Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 10, 1869, Image 4

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-V- Eastoni Gorman Conference. 4
,t '■ Mcisn i)AV—AWERSOOS. 1 ‘ i
The afternoon was taken uphy., various com
mittees In preparing business fortho Conference
by carefully Considering Ihq varied ]lnterest*. M
'lbrredto them. Amring these, aSpeclaL interest
is felt in the circulation of.thejr own, literature.
TWi'CTrwfmn ApidWwiVpubllsUed atUlndlnnntl,
Ohio, under, tbe editorial supervision, of Rev.
Vim Nasti D. D., has reached a clrchlation of
idzteen thousand. •, His able assistant ja Kov, A. ;
LlebtSrd, A. M. Tbe SalbatESchool Betl h«s a;
'circulation of over 20,000. . fho pnbUcations of
'this body arc met with all over tbo West. . .
Conference Sermon— By the appointment of the
Bishop,, at,the preceding Conference, Rev. C.
Grimm,'of Schenectady, New York,* preached be
foro hls brethren, Thursday evening, in, the
chttreh Vrhere the Conference convenes; Hie
sermon, a masterly effort, was delivered from
II Timothy* 4th chapter, sth verse. “Do the
work of an Evangelist, .make M., .proof of thy
ministry.’!! It nras, in the judgment; of all, one of
the best ever preached before the body. A copy
wasaßkod for publication. ~
'The brethren inn (.tendance at the Conference
haveacqnitted tbemsolvea well, showing their
efficiency on the platform aswell as in the pnlpll.
Thiß is the judgment of those who heard the
admirable addresses at the missionary meeting
fr»,m Rev. J.C. Deiningor,'Rev. J. Wolf and Rev.
F. Muelllng. v - V-'v, . „
Rev. J. W. Freund, a devoted minister, so well
known for his loyalty to his country, is the pas
itorof the church where the Conference meets.
Tti. period of service closes, and by the economy
of thu cburr.h;hc Wiliboassigned anew field. The
church dnringihis pastorate has been completed.
,It is a litiilding 40 by 65, capable of seating 3ao
persons: the membership is 110; the value of the
church is $18,000;, the parsonage. $B,OOO. The
present year thoy have met all claims, and -have
averaged from,each member SlB. -i j a n , ’
The high esteem for this faithful, pastor Is.seen
in the accompanying resolutions, passed by the
ministers of the »1. E. Church of Pniladolphla, in
their weekly meeting, and formally presented to
tbe v Conference,"with address by Rev; T. L. Mur
phy, pastor of Tabernacle M. E. Church, and
Rev: 4 John W- Jackson,' pastor of Kensington
M.E. Church: ' ', . ~,
To the Rev. Bishop Simpson, Presiding, and the
Members of the East Gemuin Conference— Dear
Brethren : The Philadelphia Preachers Meeting
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having tor
the last three years enjoyed intimate association
with the Rev. J.W. Freuud, a membor of your
body, have appointed ns a committee to express
to wn theirkigh appreciation of his Christian
Character and ministerial servico; and further, to
'aßsnre yon of their cordial greeting, their prayer
ful interest and pastoral co-operation in all your
efforts to evangelize the increasing German
population of this great city.
* * Thomas C. Mummy,
P. Coombe,
J. Walker Jackson, President.
J. F. Mkehdith, Secretary.
April Bth, 1869.
The Rev. W. H. Pearme, a member of the Ton
neeeeo Conference, has accepted the position of y
Superintendent of Police in Memphis.
' ArAmoy; China, there are now eight flourish
ing Chinese churches, with a membership of 654,
under the Care of tbe Reformed (Dutch) Chnrch.
One of the oldest citizens of Washington said
jin hfeliglouß meeting recently that there never
before were so many earnest, outspoken Christian
men in Congress as now.
Rev. Wm. J. Ci-aiie, of this city, has received
and acepted a call to the Episcopal chnrch in
Yuieland, New Jersey. He will enter upon his
pastoral duties to-morrow.
. The Rev. Joel E. Bradley.for more tbaneloven
years pftktdr of the Pfaccnixville Baptist Church,
has acoepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist
Church, Moorcstown, N. J.
On Monday evening, March 29tb, the Rev-
Alexander Calhoun was installed by the Presby
tery ofPhiladelphla pastor of the Fifth United
Presbyterian Chnrch in this city.
Bishop Early, of the Methodist Church South,
ia-over 88 years of age. At the late Baltimore
Conference ho' preached a very forcible sermon,
showing vigor of mind and body.
The now Bethel, now in process of erection in
Cincinnati, will be one of the most complete of
the bind in onr country. It will cost $60,000, and
t .4,000 Children can be accommodated in its spa
clone rooms.
The Rev. Dr. Starkey, for many years rector
of the Trinity Episcopal Chnrch, Cleveland,Ohio,
goes to the Church of the Ephiphany, Washing
ton, D. 0., made vacant by the resignation of
Dr. Hall.
The British and Foreign Society have engaged
to print ono million separate gospols for clrcula
. lion In Spain, besides ten thousand of the Old
'and 0 like number of the New Testament Scrip
In London the,lncrease of the Baptist congre
gallons within fifteen years has been twice tha
of the Independents, or Oougregntionalists, and
thieo llmea that of the Wesley ans, a fact largely
ascribed to.Mr.Spurgeon’s efforts.
There: isd tendency among a portion of the
Kentucky Presbyterians, who separated front the 1 .
Old Sdhbol Getieral Assembly on account of the
resolutions of thatifjody on the subject of slavory
and loyalty, to return to the old fold.
' Tafe ctnr'ch of Hermon; Beaver Presbytery, in
this State, composed of-snchßcformed Presby
terians as dissent lroni the action of the Synod
in the suspension of Mr. Stuart, recently built a
church and completed it for use in two weeks, j
Tub Rev- A. A. E. Taylor, no.w pdstor of the 1
Presbyterian,chttrch lb Georgetown, IXO., has
been unanimously elected pastor of the Mbunt
Auburn Presbyterian church, Cincinnati, Ohio,
lie is also the Washington correspondent of the
In the western coast of Africa there are now
fifteen thousand communicants connected with
the various churches. It is the hope that hun
dreds of these will become missionaries, and go
forth among their people uud labor for the re
generation oi the continent.
To send n missionary to each million; of the hu
• man race would require a tbonsund men, and the
outlay of at least a million ol dollars. Three quar
ters of the earth s population are uow accessible
to the religious character. To dot all the “waste
places" with churcheß and schools is now the
■great work before the religions world.
• The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Spring
Garden Bible Society will be held at the Oxford
Prcßbyterion Church, corner of Broad and Ox
ford streets, Rev. Mr. Robbins pastor, on Mon
day evening next, April 12th, at a quarter before
• eight o'clock. Several addresses may be ex
nected. A collection will be taken up In behalf
of the Bible cause.
The Protestant Episcopal Church of the inter
cessor, on Spring Garden street, below Broad,
under the charge of the Rev. J. VY. Bonham, was
declared by tbo vestry a free church lr&m and
' after the let fust. The seats will now be free to
every comer. This movement was brought about
by Mr. Bonbam, who has zealously labored to
increase tho membership and uscluiueEs of the
church, r
Rbv.'J. Houston Ecci.kston, rector of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of St Matthew, in
this city, has obtained six months' leave of ab
sence in w,hlch to recruit his, failing health. By
ardent devotion to bis duties and.a faithful min
istration of his high office he has wonthe warm
affection of his people, and be will carry with
him In his search for health tboir hearty sym
pathy and their earnest wishes fur his .speedy re
. covcry. • !
To-morrow will be tho fiftieth anniversary of
the elevation of Pope Pius IX to the priesthood.
This event will be commemorated at the cathe
dral by a discourse at the last niass on the illas
-1 trlous virtues which he has exhibited during his
long priesthood and pontificate, and by a solemn
Te ileum, with the customary prayers. The dis
course will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Horst
m&n, and the To Deum will be sung In plain
chant by tho Seminarians. The Rt. Rev. Bishop
will assist at the mass, in cope and mitre. >
•• .The Rev. Mr. Lowrie, pastor of the Bethany
Mission Church, corner of Twcnty-socond and
oblppeu streets, hoB accepted a call to the Abing
don Church, left vacant by the resignation of
Rev,, Mr. Withrow, the pastor of tho Arch Street
, Presbyterian Church. Mr. Lowrie will preach
his farewell sermon on Sunday, tha 18th Inst.
departure are satisfactory
, v |o Ws late flock and hlmsqlf,, Darina tho four
years of his pastorate at Bethany he“ has given
. back a great portion ot hl B salary, and It is
mainly due to his instrumentality that tho
. Bethany Mission haß attained such a marked
" fiueoesa.
Tußiato Mre.-Mary Rogers, of - Newark, New I
Jersey, beffnnathed seven.hundred dollars to_ the
trusties'of the Firet Presbyterian Chnrch lit New
ark, to aid in the, education of, indigent, young
men in the Union Theological Seminary, New
York,‘and two' for don&tjtutlng
ah ehtire find Independent scholatshlp itt the
same seminary. One thousand dollars were be?
qneathed to did Indigent young men in obtaining
a theological, education.
Another S&bbath School: Institute, under the
management of the Pennsylvania Sabbath School
Association, will'bo held at Bethany Sabbath
Bchool tlall, Twenty-second and Shlppen streets,
beginning on Snudav, April 18tb, and continuing
until Thursday, the "22d. .Several of .the .most
prominent laborers in the cause will, be present
add take part lit the exercises. The children of
the Bethany school will contribute thdir.share of
tbe singing, and the occasion promises to be one
of great'lntcrcst. m .
On Sunday, the 4th tnst.. Rov. Atbra Wadleigh,
rector of Christ Church, Williamsport, Pa-, hold
his last service in that parish. Daring thnthrce
years be has been connected with this congrega
tion be has bound himself very closely to them
by his eloqncnco and faithfnlness, and also by his
social qualities. He waß universally popular
among tbo young, in whom he took o groat in
terest He has, by his energy and perseverance,
been the means of bnllding and completing seve
ral fine churches in and around Williamsport.
At a meeting of the Presbytery of Philadel
phia, held on Monday, the 6th Inst., the follow
ing action was taken on the subject of re-unlon,
bv a nearly unanimous vote: Resolved, that
while this Presbytery, os it has already declared
in'Jnlylast, is cordially in favor of kn orgahlc
union with our New Bchool brethren on the basis
of tbe standards alone, it objects to the consum
mation by the General Assembly of any plan of
union which does not secure to the Presbyteries
the right first to vote thdrefliij_ond it desires and
requests its Commissioners to the next General
Assembly to vote against any such plan.
The Presbyterian church of this city has snf
lertd a severe loss in the death of DaniolL. Col
lier Ee<i., which occurred on Tuesday, the 30th
of March. He was a ruling older of the West
Spruce Street Church, and was widely knownfor
his piety and benevolence. Atlhe time of hi?
death ho was a member of the Board of Managers
of the House of- Refuge, Asylum for the Blind
and Presbyterian Board of Publication. I He
precticed law for nearly forty yoara In Stonben
ville, Ohio, before he came to Philadelphia, and
amor"-bis students were Hon. E. M. Stanton,
Jndge W. F. Johnston, of Connecticut, Hon. O.
P. Moore, of Ohio, nnd other distinguished men.
He was a man of great gentleness and klndnss of
manner, united with Invincible firmness for what
be believed id be right.
The Contested Elections.— Messrs. Wm. P.
Mcsslck and R. M: Battnrs, Examiners, held
another session yesterday afternoon.
Rosa McLaughlin recalled—Reside 2109 Fil
bert street; don’t know Michael Carlin lassessed
there and on the list of voters |; I have lived
there fifteen or sixteen years.
Mr. Miller, 2220 Market street: David M. Hess,
2041 Chestnut street; James Lynch’, 20 North
ITwenty-firsi street, testified to having voted the
Republican ticket in the Eighth Division, Ninth
Ward, at the October election.
Thomuß B. Reevce, clerk in tbo office of Pro
thonotary of the Court of Common Picas, pro
duced the popers of the November election, of
the Seventh Division, B'ourth Ward: First Divi
sion, Fifth Ward; Becond Division, Fifth Ward;
Eighth Division. Ninth Ward; Seventh Division
Fifteenth Ward; Bixih Division, Seventh Ward;
Seventh Division, Seventeenth Wurd, and Fourth
Division, Twenty-fifth Ward.
Mr. Mann offered in evidence the lists of voters,
hourly returns nnd oaths of officers.
Mr. Rawle called attention to the list of voterß
of the Sixth Division, Seventeenth Ward, where,
after No. 673, the voters appear to have voted in
alphabe Ileal order. The list shows 627 names,
and the hourly returns 716 voteß.
Mr. Gerhart, on the part ot the respondents,
objected to the reception of the papers in evi-
dt-nce. ,
Mr. Beeves—l was required to bring m the pa- l
pers of the Seventh Division, Third Ward, and
Sixth and Eighth Divisions, Fourth Ward; there
are no lißtfl of voters of those divisions filed in
ttie office; I have brought the hourly returns and
oaths of officers of those divisions.
Mr. Rawle said the returns of the Seventh Di
vision, Third Ward, show 1,129 votes polled; 180
the last hour; in the Sixth Division, Fourth
Ward, 1,046 voles; 210 | all Democrats’] the last
hour; in the Eighth Division, Fourth Ward, 1,364
votes; 221 the last hour.
Joseph Grew testified—l live at 101 i Somerset
street; voted in the Fourth Division of the
Twenty-fifth Ward at the October election; wa6
not asked for a naturalization paper; I never had
one; I am an Irishman; have been m thlß country
twelve years; have lived in the Twenty-fifth
Ward about four years. | Assessed and on list of
voters. |
John McCullough, recalled—l have qpmpared
the list of voters of the Beveinth division, Fourth
Ward, at the October and November elections;
luund ninetv-five names on the October list not
on the November list; was unable to make any
examination in the Seventh division ol tbe Third
Ward, and the Sixth and Eighth divisions of the
Fourth Ward, as no Novemqer lists were filed in
ibe'Prbthonothry’s office; in the Eighth division,
Ninth Ward,l found one hundred and four names
oi voters on the October list who did not voto in
November; in the Seventh division, Seventeenth
Ward, I found ninety one names on the Octooor
list not on the November list; in the Sixth di-
vision. Seventeenth Ward, I found eighty-five
names; in the Fourth division, Twenty-fifth
Ward, Eixtv-flvc names; First division, Fifth
Ward, ninety names.
John L. Hill, Secretary of the Republican City ,
Executive Committee of Philadelphia last Octo
ber, testified that the Committee had printed and !
distributed the Republican tickets; and then he
gave a list of the candidates for city and county
offices. '
E. C. Markiey testified that the Republican
tickets had been printed as ordered by the Ex
ecutive Committee. i
William 0. Russell, clerk in the office of the ■■
i'loihonotary of Common Picas, produced a
c rtitied copy of the record of voles polled at
Uic elections trom 18li0 to 1808 in the divisions .
attacked by the contestants, and it was offered
in evidence.
Mr. Gerhart objected to the reeoptlon of the
paper. ;
Mr Mann then announced that the case ol the
eonlcetanlß was closed. Adjourned.
Ali.eoki) AttemPt to Stvrani.it. —A young
man who represented himself to bo of the firm of (
A. L. Farnham «fc Co., bankers and brokers,
called on Thursday afternoon at the office of)
Chas. H. Elliott, No. lii Booth Third streot, and
engaged desk room, saving that he was a son of
Mr. Farnham; of New York, and the A. L. Farn-,
ham of the new firm. Ho further alleged that ho !
had ordered a doak, which was not finished, and
reeiuested permission to use the desk of Mr. Elliott
meanwhile,which was given. Very soon a pack
age of business cards was received,and then a hat
f rom Warbnrton's, and a suit of clothes from
Retd & Co.’s, which had boon ordered by the
pretended A. L. Farnham. As it was not conve
nient to pay for the nrticles, the messengers re-,
luaed to leave them, and as lar as is known, not
u Uollai’s worth of goods was obtained. The
pulice learning of the affair, Detectivo Gordon
.1 nested the voung man, and yesterday he had a
hearing before Alderman Kerr. When asked to,
state his name, he said it was William D. Van!
Wagoner. The foregoing foots vyore then given'
in evidence, and the aeehßCd was held in $l,OOO
ior his oppearunco at Conrt.
Tim Auus norsK.—The annual statement of
the Guardians for the relief and employment of
tbo Poor of the city waß, on Thursday, submitted;
to Councils. The following' table shows the;
number of paupers in the building from January
1, 1868, to December 81,1868:
Months. Men. Women. Children.. ToM.
January l,7ii(> 1,607 013 8,569
February i.Siu 1,692 . 388 3 7 7
March MM 1.61(1 339 3669
April 1,816 1,599 311 3,128
June 1.169 1.408 2»J jM l '?
