Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 31, 1869, Image 1

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tles.&c. New stylas. 907 Che AS MON stnut street. CO..
A i ci• c • A e • e :74 • to • :#:
Seared sad t manner, LOUIS DROLL, Sta•
tleasar and Enamor. 1083 Chestnut street. teb 20,-U
SLAUGUTER--BOYT.--At C4ernmnitown, March
50th, 1869, by the Rev. A. B. Atkin!, Francis W.
Slaughter, of St. Louie, Mo., to Anna 8., only &snip
ter of P. A. Hoyt.
I) i Di t$
CASTOR: —On the 29th inst., Eliza Castor.
The relatives and friends of the family aro resnect
111lly Invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi
dence. Tacony Farm, River road, above Frankfurd
Areeral, en Thursday afternoon, at 9 o'clock. •
COLLIER.—On Tuesday evening, at his residence,
No. 1936 Arch street, Daniel L. Collier, Req., in the
74th year of his age.
Due notice will be given of the funeral, _ •
COOPER.—At Camden, on the 31st of March. ..Mary
Cooper, relict of the late Richard 24.- Cooper. In the
98d year of her age, ••
DONNALDSOIi. - On the 29th instant, Mra. Mary C.
DonnaidAtm, relict of the late Capt. E. M. Donaldson.
Funeral from her late residence, 1228 ipruco street,
on Thursday, Ap' II Ist. To start at 11 o'clock A. M. •
DYER.—At Covington, Tlotra county, Pa.. on March
20th' 1869, 'Edwin. only son of Hon. Edwin Dyer.. •
FRRNAYE.—On the 29111 inst., Mrs. nettle It..
widow of the late Peter Frenaye, aged 70 years.
The relatives and friends are Invited to attend her
funeral, frem the residence of her daughter-ln.law, on
Thursday. at 10 o'clock A. DL, No. 218 Federal street.
Camden, N. J.
WYLIE.—On the 11th inst.; at Poughkeepsie, N. Y..
Mra, Mary
,Wylle, daughter of the late Captain T Dos.
Arnold. long and favorably known as one o the best
of the Rest India Captains (Canton) out off
this port.
Rest in peace. 1t
irmerr Ctrr. March le. 166.
Notice Ia hereby given that the Annual Election ;slit be
hold at the office of the Company, In Jersey
14,:iT ? for the choice of fire DI cetera In the place of
Class ho. 4. whose term o. office will then expae; and of
one Director of Clara No. a to WI a vacancy.
The ?oil will be open from I o'clock until 2 o'clock.
P. M.
1 he Stock Trawler BOOILIP will be amen from thil date
until April sth. incluaire.
Open dolly at 11 A. L. for treatment of diseases of the
HENRY DAVIS, 253 North Third str.et
G. NEWLIN PIELIGE. 501 North Seventh street.
ROBERT COANE IEI7 Girard ay. nue.
Dr. Thos. Geo. Morten. 1421 Ceeetnut street. 162 w e zat
Il br receutly improved 13fmtralizes the injurious ef
f•eta of 133.117 of the Writing Elul& and Inke on the
liti , es of Paper.
mbk.4.9t rD L. U. CO.. 61 South Fourth street.
Descriptive Cirenlars free. Apply to Onh3o-10101
A. D. cALDWELL. SUN. 11.2 South Fourth moot.
H O Tui ItokiTE
Aseeciation will be held on TfIUESDAY. April let,
at II o'clock in the HALL B. E. corner of Ninth end Spring
'Garden Meets, second floor. oahlt 8t•
1146- In j es A ll U s E theOlreTtlegya V ilti Ll ai G ur, , s c r l u E T ß sr g elPi.-
second and Mount V e r non streets, T1:11/13SuAs EVEN.
11%0„ April Bth. lt•
ifo t ll l 2*AltllnglaPLTAL, NO S ; 1518 aza t iV e lf i gi
treatment and medicine =bed i i !;litultonaly to the
Bee Steld Page for Additional Annaementa
THURSDAY. Ayril Ist,_at
Valuable prizes will be awardedd for unique and bean.
ttfai eoetumea. All the best Riders in the du will be
Preterit. =tall 214
and Ctrphims. it..ourt, estates of Nathan/. ifinore,
Isabella Coleman. under will of Isaiah Nathan,. de
ceared.-7 homes A; Lionsstuetioneers. On Tueedsy,
Agril2o 1869, at L 2 o'clock. noon. will be sold at public
eale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following do.
or:then propertles,vis.: No. I. frame rough-cast
store No. Callowhill street All Pat two story frame
messuage and lot of ground. situate on the south side of
Callowhill street. east of Second street, No. L 24; contain
ing in front on Callowhill street 20 feet. and extending in
depth 00feet, reserving tberemit for use as a way and
water-course forever for this property and that adjoining
.9 n the welt, a certain alley as the same now exists, being
feet 7 incase in width.and in depth 40 feel, more orlesa
It L a two-story frame rough cut dwelling, with two
story brick back building, occupied as an apothecary
store Subject to a ground rent of
Wattle abeoltite,
No. 2. Three-storY Brick Hotel, known as the "Eleventh
Ward House," No 128 street. Alt that threo
story brick bete', called the "Eleventh Ward Howls"
with back bulldinsa, south side of Callowhili street east
of Second street. No. 128; containing in front on Callow
hill street 20 feet and extending in depth 80 feet; together
with the free use of the silty aforesaid, u a way and
watercourse forever. Subject to a yearly ground rent
of £2.
