Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 23, 1869, Image 1

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    GIBSOI PEACOCK. Editor.'°
' (lictodayi ezeopted)
607 10bestnut Street, Philadelphia.
FRANCISt ic I r i 8
The Btrzsarrns aerved to fa ben in the city at 18
teeth week. parable totter carrier". of 88 per imam.
ties. On. New styles. MASON & CO..
5u2564 907 Ohestiaat street.
tronart and "bat manner, LOUIS DREMA. Sta
tioner and Engraver. Ira Gbestnnt street. feb 30. t 1
\VAT'S° N—WAITT.— On the 12'h of ,Tannary,l'in:
by the Bev. A. Atwood, Mr. A C. Wateon to Mine
Laura' Willa, both of thin city. .?..„ •
ASCII.—On Monday, 22d inst.. Clara, relict of the
Lie Jo.eph M. Asch, in thelYtth y . ear of net ago.
COPE.—fluddehly, on the morning of the 20th inst.,
Borman QoPo. in 4 he hOth year of his age.
The relativea and friendti of the funny are Invited
to attend his funeral, from his late reeldence, No. I hOT
'Vine street, on Wednesday morning, 24tti. inst., at 10
110 WELL.—This morning, 23d instant, Hannah
Howell, aged 80 years.
Due nom* of the funeral will be r , lven. •
KEEHMLE.--On Sunda", 21st inst., Mary Ann,
wife of Willism C. Keel:nth,.
Her male relatives and Mends are respectfully In
-sited to' attend her tonere!, from her late residence,
1515 Arch street, on Wednesday. 24t h inst..at 10 o'cl , ock
A. M. Interment at North Laurel Hill. ••
STONS.—Suddenly, on the 21st instant, Mrs. H A.
Stone, relict of the late Daniel Stone. H.q.
The relatives and friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday af
ternbon, at 2 o'clock, from her late roeidente, 1431
brtt street. • •
TBOMAti.—On the Radian.. Joseph X Thomas, in
the 88th year of hie ege.
Due notice will be Oven of the funeral. •
will. na HELD ON
Commencing at half vast seven o'clock.
Addressee, by Bev. E. WENTWORTH. D.D, of Troy
Conference, lab Missionary to Chins: Rev. JACOB
TODD. of Philadelphia. and Rev. J. P. DURBIN. D. D..
Cormspondluts Secretary of Parent ilisrlonary
Ticket...to be bad at Perth:*lns Es Biggins's. No. Gd
North Fourth street. and at the 31 F. Book Rooms, No.
1018 Arch /street..
For • a Reserved Beat In the Parquet. Parquet
clr. or Balms,.Ss eenb will be eh*: ged. 'and the
Bisects may thus avoid an unusual early attendance to
secure a toodseat. mbl7.Btrp
The Address (ftecolloctions and Itopreeeltme of Allow
hem Lino.,low ititendre to have been delivered by JAB.
kl. iltlitnt;Cli on the 9th hut, will be deliverel at the
Academy of ferule on
tIiTURDAY EFEIONG. 77th indent.
at t o'clock.
For the benefit of the Soldiers' Orphans of the Northern
Home and Lincoln Institute.
Tickets can be bad at Tsl=oer'. Music diem 923 Chest.
t sweet
Parquet. Parqdet Circle and Balcony . el.
All other parts of the House, 80 cents.
- -
JZILST.Y Crrr, March 16, 11111.
Notice is hereby Eisen that the Annual Election will be
held at the office of the Gointiany. In Jersey
City, on MONDAY. the FiFTki DAY OF APRIL
NEXT for the choice of five DI. ectors in the place of
Claes No. 4. whoec term of office wilt then expire; and of
one Director of Dian No. 3 to OR a vacancy.
The Poll will be open from 1 o'clock until 9 o'clock.
P. hi.
'1 he Stock Transfer Books will be closed from this date
until April 6th, inclusive
PIII L.l TMLTILILII.. March $9. 1894.
The couponallo. 29 on the first mortgage tr nda of the
Huntingdon and Broad Top Mouutain Railroad and Coal
Company, due April I. ISO. will he paid on presentation
at the office of the Company on and after that date.
inh2.3 to Bpi§ Treasurer and Agent for Triulfres.
ger CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE ,ISltrch m. 19w.
CRY warrants registered during th. year 186 d paid on
prese PH
ntation. JOSE N. PESoL
rubii3.3bi City I I
Entrance on Eighteenth etreat Open
from 3 to le P. Church.
On .ILhtiDitr, March MI, at 8 o'clock P. M., Grand
Tickets 50 cte., for the benefit of the Church. mtamtrot
B ie r Exchenee.l3econd street, above Walnut, be
thrown open for the public, on MONDAY AFTERNOON,
March 13d.-from 9toB P, M., and every afternoo during
the week. ' mh2i btrp§
ig t sr blu lint:HE l LSP T
po i Aa'r^i N(g •
( gen . l a r it B m a e n ti L 5 3.4 e i' d7c d a I
treatment and medicine tu e rmehed gratuitoualy to tha
Official War 19ew¢•
The Havana correspondent of the N. Y. Times
says: '
According to the official Spanish advicea we
receive here, the skedaddling business of the in
surgents continues. As we get but scattering re
porta from the other side, I give an extract of the
latest famous Cuban battles, alias scrimmages,
in brief:
SCRIMMAGE No. I.—The heroic defenders of the
glorious flag of old Castile commanded by an
officer, who was accompanied by a few soldiers,
surprised an encampment of rebels near Gibara,
belonging to the so-called Trneno (Thunder)
Company, killing twelve and capturing twenty
three fire•arms and two flags. - The flags have
been brought to this city by the steamship Pe
Query; If the Cubans always run, how did the
officer, with his cOrnpanions manage to kill
twelve? And how did the steamer Pelayo carry
any other freight besides the tctio flags? And if
a portion of a. company loses two flags, how
many flags has a regiment? Perhaps some
printed pocket-handkerchiefs were mistaken for
. _
SCRIMMAGE No,2.—A telegram from the colony
of St. Domingo says that the Villa Clara insur
gents were routed with a loss of 175 killed;
amongtheseWete Several leaders.
If Mid gospel, it will change from a scrim
mage to,,a skirmish; and if 175 were killed, the
Spanish doctrine that the Cubans always ran Is
somewhat fallacious. Perhaps the Cubans aro
angels, and amuse themselves by dying over the
heads of the troops, who pepper away at their
leisure. Up to• the present it appears that the
Cubang - have acted, quite different from Davy
Crockett's famous wild cat, which informed tbe
redoubtable hunter, who was taking aim, very
politely not to trouble himself and waste his
powder; me it - would come down. The Cubans,
instead of-coating down, come all over, and when
the soldiers think they have caught them they
are nowhirs.
SCRIMMAGE No. B.—The troops which left San
tiago do Cuba for the purpose of attacking the
insurgents at Mayari, wonderful to' relate, went
there, and not to China or Japan. They captured
the town and fortlficatione.
The town, I may We, is smaller than Miller's
Hole, Cal., and tIO intrenchments are somewhat
larger than an apple-woman'o stand. According
to the official account, the rebels ran, and if they
haven't stopped they aro running-yet.
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mtM strpl
ErvitorEmi Arviults
L rims *won srAiMupi,
Washington's Birthday—The Celebra
tion by the American Olub—Biss
liaszner and liar Works-Bliss flitch_
bin., But,banan Read, &C.
[Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evades BeDalai
Roma, ITALY, March 5,1869.—1 t is rather tardy
in the day to chronicle the 22d of February do
ings in Rome, but better late than never. Lithe
morning there was a grand Papal reception in
the Hall of the Consistorje at the Vatican.
Quite three hundred gentlemen were presented
(ladles were not adthittt-d) by Count Leo Thun,
at Austrian nobleman of great reputation, and
among these were some very distinguished per
sons. There were two Major-Generals—an En
glish and an American—Major-General Sir Henry
Tcorobs, K. C. 8., with his breast covered with
orders, and our own Major-General R. 0. Tyler,
whose hailing step isivorth,in the eyes of Amer-
cans, all the orders of Bath and Garter which
Her Britannic Majesty could bestow. By the
way, General Tyler has just gone from Rome,
and leaves a pleasant memory in society.
The American Club gave a dinner on the even
ing of the 22d. Mr. Craig, brother of the former
American Minister at Rome, presided. His post
prandial address and prefaces to the various toasts
were very apropos as well as eloquent.
Mr. Cushman answered to the toast, "Tho
President of the United States,* in 3 judicious and
clever little speech, as follows :
"In returning thanks for the toast just pro
posed. I can only regret that among the many
o ut r and abler men here present., some one more
worthy to respond to such a toast was not cho
sen for that office. I need not say that I feel
scceewhat nervous In rising to return thanks for
a toast of such importance; bat I am strength
eat d in the thought that It is one in which every
American haft heartily joined, let him be of what
political opinion be may. In doing it honer, we
411 come upon the privileged footing of Ameri
can citizens, and congratulate ourselves on di.
knowledge of the stability of our institutions,
and In the safety we feel In the protection of our
country's laws, of which laws the President or
the United States Is the Impersonation. At this
most interesting moment—that of the outgoing
of one administration and the incoming of an.
other—this toast must have for all of as a pecu
liar interest; and we have just reason lobe thank
ful and proud that from the hand of the admits
iatratlon now retiring from office, criticised,
even, as it has been, our new President receives
the prestige of the nation in no way impaired.
but, on the contrary, elevated and strengthened,
even amid all the doMestic trials of civil war anal
factions. [Applause.] We may, with profound
satisfaction, therefore, drink to the 'President
of the United States.". (Cheers. - ] lam further
more reminded, in responding to this toast, of
the commendable example set us by our new
President, in whom ad our hopes are centred, in
the admirable brevity of his speeches—an exam
-1 le, gentlemen, that I now propose, with your
permission, faithfully to follow. (Cheers, laugh
ter and applause. 3"
There were several speeches daring the enter
t ainmenLand of course all were good; but as part
Philudelphian, I was extremely proud to hear
wet the bat st was the one made by your townsman,
tir. J. G. Fell, ex-President of the Philadelphia
Uolon League. The toast to which Mr. Fell re
peal! was "Our Countryatsto Perpetua."
Dir. Fell had only a tow minutes' notice, _and
poke "on the spar of the moment" literally; so
while his speech had all the freshaess of an un
prepared OM, it has been impossible to get a
retort of it except from the imperfect memories
of his audience.
As the League had been alluded to, Mr. Fell
spoke of It, its beneficial elit eta and services dar
ing the war; then of our country, its progress
and development, the effect of the civil war upon
us as a people, and the position it has given us
among other nations.
"Ali this sounds very bald and common-place,"
said one of the gentlemen who reported it to me,
"because I cannot give you Mr. Fells peculiar
and graphic manner, but you must imagine these
subjects touched noon rapidly by a strong, prac
tical opeaker. The apt cub was terse, vigorous,
and full of telling points."
One of the events of the evening was interest
ing to me as a Jersey woman, and it will be grati
fying to cur sister State to hear that a dispensa
tion from Rome has been sent to her. Of course,
wherever americana congregate for social plea
sure, playful, good natured badinage will be in
dulgt a In at the expense of New Jersey, and this
s as the case at the Twenty-second dinner.
No Jerseyman was present; therefore Mr. J.
Taylor Johnston, of New York, as President of
a New Jersey railroad, came the nearest to beine
one, and he took up the cause of the little State
so cleverly as to put the ,dinner company in a
rental gayer humor. •
After Mr. Johnston's bright speech, a Mr.
Rogers, of Buffalo, arose and said that since the
light bad been thrown on this complicated sub
ji ct so clearly, ho moved that a vote should be
lien on the admission of New Jersey into the
Union. This was done with shouts of laughter
:Ind applause; not a dissenting voice was heard;
nu my Revolutionary State, which earned its
place in 1776, Is now a member of the Confedera
tion of 1669 by the unanimous vote of the Roman
i werican Club.
The 22d was commemorated by another im
portant event. Mr. Frederic E. Church, the
i&Rious American artist, residing with his family
in Rome this winter, had a son born on that day.
dome of his friends propose that this Roman
sun of the American Church, born in the States
4,1 the Church, shall be named George Frederic
Romulus Washington Remus Church.
As the difficulty which Miss Homer had with
the Roman Runt last year wan mentioned in the
American journals,lt may be of interest to know
the pleasant termination of this affair.
The disagreement was deeply regretted by the
majority of theZunt, for Miss Roamer has many
Wal EU friends among its members. Matters have
therefore been preparing themselves uncon
sciously for the adjustment of the affair, so that
when Prince Ginstianini (also Lord Kinnaird and
Newburgh of the Scotch and English Peerage),
the Master of the Hounds, waited on Miss Roamer
in relation to a visit which the ex-Queen of
Naples was to make to the Meet, the whole
trouble was settled at once. The Prince said
evirything that was friendly and proper, ex
pressing a wish that Miss Roamer should return to
the Runt..
After this amende honorable, Miss Hosmer could
ask nothing more, BO both parties, agreed to for
give and forget,and the vexations trouble was at
an end. Some days after, Miss Hemmer went to
one of the Meete,and was'reeelved most cordially.
This is as it should be.
The articles in the sporting Journal, The Field,
signed "Diana," attacking the Roman Hunt, I
am authorized to silty, were not only not written
by Miss Roemer, but she had.never overt heard of
them until Prince Ginstianini told her of their
Miss Hosmer's studios aro one of my favorite
stopping places. Yeaterday,' March 4, when I
was there, I. saw a design for', a inarbier: Mantel
piece. it is called the "Death'ot the Dryads. 7
The chimney-place is adorned with two trees,
whose branches interlace and form the chimney
arch; some little wood-choOpers are cutting away
at the roots. Oh the upper branches , over the
arch are two Dryads reclining. As the trees aro
cut they dle, and it is just before death that the
artist hag happily caught the pretty idea and
arrested* in' marble. The Dryads wilt be the
size of life, and the fire place,' or mantel-piece'
when finished; goes to eorne Reath% house.
Miss Hoemer's studios aro crowded with beau
tifn/ works; Boom well-known arid some new,
and her workmen aro busily employed in filling
pp bet ordors..l Bome_of _the_things- are going -to
Lbdy Ashlynrton, others to Earl Brownlow some
to Lady Alford,,and other English notabilities.
The design for the "Golden Gates" which are
now waking at Munich is hanging in the entrance
room of the studios. • These Gates are not to be
washed with gold, but gilt in the preemie cid
leg. When finished they are to be placed at the
bunco to an Art Gallery belonging to the Earl
of Browniow, England.
As no description of these Gates hes been pub
llebed,l will give it in Mid letter:
The upper portion of the Gates id divideclinto
three parts, containing the three elements, Mr,
Earth and Sea. Below the figure of the Sea is a ,
basto rellevo representing its poetical version—
Tritons end Sea Nymphs—and at the base of that
side of the Gates is a practical one—tome Plattqa
e sting their nett.
Below tbe figure of the Earth is its poetical
story—Centaurs and Wood-Nymphs—anci at the
br , ee is the practical work—a Vintage scene. In
the centre of the Gates are twelve bassi relies , '
u presenting the twelve Bono of Night, begin
big with
1. some subduing the Winds.
2. The Descent of the Zephyrs.
3. Iris comes down into the DeVr.
4. Night arises with the Stars.
5. The Bones sleep.
6. Luna rises.
7. The DreaMs descend.
8. The Failkg Star.
9. Pliesubor and Helper.
10. The flours awake.
11. Aurora veils the Stars.
12 Morning.
Each one of these bassi rel Levi is an exquisite
creation In Itself, and some of them have already
been ordered as sepanite basso relievo hi mar
ble. Mies HO6Meeitprincipal work at present is
the statue of the ex. Queen of Naples, life size,in
the famous Guilin costume. She is modeling It
in clay, and the Queen is standing for It. We
wive reason to be proud of American women.
After leaving Miss Hosmer's studio, which is in
:be Via Margretia, No. 118, I drove with some
friends to Mies Stebbins's studios, 8 Plazas
ciarberini and 12 Via Ban Basilic). At the latter
-Indio we saw the model and design of the
fountain to be placed in the New York Central
Park, now belay cast atMunlch. The pose of
be angel descending on the troubled waters Is
Justly admired.
Tbe Directors of the Boston Music Hall have
tdered a bust of Mies Cushman and a bracket
Miss Stebbins has made a capital likeness and
leasing bust of her friend. The bracket Is a
,barming composition. The Muse is In the
- ea tre, sheltering under her protecting wings the
figures of Tragedy and Comedy, and in her hand
,e the mirror which no one ever held up with
;Lore fidelity , to nature than the distinguished,
cble-bearted woman, whose bust this due
I ,,reckt t is to support. In the future history of
American art this bust and bracket will he
""lien referred to as among the beautiful coM
cnemorations of artists' friendships. It merits to
-tend by Tennyeon'e "In 'Memoriam", Liszt's
bopin,and other great and kindred expressions
n'-poesy and art of the artist's love for sister or
'"rather artist.
As my space must be necessarily small In your
crowded columns, [mast leave. Miss Stebbins'a
.fiber beautiful works unmentioned this time.
Moreover, I wish to give a short notice of two or
law other fine studios.
Mr. T. Buchanan Read has painted a life-like
°wait of Mr.J. G. Fell, and is overran with por
trait orders, both English and American. Ells
- Sheridan's Ride," with the frame .containing
'he poem on the gilt ground of a scroll (by Neri),
ns twen on exhibition the past week. and hun
dreds of persons have thronged his.reeeption
-ooms. 'ibis picture goes next week to Paris on
he way for Ran Francisco. Colonel Kip, who
--was onliheadates staff- for three years, was so
ohm& d with the pose, spirit and Menem of horse
.nd rider, that he Immediately took a smaller
opy which Mr. Read had of the • - Sheridan."
4r. Read is also painting at preterit the large
ife-size • •Sheridan's Ride" (which is to go to the
Philadelphia Union League), in , one of Rosetti
the Ecnlptor's studios, which is on a ground floor
opening on a court-yard, where the artist has a
horse brought for a model. Arms BREWSTER.
4. Spanish Ilisbop_ Snubbed by a
A serious rebuff to the ecclesiastical party in
Spain has just beengiven by Don Augustin
snide, head master of the Normal School at
Nuvarra, Not doubting his authority would be
rtspected by him, the Bishop of Pamplona wrote
uim as follows:
"Bir—l have been positively informed, and not
without pain on my part, that in the lessons of
'he Normal School you do not hesitate to incul
cate on the pupils Ideas contrary to the doctrines
ind'dogmas of the Catholic Church, %%hose doc
ines, as the fountain of light and of truth, you
could so much avail yourself of, as professor in
he e'er - 66e of your ministry, as to make use of
,Leto for the Intellectual and moral improvement
.1 the youths whose families certainly wish
them to become good Christians before becoming
eminently wise. Notwithatabding what has been
rrptaiTed to me, and the adVices I have received
on this point, I cannot bring myself to believe
bat 3ou are disposed to continuo this
.,Hi,da, arid still se so in a plaeo and under con
ditions so openly contradictory. For this reason
I limit myself to indicate to you by this comma
cichtion my moat grave feelings of sorrow,
coping that in the reply your attention will
1 emit, you will not hesitate to give me all the
s(curities which in so delicate a matter can tran
quillize my prelatical heart. PEDRO Craw:),
"Bishop of Pamplona.
"Pamplona, February 9th."
The Bishop, instead, of the assurances he hoped
tor. tact ived the full Owing cart reply :
.Exctlient Sir Not having any other
Judge, according to the existing legislation, than
my own conscience, respecting the doctrine
frbicb I teach in my school, and your Ea
edit-lacy not having any legal intervention in
oublic instruction, I have nothing to answer to
your official communication of the 9th inst.
"Pamplona, Feb. 11, 1869.
"To hie Excellency the Bishop of Pamplona."
Iffhe Contest among Senators over the
lenure.of•Office Law-Shail It be
op cal ed or Suspended? Prospects of
an Lstreingement between the Pre
sident and Senate-11w People De.
mand Repeal, but the Senate is De
termined to Resist-Status of the Act
ing oliector 01 the Port of Phila
delphia-Banquet Given by Henry
D. js cogs, Esq., to the Washington
ft orrespoudents 9 Club, duo.
(t. correspondence of the Mile, Evening Bulletin.]
WAsittNOTON, March 22.--The protracted con
test among the Senators concerning the repeal
or suspension of the tenure-of-office law be
gins assume a vary grave aspect- Indeed,
the longer it is debated the more acrimonious the
feeling becomes. At this writing lam not ad
vised What decision the caucus of Republican
Senaters airivtd at, as the Caucus had not ad
it-intn4d when I left the Senate Chamber.
discussion last week, one would think, had
eutirely exhausted the aubject, but It seems it
Drily made, the opposing parties 1310r0 determined.
The Senate Judiciary Cominittee last week re
ported a bill suspending the law until the begin
ning ot the next session of Congress. The re
coin me n d anon of a committee IS generally adopted
by the:Senate, but the advocates - of unconditional
repeal attacked the report • of the Committee
very earnestly . ? and, declared that this would be
eVert Mora offt neve to President Grant than to
condi:lnc the law in knee. No one could say that
they vOre authorized to make this declaration,
but the Vella' gained ground that .Grant was in
favor of ibsolute,unconditional rcpeal,and would
be satisfied with nothing lees.
Thu President hue discontinued sending nomi-
natlonstO-the Senate - even - to - 111Tvataitelea, - arid -
for all practieal purposes there is as Mush of a
dead-lock existing now between the President
and the Senate as there was during johnion's
adminfstrathm This state of things bodes , no
good, and every day the dispute continues widens
the breach. The sentiments of nine•tenths of the
people bere is that the Senate should_ repeal the
law at once—absolutely and undonditionally—
end thus Remove all cause for any estrangement
between the legislative and executive branches of
the government. It a rupture does take place
upon this issue, President Grant will have an
overwhelming majority of the people with hien,
-end in "this respect It will not be like the quarrel
between President Johnson and Congress.
The opponents of unconditional repeal seem to
be giving way. Last week they were only will
ing to suspend the law till the beginning of the
text Congress. To-day they yielded so far that
they are willing to suspend it during the whole
of Grant's term. This was a point gained by the
friends, of repeal, for they triumphantly asked:
"If it Is right to suspend the law during Grant's
term; why not repeal it altogether?" The Senate
is certainly in a "bad flx," for if it passes a ens
peneory bill, there is great doubt aa to ,the House
conearring, and then the present law must con
wonein force. Or perhaps the two Houses may
agree upon some compromise or modification of
the bill, through a Conference Cemthliten, and
when the bill goes to the President, suppose he
Tide, then, would be the first blow struck in
this unfortunate quarrel and there is no predict
lee where it will end. There could not be a twa
thirds vote obtained in both Houses to pass a bill
over Grant's veto, and the result would toe that
the present law would be retained, with all its
abominations—for it never was worth the paper
it was printed on, for Johnson openly violated it
in removing Stan ton, yet the Senate tailed to im
peach him for that act. Then what' earthly use
is there In keeping it on the statute book? The
Senate has only Investigated thr ee cases of sus
pension, for want of time to do it in, and the
consequence has been that all the others
were taken for granted and the action of
the President sustained; and no investigation was
made at all in many cases. Yet a portion of the
t3enate, from a mere feeling of punctilio, are do
ermined to keep this law in existent:eras long as
they can, when they know that the inevitable re
sult must be to create a rupture with the Presi
:fent, who naturally enough feels indignant that
they should want to " muzzle him" as they did
Senators Cameron and Scott, and the Republi
can Representatives from the rural districts have
peen considerably exercised at Philadelphia poli
ticians in claholog all the Federal offices in your
city, so they waited on the President on Saturday
and laid their complaint before him. You had
the particulars by telegraph, but the point I wish
to present is that it is all folly ta be squabbling
about " appointments " till the "dead wood" of
the tenure-of,office bill is cleared away,from the
deck Of the Ship of State. This isf , tbelgreat
stunibllrig-block in the way, and nothinglwpi be
done till some settlement of the question is
It is Understood here that Mr. Cake is still
acting Collector of the Port of Phil elphia, not
haiing been relieved by Collect° arks. Daring
<itr ed
the interval, until the new Co etoris confirmed,
the sureties of Mr. Marks w be held accounta
ble, as he is the only bond officer whom the
government can look to, and is the conclu
sion arrived at by the officers of the Treasury
I,ere. The responsibility of Mr. Cake's sureties
ended when Marks was confirmed. so tar as sub
sequent transactions are coneerned, as they are
of course liable for Cake's official acts, and will
be so held Until his accounts are settled. Bat it
is a "foie position for Cake to be acting Collee
c or, with Marks's sureties responsible for his
official condnet. •
_ TEM kANQUIZT AT HENRY D. 0001[103.
On Saturday evening, Henry D. Cooke, Hag.,
the well-knownhanker, gave his annual dinner
to the WaShington Correspondents' Club, at his
mansion, In Georgetown. About forty gentle
men were
_present, among them Senator Anthony,
John D. Defrees, Congressional Printer, John
Follet, formerly connected with the Ohio State
Journal, hnd Wm. B. Huntingdon, the banker—
the remainder being members of the club. The
banquet was all that could be desired in the way
of edibles and Wailes, and was highly creditable
to the taste and liberality of the host. Bouquets
and pyramids of natural flowers shed a delight
ful fragrance through the room. But one of the
most charming features of the occasion was two
beautiful vases, placed on the table, which con
t ained a little duster of bushes, surmounted by
beautiful artificial birds. By touching
a spring, the birds began to sing, and
filled the air with their sweet melody.
It was certainly one of the most ingenious speci
mens of mechanism ever seen in this country.
The birds would throw up their beads, and plice
heir little beaks under their wings, in a style so
natural that it seemed almost impossible that they
, A ere only automata. Yet it was even so. Atter
bey had entertained the company long enough,
:he spring was touched again and their music
...eased. There was little speech-making, as the
members of the press-gang hear too much of that
in Congress to indulge in such vices at a con
vivial assemblage, but all was good-humor and
• pju3ment, and near the midnight hour all
, patatcd with many thanks to their generous
;lost er his princely entertainment.
The bill of fare was printed en white satin, and
sand you the following copy :
Saamon h la Chambord
Croquettes de pomtnes de terre.
Bonehd a la Loin°.
Filet de band, k la financier°.
Pommes do terre, dls Parlslenue.
Foie do Veau—Petlta Pots Francais.
Punch a to Romaine.
"'Aspic de foie gran.
EcrevisEe, kls salads Rues°. Woodcock, sala le
—A few years ago Laurence Oliphant, who
went to England as the Secretary of the Japanese
mission, made • a deep impression on the fashion
able sad political world by, his brilliant talents.
Ile was comparatively unknown, but In a few
months took all hearts by , storm. Ho obtained a
eeat In Parliament, moved in the highest tholes'
of society, and was the universal favorite of the'
world of fashion. Ho was once seen sauntering
into the Travellers' Club with two men leaning
on his arms—one His Royal Highness the_Prince
of Wales,the other His Majesty the King of Den
mark. Such a future us that which lay ,before
this handsome, clever, fascinating young diplo
matist, says an English' puller, any man rale,ht
have envied. Suddenly; howeVer,
_Laurence Oli
phant was missed from his place in society—from '
club, and "House," and Opera. Where he had
gone none could tell—, Elven his - constituents at
lidding were unable to, get any accurate inform,-;
Lion concerning him, and as he made no appear
ance at the recent' election, another, man was
diesel:tin his plact. He has at last been disecti - -
ered, however, in semi-rellgious,
tie community at Brocton, the bordersof Lake
Erie, where the once idolised star of Belgravia
n ow follows the plough and wears the home
UHORGETOWN, D. 0., MAUCH 20, 1869
Potage h la Reine. Potage Colbert
Salmon bona, sauce
de color!.
Canvas-backs, salads de !anus.
Fromage souffid.
Biscuits Gine& Maeda de Plombieres.
Charlotte Russo. Go
Raisins. Pommes. Oranges, etc.
3 Café.
Codificatirn of the United States Laws
The Interest on the Public Debt
Nominations by the President
Codification of the It 15. Laws.
(Special Despatch to the Puna. Evening Dolletto.l
WAsnirrovos, March 23.—The House has
passed the bill continuing for three years the
codifying and consolidating of the laws, and au
thorizing the P-reeident to 1111 the vacancies In
the Commission for that purpose.
PFepay Interest on the Public Debt.
lOpeciel Deepatch to the Phllada. Evening
WASHINGTON, March 23.—The Senate this
afternoon passed the bill reported from the Fi
nance Committee authorizing the prepayment
by tbe Secretary of the Treasury of not exceed
ing one year's interest upon the public debt.
WASHINGTON, March 23.—The president to-day
nominated to the Senate J. C. Bancroft Davis,
Assistant Secretary of State; Llewellyn Powers,
Collector of Customs, Aroostook, Maine; John
D. Hopkins, Assistant Assessor of Internal Rev
enue, Fifth District Missouri; Chas. B. Barrett,
Assistant Assessor Internal Revenue, Fourth Dis
trict Pennsylvania.
[Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.]
New Ironic, March 23.—The steamer Germinia
sailed for Hamburg, taking 810,000 in specie.
BOSTON, March 23.—The Board of Aldermen,
after granting a hearing to the remonstrants
against the erection of a building on the Com
mon for the Peace Festival, voted with two netra
dyes to adhere to the original order granting tho
right. The contributions in aid of the Festival
tow amount to $94,000.
Forty-lint Congress--First Session.
ISPNATE—Continued iron) the Third 'Edit ion
Mr. Wilson offered a joint resolution to con
tinue the pay of enlisted men in the army
at the present rate of $l6 a month, until the 80th
of June, 1871. Referred to the Committee on
Military Affairs.
Mr. William offered a resolution, which was
agreed to,directing the Committee on Post Offices
and Post Roads, to inquire into the expediency
of providing for the regular conveyance of the
made between Portland,Oregon, and Alaska.
Mr. Harlan presented the memorial of Loafs
Downing, Chief of the Cherokee Indians, remon
strating against the government giving any por
tion of the Cherokee reservations to ether tribes
without compensating the Cherokees.
At the expiration of the morning hour 'the un
finished business of yesterday,the bill to reorgan
ize the judicial system of the United States was
taken up.
Home—Continued from Third Edition.
Mr. Poland introduced a bill providing that
Judges of the Supreme Court shall not sit on the
beariog of appeals and writs of error from their
decisions as Circuit Judges. Referred to the Com
mittee on the Revision of Laws.
Mr. Julian asked leave to offer a resolution in
structing. the Committee on Reconstructioa to
inquire into the expediency of reviving and en
forcing the collection of the direct tax in the
States lately in rebellion.
Mr. Brooks objected, unless the resolution was
referred to the Judiciary Committee or to the
Commitee of Ways and Means.
Mr. Julian declined to have it so referred, and
withdrew the resolution.
The Speaker proceeded to call the committees
for reports.
Mr. Bingham, from the Judiciary Committee.
reported a bill to provide for the publication of
the opinions of the Attorney-General. Ordered
to be printed and re-committed.
Mr. Poland, from the Committee on the Re
vision of Laws, repnrted a bill extending for
three years the time for revising and cordifying
the statutes of the United States.
Mr. Butler said he did not believe the country
cot the worth of Its money in this matter, and
therefore be was decidedly opposed to the reha
bilitation of the committee.
Mr. Cullom inquired about the progress of the
work, saying that he underetood that the corn
mlealon bad only worked out two or three
Mr. cutler said he had soon four chapters or
parte of chapters revised, and at the same rate
of revision the work would not be done for years
to come.
'Mr. Cullom inquired whit amount of pay the
commissioners were receiving.
Mr. Butler said they had a salary of $5,000
each aid incidental expenses.
Mr. Maynard inquired whether, in the opinion
of the gentleman from Massachusetts, the work
should be carried on to completion.
Mr. Butler—Not In the way it has been done—
clearly not.
Mr. Lawrence said be had examined some por
tions of the work, and that it was well done. It
was a work of great necessity, and would be of
incalculable value to the legal profession.
Mr. Poland said that when some three. years
ago the President had nominated Mr. Caleb
Gushing as bead of the Commission, that gentle
man went before the Jinliciary Committee of the
Senate and gave his personal pledge that if he
was confirmed be would make that his
business. He (Poland) thought that that
sentletnan was open to some of the criticism's of
she gentleman from Massachusetts (Butler), as ho
understood that he d never put pen to paper
on the revision. Ju ge Johnson, another of the
Commissioners, was n feeble health, and was
about to resign.
As to Judge James, the third commissioner, he
was a pains taking and diligent man, who had
informed himselt thoroughly on the subject, and
he had done his portion of; the work exceedingly
well. .7
The discussion was further participated In by
Messrs. Brujamin, Garfield, Hoar, Blair, Wood
ward, Jeuckes, Poland.and Butter (Mass.)
Mr. Butler said that Mr. Caleb Cashing had
early seep that it was futile to attempt to go
through, with the work, and had ceased work
and ceased taking his pay at, an early period—
not formally resigning but ceasing to, take his
pay. He was certain of that.
Mr. Benjamin moved an amendment requiring
the Commissioners to give their entire time and
attention to the work.
Wilmington District—J. D Curtis; P. E. As
bury, C. Hill; St. Paul's, J. F. Clymer; Union, S.
L. Gracey; Scott, F. M. Chatham; Grace, A.
Cookihan, T. F. E'llimmer, E. P. Worth, supplied;
Port Deposit, W. E. Eugland,• Zion, supplied, A
L. Hood; Charleatowu,J. Dare.' Brandywine,
Sch Salem, J. D. itlge; Newport,
•.T. Humphries;• LObanon, supplied; Now Castle,
'll' Dobson; Chrisitana,ll. etuderson; St. George's
and ^Summit. W. 13. Walton• Delaware City,
John Allen; Port Penn,, W. 1' ALB; Vilddhatown,
- EL ColclaserfrOdesss. G.A. Pkrobus; Newark,
J. Frihne; Cherry Hill and- Wesley, U. R.
Bodine; Elkton, B. F. Price; North E tat, I'. L.
Poulson; Elk Neck, supply. Dover [District, T. J.
Thompson',' P. E ; Smyrna, A. Rittenhouse;,
Smyrna, Circuit. N. Urie e one supply
Leipalc and Raymonds, E. B. New
man; Dover, J. 11. Lightbouru; Camden,
J, O. Byphord; Wyoming, J. B. Mann;
3:00 O'Olook.
o minatiomi
Stalling of the Germania
The Boeten Peace Testlval.
Wilmington ei. E, contoronco.
[Continued from, the Third Editioml
PRICE. THREE. •o'.ollWl':.'-.,,.T..;,.
C. IL Prettyman; Felton. T. J. Quigley;
Circuit, N. M. Warner; Frederita satins:TOWS,
Chapel, A. W. Milby; Milford, E. Stubbs:: 'Hard
rington, A. D. Data and G. S. Conaway; Lbleedtt" ,
city, N. W. Bentam; supplied; Bridgeville, 1.,
Cook, E. White; Federalsburg, T. L. T9m1;14.,
Itlnson; Seaford, J. 1.. Taft;'Laurel,
E. Miller; Lewesville, E. H. MilleriiSherpetowii,
supplied; Salisbury, J. T. Vanburkalow; Qunnf
tico, J. Eegate; Galetown, J. Brandroth; Stilton, ';
W. Merrill; Lewes, G. M. Burke, J. A.
eon; Georgetown, D. R. Thomas. Easton Distriet f
—J. B. Quigg.P. E. t ßethel,Redman,Cocilltort and
St. Panl'e, J. E. Bryan; Wilmington, J. Hough;
supplied; Still Pond, W. S. Thompson; Chester:,
town, J. B. Merritt; Kent, D, C. Ridgway, sun- -
plied; Cburchill. S. 8. Gardiner; Sudieyvtlie,lE-
P. Aldred; Williams, Greenborougb, W. B.Greggi•
Marydel, Mr. McFarlane; Contreville.4.
W. Peirson; Queenstown,. Mr. Ewitlirs
Kent Island, W. O'Neill; Talbot, J. A.
Brindley, Mr. Hunter; Easton, W. Kenney;,
Tram*, E. 8. Williams; Hillsborough, W. Ramp
mond, supplied; Denton, J. W. litimmeraley; ,
J. G. Foaner; Dorcester,N. M. Brown,Mr.
Cambridge, W. H. Eitilchin,• Cambridge • Circuit,. •
T. Killiam; Church Creek,E. Davis; Warwick,
Mission,supplied. Snow Hill District—W.Bmin,,
P. E.; Worcester, A.A. Fisher. supplied; Princess.
Anne, J. Carroll, supplied; Fairmount, C.
Buoy; Annamessex, W. F. Talbot; Atlantic,
enpplied; Accomac, G. G. Irwin; "North
ampton,, supplied; Newtown. G. D. Watson;
Sandy Hill, supplied; Snow Hill, T. E. Martin
dale, Mr. Straughn; Berlin, P. W. Rawlins; •
Frankford, J. W. Weston; Centreville, to be sup
plied; Gumborough, to be supplied.
BOSTON, March 21—The Walnut- mills; foi'the
manufacture of sheathing paper, in Needham,
were destroyed by fire yesterday. Lose, $25,000;
Insurance, $20,000.
New York Money nitrite' •
(Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Dellelltti
Nr.w . Yeas, March 2a—The Money marketlis quiet and :
steads at 7 per cent. and toprime borrower; 6 per bent.
There is no essentially new feature to-note. Governments
doll and twavy, at lower quotations. The prominent
dealers In Governments allow prices to fall fn order to re;
cuperate their deplenished stocks, which were :drawn
pretty close bv the late foreign demsnd; and there, will
he dull market during the Week until they find market
for the fereign exchange with which- they are
landed. Gold firm in consequence of the lower quotation
of Boo& ID London. The extreme quotations range,
from 131 to 181 1 . The transaMiens are about avenge.. 6
per cent, to fiat for carrying, Railroad shares are all
symnser, and advanced on the evening quotations from S
to 8 per cent. New York Central advanced from t at
having consolidated Cleveland and Toledo strong atlo7.
yesterday with the Lake Shore Rail
road, which occasions .the firmness. Tea per cent.
dividend has been declared on the amalgamated stock
in the shape of thirty year 7 per cent Donde. Northwest.
• P acifi c res firm.ate4% for common and 92% for preferred.
Matt was etrong to day,advancing to Reading
dropped from 92, at the opening. to 91%. MiscolLuteous
shares are firm hat dull. Erpre•e stocks stronger.
*WO RI mw Iri,JoBli;
. ,
NEW Yoair,March 23.—Several passengers on board'
of the ship James Foster,Jr.,made affidavits , yesterday
before Commissioner Jones, of Brooklyn, In which
they charged the carpenter with the murder of two
passengers and the boatswain with the murder .of a
seaman. They also allege that other officers of the
ship were implicated in these murders. The first mate'
of the ship died at his residence in Brooklyn on San
dal! evening.
Mr. Henry Bergh had up another turtle ease In the •
Jefferson Market Police Court, yesterday, and one
Charles Smith, who was charged with cruelty to the
"animals." was held to answer in the sum of $3Ol. At'
the Berea Market Police Court an agent of Mr, Bergh'
society brought up a man who was dragging ale ig a
bear by a ring in the nose. The bear was In met.
The man was compelled to give bail in $3OO to gnawer.
The Police Commissioners yesterday took evideim
in the case of Captain Young, Chief of the Metropoli
tan Pol'ce Detectives. He denied their jtirladlotten.
and declined to appear for trial. The Commissioners
unanimously dismissed him from the force.
A mass tneetirg of th e different trades unlons,repro.
setitng 60,000 workingmen, will take place tonight
at the Cooper Institute. The object will be to take
int asures to draw all the mechanics of the city Into
unions, to act in political matters as one organization
Rbiladelpttia. stocks. Exchange..
BSTWErn .110131D6,
500 Cftv Agnew 100% 31 eh Cam&Am 11111 4 ,
1000 Pa 68 9 sere e 5 105 22 eh Leh Val R 58
1000 Lehigh Val bde 20 eh Ches.% Del 4l
new coup reg 9534 HO eh Read R blO 46
2000 W.Tersevß 6'B 89% tno eh do e3O
Soh 13th&15thSt 1T 12no eh do 46
100 sh calms of 3315 200 eh do 46-146!
COD eh St Web Cl 1 100 sh do blO 48-14(tz
eroorm BOAZ%
1000 City Gs old 08 IWO eh Catawis pf 1)60 3336
1500 Belvidere & Del 100 eh Sch Nav pf b6O
2d mtee 6e 80 non eh Read R 1)30 464-16
[From the Press of September 10.1861.]
Caste was presented at the Chestnut last eirett7.
ing by W. J. Florence, under circumstances weLt
e4lculated to secure for it prolopged StICCI)33.
* * * It is only rarely that a company - do
generally good is offered to a Philadelphia play- ,
going public. The artistes were all capital, every
one not only knowing his or her part, but lu.
terpreting it with a genial fidelity not customary,
we regret to say on our boards.
[From the Press of March 2],180.3
The comedy of Caste has never yet, been acted'
In Philadelphia, although produced some time
since, both at the Walnut and Chestnut Street
[From the Press of March 23,1869.1
Mr. Florence at the Chestnut was by no
means great." * * *
Mrs. Creese will play "Polly" of which Mrs.
Florence had no correct idea. * * * * *
Oar correspondent will ace that we have nor,
without proper thought,said that Caste has never
been acted in Philadelphia.
—For her benefit to-morrow night at the Arch,
Miss Fanny Davenport offers a most attractive
bill. Mr. E. L. Davenport will appear in one of
bis very finest characters; 'Rover," in the comedy.
Wild Oats, and Craig's burlesque, Barbe Blase,
will he given, with a farce to complete the enter
—Mr. Hemple will have a benefit in a first-rate
bill at the Arch on Saturday night.
—The Japs will exercise themselves at the
Theatre Comique this evening.,
—The Handel and Haydn Society will perform
Rossini's great oratorio, Moses in Egypt, in the
Academy of Music on Thursday evening. Tickets
can be procured at the music stores.
—The sale of tickets for the Italian Opera sea
son at the Academy, will begin on Thursday
morning at Trumpler's music store. Daring tho
eugegement Mr . Diaretzek will produce II
Propkete, Faust, Fra Diavalo, Don Giovani, Bella
aria, and Crispino, with Miss Kellogg, Madame'.
De La Grange, and Miss States In the loading: '
—Much Ado About Nothing will be given at the
Arch this evening.
.--At the Walnut, to-night, Feu' Ploy will be
presented. •,-
-The Field of the Cloth of Gold continued W. 4
draw large audiences at the Chestnut. j
—For this evening a miscollaneotta entegtaktm-,
meat Is announced at the Atxterlean.
—On Tuesday evening next, at- Coneert 'AO./
a grand concert'will be given, under the atapicea
of Mr. Thomas E Harkins. Among. the artists ; ;,
who will appear, we may mention
Miss Caroline McCaffory, Mr Radolph‘litrialle.• •
mid Mr. George Simpson. The progratarae.will
be very attractive. , , , , , st
—Mr. James E. Murddcb.Fhnc,rgeovered f r om
hie recent attar* of , illricse, : and: 'doliver his
famous addressiteeelleetinns and Impr7ltzalona ,
of Abraban3 Lincoln4at'tile' Afiadetriy of Music,
on next Saturday evening, Mr. Mnrdoch's en
% lit ble reputation fur art ; rateir t ;aiad the remark
able- record of his patriotic tservicew darter and
t•lnce the war. , aro enough to attract a crowded
andience on this 'occasion. The proceeds are to
he devoted to the benefit of the soldiers' orphans
in the Northern Homo and the Lincoln Institu
..... .f
i .
, T ,
' i