Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 03, 1869, Image 2
GOIW TO SLEEP. Como hither my uuny , u O < 1 “ r | llnBr > flowersin the garden 'JJ g « bavegonir borne from ISO clover, -^Ttieewallowßiare under the Caves, Aid down Id tbc orchard tbe robin broods ovir ber nest in the leaves. Come baby, my beanly, my darling! Yonr ta< s are heavy with 6,ct Pv... . Ton" lime rod month has grown silent, A'fid lts InxagbUT call k„ep; Lay oil ttu vliltc rota-B from your Buouldcrs, Ut-clatp .Ihf puihU sbotß from your foot Ob. datauut blossom or Eden, 1 kJ»yon, my lily, my sweet! Do .yon fed tbe cool wind coming Boltly, And see the young moon in the sky? The clotrds csilioK over the anneet, The bale lllttlDK eilenlly by? Do yon bear bow the catoe are lowing Aioi g ibe green lane by tbe bill ? Ard ibe brook running over the pebbles, With mUtic thut neVer Is still ? How bush while I sing lo yon,baby, A tnjjg ol the angels above. That come on invisible pinions To watch o’er Ibe children they love. Bo all through your beautiful dreaming Tbe voice of tour mother shall creep, U H, hearing the harplngs celestial, Your sou! should fly homeward In sleep! EDMUND KEAN. 'Where (a'sbs tbe Athenaeum, In the course its review of Hawkins's new Life of Kaao) |B tiiere a fiiie comprehension of Siakspaare’s tragic characters manifested on the stage? And can it besaidof such comprehension a B there iB oh the part of many worthy and con players that It; springs from El mod > Kean ? Me was a master, but he made no school Inferior players used to imitate and to exaggerate the way in which, •s Othello, he literally seemed struck “all of a heap*’ when lago bade him beware of jsal onev. -It was their cue—or, at all events, Tthat they could easily do—to imitate his hoarse utterances, but no human organ hntihis ever gave such inconceivable harmony to the passage beginning with “Farewell the plumed troop." It was fall of ej quisle tenderness, a passionate tenderness *Bd a sad calm sorrow, that ns.sd to make the hearts oi his hearers betray themselves at their eves. The actor’s lips seemed to b'hed music eoc h music never so attuned on human Bps before or since. There was no imitating anch quality as this; still, imitators abounded, M d players whose delivery of the ••Farewell” was like sweet bells jingled, felled quite as fully when they tried Kean’s great points made by the utterance of a few monosyllables or a single word Of these were “Well, as you guess?’ “Is that the law 9" the “Good nigbt, my lords!” o» waking from the reverie in which, as Richard, he drew the plan of the battle-field w i h the point of his sword; and, we taiay add, the look of impotent hatred widr which, in Bbylock, he awept his enemy when ordered to refund the money, give up half hifl estate, and become henceforth a Christian. These points were tried by Kean’s Imitators. We still see them tried by respect able actors, bht they are points which now make no impression; whereas, in the old days, audiences used, as it were, to lay in wait tor them,prepare lot their reception,and eagerly seek to be pricked into ecstasy. Extract!, from tbo Biography GAIiKICK B WIDOW ON KEAN. “Octogenarians may remember the face so ftUbfiiily dtlineated by Mr. Cruikshank ap peati'gin a box at Drary lane or Oovent ttlaiden on the occasion of a new actor’s first BPpearßi.ee, ibe manager prompting her to sav tbatlhe ‘debutant' reminded her of Da vid in order that the representation might bnpnES itself favorably on the audience; out in the case of Edmund Kean fihe spoke sin cerely, he did remind her of Garrick, and re sembled him in manner more than any actor ahe had/tVer seen. She immediately pro nounced him her husband’s legitimate succes sor; Sent him fruit from Hampton, and re vaidld him for the impression which his ‘Richard’ produced upon her by presenting him with the Garter, stage jewels, and various paraphernalia worn by Gar rick in the character. Nor did the respect she paid to “Edmund stop here. When be dined with her at Adelpbi Terrace, she assigned him,with a grave solemnity of mau nef, a particular chair for his accomm ida ticn. ‘Why this one in particular?’he asked, tad the old lady in reply in ormed him that It was Garrick's lavorite cnair—‘Yes,sir,David’s livoriie chair, hid chair; think of that. You a.e the only person l think worthy of sitting in ii.’ A firm friendship between the old ltdy and the young actor speedily took place; and to Mrs. Garrick, wno was often to be Been a welcome visitor at the actor’s house, Kean was wont ti commuai «lle his professional troubles. Ou one occa sion he complained to her of the inaccurate observation of ibe critics in their notices of his conceptions, readings, points nod other peculiarities. ‘These people,’ he Baid, ‘don’t understand their business; they give ms credit vhere 1 don’t deserve it, and pass over passages on which I have bestowed the ut most care and attention. Because my style i nra jamc«oß as an Art Critie. is easy and natural they think I don’t study, ! In the diflusion of the knowledge ot Art, and taik shout the ‘sudden impulse of j time will probably decide that her labors genius.’ There is no such thing as impulsive j have been most effec ive. Her early resat seiißg; all is premeditated and studied before- ness to assume the function oi Art-critic gave band. A man may act better or worse on a ; way in time, in some measure, to the more particular night, from particular circum- i fitting pretension of making HandbooKs or Manets; but although the execution 1 Art Collections, and Borne valuable Keys to may not be so brilliant, the conception Is the ! Art-types, supplied in an historical form, in tame. 1 have done alt these things at country j regaid to pictures, as to life and men, her theatres, and perhaps better, before I was re- , point of view was at first intensely subjec coeniztd as a great London actor; but the j live; aud her interpretations were liable to applause I received never reached as far aB ; error in proportion; so that her knowledge oi London’ —‘You should write your owu crltl Art was denied by the highest authorities, clams,’ replied the old lady ; ‘ JJavid always But she studied long, and familiarised herßeir did ’ Bo far from maintaining tne authority with so extensive a range «>f Art, that her of bis statement that ‘there was no sucu J metaphysical tendencies were to a consider tbice as impulsive acting, ‘Kean frequently ] able extent corrected, and Bhe popularized a proved exactly the contraiy. He siouied his gnat deal of knowledge which would not characters with the greatest anxiety and care, otherwise have been brought within reach or but be frequently rejected ihe premeditated ibe very large class of readers or her later course, and played iu a manner that even his works. Her “Handbook” to our publio gal wife, before whom he constantly rehearsed, 1 leries, ber “Companion” to our private gatte bad not the least conception of. Wheu , ties (in and Dear L rndon), are works or real asked his reason for so doing, he replied, ‘I , uiliiiy; and there is much that is instructive fell that what 1 did was right. Before I was as well as charming in her “Legends ot tne only rehearsing.’ ” ! Monastic Orders, and of the Madonna. kban'b goodness. j Harriet Alartmeau. “Just after he hail gone olf the Btage In one I - T Of the scenes of Richard 111., and ‘While : Belles of nary Queen of Scots, the thundering applause of the house was I Borne relies of Mary Queen of Scots, be rnthlng slier him like an overwhelming tor- ■ queatbed to her Majesty by the late Lord fent,’be caught sight of a subordinate per- BelbaveD, have ju6t been forwarded to Wtna fcinucr, dresied as a menial in' the play of sor Csstle. They consist of an ebony enuioet, which he was the hero. ‘Do you not Te- licbly ornamented in front with designs to member me, my friend?’ ‘No, sir,’returned tortoiseshell, standing hbout four feet _to the maD, somewhat startled at such an uaex- height, brought by Queen Mary, with .per. peeled interrogatory; ‘I bar that I cannot from France; a purse, the. wprk pf. Queen claim ibe honor of having ever been known Mary’sown hands; and a piece of,.unleavened to yon.’ ’You mistake. Don’t yomrecollect btoud in a neat box. to tvpjcp JMJ aWwatia Wbin ypn playtd the part of -- nt Orury- history is attached, but it is tradition illyaa lane* that a llitle boy bore np your train? I dtrstood to have been a fragment of .What was lhat little boy/ The story of the man Quten Mary had used when receiving the who claimed to be a brother actor of Gar- ' euciament of tho Eucharist. Toere Is also a tick, saying, ‘When you played Hamlet I lock ol Mary’s hair. played ths Cock,’ is precisely the reveres of this.” KE4K AKD OKORGB FREDERICK OOOKE. _ “When George Frederick was pUyrng at •Liverpool the managers found great iu keeping him sober; but, after repeated iransgreieionp, he solemnly promised not to < tlend again during hia atav. Iq the ot the day upon which the promise was made, Cooke was not to be found when wanted ior Sir Pertinax Macsycophaat; tue audieuce grew impatient, the Btornii d and all waain-mostadmireddisorder. Af.er a long searoh the manager discovered him at a pot house near the theatre, where hewaß dunking with great composure and perseverance out of a very small glass. Oa, Mr. Cooke,’ exclaimed the irritated m tnage , >bi,u have sgain broken your solemn promise; did you not tell me you would give over drinking?’ Cooke surveyed the manager with ihe most provokiog coolness, and said, •I certainly did make such a promise; but you canuol expect a man to reform all at onee; 1 have given over drmkiag in a great measure’ end the incorrigible player held up he small glass to the manager a This was not the only anecdote deressor which Kean related with tonuite relish Cooke was playing ‘Maobeth one night at a Scottish theatre, wncn the manager seeioir that be was greatly exhausted when the fifth act came on, offered him some whisky in a very small thistle glass, saying Tt the same Uni, by way of onc rurageoren ‘Tnke that, Mr. Cooke; take that, sir, It is the ital mountain dew; that will never hurt lot. sir “ ‘Not if it were vitriol, •rejoined Cooke, significantly, as he swallowed it. ANECDOTE CF dr. BMITII. •■On the mu of February, 1831 Citifies the D ) be was announced to play Othello It Drury Une. On the morning of that day be Void me that be tell bo unwell as to find it necessary to send bis secretary, Mr. up to London, with an apology for his inability £ itrform. To re assure him, I promised o Accompany him it he would go. HU eye b?iXed,aS be replied, ‘lt would give me creat confidence to know that you were be the scenes; so I will-’ I afterward, found it impossible to go with him in bis post-chaise, but I promUed to be at theatre to less than an hour alter him. He went Contrary to my expectations, I was able to reach the theatre belore the performance com menced. The announcement that I was Mr. Kean s med.cal adviser gained me imme diate admission to the back of the stage, and upon going Into Uie tragediau s dres’siog room, I found him seated m the chair before the glass, an attendant colar inghUface for ‘O .hello, and a goblet of hot brandy and water upon the table in front of him. His dressing-room was Bttll haunted bv noble and distinguished visitors, some of whim were smokiog and drinking withhiin. Kean seemed very pleased to see me, and, in answer to my inquires, said that he felt well .mouch to go through with his part. I tinted to his brandy and water, and shook my head. ‘Ab,’ he returned, with a mejan- SfotvHßile, ‘until four years ago l could play without that, but I can’t do- Othello now ntthniit it.’ He played very finely, and the were in ecstasies/ la the fifth act he was nearly exhausted, and when the cur taitTfell 1 found that he was very feeble. HU post-chaise, standing outside, ready to start for Richmond, attracted the at tention of the people as they went ont and a crowd assembled to see him drive off. It was a beautiial might, and thtv waited patiently until the tragedian, washed a part or the brown com- Diexicm of the Moor from his face, and ex chat) Kid his rich Oriental dress for that of the nineteenth century, came out.- As he issued Irom the stage door they gave him a tre mendous cheer; he was tneu swiftly caught up,aid carried in triumph to the post-otulse. ‘Hi 1 Slop!’ I cried, thiokiog ih&t the coach man, who did not know that [ was there, would drive off without me. “Let that gen tleman pass tnrougb, will you ? said Kean to some of the crowd; ‘he is my medical ad viser.’ The words were no sooner out of his line than I fonnd my Belf lifted off terra jirma, and in the twinkle of an eye deposited by the side of my patient in the poßt-chaise. Me appeared not at all unused to demonstrations like these, and seemed to enjoy my amazs ment very much. Wo then drove off at fa! speed.” the falling OF the cubtaih. “His wnole.Ufe at Richmond was one or self-reproach; and as an illustration of this, a further extiact from Dr. Smith’s communi cations to me will be acceptable to the reader. *1 need him everyday. One evtninp, in the|summerof 1832, 1 crossed the green and went into his house, the door h< iog open. In the twilight, I saw the figure of Mr Lee, Dot very clearly defined, Bund ing 8 t the door of Mr. Kean’s sitting room. Tne secretary, who was attentively listening to something, raised his fin ger to enjoin silence. The tragedian was silting at his piano, accompanying himself to an inexpressibly beautiful singing of “Those Evening Bells.” Next he sang wi'b exquisite sweetness and pathos one or two of Moore’s melodies, after which he re peated “Those Evening Bells.’ At first he taDg with great clearness; but gradually hi 3 voice became plaintive in the extreme,“-then tremulous,—then thick, as if with emotion. It slowly died away, and a dead silence followed. I softly opened the door and went in. His bead was bowed down upon the piano, and as he raised it on hearing my approach, a moonbeam fell upon the keys of the instrument, showing me that they were ; wet with tears.’" THE DAILY EVBHIHG BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 3,186 j. THE MARCH OP OPINION IN GREAT BRITAIN. A Few ti«minl*cencos. Look back at John Bull as he was from 1837 to 1848, and it will be found that, surly as we think him now, he was formerly s'ill lees engaging. Mr. Joseph Irving has pub lished in London a very singular collection of “Annals,” in which he revives ® quantity of newspaper gossip that old people are fort une. It is curious that all the most interest ing passages bear very hard on Bull. Mr. Irving’s data commence with' the accession of Victoria: EAltl.Y OKPOVULAEiXT OF VIOTOBI^. We have unequivocal evidence for the first three years of lire Queen’s ’’reign of her un popularity in aristocratic’ "quarters, which culminated iu the bedchamber episode on the migration of Lord Melbourne’s ..ministry. The ladies-in-waitißg Of Whig families wm nad bee appointed by him were required to ntigD by ibe incoming Minister, Sir Ribert Peel- and her Majesty's succetisfat Assertion of her independence left much bad feeling aniODg the Tory aristocracy. At Ascot the Queen was hissed from the boxes ia the Urund Stand, and two ladies of high rank were accused of having taken part in this de ruons’.ra ion. DUELLING. Many notices of duelling occurred during these early years of the reigm As one in stance, on January A, 1840, a meeting took plate at Wormwood Scrubs between Mr. HorimaD, M. P., and Mr. Bradshaw, M. r., “in const qnence of the former having stated at Cockermouth that the latter ‘has thetongne of a uaiior, but lacks the courage to become a rebel. ’ ” Neither being injured, Mr. Brad - shaw withdrew his offensive remarks on her Majesty’s conduct, probably in reference to the above matter of the ladies in-wailing. PRETENSION OF THE ABISTOOBATB. Aristocratic influence was more openly pr vtn ful in those days than now. L-»rd Gar digen’s cruel insolence to his subordinate, Captain Reynolds, was vindicated by a court ninriia), which dismissed the latter from the service October, 1840, while the former was visited with a “memorandum” inviting him to “give an example of moderation, temper, aid discretion.” In February of the next year the Earl was brought to trial before bis Peers for feloniously shooting at Cap tain Tucket*, whom he bad met iu a dnel. Sir William Folletl’a objection o 1 his behalf that the Captain Harvey Tuskett,who was present on Wimbletloa Common on me 1 2th of September, might not be the same person as Captain Harvey Garnett Phipps Tmkeit, who was in cußtody for an offence there committed, was regarded as jusuiyuig an acquittal by all the Peers present. ATTEMPTS ON VIOTOP.IA'B LIFE. During tne early years of the (Queen’s reign a n markable number of attempts were made upon her life; most of them apparently the rtstilt of mere delusion, not of political feel ing The “boy Jones” was a more harmless enthusiast. Without any discoverable m .tive be three times gained access to Buckingham Palace- and on the first occasion remained there several days, till Mrs. Lilley, the nurse of the Princess Royal, discovered him uader a snfa. After hia third offence he was sent to sea in one of her Majesty’s ships, and pro bably cured. I ECCENTRICITY of 818 CHARLES NAPIER. S'.r Charles Napier, of Bctode, tlUed_the place, which is never long vacant la ;Eq?- lad, ofa grotesquely self-willled public cha racter in high authority. In a division order, dated Succur, November 21, 1842, he add: * Gentlemen, aB well as beegnre, may, u Ihev like, ride to the devil when they get on horseback: but neither gentlemen nor beg ears have a right to send other people there, which will be the case if furious riding be al lowed in camp or beyond.” BHBIXEI AKD HIS PUBLISHER. In June, 1841, Mr. Muxon was found guilty rf blasphemy lor publishing the works of Shelley, in spite of a brillUnt defence by the author’s friend, Serjeant Talfourd. FOETT-EIGHT TN ENGLAND. In England tbb Chartist fiasco was the counter-clap of/tnese continental movements; but in Ireland preparations were made for a furiouß conflict The United Irishman of the Ith of March instructs the people thus : “In the vocabulary of drilling is no such phrase as ‘infantry prepare for window-pota, brickbats, logs of wpod, chimney-pieces, heavy furniture, light pokera, and these, thrown vertically on the heads of a column below from a parapet or top-story, are irre sistible.” To such missiles as broken glasß, for maiming the horses' feet, “revolutionary citizens add always boiling water or grease,, or, better, cold vitriol, if available. l’ltlßCE ALBERT ACCUSES THE BEITIBH OOH BTITCTION IH 1868. It was in June, 1855, that Prince Albert uttered his criticism on Constitutional Gov ernment as an instrument for national action In limes of war. This unfortunate speech does, undoubtedly, bring a Berleß of accusa tions aeainst the English Constitution, or at hast against its ordinary and normal action. “Gentlemen,” it concludes, “Constitutional Government is under a heavy trial, and can only pass triumphantly through it if the co ntry will grant its confidence —a patriotic, indulgentand self-denylDg confidence—to her Majesty's Government” This waa said by the highest non political personage in tue country, at a time when the inquiry ordered by the nation into the conduct of a great r ntif>rol enterprise was still going on .—Pall Mall Qaeelte. [TraDßla'cU for the Phil*. Evening BtiUeHal BODBSBO L.D HKCU'ES. , bt baeon bbibse. When guests ore numerous at table, a large tnrkev is as indispensable as butcher's meat, and often lesß expensive. If the turkey is stuffed and served with a ragout It yields an uncommon profit. I think a recipe will pa me r ul for this copious preparation. Turkey dfa Mmag&re.— Make a dressing of a fillet of veal and Balt pork minced, some roasted chestnuts carefully peeled, mush rooms and onionß finely chopped, bread crumtis moistened with raw yolk of eggs, pot herbs. s»lt, pepper and soices. - dressing being mixed,stuff the interior of the turkey with It, truss it neatly bo that none may/escape, and cook it on a spit, en veloped in buttered paper. Woen the turkey is roasted, take off the paper, remove it from the spit,and eetit upon n large dish containing the following ragout: ~ Fry in butter a little pork cut m small dice; when well browned,take them out, mis flour in the butter and make a gravy: thin it with broth aud add the pork, some little sausages; liiusbrocihß, roasted chestnuts, pot herbs, salt and pcpner; let it Bimmer down, taste to see that it is well seasoned, and serve. • ! All (his, I repeat, makes a monster dish, which produces a majestic effect at the festive hf'ftTd-— Petit Journal. 