11," Bala absolute.
M. THOMAS etc BONS, Auctioneers.
In and 11l douth Fourth street.
ml2l nplo 17
rent. beautifully situated, ono tulle north of Wynne
wood Station. Yonna_p tvania railroad. Large lawn.
vegetable garden. 6:c. idouee is well shaded, and con
tains 12 rooms, out-kitchen, Cc. Apply to 223 South Front
erect. mh3l-40
Mercantile Extension.
• The advertisement of Mr. John Wanamaker's
now enterprise on Chestnut street has attracted
much attention and very general comment. It
is hie design, it appears, to open on Monday
next the large Brown-atone Building (formerly
occupttd by Homer, Colladay & Co.) as an estab
lishment for merchant tallorin2; and the sale of
a more tban ordinarily fine class of ready-made
clothing. Men have expressed all kinds of
opinions in. reference to it. Borne have said at
once, "It is a good thing—sure to be a success;"
others have said, "We aopo it may succeed, but
it's a big undertaking for a young man, and be
cause a man can do some things and do them well,
is no proof that he can Jo everything," still others
have already, predieted,eome mournfully and some
joyfully, the utter failure of the whole under
taking. We have frequently been asked our own
opinion in the matter, and we freely answer that
we see no reason why the enterprise should not
be, oven a larger success than the immense busi
ness which Mr. Wenamaker has already built up.
Mr. W. is not the man to fly in the face of the
popular sentiment, and knows fall well the value
of the judgment of other men In matters of busi
ness; but at the same time ho understands well
enough the many influences that may lead even
candid and judieloutimen to look with doubts
upon such An extensive enterprise. And having
for ten years carefully studied the clothing trade
of Philadelphis,.he is supposed to know better
perhaps than any other man in our community
just what is our great want in that direction.
He certainly brings every advantage of capital,
experience,.reputation and efficient assistance to
the outcome; and with one tithe of the energy
and ceaseless . application which have , char
atterized his business career. heretofore, there is
po poselpility of any want, of success on Chestnut
He will, doubtless imp the lople well in
formed through his advertisement and the "
postion" which he- 'opcue h s• now house
vlllllo6'o an' opportunity for personal inspec
tion of thCconcerni and all fair people will at
least suspend their adverse criticisms, while our
citizens at large who have one mite of local
pride; will be glad to.give a push to an enterprise
which; whatever it May do for any ono individ
nal, is sure to be a, credit and help to PhUadel
—Ono of the Monks at the celebrated convent
of Emsiedein, is one hundred and one years old .
go is in the full possession of his mental' facul
ties, and retains the wonderful Memory for which
he always Was noted, go has 'rarely - been - seri• .
ouelY sick:Mad 4000 not feel like dying yet.
[Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Btdietitul
PARIS, Friday, March 19, 1869.—We have bad
news from Spain this morning. The population
of Xeres de la Frontera aro compromising the
reputation which the Spanish people has won for
Mar lately in the eyes of the world by Its pa
tient, quiescent attitude during a species of inter
regnum, and even through the excitement of an
election, when the principle of universal suffrage
came into operation for the first time, after
a long period of despotism. A. people, it
was said, which could so conduct
Itself, under such circumstances, must
be fitter for freedom than was generally supposed,
and not very difficult to govern under one form
or another. I trust they are not now going to
lose the good opinion they have gained. No
doubt Royalist agents of the fallen dynasty are at
work amongst the inflammable populations of
the South, and Andalusia is said to be in a state
of high excitement. The chiefs at headquarters
are much to blame for this. Whlle they are dis
cussing candidates and personal pretensions and
Influences among , themselves, the country
is left without a stable government. The
bane of the Spanish chiefs is their
restless and Insatiable personal ambition and
miserable vanity. They are all afraid of giving
the country a ruler, lest they should at the same
time give themselves a master, and each wishes
to make himself indispensable to the new
Goiernor, whoever he may be. If this
state of things be much longer continued, it
will result in anarchy,and finally end in the usual
European remedy of a return to despotism. Per
haps the events now taking place may open the
< yes of the present rulers to the inevitable
consequences of prolonging their own selfish
contentions, and to the necessity of placingsome
one at the head of the Government who shall be
at med with the authority of the national will. I
wish I could see American influences, taking as
firm hold of Spain as they are doing of this coun
try. But I fear it will be long before "Con
terencee" on the "Life and Death of Abraham
Lincoln" will be impregnating the Spanish masses
with ideas of liberty, duty and patriotism, in the
way I recently described them as doing here.
These Conferences, by the way, are growing
more and more in popular favor, and becoming
quite the rage in Paris. Jules Fevre is announced
o speak at one of them on Sunday next, in the
Hall of the Prince Imperial; and long ago every
seat was disposed of, and twenty franca are
being demanded for the two-franc tickets. The
eovernment has unwittingly opened apath to the
popular leaders which perhaps it little intended.
Comparatively few of the people could hear
Jules Favre's speeches in the Chamber, or read
them in the Official Journal. But it is a very
different thing when such an orator has a chance
of addressing an audience of three or
four thousand of such of his fellow
citizens as ant / willing to pay ten cents to hear
him. By ttgye means the people are becoming
imbued with a train of ideas entirely antagonistic
to the government under which they are living.
The subject chosen by Jul 6 Fevre for his public
speech the day after to-morrow sounds innocent
enough, and "quite unpolitical." It is the "Love
of One's Profession." But M. Jules la an artful
dodger, and I am much mistaken if he does not
manage to inculcate to his hearers a "love" of
something beim asides, and leave them very
much "out of love" with their present thraldom.
1 mentioned recently Mignet's "Life of Frank
lin," as a work which was becoming rapidly
popularized in this country. My old and estima
ble friend , M. Emile de Bonnechose, brother of
the eminent and eloquent Cardinal do Bonne
chose, Archbishop of Rouen, has just kindly sent
me two of his valuable publications, which I
think many American readers will thank me for
making known to them. The first is a "History
of England," in four octavo volumes; a work of
the highest merit, both as regards style and mat
ter, to the composition of which the author has
devoted no fewer than twelve years of his life,
and respecting the centents of which I know
i hat Alacaolay himself said he "had learned much
from them;" and to the style of which the French
Academy set its highest mark etf approbation by
awarding to it the triennial prize of literary
merit. My motive for caili:g attention to it is
two-fold: First, it is written with great purity of
diction, and is therefore an excellent study of the
French language. But more than this: English
"history" is, of course, always interesting to
American readers, being in fact only the begin
fling of their own. But the same cannot
always perhaps be predichted , of English
- historians," whose views, especially in certain
and more recent portions of the narrative, may
not improbably differ widely from those held in
the United States. In this point of view the
value of a good History of England, written by a
foreigner,ia very great; for,says M. de Bonnechose
in his preface, "I reproduee indeed what I have
judged to be most authentic and well-founded in
the English historians; but then I reproduce it
without that alloy which the religious and politi
cal passions of the country have too often mixed
up with it." Herein, then, lies the excel
lence of M. de Bonnechose's History in
the estimation of non-English students,
and a good ground of preference on the
part of America. A few words must suffice for
the other publication of the same author which
I have alluded to. It is a work especially in
tended for the young, and as such is largely used
in the French Lycees, or Public Colleges of the
State, and has recently as I have heard, been in
troduced into the programme of middle class ed
ucation, and into the newly instituted examina
tions for female diplomas in England. It is a
Sacred History, or what the French
term a Precis of iblical, history, present
ing the whole of e • stinted narrative with
a unity and consecutiveness not - to be found in
the original, and thus impressing it thoroughly
upon the mind and memory. It is, in short, an
admirable Bible school-book, by no means in
tender) to supercedo the Sacred volume itself
but a great assistance towards mastering its con
tents. las heartily wish I could see the young
countrymen of M. de Benriechose profit more
extensively by his excellent volume, tis I can r . ,
commend it with confidence to American parents
and teachers. •
One of the most frightful explosions on record
has just taken place here on the premises of the
MM. Fontaine,. manufacturing 'chartists, in the
Place de la Sorbonne. Four individuals in :the
laboratory had been inspecting a quantity of
picrate of potassium, a liquid of tremendous ex.
plosive power, used for torpedoes, and about to
be sent to Toulon. It is not known whether the
'ignition took place by A spark Ot, tram a alight
shock. 'But the effect was awful. The bodies of
the four principal victlids seem to have been
literally shattered to pieces, and wore found
sticking in bits among the neighboring trees and
on the fronts of houses.. A shoe was found at a
great distance, containing three toes; and a hand
with a ring on ,the finger was all the means left
of identifying the eon of one of the proprietors.
The details are harrowing. Some fifteen or
twenty other persons were Injured, but not
killed,by the flying projectiles; and every window
In the square emsehea to-atoms, as well as one of
magnificent painted glass, in the College of the
Terrible Colliery Accident—Supposed
Death of Vbirteen Miners.
English journals of the 18th contain thrilling
accounts of a dreadful colliery accident. From
one of the London papers we extract the follow
mg account of the disaster:
On the morning of the 17th one of the most
senous colliery accidents which ever occurred in
the lit olverhampton district happened at the Earl
of Dudley's No. 29 Pit, Wallows Colliery, Lock's
Inne,Brierly bill. Suddenly,and in the middle of
the night,the water burst into the pit,where there
were ten men, three boys and six horses at work;
and it is believed that every life has been lost.
On Tuesday evening he doomed men and boys
descended the lit to work a night turn. The
No. 27 pit is situated in Lock's lane near
the great water-ptunping.engine—the strong
est 'by far in the district—and within
a few feet of the road; while at its rear is
the trough pumping engine, and the winding en
gine of the pit itself is also in close proximity.
Biuntlyafter one o'clock in the morning the en
gineer of the great water-pumping engine ob
served a great rush of vapor up the pit shaft.
This must have been caused either by an inten
tional setting fire to a quantity of petroleum by
the men as a signal that something was wrong.
or by the rush of water over the lights in the pit
and a huge fire at the bottom used for purposes
f ventilation; but at such an hour it
was easily mistaken for the effect of a fire In the
pit. The engineer at once communicated with
his brother tender at the winding engine, and
. 00th, in company with a banksman and doggy,
proceeded to the pit shaft. Two men coura
geously volunteered to descend and ascertain
what was the matter. The engine was set in mo
.ion and the two men were lowered. Two or three
strokes of the engine brought them into collision
with the water, which was high up the shaft.
They immediately cried out that it was water and
cot tire; but before the engine could bo reversed
they were plunged ten or eleven feet into the
When the men returned to the surface messen
gers were sent out for the Earl of Dudley's agents
in the district, and a very short time saw them
standing round the shaft, discussing what had
test be done. The great water-engine was set to
work at the rate of nine strokes a minute, instead
of five or six ; the trough pumping engine was
sot into gear and at once commenced to work,
and a barrel instead of a skip was attached to the
end of the pit-rope. The whole of these arrange
ments were made at water and the rate of 250 tons
per hour was rabietitrom the pit; but such was
the force of the erement that at twelve o'clock,
noon, the water had only sunk about sixteen
inches down the shaft.
About half past three o'clock Mr. J. P. Baker,
the Inspector of Mines for the district, came to
the mouth of the pit. The sinking of the water
had been carefully registered.
&roebuck on America.
Mr. Roebuck, in a speech at Leeds, alluded to
international affairs in the following terms :
As we find in the Ministry an Inclination to knuckle
down and to prostrate themselves before the Pope in
national matters so we find that in international re
lations they are inclined to bow down and prostrate
themselves before the power of America. We are
delighted to see that great people, but we don't de.
etre to see their feet upon our necks. Depend upon
it that whatever they do, whatever they say, to con
ciliate the people of America, they are determined
pot to be conciliated. and no prostration on our part
will satisly them. They are determined to be donn
cent on toe earth, and, if they can, they will be. The
only chance of our opposing the Americans is to op
pose them now. The time has gone past when we
could have opposed them more easily—l MAD the
time when I proposed it to Lord Palmerston. De.
1-end upon it. If you don't take the present opportn
uity, the time is not tar distant when they will prepare
to place their feet on our necks,and when we mast fol
low in the train of the United States. Now, I was
thought a very dan g erous person when I asked Lord
Palmerston—not bhis hall,but in the old room of the
Cutlers' Company—to acknowledge the Southern
States of America; bat what has occurred only very
recently in Congress? You know that Cuba is just
sow in rebellion against Spain.and at the present mo
ment there is a motion in the Congress of the United
stiles referred to a committee, and proposing to ac
knowledge the Wand of Cuba as a free State.
Surely, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the
gander. If it would have been wrong for us
10 acknowledge the Southern States under the peculiar
circumstances in which they were placed how can it
be right for America to acknowledge the Cuban people
who are not at all equal in social status to the South
n States? But we all know the difference between
what is permitted to a great gentleman and what Is
permitted to a small gentleman. The United States
may do what they like, but poor England. wretched
England, can't be permitted to acknowledge as a tree
State a State that has a legislature, an army, and vic
tory in the field. My political testimony, then, on all
hese points ie, beware of trade unions, beware of
Irishmen, and beware of the United States of
\ merica. These three things include the future of
Elengions Blots in England.
On Friday Light, the 19th, Mr. Murphy, the
,otorions anti-Catholic lecturer, al)pearect at the
tidd Fellows Hall, North Shields, England, with
c intention of delivering a lecture. The hull
crowded in every part. It Is said that 200
limb Roman Catholics, who had come from
Jarrow, armed with bludgeons and iron slags,
attended. These Irishmen attacked the lecturer
and the audience. The seats in the hall were
torn up and used in defence. Several men were
Injured severely. As the police and special con
gables were not able to restore peace the military
were called out and placed under the direction of
the Mayor and the magistrates. Great excite
went prevailed throughout the city.
he “Safe Blowing” Excursion—A,
Good 6 .Blosoling-Up” for the Ile-
It will be recollected that Judge Barnard, of
New York,destring to procure certain documents,
ordered the safe of the Union Pacific Railroad
Company to be bloWn open. The Herald gives
this account of the undertaking :
At half-past twelve o'clock everything was
tranquil in the magnificent black-walnut-far
niehed offices of the Union Pacific Railway Com
pany, in Nassau street. A few gentlemen on
business whisked briskly into and out of the of
fiat,' and the clerks were leaning on closed books
and holding confabs in groups of two or three In
various parts of the room. At the back of
the apartment an ornamentally frosted glass
partition divides a portion of the space from
oho main room, and the floor is covered
with green carpeting. A handsome walnut table,
covered with a white cloth and bearing a number
of dishes containing roast chicken and other
delicacies, was surrounded by several dignified
gentlemen, officials of the company and attor
.nevs, and the clink of silver-rotated forks and
knives would have induced the belief. in a blind
man that he had been ushered into a down town
dining saloon. On a green leather covered lounge
near the door leading from the passageway sat a
deputy sheriff and a "pal," both engaged in a
social "thin," with legs crossed and hands thrust
deep into their pantaloons pockets.
