BUSINESS homcbb. irA 1 : &^S'.^® # .^4«V b »‘ tfe - DOU ' tgohome if?^"| C FIK»X^tAt8 P FHII%EDFUI4- fg®ia»aS^arK»».» £td are generally the FOBBIOM Piaiioß Ifonna'lntho Mew Yobk on Boston and after all they cost tlio purchaser aa much w EOTOWACKKBIIABOB The it gent has M.eady JSi'rnfooiiineaiOKS Aimsi) before the customer obtains KttSS, m in a lew years 1: becomes worthless, have maintained their hish reputation as J£L msRB fs”uo“™» thirty YDaUB. and have F n " T *2r^3E*the hitfhpfit Dremlums aad arG now. ad* ndtfedfm tmttmfSnest and most highly improved instru. and llO3 UtmernOT Brora? are constantly sm plied from, our eatenslvo fac a fill wsottmcnt of superior Obaud, Square Kn UrmonT Piamos. which wp offer on the most MYOBABhEtSms. CaU and examine them, and all will other to thU city SS «“* 1 Ne. 1103 Chestnut street I "** ’ Manulacturero ef PTRBT-CLAfcS AUBEFFB PLATES PIAi>'OtXfHTES, Wareroomß. No. 610 ARUU etreet, a>MP«gtotb«SmB Phi»adelpbia. «^ nßs c,w^ v cx a a m ag»; gß J^ua t , OTHiKWAVa PIANQB RECEIVED THE tflTrTlMlihert award (flirt gold medal) at the Internar Rrngl faU& Part*. 1867. Bee Official Report, at ffSepWArnraoni-Qf BLAoIUB DaU&t roller”™ No. 1006 Chestnut etreat. , , nms CHICKERINQ PIANOS RECEIVED Umblgheit award at theParii Expodtloe. Dlm'ON’B Wareroome. 9U-Chcrtnnt street. »e2l.tfB EVENING BULLETIN. Tneaday, April 20, 1860. IHE COjmiTMENT ABUSES, "When Judge Brewster, last week in court, lectured half-a-dozen aldermen upon their criminal carelessness in committing persons to prison, and in failing oftentimes to make proper returns to the District Attorney, he struck a blow at a system which has been, and is, abused to the oppression of multitudes of innocent and helpless people. It is always unsafe to entrust nearly absolute power to irresponsible men, even when they are wise and pure. Our aldermen, as a rule, are not very wise,and many ofthem are by no means incorruptible; yet they possess and exercise authority which has tremendous influence over the happiness of a large clhbs of citizens. An alderman commits persons to prison upon the simple affirmation of their accusers. There is no chance for the prisoner to give his side of the story. Whether the charge is true or false, the accused must either go to prison to await trial or must procure bail. If aldermen were infallible, or even always honest and just, there would be little to com plain of in this arrangement; but at present it is open to serious objection and condemna tion. Men and women are sent to jail tvery day upon charges which would at once be dismissed as foolish and wicked by scrupulous magistrates. The grievousnesß of this is lelt only by the poorer classes. Those who are in better circum stances are less liable to suck persecution by enemies; and, in the event of accusation they can obtain bail. But the very humble, the friendless and the stranger —those who should be best protected—suffer most. Countrymen just airived in the city have been robbed and then put out of the way in prison upon the oath of the very thieves by whom they were injured. Unable to obtain bail, they have ■ remained in confinement until, the prosecu tors not appearing, the indictments have been dismissed by the Grand Jury. Landlords have got rid of tenants by trumping up some foolish charge against them and placing them in limbo to await trials which never took place. Evil- minded husbands have disposed of their wives, and wives of their husbands in the same manner; and instances are not wanting in which poor women have been sent to prison upon the accus*tiqjiriJ&«nemies, while their children were left to starve, and their little household property was stolen in their absence. The reports of the Prison Inspectors and the Prison Agent contain suoh sad ■lories in sufficient quantity to fill a dozen of these columns, and these are but a small por tion of the whole number. It iB a record of misery, and distress, and outrage, and op pression, Which is disgraceful to this age and this Christian city. It would be bad enough and pitiful enough if this were aIL We might then find more fault with the system and IeBS with the magis trates. It is a shocking evil to have an inno cent man, upon whom a family depends tor a living, imprisoned for a day. The law now ■eta him free if he is not tried within two terms of the court alter a return of his ease is made by the alderman. But aldermen, very often, from carelessness, sometimes from ■beer wickedness and connivance with mall- Every test vote taken in the British House cions accusers, fail to make proper returns of of Commons upon the Irish Churoh bill gives cases. The District Attorney knows nothing fresh assurance that disestablishment will be of them, and the poor wretches linger in un accomplished fact when the final vote is prison for months, without even a chance to taken. On Friday evening last Mr. D'lsraeli be heard. It is here that the Prison luspec- made an attempt virtually to destroy the bill, tore have an opportunity to do a noble work; but he was defeated by a vote of 341 to 221. but in the multitude of caseß which call for Yesterday an amendment was offered post their attention, there are many that must es- poning the time at which the law shall go cape notice, or fail to receive proper relief, into effect to 1872. This was offered possibly Numbers secure discharges through their in- lo try the strength of bolh parties, and the Btrumentality, but very many more remain, result was a clear majority of 107. 8> it may often beyond the specified two terms of court, be regarded as settled that Mr. Gladstone only to have their prosecutors fail to appear w jn w i n in the present contest, and that Ire when the indictments are presented to the i an( j w m B oon be relieved of the burden of Grand Jury. the established chufch. The firßt grand cause of all this iniquity —; , „ and wrong doing, is the fee system, by which obscurely written telegram, yesterday aldermen earn their living. A magistrate afternoon, was interpreted as announcing the whose income depends upon the number of appointment of James Mullens as Collector his commitments will be likely to close both lnlGr , nal Reve ° ue ,Q «“ Fo “ Dl9t " ot ot tte eyes of Justice when cases are brought be- Pennsylvania. As a change in that officii is foie him. A prosecutor who has Avarice expected by the people or the Dis to plead his cause finds ready credence, trict the announcement was generally be- Maaißtrateß who have wanted money, have »e VGd ' * lhou B h ™ bod y bnew who Jameß been known to magnify the mere treading MulleDß *“■ The mysterious individual upon & woman’e dreaaintD an aggravated C4Be proves lo be the great joker of the last of assault and battery, and to Bend the careless Congress, Jamea Mullens, of the Fourth Dls- Meppet to pris m,afier compelling him to pay ‘rid of Tennessee. The telegraph clerk costs. Borne are even more dishonest than merely changed “Tcnn." into “Venn.” this iff their daily practice. , When a perßbn The appointment of Dr. Worthington to an Is arrested in the street, it is common for the Apprnieirehip has been erroneously an ■lderman to make him pay a warrant fee n ouretd as displacing Borin Blodget, Esq., when a warrant has not been issued; and \ who is the Appraiser at Large. No magistrates in most cases contrive to have j charge has been proposed in the latter offioo. commitments made out batore theheariegof j Dr. Worthington succeeds Mr; 0. M. Hurley, a case is ended, so that, even if the accused removed. baa bail wady at band,he iaeompelled to pay the usual commitment fee. This is illegal and unjust, and yet it ia the common custom in • a number of Justices’ offices in this city, and no reform ia ever attempted: There would be sufficient reason to complain if the proper portion of thls eictorted money,with the fines, went into the city , treasury, but it does not; the aldermen, with rare exceptions, ppcke l the proceeds of the fraud. What Ib the beßt method of curing these evils, which are productive of so much suf fering and so much corruption —which place inppcent men in the power of unscrupulous enemies, and prostitute the law to the basest purp: sea of tyranny ? Abolition of the fee system, and giving salaries to the aldermen, seems the moat natural. But while this would make magistrates more impartial, it would involve frightful expense, and still leave with them power to do injustice. The institution ! of a court for the immediate trial, without 1 jury, of petty cases, would eflect good re sults, but this would involve a troublesome change in the fundamental law o! the State. The next best method is to take away from aldermen the power to commit persons to prison. Let them retain authority to impose email fineß, and to do all other business be longing to their office but robbing men of their liberty. Then let responsible gentle men —say the Judges of our courts—appoint magistrates, one for every three o i four Wards—about eight or ten in the entire city—and give to them alone authority to make commitments. These men might have small salaries given to them, with the right to perform the usual functions of aldermen. They could give security for proper conduct of their business, and could bo required to make returns of their commitments to the ! District -Attorney every morning. Thew ! WO uld be fewer trivial charges made, if ac i cusers bad to travel longer distances to make i them; and magistrates who abußed their power i could, under this arrangement, more easily be j detected and punished. This seems to be