Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 03, 1869, Image 5
CITY BDLiiflllM. fI R nr,V VTO Ah'iMAlA—i. HwHftCC. frOIU;NiW Jersey, was arretted at Second and Soath Mreew, the'ChaißOof cruelty to, * S^wlit, lilgftmd of ‘potaloee, drawn by, them' Hb was fined by AWermiu *■&*» Dingle was arrested jestority. by Policeman Weener, of tho'Tbird District, Fourth and Fine, on ajymUtfcnirKe, Ha hW a liWrA tO & WPEUD* Tfl6 GUtUlftl -W.'iS CQr ydred with ablnbltet, 'and thenlhe hijnos3 had Ibeen pntdo. Upon removing the blanket it wu* dl«6dv6ired that the bi.ekof tbe,,hawf waayery core. Dlrglo waslfiken before Alderman White, waa fined $lO, and was held. ; in .$BOO bait, to ahswcrat Court. _•. 1 ISTRBFKBISO WITH TUB SttßßtPF.—Deputy Shmiff* McNamara went to the ftonm of George Ackertnsm, butcher, at street and Qlraid avenue, yesteid&y.to make a levy. Upon his arrival there, It la alleged, AckemsneeUovu ’ral largobnU-dogs upon the Deputy.. Jim latter ran to the Ninth District Police Station at Tireniy-iblrd and Brown streets, followed by the 'dog*, Two polUtmt n were teen detailed to pVo ■tect the Deputy. The party weot back to Aoker man’s place, and while engaged In taking a horse 'and imaon dot ot thfe alible, Ackortnau* ». U charged, struck Officer Jeandell a violent b'o * upon the head. He was then arrested and takon before Aid. Pancqast. who held him In $5,600 ball for ttlaL Thb Skcojsp IsTßnsAt, r - .yyilllabv 8- Sfojady. • E«q.,.lrecelved .yesterday Urora Washington bU Commission ns A,aeaeor of the Second District..,T(lla .oppolpl me at will give gitii el SsslisiucHon:' to iihe, Reflublloan party of this city r ntd tne Interests of the Government, as ireil' ce woft ®t thd tsis-|p»rere bt; tt>e (Mstrict, win lecelvdMthfnl ahd InielilKent attention at hit hands. M AfewOfabe peraonatfriends and nelgh he«,of?Mir,(Sfokl6y;’,BSfei!n.blea‘ai house on FaltArt 6litet, latt 6yenlng, and tendered him the cdffipliment iDf la serenade by- MCGlnrg’s Liberty Silver Cornet Band, which exhibited Us usual ar llBlICieklll;: after,which the hospitalities ol the generous 1 nos t were fully dlseaseed. •''Mnß:4,lChle v ‘mbrn>i)K iebdut ,h»tf-past tores 'oiclbcliiihelhbtel Of John : Greenhouse. at the eOuthWest corner of Forty-second and M»rttet SftoeW'wbS; dlscoyercd re be on fire: The ttimos brfcmated fronV.a stove In a second story busk joom, find were sdppieesrd after having destroyed fhd* contents of the apartment, and burned ’throughlnto the tbtrd story. 8 ><ne of the ia 'UtateecflhehoUSe made a narrow escape, out totoWwOmen add Children were rescued f>om tbe'third-story window by theSlrtecnth District Police, under Lieut. Tolbert. Tue loss by Ore 'and water is c&Umaled at $1,600. Bedfokd Sr. Mission -At the last monthly meeting of tbe Board of Managers of the Bedford Street Mission, held last evei log, April 2, thojol lowlne officers weie elected for the ensuing wear: Charles Spencer, President; Israel Peterson. lnrst Vice-President; George Mililken, Second Vice- President; John H. Pllley, Recording Secretary; RdwlnA. Johns, porrespoudlog Secretarv; Geo. Perkenplno, Treasurer; Rev G. D. Long,Mission ary. Thu following gfcnilemen have been addod 'to the Bofird Of Managers: Charles C. Barrett, Thomas Sapplngton, D. H. Loudenslager, R. U. Lamboro, T. P. Godwin. Pickpockets Captuekd —Four pickpockets were observed to get on a Fifteenth street passenger car at tbe Baltimore Depot, late last night. Some of the employes at the depot fol lowed the fellowe, and when the car reached tbe police-station at Fifteenth and Locust streets the police were notified. The car was stopped and Tiani Cnrley and Bcrgcant McGlenn entered It and arrested the four men. The prisoners gave their dames as Geo. Davis, George Barnes, Fell! Send and George Thompson, and say that they belong to New York. They will have a hearing ttt tjbe. Central Station this afternoon. ' TgK Bi.ACKBTONE Tragedy. —In some of the accounts of the Blaekstone tragedy it wa9 men •faoUed ttni there bad been a defalcation by one of the clerks ip tbe employ of the firm of which Mr. BlaCkstone was a member. Mr. A. O. Funs ton, the surviving partner,sends us the following card upon the . „ "To the Editor of the Evening Bulletin.— bib: The rfepdrt published In several of the dally pa peiß to the edict that there had been a defalca tion in my establishment which caused remotely the Insanity of Mr. Blaekstone is not,correct. , r “A. C. Fcttsros. ABibßikce op Silvek. —The Brown Sliver fnlttlDg Company has just received, at Ita office, N6i 480 Walont street nslab or button of pure •Uver tveicblne 532 pounds, and valued at about 410,200. Tblß valuable piece of oietal comes 'from tbo company’s works and mines, near OeorgreiowD, Colorado, and will be on exhibition At fbeoffico n®re for a few days, prior to sending it to tbo U. 8, Mint for coinage. Tub Habbob Folicb The monthly report of Lleiiunant Benjamin Edgar. ofthe harbor tollqe. wafl preeented to the Mayor this morning I sb6we that during March three persons were jeecnea .from drowning, eight were prevented Drain walking overboard, and ono body of a drowned person Was recovered. A Hobsb Transaction. — Charles Barger was arrested yesterday By Reserve Policeman Creigh ton,' end wee taken before Alderman Hood. It is alleged that he obtained from a man a horse valued »t ®125, for the purpose of selling It to a ttilijdpafty. Tbdanlmal was sold for *65, and the money was- not passed over to the owner. Barger was committed In default of $l,OOO ball. Resigned.