Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 26, 1869, Image 4
ygI.MBAPHIC SUnlinAtt** Da. Chamh Is seriously 111 in Now . J° rk ' ia _ Hugh Bradshaw, a well-known Iris g trste, bsß been shot In Tlpporary. , Aghbat popular demonstration took place at Madrid,ln favor of a republic. * A waoE number of Cana are emigrating to Nebraska, to settle In that State. Qubsada's brother and Cespedoss sou ore at M OmtboiiMDd uWHIon.I troop? hare orrlvod broker oT Tort, «- mMed suicide In that city on Saturday. Fbakcb, it is said, will respect the Spanish Government, whatever form it may assume here a<Fon the current year the Dudget presented by the Finance Minister has been adopted by the Corpß Leglslatif. Aitee caretul consideration the Italian Court of Appeals have unanimously agreed upon the abolition ol the death penalty. Two no vs, sons of different parents,committed suicide on their respective lathers premises, at Vermont, Illinois, one day last week. D. Page, one of the founders and Mayors of St. Louis, died in Washington on Saturday, aged 7!i. Wbi N. Borkman, colored, of New York, has been appointed a first-class clerk in the Treasury Department It Is now belioved that the reported surrender of six hundred revolutionists, near Cienfuegos, Cuba, is false. A Spanish frigate sailed yesterday from Ha vana, supposed to be on the look out for expedi tions from the United Stateß. The wheat crop in Southern Illinois is re ported to be more promising than at any previous time. „ , _ Tub Tenth Provisional Council of the Roman Catholic Archlepiscopal Diocese of Baltimore, mot in Baltimore yesterday. A vibe at Nos. 9 and 11 Nassau street, N. Y., on Saturday night,destroyed about $30,000 worth of proper,y. A train ran off the track of the Rome, Water town and Ogdeneburg Railroad, near Gouver neur, N. Y., on Saturday, injuring several per sons. The General Assemblies of the Old and New School Presbyterian Church will meet at New York on May 20th, to settle the question ol re union. About two hundred feet of the State dam, across the Hudson, at Troy, N. Y., were carried away by the flood, and It is feared the navigation of the Champlain canal will be affected. Messes. Benitez and Perez, of the Para guayan Legation at Paris, have arrived in Wash ington. It Is thought they are on a mission of intercession for Lopez. THETeportof Special Treasury Agent Purdy on revenue frauds In Californio discloses the usual violations of the revenue law, particularly in regard to whisky and smuggling. It is slated at the Treasury Department that the sales of gold, in pursuance of the order of Thursday last, will be until otherwise ordered, not less than $509,000 nor more than $1,000,000. A EIRE In the woods of Long Island, after burning for a week, was extinguished on Thurs day night. Three miles of timber wero de stroyed. The body of Miss Sophia A. Howe, who dis appeared from Springfield, Mass., la&t January, has been found in a pond near that city. As it showed no marks of violence, the belief is that she committed suicide. Military preparations are in progress at Nas sau, tho forts being strengthened and the garri sons reinforced, in anticipation of trouble with BpaiD, regarding the late outrages upon British vessels. Dolor, Captain-General of Cuba,haß demanded of the British authorities the surrender of the parties who captured the steamer Commanditario. The Governor of New Providence referred the matter to London for settlement. The Fenians in Lawrence, Mass., had a parade on Saturday, on the occasion of placing a monu ment on the grave of Tlmoiliy O'Leary, who harbored Darcy, the Fenian, in Manchester, Eng land, and was compelled therefor to fly to this country. A iikj-utati on |of persons who have volun tecnd 10 care for iho wounded in case of war, waited upon ihe King of Pruaaia, on Friday, and were cordially received by his Majesty, who thouebl tbut the object of their association was spparanlly distant. A Danish journal has come to the conclusion that the United States Congress exhibited a waul ot respect toward Denmark by its recent action regarding Seward's treaty for the acquisition of the Danish Wtßt Indies, and intimates that Count Rausloff will resign should the measure fail. Thk steamer Usclda, having on board a num ber ol discharged soldiers, struck a snag in the Missouri river, near Sioux City, on Saturday u.orLirg, ahd sank. While sinking, her boiler exploded, killing aud wounding a large numb-.r ol pet sols. The number missing is reported at buy. li is rumored in London that the British Go- Verument will concede belligerent rights t» tue Lucan revolutionists, aud assistance rendered, uLd the independence of the 1.-l.md assn rid, ft lie- belli I that it will prevent annexation to the Unite,l Stales, and prove cjnsioluuey to the Ala bama claims aud belligerent rights' question p tiding between Great Btil-atn aud this c mulry. Sknatob Wilson has addressed Gineral Uawimgs a letter of considerable length, m which be argues that Ihc construction pit by the (aovenimeut ollicers upon the act making eight hours u day’s work for laborers, workmen uLd mechanics employed by the United States, is a violation of the act and of the intentions of Congress. Mr. Wilson’s opinion is that the re duction of the hours of labor did not reduce wages in proportion, but that the same spin bhi.uld be paid lor eighl hours now ns for twelve hitherto. Tint lollowing shows the effect of one of the naturalization treaties which have recently been negotiated with the German States: “Wo, NicboloßFrederlek Peter, &c., promulgate hereby that we have fell moved graciously to ordain that all those bouDd to do military service, who were born belore the Ist of January, lttfti, and who were required to enter into the military ser vice before the 16th of November, 1800, and who have tried to iscape performing their military servicp by leaving tho Grand Daetjv, shall be ac quitted of the punishments incurred thereby, whether the same may have been legally pro nounced or not; the fines, however, that huvu alteady been puid shull not bo refunded. “Given under onr hand and seal, <kc. IMFOKTATIONB, lleporteafor the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. - LIVERPOOL— Slop Othello. I mkham- 1160 sacks fine salt W Brocken; ,ot pie iron 138 crates 7 cks earthenware Peter Wright A Sops ;08 drums soda ash Brown, Shipley gj Go; 6 crates earthenwaru Warm i Kline di do ; 16 tes soda asb Geo T Keevi s & Son; lick- eanhenware Salt. Mear Si Bpbropp; 344 bxs tin plate Nathan Trotter * Go; 626 tut la iron O Gonireve ffl Son . 2 crates l csk earthen ware Buraess Si Goddard; 68tcs soda aali Fowlur, Grarnp ton si Go; IS cs wine J G bibb;2d pkg* earthenwaie A P Eborman; 30 bales matting. NJe Ingrain, to cs granite 6t drama common roda li(J8 ltd iron rails 125 bdls old rope 27 orates 4 hhds earthenware 634 bdls Iron 94 bale* paper stork 1077 bxe tin plate 875 blits soda crystals 183 ck« eoda ash 50 do bleaching poivder order ' LIVERPOOL—Barb Queen Victoria,Lenders -136llsacks MaishaU’aealt 4808 do common do 1600 do Deakin's do 60 tons lump rock do Alex Kerr Si Bro; 84 eke bleaching pow. dei 31 do soda asbGburcbinau Si Co;61 eks mdse 29 do soda i Bh order. . 1 . ' .. NGItFOLK-BchrP A Sanders, Garwll—loB 500cyoresi stiinslen W A Levering; 46t0 juniper rails T P GalvinSiGo. GARDEN AS—ling A P Larrabei. Garlislo -280 finds mo lasses 40 tes do 19 hbfs do E C Knight Si 00. ST JOHN, PU-Brlg Mar? Glace, Morrison—23B hhds eugor 55 hbls do 16 cks motasaSß John Mason Si Go. TRINIDAD- Bcbr at Croix.Golltns-29u hhds sogar 30 tea So tooblids molasses 8 Si W Welsh. TRINIDAD—Brig Firm, Growoil—344 hhds molasses 40 tes 12 bbl* do 8 li W Welsh. AKEGIBO, Pit—Bcbr Bahine Currier—l 74 hhds sugar 250 bid* do 40 ck* molasses Dallett Si Bon- moV£mENTB OST OOJEAN STJEABUEBS. TO AKBIVE. smrn from roB bam }?,"*• V Glasgow. .Now York. April 9 x}VL°* Lork Liverpool. .NYorkviaHal’x....April 10 ~',P u * Liverpool. .Now York April 10 BsJuraoro “A" ■..• London. .Now York April 10 Booth ami) toil. .Baltimore April 10 IdXo 1 .Liverpool. Quebec April 18 ltiinum Liverpool.. New York April 13 ..Havre..New York. April 14 {pfnnwrk Liverpool. .New York. April 14 l)(ilUZlUK>>< >LlV|;tl)Ool NflwYnrW Anvil tA Neatorian LlveriSV' Quebec }a Columbia Giaagow . .Kew York j'j! 1. BibßrU ‘ York 11 * Now 'lPv” lburß April <27 ■few VS&V.SSSSL,- :SSJ?SS::ter ; ~ ::: !S| HoUatta. WaaM.'. ... Manhattan..... Euseta..... Uorro Castle... Tarifa Arireca.. City of Limerick. .New Y0rk..Antw0rp....~......May, 1 Porolre „NewYork..Havre....;.., Mar J Liberty Baltimore. .N. O. via Havana... Mar 1 10wb... Now York. .Glasgow .gw 1 City of Faria... ....NOW York.. Liverpool... May 1 BOARD OB' TRADE. J. PRICE WETHERILL, 1 „ „ SAMI EL G. STOKES. > MotrrtiLY CounTm, JAMES DOUQHEin Y. A _______ MAKTNE BULLSm PORT OF PHITiAPEtaPHTA— ArntL 26. Jon Bun, 6 061 Boa Bm. 6 601 Hinn Wim, 1 86 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Norman,. Crowell. 48 hours from Boston, witn mdse to H Wlnsor & Co. _ ARRIVED ON SATURDAY. Bbio Othello. Ttnkham, 39 days from Liverpool, with mdse to Peter Wright & Bohb. , _ Steamer Utility. Nickerson, 86 hours from Providonee with mdse to D 8 Stetson A Co. Steamer Diamond Stato.Wcbb.l3 bourn from Baltimore, with mdso to A Groves, Jr. ... rl Bark Queen Victoria (Br). Lenders. 41 days from Liver. pool with mdse to L Westergaard A Co. r , . Brig Favour (Norw). Rain, 60 days from Cette,.with wino, Ac, to Walden. Kmhn A Co.-vessel to Workmen *Brig Firm (Br). Crowell. 18 days from Trinidad. with roolßßseeto S & W Welflh—vessel to C t* Van Horn. Brig A F Larrabee. Carlisle, IB days from Cardeoas.wlth molaaaea to B H BartoL .. , „„ , . _ a . - . Brig Mary Grace (Br), Morrison, 13 days from St John. PK, with sugar and molasses to John Mason <s Co.—vessel to Scbr sfSroix?Col!ina. 14 days from Trinidad.with sugar and molasses to S& W Wei h No dato. lat 36 30, long 76. spoke achr 8 A Hammond, bound to Boston, with main topmast and foremast head gone. ScbrSabino Currier, 7 days from Arecibo, PR. with sugar and molasses to Dallett & Son-vessel to 8 L Mor- Cb Bchr < Foaming Sea, Williams. 6 days from Rappahannock River, with ties to Hickman & Bottingham Schr Little Rock, Ricbman. 6 days from Rappahannock River with ties to Hickman & Gottlngham. Schr Chief, Townsend, a days from Indian River, with grain to Jaa L Bewloy &Co. Schr Freemason, Furman, 2 days from Indian River, gram to Collins & Co. „ __ „ ... Bchr Mary J Flsbor, Lawrence, from Now Havon, with railroad Iron to Phoenix Iron Co. —vessel to Lathhury, Wlckorshom & Co. CLEARED ON SATURDAY. Steamer James 8 Green, Vance, Richmond and Norfolk Steamer&ew York, Jones, Washington and Alexandria W P Clyde & uo. „ w „ T} . _ Steamer Saxon Sears. Boston. H Wlnsor « 00, Steamer J 8 Bhrivcr. Donnie. Baltinmre. A Groves, Jr. Bark Eldorado (Norw). Thomason, Stockholm, L Wester- Bark EilcmStnart. lvigtut, .1 F, Bazley A Co. Bark Eliza, Spraguo. Sagua, D 8 Stetson A Co. Schr L A Dnncnhoiver, Sheppard. Roxbury, Day. Huddell SchrPß St Clair Edwards, Ireland. Roxbury do Bchr J w Haig, Brower, Newborn, NC. Lathbury. Wick ersham & Co. MEMORANDA Ship Harrisburg. Wiewelh was loading at Buenos Ayres 3d alt for Baltimore—before reported for this port. Ship Laurel (Br), Smith, 100 days from Foochow, at New York 24th inet, with tea. . „ ... Ship British Trident (Br), Armstrong, cleared at Mobile 21st lust, for Liverpool, with 3477 b&leB cotton, valued at ® Steamer Donau (NG), Ernst, from Bremen via South arnpton 13th inst. at New York yesterdav. Steamer Britannia (Br), Donaldson, from Glasgow 7th inst. at. New IGwk vwtorday. . , Steamer Norfolk, Platt, sailed from Richmond 23d inst. Jones, cleared at New York 24th inst. Steamer Prom ethous. Gray, from Charleston for this port, lias on board 200 tons phosphate rock, 97 bales cotton. bales yam. 7 tes rice. 6l bbb and 26 bxs green peas. 10 bags cocoauuts aDd sundry pkes. Steamer Wyoming, Teal, clearod at Savannah 21th inst for this port. , A „ Bark S W Holbrook* Polleys, cleared at Havana 17th mat. tor this port. „ . ..... . . . , Bark Savannah, Ames, at Sombrero loth instant for "’{iarkChasea. Crockett, at Cienfuegos 6th instant, ready Miller. Miller, cleared at Baltimore 22d inst. for this port. , .. , . .. . Brig J A U Crowley. Crowley, from Trinidad for this port. w*s spoken 14th inft, off Cape Antonio. Brig Mountain Eagle. Sherman, oleored at Havana lith inst for this oort. A . . ... . * Brig Condova, Eddv. hence at Matanzas loth inet HrigAbbio, Davis, cieated at Matanzas ltitb instant tor this port ~.. , . Br*gJsola. Cables, hence at Cardonas Ifctn lust. Schr Hannah Little, Godfrey,sailed from Charleston24th met. for this port. ... . . Xl v schr J Ricardo Jova. Crawford, cleared at New York "Vchrlhinny Keating, Daniels, at Sombrero 10th instant f °SchrVtrirv D Ireland, hence for Galveston, ashore on IVIIrMi Suit. will, it is thought, prove a total loss. { ’HESTNUT STREET THEATRE. L D. HESS A CO LA“T WEEK. LAST WEEK POSITIVELY. THIS (MuNDAY) EVENING. 