1 PBEDARijIIHOR Vox Hvtub held by drnggtuto ev. 17 Where. THIiOO. BJ Mft&RW/Hfcttd. » MV BUIOI 66c.. I sweet, . & nZ&SffiSi 1 QUININEI ap 1 th i to lmi PHTOOBD»« vvv w EDWARD FERRIS, No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET 1 IMPORTER OP WHITE GOODB, LACES and embroideries, OFFERB TO THE TRADE. 200 Pleets fholee Plqne*. 400 Pltcfi Plaid and Rtrlped Salntoobf* R»v Hamburg*. Rev Ontpnrc aod Yalenelennei Lacei. Rev While toadi ef all blade, desirable (ot BprlDg trade. Jo.* opened and for .ala at a moall advance on cost of InpoiUUoo. EDWA,RD FERRIS, Ifo. 807 OHESTWtTT BTRBBT. lUMnl.it ====== : 1869. NEW GOODS. 1869 Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Amson, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, j BespeotfnUy aniiotioce the OFENINO of ttrtlr SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF WHITE GOODS, LINENS, CURTAINS AND Housekeeping Dry Goods, Embracing the largest amortment of new aod DESIRA BLE FABHUM they have ever olfcred. All have been Purchased for Cash, AND WIIX BB «OU> AT The Lowest Prices. N.B.—A Urge assortment of the beet mokes ef Domestic MobHbs. Cotmterpanea, gheetiogs, Pine Blanket* FU&- mlb Ac., Ac., lor family oae, at wbotoftale prloea. mhl£ih a tulOt rp & Fourth and Arofe._ keep a btock OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAD Y WANTS OF FAMILIER. FOIL BTOCK OF FBB ■ CU GOOD*. FBI L STOCK OF BKlTldll tl'tODA, >iii L STOCK OF aUfiKh'AN GOOIIB. nttAwlJi WBOLStAIiE AND lETtlh BLACKJIILKB OF THE BEST GRADES IMPORTED. HG« PPHI-ICATIOHU. 80WER, BARNES & POTTS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Pabllshen ol The Normal Series of School Books Have REMOVED to j 530 Maiket St. and 523 Minor St., PHIUDELPHI A. k Pan itech of Mhoellaneeus and School Book*, BlanK Book* P’pera and Envelopes AT BBDBCEO PBICE*. We will be pleaiedto.ee all onr old friend. andCea. temeris and Merchant, generally, at our New Location. SOWEB, BARNES & POTTS, 530 Market St and 523 Minor St, PHILADELPHIA. mb9 tu th p lm Listen to tbe mocking bird.-the prairie Whittle and *1 Imal Imitator can be "red by • child. It ia made to imitate tbe eoum of evert bint, ibo neUhot a born, tbe hn»y of an «bn th« , grunt of a bog . '■ini* baaate, »Ld enafce* are ench *nti a and ®otr»P4MB<l t>y it. la need by Uan Brvant Ch«rl-y White, £ itnlaand Varblera, Vtutrllotiubin c»n boleaxned m thrredaje by It- aid. Btnt an* wh re upon receipt of 2ft ceiita; tiueo for tdeente; til 2ft jjttCHC^WK, Hi Pulton New York. B>bS96tfi O* i'UKNOH NOTE P. ENVELOPES TO MATCH. LANDSCAPE INITIALS, Ik BIULHT COLOBS. STAMPED Wll nOUT.EXTRA CHABGE. ONE QUIRE, SSc. FIVE QUiREB, SI M. BTAMPED PAPKE ALWAYS ON HAND, OR STAMPED aT ONCE TO ORDER. MAKING A SPECIALT Y OF STAMPED PAPER, Baying In laig« quantittee, ana having my own DESIGNERS ENGBaVERB AND STAMPERS, j can do wort cheaper, glva better paper, and delive PI^VEDDI*No' <1 VISITING and BUSINESS OA printed Jnlateetetylea |ir engraved, and two paoka of cards, $4 Without a plate. $2 tor two packs. MONOGRAMS. CRESTS, LANDBOAPE, Inltlala en gravedand PRINTED IN COLOR*. m ALL kinds of stationery as low. if not LOWEB THAN ELSEWHERE. *T. 1 CHALLBN, Fashionable Stationer, fehtft... No, 1808 Cheatnot etreeL -HnII.OSOPHV OF MARRIAN B- A NEW COURSE P A i ,| ecturer. as delivered at the Now York Museutn of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; ?fh*t to Wvo for: Youih.-Maturlty Mid OMJge; Kjjfr bood generally reviewed; the Cans* of tadigutloiu 34£ iJecce and.Mrvous T'iseascs accounted tort Uwmge tS? tBA’AO'IWrtiAVB. AUCTION IsEB, N.E. CORNER ' IPimSimatphlw street* only one eqnare belro the » L:fi'n«*”’B»B>.oo toloan, la Urge orenJdllaninnntAon Watch ivjtncmry. and all noodiot M!?famnvftanBA.M t-i 7 P M OT t£»tal> 7£b% twtl" U°t forty Jo-re Advancer made In large ySSinnlaat the loweet market rale* JaSUrp COBSErh Wholesale and Retail 3QRBET STORES, 329and819 Arab Si , Where tbe Merchants and Ladles will find an extensive assortment ifnctured Coreeiß and Hoop Shirts. jMIMUICUI* j. First Mortgage SeveS Per Cent. ENDORSED BONDS OF THE ST. LOU IS, VAN DALI A AND TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD CO. At OO and Accrued Interest. Thfeo BOFDS are for 81.000 cot), accrued by a first d ortpago of ONLY 811000 per mile on iheproportyand frapcbieeaef ibe Company, redeemable otrtt. firrt d&V of Jpnmry, 1187. Coupon. attached pajabloon Oie first d.j ol January and duly In each year. _ Ihc-PR' imnt of pilncipal and interest is FURTHER BKCUI £D by the <»dor , *€inciiiof tu« B>oaa br IDBTFBBB DACIB AH* WPIWAPOtH IU 09. the foiucßre. Chicago a® i'di isacbwbii b.w.co. 188 PIITSBI BCD, fl\Cf® ATI AID 81 MBB B. W. 09. Tbe endorfcmcot of tbo two iflet-oainod CocopaniM being guariujtttd by Tie Pennsylvania Railroad Oo Theßcadonwhl-h Ihfße Bond, eonstltale a FIRBT Lib N 1. IK) mile, long, extendlog Irral tbe Terre Uaota ard Indian. polls Kollroad near Terre H*rio to fit LonU. and form, tbe lart and only nne *“ i, 6 BUUhTI BT LINE FROM BT. LOUIB TO PHILADEL PHIA AND NEW YORK. It) immediate ernatrucUon and equipment ore provided for in a tbe PENNSYLVANIA RriLhOAD COMPANY and the tiUMFANIES .bore named, wl ich contract in-nrea that it .ball alwaya bo operated In tbe joint intpreitg of Ur* direct liu- between 8t Louie and tbe Bart, SEVENTY MILES o' tbo road are now ecanpletodand it I. confidently evpodid tt.t the ENTIRE UNE *riD bo OPENED lOK7 ItAPFIO EARLY IN 187#. Tbe Iren rail, lor the ontire lor gth of . rood bare been parch nd and efficient for UO mile. drUrerad. •i be Bond a can bad on applie.tion to G-. B. ROBERTS, It (IflUcor Ptnniyfvaola Ballxo&d, PbVa. Bankir 9 House E W Clark A Co., ni ls (l Drexel 4 Co., * “ n Jay Cooke & Co,, “ 11 Gaw.Baoou&Co., a> Da Haven & Bro:, *’ I can fully recommend tbe above Bond. aa a deeirable icanrlty. J. EDGAR THOMSON. Vabod 1&. 1889. #4,€500,000 SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS, Xblrty Ncan to Han* I*B CO • The Lake Superior and Mississippi River Railread Company. They are a Flrtt Sortg*ge a lottos flffld Bead Fret of United Stutee Tax. SBOCUDBY ORB ffIUJOR EH BB®BID A® ATOM V 0 EOffiA® ACBiB OP CBOiOI LAWB, And by the Railroad, Its Rolling Stock and tbo Flea chlie. of tbe Company. i Dot Me letorti j and Pint Ciaa Inmtewnt I In every reaped, yielding in tfarremoy warty Ten Per Cent. Pe* Annum. PRESENT PRICE. PAR AND ACCEDED INTEREST, Gold. Government Bonds and otter Stock, received in payment at ttehr highest market price, . pamphlet. and full InfomiaHon given on application to JAY COOKE & 00.. Third Street. E. W. CLARK & OOh Uo. 36 Soutb Third Street, Fiscal Agents of the Vats Suycrtor tn,d lltseissivpt I fitter JiaUroai Companv. 1 mbie«Btrp* , , PtNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. IBUIIBKBi DEPiATIURT. i*inuD*irau» Pb»u.i April 9t 18®. , To (be Btotbbolder* of (be PeoMjlranla fietlxodd Company. AD Stockholder*. a* regleterof on the Book* Company on the 80th day of April, 1E69, will be aotliled to .übiolbe for 25 P.r « rnt of thalr respective Utereete in New Block at Par, ob follow.: first—Fifty ptr cent, at the time of eub'criptlon, be tween tbe 16tb day of May. 1669, and tbe 80ih day of fly P«r cent. between the lHhday of ',ovtrn be-, 1669, and tbe 81at day of December. 18®; or. f Stock hoHcr. .bonld prefer, the w hole amount may bo paid up sttbetiD *if eubflcrlptkin, aoo oftcb tnijt.lmeiM.iio paid cball be ent tied to a pro rata of the Dl.ldend that may be declared on full ibarta. . . 2Wrd— I Tba* tveiy Stockholder bold da lees than font rbaree rb'-ll be mtitled to aub*crlbe for one »hwi wj thoai: b» Idlngmorethanamultlpleoffour shares shall be entitled to aubacribe for an additional share. jfyfiffh—All abares upon wbleh ImUlinei ts mreyjt» he raid under Resolution of May 13, 18G* win be entitled to their allotment of thefiß Per Cent, at par* as though they wire paid in fnlL THOAIAN T. FlttTH, Treasurer# arg«9rnrp __ HOME INVESTMENTS. READING RAILROAD SIXES, dear of State. United Btdtea and Municipal Ta ee. Prnna. and Hew York Canal and R E Co. Ictcii r«r Cent. First mortgage Bond*, Principal and Intereet guaranteed by the Lebfgb Valley Railroad Company, o investment. DBEXEIi & 00 , Bankers, 84 BOUTS THIRD STREET. irhOtatbfllfCP —rg BANKING HODS® 1 SIS and 1U So. THIRD BT, gHEUfi-.B’Avi '■ DEALERS . "" >•'- IN ALL GOVERNMENTIgOURrnES We win receive api>%l<^ adißMt* BTEHLING 4 WILBMAN, : BANKERS AND BROKERS, Jfo. 110 Rehlb Third Birect, Philadelphia, Special Agent, for the .ale of Dativllle, Bazelton & Wilkesbarre 8.8. PIBBT MOBTOAGE BONDS, Dated 1867, due In 1887... Interest Seven Per Cent, pay. able bait yearly, on the flr-tof April and Out of October, clear of Slate and c plied Hate. taxey. At present the.? Bono, are oflered at the 100-price of andoccrued la. neat Th,y are in denomination) of 8300,8600 aod 81.000. '.mpblef. cool.lnhit Map., .Report, and full inform a. tlononhaud for distribution, and trill be sent by mail on * P (sovcrnmint Bond, and otter Soourltl(» ttken in _ Q^*e, piTHpllM Dtalert an |i, 8, Bonds and member* ol Muck ond hold axcliuuiro, receive arconulaol Hank* aud Hunkereonlib eral term,, laaue llilla of tkcEangeon a. J Hnmbro A Son, LomJon. B. Me>zier. S. Sohn 6 Co , Frankfort. James W. Tucker, A Co., Parts, And outer principal cities, and Letters of Credit available thraugbout Europe Is. W. mm Third and <:b«Btout Ntreet. EARLES’ GALLERIES, 810 OHEBTNUT STBEEff. LOCKING GLASSES, GIL PAINTINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, JAMES S. EARLE A SONS, BOOTS AND SHOES aombatutbUtrpt 83 S. Birth Street, abmraObMtrat. j b OTiCB TO TUB PUBLIC GENERALLY, f The latest ftyle, fubion and aarortmentof fß BIN'HS AND OAI TEES, FOR MEN^an4BOYB» tinbebadat T Ropp.fl.^ NO *»NORlti NINTH BTRfeCT, Beller tb.n •ny hb*,. In lhe Y’.lvi ? *** Won-Mtea. SCm9 OtVEOtM AGAIAi . Ji STAR SPRING, SARATOGA, NEW YORK. SARATOGA STAR SPRINGE have a much larger amount of r£td «nbrt«>g. SSgJ? STRONGEST WATER. It aho demos.tratea that the STAB WATBB contain. Cubic Inohea More of Qss Sisa.ffissM l iw®"!^SSS aSsassssßsasSas enee almort rtjual to Champagne. . thrmini- Sold by the leading Drvggute and Botelr through out the country. JOHN WYETH &BRO., 1412 Walnut Street, Philada. Wholesale Agents. 