— Paul C. Dautrecby, a member of the Eighth District police force, resigned yester day. He has been a falibful and euorgello otfl ,oer, and has been connected with several Impor tant ornate which have been made In the dis r trlct, Policeman Bbbpkndkd fob DnoirKBVNRSs.—A policeman of lhe Eleventh District was discovered drutk yctteidav, and engagtd In beating a mao on the bead wlih bis club? He Was promptly suspended by Lieut. Prlicbard. Boubbby.— Tno dwelling of Bernard Macdon ald, Ho HIS Howard street, was entered last nigti through a lear second story wlodow, which wasrenihea from a shed. Tbe bureau drawore Were tl rsnsacktd, and $lOO were stolen from a ladj’p satihtl. Etbalino 'Wasiiku Clothing.— Sarah Brown Was airested lasi evening, on Second etroel, ttbovo Columbia avenue, on tbe charge of eteal ing vraibed clothing She was committed foru farther bearing by Aid. HelDe. Larceny.— George Williams wont into the grooiry store ot Robirt Ralston, at Tbirteentb BfiSet and Girard avenue, yesterday afiornoou, and stole two bams. He was arrested and was held in $BOO bail by Aldermun Allison. Illkoal Liquor Bulling. — James Gallagher, Fourth and BblppeD tlrecle. has been committed by Aid. Tiliermary to unsner the charge of soiling liquor to minora. , Evebybodi takhs Ihtukkst in tub “Opbsing,'' or, rather, “Expobliiuu,” which is to mark me opening of tbe new clothing establishment at 818 and 820 Chestnut Streep on Monday next. Toe buMdinge are being handsomely refilled anil stocked with on assortment of choice, Quo cloth ing, and the whole will be thrown open for dls play and public inspection. Ladles and gantlu mcn alike will be pleased to look through tlU new enterprise, ns a prominent feature of U Is Its department for boys' clothing. Ltybbawiib.— John Trenwltb, of No. 614 Chestnut street ( German Democrat bullJln') sends ns a complete variety ol light reading pub lications) also, all the weekly periodicals, em bracing Harper’s, Frank Leslie s, Hearth and Home, Every daturduy, Appleton's Journal, and various others. At Mr. T.’s establishment an elegant aetorirrent of fancy and useful articles is always kept on hand. Tua attention of onr readers is sailed to the advertisement ot the properly No. 227 North Twentieth street, that Is offered for sale. —Blimsrek has decided that his two soub shal not enter the diplomatic career. ' The reason ol this decision, It L thought, lathe conviction he j** l<ll * the youths are not poeullarly mlled. Uiß daughter posseißua by far more ability brothers, and, daring her mother's re cent Illness, alhclatcd as tbe Count’s private see relan*- His wife generally performs that duty. —Emma, Queen of the Sandwich Islands, has bought a team ot horses lu Sau Francisco to take “airs withal. Confederate General Thomas G Polk brotber of the ml ltaut Blthop of Louisiana, died lgst week in Mississippi. OAK C'RVflius: Ac. CARPETINGS! CARPETS 1 M’OALLDM, OEEABE & SLOANj No. 800 OH&STIfUT STREET, • Gpftwlte Independence Mall, PhUadMphl*. . Sprlrg Imporlafion of Castings. JVBT ARRIVED AND IS BTOBB, Frttacb Cbrollte, Axmlnstcr and Royal Wilton. CROSBI-Eya VELVETS AND TAPESTRItea, NawMt Designs 0-4 aafl % wldo. ENOL’SH BRI BSELBof slltho best makes; alio, with Border to match, lor Balls and Stairs. TBBEE-PIIEB AND INGUAINB. VENETIANS, for BsUsand Stairs; DSUUGETS, BUGS. Ac. COCOA BIATfI/S'CIS, Fresh Ganton Mattings, AU.WIDTU3. ElfflUSH ASD AHERIQAII OH, OLOTHI. M’CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, Ho. 600 Chestnut Street, Philada., Opporite IcdopoDfleDCO H&UL lyhllth 9 tn Rmrp ~ CARPETINGS 1 REEVE L. KNIGHT& SON ISS3 CHESTNUT STREET, Above Twelfth. Spring Importations Now Opon, French Axininsters, Fngliah Wiltaais, Velvet*, Tapeetrien, BRUSSELS CARPETS,' ' Of all the eelfbr*WsEimllflb makoe, new designs, spocU; Btjlra, with borders to match. Ball and Stair* Carpet*, Three Pile*, Ingrains, Yenhtana, Canton and Cocoa mailings. English Floor Oil Cloths. Ho. 1222 CHESTNUT STREET, Above Twelfth. naMB th b to IStrpS SPRING. 1869. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET. We are now receiving a vorr targe stock of naw goods for SPRING, SALES, Embracing aU the new styles of OARPETIHGB, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &o pihfiftmrrt ruunixeuis, *w FURNITURE. A. & H. LEJAMBRi HAVE REMOVED THEIR Funitnie and Upbolsteiiog Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT STREET* GIRARD ROW. nhestntbemrpS FURNITURE. T, & J. A HENKELS, Bavins REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH ST., Are now seUlng first-class FURNITURE at very reduced pi Ices. mh3l-3inept GEO. J. HENKELS CABINET MAKER. isol and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET —rnsiinEsT • a litoiv woman. ARTISANS’ AND BUILDERS’ Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works SPAEKS.STILLMaN.DOWTELL &CO. UAVUPAOTUUftB OF Oast and Wrought Iron Bailing, GARDEN AND CFMETERV ADORNMENTS, FOUN TAINS. VASES, VERANDAHS, SETTEES, CiiAThs, Ac. ikon ot >iua of every debokiption. new and im- FKOVED STABLE FURNIfURB. Foundry - 2028 North Tenth Street. Wareroom -807 i heat nut Street, mhfo tn tb a 3m3 > TO RENT. TO RENT. BECOND-STORY FRONT ROOM, «» 607 Chestnut Street. Hllllivo seHOOLH. .rviIULNE OE Ri KITE It'd RDINa -SOU vtU Uiigtnmppt. bn ow Spruce between Mftemith Htdfcixt' fD'h u'roeU, will be: r©opau“d <m Moo* dny, Ffptrmber 2lft 181)8. . > ■> ■ noND'B BOSTON AND TRENTONf BHOUI P--TIIS 15 ' trade cuppHod with Bond'd* Buttoiv Craiira. Mljfc, OjiUib and ES« Bbiruit. .A'so,-.Wo»} r & Phorus Ojbjr braud Tituton and Wloft Btacclit; B .HUtlSiliK A- C 0... Hrlp Aspotfl. 10K bimthtOeUwarg avenue. V» h t Bkh VED TA M A KINDB.—BO KEGS MARTI MIQU E JT Tftmariodß.i»»u*Ar,iaDdloßaudv?orewo by J.. B. CO., loBSoulbi>elawaro*Toiiuo. TBfi DAILY N^ENING^HLLfcTi^~PBJLA|)pLIfjjIA, SATERUA y, APW : ItLAI. LS't'Al't SAI.LV (iHI»U ANHVUOUeT SAT.K -6V TH B PltfiUlSMd. tfll- 1 Slamof AVtlßon VihUiatnjdeOof.sodj-.Thoiuw a ■U3 S' DB. AuciloDeDiM.“V*ry «K3i!*iit tou ~fl'orF mar.Ud, mi 0 btlßJc U«-eidtitic«j «Dd<ftttxUture.ho» MHO ripruce atrnut, writ pwruvlivnlh etn-eiia wet rrout, 187,f «ctducs (0 Bow« UHiL-ct; two fronts.', t'lmauuttoi nu' ordrr of thj Oril a lit* tfouit CouotT of Palud^plu«, uiiibt Bod At .Piiluie sultj, on Moaaay \upralu«; 1&6& »tiUtv’cUKb,on,tbo pKimseuM All ibAt^andau.u'o tird lot of prouudifiitHiifa .onvtutt of riprut.o etitt.l,at adbUuOo of HO fpet w«stvc*rd from iceih etmt; -contulninß tn. fhont oni Spruco; Btroot « Yi«t at d pxUßdipgfoutbwordindopthol tbatividtn 187 bfrtot. - . • Jr : " i - • - i b. B —j h« improvomenta are an :• foiir-stiry ni€MUBge, witD thrve-Hory douWe bacfcc buildl»wu «i.-rblo tiont to Btcono >*tory, baltn*«’press brick, it h wbll oLd hubstamiaib built* and fimshed in * very btuid eon.o and supenor matmtr..WltlvAUtbo|Roderaißipr ojo* n t*iila atd convenieuccs—no exptnto n oior mparod by tuo Utoonoeri ab builUt to mskett% ftrst-clttsdrealueaco for 'lbo, fiiet Jidor conUiun warn t vwtibnlfe, shltiOD purioMargo balk coat room, witl Wftsji ba*in and pantry* bqtloPa. p*ntiy, wtm duii.b waiter, bt t aud c« )d water* an ana ua> dliloi i«l lire supplying coldwatorv winter >nd Buinuior brenkfuct rooii., winter and Bumiu« r> wi'n lanstß and Blr.ka In vacb, with a dumb wattor to wjna and pio'lti.n vault; collar-la largo and dry floor and *tda wall- of ntiich uro laid* with Komao cemsuc, has a iaund y atone tube vn itb hotaud told water; dry na room, with per ai'ient tanltj and ebithea eoUd waln tt and banJpUreipnvato utairway Wlbltf eocondiloor 'i co.o -modlOuß cbfimbers. Dath-room,walnut tintsh*wUh marble too vtaiibßißiidaud,water UOBtt; b iUo«*d paurry, draw ina rt oin. library «nd verandah, Ins do walcut rhuitore, ii Ddroii c mai bio mantela, doublo ventilators and osils, t p. itkit B«ubta lu ov* ry room* gas through >u*; Pr»R ;h nla e o L dovv gtftfia. frcnfc to lourth ptorj* Inolneivo . aieo luiae Fr nd >pi«te windowalara lu back parlor wtu iow •; » Grb rave, A g pavemeut* Ac.; '*ho 2d add 8d floors aru becdbon.t h fiubl ed, each ol tbo rooios In main bnl'dtug I 08 a solid walnut »ad robe, uxarblo <op psraisQriUt ia»itir i» ui bid mantel*, bath hot Hud cold water, tvater cloretd. <nc„da • Heat 'dotbroufetiout with 2 of Gouids patent steam ana hot water lio rtere. . By Uioiiouit, «T 'AKjrM Mf.GdkHY. CUrk O. O. y WM. ftiTFABU. Ad mnl irator. ELEGANT Ft UNiTUnB ltmnvtUutely after the site ol ibehout-e, will be cold Ibaetoaaut walaut iurmturr, d.jiog >o older by Moor & G«tnp.ion; handaomo oirpets, lurae Fith h-ptate titaritel miiror. did - 8 M. THOMAS ;& BOSS, AneUonoere apsiol7a4m>l - iteandWaouth bounhit. vXtUUiOHb’BAL.ti.!~sdr&:i'!2 OF OUatibbi BR F. * ex. K§q., doc*d.*-l’hora*a & dda«. Auutio jeero.— Bin On Tue>d>ty. April 13th 1863, at 13 o*cV»qk. uoou. will Veold at p> bile sale, at the Mula4. Umla Eicbango, the fo lowing described property, • viz ; No. 1.-1 wo story Brick maid- N 0.1222 ,»lierry street, with a thr e-<*'pT Brick Dwelling*.,, the rear .All those messuage* and the lot of siuuudiher«untoocloi>aing,: situate on the sputa aide of Cherry street, eastof %• Ao. U2l, cou'~iiJuglo front no Cherry street 30 feet *ud«xt«ud in d-p hon t”oeaaC line 93 loet, more or hea; then:*) txtendli 6 west 14 feet to Bud-leu* • court; thouto uortb eloi u ft-Id court aoout 18H foeti theoco west? across the head of Budo«M*s court. 