'pril 36. east night butfiVe Of the great Spectacular Extravaganza, THE r'lE.l.D oE r IIIE CCOTH OF GOLD. THE FIELD OE THE CLOTH Ol; G >LD. THE FIELD OE THE CLOTH OF GOLD. W ith m 1 itt* ppleudid music, dances, costumes, jewels, cumie situatione, wonderful and novel introductions. PRODUCED AT A COST OF SIO.O-W THE BIGGEST SUCCLBS EVER KNOWN iu thG city.now in its seventh week.and only withdrawn because the Comp&n* is obliged to leave the citv TO-MORROW. TUESDAY. Farewell Benefit of MISS KATIE PUTNAM. Wednesday Beuc-lit of Fannie Stockton. Thursday ' Benefit of Mr. W. Fiske. Friday’ Benefit of Mrs. J. A. Oates. SATURDAY—LAST MATINEE. Seats cpii be secured from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. ?Vjf*'lifi"”j6uN“DßE^ , *s'' ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at 7)4. hkcond wf:kk of LOT T A . MONDAY, April grttli. IW, _ ni , vT EVERY I'YEMM. AN’b SATURDAY afternoon. \\ iiii Di um Soß>, St;i !*■ -vf»*d liv an c-yoHlent Cast. nni*A> 1 UM'L’A. Ju I/jUaV N. u Drama, KLEIN A. \t' al MT EE" n o EATKIf. Betrtr.j* iit7\ o'clock. • THIS EVENING Awil ::»5Ux, Tin- dirtiiip;u.'tn ■’ ■'u.i : ic:C-i* ''linn, Mi'.. .1. H. m m kkrr, i li iil>t * al * '* 0»>IJ '•(! x . jLi i. -> r ac'O • { 'j mk Mi.io V wives or wivpsok MR .1. 11. lIAEK b IT Hr SIR ,}"11N FALSTAII. T». r<<m 1 :de u iili HuniardV f*\tra\ Httanza “f liiUN.oK/iUt MAN A 1’ THO VViILLE. ' \ I < > W \,ISS.H.NN> WU.MORF! .Vl N,‘, . MlSi UX/oi: WILI.M ■; .K MINEhNEi Mil cLLIX ROGERS ’lH> 1 NIT STREET KINK. \ n iM'iprii’toMi- Cwni" TV 1 NTY-TIUKIi and (TIES I N LT t Ir. -i-u. i .UA Ml UPI.M.M. M'.M T, SInMUV, April ad. THIS E\ EM Mi (;ALA oI’KNIMi NIGHT. 'Mil BEST V 1 LOITFEDE EXHIBITION E\LK til\ EN IN THIS CITY. iiiiijjam sh.vk. med yds. (IRANI) I.uNTES 1 I" OH Oil AM PIONSHI! MAMFaIH LTO-.R'S FKIZK. A SLLVEit MF.HAL NEW YORK I*III LAUEEI’III A. A HFAITIFEL (IHEI M El> Au V ADDED AT $6O, To be liieeented to the be«l rider in I’hilndelphw. A hTDENDIIJ SIDYF.Ii MEDAL- A ADLE SL. To be presented to the btst Boy ridel . A SI-LKNDIi) SIIN Elt MEDAL COS T $4O, 'i'u h»» presented t.> the Manufacturer ol the beet ana i"",t uoeltll VELOOIPKDE. Tb< u rowing Manufacture ha*e entered:. Mt erie Wod A Brother*. Eiekeriup A. Davu, Mercer & Mu’“d, all of New York. .r W Tt.ft, I«5 eesrs. Be\ion A: Horthwtck, O. . i.ight, 1 hiludeli hi a. t 4l The it bos e Machines will be bv too BEST VELOCIPEDE KIDEKB IN AMLRICA. FORTY FiRST-ÜbAßa VELOCIPEDES have been purchased forthii* spacious establishment. VELOCIPEDES FOR BALE At the lowest factory price*. H«-cular ndmUaiou . in cents. Exhibition N ichta, 26 cents. CHEISMAKIS’ RAND oF MUSIC Will bo in attendance the OPENING NIGtl i . Rink open daily from H A. M. to 10 F- M • I*_ ( ’° N OPENING OF GRAND MILITARY DRAMA •‘Petku.’ Ol IUK drum m b r bo y Or, the Battle of Shiloh. Lndc, th B .u.plc« of BT & R K)U THE BEX EFIT ‘ 'l' THE SOLDIERS’ WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS’ RgDIEI POND, /Br ON MONDAY EVENING. April 2li. JT To coutinm) for two weok», .. TWELVE BEALTIFLL TARLLArN, «.McaL REPRESEN TAT 10 N B, m p THRILLING BATTLE SCENES. ON gCENEBi 50 cents Adinitwiou - Kreervcd Soatu, 2n contu extra. n For hale at the Hull during the day, ai.d evening. Door* oven at 7 o’clock. Oomwiende *t 7.40. It* i \OMJEKT HALL, Vj The Wonderful Child Violinist, MASTER WILLIE lIF.SB, only !■ yearn old. and lu« Ht'lo sinter, tin? celebrated Child l ianint, u ill appear at Prof. E. P. OhiißtPd GRAND CONCERT. ON TItSDAY EVENING, Anil 2?th» Alto, the distinguished Vocal Aitieti Mttk\ 11. El' 11REN8, Mies C. Mi LaH’REV. Mllr. C. 11 IN OLE, and Mr. WM.OILCURTST. ickelH, with r< served seats, tj>l. foi* sa'e at Mr. Trum fi ler's, und at all the principal llo*ele and Mumc Stores. ap24-;u* mjIBATKE (JOMIQUE—SEVENTH STREET. BELOW X Arch. C'omincDCfcß nt y o'clock. TL NISON & CO MJSB SUSAN GALTON In u dcw Comic Opura. first thin ,to night, ■——• JOVETTE. jo\ErrE. And a Mimical comediot'a entitled _ CKOBS PUUPOBKB CKUiB PC EPOSES, w ill uUobo Given, Oomic English Opera Company hi neai lug. MATANEE, Saturday at 2. “PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE AKT3. TIIF FORTY SIXTH ANNUAL BPRINO FXHIRI. TION OF PAINTIMJS, SCULPTURE. &c., unmv Upon. Admission ‘>6 cc-ute. Be won Tickets 50 coots. o?.“from?iA. M.'to 6X P. M.. and from 7*.„ lo p.ll. ■ ‘‘l'- 1 ’ I,'XUIBITION or WATER OOLuiv - IS lil uid ol the Children’ll lioßpiUl. Open daily from ‘i A hi. to ti I*. M , and from 8 to 10 1. hi., at tho AKII h] fCM) GALLERIES, 1834 Choetmitetrcot. Ticket*, 25 cents. Scaßoii Tickote* $l. foraaloat tuo OaUeriCß . tipM-lm! THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY APRIL 26 1869; .Managere. 1 !KE Vu\ FIREFLY Bom:? and Mad Dance .Proprietor ,0R DRAWINGS IJiOX‘B AMERICAN THEATRE, I? i WALNUT BTREBT. above Eighth. .. SanlS. Sanford Acting and Stago Manager 1 GRAND GALA WEEK. GRANDAND IMPORTANT NOVELTIEB. The King and Queen of the Air on the Trapeze. , , Tho Eight Premieres, De Rosa, Bohlke, Leah, Lo Suardi. Julie Lehman, and M: and A. Morzettea. in tho grand now ballet M The Demon,. Gun Williams, the star comlaue in changos. Louteo Robinson exhibits her grace on the Veloclpedo. Bailie Swift exercises tho Indian Clubs. TV/f AMMOI’H VELOCIPEDE SCHOOL. IYL TWENTY-FIKST and RACE BTREETS. Open Day and Evening. All Btyleß of Velocipedes, bom for sale and to rent, ueadqoarters of Philadelphia Velocipede Club. Admission. 10 cents. The Elnore Troupe of L»dy VelocipodUtA will com mence. THURSDAY, April Ut. mh9 Bmfi Parlor concert.-string quautett olub. FIRST ANNUAL MATiNKE For the Benefit of tho Quartott Fund will be given at the FOYER OF THE AOAf'EMY, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, April2Bth,at4o’cloob, TioketeSl; can be had at L. MEYER’S Music Store, 1418 Chestnut street, and at the door. apB3-4t* G" ERMANIA ORCHESTRA, PUBLIC REHEARSALS at tho Horticultural Hall, every Wednesday, at 314 r ' M- HORTICULTURAL HALL. Tickets sold at the door and ali principal xnasic stores. Packages of five, SI *. single, 26 cents. Engagements can bo made by addressing Gh BABTERT, 1231 Monterey street, or ANDRES Music Store, 1104 Chestnut st. Thu last Rehearsal of tbo Season will tako place on Wednesday next, April 28th. ocl7-tfs SENTZ’S AND HASSLER’S THIRTIETH AND LAST ORCHESTRA MATINEE apl Will be given on MA\ Bth. Academy of fine arts, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Benjamin West’s Great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED still on exhibition. Je29»tf OEDiOAIa French medicines PREPARED BY GRIMAUur <fc COm CHEMISTS TO 11. 1 H. PRINCE NAPOLEON, 66 RUE PE RICHELIEU, PARIS. DR BURON DU BUISSON'S DIGESTIVE LOZENGES.OFJTHE ALKALINE LAC- The Alkaline Lactates exercise the most beneficial in fluence over the derangements, of digestion, cither by their peculiar action on the mucous membrane of the stomach, or by affording to the latter, through their com bination with tne saliva to the gastric juice, a supply of lactic acid, which all English. French, and othei physi ologists admit to be an essential principle of digestion. Fm the information of thoso who may be without medi cal advice, it may be stated here that the symptoms of impaired digestion are—Headache, paiointho forehead, heraicraDia, gastritis, gastralgia, heartburn, wind in the stomach and bowels, loss of appetite, emaciation, &c. Agents in I ' hlladel l P,^ CH- RICHARDS 6 CO.. N.W. cor.Tenth and Market streets. OPAL DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOB cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcula, which in feat them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feenni of fragrance ana perfect cleanlineea in the mouth. Itmaj be need daily, ana will be found to strengthen weak and bieeoing gum a, while the aroma and detersivenesa will recommend it to every ono. Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the on certain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents ol the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to nrovent its unrestrained* ffTnbloyment. Uade only by prevent iui u JAME g Ti SHINN , Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally. Mid Fred Browne, D. Stackhouse, 13award * C 0..! Robert C. Dnvir, G. K. Keeny. Geo. C. Bower. Isaac H. Kay, Ghojj. Shivers, G. U. Needles, 8. M. McColin. T. J. Husband. &. C. Bunting. Ambrose Smith, Cbas. H. Eberle, Edward Parrish, J o ™*® N. Marks, Wm. B. W ebb, E. Bringhurßt & Co., James L. Bispbam. 9°,** a Hughes 6 Combe, H. C. Blair’s Sons, Henry A. Bower. Wyeth A Bro. t'OK KALt,. I mportant to woolen mamtactureks. I Will be sold at public sale, by catalogue, for cash, on WEDNESDAY, Mav 5, ltbU nil the MACHIM-IU AND FIXTURES cf the Woolen Mill kuown as PEHKIOMEN MILL, No. 1, situated in Norristown, Pa., sixteen miles from Philadcl phia, late the property of P- M. Jounter <b Co. g©r* 'lhe machinery is nearly new. and will be per tn-otorily sold for cash in lots to suit purchasers, Buie to commence at 12 o’clock M. apl2-m wf t myo? T yESIKABLE INVESTMENTS. THE UNDER JL / signed offers pome liret class MORTGAGES, in sunt- Zt *5 sJotoa«6o.oW», drawing from EIGHT TO TEN PER Ll VsT INTEIiEbT, for a term of five years, h. cured ou central stoics nnd dwellings in the city of Chicago, worth at a low valuation in cash at least double the amount loaned— with coupon notes for Interest payable at IUtA in Philadelphia. lor particulars of theue thoroughly sate and desirable securities apply to . . , <t p2l -tit4 E. R. JONES. 7U7 Walnut street. io* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, a WELL-BUILT fasaThrfce story Brick Dwelling. 63a North Sev-Hi.lh E2iu etre-t, 20 feet front; parlor.di- lug room,kitchfii.it ■ , on fiist floor; built of beet material, and ha* been n:('i .lid foi 21 year* by orient owner. Lot 2u by neailv b< i.et- Apply to JAMES 8. MUSON, 140 Ho.lli I'l.m; street. __ “l'-'’" l ' OB- KOIf SALE.— A STORE (17*31) AND DWELLING, ffiffnine rooms, modern convenience*, suitable >»r dry Sia goods, groceries or liquor store. S. W. eurut r of Tenth and Wharton. • u ' M(;bl NTIiV SEAT AND FARM F'<K SALE. m pn or IWjfure? -Bristol pike, above 7 mile ft"ne, i»rd bear 'iVff-Dy. Maurlou h'-uM* H V-1/Vi* i i-o lirppi. bt. Apply ou preniUe* or to K. VNJili \i\ku. '■‘ln I octir t HtJfft. MCKhMA.vroWN- rou SALE Nrw Mono Cottage ou FiflurV lane, ?'i walk fi nm elation. Well built, with - .and all modern improvements. R *317 \S fihint street 0 1--OI: kale desirable Ri-smr.M CON tih: raptcrn fide nt Maiiheir* ftrert, in-nr •*tl e 'low OKhip UdcV’ SOU feet front, and ext“uduu! -r 7 frt ill r.epth to Uupinr etre«t (three ticu-e.'.c-Muuiaud- view. TMbttd Stour PwelliD? nod S*a',!-. 1.5 drant and well water, with nmde-n tniprnve-imt*. I 1: nit, t-hade. and q variety of beautiful evergreen Apply No. 226 Smith Third struct. Im»K SALT—A < F.Y SL.Ai, . *.• A< 1^1.5, C?-“ fn the Prlaw'irc- conveirVut t<> mir'r.d and -i<-vn &A f. h 1 u i’h 3! UH and stable, f i.nnie, hor 4 'k, cur- , .: gi-s. tools Loath, «tr. Mi althv r'it’ihtiou, line view, old inn-- aud clr.-tce 4iJ !• .t, n< \ fmif iti br.iunp Term* easy l*liutoftra[ihh at 231 South Third fireOt.