Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 01, 1869, Image 1

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W llw.*! NdW.tylM. MASON 400..
1 Vpaitf} 807 Cheatnut atreet.
\y Naweit and best manner, LOUIS DREKA, Sta-
MnnW and Emtraver.lC33 Ujjertnnt»treet I __lgbg(l L jl_
WAKSEE—HEINKE.—On March 80, at the Mora*
Vlan Ctorcb, Bethlehem, by the Rot. Amadous A.
Itelrke, Prof. Maeeab M. Warner, of Philadelphia, to
Celeetlne V„ daughter of the Ro». Samuel Itiinke,
Bishop of ihe Moravian Church. No cards. *
WELLB—HENBY.—On Wednesday, 81st alt., by
Per. Herrick Johnson, D.D., Charles Wells to Char
lotte A., daughter of the late Charles It. Henry, of
Maryland. *
COOPER.—At Camden, on the Slat of March. Mary
Cooper, relict of the late Richard M. Cooper, In the
£3d y**ar of her age. ** f
COLLIER.—Ou Taeaday evening, March 3(hb, at hlfl
xcelccuce, No. 1036 Arch Bireet, Daniel L Collier, K q.,
an the 74th year of bis ago. .
The rcJftttvc« and Irieutls of tbc family are rcsoect
fully invited to attend his funeral, on Suturday morn
ing. Apitl 3d, at I*2 o'clock. Funeral services at the
West Spruce Street Church. Interment &i tae Wood
land Cemetery. „ , . '
WOOD—April 1f t. Richard D. Wood, aged TO yeanu
His friends and ihoee of the family arc invited,with
ont further notice, to attend bln funeral, froxn nls late
ll2l Arch street, at 10 o’clock on the morn-
Ids of the 6th ln»L
“** obs.
hhAb K fhom rrot. 15 '
Free Trade League.
The public »re Invited to attend a Free Lecture, volun
teered by ART HUB LATHAM PERRY, Piuleuor of
Political Economy, Williams College, Mass.
At CONCERT BALL. R o’clock. P. M.
apl lb amSt}
■O' BANKING CO. . „ „ . 1B _
.JffBAKT Cxtt, March 16, IWP.
Notice U hereby given that tho Annua! Election will bo
h«ld the office of tbo Company. In Jenrer
city. ?n MONI) AY. tho Pi PTH HAY OP APRIL
JNE&T, for tbe choice of five D 1 ectors In the place of
Claw Wo. 4. whose term o? office will then expire; and of
on* Director of Cl*ee No. 8 to fill a vacancy.
The Poll will be open from 1 o’clock until 2 o’clock,
p *1
tic Stock Transfer Books will bo clewed from this date
> %{^K& fatdu * t '«- JOHN RODGERS. Sec’y.
LEWjeD.VAIL. E»<).. will conduct the Bible Stßdy
THIS iTbuivdo}) KVLNINji. at Bo’clock.
Snbltct: “Tho Brszrn aerpvnt." (Numbers. XXL VC.)
To be.xplained with maps, blackboard and pictorial
Ulu.ti.Houf- _ . „ . .
’AH are uclcome. Youua men especially Invited.
• Union Prayer Meeting every Saturday eveulnc HI
! Ladles' department 'strictly private. Open day and
evening. apU^_
9*** recently Improved If your Ink is a ready faded or
je likelv to fade. It reveals toe facL
ml. 34-91 tp L. M. CO. 61 South Fourth .tree’.
—' nud EAR and SLIicICAL CASES treated free, on
WEENEBDAYB and SaTL'RDAVS. betw.cn the hours
cl 12 ai>o 2. at Ibe HAHNEMANN (bomut.pathle) MEDI
CAL COLLEGE. 1105 tllbert street ap!6tj
Destriptivo Circulars free. Apply to Imhawot-pl
A. D. CALDWELL & SON. lIS South Fourth street.
WO7 nuun Medical Collene, 1105 Filbert street, trill
commence on MONDAY. April 6th, at to A. M. It*
trod fttrect. Dispensary Department.—. Medical
treatment and medicine tunnelled gratuitously to the
fatal Accident at ntiddletown. Pean
tllTar-la-tapsiziiig os usailboat.
The Harrisburg State Guard of yesterday
Yesterday afternoon, between three and four
o'clock, a terrible accident, resulting in the
drawing of two men, occurred at Middletown.
Eight men, named S. C. Zimmerman, Mr
Fralleh, Oscar Towel, D. G. Foster, Charles
Kcndig, James Rlngland, Dr. William Glowes
and John B. Farrington, were in a sailboat
enjoying an excursion in the Swatara
creek, between the railroad bridge and
aqueduct,| when the boat- capsized. Stm
mertnan attempted to swim to tbc shore,
but failed, and when near a log raft sank and was
drowntd. His body was subsequently recovered.
Fralleh was aho drowned, and at last accounts
his body had not been found. The rest of the
occupants clung to the boat and were rescued
from their perilous situation. The disaster has
cast a deep gloom over the community, whore
fbe unfortunate men were well and respectably
Since writing ihe above the following additional
particulars of the sad accident have been received
i>y telegraph:
Middletown, March 30.—This afternoon seven
jcung mm got aboard a small boat for the pur
pose of tukiDg a sail on Swatara creek. Shortly
alter leaving the shore, tbc boat being over
burdened, commenced tq fill with water. One
lof its occupants, a son of Mr. Zimmerman, of
the firm of Zimmerman & Lcscuro, im
mediately jumped overboard. In doing so he
cuueed the boat to overturn, throwing a young
man nsmed Fralleh under it. BeiDg unable to
extricate himself, he was drowned. Zimmerman
was also drowned, being unable to swim to shore
on cccoflnt of the cnrrcnl being too strong. The
other five of the party clung to the boat and
■were saved. The sad accident has caused much
excitement and sorrow.