10 fuffiWcinebds; tluaco north 14 h »t inches; tuen-ui e*afc 4feet l>tf inchis; theaoo north 6t fpa? 9M laches to Cborjry.etreor, the puce of bo »iunii-R. The foiproveiuei t» ore a i .tvyO«etory • brick.at *- Ur. nootina cu iCherry street, and a b l ;k dw« llipg lu the tear for a coachman.. Togeth -r with tne c- to men u«e and priviega of saidßuddou’s court. Immediate possession of. the stable.-, . • Ncb U 4 aud 5.--Four three story Brick Bulldinu. BuddtVe Comt iu the rear of the above. No 2.—A three story bri* k dw, Hog and lot ot ground, corner ot Bud riru't! corn t and Buddeii** a.ley. 14 f*-et 8 laches front, hu<l u fr« t deep, with the common ueo and .privilege or said CO bS’B —A three-story bvick dwelling and lot of ground. Burd.u*sci’uit.aOjtu>ing the above, 13 feet 6X lashes from, ana 14 feet oecp. with the common use aui p.in A brick dwelling and lot of grouod, BUddeuV court, adjoinii g the above, 14 feet 134 tncfiu front, at d 14 feet deep, wtth the - common use and p in lt * 6 o f s—a 'hr e-pfory brick dwelling and lot of ground. Bndrfeu's court adjoining the above. 14 feet 34 Inch front, and 14 fietdeep, with the common use and privilege ot said in front of each of the above dwollingi will be «nclud< din tbs sate. ' . , . gar“ w ill be sold according to a recent survey, which may be seen at the *. uct'Oi. Booms, taer Toims-t*j^- thO MAB * SONS. Auctioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth .trout. PUBLIC BALV.—THOMAS 8')N8. Al 0- ISIS tientera.—Very desk able Country Sou;. 3114 *oiw, ■His Havetford road. i.elaware co«utr. Penna., tn-r tributes- walk of While Hall Stationao the Pennsvlrauia Omti I Kal road, nine mtUstroin Market street bridge.- n Tn edar, April 27.18-9 at'lS'o'clock, neon, will be sold at public i ale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, »I 1 that Tiny deeiiehle country scat, situate in [laverford t«*»- eblu. In,aware county, Proea.. described as fo lows: beginning at a slake in the centre of the Peunsjleani. Kuilioad. at the lnter-eo ion of the Line read ani acor n,r of laed now or la'eof Jacob Costner, deceased ;tbencc along the middle of Line ro.d and .bv land no.v o- ru i.oited of Lharhe J Ar bors, knlwn as the Whit- Hal property, south 6S!i d-gfeet. wert 20 ? i 0 perches to a stake in the urldole of Ilavorlord ro,d at it, intersection with Line road; thence along the middle of said IJ aval ford toad the three folio win* courses and dK lances, to wit.: Bontb. 82* degrees; earn 67 M-lbO perch- s to a stak. ; south, 46 degrees: east. 19d8.100perches to a stake, and south 53 degrees, east 31 68-100 PJrobtwi to a stake, suppcied to be a corner ol Albert G. Pres oq > lard: thei,oe by Preston's l*nd.xortubs degrees, ea<t 66 761 o perches to a stake In the middle of tne Penrwyl vamo railroad; thence along the railroad, the fhr ’y fo lowing court-re and diflUncetytO wit,: jaorth 41 de anee. w©fetS67 10 perches toaeUxesetloth*middle i ■aid railroad-.thence north 50 degrees, we«» 172 10 perchtw t ftLOtbei ttake in middled Bftld railroad, nod theoc* along th« D iddle tf said railroad north 61 decree •. w. H 78 76*100 perchta to the place of Beglanlu*. containing 81 acre a, 28 perches. more ® r of shiutlSiret in width: hssframe barn and stable, M hr 25 fee,. with carriage house attached, 15 feet wide kud nanientnl trees. There> aUo a number of apple, pear and oit ei fruit tre-s on the premises , Terms- One-third of purchase money may remain on mortgage • . „ posseetlon ÜB^ XHL?SIAB It SONS, Auctioneers. ap31017 34 189 and 141 Bonth Fourth Street. ftbLltS BALB>—THOMAS d SONS, AUttttOV -1 cere.- D* tirableCountry Keeldence, 3 acres, Coeamr 2a Vaiey,. Cheater coUnty, Tfcoos>lvanla, near the ' Wpodbin e station, on/the Pennsylvania natlroad.aad Chtsler Vaiuey iuilrpad. one mile by j?sv c ment from Ijowiiioiitpw, & Station, .end one P nds froth Phlla deli hie. «/n Tuesday, April 20,18©. at l*o clock, nooa. h illbeeoldat public ralp. at th*» Philadelphia Exohauge ÜbeatorVailey hail oiuL and one mile by pavemenMrotfl Downfng'own b’fttion. end one hour's ride from Phil*- 4*lih iu it > djpipe tne borough line of Do/nmgtowo, Mfo Friend*' Meeting Hotwe, and fronts on the rhiUnol* i»hiaend Laocfßter, turnpike. ThejmanHljp 1j stoue, 2itf B*oiieftbtghi has large parlor, vestibule. Übmry dlnjug room and kitchen on the first floor; fonrcomra I'hcatU.g rooms and trait* on iCcoud floor, and ceiled chambers rtlovei has verandah on the southern front; etono statue «sd caniage'hooßO.wi h harness room. The lawn b large ai d ilailtrd with a variety of ornamental trees. shrno bm and flow t j*; *lao a vegetable garden. This property Is very beautifully loeatc#. and commands a view of tne siirrruuding country,’and desirable for any one wishing a t-oiiutry reB * dt^sf* T | iOMAfl & BONa, Auctioneers, IOJ» and 141 South Fourth street. KEAIi ESTATE.—THOMAS* SONS’ BAb«.- BiH Vailmbloßu.ihruatMia— lhre».toi-y rtrlck B'O c> I>»e-line. So. 710 Kitca utroat.with 2 three-Btorj br.*k ai d two rtor» ftau-e dwelling sod brick shop iu tear, opposite I-rarkil«i-*q»*te Ou Tuesday, AprUdUh Ifcgp.ul 12 o’clock. uoou, will bo sold at public sale, at toe Hlnlutfo phU Exchange, all tho»o.nies»u>ii;eHaud tltj lot of g ouLd thereout* b-lodging tho •oiith Bull ..fliMOitreet, vvestoi ee»on h streo . No. 710; uopUiro lug fi) front 17 f«* t, and *x ending in depth alougJfiU’ow tiect llUfeetto a ‘0 lot wide alley. '1 he linproTOtnout nr a thite storj brick utorrf at d d « e l*n« fromlug on the comer of Knee a* d hutawelrc* ts. and * ihree story brick Hi,d 1 twosto y fiaiue dweiiiog, aud a two Btory br*ck bI or in the rear Bsr i;iear< f aiHrcumbranee. •, bo abovei located directly npD' alto Franklin ctree*. en-i on onto FratkUu tquarc, and in a good business ucigl.boi h(M,d. M THQM va & a >NB. Anctlonsera, &rBl7 24 189 and 141 Bouih Fourth street. —. VI BLU) 8 iLK. THOMAS A Btl\3. 41V (?!!? tlnnfera.—Modern threemory Btono Retl'lbnCß.'lut- Ozi nebockcn cire-L ac-cund home tt. W. of Mila atreot (ielnian'OWti.BOfoitfr n'.- nTuerday, April 31), 1869, at 3 o’clock, 1 oon, wll< b rold at p ihlio ealo. at the. Phil* don Ilia I xcnaugo, "11 Unit modern three-etory atone tn a- IVtf, with two-atorr back building and lot of ground, altu ■ to on tne aoutheaft itde ■ f I uipehoekeu atr.wt, Do l I. hi 7« Incboa .ou I'wat of Main atreot, Oirmatno»a l'n«i ti-afcul d Ward; the lot containing lu front ju Tnl t>. broken rtre-t 60 fort, and extend} g In dop n l'.l f<ot 6 ln.b'B ‘I bn hn eo has parlor, diulng-rooin and hltch-o on tlie flret llonr; anboth, hot and cold water, parrna nen waabatand, fura ice, cooking-range, Ao. i Cl mb- 46.100. M -jigoMAB A SONS. Anctlouooiu, 189 and Ml South Fourth atreot- M heal ESTATE.—TUO WAS b 8()No’ SAL.B ffi- Valuable btißiuerri eland: three-story brick Btore ana ttn Dw»TI i r- eouthtyeet corner of alfth and Locust at)“e« te—Od Tuo-day, April 27. wj C nf^kSnirt’ v»ilU)ftBoV(i'ttt oubUoisaUi m the IhiiodelohU BKcbftaßo* ft«l that thr*e atoiy D r fek pi cm u ago with throo-atory bach buildtiigß and lot of ground. »lt*nto pu the aouth *n et cor o t of VtHti aud LocuHtatrette; thu front oh Vifih B'reei 19 feet 5 luchte, moip, or «nd ibfilu depth *1 pg Locustan^et79 feet:haa thegt: Intro* diiced, dto, It it* hU old established bußinMastaui *>hd io HP itft rovipg ncighhortfood far Cleat* of »U incumbrance. , « . _ „ va tiuiiitdliito v'oflfceiftlou. May bo examined any day pro- Vioufe to.B.ilp. . •• ’ Ttnoß—4B.ooo tuny remain on mortgage. -M. TiluMAo & fcONH. Auctioneers, . apB l 7 24 , » 189 and 141 South Fourth street. PIREMPrOttY BALE.—THOMAS * SOY 3. ET Attctlooeerß.vValijftblM ! Bubldcm Uooatlon.--Tnra® 'flu Jjtiieo add valuable .Lot*. Nob. 607, 609 and 611 Arch toftWCwffliAiJ? fitih_ftreat, 64 by 230 foor. ;on Tofltflftft AnUilbth, IfB£>US o'clock, noon,,will bo cold *t ,p! lb “° paJe. at ibo Fbfladeiobla EiihanKe. *ll those three very aoWrabib:lin'd L .VAlu*blo lots of ground. alluaiOjOn the forth Hide of nig fill;e>ch containingfafrout on Arch street 18 ioei, a»/d v*iepdiuß.lil drpih 330 feet. The above la nltqaw la 'rivdiywjnMviug uelg' borbood, and are throe of the inoa.B V, luabie lqte on Arch Ptreot. * r u ywill.be cold ecparatelv. . TfIOMAB & 80NB. Auctioneers. j • 13b and 141 South Fourth street. 2* REAL'EBTATB.-XH ( )MAB h 80*d» SILE.- ;«| *Three4tnry Brick D*clUn«, No. 3136 Franklin BKUL k>t.eat* above iriainond atr*et. .(j-i i uetdu‘ * Auiil I3th, 1869,-nc 13 o'clock, noon. Will.bo eolrf a vuhlio «-I*j at tho Fuliadmphla Exchange,all tn*t ibree-B'oryhiicktii»>eu-iKO, wnh nvouto y back oUlld- Ij.gd atd ot n( ground, eiiJHto on the west ride ot< Frank* liußtreef, l b W»rd, No 3i36; the lovcmralnlag In tronton Frnnkllu street 14 feet 3 iucliHg, and extending iud»pihsofeetto«4ffeOt \riilo alloy, with the freo'u»u Aod.privi * thereof* Has tUe bat a, hot and cold water, 'he»ter;-ifti'go.-A53. <-i. ; ■ ■ > '■ •» i. Terun'—Bl.COO tnaj'remain on mortgage. Immediate cloat of all inoumbranoft. M. THOMVd & SONtJ, Auctioneer*,* 189 and 141 B. Fourth street.. MAS-1 l.h’y oALttTjr<.OM»a & -auNB.~AtKI, Bra tmnoert.-Iu the Court of Common Pleas. ■ to- - tiio ■i 3 City ena.cem.ty. of tbliadclebin wnsnn, . t si. vbTJsiucbK. Bowman et,. at. of «»’*“£? no. 1 69. No. 14. Partition In. Ktpii'&u lb iJEi' oldersuddecreetugdaby the,sold LOurt. ‘jRifUVISm « cause. on tbi-;27»h day of M,-Uxn. . IBto. *«.? f, 8 i übUcMile, ouTue* day. April 87, J lBfifcat!ao;iqlobk, no »u. it ihe PbimdtlpMa Uxthauffo..totffolkiwtogifejcribcd p*cp»ny, via t Iso. I*tt I hree-atpryißilck. liweUl>»g Drand>wlnostreet, of Twentieth gtr.et^;AU Out cettaln thtoe*erory b*lck messuage and ,lot-6f-craabdi iltuutocc tin* north side of 4J r «trwjt,tX»o dUlilr.cc of 183 feet westward f nm "Twentieth »£©«£, to, the Ward, ot tniLiiig in frouf on BiHudywfne Rtreet 16 ibet a inches, attd extending in lengthof depth-northward 68 feet n inebofl to the middle Hud- of a certain 4 foot wide 2 to 6—5 weli-BOCured Ground Renta, $288.430, $3O. O^Ofivd®4B n y«ar —All that certain yesify ground reot or -u»u o» ftissfiuwful monry ol the United ilea, heuing Bi/d puyabie In h«ll-yeaily ytLjinvnt* on the the im*nth»of January and .Idly in ®Jory 3 ear foitver, p ithont deduct! -n or taxes, ouk of Ml that idtaJu lot of ground, riiuaio ou the oast Bsde or Pri ad street; et the di tanceof 182 feot aouthward of vine Street in the ci'y of Philadeji hUi 4outalnimg i^ Bad vroadfetreot 18foot,andiu length or depth of that w dth eastward 130 feet to Wietar court, * . f?o s —Arthatceriftiu Veaily rent ch*r«o,oroum of $3O, lawful Dioney of the United Mates or America p*y* übieb Janus Kef ns. hl« beire and eeefgus. ou the fi‘ej da} e of tku mouths of January aud July, in e<oh and cveiy year forever, without a ducficn fjr ta«e», «c. co> rlcublr.on and issuing out of fiJtc St.&.iSt ground situate in the 6irat\V ard of the city of Phlaiel , hi-, on the eoutli eido of a 30 t«*et wide *treet. ca led O 1‘ ete t-trei t, laid otic a r d opened from Sccoud streoc Moynmeofting avenue, nttbodist nef of lltf ‘Octßoam of uud parallel with Moore street; commenulniC at the du ; ttsuce of 860 feet 4 tochts east* ard from the east side of Mo« amcui-ing avtliuet crutalnlug in front on said te eete t«eetl3f»ei 7 incher, and ox-»ttdlag-of Jut v ldth lu dt pth eou<hward,between parallel lines, at right QLftlts to t/elOßte tin et 63 fert. ■ . I‘U 4,—A1l tbet ccrt-'iu yearly rent charge or sum of $BO law ful money of tlu United d'ate* of Atuo lea, paya ble b‘ tne eatd James Kerm, hta heirs aud asslgiM, on tb** first dayr of the mmihs of January and July, fu each -.nd every vear forever; without deduction for taxes oto.j ci aigeable ou ai d issuing out «-f all that certain lot o* ground >inmto in the P* rst Ward afo eaaid, ou the south of said 80 loot wide etreet, cnlled Ocl ste Btroet , tominouving at the distance of 305 feot 3 inches ewt-vaid noio fr oyamo! slog avenue: lontiiuing in front Ou #a d Oltotottro«-t l 3 f>ci 7 inchtß, and nxtHndlog of In 1 width iu depth southward between parallel linos attigh afigleato Oeleate siroet 63 feoL , , 70. 6.-All that certain yeaily rrnt change, or sum of $BO. l-*vilu‘ moue> of the Uulted dtates of America payh hTby JuniesKerDB.hl» heiry and a«Un-,00 thofis- day*- of *ho moDth* of vlouuarv «nd Julv 10 «nd ever* y*»«r forever, without deduction for taxes, Ac., chargeable on •Ud istuing out ot all tl»*t certain lot of ground, situate in tho Kit>t Ward nforreald on the touib aid * of ialdaj I tel w ide *tre* t 1 a'lcd Celeato sti ee ; couimenciog at the dietaoceof 873frctl- inchraeaßtwardof saidMoy*mo • kiuw aveuue. contaluiug in front ons»id Cvleste st’-oct 14 feet, aid extt ndlog of that width in depth parallel lines at right auglsa with said Oelo*t* ttix»t,6o fret. Including th»»re‘n tuewo*tirn moiety, or half part ot a certain altoy, 2 feet 2 inches wtd**, to oe loti upon between the htufby granted promisci and the pre u.iß-Bind oiufngto.tbe eaet.< . . No. V. Ait that ce taiu nearly ground rent or rumor 848. cuaratable half yearly, issuing aud payable by Jihn li t**i*ou hla bflrea'id tueiffiie. in the nratdays<»i the months of January and July in each nod every ye.* b renlttr fore-Vef, without for taxes, Ac., out ol Hi d fo. all that certain la* of gruuud, with the threo-Btorj brick tnereiiuge or Ictlemi nt thtreon erecied, s tualeeu ibeeiuttldo of Hope street, in the Ninett-enili W*ru <aiy ot Philadelphia, commencing at the dutance or 13d let t to ihwaid froniihe south side of Bauphioarreorvrou tnluitg m front or breadth on said.Hu f, e street 14 feet, and »xt* nding of that width iu Uogih.or loetto ihe middle <*fa certain 4 ie»t wide alley. Full particulars at tho . ffice of the Master- Ttrnie-Uaeh. SUHi to to paid on each at the time ol B,ai! ‘ By the Court— JBBOME CARTV. Master, 51 No, th sixth street M. THOMAS & bONS. Auctioueera, ny31017 24 No.. 189 and 1418. Fourth .treat. OKPHAt' 8' COU KT SALt -HBTATB OF Vf lU moo VS billdio deceased.—i hr mas A Boob. Auction t-erv. Pureuatt to an order of th& orphans* Oonrt for tl oCtty and Uonotj of Phlliadalphltw Will be lold at public sale, on Tuesday, May 4th, « 13 o’cioik, n6on, at the PMladelptua KiCbamco. ibe Mb wins deacribed prjperty., UU of _\\d mou Whllcin. de« eared, v,z: Na.l —ModemThree p*ory I nek i'irldtnct'i No Booth Tenth Hreeu North of bblppenairttt. Alltuat certain rattsauage and .ot M KFuiad, situate on the wcet Bide ol Tenth street at a dl*- i sure of 89 feet from the noitb aide of Bhlppan atreet; containing mf-ont on »ald Tenth atreet 19 '«et* dndex tendlrg in dppth of that wtltb between two line*. each p-rallel with aald fchippen street, ICO feet to Carbon >f N. e ß.