{For the Philadelphia livening thillethad NOTES FROM THE DELAWAAREk WATER , NO. iv. • Early next morning the Doctor called up _ me, and declared himself now tea4y, and willing for any desperate iniderfakliq. Directly across the road; opposite theillit-' tatinny Home, through an enclosed sparsely wooded space, a flight of steps leads to a plateau, from which diverge =ions. paths leading to points of interest on the mountain. Beatitig'fora moment ',Upon this' ; Osplanade, neat 'the "shore'of a miniature lake, We corn nienced the ascent of Mount Minsi. Some amiable, individual, with an, indefinitely ca pacious Vaint-pot, had climbed' Melia elopes in- days before, and carefully marked each , noticeable rock or tree with lines of, various colors, indicating the wawa-it's. We paused ire Wonderment to estimate the total amount of pigment distributed in this laudable enter pkise, and' the. Doctor grimly threatened to compute the probable quantity necessary to coat the'llorthern slope of the range. The , glory of the, Rhododendron had de parted, put Golderi'llode and Clemrdias shed a 'cheering effulgnee along' our pathway, as-the spnlight quivered through the foilage. Three minor paths diverge from the main road to the summit, and each of these we persiatently followed to RS termination. From •'Lovers' Leap" -the cavernous gloom of the Gap, , seems , most iiipiesslve, while from "presect Rock", 'a superb panorama of the country to 'the northward stretches into dim nos. (t-The DoCto.ri at this latter place, estab biduieif betilde a little , bush of the , pale Corydalie,(Corydalis Glance), and divided hific, , aiteritiort r between its • delicate yellow tipPed flo`ers 'and the broader vista. still higher, "Hunter's -Spring" trickles and falls in a .iriOssy 'recess far up on the mountain, offering..-great inducements to thirsty straggleri4„, , , , • i f:rnet;large isolated boulders and up steep irri we urged our passage till at length g pamorapace comings irre gularly through the trees, told us we were on thavtantintain top: A' few steps farther ori;,We ieach'ed the ,edge of the bluff upon the-illitiMit, and' together with-a dog which h4d t accompanied ns , from the hotel, threw oPrEfiVea upon the ground, like Antxue, to recruit a-little. tPerbara the grandeur of the vista from this elevation may be most fittingly described by saYifittliat, ornitting the winding thread of trelaware,it preeisely similar , in general e got to ibat Obtainablefrom any other por dip of-the level crest of the Kittatinny. Cer tainly,-.to those whO have clambered as we did, this will be sufficient, and' to those who have not, let it be a temptation , .. to examine personally., ' 'ThesDoctor took off his coat,and surround ing himself with a small wilderness of flowers and plants collected• during the ascent, made frightful havoc amongst them,- during which operationthe dog 'rolled on his baek-and the writer lay_ motionless,gs#ig abstractedly into the croWn, of his hat. Approaching dinner-time finally induced a retreat, and slowly and stuniblingly we re - triseed-ourrateps—One-third_the way down we encountered a puffing party anxiously inquir ing the difficulties yet to be surmounted; and some distance further on stumbled over a lady's - caPennd large tin botanical ',specimen box, doubtless abandoned by the fatigued ex plorers. Pausing a Moment,the doctor care fully secured one.of his printed blank forms for floral analysis upon the box. 'There are chords in the 'aman 'cart," said Mr. Guppy. From-the plateau above the hotel, in a di rection at right angles to the summit path, white marks on a huge atone indicate the route to the beautiful Caldeno Fall,by sway of a sharp ledge called Table Rock, command - ing broad views of the-Gap and - its three mountains. Over the latter, during the sum mer, the clouds brush gently, giving rise to eiquisite effects of light and shadow. We whiled away the later hours of ' the afternoon on the eastern edge of the hill above the Kittatinny Rouse, protected from inter mittent showers, sunbeams and mosquitoes by the umbrageous foliage of "Lover's Re