Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 05, 1869, Image 2
HfM—'H,*-*’*' the fine arts. gale of llu> B»l«i.*crtCoilccttoii. , ■- A KArllAßl* BKING3 150,000 nuSos _ About tbo beginning of last month Btoxktin advertised its public of .Jh° *£• Broaching dispersal of the Delessert collOaioti, the most considerable gallery sold since the Pourtales. The gem of the collection was a Madonna by Raphael, believed to be, prior to the auction of March 15, the only one that has not been absorbed by the great galleries of Europe. This little painting, about 12 by 8 inches, on cedar wood, is an unhackneyed study of the Virgin and the Child Jesus, and brouebt at auction in London £5OO, >ut when bought by the late owner in 1813 brought 2 4?000 francs —nominally twice as . much. Nowadays the latter, price would be a baga telle There have been- many engravings made of this “Raphael,” and a not unp easing half-size wood-cut iB given in the; Zeitschrift fur Bildtnde Kunst, No. V., Vol. IV., with 'correspondence in, relation to the ■picture and the then prospective sale hy W. Bttrger. The correspondent of the Journal ofCommereegiwß a description of the Hdiel Delessert and an account of the sfde, from which we extract the following particulars: . Pahib, March 19, 1809.—Another of the now few remaining private picture galleries cftiaditional celebrity at Paris has just been dispersed'to the' four winds by the hammer of me auctioneer. The sole .survivor of the past generation, of the celebrated French Proteßtant family of the Delesserts died a short time Bince at the old Hotel so well known to all lovers of art and social culture ahd refinement, in the Rue Montmartre, and the inexorable law of succession required, it seems, that the pictorial wealth winch had been /here so long accumulated and enjoyed shohld be reduced once more into its primary elements. : For picture galleries, at least in these modern times, represent moiiey, and unto 1 money they are always liable again to vast majority of the paintings were of the Flemish school, and this was its general character. But, nevertheless, what was _ _ called the “gem” of the gallery and must ART ITEMS. perhaps be allowed to be so, both in an artis- —. tic end commercial sense, waß the small cam teacher of English in Florence, named net Raphael, a virgin and child (not above rnwn baswon the favor of the Great Powers one foot by nine inches), known as the Fierce . , ’ arried the sculptor's daughter. de la Maison d Orleans, and which once married v of \ an event which now be- master- pieces of ancient ark rarer everv day, and to which there- , —At the Exhibition of Paintings in Paris fore a greater prestige every day attaches. I i Be veral episodes of the war * n S* npver a verv great admirer of the Deles- i been taken as .subjects, also four executions sert Raphael though quite willing to admit ( 0 f Maximilian, and a view of the public g its 1 intrinsic beauty aßd purity of ex- bet at the Place de la Roquette of Pans, nression and outline. But it is of his —One of the most celebrated Italian en catiiett period; and if it have the grace, g ravers , Calametta, has just died at Milau. has also all and more than all the hardness ot g e W as born in 1802 at Civita-Veocbia, his old master Perogino, without that sweet- slu di e d at Rome under Marchetti andi Lta nSs and religiosity (to coin a word) by c , , mo , and had lived several years m France whioh the latter redeemed his want of round- Hie “j uC onde,” engraved after Leonardo da ness and perspective. Moreover, I venture Vinci, is very famous. to think that owing to some aeoident, or re- _ Tbe American who owns Dorc’s pictures, touching, or ingenious manipulation o\ .the t G alnin g Table,” (which is thirty-four painting at some remote period the drawing <- eel ) 0D( ,) “The Neophyte," and ‘Jepthahs has been rendered Imperfect Certainly the * D bl f r '» is Captain Ayremar. It is poasi pcint of junction between the shoulder and big of Rossini,” of which naht arm of the child, which embraces the , rnnt>strn lhe erea t artist was an untmate ncckot bis mother, is now very badly ren- w m be purchased by the BaTSe~geiF deed, and gives to the member in question » the air of anything rather tnan ® c ° rre °* I -There is much talk of a painting to be articulator. An arm so attached o i coming salon repreaentmg the fte socket could clearly never be moved, me c B Tbe por _ , sygJsHKsj & *jssss «rach “royal” possessioMibnieTOn jy Agar , p er iga, Ferrates, was surpassed; and the Delessert Kapb 1, g Lambq uin. the actresses, who have con after opening at 2...000 trancs, was nnaiiy “ notably to the success of the plays knocked down, after a interpreted by them, by placing them in the the enormous sum of IfiO.OOO tmnes. This p J bere the sheen of their draper for a foot of panel is ecrtainly pretty well,es- g > scene. Near tUeali pecially when we consider tha the same l^ mlDe P nce , comes a remarkable «... w- r KS'lftS; the “fortunate (?) owner. j ® y f , ab the notables in dramatic The next highest-priced picture was a ,hef i ’ d criticism A salable historical dteuvre, indeed, ot the master Pierre de ,^ re o f “ h C "“nd Empire, which will At the bottom of the picture is a figure en- ! —The .Marquis Gualteno, Minister or tixely in white, marvelously effective, and , Rj n g Victor Emmanuel’s household, wad lighting up the whole picture with the power j drew his Majesty’s attention to the researches of a Rembrandt. A beautiful and first-rate < i n Herculaneum, has discovered an arebar v worb. But lhe price, which was again, j logical treasure of the highest importance, in 150,000 franca, was enough to make the artist the excavations which he himseir directs, near rise from bis grave to thank the purchaser for ! Orvieta, on his own estate,' he has found nu the estimation in which he held him. j n,crous Etruscan vases of all forms, and many , After such examples it is not to bo won- ; cf those known as the Greco-Roman. J-hcy dered at that a lit at-rate Teniers, ol middle are in raised worjt of the Bame kind as the ■ixe, repxesentaiing a fish market, with all the famous one of Cumic, belonging to the (Jam best characteristics of the master, chaste and pagna Museum, for which the Russian par transparent color, and those exquisite “sil- c haßer paid the enormous sum of 50,000 tr. very 'gray toneß in which he stands without , These articles are remarkable for the elegaoce r rival—brought the highest price realized at 1 0 f lbe i r form and the purity of the drawing, the Bale, 159,0C0 francs. The purchaser was >p he eubjects, which are in bas-reliefs, are a Dutch picture dealer. ; almoßt entirely confined to the labors of Her- Next in rank to the above came a charming j cu i eiJ . We hear ihoat especially of the won- Coyp; represeniing his favorite subject of ; der of two vases and ago Diet. The latter, of cows lying down aud chewing the cud at ; rare beauty,is intact, aud represents thestrug evening, with their faces, as usual, turned to ; bl b w iih tbeNemeaD lion. The former are the warm, mellow glow of a rich sunset, ; Bot quite bo well preserved, but the important whose hues are diffused over the entire land- j portions are uninjured. One of thorn has for Scape and Bky. A fine specimen, smaller in ; subject Jupiter and Alemena; and the other aise, but equal in execution perhaps to either tbe combat of Hercules with the Queen of «f the celebrated works of the same descrip- , the Amuzons. tionin the Louvre, or the Dulwich Gallery, | _ Tuu Vencs of Obtta: —A discovery has near London. Price, J 2.000 francs. bun made, in the excavation at Ostia, A Hobbema, ot large, but not lhe largest ; J glatue of y enug alcaoat perfect pre size of the master, exhibiting all his excel a more charming representation iences, was sold for the moderate price of . b K „ddeB6 it is said, does not exist in any 40,000 francs; a ; cheap picture as times go. ; hi the »» “ • BaH>pe . Subject, the interior of a wood. i° v t , rlca ’ 1 -was discovered by Baron Visconti, In the cits of which were lighted up as Hobbema honge tn Blre g t recently excavated near only knows how to light up sylvan scenery. Temple of the Foreign gods at Oitia, and with a bright pathway running deep into the preeel p Vtttion ia ow i n g to its having been - r c.n.,.„ioh .a >» mMters, Wynants and Van der Hayden. foutd lraceß o{ Unen j n which it was wrapped Tcrburg, of a school which has been re- , in llilß hiding-place. It is about tWO and a animated and made the fashion by the hal j fcel high, and represents the Cyprian success achieved by the pumtings of Baron ““ ddfeßßi eu u t ely undraped, standing priooi- Leys, ( f Brussels, was well re l )r ““' J , y : | a u y on the right leg', with the left crossed in toe “Wine Tasters-sold for 4r '- ( ( 0 Lnt and resting on the elevated toot. The One was curious after this to Bee ho w Liys croßBeB bod hoW , Bg what ap himself would mV, by whom there were ltiree k been lbe h>indlo of a m i rro r, pic uresm his best manner, and before he P* j ft arm and hand are extended, as bad become so desperately enamored of the position of thOße two sixUcnth centuiy as to paint, by preference. “ “ absence of the actual .round, figarea wilb kei ayard long standing on, or arme, .ana. fnr n. moment. - ’ rather BUdtuK down arforegmuod at an acate orll ? n that of aninninn* _ angle, as might be B( -e n u, bis works at the ’be idea that the aotlon was that o spinniag, last Universal Exhihi ’em of Paris. His best Whence Baron Visconti at first oonj.ctinred composition, however, a. Woman making l b tt,; *be figure, it not one ot the Par , e lace, only brought lK.imo franco; and two in- 'bat of Venus spinning ■ dwllo. the ferioronee, 8,000 and 9,000 f rau cß each. human race. The surlace of the‘bronzelb or Gno of the paimings hem known to me in «>u™ e considerably oxydised, but fb« re » 8 the gallery was lhe single Rembrandt of other injury to the statue to, except the raetai which It could boast. Tins was ft portrait, bung crushed and split abiive the qr the quarter length, of a blear-eyed old man with right leg. The statue is soon to be shown to *•'% ?s ' ~* l disheveled hair, of the canvas, as only Rembrandttcan tpake a portrait- look oat from its dark background. The truthful ness and vigor of the mouth and eye-were be-, yond comparison.. No . other aritstcovild have bo portrayed those lineaments with tne ■ stamp of age upon them. But' the i P a V lt "'£ in parts had certainly become what the French call trop cult— blackened with age —daikenad in a way Which the most care til cleaning will not relieve. This defect spoiled its sale; for “condition” is a sine qua non with modern amatears; and this B P lßndld work, or, if you please, relic, went for s,iou francs—a bargain, indeed, for a true amiteu , who saw in it the best quality of the master, only slightly impaired with age. But I must not weary you too long with a catalogue and prices. The modern P a *“ tl “S? r used to hang in a room* by themselves and I were always I used to think rather out o ‘ place both for the rest of the-gallery and the house. Among them were two Meisaoniera —the well-known “Game at Chess and th “Amateurs"—neither of them much larger than a playing-card, and which sold for the monstrous prices of-tbe former,2 l OOOf. , the latter, 40,000 francß! The St. Cecilia of Paul Delaroche, bought at the sale of the Pmirtales igallery for 21,000 francs, sold again for pre cisely the same sum. The celebrated P|* ing, or rather sketch,of “Francis I. and Mar caret of Navarre” at a window, with the writing on a pane of glass, bv Boning ton, a gem of color as far as it goes, brought the Durely fancy price of Jfouu ftencs P Altogether the collection during days’ all, of two hundred and thirteen ualntines realized in the whole 1,782.350 | francs. 