X.EXTEK FBOffl P&BIB. CoTNtpcndt&co Of tbe PhUadelpW* ' April 6lb, JBC9.-If Napoleon: wanted a proof bow little the concessions he Ms wet made (including even tho Which I recently spoke) have been able to entity the growing aspirations of his subjects, bo mtwt havo found it In the magnificent oration delivered iL tte Chamber on Friday last by M. Thiers. Tho •hole speech, indeed, may be interpreted os an indirect sarcasm upon tbo last Imperial utter inco and upon tho absurdity of supposing toftt ‘the doing away with snch badges of “rfddm- 'as tbe one; above alluded m would now suffice to conciliate the good will 1, iLbbnuktSn. The Emperor seemed to inti mate thaTwiih this last act be had done eyory thlng that ‘'reason and justice’’ dlctatedi would have a right to resist by ‘'(oY&i," it more were attempted to bo extorted from him. But What says M. Thiers, speaking to the name both of Paris, which returns him, and of tho vast bulk of tho liberal intelligence of the country? Why. he declares that neither individual .and personal liberty, nor liberty of tho press, nor liberty in the elections out of doors, nor parliamentary liberty within the Chamber can be said to exist yet to France, as compared with the model of America, by which ho trios them. HOW can-there be individual liberty, he cries, in a country where snch a piece of legisla tion ’ellll exists as tho “law of manoeuvres,” which may bo interpreted to mean anything or everything which the crown lawyers please ? O r how can therp.be liberty of the press without a jury,and with a court specially named by the gov ernment lifjolfto tryattacks upon it? Or how can there belibertylln the election under the .present system of constituting the electoral colleges, and putting forward official candidates, backed by the whole strength of the local administrations— Prefects.; Sub-Prefects, Mayors, Juges-de-Palx fiChoolmastesß and gardes-champetres? Or, lastly, /hew can there be parliamentary liberty in a 'Chamber which has not the right of initiating “ stogie measure for itself, or even of choosing it own President? 'On aU these points M. Thiers Viib'twnaondotia power, illustrating and enforcing them with facts, and even seeming, aslbiaVesaid, to exclaim: “And yet tho Einpe tor thinks to satisfy tho country by sacrificing to it- the livr-et-d'ouvriersl" idnst bv way of showing how the imperial go. vernment “rigs the market” for the elections, and tb what a piece of humbug it reduces uni versal Suffrage between its official candidate and its mode -of dealing with the electoral colleges, 1 will mention one or two of M. Thiers’s facts on ,he above heads. The government is afraid of all centres of Intelligence where the population is instructed and onlightcned, as in the large towns for instance. In the elections, therefore, it does not allow these to vole together, so as to se cure each the representation of its own interest, bpt cuts them up piecemeal in fragments, and then swamps each particle In a vast division of tbe -surrounding district, often situated at a great distance. Thuß, for instance, take Marseilles. This capital of the South is thus cat up, and por tions of it mado to vote aloDg with remote coon try villages more than fifty milos distant What . possible community of interests, asks Jd. Thiers, can there bo between a great commercial popula tion like that of Marseilles and these rural dis tricts? But you do it, he says, in ordor to swamp tho intelligence of Marseilles, which you cannot hood-wink or control, by the ignorance of errantry villages, where, by the aid of the Mayor, the state schoolmaster, garde champOtro and the gens d’armes. you ore omnipotent and can do what - yon like. In the Bame way M. Thiers showed -how Bordeaux had been treated, and Hemes'and Toulouse, in the South, and Lille, again, In tbe North—pointing out ou the map by name tho remote districts to which each shred of thete great and important cities had been tacked on; in order completely to nullify their influence in the elections, and swamp intelligence under mere numbers and ignorance, instead of allowing the former freely to act upon and enlighten the latter. “You have systematically drowned,” he saio, “tho suffrages of the towns In those of the country.” "You have swamped,” he said again, •‘the votes of the population whom you could not control in the votes of those yon could.” And this yon call “universal suffrage;" and tell France .she is freer than England, and as free as America, because she has it—in name! Add to this power of “cutting up” the electoral colleges as it likes, which the government arrogates to itself, that'of sendiDg down its own candidates ihto the rural districts, with promlees of government aid if they vote for the riirht man, and yon will be able to form a pretty or rect notion of tho rottenness ol the imperia system, and how long it is likely to hold good. Within the French Chamber Uself, 1 think 1 have had occasion to observe, pi late, a marked change of physiognomy. The President, or Vice President, an officer nominated by the Emperor and not, therefore, carrying with him the pres tige of being freely chosen by the Assembly, U evidently losing influence and control jnst in proportion os those who nominate him, and whom he represents, do the same. Circumstances are changed indeed lrom the times when, as M. Emile Olliver tells ub in his boob, a member of tho imperialist majority refused to continue lo speak with him because, as he said in a terrified whisper, “the eye o! Do Morny was upon thorn.” l’heu, again, the attitude ol the imperialist majority itself is greatly changed, and no longer presents the cohesion which it once exhibited. It no longer ventures to druwu at once the voice ol' at> Opposition member ub it us.d to do tbe voices ol the “Five.” Its “clamors” are reduced to those of the ultra-imperialist clique, who are sold, body and sou), lo the powers that be; but it no longer gives that unhesitating, uncompromis ing and unanimous support to every utterance of ministers, to which the latter have been so long acc-ÜBtomed. The ministers tbemsc.ves, on the other baud, feel th'iß change and become more and more sensible of it. Some of them lose confidence, in corssequi nec of not now alwajs having the usual clique ..in theatrical language) at their back. Others, like M. Rouker for ex. ample, grow more violent uud passionate, and substitute mere threats and rhodomontade for argument against such wrllhiog exposures as those of M. Thiers, übovo mentioned, aud to Which M. Rouber could only reply by-insisting with immense vehomencc that the ebuntry enjoyed all the liberty it demanded or required. 'Then why, if this be so, asked M Emil<j OUiyier, not leave tho electors alone to speak for themselves ? The scuson continues to bo brilliant sinco the resumption of gayetlcs alter the Holy Week. The Prefect of Paris gave a grand banquet last (Satur day, at the Hotel de Vilie, at which Genoral Dlx was tbo prominent guest. A grand British Charity Ball takes place to night, of which Mrs. Hoffman, the lady of Col. Hoffman, U. 8. Consul, 's among the Lady Patronesses, and which will be largely natronized by American society aB well as English, aDd be productive, I trust, of Botch mutual pleasure and good feeling between the twO ccjunlrlcß, as well ub of advantage to » tfiejToor. '' • ~ • accußta a tratScßman of advertitlmr the foHowlDft eortosUU*: ' Cj*wo. Morocco Lady’s Drcsaim' Case. liUfgo IvCQ Rueeia Gentleman's ditto. Bcfmll 1 ale Russia Gentleman's ditto. ‘ Blue Morocco Uc.nUeman’n dUtQ„, if ljyKto^ en^nc^i Kußßla Gentloman’e M«cl>lan Bog. •, ijeuiccß-incb Looj’e Pale Hu&tia patent Bag. THE DAILY EV ERIEG BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22,156&. AMERICAN ACUTENESS. .. In contemplating the acuteness of the „ hu~ mai intellect, as it Is so ■ largely ®nd un healthily, developed in literature and m daily life, I must' confess that my emotions are rather those of apprehension than of tranquil satisfaction. In an antiquated Connecticut parish I used to hear it said of a man some times, in a tone that expressed minglethdis trust, admiration, and mystery, “Oh. hes keute!" and I believe that I always felt undefined dread of such a person.^ Within certain restraining V. U may be possible for one to Exercise an incisive and keen-edged v" without detriment to the gen «ral k l 'reW of mankind. I suppose We all enjoyed the anecdote of Kabelais, i ■who. desiring to go to Paris, and not having sufficient money to take him there, carefully prepared three packages of brick-dust,which he labelled, respectively, ‘‘Poistm tor Mon sieur,” “For the Dauphin, ’ l'or the dung, and placed in the way of his inquisitive and patriotic landlord, through whom he was im mediately reported at Court, arrested, and taken, free of expense, to the city or ms love. There, being known, he enjoyed the discomfiture of his enemies upon the analyzation of the contents of the packets, and disported himself with much delight amid the luxuries of the metropolis. But it will he seen that there was the same i element of mental acuteness in this, as w n displayed in the unsuccessful attempt oi a young man of Pittsburgh, Pa., to suppor. himself by glueing bristles to the tails of-raiß .arid selling them for squirrels; and also in the unremunerative experiment of an enterprising person in Vermont, who began the manufac ture of a cheap and improved style of Bhoe pege, which were to be shipped and disposed of under the name of oats. We observe a similar ingenuity in the business of painting fowls so that they shall seem, to possess unique and brilliant plumage, which is said te be carried on to quite os great an extent as that peculiar traffic in dogs, whereby, for in stance, a valuable terrier is stolen and sold to a second party, and a reward being offered for him, is stolen from the second owum and returned to the first (no questions asked),and jg thus successively stoleD, sold, re-stolen,and reiurned, so as to_pe made the source or a permanent and certain income. Tne sharp play of mental forces which is necessary to the successful conduct of au operation of this character would, in the more congenial field of the stock exchange, the board of railway directors,or the lobby, achieve a disreputable fortune. Better for the unambitious dog thief that he moves IeBS obnoxiously in humbler Bpberes. There is some poetical justice to be per ceived in the action of that strictly pious person who, in a certain period in English history, when great abuses had become pre valent among the Romish priests, hearing that a reverfend father was about to transfer a large amount of coin from one treasury to another, bought of him an indulgence for theft, and, under the operation of that indul gence, robbed him the next day of the money he was in the act of transporting. It is said that, though he paid an exorbitant price for the indulgence, the proceeds of the robbery were a dozen times more than the expense. But in all these examples which I have mentioned, there is an clement of dishonesty —of that deception which seepiB to be the prevalent vice of the time —which is