Ausuß. 1,134 1.496
Scpicuiber 1.143 1,570 . 288 3.M1
October 1.186 1.858 M 3
November 1,823 -1638 i >« «•»«
Lectmber 1.664 1*679
Total 16,382 18.704 3640 ,38,628
During the year six thousand two hundred and
two patients were treated: throo thousand nine
hundred and twenty-flvo were cured: four thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-five were dis
charged; five hundred and slxty-nlno died, and'
eight hundred and eight remained udder treat
ment at the end of the yoar.
gfaj; paIIY pfTT.T.HTIN-PHILABiiLPfIIA; SATHltbiy,-APRm ; lft.’ife9.
li The Fcbmo annual report of
I tie Board- of 80I1O0I' eonttbHersrhaa joat beßn
pEbltebed: : '-/lt , ajtteti ,r lh]aictltei^''htß;iipariyB()A)oo.i
ctiHflnn lnattondbrice at the public schools. -The.
expenses of ibe year have tenVaiifollovirß:— Sala
ries of teachers, s6Bl,26QsiS; : ,rents', 089,50*. on
ground, rents, $80,486 18; boobsnnd stationery,
s'?£> !)97 86; repairs and additions, $86,803 -30;
lu'el - $84.980-'7ot furnaces*liha atdYeß; $18,131; 96;
houff keepere, $62,092 62;> u faroiiniri6, : $49,449.96;
printing and indd(ftital(i,;o7;t|2B .36;’ 'jeletrk.biro,
$2,778; nOw school lot, $14,19181.' t
General expenaea, $l9 666,11; colored night
achocla. $1,600. Total, $1,078,816 7,6. Appro
priation, $1,101,042 06- Balance, $22,725 30.
Tbo following ahowa the apprdprlatlona and
expenditures tor new achool-houßea in tbo dif
ferent sections during the year-1868;
Appro • * Amount Balance,
priated. paid.
First..-- "••' # 7 - SS ’ i7I7V
Third. .. . 13.268 ,12.863 - „
53622 , u,102 18.4-J0
Fifth . ...... 65.000- v'- 55.000
Seventh.. ...28,110 :-121077‘ M.J&
Ninth 48-875 ilo,lBo 8,786
Tenth 23,176 9,838 18.838
Eleventh V - 23400 - 8.400 ‘ »,OJt
Twifftb 19.268 7.873 11,893
Thirteenth.. .9.113 9.U3
Fouit(£iitli>>>> •••• Wi4ifl . 1,947
WftcMllh. 24 448 5H.438
Sixteenth 9.209 9,279
slvcnteen-b 46,000 32 648 12452
Eigh?een?h 18-ga If-gf
Nineteenth 8 833 8,833
::::::::: J7S- - ::::
Twenty-fourth 25.970 34.269 1.701
Twenty-fifth 6,860 3,fcS7 4,t23
Twenty-sixth 12UU0 5.440 6 6bo
Tn rerniburso tbo City *
Treaßurtr 48,678 ....
Coutingenciea............ 7.M* JUU
Total. .....468.35u
McCiellnn School-house,
Twenty-tilth Section... 16,000
Ord.tJuno 69,1868.
Total ;8514 861 8312.807 8241,911
Tlio cost of the new school-houses was as lol
lows: Becond section, Sixth and Carpenter
strtets, $36,19G; third section, Second and Chris
tian sheets, $28,000: iourth section, Twelfth and
Sbirpen strtets, $22,826 80; sixth section, north
wist corner Crown and Race streets, $111,276;
seventh section, Seventeenth and Pine streets,
$4B 130: ninth section,, Nineteenth and: Chestnut
etreeis, $10,365 06; tenth section, Nineteentu and
Cherry streets, $23,227; twelfth section. Fifth aed
Maria streets, $14,729; thirteenth section, Sixth
and Coates streets, $47,206 26; fourteenth
section, Eleventh and Wood streets, $14,-
650- also at Twellth and Coates streets,
$13,298 40; fifteenth section, Seventeenth and
Wood streets, $26,093 20; also Twoaty-secoed
and Brown streets, $33,663; sixteenth section,
Fourth and George streets, $20,166; seventeenth
section, Master and Lawrence Btreets, $32,68a;
eighteenth section, Marlborough above Thomp
son street, $37,256; nineteenth eection, iourth
and Montgomerv avenue. $22,416; twenty-third
section, White Ha 11.56,600; twenty-fourth section,
Oregon avenue and Forty-first street, $34,790 58;
twenty-filth section, Fran It ford road and Somer
set street, $22,186 60; also at Edgemont and Neff
streets, $14,687 10; twenty-sixth section, Fitz
water and Fifteenth streets, $8,766.
The report concludes with a statement fro®
the Public School Building Inspector, Lewis H.
Esler,-who rcmarhß :
In conclusion, the Inspector may bo permitted
to call the attention of tne Board to the necessity
of weeding out inferior and irresponsible con
tractors. The present system of awarding con
tracts to men not hnown as good mechanics or
responsible and reliable men, merely becanso
they are the lowest bidders, and can produce,
from amoDg Ibe men who expect to furnish them
with the material, sureties for the performance of
tbeir contracts, has largely augmented the labors
of the Committee on Property, and has resulted
In several Instances in failures to finish the build
ings, of which Just complaint has been made in
several sections, and which the Inspector has
been powerless to prevent.
Violent Assault.— Owen Shields appeared
yesterday before Aid. Kerr os prosecutor of
Patrick Coyle, charged with breaking the jaw of
Shields. The prosecutor had his jaw bandaged,
and told his story with great difficulty. It ap
peared that the assault was committed after
Shields had paid a flue of four dollars and a half
for Coyle, to release him from one of the polico
stations. Held for trial.
Fatal Result. —John McPcak, Who was
burned on Thursday morning, by some lime fall
ing on him, at the foot of Lombard street wharf,
Schuylkill, died at the Pennsylvania Hospital
yesterday. ■
Sent to Trenton— The prisoners who were
convicted at the last termrnf the Camden Courts,
and sentenced to the.. State Prison, were yester
day taken to that institution by Sheriff Morgan.
Two of them had been convicted of four or five
caseß of petty larceny, and being mere boys, they
excited many remarks. They bad commenced their
career of crime at an early age, and from the evi
dence produced in court against them, had car
ried on to a pretty successful degree.
They . exhibited no compunctions ol con
fedence, and manifested no signs that the Impri
sonment which thoy were to undergo was any
thing more than a diversion in the course of their
sinful career. It is astonishing how early some
children become hardened in crime. Even when
re delving the sentence of the Court they ex
hibited the most stolid indifference. But it is to
bo hoped that their punishment will be a ealu
tury lesson to them when their time expires, and
also a warning to others who have entered upon
or contemplate a career of crime.
.’TriaY ov a Steamer— The trial of the rio%
steam fire engine, which has just been housed by
the Independence Steam Fire Company No. 1, of
Curcden, gave the most satisfactory results. In
three minutes alter fire had been kindled steam
was Indicated; in dji minuteß a pressure of ‘JO
pounds was obtained; in five minuteß it was in
good playing order, and, with a 1% inch nozzle,a
stream was thrown 287 ieet; with two one-inch
nozzles two streams were thrown 178 teet; three
one- inch nozzles played 170 feet; four one-inch
nozzles played ItiU feel; five one-inch nozzles
played 142 feet; one open butt, two and one
fourth inches. played 182 feet: ono open bntt,
ibiee inches, played 11!' l'eet. This engine was
manufactured in Newark, N. J., and is decidedly
the most powerful one belonging to the Camden
Fire Department.
Bn.i. Posting— The new law just passed by
the Now Jtrsey Legislature, providing for the
punishment of those who post bills over or deface
others, before tbo time given in Buid notices has
expired, ifl beine rapidly enforced in Camden.
TboEO who ongage in that business should be
careful in this matter in order to save themselves
from trouble and expense. A penalty of five
dollars is impesed for each offence.
Kkai, Estate. — Real estate in Camden is
rapidly advancing in price, and the demand for
it is greatly on the Increase. The tide of improve
ment seems to be setting eastwardly. Many fine
and eligible lots are being built upon in that direc
tion and other improvements niado, cormnene.u
rate’with the necessities of those who are build
To nit Rksoi.m. —An informality, it is assorted,
In the Balo of the largo Machine and Iron Armor
Works, at Kalghn’s Point, which took piaee a
,feW days since, will cause a resale of the same.
It is thought that the Works will resume opera
tions soon.
On a Struck— Borne of the workmen, consist
ing of the helpors to the puddlers, employed in
the nail factory in Bridgeton, are on a strike for
higher wages.
Biiad— Shad aro now being quite extensively
caught in the Delaware, and are said to be un
usually excellent In quality^
.481,333 260,068 231,126
. 33,616 , . 22.793 10.817
Cool Statement.
The following la the'amount ol coal transported oror
tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during the
week ending Thursday,' Aprils, 1869-
Prom St. Clair...
jy~ port Carbon.
1,1 Schuylkill Haven
•• Auburn.
•* Port C1int0n........ ••• ••
" Harrisburg and Dauphin.
Total Anthracite Coal for week
Bituminous Coal from Horrisb'irg and
Dauphin for week ......
, < Total for wook paying freight
Cool for tho Company's use—
< Total of all kinds for week..
Previously this year.
• T0ta1.....
To Thursday, April 9,1808.
! A (BskATT WABRHOOsk.’— As- the
making establishment of Mr.jS. W. o n ™b 9 - *
. ptrecfc B ln examinin? the varlons departments of this
! flve-etory edifice, we found in the„mM»t ,«tf
one of the leading industrial-institutions of oub city.;
; occupied an enviable pro-cimnenco In this important
field -of■manufacture,,and the, enporbßciv carriages
I imwdlsplayedinhis warerooms; and- the -scows’that-,
arc being finished to order, leave no room for ,doubt
that In flne-carrlago work Philadelphia may challongo
th !m*it'is more particularly to
tabllFhment that we wish to refer, to wit—Mr. Jaoolw s
Inimitable pen;/ lduetone These luxurious, petite ve
hicles, so mnchlifvbgiie-for th 6 asoAif ladles and chil
dren. were last; season, largely introducedßy Mr. Ja
cobs and the great favor with which they were every
where received has him thta season to mako
tbema specialty ot bis .establlshmeph- Thn imrcos
of most of these charming carries ;ftte of basket
work. and toe palbtlugvery handsome. In various
sivlcs and color*.- The perfcctlon-of/orta for elegance
and eomforti -eeemß to bavo been attnlned.this. Mason,
and while all are beanUful the-stylea are SOivarlod ns
to rangein costliness from comparatively :1«W hKores
to princely magnificence, according to the , taste ond
“Jaalion of purchasers. As an todtspopsablo con
comltant to a fashionable rural residence, we are
bonnd to put Jacobs;* pony Mutton ot too very head
"ha fine carriage work or every description. Mr. Ja
cobs’s establishment Is now replete with elegant speci
mens and not a few novelties. n
By toe-way, before leaving Mr, Jacobs a warehouse,
we eaw (whet Is probably) too first marble tombstone
to be greeted to the memory of a horse Blnce tho days of
the famous Bucephalus The stone to question is to
mark tho last resting place, near Pottstown, Pa., of too
cerebrated horse, “Toronto,” long owned and driven
by Mr. Jacobs, and who died to January of tho-pre
sent year. It Is bnt due to the memory of -Toronto 1
to say tort he had more good qualities, with Itae.stvlo
and speed combined, than any other hpw?
baying taken jircmlams at no less ttuui 6S\ en uiuorent
fairs. '• „ „
Fancy Decorated Chamber Ware
At Kebk’s China II all.
Over 100 Di/ertni Patterns.
Ranging in price from to $lOO a set; all now styles
udi to be jonnd elsewhere.
China Hall, 1218 Chestnotfltreet.
Kkrr 9 r
Furnishing China and Glaus. Establishment, Chlnu
Hal.'. 1218 cSestnnt street. Families to want of any
article to China. Glass or Stono Ware, writ find at this
establishment the largest stock in tho city, from com
mon red Earthen jvaro, for toe kitchen, to the finest
China and Glass made.
Baroains in China and Glass.
Keck's China Hali., 1218 Chestnut Stki-.1.t.
Just i ereived, a large variety of cheap goods, which
we offer at about half the usual price.
Cut Glass.
Table Tumblers, $1 60 per doz., usual price *2 25.
Tab's Tumblers, *2 25 per doz., usual price *8 50.
Table Tumblers, $8 per doz,. usual price $4 50.
Water Goblets, $2 per doz., usual price $3.
Water Goblets, $2 60 per doz., usual price 84.
Water Goblets. $3 per dozen, uenal price $4 50.
Champagnes. $2 per doz.. usual urlco $3.
Wine Glasses, $1 60 per doz , usual price $2 60.
Cull and examine them for yourselves. -
James K. Krkr & IJm..
China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street.
White Stone China Chami-.er Sets.
Tin pieces, only $3 60. Theso pieces arc equal to
any $5 50 sels in the mnrkct,
Kerr's China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street.
White Stone China DrNNKK Sets,
62 pieces, 816, at Keen's China Hall.
White French China Dinner Sets,
112 pieces, $2B, at Kami's China Hull.
Kerr s China Hall
Is iho cheapest place in the city to buy Cbiuo, Glass
id ail articles to our line, from the commonest goods
,r the kitchen to the finest made. Families furnleh
.Puuld not neglect giving this establishment a visit,
- they will find the
China Hall, 1218 Chostout street.
(ioods packed and warranted.
There’s No Mistake About It. —It Is a pleas
ure to deal with a man like Charles Eiohel, the
artistic Bootmaker, at No. 504 North Eighth Btreot,
above Buttonwood. His aim is to give entire satis
r.-.ctinn to his patrons, and we scarcely need say he ac
ih mplishes it. He gets up some of the very best work
-r the city, and his prices challenge competition. Try
him once and yoh become a permanent customer.
Mfssils. Tiios. Kennedy «fc Brothers' New
Millinery Emporium.— The success of this popular
in w millinery establishment (new os to Its eaitlee, but
old and widely known to point of fact) has exceeded
even the most sanguine expectations of it* proprie
tors. The popular furore creited by the “Opening ’of
its ltelall Department last week Htlll continues. Tho
!■;dies of our city evidently- appreciate the ample pre
vision made by too Messrs. Kennedy for their conve
nience and gratiflcaLipn. Their superb,display of
French flowers, said to be the most extensive and ur.
italic ever imported into this markct.is universally ad
mired. Their French blonde laces, and magnificent
line o'handsomely-trimmed Hats and Bonnets, and.
iudeed, their entire stock of millinery goods, seem to
be specially adapted to toe good tasto of onr ladies.
The firm of Messrs. Kennedy & Brothers have always
been successful caterers in this department, but it has
been reserved for the completion of their new marble
edifice, at 729 Chestnut Btreet, to bring their establish
ment betorc the bonnet-wearing pnbllc as an indtspen.
gable institution.
Only 886 dozen left of the one thousand dozen
kid gloves received last week by A. &J. B. Bar
tholomew . One hundred and liftmen dozen sold tn
the last ten days; they are the handsomest colors and
the best ntttog glove imported; every pair warranted;
if they rip or tear, another pair given to exchange at
A. & J. B. bAßinoi.OMEw’s one price dry goods and
notion house. 23 North Eighth street.
Handsome Percale robes reduced to $3 87);:,
the pattern 19 yards. „
One hundred dozen men's super stout half hose, fall
regular, 38 cents a pair.
Pitty dozen men’s half hose, 20 cents; 17. j dozen la*
dies’ foil xegnlar English stockings, 45 cents.
Hew drees goods opening every day at A. & D.
Bzkiuolosikw’s one price dry guods and notion*
uouse, Ho. 23 north Eighth street.
Lii'B Insurance, although of course it makes
no pretensions to doing so, really in many cases
lengthens life itself, and in this way: The assurance of
bnviDg already made sure provision lor the future,
gives rest and quietness to tno mind, and,tranquillity
of mind inidiriahly gives strength of body, and these
together tend to feugtben’llfe and make it a bicßsing.
Try this bv insuring yonr life-without delay in “The
American LifeXnsuranceCompany. of. Philadelphia.!
“Hold on ! I have a joke worth a thousand dol
\ur* to you,’’ is a remark made by a patient tills morn
ing who bad inst taken the gas and bad a tooth ex
n acted at Dr. Colton’s, Ho. 737 Walnut street. Bat
hi foie he could tell tbejoEebe had forgotten it.
Hot-house STiiAwntc mints, GnArES,
( onfeciioncry, and an endless variety of delicacies, at
A. 1.. Vausanl’s, Ninth and Cheßtnut otreets.
Pekoe Souchong— A very superior English
Breakfast Tea. On sale by Falrthomc & Co., 1036
Market street and 205 North Hinth.