Dr. Mary Walker and tbe President.
• Dr. Mary Walker writes to the Washiugton
Arming Star os follows :
Will you have the kindness to correct a state
ment tbut a lady has been refused an interview
■with President Grant on account of the style of
“the covering of tbe mortal coyie"?
In justice to the Chief Magistrate of the United
Slates, 1 deem it a duly to state that I have not
called at the Presidential Munsion since his in
auguration, and should feel sorely grieved to
have the statement referred to believed; as it
■would carry the idea that we are not the Repub
lican country we so proudly boast of—no, not
even the Airf/Republlean country which we are
In reality.
Yours, patriotically,
Marv JE. Walker, M. D.
Washington, D. C., March 31et., 1869.
Whatever may be- tho fears of some, no man
-'of enterprise doubts the wisdom of tbe present
move Of Mr. John Wanamakcr, in establishing on ‘
Chestnut street a mammoth clothing house
for the sale of the flneßt possible ready-made
'clothing and for fashionable merchant tailoring.
"We have nothing to bo ashamed of in that line of
business now, but it, like everything else, is
capable of infinite improvement, and no one can
object,’ and all should rejoice, at an attempt
to : increase and improve that department
■-of trade. Mr. Wanamaker’s success in
clothing the peoplo heretofore is a Btrong pre
sumption in favor of his being able to meet the
'wants of the most dressy and genteel of our clti-
Kons and If his new enterprise becomes half as
- the classes to whom be now pro
poses to give special attention, as his Oak Hall
establishment has, from Its very inception, boon
,-with almost all classes, ho wIU bo speedily and
amply rewarded for the enterprise and public
spirit which he manifests In pushing oat. in this
new line of effort.' ■ ;
t Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening BtUletln.l
Pams, Tuesday, March IG, 1869.-A gratifying
Instance of the homage paid to American great
ness, and of tho Interest and popularity which
now attach to Incidents of American history, was
a (forded hero by the choice made, two days ago,
of a subject for consideration at a public meet
ing. Ton are aware that the police regulations
which, ever since the coup d'Hat, prohibited an
assemblage of more than twenty individuals at
any one spot,have been partially abandoned, and
a restricted right of public meeting in some
degree recognized. It is true that both politics
and religion are forbidden topics of discussion
ai these rennions, and that it appears someiwhat
difficult, in these days,to discuss almost anything
into which one or other of the above subjects
docs not more or lees enter. Still, the French
people, like all pcoplo whoso liberties have been
long suppressed or restricted, have grown very
skillful in what is called sailing near the wind,
and going to the very verge of infringing the
law, without exactly Infringing it. Thus,
although they are forbidden by their master
to discuss at these meetings the politics of
their own country, they cannot well be prevented
from discussing those of otber people;and in doing
this an opportunity is afforded to make allusions
wbteh the authorities are unable to lay bold of
without rendering themselves ridiculous. On
Sunday last, it was announced that a public
meeting would tuko place at which the subject
to be treated of would be the “LUe and Death of
Abraham Lincoln, President of the United
Btatee;” that M. Ed. Laboulaye, the well-known
and popular author of Paris en Ami
tiqve, would preside and open the
proceedings, and M. Augustip Cochin,
the philanthropist and champion of the aboli
tionist party in France, would deliver an addrcsß
on the character and career of the American pa
triot. One was naturally curious to hear how
such a subject would be treated by French ora
tors and how it would be received by a French
audience. So, as the meeting was after chnrch
borne, and the proceeds wero to be devoted to a
work ol charity, I decided to be present at it,
though not generally desirous to take part in
sneh doings on a Sunday. The assembly was
held in a largo hall or parlor (for no meetings In
ihe open air are permitted) in a very populous
part of the city, not very far from the BaslUe. 1
found great numbers of the laboring classes
pausing into tbe hall, and paying their fifty ctn
nnus, or ten cents, for entrance. Evidently the
subject ch'oeen was highly popular and attractive,
rur tne hall bolds some 3,600 people, and every
seat was occupied before the proceedings com
menced. On the platform there was a large
number of leading liberal gentlemen of the city,
and there was no mistaking that the whole tone
and aspect of tbe assembly was of an opposition
character and antagonistic to the existing
stale of things. This soon became more
apparent when M. Laboulsye began his
opening address, which was full of
nitty sarcasms and comparisons between French
and American institutions, greatly to tbe detri
ment of the former. For Instance, he said, look
ing round Paris, where everything was new, he
saw magnificent mod-houses, enough to hold a
third of the popnlatlon; magnificent prisons,
enough to hold another third; magnificent bat
racks, to bold the third which kept the other
two-thirds in order. But where, he asked, were
the schools? Where were the schools like those
of America, open to all, and which, by the in
struction they afforded, opened to all a career
In public or private life in proportion to
their abllillet? Until they had in France
such schools as existed in America, it was in vain
10 expect that the French people could be what
Ihty ought to be, or could produce such -‘men of
be people” as Abraham Lincoln. M. Laboulaye’s
address was full of this sort of “teaching;" and
could you have seen and heard tbe effect his keen
aLd pointed language produced on his audience,
and how sympathetically it was received, you
would not have donbted how large is the influ
ence now exercised by American ideas and ex
ample over this susceptible population, and how
rapidly the fruits of it must now be ripenimr.