a con stituent part of the atlire of ladies on the Fifth avenue, of the sign “Imported Wines and Liquors” on corner groceries, and of the ovßter Bhells and lobster backs which coun try landladies are said to buy from the hotels and si rew in front of their houses, to entice boarders thereto. On the contrary, there was thritt without dishonesty in the arrangement of four young men who bought a co-operative swallow-tail coat, Which they wore on vari ous evenings, each to parties and balls giveD by his respective circle of friends. Similarly, there was no dishonesty in the commonly mentioned case ot an Irish gentleman who. haviDg arrived at Syraouse.and being assured, on detailed inquiry at the telegraph office, that no charge was made for the dale, address and (denature of a message, explained to the ope rator that he merely wanted to let his brother know that he was in Syracuse, and sent the following despatch gratis: Svraitsk, Feb. :it>th. To Jons Mi Finn, New York. |'Bigne n ] Patrick McFinx. Possibly such things as these may not laid one to despair utterly of human nature, or of the possibility of the coming of that time when universal peace shall He like a shaft oi light across the land, and like a lane of beams athwart the see, through all the circle of the golden yenr; but there are some others that do. Of such a character is the device by which au innocent and unsuspecting gentle man with elegant whiskers is led to piek up from some lady’s drawing room table a rich morocco case of the size and form of an or dinary photographic miniature, labelled, in gold, “Portrait of the Gorilla," and opening it with much curiosity perceives his own face reflected in a neat little looking-glass. “I will bet you a bottle of wine,” said a gentleman to his friend, “that you will come clown out of that chair before I ask you twice.” “Done !•’ replied the friend. “dome down !” cried the other. “I will not,” said his friend, with much obstinacy. “Then stop till I ask you a second time, said the Other. Perceiving that he would never be asked a second time, the gentleman in the chair came down in a double sense. Thus, also, we read that Jean, the official fool of King Charles, ol France, came to the palace one morning, exclaiming, “Oh, Sire, such news!, Forty uiousaud men have risen in the city 1” “Whaty” cried the startled king, “Why have they then “Well,” Baid Jean, “they have risen pro bably with the intention of lying down again at bedtime." . • A professor of logic at the University of Edinburgh once asked a pupil, while illus iratiug some self evident proposition, “Can a man see without ejes?” “Certainly,” said the pupil. “Bow, sir!" cried the enraged professor, “Pmy, sir, bow do you make that out?” “He can tee with one, sir!” replied the pupil.. „ , The late Peter Cute, Esq., was once called upon by two young men for professional as sistance. One of them commenced : “Mr. Cute, our father died and made a will.” “Ie it possible ? I never heard of such a thing,” answered Mr. Cute. “I thought it happened every day,” said tne young man. “It’s the first case of the kind,” answered Mr. Cute. “Well,” Baid the young man, “if there is to be nDy difficulty about it, we had belter give you a fee to attend to the business.” The fee was given, and then Mr. Cute ob served: “0, 1 think I know what you mean. You mean that your father made a will and -di«L~ -Yety.y-cs, -tkaUtnßsl be it! that mu3t be it.” Biit bo took the feerneveriheiesa: - - - the propensity of every man to sell his neighbor lias developed a class of beings who consider themselves incapable of being de ceived. ' Wbo.Bq. ajjpwftehca. them with the keen- edged rapifcfof.. wit fiods them armor proof. “Not to them are-'to-be spoken mar i velioUß things, or sayings that bear,a Btiug behind them. They pull down one corner of theirccys* thus inquiring more eloquently than,.by words whether anything green is there. With the same idea yon will sec a naan in the far western country, while listening to a story;qf adventure, take off his hat-with the utmost gravity and shake bis hair arid brush it with his hand, asthorigh he had been rolling in a meadow or pitching bay and desired to get the timothy seeds oat qf his head. At another time he will remark, “I haven’t been in the grads for two weeks,” or “I hnin’t seen a prairie for more’n three . I .*• r*‘' . ' '. X* ' i I - The hero of a song sings to the same pur_ prose, “I’m a young man from the Country Out you can’t come over me.” The culmi tivo expression of this sweet sentiment fg be found in that singularly , meaning’. a as and yet remarkably sharp chorus : Not for Joe! O dear no—lf I knr -W 8 it I not for Joseph! ' „ Oh, no, no ! not for Joe ! *fot for Joeoph ! O dear, no! “Bir,” said a fierce lawyer, “do you on your solemh oath,declare that this is not your handwriting ?” Witness contemptuously;— not.” “Does it resemble your handwriting ? Witness—ironically—“Yob, fiiri I think it don’t." “Do you swear it don’t resemble your handwriting?” Witness—derisively—“ Well, I do, old head.” “You take your solemn oath that this writing does not resemble yours in, a single letter ?” Witness— exasperatingly—“ Y-a-a-a-s, sir. Lawyer —emphatically and conclusively— “ Now, how do you know?” Witness—with unnecessary calmness— “ Cause I can’t write!” ... Bo in the case of an inquisitive traveler who stopped to talk to a boy wliom he found hoeing in a patch of sickly-looktng corn ami who seemß to have been not only of au acute but also of a liberal turn of mind: “Your com looks very yellow,” Baid the traveler. , ~ “Y-a-a-s,” said the boy, “it was the yaller kind we planted.” , . . “It is mighty small, too,’ continued the traveler. “In course,” said the boy, “’cauße we planted the Btnall kind of corn. “Yes, yes, I know, but I don’t think you 11 have more than half a crop there,” “Why no, certainly not,” said the boy, “we planted this here let to halves." The traveler passed on. T . . Even among the rising generation I find, from observation and from reading, a ten dency to acutenesß which I think forebodes no good. What do yon think of the boy who ac cused his grandfather of being very small of his ago ? There was still another boy who had been told that he was dust, and who was chid for getting muddy. “If lam dust, said he, “how can I help being muddy when it rains?” There was also a little daugbtei w hose mother called her attention to a word in a book and asked her what it was ? “Why don't you know ?” asked the girl. Yes," said the mother,“but I wish to find if you know.” ‘Well,” responded the child, “I do know. “Tell me then,if you please,” said the lady. “Wbv, no,” said the liitle miss, archly, “you know what it is, and there’s no need of saying anything more about it.” Sometimes, when I have been reading all day, glancing over the daily _ papers, the ex changes, and twenty or thirty new books, with the cutting paragraphs, the slashing edi torials. the sharp and piercing criticisms, the dissecting and slicing, the rasping and chisel ling thelancet here and the scalpel there— axe laid with steady blows at the roo .s of other men’s beliefs—l ask myßelt wli it refuse there is from the mental edge-tojls thatattack, at this time, all vulnerable things? Yes, there is refuge. You and 1 know books, which it would be ungracious to mention, which can owe their popularity to no other tact than that it is impossible that they should impart to any one the ruffle of an emotion. Such books are a relief from the intense bril liancy of the times—they realize the envied felicity of those of whom we are told, They read botanic treatises Aud works on gardening through there, And method of transplanting trees To look as if they grew there. As I meditate on this prevalent acuteness or the mental form and spirit of tqeTitnes, I again confess that a feeling of alarm,of vague unrest, and of weariness comes over me. Ah, for some garden of tranquil delights, where all undue mental aciivity shall be lulled to rest w here all men shall be honest, inoflen sive’ find dull. —George Wakernan, in the Galaxy. MAOiaßisnKK'sr. a is® re. jyj-EKKICK * o B ONS. wark fol-ndrv 430 WASHINGTON Avenue fe l hUadctph.a, STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure. Ilorizontnl , Veitical, beau), Oscill.tlng, Blast and Lomiali 1 uiup- BlLLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular. <fcc. STEAM IIAMMEItS— Naamyth and uavy styles, and oi CASTINGS—Loam, Dr* and Green Sand, Brasa, die. HOOFS—Iron Framer, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron, for refineries, water, GAS MACHINERY—BueII os Retorts Bench Caetings. Holders and Fiamcfl, **uritier3, Coke and Charcoal liar. tows. Volvo®, Governors, &c. _ , SIJUAit MACHINEKY-Suchiu Vacuum Pans ind Pmurs, lJofecatore, Bono tflack 1 iltere, Buroeri\WaBh ere and Elevators; feug FUtera, Sugar and Hone Blacfc Volo lrfanofaclurers of the follo\viug ?peciMHos: _ . . In Fhilaarlpbtd and vicinity,ot William Wright a Patent Varibblo Cut-oil Steam Eugiuo. . , a ,^i„ In pfniiuylvania,of Shaw & Justice's 1 atcut Dead-Stroke tntho UnMcd “tStce, of We ton’s Patent Selt-couterlug and Self-balanMUß Centrifugal SugardralniugMaohtnu Glata & BiirtOi’a iinpiovcnifcnt on Aapinwall it Woolaey * nartol’" Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Btrahan'a DriH.Grindim?Rent. . . f Oomrnctora for tho design, ejection, and fitting up of Re fineries' for working Sugar or Molasses. I RON FENCE.- The undersigned are prepared to execute orders foi ENGLISH IRON FENCE, of tho beat make. Tho attention of owners of Countn Seats is especially asked to this as at once the most jughtly the most durable, and the mostoconomicel fence that can b Specimen panels may by ee natour “Kemble, ff9-Bms 418 South Delaware avenue. /'COPPER AND YELLOW METAL aHEATUINO kx u^hSK CO., No. 1)33 South Wharves. T ,„, ipnN—ARRIVED PER CAUL JOHANN 10. P Ton. 1 Sf£mh PigLron. Gl.mganiockßru,d F-. sajojnlets to suit by PElf.lt SDIUnEU BESOK-IS. p-ItOSPECT MONTGOMERY county This delightful Summer Residence 111 be open for the reepotion ot guealß on and ftfte» May 1. ahe lawn and groun&e have been arrangod with Dimmer ...V.* TP croouat grounds, billiard rooms, Ate., and for shade* and beauty arS very delightful.; boatiug fishing plunge, baths, die. Address, JaMF.fciPaMEK. anlSthetußmoi . Fresland, 1 a. pgiBIBIENS CARDS In 8 BOYD. "window Shadow. Bod?, MattfcHftes, (Jnrpntß and CuitainflVlSo. 