Charles Stokes & Co.,
Merchant Tailoes and Clothiers,
Continental Hold Building,
Villi a Full Assortment of-Really'Fashionable Goods
Foe Gentlemen’s Wear,
Fine Ready-made Clotihkg
To Fit nnd Fleaso
All Tastes,
Am. Si»ks,
ipAun akd Stvi.i; the Tkbt or CiirAV.NKBS,
Refrigerators, Cedar Chests, Step Ladders,
irnd a large assortment of housekeeping articles at
ttna o large as & FAKgON & cO.’S Old Stand
220 and 222 Dock street, below Walnut.
Ali. Should Attend Oakfobds’ Grand Open
g of Spring Hats and Caps on Thursday, April 8.
Grand Opening.
Charles Oakford & Sons, under the Continental, will
obeD. on Thursday, April 8, the largest and best stock
of the most beautiful Hats and Caps In the city.
Corns, Bunions,' Inverted Nalls, skillfully
treated by,Dr. J. Davidson No. #l6 Chestnut street.
Charges moderate.
Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh.
J. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Bye and Bar
treats all diseases appertaining to the above members
with the utmoßt Bncoess. Testimonials from the most
reliable sources In the city can be seen at this office.
No 806 Arch street. The medical faculty are Invited
to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets In,his
practice. * Artificial eyes inserted. No .charge made
for examination* . . ■ ■
All Should Attend Oaicfords’ Grand Open
ig of Spring Hats and Caps onThnrsday. April 8.
30,237 XG
9,377 18
, 8,873 13
27,018 07
, 1,706 02
10,171 12
. 8,378 02
Bdegicai. Instbemehts and dru]
Odikt and soothe the pain of children tee thine—
TT«n nnwer'e Infant Cordial. Sold by all Prngglßta.
85,854 01
‘ DU . rmi-AonM-niA, April 5.1869.
At a meeting of lie Board of Dlrectore hold tbie day. a
Bcroi aSoual dividend of Six per Cent., and an oxtra
of Ten ner Cen*.i wore declared on the Caoltal
Biockfor?he liSt P BlxXnonth», payablo to the StockboWera
or their legal roprceentatlvee, on and after the lath inet.
J.W.MoALUSTEB, Secretary.
02,022 09
4,635 10
... 06,853 08
.... 872.894 18
.... 068,884*03
.... 819,098 19
Am. Pkiokb.
Showduk ABBOTinsn,
23 South Eighth etroot.
■•^treeti'..,Bem«j 7itoMmWißW*lP**iiWfsWk' i
j-crtnonby.the Hector.,,;;, ~,... ,„,.y .«,, , r . ... i-
R* 1 ! !•; ChapO);Maiter,'uboVoFlft<seath,»tia>£ A-.M.
nUd7XP.M« );■ »}<n r.>i -•>■■',■"t.'i t.ty-ti Guilt*:.; 1 ;
•'‘'CcntralPreitbJterlen Church, Klghth.oboyo Arch
afreet, To : mormrf,(Sabbath) Evening,fttSot’plocitfe.nr. ,
•* D ut street, ,we.t of .Eighteenth Btreet,, Kov. George
A: Pelt* Will preach to-moiToar morning ;*nd; evening.
Servicea CMnineucoallo;Maijd7Mooloch« ■■- ■ ■■'■ H ; •
■W; viterlan Church; ‘b arby, will preach TorDr.Fur
nosN corner of Tenth-end i-scuit otreeta, Sunday Morn
ing. " r: : b IU. ' <
lege, will preach tomorrow'. Service at 10% o clock
A, M. and P. M. ~ _ . M
•Ce Spilng Garden etreete; -Rev. Dr. Oomareet, o( how
Brunswick, will pro-cli In’tbl* Church to morrow morn
lng at lojti.-and cvgnlngat 7# o’clock..; / »
«w»sss& visssu.*aES-S° I
«Bg- AKCH.STHEES M. g: CHUBOP.,. RgVijsJf;
pHvnc, Pastor. To morrow wid
v . M. HufjeOt for evening, “Lomodm from the Repeat
Tragedies.” Young men especially invited. h*
■wwiji h e Q free eerrico to-morrow evening at a
quarter before 8 o’clock, at the Church of the Lplpbany,
eoi nrr of Fifteenth and Cbostnnt streets. U
teenthond Spruce f»trcoti.-Rev. 'W.P.,l<rccd,D D.»
will preach to-morrow morning at lOkr.o o}“¥< “ B< *
Dr. i'cllvaine, of Princeton, In tuo evening, at 7,«
o’clock, ■ ’■ •
8® and Vine strceis. Preaching by Pas tor, Kov. lhos.
,1. Brown. To-Morrow Morning, at 10M o’clock.^ OUU
dren'aAld Society Meeting fn the Evening at 7M_o clock.
Special Belifilouc Bcrvlece every evening neat.jvqrk at
- ..vlock. " " "■ 11 _
8°? Cburcn, comer o Urocn street. Preaching to
r. orrow by ihe pastor, Rev. Dr. Stryker, at W>« A. M.
iin.l ,vf t-.M. Topie of Evening Discourse- Tno World
~l Tr.ilio: or. a Word to Business Fooplc." Ail web
come. '
“*** Washington Square. Rev. Herrick Johnson, D. IF,
rns*or, will preach to-morrow, at Vln A. Mo* ana y*
1 in* subject: Sacrcas and Failure. All aro wel
criTT'O. . ; K
n*e** Ki!.V. HKKKICK JOllNaO/l. .U
preach a Sermon in behalf °f Jbe PhUadetphU
Tract and Mission Society* ** Urn 1
t hurcb Washington Square* on Sabbath MorfeLiK« llui
fee?, at W “jKbUo invited. Collection taken for the
enure. - •
below Spruce.—Rev. Dr. March will preach the
M-cond“om.cn ol hi. ceric, of •’Blblo Lecrons from the
nook of ~ tomorrow (Sunday) evening* at 7U
./dock! B nbject-"aod’( Bow in the Cloud.” AU per
i-nna cordially lcvltf d 11
6®* byter lan Church,Sixth (treet, above Green: Eighth
Sormon. Tc-Morrow (rtabbath) Evening, at.« o'clock,
by Rev. Phillips Brooks. I oung men and tlm PtibUo
generally cordially welcome, ltev. it. Vr. Henry, 1X 0-
paator. at lujtj A. M, . . . _. u
t&O Church of the Intercetaor, Spring' Garden, below
Broad?Sundny, A. SL. the Rector w 111 deliver a diecourao
on (ho "Scriptural Method of Support in tiioChurch. and
in the Evening one to Young Men. on « Bhott ana
Fapv Method wi h the UeUts” pamHies detiring free
news will have them awiCTed from those not W»sv occu
p-cd. ficrglceatiaSOA. M..7.30P. BL « ,
,6® to take farewell of the Rt. Rev* B. WUtar Morrii.
Mho li about to pall far hi* diatant field m Orerou and
Wuhinaton Territory, will bo held op TO MOK HOW
(eunday' EVENING, the 11th lnat, la fit Lukn « Church,
T thboD mcveni'wiU preeide. and wiU address the mect
*l ulus of New 1 OTk, and others A coUo-tion will bo
made on behalf of the lands of the Oregon and W Mblog
loii _
gpEOtii. mrsuowah
*t>eclticfitlonK, n£d estimate for the bare-
V i icwfectoitaWndtafto 1 wil| I rewire«Jj-
cor/talnlcg full information a& to the csner&l char
acicr of the proposed build ingfry the amount of aceom
inocaticn to bepiovided. by applying. either per.
ponaliy or by letter, to the uedenigned, Secretary of the
Board of Commlasionera, at the eouthweat comer of
"ApiStotamof' 8i«»"W«» X M fot t i"i&, ,te 2, , oSl e f~
Inc the most merit 81 &0U for the second beet, 81.000 for
Uie third! nod S£Dp for the fonrth. The doclilon upon the
merits of the phi db to be made, and 1 tbo premiums to bo
awarded, by the Board of Commissioners. on or before
the first day of Octob.r nexC at hi M.
All rejected plans will bo retained.
By order of the Board of pU(JH<
ao7 IStirp
tXtT I '° BT ' jFl?lU p I - ,„. lJ ,ni.HUi, Pa., April 9.1839.
Moll (or HAVANA, per .tearner Jon Uta. will cloeeat
thL. office bl NDAV.
lt Postmaster.
Pun.4CEi.riax, April lOtb, lots.
The Annual Election for and Dlr«ctor» wUI
be held on MONDAY, the 3d r day of May. i-t the
Company'* Office. No. 424 Walnut .trett, Philadelphia,
between the hours of 12 M. JOHNSON.
avail themtclvca of tiie Scientific Treatment of
“Ael» discovery consists la the proper application of
Magnetism. Galvanism nod Elec&tcfty for llie enre of all
digeaece.. They make this department of the Healing Art
a specialty, and In many cases they cure after all other
m^OßhadfXi Tlfflco, 1330 WMaNOT .treat aeeond.
door from Thirteenth. ap6-tu th «2htrpi
l.odiea’ department strictly private. Open day and
ever, i ng. aphtfrp^
•'*’ hard etreet Dbponaary Debartment—Medical
treatment and medicine iurmehod gratuitously to the
poor. V ' . . :
ter. NEW KM SWBI cottages.
113 South Fomffiidteet
era of tho Wolf Creek Diamond Leal Company vrill
bo held on WeDNEBDAY, April SL at IS M. at their
office 205 Walnut street. 10 take into consideration the
financial condition, of tiie Company, and to provide
meane for the liquidation of ita <i^t^ r li , g- HecrcUry .
Pim.u.Ki.pnia. Apr 116.1869. . »Pf-w " tl apfilC
SSST '’UUU orrneiu I*mi,AUiil.i'ili a, AprU Pth, 1863.
The annual meeting of the Stockbolde’S of this Com
pany and on election for President and.slx Managers tl
serve for tho ensuing year, and until others shah bo
3»r UH ' tbo & day m n M. UM
° apDimjS Secretary.
B®* road Companyi Office, 227 S. Pourth Stroet.
PuiLAnKi.piriAi'AprllP. 18b9.
Tho annual meeting of the Stockholders of thin Com
pany, and an election for President and six Managers,
u ill take place at the Office of tho Company, on MON
DAY, the 8d day of May next, at 12 o’clock ».
apPtmj-3 WM. H. WEBB. Secretary.
Vl'-rand until otliormliaU bo elected, willbohold attha
tha iid day ol May ne»t, “t^O’c^WttWEßß.
T^rr —vrrtik valley railroad company.
u ' Puii.iDEl.l'nii, April 9.1869.
Tlio annual mofittofl of ttiG otockboldcrs of tills oom*
pony? and an election for President and six Manager*
will take place at the office of the.Company,on MONDAY,
th »n 9 d tornva f May ’***’ aLbERTTOBTER. Secretary.
WlßTpEnrA.imt.piiii, AorU 3.1869.
Tiro Amraol Moetlni of tbeStockholder; oftbe'Central
TiJiofportation Company will bo hold: at their office on
MONDAY. April 19. 1889. at 11 o’clock A M., when an
election will be bold for nine Directors and Secretary and
TreHenrortoeen'eforthoenßUingyear. „
ep2l4t3 J. F. CuPTBINGER. Socrctary.
39Ttransportation company. . ■> ,
Camden, March 20.1869.' i
The annual meetirgiof tlie Stockholders of the Camden
and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company* for
tbo election of soypn Directors to serve for thoenimluK;
year, will bo beld J in this city at the Office of the West
jersey Railroad Company on WEDNESDAY, the 28th of J
April. 1869. a»3 o'clock, «L fIAMUEL j BAYARD, !
mh£9dtap29§ Secretary of C. and A. K. R. and T. Go.
Its’ eon-
and l
EARI^|TRUMpm 4 arUiomMtap ?
nut.' - .
itr»ngcra lari t«LU* /
• m it 1 1 laaiiiii
IpiqT.AntTpniA' PintIIARMOHIO fiOQIKTr.-
w; - •• ■; -:; *
•-*-* ? n /vW
Academy of music.
' r •' i j ‘ • /v l -• • ‘ • i
Sol* Artists Or. r.; ■. «i '-J
f£ooba>imk, vt
No. 1. Mozart’s Bymphonyln U W> preh@lr* }
No/L Conborto, >j 0 , 79. Von Weber
*fo. 3. .8010,V1011ucG10,^.,........ .»•......,.,..MoUiibb_
No. 4. Chorus. "Die Delator Schtscht”. ..E. Kretschmer
„ Orches'ral accompaniments..-
No. 6. Ovorture. ‘•Willlsm'Teil”.. ..........Roulnl
Conductor,., G.DEITBICtt
For Bale dt tkirolHceot the sbe'ety; l Ntf, 1103 Chestnut
street,ell tho principal Music B tore*, and at too Academy
of Music, ■. ■ ' i ■ • ..... ,
Door»open«t7. Benin at Bo'olock. , , , .
„ .. . O B, UODWOItTH, President
J. A OETHE,. Secretary., . . . - , . ■ apAdt. .
lessee and ninK6ToSJ!Z v ..... s ;:a 1;/ ,:.*:lx ottAV*
J. GKaU'6 FR&NOH uPEKA OOMfolWV; * « -
Prom the Theatre Frmcals. New York.
OpcnIorNInhtWEDNESDAY,* Xjlnl 14.
When will he preecuted.for the firattimetn Philadelphia,
Offenbach’* famous Opera BoulTe, ~
On which occatlon the two greet Prims Ooanis,Hadatna
IttlKK 8P.1.L and Hdlle. DEaCLAU ZAB. will irlptly ap.
pe»r r-n the same evepln-r. In conjunction .with All tlie.
celebrated artists of Mr. Gran's company. Mi Oarflsr. M.
Beckons M. Nsurgolo. M.Oenof.M. Muraay,M. Dctikne.SL:
ltivci.cs, M Cbupln, Mdlle. GuerottLMdlle. Uagoord.,.. ,
Powerful Choruses, Grand Orchestra Rich Ooitnmes,
and splendid «ifeei»l<*ce«e. ' '" ' ! 'i .
Musical Director and Conductor.....:—Robert Stoopel.
Notwithstanding the enormous expenses which attend
these performances, tho prices of admlsslin have been'
fixed as fellows: General admission. $1: seats’ cm be so.
cured withoutrxtra charge. Family Circle,6oceat»;
°Beats for HnT*pcrfoVtnaned can now be eccufeifat. ttii;
Acedsmy, and at William IL Boneir h ; Co.’s Music Store,
No. 1102 Chestnut streot. ,
Doors open at .o’clock. Curtain rises at 7?». . ... ,
~ Be*ta*«t7X.
Robertfton’s Greatest Sticcc®®.
With New Bc«ncrr*Marie, •
Lnlqiio Effect®, and .
Qreat Cut.
BATIfhDAY AFTtUNOON at 30*eloek.
to the already etupcndomußelango of novel 11 a* contained
in the great cxtravagir m, the _
Bee Bnnday Paper* f l *" announcement of
Firnt apteoranee io America of thewyndrott*
First appearance here of the funny
Referred Bcati in advance.
WALNUT STREET THEATRE. Begin* at Hi o'clock.
THIS EVENING. April lu-ij.'
By Forty Yoong Ladle*, tn Full Armor.
To commence with tee langhihL force of
X Arch. Commence* at H o'clock
The wonderful performance* by the Incomparable
Frof- St. JEAN. Prof. ST. JEAN.
Bing of Conjurer*. No trap# or confederate*.
lUnaon. E. EMaNUELST. JEAN, oI»o appear*.
Evcdloc. SI W sod 73 Ctß.
Ml inDA V-The llrcbun 3wlt» Bell Ringer* in their cele
brated entertainment.
Humorous. I egendarviand Sentimental.
By Miaa Jem. * P ing and Mr. John Barker.
A brief deecripiivi • t 'nre. , .
Ticket*. 25 cent* ; child en. id cent* : begin*, at A .
Parlor coNiiERTb-natvitoeicm hall
Broad etreet. below V* alnut. SIXTH AND LAiT
Ticket* and Pro»rammea atL MEYER'S Mu*lcBtor*.
1220 CbeatnuL and at the door. apS-tu th * m«t* „
B pl Wilibe fivea on MAt BUI
And Ihe New Ballet ROSA;
lj at the llortlcnltnrnl Hall, every Wedneadav, *i *M
TicYot* eold at the door and aR principal tnufle atoraa.
PaekMe* of five, 81; atogle, 25 cent?- „EoKM5 m e® t « can
be made’ br eddreselng o. RASTERT. 1331 Monterey
.tract, or ANDRE’S Mmdc Store. 1101 Cheatant.et, ocU-tft
A oademyof
ope nctf°. l GreatVfctoreor
atill on exhibition. , . .