- ap24 .U i^Foft'SALE -Tlii: 'IIANIWIME RESIDEVT, Tf;S No. i 24 South Nineteenth rtr*:ot, in complete nid-r. tA‘&. j\ 11 ;_y ( u pr'Ur iret*. apdl til* fts ? FOR SALK-BTONK HOI SK ON FAST WASH- EsftT i »ane, tiennautowo. Nino rooms; hoatititul iSO-'.uw. ’1 enu« eugy. j\ 0. AY ILLIo, » I-l:; Bf* lu" Library “ireet. 1-OK SALE 'ok KENT A COUNTRY UESl deijrr. 111 acre 4, comfortable house, fu-nthtiea if ai‘L deOird, K<>od water, plenty of fruit and shade, /ley , ,ni K.ad.tuu mile west of Fiankford. Address .J. U., 1- : aiikl ui d Turtotl.ee. Mfok bale in THE MOUNTAINS OF PENNSYLVANIA, A Valuable Uoti'l P operty, capable of accommodating ii-u iiucutH ; iurobihcd throughout; with 2UU aero* <>i Uud . ir.npt coveted pith valuable timber. Will be told at a «t Apply ti JOHN FtUSKIt, (Koorn No. 30) a p2o Lit* 43U Wulnut etreet. M" '"Volt SALE OK TO LET, FUKNIBIIKD HIE deniable brown-etoue Residence. 1011 North Broad ttJL'et, bandaomely furnished aud in complete order. (JLAKK A: ETTINU, np‘2o-6t # 711 Walnut afreet. sac* PEREMPTORY SALE. AT PUBLIC SALE ON KJJ!? the premises. April 29th. 1869, at 2 o’clock, P. IL. a mix very desirable country Seat of about 2u acres, to cated at the corner oi the Church and Mill Roads. Chel tenham, Montgomery county, couvoDient to either the .leukintown or Abington Station, North Pennsylvania Kallioad. The improvement* arc a nine-room atone house, with the necessary outbuildings. all in completo order, whli tenant house; location nigh, with a com* manding vIOW. The property will be Bold alltogothor, or the improvements with 5 acres, tho balance divided to make two very desirable building ei’es. Persons desirous of seiingthe property before day of wale, will apply to WM. C. JiOYAL, the owner, No. 4615 Main street, . Gar mantown, or to C. MATHER, JENKINTOWN. Poeaeß uon can be had on day of sale, and teima easy, uplti lit* W ELLINo! I 324 BPI t USE ST REET, fffTTTi coothcaet comer of Jumper. Lot 2U by 120 feet. Apply to' T. 11. BACIIE, ap26 61* 2:M South Thirteenth street. ZjjL F«' it sale”'neat torysto’ne cottage. HaSli] good location, Germantown, near depot; 9 rooms; i& every couvenieme. Lot 30 by llOfoet. Price $4,300. at)7-U5 • J. M. P. WALLACE. 128 8. Sixth pt.- V <)li SALE.*—TUE HOUSE 52:16 MAIN STREET, HfilT above Washington lane, Oeruianto vn ; twelve’room? fflijil !iud conservatory ; lot,say 40x450, all in perfec t order; will tell low". Inquire ot JUki.N B. LOVE, 1H South Frout street, or on the promises. aplH m \v a tfs IGR KENT THE DESIRABLE STOKE WITH fgtM Urge t rout, No. 14 North Third street.. .Hip No. ‘<2B Chestnut etr eet,huudsomc store. jJo. 41 N Third street, Urge store,l3o feet deep. No. lii2*4 Walnut street, handsome store and iS .veiling. No. 810 Walnut street, store and dwelling. J. M. CUMME> & SUNS, 733 Walnut street. M VALUABLE GRANITE STORE PROPERTY FOR Bale—Built in the moat substantial inauuer. suitable for the heaviest busluess, Noa 58 mid 60 North Front *trp{t, J. M. GUMMEY &i SONS, 733 Walnut street. Mi h'Oll SALE—THE HANDSOME FOUR STORY BOKti Brick Residence, situate No. 1703 Filbert street; lot ■Bill! £o s 117. to a4O feet wide street; immedite possession given ,J. M.GUMMEY A SONS , 723 Walnut street. SALE--A HANDSOME MODERN COT nE tsge, built In the beet manner, with every city con- JBJX venience, plate glass windows, and in perfect or der. Situate within Five minutCa’walk from Tioga Sta tion, on tho Germantown Railroad. Lot 100x280 feet, huhdsointly improved, and excellent garden. J. M. GUMMEY SONS, 738 Walnut street. MFOR SALE.-A MODERN BRICK DWELLING, • with every convenience, and fn oxcollont ropair. Situate on Filbert street, east of seventeenth street. J. M. GUMMEY fe SONS, 733 Walnut street. FOR BALE.-THE VALUABLE PROPERTY, Ban? southwest corner of Fifth and Adclphi streets, 62 .Bui feet front on Fifth street by 198 foot 6 inches on Adelphi street to Fleet streot—3 fronts. J. M. GUMMEY dr SONS, 788 Walnut etreet •gta FOR SALK.--THE HANDSOME THHEE-BTORV IB brick dwelling, situate No. 812 South Tonth street 1 Jfluirll.ot 21 feet 4 inches front. J. M. GUMMEY & SUNS, 33 Walnut streot, pREEBE 6 MoOOXiLUM, BEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Office, Jackson street, opparfte Mansion streoti Cm* Island, N. J. BsalEstate bought and noill - of renting cottages during the reason will apply or address as above. Respectfully refer to Gbaa. A Ruhicatn, Henry JButMi. Francis Mcllvain, Augustus ; Mexino, John Davis. and W. W. JuvenaL ■ <eB-tf& I TrOR RENT.—THE SECOND. THIRD AND FOURTH I 1 Floor, of th e now building nttho W-cornor of Eighth and Market etreeta Apply to STRAW BRIDGE & OLOTIIIER, on the premises, l“ 1, l rpo RENT— Mgebmantown COTTAGE, - roouifl, city conveniences —To rant by year, board of owner for the rent. KING Next Depot, Germantown. J. W. POST. MWEBT PHILADELPHIA.—TO RENT- ry . nielied house, for six months or a year. d 914 Walnut sueut. tt P' Mat Mgefmantown dv> elling to rent. PL r* nishcd. 12 rooms, all citv conveniences, within live iniantes of depot; situation high and pleasant; Rood yard. Will bo rented oither for four months or one yoar. At nlv *non to b. KbYoEi* aiWw, sp23 4i° Next Depot, Germantown, m One of the moat beautiful pl*cos ia Germantown: 20 minutes by rail; 6 minutes to station or the paßaeHger car,, lawn of 10 acre, 206 South Fourth street to RENT—THE FOUR STORY RESIDENCE, 1883 South Broad BtroeL Apply to GEORGE BEU ‘HsftQE&M, 226 8. Fourth street. »P 23 bt -.SUMMER RESIDENCE WITH FURNITURE FOR ffij? rent.—A largo modem raanflion, with bath-room, iSiii ico-houßO, garden, shady lawn, fltable, &c. Ono mile from Railroad, at Moorcatown. „ _ ap2o,l2t* ELISHA ROBERTS, Moorpatown, N. J. MTO RENT. THE SECOND, THIRD AND Fourth Floors of store muthweat corner FRONT and NEW streets, each 42 by 120 foet. Apply on the premieee, or to JAMES f. YODnO, ap7 w f m 9t # 182 South Front street -e* COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT.-TWO ■nrcctnmodiotM stone dwelling house?, well shaded, Hiaigarden, stable and carriage-house with each. situate on Lancaster avenue, near the five mile stone, ana with in a few minutes’ walk of Overbrook station, Pennsyl vania Railroad. ap2lw,f,m3t # TO RENT- - TWO FURNISHED COUNTRY raH 11 ounce, known respectively aa “Butler Place" ana Bliili “York Farm,” eituatod on the xork road, near BrftDchtown, with stables. ceach-hoa*ea, ice-houaes.gar. dern, &c. For terms and particulars apply to DR OWtN F WIBTER. Germantown. opl7 M' TO RENT - A PLEASANTLY BITUATED House (partially tarnished), and about an aero ol ground. The property is lour miles from tho city, and within a Bquare of t) Railroad StaU^m^^^ 731 Walnut street TO RENT.-MODERN RESIDENCE IN MAN tua —Three-story brown plastered modern dwelling; 10 rooms; bath, gas, heater, nlco porch and largo yard. Lot 40 by 116. ROB t. GKAFFEN & SON, ape-tf &37 Pine street. Mto rent-a handsomely furnished Bouse, Locust street, below Sixteenth. Address, ALPHA, Bulletin Office. mh26 tfjp_ TO RENT AND FURNITURE FOR S A LE ft? Beautiful Dwelling on North street. 12 rooms and every convenience. Furniture fashionable aud al most Dew. Will b* sacrificed. For particulars apply to KUNE & KLYB. 1112 Ridge avenue. ap24 it _ m Ti RENT-A HANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT, ft? FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. wilh two and a Jalal half acres of ground. Thorp’s lane, third house from Dry’s lane, Germantown, with eve:y convoulence, gas, hath, hot and cold water, stable, carriage-house, ice !,nun\ w ith 40 tone of ice, cow stable, chicken-house, and every improvement; will be rented with or without fur niture. Apply to CpPPUCK «tt JORDAN. 433 Walnut at STORE PROPERTIES FOR RENT.—LARGE four story building. No. 41 North Third street llnudt-ome Store *Dd Dwelling. No. 1024 Walnut street Store and Dwelling, No 812 \\ alnut street J. M. CLMMEY A SONS, 733 V* alnutetreet srzt. TO KENT.-A MODERN RESIDENCE, NO. 1338 Hi? Oxford street fiift door ea»t of Broad street All Kiii nu dein improvements. Immediate po-iaesslon. A Do, the h-indfon e Country Scat with ten acres, of land, it Kdgevvaler. N J. A lull view of the river; 3 »iiu»»iea « from atation. Apply to Col I UCK Ai JORDAN, WalnntetreeL OBOS 6 GBBEK LEHIGH COAL. PLAISTED & MoCOLLIN, No. 3033 CHESTNUT Street, Went Philadelphia, Sole Retail Agents for Core Brothers & Co.’s celebrated jros? Creek Lehigh CoaL from the Buck Mountain \ ern. This Coal is particularly adapted for making 3team fol sugar and Malt Houses, Breweries, die. It is also unsur parsed as a Family CoaL Orders loft at the oihee of the •Miners, No. S4l WALNUT Street (Ist Boor), will receive onr i rompt attention. Liberal arrangements made unth manufacturers using a regular quantity. jylotf n uiHfiN nniM, JOHN T, flllP.ArF, rpllE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO I their stock of , , Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation given by us, we think can not be excelled by any other Coal „„ „ FrankUn Uutute Jalu-tf Arch street wharf. Schnylbiil, WHY DO cONriUMEKS BOY Ot.’lt 00AL ? HE cause we break i.j« lar*e coni with a breaker, by w hich we produce an article that earnot bft fpialed by any wtrd in the trade, ti. W. corner Thirteenth and \\ aebinirton aveuue :ini4 minutes' i liimbd>, M THOMAS 6 S»'NS,A! CTIONF.EKS, . Nor*. i;>n jiud Hi rvmth I-ourtli -ticet Milo N'». Ito 3 Mervim: etrooL SUPERIOR Fl RM’i URK. BRUSSELS CARPETS, CLOCKS, A« . ON Tl‘Ksl >A V MnKNINO, Mhv -1. «t lu o’clock, nt No. Ito 3 Mt'iviuv? i-tr<’"L abov e M olt f; c■ ii er\ nviu.o.by cat tb . entire 1 ■. t* 11 -■ i * *•, con fiipiiii: 'lt gnut -- it Parlo- Fu. nituri* mm • -n■ -• p-. « hliait < tntre J'»i 10. Kiondi-M* Mai-tU*, ["euc u ulnm II *ll kd<l I 'ining Kooni l-’ni nit'iro. cl'-t; n f o*k bulled Sideboard, Wain t Kxt<r!»sw»o Olntmi I'nU-*, China and (ilim- Wan* Engnu im.v. ?iut fbmm walnut t hunibtr Furniture. or.k mu; i>:iin f **d Cotfucj’* !■ erpit-we, rii c BoUtcr* «nd Pillow*, mo It? u-r~ K iinT.oiial tu.d Caipetf. Miviof.l H»jx kt’lien l tin ilr, R«frig* rator, three autl du.-t .-’toverf, &c. MODERN IUBiDFNCi: AM> SUPERIOR ll' USE- HiiOO I*l. l’Nl'l l RF, PIANO Fot-.TT', KLJviANI MtLBSLLS AND OTHER CARPETS, 6c. ON WEDNESDAY Mi’HMMi. May 5 at 1» o'clock, at No -1H South Eleventh ?troftt,bv cnta'<'yue the superior Household Furniture, comprising WftlLut Bailor Oak Dicing Itoom. Mahogany and Cot* t UK e Chamber Furniture, Piano Porte. Mahogany Sucre* taiy nna . Bookcase, elegant BniKseL, Ingrain and other Carr* is. fine Hair Venetian Minds, China, Flat* d W*re. (ilaniwpre. Kitchen Furniture, &o r MODERN THREE STORY BRICK. RESIDENCE. Prtvioup to the Kale of Furniture will be ••■old. at 10 o’clock precisely, the Modern Three ftorv Brick Red. d'-nce. with three-story bat* buildings; lot Ik leet front bt to feefiu depth to a buck street, *M:t3 be examined any day previous and on the morning of sale at 6 o’clock. Administrator*" Sale <>u the Premises. Estate of WJLM< »N WlilLDtlN. decemed VERY hI.FOANT RKRIuENU'K AND SUPLKIOK FUKNI'iUKL, UAKi LTc , AC., No. U»lu oPHLCE err- 1/ p L'M* ' ON MONDAY MORNrNG, Mav 3. nt 10 o’clock, will bo sold the vory elegant Four, story Brick (marble to second story) ItEIdIDENQH. with Double Back Buildings. No. 1010 Spruce street, 22 foot front, I*7 loot deep to Howell street, fmished in a vary supei lor and elegant maunor, with every modern Im provement a,id convenience. p BUI'EKIuK FUBNITURE- Also, the elegant Walnut Furniture mude to order by Moore ts Campion; handsomo Carpets, largo l'roncb Plate Mantel Mirror, ire. gSV" Full particulars in handbills. Sale No. 309 North Second street, Oamilen. N. .1 handsome furniture, fine cakpeik, <6c. ON SATURDAY MORNING, May 1. at 11 o’clock, at No. 8U« North Socond street, t'nmocn. N. J., by catalogue, the entire furniture, com prising handsome walnut parlor Buitj llair giotthßesa. word and Walnut Chairs, covered with brocatelle and garnet plush ; elegant Bomiui t ahles; oak Dining Itiom Furniture; extension Dining lablo; China and Glass ware; walnut Hall Furniture; superior walnut Chamber Furniture : Wardrr bee; FtatlioF Rods: Velvet Brussels and Ingrain Carpets; Blinds; Kitchen I urniture, Re ft igerator, die. Administrator’s Bale— F.staTo of Henry Ames dec’d. ID SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD PIaNO FORTES. : * U ON THURSDAY MORNING. Mpyfi. at the auction atore.