138 North Ninth utroot, Philadelphia, at " i‘T"-. U mirn 1) n-palred and varnished. mhl7-3m JAJ4EB A. WBIOnT, TUOUNTON PIKE, OLKMUNT A. imiHttOU. TiIEODOTIW WKKHIT. THANK L,. NKaI.L. PETER WRIGIiTAt SONS, Importoiu of earthenware .... r and ! Sbippbii? and GbimnUrfon Merchant*, • No. 115 Walnut Philadelphia / yfjT ON BAIL DUCK OF EVERY WIDTH, FROM \J aaitirhto 78 inches wide. nJI numbers. Tent and Awning Duck, dm. . jaM , No. 103 Church street. City Stores i URTVY WELLS—OWNERS OF PROPERTY—THH 1 IT—only place to, got privy wetlo oloansed anddlstn footed, at very low prieev A, FEYBSON, Manufacture! of Poudretto. Goldsmith’. Ball. Llbiaiy street. BAKATOOA W A riiU. ■ S T Ail I SPKINIr, SARATOGA, NEW YORK. The analysis proves that tho waters of tho SARATOGA STAR SPRINGS STRONGEST WATER. It also demonstrates that the STAR WATER contain. ab ° U ;LOO Cabin Inches More of Gas SSSasfeatt'i.w mce almost equal to Champagne. - Sold by the leading Druggists and Hotels through out the country. “I reckon JOHN WYETH A BRO., 1412 Walnut Street, Phil ad a. Wholesale Agents. .. f __ RfttA'hT W Walter Mullen, Chestnut HU], nut fprofoUver?Eighteenth andßpracetP Jacoby, Jj\. MnmTßa 8 and Spruce; W. R Webb; Tenth and spring Garden. ; dol-tu th a lvrpg , ————— NEW PUBLICATIONS by Tire American Sunday-School Union Oiled Feather Books. Flret Striea In \lveline»Bof style IntercttofdetaU ISmo, cloth, St 80 per set .cheap edition, paper cover, 60 cente. A Voice from Olivet; Or. Tur. Waunujo S.gn. By Rev. RICHARD NEWTON JJOXEB OF FRENCH NOTE PAPER. envelopes to Match, landscape initials, IN BRIGHT COLORS, STAMPED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ONE QUIRE, 25c. FIVE QUIRES, 81 00. STAMPED PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND, OR STAMPED AT ONCE TO ORDER making a specialty of stamped paper Buying in large quantities, and having my own DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS AND STAMPERS, I can do wort cheaper, give better paper, and dollve VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS printed in latest styles |y plate engraved* and two packs of cards, $4. Without a plate, $3 tor two packs. MONOGRAMS. CRESTS, LANDSCAPE, Initials en graved and PRINTED IN COLORS. ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY AS LOW, IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. CHALLEN, Fashionable Stationer. No, 13U3 Chestnut street wfatrtoTi'ieTo^rYoSth! JJ* hoodgcnerally reviewed •, the Cause of liimcc and Nervous Diseases accounted for, MaiTlage PbilOfOphlcally Considered, &c., &c. Pocket volumet contniningthese Lecterns will be forwarded.pest nation racofot of 26 cents, by addressing W. A* Jbcary,jr., oonui S oorner ot FUth and Walnut streets. Pfaladel W ABIIINOTONM 8 lllNOTONM v IU i S. t& MA SS 6 4 SCOTCH C U E V I O T S . These goods are known to toe Trade a» "CHEVIOTS ' and "BANNOCK BURNB,” and are tbo Btrongost and moet durahlo woolen fabrics which can bo made, aa it if imroenible to make them of shoddy or any other materia with which the manufacture of woolena haa ÜBually been cheapened WASHINGTON' MILLS. LAWRKbCK. MASS. CHEVIOTS, for apring and amnmer wear, B ANNOI’KBLRNd, for autumn and winter, have been copied from the beat Scotch etvicr. and mono factured from the imported wool, which alono can give the urocer effect to them. , . , . At flrat it waß thought by the parties ■ who contracted (m the enode that they would sell bettor without the distinctive mark of the Washington Mills; but _ it haa boon found that in Reneml appearance and durability they are quite equal to their foreign prototypes; there fore the largest consumers have rcqueeicd that the regn lar Washington Mills ticket should be attached to every piece; and in order that imrcfcnwjrs may be proteewd from ihe possibility of havkg interior Boadesuld to them in garments, under the name of the Washington Mills Chtviots. the following named parties hereby advertise toOie trade and public generally, that they haw.given boston Abernelbv & Co Whitten. Burdett & Young. ColliSs RmmerACc, Miner, Beal & Co. Carh&Tt- Wlntford Co. C. W. Fteel'.nd, Beard & ■ '/.evlln A Co°’ * C ° ’ CINCINNATI. !wookß*B®T' Lockwood Bro^AC". Geo W. White A C’-, for Eiold. Benedict ft Co. merly White, Whitman A. ALBANV. N-Y^ PIPTBBURGH, PA. Bros * Co. Bteiu EpjJ- N y Elt %il®A a ßKLßrilA. G. V. B™° ckonbuah ft Co. Wane maker ft Brown. R. I Qano, Wilgne ft Co. * V . Ti Kiloc Malted ft Hawkmu. Jam™ H. ' oad ft Co iJnftnl itolil A’ lCck hmILANI), Ml.. aplß th s tn 26t iCbadboarne & K- uditll. Instead of Bitter, use | SWEET Mothers! give the Children , Ask yonr Doctor for QUININE The Druggists all sell J ap 1 th t tn lmS Of the l*te»t and most beautiful designs* and all other Mate woik on hnud or «nadt> to nrder. _ Factory and Salesrooms. and OATyLOW IILL streets. WILSON A MIuLEK. _ap2l tim6 ■ TPARASOLB.-ALT, THE NEWEST LONDON and Pariß etylea, which fer novelty. variety and elcaance are unequallod. A largei assortment of Lack Covers, Sea-Side and Sun LMi*RBLi-Aft, rhe toweet prices, at H. DIXON’S FANC* GjOD.. STOrE. No. 31 South Eighth street. mh-frlmS CROSS CB3SEE LEHIGH COAL. PI/AISTED ft MoCOLLIN. v ; No. 8018 CHESTNUT Street, Wost Philadelphia, Solo Retail Agenta for Cento Brothers ft Co.'a celebratac Cross Crock Lohlgh Coal, from the Buok Mountain Vein This Coal la particularly adopted for making Staam foi jagar and Molt Houses, Breworlea, fto. It la also unnur oSod aa a Family CopL Ordora left at Ihp office of thi Mhiors. No. 341 WALNUT Street (Ist floor). will recoly. oor prompt attention. Llboral arraugemonfs made ndtt mannfactnrors using a regular quantity. Wot* a it AftrtTr TlffiES, JOHN P. BHHAF7, «^ Q N EE INVITE ATTENTION TO Spring r Mcuuitt3n. Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal which, with the preparation given by us, wo think can not be oacolled by any other Coal , „ o .Ofllco, Franklin Institute Building No. jalP.ti Arch street wharf* Bcnuylkilh HY DO (X)NaT'MEHa BUY OUIt COAL f BE cause wo break up laree coal with a broakow by which we produce an article that cannot bo f Quatoa oy any yor.l in the trade. 8. W. corner Thirteenth nnd WuaßiDgton avouue. inhS9 nm} for Indio nnd genta, at nloH mi,pBRFBR>s BAZAAR, OPEN IN EVENING. MAKKB& <Jo“n fc. cornet Fourth and Raco utroot*. fflisw fCßunmonift. CIiOTHS, CASSIIMBfiS; dec. HUSCJEA,IiANEO«S. OWA& An® woo». KEI TEH & BEBIMGEB- «jssmr FPE&waBBMHga <9«o®g» FINANCIAL. UNION PACIFIC R.R, First Mortgage Bonds Bought aod Sold at Best Market Prices. Thcao Bonds psj Bi.t (6) Percent. Interest In GOLP. PRINCIPAL Payable in Gold. FELL INFORMATION CMSFR FULLY FURNISHED. The Hoad will he eompletcd in Twenty (20) Days, And Trains run through In Thirty (30) Days. Dealers in Government Securities, Golds &°*» 40. S. Thir’d. Street. at>9tl BANKING mvm oar?' 02 and 114. So. THIRD ST. PKILAr/A DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Wc will rocclvo applications for Policies of Uf< Insurance In the now National Life Company of the United States. Pull Informotior tpven at our office. t. B,Bonds and Bleinbort of NUJcU aiid BW KichanßO, rccvlvr accounts of IfCitaKs and Hun u era onlll)- eral terms, Issue Bills ot exchange on C. J Hambro & Son, London. B. Meizler, S. Bohn & Co., Frankfort James W. Tucker & Co., Paris, And otlieT principal cities* and of credit available throughout Europe 8. W. corner TDird and Chestnnt street. KiOBIBEiB. MAULE, BROTHER & ,C 0;, 2000 South Btreet pattern makers. lQftQ obo pattern makers. 1003 choice selection OK MICHIGAN CORK PINE POR PATI EIiNS. I OL-n SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK IflfiQ Lfcby. SPEUCB AND HEMLOCK 100<7. LARGESTOCK IQ£MI FLORIDA FLOORING. IQRQ loby. FLORIDA FLOORING. iOOi? CAROUNA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ABU FLOORING. WALNUT.FLOORING Tq7?s FLORIDA STEP HOARDS. 1 Q£“t) loby. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. ICOcJ RAIL PLANK. HAIL PLANK. |C£;Q WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 1 OfiQ lOby. WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK- YOOO. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAKERS. BUILDERS. AC. . TQ/.Q UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER.. 1 QfiO loby. UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER IOXJO red cedar. WALNUT AND PINE. _ 10 en SEASONED POPLAR. 1 QiiQ loby. Seasoned cherry. 1002. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. . HICKORY. IOCO CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1 QfiQ IOOy. CAROLINA 6. T. MI.L3. 1-OOtJ. NORWAY SCANTLING. CEDAR SHINGLES. CEDAR BHINGL.ES. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASBOm MENT. FOR SALE LOW. 1869. PLASTERING LATIL lftfiQ PLASTERING LATIL 100(7. JOAIJI.E'itI*O'JTHEH A CO-, 2500 SOUTH STREET. 1869. Lumber Under Cover, always dry. watbon & Gillingham, 924 Richmond Street. mb29 I>6 mHOMAB It POIIL, LUM BER MERCK A NTS. SO H,:i 18. Fourth street. Atthoir yard will bo found Walnut, Aeh , Poplar, Onerry, Pino, iic. . &c.,atroa' aonab.D prices. Give them a call. MAImN THOM AB - POHL. iubl7-6m* To contractors; lumbermen and ship builder*.—We aro now prepared to oxocnto promptly orders for Southern Yellow Pine Timber, Shipstuffand Lumber. COCHRAN, RUSSELL & CO., 22 North Front afreet. mh24-tf VTELLOW PINE LUMBER.—ORDERS FOR CAROOES X of every description Sawed Lumber executed at abort notice—quality subject to inspection. Appiy to EDW. H. ROWLEY. 16 South Wharves. fe6 WKCCEKHEB, a.UtPOKBf FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Feaoheo, Pine Apples, &0., Green Porn, Tomatoes, French Peas, Mushrooms, Asparagus, &c„ &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Gomer Eleventh and Vine Streets. QWEET OIL.-150 DOZEN OF QUALITY O Olivo Oil, oxpreeßly imported for cousrv’o Last End Grocery, No, llSßouihßocond atrfeet ___ XTBW dates, figs, prunes, RAISIVS and al. J\ nionde—nil of new crop—in store and for earn fy COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No, 118 South bocond at IiENUH TEAS, MUSHItOOMS, TROFFLEB/ TO coed etreet CTONKD OBFKKIEB, . BLACKBERRIES Bonth Bccond street Hecpnd. street* ; . - t x^. .traiifhft -1 "**nnss iii i iV'Ii"UO;»i US Immoka tmueiss & .ikwhlebs^ II Jfc'VFIoU i: ML’’ NY'A UP- if feVVATOHESuiid .1 KVriTGiiY RIiPAXBEa/T 802 Chew,-.mih: St.. Philft^^y Lad ies’ and O exits’ Watches American and Imported, of the moat celebrated mahere. Fine Vest Chains and Leontinea, ..In'll; and IS karate. Diamond and. Other Jewelry. or the latest d-elans. EKCA«EMBW' , :AB» IVEltnlSfi BHVLS, In 18 karat end coin. SOUR SILVER WAKE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS. TABLE CUTLEKV. PLATER WuKE.Etc. .■■• jflVtf y WIU. B. WAKNE * «o„'' , 1 " " WJioloeale Oeolera In • WATCHES AND! JEWELRY. 0. B. comer Bevcpthand Chestnnt itreet#, , And lota of No. Ki Bontb Third otrewt. • Iflftr VtHIKE t‘ UOOHB, <SIC. coiwe rs. BROWN’S Wholesale and detail OR3ET STOBES, 29 and 819 ArohS!., OEDIOAU Ayer’s Hair Vigor, For the Renovation of the Hair. The Great Desideratum of the Age. freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its • use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment. it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hail from turning gray or falling ofT, and consequently prevent baldness. I'roe from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but uot harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothin" else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil uor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a. ricli glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. FBIGE $l.OO, all Drnggi.u everywhere. At wboleiala by .18 & CO., Philadelphia. mho la :tb*oow-ly I trench medicines . * •• pKtePAiim r»v GRIMAUCT tOO., f.HKWISTB TO U. I. IL PRINCE,N APOLK* **, 4&Kuk DR RICULbIEC, VAkilti. NERVOUB HEADACHES. NEURALGIA, DIARKHIEA. DYSENTERY, INSTANTANEOUSLY CURED BY C.KIMAULT'B GU ARANA. n rfi - Tbie veßetablo mbetanco which W w « to tho llrazlW ba b been employed linco time lmiiicmorl*l tn oure in (lamination of the bowels. It baa I'royodo KM » beor tbe greatest service to cases of Gbolero. iva it wap tire and a core to case* of Diorrhoea. ABODta In rhiladelshln. mcHARDS & CO.. de7 Cm? N. W, oor. Tenth and Martin aercota. iisimhir kUy* and ■ '. D. L. Stackbonee. Robert C, Davie, , G 60.0. Bower, Clma Shivers, ' 1 8. AI. McColin. B. C. Bnntlpe., Clmn. ll.Eborle, ■Jomea N. M art«. . E. Bringburst a C°>i Dyott & Co.. _ .