917 <h»e#*nut; Geo. L. Bo w f Twelfth and drl-tu th a Ivrp} ——— fHB FllfJß ABTSa fine engravings, CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS. BOOTH ABD BHOBB. SPRING STYLES FOB GENTS’ WEAK. BARTLETT, lAßtfout water. Tbe anaiyd* provea ttal tie mattn ot U»* n rooEIAWWH 111 * -imMd «t flYvXvndlll -icilemi mb29tnAaiffi ' :l s j" - TJ s. it c, »?F “for mooulactoro tom CWlfish. trior of iWoot* E3um»ra’« i jI“aM?A.™D KD Tp'opww ana ■, «»t,*i« ika Bktpnt under ’ which TTW '§Ajii' •'I BII COMPANY. No. ; m “* nu,aoto ® tneir wiaio- 1 RHobfeaacio., Pm3£oi£?isii»W other win 00 Bumtoanly- proaecutod.f m!9 eon- ftnl I -p»RABOtS7=M:trTHE TJEWgBT"Xf)NDON Xfi&and fail* ttylo9,sYhWt.fur variety and ' I «len«ii>ro are «mquailed. A largoi of \ ■ A I aGB * OVfctti Bea BII>B ,ADd BUN it, 'owi>i inw-. *• " mX'»N’a fc’A.M;> t Jj ioi)s I'- h'i oiiK No. 91 couth EUlith street.: ‘ ■ ■■■ 1 •. taliadlmS s oYBTEUB- aOOn OYSTER} TWEMTY firTM./W'J-UveceDftf’par hundred, opoiiodor loano-i; wholesale or retail. 341 Froftfc+tnoq*; t **] av £ I vSren-y Pino, or eecond and linioo fitroetß. AUktmU i f ibilco ojfctcu on bai»d. »pwt xgjLgoß&pmc~miiffsg*A i t* y » C ■ Tins frontier Persia will probably beeettled qfolSabty. , ; : : Bpasibk troops tier to prevent CoflUts from crossing into Spain David Cuabb, ot Hartford, has given twouty five thousand dollars to the harvard University 3. Lothbop Motlby will bo the successor of Rcvcrdy Johnson as Minister to Eogland. Gkw. HoWabd will continue in charge of the Freedmcn’e Bureau. . Akdbbw Pbiob was hanged for murdor a' Jronton, Ohio, yesterday. , Gkohob H; Bibb has been appointed Adjutant General of Maryland. Marshal Sbbbano informed the Certes, on Thursday, that orders for the election or deputies to the Spanish Cortes had been sent to Cuba; Tub nrolected railroad from Decatur to Mont gomery, Ala., bas been let out to contractors,and work will commence immedi ttely. The machine shops of the Ohio and Memphis railroad, near Memphis, were 0 . rued last night. Most of the machinery was saved. Comhodobs Tiiobnton A. Jenkins has re signed bis position as Chief of the Bnruan of Navigation. . , Gem. BociiAKAM on Thursday relinquished com mand of bla department lo'Gen Mower. The District of Louisiana is discontinued. Neablv the entire portion of Rodney, Missis sippi, was destroy rd by fire on the night ef the 31st. Loss, $200,000; partially insured. Tite New Jersey Legislature adjourned yeater day. The bill eutimltttug the suffrage amendment to the people, which passed the Senate, failed in ibo Bouse, not having been taken up in time for action. Tub Ohio river at Louisville has been rising very rapidly for sevtral days. Tbo water yester day reached the sidewalks on the lower wharf. It Is feared (but the luhubl ante along the levee will soon be driven from their quarters by approaching flood- ' " Ibe inllcbell snae In Ibo Malted butters Supreme Heart. The care of treorgu S.Twitchell,Jr.;- petitioner. aguiutt the Counionwealth ot Pennsylvania, came up before tbe Unlit d States Bopreiae Court yesterday. Mr. Hnubeli. eounael for plaintiff in error, argued bia motion for a writ of error to the Court of Oyer and Terminer and general J.il di livery of the city and county ot Philadelphia, and tbe Supremo Court of Pennsylvania for the Eastern District. He said this question Involved the Ilf* of a citizen of the United States, who came here claim ing the right and protection afforded by tbo Con stitution of the United Biaws. and read tbe peti tion to show that tbe petitioner was tried and convicted on tbe charge of mnrderlog Mrs. Hill; that-slnce these procedlnga application w*a made to the BDprtme Court of Pennsylvania for a writ of error to reverse the judgment of the court below, which the former court disallowed, and that Gov. Geary bad sentenced him. to be troUg on the Sib day of April, for a crime ho never committed. The twentieth section of the statute of Penn sylvania provides that, in any indictment for murder or manslaughter,lt shill not be necessary to set forth the manner or means by which death wdb caused, bnt It shall be sufficient, In every In dictment for murder or manslaughter, to charge that the defendant did feloniously. wilfully and i»Uh malice aforethought, kill the deceased. This, Mr. Hubbell argued, was repugnant to the fifth article; of amendment to the Con stitution of the United States, namely: "In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by ao Impartial Jury of tho Slate and district wherein tbe crime eh all have been com mitted, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be Informed of me nature and cause of me acausatiou; to be con fronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses In his favor, and to hove me assistance of counsel for hla defence.” .'■■■• . . , , 2 , The defendant had a right to be informed of me alleged manner and means by which death was produced, eo mat be might be prepared ,to delend himseu; forhoweoald be be prepared to defend himself; wimont. such information? In patent cases, even where experts were to be summoned, a notice of thirty days was required tube given to me opposing party- Haw much more important wa» this case, where life itself was in peril. The aacustd should not be left to the chances of expert witnesses without knowing me particulars of me charge on which be was af l?cffital'e, nndereny pretence, can destroy the life of a citizen of the Uolted States on an allega tion of murder or other crime, without conform log to me Constitution of the United States. The law of Pennsylvania was Bn experiment, cooled from England, bnt contrary to the common law as embodied in me Constitution of the United JSUtes. He repeated, mat to common law me means by which death was inflicted must be stated in the (in dictment. The young man now awaiting execu tion, bnt cOnscloua of hla innocence, ha* been praying to Heaven to open some way by which he may be saved from an ignominious death. He calls on the constitution or bis country; bo calls noon the Court where Justice in Its supremacy .resides, and before which tbe State must bow in -obedience, for relief/ Mr. Hubbell men quoted from me law establishing the Judiciary, sod cited several cases to show that tbe Court could set in the premises, and there rested me ques- The Court took it under advisement. Tbe Execution of Gerald Eaton. A special Hanltbnrg despatch to the Morning Ac other effort, and one that U likely to result fuctcstluljv, Is being made to secure a reprieve for Gerald’Eaton, who has been sentenced to be bung on Thursday next lor the murder of Timothy Hunan, ,ln June last. Charles W. -Brooke, K-q., who represented E non on the trial, and Detective Taggart, arrived here at an early, hour Ibis mornlug l and about nooa pro ceeded totbe Executive rooms, where. after wait ire a liUlo while, they secured au audience with •G&eriiOr'Genrv. Mr. Brook'-stated that the ou lect of bis visit’was to presc'ut a number of docu ments In support of another effort to secure a reprieve for Eaton. Be then placed in the bauds of the Governor a petition signed by eleven of ‘the juiy who convicted Eatooi remarking that the twelfth man could not be foood. The jury say that In the evidence und charge of the court they believed that technically tho grade of the offence was murder In the first de gree, and that they were required to, and there fore did unite In rtnderlug suen a verdict; bat still they believe, and upou reliction that bullef Is strengthened, that the circumstances attendant upon me cominUbioD of ibo offence relievo it of the character of oue imperatively requlrlug tho infliction of ihe extreme penalty *of the law, and they further, beliiye anil so respeclfulfv present to hlB Excclleney that the ends of public justice will be fully answered by a protracted term of Im prisonment of tbe priaohor. This document is , signed by B. G. Gardner, John Myers, James Thomeou, William Long, PatrickMonngbuh, John Edgers, Sunuel F. Groeß, John 0. Kelly, B. Rooms, Otis B. M. Ba terns and George W. Mltcbell. Tbe next document was tbe following affidavit of Dr. evidently here to prove that tho second woaud'spoken of, which fact for the first time lp given .to the public, might have been fired from a 1 jilstol In hands other llban thosb of Eaton, and might bcou the,-direct enuse ■'olKHeeriau’S death. This affidavit was sworn to before Alderman Dougherty, the most important-Witness bn the 'trial against Eaton: Personally appeared before mu, the under signed, who being duly sworn, doth depose and aav that he made a iwet-mortem examination of the body of TlmbthVlleenau, Jabel4,-1868, at the Pennsylvania Hospital; that he found a gun shot wound one and ,it half inches belo W tho encL form cartilage, directly In tho centre of the body; 4he wound was-fatul; there was also a gunshot wound in the left groin, making in *ll. ; f 'E. B. BxiAPhßloß, Phystethn. Bworh to and snbßCtibe.d before me, an alder man ln and for the cltv.ol PhllmlclpUlc. , r , “ 7 “ * .... ,v W. W. Dodoiieutv. Tho next paper handed the Governor,,was a pe tition signed by -a large dumber of tho-members of- the .Bar, representing that ,they were present during the trial of Eaton, and that as lawyers ‘theybelieve, and so desire to express to tho Gov . ernor, that the cose was not'of that character In which ,the Lculslaiqro ever contemplated a visitation'of* the' death penalty.- While bo far as the quesilon of fact, was concerned, tho jury might have been justified technically m rendering the form ol verdlct returncd therein; yet they deem it a case in which the Governor, standing aßlbe-l»atTegal-Benllnfi:oVofthe-rlghta_ofa. clllriu. would be discharging folly bis duty In i itfrMnlLg from, committing tbe prisoner to tbo ; ttwo phnlebment of lbe lsw, and they therefore ' pray tbe Govirnor fo tetfiict bis execution of the : deaib warrant. The last document was a petition slgaed by ; several buodnd citizens, praying for a reprieve. : ■ At tbe end of tbe interview Gov. Gear.v assured - tbe gtntletuen that the matter should receive hla ; earliest auction. , ’ j,*. j ; i y. « üba and UayiL New Yobk, April 2.