All this was still more evident when M. Cochin,
a mon of great eloquence, rose and entered upon
tbe principal theme of the day, tho Life and
Death ot him whom he called the American
statesman, patriot and martyr, the second Wash
ington of the United States. When he depicted
the humble origin of Lincoln, and how he gradu
ally rose by sell-culture, application and sterling
r.otetly, and finally uecurne the “freely-elected
Chief Magistrate of a free people"—the entbu
mtra of the audience knew do bounds. You
cculd see that Ihe “lesson" was sinking deep:
nd that these public lectures, or as
;bey ore called here, and which have been
■ rguni/.cd by friends of the people fo>- the ex
press purpose of instructing and elevating the
people, are not thrown away, but will produce
irnit Id dne season. Before M. Cochin had con
cluded bis most graphic sketches, he had taught
a vast concourse of Parisian ueuvriers ta look
upon the American Abe Lincoln with reverence,
respect and affection; to look np to him at once
as a patron and a great example; to wish they
could be themselves such a man: to wish thoy
could themselves have the privilege of electing
such a man to rule over them. Aud it is whil o
enthusiastic shouts from thousands in his capital'
and wlthtn reach of his ears,are responding to such
though ts and ideas as the above, that the man
who reigns hero dreams of consolidating the
beggarly system of public liberties which he pro
fesses to have inaugurated! Vain expectation 1
Tho march of public opinion, and such influences
as those which are at work here, aro undermin
ing his structure far faster than he can bnlld it
up. Imperialism Is a plant which cannot thrive
under the fresh and free breeze whioh now blows
steadily across the Ocean from the Mew World to
the Old.
The above meeting, of the aspect and bearing
of which lean only hope to have conveyed a
very Inadequate impression, was one of deep
interest, and lull of instruction os to the signs o f
the times.
M. Miguet, ' the celebrated French historian
and most distinguished member ot the Ac&demv,
has just published a new, popular edition of his
Life of Franklin. This is especial!)' intended for
the people and the people’s libraries, Is ex
tremcly cheap, and will bo widely disseminated
and read.
To-day Is the birth-day of the Prince Imperial,;
when be completed his thirteenth year. Ho celo ■
brates tho event hlmsolf by entertaining alargo;
party of young friends at the Tulleries, to whom:
ho will propose the health of tho Emperor in n :
“neat speech,” and'by whom his own will be!
drank lq return. His joiithfal Highness now:
rides oat on horseback, attended
only by his aid-de-camp; instead of being driven
in bis carriage enrrounded by guards, as was the
caeo when he was an “Infant of France!” Us
goes alone to the play,too, with some of bis com
panions. In honor of the event of to-day, there
is a large promotion in the Legion of Honor, es
pecially among the ‘‘officers of the Prince's houBC.
Lold;”.and in the army, which is never over
or k(d or neglected, somesoo non-commissloned
offleers and soldiers receive medals and pensions.
This morning the tops of our houses are white
with mow, as in mid-winler, and the tempera
ture Is quite severe. But the change is regarded
as favorablo to the crops and vegetation, which
were too far advanced for the season, and re
qa.red a check.
letter raon Washington.
Settlement ot tire Vexed Question of
tire I enure-or.tHtlce i.o.w-All Proa.
pects of a ftupiure Between tbo
President and tongreis Happily at
an Bud—flie lie-venae Appointments
for Hie First District-Pressure Upon
Plilladelpiiia Congressmen for Ap
pointments in tile Custom House-
Letters by the Busbel Itecelved, bat
not Answered—Wito Would be aCon
gressman? *c., &c.
tCoTTecpondenccof the Phils. Eveninc Bulletin 1
Washington, March 31 The long and weary
struggle is over, and the Tenure-of-Offlco bill is
virtually a thing of the past. Both Houses this
afternoon,with extraordinary nnanimlty.odopted,
the report of the Committee‘of-'Conference, and
tbe bill, as amended, now only awaits thesigaa
iure of the President to become a law. The
great concession required from the Senate upon
iLe basis of agreement, it was thought, would
• idle opposition in tbat body, but the over
whelming majority by which it passed the House
. itarly showed the Senators that they could have
•.o sympathy from the country in further pro
■onglng the contest, so they yielded gracefully,
indeed, everybody is sick and 'tired of the con
,cst, and there is a great feeling of relief in the
public mind tbat it is now permanently settled,
'<nd ail apprehensions of a disagreement between
ite President and Congress upon this vexed
question are now happily dissipated. The bill os
passed is acceptable to the President, and in a
day or two we may expect a “flood'! oi now
.ppointments to be sent to the Benate, and thus
put ibe thousands of office-banters out of their
misery, who have been for nearly a month
post living here npon the tenter-hooks of sus
pense. They will soon know their fate now,
and it will be a great relief, for there are on an
average ten men “up" for every office to be
filled, and ob soon as their cases are decided the
disappointed ones can go about their business.
It is conceded on all bands that John B. Ken
d< y. Esq., will be nominated for Assessor of the
First District, though his name has not been sent
10 (be Senate yet. His was an exceptional case,
and his appointment will be madextt the special
11 qut st of Secretary Boric, between whom and
Mr. Kenney there is a warm personal intimacy.
For the Ooileclorsblp of this district there has
been a lively contest. Senators Cameron and
ecolt yesterday recommended to Commissioner
Delano for nomination to this position the name
oi William Barnes, of the firm of Sower, Barnes
& Potts, booksellers and stationers on Market
street. Mr. Barnes filed no application for the
i lace, and the only paper on record- -was tho
it commendation of liu: Senators,which endorsed
aim very warmly. It is said toiday
that Attorney-General Hoar has decided
tbat the law of 1789, which prevented Mr.