-«• . f H; C. Blair's Sons,. Wyeth * Bro. . For bblo by Draggiet- gone: Fred. Browne, Hauoard & Co.,' C. K. Keeny. leafrc E Kay, C. 11. Noodles, T. J, Husband. Ambrose Smith, Edward Ponieb, Wm. B. Webb, Jameß L. Bispham, Hughes & Corobe, Henry A. Bower, HEA'JEBB fIWP S’E'OVEN. THOMAS 8. DIXON § Mamif actnrcr. of LQW DOWN. SMSB&B. OFFIOK. For and'Wood Fire. ■ Fo ‘- . ' ABP-i. . _ _ ’ „„ ra °uANGEafu.vrri'-BOiLEiia C: RETAIL. inIMBKBI. —-r—,-jnfTT P. WILLITB,I!'.7 N. NINTH STREET, is con.tnnuy In receipt of a fine and varied ruwort .yFonoltmUlmary. INSTfKCO’niDS. w HOUSEMAN SHI P SCIENrmCALLY taught nt the Philadelphia hiding School, fourth «c£?sj* street above Vino. Tho horeca are’qniot and thoroughly trained; For hire, naddlo boreon. Alao car? xlagce at all time* for wedding*; parlies; opera, funoriJo, Ac- lioreeetiKiued to tlio fil THOMAS CRAIfIE & BON. here tlie Merchants and laiiw U find an extensive assortment lured Co recto and Hoop BUrto. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, und effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color and the gloss and raußeßAFnic ■ ? *y- (■;!■ ~ ;■ --, ' - - ...a.-. !.,-T .v i, ( Tnic Indiana State Mußidal Festival, which Is In progrees at Fort Wayne,.ls largely attonaea. Harrisburg has been eoleclcd as the place for the next State Agricultural,Fair.’ Gen. Can»y has assumed command of the First Military District. A re-organization of the Spanish army on ihe Prussian system Is under dlsctfßSlbn In tho Cortes. . jrtAr.r, negotiations lor o commercial conference between Franco and Belgium havo been sus pended. Payne, the pedestrian, yesterday, at Buffalo, won the ©2OO purse in the walking-match with Weston. Hon. Joseph Howe bos been elected to repre rent Hants county, Nova Scotia,ln tho Dominion Parliament; by 386 majority. M. »b Da Valettb, French Minister of For eign Affairs, has received the thanks of the Prus sian Government, for his paclflc speech in the Corps Beglslatif, on the 10th Inst. Three . hundred ;: and three patents will bo issued lor the week ending on Tuesday, tho 27 th Inst. Among the patents are flve new styles of velocipedes. Orb man was hilled and another severely in jured by the falling of a wall of a house they were assisting to pull do wn at St. Lonis yesterday morning. Orb man was killed and four others were severely injured by a locomotive running down an enbankment on the Black River Railroad, near Lyon Falls, New York, on Tuesday night. The failure of the Meyer Brothers, wholesale tobacconists of New York and Louisville, is an nounced, with liabilities amounting to 8200,000. B. Carrington, dry goods merchant of Louisville, has also failed.. i • GovEßßon GEAnY bos Issued a proclamation, offering a reward of $2,000 for the apprehension of William Brooks, one,of tbo;murderers of Theo dore Bfodhcad, and- who '■ escaped, during tho winter, from the Stroudsburg JaiL A hew building on Grand street, Jersey City, N: J., was entirely demolished by the wind yes terday morning and eight or ten carpenters were buried among the rains. John Genscher was kllled.and Frederick ? Kcrwin dangerously in jured. ThO Othcrs escaped unhurt. Governor Randolph, ot New Jersey, in pur suance of an act of the Lcgislature.haa appointed General fritz John Porter, William Bbipman and Benjamin G. Clark, Commissioners, to look after the interests of the State In the Stevens Battery. Tvro railroad disasters occurred In Tennessee on .Tuesday, by trains falling through trestle bridges. Ia one the engineer and firemen were killed, and several passengers injured; in the other,the engineer and two passengers, who were on the locomotive, were killed. No result was reached yesterday at the infor mal meeting of membtrsof the Cortes, respect ing a candidate for tho throne of Spain. Serrano declared that Montpensler for King, or the decla ration of a Spanish Republic, were the only pos sible alternatives. Prim was silent, and his con duct leads the people to think that be would accept the Presidency or a Spanish Republic. Heavy" floods aro prevailing in Now York State, and portions of New England. At Port Henry, New York, ond vicinity, the damage is estimated at $150,000. Tbe track of the Lake Champlain, Whitehall and Plattsburg Railroad has been par tially swept owoy. Tbe Nesbank river is flooded, and travel on tbe New York Central Railroad Is interrupted at Rome and other points, the road being in some places several foot under water. Eastern-bound passengers were detained at Utica yesterday. Thu Connecticut river is also rising. A despatch from Montpelier, Vermont, says the floods have caused considerable destruction at that place. The Senate, yesterday, confirmed Titian J. Coffey to be Secretary of Legation at St. Peters burg; J. R. Partridge, Minister to Venezaeli.and Adam Bodean, Assistant Secretary of Legation at London. Among tbe nominations yesterday wero.Jobn H. Hutchinson, of Arkansas, as Min ister to the Sandwich Islands, and eighteen mem bers of the Society of Friends to All Indian Agencies. In Executive session, last night, the Senate confirmed tbe following as Ministers: Samuel Sbeilabarger, of Obto, to Portugal; David A. Nunn, ofTeDnessee, to Ecuador; E K.Rioue, of Texas, to Nicaraugua; Charles E. Delong, of Nevada, to Japan; H. Baxter, of Michigan, to Honduras; Alfred T. A Torbert, of Delaware, to Salvador; F. E. Dumas, of Louisiana (colored), to Liberia. From our Late Editions of Yesterday By it»e Adamic cable. Fdobkncb, April 21—The Minister of Finance boa presented tho annnal budget to the Chamber. The document Is very satisfactory. The Income of the Government Is steadily Increasing, and, consequently, it will be unnecessary to impose any new taxes for the current year. Mu ait, April 21.—The Government authorities have discovered another formidable Mazzlnian conspiracy in this city. Papers which were concealed by the rovolution ista nnd which give details of the organization, were unearthed and seized, together with a large amount of arms and aipmunltion, and several of the ringleaders have been arrested. Hew fork Items, [Special Deepatch to the Philo. Evening Balls tin. J Nkw Yobk, April 21 The,strike on the Second avenue cars has been ended by a compromise. The drivers are to receive 25 cents extra for the eighth-trip. The hearing of the spiritual photographer case to-day, ib which Judge Edmonds is a witness, was postponed till Friday. The National Board of Fire Underwriters met to-day. The report of tho Executive Committee shows .that the fourteen months past proved less severe to tho general insnrance Interests in the United States than since 1863. The not earnings of tho bnsioeas as such, irrespective ot the earnings of the capital, were only 1.23 per cont. The result shows that while the aspect of the business has been Improving during the past two years, vet the substantial reforms desired are un secured. The great problem still beiore us is how the public shall be in a measure relieved from tbo burden they ore still compelled to bear as the prime sufferers in tbe immense destruction of insured property. The reported suicide of Mr. Cutler, the lawyer, is incorrect. Evils of tbe Appointing System. [ Special Despatch to tho Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. 1 Washington, April 21 Mr. Carpenter offered a resolution requiring heads of departments to report the names and residences of the clerks, and upon whose recommendation appointed. Mr. Trumbull took occasion to denounce tho whole'system of office getting, and gave notice that he should at tho next session offer a bill making it a penal offence for a member of Con gress to go to tho Departments and solicit ap pointments. There was considerable more plain talk about the vicious system of distributing patronage, and several Senators said they would like to get rH of the trouble and vexatiou which the minor offices,now gave them. Mr. Pomeroy announced that be had asked to havo all tho clerks from hlB State turned out. Tboy.could do better at home, if they only thought 80, and his State wanted population. Printing Congressional Debates. [Special Despatch to tbo Philo. Evening Bulletin.] Washington, April 21.—1 n the Senate this af ternoon, Mr. Anthopy announced that the Print ing Committee had closed a contract with Rives & Bailey to continue tbe publication of the Con gressional Globe . A reduction in the annual cost of $1(5,000 is made. Tho Congressional printer, who has revised his estimate, certifies that the price will only afford tbe contractor a fair profit. Mr< Carpenter’s Resolution; [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Builetin.[ Washington, April ‘ 21. —Tho Bohate talked nearly an Lour and a half about offices, and then, as the debate seemed likely to become intermi nable, went into executive session without voting on tho resolution. TJUe Sntt Against oeucral Blitter* ..... Bawimohe , AprH the United Statoa Circuit Court to-day. In the case of Kimberly against Butler, Chief-Jnatieo Chase sustained the demurrer of the plaintiff to the defondant’s plea in abatement of privilege from arrest as a mem ber of Congress, and decided that tho word "ar rest,” as used in tbe Constitution,means an arrest or dotention by force, with a view to Imprison ment, and does not extend to process of shm iuolb in civil Court. Tho argument was thon continued on the other pleas. j■ S W J K ; % ' - [Spoelal Despatch to tho Phils, livening Bolls tin.] i Washington, April 21.—Mr. Wilson tried to get a resolution?passed, requesting the President to do something about surveying the route for a Ship Canal across the Istbmns of Darien, but some tbonghtit might savor of legislation, and ho withdrew!!. Tlio Case of Goneral Pilo. tSpeclal Despatch to the Philo. Evening Bulletin.] . Washington, April 21.—The voto In Com mittee on Foreign Relations on the nomination of General Pile to tbe Brazilian mission was four against and three for his confirmation. The four opposed to him will resist vigorously when the osse comes up iD the Senate,-If an "attempt Is made to confirm him in spite of the Gomgaittee’s report. ..:, -■ From Washington, Washington, April 21.