the ! most feasible plan for effecting reform; and we know that, in its general features, it meets with the approval of officers of the law who perceive the enormous injustice of the pre- E ent system, and whose opinions as to the j best methods of correcting the evil are en ' titled to respect Certainly something should j be done as soon aB possible. We oaly regret j that Judge Brewster did not call attention to 1 the matter at an earlier day, so that the Le ; gislature might have been instructed to con - ! aider the necessity for, remodeling the whole ’ 1 .commitment system. XJB.E SPANISH MISSION. qt has probably been because the rapid rotation of office under the present system of our Government makes all positions in the civil service eo uncertain, that so few men have made foreign diplomacy a pursuit as a regular profession. J. Randolph Clay, who occupitd various diplomatic positions in South America and Europe, for a succession of years, wbb one of the few exceptions to this general rule, and Henry B. Sanford is another. Mr. .Sanford has spent the last eight years of bis'diplom&tic life at Brussels, with occasional visits to this country for the purpose of getting the Belgian mission raised to a first claes position, an endeavor which : did not prove suecesßful. He is, of course, i well versed in all the etiquette of European ; Courts and the routine of diplomatic busi j ness. So long as purely ornamental work : is to be dene abroad, nobody can doit better i than Mr. Sanford, gracefully supported as he ! is by his accomplished and elegant wife. But the Spanish Mission ia not to be an ornamental one during the next few years. Whoever is sent to Madrid must be a man of far more breadth and positiveness of charac ter than Mr. Sanford has yet manifested. Tne questions that the American Minister will be called to deal with will be grave and delicate and difficult ones, and he must be a man fully up to the advanced and advancing po sition of President Grant’s Government; not a mere master of routine, but a master of great emergencies; wise, but bold; cautious not to overstep the boundaries of a just policy, but fearless iu maintaining the doc trines aud in executing the purposes of his Government at home. We do not an ticipate that aßy hostile relations are to spring up between the United States and Spain, but there haß been nothing in Mr. Sanford’s diplo matic career to warrant the belief that he would or could so conduct the Spanish Mis sion as to prevent such relations. It la true that he has never been tried by any direct test, but ther- has been so little in his diplo matic career during the pa9t eventful eight years to indicate any positiveness of character as a public ma-i, that it may reasonably be doubted whether h b diplomatic experience in the quiet Belgian court has not unfitted, rather than prepared him for the sterner re sponsibilities of the Bpanish Mission. THE DAILY 35VEKING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1869. A fine'hote) property in the.: mountains of Pennsylvania Is advertised for sale in to-day’s paper. It can be made very attractive .for summer visi ors. - . Public sale on ibe Premises— Very Ei.yoant Coontby Shat, 8. W. CobiuebOm) Yobk boai* and ruKLTKH avsbub.— Thorntts ’& Bona adver tise for sale lei of May, a very elegant Country Seat, 'mansion, stable uiitlcoacli.fiinpo, 9jf'seres’ of eoautl fll) ground,surrounded*";**; • ►jwdisomsHstong.wall. Alfh, iidriee, towp, carriages, harness, garden imple ments. Ac., of ft gentleman Rolling on occonnt of boing abroad ImoediaterpoSseiiaiqii. Full particulars at the Auction Robme. 1 legal*t Paintings.—We Imlte atten* tion U> be Exhibition, now open at Meeare. Birch & Son’p Gal'tr), No. 1110 Chestnut street,,fif high class OH Fainlli g*. the property of Mr. J. E. McClces, who la aliont leaving for Europe. It comprises fine speci mens of European nud American artists.. The Gallcrv will De lllnminrood this evening. The pale will take pla- eon Wodneeday and Thursday evenlnce. • \ Special Sale of Horses,&c., on Ttiurs nA».-lUr Ilerkncßß will hold a epetial sale of Horseu, &e. |on Thursday, including eome valuable trotiing stock, the properly of a private gentleman breaking up his .table*. See auction ndvettleement. SWEETNESS IX CRYSTALS. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN’S BARE CONFECTIONS For Choice Presented Store, No. 1210 Market Street. *pl7 3»ro CONFECTIONERY* DR. R. F. THOMAS, THE I.ATE OPERATOR AT the fallen Dental AiaocUtion, la now the onti/one in Philadelphia vbo devotes h*s entire time and practice toextracting teeth, abaolut-ly without freeh nitrouß oxide gal. Office, No. 1027 WALNUT street. mho ly rpO / H L'l (J.n DENTAL At SuUIATION ORIGINATED V_.' the arnwihitio Ufe of NIThOUS OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS. Aid devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without cain. .... „... Office, and Walnntatreete. ap2otit JOHN UHLMP. BUILDER. USI CHESTNUT strewt^t. Mechanics of every branch required for house-building and fitting promi tly famished. fe2m RLILLIRfI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 BANBOM BTREET, ip<uivd[i Pt 11 LA 1 iRLPCII A. WAhbiMnh'B IMPROVED, ventilated El and eaf-y*fitting Drees Hats (patented) In all the sp ew proved 1 ushicna o< the season. Chestnut street, next (torn to the • net < ’fhcf*. 'KHv-tfrp McvUhL'B KATiLB. COMBINED v till it h Mace for dtfi-nce, and a Policeman’a oig u*iWLbtie lon can cany it in your bivaet pocket it out lufeat nlsht. lo p»le at his redurol price, with va rio ■ other kindp, b* TRUMAN & BIIAVV, No. 836 (Eight Thirty bye) Mai ket street, below Ninth. __ PATENT ELASTIC JAR ANt> BOWL COVERS i rotevt their ccntenU from the attacks of anta, io cht-B, or oihtrbouetrbold vermin, and leesen the IK* k Uiy to mould or fermentation, by creating, a partial vocuup*. tor sale by IRijMaN & SHaW, No. 835 (E'gtit TMitj fiv.) Murkothtreet, bolotv Ninth. PIAKrT iAT E MEARLREB.3.S, AND 6 FEET 3N )*n£th . aud h lf-win«iiog; uleo, a variety of rules and . »bei n TKI'VA.-i No. 836 (Eight Thirty-five) Martel street, below Ninth, / i baitGAlAd *IN FiNE ALBUMS.—VELVET. \J I urkcy Morocco and Antique Binding. i holograph Alruina bolding Id pictures. 25 centa. 24 pict r a6O cena 6u pictum, flue Morocco, $l. 60 pic'nn b. chtiacd RBd mounted, SI 60. Hoc Velvet, gill mounting*. $2. Bolding ICO picture' file Morocco $3. 2(.0 i panel fidee, gi t, S 5. F> it name put on in sold free of charge. Black Bo< kb, Htntiot cry. Holiday Books, Blblee, G*me«, L»di*>’Coinpttinoop. Peu-kuivcß, Pocket-books, Scieaor and y»uc3 Good* ptlUng low. . White. Buff aud Cauarv Envelopes, 15 cents per huo dred. Hue M-te Paper, Si per ream. Good Portfolios, \ j cci tp Bi.d upn ard H*lt ndid assortment of fine Cut hr> Leather ** da Cbeiß, Cai da, Dominoes, and a*l par -1,,r g«niei* of amurcinent, alvayß on band; Fancy Gooda Arc.. &e Low cet prirpg in the city FANIY UIEAF STATIONERY, CHEAP BIBLES. ALBUMS, 199 and HI S. KBidTH STREET. f>T Op Jp iff 1 I. —ur.i iUlit felAlK ULi AT K< Jr'P’S X“* ? • c/. Bhlood, by tuet-class Hair Guttrn*. ChUdnn’e H tir C> tat tjictr Keridcnre. Hair and Wb ekera Dyed. Ka 7,01 b tet iu older. Open Sunday morning. 125 Exchange G. C, KOPP. / > ;m l E U -1 aPi* u A.WI i‘H FULL DIKE* TIONS V.T for dm; f-rend Bcthl* ht-m. Canada»nd Scotch Oat IVrlrng'\ Harda* t*arinac*oua Food. Kacahout, Cox*- Gob tin**.» aracHß Cacao and other Di-tetics For nal’u by jA&Ed T. tIiINN, B. W. cor. Broad and Spruce pfr* < apl3 tfrp L'OK jf'VALli'fc- A FINE MU»«CAL BOX AS A 1? companion for th» sick chamber: the finest assort ment in he ci'y, and a great variety of aim to select i«om. fin ported direct by ‘ EARR <b BROTHER, tfrp 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth. KKaL iuAI K THREAD LACE POINTES. ju, t rrcei% cd. of db ect Importation. oue entire case lt-alblacfc thread lace poin'es, of new and beautiful de- HtgLH, at 'cry reduced r ices. B*st assortment and cheapest prices in the American roatket apl4 6i* iP GEO. W. VOGEL, 1202 Chestnut et, late of 1016 Chestnut et DEB MODES, 1014 WALNUT STREET. MRS. PROCTOR Cloaks, Walking Balts, Sflk% Drees Goods, Lace Shawls* Ladies' Underclothing and Ladies 1 Fora. Dee sees made to measure in Twenty-four Hoars. L’vivi..' r <*M» a>. ili iMW FJKM AND LIVE MEN). PL« MHI fcfc. (J ‘6 AND BIKAM FITTERS* No.h, N.rth Rrvcnih street, Philadelphia. Builder* Bud oiher« will find It to their advantage to giv*. us a trial. N. 8.-Bpeiial attention paid to laying dra’ri ap6-26trp6 IcAac I AlllA.'B, itK, N. E. CORNER 1 '] hlrd and spruce streets, only one square below the Kx' hMJg*’. 6260 u 0 to loan, in U> ge or b>uhll atnouuts, on diamond/*, silver pi&to, WAtchw/-, jewelry, and all aoodt of value. Oflice hour* trom tJ A. M to 7 P M. UT* liotab *i*-hed for toe tort ft.rty ye *ra Advance* made in large m„p.n.t. ••* 'o** /=t rat *. taflt'rp MARKIXI Wlill INDELIB *l, iNK, EMBROIDER tog. Braiding, bumping, &c. M. a. iDRMT, Filbert street. it i l(i Uf..Vhh ANU IN olwXEl.uO) CASES OF u Oh::Tup»g'.e,sparkllng Cat*wha to d California Wines, Port. 5-aa»ir Sherry, .Jamaica n-d Santa Cruz Ruin, fine old Brandies and Whiskies, WH lfeale and retail. P. J. JuR • N, 220 Pear street. Below Third and Walnut struts and above Dock nr-*et. de7-tf ok; ~ t;, pl URE TONIC ALB FOR iLVulldi, If-mily UB€. Af-c. 11,0 ruh»*enb«r in now tujMihod with his full Winter -opply of bit highly nutritious and well-known beyerage. tts wide s**i'cao and increasinc ue©, by Older of physl* lau«> <or in’ el da, oat* of families, dtc.. commend it to the .Uei tiou of all consumers who want a strictly pure ar« • i C l e ; jirepa: < d from the heat material*, and put up in the ,jort careful u annor for hfine use or trails} ortatlon. Or« iter* by or otherwise promptly eupyiied.