Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 27, 1869, Image 5
CITY BDMiETIN. Mysterious Affair.-r-A man waa found tying upon the sidewalk at New Market and Margaretta e tree (a, JElovcnth Ward, abont nine - o'clock. Ha was in an unconscious slate,and was supposed to be drank. A wheelbarrow was obtained and ho was taken to the Beventh District pollen sta tion house, where ho was locked up In a coll. In the afternoon it was fonnd that the man was stilt in an 'lnsensible condition. A physician was then sent for. An examination was made, and a deep ent was discovered on the back of the head. This entbad apparently been made by some sharp In strument, but the physician was of the opinion that it might have been caused by a fall upon a sharp stone. The man was taken to the Hospi tal in the ambulance of the America Engine Company. There was nothing about his person by which his name or residence could' be ascer tained. He was dressed in a gray coat, dark vest and bine military pantaloons. Rouping a Policeman's Hoose. —Lieutenant William Lugar, of the Schuylkill Harbor Police, resides at No. 1707 Marshall street. Last night, while the Lieutenant was on duty, some indi vidual opened the window of the kitchen of the house and jumped in. On a table was placed all tho provender for the breakfast of this morning. To this tho intruder helped himself liberally and then decamped. Robbing a house occupied by a police officer oaght to be considered a very bold transaction. Btiiangkrs in the City The eity is still pretty well filled with strangers who came here to participate in the grand celebration of the Odd Fellows yesterday. This morning all the public institutions received an unusnally large number of visitors. Independence Hall appeared to be of the greatest interest, and during the entire morn ing there was a constant stream of visitors pour ing through its door. Bitten by a Mad Dog.—A dog, supposed to be laboring under the effects of hydrophobia, created considerable excitement in the neighborhood of Bixth and Vine streets, this morning. Policeman Chas. Sears, of the Fourth District, fired at the dog and struck him in the shoulder. The cur then seized the officer by tho finger, causing a very painful wound. The rabid animal was killed by a second shot. Highway Robbery.— A man who was passing Seventh and Bedford streets, last night, was attacked by two men, who seized him by the throat, and then rifled his pockets. They got abont $lB. One of the alleged robbers was cap tured by the Seventeenth District Police. He gave his name as James O’Neill, and after a hear ing before Alderman Bonsall, this morning, was sent to prison. Malicious Mischief.— Several men went into Hare’s.tavern, on Fifteenth street, below Market, last nigbt, and raised a disturbance. They were ejected fnom the premises, and then threw brickß through the windows. One of the party was ar rested. He is named Charles James, and was held in $6OO bail by Alderman Jones. Child Drowned A little boy abont two years of age, a son of Angnst Born, residing at Thirty first and Thompson streets, fell into a ditch in that neighborhood, yesterday afternoon, and was drowned. His body was recovered soon after the occurrence. Accident.— James McLane, residing at No. 1634 Fawn street, fell trom a cart which he was driving, at Twenty-second and Brown streets, this morning, and had a hand badly iDjnred. He was taken to the St. Joseph’s Hospital. Examination Ball.— The fifth aonnal May and Examination Ball of Prof. Asher will be given at Musical Fund Hall on Monday evening next. Prof. Asher is very popular as a dancing master, and the approaching ball will, no donbt, be a very fine affair. Rescued from Drowning. —A man named Martin Weir fell into the Delaware, at Bhippen street Wharf, last night. He was rescued from drownihg by Officer Denard, of the Harbor Police. Serenade Hon. A. G. Curtin will be sere naded to-night, at 11 o’clock, at his residence, No. 1813 Spruce street. Hossler’s Band has been engaged for the occasion. Drunken Policemen.