—A delegation com posed of a dozen Pennsylvanians, headed by Col. John W; Forney, called at the White House to day and had an interview with tbe President. They will leave to-morrow on an extended tour South, to examine into the condition of tbo country’s prospects, resources, wants and dis position toward the Government. Tbe resignations of Captain Amos Wob3ter and Secona Lieu tenant William B. Clark have been accepted by tho President, fc Fleet-paymaster Georee F. Cotter is detached from tbe Plscataqna. on tbe Asiatic squadron, and ordered to tbe United States. Abont forty revenue officers in various districts of tbe United States were removed to-day. Tbe commissions ot a large nnmber of collec tors,appraisers and surveyors.lately confirmed by tbe Senate, were sent to the President to-day for his signature. . Office-seekers flock to the Treasury ond other executive offices to-day, having heard that ap pointments are being made. Secretary Boutwell to-day authorized Heads of Bureaus in- the : Treasnry Department to grant leaves of absence to Odd Fellows at discre tion, to attend the forthcoming-celebration in Philadelphia. _ Heath ot an Bx-Congresimon, Richmond, April 21st.—General T. L. Hay wood. a member of Congress from Virginia be fore the war, died this morning. From Boston. Boston, April 21 MJss Sarah C. Lewis, an elderly woman of considerable means, shot her self dead with a pistol, at her house, in Brain tree, yesterday. Tbe trial at Dedham of Mrs Holmes for canting the death of Mrs. Blanchard, of South Wey mouth, by procuring an abortion, has resulted in a verdict of guilty on the second count,that of procuring an abortion. The Deatbof Peter Y. Cutler. New York, April 21.—Peter Y. Cutler died from natural causes and did not commit suicide. marine Intelligence. New York, April 21. — Arrived—steamer Don from Havana. FUOIU NEW YOBK New York, April 21.—Justice Dowling com menced yesterday at tbe Tombs an examination in tbe case of tbe late forgeries upon Jay Cooke A; CO., by which $26,000 was obtained from tbe National Bank of the Stale of New York. Affidavits were submitted by tbe ossistant cosbier of Jay Cooke & Co., and tbe paying teller of tbe bank, declaring the checks to be forgeries. The Judge promises to lifl the veil of mystery with which this case thus far has been shrouded, and as far as lays in his power develop all the factß connected with it. A farewell missionary meeting to Bishop Mor ris, of Oregon and Washington Territories, was held at Calvary Cbnrch last night. Addresses were made by the Bishop and Rev. Drs. Potter and Wasbbnrn. Tbe strike of the drivers upon the Becond Ave nue railroad continues. No cars were running yesterday. Late last night Mr. Peter Y. Cutler, a lawyer well known as an influential member of tbe bar of this city, was found dead in his room at the Pacific Hotel, under circumstances that lead to the supposition that be committed suicide. He came to tbe hotel early Monday merolng and asked for accommodations, which were given him, room No. 51, on the second floor, being as signed as bis quarters. A visit to the room In question shortly after by Deputy Coroner Shine revealed tbe fact that a bottle of laudanum was lying on tbe mantel, and beside It a pint bottle of Bourbon whisky, but little of tbe latter, however, being consumed. Tho de ceased lay upon the inner edge of tho bed, which V ad been made up, and appeared as If be had not been recently living in strict conformity with temperate habits. He was unshaven, and marks of violenoe. as If be had been In a fight, were ob served npon his face, there .being bruises under bis left temple, and the right eye was black-and bluc. Mr. Caller resided on Suu-n Island, where he leaves a widow. He is represented to have been a man well off In this world's goods. Obituary, Professor Mitchell, the well-Bnown Mathema tician, died at Vassar College, Popghkeepsio, on Monday afternoon, from general, debility. He wasTG years of age. Professor Mitchell was the father of Mies Marla Mitchell, the Astronomer, who was born in Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 1, 1818. He was at that time engaged in teaching at that place, and devoted much of his time to tbe Btndy and practice of Astronomy. When his daughter was only 11 years of age, he took her into his school as a pupil aud assistant teacher, and she very soon discovered a fondness for the science and an aptness in the use of in struments that made her an enthusiastic co operator with her father id'his favorite study. Bubsiquenlly she conducted manyi careful ob servations by herself, and on October 1, 1847, while searching for comets, discovered a tele scopic one which was seen at Rome two years after bv Father da Vico. For this she received a gold medal from tho King of Denmark. Prof. MllcbeU was a member of the Society of Friends. His remains were taken to Nantncket for burial. Tribune . riBE-PBOOr SAFES. CHAMPION SAFES UNSUCCESSFUL BURGLARY. L. El TEH OF MESSHB. DAVID DOWS tfc CO. New Yoek, April 10, 1869. Hkrbixg, Farkel ifc Shkbman, No. 251 Broad way. Gents : On the night of tho 22d ult., onr store, No. 20 Souih street, was entered, and a desperate attempt made by burglars upon one of your safes in onr counting-room. Tbo key to the safe in which we kept onr se curities was locked insido of onr fire-proof book safe, the doors of which were literally cat to pieces; from this they obtained the kev to the other Bafe and opened it. Fortunately we had one of yonr Burglar-Proof Bankers' Chests inside, in which our valuables were deposited. This they went to work at with a will, and evidently used up all their time and tools in vain attempts to force it. Tbe night was dark and stormy, and tho fact of their hnownig where our key was kept shows that their plans were well ma tured. They tried wedging the door and body ot the Chest, and the faithful safe bears evidence of tbe labor and eklll devoted to tho work. All was useless, and it Is with great satisfaction we report that upon opening it we found our securities all safe, and can therefore cheerfully indorse the Burglar-Proof work recommended by yon. You will please Bond the new safe purchased by us to our counting-house, and take the old one to show that 6ome safes are still manufactured worthy of the name. David Dows & Co. > HERRING’S PATENT CHaMPION SAFES, “THE MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN.” Manufactured and sold b3 FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING, FARUEL & SHERMAN, No. 261 Broadway, New York. HERRING & CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, N. O. foatuthstfS ■ ; t I vsf '¥ {t * - T, ; TAB DAILY EVByiNG BCJLLETIN—pHiLAi)ELPMIA« yAUESDAYa APRIL 22, 1869. - 1 Tbe Liverpool & Lon don Globe Ins. Co. 'Assets Gold\ $17,690,390 u in the United States 2,000,000 Daily Receipts over $20,000.00 Premiums in 1868, $5,665,075.°° Lasses in 1868, $3,662,445.00 No. 6 Merchants ’ Exchange, Philadelphia. T\ELAWABE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM \J PANV Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1835* Office *8.12. comer of THIRD end WALNUT Street*, Philadelphia. MARINE IfISCHANCES . - .j, - * On Vessel*. Cargo and Freight to all parts of the, world*; INBUKANCM , „ On goods by river, canal, lake and land carnage to ou parts of the Union. ETKK INSURANCES . On Merchandise generally: on Stores, Dwellings, • Houser, Ac. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, November 1.1868. . $200,000 SUtee Far Geat 120.000 UnitedState* Six Per Cent. Loan, 1881 138,800 00 60400 United States Six Per Cent. Loan ; : • ■ (for Pacific Railroad) . .... 60,000 00 200.000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 211*876 00 125.000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent* Loan (exempt from Tax) 128404 00 60400 State of New J exfeey Six Per Cent. Loan !........ 61400 00 20,000 Pennsylvania RaUroad First Moit- g&go Six Per Cent. Bonds 3X200 00 26,000 Pennsylvania JBailroad Second _ f Mortgage Six Per Cent Bond*;. 24,000 00 ©,OOO Western Pennsylvania ltaitroad Mortgage BixPer Cent. Bonds (Penna. KR. guarantee) 20.625 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent Loan.* - .... 21*000 00 7,000. State of Tennessee Six Per Cent _ Loan.: BOM 25 15,000 Germantown Gai Company, princi- * pal and Interest guaranteed by the city ot Philadelphia, 800 shajesetCck. 15,000 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Kalnoad Company, _ „ 20U shares stock. 11*300 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 100 shares stock 8400 00 20,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Company, 80 shares „ stock .* 15,000 0c 207,900 Loano on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties ........ 207400 00 DIRECTORS: _ „ , , rhomßi C. Hard. Jamds 6. McFarland, Edward Darlington, William C. Ludwig, Joseph LL Seal, Jdcob P. Jones, Edmatd A. Bonder, Jo#haa P. Byre. Tbeophilu* Paulding William G-. Boulton, Hugh Craig, lienryU. Dallett, Jr„ JohnC. Davis. JohnT>. Taylor, James C. Hand, Edward Laiourcade. John B. Fenroee, Jacob Riegel, IL J ones Brooke, George W 7 Bemodou, Sptncdr M'Hvaine, Wm.C Houston, . Henry Sloan, D. T. Moreen, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Btofcee, John B. Semple, do., James Traquair, A. B. Berger, do. THOMAS O. HAND. President JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President HENRY LYLBUKN', Secretary. HENRY BALL, Ass’t Secretary rpuE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—OF -1 fice. No. Ill) South Fourth itreet, below Cbostnat. “The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia,” Incorporated by theLegialature of Pennsylva nia in 1839, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively, chabteh PERPETUAL This old and reliable institntion,with amnio capital and contingent fund carefully invested, contim. 'n to insure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either permanent* li or for a time,against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customer*. Leasts adjusted anPossible despatch. FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHUAD«SL IF jslfm? , pbia, Incorporated March 27, 1830. Office, No. 84 North Fifth street. Insure BnlMlnpv fTOBxEereF Household Furniture and Merchandise (SSHgwga generally, from Lost bv Fire. Asset. Jan. I !»... ««" 08 William H. Hamilton, Samuel Bparh&wk, Peter A. Keyser, Charles P. Bower. John (JaiTQW, Jesse LixatToot. George L V oung, Robert Shoemakers Joseph R. Lynaall, Peter Armbruster. Levi P. Coats, M* H* Dickinson, Peter Williamson. WM. H. HAMJLTON.Preside t, SAMUEL BPARHAWK. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIEE INSURANCE COM PANY. —lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpetual. No. 510 WALNUT Street opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty yeare t continues to insure against loss or damage by fire on Public or Private Building*, either per manently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture. Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Tbcir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, it invested in the mast careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the caso of loss. I aniel Smith, Jr, DIRECTORS. John Devereux, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac. b azlehurst, Heuty Lewis. Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Foil. Daniel Haddock. Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jn., Preaideut. WM. G. CROWELL, Secretary, apl£-tf IJHGSNIX INSURANCE COMPANY i OP PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804-CHARTER PERTETUAL. No. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. This Company Insures from losses or damage by on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, furniture, (fee., for limited periods, and permanently on building! by deposit or premium. . ~ T’he Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses have been promptly Edited John L. Hodge, David Low!*, M. B. Mabony, Benjamin Etting, John T. Lewis, Thoa. H. Powers, Wm. 8- Grant, A. a McHenry, Robert W. beaming, Edmond Castillon. D. Clark Wharton, * Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lowla, Jr,, Louie C, Norris, JOlifc R. WUCHERER. President Ba.mitkl Wiloox, Secretary. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF el Philadelphia.—Office, No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street. . . _ Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter perpetual. Capital and Assets Make insu rance against Loaa or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchandise, on favorable ternu. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson. Frederick Ladner, JohnF. Belatorling, AdamJ-Glaez, Henry TrOemner, Henry Delany, Jacob Schandein. John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick. Samuel Miller. George E. Fort, William D. Gardner. WILLIAM MoDANIEL. President. ISRAEL PETERSON, Vico President Philip E. Coi.kman. Secretary and Treasurer. American fire insurance company, incur porated 1810,-Charter perpetual. No. 810 WALNUT street above Thlrd.Phlladelphla. Having a large pald-ap Capital Stoek and Surplus In vested In sonnaand available Securities, continue to in sure on dwellings, stores, fnmlturo, merchandise, vessels In port and their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally uatod. Thomas R. Maris, Edmund G. DutUh, John Welsh, Charles W. Poultney. Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis. John P. WetherilL William W. PauL THOMAS B. MARIS, President Ar.mnrr O. CnawTonp. Secretary TfAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 809 CHESTNUT - .-INCORPORATED 1866. CHARTER PERPETUAL. * SIRE INSURANCES ixULUSIVELY. Insures against Loos or Damago by Fire, either by Per petual or Temporary Policies. INBVBAHC& 00 Par. Market Value, 81*13(UB5 26 Cost 31.093.604 & Beal Estate. 88,000 00 Bills Receivable lor insurances made ....- 323,486 94 Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums on Marine Policies—Ac crued Interest and other debts due the Company 40,178 88 Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpora tions, 83,166 00. Estimated value . 1,818 00 ■Cosh In Bank. $116,160 08 *3i£laah in Drawer 413 ffi _ _ 116,663 73 Cbaa. J. Setter, Andrew EL Miller, Henry Budd, James N. Stone, John Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr., George Mecke, Mark Devine. * CHARLES J, SUTTER, President HENRY BUDD, Vice President BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer DIKEOTOItB. | Hubert Pearce. John Kcwjlor, Jr., Kdtvard B. Orne, Charlei Stoke'a, ' John W. Everman, MordecM Buabjr. t KIOHAKBON. President :HAWN. Vice Preaidont. iID, Secretary. . ajl'tf Charles Richardfion* Wm. H. Kbawn, Francis N. Buck* Henry towls, Nathan Ulrica, George A; Woet, GHARLBi WM. H, I WILLIAMS L BLANCHE 3PERPBTUAL. ; FjaAJVBCLJIIV - FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OffiioS”--435 arid 4417 Chestnut Slresf. Assets on January 1,1869, ®2 f) 13. > Capital .*400,000 00 Accrued Surplus 1,043.638 70 PW&itaus. ..1,133,813 43 CNBETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOB 1863, *23,788 12. *380.000. Los,es .Paid. Since 1Q29 Over* @5,500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Term*. Tbo Company also Issues Po’iciea upon the Bents of all kinds'of Buildings, Ground Bents and Mortgages* - " PTRBUIORB. Alfred a Baker, A Bred ft tier. Samuel Grant. , Thomu* Spam. Geo. W. Klcnards, Wm. 8. Grant. Isaac Lea, Thomas S. Elite. Geo. Falee* Gustavos S. Benson. ' ALFRED G.BAKEHi President. ,A« «rr ,FALES, Vice President. JAB. V/. McALLTB TER, Secretary. WM. GREEN, Assistant Secretary. ' Jell tde3l mBB BELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL -1 ADELPIiIA. Incorporated In 1841. Charter Perpetual. . ' u .. Office, No. 303 Walnut street, CAPITAL $300,000. insured against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and o'ncr Buildings, limited or poi petual, and on Furniture. Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or COU IS&SES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. AM0t5...... 8437.E88 32 ' invested in the following Securities, viz.: • First Mortgages on City Property t weU securod.Bl63,6oo 00 United States Government Loans 117,000 00 Philadelphia City Sper cent Loans ... 76,000 00 Pennsylvania Ba.OOU.UUO 6 per cent Loan 80,000 01 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first Mortgage.. 5,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per Cent Loan 6,000 00 Loankon CoUateraL 600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Tod 7 per Cent. Mort gage Ponds..... 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company's 5t0ck...... I*oso 00 Mechanics* Bank Stock. 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania 5t0ck...... 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock* 3,250 00 Cash In Bank and on hand 12,258 32 Worth at Par. Worth this date at market prices. DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hill. Thomas H. Moore, Wife. Macser. Samuel Caatuer, Samuel bispham* James T. Young, H. L. Carson, Isaac F. Bake?, Wm. Stevenson, Chrh*tiAnJ. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingley, Samuei B. Thomas, Edward Biter. - Wm. Cnuim, Becretary, Philadelphia. February l 1 AftUfaftAClTE INSURANCE COMPANY.—CHAR TER PERPETUAL. Office* No. Sil WALNUT street, übovoThird, Phil a. Will Insure against Loes or Damage Firo on Build Inge, cither perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parte of the union. DIRECTOR*. . a , Lewis Audenried, John Ketcham, J. E. Baum, John B. HoyL i Samuel tL KothormeL E3HKU. President, * F. DEaN, Vice President. ja23-tn,th,B,tr Wm. Esher, D. Luther, John R. BlaUisloo, Wm; F. Dean, Peter nieger. WM. WIL M. Smith. Secretary. 11,647,367 80 TTNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COUP ANY OF U PHTTjAnRTjPHIA. This Company takes risks at tho lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHTLADEL- OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street. Fourth National Bank Bail ding. DIRECTORS. Thomas J. Martin, Henry \V. Brenner, John Hirst. Albertos King. Wm. A, Bolin, Henry Bn mm. James Mong&n, James Wood, William Glenn, John tihaUcroas. James Jenner. J- Henry Askin, Alexander T. Dickson, Hugo Mulligan, Albert V, Roberts, Philip Fitzpatrick. James F. Dillon, CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. Ww. A. PoT.Tn. Trea«» Wu H Raovw Sor'v. SIG. P. RONDINELLA, TEACHER OF SINGING. PKL vate iftgarm? and cl&esei. Residence, 808 S. Thirteenth ►treat. an2S.lvB rpHOMAB BIRCH 6 SON, AUCTIONEERS ANT 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Rear Entrance No. 1107 Sansom street • HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Sales of Fomttuse at Dwellings attended to on the moat reasonable terms. IMPORTANT SALE OF HIGH CLAS3 MODERN PAINTINGS. ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, April 21 and 22. at 1)4 o'clock, at the Auction House, No. 1110 Chestnut etreetwOl be sold without reserve, the entire collection of Paintings of J. E Me Glees previous to bis departure for Europe. The catalogue will com prise man? fine Pieturtel worthy the attention of connois seurs and admirera of art, embracing original works of Mid wood, of Lonaon, Wm, Shayer. Sr., J. F. Herring, *’ Litachour, V> ainwright. ** Djs Vos, James Webb, ** Boogeord, Koekkoek, Cortez, Van Lcmputten, Meadows, London, J G. Brown,New York, Edward Moran. W. L. Sontag, ' *' Geo. F. Benseli, W. M. Brown, ** James Hamilton, A . T. Bellows, '* W. Sheridan Young, Edwardi. Lewis, IsaacL. Williams, and others. The Paintings will bo open on Monday for exhibition, and remain open day and evening until date. 6TEINWAY PIANO FORTE. 6c. ON FRID AY. At 1 o'clock, at the auction store, will bo sold— One Superior Rosewood Piano Forte,made by Steioway 6 Bone, nearly new, coat 8700. ... • Two do do do made by Hardman. One do do do made by Kuhn 6 Ridgway. Sale No. 1110 Chestnut street HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, PIANO FORTES, MIRRORS, PLATED WARE, COTTAGE FURNITURE, CHINA, 6c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No. 111 C Chestnut street, will be sold—A largo assortment oi Superior bomehold Furniture, from familied declining house keeping, cousistiog of—Elegant Walaut Parlor Suita, in green aud maroon plush; Walnut Chamber S iits;Librury suits; elegant Wardrobes, with French Plate Mirror Doors, marble top Centre and Bouquet Tables, Walnut Hntßacks; Etagerts; Music Stands; Extension Dining Tables; BrufEels. Ingrain and Vcuetiau Carpets: Apriug ard HairMatrcEses: Feather Bede; Walnut and Oak Cot tage Suits of Chamber Furniture; bookctitio»; Olllcu Ta bles and Desks; Looking Glasses; Sowing Machluea; uliina Toilet Sets; Canton Matting; China; (Hubb Waro; Plaifcd Ware, 6c. VELOCIPEDE. Also, one large Velocipede. BALEOF A BTOCK OF FINE LINENS, SHIRTINGS, DAMASK TABLE GOODS. TOWELS. lIAVDKEK* CHIEFS. QUILTS, SHaWLS. TARLK COVERS, 6-;. ON MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNE.SCAV AMD THURSDY MORNING. April 97, 28 and 29. Commencing each day at ten o'clock will bs sold a largo stock cf superior Linen Housekeeping Goods, con sisting of fine Linen Sheetings of all widths splendid Linen Damask Table Cloths of all sizes andpastterns; Napkins of every variety; Fruit Cloth. Doylios; Towels; Turkey Red-Damask, Crashes; Table and Plauo Covers. Cashmere Square and Long Shawls; Ladies' and Goats' Hosiery: Bosoms; Handkerchief*, *o . 60. B SCOTT, JEm AUCTIONEER. • SCOTT'S ART GALLERY 1090 CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia. SPECIAL SALE OF G 11. BEuHTKL'rt CELEBRATED TRIPLE SILV c.R PLATED WARE. , • ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 23, at lu# o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, will be sold, a full and general assort* incut of the above celebrated manufacturer's Wares. All Goods warranted as represented or no sale. IMPORTANT SPECIAL SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS. CRYSTAL MEDALLIONS, 60., all from the AMERI CAN ART GALLERY OF NEW YORK. ON TUESDAY, WEDNE3D *Y, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. t „ Apri120,21,22 and 23, _ At before 8 o'clock, each evening, at Bcott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, will be ‘sold , without re torve, one of tie largest collections of oil Paintings, Crystal Medallions, <Sc., nveroxhthitod in this city. THE PRINCIPAL MONEY EhTAhJjIOHMENX—. 8. R. comer of SIXTH and BAO« streets. Money adv&noed on Merchandise generally—Waterloo, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plato, and on-all articlea of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine. Gold Hunting Caoe.Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Lopine Watches \ Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fino Silver Hunt ing Case and Opon Face English, Amorican and Swiss Patent Lever ana Leplne Watches; Double Gaso English Bturner8 turner and other Watches: Ladies' Fancy Watches) lamond Breastpins; Finger Rings;Ear Rings; Studs; 6c.; Fine. Gold ObaihsTlftedaUionat.Bracelets;:S.c«j. Fins; Breastpins; EYngerlUngs;PenoU Gases and Jewelry FOR SALE.—A targe and valuable Fireproof Chest, suitable for a Jeweler xeost $660. ... . . Also, several Lots Inßoath Camden.Fiftli and Ohestout streets. C D. MoOU^AOO^^ v , No. 800 MABKET .tract > . BOOT AND BIIQE MONDAY AMP ' Tu ABQBBIDQE A CO.. ADOTIONKBBB. ; . N&HftlM&KßlitiwVaMveSfltU mnsjAOE. (AlAij C. HfI,L, Preaidsnt jal*tu th a tf BCHICAIn ABCTIOIV SAXJEs. j f ;r7f>'HO -o ; ivJ | ■>■. •» the Auction Booms. ~ :EXTENSIVE tIJALE- OP-1 UPHOLSIERV UOODB,’ 1 j Eaceard HcavyWindowCortalns, Very Finn Window, ! Bb»dea,, He-a.-' Terries Cornices, TaajOla, Cords' Fringes, eumpr.'&e .. 3 ....- . rr.- ;,■ I . OTJ FRIDAY MOXBHNO. - ' 1 ' ! AprllJt. at JO o’clock, ottHo.anvti°n!roonia.629Ch'ostnut street, ty catalogue, by order of Asaisnees. the largo and oatonsivo atock ol Upholstory Goods, ificludlngfino Gaos ! Window Curtains; Hops; Terry and Chintz Cainbro (juins. fine Keps; Toiries; very fine Window Curtains; 5-Sflto- Tas.elss.fttageß..Gimps Tacks; Walnut and Cult Coiuicci; Curtain Bands; Bell FullE fie, ' Exerotofa Sale-, Nineteenth and Tumor's lane, i. Estate of Joahna (jenft’treth. deceased. VALUABLE FLANTa, ROOtB AND TREES,IN THE GHOoNOjEAUIUAtiEHinOUPf S, WAGON* HAR. NEBB, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. &o- . , ON MONDAY MUttNING. April 24, a* 11 o’clock,at Nineteenthetreot and Turner’s lane, udjoming the German Hospital by order of fcxecu toie of the late Joehun Longam-rh, deceased, the valuable i'l&ufs;Roots ond Trees in theiground, including Peonies, fcjjbea*. ‘Phloxes* Crown Imperials. Tulips, Hyacinths, .weßtemu, Tree Pe nics, Fyrus, Japonic&s, DeutzliSCia hoes, Deutzia Grdciile. bnowbaila, Grape .Vines, Jlote Bushes, Lily of the Valley, Lb>x Trees, Ldgln% &c., ac. OAKRIaGBA, WaGONH. &c. Two Coupes, two Germantown Wagons, Carts, Double and Bingto Homers, Farming Implements,' Grindutouee, Hlelgh; &c., &c. . Sale Catherine street, above B-nad. IWO SUPERIOR GHAY makes bay mare, two MULES, i ARGE TO* K WIIEB,/f HUCK. WATSON BLGGY, DOUM.E AND SING' tc HAkNKS3.<BC. J ? ON TUESD/.Y AFTERNOON* April 27, at 2 o'clock, at the ptablc, Catherine street, above Broad, north eide, two G-av Mares. 7 years oid* t ulfablo for work or driving: Buy Mare 7-years old, fast driver; twoMulia, aound ard good (Vorkuta; large Four W heel Truck, nearlyjuuty ; \Yuiaonßogey, shifting top, with pole and rhiiff: Double arid Single Harness, ac., the properties of parties dcchning liminea*. May be seen early oh the d*> of sale. TO BANKERS, AND OTHERS. Peremptory SalivNo. 639 Arch street. EX' 1 ENSUE STOCK (»F CHIIIED iRoN FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAP* 8. MADE HY LILLIE; & boN., fccond-liacd Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, made fcy Evana A Watson nun Kam i<& Herring Moni tor end Duodecagon Combination Docks, 2 Fine Largo HOrsc?, Large Truck, 1 die: - ‘ *'• , On THUKoDAY MORNING, April 2*,at la o'clock, at'No. 639 ’arch street by cata logue, to closer ht Philadelphia Agency of Mosars. Lillie & b'on. tbO ertfro stock of very superior Fire and Burglar Procf.Siues. |» clndiDg-Sextra'hrge chilledirondonbio door fire Htd„burMar proof 2 email .burglar proots, fn>ach patent combination locks: s'ltrge double-door chillul iron firo and burglar, proof safes; 40 snporior cbOkd iron fire proof, burglar'proof and fire and burglar proof eofra, ol sizea. with the celebrated Monitor and Lucdetag«*n combination locks. . SECOND HAND FIRE t'KOOF SAFES. A number of superior eco nd haDd firo and burglar prootsbfer, mode by XJUio & Son, Evans. <fc Watson and Farrell <r Herring , ' ' CEi KBkATED COMBINATION LOCfcB. Suitable for conk*. vault doors, <bc, of tho Monitor and Loodcctsgon make. '•' - " FINE LA ROE HORSES.'HIUCK, &o. Large ord very fine white Btollion; targe white draft' horse; large and superior heavy (ruck; heavy harness; Quantity of tope; rigfcJng, Arc*. • ' .$437,693 32 DURBURO** & CO.. AUCTIONEERS, 1 ■S3 Noe. 232 and ©4 V ARRET street, corner of Banket. ftucceraarH to .TOt»N B. MYERS fid. LARGE SALE t F-CARPETINGS, OIL 1 CLOTHS, CANTON MA'ITiNGS, ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 23, at 11 o’clock, on (our months* credit, about 200 I tec.s ingrain, VtnetL n, Lat Hemp, Cottage and Uav Carpetings, Moor Oil Cloths. Mnttinge. die. ■8454,331 32 LARGE SALE OF FRENCH A' D OTHER EUROPEAN » RY GOODS &c. ON WONUA> MORNING, April 28, at 10 o’clock,on four mouths’ credit. -a so- BPECIaL sale of SOW GROSS LE.iO POLYGRADES. PENCIL*. &c. A U tho genuine article iMmuifuctured by J. W. OU‘l KtthC'HT. The assortment comprUee u full line ol these celebrated poods, viz— tOi 0 gross medium and fine -n&lity Counting bouse and School Pencils. 1500 g.o-a medium and fine quality ivory tip Portfolio Pencils. in all Hzoe\ 4, 5. 6 and '< inches &6 grofH txtri>. tmo Polygradea and Crayons, for Draw ing, ic. UK) sioes assorted Carpenter Pencils. 7,8. 9 and 12 Inchet*. Abo. h line of l übber 'l ip Pencils. Ac. LARGE SPECIAL SAbE OF RIBBONS AND BciLTINGS. of the umm factu'c of MfSßrp.WFUNfcit 7 laCUNLK & CO. Will be included iu our.aalo of MONDAY NEXT, 26th int't.. a iuil line of the above celebrated manufacture oi spring pti fea Ribbons. RelttiifS, &c inducing No. 2 to No. 50 black and colors Corded Ribjroaa. No 4 to No. 30 do do do do Finer quality all boiled Mouseline Ribbons. Nee 16 aud JO magnificent qtiaLty spring striped Rib bone, fresh assort • enta. Full Ulus of colored nßd black all silk &ud L nioa Belt ii g». Abo, will be included in same pale— - 4l’U CARTONS PARIS RIBBONS. Ol a well known ipjpor.ati.n. SALE OF 20C0 CAB*/i BOOTS, SHOES, TRA VELING BaGS, *c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. April 27 at 10 o’clock on four month*’ credit. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, _ tJ No 422 WALNUT strnet Assignee's Peremptory Sale. Thirty-eighth and Bridge ati eels. MACHINES, TOOLS AND SiOCKOF BUILDER 20 HORSEPOWER FNOir F, BOILERS. SHAFTING MOK'iBING MACHINES, TENONING MACHINES. CIRCULAR H\W*. T-’OLS. LUMBER. MOULD ING6, SHEDDIMr, HORSES, CARTS, 6c. ALSO. MILL BUILDING. <fcc. DN WEDNESDAY MORNING. April 28, at lu o’clock, w tU bo sold at public sale, with out reserve, on the premift-g, '1 hirty-efghth and Bridge ptreets, Mantna, the entire Stock of a Builder. Also, the Enffipe, Too a, Cftice Furnimre. fireproof- Ac. MILL BLILDiNG APo. tho large Mill Building. 50 by 60 feet, with Boiler. Stack. Ac. , . . . _ _ %3T Sate peremptory, by order of Aantanee, Terms— Cach. _ Catalogues on Saturday. ALE BREWERY. »!* ACHLS OF LAND AND IM PROVE* EM>. ABOVE MA^AYUNK, ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Apfil fPth. at 4 o'clock, will do Bold on (he nromiaea.ooe mile from Greer Lane station, between Koxborough and Manas uak, the Spring VnlleT Ale Brewery a)* acres ol lord; stone ba< n. »' f one dwelling, office, &c. i*ue B»kwkuy ih neably biw amd rw oomieletf. OED1B: BAB A OAI'AOITY OF FIFTY KARUKLB A PAY WITU ALL TUB LATE IMPBOYKiIUNTS AND BVRBYTUIK«f O,)M -l-UTE FOU OONPTTOTIN'O TDK ill filNABd AND BEADY Foil i m mediate use. Half may lemuio. $2OO to be paid at tho time o. sale T J^ AUCT a* r gg&TNDTrt«A CONCERT H aLL AUCTION ROOMS. Rear Entrance on Clover sfreot Household Furniture and Merchandise of every do acription received on consignment. Sales of Furniture al dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. HANDSOME PARLOR, CHAMBER AND DINING ROOM FLRNTTLKE. RRUcSELS CARPET, IRON SAFE, BILvEK PLATED WAKE. CLOCKS. I’OILET SETS. <Sc. QN rEIr , AY MOhNING. April 23, at 10 o’clock, will be sold uy catalogue* at 1219 CheßtDutßt, au arßort*nent «>/ Now and Superior House hold Furniture, couipriaiug lland-o ao Parlor Suite, in Hair Cloth aud Ripe covering; Library Suit* Oiled and Varuhhtd Chamber auit* new and desirable styles ol Cottage Chamber SuPi*. Sofa Bed*. Reclining Chairs, Rockers. Urtice Tables and Desks, a ardrobes, Hat Racks, Etagerer. marble top C. ntre Tables, Bntassls Carpet, Iron bafe. Sliver Plated Ware. Clocks, robot Waje, .fee , Ac. Alpo. a quanUtj of Secondhand Furniture and Household Goods By UAKRITT 6 00., AUCTIONEERS. * 1 CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. MARKET street ciruor of RANK «treat. Casbadvanced on eonaimm-enta wtthoat extra choree Peremptory 8al«. _ lnmi LOTS OF SPRANG aM> BUMMER DRY GOODS, LINEN GOOI ri CLOTHS SA'I INEfS, <60., Or* FRIDAY MORNING. April S 3, at 10 < ’clock. Also, lOu dozen White and laucy Shirts, WO loUof Reacymade Clothing. Aesle* eeß’ Bale. CUTLERY. Contpripiug 20u dozen i'a io and Pock«t Cutlery, of all descriptions. Alaa, several Btoeku of Miscellaneous Goode. ALo. Domestics, comprising tOO pieces Brown aod Bleached Goods Jutns. *c. BOOTS, SHOES AND «ROGANS. At 11 o'clock, 100 caieu and cartons of city mn) Eastern made good?. UAVUJ 6 HARVEY. ALCTIUNJjLKc. Late with M.Thomas « Ban- Store Nos. 48 ar d 60 Nortii SIXTIi etreet VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, In Fine Bindings f»ora Private Libraries, ON THURSDAY EVENING. April 22, at 7% o’clock, a’ tho auction roams, Nos. 4P and 60 North Sixth et. inducing octavo Poets, antique bindings; Life of Jcfftreon, 3 vois.: TucKur’s Uultuo Mutes, 4 vole., half calf; Motley's Dutch republic and Netherlands; AUieou’e Europe. 8 vola, livings Washing ton, 5 vols.; Cumming's Work*, 13 vols.; Addisons Works;Cooper’s Wotke; Greeley’s American Coittict: Pictures of Bocictv ; Golden Thoughts; Song* of. Praise, elegantly illustrated; Appleton’s Knoydopicdia Lltero* wire, Arte, Ac., 30 vols . Auiericau Portrait Gallery, Ac. Also, complete net of the jprean and the Aye. neatly bound. Als". Portable D»Hk«, Stationery. &o- MTHOMAB & SONB.AUCTIONEEKS. . Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. Administrators’ sale on the Premises. Estate of WILMON WHILDON, deceaied. VERY J i FGANT RESIDENCE AND . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CARPETo, diC., No, 1010 SPRUCE STREET ’ON MONDAY MORNING, , May 3, at 10 o’clock, will be sold the very elOgtmt Four story Brick (marble to second story) RESIDENCE, with Double Back Buildings, No. 1910 Spruce street, 23 feot front, 167 feet deep to Howell street, finished in a very supoiior and elegant manner, with every modern im vimemaDt&niiv\&TvrnmvrnE. Also, the elegent Walnut Furniture made to order or Moore & Campion; hondßome Carpets, large Frauen Plate Mantel Mirror, &c. VBT Full particulars in handbills. a Bale on the Prem'sea. So. 410 South Eleventh street. TJBE. MODERN REBIDKFCEaM) ® H J°MnANT ggt B n B E F«'»^fSS toga Chamber Furniture, r«ano Forto. o o Tl C nyr o 'Ma£oML?