treat" Up, down and across, wherever the eye rested, it was charmed by varied and beautiful combinations. At, the lower end of Dutotsburg, on the southwest side of the road, stands the.village "Church of the Mountain." Almost imme diately behind, and rising above it, the cleared summit of little. Mount affords a pleasant spot frdm which to view, and from which we viewed the summer sunset. Ap parently endless, the luxuriant. Cherry valley wandered to the southwestward, its deep green Verdure almost of emerald brightness beneath the s,rinvion-tinted`stcy. -Here and them ahinwthe lower elopes of its northern confining hills, Nat columns of thin bine smoke rose from the dense forests through the, clear evening air. Facing about, the northeastern view, with the bend of the Dela ware, its course along the base of the. Shawnee hills, and its superb valley, offered.formidable rivalry. Several hours of the next morning we pad dled upon the river, exploring islands and Lilliputian bays. The tedium of intervals occupied in "laying-to" was relieved by chit chat. rim time to time, whiffs of the odor of new mown hay were swept across the water, and the Doctor became unusually communi cative. "Ah!" said be, "could this but last forever! Think, while we are borne lightly over these lapping wavelets, of wretched mortals in baked cities, treading hot sidewalks, in the noisome andi stilling air. "Tel eat notre ,plaisir"—sings Mr. Baritone—how long will it endure? Let us reduce our days of antici - paled enjoyment to hours and minutes, and Ulna_ fancy indefinite leisure 411 before us. ; Do, know that on my arrival here I ,simply.tolerated the change for the better? ';As time rolls on, I become keenly con ,scions 'of the loveliness—lost almost before it appreciated : "tttrlghtest The flowers bloom, when summer joys are dying, Calm the dim ocean--ere tempests wild and drear; Thrilleth the bugle most, when death is swiftly flying, YOndest love's whispers, when parting Is sneer.' " ,---AfgAnk !"-3. cried euddenly;_"pull more oniyour other osi;---zee ! while you've been talking, we've drifteAl on the rocks." The Doctor,gave one convulsive pull—and we were clear again. But on the above topics uttered be never another word. Mp friend', having an engagement in the village, I wee left to My owon devices after dinner, and, instinctively atralled from the Hotel along the pleaSant carriage -road toward the Gap. , ' A. glimpse through' the : trees down its curv ing'line incited so strong a desire to see the end of matters, that I sauntered southward till individuality seemed gradually dwindling beneath the impressive majesty of the moun tains. One charred pine trunk at a bend in the road stood out sharply against the' broad face of Tammany, imparting to the distance that exquisite softness peculiar to wooded elopea on summer afternoons, whilst purple Bowers and the crimson-tinted fruit of the swild , raspberry (Ruins odoratus) relieved the deeps greenness of the rich foliage on my . Ailifixfindfid of former prowess, the Dela- •ware •occasionallytlnffitlges in remarkable: , :tout - 40_,C'ItHe does not write Bureau of Le- • aloattern of dragons, &c., before • .4, frealtets. In alinctt every village and toWie '4lgalleMln),*rites "quarters"--headquartent. eanai-transparent glaze was added is 6 het npon its •.borde*.loofiese; walls near %btt iltOftheYlissembled"to do ; Bono; to the great • pattern, and rendered it enter , bl tit, 'We-tete the am and thtlidgeleis piertramiatin AO ‘Z day.r ,i , 4 great day to ttile 4 y*lti,mind yop, : ISO ''.0 01) .10 Ct 1, , (r tr elVit the '4 3, -g - . mo at tkefoipe w`eitth desolated thin* Blue. i sort ,kot it'bay to Bogota, f . dittthe ProAceeds, O,4ltob o lripon', o te4 a Ifir iii fir d 13, - ;,..! ,ti . motif; icsitkos tic(lintulfitet in thet,GSpidnileg.., •;.',,ovent.''' , „ ()f course, het eank one of :the Otk the 11 tp, tof whiiii, WS der,OPPears thkWinteriiand td sir freaks muclilbss'ittd. i events spoken of in the: , eali t zstionlonn- itt slice g. l ,b ke-titil t andOt erydecorati nit mlierymay he attaibutediVLlVOlhfLtaknbf 'iffependence as "human eY6 tap!, erhat,ru III; net fr • elrttinfed grenndAf 'Ono; oly, Geneva Qlillibri;*&idfitg to -*MA red- , '.6ontirties "I was celehfit k P 4, Peter Was the ergirrOthe Alit lel* die** batila•,,,, iir, tint Cal sounding, thelelear water here lies nearly ''celebrating. Peter wadi* ce ebration, mind closing a scroll. The execution and arrange fathomless under the dark shadows of the You; , '"And," mark what 4 . 13 vh, "thanked ment of these forms are noteworthy for bold rocks. " me for introducing among them the means of sees and freedom. It is tezggested that this rigorso.war•whiph then closely sPecirnen. Down through.the brushwood covering the assuagin the . bank, - , I wriggled to the lowest accessible beset and sorely oppressed them." mayhaveAmen•-•.-wroughtTfor-' the Persian market, and its pattern arranged to point at the water side, where, after elaborate What the Old Scratch thief, Means* tici man suit thlitistes'Orthose lordly Orientals, whose preparation, I did not sketch. A pair of rue- can make out. A man is but a stuffed fool superb dishes with flowers and foliage in red, tic youths,-astounded by the extent of my who undertakes to tell - what Peter means. azure and green on-creamt 'o = of o r b grounds provision for artistic strategy, crossed the What did he:introduce? IWO 4: the rif,,iebh- ' tire,lnotwithat*d_hfgfotro to river in an old batteau, and having walked ments, or the music, or the Ith brJalk. And 'the roughness and coarsenesi Of the pottery,. around in a series of concentric , circles how, whenintroduced, did they," or any one ainong the Most . artistically ' fascinating of for some five minutes, communicated , their pf them, assuage the rigors of .war • . decorative wa res. desire to See "how it was done!" , Untwisting I Go to. Did not an eminent . diplomatic MY Sketching stool and elevating the umbrella 'once say that language , was, given us to ton k) its . pole, I flashed my color-box before Beal our thoughts?„ That is it. 'Peter con their 'startled vision with one hand, while seals his thought. . AO uteth diplomatic With the other I filled two India rubber turn- language. ad d s biers with water from a bright canteen. Then , Then he d the, voucher. A. simple reversing the operation, I prepared to "go blinded man, considering a voucher to mean home." Though doubtless impressed, the proof, would have got thetills: of the baker, boys determinedoot to be outdone, and re- and the cook, and the wine merchant. And questing me "to hold on a bit," doffed their he would have added that of the'lender of the limited apparel,--consisting,l believe,of shirt splendid military band. And then a few and trousers,—and exhibited their natatorial affidavits from the citizens of Bogota, that no accomplishments for my benefit. Of course pane man would believe. ' But Peter scorns their, performance elicited my boundless ap- ucsh common ways. -He eertifitee himself. plause, and having thus mutually displayed It is enough. .' . , ~- ~. • our principal attainments and adjusted Next comes the 22d of February, and fur accounts, we sat for a time, holding, an ex- titer refreshnients for theTresldent'and fall tenbive pow-wow, terminating in -various Cabinet, and two bands; ttio 'fall bands. By moral and educational suggestions. Jove! None of 'your ordinary_ little trinky "Oh! 'rise," said the youagef,confidentially, tringed instruments,.bUt two full . blinds, and "lie's one o' theth ere men as paints Picture -. 'refreshments for the. Government and the —I seen two uv em up at the willage—up atPeople that came to pay their , respects to 'Totsburg." George Washington, a nd the immortal diplo , "But I don't call myself a painter," I-re- mate himself, Peter' 13413ullifan. And the marked deprecatingly, "any more than you charge is only; $l6 O in COin Of the United boys call yourselves swimmers. 1 don't paint States. quite well enough, you see." ' ' • To our shame,•le it spokeni,,this claim was Hereupon I modestly exhibited sundry not allowed. , .. Some. evil-minded Americans water-color sketches, which were "passed of the United States represented to 'the Fifth around." Auditor that the two bands , were two' hand "My ! Johnny, but he can paint—can't organs, and the refreshotenta, Ware Bogota he ?" sausages, made up of red flannel and India " Can't he though," Johnny responded, "I rubber, and it was atisert4d:theithe'President never seen such pictures." ' here spoken of came to thnfeest in his bare feet Was I overcome by prelim thus lavishly and an ancient , swallow-tailed coat, and the bestowed'? Did I blush ?--Wouldst thou Cabinet referred 'to had benitleVolutionized have blushed, considerate reader? Oat of the' office eixteen timetivbtit' would not "Say, see the cow, the red cow in the remain revolutionizedlth , , but held 'that they bush there?" . • were revolutionized inf 'all! Of ,whinit ,I main "My! ain't it nice though ?' Why yer can Lain to be a slander, tv; Vile Minder, and un see the ---" Worthy the credence of nfrenpeople. "stop !P iitild I, "where? what cow ? that's I not a cow—that's a hoive. Don't you see his ears?" . "Why I thought them was horns, j didn't jou, 'rise ?" :"Ye- es—why it looks just ever so much like a cow to me." ' "Boys," said I, instructively, "people who live a good deal out of doors, andilon't see many pictures, often_anake_ mistakes. about them, you .know." -Ye- es;oh yes," said Johnny,conclusively, "but then it looks so mighty just like a cow though—don't it now ?" FnuunkßY,lBf9. AB AMERICAN AD. DIJP.LONATE ASKO some Riedel 131lls. Peter G. 'Sullivan represents the great Ais3erican nation in Bogota. He is a Cin cinnati man, and Don Platt writes from Washington to the Cincinnati Commercial about him: As an American diplomats has nothing to do,the records of his official life lack, interest from sameness:hive ' been bi the proper departments for facts, but the two following are the only documents I can find beiiing on the subject: "The United States of America. To Peter J. Sullivan, United States Minister to Bogota, Dr. "1867, July 4. "To money paid to, and expended in re freshments for General Mendoza's national troops, at Barronguilla, United States of Colombia, who, by his orders and .my per mission, had fired a naval and military salute in honor of the American flag and the 4th of July, and his splendid military band of mubicians,who bad played at my hotel daring the afternoon and evening of, the day, the "Stsr.spangled Banner," "'Yankee Doo dle'. and other nationalairs, dedicated to lib , ert y and our country's freedom. "A great portion of the citizens, and nearly all the foreigners of the place, had assembled at my quarters, to do honor to the great day and event that I was then celebrating, and thanked me for introducing among them this means of assuaging the rigors of war which then closely beset and sorely oppressed them $5O 00 "See my despatch No. 16, of July 6. "I certify the above account to be just and correct, and that its expenditure, at that time and place, was absolutely necessary for the good of our national honor and cause. "PETER J. SULLIVAN. "Minister Resident of the United States to theiUnited States of Colombia. "Booora, July, 1867." VOUCHER NO. 2. "The ;United States of America. To Peter J. Sullivan, United States Minister Resident to Bogota, Dr. "1868, iFZBItUdItY 22. "To money spent for necessary refresh ments, on that day, for the President and Cabinet of Colombia, two full bands of militc, Foreign Legations and Consuls, and the re ception of the people generally, who, on that memorable day,had thronged the Legation to commemorate the birthday of Washington, and to pay their respects to the American Legation. "In coin of the United States of America,. 62. ‘'Lxi.ATIoYI or TILE UNITED STATER, BOGOTA, February 22, 1868.-1. certify the above account to be just and correot, and that said expenditure wait, at the time and place stated, absolutely necessary for the good of our national honor and cause. "Purim J. SULLIVA*, ' 'Minister Resident United States of America to United States of Colombia." And yet, when one looks at it from the proper philosophical stand-point, these docu ments allow in an eminent way the genius of our diplomate. We have heard of injecting stump speeches into the belly of reports and other speeches, but whoever dreamed before of injecting them into the dry bones of an ee -1 count? The first was allowed: The poor old clerk and accountant could not withstand that appeal in behalf of pay for refreshments for General Mendoza and troops. They had fired a salute in honor of the American flag. It was a , naval and military salute, look you. And it was on the 4th of July. And then it was garnished by music by the band—a sjlendid military band—and all for fifty dol lars. It was dog cheap. Think of the Star- Spangled Banner, and Yankee Doodle and other national airs "dedicated to Liberty and our' country's freedom." And all in Bogota, for the pitiful sum of fifty dollars. This is enough. But mark, the close. Pe ruse and ponder. Put it to a discriminating ".A. great portion—" Walt of that-- the larger half of Bogota. "A. great portion of the citizens and nearly ail the foreigners of tie plact3 (said Bogota aforesaid) had also as seifinblo4 at my quarters." The soldier crops THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, M ART "r.rElsl§,, — The inauguration of 416 'statue of Bias Sena will take place tke',Oth of March, a —The Imperial library has jttst purchased at the sale of Laborde; for the sum of 1;100E, it medal of Valens, which= is-the only • one known. „ • —"Love's Bielanceolyi'? 14 Constant Mayer, brought $l,OOO on Tuesday night,at a bale principally composed of the works of William M. prewn, the N. Y. artist. _". a —GerSme is at present _ engaged upon the Work which he intends sendieg to the next Exposition. It represents a scene upon the borders of the Red Sea, a souvenir of his travels in Egypt. —Certain pictures of Rub= and of the Dutch and Flemish schools which had suf fered from the heavy rains that fell at the end liof 1868, are now being cleaned and restored no the workshops of the Louvre. 4 —Thomas Gould, the Boston 'abniptor, has lately established himself . in Florence, thus adding one more to the gifted ,community of American artists in . Italy. He is modeling a figure, suggested by Shelley's poem, "The West Wind." • —Gustave Dofe, send two paintings to the salon of this year. The first represents the body of Rossini after death; the other, Rossini tinder the figure of the Genius of Music in tears. Many of .Dore's triends have advised him to have thelatter placed in the foyer of the Italian Opera House, as long as the maestro's famous mass is being exe cuted. —The Emperor has just instituted a quin quennial prize of 100,000 f. to be awarded by the Academy of the Fine . Arts and the Insti tute to the French artist—painter, sculptor dr architect—who shall have produced during the last five years a great work reflecting honor on the country. The prize is to be awarded this year in a sitting of the five' academies in the month of Auguet, at the same time as the biennial one of 20,0001., given two years pack to a Felicien David. —Mr. Healy, an American artist in Rome, has just finished a picture that is remarkable as a record of the late war. It represents the cabin of a steamer , on the Potomac, without any furniture or ornament of any kind, but rendered interesting by the presence of four historic figures. These are President Lincoln, Generals Grant and Sherman, and Admiral Porter, concerting the idith:g of Richmond. The picture is reported :to be excellently finished and lifelike. —A group of five figures is now being modeled in Italy by the sculptor Jackson. These figures are to be east in bronze, and to be placed over .the r entrance of the "gate house" of the great reservoir in the Central Park, N. Y. Most of our art-works of thin kind are cast in M.unicb but this is to be cast in America. The Mr. Jackson in question is author of the fine group in the Academy,at Philadelphia called . "Eve and Abel:" The: plaster sketch for the gate-house group we examined with pleasure when the artist Was modeling it last summer in this city. —The Saturday Review is rude toytome, ' and to the artists of non-Latin extractidn who dwell within its influences:—"Many an artist from more gifted races than that of Central Italy has turned mannerist at Rome, or sacri ficed his, talent to please the little winter co terie of ignorant but wealthy patrons. 'Some thing ails it now; the place is cursed ' The imbecile productions of Mr. Adams and Mr., Mozier, the showy emptiness of Mr: Stottr , and• Mies Roamer. , with half a dozen more flourishing ,manufactories for spoiling marble, are the natural result." —The excavations of the temple of Bacchus at Athens are just now attracting the atten tiOn•of. antlekuaries. M. Piot, a French gert tiOman, writes from that city that he has jest nmovered the remains (trunk and head) of it' colossal Fattn. Hiß letter is accompanied by a !photograph,' and by precise indie,ations the proportions of the statue. What discovery the more interesting is, that M. d Long.perier, afler comparison of e mea 7 - sures,given by M. Piot, has found that the proportions and forms of the Faun are just those of four caryatides in the Louvre. These laSt were known to come from the Villa Al bani, but the place of their first origin had not been ascertained; the fifth is at the rime= at Stockholm. There is now every reason to, stlppose that it le thesixth of these etatttee• which has now been discovered, and Oast it fOrued. with others, the monumental deco ration _of the Athenian Theatre consecrated to n Bacchus. newan exhibition of Oriental Ceranitcs new being held at the Burlington Club, Plc:- cadilly, London, one of the most luzunogfi specimens Is a milk- white saucer, the body or, which appears to have been perforated in r iTPTS. . , . MARY Gooorr,Timi; the ingenious , author of "Robinson Crusoe in words of one, ayllable," complains'warmly "of Caesell; the publisher: She having refusedills terms for her contem plated "Swiss Family Robinson in . words of one syllable," and closed with . another pub - Usher, Cassell caused hasty reductions, imi- Ltig her style, to ,fie made of the Swiss n ily and another work, 'and put them first on the market as part of "the One-syllable Library."-' The reduction` of Otanddrd4vorks to children's books in one ,syllableis a crea tion of Miss Godelphin's, and is Managed by her with inimitable skill. Her Moral right seems 11101/n4lWe. 1 Inomumanowii ov VotoAim Enuvuous.-- PLn Englishman of science, Prof. John Phil ti'ps; reports the phenomena of the recent utbreak of Vesuvius. • On the cotnmence etit 'of 'actual' etibtion, libitirves this an tlibrity„,°:,enettrions volumes of transparent , Steam aravotnitedforth in rapidly succeeding globose Pliffe, which -condense in the upper air into, cumulated &Ma, occasionally tower ing up'to a height . of twice or even Tour times that of the •.entire monntaih." In the lower part of the collittin ma then be Beennt night the fttoco Of the guide s, in, realltithe reflec tion of the incandescent lava below; and here the author gently breaks it , to the,unlearned that the smoke , flame •so liberally brand ished beforO mild populttr 'dem:A . lomm are but creatures of:lnisfiptirehenalon„ . thO' so balled I ,"smoke" being either', the va p or of !Water ,br' the s h owers of; detrital , lava, the Fishes and dust • often carried up With it to a Vast elovatien, whilst, anything like: real flame is of verytintisual •if .trot doubtful oc currence; and has been lioticed in a few rare instances, ,and on - ,a mind - scale, by, only two or three'comiietent Obtainers, TAKENG‘/N VAIILTHE :Ni ens'OF ATISSICAN AV ANS. --P,rof. UlOhlr Wilson, of Edinburgh IdniVersityj -the'ilthencettnt to com plain that Febrtiliry the 2a he received a rte- from' ' , De James Bryant"Bryant"Smith;:ittylieg imself Professor of ,Crgarde Chemistry 'in ir. ) ale College, and :statirig2that he and Profs. 3. SilllPialkalld..oeorge Br ish were, over in this country, for,the purpose of exchanging and purchasing; minerals , for .their College, and that . lon - theirway froth-London to• Du blin he had unwittingly got into a' wrong ear riage at Cheeter, and been conveyed to Liverpool, Whale hie companions had gone on to Holyhead , and thence to,lreland. His bag -gag% coat, and all his available funds, had gone with them,, and he was without money sufficient to enable him to come on to Edin burgh, where his friend expected to' arrive On the folloWinfeStiriday,end where he should be surer° meet their', as, was not, aware of their intended movements at, DOlin. Prof. Yalsen at once ffirwarded an order for 5/e,— tua he himself,. as well as Profalikand B.,were well khown acquaintances: The Edinburgh Professbr wrote 'afterwards to Dublin and to London, without tracing the errant Amerl- Cans, and haS every reason to believe that they have never left Yale College. 11.013 , IUULTUILAI. For Lawns Gardens, Green-Horses and Farms. BAUGH'S RAW. BOAR Alprita puotrons OF LIRE Will lie fotud a powerful kIANUBE. :It is prompt in its action; it contains the seeds of no Pestiferous weeds, and will produce luxuriantirrowtb of Grass. Flowers, Btrawberries, and all Darden Vegetables and Plants. iDealers strpolled bytbe cargo, direct from the , wharf or the manut actor,: on liberal terms. Bend your addrese and procure free, "Journal of the Parm"" 1.141(11nif & SONff, . No. 40 South DELAWAREAvenua. This Perinea' can be had of AU Agricultural Dealers in city or country. ter r a se tm ara 411.0:i A:111 MAULE, BROTHER & AO:, 2500 South Street 1869 PATTERN MAKERS. 1869 cuouir.„BEwricai MICHIGAN CORE PINE FOR PATTERN& , 1869. MB :NB *WM 189 " LARGE ES CE 1869. wi.oßmt mu oßnimn 1869 •CAROLINA FLOOW46. VIBWtiL& FLOORING. DELAWAREOOMNG RI NG.:, ASH FL. WALNUT FLOORWG 1869 FLORIDA STEP BgARDS. 1869 . FLORIDA STEP BoARDS. „RAIL RAILPLANK.L 1869. WA NUT BOARDStuneNE: 11369 WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANS. , . AbBORTED FOMA,KA ___ CABINET SRS. , 0 BUILDERS; Ark:. loan UNDERTAKERS' LUAIBER. . 1869 Lou - O. UNDERTAKERS' Lumazir 1 • WALNUTEDAR,t_ AND PINE.,t , , 1°69 SEASONED POPLAR. 1869 . isE#soNE A D si rEatitY., • WHITE OAK CLANK AND 'BOARDS. I • AICgORY., 1869; itAnat. 1869 NORWAY 13CANTLING, 1869. . EEO,* RIME:. .1869 I CYP LAROB RAI2 ASISORI M O3 HINGENT:ES. FUR SALE LOW.. 1869. 1111:01713'AST 1869 LATH. • • get,tozz Bitmrnmsco. sac, SOUTH STREE „ T. YELLOW FINE LUMBER—ORDERB FOR OARGOtB .L of every deacription Hawed Lumber executed at abort notice—_q_uallty eubject . . to inspection. Apply to RM. H. ROWLEY. 16 Routh Wbarvee: •fe6 i'XICSONM6 KIOTICE TO BUSINESS,MEN WANTING TO SAVE molggy AN D TAME. I , 50 TER 'CENT, BEIUCTION. Ititeendiognsthp.OßlGlNA.f.. OF ANY DOCUSIENTS OR DRAWINGS, we will return immediately ANY NUMBER OF CoPIES, EXACT FAC SIMILEI of the 'original at the following extraordinary cheap . rotes:, 100 copier. $2 00; 500 copies. $5 00; 1,000 copies,.sB'o3, , dm. In oath cage paper included (letter or noto size.) Or Fifty ' pet cent. upon the ahoy e prices may be. saved. by using MAI/100E13 Patent Antogrophio Printing Press for ' of fices, price SBO CO. . o ‘!. , .Patent States F ight . aro sold at modprat prices,EA.UAlVM4All kinds Of Litlia graphic Work are dorieadththe greatest care attbe lowest Cates.: MAURlClt'id,Patent Autographic Writing and Printing Establighment.lo North William st. N. Y Jaso f mw QIG. P. RONDINELLA. TEAOI32S SIISGT.N_Ct. N.)Vete teesom arta classes. itehridendei' sor Ati; Thirteenth etre*. ("CURRANT JELLY.—GENIIINE , VI3IIIIiINY JELLY V 10_6 and 10 lb. cane. Or • eale am •J. B. BEIIBIEIIBI CO, im Routh Delawar" &Mu"' Ir ALUM VE.RMIUBLU.-1001301338 V'INE_QUALITY IwhLte,,kmjeod.64l And fqr sale by Jpii,#.43ol§Dpog 09. loPsonin xielawarit avo?ua, , CH 15 1131IISIGAL. 1869. COMSETI4 , ,, FINANCIULL. STERLING lb WILDMAN, BANKERS AND BROKE:ft% NOs 110 louthildrCillreekrbliadelphla, Special Agents Ibi l the "deo! Danville, HazeitonA.,Wilkeabarrea R. riottitebi:du , • Dated 1867, due in 1887 Interest ' &Veil Per Cent. pay able ev half yearly, fr o and ' l l l 6 ttfL3°Eir li xer d 2t a l,g,ll l l ° Z; Donee aro offered at thelow, price of . 80 rid accrued cert. v i l la agnigicar ]!ape. Reports e r al a u d d Ett i n i d n p o l.=. 14on on band for dietrlbtition. wad: ' will be sent by mail on . 