— Two policemen of tho Fifth District were reported to the Mayor this morning for having been drunk yesterday, and were dismissed. The Fine appearance of the Odd Fellows yes terday Is a subject of general comment Apart from all banners and regalia and other adorn ments, the men themselves, in their black suits and white vests, made a handsome display. This was owing, of course, first of all, to the fact that they are a body of good-looking men; but next, and contributing hardly less to their fine appear once, was the fact that the majority of them were clad In clothes from famous Oak Hall. Auotton Sale of Boots, Bhobs, Hats and Caps.— To-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock, T. L. Ashbridge & Co., auctioneers, will sell by cat alogue, at their store, 605 Market street, about 1,000 packages boots and shoes. Albo, 100 oases of hats and caps, to which the attention of city and country buyers is called. Open early iu the morning for examination. American Paintings, Crystal Medallions, Ac.—B. Scott, Jr.. Auctioneer, will sell this even ing,at quarter before 8 o'clock, at the Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, a collection of modern paintings, crystal medallions, Ac. All mounted in fine gold-leal frames. Lost— By a gentlemanfin, going from Broad and Arch streets to West Philadelphia, a satchel. The finder will receive a liberal reward by re turning it to 628 Callowhill street. CITY NOTICES. Odd Fellows’ Parade. The bands of music all ihe time Played while the Lodges formed in liae; And oonntleHS namoere from afar Came on by steamboat, stage, and car. The thousands tilled ap the street, Dressed in regalia rich and neat; And in the distance yon conld hear The bugles eonnding loud and clear. The line was formed, and soon the street Re-echoed sounds of many feet; While shout on shout., ana clapping bands, Boon joined the music ot the bauds. Rich banners to the breeze were flung. As by this mighty host moved on; And many a widow standing by Gazed on the tight with tearful eye, And said, Cod speed ye, noble men. Who to the widow’s wants attend; God bless this Order, all will say, And never will forget this day, When brothers met, hands clasped they both Where joineh in Fbibnksuu*, Love and Tbutji In Chestnut Street, Eight Twenty-koi b, Is Cuables BinKEb’ famous Clothing Store, Where clotheß of every cut you'll find, Of every shape, and make, and kind. The largest stock we always keep, ABd we’ll sell it very cheap ; So come and welcome. Fellows all, Both odd and evcn.on us cal), Under Continf.n-i al Hotel, To complete your Bull, buy one ol those bcmitifal Hate sold so low, at Moth X’rooi Chests, Suhooi.fVr Pkkkit Ventilating Refrigerators, Ai Fauson & Co.’h old Stand, ■ITI Dock slreel. <*r>ti Wati-ic Coolkkk. AtKortmehL Faebon & Co.'* lielneeraior btore, U/.2 Dock Btreut, Fmk your Spring Hat go to Oak t okd's. Guano ihei la* of KID (j LOVES AND DBEBB GOODS. Due case genuine Joseph Kid Cloves, new shades, wtck ' * iou dozen ui <♦& cents : also, bust $l6O Kid C,love iu the city. beet quality, new shade, $1 7f>. iW)U pieces new mixed Dress Goods, at 31, 37, 44, 00 to 70. ’ ’ Hosiery cheap. hTßii-zivnr.Etsf: ijuimft uKt>i/nn>. To clone out stock. New goods opened evurv day Specialty, Slack and Silk Dress Hood*, at T) . R• Saktuolomkw's One I rice Dry Goodaund Notion House. ° North Eighth street. Cohns, Bunions, Inverted Nulls, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson No, sib Obesum street. ■Charges moderate. OAK FORD’S. Under the Continental, At Parson & Co.V Refrigerator Warehouse, 2tt2 Dock street. Fob ydur Spring Hat go to Oakfobd’r. The American : Combination : Button-hole and Si wing Maobinb is (he family machine after all.' that ■ - ■ ••surra all purchasers.” Call and see it, at the B. W. corner of Eleve ith and Chestnut streets. . Quiet and soothe the pain of children teething— Use Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. The Vermont Bpring Water. The great remedy for Cancer, Bcrofula, Bright's Dis ease and other Kidney affections. Sold bj Johnston, Holloway & Cowden, 602 Arch street. Pekoe Souchong. —A very superior English Breakfast Tea. On sole by Falrthorne & Co., 1036 Market street and 209 North Ninth, Surgical Instruments and druggists’ son dries. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Eye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources In the city can bo seen at this office. No. 809 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to-accompany their patlents,as he has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes Inserted. No .charge made for examination. Reported for the Evening 6alletin. WENTWORTH—Schr Sarah A Reed, Reed—276 tons plaster J E Bazley & Co. MABINE BUUMBTEN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Aeon. 37. Mr Bee Marine Bulletin on Inside Paoe. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Florence Franklin. Pierson, 13 hoars from Bal timore. with mdso to A Groves, Jr. Schr Sarah A Reed, Reed. 20 days from Wentworth. NB. with plaster to J E Bazlev St Co. Bohr J H Moore, Nickerson, 8 dayi from Boston, with mdso to Merehon a Cloud. . ... Schr Hiawatha, Loo, 6 days from Newburyport. with mdse to Knight & Sons. .. , Schr EdwLameysr. Gorman. 6 days from Newburyport, with mdBO to Knight & Sons. .... Schr Restless. Baxter. 4 days from Boston, with mdse to Knight & Sons. Schr J Truman, Gibbs. 8 days from Ne w Bedford, with oil to Sbober & Co CLOAKED THIS DAY. Steamer Brunette. Howe. New York, John P OhL Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del., April 25—7 PM. Schr Rebecca Florence, from Sagua, haa arrived at the Breakwater for orders. Brig Lena Thorlow, for Key West, went to sea yesterday; bark Vesta, for Elsinore; brig Alma, for Kooigeburg, and schr Hattie Robb. for Portland, all from Philadelphia, wont to sea to-dyr. Yours, Ac. JOSEPH LAFBTRA, MEMORANDA. Ship Armstrong (Br), Owens, hence at Antwerp 18th instant. Ship Guardian, Borland, cleared at New Orleans 22d insf. for Havre with 3456 bales cotton. Shin Avonmore (Br), Gorfiold. 126 dayß from Calcutta, at New Yora yesterday. Ship Aurora, Giet, from San Francisco 13th Jan,, at New York yesterday. Steamer Juniata, Hoxie, hence at New Orleans 22d iost via Havana. Steamer Golden Fleece (Br). Fisher, cleared at Mobilt 22d Inst, for Liverpool, with 6350 bales cotton, weighing 2.603,831 lbs valued at $703,034 87. ASteamer Pioneer, Barrett, cleared at Wilmington, NC. 34th inst for this port Steamer Utility, Nickerson, Boiled from Providence 24th inst. for this port. Steamer Holsatia rNG), Ehlers. cleared at New York yesterday for Hamburg. Bteamer Citv of Paris (Br). Kennedy, from Liverpool 14th inst and Queenstown 16th, at N York yesterday. Steamer Cortes, Nelson, from New Orleans 18th inst at New York yesterday. Bark Leah (Br), Jacques, which sailed from Buenos Ayres March 8, for this port, with a cargo of bone ash parted her chains and went ashore on the 6th on SB end of Ohico Bank, and sunk in a few minutes. Three of her crew were lost , , Bark Ocean, Jones, hence at Bt John. NB. 24tb inst Bnp Mnriannft. 11. Santos, sailed from Lisbon 7th inst °Bcbr Margaret Ann, Whelpley, hence at St John, NB 24th inst hebr W B Dennis. Leeds, bence at Providence 24th inst Scbrs North Pacific, Ericsson; Ocean Wave, Baker, and Eliza & Rebecca, Price, sailed from Providence 24th inst for thin port gchrs Geo Fales. Little, and Anna Shepard, Bowditch. sailed from Providence 25th inst for this port. Schr Clara, Barrett, cleared at Wilmington, NC. 24th lost for Boston. Schr Emily B Wharton, Bonsall, hence at Newport 25th instant. Schr Onruat, Heath, hence at East Greenwich 33d inat Schr Watauga, Lawrence, at W liming to 11. NC. 24th but. <r ßchr M*R e Cariiale, Potter, bence at Providence 23th but BQLLINERY GOODS. WOOD & CARY. FRENCH BONNETB, ENGLISH HATS and AMERICAN STRAW GOODS, New French Flowers. JUST RECEIVED, EVERY STYLE OF BONNET MATERIALS, AT WOOD & CARY’S, No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET. ap27 3t OUR FIRST RETAIL OPENING OF TRIMMED HATS, BONNETS AND French Millinery Goods, BIARCH 31, 1860. THOS. KENNEDY &. BRO., No. 729 Chestnut St. uh3l 3mi THOMPSON REYNOLDS, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealor in Straw and Millinery G-oods FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, &0., &o. N. W* corner Eighth and Vino Streets, u. v. b. HEATH, PHILADELPHIA. lipid Imrp GONFECTIONEBI* Surpassingly FINE CONFECTIONS, FOlt PRESENTS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN No. 1910 Market Street. ap24 3t OLIVE OIL, SUPERIOR QUALITY. ON DRAUGHT fnd in bottles [various brands. ROBERT SHOE* MAKER & CO., N, E. comer Fourth and Raco etreefes. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PH ? ADELPfif A. TUESDAY, AP Smowdeh & BBoman, 33 South Eighth street. LINENS AND HOUSEHOLD DRY GOODS. GEORGE MILLIKEN, FRESH STOCK. Lowest Prices at which Linen Goods have been sold for several ’.ears. BEST IRISH LINENS, BEST LINEN SHEETINGS. Linen Handkerchiefs, Shirt Bosoms, Towelings, Fnrnitnre Linens, Stair Crashes, Linen Drills, Bird-Eye and Nursery Diapers, Ac. We intend fo maintain our reputation for flrst-olais and pure Linen Goads, We also intend to demonstrate to Linen Buyers that we oan sell such goods at oheaper rates than are usually charged for Auotion Bargains, HOUSE HOLD DRY GOODS. Every description of Dry Goods required to furnish a house, of best qualities and invarisbiy at the lowest prioes. Flannels, Quilts, Sheetings, Furniture Chintzes. White Goods of every description. Hotels end Publio Irstitutions supplied at wholesale package rates. ap24BtrpB - .. —— -■ ...mi WALKING SUITS NEWEST MATERIALS AND LATEST STYLES Are Now Opening- Daily HOMER, COLLADAY & CO’S. In this Department we are prepared to furnish Beady Made every variety of Walking an,d Traveling Dresses, suitable for all tastes and of every quality. Orders filled with despatoh; CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD, HOMER, COLLAD AY & CO. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK SILKS AND DRESS GOODS EVER IMPORTED IHTO THIS CITY, And at Prices as Low as any other Establishment ia the Country. CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD, ITJUAS FINE ARIB, WtNDEROTH, TAILOR & BttuWfl’S OLD E&TABLIBDED PBOTOQBAPEIC PORTRAIT G ILL BBT. f * Furnished with every convenience and fa- , cility for producing the k boat work. A now pri* vate paßsago from tho Ladies' Dressing Room to tho Operating Room. All the refinements of Photography, such as BC#/^^"lvorytypes. n “Minla w / turn,” on porcelain, S “O paloty p e s the “New Crayons** originated with th a eetablienment WENDEROTH,TAYLO 3 A BROWN, 014 OHEBTRVT STREET. ap°" tn th b f6tl , - NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION AT EARLES’ GALLERIES AND LOOKING-GLASS WABBHQOM3, SIG CHESTNUT STREET. YO SEMITE VALLEY, by Thomas Hill. GOLD WORDS, by Constant Mayer. THE BOYHOOD OF LINCOLN, by Eastman Johnson. THE CROWN OF NEW ENGLAND, by Goo. L. Brown. SI NSET IN CALIFORNIA. by A. Bierstadt. THE REEF OF NORMAN’S WOK, by E. Moran. COAST OF NANTUCKET, by Wm. T, Richards. And other very fine AMFRICA.N PAINTINGS. A I*6, a Special Exhibition of Bierstadt’s Eruption of Vesuvius, 1868. ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. TO KENT. jbSA- TO KENT —THRBE-STORY Miss? Brown (‘tone Ilouse. with largo g <rdeu. ‘No. ‘"4107" street, West Philadelphia. Possession Junu st. Apply on premieOJ dr at 811 Arch st. ap27-strp* g&T TO RENT—A FOUR-BTOR Y MODERN DWELL- Hpl ing house. No. 804 North Eighteenth street. Poises ■hut Gon early iu May. Tho prose ut tenant will show the house. R. CIIUR .HMAN, apß7 3t* No. 254 8. Sixteenth wtreot._ PIG IRON.—7O TONS NO. I SCOTCH PIG IRON (Glcngarnock Brand) ox ship, for sale in lots to suit. y Fetes wuiout k sons, iu w&isuutroot. »p23t( NEW OP EKING. (Successor to James McMullan,) 1128 CHESTNUT STREET ALSO, 828 ARCH STREET. best table damasks. OF THE Nos. 1413 and 1414. ARE NOW EXHIBITING Nos. 1413 and 1414. HOOTS AO SHOES. W. H. HELWEG, BOOTMAKER, NO. 535 ARCH STREET, All the latest New York and Philadelphia styles of BOOTS and GAITERS always on hand and made to order at short notice. mh23 to f Bmrp SPRING STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES FOB GENTS’ WEAK. BARTLETT, 33 S- Sixth Street, above Chestnut. ool7 a to th lyrpQ r iJBS, Ac. FURS ON_STORAGE. A. K. & F. K. WOMBATH, -1212 CHESTNUT STREET, Reg to iDform the Ladles that they are now preparod to receive FUKB ON STORAGE through the Summer, guaranteeing them against low by'Fire and Moth, at a trifling expense. A. K. & F. K. WOMBATH. 