™o S net)an ß Sln^ a Chljia, o&rpit(i« qoo Hair M#«iwp usirniturna Ac>'* *'MODEMS’ - Previous to, ‘ bo ,^^odMS rl TlSrefrßt<) lrpßsok''Ro.l - bo »ur b lfy previous mill on tho alumina Of bklo at 8 o’clock. Solo on tho Premises its* Noa. 188»nd 141 BouibTFtfartKitTMt j j■ - BAjMtS OB BTOtm B AMP -itIBAtrEgCAT&jT i.! LK)' fabHo B«lej at the FhHaßelpliia KrrtUMto SVBBVt .TUEgg&Y.at I3.o!eJoelU ;.1 ’i Avj-t? 1« »J *»W? THURSDAY 8 ®“* ** 0,0 Aoctton JBtoW EVB**V - WBalejatHßssManoeßrecelTOeipeeialattentlatU')- H ON 27i:*v /, At 12 o'clock noon, at tne Philadelphia Ekchinksf—v &<? $ :■ . s Administratrix's Rate. *i'.« rC >**#-** .1 share Arch Street Theatre > 5 - i<* H\ ~v* c ■ tyWS 1 :. £6OO shares Maryland Gold fitinlngCo.' ■».? .< •;•{:/ V(XUfc •vForAcwimt of Wbcraritinav Concern-*-'. *<*••? . shares* arm ere*andotecbaDica 1 Naionaißanfc,'-> 85000 Loan oftbe City of Philadelphia, C per cental ansA'- to the Penury Iranis Railroad, redeemable July U ISWU® • For other Account*— • , .•> * m *> Perr N>», 85 north alblq Church, aftho Holy Trinity. - ■ ■ »0 shares National Exchange Bonk* * • •«> 8 shares Seventh NationalHsus.. - . 1 • 100 sharca Empire Transportation Co. s - * . \i‘ 50 shares Northern Llberties Gaa Co, ' *•’. 40 shares Central Transportation Co. - „ < REAL ESTATE SALE. APRIL SSL■ ../ ' V* .i.crernptory Balo—Vert Valuable Bdsikass Staton tUFDhIOK FIVE*STORY> BoltM OTOKB, Ho . US ' Cheetnui .tfcot, extending througktoCArCer’a alloys-*' fronts— 2o feet front. ■; •» •,}<' . . * o.R«rStf tO J7 Sale—VAnnAisLß Business SiCI.ES, N 05.56 andsB South Secmd street,-above*vV Chestnut . , ; ; -ijh-t Salff—Veuy-Vai-ttatit.it' 'Btramarav Bn*awrv— FuVR-sJorV IKON FRONT d IOKE. Nos. SHJS and 2W Chestnut btreet. 41H feet front. ; - - 4 . c VEUV -VALUAJJLR Ara-WKLVFATAITtiainsn BnfßrNrißa* NT*OCR*bTOKY MaKBLiB FRONTT and tiRFPItOOt STOKE, No. &l 9 Chedtnutotrert,b6thcs. 6 etorlpg.high in the rear on Jayne street optomattfiS* ’ CODttCeUtBI Hotel. ( . 1 , . . Tiutteo’a Sale-ELEGANT COUNTRY REBIDENCE. 13 acres, Waveiley Bciahts. Limekiln tnrnplke, Moatgo- Bicrj county, Pb„ 9 milea from BhiladslpbU aid halrn niil. of Ablngton Station oil ith6 No(fh Fetuuilrania Railroad. , 'if.',.'; , , » ELEGANT FOUR-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE: S:By corni r cl Seventeenth knit Bath liter et6—3J fee t trbnt. '.* Mastor'a Bale—ln pursuance ofan Order ottho Court of'* Common Flode—TllßEE-BTORV BRintr ruvplUT.TMravl Hrardy-lno Htreotvwoat of Twou'ioth. ‘ , ■- Same Account—s WELL-SECURED GROBND KENTST." eeehaatSi 880,83U,.530.and548 a rSiffe? VAtuini.E BEHIUEB3 Btanu—TUHEE-STOnV; BRICE I ,' STORE antf DWELLING 'No'. 7 1 Q Kacu etrcct. wlthS ■lhrccemry Brick and I Two-story Frnmo"D'OrallUia wS u Brick Simp In the tear. opcorito Franklin dquaro- --—---. SubinJuw BTANij-THhEE-aTI *RVBKIOK STORE sniti DWELLiNG_B. W.: com«imi’Fifth and . Sf*M*. e , «r e J}? D «?®n r Sale—in BnnkrHS*cy-^B , ALt)-'S ABLE BLaTE QUAUKY. Cpptr Mount, Bethel,To™it " skip, Northampton county. Pa: Y - - Y, _ ' handsome mojiikn iocestory Erick re- SIDENCIi, No- £74,’ South Fourth alreet,'6l>ayelSprdca, Bab ail the modern conveniencei"/* ' ? fist * MODERN THHEE-bTORV BKICKRE3IDENCB, wittt eiaeyard.No 831 North boventh Btrebr.abovo BrovvnT ELEGANT; .COUNTRY v SBAT^SW’bTOBY-iSTONE MANSION. Stable and Coach House. 31 acres. Haverford ?m' rtautua '' BKU;KYtH3rDE^™E^o. To. Builders, .and ■ Others.,'VaLUAßLE BUILPIHG • T.O'i 8, Rldge avenuo and’ Poplar sitfeuts, 15th and 20tU' a LOTS, Fifteenth street, north of Dau phin. r 1 . • 1 ■?." ; . ' . ; Cl Sato-DESIRABLE LOT, Praakford coad* , of untaria 42 fVetlront i - - FRAME DWELLINGS. No, 2?6 Catharine street, with; 3 Frame Dwellings udjoining in the rear, fronting oa Gaivinplace. _ . . . c - v , r , , BhICK and FRAME DWELLINGS, Noa. 244*20'ahcT' 248 Catharine Bt >' \<■'/ t f.remptoiy SaIo—THREESTOU Y BRICK REAL rFN< F. No. 1422 Lombard «t ' - r ,irii,v VIRY F.I T-RJaNT COUNTRY IIESTDENCV', with Stable arfl Coach House and GfooaJtiotHC v MaDUel»t» eiii- N. E « f Wiuabickon, GerraaxitOrvn. 200 feet front. 325* L et deep. • / ‘ • Esecmoife* Sale—Fptato of Rachel Dongherty.decNL— TWO-S’IORV FKAME DWELLING andLAdUE LOE ~ Cherry street, west of Flcveoth. .. • • Buhinkh* ttTAwn -TH KfcE STORY BRICK TdlVEtw aLd D W LILINO, kuown as the “Golden Eagle c. "W. corner of New Market and Cou ob ate " *."■ ' MODERN TUREE-aXORY BRICK .; DWELLING* No. 1115Lprob»rd m, DESIRABLE SMALL FARM, 3>i ACRES, Hammoti tr n avenue, H»niropntor, Atlantic coui.tv. NLJ,, !. mil a fiomßtotlon ol the and Atlantic Railroad.'' ‘ LO ‘, 7 acres, near the above. ; , i( . ..... .-x-,. VERY VALI ABLE LOT and RUILDTNG3, N. E. earrer of. Broad and Buttonwood street*, 90K feefcfront, ■ . 128 feet deep-3 fronts. * VALUaLIC TBREfc STORY BRICK RESIDENCE. N<ii 323 South r IffK etree\ below Spruce, with a Brick.Stablo in the rear on Griecom at •••':•:. r?- * , ' MODERN ‘J BK** K S lORY BRICK RESIDENCE, , with bide Yard, No, 1586 North Twelfth &tr6h£ above 1 Beiks-4fi feet front ' THREE SJ OftY BRICE STORE and DWELLING. S. W. corner of LJpbth and Wharton eta. - , vEhY DESIRABLE THREE-STOtfY BRICBT v RE3r- DENCE No. J3£o bp ing Garden stroet—22 feet front. * TiIKEK-SlOEk BRICK DWELLING, No. 1810 Ship pen Bt. ■ f f. Une.fourth interest WELL.SECUUED GROUND RENT. SWW a year • » ••• - » - v. ! •j 1 HKfcJt -STOitY BRICK DTOLLINGS.Nos. 80G and, B(HCatharineet. ’ r * - ‘ - THKRE-STOKY BFICKDWELLING.No.BO3EaaO*«t ; valuable 2M-storv stone residence:, tf0. 34 Linden meet, between Coulter stroet and'lndian Queen l&ne, Oeimautown, live minutes* walk of-Shoemaker's lane railroad station. w i ; TUBE*-STORY BRTCK DWELLING, Ne. 68 Norik Thirty-ninth sireot, above Market street, opposite Sauo-v ; . dera’.-institute. MODLhN TiIREE.STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 813 North Seveuth street, abovte P«i rißh st- _ ■ . «■■ 3 THREE fcTOHY BRICK aud STONE DWELLINGS. Nos. 4*<G4.4206 *ud 420 a Ludlow atre*t, between and Market and Forty second and Forty third at*,, Weifc Philadelphia, with 3 Tu»ee-*tory Biiok-.DwoUinga : in the rear—lot 40 feet 6 inches front. VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ON TUUhaDAi; AhTEKMJON, : r & prll 23, at 4 o'clock, including rare French Work*. ll* berated Worke. tine editions ttnnkeepoar**, Medical \\ ork£, &c., many of them tine London editions. Sale No I*o Bouth Eighteenth ptree*. . . • HANDSOME FURNITURE, KOSEWOOD PIANO. OIN KKLDAi UOttNlNi*. A pril 2?, £at 10 o’clock, at No. 110 South Eighteenth ft, by catalogue, the entire Furniture, compriaiug-'-Walnut Mid Mahogany Parlor Furniture, superior Rosewooii Seven Octavo Fiaxio made by Keichenbaoh; Walndfe' X>iniiiß Room Furniture, China and Gl«aa\yare, Mirror, ehgant e. it of Walnut Chamber Furniture/Wardrobes; ; l Mahogany and Fainted Chamber Furniture, Feather Bede, Matreaees, Beddiog, Brussels end Ingram Carpets ' lotoi Books, Kitchen *umiture,.Refrigerator,dsc,,* ■■ RARE. AMERICAN BOOKS, v . ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Aplil 23, at 4 o'clock, including History; Biography, fa*., Aleo. elegantly Illustrated. Works, Standard .Library • Books, Specimens early English Printing; <bc, 1 .: > i - Also, at 5 o'clock, three superior Opera Gloeseß. - ; r. . Sale by order of John Boelcf, Eaq., Superintendent of ~.? - City Railroads. * ■* 1 ABOUT 80 TONS OF RAILROAD IRON. ON SATURDAY MORNING. A pril 24, at 10 o’c’.ock, at the corner of Broad and Mtury-r; ket streets, about 60. tons of Railroad Iron and Frog Cast* inge. '.terms—Cash before delivery. Administrators* Sale ', ' No 3051 Ludlow strtet. West Philadelphia. . HORSKB, CLOSE CARRIAGE. BAKOUCHE.'HAR'- : NEOB, UOUBEHOLD FURNITURE* dtc, ,>. T ; ON SATURDAY MORNING. April 24. at 10 o’clock, at No. Sti&l . Mtdlow fltreeL D9r-’ tween Chestnut and Markot and Thirtlethaud Thirty firet streets. West Philadelphia. 1 Bay, Horae, ShMarefiy. '* Closo Carriage, Burouche, lot Harness, a quantity of Household Furniture, &c. ‘; i 1;. May he examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o’cloclfc. Sale No. 1748 North Tenth street, •* ■ .. , f <■: RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. PIANO, MIRROR,' ’ OARPRIS.&o. -, -v , « , . . On TUESDAY MORNING. " ‘ - April 27. at 10 o’clock, at No. 1748 North Tenth atroefc... 1 below Montgon cry avenue, the entiro furniture, com prising wnlnut Pailor. Dining Room,, Sittldft Bdomaud Chamber Mirnlturo; Cottage Furniture; Rosewood Bed ett-ad;hosewood Plano;Pier Mirror; fine Plated Wire; China and Glassware; Etue Curtains ’.'Feather Bods; Sao Matreeres; Bedding; Brussels andlngraia Carpets* Kitchen Utensils, &c. - , ■ Previous to the sale of furniture, will'be sold at id o’clock precisely, the modern thr*e-atory Brick Dwelling,, 18 leet from, 70 feet deep. Immediate possession. Peremptory Sale at the Kensington Petroleum Refinery, lull® st, above Allegheny avenue, 26th Ward. VALI AtstE MACHINERY, s Tit AM ENGI-E, BOt-„ LER, bTlLlb. TASKS PUMPd. CONDENSbRS PIEeEYS. b HALTING, HORSES, WaGONS, HAR* NfcbU, <hc ON TUESDAY MORNING. ■ April 27 at 11 o’clock, at the Koosiugton Potroleum-Re finery, ail the machinery necossary to carrying on ape* tn leiim ie'iuery, comtrEiug ' Steam Engine, elx-home , powei; Cylinder Boiler. 26iucUcs in diameter, and 28feet > long; 7 v rought non still*, 4800,4ui0 and 840 U gallon! ca pacity 5 Water Pumps and 2 No 4 Rotary Oil. Pumps, Air Pmu.e. niedt* bv Biinttn & Honders u; Treating I an*. Bleaching Pan. Oil and Water Tank*. Con ’ease e, about 4ihUttet vtrouKbtdrou. Connecting Pipes, Pulleys, Shaft* . ing. a largo quantity of TVls, «tc. v A , „ * ' Alto. 2 Ho* bus. 2 Tanks, I Body Wagon, 3 seta of Han opm*. Brick Work, Lumbar, *c. t , .. _ . . May be examined any day previous andonthemoßuhA - dlebit. at 8 O’clock. Sale No. 1483 North Mf.'cnhi'trooh ELEGANT 'LRNJIIKb. L. JL OW‘'AINB. FINE OIL PAINTINGS AND LN JltAyiNCrd. BkGN/ES., MARBIE STATIh&KV. MIKKOK FINK WILTON.- VELVETANL ..hIJSSMS A . cafaToaul- '' S?ir%moSi?n«-Ete»«S Walnut Dra,vtngaoo.n Fuftl-J'; S ass i wsp'sTHfc ■ ■ stnt *;i l 1 c ® m 7 n Bolemo. KotwiWimmer; fineßwise,. ,v* fine TsaSrar ff rlchK framed i SUttne Hoorn * 1 ivmituw crimacu reps; superior Oak Uin F'vmi.Mion Dining 4•« able? Buffet : Sideboard t Be cretarv mScia" fluo filae. and TU»d 4V;rB; j nwanfpicffxnt WnlnatChamber Purnfture; fine Wjyd- Hair MatrcMea; Farther Uedsj eleguut WU- ~ ; tSn ' VeFvetaid other Ca! 1*0: flao die. AJeo tb« Kitchen furniture, ditr , , -, : , ... May to examined on tho day previotu to salofrom : IS to 4 o’cloolc. ■■ ■■ '■ - , , J Stile No. lSoaNorth Sixth atroot' , : (m«> of a family leaving jho o ty; cocnpri,ln*;Bu|[telJ*»nt ■ walnut Drawing Hoom Furniture, covered with Lino an 4 Bold brocattlle: liautißomo waloufe SittingjloomKurnl ture. Breen rene: tund«ome waluutDiniDg Boom FurnL tureiFodeatal DlnlnK TabiaißuporliitoUtvnlnUtChattibor Suit, ebony flnirh!-walnut Ch.mJ>er Furniture; Ward. . robea. liuo blatraxaca, Uuo :,tihlnv an<LQl»aawaro, llyoc . ’ca'netr,and,alao;thoKltebenUtenßlla. , , / far l'be furniture has boon to uao but nehort time, an* iaouuolti* new. : .;>j-:V"’. iib , : Btie enthh gnmiMW ■ tr- '■> it : \%RY ELF GANT GOONERY BEAT. MANSION. Mf ACHES). Uornco, tjowa. Carrlaßoa. liunim, Aniti. W: . corner ol Did Volk Road 4nd Obpllonavouuo, Cbootsut ffjgsraass. ■ toomfla". . •ii.'s.fe'.V.'iG t_f!/
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers