business momceb. nsuusslt AUa/Torp,” M««n. >jnir 8»n«eraoB, v»Mi»«V. ,0 , B J 111 ' H 0, ,““ “ J«*»S*T?*fo hy 11W Cheotout etreet. UaWareroomof Ko . 1 rt^t. THE UHIUKERING PIANOS KECHtVE® ue highest awiu d X theParii Exposition, Wawwonros. eD Chestnut street. seSH.tft EVENING BULLETIN. Wednesday, Apiil 21, 1860. THE sncrTN OPERA* Tbc smutty opera has had its day. The Etching Bulletin, not claiming to monopo lise all the virtue and good ta9te of the Phila delphia press, has, nevertheless, been com pelled to bear its testimony alone against the demoralizing indecencies of the style of French operas which has been forced upon the community daring the last two years. It haß seemed, at times, an almost hopeless task to stem the tide of growing familiarity with the vulgarity and immodesty which was first tolerated, then made fashionable in New York, and then transplanted to this city to contaminate the minds and hearts of the youth ©f this community. But the principle asserted in the opposition to the introduction of thiß whole range of indecent drama upon the respectable American stage is one that was sure to vindicate itself,sooner or later, and so it has come to pass that one respectable journal after smother has come to cat Bupport, until there is scarcely one of the dally or Sunday papers that has not come out in bold and telling denunciation of what everybody now begins to see is an evil and a nuisance not to he tolerated in decent society. The one or two papers that under took the special championship of French ob scenity and Bmut already show that they feel the influence of the turning tide, and when opera bovffe comes to Pniladelphia again it will either come with such decent modifica tions as will secure a paying patronage, or it will fißd the whole press occupying the posi tion which the Evening Bulletin has hith erto had the honor of maintaining alone. The smutty opera-baa_had its day. As Goldsmith cleverly remarks, “wit employed in dressing up obscenity, is like the art .USed in painting a corpse; it may be thus rendered tolerab e, to one sense, but fails not quickly to offend some other.’ Lively music, humorous situations, gracefal attitudes and figures have painted the corpse of French immorality, and cheated a decent mihded public for awhile into patronizing performances, such as have lately been made common to Philadelphia audiences. Rsspeot able gentlemen have taken their wives and daughters night after night to witness scenes and' sentiments and gestures and attitudes upon the stage, until they have for gotten to blush at what would have outraged every standard of morals and every Instinct of personal modesty, two years ago. Bui the “corpse” has forced the recognition of its own corruption upon the dullest senses of the people, and the revolt is seen in the united protest of the press, which speakß the true eentiment of the people. Again and again have the "honest critics of the stage, both in America and in England, joined iorces in driving the smutty opera and drama from the stage. One hundred and fifty years ago, the Spectator did the same good Woife in reforming the indecencies of the stage, in which the respectable press of Philadelphia is now enlisted. Steele, with his keen satire,writes: “If the audience would but consider the difficulty of keeping np a sprightly dialogue for five acta together, they would allow a writer, when he wants wit, and cannot please any otherwise, to help it out with a little smuttiness.” And again, In the same paper, he says: “If men of wit, instead of this pitiful way of giving delight, would turn their thoughts upon raising it from such good natural impulses as are in the audlfence, but are choked up by vice and lux ury, they would not only please, but befriend ns at the same time. Ail men of taste would call a man of wit, who should turn his ambi tion this way, a friend and benefactor to his country; but I am at a loss what name they would give him, who makes use of his capa city for contrary purposes.” Smutty opera will disappear from the re spectable American stage the moment it ceases to pay; and it will cease to pay as soon as it ceases to be fashionable; and it will ceasetto be fashionable as eoon as a few fashionable family circles begin to reap the bitter 1 harvest which they are now sowing for themselves. The native modesty of young girls or of young mea cannot be tampered with, blunted, perverted with impunity; and so it will come to pass, aod that at no distant day, that such opera bouffe as has degraded the standard of social morals, and offended the good taste and refined feelings of the best people of this and other communities, will be hissed from the stage wbich it now pollutes and disgraces. However much opposition there iuay be in England to liberal measures towards Ireland, the Queen and royal family cannot be in* oluded in it. Her Majesty has entered with apparent earnestness into Mr. Gladstone's project for the Disestablishment of the Irish Proteßtant Church. Bhe has also, by way of showing her interest in Ireland and her con fidence in the people, just sent her third son, Prince Arthur, to make a tour through the island. The fact was not considered im portant enough to be commuoisated by the cable. Bnt the London papers announce that on the Gth instant, the Prince, attended by Major Elphinstone and suite, left Holy head and arrived in Dublin, where he had a very hearty welcome. A great many fetes in honor of the visit had been organised. Prince Arthur is said to be a fins young man. He will be ninetetffi on the Ist of May. If English roy alty vfere to show itself more frequently in Ireland*'the effect would undoubtedly be good. .The present visit and the votiug in the HCjOJße.of Commons on the Church bill, are sure :to conciliate many malcontents. If England bftd been as liberally disposed towards Ireland twenty years ago, as she ; seems to be now, Fedlantem would never have been heard of. But Fenianism,or some thing like it, seems to have been required to bring about liberal treatment, and-ti\e enfran chisement of the Irish by legitimate peacefal measures : may be Set down as a Feniaa victory that is even more honorable than one that might have been won in a civil war. From various parte of the country we have rumors of