— I The Improvement* are a three : «tory brick real d> nee with two-story back building; tua gat, oath* hot Tfo** Foil: -dory Brick Pwelllbg. No. 118 Arch street east of bfrcond street, AU th*t‘me>buag* and tot of ground.sltuate on Arch street, between tront and 8«ond rtreeta. known aa No 118 Arch street; contalulna In frout on Ann street 19 feet, more or less* and extending id d pfh cf that width southward, between two parallel Imtfsat right angle* to the aald Ar hetrecL 7uleaJ,moro or h ea. being the same premisea whichThomaa Uaruey ndmiolstretor. Ac. by indenture d.ted th<* llthday o< .7»,1y. A. D., 1838. and receded in the office for recording dcrdslnthe dry and county, of Tbliadelehla, in da*;d • ook t. H. F.. No. 28, page 837, eouveyed tb the aald VVilmon Whilldin, d*ee-wd, in fee. m •o. a- Ground bent, 890 a year. All that ground rent of 890 per annum payable half yearly, ojt of a lot of »rtnr.d, v ith a brick tenement iWeon erected elt'-.te oD the ><ut *ld« of Eerrnth ttreet, at adl.Unco of HO feet 6 Inches nonhw* d from the nonh ride of, BprqiiebMD. avrcue: containing ill front 6a Seventh etroet 17 i«t,nn<i .XI ceding in depth of that width CTatwar 1 notween two i arallel lliita at rlrhtangles to eaid fieventh etnet too f ‘* t ’ By the Court JOSP.PfI MEGARY, Clerk O. C. 3 WILLIAM M. FAKE. *d uinistr.tor. M. THOMAS h BOMB. Auctioneer,, a p3l7 myl 139 and Ml Booth Fourth etreet BALE -IN B \NK 03 rupry.-Eslaie of ihoittfte Unit trading -.Tiomi*' ■3*. Bull « CBankiupt—’thorns* & Bour. Auc tiorerra—Vai 'ahle 8lat» Quairy. Upper Mount Batnei township, h orthauipton couuty. t'enniylvnnia. On rues dy.Acrll 171h,18t8. at 12 o’clock, udott will' be cold a' public sale, without relieve, at thj Philadelphia Ex change, by order of the Assignee J.n Bankruptcy ■in Tbonw Hull trading a» Thomm Hull A Co. the equel undivided swo-third» internet In the following deacribed P Alfthe'cqnal u divided two-third* part of ail that tract cf.laiidanddate quarry, «ltuate in the townthipol Up periMount-t-etiiet in the ounotv of Northampton.aun Brate Of PenmylvenU. Boundedland described as fol iOweitowit: Beginning atattoue in a creek and public road leading from Drlpebnrg to Stroud*burg; thence lu iborrlddle of -said road north deg.. veil M 6 10 neiclnato a white walnut tree; tbeue© by land of B*m l V IP south 66)6 deg ,wfBt 31810 perchea toa stone ; th nee by USd of the retire ao«th 84* deg , east 43 perches to a <l©Se; notth 47 dfg. O-et 10ftioParches toaatoae: ihtrce south 31 deg. east 36)4 perchea to the middle of th«vßrilflby Meadow Creek, and thence north 64 aea., east lu 710 perches to a stone; thence north 81 deg.. we>t So Wacbfcs to a stone; thence north 47 de&,e<*st 4 3-10 perches to the plhce of b« ginning; containing 10 acres, uure or 1 f Lbject to & mortgage ot $13,000. &&lo absolute. $6OO obo paid at time of sale. B&iO aueuxuw RMAf fHAMBURGER, Aaitgnoo. M.THOMAtt A »*ONB. Auetloa?en, 139 and 141 South Fourth Street sp3 IT 34 REAL KSTATE-THOMAB„iI 80Nb' BALE.- bH: Hni dßome Modem to-ir-etory Brick po. WBHVii Bouth rourth sheet, abovo Bpracestreet. On x \ uead»y. APiil £7lb 18t 9 ai 13 o’clock, noon, will bo mid at i hblic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, a 1 that hHDdeoiuf mod- rn four-ntol-y Brick Messuage, with three „ ory t»tkbuildings and lot of ground situate on the u eet- fctdo of Fourth street, S 8 feet north of Spruca street. > 0 274, containing in frdi ton Four h streot,i3 teot, and i Xtendnufi In depth 104 feet B inches—tnge’her with tnc con moi< imo and privilege of a 4 fort wide alley loading into fcpiuce street. The house has all the modern con vet ti nr'e; gee introduced, bath, hot and cold water, viftir ciotot, fumaco. couking range. Ac.; two ©legiut inn trUd tin -gift*' clutd-ln r* In t e parlors, and the gae nx'uitja iliough ut will be lucludeu m the sale or the house; »<| ( ia'Uß2 pa lor* aud dining room ou the flr«n •9« kitchen; has dry cellar and pro vision vault. Tne buildings extend tw feet lu d j pth. A well aonptod for h lawjei’a oflice aad le-Hooc ; lorn cd li\ a very d<ti r alle nclgbboihood. Adjoining the do tiling ci Col. James Page. imti eoiHiepoßseiH.on. May be examined any day pro vlois to pole Ttrihe—sB UO raa'- rema’n on mor»g age. M, THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer*, t U 9 and 141 South Fourth street. *r3,17.?4 ms* KKAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SOM‘9 SALE. - tgili frcdero thieeuiory B ick ttesidouce, No idU ■a? horthaeveuth efcroet aoovo Thompson street. On Tut.day, April tfhh, 1669, at 19 o’clock, noon wi 1 be eolt) at public cult, at the I'hilftdeipbm Ex.houee. all iW „ modern ih.eo-*tory nrjca njcminso. with double three-story bwt building a d lo f ol ground. situate on the east side of beventt. atrtet, » oith of *i hompeoo street, ho 18 7; coa’ftitHD# m noLt on 8* vtnih street 18 feet. Mid extending In depth 9) feet, 'j he house baa been recently ppc in excellent »e -uhli : putt red aid i Minted thtougl ou»; pauo;. dtoing- and two fcU'liens ou the lirat floor ; tHirmanen' »>BbstQi>diu theee«oud*siory chamber; gas'. baui. but sod cold wntcr, water-closet. furnaoa, cooking range, ui dergioundjir»iD*ge, verandah, &c. Keys at No. 1233 North Sixth ttieet »p?-10-17 M. TIIOMAB & SONS. Auctioneer*. 1S9&141 Bonih Fourth etrool ”I KrtL. EnTA'l'E.—'l UOMAB h. SONS 1 BALR- Hm Modem *hrer-ttorv Brick Retldoucu. No. 19 8 Sprint; Hill uxllr it ter. weft of NiiietO' ntli utreet, 25 fact front. On Tucid»», April fib, IM% at 12 u’cloek, nom, will be told nt public Bile, at the ebijuditlphin Exchange. ,u that’modern three-tory brick mt a u .go, wI(U three- Lt'orv trek building aid tot of ground, situate, on tl>« aouth fide of Boring Garden -treot, weft of Nineteenth ctrcct. No 1W8; the lot containing la front pn’Spring lifiden etrcet2sfoet,at,d eit-mllog in depth 105 foots incliia to a eireit. Tljp h'UBC h»a parlor, dining room fii-d kitchen on the dirt floor; gas bath, hot aud cold wiiti'T water rloifct, furnace, cooking rouge, die. Tern b-$7 010 may remain onmoitgage. Immediate peocaa ou. Keys at too Auction Itnoma. , . M. TtlOaiAß'& 80NH, Auctioneers, Rt n 139 and 14t South Fourth etreet. ; 1... PEAL KH f l'A'l H-—TIIOMA'a dr SONS' BALE - Miff LWke find Va uable Lot, Hu(chinfOQciro«Uaouthof rHLa Cdiumbin sveuuc. Twtnilfelli Ward* two fronts On Tneidan April 13 h.,1862 at 12 o’clock, noon,.:wUt bo fold at oubllr *»le. »*■ ihe b hlladi lpMa -Exchange, .all'.that u rKe and. valuable lot of g (Xuno,alt«atOi oa the east side of Hntcblnion B»ioet, 64 feet Bnulh of. Columbia avenuu; contamluH In frost ou Hutqb|Deoa,street 80 feet, and *x tpndln* indt*pth'7U font to the Gt-rmaritown ,Bnd Norrii* >towriiaHri'ofli on which ?t ha? a front of 80fcot. • allloc^unbranco. ■ ,Tetnoo-Oaeh. • THOMAS * SONS. Auctionoo'a, a pBlo ;, 139 and X4l Soutn Fourlh utrcet. ASSUBtiBIENI’fta Bee Bissth Page for /HUtytional Amwmusnts. F A WM bega leavo.to reapoctfully an uo'unte thaVbht FAiteWEi.IiGUNOBKT eyill uko plaoo n o “vVbW M i)IsDAY EVENING,'AnrjI 61 1869, AtCOnOEHf iiSLL. will bo awlned on thle pcoafton by „ MISS C ahOLINE MuOAEFKEki'MR- CHARLES IL “lAltvis. Vianlet: Jill. A it, TAYL ili.Mlt tVvf. i.h?OLL?jn. Vtoliutiit. UK 'riloMSd,‘Mß. A. 11. ' RGSEWlt?and MIL o.'Hi TITO,>DEK;' >; ‘ .:<■ Tlrkrta. Gna IL.llar each. To bb had at tho Mualc Sioroi , op Chestnut tlrcot, w here the tw^ro- ATTENTION!' GENTLEMEN! IE WHO WANT THE FINEST CLOTHES I We have been making nothlag efoe for more than A. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. The Oldest Established House l The People’s Favorite! 3he Father's Comfort! The Mother’s Delight! The Boy’s Bmhasiastic Satisfaction! Lorg ae we have bain isliblished, wo are continually gelling up NOVELTIES, G«*at os has be»n <te ptrftolion we have attained, we are eonifanlly making IMPROVEMENTS. Much as we have done lo elevate the standard of good ololhes for good m sri, yin are coing, and Win to, MUCH MORE. ' , Vastly as we have reduoed 'he pr'o s of the finest we are offering our Spring Goode LOWER and LOWER. Gnat as are the throngs of appreciative patrons crowding to buy elegant ready tr ade raiment, end to have their measure taken far oiothee^to order, the ii#nb«r tf cur OL6tarmtB ia daily becoming GRtATER and GREATER. And, el ould it be cur lot to keep on the even tenor of our way for another CENTURY, we sheil etiik to our original plan of making , the fibEbt clothes, TO YOUB BHTIEB SATISFACTION* #ar INSPECT, if you please, our mag ifloent atook of Spring Goods, ROCKHILL & WILSON, GREAT BROWN STONE HALL, 603 and 0055 CHESTNUT STREET. mhSIU ■ IMPORT AMT ANNOUNCEMENT! The Subscribers beg leave to announce to their CUSTOMERS and the PUBLIC GENERALLY, that their STOCK of GOODS DAMAGED BY WATER at the LATE FIRE AT THEIR STORE will be exposed for SALE on FRIO AY, April 2d, consisting cf TABLE LINENB, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, LINEN and MUSLIN SHEETINGS, MUSLINS, BLANKETS, FINE MARSEILLES QUILTS. SPREADS, &o* t &oi* Also, nearly their ENTIRE STOCK of ELEGANT LACE CURTAINS and DRAPEFIES, tome of tham thi tlohcet imported* BLIGHTLY WET, witlbs sold at price# to insure (heir IMMEDIATE SALE. SHEPPARD. YAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Liner, Hoiifie-Tuinislilcg Eiy 6ooda and Cnitaia Establishment, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. apl 6trp] PHILADELPHIA CLOTHING TRADE. ON MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1860, Will open to tho pnbUc as a FINEST READY-MADE CLOTHING AND TAILORING ESTAS LIBHMENT (the , iv> ; > LARGE BROWN STONE BUILDINGS Nos. 81© and BSO OJKESTNTTT Street. Business will be commenced ojittife above day with ah EXPOSITION of the first Btocjc of ele^aa, garments and piece Roods for cnstbm worb This stock bee been for some time preparing in Ne w York and our own city, and will embrace IUI tbe Finest Spring Importations -and Home Manufactures, in the'piece, for ORDERS, and ready-made, in a osf, dtuis' ■<s. ttmji ever before Philadelphia.. ’’ l' : : THE ENTIRE PUBLIC The Ladles will be Interested in the ROTS’ AND OBIDDREN’S DEPARTHENT, which is a mhST tfro FOB THS LEAST POSSIBLE A NEW ERA IN THB JOHN WANAMAKER (FORMERLY HOMER, COLLADAY & CO.’S,) prominen t ature. AMOUNT QF MONEY,