-by.order of |he Adminis trator 16 superior Rosewood Piano Fortes, made by A. II <Jale 6 Co.. C. Nareicn. Grovcatcin 6 Co., ronn'a M aimfacturiug t>„ Graham and others. Sale Peremptory. Sale No. 130* Spruce street.' . SHPERIOR FURNITURE, GRAaND PIANO, ENi.RA- ViNCS, HOOK CASfrS. CHINA, GLASS AND PLaTED WAKE. CARPETS, ON htIDAY M6RNING, Msy 7. at Hi o'clock, at No 13118 Spruce street, by cata logue, the entire furniture of a gentleman going to t urono, comprising suit-walnut Parlor, Fareituro: c.ojmrod; with rriniHon rt-pn; superior rosewood Gland Action Plano, Hall Furniture; walnut Dininß Room Funhture; sur-orior walnut Book Case: Imp Ware, firio togiavings; supeHor Chambor F vrriituro. uno Ilair.Mattr hbcb ; Rlunkcta. niid HtiDerlorwalnut Wardrobe, 4 dodrei tino lapoHuy and other Carpets; Kitchen Utonaila.; Rofrlgcrator, 6 . NEAT HOvXo&IMWSbo; MIRROR. t h cata May 31, at lo o’clock, at No. 2003 W a lout }ufe’ flvo'Hah-' Bodding, BUn kete! Brusnola and other Carpots, Kitchen Utcnsib, 6c. BADE OF n HATBAND CAI 3. Anril 2H at 10 o’clock, we will Bell by catalOßue. about 10m> packages of Boots* ond Shoos, of city and Eastern m *7»“n“ about 60 coses of men’s and boys’ Hats and caps, to which the attention of city and country buyers ‘"(aro'pon early on the moraing of e»Io foroiamlnaUon. VO RBHVi OFFICE No. 265 South Tenth street, FURNISHED, Apply to WIBTAR MORRIS. S»9 South Third ntreet SOAR, ARD TCOOIS, KEI “ER 6 SE3INC.ER At'CTIOM NAI^BS. Sale on thp Pmn'-es, No. 4h> S<mt h Eh. vtnth street. AUCTION MAXES, m. rao^*a A K o «™th^ HATiM OF STOOBp AMD RKAti EBTATR ■ .»lm »t thr» Phll«>Hlplll»KTrhMl#n KVkßk TLJESDaY.at IS o'clock. . __ %ar Fußdtoro Baler at the Auction Store BVBBV TBUBBDAY. At 12 o'clock noon, at tuo Philadelphia Exohange— . Admlnistratrlx'e bale. 1 share Arch Street Theatre 5600 shares Maryland Gold Mining Co. For Account of Whom it may Concern— -27 ebareo tanners* and Mechanics* Na'lonal Bank. ffiCOOo Loan oi the City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent,! sued to tho Pennsylvania Kailroad, redeemable July 1, 1887. 145 gharea Sterling Tack Co., Heading, Pa. Par $lOO. For other Accounts— Pew No. 35 north aisle Church of tho Holy Trinity. 70 thoree National Exchange Bank. 10U shares Empiro Transportation Co. 60 shares Northern Liberties Gas Co. 40 shares Central Transportation Co. liu shares American Buttonhole and Overscaming Sowing Machine Co 10 shores Bank "f North americ*. 13 shores National Bank of the Northern Liberties. 3o shores Lthigh Crane Iron Co. 20 shares Western National Bank. 5 shares Academy of Music, with ticket. REAL ESTATE SALE. APRIL 27 PnremDtorv Sale—Veiiv Valuajilk Udbinkbb Stand— BUrERfoiTFIVE-aiOlW BKICK aTURK No 120 Chestnut street, extending through to Carters alley—2 fronts —20 feet front. . a „ Peremptory Sale —Vai.uajile Bubinkbb Sta.idb S'IORES, Nop. 60 and 68 South See rnd street, above '"’Peremptory Salo— Vbby Valuable Business Btamij- FOUR-BTOKY IRON FROM 1 STORE. Nob. 205 and 207 Chestnut etroet, 41>d foot front. Veiiy Valuaiii.e and Well-estahlibiibd BußtriESS Stabi>—ELEGANT FOUH-bTOKY MARBLE *RUNT and FIREPROOF STORE. No. 819 Cboetnut otreotbclng t> etorles high in the roar on Javno afreet, oppoaita ttie COUNTRY RESIDENCE. 13 acres, Wavcrley Bolehts, Limekiln turnpike. Montgo rnery county. Pa. 79 miles from Philadelphia and half a mile of Abmgton Station on the North Ponnstlranla Elegant four-story brick residence. b. e. com* r oi Seventeenth and Summer ata-30 feet front. B Same Account—B WELL-BECURKDGROUND RENTS, eoch 82SA 880. 830. 830 and 848 a year. RKirur Vai.UAULE BtSIMESS fcTANIl —THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DW ELLING. No. 710 Race street, with 2 •: liree.«tory Brick and 1 Two-story Frame Dwelling and Brick Shop in the rear, opposite Franklin Square. BralM-oa Stanii—THßEE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING S. W. corner ot Fifth and Locust sts. Astlgme’e Peremptory Salo-ln Bankrnptoy-VALU. ABLE SLATE QUARRY, Upper Mount Bethel Town- BRICK RE 81DENCE, No. 274 South Fourth street* above Spruce. H MODE“uRE&STOBY D BRiCK RESIDENCE, with ■‘asM MANSION. Stable and Coach House. 81 acres, Havfarford road, near Whitehall Station on the Pennsylvania Rail' road, 9 miles from Philadelphia. Valuable Business Location— BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 933 Arch st. To and Other* VALUABLE BUILDING LOl 8, Ridge avenue and Poplar streets, 15th and 2Uth 'VbCILDING LOTS. Fifteenth street, north of Dan- Pl Sale- DESIRABLE LOT, Frankford road. N. F. of Ontario. 42 feet front. . . ... FRAAIE DWELLINGS. No. 236 Catharine .treat, with a Frame Dwelling, adjolniig in the rear, fronting on FRAME DWELLINGS. Noa. 241. 248 and '‘salo-THREE-STORY BRICK lIE3I DFNrE. No 1422 Lombard *t _ VERY EIKGANT COUNTRY RESIDENO?, with Stablo and Coach Houbo and i»reeaHou te, Mauhehn a%, N. h if Wiwsabickon, Germantown. 200 feet front. 325 Sale—Fetate of Rachel Doogherty, dec’d-- TWO-S'IORY FRAME DWELLING and L»AttUL LuT. t street. west of Eleventh. STORY BRICK TAVERN and DWELLING, known aa tho “Golden Kiiglo Hotel,” » W coiner of New Market iknd Cou-es ets MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N I)h!? nt A HI,K SMALL FARM. 3*s ACRES, Hammotr trn nvtnnc, llanrniontor, Atlantic count?. N, «L, 1 mile (i oiji station on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. I o . 7 acres, near the above. VfcitY VALUABLE LOT and BUILDINGS, N. E. cr.rrer of Broad and Buttonwood streets, 90 & feet front, i«»m #pp* deco- '! frouts. valValr THHLL-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No ‘.iZi South tilth street, below Spruce, with a Brick Stable I "sj(‘lDF.RN , “j < intF o “sTOßY BRICK RESIDENCE, with tide Yard, No. 1936 North '1 welftb rtreet, above H TmtEE , B? , OIt < Y t BRICK STORE and DWELLING. V corner of Eighth and Wharton sts ■ \ i:A DESIRABLE THRJ.ESTORY BRICK RESI DF NCE No. Lrjo Sp ing Gardru street—22 feet front. TIIKEE-SlORk BRICK DWELLING, No. leiu Ship. * i in*-fourth interest WELL-BECLRED GROUND if 1- NT a jear 2'l HR* h STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Noa 806 and M-H ('MhttrilJ*? et. „ .. _ 1 IHO.E hTOKY llh ICK DWELLING. Nn. K. 13 Essex *r YaLI ABLE 2VSTOKY, STONE RESIDENCE,No. 34 Linden etreet, between Coulter street and Inllau Queen leue, Germantown, live minutes’walk of ShotJiuafcer*H lU TIi r pt4 O ST(JhV OI BRICK DWELLING. No. 68 North 'I hiity ninth s reet, abovo Market etreet, opposite Sauu ‘".Miil 1 '”Tn’t’uree-story BRICK DWELLING. No. i North Seventh street, abovo Parrish si. „ l r iHJUF IIKiOK and BTO/NE DWELLINGS. Noe 4-HH 420 d aud 4£uB Ludlow strwt, between Ches*out I and Miuku and Forty second and Forty third sts., Wmt i j *1 rh in, with 3 Tbi ee-story Bi ick Dwellinga in the I iiar b-t 40 It ct 0 inches front. Sale No. 1748 North Tenth street. KFSIDFNCh AND Ft RMTUHE PIAND, MIRP.OK. CARPE IS. OnTI KSDaY MUKNI^G. April 37. at lu o’clock, at No. 174» North Tenth street. 1„ i n vv .Mnnfgoif cry avpLiif. tho euti r i.- furniture, com i M-irg walnut Pallor. Dining Room. Sitting Kuoin and t j lft|l t.cr ;• limit re . O-U-fe Ku-mture; Ko-i-aood Bed e!»-ad pui-rv. <»«;d Piuiiu ; Pier Mirror. flan Plated N\ arr ; l ’ ii. Ania OUuii arc . Late thirtaiui*, Fi-atln-r Beds . hae -. lh*<ldm«, lirnmi l* and Ingraiu Carpst«, h *>f f'lmihin*. will hr* fold at H ~\\n k rn-ciimly. th. modern thr< «-story Brick Dwelling, 1- 1 011 trom. To f» i t deep. luimcdiav poi-iCMi'-u. j- 1 rt n* i-t < i v S a l<* at tlio K ruK i ug ? *»n I’ct.r •hmi hi K* T' tic r*>, ’l;:|it. -t kli.li .AihM.V nv dV, nut’, i'.io Wa.-iI. \.\],l At'li; M,\( iilM i'.u rT» AM KNGI-F.. B'ti ll K, yilLt.-, 'IANKiI PIMPS. (;'>M)J.\Sr.KS- I'l LLL VS. t} IAFTiMt. iiuKSLd, WaGuNS. LIAR kIC“' “u.\ TUESDAY MORNING. At ri! **7 f't 11 r,V!«.r]t. at th" K'lßeiugt-.u Petrole - im Re* fmutv a" I the imacinner v to rarryinß on a p**- tMliuiTi cop i ri-ing St--ani Knghus nx-hor*e i( u i-i rv ii d«*i Pt-iler inches i n rtiamr ter. and feet ll[f night non stub, •i-VAi, \t o and 24W gallon j ci\~ T -, f j t'\ \\ nn r Pumps and 3No 4 Rotary OR Pumps. Air l\.iniu-.e liv Printi n & l!eijd(?r» n . Treating 1 auk. B'.cjn l.irifi Par. Oil r.nd Water Tmtlii, «.ou 'imiBi*:i. about ,i ii I.IIV i iron CouiH-citng Pipes, Pulleye. Shalt !».«; a latk»’ ijiiautitv of To<'D, 6c. 4 . „ .\hoto H>-r**#, y Tank<f, l Body V» agon. > Bets ol liar m-f Bi ii k Work. Lun.b'-r, d r. May be examined aiu day previous and on the morning of curt. at e o’clcck. (;hok;e English and amerioan books ON TLESDAk aud Wl-l/NEST’AY AITERNOONS, April 37 and 28 / t 4 o'clock, including works ot Gustave Dorc, Paradise Lest, Dante's Pur>atory and Paradise, Lu 1-outimoa p „ blep Don Quixote; Baron Munchausen. 6c Also, many valuable Standard Works lu the various depart imnU of literature. Sale No. 1432 North Fifteenth street. ' FI FOANT r 1 RNI'I l RK. DACE CLUIAIN.3, FINE ' 111 l I AINTING3 AND ENGRAVIN(I3. HRON/.KB, MADRi E STATUARY, MIRROR, FINE WILION, \ I DVET AND BKUBBEI.3 CAKI’IStS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. April 28, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1433 North f ifteenth Bt by cnialogiie, the entire furniture of a family going to Eti reuc coioprlßlrg-Elcgant Walnut Drawing ttoom Furni ture. green pluth ; elegant gilt Centre and Clieaa Tables, inlaid mottaio marble: fine bronr.e; fine Marble Figurea and ornament* ; Mtrblo Urna: Korowood Mulodeon; ole- Bant Lace Cut tains: fine Oil Faintingr, by P. Nerly, 5 inse Zimmermcn, ltolgorn, Rossi Wlmmer; fine Swiss KiitgsTfine Engravings richly framed; Sitting Room Furniture, crimson reps; rnperior Oak Dining Room 1' ur « itiirft* Fxten»lon Dining ‘able; Buffet Sideboard: So c Bookcase: fife Ihina, 6la«e and Plated Ware; suits of elegant Walnut Chambor Furniture; fine Ward tobes;fine Hair Matreaßes; Foather liedi;elegant WII ion, Velvet and other Carpota; fine Mtuical Box, 6c. Also. tb«Kitchen Furniture, j6c. , , yy May be examined on the day previous to aal© from 13 to 4 o'clock. Sale at tho Boom*. Noa. 139 and 141 South HANDSOME HOlJ8t ? llODD tr< FI : RNITURB, PIANOS. MIRRORS, HANDSOME VELVET, BRUSSELS AND OTHER MORMNG li\flrrArfi 2 superior Walnut Secrelarlea and Book hlui° fclJSffnm.f WaTdroboe. Sideboards, Extension, CHBes, Tables, Etagereo Hat Stands, tine SlMsware. superior Office Furniture, handsome Velvet. Brussels and other Caipetia 6c. N UR B E,°iIRU3SEL3 ON THURSDAY M JRNING, April "<i at 1U o’clock, at No. 1918 Kittenhouso street. tine Hair Matreeuckh Bolsters and Pillows, Brnssolß and i?2rHi« (S?Dets; China and Giasswaro, Ki chon Furni {ufe, BtoVSTc"* Fl! nitme in use but a short time and in good order. Qnin No 1302 North Sixth street. CARPETS, to turc of a family leaving tho city; comprising suit elegant walnut Drawing Boom Furniture, covered with blue and cold brocatelle; handsome walnut Sitting Room Furni ture,-green reps; handsomo walnut Dining Room Furni ture; Pedeßtal Dining Table; superior oil walnut Chambor Suit ebony finish ; walnut Chamber Furniture; Ward; ?obcs. finoV.trasecs, fine China and Glassware, floor cat pets, and, blbo, tho Kitchen Utensils. . .. B3?