—Tbe UeraUTt Havana sptcisl, March,3otb, says,mat the steamer Mount VertiOn Is in possession of the -Dominican robe's, aid was at Kingston on Sunday. Mr. Hollister, ripnei motive oi me United States at Hayil, had di nonnetd her os a pirate, becanso she carried ttmillions of war lo St. Marie’s She intends to retnrh to Bsyll, hoist mo revolutionary fl (g and nitcck Saluave. Tbe American Consul at Ja maica .was watching me movements of tbe Mount Minister' at Port-au-Prince has made representations to bla government, com plaining that tbe agents of Salnave examined; tbo mails on tbe steamer Unban, breaking tbe seals of ibe inters, and the iuformnioa they tbus obteini d led to many arrests and to the execution of two persons. !H t. ? „ . Two British men-of-war have gone to pprt-au- Pilnce to demand reparation, aud it is probable that serious results will ensue. Bavara, March 31 lunocenclo Casanova, a eltlztn"pMhe'UoiUd Stales, bas been arrested for complicity lu a plot for tbe eelzuro of tbe steamer Cemanditßrio. 1 A gang ot negroes on a plantation near Clen fuegoa have joined the rebels. Troops arc pur eulng'tbenL ! -?-.P i;l - '( '' » ‘ ' •. ’ . Poor bundred milUia and cayairy left torday by railroad for Cit-tfaegoa.' ! ' ,; f • • From Mexico. Havab4 April 2.-Alices Trout Mexico to March 27 have been received. Jt ls reported that Col. Meyer, late of tbe U. B. army, Wi* arrested Op a charge of conspiracy against tbo Mexican government, and would be be banished. An ac cldenty recent occurred on. a railroad, by which eight soldlerswere billed andtbirtecn injured. Execution wlibcut triri is still continued in •Yucatan, by order of Governor UebilUe. •The sale of Mexican tern lory lo tbe United States was agitated at the capital and found many supporters. ’ ' {J , . . . Private letters from Mexico accuse Lerdo dc T> joda of hostility lo Americans, and of defraud ing me Mexican Government. Coal Mtenements. The following is tne amount ot coal transported over -he Philadelphia and Beading Railroad daring the week ending Thursday, Api Ul, 1869: ToM _ Cwt Prom 8L C1air...... *«.»« ■* " Port Carbon. J.ow 07 •• Schuylkill Haven oa »• HarrialmrgaodDft&pbta- 4 » 051 11 Total Anthracite Coal for week. 18,815 01 Bituminous Coal from Harrlsbug and Dauphin for week 5,883 oo Total for week paying height Coal for the Company'aose — Total of all kinds for week Previously this year. «tv,,al 819.994 15 ToThnreday. Aoril 2,1818 814,014 16 The tollowing la the amount of coal transponed uver tbe SchuylkllTCanal, during the week ending Tburs dav, AprU 1, 1869: TomnCwt. Prom P«t Carbon «.«»* pottaville JJJ “JJ *■ Schuylkill Haven 8,984 OS “ Port Clinton b® Total for llie week Previously this year. 9r,tBt to Total. To <■«">« time last year Increaae Peportel mJ the HAVaPA— Steamship Burs and BuipcA Hotroea—«B bii. lUxar SOT bU. orantra, to bbte now Jbam V>*tt»on A Bona; 994 bx< tuaar T»vlor. OllPeple A Co; II too rtpuaOeoC Canon A Co: 15 OOT do 8 Vnruet A b*M: It too oo Vim O Cochran & Co: 45,000 doJ w.gner; lawfnfaJ B Lloptueott A Co; S 4 bbla otanxei Jow Bciplant* Junobachanme. nwhoxins or ooear steaibwhi TO ARRIVE. • -11,1—1 noM m nan Glaegow. .New York. March 19 Aleppo Liverpool. .New York March 20 ( olorido J Iverpool. .New York; *3 llerea. Southampton.. New York March U England -Liverpool. .New York. March ej City of londou Liverpool.. New York Ma ch 94 United Kingdom....Glaeaow..New York March M g"--;; .::::H^} : .N e Y vSrinia JilT tu? ,ool “N e 2vSS’ rt * B "Mlreh2? Allemannia. -.Havre. -New Y0rk..... . March 87 Villa do Parte .'find. .New York. March 87 ro DEPART , Saximla -..NewY'ork.. Hamburg..........April e City of Etna.. ... .New York. .Liverpool y la H— April e hevade.;.. New York. .Liverpool ....April 7 Ueotla .....JlewYork. .Liverpool... .March 7 Mrrroverile Apr]] 8 J W Ever man..PhfledfclrWa G6eri«itoo... Apri] 8 Juniata. .Philadelphia. M Orb via Hav . .Apr! 9 Alaika New York. .Aeplnwall —Aprij lo tbdla New York..Glaegow 4 p d!}S City of Loudon....New York.. Liverpool ..April 13 Hiiumonia New York. -Hamburg- 4"”]!? Coloraoo. .New Fork. -Liverpool Apt 14 Samerie New York. .Liverpool Apri 14 Columbia Jlew Yorit..Havana.- Apri 15 Blare and Blripee Fhlfa. .Havana April 18 DUaBU Ot TJBADE. r.FOFGE N. TATHAM, 1 „ r WM C. RENT. { Hosrrni.T Coumm D. 0 MoCAMMON. MARINE BDLLETIK. " roBT OF PHt I -* nCTjP HIA—Arsn. 8. Sow man ,6 481 Bow Bkts. 6 161 Bine Warn. 7 22 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. , Btewner Stars and Stripes, Dolmen. 6 day. from Ha tads, with anrsr, cigar*, Ac. sod lit psesingtra to Thomas VV’a'Uon A poos. „ . Kruuette* Howe. 94 hours from New York* with n.deetd Jv-bn F OhL , __ .. ... htcsnii rilMverly. fierce, hours from New York* with muse to ’W’PClyded? C**. ’ v . oteniutr 'leioiiv. dlcliolb, 34 hour* from New Yo k, a itK nidßf to W M Baird A Co. , ~ . fcu oiiiei 6 F Pbelp-'. Hrow n. 24 hours from New 1 ork, with u.dee fo W M bah diM o. ochi V p C lark, Oie*u, B d»ye from Hortown, Vs. with sraUiind lumberloUooqufat 4 Lq*ber.. ’ echr d!U Younit bpeiAht 5 days from Pocomote River, *Ut« UUkmaii ,& Oottiugh»m bebi tharlieA Willie. Thomas, 5 days from Viaalha rin wiihbtobe tol eiitoxA U»r«taa _ , . debr Aiisrue. Thomas, l-day-from Smyrna, DeL wi-b grata to Jae LB'W le\ A Co. n Behr « lay up A Lowbrr. Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, DcL with grata to JaaL Ben Ufj&Co^- _ ; . lua'ibtw Jetttr 00, alien, trom Baltimore* with a tow of bargee to W t Clyde A Co. ('Li.AHEI) V HBTKBDAV Steamer Wyoming. Barrett, Savannah, Philadelphia and Southern Slail SB Co a Steamer b C Biddle. McCuc, Now York. W P ClydeACo. steamer H L Caw. Her. Baltimore, A Crovta, .Jr. Brig G*o Gll«hilet, GlkhueL, Zvz*. 1> ti Stetron A Co Brig Minute Miihr. A Oder.on MatanEO*. WarrenAGregg. Hi It; e aibli «*‘lmoro Clifford, Sandy Fwint JJu. oo St l»r Joa W \N iiei n, Salem, Day* Uuddell A Co. St hr A Knox. Mahoney. Now uaven, do bchr Roth rbaw. Shaw. Boston, do Sthr L Franklin Mchoever. Providence, do Tug This tietieieon, Allen* Baltimore, with bargor, W p Clyde A Co. MEMORANDA. M # Ship Qbtatcro Mauniog, at Valparaiso 2d ult. from Boetan. art 23d Feb, to load produce on the coast on °'bhlpVe klaucK Menyman, from,New York* wa* diach’g a,^??ES, '4 4 i! , Fe , iton. from BMUmore. mi dl.eh'g at Zcphvr, Porter, joB days from Boston, at Bombaay KtrmMi. UroweU. henoo at Boston vootorday. tttauuu Oriental Snow, at Boston yesterday liom Now °tllcau'er Go* Sedswlck. Gitdetdale. from N York, was n Barkßcbsmyl.'Bnow, lit Meijinalßthulh forßoaton. Balk Jonathan Chase, from Now York 6th-fov. lor Cal liiii,"n aasriOkfU 2d Febrtat 8818 8. ton 68 UJV. Balk Yokohama, Paul, cleared at (lew York y.sterday Rars*Norn)anj)y-(Brj, Mslntoih, e'earej at Now York yesterday lor filoutevldeo via St Marys, Ga. Bite Bertha. Bruce. 22 days from Pornambuco, at Now Ycrli y'eitt-idoiiwitli eugnr. V -■ - SchrP B cotton. Rohtnaon. cloarod at NOW York yes. terday for thia oort. . . . , . , Behr YVa- conaa. Palmer, at New York let lust, from Frodoiiaa. Del . Bchr Anueula Bartlett, Bartlett, clean’d at Savannah lat tost, for New.B&v'ilb: i i VI T-j ii* X , Behr E M Coogdon, Congaon, elesred at Georgetown, BC. 22th ult. for this oort Behr senator Uilmca. Morrill,sailed trom Savannah 29th. ult. for this port. SchrUsichel Boaman. Ulgh, at NOW York lat insh from fiorii Cnantnou u.:- - > • • -cv -... -vr. - ■,, - Bchra E B Wheaton. Johnson; J T Weaver, Bsgers, and Angelia. aa-h d tram Balem Slat ult tor this port. Bohr Tboa Boos. Bomers,cleared at Wtlmtngtan,NG. 31st HSchrtJStO-treoksi?Brooka, henco T at Edgartown 25th o *acb?Bar'h -t Brisht, Bhaw, aalled from Richmond Ist Inst forOlJFqirt.totoadlttmbortorthta nop.. . MARINE MISCELLANY.* , l'!-- Thebng Rroolnto. from PhUodelphla for Bavannah exrerlenecAho-yy galea. apruDf aleas. put Into Hampton ! Roads, an<t“ after repalrlu*. eailodou the 3Sd utr. dhe had fair weather uhtfi the 25th, ,wheu heavy gates .were THU DAILY. EVESIKG BPLLETLVr-PHILADBLpiIIA, SATt>ItDAY, APIUL 3.1869.. 78.758 07 4,920 3 83:855 00 783,810 15 89,7 « 10 28.816 10 10,890 00 exjpertjneedt aleak.and-WM fMtefnatefe^Wl c4miderjibl«trouble, m >00(001 of vi-ry iitoyi#*; TbaveMoei w ’ "''“j 1 ;;*- lt,er*|,ramof itMaieamrh)Ptiii*J» ifre«l»cr«w "b-iardtho buz to voik the pumt*. »ii(£»ewia li_«• * vh,u the »iabatdtned.lt baloxlmno.-!^Wjj'; UuKfift all „t. On WtdiiMday fhe aleamer .fell in WUh.An Ciu in cf Bcot».and traniferied ibo era» of the KowtM, vhuh mivedat savannah jeate day,, Tne briasvapera are>»fs ■- - Fy. • ;; > ?■ ■: I —±:— LADOMUS,^Con% Diamond dkalkrs ajewelerw [| *? WAWUES, wratß* 4 8aTfln’V!?»B«. I ahd JEWELRY pEEAIBED^/ 803 Chestnut St.. foiUfr Wafoht* of the Hnest Makers. Diamond and OthcrtJcwelry, Of the latoet etylee. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, ,;n u! ;;-(Bt<i.Etft, gDULI BTVJDB FOB EYELET HOLES A largo assortment just received* with , yeHety settings. ttv ' r ■ wail tu W4BNE & CO., Sr.M WholMole Dealer. in watohebanp jkwelby, B, g, Miner ieTenib and Cderlnnl ilreeM) And lata of Mo. 8* Booth Third .treat l«*U PAPKH IHMliaOSi PAPER HANGINGS Wholesale and Retail. NAGLE, COOKE & EWING, Lata with . HOWELL & BROTHER*, NO. 1338 CHESTNUT STREET. Trade tvpplied at Manufacturer? prices. ft 22 m w 12niS _J HEVlIte BIACHIItES. hoddier., Ilarne»»-naiiera, Hanufao ■ 111 era of Uslhißß, HooUt, stooeirdtc , Wi I find li to ibt-Ir intereet to uiie our OaEIVALLBO fcAoWMiTWISI and the"MilfordLinen rhread.” Maouiaciui.d tivrml, lor ua Irouj the bwt material and wi«taot**d a«uperior article. TBReififafcumftU dutl'ainu c»HP4« Macuiacturera end Proprietory oltboSINaEB UACHtNiw So. IiOG iHifiMllf street, mTgtyrp TUOd K. OHEB.IATOnt . EOIICAIIOn. jgDQUUiA. SCHOOL, PRINCETON, N. .1. Boye prepared for College or for holiness. NEXT BEB3ION BEOINB APRIL 7, For Ctreulaiß apply to Dih»l2f ADDRESS REV. T. HANLON, PENNINGTON. N.,J. lor CalMo-tUe of Pennington Seminary. A filet-dess Uo.rdlng School for both wxeß-wlthla tbreo mljca of PbiUdHph *. Heierence— Bishop Hmpaon. mnlOlm ißAumwiißt, mult. At. M IRIUCK SOUiHWAHK FOUNDRY. 