three. One wished me to buy the' "Life of Bt. rani" for $1 89; and peddle it till I could sell it for $3, 'Which I very respectfully declined. But the other two?' Well, they wore all 'right; real bona .fiVe vacancies. I will only trouble you with the history of one.. The reply ran -thus: "Fleas() call at -- respecting advertisement; answered by you." I went. What was that great. crowd of men? How -mariy applications there had been is not for me to say; but there stood thirty or forty young men, who, like myself, had been- favored with a missive to attend: One young man l' saw go away without waiting for; .an interview. I honor him: But, perhaps, he had not a wife and 'child. r have; and dare not, therefore, throw away an opportunity. Inter view,s,are'very ecarce. For more than two hours ilvaited for mine; but long ere it came my chance was blasted. There stood a smart• young man, in stature twice my height, and probably twenty three years of age, and dressed—a clothier's Muse , alone could describe his dress—"willing to accept _ *soo-a yearri - Probably lie had a father able and willing to feed and Clotho him, and $75 every quarter for his private purse is not to be despised. There are such men, • and I euppose ever will be. I have done. I do not say that workingmen, when they . liave the power,.Are imst-detpotlc in its use; but it is mere child's play when coin pared with the employers' use of it. The workingman uses it to get what he con dere fair remuneration for his ,services, and the • A most he gets his employer can ritiord to pay. But what of the master's 1160 of it? We see it 1. In the absconding clerk, who,'ground down _until It, is lynpossible for him to live honestly, at last folds himself in a felon's cell,. ruined for all INOZ=ZIMIT=I !time and dragnkdOWn lath -111 M Abe "young, , . um innocent, t ha t fondly lo ed him." ~. , TrnY,o3l4o4ll4it daY;*llloo,TOottin 7 toethetn: I am, dlt, yours respectfully„ - ' i , —,' "Y ' 4:4 Wonnino MAN f, ~., ,-..:..^2: ~- *y. Coal Blatoineau, - The tbl awing is the amount of coal transported aver :the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad during tho !week ending Thursday, llay 13, 1E139: I'3zuLefirt. 12,909 II ...... .... 3,114.13' 1,636 og Fro", St. Clair , • Port Carbon. ", Pottsville ". Schuylkill 11,822 00 , s! Auburn. ... ........ ...... 1,225, '07s "" Port Cltntop.,... i . *. l 4051 11 " larrisburg,DatpdE dot Alentotvt ' 8,514.18 Total Anthraclte,CoAl foi.'week 89,076 09 Bituminous Coal from lkirrlebsrg and Danphin for week.. ~............ ... ... 7,44 S 12 ,TOtal for week paying freight' 46,604 01 Coal for thd Company's use... 063 07 • Total of all kinds for 47,527 OS Previously this year......... .. 'O2 , Total To Thared ' c;;:idt:i7i,.ii .1,434,499 09 ias . ... . .... . .. 1,280,330 03 Alovr.Ackturs of . JE AtiRIV AN ArAIKAAmEns. TO _ mitre know rola rem . . „Londort..New Y0rk..........April 2t Linton. ...... ~...SoritbaruPton..New Y0rk..........Apr 1 127 ' Liverpool-New Yeirk...;., May: 4 ...I.lverpool.lNew York via 8.... May -4 FAiropean.. Liverpool.. Que bee- ...... May 4 Den teelilaud ....lioutbamptori..New York.... May 4 ' , Colorado ... ......Liverpool..NeW York. , May Englapd.Liverpool-New Y0rk..........May 6 'City of 13rooklYn...LiverpooI ..N ewYork..... May 6 TO Weatili . New York..llaniburit.,. ... . . Kay le. Cary' ut (kirk New York..LiVerpbeivialt.....May is Cuba........ Now 'V ork..lAverpoot May 12 Nevada Now York.. Liverpool.. 19 ...:Nett' ork ...MaY 20 'Aleppo. . .......... .LiverpoeL 20 - - Men" Chattneet.New - York,,Aeolnwalli 2t rah. ... New York-Bermuda...,, May 2.1 Atalanta ...........New York.. London ' May 22 Tonawanda- ...Pkiladelohla..Sayannah May 22 Ameries....New York-Rio Janeiro .. . .. ....May 24 C010rad0............New York.. Liverpool. May 26 I)B.CiSIXI* Now York. :Glasgow.: . .... . 26 Australatian May 26 OF '1 1 13.A.De..., • J. PRICE WETHERILL, SAMLEI. G. 8T013.P.4 Motrum. Commits. JehlEB DOUGHERTY, . ii/.11144 la 'Jita ?Nil" PORT OF PLILLADELPILIA-IkLty 15 6u 4143 r 5,t4 451 Sun •13m. 7 071 Meg warn. 5 24 :414 t4 ... 91r$ y plom Steamer 0 Comstock. Drake. ti 4 hours from New York. with nide* to 'W M Baird 3 Co. Seim Morning Light. Simmons. from Rappahannock. with lumber to captain. Schr A M Edwards. Thrm. „4 , dap; from Richmond. with mdse to David Cooper. -- - • , - C;LEARED YESTERDAY. ' Steamer Juniata, Boxie.New Orleanz.via Havana, Phila• &laid:s and Southern Mail SS Co. • Steamer Prometheus. Gray. Charleston. E A Bonder & Co. Steamer Diamond State. Webb. Baltimore. A Grover. Jr. Bark Laboramue Cann. Havre, B A Souder & Co. Schr Mary D Haskell. Barbour. Boston, Warren & Gregg. Schr A Egerton. Houghton. Portland, do Behr L A Watson, Wattron, Savannah, Scott. Walter & Co. Schr arxy, Yater.Boston.L Audenried & Co. MEMORANDA. nip Carrier Bove. Maxey. from Callao for Berton. at I Dimas. Canary Islands, 43 days from since. Steamer Itorman. Boggs. cleared at Boston 12th instant or this nort. Bark Rachel. Mitchell. VMS loading at Matanade 7th est. fur Tertian& Bark Clifton (Br). Gavet. cleared at Baltimore 13th inst. or 1110 Janeiro and a market. _ . . . Bark Daring - . Libby, at Matanzas 7th inst for a port north of Hateras. Bark's Ch Gamin (Br). Tref rev. and Lorena, at Carde nas 6th inst. for a port north of Hatteras.. facebrig I:0Na. for this port, ealled from Sagas 12 daya BadeEirtiattrY Field. Perry. at Pensacola 6th Last. fro= Galveston—was reported bound to Philadelphia. Brigs 0 Barnham. tdcLell,vis L Warren. Harriman: Ellen Maria, Bozic: C Gibbs Parker: Gi1 , 13 , Queen. York; Eugenia, Coombe, and A Gibbs, Haiti. at Cardenas leth last for a port nortk of Hatteras. brig Woodland. Menktn. cleared at Savannah 12th Inst. for Montevideo. Brig iareuefiVelsh. Darrel:, hence et Marblehead 12th nrtanL • • . Wigs Catawba, Webber. and & H Crowley. Crowley, nce at llofften,vetterdays , -" , •. ticbr Goedsze, Ketley, awl - Petra, hence at Lynn leth rant. Bchre J'S Watson. Houck: G Green. W"estcott. and J W Rverman..Outen. hence at Lynaltth. Inst.. • nchis Maly 11 Weelcott. Gandy; J C Henry. Mks; NV Met:Oleg Hubbard. and Ely. k enamor% hence at Lynn Ittn twist f i r M swear Jr Chrie Lie, hence At,Coh!.eeet Nauowa Tietimitt "New London 13th Met. Behr CHo ex, Holmes. sailed from New London 12th Inst. for thin port. Schr H N Skinner. Thraeher.fromTatmton for Bite port. at Newport 12th fnat. scbr Ell4ll. ealled from Rockland 11th itud. for Vinalhaven to load for this port. Sclne Nicola, Keller. and Wtn Bement, Penny. hence at Portsmouth 11th ine. • • _ • Schre Pathway. Bracy. and J hS Broomall, D0n51814 once at Portsmouth 12th hart. Behr ft J Mercer, Rent, sailed from Portstnouth 11th • for this port. - tichr Lamartine, Butler. called from New JledforS 12th . tor this port .. Schr Rockingham. Nickerson, at Cardenas sth instant or a port north of Elatteras, Behr Thoe T Tacker. Allen, mailed from Salem llth inst. or this port. Schr Mary P Somers, Young, cleared at Pensacola sth • for Om oort. _ Ilehr,l4;eile Leach. Stepnenr. was waiting at Man g ear7th ult. is C E asekeenallaeltmart. ,ealled from - Marblehead 11th Met, tor this will Seim Abide: flatly ; Mary G Farr, Maley ; M "main ney. Coffin iii4nek Price. Nickereon, and-3--A Hoffman. Crawford, hence at Boston 13th inst. &lira H A Haien , . Prarnbelt ; Tennessee. Creed, and 13 Na.th, Elwell, hence at Newbtryport 13th Ines. MISCIULANY. Behr FarragahWfrom Windsor, NB. for Baltimore. war wrecked on Monday last, on Vane Blip. The captain and crew were all saved. - - . Bchr.Trejan. Andereon.. from Dorcheeter, ."