the fitting out of expeditions to Cuba in aid of the rebellion. It is very pos sible that most of these stories, which ore given in detail, are intended os blinds to dis tract attention from the porta in woich assis tance for Cuba really is being organized. That such enterprises have been euccessftil and are now preparing may be regarded as entirely certain, and it is haTdly worth while to attempt to disguise the fact that everybody is glad of it. The duty of the government is of course plain; and the administration in tends, we seriously believe, to enforce the neutrality laws to the best of its ability. But it iB quite possible that United States officials at different ports close their eyes upon many occurrences which would excite them to speedy action if their sympathies lay in an other direction. We are sorry that the ad ministration cannot fulfil the popular wish by recognizing the belligerent rights of the rebels. The present condition of the Alabama claims controversy with England is given as the ex cuse, and with considerable force; for our recognition of Cuba would, in some measure, weaken our position upon this question. The wo cases are by no means entirely parallel, but they are sufficiently like for England to claim recognition of Cuba by us as a justifi cation of her course towards the Southern rebels. If we cannot go to this extreme there are at least two things that we can do in behalf of the heroic islanders. We can deny to the Spaniards the right-to procure munitions of war here by the quantity, os they have done, and we can eater our protest in the name of humanity and civilization against the shock ing barbarities practised by the Spanish troops in Cuba. These have been so enormous, so cruel and wicked and unnatural,as to demand instant intervention on the part of the Ame rican people. We have a right to do this, and it is our duty. If the Spanish nation cannot conquer this unarmed people without recourse to barbarity—without butchering men, women and children, in cold blood, it ought to lose the island. It may be ques tioned, Indeed, whether the Spaniards have not,by these acts, forfeited their right to Cuba, justified the rebellion, and demonstrated their unfitness to rule any people. Now that the contracts for cleaning the streets have been awarded by the Board of Health, we suggest that an inspector shall be appointed to overlook the work and see that it is properly done. Among the successful bidders are persons who have been interested in street-cleaning contracts in former-years, and if their failures in the past are to be ac cepted as an augury of their incapacity in the future, the amount of scavenger work per formed will be unpleasantly small. It will lit) piofUulile to the city to have their opera tions superintended by a trustworthy man. Let the Board ol Health Belect some honest, active and reliable person, known to the members of the Board, and not a politician; authorize him to make frequent inspections of the various districts, and require him to report every dereliction of duty on the part of the contractors. He should have a fair salary, because a good man cannot be pro cured for a trifling sum, and because there will be less temptation to wink at negligence for the sake of a consideration. If such an appointment is made, the contractors can be spurred up to their work and we shall have a clean city. If it is not, possibly we may be as badly off as before, however sincerely the members of the Board may desire a better result In the Senate yesterday, Senator Rosa attempted to explain away the reported diffi culty between him and the President. In the course of his remarks he charged President Grant with having removed certain good Republicans from office in Kansas, simply because they were the friends ol Ross; and he declared that his confidence in the Presi dent was shaken. The opinion of Ross can not possibly be of consequence to President Grant, nnder any circumstances; bnt his de nunciation is deprived of any value in this instance by the fact stated by Senator Pomeroy that some of Ross’s “good Republicans” were solid old Democrats while Andy Johnson was in power, and that their virtue was assumed suddenly after the election of Grant We advise Rosa to subside. He may be a wise man and a bold man, but if be under takes to place himself in opposition to Grant and the Republicm party, with the hope of winning honor in the party, he will ascer tain that he has undertaken an impossible task. It is reported that the French Atlantic Cable Company have determined to land the American end of their cable at Gape May. It is possible that a better place could not have been selected upon our coast. It is within ready distance of the great seaport (owns, a circumstance which may be a par tial guarantee of liberal patronage, and it can easily be reached by repairing parties in case of accident. We do not perceive, however, that aDy special advantages will accrue to thiß city from its close vieinity to the termi nus. Hew York, Baltimore and other cities are not more distant by telegraph than we are, and they will reap the benefits of this enter prise quite as freely. When electricity formß the copnection it is comparatively an indif ferent matter where the cable is landed from Maine or Florida. The only essential is that it shall end upon American soil, so that a foreign power Bhall not control our commu nication with Europe in time of war. Mr. Birch will ecll on this and to-morrow even ings, at his Gallery, No. UlOChCßtnut street, one hundred and thirty-four pictures, by native and foreign artists, including some paintings of a choice description. Famtlnjrt. Crjstul medallions, &o.— Tbo eSIe of the PftUiUjjgß. OrysMtlUeauUkii*),:. & . v |f; i DAILY BPLI^^^HiLAPEICTI^^ 1869 « Bnntlnn, Durboroys & (Co., Auction- | IKKB, N 05.233. end >BB4 Market atreaf - WiH; hold,;, on to-morrow (Tharrday),ApiSl 88, at 10,o'clock, a largo and Important sale ol Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, on tnnr months’ credit, including 185 packages Domerttcp, 700 pieces Cloths, I'Cflseimeres,-Coatlogs, Boot-kins, Weltbnp.TrlCotf, Italians, Satin do Cbin«s, Prep d’Eie, Ac.; fall lines Shin Inge, (Housekeeping and Tailoring Linen Goode, : Dress Goods,’ 'mike, Shawls, 1.. C. Hdkfs., Woven Shirts Fronts, Hoslory, Ulmcs, Traveling and UndcWhtr a and Drawer*, Bal moral and Hoop Skirts, Qallte, White Goods, Plqaes, Ties, Sewings, ’ Lace Cnrtalhe, TJmbrollas, Tailors’ Trimmings. Ac, Oh Fbiday, April 23, at II o’clock;'try catalogue, on four months’ credit, SJOO pieces Brussels, lograto, ve nltian, Hemp, Cottnec, Lfeti and Rag Carpetings,Floor Oil C.oihs, Ganion Matiings, Ac. {role of Paintings.-The Solo oSMe- Clcet’s collodion or High Class Oil Paintings oom meixca this evening, at 7)4 o’clock, at Birch A Bon a Art-Men Store, No. ltlO Cum-nnt. sirmt. DR. R. F. THOMAS, THE LATE OPERATOR'A'f ihe'N Hon JJtntal AieoclaJon, la new the only one to I’hiladt lpbia u bo devotes h'a entire t me and practice afreet mhS It rpQ /-n LTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION ORIGINATED O tha anirithetlc use of NIThOUS OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS. Aid devote their whole time and practice to cxjucting tenh without pain. .... . Ofl.ce, highth and Walnut streets. ap3o lyt J OIiN STREET, and 818 LODO E STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for house-biitkliuK and ntting promptly furnished. feSlti TIENRY phillippl CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 HANSOM STREET, icfl-Iv4l> PHILADELPHIA. WARBUBTON’S IMPROVED, VENTILATED Etc and easy.fitting Drees Hate (patented) In aU the ap ®,®proved fashions of tho season. Chestnut street, next door to the Post Cilice. e«8-tirp PODDING, RICE AND JELLY MOULDS, FARINA K ettles, Doui le Milk Boilers, and a variety of other □ameboid Tinware, for ealo by TRUMAN A SHAW. No. 635 (Eight Thirtyfive) Market street, below Ninth. PATENT CYLINDRICAL HAND BELLOWS. FOR horoehold ino in removing duet from pianos, plcturo traroes, line ornaments and carvings, and from corners and crevices which cannot be reached by brusho*, sold bj TRUMAN A BHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-live) Mar ket street, below Ninth. RRITANNIA, GERMAN BILVER, SILVER PLATED X> and Iron Tea Table and Basting Spoons, cold by TRUMAN A SHAW,No. 835(EightThirty-five) Market street, below Ninth, Philadelphia. ~IQ£Q —GET FOUR HAIR CUT AT KOPP*B J_o>* t 7. Saloon, by Hair Cutters. Children’s Hair Cot at their Residence. Hair and Whiskers Dyed. Razors set in order. Open Sunday morning. 125 Exchange P nS e ' G. C. KOPP. Great bargains in fine albumi—velvet. Turkey Morocco and Antique Binding. BUr k Be* ke. Stationery. Holiday Boob. B«blee, Games. Ladles' Companions, Peu-knlvea, Pocket-booka, Scissors and Fancy Goode, telling low. White. Buff and Canary Envelopes, 15 cents per hua ffred. tine riote Paper. $1 per rcam-Portfolioa; 15 ccots and upward. Fine Cutlery, Leather Uoods, Cnees, Cards, Dominoes, and all parlor gamee,Fancy Goods, Ac.. Ac. Lowest prices in the city. FANCY CHEAP STATIONERY, CHEAP BiBLEB buMs ap2l 4p tfj 129 and 181 S, EKidTd HEET rpfIEMOUTH ANDTHE TEETH Name and Standing in Medical Dentistry are a guar an tee for the Efficacy of whatever he Pre* scribes for the Month and Teeth. The great demand for the p?eparatioiHkniadefrom hie formula ha? many persona to eetfHheir own pre parations underbie name. To protecthfsreputation from eufleiing by Una practice, and to secure thebeat remedies for bia patients in regard to hie MOUTH WASH AND GARGLE. . He haa taken legal measures to prevent hu formula frerm being compounded by any other Chemist or Drug gist in the United States, but **l hew by repudiate as spumous all tooth powders and mouth washes told under my name, except those having iny signature on the Label and compounded oad Bold • >i»ly by GUBTAVU3 KRaUSE. Apothecary, N. W. cor ner of TWELFTH and CHESTNUT etreots, FhiUdel l bis. who a-lone bolds my prescrip tiond, and is autho rized to prepare and «U the £™*HAVEN wmTE , mblS-e m wSmrpS . M. D. ; P. D. 9. DR. J. DE HAVEN WHITE’S NEW MEDICATED DENTIFRICE* GUBTAVUB KRAUSE, APOTHECARY. N, W. cor. Twelfth and Chestnut Philadelphia, As testified by the following certificate; Genuine riotapjoca.with full directions for u?a Fresh Bethlehem. Canada and 8-sotch uat loeaL Pearl Sago, Hards’Farinaceous Food, Racshout, Cox’s Gelatine, Cacao aDd other Dietetics tor eaJ« by JAMES T. fcHINN. 3. W. cor. Broad and Spruce strftte. ap!3 tfrp For invalids-a fine musical box as a companion for the sick chamber; the finest assort mentin the city, and a great variety of-airs to select hom. Imported direct by pARB .* BROTHEa mhl6 tfrp 334 Chestnut street, lx*low Fourth. jyjAGAZIN DEB MODES. 1014 WALNUT STREET. MBS. PROCTOR Cloaks, Walking Baits, Bilks, Dress Goods, Lace Shawls, Ladies* Underclothing and Ladies' Fun* Dresses made to measure in Twenty-four Hours. }JCKENL ORFF AND MoQEEHAN. id (NEW FIRM AND LIVE MEN), PH’- MBE KB. Oaß AND BIEAM FITTERS, No. A Nsrth Seventh street. Philadelphia. Builders and others w ill find it to tbeir advantage to give ns a trial. N. B.—Special attention paid to laying drain nine, apd-2fitrps ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E. CORNER I Third and Spruce streets, only one square belotv the Exchange. $2&0,0t0 to loan, in large oremaU amount*, on diamonds, silver plate. watches,Jewelry, and all soodi of valne. Office hours from 8A.M.t07 P. M. gW Estab lished for the last forty, years. Advances made In large amounts at the lowest ma r kot rates. JaS t'rp Marking with indelible ink,embroider. ing. Braiding, Stamping, dm. M. A. PORKY, Filbert street. JUST RPCEIVED AND IN STORE LOOO CASES OF Champagne,sparkUngC&t«wba and California Wines, Port, Madilra. Sherry. Jamaica snd Santa Crnx Rum, fine old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and retail. P. J. JORi' AN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets and above Dork street. deltf JORDAN’S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC ALE FOR invalids, family nee, dtc. The subscriber ia now furnished with hie fuU Winter supply of his highly nutritions and well-known beverage. Its wide s-reim and Increasing use, by order of physi cians, for rural da, use of famines, die., commend it to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure an ticle t prepared from the best materials, and put up in the most careful manner for home use or transportation. Or ders by mail or otherwise promptly supplied. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, de74f Below Third and Walnnt streets. gp. HEKKNESS’S BAZAAR, ninth and ban do u streets. SPECIAL SALE OF FobT TROTTING HORSES. CARRIAGES, HARNESS, *O. On THURSDAY MORNING non. at 10 o’clock, at the Bazaar: Three valuable fast trotting mares, known as the ”B) ewrter” mare, ’'Kohl" mare and ‘‘Lutz" mare, either of which is Delioved to trot to the pole in 2 bo, ALSO. AI ight Clarence Coach, made by Wood Broe. A Boggy Wagon with top. polo and shalta. A Phaeton, by Flagler di Co. A LlFht Trotting Bleigli, polo and shaft*. t-ct of double and single Harness. Robes, Blankets, Wnips. Ac , die. 0r Sale peremptory. May bo seen at pi ivate stable i,in Noith struct, west of 111 litccn list. also, A valuable thoroughbred Blooded M ere, by imported Abdallah, bslit ved can trot a mile In 2.Pit could make a flao brood mare. A Gray Coll.coming 4 years old; Bound, unbroken; sired by Toronto Chief. , ... A Brown Colt, coming 4 years old, tired by Toronto Chioft sound and unbroken ALFRED M.IIERKNEBS, np2o 2trpt Auctioneer. . _ lllibTEh'B PATENT BPEC3 CAN bo hi d »t hi* Store, No. till South Skmurfl in**, H.ichtl, above Walnut ap!4 tf 4p / n — O SIMON GAETLAND, H’"* 1 *"” . / , UNDERTAKER, 05 South Tb lr toon) list re e t mh2s fimorp} REPAIRS TO~~ WATCHES AND MUSICAL tSjSUk Boxes, in the best manner, by skillful workmen, fipjk FARR ds BROTHER. GeaSa 324 Chestnut street bolow Fourth. n' CLOTHING, te, et OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of Third and Gaakill streota. Below Lombard. N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, dtc., ronaane at np-MAPKABLY LOW PRICES. m24-imrps READ I READI READ! IMPORTANT to Ladles! Ease, Economy, Durability and want Bhoee with all the above qualities for Ladles. Misses, Children yon can obtain liem at wt ST’S. No 221 Sou® Eleventh Bt. »p 8 lm4p Desirable IN v r stm enta -tUe under. signed offerß some first cIasa.MORTGAGES. ln 'suraa of *B,OOO to 810 .OOP, drawing from EIGHT TO TEN PER UP n't. INTEREST, fi r a ti-rmof five years. Bouredon central sforea anddivclllega in thooltv of Chicago,worth ntalow vMoatidiildAann. at. least, double the amount lo*sed—with ednpoopoire tortWorest poyablo at Bank, In l’MiadelpblsL' t.qrliarticulf.n Ot there thoroughly safe and do Irable aecurlt)eH orply to ■ ~ . ~.. .> 1 ap'il-fitt ... - ts,-it'JONES. 70v Wahrnt street..,, (AHALK-FOB BALIUBO TONS OPCIIALK.AFLOAT J Apply to WOHKMAN di CJ_ Walaul street • - ■. < '■■■.{ ' i * .• & ■ ‘ PERFECTION IS CUB tTAN IABD. PERFECT FIT, PERFECT STYLE, PERFICT WORK, AT WANAMAKER & BROWN’S. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Choice Goods for Present Season. In dally receipt of Sot and Staple Spring fleoda. "J The Prodigal Son on the Back Track, Tho prodigal son Came back, on a rnn; Said be, "I think it Is wretched fan To do any more as I have done ! ’ His knees were ont, and his coat was torn, And, altogether, he looked forlorn. His battens were off, his pants were split. And his clothes were all of each horrible fit. And this was the way ho looked so oddhe Had purchased clothes that were mado of shoddy. "And now,” said he, “it's foolish and rash, "The stupid way that I've spent my cash; — "1 used lo deal at the ‘Great Brown Hall,’ “And now I’ve been to the places, all “Where they say they keep "At prices so cheap; "Botlcr goods than at ‘Great Brown Halt.' “And I've looked around "And, at great cost, found "That they’re neither cheaper nor better, at olL” And the prodigal wiped away a tear, And said, “Look here, nay friend, look here, “Hereafter I’m coming, oil the more, ‘‘To buy at BochbiU & Wilson's store. “For on what they tell you, you can depend, “And what they sell you, Is good to the end. “And I’ll never buy any more clothes, at all, "Except the clothes of tho Great Brown Hall.” IST Once in a long, long whUo an old cus tomer wanders off elsewhere for a llitlo while; but he soon finds what a mistake he has made, and comes back, to buy, at the cheapest of all cheap prices, the unsurpassed clothing mado at the Great Brown Stone Hall RQCKHILL & WILSON 603 and 605 Chestnut Street COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market, BOYS’ CLOTHING. BOYS’ CLOTHING. BOYS’ CLOTHING. Acta Bene,— Wo please boye, delight thetr parent a, fceep our old patron* and continually m&ke new cnee, n excell* xx* i« our Cle blur, phaMindpe OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, No. 827 ARCH STREET, LATE WITH WAKAMAKBH & BBOVH. The Finest Goods, Frenoh, English and Domestic. Terms moderate. apM lmlp _ PARADE° SUITS. WB HAVE THE BEST STOCK OF BLACK SUITS FOB THE LEAST MONEY OF ANY CLOTHING HOUSE IN THIS CITY. INSPECTION IS INVITED. Bingham Hall Clothing House, No. 830 MARKET STREET. A. BROWN & CO. WHITE VESTS. LARGE VAKIETY. pßioEs nil SO 6t4p CHINA AND C3LANSWAIIE. The Largest Stock OF DECORATED TOILET WARE IN THE CITY AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. ALBO. FINE INDIA CHINA, ' ' VERY CHEAP.., TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 1:0 • Chestnut street. ;C! mhltm wlSmrP v* ’ " ''' ANT'D, OTANTED-AN UNFUBNIBHED FRONT mOM.- W LocatlonPixthand Broad. W.lnnt nod G-een. Ad ikese. etatlng tM®., B. C..BoumriM office. If • .. . p«'Biiic«Tini»ii, 808. TURNER’S 803. CHESTNUT STREET. Ms gazines for May ! I LcilitV, Peterson's, Godcy**, • Atlantic, Llpplnro't’u GalAxy, Putnam. Bon Ton, *c., all to'.d for lota than pubUiheth'prices. _ « . ■ B arper'e Novela ! , Fields, Osgood & 00. Bodka ! Peterson's 1 Llumae’a Madame de OhamWay. Mrs Newby's Uojnestio Novels, ALL AT TUBNEB BB08.&00., Ho.. 808 Chestnut Street. CH ROMOS. 'I ho t.rucet assortment in the country, AMERICAN and FOREIGN, sold at loss than manufacturer's prices. pv A csii B t 1 Ul’.NKit'd. 808 CHESTNUT Street, will guarantco what we say. »rji—f • «'4o THK FIFTH NUMBER APPLETONS’ JOURNAL OONTAINB A SUPERB CARTOON, TWENTY-EIGIIT INCHES LONG, REPRESENTING THE LEVEE OF NEW ORLEANS, Bade from Drawing* taken on the Spot. THU ANIMATED SCENE Gires a faithful picture of Southern Life on tbewharrea of that busy city. The characteristic aroupaso peculiar to the metropolis of the South are depleted to the life. Nearly every number will contain some HEW ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT OP PEBBAVEHT VALUE. THE JOURNAL CONTAINS I -■==! (X ' Sis. 32’Pages of Beading Hatter, Of ad entertaining ad d instructive character. The Splendid Btory VICTOR HUGO, kstxtled THE MAN WHO LAUGHS; BY THE KIHG’3 COMMAND, Is continued in tU« Dumber. The i rtraordlnary rucccsa which has attended tho Issue of APPLETON!.’ JOURNAL shows that tho puhll. cation meets a public want Frlcc 10 cents per No., or 64 per annum, tn advance. D. APPLETON & 00., Publishers, 90, 92 and 94 eraod Street, Rtw Yorß. THE INSURANCE REPORTER For April 22d, CONTAINS THE DECISION OF JUDGE HOAR W THE CASE OF Oliver vs. Liverpool and London Insnranoo Company. ALSO. Inipoxtao‘ Information to those Interested Id PLATE GLASS INSURANCE, TOGETHER WITH Interesting Insurance Matter, eto. OFFICE, 387 DOCK STREET. Subscription, 89 M par Annum. Single copier, 8 cents. It* PORTIR &JGOATES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 822 CHESTNUT STREET. Books Retailed at Wholesale Prioes. mhßerptf __________ ZELL’S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA, I Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. T. ELLYVOOD ZELL, Publisher, 17 and lO South Sixth Street. mhßl w b Bmrp ■ WINKS, UQUOIU, AC. LANQSTROTH & BOULTON, 130 WALNUT STREEr, Bole direct Imooitere in Pennsylvania of OTA It D DBPUY A CO.’S COGNAC BRANDIES, UEIDSIEJK A CO., and other! HAMPAGNE WINES. ... BARF GIN, JAMAICA RUM! SCOTCH WHISKIES. BIiRTON. BASSand. INDIA ALES, LONDON STiiUr ui PORTER. CLARETS and "BITE WINES. BUR GUNDY, PORT and low-priced WINKS. ULIVKOU ' Prom Nice. Franco, pure anrtlXHit imported. VERV OLD FURIS BUERRY.fMAUEIIIA and FORT, WIN fcS in boxtfc one dozen bottles eseb, or in packages to Uhc|cebrprdijof oid RYE and BOURBON WIIISKTE3.. A bow proJi! !r. Custoin House.and Bended W are housos,: : robin nrintni”i' •' •'" ' "" I ■■ T)ICE.-17B‘CA8KS CAROLINA t RICE IN STOBE XL and for sale by COCHRAN. RUSSELL & CO.. 3J North Fro t rt eet TURNER & WAYNE 3 IMPOBTEBS OF DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Perfumery. Essential Oils, Ac., NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offer to the Trade a well assorted stock, com* prising in part Low, Son & Haydon’s Soaps and Perfumeyy. Bcnbow & Son’s Soaps and Pomades. Lubin’s Extracts, Lavenders and Soaps. Lnbtn's Toilet Powders, “Bose," “Violet," &cv Condray’s Perfumery, Cosmetics, &c. , Marceron’s French Blacking (In tin), , Taylor’s Patent Lint English graduated Measures. Bair, Nall and Tooth Broshes. Buffalo, Horn-and Ivory Dressing Comb*. French Extracts, “In balk.” Mortars, Pill Tiles and Sick Feeders. Maw’s Nursing Bottles. FHterlng Paper (white and gray). Orange Flower Water. Bay Bum, Chamois Bklns. Hards Farinaceous Food. India Bobber Goods. Otto of Boses, “in fancy vials," So., £ for loir middling afloat. Qobbwstowr, April 21.—Arrived, yesterday, steamship City of London, from New York. The Storm la Ohio. Cikcirrati, April 21. —A heavy rain, with lightning, commenced here at two o'clock yester day morning, but was not so severe a storm as that reported at the west and aoalh, which same storm blew down the new Wabash bridge at Vincennes, Indiana. Af Fort Wayne bridges and •nlverte on the Wabash Railroad are threatened by Ibe freshets. A nnmbor of capitalists left Fort Wayne, yesterday, for a railroad meeting, to be held at Henry, Illinois, to consider the practi cability of building a railroad from the former place to Muscatine, lowa. .. . . The Indiana State musical festival, which Is in progress at Fort Wavne, Is largely attended. SI Merkel, a butcher of this city, sent a man to bank with a check for ©l.OOO, yesterday, which the latter drew the money for and decamped. Twenty-eight students graduated at the Cin cinnati Law School last night. From Newport, B. Newport, R.l..April 21.—The steamer Bristol, with three hundred passengers for New York, laid over hero last night, nnable to proceed on account of the dense fog. Several persone were on board who bad engaged passage on the Cali fornia steamer which leaves New York to-day. A very high wind prevailed daring the latter part of tbo night. The steamer Providence, wblcb is supposed to hsvo left New York yesterday after noon, has not arrived. The fog is very heavy, and there is a tremendous sea around Point Jndltb. Captain Brayton prudently declined risking the lives of bis passengers. ■ ■ ' Arrival of steamer*. (Bpeelel Despatch to the Phil a. Evening Bnlletln.l Hew York, April 21— The steamer Manbit tan, from Liverpool, and steamer South America, arrived here this morning. Labor Convention. New Ha vest, April 21—A Labor Convention was held hero yesterday for the purpose of or ganizing a State Labor League. Resolutions supporting Ibe claims of labor against capital were presented. Tbo attendance was not very large. Hlarine Intelligcnoe. New York, April 21—Arrived, steamships Moro Castle ond Bienville, from Havana; Holsa tla from Southampton; Dacian, from Glasgow, and Arizona, from Asplnwall. Fortress Monror, April 21— Passed up for Baltimore, bark Clifton, from Rio. Weather Report. April 21. 9A. M. Wind. Weather. Thar. Flalater Cove. • fW Portland B. Raining. »9 Boston **■ E. Raining. 09 New 1 0rk.................. .W. Clear. GO Philadelphia W. Clear. S 3 Wilmington, Del W. Gtcar. ®* Washington, D. C.. «..W. Clear. 60 Fortress Monroe. W. Clear. Gi Richmond W. Clear. SS Augusta, Ga, W. Clear. OS Kavarmah . ...K.N.E. Clear. 01 O-vreeo .b.W. dear, 50 Buffalo W. Raining, 49 C rfcagolTV N.W. Clear. 44 New Orleans N. E. Clear. 01 Key West C ear. 30 Havana.. —■ Clear. si State of Thermometer This Day at tbe Bulletin Office. hXU S 3 Sag. IS M S 4 deg. 9P. M 68 det Weather clear. Wind Ponthweat. Ibo Bluing of ttie SL Lawrence. [From tho Montreal Wltnwa, April IP.I Tho long apprehended Hood Is upon os at last. Since Saturday night tho river has risen bo high as entirely to cover Commissioners street, flood ing the warehouse basements thereon, also the cellars of the Royal Insurance building. In St. Paul street, near McQlll, the water is about a foot deep, at the time wo write; but, as ts msual on these occasions, It continues to flactuate. The first intimation given of the rise was on Saturday night about 12 o'clock, when a great commotion was observed among the ice opposite the city. This was caused by large quantities of lee having broken loose from above tho bridge— where there was a clear space of considerable extent—and floated down against the masses which blocked up the channel opposite the city. Tbo waters continued to swell gradually during yesterday till 5 o’clock, when there was a tem porary subsidence of a few inches. Daring last night it again began to rise, and haß continued to do so at the rate of four or five inches an hour. Yesterday tho Seople inhabiting tho low-lying portions of rifllntown were busily engaged In clearing their cellars and lower floors of goods, which they re a moved to tho second 11 at. At 9 o’clock this morning the only portions of Qrifflntown covered with water were those between lower St. Joseph street and the railroad; also between Bt. Joseph and Bonavonture streets, and like wise some portions of Wellington and William streets. In King street, and we believe also in somo other streets, the pressure of the flood in the sewers has caused them to burst. Tho final rising of the river has come somewhat sud denly at last, and the water is now at about one foot'lowcr than the height to which it attained in 1865, and some two feet lowor than in 1861. The surlace of the river presents a wild and ragged aspect from the “shoves,” which have thrown it up in different directions, and we await with anxiety to see if it shall be piled yet higher,or by getting vent below, tho ice Held move off, and in a tew days leave tho navigation open. FINANCIAL AND COMMBBOIAL Tbe PUUadelptil Solos at the Pblladelj FIRST 300 CltyO's new 101 v 2000 Alleg Co Os 76 1500 falls 1 eer lta 103 V 6000 FhU&Brto Be Its 79V 1000 do t>6 70V MOO do 70 V 1(00 do Us 79V 3800 Lehleh 6s >M 83V 3000 do do Its 83 3000 Lob 6’e Gold In 91J4 1000 do 94V 1000 do eGwn 91V 6000 Conn’s R bds Its 87 16 sb Mannf Bh SOV 8 sb- Norristown R 07V 8 sb Penna R 60 100 sb do 60 dys fit 60 100 sh do c 60 11 sb LebValß c 66V1 SOO sb Elmira RcAp 80 600 sbPb&Rrleß bGO 23V 200 sh do bBoltß 28V 600 sb do Its 28V 100 sb Lehigh Nav Btk 88 v ooosb 'dosSOlte B3v 200sb„ReadH b3O 48 Downs 2000 N Penna. 6s 89 100 City Os new 101 V 200 sb LobNavstb b3O S3V 100 sh do e6O 38V 60 sh Pcnnn R oo 100 sb Read It s 6 48-3.16 100 sb do 48-3-161 ■ ‘ sbooni): 2600 Cltyos new 101 VI 1000 do . . loiv 6000 PhU&Erloß 7s 80 I WKDNiepAV. April 2L—Tho local money market today l aTO manliest a vniptouiß of ro* nraiug eacttVAnd tbebftuka wv mmnioa eanjlonety thoifadoostonied aocoaunodatJog •wna Thu * ill bo a source of mat relief to tbe mer cantile and general bnemeae claadesibwhoee operations bate been seriously tbecked by tbe oowclty of ia money Mar Hot. phis Stock Exchange. BO ASS. 2Ti eh Bead B 48 SOOeh doltasCO 47.81 TOO eh do do. 47)4 100 eh do slO 48 200 eh do eSO lta 47-91 400 eh do 48.1-10 100 eh do eBO 47)4 200 eh do e2O 48 800 eh do elO 48-1-18 200 eh do Its 43-1-18 100 eh do 816 48-1-16 000 eh do 810 Its 4S-1-16 64 eh do tranX 48 100 eh do c 4814 200 Bh do Its 48 Stf 100 eh do bl&in 4814 100 eh' do 2dye 4814 200 Bh do bOO 48 100 eh do (SO 48 1200 eh do lta e3O 47 103 eh do eSOwn 48 800 eh do b3O 48)4 700 eh do eSOwn lte 48 400 eh do 48)4 100 Bh do O 48-1-18 200 Bh do e3own 47 J 4 r boabdb. 61 Bh LohValH 65)4 200 eh Phi & E K b3O 21)4 100 eh do 2814 100 eh do 28)4 100 Bh do I>6o 28)4 800 sh does lte 28)4 400 Bh do bBO 29)4 Sboabp. 13000 PhOaß sere 106 200 Q do b 3 .108)4 'luOO do ( " 106)4 ,■ capital and ; the very.-high , rales at whieb .It b «*: been :htld.. t ln inis- latter resnoot - there fa >s.vmj sensible change for the cotter, and there can bv Utile roost,to doubt tfnl tbai is two hence we tb *11: ; have as »buDa*ut*BdcorreapondlDrlr easy market ; bear oeo> riosal'y of tbu banks discounting. bat f tao«e aro .• • great fivrr*. Dor cauwe oxpectit to become general Until liny Dave fortified tbeir position by an increase In their frlotU'. waicb will enable them to esutinue into court© Kl bout encroaching on their reservea. We w etc call loans at 6W7 per cent on Government 1 and a t 2(3,8 per cent on other recuritiet. The street rates for dis<‘»-nms range from fl@io nor coat, according to gradf. The offerings were limited and the market com* paratfTclj quiet. ‘ihu tioud liiaractls dgR brit steady; Gold continue* exciitd. premium at'lli M, KMM, strong. Theap*»cula the stores were active, and the “bull*** bad it alltber own way. There was a large movement ia Heading Halt, toad, which advanced from 47M to 48!*—a rtooofSsi * ©nnrylvania Railroad waß firm at 60; Camden and Am boy Kullroad at 125—an advance of %. Elmira Kail oad at 3- ; r&iiiadelnhia aud Erie Kullroad at 38M ? Gata* Hiresßailroad Preferred atBs< In Hank. Canal aid Paseefiger Railway Shares ttcro wnt but little movement. Merer*. DeFaventb Brother, No. 40 Boutb Third street, make tbo following quotations of the rater of exchange today, at IF. M.: United States ttlxe* of i\l%\ do. do. IW2, 120?-a(3(120f«; do. do 1864. li6W4ll£u' do. do. l&fiS, U7)J@ll7%;do. do, im, new. \UVM\\&*\ do. do )bG7. ll6@llfiJLi; do do. 1868, 6’a '.MOV, 1Q5&&106; 17 tJ. 30 Year 6 per cent Cy.» 1045;,@104%: One Comp. Int. Note*. lfti** Gold, 134>4<4 174%. Silver, 1263128. bmitb, Knndolpn & Co « banker. Third and Cheatnnt, quote 't l(ki o'clock as follows: Gold IPA'rk. C.S. disci, I*Bl. Fire-twcnM*** 1864. f ; do 1861, lltftftlltfttt do. J 865. do. July, IW. 1163 11 : 1867, !llft(%ll6*s do. do 1868 115^116^; Elves, Ten forties, l^^lOQ, 1 -© ; Curraney 6e» loOa. Pblladelpbla Produce Market, Y7*dhtw>at, ApHI 21.—'There Is no chauge in Clover. seer cent. The banks are discounting more freely for tbeir regular customers and report a steady increase In ibe receipts of currency f -om the co ’ntry. While the money market is thus drifting to the ease and afcucdsnce of the spring and snmmer months there i« a a ttrous speculative feeling in tbe gold market, based upon the large extent of our foreign imports and the gov ernmental polley of boarding sold. To-day the premium n ee subjected to the continued disturbance produced by tbe ar prehension of complications aririog out of the Cuban and Ala* ama claims questions. As toe morning pro greteed the speech ot Senator ChtndLr began to be treated as fareit ol and the market yielded, but the heavy co*i onu payments of tbe day. amoantlog to nearly h «lf a mniton of dollare. created new approbensfon. especially a* thu real scarcity of cold is very manifest. the batiks boldicg less than eight n illior.s, and the premiam took suotbrr upward turn at tho close. Tne European steamer brought $lOO COu iu specie. Losns f f caeb gold early in the fo enoen were made at flat and 2 rer cent- for borrowing, with an exception at S ter c«*.Bt for carrying. As the morning proeree*ed it de wioped conrlderable activity ia the l*»a*i m.trVet, and as high rf MB was raid h*fore eleven o'clock; but the supply btc&n-e fuller before Clearing Houie time and loans were again m©de flat up to tbe boor of settling. In the at ter docd 6 per cent, was paid to carry balances over. The followirg is the report of the Gold Exchange Bank: Gold cleared $97,666,000 Gold balance* L9P2.6PT Cuncncy balances 3.017.167 Foreign exrharge was more active under a speculative demand for bills, which, it is thought, will soon bo in urgent request for payment of the coupons no in every mail from Europe Tbe buying was doubtless stimulated by the lower quotations for bonds in London, although tbe foreign bankers are still shipping our secu rities. The cnpt-ly if commercial bill* on the market is very limited. Quotations today were made uoou a bash of 109 for khort sight prime bankero’ sterling, tuS?» for the same grade of eixty day bills and lC7 7 « for the best com mercial bills. uovrrmmts were heavy, under tbe efforts of a fnrther drclioe *n five twenties at Loodon. where the openidg prire this morning was from which there wai a Yield to W)j<, and a reaction to 80H The present prices b»ve hreuybt a great many bonds out of the hand? of &t ivate holders Li the city and country, and the market i. therefore, better supplied than it l as been in a good while. The market was quiet aud rteady at the clwa. Bou’bern ©ecuiities wer* generally pteady. with tbo new Tenner see* as the feature. These b nd« win>s* «ere characterized by a renewal of the preamre to sell which set in *t tbe offemoon boards yesterday, and prices coruntied to yield. In the receaa after tbe morning boarue tb. re wo* a general recovery in the ■prrnlalive feeling, and prices took an upward tarn, whirb for some of tbe list w£s quite decided. Harlem, which waa tbe exception in tbe decline yeaterdav, was ot'** of the exceptions in (be advance this afternoon. TrsDPflcfionß were numerous, but the cliques have shown no new manojuvre, except, pertaan l . in Pacific Mail, wbich was forced below 93 (Mb morning, and then recovered their purchases by the ‘'shorts." fBY TEEKUK.PHj l&pccial Despatch to tbePhila. Eveninx Bulletin.] Nrw Yorr, April 2L—Tb© maney market la without change. and U very quiet and »«y at 7 per cent The banks are free lenders, b-ing enabled to do bo by the coctiDu d receipts from the interior. DLcoants are more active at 10 to 13 per cent, with ex options at A Gold is very strong and fairly active at 1844 i. The clique manipu lating for a rise are form’d able, and seem to have the ma>kut entirely under their control. Aside from the Cuban and Alabama complications, a farther speculative rise ueenjß inevitable. The gold loan market again was the aeene of great ex ritrmtnt, and borrowing latea range fiat to l id por diem. The foreign exchange market 1b strong, having advanced 3 * percent. oa prime banker's bills, which have sold at 108?* for CO days, and 109 for short s'ghte. Governments oproed lower on the now Issues, stead v for old as com pared with last night's quotations, but on tho second call, after the receipt of better quotations fro n Loudon. ad ranced ii@J4_per cent on the antire list- 62a. 121; 645, 116> a ; €6*. old, 118)*: new. MSV, 07e. I15H; 635, Ilfila ; KMOs. lt€S»; currency 6s, KM 7 *. State bonds are active In Tennessee! andJN'orth Caro linas at >*4 to B percent Hales of Adams at 63>d; Unitod States, 69: Wells & Fargo, 34}f. New Work stock Bliarkeu {Correspondence of the Associated Press, 1 New York, April 2L—Stocka strong; Gold. IMS; Kxcbango. 8!*; Five-twenties. 1862, 120)6; do„ 18M. US 7 -*; do. 1866, I)6V. uow. 116; 1867, Ten-forties. 106)*: Virginia Sixes, 61; Missouri Sixea tt7>4; Canton Company, fliv.; Cumberland Preferred, 30; New York Central. 168: Rending. P6>«; Hudson River. 148!*; Michigan Central, ISOk; Michigan Southern, 99; llliroie Control, 145; Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 93^; Cleveland and Toledo, 99; Chicago and Rock Island. 139: Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 182. _ KlarKcls by relcjrrapli. (Special Despatch to tbo Pbilada. Evening Bulletin.) New Yobk* April 21, P. M.—Cotton—The market this morning was irregular aod unsettled. Sales of about 01HJ bales. We quote as follows: Middling Uplands, 24)6 Middling Orleans, S{K&29V. 4 . Flour, Ac.—Keceints-4,900 barrels The market for Westci n and State Floor Is dull and lower. The sales are about 4.0U0 barrels. Including Superfine State M $5.3 j*s 00; Extr* State at $6 80(86 10; Low grades Western Extra at $6 70($fl 25. Southern Flour Is dull and heavy. Sales of 800 barrolß at *6 80@6 75 for Extra Bal timore and Country, and $6 25@9 3Q®BB 25913 for Family do. California Flour is quiet and steady. Hales of gobble, at $709 60 for old via the Horn, and Sfl 75® 70 25 for new via the Isthmas. Ryo Flour 44 50 Brain-Receipts of Wheat, 2,4'0 bushels. The market is duil and heavy. The sales are bushels No. 2ittil waukce in store at 81 86 bid, and No- 1 d° t * at Corn-Receipts. 28 000 busbela. The market is heavy and oml. Sal»a of 10,000 bushels now Western at Shaggo.. afloat. OatH-Rcceipta.lo.6on busb. Market firm with a fair demand. Sales of 16.00* bushels at 76>sc. in store hyo nominal at $1 85. Barley heavy. Provisions—Tho receipts of Pork are 174 barrels. The market is quiet but “rm at 831 for now Western Mess. Lard— Receipts 257 ph v The market is buoyant We qnote fair to prime steora at 18K®l9c. w (SWhlßlry-Receipts 440 barrels. The market is dnIL We quol»* Western free at91(892c, _ Coffee—Rio firm with a fair jobbing demand. are tho extremes for invoices, gold duty paid. Stock, 64,200 bags. Molasses firm with a faff jobbing demand. Sugars ires firm and dull. Liberal offerings are made at \\%m\%. Linseed OU lower. Sales at 81 00@81 04. Timothy seed is activo and decidedly higher. Bales at at 84 fl6 lonr heavy and declined S&lOa; sales of 5 000 bauds 8t«to $6 2ftC«A 4»: Ohio, $5 76@7 10; Western, £6 16@8; Sonthern $0 78($$U 76. Wheat dull and do rlired Jc.; sales .of 4 200 busho's WhiteGaNfornia, ©l 65 <&1 70, Corn dull and declinedlo,; sales of 87.000 biishelt. R » to@B2o.