A T. Stewart from accepting the Secretaryship
of Treasury, also covers all petsons engaged in
manufacturing or commercial business, and that
none such are eligible for appointment as officers
of the Treasury Department, unless they give up
ihtlr business in good faith. This ruling was
held to apply to the case of George A. Halsey,
Esq., of new Jersey, who was spoken of for
Register of tbo Treasury. Mr.H. is engaged in the
manufacture of leather, and this is a bar to his
accepting the Regislerehip,unless he relinquishes
bis business, which be does not feel inclined
to do, to accept n precarious and uncertain
public office with a salary of only $3,000 per
annum. Whether this law will apply to Sir.
barnes has not been decided, as he has not been
nominated yet, bnt some parties cod tend that it
does, and that if be should be appointed and ac
re pi the office, he would be required to give up
bis present business. This is one of the Demo
• rniic districts in yonr State, whit*, by the
ruling of the caucus,were turned over to the two
tbnatore, who have made their choice for toe
collector, but allowed Mr.,lforie to name the As
collector or the port.
it was understood at the Treasury Department
(o-day that Collector Henry D. Moore would
quality to morrow, and enter on his duties itn
u.t-diaiely. There has been some delay in the
matter, owing to there being an Executive
clerk in the Senate who is new to his duties, and
perhaps Ihe official notification of Mr. Moore's
confirmation by the Senate was not forwarded as
promptly os has been the practice heretofore In
such cases. Tbe notice came to-day, and every
■ hing will bo arranged without iurther delay.
The pressure for appointments in the Phtladel
i.hia Cußiom House Is tremendous and utterly
iuiprecedentid. One member from your city re
ceived sevtnty-fire litters in one day, this weekend
.-ixty three the day following, all asking for re
commendations to the new Collector for ap
pointments. It is of course utterly impossible
10 iiriitftr these letters, and the majority of them
cannot even be rend for want of time. This
same Congressman kept two clerks busy openiDg
und “briefing" the letters, endorsing the name of
the writer on the back, with two or three words
-howlDg what was asked for by the
writer; bm after being engaged on tbis
duty till late in tbe night, it was found im
possible to get through more than one-half
ihe pile, which keeps increasing from day to day,
without any prospect of immediate cessation or
slacking off. Office-seekers, therefore, can see
that they have very little chance of getting an
endorsement from any of the Republican Con
gressmen from your city, and some, despairing
ol being "put through” in this way, comedown
and importune the 'Congressmen in person, till
nearly each member has from 00 to 100 calls daily
to leave hla seat in the House and come ont “just
a moment" to see one of bis constltnents. If he
ventures ont he Is seised and taken possession of
by the hungry crowd, and ho is lucky if be gets
buck to his Eeat in half an hour.
Then, too, he is called upon daily by scores of
peoplo who want “a few lines” to Secretary
Bontwell to “ keep my dear son ” or “mv sister,
nnnt, conßin, or grandmother ” in the Treasury
Dipartment, or "see" the Secretary to have
somebody turned out to put “ a friend ” in. Who
would be a Congressman ? Jast now their pa
tience is sorely tried, and thbir memory, too, for
many caU upon them for favors whom they don’t
know by name, and the "worthy patriot" is com
pelled to introduce himself, and tell the Congress
man all abounds “claims,” tlll tke noddle of the
Congressman is so befogged that he somotlmes
can’t tell bis best friend.
Galnsha A. Grow. Esq., ia hero, attentively ob
serving events. He dosen’t want any ofhoe.
lie "old singers,” who have campaigned here
for three weeks past, announce their intention of
holding on till "the last horn blows,” which thoy
think will pipe its last note about the end of nest
week. The Senators and members aresobe-
ECt that-one of them declared that if they
stay here a month longer, and go through the
same "course" they have for the last three
months; one-half of them will bo candidates for
the lnnalic asylnrn. Consequently both Hoasoa
are anxious to adjourn, and go homo as boob a®
possible'. SUBQHKIIANSA. 1
Naturalization Question in England
A Law to Recognize. British Aliens
Nominations by the President
Affairs In and Ont of Congress
London, April I.— The Royal Commission ap
pointed to Inquire into the laws of naturuUza
t’on have made a report. They recommenu the
enactment of a law. recognizing naturalisation
abroad as alienating British subjects trpm their
allegiance to England, and propuso the entire
aboullon of tbe disabilities of aliens to hold
landed property.
Advices from Cape Town received to-day state
that: a tract of country in Southern Africa five
hundred miles long, and from fifteen to one hun
dred and fifty miles broad, bad been burned over,
occasioning great destruction of property. Many
natives perished In tbe flames.
Fbankfoed, April L—United States Five 1
twenties, 89%.
Haveb, April L—Cotton unchanged fov both
on tbe epot and afloat.
Aarwrar, April I.—Petroleum dull at 33%f.@
sif. \
Southampton, April 1 Arrived—steamships
Bavaria, from New Orleans, and Havana, on the
way to Hamburg. -
Washington, April I.—The President sent in
the names of a large number of Postmasters to
day, none of them, however, for important
offices. Also the name of John Allison, of Penn
sylvania, for Register of the Treasury.
'it is said with great confidence, this afternoon,
by persons who are in a position to know, that
President Grant is dissatisfied with the amend
ment of the Tciture-01-Office bill agreed to yes
terday, and that he will return it to Congress
with his objection.