Velocipede Club. AdmUaion, 10 cents; _ _ ‘
mh94hp& ; 1 _J..Vn PQ3a»__i
No. 104 SOlftfe AprU g, , m
Bet led Pro possls will bp receivedat thoofflej of the
Chief Commissioner of ttUhways nntll 12 o'clock M.. on
wUNDAY. the 18th InsU forth*-construction of the fol
lowing three feet cowere. viz.: On Third street, between
luce and Ilranchstreets; Warrenstreet, betweenThirty
seventh and Thirty-eighth streets; Twelfth sheet, from
Monterey to Eace etrebti thence westward on Baooatreet
to .lacoby sheet; a* don EUbth street from Master street
t" tbonoith curb line of Columbia avenue; and far the
.oliowing two feet at* inch Sowers, viz.: On Lancaster
Street, from Market to Thirty-third etreet, and on Tapper
street, from Sixth to Seventh streets- „ . .
Tho understanding to be that the Contractor shall t«e
Uilts prepared against the property
ft'vreT to the amount of one dollar
it*\ch lineal foot of front on oacli Hldo.
much ciub paid ; the balance* oa limited by Ordinance
“when by a' City Eassonger-Rati
rnfift truck the Sewer shall be constructed along cldp of
■•aid track )n inch manner as not to obstruct or Interior©
u ith the*afe pontage ot tbe cart thereon: and no cta^tn
for remuneration ehallbo paid the Con^in 0 ***
company uting eald track* «« epcclficd in A&. of A&-
ie ™U ffidSerearaimStod to be present: at the time and
olaco of opening the aald proposals. Bach .proposal wIU
{jo accompanied by a ceiflficatethat a been
filed in tho taw departmental! directed by Ordlaauco of
Mar 25th, 1860. Jf tha lowest bidder shall not execute a
contract within five days after the work Is awerdod, be
Will be deemed as declining, and will.be held Uaolo on
Ins bond for thedifforonce between bis bid and the next
lushest bid. Specifications may be bad, at ; the. Depar
tment of Surveys, wbich will be Btrictly adhered to,
ment or oui vujs, h . UKJKINSON,
Chief Commissioner of Highways.
'' PLAISTED &MoOOUJN.;.! />■,
Np. 8033 OHEBTKIIT Slxeeti W»t
Sole Retail Agent* fpr Goxo Brother* A GpSj i wehraWA
Cron* Creek Lehigh Cool frorirthe Buck Mo&teto Veto.
Thla Coal la paxacularly’adapted for m&hipg Steam for
dagarend Malt Home*, Brewerie« .**•l'.lJJ® 6k£ SftSa
paeßod a* a Family Coal* Qtflere left at the offloeof tn®
, Wen). Ho. 841WALNOT Street
our prompt attention. Liberal arrangement* tonaexma
manofactnrer*netoharetulsranantiCT- man
a Kept DiTj'undor Cover, wcU Cieanoa. Weight Gui*.
V-I ; ?:V-
/SnutPT aints OP ' fIiiATE AND DIET. BY COH-.
eSfe « ■ Assayse- r
Lfthl»h and Locuot MotmUjn Coil.
urhJohTwitn the preparauonstron by (u, we think can
“ & 0 ““*
* t )al»tt ■ Arch afreet wharffschii^lhiiu.
1J In this day dissolved, by mutual conaenf, WILSON
Mi J BNKINif withdrew lug. The bUßiDeas will bo oon
tdnued JOSHUA C. JiIISEINE,, under tlio name and
Slyla of JENKINS *OO. -
• jqbhva c. jenkins,- >
. . : •«' WILSON M.JENIUN3.
Philadelphia, April 9,1869. .... ap9St*
fOHTI>iIBBr CONeBEBS-l?»*sC Be*-
":Y «4©n» . ■•-- .'•;' */••'.
. . - ' • ■ - • ■ :p' "*
Beh ate. —The conelderation of the bUI for the
rccoDßtruction of Virginia, Mteai&slppi and Tex&S
until the action ot the Legislature all laws that
bo may deem unjust and oppressive,was stricken
Mr. Edmunds offered an ttMltlphijd.. BddUop.f
which was adopted, declaring that tho proceed
ings of any of said SlateßJhnllMt be final, or
operate aa a complete restoration, uhtli, thclr ac
tlon shall bo approved 4g?.(%»gljflK£ jt Ai i «■: \ >■
' Mr Sawyer offered an amendment to the first
section, which was agreed tt>, striking out the
words, “Tho registered voters of said State," and
inserting Instead the words. of said Btato
regl6terfid,st lhO|time pfisatd'sUhmtiiSloa.”’; T“ 5
The hUI Waß'theh pasEfed' by a voteof 44 yeas to
9 nays. Nays—Meters. Bayard, Casseriy, Davis,
Fowler, McUreery, Norton;’ Sprague, Stockton
and Thurman.
'fbe President. pro tan. laid before the Benate
the Piosldefft’s .’proclamations calling an extra
session oft the Sdnate, f beginning off ; Monday
next, for tbe transaction of exccnttvo business.
, At.tbOjCvening session the resolution to pro
tect tbe mtercais bf the Government in the Union
Pacific Railroad was pussed in tho following
form : ;:■ : ;■" ’ ,
That (bo stockholders of ’ the 'Union Pacific
Railroad Company; at a mt.ei.lQg to ho held on
tho 22d day ot April, 18G9, at the city ol Boston,
with power to adjourn from day to day, shall
elect a board of directors for the ensuing year,
and said stockholders are hereby authorized 10
establish tlieii general office at sucbplaee in the
United States us they may select it the said
meeting; provldtd that the passage ot
tbis resolution shall not .- confer. any .other
right upon said Union Pacific Railroad
Company than to hold such election, or
be held in anv maunor to rcllngulahbr waive any
rights ot the United States to hike advantage of
any act or ocglcct of bald Union Pacific ! RiiUrOid
Company, heretofore dope or, omitted, whereby
tbb rlgblß of tbe general Govefpment have been,
ot may ibc.tprejudiced; provided, that the com
mon terminus of tbe Union Pacific Railroad and
tbo Central Pacific Railroad Bball ,be at or near
Ogden; ar,d tbe said Union Pacific Railroad Com
pany sboll botld, and the Central Pacific Railroad
Company shall pav lor and own, tbe railroad from
the terminus aforesaid to Promomtory Summit,
at which point the rails shall meet and connect,
and term one continuous fine.
Sec. 2 A nd.be it further rejoiced. That to ascer
tain the condition ot tec Union Pacific Railroad
and the Central Pucific Rnlroad the President of
the United States Is hereny authorized to appoint
a board of eminent citizens, not excecdlog five la
number, and who shall not be inter, eted In either
road, to examine and report upon toe condition
and what sum or sums, li any. will be required to
complete such of said rogds to ihe point of lermi
dub ab a first-dais railroad for the entire length
thereof to ihce.<id terminus, in compliance with
Ibo Several acts relating to said roads; and tho
cypeteobf such hoard, including an allowance of
ten dollars, each, for their services lor each day
employed in such examination or report, to be
paid equally by said compauivs.
Bti 3. And be it fdrtkcr resolad, That the
President is hereby authorized and required to
withhold from each of said companies an amount
of subsidy bonds, authorized to be Issued by tee
Unhid Sluice, tinder said acts,sufficient to secure
a lull cbwpielidb as a first-class ro ui, upon all
Sections ot suck road upon which bonds have al
r,ady been Issued; or in lieu ol such bouds, he
may ncclve as such security, an equal amount ot
thefiret mortgage bonds of such company; and,
if It shall appear to the PrenJenl that the amouul
ol subsidy bonds yet to be Issued to either of said
conipaui. s is insufilcient to iu-aie thu full tin
pillion oi such road, be may make
requisition upon such company for a
suUicicnt utnom.l of bonds already issued to said
company, or. iu his dUcretioo, of tbeir first
mortgage t'ornis, to &■ cure tbe full completion of
the same; rnd, In default of obtaining such se
cniity ns is iu ibis sccliou provided, the President
may authorize and direct the Attorney-General to
Instlinu such soils, on behalf and In the name ot
the United States, in any court of the United
Stalls having jurisdiction, as shall be necessary
or proper loeouipcl the giving ol 6uch security,
atu-lbertby,or In any manuer otherwise, to pro
tect the luuresls of the Unit d States in said
roul.acd to insure tbo full completion thereof as
a first-class road as required by law.
Ss.ia 4. ide it further tnh'Jcl, That the Attor
ney-General of the United SlaP.-s is hereby autho
rized and directed, to Investigate whether tne
charters of theUhion and of the Central Pacific
Ritilioad Compauus, and *ll ihelr franchises,
have or have not beeu forfeited, and to institute
tnc necessary proeecdiugs io have the same reim
bnrstd, and slro to investigate whether any di
rectors or agents or employes of the sildeoni
paijiefehavii.'or have hot, violated any penal law,
and lUopto. institute! prapur criminal proceed
ings against the persons who have violated such
At 10.25 tbe Senate went into executive session.
UorsE.—Tbe House at half-past one, re
minid Ite consideration of the Myers and Moffat
conusltd,election Case from Pennsylvania.
Afier two boura’dUcueeion the Uodse proceeded
to vote on the resolutions. The resolution
reported by tho minority, declaring that
Mr. Moffet Is entitledto the seat, was rejected,
ard that of the majority, declaring that Mr.
Myers U entitled to it, was adopted—each by a
strict parly vole— and Mr. Myers was thereupon
sworn as a Representative from Pennsylvania.
Mr. Beaman presented the, conference report
od the deficiency bill, which was agreed to.
Mr. PaiLC asked leave to report u resolution to
pay to Mr. Moffet, who had occupied tho seat
which Myers hod just obtained, ©lBO in full for
expenses in prosecuting his claim to the seat.
Messrs Maynard and Longhrldgo objected.
Mr. Paine moved to suspend tho rules. The
rules were suspended and the resolution was
adopted. , ■
A lecess was taken until 8 o clock. Upon re
assimbling, tbe Senate bill to facilitate payment
ot soldieis’ bounties was passed, with au amend
ment that the at orney's fee shall not bo resurved
by tbe Deportment when the money Is paid.
A bill removing political disabilities from a
number of ex-rtbels was passed. ,
Tbe bill providing for elections in \ Irgima,
Mississippi aDdTixas, was taken up, and the
Benato amendments were concurred In. ;
I bo Senate amendments to Ihe Pacific Railroad
bill were concurred in. . !:
r Tjbe bfffctofEffJb General Helntzejtnan,was next
taken up.' ‘ ,
Mr. BognD opposed-it,' and a heated: discussion
ensued on the bill, after which it passed.
Tbe next bill taken up was for the relief of
Roslin White. Pending the discussion on this,
the House, at 3 o'clock and *25 minutes, took a
recefs till 10 o'clock,-A.-M.-, on Saturday. ■ ,
B <«"! Of; large alzc, f
m£L j. i .r ■ WolUrained,
» " * * ' " Beet varieties. .
Suitable for Gentlemeu's Country beatu, Cemotorieu,
- - NOrtvay Ffra: Heinlocks; : <}old‘ , n, A mer’etm and Olobo
A’bor Vitie {White, Scotch and AuatrUn Pin-; Swedish,
I»UK and Bquamattt Junipers; Tree-box; Hox-odgiog. ,
Ac Iheau tiets arc generally Admitted to* bo tho finest
in tbo city, having been carefully traiued according to
thurvßtdnilJntibdujCcd by Wm. Bright; . . <
For eale attho LOG AN NURSERIES, Old Vork Road,
above HUnfi SUD. Orders can-atao be left .at
bnrßh Gaidens, 8. W. corner of Nineteenth and Race
ttreltß. aplUs w a BtS
fl» Buch aw Doutztop, byr Dgae. Spiraeas, Uleigelas,
Ac„ iu latfc quantities and at lo .v rates,
-V>«'V -*'*■* h,--. ALSO. -• ' •
' ‘ln great, tiuioty pnA.of beat K NunsKntES.
.. . ft .. ,j Old York road, above Rising Sun.
and Race otrte's. __ a.lt)Bwe3M
MSS Standard Bhode Trees: Evergreens fur hedging.
g3E.B .l ;; lt« r ;
J t, X able prone: ty. S. E. coi per Twelfth and Washington
. aotnuo tXniB4 by 566.- 539 feet railroad track. Call and
■■j examine. apltf dt
JP Cherry street Schuylkill, with lea-e of Chorrv Street
■■■ Landing [sp 92tl J. IJ. WHtELEH, 113 8. Fifth s'.
M|».Beat: 11 acres; large Stone Manat >n, fi mike out by
rC ?h>»Bf NUT street.
Aj|w> v Subtle work coal yard * for bale;
Bn "I'h large Bti/no b< tiding .uttable for storage pur-
MU>- puses. Apply to A. CaUI'Y, Twonty.third and
FonnsylYanla ayspno,- s apll)-3t*
H‘«! wpidencp. nontuweiitoorner Broad and Thompson
JW *** streets, flnighed throughout with all modern oon*
wieners. ' r =• R. J. DOBBINS,
•plO*ttt.tb.Bt* * -h UdgermMiiii
awn IAUb
?|iI,‘;.;iFOR..SAI < R. ||
The Very Desirable Private Residence,
\: ■’ 3 lOsnAibli Str4et.f' i Q"*-X
InjmcdiatolwMCfrioD. Apply i M» <-»►** ■*■ *-&■
608 Wutuut Street,
»t92Mitn th 6 * 0 ®* < ’ ry ’ kMk building.
,;WeEt Philadelphia Properties g|
ilifOß sifIixMKENT.
4UJB, 4110 and 4112 SPRUCE Street, and handsome gra
atone RESIDENCE, Mo. 4119 PINE Street.
C, J. fhli. & BUO.. 120 a..jrroiit Street.
mb2s the ta 13ti .'-j.’i'l ?. $ b> V
IplUt'.UUvf of ssojooo within one square of the
State Bouse. .
. ./»lpa,rnoitg«geeof fg2/>ooai d $4 000 and #lO.OOO each.
aplo-»tu-ih-3t* H. J DOBBINS t Lcdyer Building.
ffirS 50 or 100 acrcfl-UoUliMVi’Te, Bristol pike, above Cjg
JBi» the seven mile stone. and near Tacony.
on the promisee, or to , .--**4 !?%«SW*TAh.H»K, •
ep3lit* NO. 610 Locust street ~
;; Counir> Seat on wfret elae of Bethlehem turnpike
■L'road, fourth house north of railroad depot, contain*
* n jdfci*Bio*n'f44 feet front) of pointed stone, replete,with,
evriy coLvruleiicc. btable and gardeners house, green
hour#*, grapeiy (In bearing), ice hout«i (rilled), he. rrult
and (lower gardens, well stoektd with choice irulU in
bearing. Vegetable garden, hot beds, dsc. Pear orchard
in bearing, appletretM, <sc.
The w hole place handsomely graded and planted with
choice evergreens, Ac., and in order for Immediate occu
paucy. Apply to W. E. LITTLETON.
614 Walnut streaL
ap3-g fii tbCt* r ,orl. Ml-LFUrtD, chestnut UilL
SSiH .good location. Germantown, near depot; 9 room*;
■sn every con LotSO br HU feet. Price H3OO.
ap7-tls J. M. K WALLACE. 129 8. Sixth at
P roo*t beautiful and desirable building locs In trank-
JLa lord.t-ltua-e on PtnmLclpfr.Arien and Atrottatreeta
Rath 10t29 let 17 inches by 113 feet. Conveniences of
w*ter and gas. SHALLCROSS dt SONS, 623 Walnut
street, 0r461u Frankfordstreet. 1 apAlStj
on the Delaware—convenient to railroad and steam
boat—with House and Stable, furniture, horaei,
carriacen tool/, boats, &e. , , ,
HOalthy rfroatfou, fire view, old trees and chotco ae
lent Jon oi fruit In b* aring. Terms easy.
Photographs at. 231 South Third etieet. fc2o 2mo;
• large double bouse, every convenience, w ith stable
f. and five acre* oi land. Five minutes walk irom
railroad. ,
Inquire 22-1 North Fifth street. mb24 wfca Bt*
Wag rid*m<*. with 7 am* of land, handsomely lo?a*ed
Six at Wallingford Station on the Media Kailro&d. lin
mediate pcfeetelon. House, 13 rooiiw. Ac.
D. T. FKA ri,
ap3a.w,e 2t* 103 Son JiJ?ourth Street
ffiL'; Safe—liulltin thefuoM inunucr. Muitanlc
f or (he heavies- bueiutva. No? M -nd tiU North 1-rout
strt-tt J. M. GUiIMbY & SUMS. 7 US Walnutetreat
STS Stone Dwelling, with stable andcorriage huoae, and
ihx large lot of ground, flurnm ou Ritieuhoise street,
w.rto iiierij *txeet- llai- erj-n citv conveuience, »ud bj
in »«-r(ect o.drr V iv«-minnttr’w a-k fro ?. thb Kailroad
depot. -) M. OUMMEY & SONS. 733 Walnut ctreel.
Sot:; some tnedern. Rerldeuce. situate ;>o 1713
«Siii*trfet ibt ilxK'fJ toH-0 feet etreet. J. M. bIM-
MfcY <S SUNS, 733 Walnut Street.