Patently a tall, dapper individual entered the
office with a brisk step, accompanied by a
shorter, .but equally dapper,•yOung man from the
`f3herift's ''arta hard-fisted, smutty-faced
man, With a atonal/8d hat, whose appearance pro.,
claimed hits an artificer in the baser metals. `The
tell gentleman turned to and addresaed the two
'gourmets,: who both assumed at once a very
acute atff official appearance, and the deputy
prcduced from his breeches pocket a small, insig
nificant looking, irregularly shaped piece of
meted,'Which is dignified with the appellation of
a safe key, and handed it to his in
,errogator, William •M. Tweed, Jr.,_ the
Receiver of the Company. Mr. Tweed
walked around the glass enclosure, behind the
desks, followed by the smutty-faced man and the
deputies, to a small recess, the rear otwnich was
blocked by a massive iron door. The 'artificer
took the key and wriggled it in the keyhole. arid
a grand concentration of clerks, idlers and others
instantly took place around the scene of opera
tions. The Buie key "ticked" and "Snipped" in
the lock and as suddenly the clinking of knives
and forks in the ante-room ceased. A tall, gen
tlemanly looking man came at a brisk paee from
the lunch-room, wiping his lips with a napkin,
and, with a mouth full of food, the mastication
of which bad not been fully completed, said in a
erut voice:
"Mr. Tweed, by what authority do you attempt
to open that safe?"
Mr. Tweed replied that he acted under author
ity of the Supreme Court.
-"Then," said Mr. Barlow, "I give you notice
that you are a trespasser here and liable to ar
•es .. I will permit no one to interfere with that
The crowd grew excited and grinned.
Mr. Tweed said he was simply obeying the in
struction of the Supreme Court, and the expert
changed his position and gave the key another
wriggle. •
Mr, Barlow give everybody present notice,
whether they were deputy sheriffs or burglars,
that they were trespassers, and desired , them to
leave under pain of being arrested and field per
sonallyresponsible. t
Mr. 'Tweed intimated mildly that he did not
thinktbere were any burglars present, and
Mr. Barlow replied that he_ did not suppose
there were; but he understood that Judge Bar
nard bad said that the safe was to be opened even
if burglars had to be set to do it.
The bpstanders snickered, and thought there
wee a good joke somewhere.
Mr. Tweed, made a sotto voce remark, and
Mr. Barlow said the Supreme Court hadrio
authority to order the safe to be opened, as there
was no suit pending before that Court in which
such an order could be made.
Mr. Tweed—Since when?
Mr. Barlow—Since its removal into the United
States Court.
The "expert" rattled the key again, and, turn
ing to Mr. Tweed, said, "I can't open that lock
with the key."
A gray bearded gentleman peered over Mr.
Barlow's shoulder, and hesitatingly suggested
that the name of the man who was working at
the lock should be taken.
"The man" - quit "working" instanter.
Mr. Tweed asked him it he couldn't pick the
lock. and the artificer replied, "That lock can't
be picked; it's an 'old Britton' lock. Yon want
. thumbecrews to open it."
. No one present had "thumbscrews," and if
they - had would not have produced them for fear
of having them applied by the determined Mr.
Barlow to their own persons.
Mr. Barlow notified all hands that they were
trespassets and that no more attempts should be
made to .open that safe.
The-"trespassers" began to move shuWingly
towa dra the door and Mr. Tweed remarked that
no atte
mpt would be made, as the workman had
sung 'need that he could not open the door. The
texts/41cm Bagged, and the men dropped one by
one from the office, leaving the premises as tran
quil as they found them and the officials to finish
their lunch.
At one o'clock the various counsel and parties
re-assembled in the court-room, and a good deal
of smirking was observable.
Judge Barnard entered and took his seat, and
Mr. Tweed approached him and handed him a
paper, which document the court signed.
Judge Barnard then announced that as he had
been informed by the receiver that he had been
unable to open the safe with the appliances at his
command, the case would have to stand over.
Meantime a formal order had been drawn direct
ing the receiver to take such means as would
open the safe, as it was believed that it could be
opened without injuring it. No doubt some of
the safemakers could devise a means.
The case was then adjourned until eleven
o'clock to-morrow morning, and counsel, "tres
passers" and all left the court.
Blowing Expedition So.g—The “Blow.
logy , 'lnterrupted by Another Ex
Paine Order.
Mr. Tweed, the receiver, went during the after
noon to the company's office again, and com
menced to open the safe, when hetwas served by
Mr. Clark Bell, attorney for the company, with
an order granted by Judge Roaekrana, staying all
proceedings under the order so made by Judge
Barnard, the company having taken an appeal
from the order made by Mr. Justice Barnard, and
filed security approved by Judge Rosekrans, who
stayed Fisk's proceedings under Judge Barnard's
order until the decision of the appeal to be made
at General Term.
There will doubtless be some interesting devel
opments at eleven o'clock to-day.
The Tribune says: The bedy which was dis
covered on Sunday last floating in the water near
the Elysian Fields, with a knife plunged in the
bean, has at last been identified as that of Frede
rick Wesser, an Austrian nobleman. The face
was recognized last evening by Mr. August
Schmeditz,formerly the proprietor of St. George's
Hotel, at the corner of Third and Hudson streets,
Hoboken. That gentleman, in company with a
reporter, visited the office of the undertaker,
Mr. Parslow, "Where the body has been kept
:ince its discovery, last evening. From the de
scription which Mr. Schmeditz saw In the news
papers, he surmised that the corpse was that of
bib former friqnd, and upon seeing the face he
pot-ltively identified the features as those of Count
Wesser. The recognition of the face and the de
velopment of the facts which were related by Mr.
sehmeditz will without doubt furnish a satisfac
tory clue to the murderer. Wesser came to this
country in 1866 from Austria, where he belonged
to one of the noblest and poorest families of the
country to which ho belonged. He had
led a life of dissipation and recklessness
at home, and came to this country, it is
bald, to escape the consequences of some of his
imprudent acts. When he landed he was penni
less, and being wholly unfitted for physical or
mental labor, be was, during his residence here,
the foot-ball of fortune, and a reckless adven
turer. Ile found a friend in Schmeditz, and was
()tiered a situation by the latter in his hotel. He
accepted the offer, and for nearly a year acted in
the capacl'y of clerk and bartender in St. George's
lintel.. While residing there he became ac
quainted with a German citizen of Hud
son City, and frequently visited at his
house. He is said to have , become
Intimate with the lady, of the hone°, antra desper
ate conflict took place at last between Wesser and
the husband of the lady; but, although the latter
was severely hurt no serious consequence resulted,
other than a deadly enmity between the two men.
The husband and wife soon separated, and Wessor
subsequently married the woman, living with kor
until - Friday morning last. Her residence 'was
not known by Mr. Schmedltz,but he remembered,
fully the circumstances of Wesser's acquaint
ance with her, as they were ,told him by Abe
latter. .The hotel la which Wessel: had bOen,em
uloyed was sold a few weeks ago, and since that'
time ho had been oat of employment. ' On Friday
be was seen in Hoboken, and stated ; % in reply to
'rankles that he ,was-going, to „New, York to
obtain a situation In an expreae, Office: After
that time be was seen no more until 141 , 3'660 was
found in the river, , belOW,ths ic4WPXAu4tkladi.
to the Elysian,
Murder of an Austrian Count.
Tenure-of-Office -"Jaw
Report of the Conference Committee
Nominations by the President
Report of the Conference committee.
[Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening linnetln.l
WASHINGTON, March 31.—The Conference
Committee have agreed on the Tenure-of-Office
bill, and General Butler has reported the action
of the Committee to the House. The House re
cedes from its action whereby it refused to pass
the Senate amendment, and the Senate agrees to
certain modifications of the amendment.
The first and second sections of the original bill
are totally repealed. The first section, of the .
Senate amendment is not changed. The second
section has all that part stricken out which pro
vides that in case the Senate refuse to as
sent to any such suspension, the officer
so suspended shall, at the end of
the next session of Congress, resume the tune-
Lions of the office; and in lien of this the Con
ference report provides that the President then,
and not otherwise, shall nominate, as early as
practicable, some person to fill the office from
which the officer has been suspended.
The third section of the Tenure-of-Office act
is amended so as to permit the President to till
during the recess any offices which may become
vacant from resignation or expiration of the
term of office.
Mr. Bingham explained the conference report
to the House and urged that it be adopted.
Gen. Butler followed,taking the same view,and
said that the Senate amendment was so modified
as to prevent the Senate reinstating an officer
if they did not agree to his suspension, and this
was satisfactory to him.
The debate which followed upon the report
was participated tn . by Messrs. Logan,
Lawrence Allison, Davis and others. Mr.
Niblack (Derr.), of "firdiiina, said he could not
fo.low their old leader, Gen. Butler, any longer,
and must therefore dissolve partnership with
The Democrats had enlisted under his leader
ship on this question, but now he had forsaken
them, and agreed to a hermaphrodite proposition
which possessed neither color or sex, and they
therefore reluctantly withdrew from his firm,
with expressions of grave doubts as to whether
they could ever trust him again.
Mr. Davis said the Conference report was 'not
well understood by the members, and being a
very grave Question, he hoped the subject would
go over until to-morrow, to give members an op
portunity to examine IL
Mr. Butler refused to yield the floor to allow
the motion to be made.
Means. Poland and Logan both considered the
conference report as a virtual repeal.
Mr. Butler called the previous question, which
was seconded, and the report was agreed to by
a vote of les eves to 67 nays, the Democrats all
going against it.
WASHINGTON, March 81.—The following nomi
nations were sent into to-day :
Emil Holchester, to be Consul at Barmen ;
George hioxinn, to be Assessor of Internal Reve
nue for the Sixth District of Kentucky; B. W.
Wagenseller, Assessor for the Fourteenth District
of Pennsylvania ; J. S. Nixon, Collector of Inter
nal Revenue for the Sixth District of Kentucky;
Flank Rollins, Collector of Int. Rev. for the First
District of Maine; Wm. A. Arnold, Receiver of
Public Moneys at Central City, Col.; S. B. Ma
son, Register of the Land Office at Humboldt,
Kansas; C. W. Babcock, to be Sarveyor-Gezter,
for Kansas; Levi S. Blake, Agent Blackfoot In
Verity.' Erst Congress—first Session.
Mr. Sumner asked want the donator from
WAsconsin (Mr. Howe) proposed to do with the
pending Executive bushiess.