8 The ancient masters, one huodred S and fourteen in number, were sold for M 589, i 210 francs; the modern pamimp, of which i there were ninety-nine, brought only i francs Previously to ihe sale the collection had been valued, by desire of an amateur nnd the Drice named was 1,25.1,960 trancs. The P by auedon realized more than 500,000 f. beyond the estimate. If to the prices actually paid by the purebsaa ba added the auction duty of nearly 100.000 f., the Delesßert gallery may be said to have brought, in round numbers, close upon two millions. The original cost, 1 ha ™ reason to know, was considerably under one-half of this sum. The Pourtales collection sold for three millions, and had been bought for me. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1869. the Pope,' hnd will eventually be placed in the bronee gqlfery of the Capitol; Museum. " ’ BY BAItON BteXSSE.i Eei* J’obts, you know, are delicate fresh water fish, somewhat similar to lampreys; 'the body is round and the' tail I '.ends like a sword blade. . Eel-pouts should be scalded and scraped to remove the slime which covers them. Tench must bo treated in a similar manner. Larded Eel-pouts.— Scrapethe flab, — let the livers remain in,—trim them, wipe them, then lard them on one side with strips of sea soned pork; cut a piece of veal in Squares; heat them with a littlebuttefsin /a saucepan; moisten with broth; let them.cook, and after ward pass the liquor through a seiVe; Heat in its turn a thin slice of ham in the saucepan, moisten it with the liquor, add pot herbs and put the pouts to codkin it. When they are done finish them by turning out on a dish, and covering them with the gravy skimmed and acidulated, with lemon juice.— Petit Journal, • ESOLUTION OP 1 REQUEST ‘TO THE Stale Legislature.'.... , . whereas, “The City Of Philadelphia’ In her corporate capacity has at various times been en trusted with tho care and administration of cer tain trusts for charitable and 'benevolent pur- V °Tnd Whereas, The Courts of this Common wealth have power and authority to compel a proper execution of said trusts, and upon duo proof of misconduct or mismanagement thercot on the part of tho city, to commit said trusts to the churee of other trustees. ... . .dnd Whereas, No occasion has arisen. for the exercise of said power, and the clty has not been declared incapable or unworthy of the control ° T AndWhereu3,k bdfhasbeen introduced into the Legislature of the Stale entitled “A further sup plement to on act entiUed ‘An act to incorpo rate tho City of Philadelphia,* approved the 2d of February ,1854,” whereby said trusts and those which shall Lcreafter. become vested In or con fided to the city ore committed to aboardtobe called “Directors of City Trusts,” of whom the said city will have neither the appointment, con trol or supervision; therefore.bo it _ Resolved, By the Select and Common Connell of the City of Philadelphia, ”olol the Legislature of the State be and they are hereby respectfully requested not to pass the said bill odo ? e . re j to%B the change contemplated therebyintho custody and management of said eharltable ana benevolent trnßts 1b unjust,as Impeachlngthe pa hletoiy at the Bume; uncalled, tor by eilher tne beneficiaries of said trusts, the d «9 ree - 8 ° f „ Courts of Justice, or the sentiments of the com nan Ditv in which wo live; and further, as an un tried experiment,inexpedient,as calculated to im pair rather than strengthen and increase the revenues of said donations and bequests. Rested, That the Clerks of Councils twnrnlt a certified copy of above preamble andresolutioa to the Speaker of the Senate and House of Rep resen tatlves tTruitlatcd tor the PhHadeliihti'jETetilng Bulletin.] BOPMiHOhU HECtfESt;; <im OitWINANCIiS. JOBEPH F. MARCER, President of Common Council. Attest —JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council* WIUJAM S. STOKLET, President of Belect Counoll. OFFICE OF THE CLERKS OF COUNCILS. Philadhlphxa, April 2. 1869. „Wo do hereby certify that the en titled ” Resolution or request to.lhe State _Lcgia lature” was presented to the Mayor onthe ft tteath day ot March. AnnoDominl, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine (1869), aod was not returned within fifteen days after it was pro aented to him. Wherefore, agreeably to the pro visions of the Act of Asscmby ‘’approved Feb ruary 2, 1854.” entitled “A further supplement to an act entitled an act to incorporatejho C of Philadelphia”, It has become a law In fau fci^rTBST —JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerlt of Common Csuncll. Attebt-BENJAMIN.H. HAINES, Clerk of Select Council A M OKDINANLE to repeal an obdi- Anance and the supplement thereto, relaUng: to ih, issuing ot Are badges in the City ot PutL “fci. 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That an o dinance y relative to the issuing of Fire Badges nnproved Match 20. 1868, and the supplement thereto" approved lB6B, to memoera ■ f the Fite Department, members of Councils, the P?eporters P of the Public Press, to the Officers of the Fire Insurance Companies, and also to the Superintendent of the Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, be and repealed. President of Common Council. Attest-JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. WILLIAM 8. BTOKLEY, President of Select Connell. Approved this first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and Bixty nine (A. D. 186 U) 7" U.-UIIOJN iU AUTHORIZE the open- K U K of Race and Pechim streets. Required, By the Select and Common CouncUs ot the City of Philadelphia, That the Chief Commisnoier of Highways be and 1b hereby au thorized and directed to notify the ownera of nroperty through ODd over whicn Race street, irom Thirty-fifth etreet to Lancaster avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, and Pecbim slrtiel, from Green Lane to Reilly street, in the Twenty iMr»; ’ mt “ ’ToSeph frSiaSa, President of Common Council, AtteS t— AßßA HAM S 1 KW A Kl, Assistant Clerk of Summon WILLIAM 8. STOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this first day oi April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and slxty l nine (A. D. 1869) iJ ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE Twenty-fourth Ward Market Company to erect a corrugated Iron awning. Section 1. The Bclect and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That per mission is hereby grunted to the Twenty-fourth Ward Market Company to erect In front of their market house on Market street, west of Fortieth street a corrugated Iron awning similar to those erected bv the Farmers’ and other Market Com oanie“ Provided, That the sold Twenty-fourth Ward Market Company pay into the City Trea sury the sum of twenty-five dollars, to pay for the publication of this ordinance, all ordinances y r parts of ordinances to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. JOSEPH F. MARCER, President of Common Connell. Attest— JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Conncil. WILLIAMS. SfOKLEY, , President of Select Connell. AnoroTcd this first day of April, Anno Domini one iconsand eight hundred and sixty-nine (A. fi 1 DANILL M. FOai .• ;it, . Mayor ol Philadelphia. I»ESOtOTlON RELATIVE TO TEE BUB - pension of the Globe Steam Fire Engine Company and the Independence float and Steam FircjEneine Company. ■ ' nZTnlred Bv the Select and Common Councils nf ibe City of Philadelphia, That the Chief En gineer of the Fire Department be aud bo lb fieri bv authorized and directed to immediately realoiO to eervice the Globe Steam Fire Engine ond the Independence Hose and Stoam Firoßn talac Companies, without lofs of appropriation, libere beinE no evidence before tho CommiUeo to 'tsuetuin tho charge. JOSEPH F. MAROER, President of Common Council. Attkbt — ABRAHAM STEWART, Assistant Clerß of Common Council. ■WILLIAM 8, BTOKLET, ” President of Select Couucil Approved (hie twenty-seventh day of March, Antio Domini, oho thousand eight-hundred oni slxty-hlno (A. D. 18C9)i' ' ■“ . ' DANIKL M. FOX. it Mayor of Philadelphia, <utt obbisiasoes.: Vi 'TIP; AaflMHMEfsaa 'the cßfes-of, have been e “" act has within a few days PMsed tbe donate ex _coneldcr properand necessary for tbo Bofety and security of our cm “and'bclievlng anyoxcmptiontherefro.nim ludicioiis, dangerous and unnecessary, Iheretore, ' TirroS. fly the Select and Common Councils of the city ol Philadelphia, 3Jhnt the House RenKScntatlVes of* (So Hlhia tie and they are hereby respectfully requested.not to or acts exempting auy of the pubUchafls places of amusement in this CityAfram the pro vifions or requirements of the act oi y ii a P proVCtl M “ ICh F.' MARCER, i President of Common Council ! Attest—ABKABAM STEWART. 1 , Assistant OrrkjOfGommon Council; President of Belect Council. Approved this twenty-ninth day of M arch * Anno Domini ono thousand eight hundred and slxty-nino (A. D. 1869). DANIEL M FOXi 1t Mayor of Philadelphia. A SIS.W of a Sower en,Main street, Mana ijrtntr ’* fiDDIOVCd October lo‘)0» , JU Hkction P 1 The Select and Common Councils ofthcoltvof Philadelphia do ordain. That the Chief Commissioner oi Highways boanthonzod to nav out ot Item 17 (for constructing branch , culverts) of appropriation to the Department o , Highways lor the year 1869, so mnch of the co of constructing a Bewer upon Main street, MaDO yunh, between Cotton street and Bharrsaneas shall exceed the amount payable under existing ordinances. Provided said excess shall not be greater than twoWtPWMddoMw.^^ President of Common Connoil. Attest-JOHN ECKSTEIN. Clerk of Common Connell. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this first day oL April, Anno Dcmlni, odo thousand, eight hundred and sixty nine (A. D* 186 U) DANIEL M. FOX, Mayor of Philadelphia. DANIEL M. FOX, Mayor ol Philadelphia, DANIEL M. FOX, Mayor of Philadelphia. Resolution authorizing the Ap pointment of a Page of Common Council. Resolved, By the Select and Common Councils of he Ciiv ot Philadelphia, That the President of Common Connell be and Is heroby authorized u, appoint a Page at a salary not exceeding one hundred dollars MARCER> President of Common Council. Attest — ABR A HAM STEW ART, “““••'-SKi'iSSTstoS?; President of Select Council. Approved this first day of April, Auno Oomim one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nino (A D. 1869.) DANIEL M. FOX, Mayor of Philadelphia. LBiaBEIi. MAULE, brother & CO., 2500 South Street 1869 FiITiSS 8*1111: 1869 JOUtf * SELECTION . OK - MICHIGAN CORK FINE PORPAT t EKNB. TF7ZK SFhUCE AND HEMLOCKTQOQ 1869. ItXM. 1869. SffiSJg, 1869 VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. FLOORING. WALNLT FLOORIN G Bssr^sgiip^iB69 RAIL PLANK. 