The Committee on Banking and the Currency
met this morning, and considered the Senate
oill for the redistribution of the currency. They
slightly amended the first section, but not ma
terially, the sense being still the same.
A resolution was passed requesting the attend
ance of the Comptroller of the Currency at
another meeting of the Committee to be held to
morrow)) morning, and also requesting him to
make an estimate exhibiting (be work of the
4th or redistributing section of the bill, showing
what States will lose currency and what
amount, and also what States will receive the
surplus taken away lrum those having on excess.
[CorresponUence of tho Associated Press. J
Washington, April 1.
The Speaker of the Honse and Vico President
bave severally signed the amended Tenure-of-
OSce act, and it will be laid before General Grant
Ex-Governor Hamilton made a speech before
the Reconstruction Committee this morning iu
favor of the reconstruction of Texas nnder the
•onstitntion adopted by the late convention.
Mr. Varnall, of Texas, argned against the consti
tution and in opposition to a division of the
Lieutenant-Governor Dnnn (colored) was
on tbe floor of the Senate and Honse to-day, and
was introduced to a large number of tho Repub
lican members.
The public debt statement jnst Isßuedjdlffore
from tbut of last monlb, In containing lull details
uf tbe consolidated items heretofore shown. The
decrease bus been about, $2,500,000, which would
bavo been greater had tho statement been post
poned until tbc stb or 6tb inst.,whcn it would in
clude all tbe receipts of the last month,somo of
which have not yet been returned to the Depart
Tbe present statement shows os follows :
Aggregate debt bearing coin in
terest 62,107,890,050
Aggregate debt bearing interest in
lawiul money 08,005,000
Aggregate debt matured, not pre
sented 6,003,103
bearing no interest, 414.413,485
l olul debt, principal outstanding.. 2,596,898.538
Interest accrued 89.303.916
■Join In Treasury 82,630,866
Coin represented by gold certifi
cates,.., *21.672,500
Currency in Treasury 6,802,628
Debt less cash In Treasury 2,525,196,461
final amount of bonds issued to
Pacific Railroad Company 56,852.320
Tbe amount of interest which has accrued
prior to Jan. Ist and 16th, 1869, Is $3,300,000, and
of this amount tile Government has realized from
irnnsportaljon, etc , $1,317,352, leaving n balance
due the United States of $2,728,9*0.
Tho House Committee on Pacific Railroads
held tbelr second meeting to-day, to investigate
tbe charges relating to tho issue of Government
bonds to the Central Pacific Railroad Company.
Mi errs. Cushing, Chandler and Oakes Ames rop
rt bid I til the Union Pacific Company,and Mcssra.
L. E. Chittenden and C. P. Huntington were pres
ent on the part of the Ccntrul Pacific Railroad.
.After the reception of the papors required from
the Interior Department and a portion of thoßO
from the Treasury, the committee heard an ar
gument by Mr. Chittendon and adjonrned until
io-morrow morning.
New York, April 1 Jndge Sutherland this
morning granted a stay of proceedings in the
case of John Real. Ho says: "I cannot say that
tbis question Is so flee from donbt that it is not
reasonable that the prisoner should have an op
portunity of presenting it to tho general term for
secislon. Again, oonßiderlng the evidence of the
witness Real, on bis direct examination, which
tended to show, if credited, that there was a
ellnch and a struggle between the ■ prisoner and
the deceased before any shot was tired,':or any
report iof a pistol hoard, I cannot say
that the Cohn was so clearly right In overruling
the offer of the prisoner’s counsel, who show that
the deceased had on several occasions prior to
tbe killing beaten and braised the prisoner.to the
peril of his Ufc,’and had khado threats ot vloloneo
against him, and that these threats had come-, to
tho knowledge of the prisoner, that-it ;Ts unrea
sonable that the prisoner should hava the oppor
tunity of presenting, also, tho question as to tho
ndmisslblUty of* fills evldoneo, for the deci
sion of tho general torm-. Without adverting
to, the, other;; grounds„ ,91;
4:00 O’OlooJi.
By tbe Atlantic cable*
From Washington.
[Special Despatch to theFhila. Evening Bulletin.l
The case or John Boat.
[Special Despatch to the Philo. Evening Bulletin. 1
error urged by ’ the prisoners counsel,
I think it is my duty nnder tbe circumstances to
ollow the writ of error, and direct that the same
shall operate as a stay of proceedings until the
opinion of judgment of tbe general term can be
bad upon the case. I need not say that I have
not come to tbis conclusion without a moat care
ful examination of the bill of exceptions and ot
ihe questions presented by it; but, perhaps, I
should say that this conclusion has not been ar
rived at without consultation with the learned
Judges who so kindly sat with me when the ap
plication was argued.”
Tbe Safe Blowers In Trouble.^,
CBpecisl Despatch to tbe Phllada. Evening Bulletin. I
New York, April I.—ln the case of Fisk, Jr.,
against the Union Pacific Railroad Company,
Mr. Wm. M. Tweed, the Reoeiver appointed by
the Court, reported this morning that he had, as
yet, been unable to open the safe, but that it
could he safely dono In about twelve hours. .
Tbe Court thereupon ordered a further adjourn
ment until Saturday next, at 11 o'clock A. M.
Id the meantime suit bos been commenced lu the
United States Courts by the Company against
Mr. Fisk as a trespasser, and a capias issued,
damogcß being laid at one million dollars-
Sailing of Steamers With Specie.