(Douse—Continued from the Fourth Editiou.l
Mr. Schenck sold that It was unposstute to
state the amount, but mentioned an accumula
tion of eighty millions of gold in the Treasury,
besides the daily receipts from customs. He had
no doubt that profitable use could be made of a
portion of such gold in the way proposed.
The committee were discharged from the fur
ther consideration of the bill.
Mr. Dawes, from the Committee on Appropria
tions, reported a bill authorizing an appropria
tion of e 5,000, made for the Bangor, Maine,
Custom House, for the next fiscal year, to be ex
pended during the present fiscal year. He ex
plained that the work could be completed next
May, and referred the House to the enthusiastic
assurance given at the last session by the member
fiorn that district (Peters) that no further appro
priation would be asked for that purpose.
The bill was passed.
Mr. Whittemore introduced a joint resolution
Postponing the election in Texas. Referred
to the Committee on Reconstruction.
Mr. Johnson introduced, explained and had
passed by the souse, a bill transferring the
county of Bierra,California, from the Sacramento
Land district to the Maysville Land district, and
the county of Mendocino from the Humboldt
Land district to the San Francisco Land dis
Mr. Julian offered a resolution instructing the
Committee of Ways and Means to inquire into
the expediency of reviving and enforcing the di
rect tax law in the States lately In rebellion.
Mr. Shafer (Idaho) introduced a bill to provide
a library for Idaho Territory. Referred to Com
mittee on Appropriations.
Mr.iWashbarne (Wis.) offered a resolution in
structing the committee on tht3 District of Colum
bia to inquire into the condition of the Washing
ton Aqueduct, and the causes of the inefficient
quantity and bad quality of the water supplied;
also, as to the contract for work and payments
for property taken, Sze.. with power to send for
persons and papers. Adopted.
Mr. Cleveland offered a resolution, reciting the
Purpose of the New York Ameriean Institute to
hold an international exhibition of the industry
of all nations in New York, in 1876, and in
structing the Committee on Manufactures to in
quire as to the propriety of renderiug Govern
ment aid to such an undertaking. Adopted.
Mr. Strickland introduced a bill extending the
time for• the completion of the Portage Lake and
Lake Superior Ship Canal. Referred to the
Committee on Public Lands.
The House then; at one o'clock, proceeded to
thetoneideration of the bill reported from the
Reconstinction Committee, for the organization
of a provisional government in Mississippi.
Mr. Iretrnsworth, a member of the Reconstruc
tion Cominittee, offered a substitute for the' bill,
proposing a submission to the people of MlB-
atestppt of the ,Constitution already framed, with
• separate votes oil some of its objectionable fee
. tures. , aligned against the bill reported from
the committee, which proposes to reassemble the
convention and to authorize it to appoint a Pro.'
.visional Governor with power on his part to fill;
Mt the other State Oflices, That convention, he
,said, was not popular ' With the 'best ayasaes' of
Jr.-a ... .. ..., It
94:00 OPOlook.
From UashingriOn.
13i.N - ATE—Contitiued — frotu the Third Edition
I=ON: DOilisltati
F. L.
Union people in Pdiselasippl, and to revive -it
would be to throw in a fresh apple of
and to prolong instead of to quiet the disorders
reigning there.
kl.r. Ward inquired whether the gentleman had ,
any charge to make against the members ,of Oust
Mr. Farnsworth declined to disease the per- , •-
sonnel of the convention, but remarked that most`
of its members were themselves candidates for
office, and that It was suspected by the Union
men that the whole game t up In the
rarest of those candidates. The p Mon that
those candidates should elect a Provisional GoV-A
ernor who would have the appointment of all the
Suite officers was exceedingly distasteful to tlie r ,
The discussion was interrupted at 2 P. M., when.
Mr. Butler (Mass) rose and made a report front .
the Conference Committee on the Tenure-of-Office
bill. The bill, as proposed to bo adopted, repeal. -
the Ist and 2d sections of the original Tennneof-
Office act of March 2d, 1867. The Ist section of
the Senate amendment is left untouched. The 211
section is amended so as to read as follows :
That during the recess of the Senate, the Presi-;
dent is hereby empowered, In his discretion, to
suspend any civil officer appointed by and with
the consent of the Senate, except Judges of, the.
U. S. Courts. until the end of the next session of
the Senate, and to designate some suitableper--
subject to be removed in hie discretion. by
the designation of another, to perform the duties
of such suspended officer In the meantime, an&
such person so designated shall take the oaths
and give the bonds required by law
to be taken and given by, the
suspended officer and shall, dnring the
timehe performs Ids duties, be entitled to the
salary and emolument of euchpffieer; and it shall
be the duly of the President, within thirty days
after the commencement of , every session of 'the
Senate, except for, any office which, in his opia
ion, ought not to be filled; to nominate persona,
to fill all vacancies in offices which exist • atlthe •
meeting of the Senate, whether temporarily filled
or not, and also in the place of all officers sus
pended, and if the Senate, during such session, in
the place of any suspended officer, then, and not'
otherwise, the President shall nominate'anothei
person, as soon as practicable, to said session a
the Senate for said office.
The Conference report has been agreed to 111,
the House by a vote of 106 to 67, all the Demo
crats, with some of the Republicans a voting
against it.
Eton', Cleveland.
carter, shot himself through the head to-day,
while laboring under temporary insanity. •
Now York Financial iliarket.