^^^ 22(1 Tear stroet, „tf Below Third and walnut streets. lil KK.M. •• r u w AAR, NiN'IU A vDriAN «»M SThEETS. Z£3\ H-E('iAh rtAI.K OF I/ bT TROTTING Huh fc.fl. 04 RIAGK-l, 1 ARNEoS, AO On TUI l(fc>t AY MoltNiN G nox*. at ID o’clock, at the v. imhb fa*t trott'ng imroa. known as the “Blew ur” j. are, * Kohl” m '»'«■ >i« rf “Lu’z” mure, either of which ii neiieved to trot •« 'he \. le in 2 50, ALB m \ A f lght 01 amice Coach, made by Woo l Bros. a Buggy Wagou with top. pole and shafts. /• PhMiroii, ty tlegirn-& CO. A Light Trotting Blelgh, i> .ui and Bhafte. ...u of ooxbh and riuglc Ilurno B Robes, markets. Whips. Ac . Am. ifir hiile peremptory. May bein on at private stables,in Noith etit-ei, v. eat of I ifihteeii h M. A LbO, A valuable thoroughbred Blooded M ■»«, hy imported Abdi'lhih . b’ lit VL-d cun trot. « milo In 2.-Ui; * ould make U tiM' turn'd inwrc • *\ Gray CoP,c.ou»ing'4 years old •, sound, unbroken; sired 1 y ‘1 uionto Ciirt. A Broun * oit, cnnling 4 years oM, -lrod byToronto i hit f•. t oun ’• 6ud unhi oken l,kl ' uu Al FRED M.IIEItKNEBS, i»rso st , *'T Auctioneer. UU'TB'.i’S PATENT SPEC 3 O\N bo I| d l 111 store, Nu, 13; South Ss-L* t’.li.'M i , Waluut. apU tf 4p i. SIMON GARIXAND, iL-.iumn, UNPERTAKER, »r, South Thirf ,i 'I Btreet mh26 6morp} Z-, REPAIRS to watches and musical vsr-. Poxee, lu the beat uituHii t, bv rkillf .l workmen. fippn FARR A mtoniEit, , H&fUbPßlunteU-oet, below Eourth. n MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. PLATE. CLOTHING, &«., at * CO.'S OLD-ESTABLISHED lAJAN OFFICE, Corner of Third »nd Guahlil Btroota. Below LombarA N„ I*.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, &o>a . VOB SAJMD AT BEMABKABLV X*)W mOBB, -maMnUVf w-V. . MEET.” Tiie Very Clothes and the Very lowest Price, WANAMLAKER & BROWN’®. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Choice Goods for Present Season. In dally receipt of New and Maple Spring Goode. The Piodigal Son on the Back Track, The prodigal son Came back, on a ran; Said be, “I think it is wrotchcd fan To do any more as I have done )" His knees were oat, and bis coat was torn, And, altogether, he looked forlorn. Hlb bnttonß were off, bis pants were split. And bis ciolbee were all af each horrible tit And ihis was the way be looked so odd be Hud purchased clothes that were made of shoddy. “And now,” said he, “it’s foolish and rash, "The etnpid way that I’ve spent my cash “1 used lo deal at the ‘Great Brown Hall,’ “And now I've been to the places, all “Where the? say they keep “At piiees so cheap; •‘Better goer’s than at *Great Brown Hall.' "And I’ve looked around "And, at great cost, foand “That tney're neither cheaper nur better, at aIL” And Ibe prodigal wiped awuy a tear, And said, “Look here, my friend, look here, "Hereafter I'm coming, all the more. ‘To buy at Rochblll & Wilson’s store. "For on what they tell yon, yon can depend, "And what they sell yon, is Rood to tho end. "And I’ll never buy any more clothes, at all, "Except the clothes of the Great Brown Hall.” GST Once in a loDg, long while an old ens tonur wanders off elsewhere for a little wbi c; hut he sooD finds what a mistake he has-made, and cornea back, to bny, at the cbeipcst of all cheap prices, the unsurpassed clothing made at the Great Brown Stone Hall RCJCKHILL& WILSON 603 *nd 605 Chpslimt Street. COOPER & COWARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market. \ BOYS’ CLOTHING, BOYS’ CLOTHING. BOYS’ CLOTHING. Sota Bene.-'Wc plcaee thn boy*, delight thoir paren't, keep our otd patron** and tontinimily make new ones, ee excellent 1b our CloihiDK. n IHI lii' 4p< OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, No, 827 ARIH STREET, I AII; WIT it W tSAIIAKEH & BROWN. The Fineßt Goods, Frenoh, English and Domestic Terms moderate. B Pj4 Im4p I, O. O. F. PARADE SUITS. VVE HAVE THE BEBT BTOCK OP BLACK SUITS FOR T, E LEAST MONEY OP ANY OLOTHINQ HOUSE IN THIS CITV INSI’ECTI N IS INVITED. Bingham Hall Oloibing House, No. 830 MARKET STREET. A. BROWN & CO. WHITE VESTF. LARGE ViRIETV. pßic g »n2o6t4p _ TO RENT. JTO LET. ft At the STEAMBOAT STATION. Pennsylvania Control Railroad. SB miles from Philadelphia, a now HOUSE, containing nine good rooms, Boft spring water Introduced, bath-room and water clos.t in tho houao. Will be lot with or without furniture. Rout, without furniture, 82£0. Inquire at 255 South THIRD Btreot, Philadelphia. Good Boord can bo bad In this ( | (h s M GERMANTOWN COUNTRY RESIDENCE. 18 looms Tcwn UP I *“s. “ I,OVO lons, 3 bciob ground, ttablhv. ’lo lot tor sumrasr or O. K.EYBER KING, nut R‘. R. Duliut. Gci maulown. WANTS. -rwhlH) TO RENT FOR TIE BUMMO.R.BY oK*noofirnbleten«ntufirßt-ulacri 'lu'intry I’iaso. ««• Mi fnrißblv firnisbort. wl'li full domu iptl.n ,'ffi Box Yll ladol l dlia Poat t/lbo". „ Bl ,pu QINGERr-LANDING AND FOR BALE BY G j; BABUpSiBH & cp„ W 8 Houth HOlawam ovonno, "HOWELL, PAPER S. W. GOBNER OF NINTtt AND OHESTNUT STREETS; JUST OPENING OUR EPRMG IMPORTATIONS, Frcnoh Medallions, ImHationa Woods, Persian, Chinese, Flower Pailenw, and other peouliar foreign allies. ttpSthe tu OH NEW PPBUOSHeW. 8 * MAY MAGAZINES. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. CONTENTS :-Malbone, an Oldport Romance. Part V. By T. W. Hleeioron. The Clothes Manln. by J«n>'» Parian. Brahmintsm, by James Freeman Clajge. ine Heroine 0/ Long Point, by John G. Whittles. The Purl" tan Love re. by Marian Dooglaas. The Poa In the Hons©- hold. Pert 111. By tho author of “Victor and Jacquo. line.” Birlng in Washington, by John Bnrrongba. Eleanor in tho Empty lloute, by T. W. Par«>ns. Auto biography of a Shaker. (Second Paper.) by P. W.Eyina. Can a Life Hide Iteelf f By Bayard Taylor. The Pacific Railroad—Open. (Second Paper.) By Bamnel Bowles, Tho Intelleotnal Character of President Grant. The Now Taste la Theatricals. Reviews and Literary Notices. OTJB YOUNG FOLKS, CONTENTS THE STORY OF A BAD BOY. Chapters 9 and 10. By T. B. Aldrich. THE WILLIAM BENRY LETTERS. (Eleventh Packet By Mrs. A. M. Diaz. LILIES OP THE VALLEY. By Mary B. C. Blado. LAW REECE'S JOURNEY. By J. T. Trowbridge. CARL. By Lily Nelson. CANDY-MAKING. (First Paper.) By Mrs. Jaue'G AUfIIUL CANA RY ISLANDS AND CANABY BIRDS. By James Parton. GARDENING FOR OIBLB. (Psrt Second.) By the Author of "Siz Hundred Dollars a V ear.” 88. TRGTTY. By E. Stuart Phelps, author of “The Gates Ajar.” CINDERELLA. By Mrs. A. M. Wells. SIXTY TWO LITTLE TADPOLES. By the"author of "Seven Little Slaters.” LITTLB NANNIE. Bv Lucy Larcoro. BOUND TBE EVENING LAMP. OUR LETTI R EOX. nr Nineteen Xllestratlonr. For sale everywhere. pr A Copy of OUR YOUNG FOLKB for the first four months o' 1663 wtU be sentyWe to any one who wishes to vh. M.gazine, on duplication to tho Publishers. FIELDS, OB GOOD & CO., Boston. SubteripliiD Aginlfor Philadelphia. W. B. ZIEBEB. No. )06 South Third Street. JjUFFIELD ashmead, Publie&er, Bookseller, Stationer, A>D DEALER IN CHHOMO LITHOGRAPHS, Ho, 724 Chestnut Street. AD Ff oVs r o'd Befall at Wboliult Prieei, «■ *• 1 n - Itv [ORTiR & COATES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. SQS CHESTNUT STREET. Boohs Retailed at Wholesale Prices. Tr hgfl rptf rOBIUTCBE, «e. I. LUTZ, FURNITURE. 121 South ELEVENTH Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF fine glass furniture At IDc derate Pi Icci. »r>2o InuTO GEO. J. HENKELS, C ABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. vstablished in 1844* (el Brnn g FURNITURE. A. & H. LIJAMBRI HAVE BEHOVED THEIB Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT STREET, GIRARD ROW. mha-a til th BmrpD ; FURNITURE. X. & J. A HENKELS, Having REMOVED to tholx ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH ST., ‘.Are now celling fimLciaaa FURNITURE atvety rddnCQd rrlocß-S' • " iii' >; ■ - Wholesale and Retail HANGINGS, AT NO. 1117 CHESTNUT STREET, Until completion of ibclr Store, CO., FINN & fIBOOGBIBSf TEAS! TEAS! TEAS Our Oolong Tea, At 85 ceots pear peond by the im&llebettK GIVES OBEAT S&VXSFAtSTIOV. MITCHELL Si FLETCHEB;. 1204 CHEBTBtTT STBSBT. apaiyrp - MACCARONI. VERY CHOICE SICILY MACCAROKI In email Boxes of 6 Iba. each. A very, superior article. For sale by THOMPSON BLACK’S SON & CO., Broad and Chestnut Streets* »p 3 9 to tb Bmrp OABPETIHGI) AO. CARPETINGS! M’CALLOM, OREASR & SLOAN, No. 600 CHESTNUT BTBEET, Oppotpe Independence Haß. Importers of Carpetings. Of every description. FRESH CANTON MATTINGS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. M’CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN*. CAB PET AID OIL CL OTB WAREHOUSE, 80. 609 Chestnut Street, Independence Hill, Philadelphia. SPRING. 1869. LEEDOM & SHAW, 610 ARCH STREET. We are now receiving a very Large atocJs of new good* foJ SPRING- SALES, Embracing ail the new stylos of CABPETINGB, FL 008 OIL CLOTHS, HATTIHGS, &c» c h 5 3m rp{ • J P'llKb, ttc. FURS ON STORAGE. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, 1212 CHESTNUT STBBBT. Beg to Inform the Ladle, that they are now prepared to - receive FURS ON STORAGE through the Summer, guarniitefing them against loaa by Fire and Moth, at* tiiillt g ezpeLte. A. K. & K K. WOMRATH. 