[Special Dematch to the Philada. Evening Baliettn.l
New York, April I.—Sailed—Steamers Eagle,
for Havana, with $168,000, and Union, for
Bremen, with $47,000 In specie.
forty- first Coiigroa*—F irqt Session* ;
[Hous*—Continued from the Fourth Edition.}
He trusted the House would not postpone
action on this matter, but that it would act
promptly, decidedly and unmistakably, but in a
spirit of wisdom and forbearance. He wished no
injustice, no craelly, nothing bnt the protection
of the Union people of Mississippi.
Mr. Wbittemore addressed the Honse In oppo
sition to postponement, in opposition to the sub
stitute offered by Mr. Farnsworth, and in favor
of the bill.
Tbe New York noney tnarkat.
[Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. 1
New Yoke, April L—ln the money market there la no
relief from the stringency of the last throe days. Bor
rowers on governments are paying very generally 135 to
1.16 th ptr cent, commission m addition to the legal rates.
On stocks H per cent. ts paid on a lares proportion of
loans, while In soma eases 54 per cent is demtndsd. as
usnal of late In perloda ot stringency. A special market
tor loans baa been extemporized on tho street, where all
torts of means are resorted to for getting np tbe rate of
interest. Tbe banka look on calmly, being tn a conserva
tive thoneh poor condiUoir.and regard the stringency aa a
Street affair, not likely to prove permanent or serlona.
I he sooreo of exchange at other points, however. Is an
unfavorable feature. At New Orleans Now York
exchange has deelincd to Ji&H premium, at watch
figure currency will cease to now here from.-, that point;
and at Cincinnati also, the rates are easier. While some
ol the banks nre sending moderate amounts to Chicago.
The amount of currency sent.to Philadelphia within the
last few days is probably between $3,000.1)00 and 84,000.-
CGU. Some question is entertained among tbe bank offi
cers is to this Philadelphia movement being legiti
mate. and some predict that tho whole amount
lent wtU be returned within a few days. Discounting
operations are almost suspended, pending tbe extreme ’
■ chivlty tn csll tosns. The rates for prime paper remain
comically M(313 per cent Government bonds remain re
markably steady considering the conditions at present
affecting the market adversely.- The advance of I percent
in the Bank of England rate of discount earned a decline
of .q In consotß. Tbs continued low rates for bond bills
■nd the fact that holders are having to pay
1-16 to 383 per cent for having -their
bonds carried—these combined difficulties have not had
the effect of bripping any Important lota of bonds upon
tbe market, although large amounts ere neld with a view
to ultimate exportation. The stock market is less active,
but continues to show a comparative independence of the
course of money prises. being generally steady, and in
some caeca higher, it is even found practicable to start
an upward speculation in Quicksilver. The chief
activity is In NeW York Central. North
western and St Paul stocks. A largo
amount of current business oonslsts of turning operations.
Rock Island has been weak. Gold has been firmer, in
sympathy with the reported advance of 1 per cent, on the
bank of England rate of disoonnt, tho price having,
ranged *t MIKStSl**. Doubt ts felt in some quarters sa
to the fact ol t&e advance, especially air Consols are only
H lower, and this misgiving may account for the gold
premium having responded so BUghtly. Tho loaning rate
for gold has been I@7 per cent, for carrying.
New- York, April I.—Censiderabie excitement
has existed In certain circles during the past two
or three days, growing ont of a difficulty that
occurred between Messrs. Carrier and Gabel, of
the French Theatre company. It appears from
the reports that on Saturday a dispute orene be
tween these actors at a rehearsal, as to their
relative positions on tho stage during the delivery
of o certain speech in I.a Vie Parisienne, the
quarrel resulting in a fight. 'The combatants
were separated, and the friends of each thought
no mare of the matter at the lime.
On Sunday, however, challenges were sent bv
each of the principals to fight a duel on the fol
lowing morning, end seconds were selected. It
is alleged that one of tbe principals was desirous
of fighting with swords, but the other, who was
not an adept with the weapon, objected, nnd in
sisted upon using pistols. Anotbor ‘ ‘hitch”
also subsequently occurred in regard
to the selection of a ground—one having
been in favor of Canada and the other naming
Hoboken as the sceno of the encounter. During
the arrangement of the preliminaries information
of the projected duel was conveyed to the police,
when, it is asserted, one of tho principals refused
to fight, and the whole affair ended in a bloodless
war of words. In consequence of the trouble it
it) reported that Monsieur Gabel has withdrawn
from the French Theatre Company.
Mr. Grinned foimallv received possession of
the Custom House yesterday from tho hands of
Collector Smythe. He stated to the deputies
i bat he would make eo changes at present.
The Spiritualists, at Cooper Institute lost even
ing, celebrated the twenty-first anniversary of tho
fitst spirit Tappings heard by the Fox Sisters.
A ball took plate at tho Union Loaeue Olnb
Inst night, in commemoration of the entrance of
ihe organization into its present building. The
company were spaied from speeches by “leading
members,” and dancing continued far into the
morning hears.
One hundred homeless children were sent to
the West by the Children’s Aid Society yesterday.
A special donation of $1,500 was received for the
From the Ist of January to the 31st of March,
21,544 emigrants were landed at this port.
Our readers have observed that we rarely
praise patent medicines, and that we advertise
only the very best of them. But now, the re
markable recovery of Mrs. Rico, of Oanastota,
ftom her distressing and almost helpless scrofu
iouedisease. which is known throughout the com
munity, and unquestionably the effect of Ayer’s
Sarsaparilla, leads ns to publish without reserve
■be remarkable efficacy of this medicine. Wo do
ibis in tho interest of the afflicted. Any remedy
which can effectually “raise one from tho dead,’.’
should be universally known; and,we wish it may
be universally as successful as it has been in the
case of Mis. Rico. —Daily Journal, Syracuse.