~ Tho furniture liaß been in use but a Bhoit time, ana is equal to new. j Sale on \bo Promlseß* m . ni/ \7tttjv FT HfIANT COUNERY BEAT, 9-4 Ilill, residence of tnfo ayV^ q ’ * rooms. No. 629 CHESTNUT atroefcreadr entrance from Minor. ' Bale Cstborlno street, above Broad. TWO SUPERIOR GRAY MAKES, BAY MARK, TWO MULEsTI ARGEFOI R WHEEL,TRUCK. WATSON BUGGY, DOUBLE AND SINGLE HAHN ESS. Ac. ON TUESDAY AFTERNopN. April 27. at 2 o’clock, at tho stable. Catherine street, above Bioad.north vide, two Giav Mares, 7 yean old, (Ultable for work or driving 1 Bay M,.ru7 years old, fast driver: two Sluice, Bound and good workers; large Four Wheel Truck, nearly new: Watson Bugvy, shifting top, with pole and thrift; Double and Single Harness, Ac., tho propcrtlea of parties declining business. May be Been early on tho day of aalo. Bale No 629 Cheatnut stroot. HANDSOME WALNUT FURMTUhE, ELEGANT FRENCH PLATE MIRROR. ROSEWOOD PIANO P OKY - . VERY SUPERIOR EIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAI-ES. HANDSOME BRUSSELS. IM-E- ItlaL AND INGRAIN CARPETS. STEAM ENGINE, * c " * C V ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, April 28, * t 10 o’clock, at tho auction roomie No. 029 ChcHtcut utroct. by catalogue, a very excellent nesort* iutnt of Furniture, ioclndiug—Handaomo Walnut and Terry Drawing Room buit; superior Parlor Furniture* covertdiu fine repe and hair cloth; 6 suite hanosome Walnut Ob*- tuber Furniture; Rosewood Plano Forte,four vt»ry superior Firo and Burglar Proof Ssfes, made by Farrcl A Herring, Evaomb Watson and Lillie: Superior Dining Hoorn Furniture; Spring Matrefaca; Feather Boda and Bedding; fine Showcase; handsome Brussels, Impe rial and Ingrain Carpets;fine Window Shades; China and Glafl’ware. <sc, ILEOANT FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS. Also, two extra large and very elegant Oval Pier Mir rois, u a/fivc gilt frames; four Oval and Pier Mirrors, hundeomtiy framed. TO BANKERS, MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. Peremptory Sale, No. (£9 Arch street, EXT ENBI\ E STOCK OF CHILLED IRON FIRE AND Bl KGLAR PROOF SAFKB, MADE BY LILLIE 6t SON. tecond-hand Fire and Burglar Proof Safes* made by Evans& Watson and Parrel A Herring Moni tor and puodecegon Combination Locks, 8 Fine Large Horses, Large Truck, &c. Ou THURSDAY MORNING, April 2°. at 10 o’clock, at No. 639 Arch atroet, by cata logue, to cioac the Philadelphia Agency of Meaara. Lillio ii Son. tho ettiro atock of very eupeilOr Fire anil Rural or Proof Bales. Including 3 extra largo chiliad Iron doable door flic end burglar proof aofea; 2 email burglarproofs, in,sell patent combination locks; £ Urge.donble-door chill,d iron tire and burglar proof eaten; 40 superior chilled iron lira proof, burglar proof and fire and burglar proof safer, oi various el zee, with the celebrated Monitor and Luodetagen combination locks. SECOND HAND FIRE PROOF SAFES. A number of superior seccnd-band fire and burglar proof s»fe». mode by Lillie A Son, Evans ti Watson and Ferrell « E Uerriu^T El) COMC i N - ATIO N LOCKS. Suitable for nanka, vault doom, &c.« of the Monitor and Duodecs|<m mako. RGE HQ CK< & Large and very fine white etailion; large wnlte draft horee; large and euperlor heavy truck; heavy horaeoi; quantity of rope, rigging* Ac. • JAMES A. FREEMAN, AOgng^^ Ae,l*noo’« Peremptory Sale, Tblrty-cigbtb and Bridge eticct*. _ MACHINES, TOOLS AND BIOCK OP BUILDER. 60- house f6wer ENGINE. BOILERS, shafting. MORTISING machines, tenoning machines* (JIKCTLAK B\WB. To6LB, LUMBER. MOULD* •INGd, BHfcDDIMi, HORSES, CARTS. ' or* WEHNEtJDAV MORNING. April 28, at 10 o’clock, will be eold at public sale, with out m>er%e. on the premicce. Thirty-eighth and Bridge Btrcetß, Mantuv the entire Stock of a Builder. Alao. tfco Endue. Toole, office Furniture. Fireproof. Ac. f3 fr Salt p*rcmi>turv % lu order of Atslgrut, far Catalogues now ready. Bale ob (he I^remiee*. ALE BREWERY. <> l l AUHLB Of LAND AND IM PKUYKs KNTr. ABOVE MA ■iAVLNK. ON THI'USLM Y AFI'EHNOON. * April 2?th. at 4 o’clock, will bo rold on thOTtrcmuftaoao rr.ilt* from (jreeu 1-aue station. between liozbwbugh and Manaj unk, the Spine Valle? Ale Brewery acre* of limd : Btooe bu»n. f'one dweiliofi. oihee, fic. %3T The Bbi-.w«kv jo keasby stew i« «v>sißLirrß oiuhu' hai* * «urA«u'rv(*v nnv haebilh a hay with AIJ UiE LAi E iMPKoVEJIXNTr. AM» KVr.BYTiIi.HO <WJI- I l >TE !'<>)! o»Nl'm , l>>Ai Tlifc Hl'KI NEILS Artl» BKAUV JTOR itiu)-hiayk r HaJl may remain. to be p»id at the time of *ale. . _ «fi v __ BREWERS 1 WAOONB. HAH- NESB.~h£BK KKG& CASKS. TOOLS. &c. ” Abo. immediately alter tho heal h*U£*.allthe nwvo ablc property of tho brewery. Da via a harvey. a ut< Store Noe. 48 and! Sale at tbe Auction atm etrect, abov< W»2n' At 10 o'clock, at tbe aut cant assortment of Waini Oiled Walnut Chamber Bt Tables- 3 Kosowood and Mi rior Fireproof Safe*, tine Idvolcc new Ma-reetca* Sf Mimic! Clock , handsome Suita, &c. Will Aleo, I£CU lb». While Un BAi ~ < y Of* ' - At )2 o’clock no. 4! he fold at public *. BKOWX 6T-D. 1? lect (rent, w le* B- V No. IBGP North 80- vcnlh street, 17 feet u inch** b; OSfeet, 11 room*; modem iSl^ST—N*'»t Dwelling. Emerald atrect, nortti O t I anphlu rtoet-t; r ocd*. * Null descriptions in handbill*. B. BCOTT - fe^T^fliltDEßY SP F. ITAD 'SALEOF r BEST-« UALIT Y F X Tit A TRIP' LSJLVtR PLATLL WAKE From Ihe establishment'f Mr. GEO. H. BEUHTEL. No. 718 Arch street, ON TUESDAY MURNING. April £7. at IOM o’clock at Scott’s Art Gallery. 1020 ( lurtmit street, will be sold, a full and general oraort ll..fit of tbe a*-’nv<« m%naf»ctart*r*« celebrated Triple SiL -r Hated Warw. All wurranted aa rcpre*oated or no pale. SPFCJAL PALE OF MODERN PAINTINGS. ON TUESDAY AND WEDN E3D A Y EVENINGS. AtrT "7 r.nd 38. at V. be lore 8 o cluck, at Scott s Art i.'l', r. 'ltr'tiCh-stunt street, will be sold, without reserve, , . , Hcctb.n .1 ilodora Oil Palntluct, by artists of repu- F !l"». ump'iln* l.iltdrrar River aud Mountain \ icv. r, all u ' -i.t' din u,-at gold leaf frames. Bunting, in krorow & co.. auctioneers. Not 232 and 2i4 MARKET etreoL corner ol Hunk «t. sTK.esswto.MHN RMY ERS & (M. , gi I F OF 20'S' fASES FOOTS, SHOES, 11AT3, 3ra. UN iLFSDAY MgRNTNiS. , AiTtl “7 at ly o'clock, *)U lour luontha’credit, lncludi.ua W'f Uyp’ findyr-uth*’ Kip and Buff Leather L. mp f*'n.- pth inlcMur Ira !>m»e Uootf; « ‘•o.igrws Boot* and B’llniornit*. kip. bull and poibti grain Brogans; wouicii dj n is“.’ and rf.Udr.-n’. goat, ntororca ktd and enamcdlcd liilnu-ra-r ( ongros-- (.alters; Ltwo 110 ,t.- , Las log Ual “tr . Ankle Ties. Traveling Mag.: MetallicOvemboea. to LARGE SAI F. OF BRITISH, FRENCH. GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING. A nil £9. at lu o’clock, on four months’ credit. LALGE SALE C F CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS. CANTON MATTINGS. *o. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April :iu. at 11 o'clock, on four mouths’credit, about 2CO piece. Ingrain, V.nctl-n. LIbL Hemp, Cuttaga and llog Carpetings, 1- loor Oil Clothe. Matting.. Ac. TTIDMAS HIKCU dr BON. AUCnONEEKS AND UOMAO MfeROUANTS, No. Ills CHESTNUT street. Bear Entrance No. 1107 Baneom E g y^Dgl^; Sale, of Furniture at Dwelling, attended to on the mort Linen Damaek lablo Llotna oi a DovUea: Towels: Napkinsof .‘-•YfO-Yariety. Fruit Eh)Ur. Doyles. o ■ m A. MCCLELLAND. CONCERT HALL AUcfriON KOOMB. Rear Entrance on Clover street. WATiMhold Furniture and Merchandise of every BcrlpGon roceived on consignment. Sales of Furniture at dw<sSnW attended to on reasonable terms. n « n g d sm r^.t8 H g’2i»S.^SKftuwiu n^ hv P ciitaloeue, a largo quantity of Now and Superior H oust! hold 8 Furniture, comprising Parlor Buito, in Plush. Sens and Haircloth covering.;-Varnished and OUod Walnut Chamber Buits. beautilul CottaKO turniture^in i-CkSs: Bidehoardii! lt liain to Husk U and H ’Spririg Mat! Forks. 6c. ■ B y BAKRirf * H^UB^ reat u No. 230 MARKET Btreot, Ca.h advanced on.“ ONS«gA&NG. aoBieryand April 28, the entire balanceo: Stock, o Glove Bouse. Also, STOCK IN BANKRUPTCY. entire Btock of a Kotaiior rpUE PRINCIPAD UAl^streiK™ , Monoy^^^ j » n Q^ I fO u l JS 1 0Uver Ol pitttoTftua a oußli Jewelry, 1 1 W“ , &WK| o nirth of tlrao attrood on. aittplei of vtdue, for any AT prjVaTE SALE. WATCHES AND JOT ~ Bottom and Open Face Fine Gold ■•"."jßSfsHa Patont Lever Watches! Wft/nnStSo and Open FaceiLepino Watches» Fine gold U ™^ fi .£aotlwrWtttches: Pino Silver Hunt- Flno Gold Duplex Miaows American and bwiM lug Case Wntchcu; Double Cose EngUth Patent Dev®i a “,t- r Watches; Ladies’ Fancy Watohos i Qunrtfor andotner « . R)nj!BiE(ir Ring> . Btud ,, Diamond proastptjh^l^damoM, BracoletoJ Scarf fins I Breastpins ! Finger lllngs; Pencil Canes and Jewelry A large and valuable Fireproof Chest. " U Afio! sevorul ta'South'cumtleit.Fifth ami Oucttuut ptrpfl+jS. v . tw. Mcuusaa « co. Auo , iil6NiJ v/ * No. 608 MARKET ntroot BOOT AND SHOE BALES EVERY MONDAY AN» THURSDAY. THE IGNIS. FATCUS OF PETROLEUM. 'Wilder than dreami-stranger tbdnfidUon, has been the history of Petroleum in Western Penn sylvania. A flnanclal maelstrom opened there into which flowed capital in streams from all parts of the world. Money-kings in New York, California and beyond the seas heard the key note that indicated for each Pactolean wealth- A basis was created npon which princely for tnnes sprang np in a day; a Golgotha was formed npon which broken fortunes and crushed hopes he scattered in profusion. Who can tell the tale of Petroleum during the last nine years, or correctly note its changes be tween the lime when George H. Bissell, of Now York, became tbo Isabella to the pioneer of “OIL dom’ and liberally furnished the gold that first unearthed the subtle element, down to the late successful “strike” on Charley Run, remembering the human hopes and fears and joys and sorrows that have followed In its wake ? There Is a mystery about the oil phenomena hitherto unsolved, perhaps unsolvable—to which Inquiring minds have turned, affording a vas l field for investigation. Experiment has had a good deal to do in.shaping current theories upon the subject, and the history of these theories, cur rent and exploded, sketched by Mr. Andrew Cone in his history of the Oil Regions, i 6 interesting to the curious and profitable to the matter-of-fact man. There was a time when men, wise in the unrevealed secrets of the now substance, taugbt that tho great Oil Basin was but tho counterpart of the earth’s surface; that a pond ol water, marsh or tangled swamp, was bnt tho emblem of the oil beneath, and that rivers of Petroleum were deep down under the bright waters of the Alle gheny and its tributaries. In those days every mud-hole was graced with a derrick, and even the bed of onr beautiful river was made to feel the power ot the sharpened steel. But the epoch ol speculation came, and fabu lous sums of money were Invested In the hills and monntalns— money which could only bo bronght back again by piercing their rock-bonnd depths. It seemed a forlorn hope Indeed, to scale the mountain height to seek for treasure beneath Its deepest foundation; but American Alexanders must have new worlds to conquer, and the deed was accomplished. Many foiled, it is true, bnt the great aorta was found, river beds were for saken, and the measuring-lino was laid along tho bills.' Docs the oil run in veins? Are those veins in anyway influenced by tho irregularities of the earth’s surfact? Can the operator be told with any assurance of success where to set bis drill? Great problems these, and the individual who solves them will be greater thaD a conqueror. Oil-diviners have had their day; grave doctors of divinity,and beads of literary institutions have lx cut ten on tho mountain side,amid the tangled DEder-brueb,shaping destiny with a forked stick; strange summersaults hove meu turned by spir itualistic power over the spot where the hidden current flows; but tho destiny shaped has some times proved crooked, and the hidden current is a mystery stiU. From the capof their victory we would Dot pluck a feather; all of the truth they have elicited the world ought to have and use to profit. But all men arc net mediums, neither are all men conductors of the mystic in fluence. However, all men have brains, and tbo great question is, can the mysteries' ol the oil veins be brought within the scope of legitimate brain power. Responsible men who have thought long and earnestly upon the subject claim that It can be done; that the origin ol the oil and the laws by which It Is governed may bo (Recovered on scientific principles; that a positive degree of certainty may be reached with respect to the Uow In any given district. These are great questions for our city, which had Us btgiuning, its growth, and may have its end bound up with the oil developments of Ve nango connty—great questions for the scientific men of our limes. OUr modest iellow-towns man, Mr. Andrew Cone, in his own unpretending style, has wiltten the best history of Petroleum yet produced, and, with a truth and power sel. dom equalled, has delineated the wholo develop. mentof this wonderful fluid from the beginning to the present lime. But as to the future; afraid, perhips, that the production of oil may prove ephemeral, men bltheito have come here neither to live nor dlo, but simply to make money, with which to estab lish homes elsewhere. Oh, could tho conviction be made upon our minds that the trade will prove permanent, the wilderness of Western Pennsyl vania would blossom like the rose. Will not Agassie, Bill!man, and other scientific gentlemen come to the rescue ? We should haU them as public benefactors. Oil City, March, 1860. CITY BULLETIN, Tub Midnight Mission. — A public meetln? in behalf of Ihe Midnight Mission took place last evening,at the Church of the Epiphany, Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. Bev. Dr. Newton presided* and Bddreesea were made by Bey. A. A, Willi is, Bey. George J. Mingens, Her. G. D. Board man. The mission is intended for the benefit ol fallen women. < It was established in the month of January, 1868, and an appropriate house was se cured in the central part of the city, 911 Locust street. . Since the Asylum was opened about four hundred and fifty of the visitors were brought under the influence of the Gospel, and many of these are now doing well, having secured good homes. Bey. George Bringhurat is the .General Superintendent. Appointments.