1212 Chealnot Street. apl th s to Smn< MisOELLAIiIKOIDS. WASHINGTON RANGE In Constant Operation. Bill do the tooting for a Large Family and HEAT THREE BOOMS. H. McCLENAGHAN, No. 837 Baoe Street. op!6 Ih tu a luirpt PATENT OFFICES, N. W. coinor Fourth and Chestnut* (Entrance on FOURTH Street.), FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS, Solicitor of Patents. Entente procured (nr invention!! In tho and Foreign Countilee. and aU bualneee reUUng to the same promptly Impacted. C»U or aend fer OO . Pate nta Oilicea open until 9 o’clock every evening, roii&i atn th lyrpt ■ ■ H. F. do O. B. TAYLOR, roMMEKI AH® TOttE* SOAPS, 041 and 043 BT. Math Street. ■jniTLElt, WEAVER & CO. | ■ CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN TULU OPERATION. >.WATEU’atreet and S3NI DELAWARE avenue.' —V. READ 1 READ! READ! IMPORTANT,' S® to Ladieo! Laßu, Economy, Durability and., WVou want airoea with nil ’ tlie above 4nalltloa for , I.adlea, Mtcaoa, Children and Youth", von.can obtain.:' tiremotWEP'l’S. Ho. 384 South Eleventh Bt. apB lmip i 7 ■*■ SECOND EDITION. BY TBLEGHAPHJ TO-DAY’S CABLE NEWS Foreign Money' Markets. THE COTTON MARKET W A&J3L ING T ON. TheCubanßevolution Letter from an American m Cuba Tke Proepeots of the Insurgents Their Success Only a Matter of Time 50,000 MEN UNDER ARMS SCARCITY OP WAS MATEBIAL By tbe Atlantic Cable* Lob don, April 20, A- M.—Console for money, S 3; for account, 53%. U 8. ftvertwentles flat at 80%. American railway shares qnlot; Erie Riii road, 28%; Illinois Central, 88%; Great Western Bailroad, 23%. Liverpool, April 20, A. M. — Cotton dull; Up* land Middlings, 12%d.| Orleans Middlings, 12%. The sales of to-day are estimated at 6,000 bales. London, April 20, P. M-—Five-twenties dull at 80%. Railways steady; Erie, 23%. Livebpool, April 20.—Yarns and fabrics at Manchester heavy- California Wheat, 9a. Id.; Btd Western, Bs. fid. Com, 275. 9d. Flonr, 21s. fid. Cheese, 81s. Cotton at Havre opens quiet at 147 franca on the spot- the Caban Insurrection. EBpedtl Despatch to the Phllada. Evening BnUcttn-l Washington, April 20 Four correspondent has received letters from an American gentleman In Cuba, giving information as to tbe condition of affairs there, which can be regardod as per fectly trastwortby. The writer, who, until re cently, was with the insurgents, says that the tn snrrectlon Is more extensive than Is generally supposed, and that the success of the Cuban cense is only a question of time. Tbe Insurgents have about fifty thousand men under arms, dis tributed over the Island. Bat of these not over two-fifths are provided with fire-arms, while tbo remainder are armed with large knives and sneb other instruments as can be used to advantage In close quarters. Notwithstanding tbo strict surveillance which is kept over the various largo harbors, several email cargoes of assorted arms have been sne- Eossfnlly landed and distributed. The loaders are confident that with sufficient aims fully one hundred and seventy-five thousand men, incfadlDg the late slaves, can b ■ placed an, der arms, which will, as they assert, be force enoogb to drive the Spanish troops from the mainland to the torts. Until they are freely supplied with arms, their plans seem to bo to divide Ihclr forces into small detachments, and keep up a constant guerrilla Warfare, which serves to divide the Spanish troops, and requir ing them to be constantly on the march. The wet season has began ranch earlier than usnal this year, and this has given great encour agement to the Insurgents, as It Is Indicative that yellow fever is sure to prevail to an alarming ex tent, Which will be likely to make fearfnl havoc among the Spanish troops, who are not accli mated, and are therefore liable to have their ranks depleted from marching In the heat of tbe day and lytog ont In heavy dews at night. If the Bpsnlsh troops can be kept moving through the rammer months, but little doubt is enter tain* d that one-half or two-thirds will die with sickntssbefore the cool weather agala appears. The writer says that the Spanish troops are being armed as rapidly as possible with Reming ton rifles, which are bought in the United Btates try the Spanish Government, bat that their disci pline Is very bad. and It is with the greatest diffi culty that the officers can control them or make them obey orders. It Is said here, with great positiveness, this morning, that General Stecdman has effected a landtag on the shores of Cuba with four or five hundred men welt armed and equipped. From Washington* Washington, April 20 — Charles Lyman, of Vermont, has been appointed Superintendent of the Dead Letter Office, Post-office Department, at a salary of 62,500 per annnm. He haa had an important desk In said office since 1861. From Canada. Mohtbeal, April 20th—The Ice has moved oat of the Chateangay river and Like St. Louis. The 8t Lawrence rose from 30 feet on B»tnr dav| to 42 feet to-day. The lower part of Grlf flntown is flooded, and mach distress is antici pated. Guelph, April 20.—Tho river Bpeed Is mnch swollen, and several mill-dams have been swept away. Dctnius. April 20—This district of country is completely Inundated, and mnch property has been destroyed. Fatal rail. WATBBDCBY.Conn., April 20.—A painter named Isaac Fardow fell from a ladder, to-day, and was killed. marine Intelligence. New York, April 20.— Arrived—Steamship City of Antwerp, from Liverpool, April 2d. State of Tbcrmomoter This Day at tne Bulletin Office. 1C A. M .lodes. 13 M 73 den. aP. M 78 dog. Weather cloudy. Wind Soutbeut FINANCIAL AN O COMMEBCIAL Ttie Philadelphia money market* Sales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. FIRST BOARD. 101 k 16 eh Cam & Amboy 124 k 200 eh Cataw Dl 35 500 eh New Creek k 100 eh Pa&Brie its s6O 29 k 20 eh Penna H e 5 60 100 sh do b6O 60 fl eh do b 5 so 1100 «h Bead R 47-50 100 eh do b3O 47-60 Isooeh dolta iIM r BOUU, OabLehValß 8514 800,alt NY&Mtd f 4.81 83 eh Catawa pf 8314 300 ah Ph*Brleß b6O I iSV, 100 ah Lehigh Nav Sik a3!4 OHO ah Read R *B9 4014 600 ah do b3O 4T-66 SOU ah do b3olta 47-63 BUASIf. I*ooo N Penna «a 89 600 Bel & Del 2d mtg 83 4 ah Penna K 5974 10 ah do 6914 48 ah LebValH 55J4 100 CltyO’ii new 3000 Penna Oh war In conn Ha 101 2000 C&A 8s mtc 6s’S9 95V 2000 Bclvtderc & Del 3d mti; Bda Its 80 800 Leblob 6s’B4 88 1000 Read Bds of ’44 c 90 22 *h Mcch Bk Its 81V 9sb GcnnaHi Pna It 89ft usTwnn 2700 City <te old 03 18U0 cuvfe tew Its 101*}* fiOCO do new iOlj* lOO'iPennßlmff 6s 09k SOOO Lehigh Val R bds new cp bSO 94 1600 Lehteb RLn c 86k 2000 Lh Val Old Bds c 9&k AKOOND 40TO City 6s new iouj $OO Pa os 0 sere c 105 90GO do 2d mtg 6-* 94Ji 1000 Western PuR bds Garenteed 80 Tueboat. April 20.1869 -The weekly bank statements are again highly favorable to an easy market ln the noar fatal*. All the items, save one. show an Inare&ee, the deposits leading off with $1*118.462; loans, $708,178; logni tenders, $298,426, and a decrease in spools of $16,428. The large increase in the deposits shows that the return cur rent from the Interior has thoroughly eet io. It will be noticed that the loans are cot expanding in proportion to the increase of loanable funds, the b dance, no doubt, being used to strengthen their legal resolves. As thcao •gain reach the point fixed by law, the banks will, no doubt, resume their former loans and discount opera tions. * Curlocal market, under the presont favorable aspect, w heglontng to favor borrowers, and tho rates to-day wore fltme um-ten dy. (jell loans are negotiated ac <K$7 per cent, on Government collateral*, and 7@B per coat on miscellaneous securities. loaos were made to d or at moro regular rates, ranging generally between 8 aad 10 per cent.,* according to grade, for prune mercantile ac ceptances* bonds are dull and rather weak. Tho gold *qqatquen«e of anticipated troubles •rKr«?Sfcia\‘^* 10 pr ® Iluiu,?l.haB 1 lu i u, ?l.ha8 advanced to 144>* at 12 il. in .Wall street not Cub*. *eg« opirlt «tt tb&kstoclc Board this morning, SAr 1 I n,(ka,,at te e, y steady Government aud were firm at lolif. 1 *” cl, y Loana-now taunt i,J i iV, r ; d j5 E .M5 i I, cl08<!d J ' 3Ulot 47.Gfi; Peunrylvaota «? d <l Ai i 3 d ,«amdoQ and Amboy Sf& at Bank, Canal and Passenger Railroad ihares ware wlth ea* e**entf*i change,. - • • • • Mer(nj.Deßaven & Brother, No.« South Third street, tnake lho follow iDg qnnta'ioi B of the rstes of exchaueo twlsy. at 1 P. M..- United autes Slier or IB3L lltffWra do, ten, S? a* ’SSfe DBW - u«#@u«i£s ! & 0# r *» do. is®, luxauci; t’B- .04fty-IGyJifrjllCol;,; L e. 30 Year‘6.per cent (Jy-. *K lnL W• < W I SS»' bmiUi.Koiiduliih &. Co.,bankers. Third and Chestnut, ffigM .•£»*, ovioalr«followsfOold 184*: V. B. M««v ItJ«i 7%: Flyc,twentlp».tB6i do 1861. W-iUmiy do 1665. WXm\7Ki do. Jnly, 1865 UW$ iujk; d°. •upMm-.Ao. do nieiuKam & Ptv.Si Ten fortius, KW@io6 Hi Cumuc> 6s, day lOoiea Co quote Government securities. «c.. to gay •« fo J lo r/„; u - M «: ’ 5 5 20’s oflß6U2ltf @1,2014: do. 186f.ll6«(?n«; do. Nov.. ?BSB ll7R@tm£; dr. "Jrty, 16«5, lMk@l!6: do 1667, 114>d@U5: do. IRSfcTUSd for ties, lOofialOSf; Gold, ; Paclßco.Wl.'i Philadelphia Produce narKet. T ursr>»Y, A prll 20 —There Ib a steady demand for ClO ▼ereetd. end B<a 4uo bushels sold at $8 50 -»thb latter figurofroni recoDdhauda. Hiuall Bates of Timothy at $4 60(<?84 75 nn ndv»Dce. Thu receipts of Flaxseed are trifling, am it i* worth $2 65@52 70. , , 1 'lb*-/© is a little more dolog ia* home .trade m»i)if<ttlnr a lit*!*- iuor* dl'pnMtfou to operate, but there Jr do '{notable cbftnge In prices. About 1,200 bar r ola changed, ebb fly Extra families. including lowa Wis c.'mHn and Minnesota. at $6 50@7 25. Penußvlvanfa at 87(o 7* 60; (rdiaon <md Ohio ats3«*e. the U ( ter for choice; fkDcy lots at $10312; Fxtraat $6.7 6@6 25: and Super floe at $636 60: afro Jo<> barrels “Kosciusko” on ee:rot terms. Small sales of of Kyo Flour at s7@7. 