—Lucille Western is iu Salt Lake
—Mrs. D. P. Bowers is playing In Baltimore.
—Charlotte Thompson Is playing an engage
ment in Pittsburgh.
—Mrs. Scott-Blddons is playing Shakespeare
m New Orleans.
—The electric eel is surpassed by an electric
baby in Franco. ■
—Fisk's engagement of M’lle Nilsson is for six
months from October, 15,1870.
’ —Miss Van Zandt has been singing with Titiens
at Liverpool. .
- —Cespedes is 45,.and Bulce thinks that is quite
old enough for him. '•
t —Jenny Llndto daughter, aged twolvo, promises
to bavo a floe mneieal career.
Minnie Hauck, to studying hard for a re
appearance. V , , . .
-A enmeof poker, $10,000;anto, lasted threo
days at White Pino. t ' : . • ,
-Retrenehment-Johnßright hasmaao con
eldehable reduction in the brim of hlshat since
die has been In office.—. »'«..***
f i _;A habv advertised for adoption In London
rwaswantS by 870 applicanta. nll of whom seat
(monc-yas apledgeofgood faith.
F. L. FETHERSTON. PaWisieir*
Salnsvo in a Precarlonn PoiltlAii«-IXla >
Mwy mpaid-lletatla ot tue Bl*rin
tion—Tbe itlockadc—JetUou»y of iBB
Havaha, March 26, 1869.—Th0 Prussian '
corvette Vtelojla, Commander Klnderllng.froctt '
Port an Prince on the 18th, arrived here on thO!
25th. Charles F. Float, late Paymaster of tha>
Hoytlen Navy, comes as a puseougor on her,.
ana leaves for New York to-day on the Mora ’
Castle. , •. ■ ...
Salnave is rc-presontdd to be In a precarious
His navy, which is mostly manned hy '
fcTfcigners. has not been paid for the months of 3-
January, February and March, and the mar- .
m nrs are threatening. Tho coffeo crop i 3 nearly '
all In, and gold stands at $270 for one' Spinlair*
dollar. At Port an Prince fnll three-fourths of
the inhabitants are in sympathy with Ihe Cacos.
The revolntionlsis are strong in St: Marc. Sal-:
navels blockading Aux Cayea with the Alar. >
Petion and nothing can get in. •
The Monitor states that all nations are prlvt- .
leged to trade with all the ports of Sayti, as wall.:
nB the French, though the latter have a special' 1 -
treaty in reference thereto. This is regarded'Ski
an admission that the blockade is Ineffective, and
that all vessels seized are to be ultimately re-:
Much antagonism and jealousy exist among
those occupying prominent positions. Tho blacks
are jealodß of so many whites in the efcrviceof-
Salnave, and particularly of Nichols, tho Admirals
Assassinations of whites are feared. .
Murder in Soriiorsei County, Mil.
(From tho Princess Anno Herald of Tuesday.J ’
On yesterday afternoon, about 2 o’clock, Pt-y
M., George Conner, with several other persons,
was standing on Kingston Station platform*:
when Bichard Bandick approached and made Uto
assertion that‘‘Ho could whip any-—in the
crowd.” Conner replied: “Perhaps not.” , Ban-, ,
dick instantly kicked him, which caused him for
stagger backward,' and cat his thumb witk
a penknife with which he was whittling;
at the time Bnndlck approached. ' Bandick them
drew a bowie-knife and stabbed him in the breast, ;
killing him almost instantly. Bandick;
left the scene of blood and proceeded:,
some hundred yards or more, when he was, or-,
rested by Mr. Jeptha Hayman and others, and;
taken before Justice Henry T. Tall, who, upon l
tho circumstances and evidence elicited, coni- :
mitted him to jail. Mr. Jeptha Hayman arrived:
here with the murderer in charge about 6 o’clock-,
yesterday evening. ■ .v ;
—Max Maretzek began his brief season of Italian.
opera at the Academy of Mnslc last evening, with Bon-'
nizetli’s JSelieario. We believe that this opera hast
never been given before in Philadelphia, and not mope'
than once or twice in America. It Is oae.of tho beak,
of Donnizetti’s compositions, and it is strongly im
pressed with the peculiarities of his style. It is rials
in beautifnl melodies, some of them of exquisite ten-;
derness. and others of a bold and striking character.,
All of the music has the freedom and dash which be-;'
long to (he composer, and he has displayed, cveh te k<
greater extent than usual, Ida dramatic power. , The
music is fitted with masterly skill to the ever-changing,
sentiment of the story; and whether there ia p Jtnos, -
joy. angoisb, or exaltation, the notes give full and elo
quent expression to the emotion: It 13 a pity that thie
very delightful opera is not given oftener upon oar
stage. It is worthy as high a place as some others of-
Donnizelti's works, and of.much greater popularity •
than many ot the compositions of other authors,
which are repeated by every company that visits the
It is a pity, too, that upon the occasion of Its first:
representation U should not have boen better song,.