430 WASHIb GTON A vet ue. PULodelpnl*, BaNUFAIITokE , . , STEAM BKGINEa-High and Lo<* Pressure. HorUgntal ° Xti lical, beam, Oscill .ling, Blast and UraWi Famp* B^DLFRS—Cylinder, Flue, Tuhulnr. &c. bTte M HAMMEKB— Naemyth end navy etylee. and ol CAaTl^Gß—Lo«xn. Dr* and Green Band, Braw, t 0..... RUOF*—lron Ff *mer. for covering with Slat* or Iron. » TANKS—of Caster Wrought Iron* for refioenou, water, GAB MACHINERY—Such as Retorts Bench bolder* and Fiamea, rurJßera, Coke and Charcoal Bar* B1 < CAK^*iSaCuSy£y^ Such aa Vacuum Pans and Pump* btiecsUrß, Bone nUck Filters Buruens, Wasb- Jreard Elevator*; Bag Filters, sugar and Bonn Black Vote of specialties: In ph)l»o«lpbla and vlcliity.of W ilium Wright’s Patent \arl«ble Cnt-offSteam Enslne. InVtni;« Ivanla,uf bbaw A Justice** Patent Dead-Stroke of Weston’e PatentBo:t. centering GUra A Barto*’. improvement on Aaph*wall& Woolaey*B Bartora U pft.nt Wrought-Iron Retort Lid- Btrohan’aDihhGHnflrnglUat Comranore lor the dtatan, erection, and fitting op of Se- Suer le. for working Sugar or MoHaeee. JEON FENCE.— The nnderelgned are prepared to execute order, for KNGLIBH IRON FENCE, of the beet make. The attention of owner, of OomOj Beau u especially asked to this ae at once the most sightly, the moat double, and the moot economical fence that can Vpectoen panel! nay b « Y «' k D N ‘2£” f<9-SiuS 418 South Delaware avenue. —OrIEB AND YELLOW METAL BHEATBINQ. C4i- ho. 832 South Ikbaivea. T>lG IItuN.—ARRIVED PER CARL JOHANN 100 X Ton. No. I,Scotch Wriroß.aiengeJrimek Brand. F.r sale tn f l°U to suit by j-ETEK WoIGH ; t COPAKTNEBBHIPS fT-lit FIRM OP P. A.& R.T. KNIGHT WAS THIS J. day mutnaltv diaaoivi,d, by the withdrawal of It 1 KNIGHT. The bu-luta. will Tie Cinitoned uedcr the ,i>lo of D. A. KMGtiT,by whom all accounta will bo settled. ROBElif T. KNIGHT. run.* prxrnia. April 1,166 a apl st^ NAVAL STORES! ICE FI OPR.—WE HAVE NOW IN STORE AND . ffer to the trade, thirty tona of Souiheru lttc.e Flour, a tuperor ariiL-le of sced for Wthh pjwa aud oattio gen.iaßy. cOv-HHAN. RUShU-tdl CO., 23 Nor-h F.out ■mil. ninssu tjPIRfTO TIH-.PEt.TINE AND ROBIN-HO BARREEB O Spirit* Turpentine t 142 bbla. Pale Soap Rortn; iIH ohla. No. 2 Bhiipil-g Koßin.landtng from atoamor Pioneer for aaJo bv EpW. fl. RuWtbY. fi 8. Wharve» no2.tf CJPIRITF TrRPFNTIN'R AND R-iHV. -73 BARRELS Opr-U.c w bite Bt-irlia 1 urptntioe. 493 borrela Koala, ua; v Isodlna fro J, sftain.r Pioueer. from w H aingtoo, N. c.. s.,d ior Bale by COOHAaN. RUSsKLL * UO., No. m N. Froif-first. mMJ-tr CAUTIO*. , 03ICE.—ALL PERSONS AKE HEREBY CAU- Honed oBBiDHt tnipitaß aoy of the crew of the BatUb H«»k ••hotb*Bßs, M UUI. Ma* er, from LivtrpooL a« no j Li. nt ik, if p ntsactioc v ill b paid ta either the Tsptsli irconstaio;™ PETEKWKI-UT & nO-S Uo Wnlijut etiteu XTOTICE^—ALL PFliflONB AHR HEREBY FOR&tD iN barfcortn* or truatlcg »nv of the crew of the N. o brfg Alma, Kruger. M«bn r, fro u Leghorn, aa no debt* of of u ei* edi lu acting w ill be paid by Captain orW KK MAN a CO.. Conßigpet.B. IUIMNISNCABBS F'ITLER, WEAVER & CO. 1 KEW CORDAGE FACTORY * NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. 22 N, WATER Btreot and 23 N. DELAWARE avenue. K. Sviflddw Shade?, Beds; MMtrtBBM. €arpotn and Curtftiw. *<o. 186 borth.Ninth,street, BhlUdelpM* *l* *vay«onb ud. . ' _ .. ’• no repaired and varnished. JAMES A. WBIOBT, TIIOENTON riKH, - CLEMENT A. QBISOOM. . TIIfiOUORIC WRIOIiT FRA.NK I# NE*X.L. 1 Imiortetßof earthenware ... . - s •> -and • ■ . __ . 1 Shipping and Commiißfon Merchant, ... ho. 116 Walnut »tro<t. Philadelphia^ ToRBWN'B OKLEBKATEO PURE TONIC ALB FOB J The?ub«rtb“ l i y o“w lu&iahed-with his (uU WlnMr supply of tab highly nutritions and well-known Its wide frettu »no Increasing use. by'ordor or phvsi clanr, for rural ds. use of fanitfles. Ao.; Vr otrM tlon of«al) consumer* who.want a airicUy pure ar tleU; prepaid the”best miterfata. and put up in the most careful manner for home use ortrauspprtation. Or der* hr mail or otherwise promptly tST£ H j& BDAN , ‘ '-M' [-Vfv; *22) Pear street, Below Third and Walnutetroeta. INDIA RUBBER MACHINE iBELTINO. STEAM defers will find a, full M>ortmeot of Boltina* Packing the Headquarters - ■ > 80SCUoshiutstr’int, ns.'w iVr-i ; » o/ v- l> .-m;'.-"/. ■. ‘u -■. .»• >..!■■; i Booth BW& N B —We have row on hand a large lot of *1 Ladiee* and Mlb«cb* Gun* Boots*> AUo, ©very varlo y ana style of Gum Overcoata. - • _j: i IN! STORELOW ft OASM OP I WlCha'4ipagne.Bp»rHlng Oat»wba Port, Maillra. Sherry Jamaica end. • Below OUIM and Walnut etmts and above Djck j rtreot . --.y,is.d :m-i : i, I. I JAG, nil HBORU «V « cal AttmOSEEKi ' J& Nba 8M and: 33, MARSEI* street. earner of Bent it, b. MYKKd A UJ. LAhOb. CALI OF tit EACH A U OTHER £IJ C> EA.N DRY OOOD9 Ac. , 1 1 OA MONDAY MOhNl'O, . ; > ,2 ■' April t, at 10 o’clock on four montba' credit; Including—• ■ DKEbAGOODS. piccee Parle Peluond Fancy Hireger, Grenadines, -ir.t'i ir ■■ P-qure. • do- - rialu;Mid Fancy ParleSDkand Wool PopeUueA - / do 1 Loudon Hack aud spring colors Mohtura and ‘ 1 AlpkC a> ‘V: - ! - w ; 1 Pa»»Ptl*law, HozambiquesgEmpreia Cloth. t".. . • Sli.Kß*tßATiNb, - . _ < Pieces Lyons B ack abd Colored Taffotfca' hod Poult *i.,- -leeSuies' ■ *- 1 i- 1 -* 1 . do l.yons Black Cacbemere de Sofa €B*oa Grains flft r do * Rich Fancy Silks* Groad't Naplea,Satloa dsn.^ .; - - HbAWttf IXOAKB. drc. ' ' ' Paris Bro&e'BordtrMell* and l ahny dfriog Shawjß* TbihtCCschemere and ► aney Wool t}aawia»Uioakd.to; : MILLINERY GO* DB. ‘ - Lire* of. Fails Plain and Fancy and Trimming Ribbons. v •. v j- Lines of Lcgll/h Crepes, Malices, Artificial Flower Mic. ALtO— '• ‘ : • *’ Veil Bareges, Balmoral and Boon Skirts umbrepas. paria Drees and Cloak ‘irimroims Bialdi. Buttons, dw.' 1 tmbiof derive, Whiio Goods. . A lot. k ancr Groda, * c rv . V HaMs KID GLOVES. - ; * ' Also* gent's and ladies* black and .colored Jouvin-ana En.i'tets Kid Gloves,Jor dt> trade, ' • -• 1 #—* IPECIAL SALE OF -i r , 36C0 GROSS LEal> PhNCILO. pOLYGRU>E9« ‘ CRAYONS. «c.» ' All tbogenuine srtlclr. moouf e/ured by - J W. ULI'iKHRoHT. > r ‘ •= J. Tbn spportuuent comprises a full line of these celebrated gcous, \lz: •**■’ ‘ . t Hw* * rest medium and fino quality cotmUng hotiae aaa *cl» # olptsells. . ;••*: ./J • > Jsto ktcxo medium and fine quality, ivory Up port-lolio pi mil', in alls’ises, 4,5, fland 7 tueft-s. " ' , Suu gioee extra duo poi>,radcs and crayons, for draw ' asioncd carpenter penciLj,7<B, 9and 12 inches. A LINE OF ROBBER TiF PESCHS, dec., &c / to. BALE OF 8000 CASES BOOTS* SHOES, BATS. Aa ut* 'li EgOAl MOUNiNte, .. *. . .. April 6 at 10 o*elock, on four mouths* credit, including - AiViiV, beye’ and >• u>bs* Gait, Kip and Huff Leather Boris; fine ersiniong leg Drets Boots; Gongresa Bootsand HtelpiOralf; kip,bua and polhn grain Bmgans; womiu*«. fulgpii' end children's goat, morocco, kid «nd enamelled Balmorae: I'oairtfe Utittn; lsu Bo>.ts; Las mg GaL tors; Ankle Ties; Traveling Bags; Metallic Overshoss, ftc. f 81ECIAL SAJ E OF REA.BY-M ADE CLOTHING; PIECE GOODS, Ac.. FOR C'AaiL ON WEDNKbDAY Mt‘HN»NU. Arrll7, at Jo o'clock by order of P. C. *;lltnaker t ;17. B. Msrshahas men-enger, uoder order of. Cojrt>btdji4‘tue ciitHe *lock'of tbe estate of J. G <thman4i Co, back ttilt*, embracing th usu*l oiecrtroent ot goods comrrised in A ol a fitsbclusß ctotblng house. ’ AUtheright.ti'lear'*'f>to , *t l BtofthoßaidJ. GUTHMAN & CO in sod to the G'.od will»nd andthe uaez* Shed term of ies*e of store No. 830 Market street, Phila* clphia* Bet. T. W. CATTELU mhl7-3m y.-rY*' , LARGE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH,; GERMAN . AND DOMEb’ilO DRY i . . ‘ ON THURSDAY MORNINW April 8. at 10 o'clock, on four months* credit LARGE SALE f F CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS. CANTON MATTINGS, da UN FRIDAY MORNING. Anxfid.at 11 o’clock, on four months' credit.abonti2oo pitet* iiigrain. V-teii n.L'Bt, hemp, UvtUge and Rag iiai pctfngs, i loor OU Uoths, Mattings, to. ■■ ■, ■ ■ D~AVIB dISABVEY. AUCTIONEERS. Late wiUi M. Tho*ias A Sons* Store Noa. 48 ar d 60 North SIXTH street. FaleNie 4»oud 60 North rixth street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, FRENi U PLATE MR KCR PIANO FORIE, DFSKI ANi'T ABl.l 8, FINE BRUSSELSOAitPfifo, SPRING MATRtSSES. Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING. „ /t 10 o’clock, av the auction store Noa 48 and GO North Sixth street, below Arch, Hand*oroe Furniture. R wood Piano Forte, fine Freicb Plate Mantel Mlror, elerant uil«d Walnut Chamber Suits, with Wardrobes to match, superior V» a nuf Parlor ‘Perlor Etag re bldeboards: O k »nd Wainut Fxt»nefon Tables, Oiaing Room Chai r s lirge Mahogany Bookcase.elegant Walaut Secntaiy Bookcases, superior Office Tables and-Ddsks, fine Bprusg sno Hair Feather Beds, Brussels and o&er Carpet.. &u. HJTE LEAD ON TUESDAY* w , , t At 2BOO pounds tuptrior White Lead, in kegs. Sale on the Premises No. 2017 Groen street. handsome ieoidence and furniture. «>n TH' RSDA* MuRNING»_ j . • t _ . Aprils at 10 o'cock. on the premise*.’wut be sowri public sUe, the RfiofDBNCF, with Three etcrj back Buflding and LOT OF HIUK/mD. No 20 7 GREE> etreet 20 feet t inches front by_lo2 feet deep, with all the modern improvements; handsomely p#r*red and painted and Sn excellentO'der nr Bee parHcular* in bandolUs and catalogues, immediately after the sale of the Real t state win bo magnificent fufnituee, elegant pe.no, FK,NCH PLATE MIRKOK3, CHOICE ENGRAV -IJSGB, HANDSOME CABINET, SUPERIOR BOOK- Haze. FIN, CURTAINS RICH Vf LVBT ANI» ENG i ISH Bhl B*ELS CARPETS.CHINA AND GLASS WALE, * e - (JN THURSDAY MORNING. April 8, at 10 o’cl-ck. by at No. 2017 Green etrret, lucl.-diug SileadidDrawipg Room Suit, co'errd with Fine Crimaon B oratelle; H&ndso*ae Cabinet, Su perior Centre 1 abie.Califo nia Marble top: Eleeant Rose wood 7Mocuvepi %no, by Knar*<&Co .coat 81,000; Fine French Plate Mantel and Her Mirrors, lo handsome gilt fremes. end Consol Table; Choice engravings n-atly iran.ed; Fine Green and L*c«» Curtalna; Very Superior Walnut Dining Hoorn Furniture, including handsome Bnfft-t, Mirror Back: tine China; Cut Glassware; Plated Wartf; Superior Library Furniture, complete ; Secretary Bookcase; Elegant < bamber suit; Large Wardrobes; cakcbamW Sn|t. ebouy mouldtoja. with very Iwee Waidr<.h» : Be«t Hair Mettrew,, Beading: Rich Velvt »nd Erelirh BraeseleCarpeu throughout; Kitchen Uten elU. lieftletra’o'A&c. . . „ . The .Dure fund ure wee made to order be George J. Benkele,' of unique patteme, and te equal to new, haying been In nee but ene year. Jimm a. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, r" No 463 WALNUTrtreet REAL ESTATE BALE. APRIL"f. 1869. Thli citi«.on WEDNESDAY, at 13 o'clock. Boon. at tbe BxebasXMdQ . PEREMPTORY BALE. ICOO itarve Wctt *<angor Slate NUning Co. 90 share* Tuckahoe ud Mt. Pleu&nt Plank Road Co. 5 eharea Jobn-town Punk Hoad Co. 10 fbowß fetcck Union Bank of 1 cnneaspa. NO. 10 FETTER LA«B-~tour.*tory brick manufao torj, with engine and boiler. Ui dUth VVard; lot 21 bvffl feet. Orphan# Court hate—Estate of John Gadebu, d ftß - MARSHALL ST- Get teel Three story Brick pwel lies with back buildings :Jot 15 by 81 fe<subject t SbO grout'd tent. Orphan# Court Sale—Estate of Tho men AnCH^BT— Interest In three desirable Building Lota atlbe&. Wcor. of Twentyand Arch et*., M b' I‘-J Orphan# Court Sale-Betate of George Abb tt, d '?4 JAMISON ST—Three-story Brifk House and Frame Stable In Twenty-third Ward-lot H&y 19 feet to *;-neu it.. subject tj Sattf ground rent. (frphans'Court Sale— hetate of James Catruher,dee , d. llal BPbUCE m'T.—'lhree-Btorr Brick Dwelling, , wlt *i bn*mint; lot 18bj 54 feet. Executors Sate,—Estate of Bvriton Cartslt*. at&cL •_, t _ .. ... 123& LOCLBrST—.'esttwo story Brick T>wei iokjWitb houßi on Cabby st.; lot 23 by lio/eeu Urphtn# Court Sot Efitat* or John Benner, (pc’o. . _ ... 1118 tibEl N bT.—Genteel thi*ee story Brick Dwelling, wltb'bark building*; W by 78M feet. Orphan# Cburt pel.- h*tot' of if rp Ann Me onr-eli, dfe'd. IH&4 RICHMOND threertor* B ick D rel 1 er, ai b back buildings; lot3lM # by iOA lpet to FLhdr •r. Orf)bom>* Court Sale—Estate of J. Jiothtrn lei, RICHMOND ST* Genteel threo Htop Brick Dwel ling, with brick *°} 18>ti Lt b < y s lu6 foet t 0 Fisher »t. OtjJuxn# Cour> hate —>v*w it Estate U AhUKN B '.—Two-story Brick Gsrpooter Slop, above tairtylourth asd Market tea.; l t.ll by 5i loot. *“l*RsBß‘Od Bte Paedir Creek <g»,* J< V*JSS.S r fcS Virginia, con aining 614 acres of land. Sole absolute, by order of the attickhulde'S. garCATALOGLtB KUW READY. VALUABLE EIGHTH STREET PROPERTY AT PRIVATE 6a LE. ThevuluattSCHUttUH PROPERTY on EIGHTH et, above KaceJ*uitabie fork large whol*ea?o ; or roUti *toro ; could rea'dit* be altered. <'ould oe adapted to a music ha I o< iui»mii#ctoty. the walla being o uuncual utr-jog n. Will be »old with or without tbe parsonage, os rnty be de* red. Plane at tbe etore.? .Tertne oaey. Martin pkotbers, auctioneers. (Letelv Salesmen for M Thomas S Bona ) No. 629UUF*"'l NUT utreet. r-'ar entrance from Minor. Bale in WiL.lngtou. 1 claw arc. I NTIHE MAC' IM HY rt - A th)«T ANIV SHOE MA. M baitoky. to superior sowing malum t.B, KNOX BOLE UUI - El. SPLIT rtR, MoKAY MA CHINE. LAKOV, LOT LAS I'B. *e. & UN TU KSDAY AFrEKNOON. Aprils at 2 o'ulork precinly. nu ttia premlai’A No. 118 Kne cml Will 11’Bl 'u, D.'Lvtho ant r» Machinery of a Boot and Bln a Manufactory, luclndleg 4 siuger jawing Mi chi’ee. 4 Bowe Maculrea, McKay Marhla aniUuan. i etlcr Boiler. Splitttr Buox Bole ‘ utter, Lev. It Cyllnaor, V- bx Tbre) d Mucbine.’lQl Lasts. Patterns sc. May ho et-eu on, the day previous to aala. 1 Sola No. 548 North Forleth etree*. M>ntua. HANDmiMK •WALNUT FUK’ITCKIV ELEGANT ?l FIN WAV GRAN'» UPRIGHT PI A'S PLATE :MiflEuK, .iIA N DduMe) BItUdoELS OAK PLrB. Sc. ON FRIDAY MORNING ‘ April ft! at lO.o’clock.at N'o 548. Non h Fortieth street, north of i.ancestor avenue. Mautua, handsome burn taro, Ktrixb Plata Pier Minor. French China, 11*1’ Matrotao* 8 laigo-BarcO Re'Ufe ‘'Seaeo^B* 1 handiome Biubjolb ana lrfiralcUfTpetfl,KitchenUtensil*,&c. _ - Vi ay be seeneariy ou tbenioralng of Bale. rTHE PRINCIPAL MOSEY- ESTABLISHMENT-* T“‘ J&E cortePSf SIXTHanI ttAOE * jJZXy’f d 4WlaM™ h a Pine G&d Hpotlng.Oaae aiidOpin Faye Lupine Watehnaj Floe Gold Duplex andlotherWitches; ,Fme BUvorHmt-, ini Casa and■ Opdn• Face GCnglub, American anddwlii Pstont Lever and, Lapina Watches 5 Donhle Case Enßllsh Oreraer and other Watches iLadlea* Fancy Watched Butnond Braaetplnaf Finger Kings; Em WngsLßtadai SC,’! Fne Gold OhtdiuTMedalUoMißracalrtßi Bout) Ploai BreattpinsiFtogerElugßi Pencil CMS* and Jewelry * e FGB I&LR.-A large and valnable Fireproof Cheet, ■ itreete. .** <V •.» < t■? * ' \ DV BARKITT * IMTOOT||L_ t'■ -ON^StMBDtVHOttWta*-'- i;; ■■'' ■’ April 7, at In o’clock. AlfO ,60UloUt»«iUn »»4 Po mp, tfo vfa O«o9e, liofciwr- Unou Good*. Notion*. BMtu oi cioo<». a^.. „ , > PartbmUr* Hereafter. ■ MTHOHAPVBiHjNH. Abl'riONKls.Ktt. —~ < ! ■ No*. 189 sod Ml South Fooith atwot, SALES OF BTOOBB AND READ BBTATB. . ■V Pandtars; B*l*l st the Auction - Btor* BVEB> TItTTPHTIAV. t»Tßai«* at Ksddeoee* receive entcdsl attention. : HEAL ESTATE. STOCKS; LOANS, Me. ' ON TUEbDa* . AHRIh 6 . , At 18 o'clock noon, stfi.e EhllaiJolptoS KKtisn**— 89I«I D. 8 Ulje twenth*. 18t6. OA3 sod Noe. . 12 chare* Notional > ankol North America. 14'b*rr*K»uin«i*tnit Nation.! Bank. ’ •«'; - 200 shares American Bn«tonhols,'Oy«neamlgs and ■ SotcLur Machiborbo. • ■ • . 25 ehaite CamOtu and Atlantic Railroad Co. 84 thartv l ! ii on Mottul liis.. Co. 30U alioim Ocean Oil Co. • 600 fhaio« Black Hcatb *o*l Co* ' ' luO abaieekftcißcard Atlantic Telegraph Co. ficd ebarea Mcllbermy 0.11 Cor i 7 *bait» hatfrnal Hsnltof cba RepabUc. - For. Other Account*— ... 10 tfc&refl National Bank of the Republic. . 1 eh«ro -catUiuyof Fine Art* . _ 67 tturee i‘eta ware Division canal Co. _ »1 charea Second and atPcct# Paweo*cr Rail •■ * i 4 1* «y Co. • . •' HO share® Biidtabnr* Manufacturing Co. Executor e.SMe, 60 #h«ret West hand Snsqnehauna Canal Co. LAI Gb THHiE'dTOR* BIUCK HO i'W» and FU NiIUBF,-known as the• Neptune House '‘N./E. comer o Pacific *nd Connecticut avenurs, Atlantic, City, I& HaVdBu'mE MODERN 3J£BTORY STONE REat- I EaCE mjd-'I.ARGE »OT. Terrace Pt«e. extending through to«ispier ptree*, 78 fe**t fmnt. 4 squares *rom the Wav* e Station on fheGdjmantown raitroad, Gerraau. *°lt AN MODERN STO.-'BREdipENCB. with Stobleaod r Coach Hoqse* Oak str«tetiN. J*, 193 f, VERY t ?° Eg'»vl ,P FOBR.3TORY BRICK RE«I. I LN. K. n7w. corner ol Seventeenth and Summer ata., near Logan Fqu.te SSleot front, 1.7 leot deop to Winter B, H-NDSOME MODERN FOUBSTfRY BRICK and MaRBLE M-ONT RF-HIDrNCE, Ro. 1733 yioo street, nearly opfo-lto Logan Square. To Capitalist*. UoildeieandOthoTi-VALUABLE LOT, Pro d .tieer, b*tw-en Loctiar ftod Spruce. 116 loot 11 Iprli efreiit.Taf'feet depptoSv'amuro at 'afro ‘ts. FRAME DWEUi ING, ho. 1343 Mctlh Third street, * MOi'fßN 0 THKtESTORY BRICK DWELLING. No B^Tli o ßLl F umoG h a a ud LARGE LOT. No 738 Sooth t B O TW« t pBTbRY BRICK DWFLtINGS, ties. 1160. 1163 and 1164. Clarion street;north- ol dldaral unci'weatoi Thhtiontb, 3 C.I lit eD RENP®. each 84Sn year. • - T£UiEESIOR> BBICK DWELLING): Np. 720 Lloyd pt’) -1. Utwten Broad aud Fifleetuti. aud uuitn ui .i a i uirnant to a Deere* obtained in the Supreme C inrt— CLAilla *ND PREMISE* <1 tli(i, ( P|oneor Mlulag Cam * aaV.lanee'p'fialo^.Eat ato of John 8. Cottin. Banfcmjt- Fy O: derot United Mates District' Pi<ft,E».torn Otartlct of t (DUPTlrania, in llankraptcy—VALUAßLE LOW. if 1 awrerce Dll'on. dec'd—THREE-SIWRY BRl) K DWELLING. with Side uffleo aud Yard No. IMS I rankfuid avenuo and two Stabloa la .the rear, be twten ar»-niie nnd Berks street, 18tn •vyard. 7 metre’s Dale— > iitsto ol Mlchiol Herr — 10 aCBEd, Me* Lismounty. iiliuots. 8> me > B' ate-2u AUREB, T Ivlntratou county. lUiaols. San e Efta’e-tSU ACRES. Hamilton conoti.rowa. EptHtr <f benadict Kahnwtiter,dec'd-2 MORTGAGE 3, el THltfct-t>TOBT B6JCK STORE and DWELLING and Gi N'IEEL BuICR DWEuLINU,S. WAcoinor Twenty tecond and Brow d bta. TWO-bTOK* BRICK DWELLING. No. 708 Webb «t, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, and belotV Fltz nnii r trret £6fh Ward THRBF-STORV BRICK DWEILING, No. 757 North BRICK SPORE and DWELLING. S. Vi . c-iri er 61 tilth and Master -ta BFAL’TIFI'L Ct LNTKY SITE, 8 ACRES. Lower Merlon Towi bMp Montgomery county. Pa. within five mirotra* walk ol Merlon Station, on the retin a Central Peremptory Sale—LOT. Fifteenth at. nyrth of V) nango. 31at Ward. m s'lnelitate-BKICK DWELLING.No 3' 3 Bohemia Place north o' Catharine ,nd eaat of Fourth at VALUAB'E BUSINESS BI*ND, No. f3B Booth atreet ert ndlns throng ito Treat eireot—3 fronta T WO-STOHY BRICK DWELLING, Apple atreet D °rwu 8T‘ U 'So' n BRIC;K DWELLING, Leitbgow atreet in PM e emlto 0 |y th lß*o°TO Cloae an. Estate-WELLEE °3 WELL-SECUBwfoRtIuND Seats, each 8188 and * MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE. No. 19(# tprii>B Garden street. Hub nil tho modem conveni ence*. immediate poasesiioo. A dmlnlt tratoPs t ale-Estate of 0. Weldon, d-c’d. HObbl a. CAKKIAGFS. IHARBE SLEIGHS, HAB NEt 87 ROBB . PELLS. STABLE FIXTURES. Ac. Otl MONDAY MORNING. . A p T ll 6. at 10 o’c'ock. at theN. E. corner Seventeenth end Vine streets. the entire stoek.-comprDtag-6-Horsoa 3 behoeome close Canlages, 3 Germantown Wajont, 1 hai dotnt Brarre (glass), 3 Sleigh* lelgh Bella, Robe* Blankets. 4 acta Double Harness, Btable Fixtures. dm. Sain No. IBIS Chestnut •treet BUPFRIOR FURNITURE. GRAND PIANO. MIRROR. HAMJSOME VtLVBIV BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS. 0N MONDAY MORNING. „ Anns, at 10 o'clock by catalogue, }he t enure House hold F. rnitinvacomprialng Walnut and Mahogany Parlor Fundin'*. Cottage Chamber Suit#, Grand-Piano, French Plate Mirror, uandrcme bldei-oard, Bupertjr Wamut 1 xtertiou Table, China and Glassware, Mat esaee» Pea -1 h»-r Beds an* R- ddint, h and«oine Velvet, BruttSgla and other« ari-ets. Kitchen CtiDfilf.&o. May be examined bn the morning of sale at 8 o'clock valuable the late ON TUEBDAV and WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, Aprils end 7, embracing* fine collection of Books re. Ufit'g to America, State nnd general Hl»torfeß. Voyagot andTravcl* Blogrspby. Bclence,Poetey. Natural History. Reprint*-of rare wort*. Also many beautifully Illus trated Work,. May be examined with catalogues on Monday previous to eale. Safe No. 166 North Ninth street nANDsoiiE walnut itablwk dining bohm AMmVhaMß* R BO&EWO U !■ oRTR* MaDB BY ME* EK; BUUKUaSE, FINE CABFETB. *»- N MONDAY WORNING. April 13. at lu o'clock. at 186 North Ninth street, below Race str- et, by catalogue . the handsome Walnut Parlor. Dinics Boom and Chamber Furniture, fine tone ween octave Piano Forte, mado by Meyers superior Walnut Bo kcase, fire Irgralu ando.her Carpets. China, Glass* ware, K itehen Vt ( usils. ac, . . . . . . fc M&y bo * TAiniimt on tho morning of tut« it 8 o*©loc«« Administrators’ dale on the Premises. Estatecf WILMON WHILDON, deceated, VERY EI®GANT REBIuEMIE AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CABPETd, &C., No. 1910 aPKUCE flKfckT. ojg MONDAY MORNING, Man 3. at 10 o'clock, will be cold the very elegant Four storfHrick {ffisrblsta second stoa) RESIDISNOU-vlth Double Hack Bnildtwa. No. 1910 Sprufo stroet, aa feet front. 