25. In Com MeM nothing dolog. The Wheat market Is quiet, and for prime tote prices are well maintained. Bmall sales of Kea at $1 6035 l 65; Amber af $1 76381 80; 1,0(0 bushels fancy flpriog at $1 W.*ard 3.W0 bushels California on secret terms. Aye Is selling at $1 46. The offerings of Cora are small: ericas steady. Sales'! 3,000 bushels Yellow at 88c ; 800 bushels White at 82366r.;'2Ub0 bushels mixed. In store, at 823 84c. and 1,000 bushels high mixed, in the Elevator, at 88c. Oats are steady, with sales of Western at 76c* 1 Whisky is very-quiet, with sales of tax paid at 96395 c. New Torn Honey market. (From the Mew York Herald of to-d*y*l, April Ml—''the course of the gold marker is still reflec tive of tbe opposing Influences of tbe Unban question and the Alabama claims dispute on the one side and tbe arrt. vsl of foreign specie on the other* The price to>4ay touched 134>| -quite a contrast to the figure which pre vailed only a few weeks ago* Tbeoneetuod state of the public misd as to tbe course which the adminis tration will pursue in the controversy with tbe Spanish authorities of the island of Coba aids the operators for a rise; but as a great many were purchasers of gold at a low figure ihere was a di<u position In the forenoon to sell, and the price settled to 18314. hut reacted in the afternoon. The meUure of ofirfica to prepay the May and July Interest on the five twenties has brought comparatively little gold loto tbe market from the Treasury* owing to the demand for a re bate of six per cent Were ine offer to cash the May coopocs unconditional it would afford great relief to tbe gold-uriog branches of basin* ■* in the metropolis. r ‘he arrival of a million on Saturday contributed to the yield ing oi (be mo-ket to day. trains tbe amount is relatively sm*U it was roon absorbed in the treat whirl of metro politan commerce* The European steamer brought $B6 000 in specie t/vday. Lest than half a million dollars of coupons have been paid upon account of the antlcip v ted May and July interest, under Secretary Bpottvell'a r« cent order. The rebate amounts to about $1 700. The market soon got over the effects of these influences, aod a rrgular flurry was produced upon receipt of tbe ne *s of Benator Lhai-dler’s warlike speech In distending Mi pro pceltlon to take British North America as an onset to 'ho Alabama daia s. Street rumors to tbe purport that a volunteer expedition had goae to Cuba added to tbe ex. ci'cmtnc of tne Gold hsorn. ia which was trans acted for several hours after the formal adjournment of the board. ~ i ash gold was In good demand, and rates for borrowing ranged fiom iwo p*r cent, per annum to 1-32 per dletn, with an exceptional instance at two per ceat. for carry ing After tfle ring House rime 1-64. 1-62 and 3-M were paid for bo rowing. The following ia the report of the Gold Fxehange Bank: Told cleared Gold belan*' Currency balance T> e mariret for foreign exchange woa more active, nod prime Hank ere* sixty dav eterling bills advanced to IQB5v The demand for bills with which to remit the -payment of the May coupons on the bonds held abroad, stimulates quotations. A further beaw consignment of theee coupons was received to-d - v by the Bremen steamer, without a spirited re-action in the European investment demand for five-twentiee,lt is probable that the exchange will do otherwise than folio * i e usual course upon tbe apuroacb of simmer and go upward. At lb*- openins of bustnesa governments were stroog.but wire subsequently uroesed for sale to realize tbe high prices which bare been ruling recently, while the foreign ouotatJoa came unfavorable. A declloe to 815* at boo don wa» followed bv a still further ylcld'ng to 8U aod private despatches say these circumstances the market became heavy, and the Jalv bonds, which bad been quoted as high as 115k@1155i fell off »o 116, the 62s rltldins to I2OM. but the higher urlco of go'd kept the market steady at th*>> decline, until the announcement of the bellicose speech of Senator Chandler, when it again g«ve way. Southern securities were Irregular. Tenneweea anl Virslmss were sti one. with an active demand. Louisi ana* were steady ana quiet, the market in New Qrleaas being higher than In New York. The new North Caro lina* have been pressed for sale on account of the demand fo'fnnds by tbe Williamsport and Tarboro RaUroid Company. *lbc market was strong for the o d bond*. Tb« money market was a shade more active than on gatnrdav, but the demand was met at 7 per cent cur. .rency. the i Diform rate of the day on call loans with all the various classes of ccllateraU. Commercial paper fell the influence of the altered tone of »hft roouey market much more s*n»ib!y to-day. and prime double names sMd Suite freely at 9 per cent. The range of rates te from this gure to twelve per cent. The suspension of a Washing, ton street packing and provision bouse was announced today, the reported liabilities being $50,000. New York Stock market* iCorrespondence of the Associated Press.l New Yopjl. April 20 —Stork* dnllr Gold. 184%: ExchangA S; Fire- twenties. 1862. 120%: do.. IBSi nr,',; do. IWS. 117%: Dew. 114%; 1867. 114%; Ten-fortie«. KW Virginia Bixm>;6tU ;WfHonri Bixee. 87: Canton Company, C 2.%; Cumberland Preferred. 29; N. York Central 165%: heading. 94%; Hudson River. 147 M: Michigan Central, 123%; Michigan Southern- 08%: lili-nls Central. 142% ; Cleveland and Pittabrn*gb.S>2M ;Clevel*nd and T01e<10,38%; Chicago and Rock Inland. 1X3%: Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, IBX Barken by Telegraph. fSpecial Despatch to the Phllada. Evening Bulletin.] Nsw Yobk, April 20, I2}tf P. M.—Cotton—Tbe market this morning was dull and tamo. Bales of about 600 bales. We quote as follows: Middling Uplands, 283*; Middling Orleans, 29k- Flour. Ac.— Receipts— 8 650 barrels. The market for Weston and State Flour is dull and heavy. The ealos are about 8.000 barrels, including Superfine State at $5 80® $6 75; Extr* fitat* at $5 00(36 40; Low grades Western Extra at $5 75(36 35. Southern Flour la inactive and nomi nal at for Extra Baltimore and Country and for Family do. California Flour is inactive and nominal at for old via the Hoin. and for new via the lsth mm. Grain—Receipts of Wheat. 8 830 bushels. The market is inactive and tame. No transactions The sales are bushels No. 2 Milwaukee at B—<®~, and No. 1 do. at s—<3—. Corn—Receipts. 25.000 bushels. The market is steadier with a fair bus imsa, Sal** of 80 000 bushels new Western at 63M&84CM afloat. Oats —Receipts, 9,700 bush. Market firm with a fair demand. Baies at 76Jdc. in store. Hye nominal. Bariev depressed. Fro virions—The receipts of Pork are 1,458 barrels The market Is nominal at $Bl for new Western Mess. Lard— Receipts 206 pksThe market is firm with a fair demand. We quote fair to prime steam at 18J4(2)18%c. Whisky—Receipts 1.850 barrels. The market is heavy We quote Western free at 62c. Coffee firm. Sngar quiet and steady a sales at Ilk® 12. Piitbucbgh, A prli 20.—Crude Petroleum quiet but firm —sales of 1,000 bbls. s, 0., at lCVjc.; 2,000 bbu.—l,ooo each, month, May and June—l6c.; Refined held with iucreased confidence—eaUs of 6001 bis. A pril at 83)4c.; I.OOU bbla. do. at 82bc.: 2.0C0 bbls.—l,ooo bb a. each. May and June— at 84c.: for May to December 36c. was bid: shipped from D W. Depot 1.150 bbts Refined, 200 bbla.Tar. and 60 bbU. Lubricating; Receipts, 770 barrels. (Correa do licence of the Associated Press.) New Youk, April 20.—Cotton steady; 300 hales sold at 28k.ll'ur heavy and declined 5c.: sales of 4 600 barrel*. Bt«*te $6 85(36 4U: Western $5 20(38; Southeta $6 10 3 $1175. Wheat cecllning;'sales of 3 000 bustp s: No. 2, $1 43. Com heavy; tales of 26.000 bushels at 80384 c. Oats firmer .sales or 14.000 bushels at 78c afloit and 76)£0. In sir re. Beef quiet. Pork firm; new mesa,s2L Lard firm at 18.S.®18?iC Whbky heavy at 90c. Baj TUiots, April 20.—Cotton quiet at 28)u cents. Flour more active, w® quote Reward Street »upe»fine at $6 oo (5 0 50; do. Fxtraat $7 00@8 75; do. Family at $8 50 3 s!»< 10: City Mills Superfine at $6 00@6 50; ao. Extra at $7 10(39 ro; do. Family at $9 00(2)1175; Western Snppr* fine «t $5 75(36 25; do. FxLa at $6 50®8 00. and dx Family at $8 25(39 00. Wheat dull; sales of choice Red at $2 af. Corn dull; prime White, 79(381 cento; Fellow, 84(386 rent*. Cats firm for prime; heavy. 76(3180 cent* ; light. 65(2)70 rents. Rye drill at $1 40@1 45, Piovtaiona and Whliky unchanged. innanvuk. $4,500,000 SEVEN PER OE&T. GOLD BONDS, Ttolrty rears to Ran, The Lake Superior and Mississippi River Railroad Company. They are a Slr»t Mortgage linking Fund Bond Free of United States Tax. one mmos six nr\DUKi» and tqirty-two uddum ACRIB OF CHOICE LANDS, And by the Bailroad, its Bolling Stock and the Fran chises of the Company. A Double Security and Pint Clan Investment Id every respect, yielding in Currency nearly Ten Per Gent, Pep Annum; Gold, Government Bonds and other Stocks received in payment at their highest market price. Pamphlets and full information given on application to JAY COOKE & GO., No. 114 South Third Street. E. W. CLARK & GO., No. 85 South Third Street,’ Fiscal Agents of the Lake Superior anti Miesiasipp : River Railroad Company. mblOdOtrp* ,' ,t , THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, iPRIL2O, 1869. THIRD EtflTlONv JP.OM WASHINGTON EXTRA SESSION OFTHs SENATE TBE GRANT-BOSS DIFFICULT? A Personal Exblanatiotr Senator Boss Vindicates Himself PROM CALIFORNIA. LATER ADVICEB f ROM MAZATLAN Attempt to Create a Revolutioa a Failure GOLD DIGGINGS DISCOVERED From WaiWniiiont [Special Despatch to the Fhila. Evening Bullofln.] Washington, April 20.