Madame Stales did not excite any enthusiasm what
ever in the part of “Antonina.” She Bang the music
with precision and with much vigor, bat sho has very
little dramatic force, and her voice is remarkable more
for volume than for good quality. Miss McCulloch
was infinitely more pleasing as “Irena.” Her voice is
light, but it is flexible and sweet; and the young lady
sang last evening with mnch more feeling than is:
usual with her. In the dno in the second act with
••Bellsario” her performance was worthy Of warm
praise; while the preceding aria, a most pathetic and
Beautiful melody, was given so delightfully that it per
ceived the first encore of the evening. Slg. Orlan-'
dint rave a creditable performance of “Bellsario,” and
nothing more, lie plays and sings intelligently, but
he lacks that pecnli ir force which excites and interests
an audience. Benor Boetti has mnch more of It,
and be displayed it to good advantage In the part of
“Alamlro." Signor Orlandlni, however, deserves
praise for his execution.and for the genuine feeling dis
played in his acting in the dno with “Ircno” in the,
second act. Ho sang very well also in the beautiful
duo in the first act, wita “Alamlro." "
The chorus was large and very efficient. Tho mem
bers, together with the leading artists, were dressed
elcgantlv, and as correctly as was necessary. _Theor
chestration was altogether nDwurthy of the delicious
music. The players sometimes were too loud, some
times too slow, and very ofion out of time. This is
wholly inexcusable, and ought not to occur uga-n.
This evening Ernani will be given. To-morrow As
/‘rephete with La Grange as “Fides.”
-At the Theatre Comlqno, this evening, Mr.and
Mrs. Mndison Obrey will give one of their charming,
Liumorcne ond musical entertainment's* Mr* .Obrovv
will play upon some very Bingnlar instruments.of
wLich he tfl the proprietor, and as he performs Skiil
fnlly, wo can promise who wish to attond&nex*
tremtly iniereetini: entertainment.- Mr. and Mrs*
Obrey are likewise very exeell*nt delleiitorsof
ter. ondibor eflforta in this direction ulways evolKi'
beariy applause.
Mr. Carl Oaertner will give his last classical
mirs.t of the season, at Mrmical Fund Hail, on Friday
nighu ■
-At Assembly Bnildlngs, to-night, Merchants’ Tour
of Ireland will be exhibited.
- \t Mm Iral Fund Hull, to-night, n testimonial con
cert will be given to Mr. William Stoll, Jr., the young
violinisi, wlih whose attainments most of our citizens
,ir ucqnniiiied. The list ufurtista who will appear
makes the success ol the entertainment certain.
_ For this evening, at the American Theatre,* varied
entertainment is announced.
—The Fir Id v/ the Cloth of Gold oontlnnes to draw
large audiences at the Chestnut. It lias been recon
structed and improved by a number of new scenes and
some very clever local hits.
—Mr. A. Kverly will have a benefit at the Arch
Street Tncatro on Saturday evening next, when Ins
will produce ■ Strathmore, a play of intense dramatic
interest, and a hnmorooa drama entitled Helping
Hand*, or Lore and lluaic, Mr. Isvcriy is an excel
lent and deservedly popular actor, and he ought to
harvest mnch cash upon the evening of his benefit.
—Mrs. Thayer will have u benefit at the Atch Stroct
Theatre inis evening, in three first-rate dramas, Romeo
and Juliet, Domeetie Jlcouom’i, and Jteertibodu*
l'i tend. In the last pieco Mr. Craig will appear as the
valiant “Major‘Wellington De Boots." Wo again re
eoitinend the beneficiary to the kind consideration ol
tho public. She deserves to have tbo largest audience
olthe season. , '
-Mr. Felix. Rogers, the comedian of J whose fin?
lioweta wo spoke yesterday, "■ill ui , pesr with M(
Lizzie and Jennie Willmore, at the Walnut, to-night,
ia aftYiam** Crime and tbo hurleaiiuo Ixwiu , ,
»t tho hccoud concert of tbo '*Wast PbilrtdelphiH
Choral Society” at Morton Ball, West Philadelphia,on
Tuesday evening, the especial attractions of the PK£
»rpfltnnin were Ferdinand Klee* Caniato oi lue
“Mmn'Dir " imd Andrew Romberg's musical setting
nf Ochliler's “Pong of the Bell." Both works were alls
uin oe fonned by this young Society, the accomc
rairumv ueriorm b - a ve rv resnoctsblo delegw-
Mnn Of mlr rSls of the ■■Germa'nia," under the leid
of* Mr Dietrich, lint recently organized, the Choral
soclav evidently possesses In abundance the elements
that u« essential t<> success; amt able
rent ion little Is hazarded In predicting forit, abroad
rnrtire The conductor, Mr. Pearson, one of our most
accomplished amateurs, has manifested at the sbVejta
performances of the Society, cpnsWeraUla tltaega.fpr
nis nosltion. Evidently cntWiaatic In the interest of
the Seat music, and having no personatnrabltUhendS
to serve ho labors Con A more ill tile dischargaYifliia
arduous dalles in developing the capabilities of his
f °—Beethoven's rastoyaj Symphopyis opabftbe.wpu
dors of musical art, and as tile opportunity to’ enjoy it
occurs so rarely, we are sure that there Will be a targe
attendance In Musical Fund Hall on Satmdav. to bcif
Carl Scntz load his augmented orchestra through it*
Intricacies. ‘ Programmes wlth'a Ihll description of tbo
Symphony, can be loand at thb music stores. •
:: -i/TheKlDKofPraßsiahas sent [ tbacraicaof
Kiog-Tbeofl.ore./bf AbyesiDla, which, wa» bbap
a at thb dabtufe of Mogaala froai acommon soldier
by &TFraa&Uftt afflccty tutJtogUndf wWw
Jwrt &uWod, , r
x • "-ri *'• !'• i'J ' : •' i : t ' ''' ■> ;V• j
* * v ' - " ■ ’ ‘ •'
'id ’ -1>