167 feet deep to Howell street, finished In a very snp'ilor and ehgant manner, with every modern im provement and^evenje^ Also tho- elegant Walnot Fu-nlture made to order bv Moore A Cnrorlon; handsome Carpets, large rreuch Plate Mantra Min or, fte. |3?* * uTI ?>»rttrtilftrß fpb«T>dnllig. vi trNKY i> Muik u, Auctioi»er— Salesroom No. 8 Cort- Inndt s>reer. MESS' 8 MINER * BARKER REB“BOTEUULY AN no.unce that rh. y tyib exhibit l. thrir Ontlorio.. ho. 643 Broadway eommeoilog 00 rUESp.vY EVENI'O, Suth March, theruporb collection <f Palotlng* b longing to .1 P. Beaun cnt. fceq of this city, consisting of rare woikssf nrt byreteriued arrista of the modernsouooU An ona them aio syocliurns chi. fly p.lo od to hts order by Fausni ». Win. d. Mount, V'Cor Chavet, B.ieotie. Gulllin.ln L- U (’,P o .> V»ifcO'ckhov«u, Otto Krdmwi H H-rnn. Ut-chauer, Ad If lhhens, Jr ll°giu;t, E. TV* h«B. eny, > o'"» Koobe, V\V Cap ler Jerome • hompsoo. and • nwoid of one hundred of h**rart‘tot« lo ‘ ?Uid nraW THE TAti«NO OK TliE TE CALM. * inseierptce by tsrlt. E. UtUTZE; A M AfiNXi-IUENT Fi OVrER P h.' E bv J. HOME, SUdSNN eH AT THE IIAiH by F>ofei-Bor C. of Pu*a»ldorf, and. ni»i v other ri<'tiiii , f of noto. The t*ale will tik Plu evenings of WE I N ESDAY hud lUUitdr aY. the 7'.h i<i d o<i'Hf T AU ' jI |3iVoHe!jTNUT etioet CONCERT HALL AUCTION ftOOMS. Rear Fulranre on L-lover street Hpnrehold Furniture and Merchandise of every ■ciiptlon received on rooeißDmoat daM of Furniture at dwelUnßo attended to on reasonable terror. Concert H*>l Auction Room'. l3F‘<3heB»nnt HANI foME WALhUT AN *CO FURNITURE. FLI’BU. ?ERBY AND HAIR CLOI’H FARLOH SUlla . 4C ’OR TUESDAY MORNiNO, Arril 6 will >0 sold, by cataloaue. at Conoert Hall Auction Rooa e. No. 1319 * heatnut trret 'omm*Dcli * *t lu o’clock. *ui orior Walnut and Cottage Chamber Suits, Pa«lor and i I. rary Putts, InO een -nd Crlmßon 'Jerry and Hair Cloth; Marble Top Tables, Wardrobes, L Abo te a quantity of Secondhand Furniture, Carpets, drc.; Silver FUtfedAVare and Table Cutlery. T U ASHBRUmE A T^fth LAEGBBAMjfiV BOOTS,SHOfc?.,HATS AND 0 IP3. • o n ~w hits f; 5b a y~m'i ! rnTn (1. April 7, ft' 10 o'c ocfc. w o will roll by catalogue ftbont 100(1 eager of Boots, Shoes and Brogans, of city and East erD nibDUiae<ur«. U 0 men’* and boys' Fur and Wool Hats, Velvet Cape, 1 6c. • nneneatlv or the morning of ante for ftXft r mn&tlon« when thv Attention of citv Sort country bnyo?* j« nailed. BBUOTT, Jtt., AIUJTIUMiIiK. r , . fiO'm’a AltT GALLERY t 1090 CHf>TNUT street Philadelphia. , CARD —1 he undersigned will give particular attention to Bale* at Dwelling} of parties removing* Having no place for ttorageof fu-niture, it wilt be to my Interest to make clean sale*. Othoi consignments of raerohar owe , respectfully solicit! d. r . mHOMAfI BIRCH A BON. AUCtIONEERS AND 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , ;*. , No.lll'i CHESTNUT «treet. Rear Entrance No. 1107 flanaom itreet- HOUBEBmjKFUhNrrURB OF EVERY DEBGIUP received on consignment. Balds of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the mo*l reasonable terms ■ : " 1 - 1(3; MoCI,EEB ® 1 XoOT AND MONDAY AND y?~w ’* fIKAIM A 80K. i-ct f. lAtK*. disorders, which were ag gravated by Oio scroni lons contamination until they were painfully afflicting-, liavobecn radically cured in such great numbers in nhttost'ovcry SCO* tion of the country,that the public Bcarcciy nccd te be informed of it 3 virtues or uses. . ; ' : *. Scrofulous poison i 3 one of the most destructive* enemies of our race. Often, this unsccn and unfclfr tenant of tbo organism undermines thc coxretitution, and invites tho attack of enfeebling or fatnldiseafetfs, without exciting a suspicion of its prcsehcef it seems to breed infection throughout tho body, aha then, on somo favorable occasion,.rapidly develop into ono or other of its hideous forms, either on tbo surface or among the vitals. In tho latter, tuber cles may bo suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed In: tho liyer, l or;lt' its presence by eruptions on.thp skin,orfohlulccr at ions on some part of the. body; ■ lienee the occa sional lice of a bottlo of tills Sarsaparilla is ad visable, even when no active symptoms of dlscaso appear. Persons afflicted frith the following com plaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use Of this SAJIS AI*ARID? DA: St . Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter,Salt Jthcinn, Scald- Head, Ilinr/irorun, Sore IZyes , Soro Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in tbo more concealed forma; as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, X'its, Epilepsy, Ncuratyia, find tho various Xflciroub affections of Iho-muEtsu* lnr and nervous systems; ■ - i ; i Syphilis or Vcncmrtiiid TSercsirictl Diseases are cured by it, though a longtime is 'required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of lliis medicine Win curi the complaint, Deneerrhaia or Wfilhisi UXcride Ulcerations, end; Dentate‘Diseases, 4 avo com monly soon, relieved and' liltimately >cured by.iita purifying and invigorating effect. , Minute Direc tions for each case are found in our Ahnaijii'ciiiffp'i plied grnti3... Rheumatism and Gout', tvhcii caused by apeiumdatidns 6f extraneous, matters in tiie Wood, yield quickly to it, as also 4 ‘User Complaints, Torpidity, Congestionm Xiiftani mation-at tbo Direr, and Jaundice', frlicnnrir.fng; l as they oiten do, from the rankling poisorts fnttto blood. This BARS A I’ARXDDA is ..a-.-great;'re storer.'for. the strength mid. vigor, of the system. Those who fire Danyuid and Distlcss, 4Xiespon denti Sleepless, and, troubled frith Dervmia Ap jtrehensions or Dears, or* any-of the. affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence, of its restorative power upon trial. * ; * PREIJ.'ARED BY ,■ , Or. JT. C. A'STJEU «Jc C©., JLowellj.Hlaaa., flyer s. barsapanHa* fob ' iPinaiisTfinaCf wwm bimb, The reputation tfiirf c*r ■ cellent medicine cnjow; la.derived from Its,cums, many, of which are trttly marvcUous. Inveterate' cases of Scrofaloos di*-' - case; where tho .system' seemed saturated witty l corruption, have been purified and enredhyit. Scrofulous affections anil Practical and Analytical Cltcmists. ‘ SOLD BY ALT. DRUGGISTS KVERYWHEKK. At w holesalo by J. M. MAItIS & 00. , PhiladelpOlfc mb3-tu<ba4<n PAG UtMTARLIKA.-A SUPERIOR ARTICLE EOB cleaning th»Teetli, destroying anhnaloula, which In feet them* ovingtone to tbegutae,andleavinff*fe©dnß of fragrance ana perfect cleanliness in the-moata. It miff be need daily, and will be found to strengthen weakang bieecing gums, while the aroma and det&vitrenen Wul recommend every .one. Being composed with totr assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and. Micros coptst, it la confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the mi* certain washes forme- ly In vogue. . Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituent* Of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothingto prevent If unre.t»taed.^»lo,mept N S Apathocary. Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druwrfrta generally, and , i red. Browne, D. L. Staekh<m«e. Bosssrd A Co.,- Robert C. Davis, C. B. Keeny. Oeo. C. Bower. Isaac H. Kay. Chaa SWyere, C. H. Needles. S.M. McCplln. ( T.J. Husband, 8. ©Banting. Ambrose Smith, Chaa- TL Eberte,, , , Edward Parrish. Jsmes N.Marks. W m. B. Webb. ©Brfngharst&Co.,, dames L. Biapbam. Dyott & Go.; ' Htl»ws A Combe, ttC. BlairisSoia. Henry A. Bower. Wre-h A Bto. I?BENCH MEDICINES F PREPARED BY ; . : . . i * GRIMAUCI' & CO., CHEMISTS T" B. I. Hi PStNC 5 ! NAPOIiEOJf. , 45 BCE DE RICHELIEU. PARIS. . CHILDREN'SDISEASES. lODIZED RYKtP OF'h6kB&KADTBEL,: . FBKPaKED BY GRIMAUIuT &CO . PAtilS.l - This syrup contains lodine, combined with. thajnicea& water crws. »<ra-radlbli; and t scurvy-gras*, tia whteto iodite and sulphur existnatural y, and forttis rea*>h to an ixcelkutsubstitute for cod liver oil* which la gen» rahy suppowal to owe its efficacy. lo too presence oC> lodine. Vbe lodised Syrup duct r most satisfactory reanlta administered to ehfldrato suffering from Ivraphatism, racbitism* congestion of to# aUndeof the neck* or the the fae* aofieoufDt during Infancy* It is also the teat remedy for the first stage of consumption* Being at once touts and depuratlv*. it excites the appetite* promotes digea- Don. and restores to the tissues their natural firmnear ArTfim N. W. cor. Tenih , I.QOBEB. MAULE, BROTHER £ QO:, ‘ 2600 South Street • 1869 Fattllm malbhl: 1869 CHOICE SELECTION 'OB ’ MICHIGAN CORK. PINE ■;! i. FOB PAT 1 Eittta • IU£»Q BPHCCE ANDHEMLOCKIQGQ loO<7. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK 1003* LARGE STOCK 1869. , 10691 DELAWARE FLOORING. ABH FLOORING. hi WALNLTFLOORING ...: ...•■> IQ/.Q FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. IQCQ, loby.' FLORIDA STEP BOaRDA 10017. . KaILFLAftK. . \ ri * KAlti PLAMfc ' " lfcttQ WALNLT BOARDS ANU FLANK. IQGQ * ICDy. WALNUT BOAHuB AND PLANK. 1001/*. WALNUT BOARDS. . WALNUT PLAc*K. AbSOBTED FuK CABINET MAKERS, BUJLDEKS, AC. i L . n UNDERTAKBBa* LUMBER, , T-.QiiQ. » lfcby. undertakers* lumber* iOpt7. . •:• RED UEDARi ' r:--‘yt tHU WALNUT AND BINE. , • . 1869. bkabBnedij±e Kin. 1869. A ftH WHITE OAKPL aNH> AND BOARDS. IQftQ . OAKOLINA BUANTUNQ. IRAQ/; 1000. CAKO> IN A U. T.. MLU*. AOUi7. NOHWAY fcUANTUNQ. ~,, CEItAU SHINGLES. IQt2Q GEl> A K BUINGI.ES. XOUE7. CYPRESS. bUINGLES.; LARGE ABsOttlMßf*T. FOR BALE LOW. 1869. 1869. PBABTKKim LATIL 1869. Lumber XJntler Cover* ALWAYS BBT. WATSON & GILLINGHAM, 924 Biohmo.nd Street. mb29 I yf _ ___ —. i .... "i—r—>• rpo bijlLDekb and lonti!aotoi!S 1 We »re. lut-nared 10 (uriiirh Eugluti imporuiu phelltc Booties felt in 'l u » llti,l^^^ l t ANT ft CO.. 617 a0d619 Minor mbl9-lms MSSSpSM Bonftbie price*. Give them * caU * MARTIN TUOiIAS*. £ nobl7*Bin* KLIAH b*CUilj. 1 fcuilde'- Wo »re now srep r TJmb(jr ShljatuffMi g^ r nw PINE LUMBER—ORDEBB FOB p A°w.7i l 6Booth Whiyvm.', . . , I>< EftC { BdSIOAIU Greet. , -■'! •iijW»l.i. l i cinrueior.' 1 ~'' lS ia '‘l mS 1 iSaSnitim k!zob.< ;6CIBBOJRB, W OAfIKB of tha >■ gntcwL Betaor* ■jal’Tmbte Cutlery; Ground «na ;bar iwhtrumento of tiramow approved eowlruUoa