..1)2. for Now York, got ashore In Fiarlem river Illth bur:. and would probably have to diecharge before coming off. Advicee to the Ilth from echr Wanderer, aehore at Cape llenlepen. etate that the has been hauled °Mahout 100 teet.and with the next high tide was etpncted to come oIL CLARK & EVANS, No. 630 Chestnut Street OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Manufacturers' Prices. RETAILING AT WHOLESALE MOS. Gold WatcheE. Silver Wateheo, Fine Jewelry Plated Ware. German Accordeoni. Sp:ondid azomoa. Photograph Albuma. Family Biblee: Table Cutlery. Pocket cutlery. Pocket Booke; Dloney saved by Purchasi CZAR rip 23 tfrp ICE ! ICE! ICE ! ICE! ICE I ' VE! ICE ICE OFFICE OF THE. kilfeKEFißClCkEit ICE'-'66MF'ANY, No. 435 Walnut. Street, PEULADELPIIIA. EutabliAsked 1E332. InorportLted'lGl Vlliblemleand Retail Dealers and Shippore of 3EALSWIETLN IC3E. THOS. E. CAHILL. Preßideiiti J. P. KERBIIOW Vice.Preddont; A. I!UNT, Troaa'Unit': E. IL CORNELL 6dcret4rY; T. A. llENDRY.Supertntondatit". • lee delivered daily in all parts of tho consolidated city, West Philadolphia, Mantua,.. , Richmond, Bridesburg, Tioga and Germantown. Prices for families, offices, etc„ for 1800 £s daily. 12 " " . Largo consumers at wholesale prices. • >' Orders sent to the oilice,or any of the followings depots, will receive prompt attention: North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master.street, Willow street wharf, Dela. ware avenue. Ridge avenue and Willow street. Twenty. second and Hamilton streets, Ninth street and Washing ton avenue, and Pine street wharf. Schuylkill.' Ice t Ice ! loe loe loe t loe t loe zuy2l.mrp: •• • . •: A • n -v• „, f_l.l g • A THE DAILY EVENDIEV • BULLET'S - - pIiTLA PROHLA SATURDAr--MAILIS 18.69 Stationary; Perfumery, Suspenders, Neck Tice, Hosiery. -- Caaebnaros Linen Table Coven!. Linan Napkins. Linen Handkerehlofe. Woolen Table Coven. Notions, dm., dm s your goods of 8c EVANS. cents Porwook von !Hai rH FLRBT-OLABB RESIDENCB MR 0AL13.---An . i! ele&ant brown-atone, French roof villa, having a double front,containing on first floor wide hallsjarge isrlor,and a library or reception-roomall fimahed in black alma ; complete store-room, largo dining-room and two• itchons: on second floor three large chambers, dressing , room, sitting room, sowing-room , and completely-far. .nisbed bath-room; en third floor three large chambers, pile, end hot and cold water throughout. Reynold , s first. lelass beater and range; low-down grate in library. newest tylo gas fixtures, stationary washstands. marble man. Is. numerous-large• closets, dm. Wide piazza, with or. anloatal roof and balustrades; front and side yards, t.ith baihstrades. terraces. tic.; bay windows in parlor, Wintry: sitting-room Lad chatnbara,' A • . :; 7 ; :w• • riCr 11115nr11211,01fledrit 'situation torn Mansion can be found. It commands superb views extending over miles ff picturesque scenery. including woods, streams, water alb, vales and hills, . The lot Is t '7O feet 'front ; the Inailding hi entirely new, built And flubbed for - the owner. and is in a t respects handsome and complete. It is convenient of access, by paved esdewalks,-near churches, scnools, market and railroad depot, commending all the luxuries and conve- Silences of town and country. ' Price 1/121-000, clear of all incumbrancoa, if Sold before the first or jene. - ' . Jmniediatoposiession. , -,' ' Apply to i nays.s4t. F. D. SOWER, 220 Main street, NoFriatown. Pa. GERMANTOWN—ELEGA'NT STONE COTTAGE, Tulgehocken moot; 13 rooms, gas.' bath, large lot; ten urinous from depot wily 816 ilia. -Easy terms. Aogly eivn, to C. KEYSER KING. next Depot, lerman town. • 1L..: GERNIANTOWN—BSIALE. 'HOUSES., 8 ROOMS, n: near Depot: $2,200. Large atone honed: 13 rooms; Lot IGO by 200 ; stable near station; $lO.OOO. Apply to C. KEYSLIt RANG. next Depot. Germantown. • lt! GERMANTOWN —STONE 110 USE— 210 PRICE Elegant 2.lll°aCtsgietfsar% order ; . 1 dlO10 10 1 3 s ; s e y d team house, b minutes from Church tans Station, $lO,OOO. Apply JUINSER KING, next to Depot, . _lt* .., t W4 FOR SALF.-11ANDSOMF, ~BROWNTSTONE residents' I°ut :7l l rle 1 1 di c t bund, IRrgteifol2,itota„ tr* atdeOme+Y finished and furnished with all modern .nventeneee. B. W. REESLEY, myl4.3t. , 110.731 ' alnut street. eFOR SALE -. DWELLING.. tin - 4 S'PRtrOP: 'MEET' • :a; ant corner of Juniper. Lot 20 by 4:p feet. • Apply to T. h. B ACHE; -4.33 BoutirThirtoentb - street. --- = . . . mylBst` - -. • • FOR SaLE-4, GOOD INVE`STbfENT—d.LL E rented-8 Houses, with Mansard Roofs, and front and back yards; 9 Rooms; in Franklin strect„above o d. A I to ` ' . , E. ~..,,, ' , 4 Diamond. PPY . .... ‘ 6Eoltak..Y.Trakams. -° : •- .. , . Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. znyll.l24_ isFOR SALE—THE TWO NEW HANDSOME ItO Dr ERN ;RESIDENUES; on EIGHTH. street above Poplar. m912-6t• Fnil BALE—DWELLINGS :u.,ls4l.ldervine street. 6.14 North Eleventh street. • MO North Tenth street. I= Vine street. bl 7 North Sixteenth street.. 1414 Master street. b6l and 1311 North Broad'it. 1323 North Broad street. . . . _ 533 North Twelfth street: 1411 Thompson street. 1733. Thurupscn. street. 1435 Poplar street, Oxford street..... 80,500 Sydenham street '15.1450 Also, many others. °For particitiars get the. Register, price 5 cents, at J. W. HAVEIVeI. Will 'North Bread..or J. rIiENWITWS, 614 Chestnut street. . myll-64 FOB. SALE 01-t VXCELANGE —A FIRST CLASS Country Seat and Farm, containing 50 acres. 10 of which is in lawn, Large and elegant Mansion. Ten. ant House, Gardener's Cottage, Carriage House, .Barn. Ice House. Spring House, , dcc.. 8 miles north of the citynear relived. and convenient to churches, storm. , Will be sold on very easy terms, or eiehanged for_ tint class city property. Adctress J. 8. T., Box. 2751, P. O. nlyll tf* FOR SALE-THE HANDSOME NEW DWELL. Zt i 8'1.9 Niortlt i litth . street i, Lot al feet front by l 1 .1 5 BOND & °13101111,P Northeast e e r o m g,era . Front pp y ang Cbeetput streeta. mysl2t• aFOR SALE—DWELLINGS 801 North Broad street. 1517 NOrth Broad atroct 21tb Jefferson etreet. (1523 Brandywine street. 1..e.5 brands wine street 1341 Girard avenue. Fit teen , h. near Master st . 1313 Franklin. etreet. 21a) Franklin street._, IltN and 933 North Twelfth; 1711 ~..North Ninth street. 11311 and 1501 Thompson. It It , gaut property. Germantown, on I:bettor' arenue,lso by LW) fat: house with modern conveniences: plentkof shrubbery. Price $20.000. t Lots orrNotth Broad stink. korfull particulare.glet the 1t:-1 lizoister, price 5 cents. • .1. W. HAVENS. - /49 North 13road. 53. -FOR SA LE.—MODENN-•THRgEt-STDltir- BRICK dwelling. No. 6.33 Pine street. Every convenience and In perfect order. Price low. 110 BEET GRAF FEN & SON. 637 Pine street. ' . ap30.1/ • ' inFOIL SALE—A.COUNTRY. 7)¢ ACRES, on the Delaware—convenient to railroad and ateatn. boat—with Bone° and 6table,ffirnitctre. hornet. cart„ 4'iagea. tools. boata, &c. Llealtbv ettnttion, line view. old ,treca aid choice so -lection of frutt in hearing. Terms easy. - - Photograpba at 234 South Third_dtreet: eti244/ FORSILLF.--NQS. 2151,411 D 2129 - PiiiID.BTREET. two neat threensierY brick-DweilipWwith French roofs: three-story back butidlim ;and all themodeni conveniences, undeiground drainage. &c. Apply on the pier - Effete. - EFOR BALE. AT RINEEI.TON. N. J.. ON THE at Delaware river, Biniles from Philadelphia, one rof ' the most desirable)woperties in 'the 'Mace; ` within" VA yards of the river bank. The lot is 175 feet front and 10) feet deep. The house , htui parlor and diaing-room. nail a large bay window In each. two kitchens and 8 bed rooms. bath room. pantries, &c., hot and cold water . and gar, plate &wain wirulows. black walnut staircase, underground drainage to river. &c. $lO WO may remain on mortgage if desired. - Apply ta. JOILN ERASER, m 31341 in th si p Room No; 30. 430 Walnut street. at FOR SALE—THE VERY ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE, na lately owned and occupied by Spencer H. Hazard, Esq.. etiolate on Church lane, Germantown, eacond house eart of the Railroad. la offered for axle at a price - much below its value. it has recently been put in complete order and is now open for inspection; For further particu lars inquire at Room N0..1. No. iH South Third street. op. petite the Mechanics'llank. irlyS a to th lot+ M' FOR SALE.—MODERN TEIREE-BTORY BRICK .1. EN - coning. 519 South Nlnth—street. Every convert!- ence. Inquire on the premitea. mv6 th ato ti; - FOR BALE=NEAT 3.3TOEY STONE CO'ITAGE, good location; Germantown. near, depot: 9 rooms; every convenience. Lot 30 by 110 feet. Price 434,300. i ap74- 11 L_J. Di. P. WA ,A GE.1.39 S. Sixth at. .LIANDSOME COUNTRY BRAT FOR SALE, containing t 3 acres superior land. situated on the Gulf !dills road. one mile ,from Villa Nova Station, On the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.. Modern atone mansion. with every city convenience swept gas; stable, carriage house. chiegenhouse. ice home. &m. &c. Lawn handsome/9 improved with shade and evergreen trees it d shrubbery. Also spring and'spring.t ouse. and a Stream of water runningtbrough the "place• fruits and 17 orrice of all kinds: J. M. GUMMEY dr SONS. 733 Wal nut street. GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE —A STONE COT + .*" tags residence with lot 110 feet front by 233 feet deep, situate No. 26 T.ulpehocken street, one of the mod desirable locations, within six minutes walk. from the railroad depot. has parlor, library, sitting-room, din ing•room. two kitchens and pantry on_first floor, six obambers on second floor and time on he third, and every city convalence. J. M. GUMMEY di SONd. 733 Walnut etrect. 15 FOR SALE.—TIIEIIANDSO3iETHREE.STORY brick Dwelling ;with three-story double back build ings. situate No. 118 North Nineteenth street- hi perfect order throughout.. liouee 20 feet wide. with side yard of &feet: , Lot 1 34. by 19.. J. F.I2iIDLIILY & SOW. Walnut street 'streets, BUILDING FOR BALE OR TO RENT Bituated TwentY4bird, Hansom and Madan 3 fronts. very substantially built; lot 81 feet front by 116 feet deep. ..r.•M. GUMMEY SON:i. 73.3 Walnut etreet. - ;ma FOR SALE—A THREE-STORY BROWN STONE LIZ! m k",1 5 11: . Z:bokaA B ol 3 : 9 PSBitSrLyt 7.4.munt street. , • . r= FOR BALE.—A HANDSOME DWELLING, 17:11 Vine street. A Handsome Residence. West Philadelphia. A Handsome Dwelling. Arch st. , above nixteenth et. A Modern Dwelling: MO Senrgeant street. A Business Location, Strawberry street. Two Modern Dwellings. West Miladelphia. A Modern Dwelling. Sixteenth and Cherry ste. Apply to COPPUCK & JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. GOVERNMENT SALE. IDPUBLIH BALE OF MEDICINES. HOSPITAL .1. Storer, Dressings, Mosquito Bars, &c. ASSISTANT MEDICAL PISICVENOR'S OFFICE.} WASHINGTON. D. C., May 10,.100. Will bi offered at ;public auction in S city on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of May. at 10 A. M.. at the Xl odiciary Square Depot, E street, between Fourth and Fifth street!, a largo and valuable assortment of Medi. tines. Hospital Stores and other property no longer needed for the public service, among which will be fotind the followin viz: Sulphuric - Ether, 7.000 ounces; Alcohol. 1,700 quarts: Cerate of Cantharider a . 6,000 ounces; Fluid Extract of Cinchona. 3.000 ounces; Fluid Extract of Ginger, 0.000 ounces; Compound Spirits of Lavender, - 5.000 ounces; Powdered Opium, 11,000 ounces; Tinct. Opli Camphoratae; 6.000 ounces; Sulphate of Quinine, 500 ounces. - .1 Sperm Candice, Beef Extract, Condensed Milk, Desic cated Egg. Adhesive end Isinglass Plasters, Gutta Pomba Cloth. Patent Lint, Oiled Silk and Mus Lin. Roller Bandages, Linen. Also, 15,000 Mosquito Barr, new. all Particulars in catalogues. Terms cash ;25 per cent. required as deposits at time of sale, and all goods to be reruoved within five days. CIIAS. SUTHERLAND. myl2-6tl t Asset Med. Purve or. Bvt. Col U.S. A. CAUTION. fIAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE .11ERE1lY CAli lJ boned against harboring or trusting -any of thaerew of the Br. bark Village Queen, Mcßea master, from Lou donots no debts of, their contracting will be- natd by Cap. tan or Consignee. intYlb 6tl „WORKMAN s, co. CiAI2TION.—ALL PERSONS ARE lIEREBY CAP. tioned against harboring ortrasting any of the crow of the British bark Rotheroay. McDonald, Master. as no debts of their contracting wilrbe paid by Captain or Con• el glees. Lmyl&6tl WORKMAN k. CO. IAtITION.—ALL - PERSONS' • ARE HEREBY C 1-1 Honed against harboring or truetigig any - of tho crow of the bng "Cora." Henderson. Master, as no debts of their contracting Will be paid by ()Wain or Consignees. niyl6 6t • WORKMAN & CO; - CUTLERY. ODGERS,--- AND WOSTENHOLDPS - POCKST R INEVES, PEARL and STAG HANDLES, of bean. Mal •RODGERS'and. , WaSI4 -At-BLUCHER*, and the DELV." I 3ATED LECOULTRD RAZOR. SCISSORS' IN - CABEE.' of the finest quality. Razors, Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlery, Ground and Polished. EAR , INBTRUMENTS of the most approved Construction to assist tho hewing, at P. MADRiRAI3, Cutler and Sur. gical Instrument Makerals Tenth street. below Chest. nut. , , .• • . rayl.tf ,E. OYD. Winjiow Shadee, Bodo. Mattreesos_,.Carpeto and ,i r . :1 0 1: 11 1 , 7 11. 1116 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, at; gunlttite -RP aired and mulatto& inhl743ut .Iwenflre =--TO RE NT, • - • , Neer Norristown, Tarnished Cottige;beatittfally attil• ' :eed.„•one mile from Station; Ten ROOLIVI: •Bith-roorai Stable; Catriete-heuse, etc.' • L' " . • ' tpHITSLG. Talriar • rhyteso ' 410 RACE STREET. Pitifsk: , . , 11 MESA & COLLUM. REAL ESTATE AGENTS.' OE4. 'Jacson street, oppoalte.lbundont stmt'Osiba Island. N. J. Real Estate bohght and sold . /Nunn:us dB. &irons of renting cottages during the season" will apply , or address as above. Bodily refer to Chas. A. Rubtesta. Nenry • . Ilvain. Augustus Alettno. John " Davis W. Juvetutl. feAtn, VOR RENT.—TBE SECOND , THIRD AND FOUR= . .Floors of tb e new building at the IC •W. corner of Eighth and Market streets Apply to. STRAWBRIDGE do ULOTELIEIt. On the premises. . •., .ja2ii 616 MO LET—A VERY DESIRABLE BASESIENT ROOM, A tot Office, No. 47 2 South Third street.. ' ' ' _ Appir THOMAS L. EVANS, myib dt• No. 431 Walnut street. , TO RENT.— GERMANTOIVN —l'L3 ROOMED Douse s Price etteeet, $600; 10 roomed' house 4; Price " etrifet, 1670:1 Several turnlalied houses for summer. $6O, 631.05 and $l5O per month. Apply,to-, O G, next the Depot. ' TO , RENT—ThE HOUSE Nfratf LOOI.I6IvEIT., with doubly back builainge; will be rghtoci"July let. _ Apply at No. 2.0 Strawherry etraet. znylfrelo inFOR RENT—NO. 1834 B.I,'RT.TOE STREE't. FUR nished. Aupttbetween 10 and% to J. L. LTAIIIII&W." n1y15,48 to th4t. • - • No. 708 Walnut otreet. itTO , LET—STORE ANT/ DIiVEL4,4•IOr. 19. 501, South Front street AMY • ITIOMAS L. EVANS: - ra9 l / 5 6t* . • ti0:431 Walnut street .01 'I 0 LET.--A SUPERR COUNTR T, NEAR Frankford, with garden, lawn. tabling carriage houao, etc.- Inquire 1321 Girard ay. "apls th e tu rGERMANTOWN=FITENISTIED=-ARESIDENCE, , with a beautiful Lawn of 10 acres, Grauory and Car. {Lege-home; within five minutes , walk. of station. ,111CIIARDSON & JANNEY. 1111 , 12-410 ' "206 outtifourth fro et _ . , GERMANTOWN.—FOR RENT—FURNISHED— " A cottaie, with every convenience. derdrabli'lo - withinftve minutes walk from the Railroad depot; RICO per month. J. 2.1. GUMMEY BONS 733 Walnut street. - , ETO LET—FURNISHED SUMMER RESIDENCE. on tbe Delaware. near Bri±tol. Four-story • brick. 313 South Fifth meet. ROBERT GRAFEEN SON, 637 Prue atreet. 800 1.7" "'FIIENIEHED—TO LET—FOR. JUNE. JULY. Angrud and September. a Cottage of ten rooms, with fruit and vegetable garden s tud poultry yard. an hour from the city, at Edgewater, N:J. • two minutes , walk to aC. dr. A. R. R elation. Apply on the tireadaea to REM J. A. SPOONER. ap274fo TO lIENT--GERMANTOW N. MANDEL:II BT.. for the eummer montha. a handsomely, furnished houee. with !table. large garden, &a.,_dle• • Apoly to D. T. eIIATT. myl4-6t* No. 108 Bouth Fourth street. , ~ _ TO RENT—A 11ANDSOM.E COUNTRY SEAT, FOR TORRialidER BEASON, with two and a half acres of ground, Thorre lane, third housefrom Dev'e lane, Germantown, with every 0014 venlewee, Sag, bath, hot and cold water, etable, carriage-boade, house, with 40 tone of ice, cow stable, chicken.house. and every improvement; will be rented with or withoht fur. niture. Apply to COPPIXIR dc JORDAN. 433 Walnut et NIORT AGFA, —-- s]-2 IN ONE SUM, TO LOAN ON MORT• gage. b prw to LEWIS IL REDNER, InYl4 2t4 731 Walnut street. $lO 00.0 TED ON MORTGAGE OF VALt:- Ply to E, JONESCIty V 7operty, centrally aitnaled:' Ap. alnut meet,. my-a.3t• THE TURF. 4ring ~Trotting Meeting, Commencing Illkonday t May 24th,.1.869. • . No: L.-Srreepstake-For Horses that hisvettever beaten 235: $5O entrance. ' Mile hears, 3ln bite harneSs. Association adding net receipts. , WEDNESDAY. MAY 26th. • • • ' No. 2 —Bweetiatake•=:For Horses that havineretheaten. 2.40: $5O entrance. Mile heats. 3,ln.fr, to harness. -- :ttlaiteciatten adding net 'receipts. - • • , • • FRIDAY, MAY 23th. No:B.--Sweepstalte—For Homes - that have never biaten 250. $25 entrance: :Mile heats, 3in 5. ' Association adding net receipts.' Three • • - Three or more entries to fill and two start. Should only one-home atpear, he will 'be entitled ti' all the en trance money; should three or. more start, 'the second liorse to save hilientrance. Entries to be addressed to the Secretary, atid in each instance bielcadng the en trance. Entries to be closed es, la o'clock, - noon, on SA3IDEL KiLPATBICg. Secretary. , • myl4ot 144 South FOURTH Street, Phila. • Point Breeze 'Park, Monday, May 17. • DIULTCII 8500, lithe heats 68 In 5. Good day and track. J. TURNER names b. M. FANNY ALLEN, trotter, to bullets. ' ' E. HART runes, r. m FOLLY ANN; pacez. to wagon The privilege of a member introducing a male friend without pay is suenended. • Admiesion. $l. myl4 2t WATIIII9I3Eng SMIWZILICY. &as rW _ / - " 7---- t yyllS LADOMUS & CO,. • i,DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS. . kWATCHES, anvnuty & SILVER WIRE. / .- ATORES artd JEwramtREPATIU3D. Chestnut St., Phila Ladies' and Gents' Watches Luxterican and linvorted, of the most celebrated makers. Fine Vest Chains and Leontines, In 14 and 18 karate Diamond and Other Jewelry, Of the latest designs ENGAGE - JIM - 7 NT AND WEDDING RINGS, In 18 karat and coin. SOLID SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS, TABLE CUTLERY. PLATED WARE, Etc. Jai ti B. WA_IFINE & CO., n‘ - - - —Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES AND JEWELRY. 13. corner Seventh and Chestnut Strpete, And late of No. 85 South Third street 109 13 CONSIGNEE'S NOTICES. CIONSIGNEEI3' NOTICE.—CONSIGNEES OF MFR. kJ chenille° from London per Brig "(lora." Henderson, Masterwill please send their permits on board at Laurel S t reet Wharf. The vessel will commence dischareing on 15th inst.. when all goode not permitted kvill_be sent to the public stores. WORKMAN St CO.. 123 Walnut street. znyl6-431 ONSIONEES OF 17000 FEET YELLOW PINE U 'beards per schooner Jamestown, Rogers, master, from herd's Island. Georgia,will please make themselves known; and take charge of the same, or it will be stored at their expense: J. F. IiAZLEY & CO. • in.c15.3t6 100 Walnut street. AII4D9CION nAl4l§B. 13Y BABBITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. ASH AUCTION HOUSE. No. 220 MARKET street, corner of BANK street. Card) advanced on conabinmenta without extra charge, PEIZEMPTORY SALE 800 LOTS ASSORTED DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING, May 17, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising a large variety of Staple and Haney Dry Goods, Stock of Goode, —ALSO— -. 7 Invoices Clothing, Boot., Shoop. Shirts ace LIQUORS —LIQUORS. • ON MONDAY 'MORNING. Mn.v.l7, at 11,6 o'clock, on account of whom it may con. corn, Marcie of fine Liquors, viz -1 barrel fine Holland (Mn. ' • 1 do line old Brandy. • 1 do tine old Bourbon Whisky. 1 cook Bay Rum. Sale Peremptory. Li & PIARFEY. AUCTIONEERS. Late with M. Thomas & Eons, Store Nos. 48 and 60 North SIXTH street. Salo at the Auction lio .s. ELEGANT FURNITURE, ROS 00D PIANO, FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS,_ FIREPROOFS. OFFICE FURN I TURE, BoOECASES. SPRING AND HAIR MATRESSES, BEDS, FINE TAPESTRY* - CARPETS. WAITING, &c. , ON TUEBDAY--fdORNING. _ At o lo - -o'cloek^a, t - tho - nnction rearm-Noe. 48rand80-Nortir. W ith street, below Arch Street: including MY superior Walnut Parlor and Chamber. Furniture. in 'suits': Sofas and ()hairs, Handsome Walnut Wardrobes: Etagere Sideboards; Extension Tables, Centre and Bouquet.ie tiles, superior Secretary Bookcases.. Rosewood Piano Forte, large French Plate. Mantel. Mirrors, Pier Mirrors, B superior-Fireproof Safes. Office Tables and Desks, supe rior Spring, Hair and Husk Matresses, Feather Beds. Housekeeping Articlea,'Cldua and. Glassware, &c. , 80OTT, , JR., AUCTIONEER. BUOTTS ART GALLtERY /029 CHESTNUT etreet. PlUladetolita AlgtDIE/0/ 11 0 , 1WIIN vuillomaka,tw atroilo i ; , ,) a jalii and IC _Fourth ift , ol. • iar/01 or 13 SAND ZEAL EIVATZ.• vxt , "i , ;;i :alf.is a vles at tberldiadqploiduchiti 3 "Blerp j ;ittanturocl3ll." the #uct/i'll 86, reti,MOUVI 8 0: 44 440 11 5.kee. .rec# l . 4 )- 01 /0,04 aqatitiOtk EITCIOO3iLOANS; dia.! ; .7) Estate of john .„. ........ate of ohn Elempt.,_ ..:J.. • • -,-,; • -- " - T ON , TBESDAY: MAY 03._ •_ , ;l , '.. •;•• ' • -1 At lA o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange-. , • iWI I , l " m ak tb it illine ßalth) ylvan aa la cc' itailr ti"l oa b rep L er cAnt, ; 4000 PhiladelPhia and Sunbury , ll.li, 7 per cernt 2000 Illinois ()antral Railroad 7 per cent. .i .1 , $2OOO thilorreatalliper tent - • -,, —. • • SEOO Cumberland Valley Railroad Et per cent. , • ~; ; rffoo- Allegheny Valley Railroad 5 percent, SRI , 67 e, Oo , do do - ' Scrip. , '. ''' •,-. ' 8120 ZiOrth Pennsylvania Railroad Scrip. SICOO Cheater; Valley Railroad 7, Per cent. ,-! . . . , 123 shares Williamsport Bridge Co Stock. 095 shares Wrightsvilia. York4md Gettysburg R. R. eelisree Georgetown Gas Light Co. . • Execuiono•Sale-Retate of joaeph Andrade. i 56500 Lehigh Zinc 7 per cent., Jannary and,July. • 85000 do'---do ' • do ' - May and Notreniberr. 06000 Pennsylvania Slat Manufacturing Ca,; 7 per apt. 150 shares Oswego Gee Co. ' • -• • • -• ; •; -• t•. For Other Accounts-. :i ; ' • • -' . 5127001.feRean and Elk Land and Improvement CO.. . second mortgage. • ; -...-• • • UnionBl3.soo - n Canal Co. • - ' sliquoThrutlngdon and Broad Top Consollated Bon& . —__ , -__ Broad y Top _lOO .shares Empire Transportation Co. • , --60 ahartia Reliance Ineuranea Co. _ ' • ; $4OOO 'Harrisburg. and Mount JO9 Railrpad. Southwark Bank: • • e Sbiwaain Philadelpl4sandrderctuitlio Libraries. • ._...., r, REAL ESTATE SALIN-MAY 16. ~, .1 • -; n.,' . L_V.llilY ' VALUABLE lIBINEBB LOCATION —LARGE 'and VALUABI.,E LO - 1: BRICK - RESIDENCE and ,substati- - ; Nally built CHUEoII PROPERTY, Eighth street, above Race, - Itofeet front. ICU situate in a'very imbroving - and" business square, and well worthy the • attention of tiapP• tali Os. Builders and , others. =See survey and handbills: lIANDSOWP.. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RE.' 81DENiJE:No. 1531 Girard'avenue,r 20 feet front, 150 feet deep. to Walter street. Ithasalk the modern convent,: eines: Iniftlediatepoeketalot.'. - Peremtdory SaIe—VERY-ELEGANT, and SUPERIOR' FPIESTORY STONE MANSION, with Stables' and Coach Houses, No..lsl2iWaltint street;_46_feat.froWlsis. feet deep to Chancellor street, 63 feet in therear-2 fronts. It liiinishadarra Very - Supeirior Manner, and has every modern convenience. Immediate PQBBWIOII. LARGIE-6AI,E OF (WIDEN-LOTS; on Seiond,Third. - Fourth and ,West streets, between. Hamilton street and. Bridge avenue, Camden, N.J:, - belongingto the Estate of the late Edwin A. Stevens; Esq.. dee'iL . Full particulara txellthograpba. ELEGANT COUNTRY. RESIDENCE.I2 mires and 152` perches, Waverley Heights, Limekiln Turnpike, Montgo mery county, Pa., 9 mike from Philadelphia and hall a mile of ,Abington Station _on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. •,. • - . _ . . COUNTRY PLA.O ACRES, Old York, Road, near. I, Oak lane, about unart f a mile from Oakland Station' on the Noith Pennaylv Railroad. . - • Peremptory Sale—Ve HANDSOME ' COUNTRY BEAT. 40 ACRES. near Old York Station on the North Penneyivintia Railroad: BANDhOME MODERN 2311. STORY STONE RES . - DENCE,_with Stable and Coach Home and Green House, No. 158 Durs lane. Germantown. : , . ; , Peremptory Sale—For Account of a Former Purchaser —MODERN "IktREE.STORY BRICK DWELLING. No.- 1513 North Twentieth street Has all the modern con. venienc.es Immediate poseeeeion. _ _ NEAT MODERN a ERSE STORY BRICK DWEL. LING. No. 531 Wharton street, with a Threastory Brick Building in the rear oublcllwain street. No. 522. -VALIIABLE BIIBINEBB STAND—STORE, I'o. 317 North Eighth street, above Callowhill. 20 feetfront. Peremptory bale--To Grain Dealers, .Flour Merchants and °there—Veer VALUABLE BIariaI NE.BB PROPEUT r—T WO. STORY BRICK BUILDIN G.Washington aVenue, east ef 21st street, 85 feet front 130 feet deep to Alter street. Peremptory SaIe—SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING and LARGE LOT, Washington avenue, west of 20th at. Peremptory Sale—To Close a Partnership Account-5 THREESTORI BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. , 1726, 1722. 1724. 1726 and 1723 Leib street. between Front street and Franktord road, and south of Harrison st. , Same Estate—GßOUND RENT 1550 it ,year. 2 VERY DESIRABLE LOT I . Ridge avenue, through to Turner sweet, Northwest of Ind_ - . Peremptory Sale—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No.— Beach street, between Marlborough and Bane. ver. • . . Peremptory Sale-HANDSOME MODERN THREE STOII.I BRICK RESIDENCE. with Stable and Coach House,Forty-first Street above' Hutton. West Philadel phia. Lot 120 by 166 feet to a2B feet street. Er ecutors' Sale---Wstate of Hannah Howell.' deed.-' VERY DESIRABLE THREE STORY BRICK REST DENISE, N 0.218 south Fit teenth street below Walnut. - -VERY - Lk:SI RA131. - E• UOUNTRY7PB.WE-i-4-•AeRt4B; Baltimore turnpike, Delaware county. Pa., about 2 miles sr th of Chester, and 10 miles frondbiladelplifa. • HANDSOME MODERN HESIDENGE, No. 0230 plain. efreet,'. Germantown. 91 feet front. THREE-STORY 1) WELLING. N 0.20 •Otter west of - Frankford road, 10th= Ward. with a Two-story Frame Shop in the rear. MODERN THREE-STORY BRIM DWELLINIIt, No.' 411 South Thirteenth street between Lombardrind , Pine. THREE STORY BRICK" D WELLING, No 219 Juniper. Et met; above-Race: ' • DESIRABLE LOT Ridge avenue, N. W. of. yinoyard PereMptory..l Sale-VERY ELEGANT adirfirßY SEAT-'rEIREE - STORY STONE MANSION. Stableand; Coach; i °use:Green - Housw. --- acres. - New Second, Street tßosid. , Montgondery coupty:. ra:; near 'City Line Station, Nortlsgenusylvanlaa Itailroad-Resldence 'of Wm. o:Moorhead. Esq. ' • • • • - ELL-SECURED , GROUND , RENT. -811.5 50 a year. payable in silver. .MODERNTHREE STORY Atticx ilio .DwELLINa. • - {xo North Fifteenth et' .Adin inialratorts•Peremptory Sale -To Close an Estate- 4 TIIREF,STWIY DwiE44I.4.NP,S, N 05,1039.1061. 1063 and 1069 North Front et. • -- TUREE2.II:IitY N0.'1905 Wilcox streete Peneuipto7 Sale-Bvstxzeo Looinon-LARGE. and VALUABLE LOT, Dwellings, Sheds, _Troche,. e.c., an old-established Coal Yard,-Front street, north of Coates: llth Ward-7839 feet front. . MODERN TkiREEZTORY BRICK nwrtGraorm. °l2B IYanklin et' , VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY. N. W. corner' of Twenty-third ; and Arch etreete; 72 feet front. 870 feet, deep. Immediate possession, Sale No. 1607 Mount Vernon stoeeL ELEGANT FURNITURE, MANTEL 'AND ITER Milt. ROWS. PIANO. ELEGANT CARPETS, CURTAINS. • , , ON MONDAYMORNINO: - May 17; at 10 o'clock, at 110,4607 Mortnt Vernon street,' by catalogue, the entire elegant Furniture comprising - Walnut Parlor Suit, green plush; elegant Etagere, Centre Table-Gilt Boaquetaahle, Fine-French _Elate Mantel and Pier Mirrors, superior Rosewood Piano, made by Emerson,Boston; Lace and 'Reps Curtains.: elegant Mantel uruatnents, Walnut Ball. Furniture, superior Walnut- Dining and Sitting Room Furniture, elegant Buffet Sideboard, Extension . Tanis , Secretary Bookcase. . Fine China, Glass and Plated Ware, Elegant Walnut Chamber Furniture, Mirror door- Wardrobe, handsome Cottage Sets, fine Feather Beds, Hair Matresses, Bolsters atui_Pillows, Blankets, Bedding.trich Velvet and Brussels Carpets. Kitchen Furniture, Refrigerator, dlo. House to rent. , • ` VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, ' - May 18 and 18. At 4 o'clock. including historical. Biographical, Poetical and Scientific Works. English and American edigens. - . Executor's Sale—Estate of Joshua Longstreth, deed. VALUABLE STOCKS. ON TUEsDAY, MAY 25. At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange -110 shares Philadelphia National Bank. 100 shares Nbrthern Liberties Na al Bank. 95 shares Girard National Bank. 16 shares North American National Bank. AO shares Commercial National Bank.,, .• 15 shares Philadelphia Exchange. . 20" shares New Castle and Wilmington, Railroad. 3 shares Pennsylvania Insurance Co. 1 share Philadelphia Library Co. For Account of Whom it may Concern. d shares Fame Ineurance co. • Sale No. 1402 South Penn Square. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNELURE, MIRROR. CAR PETS. die. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 18. at 10 o'clock. at No. 1412 South Penn Square (Broad. above Cliestnut,) by catalogue. Eke neat Furni ture, comprising Walnut Parlor and Dining Room Furni ture, superior Extension Dining Table, Sideboard, Pier Mirror, China, Glass and Plated Ware. Mahogany ()ham. ber Furniture, fine Hair Matroirses, Feather Beds,Bolaters and Pillows, Brussels, - Imperial and - Ingrain Carpets, itchen Utensils, • Sale No. 6148 E pruce street. - ELEGANT FURNITUR PIANO, MIRRORS, CUR. TelNs. OILAINTINGS &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING: May' 19, at 10 o'clock. at No. 614 Spruce street, by cats. IOW; the entire Furniture, comprising Rosewood Draw. ing Room Furniture. crimson satin, two elegant Ann Chairs Centre Tables, Tennessee marble ; Elegant Rose wood Plano,7•octaves; fine Brocatelle and Lace Curtains, six French Plato Mantel, Pier and Oval Mirrors. fine OW Paintings and Engravings, Bronze Ornaments,reeporior Walnut pining Room Furniture, Extension Dining Table, Buffet Sideboard, fine Cut Glass, China and Plated Ware. Library and Sitting Room Furniture, tine Wilton and Velvet and Brussels Carpets, four elegant Walnut Chamber. Suits, tine Wardrobes, Cottage Furniture, rine Hair and Spring Matresses. Bolsters and Pillows,superior nigh Case Clock, Kitchen Furniture, Refrigerator, dm. May be examined on the morning of sale, at S o'clock I 5a10N0..415 York avenue. ILO ITSELIOLD FU rtNIT [IRE ON FRIDAY MORNING. May 21, at 1.0 o'clock. at No. 446 York avenue, (between Fourth 'and Fifth street's, above Willow,) the surplus k nituro. comprloing—Walnut Parlor and Oak' Dining . Room Furniture. Walnut and Matiocimy Chamber Fur. nitm e, Oak Onttage Suit, handoome Velvet, Druaselonnd other Carpote, Kitchen Furniture; dm.. 7'O 70 RENT—A very largo and elegant Country Seat and Mansion, with all modern CODVOLliCkileed, gea, hot and cold water, outbuildings, betiutiful garden, So.. T wenty eetcuth Ward, suitable for atmard - mg•house. • LARGE • AND VA TJABLE TIIRRE.STORY STONE MILL and six Houses and Farm, 58 acres : Allen 'a mum. V of a mile of Chestnut LIM and Mt. Airy Station, on the Chestnut Hill Railroad, 22d Ward. k • or part' culara apply to M, Thomas it Sono. grip PRINCIPAL MONEY. ESTABLISHMENT.. 13: E. corner of SIXTH and RACE moon.. Money advanced on Al erchandiso generally—Watolies, Jowelrn Diamonds., Gold and Silver Plato, and on all articles of value, for any length of timo agreed on. MATCHES AND,IEE WGRY AT PRIVATE SALM Fine Gold Hunting CasaDouble Bottom and Open Pace Englishh,, American and 0 ivies Patent Lover Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and °TOO Pace Levine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and. Open pace English. American and Swiss Patent Lever and Levine Watches; Donblo Cam English ' , nattier and of er Watches Ladies' Fancy-WatailmH isuriond-Dreald,plM2 Mega 2 Ear Rings; Studs; . go.; ;Fine Gold Chains*, Mildfinfonsteraceleasffileall- Ms; Breastpins; auger Flagg ; vane and Jewelry den A FOR LE.—A large and valuable Fireproof Cheek Ilable for a Jesrektr; cost $8.50. • • • leo, sOveral Lptir in South csarnien.ruta and Oluntnnt 10; 1 " ""811 N _ l4 XIJCTIONIZEIM No. WS MARKET street DOOT 01101 BALES EVERY MONDAY AND . . A •I'liktit e . . torn.angov,ponm_4o7oo(l',B4lPcTlO ' • , ,lf ..w8.84.." AP Noe. 228*Mg28491AH egrc*red,cuangeg. ,„ ElileV,.l6lll_„2A , dr thl,„„_, .i' , ,,; vaAjam LBll 39 OrtireißreLlki A. /0T.A..1 1 , , ''', • , • MIR EANLRY 430 , 0118isAd t .• .„'"",. .. ~,..,`,', ._:' • ''' - , " '- , O MONDAY fIORN/Nui , ' ,** ~,'" . - „ g May 17, at 10 o'clock.or four months* credit, tuld4licgt.; ', g ' Ong cioveVolaiedind" blaCkl GroldlitidaF! l Blllktillailhl , .. , Poodle.* ex 'therein' LaTiitetter."' "ag- 4 -"g . . • ' t " Fulfildeisog 64 "'Gold Medal ' Bizet Pupelfribe. o4o2 l' '''''. • pleces,Paris high , colored 'Wool„1-laids andl. *.igagkr • ''. biotech ' ' " • -• " .-'- •,"'., ,- ~,,* _ Ito ' s Parisi - lett colored itgliredlltinadlties:. _ , T -I. ''''tf , ,,„_._.' 4 ' - '". •do Londonßlack,andyobigadMolusirs laihiViliti do •French Percales: Piques, -LIMA, !Fancy 7i Goods, he. , .__•;_,_,-' ` . ',.''. ••'• --, ' 'c- '• ''',..,"-';, • - - 100 PIEUES I SILKS.SATINEIi i ike. i' '• Ax,. Full linee Lyons tdaclt tiros de Rhin and. &Setae ..-',.,lf'n Full lines Gras Ottotuans, Drapde FropeeaFaillies.," e Full lines Caaheteere de 'Joie. uratttle,Lytol. Grog GrilI11;14 - . 2 ' Frill lints colored ppm de Sate. 1 rail de Pang '14114tr1g14.1 Full lines Ly eve hpavy Black:and Colored filiklicithial,Ack i . „ •r . , Se al .. , AW.Lri,.•CLOAR.- dre: • r ,x, - = 0,•,c) % Brocbe Border Mocambique and Fancy ' 0ba4,.,„ ' Paz ia Trimmed ,811 k and.Oloth. „ Clealts."Jackets. . - , LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE`RMCIAL SALE or St'' }:'ITIENNE.,AND BASLE RIBI3OL'hii, MI4,LYNER'Y, t d 1 GOODS , 40 t. ,-. ~ ' Y by.`• .:, ^, .. . ;,... , :4 ;':.: 'N . .i • by order of Measrs.EUTTER; LUCII,EMEtER.4; CO.'",-* ..- Particulars hereafter. • '• , ‘ . ~. , r ..- ~. . . • -ALSO -v. , ' i --1 , , , A line of heavy Black Ribber's; viriT desirible... r ''' :' ! =',,,' A B il e of rich Paris Fancy Ribbons._ , I_, -,,, , Engliali Crepes. French? taline‘Artill,cial..Fiovre* / -..:' , ,zij Paris Dre en "trimmings, Hoop esti - eta, White amide., • - ' Linen fiandkreidefe. Embrolderiet.ieic Balmorakt, RicrOloves. • - - - ' - , , , „.., Umbrellas an d Parasols; Faxktaiel:Britteta, No tors i t'? ' 200 TOILET QUIIITS. ties 12 . 4.14.4 and , lo-4 Marseilles Toilet: Quilts. in all gruldk".,a • , .L - - pgp.'4l 250 DOZEN - .PARIS K ID GLO V ES. ' - - - ~• In-choice aesortinente,,euperior,qua li ty. • „.,,, , ~ ,r, , , .1' BALE or'2ooo CASES BOOTS. fiIIOES, LACETSv;- , ?'" BA'IS,CAP,S, STRAW GOODS. dm.: L.; ~, ~ , --t .'l _ - ' - ON TUESDAY 111ORNING.: , t•, , /,. ~..• -pi _,..., 4"L..r . May IS, tit, 10 o'clock: en four months' creditanclueUnig,a -Clieee Men's, boys' and_youths' Calf.:• RiP.-/dMtLeattieg - 1, ' and Grain Cavalry,, eiapolcon. Divert and , . Congas* 't. Bootsand Salmorals ; Kip.lnuLand,pougned_Grain i iitumii___ gsne ; woman's, iniesesi and, children's , CalfulLid; ~. Kerte c expelled and Bull Leatber.lloat and - Morocco Rolatoralat:4 — , Coarsest Gaiters; Lace Boot ;Ankle rtes; 'Slippers;lidcW l tallic Ovenhoce and Sandals;, 'Frikv,Wins -Bags ;.,1 8119 hat Lacets, dr-c. • - ~. , ' . 10.000 PAIRS ARMY BROGANS. -----...--- ---. Men's prime sewed Areilr-!Sr° 5s to ,gmll24l4:lBtaar k"P g " (9Zl ' - , ~ , • LARGE•SALE 01' ... - . , ,•: ,, 1 , 1 , ;•,'.' ,• . , 60,0•11 ROLLS PAPER HANGINGS. ',, , ' , ;'g' , • , ' - .ON WEDNESDAY.• ' , ___"' ' ''' May 19, will be peremptorily sold, on fourmontheereeur., -- ea.oeo rola Wall 'Paper and Bindings; of _the moat' a l . 1, . n . proved patterns and styles, by otder of ' Mestaa.JANW:.. wAI. dt• CO.. of New York; • - . ' ' ). LARGE . --.. . • SALE OF. BRITISH. FRENCH. GERMAN. % AND DOMES'IIe DRY GOODS, ON' 1.... , ON THURSDAY MORNING. • , . Maar 2.0, .010 o'clock, on four monllpe.credit. • •.,,:, ... , LARGE SALE OF CARPETING% CANTON MAT TING% 011, CLOTHS. Sto. ON FRIDAY MORNING. • May 51, at U o'clock, on four months.- credit about STI pieces Ingrain. Venetian. List. Bf MP. Cottage and • Rai Carratings, boo rolls Canton Mattimo. 011 Cloths. &a. a FREEMA N ,CTIONEEL . JAME A. AR ' No. 422 W *MT street= ''' REAL ESTATE BALE. MAY 19 1869. • This Bale, on WEDNEtIDAY_,At 12 o'clock. noon. at this E ' , change. will Include the following- - • - :. Illortgage of 8600-well secured. PACKER PLACE-Three-story brick house (below 3141'' and Vine eta,) lot 15 by 17 feet. Orphans. Court Sate- , ,' Estate of P. Rank, deo& ._ . 1. , o. 714 JAMISON ST-Threestery brick dwelliifigt, lot - 18 by 90 feet to Even st, 2d Ward; subject to Milt ground.":„ , - r d e e n c, t 4 .. Orphan's, Court Ralt-Estate of James Carr alter!. ' BUILDING LOT-MaKein atreet.west of Nineteenth street, 16x76.. feel. Orphans , Courtllata--Estate of John - 1 L. Blabd. decd. _ , _. _ ~. ..„ NO. 1612 NORTH TWELFTH STREET-t-Ganteet I‘. story brick avvelling.with back buildings,-lot Iticr7o feet. Subject to 511,8 ground rent. Has the modern con.. NO. 711 SOUTH SECOND STREETLThree.storir brick store and dwelling, lot 16x74 feat Subject 'to • - ffmer! ground rent Sate by order et' the Trasteeaof; the „tiff ID-615 PASSYUNE.FIOAD-Businestatariclot 'AI ,Icy, , 75 feet. Clear ofineinnbranle. Sanv,estate„... ... .... -,.. ... ,I G FOUND RENT OF 63144 PER ANNUM-Well securzsiL,, sl - and punctually_paid„ 'Sate by order a v'the'Court of Omit.-- mon Fleas. Fainteofßenj. ikwis, deceased. N CP.., 811. and BIZ NoREIS ST-elyy.o genteel „three-. shry brickAvvellin gal Writh backindlethiga, , lsitlsx6Lfeee -Hare toe modem ,coilteniences.. __:- . __-- , '.- ~.., - • ,•• F. fi".l l '.' VA LIVABLE ' 'iy.itt 'AILOTH'J mANCEACTORIN • out- - buildings, aod over 4 Acrds, of Lanit,tlSecond rf3treetrAllßl4 Erie avenue, Twentykilfth Ward, ,011 • the and - nearthe North-Itteninqlvania Railroad; with..fine facilitierg for shipment. The machinery will ,be _included, in We ~ „ - gab.: 'Plan at store: t! Oryhauet:COttxt • kkrie,:'HafriteJ.4,44 James.Carmiehaet, !lee d, . • . - • , . = IitERCIIANT it ILI.Ewo: late of geciiind: ,, fronting:'Ou -s ~- .1 i,blooreatowtt and Lapideix.Tmapike_rosid.und...Finn.,,kr_et,...„,_ i nue, Camden. -county; N '.1., each 177 by ieer. , .....Rwe.t. absolute,,_ plane at the y store., -,;, . T : . , Ii IA ,•:, ... , V_`; itiiit I ' MF,RtIHANTYILLE-110 litdidinge: 'Lot MO fouling - t [ above:fronting:o4 FIXID avo ll e AI , 4' OVI TOIIiIs ; 04444 ' 50by I.le feel. ' - Platt at the stere.-Slile,a solute. . CceALLANDEI4,IO.2S interest 01%569 acres lithealla s edi= j in Sehuyaillcounty„P,ennelyania. Foil particulars to.. .., Catalocuee.lll N. ~,•. , 1 . ; r , u:..1.:,..., ,: , ,i - i~ ~,i • r'±Peremptorr Sale on'the Premises. J. -- - ,- - ,-• „.• g STONE DWELLING AND GROUND. LANCASTER , ;, AVENUE AN D 'FORTY-NM TR-STREETS,' ; %.- -‘. . - ” ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON ; r-,- Ma 20 0: at 4 o'clock , will be Sold. Withbut reservb; on thel` premleeb " LANCASTER AVENUETwo-story - Stone - Sißliscia7„ - we.r. of Forty.ninthetreet. . Lot 26347by1.05,feet.' P,.t tt , 'A 44 BUILDING LOTS. adjoining the above. , , STONE DWELLING, adjoining Lot 27 by 100 feet: 1;•- MP,ItION ,- AVENUE-,-A triangular lot,2s.feet front.,..• , -,, MERION 'AVENVE-Euliding Lot, 25 WHO feet: I , • , -I " Plan at the Store. Bale absolute. ~ . ,•, ~ , ,„, e , _ _ , Sale No 23 South Tenthstreuct.----_, ~ ,-_..._-, :•), LEASE GOODWILL AND FIXTURES t..F'A DRINK.' ING SALOON, 14.QUORS.1110CSE-GGX4O .`FURtik•Ti. _ TLRF,,,-dio. .. , _. _ ~ . , O N FRIDAY „MOANING ' , ti. ' , ~ .l !V' .. At 10 o'clock. will .be - sold without reserve,,,. the Is . agcy., _ (having -8.34 years to run), Goodwill:arid metura op, 84 , ~ Restaurant, Rtaadlee. Wines, W_lihklas. Household, ,For.. r ,:. nature, Cottage Suits. Carpete. Mirrors. Kitchen9Rensits. MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. - ; BC' (Lately Salesmen fdr Thoirtas Seim) ' No. SEI CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from M.iner... • Sale No. 639 Arch street. VERY VALUABLE, AND SUPERIOR. FlitEWOr. SAFES MADE BY - LILLIE. UN TUESDAY - MORNING:: May 18, at 10 o'clock, at No. 639 Arch street, by eattslo..,, the entire balance of stock of very EintieriOrmrei and Fire and Burglarproof .Safes. of very desirable alsok, • with the celebrated Monitor and Duodeeagon -patestcg combination locks, made b_y the Lillie Safe and Iron CO. E XTRA. LARGE AND VERY SUPERIOR SAFES.' -- Also. extra large size double door, Fire and Barallapir proof Safes, with two inside - burglarproofs,. suitable tee brokers or jewelers. May be examined the day previous to sale.. • Sale 1626 North Tenth street I SUPERIOR WALNUT ANII HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR.; ' FURNITURE, CHAMBER, DIIsIING ROOK ,„ SITTING ROOM EURNITIJILK LIANDSOMLIAIRM.— SEES CARPETS, KITCHEN FURNITURE, ON THURSDAY M(4RNING. • May 20, at 10 o'clock. at No. 1626 North Tenth street,. b r , l catalogue, the entire euperior HoueehohlFurnitilre.' . . „ ITHOMAS 0111 CH & 'SO_ Aiicriortratia "Wm' • COMMISSION hff.dt(ILIANTS„ .No. 1110 CHESTNUT greet. Rear Entrance N 0.1107 Sarum street. =) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF. EVERY .DESCiUII‘. TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT.t Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended. to, OtiAte, mod • : reasonable terms. • • • • - , • Sale S: E. corner Eleventh and Lotabard_streeftl. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE:: CARVETS,, 4w. .• ON MONDAy MORNING. • May 17, yt 10 o'clock, at the southeast corner'of Eitienth; and Lombard streets, will-he sold the Furniture of a fa- , mily declining hoinekeeping, comprising Walnut Parlor: , urniture.in hair cloth_,_. Walnut (M 'F ember urniture. - Brussels, Tapestry and Venetain 'Carpets, Cottage Fund. turn, Beds, Heiresses, China and Glassware, Kitchen Furniture &c. ' The furniture can be examined at 8 o'clock on the' morning of sale. Sale No. UlO Chestnut street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO '.... FORTE. WALNUT AND GILT FRAME MIRRORS. , BRIteSELS, INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPt.723. , CIIINA, GLASSWARE. , ROSEWOOD MELODEON. •• &c., Am. - • - • ON TUESDAY MORNING. At e . " o'clock: at the Auction store, Nu. 1110 Chesil:Mt ' - street, • %NM be field, the, following—About 10 tinits..ed. , ; Parlor Furniture, covered with plush, terry, rope and • hair cloth Suits of Walnut Chamber. Furniture, finished.,' in olLwith Wardrobes to match; Walnut and Oak Dining Room Furniture, Bookcases, Lounges, Centro Tables,. "r. Secretaries, Reclining and Arm Climrs, Office Tables and Deeks. China. Glassware, &a. . • bECON D N FUR:BIIT Ull F 1 AND CARPETS.. Also , Alsoa large assortment of Furniture and Carpotz,troM. families declining housekeeping.. • , The Furniture will be arranged for examination oU' Monday. . . T , A. MoCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER, -• 1219 CIiEsTNUT street: CONCERT HALL AUCTION =::;.., Rear Entrancwon Clover etreot, Household Furniture and Merchandise of everf t scrintion recelvod on consignment. Sales of gurttitura dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. • I:D i`lnt NEW AND FIRST CICASS rtnusP;HO CARPETS. OE,STLIE TuEr. SILVER %VA F,, -ON TUESDAY NIORNING. May 18, at 10 o'clock, at 1219 Chestnut ntreet, win be so , a large variety of , L'ar/or. Chamber aud DIMAO.IIO Furniture and Cot go Suits, 'Wardrobes. Deokeanest 1-ideboards, Office Veal!, Matresses. Marble Toli-Tafidealtil Carpets, Silver Plated Ware, dm. • , . ASSIGNEES' SALE OF FANCY GO_CDS..4.T TIUN ROOMS 1219 cricsre4uT STREET: w ON , WEDNESDAY .101tNING,- , r May 19, at 10 o'clock, will bo s &achy cattilotie;lor ord6 4 - of asslgneee, the entire atookrof a fancy.goods storthr row, ' slating of Fans, Cabee, 'Writing Cases, Portfolloa. Fine cutlery. Silverware. Terr Set JOSVaBOA61011.1111tBOZVaL; . Opera Glasses. lady's Gold Wkluti. gents' yea, ut u a nii . Gold •Mountings, tine' Pocket tattlery, Perfume BMus. Bohemian, Wean. ,Parlan Busts , . Eroncli J WelfYi Ladies' Work Boise, Shell Combs.Ladles* Cornpantena. Bronze °momenta; also, 2' ptver•monnbad , gtow-easell.-A•feet long, to bo sold with .ut mgerve. , ~ . . ITV L. ASHEREDGE & -M_AEOTIONEEIIat. N0:806 , ..m.x.wi" abavors, • .LAEGE SALE OF 137 1 0 TS ISEIOEiL HAP 1 .4 10 ON WEDNESDAY MORNrNa May'lft, at 10 o'clock, we will , sell by catalogue wane . a iagett of Boots au& Shoe% of city anti. • caeca of men's and boys' Fur tlat.a CaPirt_ To wblcb thit attenUou of Cit.? and ""Yu'" spa . 0 _ Open 6 arl9 00,114 morning o f QE9,l"maul"“,"•