— When the Senate met to-day, Mr. Robb made a personal explanation relative to tbe published accounts of bis later view with tbe President, which he eaid were grossly incorrect Ho entered at some length into bis grievances In tbe matter ol tbe Kansas appointments, claiming that- good Republicans, wbo bad been gallant soldiers, were removed for no other reason, tban that they were his friends. Mr. Pomeroy replied, saying that in his opinion the President’s eonrse with regard to these ap pointments would be sustained by tbe people of Kansas. Be said tbe persons removed were un friendly to tbe Republican party, and two of them bad rnn for office on the Democratic ticket. Tbe adjournment resolution was called np by Mr. Edmunds and opposed by Mr. Snmner. It was announced that the'Senators bad infor mation that the President wonld send in his last batch of appointments to-day, and that they wonld be few and unimportant. Tbe resolution was finally amended to read that when tbe Senate adjonrn on Thursday, it adjourn without day, which will allow tbe ses sion, if necessary, to be prolonged till Friday noon, and was then passed. Bax Francisco, April 19.—Late Mazatlan advices stale that tbe attempt of Col. Palacios to create a revolution in Sinaloa has been a decided feilnre. After escaping from Mazatlan be pro ceeded to Colima, where be succeeded In sedn cing tbe garrison. En teribg tbe place, and finding no money in tbe Mint, be levitd a contribution on tbe mer chants of the city to tbe amount of 620,000, bat succeeded in raising only $1,600, and not being able to sustain himself, he disappeared. It ia be lieved that he bas gone to Tepic, reiving on Lerodo for assistance. Before Palacios left, he pioclaimed in favor of Gen. Placedo Vegas as Governor of Sinaloa. The proclamation created but little sympathy. Gold diggings have recently been discovered near Mazatlan, and attracted a crowd ol people Considerable gold bas been token oat. One lnmp contained $l,OOO In gold. The city of Mazatlan bas effected a loan of $2O 000 fur the purpose of buildiDg a hospital. Eveijtbing was quiet In LowerOalifornla. Le pez bas been declared commandicia of tbe mi litia, with a garrison of 200 men- The legislative assembly of Lower California bas been suspended altogether. The number of Government officers is increased and tbe whole administration is changed. 1 be mines of Svntonla ore doißg well. .$63,022,000 . 1.601Atf7 Kidnappers have appeared in SiDaloa. and tbe amboritiee have instituted stringent measures against them. San Francisco. April 19. — The Crown Point and Kenlucb shafts have been opened, and there are no indications of fire. Water has risen nearly to tbe 600 feet level, aDd It will take several days to overcome it. An exploration so far denotes the actual damage as very slight.. The ship C.-esarilok, belonging to the Ameri can-Rnsslan Commercial Company, arrived from Silks She was sent back to this port in charge of rtvenue officers, with a cargo of salt which she took hence. A number of vesfeels have cleared for Alaska,with assorted cargoes, with tbe iDten tion of tradiDg with tbe Indians and trappers. Anxiety is felt by the owners as to how they will fare Id case tbev fall into tbe Collector’s hands and are subject to bis arbitrary rulings. Flour is quiet and nominal. Wheat is inactive, and extreme figures are offered; choice, 61 55. Legal-tenders. 76%. Sailed, ships Coldstream, for Liverpool; Bnn. rise fer Callao, and Albert William for Monte video. Washington, April 20.— 1 n the Senate, imme diately after the reading of the journal, Mr. Ross took the floor and read a long personal explana tion, characterizing the reports of his late inter view with President Grant as being grossly ex aggerate. Be then denounced Grant's removal of men from offlee, merely because they had been appointed by Johnson, and also went into a vindication of his own general coarse daring last year, and said bltfntnre support of the adminis tration should neither be blind nor subservient. The Bet ate took np Ur. Edmnnds's resolution fixing the adjournment sine die on Thursday, at 4 o'clock P. M. After a debate in which Messrs. Sumner and Pomeroy argned that the Senate conld not get ibrongh the business by that lime, and Messrs. Edmonds and Morrill expressed their views to the contrary, the resolution was passed with a modification omitting tbe boar. Tbe Senate then went Into Executive session. Indianatolis, April 20 Last night a terrific rain and ball storm, accompanied with wind and lightning, passed over this city. Tbe Indiana Central Bailroad freight depot was blown down, and a number Pt other buildings suffered. Thu watchman of tho Central depot. Allen McCullom, was killed, and other employes seriously in put d. The Rev. David Bollou, Universallst minister itl mice,was passing tbe depot at tho time of tbe .totin, look shelltr In (he depot, and was se ; ionsly if not fatally injured. The telegraph lines in the city were all pros uuted, but have been repaired and communica tion resumed. Baltimore, April 20.—The funeral of the fire men, Job. Mcßride, killed by the falling of a wall in McClellan alley on Saturday night, took place veeterday afternoon, attended by tho Mayor, Pirsldents and membeis of tho City Council, Police end Fire Commissioners, detachments of the Police and Fire Departments, and many oili er ne. The other disabled firemen remain about ns flretreported. Aquilla Johnson, aged 90, died yesterday. He served ln the defence of Baltimore'ln 1814. The 1 birty-flftjb anniversary of the Maryland State Bible Society was held last night at Dr, Smith's church. The total receipts for the past year from all sources were $16,630. Gi n. Andrew W. Denison,tbe new Postmaster, entered upon tbe duties of the offlee yesterday. Madison, April 20—The body of Mr. Austin, of Kentucky, was found in a hollow below the pike, this morning. He had fallen over the em bankment, and miserably perished, it is supposed ahout three weeks since. Ho was evidently in toxicated at the time. MeCltiro Branham, formerly superintendent of the Madison division of tbe Indiana Railroad, died at bis residence in North Madison, at o o’clock this morning. (Bpectal Despatch to tho Phllada, Evening Bulletin.) Nkw York, Aprll 20 The steamship City; of An twerp has arrived irom Liverpool, She brings A‘20;C(10 in’specie. Mitchell, April. 20.—A fire occurred in tho business potllon of this town yeßtorday, which •destroyed property to tho value of $30,000. The loss is partially covered by insurance. JlSlle O’Oloolx BYTELEGRAPH. From nail a rancisco. Tbe United states Senate. Tbe -Storm In tbe West. From Baltimore. Heaths at Madison, Indiana. Arrival of Specie Fire ln Canada. FOMH‘EDITION, LATHE FROM WASHINGTON Bush of Visitors to the White House NAVALINTBLLIGBNOE New YORK MONEY B£ARKET From tVQNblngton- - . Washington, April 20.—About one hundred clerks, so far, have been discharged from the Third Auditor’s Office, and forty-two new ap pointments made, two of whom are colored men. One is Robert R. Douglass, son of Frederick Douglass, and the other James E O. Hare, who; . was clerk in tbe North Carolina Constitutional Conventicn. The rush of visitors at tbe appointment office of tbe Treasury was intolerable today, so that tbe appointment clerk was compelled to station a door-keeper, with instructions to admit no one until 12 o’clock. There was also a large crowd at the-Internal Revenue Bureau. Lieutenant-Commander A. G. Kellogg la or dered to dnty at New Orleans, In connection with tbe Iron-clads. Master Francis B. Sheppard is ordered to.tbe Nava) Academy. Chief Engineer W. H. Shock is ordered to special dnty at Wash ington Navy Yard. Ltent O. F. Heyerman Is detached from League Island station and granted leave of absence. A very large crowd of visitors were at the Executive Mansion this morning, the doors of the President’s office being open until 12 o’clock, when those present availed themselves of the op portunity of obtaining an interview with the Chief Magistrate. Among those who had per sonal interviews were Senators Cattell, Hamlin, Cole, Drake, Morton, Thayer, Schnrz, Cragln, Wilson, Fenton, Nye and Boreman. Mr. Robert Lincoln also paid bis respects. The Cabinet met at hood, with all the members preeent except Secretary Borta. New Tork Honey market. ISpeclal Despatch to the Philadelphia Evenlns Banatha.] New York, April 20 The money market is very qntet, with an abundant supply at 7 per cent, on all classes of collateral. Thehanks lend liberally.and are daily strengthening their position by receipts from tbe interior. Disconots are rather more active.but on account of the accu mulation of paper during the recent stringency, little change bas yet been produced in rates. Prime paper rates at 10@12 pei cent., with ex ceptions at 9. Gold has been strong, opening at 133% and advancing to 134%, principally ’sustained by a corner In gold and the complications in Caban afflairsand tbe Alabama treaty. ’ The gold loan market is easier, and raugea from two per cent, for currency to flat, 3-61 for borrowing. Ex change is dull at 108. for prime bills. Governments are %@% per cent, lower on the entire list, owiDg to the decline in Five-twenties in London, to which tbe local market responds. There have been many sales to realize, the recent abort advance principally coming from tbe banks and holders in tbe interior. In Stato bonds, new North Cardinal, are weak, and heavily pressed at 53, owing to rnmors that the State bas loaned its credit to the amount ol four millions to the Wil mington, Charlotte and Rntberiord Railroad Tennessee 6’e firm at 65% for old and 67 for new, an rnmors that the July interest will be certainly paid. Tbe stock market sbowß less speculative inte rest than daring the last three or four days, and is dull and low. The chiei feature is Pacific Mail, in which a bear movement was inaugurated, forcing tbe price down 2 per cent, to 92%,though a subsequent recovery to 93% was noticed. Read ing is noticeably strong at 95%. The rest of the list bas no special feature. Express and miscel lantoas shares are ail firm. Tbe Petroleum market. ISpecial Ceapatcb to the Philo. Evening Bntletin.] New York, April 20.