1212 Chestnut Street, apt til e tu Srnrp mar. 1869. THE THERMOMETER IS ASCENDING, : /V; Vi.'-kw®; '"V'X'ri -"‘.V/ E^OCEHILL & WILSON'S GREAT BROWN STONE HALL The Buftineti Thermometer of Philadelphia, IS BEADY FOB THE MILD WEATHER WITH Ample Gash Capital* Abundant Store Koomj Prolonged E3xperienoe» Ohoioe Looality, The Finest Goods. The Most Tasty Gutters* \ The Most Polite Salesmen* The Largest Stools* The Lowest Prices* And everything necessary to carry on the bnainesß of supplying tho constantly increasing demand for first-class Clothing, with OLD CUSTOMERS clinging to ds, as the ivy to the vine, and with 1 NEW CUSTOMERS rushing in multitudes, and wishing they had always come before. ROCKHILL & WILSON again invite the pabllc to keep on coming, and supplying themselves, cheap for cash, at the GREAT BROWN HALL 003 and 60S CHESTNUT STREET. SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES. ENGLISH AND FRENCH FABRICS INGENUITY AND ORIGINALITY. CHEVIOTS, MELTONS and BANNOCKBURNS, new Mixtures and Designs. PIQUE, GRANITE and DIAGONAL COATINGS. ELEGANT STRIPES—Rare beauties of designs and colors, for Pantaloons. WHITE and BROWN DUCKS, and WHITE MARSEILLES, Tor Vests, made up in new style. DOUBLE-BREASTED FROCK COATS, popular for street wear. HALF-DRESS MORNING COATS, convenient for general use. BUSINESS COATB, English stylo. Jaunty garments. SACK COATS, tastefully cut. Coming into fashion again, MANY OTHER NOVELTIES OF MATERIAL OR MAKE, An immense assoitment ot everytliipg pertaining to the CLOTHING TRADE. CHESTNUT STREET CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN 818 and. BSO N. B.—This is a NEW Establishment, Just opened, In the large Brown Stone Buildings, formerly Homer, Colladay & Co.'s, and strangers will de well to look In at It, If only for curiosity’s sake. apistl DARPETU6B, AO* CARPETINGS! M’OALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN* No. 600 CHESTNUT STBEET, Opposite Independence HalL Importers of Carpetings. Of every description. FRESH CANTON MATTING?. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. M’CALLUNI, CREASE & SLOAN, CIBPET AND OIL CLOTH WABEHOUB’, No. 609 Chestnut Street, Opposite Independence Dali, Philadelphia. apl6 th a tu tl JeB rp SPRING. 1869. LEEDQM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET. We are now receiving a very largo stock of new goods for SPRING- SALES, Embracing all the new styles of CAEPETINGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &o. mh6ftmrp} OHnahEHTAIi IMOIN WORKS. ARTISANS’ AND BUILDERS’ Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works SPABKS,STILLMAN,DOWJ)ELL&CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Cast and Wrought Iron Railing, * GARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS, FOUN TAINS. VASES, VERANDAHS, SETTEES. CHATRS, (bo. IRON STAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW AND IM - PROVED STABLE ’ -•- FURNITURE. Foundry—2o2B North Tenth Street. Wareroom—Bo7 Chestnut Street. mhBO tn th a 3mBp6 ;T\Oi.CE FAR niente.-Enjoyment'iieioht- WIL C E C Y d .^gMU k a'SS W^tfi MADE UP WITH TOGETHER WITH AT THE WANAMAKER, CHESTNUT STREET. GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 ar d 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. F stablished in 1844. (el Bmn! FURNITURE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIB Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT STREET, GIRARD ROW: mhfl-a tu th 6mrps _ I. LUTZ, FURNITURE, 121 South ELEVENTH Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FIRST CLASS FURNITURE At moderate Prices. 1 apSO ImrpS ■■ ■ - ■ FURNITURE. T. St J. A. HENKELS, Having REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH ST., Arc now Bolling firat-olaßs FURNITURE at very reduced prlcoß. mh3l-3mrps TjUTLER, WEAVER & CO. 1 NEW CORDAGE FACTORY No. 11K .WATER street and 23 N. DELAWARE avenue, rDfUraOBE. ChC. NOW IN FULL OPERATION.