- Oatseteady: solos of 18.000 bnshols at W*s at 802. Bacon firm; rib aides, ltWo.: clear. 17Mc.; ebcuHcra. UXo t hams, 20@ilc. Lora firm at Whisky flnn» and held at 92c. fllE DAILY WEDNESDAYv APRIL 2!vlBss THIRR EDITIONS FROM WASHINGTON EXTRA SESSION OF THE SENATE Nominations by the President Washington. April 21—Mr. Wilson called up bis resolution antboriziDg tbo Secretary of tbe Navy, with tbe coneent of tbo Colombian gov ernment, to cause fnrtbor survoys to bo made for a railway or ship canal across the Isthmas of Darien. After debate tho resolution was laid over in order to pnt it In a moro acceptable form. Mr. Anlhony reported that tbo Commltteo on Printing bad made a contract with Bailey p2» ImrpS . FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, Having REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH ST., Are now selling firstclass FURNITURE at very reduced prices.! mhßl-3mrp} WATCH EB. IEWEIRT. AO. JAB. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, (Untiltheir late Store 1b rebuilt) Have now an Entirely New Stook ol Goods To replace that destroyed by Are, and are now opening PARIS MANTEL CLOCKS Single and with Side Ornaments. Bardoo ft Son’s newest and best grades of OPERA GLASSES. Bridal, Party and Opera Fans. Thelateßteontrlbatlonso Art to Real Bronze. A largely increased supply of Diamonds, Pino Watches. Jewelry AND ARTISTIC SILVER WARE. Aluo a very full line of Gorham MnnufactnrtoßGompany'a Fine Electro Plated Wares. PRICES moderate: »r 5 in w f 8m 6 CLARK & BIDDLE, 712 CHE&TNDT STREET. English Sterling SILVERWARE. The PRESENT FACILITIES of CLARK A BIDDLE enable them to oiler a Urge variety of new patterns at or low price, ae any Other house to the trade. feMewty nit —.— DIJFFIELD ASHMEAD, Publisher, Bookseller, Stationer,, andiDEalbrin t «. CHBOMO LITHOGBAPHS, lioi 734 Chestnut Street, AH Boon VoM iwtau at Wholesale Pik«. mhiatathetfm • ' ' 1 ■ r yriitMxi'ctiuu '' ts BEMOVAL THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY TO Their New Sire and Borglar-proof Building, Not. 329 and 33! CHESTNUT Street. Which wili be openfor (tistruusotlon of tmrineee , on Thursday, tlicBtb of April, 188% The Fidelity Insurance,; Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Capital, #600,000, fall paid. „ „ „ DIRECTORS: N. B. Browne, ftdo'flrd W. Clark, Uarcree H. Clark, Alexander Henry, JobD wjbh, Stephen A. Caldwell, Charles Macalester, George F. Tyler, __ Henry C. Gibson. Vrtt Went—N. B. BROWNE yicelNeeident-CLARENCEH.CT.tRK. , 1 , Seentai y and Treasurer—ROßEßT PATTERSON. ' The Company have providod In their new Building anff o£S?BY s SJ o i^Sif)». n T inßt ,offl by FIHE > HEuEIVE SECCHI'iIES AND VALUABLES ON DE „ ' mBIT UNDER GUARAmTEeT Upon the foirowlns rates, for one year or less period. Government and aU other Coupon Be-) ; curitfes, or those transferable by) $t GO per 81,000 delivery. \ / Gov 00 " Low, domment -- - Gold Coin or Boll!on 125 " LOO® Bilver Coin or Bullion 200 •* I,oo® Si*ver or Gold Plato, under seal, on) ovrnei’a estimate of value, and rate) 100 *• 100- subiect to ad)u»tmi nt for bulk ) Jewelry,Diamonds,dee. 260 M I,oo® Deeds. Mortgages and Valuable Papers generally,'when' of no fixed value, $1 a year each, or according to bulk.: There latter, v hen deposited In Tin Box*-e, arc charged according to bulk, upon a basis of 13$ leet cable capa city, $lO a year. ' Coupons and Interest will be collected when desired, and : remitted to tha owner*, forone per cent. . . The Company offer for BENT, the lessee exclusively holding the key. Bates inside its Burglar-proof Vaults, st rates varying from $2O to s7s'each per annum, ac cording to aizo. Deposits of Money Received, on which interest will be allowed: 3 per cent on Cali Deooeits, payable by Check at eight, and 4 per cent on Time Do. poeite, payable on ten days’notice. This Company is also authorized to act on Executors, Administrators and Qnardiane. to receive and execute T) uats of every description from the Coarts, corporation* or individuals. N. B. BEOWNS, , , President. ROBERT PATTERSON, Secretary and Treasurer* »t>6 m w f 2mi PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. DEPARTBENT. PmuiELrau, Pkhmx., April 2, J 88& To Ihe Btcbboldera of the Pennijlvaoia Ralboad Company. All Stockholders, as registered on the Books of this Company on the 30th day of April, will bq entitled to eobtcribe for 25 Per Cent, of their respective interests in New Block at Par, as follows: /frs/'-Fifty per cent, atthe time of subscription, be tween the 15th day of May, 1889, and the 30th day .of Jone, 18t& *' Second -Fifty per cent between the 15th day of Noveitt bor, iB6O, and the 3]yt day of December. 1889 jor; if Stock holders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid np at the time of subscription, and each instalment so paid shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full shares. Third— I That every Stockholder holding less than four shares ehflll be entitled to subscribe for one shore (and those holding more than a multiple of four shares entitled to subscribe for an additional shore. , Fourth— All shares upon which instalments are yet te he paid under Vceotation of May 18.1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the 25 Per Cent. _at. par, a* though they wero paid in fnlL THOMAS T. FiBTHt Treasurer. )2-3mrp . . . , ■ #4,500,000 SEVEN PER CENT. GOLDBGNDB, Tbirtf Fears to Bony' ISSUED * The Lake Superior and MiuSaafppi River Railread Company. Th«y are a Bint mortgage Sinking Fond Brad Free of United States Tax. BEOITBED BY ONE miliiON 6IX HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO IHOCBARD ACRIB 0F CHOICE LAUDS, And by the RaUroad, ita Bolling Stook and the FraiU chiaes of the Company. A Double letnrlty and Firit Clan Invetimeni In every respect* yielding in Currency nearly Ten Per Cent. Per Annum. 1 Gold, Government Bonds and other Stocks received tx > payment at their highest market price. Pamphlets and full information given on application to JAY COOKE & 00., 80. 114 South Third Street. E. W. CLARK & CO„ No. 85 South Third Street, Fiscal Agents