[Special Despatch totho Phila. Evening Bulletin.] a
New Yos.e, March 31.—The CommArerial dd
vertUer's report that arrangements have been made for
the shipment from London of $4,000.000 of gold has at lout
a great deal of Improbability about it understand that
one million of small coin has been shipped from London
for one house here In payment for bonds, and
owing to the difficulty of selling bills against
bonds, but this must be regarded as a wholly exceptional
transaction. At the present rates of exchange there
would be a positive loss upon the importations of specie.:
The only period within the last 'even years In
which the condition of the exchange market
admitted of the importation of specie to any
amount was in September. 1866, when the receipts at
tine port amounted to $6193,000; and daring - the period
that this amount was skipped, the cable being then in
0, eration. prime sixty days' brokers sterling ranged
at 101:41001, while upon the rate touching 107 the
shipments ceased. Exchange would have to decline one
per cent. below the present limes before gold could be
imported at a sure prolit. United States bonds chow con
siderable fumnees considering the condition of the
money market. The. foreign bankers are the main imp
port of the market it 19 estimated in well
informed quarters that the foreign houses
now bold on this market, twenty million dol la rs of bonds.
which they are waiting to ship, upon being able to get
better rates for their hills. Thee are paying good interest.
some instanoes one and one sixteenth per cent per day, in
addition to the lawful interest, for having this loan car
ried. Wo suspect that money will not be much easier
until holders have unloaded.
—The London burlesque company now per
forming at the Walnut street theatre, have mat
with great and well deserved success.
—On Thursday evening, at the Arch, Mrs.
Thayer will have a benefit, and she offers a bill
which certainly will fill the house. Everybody's
Friend, Domestic Economy and Romeo and Juliet
will be given. It is hardly necessary to say a
word in Mrs. Thayer's behalf. She has hem
known to this community for many years past
as an actress of extraordinary ability and as a
most estimable woman. The respect and admira
tion felt for her is so great and so general that
her benefits are sure to be realty beneficial, Ito
matter what the special inducement offered at
the time may be.
—At the Theatre Clomique, this evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Madison Obrey will give one of their
charming.humorous and musical entertainments.
Mr. Ourey will play upon some very singular in
strnmente, of which he is the proprietor, and as
he performs skilfully, we can promise those who
w i sh to attend an extremely interesting enter
tanment. Mr. and Mrs. Obrey ore likewise very
excellent delineators of character, and their
efforts in this direction always evoke hearty ap
—Mr. Carl Gaertner will give his last classical
soirée of the season at Musical Fund Hall on
Friday night. The following- very excellent
programme is announced :
Qatntette, op. Is Mendelasoha
By the C/nintette Club.
Soprano Solo,—(The Young Nun,)......
By a Pupil.
Piano Solo,—(Nouvellotton, op. ~sehumann
Pro'. John Illatmelsbach.
. . . _
Andante and Variations.
For two Violins, Viola and Violoncello.
Recitattv and Ar1e... 22 ... —Beethoven
By a Pupil
glintette In B flat' No. 5
By the Quinteite Club,
—The Italian opera season will begin at the
Academy this evening with DOCIIZO ttl's
Belisario. This composition—possessing
much merit, belt g strongly impressed
with the peculiarities of the com
poser's manner—has never been given In this
city, if we recollect rightly. Mad. States and Sig
nori Orlandini and Boetti will appear in the cast
this evening, supported by an Immense chorns
and a first-rate orchestra. To-morrow evening
Martha will be given, and on Friday night Meyer
beer's magnificent Prophet will be brought opt in
superb style, with Mad. Do La Grange in thtf role
of" Fides." The sale of tickets for this coarse of
opera has been very large, but some first-rate
seats can still be secured at Trampler's.
• - - - -
—At the Bentz-Hassler matince,in Musical Fund
Hall, on Saturday, the following programme will
be offered :
Overture—Der Frelecil z Weber
Waltz - ........ —Strauss
Pastoral Byre
Allegro ma run troppo. Andante motto mote. Al
legro. Allegro. Allegretto.
—At Assembly Buildings to-night, Merchants'
Tour of Ireland will ho exhibited.
—At Musical Fund Flail, to-morrow night, a
testimonial concert will be elven to Mr. William
Stoll, Jr., the young violinist, with.whostrattain
menu most of our citizens are acquainted., The
list of artists who will appear makes the enema
of the entertainment certain.
—For this evening, at the American Theatre, is
varied entertainment Is announced. '
—The Field of the Cloth of Gold cOntinnes!..to
draw large audiences at the Chestunt.'",lt..tias
been reconstructed and improved by a number, of
now scenes and some very eleyer local Mtn: ,
—Mr. A. Everly will have a benefit Arch
Street Theatre on Saturday evening; next, when
he will produce Strathmore, ,a, - play:lpt intense
dramatic interest, and, a . hnynerona drama cp
titled,Relping Hands. or, , Love , and Mali&
—Don Carlon has very recently altrand n.oort
tract for 14;000 rifles with largo, Belgian ,atann
farztory, which ttodes imt,littiq good for the ;ran
quilllty of Brain, and it known, wol throw same
obstacles in tit° way,or the new propoood to.vt.