— Mr. G. C. Evans, Collector of the Third Revenue District, has appointed Amos Micbener, Chief Deputy; John Lamon, Deputy and Distraining Officer; M. Beddinger, Abstract Clerk; F. H. Haworth,Cashier; and J. 0. Athow, Stamp Clerk. Severely Injured.— -Elizabeth Alexander,re siding in Milton, Northumberland county, Fa., fell down stairs yesterday, at the public house where she was stopping, 1619 Markot street, and injured herself severely. She was removed to the hospital. Found Drowned.— An unknown man was found drowned at League Island on Saturday. He had sandy hair and goatee, and was dressed in black cloth sack-coat, vest and pants. The first three fingers of the right hand are oil at the second joint. The letter “T" and a wreath was on the left arm. The Coroner took charge of the body. ' Accident. — John Moore, thirteen years old, bad one of bis legs badly injured on Saturday by having it Caught betweou the spokes of a wagon wheel, while In motion. He was taken to his home, at No. 218 Christian street. Detective Force.— Mr. R. A Lnkens, late Assistant-Assessor of fntemal Revenue in the First District, was appointed to the Detective force,' on Saturday, by Mayor Fox, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John W. Brown. Babe Ball.—A mateb game between the Athletic Club and the Princeton Club, of New Jersey, was played on Saturday, on the grounds, at Fifteenth street and Columbia avenue. The score stood—Athletic, 28; Princeton, 27. new jEissEV matters. Odd Fellows.— This morning Camden pre sented a gay and animated scene. The sky was beautiful and the atmosphere delicious. Every thing Boomed to favor the occasion for the grand celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Odd Fel lowship, and lodges from all parts of New Jersey poured In by every train that arrived from the North, the Eaet and the Soath, until the nnmber swcUed up la over four thousand mem bers. All districts, represented were orderod to report at Scull’b fidll, on Federal street, by tho Chltf Marshal, R. F. 8. Heath. . At 10 o’clock the Lodges composing the 8,8,10. 12,13, 14,16,18, and 20th Districts, commenced forming in the following order : Third District—C. Miller, Marshal, formed on Bedond and Federal streets, north side. ; TenUt -District—G.-, W. Hammell, Marshal, formed on Third and Federal streets.Eorth side. Thirteenth District-W. McKnlgbt, Marshal, formed on Fourth and Federal streets, north side, Sixteenth and Eighteenth Dlstrict—B. Cobb and Samuel Conover, Marshals, formed on Fifth and Federal streets, north side, ! f - , Twentieth District—G. B. Loveland, -Marshal,- formed on Fifth and Federal streets, sooth side. Fourteenth District—H. G. Zane, Marshal, formed on Fourth .and Federal streets, south side. / V Twelfth District—F. B. Llppincott, Marshal, formed on Third and Federal streets, south side. Eighth District—A. L. Griggs, Marshal, formed ob Second and Federal streets, south side. Each of these divisions displayed very neat and appropriate banners and emblems, and were accompanied by excellent bands of music.. As scon as all the arrangements were completed the procession moved in regular order, counter marching up Federal to Fifth and then to the ferries, where they crossed over tho river to join the grand procession in Philadelphia, The whole was under tho command of Chief Marshal R. F. S. Heath, of Camden, and his Assistant Marshals, 8. Williams and C. Parker. Oi-ENiNo S. kkkt.s.— Tho authorities of New ton township have decided npon opening several ptreels eastward from tho line of the boundary of Camden, parallel with the regularly laid out streets of the city. In fact, they are but the con tinuation ol said street. Workmen have already commenced grading and curblDg Spruce street. Eighth street is also being opened. The fixing of the grades of these streets Is with tho view of soon commencing some fine and impor tant improvements. A large number of dwelling houses 1b to be pnt up in that section during the coming season, This seems to Indi cate that the owners of property in that part of Newton township anticipate that it will, before many years, be part and parcel of the city. CITY NOTICES. L O. O. F. Very Particularly Extraordinarily Important An nooncement about the Rout* of tbeOEAND Paea.de, Monday, April 26. Members of tbc Order, on arriving In the city, will proceed at once to The Great Brown brcma Hall of ROUKHILL & WILBOS, GO3 and CO5 Cdestnot street, and receive a copy of a beautifully printed “Order of Exercitee” for the evening, prepared by ue and by no body elhe. Tbcn, after each man has supplied him self with a eood salt of “Kockbill & Wilson” Clothes, the procetßion will form on Broad utreet, countermarch u> Cniistian, down Christian lo Third, ap Third to Walnut,up Walnut to Fifth, op Fifth to Girard avenue, op Girard avenue to Twelfth, down Twelfth to Chesu nut, down Chestnut to the Great Brown Stone Hajx, Nos. GO3 and Gus, through the hall and out the Sixth street door, affording each Brother an opportunity for another of our Great Bargain* in Spring Clothing; thence ap Sixth to Franklin Square, where the procaisiou will diembe, ann all gu home and bru-u up their "Kockhill &. Wilsonler the festivities of the evening Don't forget to call fortbe only authorized "Order of Exercises’* at 'he Great Bro*w Stone Hall HnCHUn.I. & WILRON, t< ( 3 am> 0 0 CniBTNfT Street. Moth Proof ChrisTh, At Faß6on & C-h'ti Refrigerator Warehouse, 222 Dock street. F< nor j eyV PkkhX^ Yeuliistirg Hcfrigeraiorf, At 1 "aiibos &Go.'»OM 1 and, 222 1> i.k unreel. i-t 0 WaTKH CoOl-Elln, Arev.rULf-LL Fabmin & Co.’e Kefrigc-ator Slor**, 222 eirect. Insei t Powdeh, Ef.w TO TBLI. THE GeNITNB ARTICLE. Prof. E. I.vll. while iravc'ing ia Asia, discovered a flower, which, when powdered, is sure death to every kind oi letter, from a Cockroach to a Fly. He protected his discovery by letterr-parent, government medal?, &c., put hie eignatore upon every flask of the article and L&med it Lion’s Maonbtio Insect Powder. He im parted hie eecret to no ore bat hie eacce*e<ir. Purchasers of Ineect Powder—and it is used in al most every house— must see to it that they are not de c«iwd by worthless Imitations and counterfeits. Ths *>«•», of K. Lyon is the purchaser’s guarantee. Look sharp for it, and boy no Insect Powder that does not bear it. It may be had of Druggists and Family Stores, at 25 cents per fla?k. Depot, 21 Park Kow.N. V. 'Th as evkkixo when a weary traveler might have been Been dragging himself along the rough and rugged road leading lo a quiet little hamlet nestling amoDg the hills of Penn tvivanla. The golden beams of the setting son lit up the scene to quiet iplendor, and filled bis soul with holy peace. Slopping for a moment to take a view of tho beantiful panorama, he slowly resumed his tire-ome journey, until coming lo an old forgot! en graveyard.al the out skirts of this obscure village, be entered the crumbling gateway, now tided with rank weeds and straggling wlid flowers, and, turning to the right, he sought a rode grave in the southeastern corner of this dilapi dated city of the dead Finding with much difllcoity the object of bis search, he, with uncovered head, knelt beside the moss-covered slab, and with his knife removing the moss which year* of neglect had spread upon the cold, discolored marble, he read by the faint light of the setting sun this EPITAPH, ITebe li*b the kooy oi Josn.ht Nooks, Who, when he lived among tho folks, Bought all bis clothes of l’liaKi.kb Stokes. Qe died from eatiDg artichokes. When lying on his dying bed He to his friends aronnd bun said. Before I leave this world of woe, I must tell you. neighbors, where to go. In Cukstmot stueet, Eight Twentt-eoue, Tou’ll tlnd Charles Stokkb'b Clotuiko Store. Now, if yon want 10 look your best. In Stokes's clothes you must be dresL His cat and make is far ahead Of any in the land, ho said; And faiher, I, and all onr folks Always dealt with Charles Stokes. His prices, yon will find, compare Wi*h the lowest anywhere. He died; yes, honest John is dead. Go DEAL WITH StOKIB. - LaBT WORDS UB SAID. Grand dispiay of JUD OL.OVEB AND DEEBB 00008. One case gennino Joseph Kid Gloves, new shades, optned this week ; 360 dozen at US cents; also, best *1 SO Kid Glove in tho city. Jonvln's beet quality, new shade, $1 75. 300 piecee new mixed Dress Goods, at 31, 37, 44, SO lo 78. Hosiery cheap. BTEieEO DREBS GOODS RRLDOEI). To dose out stock. New goods opened every flay. Specialty, black and Silk Dress Goods, at A. & J. B. Bartiiolohew's One Price Dry Ooodß and Notion House, No. 23 North Eighth street. If you should die any time this year,—we hope you may not,—as we do not care to lose snch a good subscriber to onr paper—but if you should, one of jour last and bitterest thoughts would be, that though you had no other provision ior your family, you ne glected to insure your life, as wo have so often advised you to do, in "The American Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia.” < Three Cheers for Helweo 1 The man who labors sedulously for the soles of his fellow-men is eminently entitled to high considera tion. Buch a man is William li. Helweg, the accom plished Bootmaker, S3S Arch Btreel. lie fashionß his leather upon sclenttflc principles, and the result is, he never falls to salt his customers. There is a certain grace about Helweg’s Boots not to be iband in those of other makers, Beware of Acrid Teeth-Bleaciiinq Prepara- tions that destroy the enamel. Soaodont Is a delicious vegetable compound, wholesome as spring water, thm Bimply removes their impurities, protects them irom decay, lends fragrance to the breath, and keeps the gums elastic, fresh and rosy. The American Combination Button-hole ani> St wing Maouink Ib the family machine after all. that "SUITS ALL PURCHASERS.” Call and see it, at the S. W. comer of Eleye tth and Chestnut streets. Go to Oakfords’, under tho Continental, for your Spring Hat. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nalls, skillfnlly treated by Dr. J. Davidson No. 916 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. Spring Hats— Spring Hats, Charles Oakford & Sons, under tho Continental, have opened their Immense Bprlng stock. The moel beautiful styles and boat goods can be had at Oakfords’, Quiet and soothe the pain of children teething— Use Bower’s Infaat Cordial. Sold by all Druggist*. Surgical Instruments and druggista*. sun <*r*eB‘ Snowden 8s Brother, 23 South Eighth street. THE DAILY EYEKING BULLETINHPHILAtiBLPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1869. Economy of Ice.—Why use half of a bushel of Ice in twenty-four hours, when half the quan tity can be made to do ; the game amount of.servicef To accomplish this great aavlng, f use one of Baeti.ett'b Polab Rsfbioxbatobb, and then,even at the present high price of ice, you will ; find this luxury but a small addition to your houee : hold expenses. Dr. Hall, of Hall's Journalof Health , pronounces the Polar the best in use. flail and ex- - amino Tt atthe warerobms of the manufacturer. \t- J Jons 8 CtAßir, No. 1008 Market street. Sold wholesale and retail. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs. M. D.. Professor of. the. Bye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources In the city can be seen at this office. No. 808 Arch street. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patlents.as bfe has no secrets in hie practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. ■ cealed proposals for cleaning and keep. O lng clean all the streets, alleys, courts, or other public highways, wita the Inlets andgutfers therein embraced,, within thefollowing areas in the city of Philadelphia, fr» in date of contract to the first day of January. KwO. Braltd proposals will he receivedf atthu Oftice of the BOA HD OF lIEaI.TILS. W.corncr Sixth and Sansom ste., Hntil 12 o’clock noon, on the first day of May, 1869, for cleaning and keeping thoroughly cleaned all the streets, alley*. courts or other public highways. with the inlets aiid gutter*, together with the immediate removal from the highway h of all filth and dirt, after the same has been co lcctrd together, embraced in the area of each o k the several districts named hod described in thi* adveiv tif>ement All to be done under the supervision aDd to the entire satisfaction of the Board. Bids must be for separate districts, naming the number of the district, and each bid must be accompanied «ith a certificate from the City Bolicitor.that security has been entered at the Law DeparttnentiniheßUmof fivehun; dred (600) dollars, In compliance with an ordinance of Councils, appioved May 26th. 1860. Contractors will be required to clean and remove the dirt from all the principal streets from the south line of South street to the north line of Vine street, and from the Delaware river to the west line of Broad street, between tvnset and ftunrue. The Board reserve the risht to reject any and all bids also tbe right to award extracts for one district only. Warrants for the payment of said contracts will be drawn in'confonnity'wftb Section 6 of the act of Assem bly, approved March 18th. 1869. The envelopes enclosing the proposals should bo endorsed “Proposals for otieet Cleaning.” naming t«e number of the district bid for. Fifth DUtricb-From the north line of Booth street to tbe north line of Chestnut street and from the Delaware river to tbe west line of bixth street Sixth District—From the north line of South street to the north line of Chestnut street, and from the west line cf fcixth street to tbe west line of Broad street 4 Eighth the north line of Chestnut street to the north line of Vine street, and from the Delaware river to tbe weit lire of Sixth street A hintb District-From the north line of Chestnut street o tbe north line of Vine street and from the weet line of Sixth street to the west line of Broad street B, order ol the Board of Healthy p TROTH Chief Clerk. ap2o tmy2{ CEALED PROPOSALS FOB COLLECTING AND R&. O moving (ho ashes from all tbe streets, alley*, courts, &Ld other public highways embraced within the follow iDK area in tbe city of PhHadelphia,from date of contract to th** first of January. 1870. . _ , gelled proposals will be.received at the office of the BOARD OK HEALTH, eoutbweet comer of Sixth a d Sanrom streets, until 12 o’clock, noon, on the let day or May. lM&for collecting and removing, on.e a week, all aehff which have been placed upon tbe eidewaUta bv residents or occupants of houses, stores, dwellings, ate., bj be removed in tight carta, securely roofed orver. with id, adjustable doer tn tbo roof, in such in*nne r aa shall be approved by tbe Board, embraced in the area of be follow tog districts as named and described in this advertisement, all to be done under the supervision and to be eniire »atitfaction of the Board. Hide must Dame tbe number of the and each bid must be accompanied with a certificate from tiia City, Solicitor, stating that security has been entered at the Department in the sum of five hundred dollars fs&ou), in compliance with no ordinance of Councils ap proved May 26. 1860. Tbe Board reeerve the right to re ject any and all bide. ' ’ .... Warrants for the payment of said contracts will b® drawn in conformity w ith eection 6, of'the act of A*- r* D'bly approved March 18. 1H&. Ihe envelope* enclosing the proposals should be en* dcreed “Proposal- 1 for collecting and removing the ashed <*f fcjf-roLd District “ Second District- From the north line of South street to he north lioe of Vine nreet,aijd from the Delaware river to the west line of Broad street CEALED proposals fou collecting and re o moving oil need atiimaU, from date of contract to Januaryl,l£7U. . „ , •' thalca proposals will be received at the office of the HOAUI) OF HEALTH, southwest corner sixth and San kodi streets, un»il 12 o’clock nccn. ou the first day of May, jst-p, for the right to collect «i d renno"B all dead animals id all that part of the city of Philadelphia over which the Hoard of HeaJ'h hare jurisdiction, and a co tract will bo aw arded to the hlifheht and hepf bidder. Each bid must be accompanied with >* certificate from the City Solicitor -tating that security hap been entered at the Law Depanment in the sum of five hundred dollars (Sfr-ti). in compliance with * □ ordinance of Councils approved May 35,1860 The Hoard reserve tbe right to reject any and all bids. Con tractor* will be required, in the removal and disposal of d» ad at imaln, to remove them bo far and disp ee of them in euch manner that no r.uieancecan possibly arise there from. All io b* doDe und*-r the supervision and to the entire satisfaction of the Board. .... ’1 be envelopes enclosing the proposals shall be en dorsed ‘Proposals for collecting and removing dead animals ” By older of the Board of Health f> TRrtTFI _ Chief <Jlerk._ NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Ip- Cash. Capital. $1,000,000 BBANCH OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING directors: (JULRENCE EL ra-ARir, & A. ROLLINS, JAY COOKE JOHN W. ELLIS, W. G. MOORHEAD, QEORGE F. TYLER, J. HINCKLEY CLARK, H.C. FAHNESTOCK. OFFICERS: CLARENCE H. CLARK, Philadelphia, President JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Oom xnittee. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice President EMERSON W. PEET. Philadelphia, Bec*y and Actuary E. B. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITH. M. D„ Medical Director. J. EWING HEARS, M. D- Asdetant Medical Director. This Company, National in its character, offer*, by reason of its Large Capital, Low Rates of Premium, and New Tables, the most desirable means of Insuring Life yet presented to the public. Circulars, Pamphlets, and foil particulars given on ap plication to the Branch Office of the Company or to it* General Agents. General Agents oi the Company JAY COOKE & CO., New York, for New York State and Northern New Jersey. JAY COOKE A CO., Washington, D. C„ for Delawar , Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. S. W. CLARK A CO., for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. B S. Russell, Harrisburg, Manager for Central and Western Pennsylvania. J. ALDER r.T.i/ra & CO., Chicago, for BRnoia, Wisconsin and lowa. Hon. STEPHEN MILLER, Bt Paul, for Minnesota and N. W. Wisconsin. JOHN W. ELUS A CO., Cincinnati, for Ohio and Cen tral and Southern Indiana. T, B. EDGAR, St. Louis, for Missouri and Kansas. 8. A. KEAN A C 0„ Detroit, for Michigan and Northern Indiana. A. M. MOTHER3HED, Omaha, for Nebraska. JOHNSTON BROTHERS A CO., Baltimore, for Mary land. Kcw England General Agency under the Direction of E. A. ROLLINS andJ _ „ , , _ > Of the Board of Dboctors. W. E. CHANDLER,) , _ m J. P. TUCKER, ‘Manager, 3 Merchants 1 Exchange, State street, Boston. IX7 AN TED—A PARTNER WITH FROM $3,000 to- $4,000 Vt In a well-established commission bustuesa. who can take charge of the counting’house. Address contidontiMiy F. P, T.,with name and residence. B 8. BOYD. ' • . • Window Shader, Beds, Mattresses. Carpet* and Curtains. No. 18tf North Ninth street, Philadelphia, al ways on h»nd. . i(f _ Fumlturo repaired and varnished. mhrwia PROPOSALS. Bj order ol the Board of Health- WM. I’ TROTH, Chief Cleric. ajrSti t my2{ aj 2ntmx 2! IJSSCRANCBs Washington, D. C. proved July 25, 1868, Paid, in Full« PHHABELPHU* Where all correspondence should be addressed. - WANTS.' CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD W S9B2K9C For the Sea, Shore I ! Attending the Odd Fellows' Celebration should avail themselves of the opportunity while in town to make a FLYING TRIP TO THE CITY BY THE SEA. Hotels at the celobr&tcd Sommer Resort, ALT ANTIC CITY, are now open. Trains Leave VINE STREET FERRY atB.OOA.M. and 3.46 P. M. Leave ATLANTIC CITY A. M. and 4-00 P. M. Excursion Tickets, down in the morning and, up in the afternoon, 83 oo Of the latest and most beautiful designs, aifd all other Slate woik on hand or made to order. Factory nnd Salesroom*, SIXTEENTH and CALLOW HILL etxcete. WILSON & MIhLER. ap2l6m? ' * ? : - CEDARftAMPHOR is Cheapest, Pleasantest, most Desirable as defence against CLOTUEe-Moms Druggists everywhere sell it THEOD. 8. HARRIS, Successor to Harris & Chapman, Factnrer, Boston. 50c. and larger. ap23 3t seyruamron PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON By r 1 ""-""—ll RAILKOADiCO .—NOTICE .—Change —2ascr 0 f time 0 f fjdcpartare of the New York Morning Express Line, from West Philadelphia Depot to 9.30 A. M . „ ' ’ “ On and after MOSDAY. April 26,1869. the New York Morning Express Lioe, from Wait Philadelphia Depot, (now leaving at 94aA. M ), will leave at 9.30 A. M. for New York, via Connecting Railway. £ap24 3t_ W. H. GATZMER, Agent. ALL THE FINE FRENCH AND ENGLISH PAPERS to be found, wholesale or retail, at ar22 6t PERRY'S, 728 Arch street. STATIONERY , BY THE REAM, BOX OR QUIRE. AT low cash prices. W. G. FERRY'. Stationer ap22 6t 728 Arch street, below Eighth. /IHROMOS, 1 OKEION AND AMERICAN, EMBdACJ tDg new and popular subjects, for sale at reduced prices. W.G, PERRY. ap23-6t 728 Arch street, below Eighth. Boxes of stationery, stamped with in itiale, selling at 40 and 50 cents per box, W.G. PERRY. XTEW VIOLET Ix K 8 - ARNOLD’S .'STAFFORD'S, xN Maynard & Noyes’, and all popular inks for sale by W. a PERKY, Stationer. ap22 5t 728 Arch street, below Eighth. Fine pot ketclti eky. gold pens. English and French J’ocket Wallets, Writing Desks, Stereo scopes and views. Ac., for eale by W.G. PERRY. ap22 4t 728 Arch street, below Eignth. Wt DOING INVITATIONS, NEWEST STYLES, EN- Vt graved, written or printed. \v. G. FERRY. Stationer, ap22lQt 728 Arch street, Eighth. JJAND’S IMPROVED GAS WORKS. The cnlj safe and reliable Gaa Machine, having tbe material in water i undergroundJ outside of the Duild mg. K< fer to Jay Cooke, Robert Shoemaker, W. B. Kexip tc»> and others w l:. now h.r. c litem in une. Full particulars and tor sale by A. H. LAMSON, ap‘2/-6 * No. 718 Chestuut atroot. Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge 00., I 111 Cbeitnut Street, PblUdelpbla. elastiospongk, \ SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAiK rOR ALL UFHOLS TERY PURPOSES ; HEAP EE THAN FEATHERS OR HALR. AND FAR SUPERIOR. 7TIO Lightest, Softest and most Elastic and Durable ma terial known for 1 VIATTKESSES, PILLOWS, CAR, CARRIAGE AND CHAIR CUSHIONS It is entirely indestructible, perfectly clean and (res rom dust. IT DOES NQT PACK AT ALL I La always free from insect life; is perfectly healthy, an(s ■'or the jrfck is nnequ&led. If soiled in anv wav. be renovated quicker and easier than any other Mattress. Special attention given to FURNISHING CHURCHES, HALLS, Ac, Railroad men are especially invited to examine the Jnflhion Bp g^s§ BF ACTlON GUARANTEED, THE ThADE SUPPLIED. tv2o m w f Ivt MAULEg BROTHER Sifi o: 9 2500 So util Street. IQAQ PATTERN MAKERS. IQRQ IOOt7 pattern makers. IGOtf CHOICE SELECTION ox •• MICHIGAN COfeK PINE FOR patterns. \QU(i SPRUCE ANDHEMLOCK IQUU loOa. SPRUCE ANDHEMLOCK JLoof7. 1 Q£Q FLORIDA FLOORING. 1 QfcQ IOOt7. FLORIDA FLOORING. IOOtJ CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORIh G 1 Q£»Q FLORIDA STEP iBOARDS. 1 Q£Q iOUt7. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. lOOtf. walnut boards and plank. iQftQ iCOt/« WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK- iODtJ. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS, &C. IQOCk UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER. IQftQ LOOa. UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER* 100c7. RED CEDAR. IQ£Q SEASONED POPLAR. IQ£U IuDU. SEASONED CHERRY. 100 HENBY D. COOKE. I QUU CAROLINA SCANTLING. IQf4Q 100 <7. CAROLINA H. T. BILLS. IOOU. W. E. CHANDLER, JOHN D. DEFREES, EDWARD DODGE, rrauMAa & ruliL, LUMBER MERCHANTS, NO. IGII IS. Fourth street. At their yard will be found Walnut, Afh, Poplar. Cnei ry , Pine, Hemlock, Ac., Ac., at re a eouabiC prices. Give them a call. MARTJN TIIOMA3 . n>hl7-6m* ELIAS POHL. TU CUftTHAC runs, LUMBERMEN AND SHlP huilders.—We are now prepared to execute promptly orders for Southern Yellow Pine Timber, Shlpttuffand Lumber. COCHRAN, BUSSELL A CO., 22 North Front street. mh24-tf BUSCEUiAIfBOCS# STRAN&ERB BIX HOURS ON THE BEACH.' D. H. ML’NDY, Agent. 728 Arch Btreet, below Eighth. ELASTIC APOIVeE. LljaBER. LARGE STOCK RAIL FLANK. RAIL PLANK. WALNUT AND PINE. ASH •WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. NORWAY SCANTLING. ,UUU CciDAR SHJNGLEB. IQAQ LOOtf. CEDAR SHINGLES. IOOtJ. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR BALELOW. PLASTERING LATH. 1 wdfQ PLASTERING LATH. iODu. L 869. DALLE A CO.. 2600 SOUTH STR ET JLi-uxriber Under Cover, ALWAYS DKY. WATSON & GILLINGHAM, 924 Biohmond Street. - mh2l ly* \ T ELLOW fine lumber.—orders forcargoes I of every description Sawed Lumber executed at short notice—quality subject to inspection. Apply to rl-w H. rewi ry la South Wharves. fed PERSONAL. ,'lll'EK CENT. ArDLUiIuN e.NU BUSI VESS OU STRICTLY PRIVaTI —Business men wanting to eave money and time may obtain any number of Fac eipTles of a Circular, Price-Curreut Letter orfany Docu meutoi Drawing at tho following extraordinary cheap prices, viz.: ICO copies, exact Fac-Sin flies, $3 00; 600 l-opics, $6 00; LOOO conies, $8 00, and for each additional I oik copies, $7 00. or 60 PER CENT. REDUCTION upon the above prices may bo Bavcd by using MAURICE'S FATENT AUTOGRAPHIC PRESS for Ofiiccs, $BO 00. Tills piesß is so simple and the work Is so oaav that auy person, oven a young bov, can use 1 1 with tho greatest facility. (Cirrular.Drawtng and Socclmons are seat on application.) MAURICE'S Patent Autoaraphio writing and Printing Establishment 10 North William street. N.V. All kinds of Lithographic work arc done with thegreatost core atibo lowest rates. Notice to Business Mon.—MAC RICE'S Btato Rights arc for sale at very moderate prices and easy terms iSeo Price List) New York State Right U for sale at $6,000. lugVf mwlfflb) DESIOAL. SIG. P. RONDINELLA. TEACHER OF SINGING. FBI. vote lewonsandelaasoa,Residence, 808 8. Thirteenth street anSMvS - HEHOVAL. Removal.-the long established depot for the purchase and sale of second'hand doom windows, store fixtures. Ac., from Seventh street to Sixth street above Oxford, whore such articles are for dale in great variety. Also new doom, sashes, shutters, fto.. " ■ - ' ap!3-Bm, NATHANW. ELLIS. PAPEB COLLABS. 1 TBE KEYSTONE COLLAR COMPANY ; 627 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILA., I Manufacture and oupply the tr»de, from MAINE to CALIFORNIA, with the jurtly celebrated BOUND END COLLARS, BOZ a*" DOME. Strangers in tbo city and resident* of Philadelphia who with Ease and Comfoit at the Deck, and who desire to be genteelly dressed, are recommended to give these collars a trial. . UTTo bo had at all the principal retail men’s furnish, ing Btores. ap24*4t WATOBEI, ODD FELLOWS’ PABADE. The attention of all vieltJng the city to participate is invited to examine our large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVER WARE AT THE EXTREHELY lOW PRICES. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO. JEWELERS, No. 802 CHESTNUT STREET, ap23 8t ftk Win. H. WABNE A VO., SuM Whole*al« Dealer, In WATOHESAND JEWELRY, I, I, corner Seventh and Cheitnnt Streets, And late of No. 88 South Third rtroet. leal. BENTS’ rOKNIIHIRB OOUBt. PATENT BHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Mm for tbeu celebrated BMrta lapplied namttSs brief notice. gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of late ityle* In fall variety. WINCHESTER & CO.. 706 CHESTNUT. Id-m.wl.tf FINE DRESS SHIRTS AND GENTS’ NOVELTIES. J. W. SCOTT & CO. 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Foot doors below Continental Hotel. mhl-f m w tf GENT’S PATENT SPRING AND BUT* f%r> toned Over Gaiters, Cloth, Leather, white and iNr li brown Linen; Children’s Cloth and Velvet Lcgginra; also made to order # ffSTGEiiTS FURNISHING GOODS, ... of every description, very low, 903 Chestnut street, corner oi Ninth. The best Kid Gloves for ladle* and gents. ttt EICHELDERPEE . B BAZAAB. noU-tft OPEN IN THE EVENING. ACHlCtll/niBAL. For Lawns Gardens, Green-Houses and Farms. BAUGH’S RAW BODE BIPSK PBOIPBITEOF LIRE Will be found a powerlal MANURE. It is prompt in ita action; It contains the seeds of no peetiicri ub weeds, and will produce luxuriant growth of Grass. Floweis, Strawberries, and-all Garden Vegetables and Plants. , , , , Dealers supplied by the cargo, direct from the whan or the on liberal terms, gend your address and procure free, Journal of tne farm ‘" BACOB & SONS, No. 20 South DELAWARE Avenue. This Fertilizer can be had of all Agricultural Dealers in city or country. mhlO w f mjlm_ SEW PCBLIOATIONS. THE FAMILY DOCTOR. k Complete Dictionary of Domeitlc medicine and surgery. Especially Adapted for Family Uee. BY A LONDON DISPENSARY SURGEON. Illustrated with upwards* of One Thousand Illustrations* crown 8vo,»loth. 750 pages and an Appendix, $2 60; half morocco, $4 00. AGENTS WANTED. Apply to GEO. GEBBIE, No. 730 SANSOM STREET. ap23 lips TJOXEB OF FRENCH NOTE PAPER. ENVELOPES TO MATCH. LANDSCAPE INITIALS, IN BRIGHT COLORS, STAMPED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ONE QUIRE, 25c. FIVE QUIRES, SI 00. BTAMPED PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND, OR BTAMPED AT ONCE TO ORDER. MAKING A SPECIALTY OF STAMPED PAPER, Buying in large quantities, and having my own DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERB AND STAMPERS, I md do work cheaper, give better paper, and delive promptly all orders. WEDDING, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS printed in latest styles. • Plate engraved, and two packs of cards, $4. Without a plate, $2 for two packs. MONOGRAMS. CRESTS, LANDSCAPE, Initials en graved and PRINTED IN COLORS. ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY AS LOW, IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. CHALLEN, Fashionable Stationer, fell tfs No, 13U8 Chestnut street. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—A NEW COURSE of 1 ectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatom;; embracing the subjects: Howto Live and wbat to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Man hood generally reviewed; the Cause of Indigestion, Flat ulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for: Marriage Pbilo.ophically Considered. Ac., &c. Pocket volumoa containing theie Lc< turea will be forwarded, post paid,on receipt of 26ceLts, by addressing W. A, Leary, Jr., South ea-t corner of Futh and Walnut streets, Phlladel* phitu fe2B,m HEATERS AND STOVES* IMPROVED French Range and Range Furniture Manufactured by BBAinmU, JDEANE & CO., Nos. 247 fir d 249 WATER STREET, NEW YORK. apfrm w f I2i THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHENER, OR £53 European Ranges, for families, hotels or poblle Jan'S institutions, in twenty different sizeß. Also, Phil* adelpbia Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Low down Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath BoU are Stew-hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale aadretaU b» n026-wJ,m-6m5 (t , THOMAS 8. DIXON A SONS, JESS Late Andrews A Dixon, No. IjB4 CHLSlNUTBtreot^Pbilada.. Opposite United Slates it* Manufacturer* of . LOW DOWN, PARLOR. CHAMBER, OFFICE, And other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire i ALSO, WARM-Alli FURNACES, For Warming Public and Private Building*. REGISTERS, VENTILATOR*. AND CHIMNEY CAPS, „„„ COOKIN T.RANGES, BATH-BOILERS. WHOT-.FBAI-R and RETAIL. BOOTS AM) SHOES. J NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Tho latOßt «tylo, fashion and assortment ol S, SHOES AND GAITERS, FOB MEN and BOYS, t - tJUI bo ' hl,<l - ft V. BTJE ST VI SD PP’S, No. S3O NORTH NINTH STREET. ; FU W - jiIIUHEBY, L,~msr~~s V~ WILLITB, 137 N. NINTH STREET, IT, *«, No. 209 North Second street FINAIfOML. UNION PACIFIC R.R. First Mortgage Bonds Bought aud Sold at Beat Market Price#* r- ” I / These Bonds pay Six (6) For Cent. Interest In GOLD. PRINCIPAL ALSO _ Payable in Groldl• FULL HFORBATIOS CHEERFULLY FUMBHBU. * The Road will ho completed in Twenty (20) Days, And Trains run through In Thirty (30) Days. DeJ®ve»&Br». Dealers in Government Securities, Gold, &0., 40. S. Third. Street* ap9 tf ■ BANKING HOtJfM OF JayCoqkeal^ *l2 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHELAD’A DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will receive Applications for Policies of Life Insurance In the new National Life Insurance Company of the United States. Fall Information given at oar office. WTHOANDOIIMS Dealers in r. 9* Bonds and Members ol Mock and.Ubfd txchauge } receive accounts of Batiks and Rankers on lift* eral terms, Issue Rills of & jccJtangrooil O, J Hambro & Son London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & Co., FrankforiL* James W. Tuoker & Co., Paris, ; And other principal cities* and Lcttew off Credit available throughout Europe S. W. corner Tnird aifd Chestnut Street. CORSETS. BROWN’S Wholesale and BeiaQ CORSET. STORES, 329 and Bl9Aroh Si, Where the Merchants and Ladies will find an extensive assortment feetured Corsets and Hoop £&irts. SBOCEBIES, UQDOBB, AO, FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pine Apples, &o„ Qreen Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas Mushrooms, Asparagus, &0., &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. SWEET 01L.—160 DOZEN OF EXT RA QUALITY Olive CM, expreaaly imported for COUSTY'S Eaat End Grocerj, No, 118 Soul h Second Btreet. French peas, mushrooms, truffles,* to matoee, Green Com, Asparagus, <fcc., inatora and for eale at cOUSTY’S Eaat End Grocery, Na 118 South Be cond street QTONED CHERRIES, PLUMB, BLACKBERRIES.' O Peacbea, Prunellaß. Peara, Lima Beana, Shaker Sweet Coin, at COUBTY’S Eaat,End Grocary.No. 118 South Second etroct- • ■ ■ .• i ; * SIRESH PEACHES IN LARGE CANS; AT FIFTY (Junta per Can—the cheapest and best Roods ia the py, at COUSTY’S Eaat End Grocery, No. 118 Soutfv Second street ~ VTEW DATES. FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, AND AL i> inonde—all of new crop—ln Btofo and for sale at Eatt End Grocery, No, 118 South Second at THE FINE ARTS# A. S. ROBINSON. No. 010 CHESTNUT STREET, Haa Juat received cxqulaite epeclmcila of Fine Dresden “Enamels” on Porcelain, • In great variety. SPLENDID PAINTED PHO TOOBAPHS, Including a number of choico gema. A Superb Line of Ohromos. A largo aaaortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS, Ac. Alan, RICH STYLE FRAMES of elegant now pattern.. UKIi 1' BOOKS, Ac. LOST. Lost or mislaid, a policy of inburanceof -Franklin insurance sBqoov on hotitfo No.‘JB3£ariaoiaBUe«'t. The ’finder will pleas* retain it to CHARLES PENROSE,. . qnlfif >n w 6t* -1414 Borneo atr6OT,_ BOAROIRfft Handsome communicating rooms and other vacancies wl h hoard, at 228 South H™*** street.