—The market for crude is quiet. Boles afl7%. Refined is dull at 33. FBOB NstV YORK. New York. April 20ih.—For several weeks tho Cubans in this city have been working quietly but assiduously to aid their brother revo lulionists In the field by tbe shipment of men. money and mnnitione to them. Volunteering is going on very rapidly but very quietly, and the recruits are promptly forwarded in small detach ments to Cuba. Very recently a full battery of fit Id artillery, completely equipped and manned, was despatched, and information bas been re ceived of its safe arrival. Recruiting Is progressing rapid'y at the Brook lyn Navy Yard. The report that twenty vessels are to be made ready for service is untrue. There are only eight that eould be made serviceable ia a few weeks, and the only one that is actually preparing for tea is the practlce-Bhip Sabine, which carries tbirty-slx guns. A club-house for ladies was opened yesterday at No. 49 East Twenty-third street. Miss Busun B. Anthony will move the Revolution offlee to the bnlldlng, and the SoroslB,Worklngwomen’s Asso ciation and other societies will occupy apart ments in it. In addition to this, several rooms will be devoted to sleeping purposes for ladies visiting the city, who may not wish to go alone to hotels. Breakfast will be served to them, but no other meals will be given at present. The hotipo Is to bo elegantly famished. Tbe amount of tbe defalcation of Mr. Peck,tbe absconding warehouseman, turns out to be much less than was first announced. It is now re duced to $150,000. Tbe warehouse ln Brooklyn is now ln charge of the Sheriff, under an order of injunction made fay Judge Gilbert. The Brooklyn Board of Aldermen yesterday adopted an ordinance prohibiting velocipede rid ingfon the sidewalks in that city. Tbe 340th anniversary of tbe signing of the protest against the Romish Cbnrch was celebrated at Cooper Institute last evening. Addresses were made by Mr. Wm. D. McKinley,Wm. A. Masker, Rev. Dr. Tyng and Rev. H. D. Northrup. cm BULUSTIN, Dhstecctive Fire.—This morning, ahout half past eleven o'clock, a fire broke out in one of a row of bouses located In the Twenty-fourth Ward, near the bridge at the Falls of Schuylkill. The flames communicated to the other buiidlna6 in tho row, and all were pretty well burned oti'. Tbe bouses were owned by Mr. Simpson, ani were occupied by parlies in the employ of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. Onited Stateb Marshal. —Col. John Ely re ceived his commission as United States Marshrl for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, IhL morning. Ho will outer upon the dischirgj of bis duties to-morrow. IMPORTATIONS. for the Philadelphia Keening Bulletin. BUENOS AV KES—Brig Home. Phillips—6oo bhls salt ns.lons rede ood John Dnllutt & Co. t.AHDßNAS—Sehrlroneisa, Meyer—3s7 hhds inoioaso* 45 tc« do E C Knight & Co CARDENAS—.Brig J C Clark. Wbltp more-519 hhds 61 tc " M»fravadon°ln“iiea E C Knight fcCo. MAI ANZAB--Schr R H Baker, Lorlug—s6s hhdarao* laßree sfi«CodoEG Kmgbt A 'Jo. CAhDENAB- Brig G W ChaflO,Bacon—lB4hhdß<9tc moUs Ea Harris, Heyl A Co v A Blaladell, Garfitjld-SOOtooagaxuo J E Baxley A Co, BAGUA— Bchr e Binnickaon, Win*more—B3B hhde 83 ten sugar 44 bhds roolßeaes SAW W«bh. «o i i AV uij^«?i ,^?,ea,Tier Tonawandn, Cart WakelflV -98 dry hide* 93 bdla salt hides P At B ad Co;lt bales cotton ( ochran. KiiB86ll&Co; 76d0 112 bale* donit-Bricit C*agh'*rii. Htrrirg Ai Cos 28 do yarn Hay A McDevitt;l6 do A WhUU din Al Bona; 10 dp BAtnnle* MinorAißro; 81 do cotton order* 77 do Randolph* Jebks :ll do R T) Wood H Bon*: 118 half and qi bhls Char Engel; 80 bbla 163 hlf do Ma-*.«*ey, H.mi.m AM o; 4 ckerJcO John Powers At Co; 2 bhls oil 2 hlids 4 oars 7 reiver H Bcb&cbt; 8 balea napor *tock 7 hhdn inetul »9 btlfl do l ICO do 1 lot loos** Iron E Samuel; >vi»h auudry sieall Jf £".rcela to W i. Junes, Oenl Agent • ’ : . nA ’i l ;r, B , To . N^ B . chr H M Bqnlro. Ft-k 167.659 rent I ineb and IX inch Y P flooring boards Patters,in & Lip. pinrott > , RlCHMONp,yA—3ehrElite. Woolford-69784 ft YP * Dlppincott Nr.HFOLK-Schr {?r»ce Watson, Watlaoo-75 000 foot Y P busrds 88,(W) Inch and 2 feet codar and cyproa* ehlu glea A Mpplncort. |*()RTBMOU r 'H, YA—Hchr Buckeye, Keen-48,787 feot Y P boards P Tramp, Bondi Co; filAKiNifi JB UJMLiK't'JLK. PORT QF PHILADELPHIA—AI'R'L 3).- Wrfiflfl gartwa Bulletin ttn irwide Piaqa, . „A A ARRIVED THIS DAY ' Btqainer yasoOkCatbarno from Now Oricane via Hava* na, 4 <0 hour*,' with cotton. *Mgar, aa to Phila dvlpbla and Southern Mall Btoainshld Co. Fasiod off Duck crook fiat* b'<rk Ko*nntte« from. Cabiym. Pas. erneers from uayana-Mr Katie o*DmuoL \ M OvriUlo, and < wife. Mrs O WLdnr. Mr Wiud«r, W o Warclu£ p L Bnrclar, J Ramond and tabiily, CspfWsV MendoUboOtAKmnie, J E Wallace Mies Wall Ade, Henry 3:00 O’Oloott. Mfrfldfth and brother, Aug Brotnlcy, F Blnlet, and eight titeauiefTdfiawbndar tV'aVoley. 70 honrefironj fjfaVan nab, with cotton. &«. ttf Philadelphia and S&mtheni Mfeil. HBC« Pasucngcra—Mr Wingate. Mr E Morris, MrFK>l ley, BTrGB-CorMStbek,MrEA Mr B 8 Hay Mr 0 f)La Puma. Mfrn E»a 8, boll, Miss Amelia Scholl, Mr W H HulfeandMr'Jbos.No’ia. - * ; Steamer Saxon. Hears, <8 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to ' U winsor ft Co. tftenmer Frank.'Pierce. 34hours from NewYork.with indKo to W M Haird A Co., , , * Steamer w 8 Hhrlver. Rlggios. from Baltimore, with mdae to A Groves, Jr. ' Steamer W/C Pierrcpcnt, Shropshire. 24 hours from New York, with mdie to WmM Baird ft Co. Prig j tr Clark. Whittemore, » days from Cardena?, noriatcea to E C Knight ft Co. BriicGW: batei Bacon. 9 dare from Cardenas, with molfteteßfoßarrtollejl&Co. 17th lost lat 85 ion 74)0 spike hark from Matanzae for V York. Schr K H Baker. Lories, 9 da/s from Matonzae, with molasses to E C Kufghtft Co. Sebr Leoneenu Meyer. 13 days from Gardena*, with moIaMPB to E C KnUht ft Co- 14th Inst lat 3120' 100 75M, Geo Pilvey. teaman, while furling sails, was struck by lightning and > ilierf. iJe was about 28 years old, was a native of the Western Islands.' Hrhr Fenner.. *i uonell. 1 day from Indian Hirer. DeL with grain to Collins ft Co- .. . • Schr M*ry fv Sipple, 1 day from Milford, with DeL grain to .)aa Barrett, . • Schr Grace Watson, wallnee, from Norfolk, Va, with boa»dt end to Patterson ft Ltpptncott. Schr F.lite, 8 days from Richmond, Va, with hoards to Patterson ft Lfpomcott. Schr H N Squire, Fisk* 6 days from Charleston, 8 C„ with boards to <*o Bcbr Buckeye. Keen* 9 days from Portsmouth; Va., with lumber to D Trump Son ft t;o. Sr hr A Blafodell, Gajfield, from Nevirea29th ult. with guano to J E Barley ft co. Left brigs Alici Le* and H A jiunt.boih for Baltimore and schr.Hattie Page for PhJla d'lphla. ~ Schr Carotin - , Virginia. Brown, 3days from Choptank riyer with B R tics to Conquest ft Fowler. * TiKAKRP THIS BA a Steamer Panita. Freeman. New York, John F OhL Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. <> LI WES. Dkl, April 19. Bark Ocean, -for ; . fit Jo&ps: brigs Emily Fiber, for Bagna, and Albatrors; from Philadelphia for 8t Jotin.Nß. went to sea Saturday. BrigC V Williami, Irom Zaxa, has arrived at the Breakwater for orders. Ycnre.6c. JOSEPH LAFETRA. MEMORANDA. Ship Louisa (Br), Lansdown; from Hong Kong Dec. 80, at New York yesterday, with matting, firecrackers. Ac. TUB THUS Aim. CHKOMO EXPOSITION JAMES S. EARLE & SONS uouss .UitwutßKOOn. AND FREE GALLERY OF MllfrWGl, ©l6 CHESTNUT STREET. ■ Now open.'an extremely interesting exhibition, prepared to explain the method of producing rhromo*,and to show their remarkable fidelity to the originals, giving a full answer to tbe oft repeated question, "Wh*.t are chromos?" With this view are placed, side by hide* several prominent original paintings, and the chromos from them, for careful comparison, amor g which are: £ji Whit tit r*a “BAREFOOT BOY,” Bierstadt's “CALIFORNIA BUNBET,” Lemmen*s “POULTRY YARD,” Tait’o “GROUP OF CHICKENS,” “ “GROUP OF Q0AIL8” Bricher’s AUTUMN IN Will! E MOUNTAINS; Mrs. Lilly M. Spencer's “BLACKBERRIES,'*'and otliore. At present arc ext* ted in the show a Indow. on Cb*st ent street, 'he original painting and chromoof LAKE TrtebeL Copies of this and all other chi on os always for sale Hy special arrangement we now make a notable reduction in the prices oi PRANG'S CHROMOS, as follows: Group of Chicken*, or Quails, each $3 75 Six Americ* n Landscapes, each 1 13 Autiron. Esopus Creek 4 5u The ■ Poultry Ya-d 3 76 (orregsl A Magdalen 7 Bo The Kid’s Plavg ound 4 60 “A liimd in Need” 4 5) Easter Morning 7 50 Whittier’* “Baiefoot Boy” 3 75 «uiiligH m Wii ter 9 00 Biers’adt’s California Sunset 7 50 Hones in a Storm 5 83 7he Two friends 4 60 Th»* l neon cions Sleeper 4 50 Boyhood of Lincoln 9 on Crown ot New England It 25 And all others at the same rates. Full lists, and prices, and Prang’s ’ JOURNAL OF POPULAR ART,” on ap plication. '■ arl2l2trp> NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION! AT EABLES’ GALLERIES AND LOOE ING-GIiASS WAHEBOOM&, ©l6 CHESTNUT STREET. YO SEMITE VALLEY, by Thomas Hill. GOOD WORDS, by Constant Mayer. THE BOYHOOD OF LINCOLN, by Eastman Johnson. THE CROWN OF NEW ENGLAND, by Geo L. Broom St NBET IN CALIFORNIA, by A Bieretadt THE REEF OF NORMAN’S WOE, by E. Moran. COAPT OF NANTUCKET, by Wm. T. Richards. And other very fine AMERICAN PAINTINGS* Also, a Special Exhibition of Bierstadt’s Eruption of Vesuvius, 1868. ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. PROPASAMt, iuii'i i,ui \jQ*xuo i VH AAL) K.hfcjr’- O log clean all theetieefe, alleys, courts,or other public high* bj b, witij 'he inlets and gutters therein embraced, within tbe followir g areas in the city of Philadelobia, fr< m date of contract to the first day of January, 1870. S« »u d i<rorotals will be received at the Office of the Bt»AKL»OFHEA.LTb,S. w.corner Sixth and Saosom sts , until 12 o’ciock noon, on the tint day of Mar, 1869, for eh nn*iug and ktej ing thoroughly cleansed all the streets, alleys, courts or other public highways, with the Inlets ard gutt« r>, together with the Immediate removal from tbe Llgbways of all filth and dirt, after the same has bt tD co lecttd t- rether, embraced in the area of each o( the several districts named and described in this adver tisement All to be done under the supervis'on and to the en ire satisfaction of the Boatd, and between sunset and Hide roust be for xparate districts, the number of tho district, end each bid must be accompanied v ith a cer tificate frrm tbe L’ity Solicitor, thatsecuritv has been en ter* d at tbe Law Department in tbe sum of five hundred (CUP) dobaip, in compliance with an ordinance of Coun cils. appiovid March Sdth. 1860. The hoard r» serve tue risbt to reject any and all bids, also tbe ii»ht to award conti act* for one district only. Warrants for the payment of qsid contracts will ba drawn in conformity with Section 6 of thaactof Assem bly* apirovtd Aisrcn 16lh. 1869. Tbe envelopes enclosing tie proposals should be endorsed “Proposals for 8t eet Cleaning,” naming t >e number of the district bid for. Fifth Lirtiict— From tbe north lino of South street to ti e north Hue ofCbesmut street and from the Delaware riv< r »o the west Hue of t Uth ttieet Sixth Dieti let—From the north line of South etroetfo 'be north He* ot Chestnut street, and from tho west line rf m'h street to the west line of Broad street. EJrfith Dif-r ct—Frnn tbe north lino • f Chestnut street to ibe north line o> Vine street, and from (he Delawaro river to the wot lire of Sixth street Mrth Distiirt —tmm tbe north Uno of Chestnut street 'o ihe north line of Vice a.rect. »ni from the west line of r*ix» h s’ rttt to ti e west line of Broad street, liy oidt r of the Board of Health WM. P. TROTH. 5 V , , . J . , ' 'L. . ..J .VJ l. • ~L.Kj 1 I.' tk.N LA U. , k_ i, nMa* the t».b<* from all the streets, allbys courts, :v/d other t»t blic h»gh« Hy* embruced within tho follow ii i, ,ren in tit* city of F*hilaaulpQla,from date of contract ’nth* fr st, of jHLuaTV- 1870. hei*ed proposals will bo received at the office of the » OAKD Ot* HEALTH, southwest corner of Sixth a d 8m tom streets, until 18 o'clock, coon, on the Ist davo' 1869. for collecting and removing. *mve a we»£ al a*) «s which bu'e been nlaccd upon the sidewalks bv rehirirnt* or occupants of houses, stores, dwellings, Arc., to be t*moved in tight carte, securely roofed over, with m sojustabk* door n the roof, iu such mniino' as shall b anireved by the Board, embraced in tho area of <ho follow ing districts a** named and described i* thL ridTi rtinement, eh to bo done under the supervision and to h< entire i atfifaction of the Board. Bide must name the number of tbe district, and each bid must be accompanied with a certifies c from the Cit\ Holidtor, stating that security has been entered at thV Law Dopaitim-nt in the sum of five hundred dollar (tfttO), in C' nu'H-mce with *n ordinance of Councils an pro\td May ?6. iB6O. The Board reserve tho right to re jet t any aud all bids. V> arrauti< for th* payment of said contracts wlllb drawn in conformity w ith section 6, of tho aot of As sembly approved March 18,1869. The envelopes enclosing thu proposals should be on dosed , '» i iopr,s«h for collecting and removing tho aahe» of t?o< ond District. *’ Sound District—From tbe north line of South street to the north line ot Vine streehand from the Delaware rivet to the wist Hq«: of Bioad street. By order oi tht> Board of Health. WM. P TROTH, llVi*. w<X L.I.- A W ■ * A„> kg A •» %J l\L O o.oviug nil utud aulinale, from date of contract t Jaoi’hr.v I.IWO. n aled ptoi-oxnln will be received at the office of Du BOARD OF HEALTH, southwest corner Sixth aud San soil streets. unOl 12 o’clock noon, on the first day of May Dtp, lor 111*-* r { ph» to collect m d renin* e all dead animal* ir all that part of the city of Philadelphia over which tn Bond of Health have jurisdiction, and acoi tract will b an aided to tbe highest and beet bidder. Each bid mus» l-e accompanied with >i certificate from tho City Solicltm ttatmg that security has been entered at tn« Law - Depar ment in the Min of Aft hundred aclljrs (ffBO). ,in «*»»»<» w™ t n ordinance of Co.incite approved May 85. low »m Board recent ito right to reject any and al I bids. Con trs.otors will bii required in tbe removal and dkposalo/ A?n<l ai Im&fo: to remove them as far J&JS! in such manner that no -Ailin'b‘*doneund"rthe auporvßion and to th— entire rajisfAFtlon of tie Board. hl , Tho enveiopes enclosing tbo proposals, anail bo en dolsed: “X'ropoiiila-for collMtin* »nd removlug doad .«*' “>« , WM.P.TROTa. ■ nrWMmja. BIIES : " WetCMu.y CURTAIN JiVATBRSALft. SPECIALTY IN REAL'L A C E . AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. Will <str<ar our varied stock PERFECTLY NEW AND FRESH. An Inspection trill demonstrate now ■mien tbelr value exceeds tbelr price. REAL LACES, FROM ©6 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Nottingham Laces; FROM ©1 60 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Together with tbe GREATEST NOVELTY, FRENCH LAOE DROP CURTAINS AND LACE SHADES. I. E WALK A YEN, No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHB & CO., 1232 CHESTNUT STREET, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN Lace, Kottlngbam and. Rtaslln Cur tains, cornices, BUnds, Loop,, Cen tres, Ac., Furniture Coverings, Terry, Beps, Hrocatelles, Da masks,<&c., Piano and Table i/ Covers, Window Sbades, 1 Paper Hangings, &C. , AG, WHITE HOLLAND SHADES, Trimmed end pnt up ai> low (ui 81 50 each. Luce Curtains from Auction, veryoheap Our stock la new, our pricea are Uw, and entire eatlo* faction la guaranteed in every inst&nco. CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHE& CO B 8 E. cor. Thlrt«entb and Cbettnnt Sts , Pblla, mb!B th a tu . ' < • ' FINANOIAIjs PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. TBEABVBER’S DEPiRTHEST. Philadelphia, Pinna., April 2, To tbe aiochbolders of the Pennijlvanla Batlioad tempany. All Stockholders, as registered on the Bookß of this Company on the 30th day of April, 1860, will ho entitled to subscribe for 25 Per Cent, of thole respective lutereata In Stock at Par, os follows: P'fraf—Fifty per cent, at the time of subscription, be tween the Ifith day of May, 1869, and the 30th day of June, 188 L Second -Fifty per cent between the 15th day of Novem ber, 1869, and the 31st day of December, 1869; or, If Stock holders übonld prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of subscription, and each instalment so paid shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full #bares. Third— l bat every Stockholder holding less than four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those bolding more than a multiple of four shares eh all bo entitled to subscribe for an additional share. F’otirfA—All shares upon which instalments are yet to he paid under heeolution of May IS* 1869, will be entitled to their allotment of the 85 Per Cent, at par, as though they were paid in full. THOMAS t. FfRTH t Treagtirer« ap2-2mrp » • • DREXEL & 00,. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BANKERS Issue Drafts and. Letters oi Credit available tbroußhout Europe. Dm cl, Wlntbrop & Co., jDrexel, Harjei & Co., NEW YORBT. I ■' PAEIS. mh9Lta4h btf 5p ■ • • No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN - GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, GOLD AND NOTE BROKERS. AcQonnta of Banka, Firms, and Individuals received, sutiw> tooheok at sight, INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES. G.ENERAjT%ENTS. PENNSYLVANIA <-L» UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.;. Tho National Litb iNsnitANCE Comi-amy Is a corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, ap. - proved July 25, 1863, with a ; j - CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Aeenta and Solicitors, who l no Invited to apply at our olltce. „ ■ , Pull particulars to he had on application at our office, located In tlio second story of. our Banking Bouse, where circulars and Painiihletß, fully describing »bf», advantayes offered by the Company, may be bad.’ E. W. CIIA.KI£ ' ' . A’o. 85 £bti(A Third St, din non ,#5 600. AND, SIOW IO INVEST pi ipAU.UUU, firel-Unß.mortgages. i. . ' J. MAODIRE. -. -Hi ■ toa Walnut street. fIH ALK - FOB SALE, 180 TONS OPOUALK,AFLOAT Apply to WOBKUAN & CO„ , , Wains) street
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