£ ware Mver—For Male—CohUinlngten acr/Hofland
2- highly improvcdilarge doubleeiouemans-ioo,aiable
and carrlnge*bou*e. greon-hoQ*-’-. hot-hou»c,
A*'-. «tc ritaafe within five minute* walk frni.i fbo Wu
rii.oiMuc Station, on Philadelphia and Tri-Mun R-Rnrv>ad,
ar a ccnvi-Diect to steam boat fanditK. J- lilMMti
Iz SONS. ’O3 Walnut street
Jtefidence. Are© etoric*, with Oiree-etorj - double
bwk building*, every couvtT.i«DC2 and m lerfcct
prd< r. titnat© on the northwest comer ol Mar-hall and
Buttonwood streets, j. M. GUAOIEY' A SONS, 733
Walnut fctrett.
BTu St.-ne ( oltagc with parlor, library, diulugroom and
kl chen on the firs*, lloor. cvcr> city convenience «nd
in c-*'feci order./Ituate on the *o«jheaft comer mine
and IHccctk’ streets. J. M- Gl MAIEY SONS,
Walnut etieeL
brick and Irowr-ttone R rldence, situate on north
elrfe of West Dclancey Place, fourth house east of
Twenty fijvt. Uaa every couvcnieuce, aad m
bui t and tinitbed throughortt in a eupmlor manner. 5\
M.GUiIMJiy & SOMS, 733 Walnut street ’
flMgtntTointed ftoue rt*ldenCe,bnllt and notsbed
tl»roupbmit S« Ihe t»f#t manner, with extra conveni
ence 3 and ?u cxcf!!entrerair,“ltaate on (heeouthwesterly
ccrv* rtf W ainiit Incc and Green st'cel; stone etabte and
catilagi? henr©. orn IriTjre lot cf protind, handrottirlr tm
rrovi o. with rbadc end evergreen trees, and choicest
rbn>t.jjfry J. M- GUMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnut street
o he;
Othce J&ckeon e’reet. opposite sfan.«ion street Caps
Island, N. J. Real Estate boogbt aud sold. Penroos do
elrnus of renting cottages during Ihe season will apply or
addrera os above. . ■ /
FfVpectfdlly rcfrrtoChaa A Robicam. Henry Bumm.
Francis Mcllvain, Augustua Meiino,, John DavU, and
W. Wi JuveuaL f*S-tf|
Floor* of tl t uew buildiDg at tbe N.W. corner oi
Eight), and Market streets Apply to SfRAWBRIDGE
& CLOTIHEK, on the premises, )a2otf{
k* t street. DICKSON DUOS.
tnbH s,w,lfc 320 Walout street.
every couvcnlencev on Township Line Road, a few
minutes’ walk from station oo Germantovu Rail
road w ilh flee acres of land, lying high ; fioo view, con
vehlent stable, Ac., Ac. Also, one with 4 acres of haud
somtly lying ground oo Pnlaski avenne, near M «nhmm
strett, and five minutea* walk from Wayno Station on
Germantown 4
apXO «m w 3t» D. T. PRATT, 108 Bonth_Fourth at
“long branch—to let or for sale, fur*
wru niabed, a band«ome and comfortable Jottage, well
Bzl located, near the aea and principal hpteU.
Applv to GLENN ds C f )..
724 Chestnut street (up etairri .
or to E. W. MORRIS
ap)o 3t* Long Branch, N. J.
03? Houae (partially furniahed), and about an acre of
■fct'ftround. Thepropeitv ia about lour miles from tbe
city and in tbe immediate vicinity of a Railroad Station,
731 WaJnut street.
ber first—A nrat-clasa country Reaideoce. Town
frblp-Uoe roadiUear Manheim street. Gormautown;
(umiebtdand complete with every convenient. Ten
acres,fine Vegetable aad Fruit gardens; extensive Gra
perisa fruiting in succession; I orcing houses Conserva
tory. Ico home filled, <tc. <fcc. A few minutes’ drive from
ftM kne on Ottmiutown Itailroad. f For P»rticula.rs ad
dress, EDiyARDN. WKir*Ul,
, School lauo, Germantown,
aifi-dp 1 orUS'Walhut street, Philadelphia.
|K; tua —Thn-o«tory brown plastered m->dern dwelling;
•aiy 10 rooms; bath, gas, heater, nice porch and large
, “-.£ o . t " b, ’ I “ - . - BOttr. GUAFFBN &.80N.,
ape-tf 1 * 537 Pine street.
raju Garden street, near the Pane fountain. Kent
gliiil ai,2uu. Apply to
,ap6 6fsr .<■ r-> 718 uhestnut streot
fsHS aveuu*;, extending through to Water et. Apply to
ifiiiil H- WiNSOR<tCJ..
S 3 Fraiiklord with garddn, lawn. etabUng.-.carri•»« •
JSill Rouse, otc. Inquire 1321 Girard avenue, mini a tc
souio Residence, with Furniture. 11 , llou gomei-y avo
uue, Chestnut Bill. The house com-nanda a-tiee
v civ and Is within a few minutes’ walls from the ltiil
r0 Api , l ) y P a°t "No. 136 WALNUT street (sooond-atory front
room) from IQ A. 31. to 31>. M ■ , ‘ :ap< th btu 3t»
Ipu Houses, known 1 respectively as ••BlitlerPlace" aud
■“’•York Farir,” situated on tho York road near
Bronchtown, with stables, coach-housct 1 , ico-housea, gar
denel,Ac. For terms and p&rtlcul&iß apply to DR, OWEN
F. WISTER, Germantown. mh2<U2M
BFw Douse, Locust strict, below Sixteenth. Address,
Bjat/ALPHA, Office. 1 ‘ ' mh2t?tfrp~
four-story building, ho; '4l tatrebh
■chi * Ufindfcome Storo »nd Dwelling, No; 1024'Walmit
street Store and Dwelling, No. JU2 Walnut street J. M.
G UMMKY & SONS, 73a.Walnutstreot,; 4 . <
-4* TO KENT.—A MODERN , RE fc IDENGE, n NO, 1833
jSTr? Oxford street; first door/ e&»t of; Eroad st^oet, All
Aw modern improvements. Immediate possession,
Abo, «he handsome Countir Seftt with ton acres of 'land,
at Eugewater.N J. A fullview or theriver; Smlnutea
walk from station* Apply to COPPUOK & JORDAN,
'-r .. •. ,1
FOR: THE SUMMER SEABON, wlth swo and a
Jflhili half acreßOf ground, Thorp’s lane.thirdhotiße from
Dry’s lane, Germantown, with every convenience, gas,
bath, hot and cold wateryßtable, ice
bouee, w itb *0 tons of ice, cow stable, chlckdn.houso. and
« v*-ry Improvement; will be rented with or without fur*
niture. Apply to COPPUOK & JORDAN 433 Walnut at.
WANTS. ; -
falls'Arch, Cheetnut.iAYaluut or Spruce street*, west of
Eh Bread, from $2Oj»U to $BO,OOO. E. JL JOSES,
a T / Walnut street
W anted-a situation as clerk or book-
KEEPER; thoroughly competent. First clone re
for once. Addrcs vULKHK 1 c&ie Capt W. A, flaillia,
KCVCIIi, N.J, ' 1 ■ u splOAtu.th.at
TfIEPAILY EViSNINU BCLLii'ng—PbiLALfcLl’HlA. gATURIIAV. Ai;H.n : ,lo ; 1869.
- ~ ut.i •»wb«i Baker 1 iara,w •tu-^w
Shia j:niatw3d6<atpAbUo 1 12“ *
followtoe'deiSrtS’i woperty. iw^olfThomaa
All >h»(, JBCtfuagi). and tyro.t'DUgaoun;
tracts OI loßd. No, Uattuoto Ba«lFlidtt£;laro4oww9lPi
ot Lcvrar ll»bll>', iu.w »n the ‘i Wenty r thjrd_ W»s<ljof‘J» a
ell, of FhlladdpbiiWoedportiy,lo^Abioglijnitoa^Mo,
In the county ot M
« J-fop<rcb*s;itO A comer stone; thence by the same 1
noTtoiddeg flOmln.;weetSO perches toacomer .in the.-f
middU of Fcuoypook crrefc; thence do wn the said creek, -
on the' fevtrnl courges «tliertcf v »oput IIS percne« to ,*i
corner In the mlddleof eald creek; thence .by, land some- -
Bine of Richard Whittorino'iheaat 13 Prtchea 10, artono
get for a corner; thence by.fbeeetneeoath44deg fOmin.;-
cflstKipejcbes.to n.Wack onk tree) marked for a corner;,
thence] by the tsmeesmth ») deg,lo m.ln ; east td.perches
to * stone set for a .corner in nnoid road, which H,now:
vacated; tbence;, by lard- roraetime v of/,Jobs Mar4naU.
north 73deg, eumlo.;e«at2o perchestpa c»rner,;theDMr
noi Hi && A e. : cent C9arches to a corner; thonce north:
14 d« g. eftut ,45610 p/reheft to.a comer, stone; fuence
uortb4BM west 16 perches to the place of begmnlng;
containm* 6b acres, he itraore or Jess./’= m’ • Vi.iJi"
No. 2* situate in Low er Dublin townauio, Twenty third:
Wmd, city of Philadelphia.: Beginning ota corner in the
middle of (»Jd Rood, which ia .now yjwatol;.thence ex
tending by tract Mo, I, abov« described, south 29. deg. 20
min., weft 44 pe’cbesto » corner; tbeoce by land some-!.,
lime of. jesse Msrple, now B»rrington?a i*iuS«:eoutb.43/d
deg . east 25 pnrch«»H to a corner in apupUcroad, called
the Piuexi7ftd;lhcncft aloDg the mlddlo of said road north
26dfArfJiaet 48 perch*-e to > corner; thence by land of
DanirAicVaugh nortn 6o deg., wert2l BMOO-perchesto
tte piece of beginning; Containing 6 acres 70 square,
perrhfBofland,'bftltmoreorlc*s. ' m 1
Also, all that messuage and lot of groand.sita&te m the
1 wenty-third W & rd, or the ciiy Of Phil idclpnl
raUi dLower DtibTo Towrfbip. - Beginning M-ajatona
petfor d coiner in oJlne of land now or lateof EoooU r
Wright, abd thence 'south Id deg 25 min., west 8 8-lo
perches to a corner*, tbenco oy land formeily of Christian
Fit), being the premires last described, »onth 60 deg.; esbt
2! 8540Uperchtf»foacomerina novv road; thence along
ttcmiddleof ad Id Toad north PO deg., west 10 310 eerch s
to a corner; tbcßcn by land now or late of Enoch Wright
nortbSO deg.; west W,610 vorcbea to the place of begin
ning; containing 1 acre, more or less. ' ' • *
“ by the Court. ,)oBfc.PH MEGARY, Clerk O. C,
> BERNARD dHAßKEY.Administrator.
N. B.—The improvements are a neat otvelUng house,
wtifb apump of good water at thodoor,an old farm bouife
sod barn. , M THOM A 8 * 80N8, Anct’ra,
mb23aiSlo ■ 139 and HI South Fourth .treat.
Ann CbryeH. deceased.—Thomas , & Sous Auc
-Bsi lioneera On .Tuesday, April 13th, 1869. at 12 o’clock,
noon, wib Devoid at the Fhiladelpbla Lx- ;
cbapgc. tbefollowiDgdrscribi'd propertiee. viss.j No. L •
GeDfTci TbreefStory Brick Dwelling. No, 1019; Olive
street, west of Tenth street —a 11 that Jot of grouad,wFh
ibe three-ftory brick me»ruago thereon erpotea.- situate
©n thu south ride cf Olive eri'-et west of Tenth street, in
the fourteenth W T atd; containing In fronl onOlivestreet
lo feet and in depth 57 feet 8 X inches. Subjeetto aa ir
ndeemable yearly ground rent of ft&).
No. 2.—Ge-Dtee) Three story Brick Store andDtfolllng,>
No, 4t« ?outb Tenth street All »b .t Brick ;
Merpuoge and Lot of Ground* situate on the west side of
-Tenth street.BBfeet IJ4ltches nnrthrf Lombard strset;
containing In front l? feei inchos, and iu depth 69, feet.
Clear of ill incumbiaoc*-.
No 3 —Two-etorv Brtck Dweiling;No,23oCurrant alley,
contbof Locuatsiieet- A two-rtoiy Brick ftlcssuage **nd
l.otoi Ground, rimueon the oast side o’ tlley,
164 fe*t southward from the south ride of Locust street, 16
feet front on Cun ant alley, and 40 feet in depth. Suoject l
to «n ii redeemable groui-d rent of iB4O per annum.
No. 4—TV” tbree-rtory Brick D-vein gs, Nos*226 and
228 Acorn alley, north of Spruce sired. - All ttnrt? lw>
ibiec-story br>ck mee*»uagee and lot of ground thweuato
Lelonging. ritoataon the weri ride of Acorn alley, 127 feet
j inebes north of Sprue* rireet; contatolug in front on
/ico n allej 2») feet andindepti of width 33 feet;
»hen nanowLg to ufeet, and »‘Xtoud!n2st ll further ia
depth of that width 4 feet 6 inches the entire depth
be rg37 feet 6 inches.
to An irred«.eniat»legrountren*of *2O. S?© PI in;
No. Brick Dwelling, ho 203 Ouiuce
rireet between Walnut and Locmt streets Afi that 1
tine—riory brick raeeauaee, with two-riory b»ck f uildiog
rt d <ot of ground, situate on the weet side of sf.»
between Locuri and Wamu* streets; contaiotug in frowr
16 feet, ItcludinghaU the obey on thenorth.anam depth
' 25 ‘ett. ■
Clear of all incumbrance.
M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers,
mblBap3lo 122 and 141 South Fourth street
Ss, Earley, deceafed.—Thomas & Sons, Auctioneer!*.—
Building Lot/, First and Twent) -sixth Warda. On
Tnrertav, April I3tn, iHrS. a* 12 o’clock, noon, will be aold
at public Rale, at lb© Fhi .adelphia 1 xcbangU, the follow
ing described Lofaof Ground, vir: No L—All that lot or
crc-und, rinmteun tie north rideof EnterprisOßtreet 90
reete&stof Sixth street, in the First Ward: containing
in front on Enterprise etieet 34 feet and extending in
depth 44 feet. , . , _ ~
Ko, sL—All that lot of ground, eitnate on the north rido
n* Enterprise rtrect, IS4 feet east of ftUth street. First
W id ; coi toinlug in front on Enterprise atreot, 72 feeL
and exlending iii depth -ri L ct- , ...
>o. 3 —All that lot of ground: rituafe on the south aide
of Diekertou street. 284 feet east of Sixth street. First
Waid; cortainhiff in front on Diekerron BtreetiTJ feet,
and extending in depth 73 feet. .
No. 4. Ail that lot of Mowed, situate on tho east aide of
Sevi? th ftreetand south ride of Mono ain (late Lewis
rtre*t) First. Ward: cents ining in front on Mountain
street 43 feet, and extending in depth 3u feet.
No. h. AH that tot of ground, eitu«te on-the eouth aide
of l>eehoigßi.«>t. Jib feet weet of Twenty-aixth street,
forruerlv called Aiex.rAer itrect in the Twenty-sixth
Ward, foimtrty first Ward; contabAng in frontop De*
thcnp street 176 fmt. er.d ex ( eDdiag in depth 3d feet, in
, ludtn* therein th- whrle of fix Rfvcral alleys, re pec*
Uvelv2f*et in width and 38 feet in depth, the eastern
n on'Leo rf -be taid alleys teiog respectively at the
dirianceof 182leet I£Jfeet. 192 feet 222feet,25lfeet.and
27fti*etwestward f.omsaid Twentv-aixth street, which
.-aidalleys were laid out by the said James \V, Barley, »or
Ibo bte oi roniona of the above described lot or
mire of ground bounding thereon respectively, In coin
rron with H-e owm-rs. v> nauts and occupie'B of there
portiona ot the ground fronting on Federal street bound
ii.gon the said alleys respectively, as and for pa?aage
wavg and water courses »t all times hereafter tor, ver.
’ iL THOMAS. A SONS. Auctioneers.
mh27 ap3lo 139 and 141 S. Fourth street.
IfstF. lex. Esq., dec’A—Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers—
JSs Qn Tuesday, April 13th 1869 at 12 o’clock, noon, will
be sold at public eale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, the
following described property, vix: No. I—Two-story
Brick Stable No. 1222 Cherry street, with a three-s’ory
Brick Dwelling luihe rear. All those messuages ind the
lot of ground thereunto belonging, eitnate on the south
pldo of Cherry street, east of TV irteenth street, No. 1223,
containing in front on Cherry street 20 feet and extend
in* in dr ph on the east line 92 ieet, more or less; the uce
extending west 14feet to court; thence north
along eaid court about 13)6 feet; thenco west, across the
beaa of Budaen’s court, 10 foot 1% inches j thtneo north
14 feet2?4 inches; thence ewst 4 feet 1M inches; thence
north 64 feet 9Jj inches to Cherry stree’, the place of be
kinnirg. The Improvements area two-story brick sta
ble. flouting on Cherry street,and a fUrea-story brick
dwelling in the rear for a coachman. Together with the
common.use and privilege of said Budden’s court.
Immediate possession of tho stable.
Kca. a 3, 4 and s—Four three story Brick Buildings,
Budden’s Court in the rear ofthe above. No 2—A three
story brhk dw« Ring and lot of ground, corner of Bud
den’s couit and Budden’s alley, 14 feet 3 inches front, aod
14 fett deep, with the common nee and privilege of said
No. A—A three-story brick dwelling add lot of ground.
Buddtn’s court, adjoining the above, 13 feet 6)6 inches
front, and 14 feet deep, with the common use and piivi
lege of said court.
_No A—A three-story brick dwelling and lot of ground,
Budden’s court, adjoining tbe above, 14 feet 1)4 Inchon
front, and 14 feet deep, with the common use and p.ivi
lege of said couit.
No. 6—A tbrf e-story brick dwelling and Jot of ground,
Budden’s court adjoining the above. 14 feet 34 inch front,
and 14 feet deep, with the common use and privilege of
said court.
g3P~ A yard in front of each of the above dwellings will
bo included in the solo.
g37~ Will he sold according to a recent survey, which
Dj ay he seen at the &. ucttoo Jioonia.
M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,
apHlu 189 and 141 South Fourth street.
sfij; Given, deceased.—Thomas Sons, Auctioneers. -
•stu: 2)€-etory brick dwelling,No. 419 Christian frf'oet, we? f
of Fourth etrcet. Pursuant to au order cf fhoAOrphine’
Court for the Oity and County of Philadelphia will he
pold at public Rttle.on Tuesday, April 13,18(19. at ft o’clock,
noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following do
fcribPd Troperty. late of Mary uiven, deceased, via : All
thatlo* ot ground, with the messuage thereon erected,
said lot being marked iu apian of lore of "Hie Uector,
Church Warm us and Vestrymen of the United Swedish
Luther* n Churches of >V>cc*coe. Kiogseesing and • 'pper
Mciirn.in thecoun’y of Philadelphia, l 'in the State of
Penrsyivania, ho 27, situate on toe north sldo of Chris
tian * tract, 174 feet west ot Delaware Fourth sfnef. late
district of Southwark, now city of
containing in iroi t on uhritflan street 17 feet 7 lochs*,
and on the rear end about 15 feet ID inches more or loss,
and in depth 77 tett 6 Inches. (Being tho same lot cf
g-ound, which “Tbo Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry
men of tho United Swedi-h Lutherau Churches of Woc
cacoe. Kingecesing and Upper Morion, county ot PhiU
delpbia,State oi Penn*ylvania,”by indenture dated tb*
day of A. D. 18ft duly acknowledged th« Q&th day
cf April A. D, 1812, ro acknowledged tho 23d day of
June, A. D., 1847, and recorded at Philadelphia, in Dot'd
Rook A. VV, M., f'o. 39, rage 473. Arc., granted and con
veyed unto Thomas Stewart, in foe. R-eorviog there
from and thersout a certain yearly ground renter sum of
$2&. in eq<>al half-yearly payment* on the 14th day of the
monthß of December and June it) every yeac f rover.
By the Court, JOSEPH MEQARY, Clerk O. C.
MARYBINEXO*, Ad ninistratrix.
M.THOMAS & Auctioneers,
rabl6ap3lo 139 and 141 South Fourth street
338 South Wharves.,
Ia::: Modern three-utory Brick hc.-ideuce No 409 Pine
■hit street, west of Fourth street. * u Tuesday, April
13tb,1869. at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at put lie sale, at
the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern throc*story
preps brick front messungo, with two story back building,
and lot oi ground, situate on the north siao'of Pine street,
wtst of fourth street* No. 409; containing in fronton
Plue street 19 feet, and extending In d-pt* 81 fee*, thou
narrowing to 6 feet, and then extending rorth 19 feet,
making the entire depth 100 feet, together with the prlvL
legeof aSfeet wide alley. The boue is in good ropa'r
neatly painted and Tapered; large saloon parlor, dining
room andkitchen on the first floor; two chambera. sit Una
room.library, bath and water closet on the second lloor;
gas throughout (with fixtures, which are included iu the
rale free of charge), hot and cMd water, furnace, cooking
range, flag pavement, wash pave* Ac.
of all incumbrance.
Terms—Hah cash.., ■
Immediate poesesaioni-May-heexamined any day pre
vious to salo.
M. THOMAB * S'W*. Auctioneers,
mhlS 27ap10 139 and 141 South Fourth street.
Hiit Large and Valuable Lot* Hutctiinron street. notith of
■■p Coaunbi*avenue. Twentieth Waid. twofrout 4 . On
Tuesday, April 13 b, 1869. at 13 o'clock, nooti, will bo eold
atiubjb Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that
largejaud valuablelotof k opnc*.situate on the easteiaa
of BntchlmsoD afreet, 64 feet Bohtb of Columbia avenue;
containing in front onliutchtnrOQ street 80 feet and ex*
tending indepth7Ufo*ttotbe Ormantnwn ana Norris*
town railroad. on which it has a front of 80 foot
RnT ClearofaU incumbrance, ,
M, THOMAB A SONS. Auctioneer*
199 and 141 Uouth Fourth etroet.
'A-TK sax.es*-'”-
jsmjQ F. Btrawn, decsasod.r-Tb° SonvAan L
tlom efs .-Thrie-story brick towelling. No: or*&>,
Bywid gffeffceonib of atmorostreet FoWeehth
Futsustjttoku order ofthe. Orphans* Court fo- the City
gnd county dl FhllAdelphjn, wplF; refold tri pnbUc yitfo
S -Tv »xdar, April Mi Iftw,at 19 noon; it the ,
FblUdfirWa Fxcbihge, (he fol 16 whig dOicribed trrtßKatTi
Into pf litpjsinin F. StiawiL deceased: viz.; AQttiaoot;
of grobttd; with the* brick meesuoga .thdramr.
tbeoarisido ofß oadstreet, aft ho,
disfahee df JO feet YU foches '■southward trom tbe rinth-/
■ontt roirer of. Bipftd;and>Atmqre jUem ift thd Fdar;
teenth Ward of the City of pbiUrdefpbUicotifßiahig.od;
front on i>road s+reeHS fret -and extending, Jhdflpthon;
■■t he li<rth line thereof 76feet 7 inches; afid on'tSeadnth !
■lino' thqreof ;73 feet .to a, 9 , feet indhee, Wide
allfyv * lead lok into ih and frprtt* 'Atinoro'; etfet'ti :
>onpd-d DOithward by grotindof Jacob Kawle.flaltyard*
by said bHct, aouthward by ground of WiUi&to'Artiett ,atid.
westward by Broad.street aforesaid,, Beiag.the same
William omec and wiio, hy.lndenm e.
nearing datethe 23d day of Octobor. A, P. 1865, recorded
it be SOtn.dey 01 ,* ovember. A; D. 186 A i 5 tbe ’ojllco for tv
cording deeds, for the city andebumy of Fmlad*l*
pbla,in deed book L. R. IJ., No 227. pdgo 273 &d, granted;,
atd conveyed to the said Benjamin F.Btran;,ia! fee,
under pud vubjcct, neverthete»e. to tho payment of a -
yeaily it bund rent of $72, payable on the first of January
ard Ju») >. . '
By the Court.-, 'JOSEPH MFG ARY, Clerk 0.0.:. •'
STELLA M; iAmlr» WitfW:
' JOSEPH S'PRAWN, J Admin rtrators..
> M. THOMAS a SONS.'Auctioneers, -
mhlßnp3lo ■ 139 and 141 South Fourth fltreet.
Bfsr fioneers. Very Elegant Country seat and Mansion
.mat known ae ‘’Silver Fine,” 31H acres. River Delaware,
fltTacopy,Pennsylvania. Bightmilesfrom Philadelphia,-
Sfqnareetrom the Kriiroad otarion, and
the Steamboat Lauding, late the-residence of Edomnd
<»rcen, dec’d. / soo feet on the River Delaware, Twenty,
third Ward. On'l uej-aay. April 13th; 1869, at ISo’eloik;
noon,win be sold at public sale, at tho Phliad lohia
Exchange, all that very’elegant country seat, comoririog
31 acres 24 7 10 peTche*. situate at Tucony, Twenty-tbicd»
Ward; having a front ou the River Delaware of about*?*)
feet, end extending in depth (crossing Tacony street)
about LSCO tcet to the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail
road; on which ir hue aTront of about 1500 feet. The Im
provements are a large rtone uiansion, stonn barn.waett
nouie, - Ict’-bouee, bost-boure, earriave-housc, chicken
house, spring house, farm-house. «fec. The grounds are in
a high state of cult vation; on the river front a grove of
large shade trees. It Is convenient! of access by steam
host* railroadjiurnpike and summer road, •_
f*r~geepTan at the Auctiou Rooms. .<
Tems—Half Cash.
M. THOMAS dr.SONS, Auctioneers,
robl3 20ap3 10 129 and l 4l v Soutn Fourth street,
A PUBLIC 'SALE —TflOMlTs*~ It ~BoNsr
Bin tioneerr,-Handsome modem ihree-rstory Bt' ue rpsh
M2t deuce- with and coach bouse, West Walont
lane, sorthesst of Wayne street, Gcrmßn)own,Twpnty
recooAWard, On Tuteda«, April 13,1869, at 12o’clock,
nocn. wfll be sold at public sale, at tne Philadelphia
Exchange, all that modem three-story stona rough-cast
mesMiagc, with (wo-ston back building and, enmmer
ki'«he*».»rd Jotof grourd, situate on the northerly side
of West Walnut lane: 140 fe*t northeast of Wayi e street,'
Germantown, Twenty-second Ward; the lo'.containing
In front on Walnut lam- Hufeet, and extending in depth
334fcef- i hi mansion G 42 feet front; aud 40feet deep;
contains 17 rcomr. handsomely papen a aodprinted; bos
bath TOQzn. hot and cold water, marble.top
foinsces, 2 cooking r«ng(s,, Arc.; stone stable lor 6
horsrt, c arriage bouse, cow stable, gardener’s house, well
of excellent water.&c Ibe grounds nre well under-ground
d> ained; are handeom ely laid out and planted in shrub
bery, fiuit and shade trees.
Terme~ft£o,Cfo may remain on mortgage.
M. THUMAB&BONS Au«tioneers,
mb 27 ap3lo 139 RDd 141 Bomb Fourth street
Wmceis.—Vaiuftblt) Residence. La’gs Lot and Wharf,
Btulicgion. New Jersey, fronriug on the river Dela
ware, Gieeu Bark. Wood efreeC and Pearl street. On
Tne>day. April 13th, b 6ft, »t. 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold
Af public sele, at the rliiladclphia Exchange, the follow
ingdctcribed iio ert T ,viz.: No I.—All tint mansion,
and lotol ground, with three fronta—viz: 125 feet oo
Peailetreet, 162 fee ou Wood street. 1?5 fectonßtukor
Delawareetre*t, beipgar.out i4sfeetonthenortfie*sterly
Jibe. *i he improvements consii't of a largo three story
brick- stone and frame dwelling on the corner of - B-mk
and Wood streets: it fe4o fe- t front and cootalufl ft large
comber of tcoq>s : gss introduced. 2 hath rooms, with hot
.android water; also, ipring water, die. Tbe greeubanfc
in front is vtry handsame, and iu firrt-rste order.
, Tern (JfX c**h, balance inay remaio on u>ortgaK<S.
NOi2.—Valuable Wh«*ri an«l Large Lot —AU thicvriu
tble wbaif «cd large lot of grcu»d conrsioiog iu front
on Gr*en Bark or Delaware street 106 feet, and
itc in depth 266 feet. Coat office, scales. (See Plan.)
. Tcnns—s3 <OO cash, balance may remain bn mortgage.
l.ithorrai Lie plans of both properties may be bad at
the Auction Rooms
M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctimeere,
mb27ar3h) »139 aud 141 B. Fourth street.
Three-at/>ry Brick D«elUnx, No. Frauklin
etieet, above Diamond etreeL Twentieth Ward.
On Tuesdav, April 13th, ISti). at 12 o’clock, noon, will bd
sold a* public s«la at the Puiiadelphia Exchange, all
tbree-stOry brick messuage, wnh twoatoy back oulldk
ings and lot of ground, sit u* t* on the west side oi Fraak
.Unstreet, Tweutie h Ward, No 21*26; the lot comaiaiag:
in front on Franklin street 14 feet 2 i aches, and extending
in depth 70 feet to a 4feet wide ahev, with tho- free use
And privilege thereof. Has the bath, hot and cold water,
-heater, range. <fca
Terms—Bl,6oo may remain on mortgage.
Immediate possession. Cleat of all iecambrance,
M. THOMAS & Auctioneers,
ap3.10 139 and S. Fourth street
HuF Auctioneera —Valuable Buriness Location.—Three
SStlarge and valuable Lots. Nos. 507, 509 and 511 Arch
street, wtetof Filih street, 54 by 230 feet. On Tuesday,
April 13th. 1869, at 12 o’clock, noon, n ill be sold at p ‘hue
sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all thote three vary
desirable and valuable lots of ground, riumte on tho
north side of Arch street, weet of Fifth street. N ><o 507,
5C9. 511; each containing ip front on Arch street 18 feet,
and .'.stepping ia pib 230 feet. Tho above ia situate ia
a very improving neighborhood, ond-are three of tne most
valuable lots on Arcb street.
iaT’They will be sold separately.
M. THOMAS A SONS, Austioneers,
sp3Blo 13ft and 141 South Fourth a’reot.
iiam Raycer, deceased—Thomas & Sons, Auction
eers. Country plac**, three etory ft ne c|wrel lug,
bam snAwagon house, and acres, M&nayunk. Fur
euant to anoroer of tbe Orphans’ Court lor the city and
county of PMJ&delrhia. will be sold at public sale,
on V tier day, April 50 b, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the
Philadelphia Excbange,the L Rowing described properly,
lateot \Mihsm Rayuer, deceased, viz.: All that me--
tuage and tract c f land, tituate ln that part o' Philadel
phia fo ratrly tbe borough of Manayunk. Beginuiog at a
etouo for a corner to lands now or late of rteo. Shield*,
and lands late of Kueh, deceased, and now or late
of Robert W. Richardson: thence by l&nda of said Robert
>V- Richardson nortli 42 deg. 16 min., west 419-10 perches
to a etonein the toath-eHeterJy aide of a street or road
called uinnamineon road; thence by the said road
18 deg. 45 min., east It perches to a stake; thi nee through
lsndenoworlateof ibeealdGeo. Shields, south 42 deg.
15 min., east 50 perches to a stake in the line of other
lazd now or late o Gto. Shields, late of «Viadle Hallow,
ell; tbence south 64 deg-, west 10 32-100 perches to the
place ofbrginniDg; containing 2 acres 3 quarters and 8
perches <-f land, strict measure. (Being the same prem
ises which Robert Hants, by indenture dated the 4th day
tf November, A. D. 1847, recorded in the office of the Kq.
ccrder ot Deeds, in.and for tbe city and county of Phiia
dt |phK in Deed Hook A. W M.. No. 68, p«ge 127. &c.,
granted and conveyed onto the said William ttayner and
JohnHeepe, aatenants, in common fee; and tbe said
Jonn Heape afterwards departed this life seized of an
undivided moiety of and U> said premises intestate, leav
ing to survive him his wioow, Harriet Heape, and five
children, to wit: Mary Hrape. Hannah Heape, Sarah
bfspe, WilllaniHcape and riizabeth Heape.) And tho
sold \Villiam Rayner afterwards died having fii>t made
bis last will and testament dated December 9. 1865. re
coid*d atPblladilPhU in the office of the Uegl-tor of
Wills wherein he did devise all his real estate uuto hla
LxecutoreiD fee, &c. Bylahtwilland of divers other
nxt'fce conveyanc* s (fully recited in handbills) tho title
to tbe whole of said premises became vested in said Ex
ecutors in fee. __
By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk O. C.
THOMAS IS KaYinEK,) fr YP « nMrft
UFNRY B. RAYNER, ( Executors-
Tbe improvements are « eubst-ntiat three-story stone
house, with two-story back buildii gs. a two story stoie
on*-bouse another l)s ttorj log ten*nr-houaep altered in -
ride and out. a large stone wagon-house and traiue oaru,
>t< uLOstabie high.) a never-failing well of excellent wa
ter. abundance of fruit and tree**. Tn«- huuse com
iu*<udfl a fine view of tbe Schuylkill nver, oul lower por
tions oi Montcomtjy county, immediate of
tbe bouse ana garden and part ot the barn wiU be given
N B. The property will be sold expiee&ly uuder aud
hutij< ct to two ceitaui mortgages,dated respectively Jaa.
14, .h 59, cxccu'ed.by dace, ent during bis Rretimo to wit:
od< to ou s. Johanna Latch, for SI.OUU, recorded at Phila
delphia, in Mortgage Book, A D. 8., No 25, page 63: the
otbti to Mia.. Elizabeth Hinckle, forSotXi, recorded iu
Mortgage Book A. V. B-, No 25. page 66. The int
b - been paid in full on both mortgage* to Jauuary 15th,
'J erms of sale—Half cash and half mortgage, (secured
upon the premises,) or all cash, at tho opfiou of the pur
M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers,
ir 1 27 nplO 17 139 and 141 tfouth Foiuth street
HHiiO. Uiiibtrger, decensed. Thouisa Sous, Auctioneer*.
fftJ-PmeuHntioanOiderof the Orphans* Com t for the
Uity aud County of Philadelphia, will bo sold at public
pah. on'l uerday.AprU 2Uth, i 869, at 13 o'clock, noon, at
he Philadelphia Exchange, tho foil »wiug do'cribod pro
perty lhtoot James O Limurger, dcceacedi-No. L Large
and Valuable Lot N. W. corner of Eighth and Oxford
btn«is, Twentieth Waid, 233 ft et front. All that lot ot
grouun, situate in the T« eutieth Ward. City of Fmladel
phiu . beginning at the .northwest c »rn*.r of »xford aud
i if} ib street*; thence extending northward »lung the
w« rtkido of Eighth erect 233 feet; tbenco at right angles
nitii Kightb street by grotic.d J« soph Al Hennott west
waul (Ou ftet to the eastern side of a2B feet wid-street,
called Ponenstreet; thence southward along the east
tide of Darien street 232 to* t to the north aide of Oxford
street, and tbenco eastward along the north nid-} of Ux
fo: d street IUO feet to the northwest corner of Eighth and
ucxtoid sim ts, the place of beginning
No. 3 Large and valuable Lot Ninth treet, north, of
Oxford strict; 111>dieet frout. All that lot ofg.ourd,
Htuato in the Twentieth Ward, city ol Philadelphia, bo
aim ing at a point on the east side of Moth street, at the
distance of 119 Let tf inches northward from tho uonh
b do of Ux ord street; tbenco exrei ding uorth * ard al 'og
thf cast ride of Nimb street 112 feet 6 Inches to the south
ern boundary of land of Joseph M lieu nett; tbenco on a
dne at right onglfs to Ninth atrmfc aloog the southern
bouudary. east 100 feet 9£f inches to thu.west side of a2}
feet wide street, called Darien afreet; thence southward
ulcus the west side of Darien street 112 f-ot din’hee to
the line of land granted to Cnarlos llabn, and the-'co
westward at right angles to Darien street luofeet Sus
inches to the east aide of Ninth street, audplaco of ho*
Sinl ‘ lD fey the Court, JOSEPH M EC. ARY, Clerk OC.
J OSEPH H. BE'NE'T. 'fimtae,
m1)27.ap1017 l4l South Fourth atreet.
For other propertv, btlorgirK to oaino estate, to bo aold
at same time and place, see other hundDill.
K;;;: Large and Valuable Lot. Kaco street East of iwon-
JHiii! tlelhßtieet, 60 feet front, 140 feet deep, to Spring
street, two fronte. On 'l utsday. April 20tb,186t>, at la
o’clock, noon, w ill ha .old »’ publlo salo, at tho •'hlladol
phia exchange, all i hat large and valuable lot of ground..
situate dm the north side of ltaoa street, 40 feet coat of
'I w entleth street; o -ntatnlnx In front on Race .treel6o
feet aid extending In depth 140 foot to Bpnugstreot—2
fionte. On the lit are, a frame and 3brickbuildlogt,
whith together ten t for $760 » year.
Ttrma—sB,loo may remain on mortgage. ’ -
11. THOMab it SONS, Auctioneers,
mh27 nplol7 ■ J 139 smd 1418, Fourth street
orphans ixrtii'S'aAi s-ehTafE <»*• jaii
■C. Umbener,decetaed. Thomis * Bin., A.uv
•*®.tionee?*r-raTßnan» to an Order of the urpbstuV
tooftf toi': County of Philadelphia, *«1.
W toia at* public ea!e, ;0a Tuesday, Ap»u 2Uth, 1669.
at 18 o’clock, noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the
following described property, lata of James O. Uoibetgcr,
deceased, viz.. ho i.--Valuable BoslneseLocation, three*
stoiy Bride Dwelling, ho. 14 North seventh street; above
jMar» et *»reet .—All that three-Btory : brick messuage and
lot of ground, situate on the west side of Seventh street,
'between Maiket and ArcbVtmrts, Ninttr AVard. city of
!jr bllndelphla, btfrfrining at d v point on tbA west side ot do
iventh stidst, at the distance ol 12? feet 8 inches from the
norttf tidAfif MarkerittectiJn the middle of a 3 feet wide
alley ; Idt open and at all times to remain open for the
common use and convenience of this aud the adjoining lot
;fo tbt» a uibward, and Ukewipo a contiguous lota to tue
tonbwm-d cfettld alley/aDd also of s lot tat>rtbe property
> of William Wodd&, find afterwards of Ttobert Fiom nlug.
filtrate louthward of the alley hereinafter mentioned;
theme running westward atrigtr* angle* with Seventh
strret, inthfcmiddlG'dfßdldalfryt&fdetr thcoco parallel
with Seventh street southward 1 foot Pinches; thence
running, westward at right angles wirliSeventh etreet'22
feerfo a3feetvidenll«-y,w'hifh’faldla»t-mcutlone(l alley
ia left open for,the use of thelots. aforesaid* including: the
preml.-is hereby granted; thence running southward
parallel with Seventh street aiong of tho Imsr
meniiontd ailey ISfotfc; thence running eastwardl?-at
light angles with Seventh street 84 feet to said Seventh
stictUftUd ibtncouortherly along ’Stve&tb eU eet;tothe
place df't’fgfnPing; containing in fronten Seventh street
aforesaid 20 feet 6 in< bee, including the southern half of
the first above-mentioned 3feet wide alley, and expend,
ii.g in depth, caatand west. 62 feet; theuco narrowing on
thenorth afaetoth«rbroadili of i 9 fort, and thence*cOa
thming that reduced bresdttt etll] furtberiii depth 22 feet,
making altogeth* rln death 84 teet Bounded on the north
partly by the tnldd*« and partly .by thonide.of iho 3f©et
wide all* j hading Into seventh street; on the west bythe
other wide alley; on the south by ground i* r e of
Joseph Morris, and on -the east by Seventh street afore
said. Together with he common privilege and' free u j e
of both the 3 feet w ido alleys, at all times forever, and to
gether with too right and onyUego of building ovor and
roa* ic£ arches'under the fi •s'-mentioned 8-Ccet wide *ll«y
leading to Seventh street. In tho same manner and form
as tne said messuage is now and extended over and
nnder the same.
N.,8 r - lhe above ia. located, in an improving business.
neighborhood. Tbeboiu-eis well and substantiaUvbuilt,'
and has the gas. bath, hot and cold water; threertory
bnckbuilding;lieater,raLige, &c.; front room used as an
office. - . •.
no. 2 -Three-storybrick dwelling, No 110 union sfrc’t.
-Ah tbatbiick meeauagOHOd lot of ground aitnaievm tlur
south' Sde of V nloii street, at the distance of l4.>Teet
wtstwaidfrcta Fiont street. Fifth Ward*eftvof Phila
delibfa; containing In front on Union, street 19fret,
and In depth II teefc. ‘ Bounded eastward by ground
laic of Fmncia Gurney, deceased. ' on the
noith by Union street, on the west partly
bv ground now orUteof Elizabeth W.’ Levick and partly
bv ground now or late of Samuel W. Jones, and on the
south by gi ound now or late of Samuel VV Jones.’
N 'i he lmprovetnents are a three-story brick dwell
ing with (bree-ttory building;-has gas, bath, hot
and cold wafer, cooking range, Ac.
No. 3.—M wo three-story brick dwelling?. Nos. 909 and;9ll
North Heveiith street above Poplar street 4 All that
thru; story brick messuage bind lot of grouud, situate on
the eaettide>of Elevt nth street, at the distance of 74 feet
northward from Poplar street,- Twentieth Word, ‘city a?
Philadelphia: ccntainlnc ia front on Eleventh street 16
itch and, extending eastward, between parallel. liues at
right ai gee with Eleventh street 73feet to an'aPey 2Te**fc'
luk inches wide, which leads into another alley ruuntag
into tlfcvcDth ktreet Hounded on the north by other
ground of th- es'ateof James C T’mbcrger, deceased, ou
the tby the said 2 f»et 10M Inches wide alley, on th**
south by ground now or Is e of Freeman Scott and. on
the west by Eleventh stn-t-t aloresaid. Together' with
the free u?e of the said alleys a» pa-sage ways and water
courtce, In common « iti the owners, tenants aud occu
pieis ot other lou hounding thereon, at ail {times hereafter
forever. .
Duijecttoagroundrentof sB4per annum. \
Alrthaf three-story* brick n»i:sfii«ge uDd lot of ground,
ei’nate • n tin* east *fde ot Eleventh street. «t the tiia'ance
of 9u fret northward from Poi lsr street Tweitleih VVn'd,
cit> of Philadelphia; (ontaiiuiug In fiout on t lovsnth
street lti feet and extendiug *-08t«»trd between purallul
lines st right angles with Fk-v» nth “f-eet 73 feet to mq
alley 2 feet 10)$ fncl t swlde. which leads into another
all. y * uuning Into Kkvei th st'ccL Bounded on tbe mirth,
iv ground now or late of Fre* man Scott, on theeast by
thepsid 2 *Cet lO&.inches w id*t all“y, on the south hf
other ground of the estate of J-mea 0. Umborger, deed.,
and on the w est by Eleventh street, nforcedd. Tog jther
with the f r< c use and t rivilese of the aaid alloy aa pn-n.
age ways and w a ter course • in common with the owners,
b rant? and ocoupu-ra of other lots bounding thereon, at
ail time? hereafter forever. . . -.
ruljtctio&ftouDd rent of Sfti ner annum. '
bo. ■*.—'l w e-fetorj Brick Divt lling, York street, West **f
Tulip street., ’ A|l,those two Storv b ick rn*-a u>iges andlnt
of ground. Fitua'e on the south side of YOrk street, aa
wiatptd.io ltiu: cet l y.tho addition ot 25 feet on e tch side
then of at the die tan re of 3d feet westward fro a the W'*?t
side« f Tulip street, Ninetemth Ward, city of I’nil-tdel
i liia ; co. talning in front on ork street 3d feet and in
depth extending ihcnc** southwardly, k-.cping the same
wndtu-at rtßhl> angles w ith York street, J 25 fuet jnebes
touceitain Htrect. 40 feet w ide, called Gordon etn-et
Bounded rn tbe north by York street, widened afore
said, on the south by Oordon street, on the caet by g ound
Doworlatci*f GcoigcA. lUdiards; and on the oy
ground of the Sepviva estate. Subject to a greuud rent
of s3ti per annum
C«. B-—T he house fronts on don street, No. 622.
By the Lourt, JOdi PH ME GARY, Clerk O. U* ■ ;
M. 'i HUM h rONS, Auctioneers,
mh27-ap 1017 139 nnd 141 South Fourth street.
For o her property belongu-g to same estate, to.bo sold
at eatno time and plaCe, ate other handbill.
uHt! tjoneen.—ln the Court of Common Pleas, for the
»a: (jity ana County of Philadelphia. James Wilson,
«t al, ve. JaniesK. Bowman, et al, of March Term.
169. No. 14. Partition in Equity. In pursuance of an
oi der bdO detree made by the aaid court, in the ahove
cause, on the 27th d«y of March. A r> . will heaold at
I üblic sale, on Tuc. day. April 27, iB6O, at 12 o’clock, no in.
at the Philadelphia Exchange, the lollowing described
property, viz ; No. T.—lhreestory' Brick Liwelliug.
Bihno> w inc utre» t, «e» t of Twentieth stn et AM \hm
reituin tbree-Btory btick und lot of. ground,
• ituatecn the-north side 3 of Brandy* iue street, at* the
d4iM.ce oi 183 feel westward f-orn Twentieth 1 street in
the Filtecnto Ward, or tbo city of Philadelphia: con*
Uiining m frontou sold Brandy wine street 15 toot 3
iiulur*. nrd extending in length or depth northward ftB
feet s inches to the middle liuo of a Certain 4 feet wide
No, 2 to 6 —5 well-secured Ground Kents, #2BB, #3O. #3O.
?30 Bed $4B a y» ar —Ail that c?rtain yeaify ground rent
or -um of #*BB, lawful money of tlio United states of Amo*
lica, it suing aud payable in hnli*yearly paymentn ou the
firrtd“jt*of ibe months of January «nd July io every
3 ear forever, bout deducti >u ot taxes, out of and for
xll that lertain lotof grouud. situate ou the eastsuio of
Br< ad street, at the di-lance of 189 feet southward of v'ine
street in the ci'-y of Pbiiadeli hU; • outalniug in tront on
u a d i-rood street 18 feet, aud in length or deprh of that
w dth eastward 180 feet to VViaUr court.
No 3 —Ah that ctrtaiu yeuiJy rent charge, or sum of
$3O. lawful money of the United States of Ameri a. pay
able b' James Kerns, bis heirs and assigns, ou the hist
days of tbe mouths of January aud July, in exch and
every year lorever. without induction for taxe?,&c.-
cb*rgeableon and issuing out of alt that certain lot of
ground- situate in the tint Ward ol tbe city nf.- Philadel
bhi», on the south side of a 30 teet wide t-trect, xa led
; Uete street, laid out ar d opened from Second street to
Moyamepblng aveuue, at the dipt > nee of 110 teet south of
and parallel with Moore street;commencing at the dU
tance of 360 feet 4 inches eastward from the east side of
Mojaxnensing avenue; containing in front on said
Celeste ttieetl3f*et 7 inches, and extending of chat
w ldih In dt pth eouihward.between parallel Uncs, at right
angles to Celeste btriet 53 feet.
ro 4.—A1l that certain yearly rent chargeor sum of
$3O lawful money of the United States of Amo ica. paya
ble bv thesaid James Kerns, his heirs and assigns, oulho
first days of the mt ntha ol January and July, in each nnd
every year forever, without deduction for taxes
chajgeabie on and issuing out ef all that certain lot of
ground simatein the First Ward alo esaid, on tho south
ride of aaid 30 leet wide street, called Cchste street,
commencing at ibe distance of 3USfeuc 2 laches eastward
uom sing avenue: containing in irontousad
Celettestreet 13 Get 7 inchee, and extending of that
w idth In depth southward, between parallel lines atrigli.
angles to Celeste street, 53 feet.
No. 5,--Alt that certaiu yearly rent charge, or sum of
s3o,lawful mouet of the rutted States of America, paya
b v by James Kerns,his heirr stud a slgu#,ou tho href, days
of ihe monthr of January and July ia each and evervyear
forevtr, wi hout deduction for taxes, <sc., chargeable on
and iatuing out oi allih*t certain lot of ground, situate
in tbe Firrt \V aid afort-Baid. on the touib aids of saidSu
l**et * Ide ftret-t t ailed Celeste Btiee*.; couimenciug at the
distance of 373 fret U inches eastward of said Bloysmc- •
fing avenue. contaimug in front on s*id Ct leste st-drt 14
feet, and extending of that width in depth south ward,
bet*ten parallel lines at right angles with aaid Create
trtr*et, 60 feet, including tberom the western moiety, or
haU part ol a cot tain ai.ey. 2 feet 2 inches wide, to bo left
upeD betweeD tbe her rby granted premises and the pro
n. isi *}ad;oini»g to the eatt.
No ti. Ail that co lain yearly ground rent or sum of
$4B, churteaLle half yearly, issuing and payable by
J< hD B teuozi his heirs and itisigmi. enthe first dayw of
the mouths of January and July in each and every year
b< renfttr forever, without deduction for taxes, Ae., out of
hi d fo- all ihatcertuiu lo' of greuud, with the three-story
brick mertuiugeor tenouniuttlu-rerm erected, s-tuateon
the etu-t ?i<ie street, in the Nineteenth WhM.
city ol Plaludelpnia.-comuicncinK »t tho distance of
ie» 1 1 O' thwaid from the south side of Dauphiu street; con
lainir g m front or breadth on #uid atreet 14 feet,
tind < xlcuding of that width in length or dentil 42 teet to
ihe middle of u certain -lie. t wide alloy.
Full i jrtlculars at the ibco of the Master-
Titihf— Cash. SUK> to be paid on each at the time of
Bv the Court— . JEROME CARTY, Master,
51 Noith
M. THOMAS «b rONS, Auctioneers,
ap3 1017 24 Nos. 139 and 141 S. Fourth street.
and Ori-hane’ v ourt. estates of Nathans, Mtuor*,
ihubt Ha U* lenum under will of Isaiah Nathau*, do
ceased.- lhoina» di Sone,auctioneers On Tuesd'.y.
Airli’JU 1869. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be Hold at pubUe
ta’e, at the i’Miadfclphla Exchange the following do
tcriud properliep,viz.: No. 1. iwoatoo frame roughc-vui
ptore No. 124 Uallowhill atreet All t* ut two atory fratnu
imuuoge and lot of ground, bituuto on tlio south, aide of
Cnllowbilletrcet faat of decoud street,’No. 124; contain*
lug in liont .<n CaUowbilittreet 20 feet, and extending in
depth HO feet, reserving thereout lor uee ft* away and
watercourse lorevortor this property and that adjoining
on 'be west, a certain alley bb the same now exists, being
9 feit 7inc.es in width,and in depth 40 feet, more orletm.
It is a two story frame'oughcaat swelling, with two*
sto<y brick back building,occupied aa.an apothecary
s'ore Subject to a ground rent of £6. -
gSTSaIe absolute.
N o 2.Three-story Brick Hotel, known as the “Eleventh
Ward Home,**.No 126 f 'al'ovybiU etiret. All that three*
story biick hotc*’, .called the “Eleventh Ward House,**
with back buildfrup, south side of Callowhlh street east
of Second street. No 126; containing iu front on fallow
hill street 20 feet, and extending iu depth 80 feet; together
with th« free use ot the *Ut y aforesaid, as a-wav aud
wafertcouiße forever. Subject to a ground rent
of £2.'.
KBT" Sale absolute.
: a 2d. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers.
mbBlaplol7 189 and 141 South, Fourth street
KtS Honeere.—Modern three-story Stone Residence. Tui-
street, pccond bouse tt. W. of Main street.
. German* own. 60 feet fr nt.— n Tuesday, April 2u, 18®, at
12o I clook,iiobuvwtUb-sold at public sale,at tho fliila
deh hia> xobangc, sUthatmodei'D thrue*etory stone mt-s.
surge, with vwo*Btory back building and lot of ground,
situ-teontae southeast side of -iuipeboekeu utruet, 251
ft *12341 intbea soutnwist of Jdafn street, Germantown.
TvHri tj-iecotd Ward k the lot conialnb g fufrout nul ul-
Kducken fittest CO leefi and extrudig deph lIP feetn
icbvft 1 The house has parlor. dining-room and kuohen
on the first floor i ftaa, batb. hot and cold/water, punna
nem wa'sbstttßd.iumaee, eoaklng*rangc^«a
■ THOMAB *BONa. ABrtlonoa™,
•{BlOl7 - ISO and Ml Booth Jt'ourttt utreet
~ ....... -ESTATE-SAUEB.
of Df» tfavUFGilbdJt, deoeaaGd.—Taothaa * 1
P^aoons,. Atctloneera.—Very"Valuabto.
tfon Modem four stoiy brick Ker idencc. No. 731 Arch
hreet, esrt of BUhthstr et, 17 feetfront. 140 feet deep to
k2B fcff widfe strtet-*-two'ffout3. Pursuant td & plirieg
order ol the Orphans’ Court for .the city\ aad eoantV -Of.
PhlUdelphta, wiMje sold at public sal*, without reserve,
{nn Tuesday, April 20th* JB6i at l 3 cf*#Jdcki «-nMn* at the
late of Dr. David Gilbert,- dece**ed, viz.: All that four*
4story brick messuage and lot of ground, the
(nortVgide'ot.Arc?f.ttreetf r afth&.diaCknce;ofv6afefttdd^t»f^
'lb fh'st re e t;co ntaini n g In ffontdn Arch*«nwr
land extending In depth 140 fcptfo a 22 feet, wide avenue, ;
{called Wintictd place. Bounded northward by. the sold
iVVinficld place, southwardby tbO;Bsfd Arch street#eastr**
iwSTdh.v »Wessuaige‘fthdldtl4toof .
weEtwardly by 'a meesuage andTOlTate Of nbw bf JofOvaT
(Pri.eand KH>.ancth Being the same pre
;tmt*es which •meeph Price and Elizabeth hla wife, by in
;dci tur» dated Novefbber23 A. D: 1851; refcordedtniae «f
-fi e for recording deeds. &c,fin,tlie city A pf.£h<Up39iph4,
Jn Diied Book lx H, k;»"we
jconvcyed onto the said! Dawd -
with th-jfrep and common nse, privfo?
lege of theaaid Winlield,placc,.at adjl r
The. above in'a!very -yalftaiMo^ttbi’?
dcnco; has all the modern conveniences* ond locataljinr.
one of thti most valu>blo busl .csj
foir stories high, marble to second storvifonr. story back
buildii gs; hen olllce, diningfbom. nreakfast-room. wlpter
’and eniuimr kitchens on-the firat > fld'*f
reception rnonrou second iioor; epwingi’Oom Ahd'doainio
dioue cbatnhtre above; gas throughout, batb; hot and cold { .
floret, fmnaco. docking' range, l ' VUb^-
ppv»jnent, vault under front pavement, ic.
! absolute. ■ .'-.'-'.’y .vjV^v:
BytheCourt, JOSEPH MEGARY, ClerkO. Q,
WM. K. GIUBERT, Administrator.. /
* M. THOMASSONS. Auctioneerai^vJ
mli27aplo 17 , I39and 141 South Fourth street..-;;
I state of \\ ilmon Whilidin,deceased.—Tbomoa dt -
Sons. Auctioneers.—Very elegdnt four-story marble ’
and brick Kestdcncc, and furnttUre.No. 1910 Spruce street,
weet of Mneteenih street, 22 teet front, 187 feet deep to
Howelletreetttwofronts. ;FursUautto ait .
Oruhans’ Court for theGily and County of Philadelphia*
wilt be sold at public sale, on Monday morning,May K a r
lfi6(i. bt 10 o T dock. bn the primlses: All that mesfluago'
end lot 6f- ground, eituate <n tne south side of Sprhoe
strett, at.a dUtsnce-of' ilO feet, westward
teeth cotttAmidg in front on Sprnc6' <, rtrcbfc‘'22 '
feet aDd'exGndfng sdfithward in depth Of thatTvWtlUXS? _
teettoliowelifetreot... .., • "
N; B.—The improvements are ah elegant fonr-stofy
messuage,- -with - thre&stofy .' double back-bdttdihgs*
mhrblo front to second story,.balinco pres^brlck. It.ia,
well and eubatantiaily bniltt'snd finished In a Vary hand'
some and superior manner, with aUthortiodenrlraprove
menta and conveniences—no expence being spared py the: i,
late owner, who built it to make tea first-class resfa&uce’*
for bis owp occupancy. Ihe fiistJloor contains Walnut/
vtrtlibule, saloon parlor, large hall; coat room, with wash
batin and water-closet, pantry, buUer’d pintry* wlth.-
dimib .waiter, het and cold water,, an exits andsd-w
dltiooalripe supplying cold water wiutcr nnd' smnther, I ''
breakfast winter and
ranges,and sicks in each, with a dumb Waiter.\to, wine
and provitifcD vault; cellar is largo and dry. fidof and side ■
walls of which, are laid with- Homan - cement, -
has a lauDd;y wih rormanenr arap stohe tdbkl'
with hot and cold ivater; drym* room; with>:deif.tlauent,
table .anddotbea horses; solid walnut stsircaseaand ,
baDieters: private, stairway to loit; eecoud Com?'
modlous chamber?, bath-room,Waluut tioiah.with marblo
top wagbfltond and water closet; butlorb* pantry; draw-;
ing repm. library and. veraudaiulnaide vyaicut sbntters, ;
h-ndeomenm/ble mantels, double veiitilafora and
epeakirg tubes iu gaa throughout; Fi*en*h-‘
plate window glasA'front to tourth fitoryrincluiive, uleoi
large Fr*-ncNpiate window glass in back parlor windows;.
a«h pave, lUg pavement, Ac. The 2d »»ud 3d fioora are.
handtomcly finieLed, each of the rooms in main building -
las a solid.wtjnnt wa'drobo. uiarbto;top permanent/
lat-inr, marble mnnfels, bath hot and cold water, water,
clet eta. dre., Ac. Heated throughout with 3of GoUld’a
patent steam and hot water he-tera ; =' _
By the Court* JgSEFH MKGARY. Clerk O. C. .
WM. M. FaUR. Administrator. - ,
ELEGANT Ft after the sale
oi tbe house, will be sold tbd eloadht walnut furniture,'
n/noe io order by Moor A Cunpion; hajudioihe carpets, :
large Fiemb-plaie mantelmhror. <Szn .
m: THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer* . £ ~
ep9loi7 24myl 139 tmd 141 South Fourths^
<»* i'LULie fla-LF.—'THOMAS A SONS, ‘AtjCr-
Vgur ticneert*.-Very desirable Country Sear, 3li^acrer, ;
-»»8i Havurford; road, itoUware countiv Penno,#- five;;
mitutch' walk of White Hall Station oa thoPenuavWania,
C« nti 1 Rat road, niuo tribal roru Markst street bridge.—
« n Tu* ddnv, -J7.18r9 as 12 o’clock. twoiJi will *
sold at public * nle, at the Philadelphia Exchange, allthat;
very, desirable country,*eat*eituHto.in Havcrfordttowiir,,
strip, Hf-ittware county* Peiuiftl, described- oa.fodbtvb: -
bo*inning at a stake in tho centred the: Pennsylvania-
Kailrond, at the initrrce ion of tbe.Liue road
Dir of land now or late of Jacob Caatoer, deceased;thouco ;
along tbe middle of' I.iue rod jand bvlafld novsrdrfe
mitcd of Cbarlca J Ar:hnrsi kniwn as', the White*
Hal propetty, south 63?£ degrees. west-30 910 perchep
to a stake in . the middle ot Havertord road 'at It 3 *
ioti-rn'ctfon-wlth Line roadj thence along thO nliddlepf
said Havurford load tbetb ee folio .vtogcoureea and dis
tances, to wit;: South, 32>4 degroeajeait, 6754-WopcreheB'
to a etak> ; south, 46 degreee; east, hM2-KKbperchee to a.’
stake, and HO"th 68 degr* es, east 21 65*100 parched to-a '
stake, euppf Bed to be a comor ot Albert GiiProston’aw
lard : theLce by Preatou’R laud north 65 degrees, east
65 75 1 O pcrcbee to a stake iu tho middle oftna .Penuayl-,
vania railroad; flienrealong the raid '
fn lowing court-ta : and distance*, to wit,: s?;ortli4Ld6i)
gripe, west 26 7 10 perches to a eUko set iath* middle of* .
said, railroad; thence north 5u dogreea,wett l 7 210 petohea.':
t ouotbei stake in middle of e*id railroad, and thbrtfcd
slong' th«r middle of : said railroad?, north-Gl -ilerrOOP.-;
w r fct 78 76-100 perches to tho place, of, : beginning;*
continuing 31 acres, 26 -perches,'; er ;
)d.-b Thr improvements consist of h stone mansion house,'
2J4 stories nigh with frame kitchen atr*
tVchVa.'isb bj 19 feet, I>s stories hUh with a well of .water:
ai;d pumulhcreln. The house coniaii-s a porch’ in' front'
of Rbtmt 12leetin width; ha'efmmo barn and stable<34 ;
bv 25 leer, with carriage house aUuchtd, 15feetwijtoa>nd
26 in length, and a wel* of water and pump thereto near
iheetHile door. There is uNo an excellent ice bo isa
upon the p-operty .recently built and now filled with ice.
The U wn to front of, the d* oiling is well shaded with or
namental tree*. There is aho a number of apple, pear
and ot ei fruit tre*s on the premises
Terms- One-third of purchase money may remain on
mortgager • •
Possession June lab 1*69 • •• . .
M. TIiOMAB As SONS, AucfionfcCra,' .
139 and 1-11 South Four tbs tree t.
a'p3lol7 2-1
asm public sale,—tuc»mas a sons, auction-^
IpF eers.- Desirable Country Residence, 3 acres* Cheater
■!*“» Vai ey, Cheetor county, Pennsylvania, neac ! tho
Woodbine otntior, on the Pennsylvania railroad ?and.*
Chteier Valley Railroad. one mile by piveiaent from
L)owuiiiiito»n Stutiou, and one bour'a .tide fromPhila--
deli hla. <’n Ttit-adav. April 20,18®. at 1j o’clock. noon.,
u ill be ?old at public pale, at thn Philadelphia Exchange,
a I that deebnble country repldonc** and three Acrfcs-’bP
land, wt 11 stocked with fruit trees, eituate in Chester *VaL;
ley. Chenurcounty, Pcnmylvama, a few ; mitiutea*;walk:r
oi Woodbine fetation, on th* Pennsylvania Raiiroadand-
Chester V alloy Kaiload. and one mile by pavement.upm'
Downlngiown biation. and one hour's ridefrottaPaila- f
delph's. ltr dlolDß tne borough lino of
aho Friends* Meeting House, and fronts ou the PfcHad'el*'-
phia and Lancasterturnpike. The mansion isstouo, JPtff
stories high; >aa large parlor, vestibule. library. dinlng;
room and kitchen on the tirstlloor; four conmiuoioatiDg,
rooms and water on tecond iloor. and ccUodchambera.
above; h»B verandah on the eQuthern front; e^iiostable
and cnrriage‘houee,wi*h harness room. The lawnfMarge*
ai d planted v» ith a varh ty of ornaments!
bery and flowers; elso a vegetable garden. ! Thtaproperty
it* very beautifully locate*, and commands a vtewptit&Pf
*urrr unding coum ry,’and desirable for any ouo a.
M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers; ;
139 and 141 South Fourth dtre&fc : .
: ‘ —?■'* ■ ■ ■
Hya Modern three story Brick Residence, .1317/
■H2S North seventh street, above Thompson street;.
On Tueeday, April .Oih, 1869, at 12 o'clock, ,
will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia
Exchange, all that modern Ihiec-Etoryrbrick'
messuage, with double back building
a. d lor of ground. rPuate on the east side of Seventh
street, i oitn of 'I hoinpton street. No 13 7; containing In'
fronton Seventh street 18 feet, and extending indepthSO
feet. 3 hi* houee baa been receutly-imc in excellent -ts 3
p»»ir; puj irid ai d tainted tinougl out; parlor, lining*
room aud two. kitchens ou the tirat Hoot; i permanent
waabetond in the ser ond*story -chamber; gas. bath; hot
and cold wntor, wator-cloßot.’ furnace, cookingironger
imdergiound dr-inage, verandah, Ac. v
Teinis Hfi.OUUcufrh. •■. • [.-■■ ■ » <#> u,
Immediate possession. Keys at No. 1233 North'Sixth'
street. _ ‘ A ‘”
iL THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers,
apS-10.17 139 &14t South Fourth street.
Sfifil Verv Valuable Buslueaa locition. Three story
»» Bntk Re*id»rce, No. 208 tfouth Eighth Btreet,bolow
\Vi,liiut«ireet,S3feetfrohtiT97 fo»* deep—3 fronts- On
Tift-d&v, Apiil 20 h. 1869, at 13 o’clock, noon, will bo
acid at rublicealo at tbo Phllade'pbia Jt-xcbunge, all that
valuable tbreestorv biick messuage. vtlth tnreeetory
back building and lot of gtouud, sltuate-on the West Vide
of fcighth fetieet, south or Walnut street, No. 2Ud; con
twiolpfiiu front on Eighth ttn. ct 32 feet, more or leaivand
extending In depth 197 feet toUuponceaUßixeet—3 fronts',
ltbnfl‘2 purlers, diniug-room and Bkuchona oil first ttoor.
mi 1 U inn i»b« iB and attic* above; rob, bath, hot and
a id u hter. waterclo3et, farnaca, coOiiii/g range, Ac.
Bar* Cl*ar ot all Inbuinhrance.
nims—One third < ash, one-third in 13 months, and the
remaining thud n oy remain.
M.TUOMAB'<fc SOStf.Auctionoer*,
139 and 141 houta fourth street
n.hST.ap 1017
©si: April 13, at 4M I*. M., a Country >-eat of about 18
“hi*- ncrt-e, located on (ho LnncHSter pike. 7)s miles out,
and about 200 yaidefrom Haverford on the Poan*
uyivauin Raihoud. .‘l'lio impioveintutH am aO-rooin eioaa
hoi:Hc. hot and cold w ator, bath-room, water clogot, etc. :
uew bnin, ice-botieo (til ed), chicken house, farmew*
room. apiin(f»beu&e, tool-shed, eto.
Water for hous* and barn la supplied by a wheel from
a erring on the pjon.iaee. .
.The gi oimde me in tine order, with abundance of choiflQ
fruit* atpara&uß btdi hedge on turnpike fre&t.
1 or further particulars
Apply at : »■■■• ?e
No. 23 Exchange,
; i or to_
j. t. Pearce,
■i* LiAt
L white. tapo-e. and for sale by JOB. »-
CO.. 108 Eou&flolitware areouo.
!■: * ,'7'A.W