1, /jo WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. IQCQ loOy. WALNUT BOARDS AND FLANK-AQvJO, AUUt/. WAias ALNUT b , J4R DB. - WALNUT PLAhK. *» ASSORTED Putt ■ ’ CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS, AC, , . ■w-u.ri UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER. IQ£Q 1869. USW. WALNUT AND PINE, SEASONED POPLAR. IQ£Q SEASONED CHERRY. -LOUO WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY, 1869. I 86& , 1869 iuv " NORWAY SCANTLING. CEDAR SHINGLES. CEDAR SHINGLE*. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR SALE LOW. 1869. PLASTERING LATH. TftfiQ PLASTERING LATH. XOUt7 haele bbotheb ft 00., M 2500 SOUTH STREET. 1869. Lumber Under Cover, always dry. WATSON & GILLINGHAM, 924 Bichmond Street. mh2? lyt I—* A. piialtic Voofing felt to wJtWg&ggfclT * co.. 617 and 619 Minor et. rrmuMAH&POIIU LUMBER MEKCIAPiTd. NO. 1011 TH 'i nifr?h Btrea. At tholr yard will be found Walnut, IT?Vino/Hemlock. te. Kc.attoa eonabio prices. Give them ft call. xuOMAS. mhl7-6m* ELIAS POUL T' n (U)MT-ttACL’OBS, LUMBERMEN AND SBtP- u>a apg now to oxocnt© promptly street. - - x-t-ttt 1 OW PINE LUMBER.— OKDERB FOR OA.ROOEB XDWU. HOW LEY. 16 Booth Whaxvaa. teb ingmoAiu French medicines GMMaUL i & co•, r'xiWMTRTS TO H l H. PK4NCB NAPOLEON« UIEMIB.IB J lo w- jje KICUKLIEU, w PAIUS. DR. BURON DC BUISSON’S DIGESTIVE ALKALINE LA.L L The Alkaiin,«g~S: »!SlSSfiy h" fluence 'Over U> B mucouo mombraue of the I! ,e i, r n ?f, nr lfv afTord'n“totho latter, through their corn iromaclh r , ~ Ba n v a to tbo_gaa:ric juice, a supply of Tchlch aU English, French, and othei ohyai- a‘dist fo beSn ?B»ontial principle of aigeatlon. ologittaaamit 10 - f thoao who may bo without modi- F°' Siay ho a fated- here that tho Byinptoma of f,! uaired digeat ou aie-lleadache. pain In the forehead, «ra»trlila. gaatralgia, heartburn, wind in the Bto’mocSiand'bowelf),lobb of appetite, emaciation, die. Agents in B£CHABBB j, c 0„ dO7 6tn N.W. cor.Todth aud Market a-roeta. , vpAT. DENTALUNA.-A SUPERIOR ftUTIOEE 808 () clearing theTeeth, dcatroying animalcule,which to ?rn.Rivinr tone to tho Rums* Midi Leavinju % feeun# ef a ffasTanco and perfect cleamtneaaln thomouth.ltrattj {■ will be found to strengthen week anp cutos. while tho aroma end deterslveneßo will bjeoetog guu> B 't o everj ono . Being composed with th« rSP-Slmro of the Dontiat, Physicians and. Mlorgscoplst. U effered'aa a reliable suUtituto f or tfie un preventlte r <JMNN. Apothecary, j •. i liftißOD Broad and. Sprupo streets, . For Bale by Drugeiate genoially, ? n^ t uohaiouno. . Prod. Browne, Robert tWavC : Ho' Bn X.d* Oo- Geo. C. Bower, Sfed® R h M.Mc& fm&M&le. As ll>^?e o PttrtiEb jsmesN; Marks. feSEftfSS?*, 0^ ; James li.xs. Blair’s Sons, -r^kIJGGISTB* B UN DRIES. : , »§(s ■ • i .-' 1 iAT.i{KS [jBWELSXiIBPAjBm). heatniif. St. ' Watchas kt lie Rnost Makew. Diamond anci Other Jewelry, Of tho latest rtyles. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Etc.. Etc. SSIAE 1 !. BTWBS JFOK EYEIET HOEEB a i&rg6 . aßflbrtmcnt ju®t cficfllvod> with" vturlcly BOttlDgß. flk win. 0. TPABNB ec CO., girsk , Wbolamle Coalerjta “watchesANL) JBWBIiBY. 9 B corner Seventh and ®he*tnnt,Btrerts, Anfl late ot No. 36 Bonth Third rtreet. I° 3 D OJE IVES’ gCBW*BBUW« OQ,OP»« FINE DRESS SHIRTS AND ' GENTS’ NOVELTIES. J. W. SCOTT & CO. 814 Chentnut Street, Philadelphia, Four floor, below Continental PATENT SHOULDER SEAM BHIKI MANUFACTORY. 3rflen for Hum rawliofl vromini? gentlemen's Famishing Goods, Otlate itylo. in faD vorlotr. WINCHESTER & CO.. 700 CHESTNUT. itf-in.wJ.tr ■■ - "T GENTS PATENT BPKXNQ ANDBBT tosedOverOait*r» l Cloth.l^tfber.wbH*^ Jy'k oour>. . for ladle. end gent., “‘bjoqelderkek’S BAZAAR. no!4-tf6 OPEN IN THE EVENING. BANKING HOUSB QP J&(]oaKEdC3* 112 and 114. So. THIRD ST. PKII-LDM’ 1 dealers IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will rooeivoapplications for inflnT&nce In tho new National Life Insurance Company of the United States. Full Information given at our office. STERLING <S> WILDMAN, bankers and brokers, Hp. 110 Bonth Third Sireet, Philadelphia, Special Agent, lor the etfenl Danville, Hazelton & WUkesbarce 8.8. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, tereot They are in denomination. of 8200. ijW'iWSJIVmS Pamphlet containing Map.. Report, and f , u |L•‘““EFJ* Hon on band for distribution, and will be rent by mall on "government Bond, and othcrAsecmiUea taken in ex change st market rates. . J] _ . Dealer* inStocka,,Bonds, Load!, Gold. Ao> m ng Yn,eri< ... - { and Mein ben. off stoclt and .Gold kicliauKH, r ”“.| V K accouniv off Banlcs and Bamicrii on lib eral terms. Issue Bills off txcliangoon C, J. Hambro & Son, London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & Co., Frankfort. James W. Tucker & Co., PaH*i And other principal cities, and tetter* off credit available throughout Europe S. W. comei Tnird and Chestpnt street. 1869. A. S. ROBINSON, No. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Has just received exquisite upecimcnß of Fine Dresden “Enamels” on Porcelain, In great variety. SFIiENDID PAIHtEB PHOTOGRAPHS, Including a number of choice goma. A Superb Line of Ohromos. a large areortaent of.NEW ENGRAVINGS, be. Aiao, BIOU STYLE FBAMEB of elegant new pattern,. l-GRADUATES, MORTAR, lien, Minoru, Tweezers.JNifl LllDStrutriontt, Trusses, flara 111 Oases. Glass ana Metal BROTHER, ; : T 33 Eighth street W / *3l"'' FINANOIAI THE PINE ABE'S. jibbioiiltckAjl. For Lawns Gardens, Qreen-Housos and Farms. BAU» H ’ S BAW BOMi «I PB» PnoiPHSTEOF tins “Deatet'fuprlird by the cargo, direct from the wharf or tt B%?d free. “Journal of the Farm.” BAlT«iB & SONS, No. SO Sooth DELAWARE Avenue. Thia Fertilizer can bo had of all.4,g!icult>.'mluo citv or rountrv. mliiu w lam. poeiis r boors, ac. COF*BXMIEItSMH , ». ttreet : ; ::■ i ' * ,- /l '.' k4sdjp on Saturday, April 3, iwii)SWORTH’S SERMONS* ’ 4 " ' 5 • • v .. ;-;V ? -' Preached in Calvary Ohuroh, San CHARLES WA OS WORT Formerly ol I'liiladelpliln. God's Thoughts.' The One Won. Prejudice, i- ; Communion. - ' Inrtn'ccre Uobollpl., The Mortal Immortalized. The Gospel Call. . A Spectacle to Angel*. DeTclopjadut: aiid 'Died.; Thankfulness ( V pUnci ,, ' li ’' i; ' : * ThflTessVof "Harveaf.' Belt Knowledge. . Tho Voting Man’aMiedon. Cbrl*li»n Intluenco. . ' Motbei’a Sorrow... Oi ace and Work. Redumption. A handsome 12mo. volume, 400 pp. Extra Cloth, bevel edgee. I'rlcCßBi|. FOR SALE AT TUE PRJNOIPAL ROOK STORES. A. ROMAN & CO. f Publishers, S 0.27 HOIVARD H I’UEET,NEW TORK. ana-i!t» • • • ’■■ ; ! '■ T IBTBN TO THE MOCK IN 01JI HD-TIIE PRAT RIF, I i Whittle and animal iroltatdr'can be used by a child. It i» made to Imitate tbe roue* of every bird, the nelchof nhorcc.tbo bray of an tee. til" grunt of a hogrblrd*. beasts, and snakes are cnchutUd and pntrapMd by,lt. Is used by Dan Hrvant Ch*rl«y White, and 411 the Min. itri-le and Warblcy*. VfntritoqnlMii can be learned In three days by iUald. Bent anywhere upon receipt of 4b «nt*; thiee for EO cents ;«ISS H 3 Fultoaj treet* New York. jgOXES OS FRENCH NOTE~ VAVEVL ENVELOPES TO MATCH. LANDSCAPE INITIALS; IN BRIGHT COLORS. STAMPED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ONE QUIRE, Ssc. FIVE QUIRES. 81 00. STAMPED PAPER ALWAYB ON HAND, OR STAMPED AT ONCE TO ORDER. MAKING A SPECIALTY OF STAMPED PAPER. Buvlng In targe quantities, and having my own - DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS AND STAMPERS, I can do work cheaper, give better paper, and delive promptly all order*. WEDDING, ViSITING and BUSINESS CA 1 printed in latert rtylea txr Plate engraved. aDd two pack* of card*, SI Without » plate, S 3 lor tno pack*. MONOGRAMS. CRESTS, LANDSCAPE, InPlal* en graved and PRINTED IN CONORS. ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY AS LOW, IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE CHALLIiN. Fashionable Stationer. No. 13US Chestnut etroeL IJIiIi.OfOPHV OF MaBHIAOE.—A NEW CODESB 1 of lecture,. as delivered V. l 5, e W tT otAenlocj; embracing the anhjcct*: •J'JSM*'}*®./”? wbat m Live for; Youth. Maturity andl Old Aae. Man hood kr * rally reviewed; tho Our.' o( Indigestion. Kl»t- Stereo and Nereou, Blreare, accounted for; Marriage I'hlio. orhlcally Considered. Ae., Ac. contttlnlD, these Lectures will IjeforwerdeiLport pelion rrccint cf 2& cCbt#. by addn *‘<JOB W. A. 8 Wlb» Sit corifrOf Mth and Walnut tfwA, |j»ggg» Ha did 'tfCmimP otdtiiZJ&wiwed at (hvHomh -icdUxM m UnMafSh mb2B mfcttfft UB. PATENT OFFICE. o tees. . WssiiisfiToa, P. a. March 3* lew. w T> CtiTI.Fl!. Fru.- l'lcs/r tiud bcio'.r a '•onl’ouelca- IsetV^fc^Fand^l^wls^nd^CuUtrr/ortuanutftCtu.re^oca Codfish. yfjofe. ComtnlHSltOcrof Patent*. {he BppUcnhona of Hend 531 COLUMBIA Avenue, manufacture tbelr DESK/- CATED CoDFIBH. For teleby all good RHODE3 & CO. WATER and CHESTNUT Street*. General Agent"- P Ssa^a o^i e x» dol9 eom 6m* pai; ASOQ-aLtTII Eh‘ K WEBTTmJNDON[ #od «tji«, which (or ts^vX^PSSmkiA aHtHIEaiEB, HQDOB*; FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pine Apples, &0., Green Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas Mushrooms, Asparagus, &0., &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. SS4!SSSI.S“ e?s “ ss SSSilSSlSili ESSSSSS coed street OTOKED bv> J’t C C«.n' East End Urocery. No. 118 Bonth Stcond street . fifpmdpireet PAPER BANGINGS Wholesale and Retail. NAGLE, COOKE & EWING, MO, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET. Trade supplied at Manufacturers' prices i ffaam w«™ B | ,n palps’ Qanta Drooolaa 'Oaaoa.ji fcST&'ain? Francisco, CONTENTS, ThoTMvlelon of Spoil. The Child Teacher. OT INC'iELLAN ttU’CSe PAPER IIANUIrtOS* Late with HOWELL & BBOTHERS, CORS^Bt Wholesale and Betatl CORSET} 329 andB!9 Ai*ch Si. Where ljajMpp * will find au exteiuiva assortment 2 mfactured Conicta And Hooj? SUIrW. ? ‘ SUW TJEA,E»nAI*MIOBUHXfIIAKy- ' Tub actual dcmoluionOf tho, WjOßpt the fort idsa'©f Luxemburg baa commenced:* " Another plot to assassinato tho Viceroy o Egypt hos been discovered and frustrated. Ho». O^ tbe Treasury, boh entered upon tho duilesof bla office. , PiuM haa BBked tbe Cortes to grant a contbi gent oi’SMCIO men for tho.army of Spain, lor , tbe present year,.' ■ -T *J -.-I 'J. Cobbwbac'im against tho government have teen discovered at Naples and Ancona, and tbe ringleaders arrested. A saw journal, styled tho Imperialist, has ap peared in Ne» iforfei It advocates tbe. adoption of a monarchical government by States.' Gehebal Losostbebt was confirmed by tbe Senate op Saturday as Surveyor of tho Port of Now Orleans! i The vote for confirmation was 25 to 10 against. Geokgb 0. Evass has been nominated for Col lector of the Third Pennsylvania District, and not Assessor! as roported from the Associated Press offico on Friday night. The President has revoked the order discon tinuing tbe Department of the Cumberland, and has appointed General Bf. George Cook to com mand ft when rellnquishtd by General Thomas. Tub Spanish Provisional Government requests the French authority to examine Gonzales Bravo, late Premier of Isabella, In regard to the plot against tlie.llfe of Admiral Topete. A dill is beford tbe Senate of Arkansas, pro hibiting tho Bale of liquors in less quantities than flvo gallons, except, upon a physician’s prescrip tion,- .. ' ■ V.- Ax Incendiary, lire In Topeka, Kansas, on Saturday night, destroyed several buildings, In cluding the post-office and the office of tho Stale Record newspaper. t , t , lx the Spanish Cortes, on Friday, the Mlntster of Finance stated that be was not atvare that Minister Rale l had ever imported articles con traband of war übder bis, diplomatic privileges, and that he woald Inquird Into the matter. Sbcbbtabv BAWLiksi on Saturday, gave tho employ ds at tho Washington Arsenal the option • of working ten hours per day at their present wages, or eight boors'at a reduction of twenty per cent. Thu ten-hour alternative waa accepted. A bonded warehouse, containing 3,500 barrels of whisky, In Louisville, was burned on Friday,, night, causing a loss of 6350,000. A fire in Kocbester, N. Y., on Saturday, destroyed over $20,000 of property. , lx uei'ly to a resolution of the House of Re presentatives, the Secretary of State on Saturday eent to that body, a list of vessels destroyed by rebel cruisers daring the war. Tbe list, which is made up from documents filed by those whose property was destroyed, places tho number of vessels at nearly 300, arid the value of the pro perly at over 613,000,000. Emilia C. Dk Villacude, daughter of Casa nova, llving ln New York, telegraphed to Wash ington on the 3d Inst., stating that her father, who was recently arrested by the, Spaniards and taken to Havana, is an American citizen, and asking that measures be taken to save hi- life. The President Immediately telegraphed to Admiral Hoff, enjoinlngbn him to see that ail ‘American citizens are protected. .f , ! The lVe«t IndILCH- . HAi'AkAi'April 3. Yallcr Is organizing a battalion of free blacks for active service, by permission of tbe government. It is understood that more battalions will be organized shortly. A sklrmieh Jopk. place between tbe insurgents and the government troops, while tho latter were convoying provisions from Santa Cruz and Puerto Principe. The result is unknown. Thq Gontoocook Balled very unexpectedly to- Voz dc Cuba approves of fbe.qiganization of colored regiments, and adds that the colored peo ple favor Spain,.and have always repelled the offers pi ibe rebels. ! ■? ■-■' y J It is reported mat tbe rebels have destroyed a portion of tbe Ssgna La Grando Railroad.' Havana. April 3.— Advices from Havana to March • 2f*tb, slate that Dr. Betanges was con ducted on board Ihe Laguayra packet by tbe police. He acknowledged that he was not an American citizen, but be stated that bo had de clared hlaflrst Intentions. Pobto Rico, March 21—Tho election for mem bers of the Spanish Cortes bas been suspended until the cessation of tbe Caban revolution. The island Is tranquil. General Sauza, as a purely precautionary measure, Is organizing a corps of volunteers. Bugara quiet. Advicts from Venezuela to March 21st have been received. The country was generally tran quil, although an outbreak was expected. St, Domisco, March 27.—Tbe report that an American war steamer was coiling In the Bay of gamana caused great excitement throughout tho island. The Dominicans are very unwilling to part ■with their territory. • Hayti, March' 25.—Three hundred Hiyllen dollars aro here equivalent to one dollar in go'd. Gonalves will soon fall Into the hands o f the revolu{ionl#tfl. j * Captain Nichols, ef the war steamer Petlon, has returned from Gonalves. The Potion Is still blockading An* Cayes. Evariste Lardche has gone to Washington as Ambassador. Havasu, April 4.—A Cuban, enspected of sym pathy with the rebellion, who had beon acquitted fay the court at Matanzae, was released, bat Bod ing his life'ld danger, concealed himself on board an American vessel. He was soized by the volun teers, and the Governor sent him under escort to this city/ A party of volunteers cime from Ma tanzas and demanded his surrender, but Govor nor-Qencral Dulco refused, and Anally appointed Colonels Herrera and Kizo to vlsit Matanzaa and settle the matter. TheHHtish warvessel Heron has returned from Ragged Island. Bbe brings confirmatory in formation of the charges against the Spanish naval officers,' in the matter of the. brig Mary Lowells seized fay, them. The Prussian'seUooner Nlobe'nas 'arrived' here, from Jamaica, with eeveral Mexican officers on. board. Tbev have been compelled to leave, and were given pa»s forle on condition that they returned to Mexico. ntelligenoo from Groat Inaqua reports that oue of the Peiuvtaii'monitors is there. oii ; tha TreaMiry ncpavtnicnt. In Marcn, 1869, the two Houses of Congress passed* 1 -'of concurrent resolution, directing the Joint Solcct Committee on Retrenchment to make a careful and minute examination of the method adopted by the Treasury Department to print bonds, notes and securities of the United States; whht'gnards have been adopted to pre vent fraud or' mistake,' and What additional guards, If any, ought to fao adopted to prevent fraud or, mistake; abd whether thero has'been any frandnlcnt or erroneous Issue of bonds, notes or couponvand also by whoso fault or negligence, and the proper remedy and ; prevention thereof; and especially to examine tho official coodact of those charged with the prlntiug, registration and issuing of any notes, bonds or securities of the United States, etc. has reported that a sub-corn? rnittee,’ composed! of hlmself, Mr. Backalew .and Mr.-Halsey, wero charged with the special dutios imposed, and have devoted all the, tlmo possible to the extensive; ' complicated 1 and Important inquiries involved in it, and the resnlt of their li.bors is now presented to ' the Senate. The sodden and enermons Treasury and financiolop* orations caused by the Rebellion worealtogeifaor. too •extensive fdrthe foreo in the Treasory ; t'ng at • its commencement, and henceit' was to bo expected that more or. lees of irregularity and; evcn of frnudandpeculatioii would exist in its. new operations which wore to be entered...upon’ and carrled fqfwhrd so rapidly fdr the sake of the public aervico of that department. Organization and regnlar.dctaU ;conld scarcely, at-first have been expected. ' . This possibility or probability of error, loose ness and want of regularity, was realized, but It Is believed that no .very extended losses bavcoc cnrredlncohsequenco, nnd;it is possible, and ini some instances perhaps probable, that many of, tho discrepancies reported are- entirely Innocent ones, arising from Irregularity In tho method and detail;.father than frpm posltlvo fraud, - i Thq report then Continues to review at longth the workings of the Treasury Dopartmont sluce IB6o,and tho.abovo conclusions, of the Committee; are fallV substantiated by the large array of facts presented. . The report concludes as follows:—AU these cir cumstances ha*ve satisfied the Committee, that tho method Of printing,’ numbering, sealing and sign ing of the securities of tho United States nought to t>e adopted which* will approach tho nearest to being absolutely secure against error aud fraud, . THE DAILV EVENING MONDAY, APRIL g, 1869. .even if such method should be much moreoxpen- Isjvo.than others having less guarantees of' pro-r 'tcctlom' '' .. ~-.-4. I, UETTEB fc’KO.U TiIKPOPE. -A VeiY'-(Purlons<lll*tory. }r t. 1 Tho iParls 'atrfespondflnt; ofi‘ the. Ntlw York 'of a" volumfe tvrlttciu" Emile Olllvier, says: ; The voiomo is now in .its. fourth edition. „ cpmpleipepted , stpee ~ tho third ,wUh; a; :cnrixma piece < juet\ficaiioh ; threatened' in the two' first editions—the letter of - the Popo to the Archbishop of Paris. This letter was written some while ago. It is a sharp re proof of Mouselgneur Darboy’s little attempts at independent fulfillment of ‘ his Episcopal duties. It takes him sorely to task, for, among other things, hav ing.? presumed ;> to,- freat .the independent congregations within' his diocese hs’ subjects of his parochial superintendence. In his first edi tion. Olllvier refers to and quotes from the papal brief, promising fo prin tit ,cntlrc in an appen dix. Instead he printed, in these three earlier editions, an appended note to the effect that tho publication ot this document is- withheld pro visionally at the urgent request of two Cardinals Who, at tho last moment before going to press, I came to him to deprecate' Its - publication in | France in vulgar French as a scandal. Within the past weekdt has been published by numberless thousands of copies, in the column* Of several Paris newspapers, and in appendix to the Iblrd and fourtU editione of OlUvier’s Apolo getic Volnmd. Tho story of it is curious, suggestive of many reflections, and nearly as follows: It was written f last year, in> bad modern fchorch §La tin,' 1 signed by Pio Ndnoi ;and addressed to the Archbishop of Paris. It was Inspired by the Jesuits—poor Pio Nono's masters, and owners, aw the strong-should be of the weak—and in their toot bis) interest, takes the Bishops to task as a schoolmaster would a schoolboy. A copy of It, easily. abtalnedfrom, some one else than the signers om-eciplent, was taken and pub lisbed in Montreal, Canada, last year. That copy was reproduced by a printing press in Geneva, Switzerland! It was then an open secret. Tbe occasional pretence of some that it is apo cryphal, Js Hot worth a word of refutation. Still If was,'in a sort, an unknown document to France. It is now a document of quite grave im port. The Pope, if be could.wonld iike.towith draw it from circulation!’ Tt Is an Invitation to France, applied just on the eve.of thq meoting of tbe (Ecumenic Council at Romo, which it is eminently desirable that the French na tional feeling, tho old tradition of tho, liberties of tho Galilean Church, should not be bostUely awakened against Why (he Pope is almost ready, to grant, or seems,to be ready to grant ope of the ompty Cardinal’s hats to ibis very insubordinate Bishop* Darboy’s waitieg head. Everybody knows that Napoleon bus proposed the bead for the old hat this long lime. It is a pretty new snarl contributed to tbe pre cions tangle of that old and super-ominen tly In volved Franco-Roman unanswerable Question. CARDS Ip B BOYD. ■ ■ lit Window’’Shader, Bed., Mattrereer, Garpeta and’ Curtalna, No. 13S North Ninth etreet, Philadelphia, at waye on b nd. FnnaiUirc mhl7-3m JAMF-B A. U'EIOHT, TUOBWTON PIKE. CLEMENT A. OCIBOOU* TiItOI»OHB WJIIOUT, kTIANM U NEAIaL. PLTEK TVKIGHT & SONS. Importeiß of earthenware and Shipping god Commission Merchant*, i - N 0.115 Walnut stroeu Philadelphia r'O'T’ON SAIL DUCK OF EVERY WIDTH, FROM \J 23 inch to inches'wide, all numbers. Tout and Awning Dock, t*aper»makefe Felting, Sail Twine, Ac. , . . . EVEftMAN,, ja2B ,r ' K0.,103 ChtuchJtroet, City Stores PKTVY WELLS—OWHEKS OF PRQPEKTY-THB only place to get privy wells clemmed and disizv fected* at very low prices. A. PEVSSON, Mannlactnrer of Poodrotte. Goldsmith’s Halt Library street EDUCATION. gDOEHILL SCHOOL, •- PRINCETON, N. J, Boys prepared for College or for business. HEXT SESSION BEGINS APRIL?. For Circulars apply to mh30421* \\ IbS, IL N. KKLLHGO. TEACHER OF IDRAWI \Q lfl and Painting, 163? Chestnut St. mh23-mwfvu* A DDBES3 REV. T. HANLON, PENNINGTON. N. J., 1\ lor Oatelocue of Pennington Seminary. A nrstclaas Boarding School for both rexeawithin three miles of Philadelphia. Reference—Bishop Simpson. » mbit) lm* KiAtiHuiEßif Alton. at» MEIUUGK & SONS. ‘ SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—IHgb-and Low Pressure, Horizontal Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pump- Bl?islEUB—Cylinder, Fine, Tubular, <fcc. STEAM HAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and oi all rizes. - CASTINGS-- Loam. Drv and Green Sand, Brass, Ac. ROOFS— Iron Frame*, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS— Of Cast or Wrought Iron, for refineries, water, oil, Ac. " ; GAS MACHINERY—Each as Retorts. Bench Castings, Holders and Frame*, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar lows, Valve*. Governors, Ac. •SUGAR MACHiNEKY—Such a* Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Deiecatcrs, Bone. Block Filter*. Buraeca,WaaU en and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black L are, Ac - v Sole manufacturers of the following specialties; In PbiUaelphla and vicinity.of William Wright’s Patent Variable Cut-oil Steam Engine. ;> In Pennsj lvania,of Shaw A Justice's P&tcntDead-Stroke Power Hammer. Jd the United fitates. of Weston’s Patent Sell-cantening nnd Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Machine. Glars A Bartoi’s impiovement on ArphawoU A woolsoy’a Centiifugal. . , Bnrtol’a Patent Wrotight-Iron Retort Ud- Straban’ts Diiil.Grindiog Iteat. Contraciore for the design, trection, and fitting up of Re fineilee for working Sugar or Molasses. JEON FENCE.- __ The undersigned are prepared to execute orders for * ENGLISH IRON FENCE, . of tho beet make. The attention,'of owners of Country Seataia especially asked to tills as at once the most sightly, the most durable, and the moat economical fence that can be used. ’ 1 bpccimen panels may. bo seen at our office. * YARNALI A TRIMBLE, fe9-3m5 418 South Delaware avenue. /''UPPER AND YELLOW METAL BHF.ATHINO, vV Bruzitr’a Copper Nails, Bolts and Ipgot Copper, con staßily ou band and for sale by HENRY WiNSoR A CO.. No. 332 Soutli Whurvea I>lG 1 RON.—APJ\IVED PEP, CARL JOHANN 100 X Tons Nc, 1 Scotch Pig Iron, For saleiu loti to suit by PETER WuIGHT A SUNS, ap2 tf H 6 Wulnut et. NAVAL SI'OUES. SPIRITS TURPENTINE AND ROSIN-110 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine ;• 142 bble. Pole Soap Rosiu; ilsi hbla. No. 2 Shipping Koein, landing from steamer Pioneer, for eale hyEPW. H. ROWLEY. 16 S. noitf BALES COTTON IN STORE AND l; for sale by COCHRAN, RUSSELL A CO., 23 North Front etrgQt.; <•*. it t ,•. ,-j ", i ■' i 1)1Ue!-176 CASKS CAROLINA RICE IN STORE Jt> and for sale by COCHRAN, , KL'SSLLL A CO., 33 North Front street, : [ : • > ’ g,EQAlulyoygQEa.. ~ IN THE ORPHANS 1 COURT FOR TI E CITY AND t County of Philadelphia—Estate of DANIEL deceased—Tbo Auditor Appointed by the Court td audit, settle and adjust tho tiret and final account of WILLIAM J VaNKIUK, Executor, of the last Will of DANIEL BOHUSKi deceased, and to report distribution* or the balance in the hands of the accountant wilt meet the parties interested for the purpose of histappointmunt-on .-MONDAYfApriI 19th,1860, at 4 o’clock P M.* at his offlee; bo. 9 Law Buildiug, No. 533 Walnut street, Phihidel plja. mli3l w f in 6t* IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB. UNITED 1 States for tho Eastern District of Pennsylvania, , JOHN H. GARDINEa, of Philadelphia, bankrupt, hav iue petiUoncd,fqr hia discharge, a mooting pfj creditors; i will.ho heTd nn tho 22d ! day bLAprll. ltkSi. at 1 o’clock’ ~ Dtfbro too Register, WtLLf AM MoVuduAEUEsq., at No. 630 WAL.nUT street, in t. o city of i'uitadelpliia, that tho examination of the «' bankrupt may bO' finished •and any bminepw of mootings required by sections 27 or >j2B of the act of Longress transacted. ~ . , The Kegißter will*certify whether a the JbtaWupjfc has ; eonformeiHiKhlß duty.v ATheetlng wilt also bo' held on WEDNESDAY, tho fifth day of May, 18#*, before the Court at Philadelphia,.At 10 o’clock A. M., when parties interested may show cause against the discharge.' * "' Witness the Hon. John Ce4w*tedor, Judge of -• ± the said District (Joint add the seal thereof, at : ( BKAI ‘i FhilaqOlphia, th&2oth d&yof March, A. D. 1869. G. R, FOX. Clerk. Register. mh29 aps,l2s IWUS OF DECEASED— JD± Letters of. Administration oh the Estate of "JOHN N. HANNIGAN. derc&aed, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persona indebted- to aaidEatate laroro i quested to make payment, and those having claims against it to present the earno to s i. „ i ;B,:SHAREEY;AdmhiißtritoiU; •, mhlnibte ■ 619 WaiQutstrect. -'■■■ ; n r:/. CUXIifBRY. ■DODGERS' ' AND WOSTENHOLM’B POCKET It KNIVES, PEARL and STAG. HANDLES, Of bean* tiful finish, .RODGERS’ and WADE A BUTCHER'S, and the CELEBRATED. LECOULTRE XtAZOK BOTSSORB IN i CASES pf the - finest qurnity/Razora, ! Knives, Bclstora *OOO Table Cutlery, Ground aha Polßhed. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the moit approved construction to assist the hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S. Cutler and Sur gical Tenth 'trout, |>elow Chert* nut. **- • 1 " ■ myl-tf /I KEEN GINGER.—I.ANDHSG - AND FOR BALE BY' AJT J. B. ISU3BIER k GO., IDS South Delaware avenue, - ! NATIONAL 5 - - '. ’ '. ' «ra ■ LIFEIN SDRANCE TOMPANT ‘fZ'J'-.M-i ?M'i' '■■•l '. ; >i -,i K - - ! '■ V > V ?:,( OP THE '■/ ' ONITED SPATES OF AMERICA, Washington, D, O. dbartered by special Act of Cougreic, ip proved July 25,1808. : , Cash Capital. 01,000,000 BRANCH OFFICES FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CLARENCE EL CLARK. JAY COOKE JOHN W. ELLIS, W. Qi MOORHEAD. GEORGE F. TYLER, 3. HINCKLEY CLARK. .• OFFICERS; ■ CLARENCE EL CLARK, Philadelphia, JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Com ’ mlttec. HENRY D, COOKE. Waahlngton, Vice Pratldent- EMERSON W. FEET! FhtladelphU, Bec*y and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Waahlngton. Awlatant Secretary. FRAhCIB G. SMITH. M.D„ Medical Dfrector. J. EWING MEARS, Mi D~ A..l«fant Medical Director. : This Company, Nationai in Its character, offers, by reason of Its Largo Capital, Low Rates of Premium, and New Tables, tho moat desirable means of Insuring Idle yet presented to the public. : , ’ 1 Circulars, Pamphlets, and full particulars given on ap plication to the Branch Office of the Company or to Its General Agents, General Agents of the Company JAY COOKE * CO„ New York, for New York State and Northen&New Jemey. JAY COOKE ii CO., Washington, D. C„ for Delawar , Bkt. T. W. CATTELL. i DIRECTORS; rnomasC. Band* James B. McFarland, toward Darlington, William C. lutdwig, J oseph BL Seal,. Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. Bonder. Joshua P. Eyre, TUeopbilus Paulding. William G* Boulton. Hagh Craig, nenryC.DaUott, Jr., John C. Davis, John jD.Taytor, 1 James C. Hand. Edward LalourCaae, 'John R. Penroae, Jacob Riogel, H. Jones Brooke, George W. Bernadou, Spfencer MTI value, Wm. C Houston, 'tidnry Sloan, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh. Samuel E. Stokes, John B. Semple, do., JamesTraquair, A. B. Berger, do. THOMAS C. HAND. President , JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HEISRY BALE. Ass’t Secretary, FRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN. sylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 1825 —Charter Perpetual—No. 610 Walnut street, opposite In dependence Square. ~ . . it - Thifl compauy, favorably known to the eommunitv for over forty year*, continues to insure against loss or dam. age by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either porma nently or for a limited time. Also, on Furnitui e. Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a largo Surplus Fund, Is invested In a most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the easp of loss. . t - ■ DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith,Jr., John Devereux, j Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, - Isaac Hazlehurst, Henry Lewis. Thomas Robins, J* Gillingham Foil, Daniel Haddock. Jr. . i DANIEL BMITH, Jr., Presidont. Wiliiam Q. Cbowell, Secretary * . UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Pajd in Full* PHUADJOLPOIA. Where an correspondence thould be addreeeed. directors: Virginia, District ol Columbia and. West Virginia. E. W. CLARK & CO., for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jeriey B 8. Russkul, Harrisburg, Manager for Central and Western Pennsylvania. J. ALDER ELLIS & CO., Chicago, for Illinois, Wisconsin and lowa. Hon. STEPHEN MILLER, St Paul, for Minnesota and N. W. Wisconsin. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO.. Cincinnati, for Ohio and Con tral and Southern Indiana, T. B. EDGAR, St, Louis, for Missouri and Kansaa. , 8. a. KEAN 41 CO., Detroit, for Michigan and Northern '< Indians* A. M. MOTBERBHED, Omaha, for Nebraska. JOHNSTON BROTHERS4> CO™ Baltimore, for Mary land. Hew England General Agency render tne Direction of E. A. ROLLINS and; > Of the Board of Directors. W. E. CHANDLER.) : - J.P.TUCKER, Manager, 8 Merchants* Exchange, Btate street, Boston. TpELAWABE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM XJ PAN Y. Ihcorporsted by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office afl.K comer, of THIRD and WALNUT- Street*, Philadelphia. ' " MARINE INSURANCES of the world. On good*h7 river, canal, lake asd land carriage to aQ p&rU of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally: on Stores, Dwellings, Housee, Ac. , ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November LlB6B. &200«000 United States Five Per Cent. .Loan, 1040*8 .—™... saowoooo 120.000 United 8 tatos Six Par Cent. Xg>an, 1881 136.800 00 50,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan (for Pacific Railroad) . ... .... 60.000 00 200.000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. LoanJ. ; 21L575 00 ■ 126,000 Citj of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 128.694 00 60,000 State of New Jersey Six. Per, Cent. Loan .i;.... 61*600 00 an. non Pennsylvania Railroad Pint Mort gage Six Per Cent. 80nd5...... 2&2QQ 00 26,000 Pennsylvania Ballroadv -Second Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds . 24,000 00 26,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad . Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds . (Penna- RK. guarantee). ... .. 20.625 00 80,000 State of ‘lenneaeee Five Per Cent Loan 21,000 00 7,000 State pi Tenneojee Six Per Cent 16,000 GennaKoWn Ga 4 pa) and interest guaranteed by .i . the .City of Philadelphia, 800 - ■h&Jese£ocfc.;i?-i...:..15,000 00 10,000 PetmCTlvanUJtaikosd. Company, „ 200 shares stock. 11,300 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Ballroad Com , panv,' lou Share# stock. a. 600 00 20,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship-Company, 80 share* etock.. 15,000 00 207,900 Loan a on Bond and Mortgage, lint Lens on Ci& Properties 207,900 00 $1,1<&900 Par. ' Value, 81,130.325 25 : Coat. 8L093L604 2fi Heal Estate Bills Keceiyable for insurance! made 322.486 94 Balances due at Agencies— Pre miums on Marine Policies —Ac- crued Interest and other debts due the Company 40,178 88 Stock and Bcrip of sundry Corpora tions. ©3,156 00. Estimated value . .i........ .... 1,813 00 Cash in Bank ©116,150 08 Cash in Drawer. 't'hie Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent ■with safety, and confines its.businesa exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN'THE CITY OF PHILADEIr PHIA. OFFICE—No.72S Arch* street; Fourth, National Bank Building. "" DIRECTORS. Thomas J. Martin, Charles R. Smith, John Hirst. Albertus King. Wm. A, Rolin, Henry Bumra. . James Mongan, James Wood, William Glenn, John tthalloroes. James Jonner,. J. Henry Askin, Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan. dEWMßh**' Wm. A. Bourn; Trow «-*■ » Wii. H. Faoem. Sec’y. mHE COUNTY FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY—OF. I See, No. 110 South Fourth itreet, below Chestnut. i ‘The Fire Inauranco Company of the County of rmia ' dolphin,” Incorporated by the Legialature of Pennay wa nts in 1889, for indemnity against loea or damage by are, akmCT r E k>ETUAU. This old and reliable insdtution.with amole capital and .contingentfund carefully invested, contim.** to insure j* buildings, furniture, merchandise, Ac., either permanent h or for a limited HmOt&gainst loss or damage by fire, at tbhlowest rates consistent With the absolute safetyof its > Cl lSe r aajnrtodaha bald all .1 \\ Chaa. J. Batter, Andrew fl. Miller, Henry JBudd, James N. Htorre, John Born, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Mooro, Robert V. Massey, George Meeke, President - BENJAMIN F. Trfiiuuret -CHARTER PERPETUAL* ; FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ;} ■■■ib OFPBILADEtPHUi Offloe—43s and 437 Cheiinuf Slreef. ! . : Assets on Jamuury i, 1869, j fSjOyT^ysis. b»pltaj:.'... .8100.000 00 .Accrued Sarpltu .isa62fl7U 'JPreminnu. ; 1,193,843 43 UNSETTLED cr.ATMB. INCOME FOB 1860. ‘ 883,76812. 8880,000, ! Lotses Paid Since 18S9 Orev 05,000,000. 1 Perpetual and Texnnorary Policies on liberal Terms. ; Too Company also issues Policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Building!!, Ground Rents and Mortgages* l pteeSorb. :> . } Alfredo. Baker, Alfred Fitter, ; Samuel Grant, Thomas Sparks, t Geo. W« Ricoards, Wm. 8. Grant, * Isaac Lea, Thomas B/EJlia. ' Geo, Fates, Gustarnsß. Benson, ALFRED G. BAKER, President. t , n „ „ GEO. FACES, Vice President.. i JAB. W. MaALLTtiTER, Secretary. \ WM. GREEN, Assistant Secretary. . _ : i • , fell ideal i E. A.BOLUNB. HENRY D. OOOKE. W.E. CHANDLER. JOHND. DEFREEB, EDWARD DODGE, H. C. FAHNESTOCK. trim RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL* ll ADELPHLA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. ■< Oflice, No. 806 Walnut street. » ■ CAPITAL ; - .. - ’ I Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and o 4 her Buildings, limited or petpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or COa iXicBES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Aaete i.. &437.898 83 . DJEECTOBS. „ „ Thomas C. HiU. , Thomas H. Moore, Wm. Musser, Bamuol Cashier, Samuel Bispham, James T. young, H. L. CarsoD, Isaac F. Baker. Wm. Stevenson. Christian J.Uo2man, ! Ben). W. Tingles', Samuel B, Thomas, Edward Slter. „ ~ , TbOSMAB 0. HILL. President, i W«. Cncim, Secretary. __ , . . : PiuLAjiui-PaiA. February 17,1569. Jaj.tuthati FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. BC9 CHESTNUT STREET. INCORPORATED 1856. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, $200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Loss or Bamago by Fire, either by Per petual or Temporary Policies. DIBECTOESj Robert Pearce, John Keealer, Jr„ Edward B. Orne, Charles Stokes, John W. Everman, Mordecai Bozby. I RICHARSON. President. IfIAWN, Vice President, i. Secretary. apltf AMP-.wr.AN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, INEOB porated 1810.—Charier perpetraL , . No. 310 WALNUT street, above ThinLPhlladolphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplua in vested In sonnaana available Securities, continue to In sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in port, and them cargos., and other peraonal property. ah losses liberally an^yromjrtl^adjuated. Thomas R. Marla, I Edmund G. DnUlh, John Welsh, Charles W. Ponltney, Patrick Brady, 1 Israel Morris, John T. Lewis. [John P. WetnerlH. William W. Paul. THOMAS B. MARTS, President. AnnEBT CL Cbawtobp. Secretary ' TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF el Philadelphia.—Office, No. 84 North Fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter perpetual. Capital and Aseete, 8166,000. Make insu rance against Loss or damage by Fire onPubuc or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS, Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner, John F. Bela toning, Adam J. Glaaz* Henry Troemner, HenryDelany, Jacob Schandein, John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick, Samuel Miller, George E. Fort, William D. Gardner. , WILLIAM MoDANIEL, President ISRAEL PETERSON. Vice President PnmiP E. Coleman, Secretary and Treasurer. 413 66 . 116,563 73 81,647.367 80 FIRE ASSOCIATION OF ra ejjtj&glfi 4’, pjiia, Incorporated March 27, 1830. Office, No. 34 North Fifth street. Insure Buildings, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally, from Loss by Fire. A^Jan.l.lB® William H. Hamilton, Samuel Sparhawk* Peter.A. Koyeer,. Chttrlea K Bower, John Carrow, Jfeeae Lifthtfoot, Cleorpo T. V ounK, Robert SnoomaKor. Joseph R. Lyruialh Peter Armbruater. LeyfP.Coatß, ' . ■ ■ M. 0. Dickinson. Peter Wi liamson. - WM. H. HAMILTON, Proaido t, SAMUEL SPAKHAWK. Vice President WM. T. BUTLEJE, Secretary, B SCOTT, Jiu AUCTIONEER. . BCOTT'S ART GALLERY 1020 CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia. CARD.—The undersigned will give particular attention (6 dales at Dwelling* of parties removing. Having no place for storage of furniture, it will bo to ray iaterost to make clean sales. Other consignments of morebaraise respectfully solicited. SALE OF FIRST QUALITY TRIPLE SILVER PLATED WAKE. ON TUESDAY MORNING. • April 6, at 10% o’clock at Scott’s Art Gallery, 1020 i bqetnutßtrect, iy!U be sold without reserve, a full- and i-. tu-ra) Assortment of best quality Extra Triple Silver Hated Wore, comprising—Chased and Plain Tea Beta, Urns, Goblets,! Castors. Salvers, Ico Pitchers, Epergnea, Cake Baskets, Egg Stands, Napkin Rings, Spoons, Forks. &c.» Ac , Open for examination early on the morning of sale. SPECIAL SALE OF ELEGANT BLACK MARBLE AND BRONZE CLOCKS, Gilt Groups and Vases, Bruizes, a Marino Vases and Antique,. Ornaments, Alabaster Statuary. Ac., imported jrom France and Italy by Messrs Vitl Bros. (Ute Vito Viti A Sons), to take place at Scott's Art Gallory. No, i«2d Chostnut et., * i :, ,QN THURSDAY MORNING, April 0, at 10% o’clock, and continued in the evening at 7NS o’clock. 1 The collection will bo arranged for examination on \Vednoedav, 7th'ihstant, wad will consist in part of elo i:nnt French Bronze and Marble Clocks, surmounted with; fronzo groups and figures, Gilt Figures, representing Hunters, Pointing, Mu&lc,£c.; Bronze Btatuary. with subjects of Game Vender, Agriculture, Alexander of Macodon, Pandora, Art, Rubens, Ao. Alabaster Statuettes, representing BoboLi . Vintage; NJ?ht and Bay, Three Graces, Danco of Venus, Eame* rslda. Tragedy and Comedy, Ac. ; Llegan'ly carved Etruscan, Grecian and Roman Vases, on equaro and rouud columns; Agato Hobo Vases, Siena urns, Tazzae. Fluted Pompeii Vases, Ao. ; : / * Al«o. one Italian Marbl« Fountain. ... , Two large Italian Marble Yaaea, for gardens, on podea talpi ' v --v.- The above collection bas inet been received from Franco and Italy by Mcearc.Vfti Broa» and will bo found, upon examination, to be worthy of particular attention. py BABBITT & CO- AUCTIONEERS. < No. 230 MAUKE?itrIeU conSrof aSsKsEwot. Cwli advanced on eojulmintints witboat Mttra charco. CASES BOOTS, SHOES ANDB ALMORALS,' S ... ON, WEUmraDA^MOICUNa. Al)rll7«,t ID o'clock.- AUo 5W loto.ForeUu aßtl.Do meßtlo Dw Goods. Hosiery. Liueo Goods. Notions, Stock, ol Goods.'to.' ! ' ..,,... .■ - Particulars hereafter. ISSUBANCMa i Invested in the following Securities' vi*.: __ First Mortgage* on City Property,well secured.Bl69,GOO 00 United btatee Government Loans 117,000 00 Philadelphia City 6per cent. Loans..* .75,000 00 Pennsylvania $&ooo,ooo 6 per cent. Loan 30,000 GJ Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first Mortgage.. 6,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 0 per _ _ Loans on Collaterals 600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Ton 7 per Cent. Mort - gage Bonds 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock 1,050 00 Mechanics* Bank Stock. 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Stock 10.000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Compftny*s .Stock.... • 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia _• „ _ f Stock. i 8,250 00 CaMr In Bank and on hand. 12,258 22 ' Worth at Par Worth this date at market prices. A NTHEACITE INSURANCE COMPANV.-CHAE A TEE PERPETUAL*. . A .. ! Dflice, No. 811 WALNUT street, above Third, PbJle. i Will insure afiainst Loss or Damagaby Fireon Build fogs, either perpetually: or for a limited time* Hqueehola Furniture and Merchandise generally. 'Alio, Marine Insurance on Cargoes and Freight*. Insurance of tliQ Union. Wm. Eeber, Leyia^pdeiried, D. Lutber, Joun A.etcham, John R. Bl&kieton, J. E. Baum, Wm. F. Dean, Johnß.HeyL Peter Bleger, Samuel H-RothermeL ESHER. President, F.DEAN.ViMP^iden^ WM. , . WM. ( WX. M. SiOTH, SeCTetary. PH (E NIX IN B USANCE- COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA , . - • , „ INCORPORATED 180*—CHARTER- PERTETUAL. ! No. 234 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange, j Thla Company insures from losses or damage by oh liberal tonne on buildinga, merchandise, fnrnfttare, Ac~for limited periods, and permanently en buildings by deposit or premium. . ■ /The Company has been in aetlve operation for more than sixty years, daring which all losses have been pjonptly j John L. Hodge, David Lewi* ' M- B. Mahony, BenjaminEttittg, ! John T. Lewis. Thos, H. Powers, j Wn 8- Grant, A- R. McHenry, i Robert W. Learning, Edmond Caatillon. S D. Clark Whaiton. Bamael Wilcox, r Lawrence - Louis C. Norris, ; R. WUCHERBB, President. Bavusi. Wiloox. Secretary. Charles Richardson. We H. Kbuwn. Francis N. Buck. Henry Lewis, Nathan Qllles, George A. West, OTT ART.Ei WM. H. WILLIAMB L BLANCH At) OXBOW SAUEM. SSALES OP STOCK B AND BEAL ESTATE; ■• ! ' pr PnbUo sales at the Philadelphia Kknhanga EVER* TCEBDAYI at 12 O'clock.--• - • - ‘ i »arr Fnrnmtro Bales ,at the Auction Store ETESY THVBBDAY. - i iar~ &*iei at Residences receive,especial attention.■ ; j : 1 j ! At 13 o'clock noOn. attue Philadelphia Exchange— : , 82100ILS-kivetwentlss, 1885. Hay and Nov. 12 fhaies NaUonal tank of North America. ’ ' 14 • hares Kensington National Bank. : 200 isres American Buttonhole, Orcraoamlng and r: Sowing Machine Co. 26 shares Camden and Atlantic Railroad Co. 84 rharea Un’pn Mntoal Ina. Co. 300 ehntea Ocean Oil Co. 600 shares Black Death Coal Co: 100 shates pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Co. DOOeharct Mcllhennr OIICo. . 7 shares National Bank of the Republic. For Other Accounts— -10 shares National Bank of tbo Republic. ‘ t share A cademy of Pine Arts . _ 67 shares Delaware Division,Canal Co. i . _ , 21 shares BCCond and Third Btreets Passenger Rail way Co. ■>: I£o shares Brideshnrg Manufacturing Co. 1 share Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship 8T shares tiiSon Sank of Tennessee. , 1 , _[lxccutor’B_Bate. 60 shares Weit Branch and Stfisquobaniia Canal Co. LARGE TUEEE'STORV BRICK HOTEL and FUd- NATURE, known as the * Neptune Hooao ** N. E. 1 comer oi Pacific ano Jonnectlcut avenn* b» Atlantic City* N. J. lfin bv. 183 fc«t ' HANDSOME MODERN 9#BTORY; STONE RESI DENCE and LARGE LOT. Terrace Mace, extending through to Clapier street, 78 feet front 4 squares from the Wayne Station on the uermanto wn railroad, German town, 1 33 d Ward. ' ■ HANDSOME MODERN STONE RESIDENCE, with Stable and Coach House, Oak street Salem. N. J., 192 feet front27o feet deep. ‘ VERY ELEGANT FOUR-STORY BRICK REBL PENuE, N. W. corner ot Seventeenth and Summer f t*., near Logan Square, 36 feet front, 117 feot deop to Winter MODERN FOUR STORY BRICK and MARBLE front RESIDENCE, No. 1723 Vino atreot, nearly oppotitaLogan Square. To Capltnlif-ta, BjiUderaandOtliere—VALUAßLE LOT, Bfo-d itrect, between Locust and Spruce. 116 feet 9 Inch,, front. ISO feot deep to SveamorO et-9 fronts. ' FRAME DWELLING, No. ISU ,NlxUi Third atreet. “modern a THREE-STORY BRICK ;DWELLING,, BRJCtL pUIbDIWJ and. JLARGE LOT. No. 726 South., B 3°T\V<>STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Noa. 1160, U 62 nnd 1161 Clarion Btreet, north of Federal and west of Thirteenth,- i.v • : ■■ ■ 2 GROUND RENTS, each ®lsa vear. THIIEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 720;LIoyd Street, between;Broad and Fifteenth, and north, of him, water. * Pursuant to aPecreo obtained in the Snprotno Conrt — CLAIMS AND PREMISES cf the Pioneer MiaingCom panv of Colorado. • . .jl ;; ' . Assignee's Sale—Estate of John 8. Cotton, Bankrupt— By order of United States Dhtrict Court, EaaternDlatTict of Pennsylvania, in Bankruptcy—VALUAßLE LOIS, -• ■_ ' Estate of La wren ce Dillon, dec’d—THREHJ-BTORY BBU K DWELLING. with Bide Office and Yard, No. I£l3 Fronkfoid avenue, and two Stables in the rear t be tween Mont eomery avenae and Berks street, IHtb Ward. Trustee** sale— V state of Michael Ilerr— lo &URE3, Mo* Lt an county, Illinois. ' , , Same Estate—2o ACHES. Livtagßtou county, Illinois. Same Estate—6o ACRES. Hamilton count*, lowa. Estate of Benedict Kahnweiler,det*d—3 MORTGAGES, each »i 0( o. ___ THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING and GENTEEL BRICK DWELLING, S. W.gcorner Twenty second and Bfown ete. • TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No, 703 Webb st, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, and below Fltz- Water »treet. 26ih Ward ' ■ ■ ,J_ -■ I HREE-STORY BRICK DWEIAJNG, No. 707 North M«ORY BRICK STOKE and .DWELLING, 8. W. comer of Sixth and Master *ts. . _ BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SITE, 8 ACRES, Lower Aierion Township. Montgomery county. Pa, within five minutes* wolkol Merlon Station, on the Pcnn’a Central Bailroad, Eiecntor’a Peremptory Sale— LOT, Fifteenth at, north of Venango. Slat Word. OfSSB SB •7* Bain 6 Estate-URIUK mVELLINa.No. 3CB BoAemla Placet north of Catbarineand oast of Fourth «L ■ VALUABLE BUSINESS STANp, No, 338 South •treot extending throngu to Trotit street—3 fronts. TWO-STOiOt BRICK DWELLONO, 4PPIo "treat north of Dauphin.' TWO STOR> BRICK DWELLING, Leithgow street, in tbe rear of the.above. „ A . - Peremptory Sale—To Close - an. Estate—WELL-SE* CURJt D GkOUNu T $l6O ayear. : 2 WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS, each $lBB and * HOdIS! 1 THTtEE-STOBY BRICK RESIDENCE. No. 1908 Spring Garden street. Hae all the modem conveni. encci. ‘lmmediate possession!' .8437,538 33 .8454.38133 valuable op the late GEO W. ‘•’AbNEdTOCK. ON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, Aprilfiand?;embracing a fine collection of Bookfero* feting to America, State and general Histories. Voyages and Travel* Biography, Science,Poetry, Natural History, Rcprfnu of rare works. Also, many beautifully, lllus* trared Works. May be examined with catalogues~un Monday previous to sal?. . t, 1 Extensive Sale at the Auction Rooms, Noa» 139 and 1A South Fourth street. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, N ERRORS, OIL PAINTINGS. FIREPROOF SAFE, OFFICE FURNI'I llre. hAndsomb velvet. BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS. Ac. ON THURSDAY MORNING. April 8. at 9 o’clock,.! the auction room*, by catalogue, a large assortment of auperior Household Furniture, comprising—Three, Handsome Walnut Parlor Suits, co* vered with crimson brocatelle and 'hair cloth; superior library and Dining Room Furniture, 6 Walnut Chamber Suits, Cottage Chamber Suits, 8 fine French Plate Pier Mirrors. 2 Walnut Secretaries and Bookcases, 12 Walnut Library Chairs, handsome Wardrobes, Sideboards, Eta gerea Extension, Centre and Bouquet Table* China and Glassware, fine Bair Metre ares, Feather Beds and Bed* dirg, superior Office Furniture. Jewelers*Fireproof Safe, Statiorary WashstanA marble top; Gas-consuming and Cooking Stoves.Cabinetmakers* Bench, Office Railing and Grate, 100 Q pounds White Lead. Chandeliers,,handsome Velvet. Bmspfb and other Carpets. Ac. Also, superior Rifle and Apparatus, in mahogany ease, made by Constable. A»eo, Surveyor’s Compass. •• PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. Also, a number of fine Oil Paintings and Engravings. PIANOS. A 1 6.8 superior rosewood 7 octave Plano Fortes, made bj Decker Bros., A. B. Galedi Co. andD. J. Cook,. i Sttlo No. 166 North Ninth street , HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR DINING BOOM AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. ROSEWO 'JJ PIANO BORTE. MADE BY MEYER; BOOKCASE. FINE CABI'ETS. 4c.. ...... : ’ , '■ °ON MONDAY MORNING, Aprfl 12, at 10 o’clock, at 156 North Ninth ttrecfc, below* Race etr<et, by catalogue, the handsome Walnut parlor,, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, fine tone seven octave Piano Forte, made by Meyer; superior Walnut Bo.kcape, fine Ingrain and ocher Carpets, Caina, Glass ware.# itthen Utensils, a ©. . May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o’clock. tifMß Administrators’ Halo on the Premises. Eetato of WILMON WHILDON, decoaiedL VERY H.FGANT REBIuENCE AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, &G„ No. 1910 ttPRUOE err WulT 9 ‘ ON MONDAY MORNING, May 3, nt 10 o’clock, will be sold the very elegant Four etpry Prick fmnrble toßecond story) RESIDENCE, with Double Back Ruildiuga. No. 1910'Spruce street, 33 feet front, 187 feet deep to liowell street, finished in a very superior and elegant manner, 'With every modern im provement and convenience. t • ! BtPERIuR FURNITURE. Also, the elegant Walnut Furniture made to order by Moore & Campion: handsome Carpets, tyrge French Plate Mantel Mirror, die, fST hull particulars in handbills. . Henry D. Miner, Auctioneer—Salesroom No, 8. Cort landt rttreot. MESSRS. MINER &BARKEU'KESPECTEX T l4iY AN. Bounce that iliey will exhibit iu their Galleria*. No. 845 Broadway, commencing on TUEBDAV EVENING, 80th March, the euperb collection pf Painting* belonging to J. P. Beaumont, Bap., of this city, consisting of rdre woike of art by esteemed artist* of tho modernschool. Among thorn are specimens chiefly faintedid his order by Baugnb-t, Wm. S.,MpjmU Victor Chavet, . B.Leutze, ‘ Guilleznin. . X. MUnot, ■ . Verboc ckhovcu, Otto ISrdman, 11. Barou. Litsohauer, • Diliens, C. Hoguot, E. Technggeny, Louts Jtobbe, J. W Casilcr. Jerome i houipeon. and upward of one hundred other artist* of- celebrity, in cluding also THE TAKING OP THE TEuGALU, a masterpl’ cohy tbe'luto E. LEUTZEt A MAGNIFICENT FLOW ER Vj LOE bv J. IiOBiG; SUS >NNAH AT.THE BATH, by Piofersor C. DEVVFH, of DuasHdorf, and many other pictuiCßof note; Thoeulo will taka place on. the evenings of WEDNESDAY ttndlHUiiSbAY\ tbeTtk and Bth of April, at o’clock. v *. aph-36^ .$1,406,095 C 8 Ta. McClelland, auctioneers * 1219 CHESTNUT street. . CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS. - X Rear Entranco on Clover street Household Fhrnituro and Merchandise of oyory de> BcriptiOirreccived on consignment. Soles of furniture at dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. Concert Hail Auction Room*. 131ft‘CheBtriut’Btreet. HANDSOME WALNUT AN’* COTTAGE FURNITURE. FLUSH, TERRY AND HAIR CLOTH PARLOR SUITS, &c. . ~ 1 j ON TUESDAY MORNENG, . • . , April 6.' will be sold, byCiUalosuiv f at Concert Ffa\l ! Auction Rooms, No. 1319 Chestnut street, commenclDgat 10 o’clock, cupcrior Walnut and Cottagd Chamber Suita,' Parlor and I inrary Suits. ,|n Green and Crimson Terry? nnd[ Hair Cloth; Marble Top Tables, Wardrobes, Uounfies, Ac* ! ..> r, .. ; ; -A /'«j > Also a quantity of, Secondhand Furniture, Carpets, &cT| Silver Plated. Wai'e and Table Cutlery; ; h j Tk ABHBRIBGE A CO, vAUOTIONEEHB, -i No. 808 MARKETstreet. above Fifth LARGE SALE OP. BOOTS, SHOES,' HATS AND CAPS. ; . .ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, April 7, at lit o’oloc’svwg will cell by catalogue, about looeTeases of. Boots, Shoes and Brogans, of cRy and East ern tnanufaetnro; ' 1 ICO cnsca men’s and boys’ Fur and l Wool Hate,. Velvet nedOafsitrcro Caps, Ac'. Opcp early op the; ,morning. of solo for examination, when the altentlpn of city and country buyorsis called. fTIHB PRINCIPAL ‘MONEY ESTABLISHMENT -1 { . 8. E. comer of SIXTH and RACE streets. . ■ Money advonood on Merchandise generally—wptenea Jowulry, i lomonds, Gold and SUror Plate, and on all to ciso «5ad S OgemFacs Ebillsb, Amor oan iuld dwln largo and voidable Firoproof Choet, .if^lsofseSefldtattlubont^Sdoii,Fifth apd ChMtnuf 1 streets.• 1 : AUCTION bales; : D AVIB * & DESKS ANDTABIIS.FINE BKUB3ELBCARPETS., . v P^®^oNiTUE§D^Jabii4iiMa : .* i' '■> 'At 10 o'clocky«U;aArtcyon Btore Nog 48and WNortlt - Sixth street, below Arch.. Handsome Furniture, JRore wood Piano Forte, French JPlate Mantel Mirror, elegant Oiled Walnut Chamber Bnrt* with "W«£drob»,> to match, superior Wa’nur Parlor SaU& gaperior Mtagknr? Sideboards, Oak and Walnut ExteusioD TaWek, Dlulnc Room. Chairs large Mahonauy Bookcase, elegant I VFkinnt Secretary: Bookcases,, superior Office Tablfta anADaaka* fine 3prmg and Hair Matreiaoe, Feather Beds, Brussel* and other Carpets, &Aa/ \r v, £ ',i > WHITEJLEAD, < > - ON TUESDAY, At 12 M.. 2800 pounds Etiperior WhltoLoad, in kegs, “ Sale on the Premises No, 2017 Green street.- - -- HANDSOME RESIDENCE ANDFUUNITURB. ,v ON THURSDAY MORNINa, 5 r * •; ~; . Aprils, at lQ o’elockton bejeoldEt public sole, the THKEE STORT BRICK RESIDENCE* „ with Three Btory Back Buildingand LOTOF GROUND; | No 2017 GREEN street' 20feet2 Inches front by 103 feet deep, with all the modern improvements jhoudaoinely.' psrrred and painted and In excellent order.. ; - > ■< iST Seeparticular*lnhandbillaa,TJdcatalOftJee. --’-f/ - 7 Immediately after the sale of. the Real Jiatate, will b» ; MAGNIFICENT FURNITURE, ELEGANT/KANO* v FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS/ CHOICE ENGRAV INGS. HANDSOME CABINET, BUPEKIOR > CASE, FINE CURTAINS. RICH VRLVETANO ENG LISH BHUSbELB CARPETS, CHINA: AND; GLASS-;/ ; WARE, &c. • • ti .ON THURSDAY MORNING. ’ r , April 8, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue L .at No. 2017: Qromr .. street, including Splendid Drawing'Room Suit; cpvered - withlino Crimson Brocatelle; Handsome Cabuiotr.Sar , perior Centre Table,California Marble top: Elegant • wood 7octave Piano, by Knabe <fc Co;, cost SLOOP; Find -* French Plate Mantel and Plor Mirrors, to handsomAkilt"'' frames, and Consol Table; Choice engravings. f framed; Fine Green and Lac* Curtains; Very' Superior\ Walnut Dining Boom,Furniture,including haudaoma f Buffet Mirror Back; Fine China; Cut Gloss ware; Plated. , Ware; Superior Library Farniturc. completot Secretary - Book case: Elegant Chamber suit; Large* wardrobes; , Oak Chamber Suit,- ebony mouldings, with very Tjfi-g® > Wardrobe: Beat Hair Matiressss, Bedding/Rich Velvet ■ end Ecgllah Brussel*Carpets throughout; Kitchen Uten- -’ eile.Kefrigtratore.&c. , x ' The entire furniture was mado to order by George j* Hcnkcle, of unique patterns, and is equal to now, haying >' been in use but one year. i .Sale No. 39 North Twelfth street.’ '*'■ . “' SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR FURNITURE,’ j GANT WALNUT CHAMBER .BUIIV ROSEWOOD., PIANO ; FORTE, HANDcOME TAPRSTRv CAR* ? ; PETS, FINE MATREBbEB. 60. * V.J553 .... | ON FRIDAY MORNING, H - * ) At 10 oNflock, at No. 89 North Twelfth Btrcet,.below Architect the entire Furniture. Including auperior Wal> nut and Hair Cloth Parlor Salt, elegant Walnqt Ohatabsr Suit, Cottage Bui*, with morbid'tops; auperior Ward* robes. Extension, Table and Dininc Room Fuaoitare, . small French Plate Mirror, finotonea Rosewood oc- Cave Piano: Forte; handsome 'fapestiy Carpets, fine Inr grain and Venetian, Carpets, fine Hair Matrcusee, fine . Blinds, China and Glassware, &c.; well kept and incudea ' many desirable articles. » . . ..., TAMES A* FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, «•:. No.422WALNUTstfeet T REAL ESTATE BALE, APRIL 7, 1869. : iThli tuJeVori WEDNESDAY, at 13 o’dock, noon, at the Exchange, wfll indude the following * « vuttuay. >v PEREMPTORY BALE. ICoo,Shares West Bangor Slate Mining Co. v go shares Tuckkhoo arid Mt. Pleasant Plank Road Co» 6 eh»res Johnstown Plank Road C6k • ; 10 shares stock Union Bank of Tennessee. ~ NO. 10 FETTER LANE—Foimstory brick manofac- ’ tory, with enginc.and boiler, in Sixth. Ward; locfll by S 3 . feet. Orphan# Court Sate—Estate of John Gadsbtf* dec’d. ..4 •• . 'i' '* i C.'j •; i 922 MARSHALL ST—Gecteei Three storyßricKDWei llrß. with back Ijulldingß j lot IB by 81 ft ft LBUhJecttC ®6»i ;i gronnd lent. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate- cj/ Thomas leitctudee’d. i r . i .:-:> !, :,.i5 i - ■ .iru'/fU'j') til , AKCJII BT-I1 intercet In tlirce do«lrablQ BulldinsLota at the B. W,cor. of Twenty-fir. t and Arch Btr., 58 b v 102 • feet Orphans' Court Hate-Estate of. Oeoroa AbtKftr,- dec'd. . ' ' : • j’. r. : 7*4 JAMISON ST—'Throß-etory Brick Hones and^Framo. ■ Stable In Twenty.tbird \Yard;lot 19 by 19 feet to Krieu et.. unbjeot ty $295( ground, rcnL Orphans'Court BaU—i l Estateof James Cdrriihendec'd. . . ! im SPRUCE ST.-trlhrCß-atotr BWok inwelllnK Wl® baeementj lotJB to 58 feet. Executors , Hate.-Estat« of. , EWion Oartslie, dec'd, : ; i''. - % • . • 1® LOCUST ST.—Ne&ttrco eforyßrlck Dwell Inc. wfltlt hooecon Canby st.’, lot 22 by llofcCt. Orphans' Court Bait—Estate of John Benner, iii : 1118 GBEEN ST.--Oehtcel throe story Brick Dwelling, with back buildings; 16, by 17827 feet. Orphan# Court > Salt- Estate of Marv Ann aiottonnett, aee'd, 1 13T4 RICHMOND BT.-Uentoel ttiree-fltorw rtrick Dwel ling, with back buildings: lotatJSby }O5 teat to. Usher st Orphans'' Court Sale—EstaU of J. Eotherfiiet, TISMBICHMOIiD 8T I .—Gintee^threo-stCry^ Brick Dwci iing, with brick back buildings: lot 1 18>d.by 1(B feet t» r. Fisher rt. Orphans'Court Sale—Same Estate. WABItEN Sl'. Carpenter :Sho» above'' liirty iourth and Market sts.; lot 82 by 65 feet. oi the Rig Sandy Creek Oil Co..‘ of* West Virginia.’containing 614 acres of land. Sole absolute, bu orderof the stockholders. ■ ..a s .. I9*CATALOQCEB HOW READY. ‘ ; ' '■* VALUABLE EIGHTH STREET PROPERTY AT The v aln able CHUKCH A PROPERTY, oh ElQffrtf etl above Race, suitable for a large wholegnlecr rotaUßtora; conld readily be altered. Could be adapted toamußic bailermuuuectory, tho walls being ofanusual strength. : Will be sold with or without tlto parsonago, ao may be „ desired. Flansat Uiastoro. Tcrmßeaßy. HIARTIN BROTHERS,' AUCTIONEERS. ' JuL (Lately Solesmon for M-, Thomas ASonoO No. 629 CIfE&TNUT street, rear entrance from Minor. Sale No. B2S Chestnut etrept. ■ HANBSOME WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. FOUR ELEGANT FRENCH PLATE PIER AND MANTEL MIRROBB, FOUR PIANOFORTES. HAND BOMB BnUBSELS AND IMPERIAL' ’CARPETS; BURGLAR PROOF SAFE, WINDOW SHADES. Ao. on Wednesday morning. , • ■- - April 7, >t 10 o’clock.,, at the aucUon.rooms, No. : MS Chestnut street, by catalogue, very' excellent Furniture, Including-Handßomo Walnut Drawing-Boom and Parlor ■ Butts, covered Id fine crimson and green plush' and hair cloth 1 7 suits Handsome Walnut Chamber-Furniture,/fla-: lsfaed in Oil end Varnish. Very desirable styles; superior Dining Boom Furniture, .4 Rosewood 4nd/Mahogany- ■ Piano Fortes, very superior Burglar.prepf Safe, made, by, Parrel & Herring;.fine Feather Beds, Hair’Matressee. Chandeliers. China and Glassware, handsome Brussels, and Imperial Carpetß, Canton Matting/*, Stoves, seel- ‘ Also, dp order of Assignees. SOO Window Shades, late Btylt8 ' ELEGANT MIRRORS. . . Also. 4 large and elegant French Plate Mantel ana Pier Mirrors. ; -,-f » { . :• •• • -iM*- ' Salo in Wilmington, Defawara. - ENTIRE MACHINERY OK A BOOT AND SHOE HA. NUFACTORY, 10SUPERIOR SEWING MACHINES; ‘ KNOX SOLE OUI'TEIL RBLITTER. MOJIA.Y, AJA CHINE, LARGE LOT LASTS, *e. " • ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON, •„ vt ... Aprils, at2o’clock precisely,on the premises, No. 118 King street WOp lngten, I)el„-Uto entire, Machinery df c. Boot and Shoe Manufactory, Including 4 Singer Bevylng Macbß'CSit Howe Machines, McKay Machine andChan neller Roller. Splitter. Knox Solo Cutter, Lovett Cylinder. WaxThretd Machine, lot Lasts; Patterns, *e/' i . May bo seen.on the day, previous (o sale. I Sale No. 6,8 North Fortieth street. Mantua., , , HANDbOME ■ -WALNUT ' FURNITURE, ELEGANT BTEINWAY GRAND UPRIGHT. PIANO. FRENCH PLATE MIRROR. HANDSOME BRUSSELS CAR PETS, Ac. 0N FI , Ir) AY'MORNING. 4 i April P, fttlO o'clock, at No. 648 Nor Ili Forilethfl tree 6. north of Lancaster avenue, Mantua, handsome Furniture, ineluding—Elegant Walnut and ftroca telle Drawing -Koom butt Centro Table, superior Sitting Room and-Dixu ing Room Furniture, superior Walnut Chamber Furniture, .elegant Rosewood Steinway .Upright;.Grand Piano,.fina French Piute Pier Elinor, French Chino, Hai-* Matressoa. 8 largo Basso Beliefs “Seasons," handspme. and Ingrain Carpets, Kitchen Utensils, &C, ' "‘ 4 May be seen early otithemorning. ot sola, i Bunting, durborow & oa, auctioneers Nos. 23a and 234 MARKET street, comer of Bank at. • Snccesseruto JGfVN Bi'MYERH & Cu.•* , [ ■ SALE OF 2UOO CASES BOOTS, SHOES. HAUg. fia UNTUESDaS MORNING;*' : v ' April a at 10 o’clock, oa fonr montliaVcredit, including McnVfe boys' and youths' Calf, Kip and’BufT Leather Boots; fine grainlong leg Dreesßoota; Congress Boots and Balmorals ;feip. butt and polish grain Brogans ; women’s, misses' and cbildren's'Root, rand .enamelled Balmorals: Congress Gaiters; Lace Boots: Laa’ing'Gal tere; Ankio Ties BagsrMetalllcOvferahoßs. Ac. SPECIAL BALE OF.READY-MADE CLOTHING, PIECE GOODS.&o., FOR CASH, i 1 ON WEDNESDAY 1 MORNING. rT „ April 7,‘ at 10 o’clock, by order of 1\ C. iiUlmaker, U, S. Marsha), ns meaeenger, under order of Court 'being tA® CDtire stock of tho estato of J. Gothmau&Co.» bank , rupte, embracing th*» usual nerortraent of goods comprised . in the stock of a first-class elothibe house. ! All the rigbt.tifle and interest of thosaid J. GTJTHMAN & CO in and to tho *';od will and fixtures andtho unex. plred term of loose of storo No. KJUMarket street, I hiia* . dolphin. ’ ■ IUIIGE SAI F, OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN ; AND DUMES'UC HUY GOODS. < ' ON THURSDAY MORNING. Ain 118. ut 10delude, an four luonthß* credit. " i*® o ® OttiCLDTHS; AWil o at .pieces Ingrain, -Wnotinn, List' Demp, Cottage aud liar Carpetings. Floor Oil Cloths. Mattings. &c. • ; • > _ W. WOLBERT *BCTHINE%. 'no io soutS-s/xtW®. ithlad'a, ; S»lea»t PrHate Rcldcncßß will rcccivo promptsnet. t personal attention. t . ». .. . -i SALE OF VA^#s& i J aid “mal Want" new <l iotrodiiicd, In Axueriek bv,Mr. t , . Jußd Lacliaiimc. srnd-atc of tho AaricnUuraland HortU, _ e 'i^ r Calal»*iie» f twodayV'iroviouo / tainfd at the auction rooms. a, rjinoMAS 1 ; V No’lllil'CHESTNUTstreet?•' 1 * l> 1 ' HO r t/on REUErvSD OSCOmGHJ»OT t M . Bales of Furniture at Dwelling, attended to On the inort roaionableterms. ■ ' • j,■. > i; , .IiW-‘t.‘t>Ayiiy.i{ - v3Ji > ■ j Bale nfcNo. 1918 VoplUrOtreot-i r<: ' 'i STOCK AND FIXTURES OP ..A TRIMMING STORE, • FURNITURE. die. ! . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. - . At 10 o'clock, at No 1818 Foclar street.' will ho retd a Stock of;Trijnnl»g«,Bogtet; l Good). Fancy Good), 4c.; Also, Counters,bho«r Casts, Fixture.,4c. , Aho. a lot of Household Euruiture. ■ ■■ ; "■ C.' D ' MoCWSKSS^Ioca^NE E a3. 1 BOOT AND ASt»' THUIUJDAV,.