811eation. nt Bonds and other Beettritlee taken in ex. change at ierket- rates. ' . Dealers Btoc.bp. Ilenda,,Loatu3,,Gind, Jag! BANKING HOUSE A lr OOKIE, 4 6 4 i pS and 114 'So. THIRD ST. PRMAIris DEALERS' ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES L We will receiVe Opplleallotu3 for Policies of Life utenrande in' the new/ rational Life 'lrurarollee Company:lllle United States { Ifull information given at our office. ; I IrTII-.'d AIDOIIII B I ---.7) I !beaters in IV S.'Bonds and =emboli. pi Attack ii id Sold' dirchnin e, receive ccounteot Hanks and Bataiiere on Ilb. raj ierine t •Leene Mils oft liSsoliando On 4 - .1. Hemtkroli Son,. Undo!): :Hetzler,. S. Seim '&,,V04 Fralikroit daiTiatiW. Tucker & Co., Paris, ~Anti' oilier prlnciinil eiiiiiii and Lettere et Crediit tivailabitr throughout Europe 1 81 . W. corner Ted and theatfiilt Street. 'UNION PACIFIC R. R. FIRST MORTGAGE 30-YEAR SIX PER CENT, 0.1.4130 3B 0 MIDIS, For Sale at Par and Accrued Interest. fict 4, ,r t nA ; n ,):; 1 Dealers In Government Becrarities, Gold, &el, NO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. lahL2 tf 1040 MILES NOW CONFUTED OF Till UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Company will have the entire line finished through to California, and ready for this summer's travel. WE ARE NOW SELLING The First Mortgage , Gold Interest PAR. AND INTEREST, trwriar. FllJEturiims NOTICE. Government Ileetattlee taken In exelgulge at fall market rata. WM. PAINTER & CO., liankere and Dealers in. Govern meat Securities, No 36 SOUTH THIRD STREETS PHILADELPHIA. fel9 arati .:(1)(1/1 TO INV/35'1 4 IN GROUND RENT l OR V v mortgage. 3: H. MORRIS, =North Tenth etTOOL hl2 4t. ' Itbtpn (WM TO LOAN ON MORTOAOF) IN 'BUMS rly.•_V_lLLY,.of 115.000 and upwArdt-J.M. OUBIMBYBr, 783 walnut otreet..., , 14ODGEIRIP . AND • 7WVIVI I ENHOTAPI3 ~' POCKET: RNINEB,PEARL and £ll`tilbEL 13 UT ANOLEB., of balm, URA RAUL. ROD (VERB' and OE & .OLIERT4 • and: the ~ - C ELERRATED ' ' OULTRE ,• RAZOR. SCISSORS . IN. OASES" of . tho finest- qtuilitc Razors. }Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlery, Ground and Pollithetk. EAR INSTRUMENT : B of tho mbl:pproved co truotton , 'to I mid , thd haulm at P. , MAD RA'B4llntler and . Sur. idOld instalment ' Molten 415 • W .!istreet; , below' Cheilt. lout. ' ' '' ' .P - ''' • '.. ' ..! t ! , al'it , 1 T NNS mate analielait I a Sii 4, Ri4, indlOWArroh le Merchants and Ladles . an extensive assortment , Vortiets ondkiloop ma*: Bonds UEI TiL ay. WAIIMEIWC MIWIMILY9 JEWELEBti. KTAT9IIOOIIWEIALY k BILVRn 'MUM TATOP3 t f4I , IOEWELRY REPAIRED: hltaireairintSt,Phila* Watches of the Finest Makere. DlV:mina anirOiliel; 441;‘ , elry. of 43 Latest 0 4'1011. ' " 71 Solid liiiiiii•and'llisted MrPDS,# ) * EirEU*;llo-tule • A S, :large . ; aesortment.jut recely.ed.with,•,.llo4lo,.,: settings. wx!.. n. WARNE & ck ja, - • Whdendo - Ja w,ioCirk t §i AND ' elEW.Fia4)r. cll. writer Seventh And Sheets, And we of No 1/6 South Writ ittest q , 1417 ritrEfi 11 " G 45014 PAPER . Wholesale aiirßetail,i; NAGLE, COOKE & Late with lI,OWELL & BRO'IIIE NO. 1338 CHESTNUT STREET. `. ',rade oiup,plW at Manufacturers' laica! reunw Joint k Atzioczwies, Jrauvuoni, , FRE H : FRUIT IN OANS. Peeehee, Pine Apples, , preen Corn, Toinatoee, Prench'Peas. tanshroome, Aiiiisragasa A:mk 4go• ALBERT G, ROiIEB,TEL Music rri tniE onockluzlV , ;Corner -Eleventh and TT ADY APPLEB— WHITE GVAPES.4II4VAIIA! 0r6143811---NOW rei_p , ._r EMU Almonds—Flaw Doha alaitatetas. at COUBTVB East End Gramm' 1101 ENIMPI3 PATTE.DE VOL 011118- T.ROYMB3- • '• .L.L. French Peas and' Ilusbroorna.; LW'S* Otitiasid:ar COUBTYII East 'Wad . Grocery. ~ tio,. M. South Second r .street. • i ,. .QOOO3ll , ALE-AND -BROWN BTOUTT YOUNG= • ' , 6..1C0., , s Scotch Me and Br o , Stoat-Ole (tannin° at $9 60 per tit/014'14 COLInfirDS Snit ran 4.lnoestr7. No. i , ,118 South Second street.. . ••., 71.1.ER8.y. WINE-CANOE kiIEBRXWINEAT " oi",:gi the oae ` L of Wilt., i..OUVra EAST END aROCERY. No., 8 booth Second street T O EN s O th V e E Ir_m _ -2 e o i o o ' r G r A a L I L er O . N (CNH)I.ISITCVS'SQUEMEN E'D GROGERY.No. llASoutb Second street, TUE PINE A. S. ROBINSON, No. 910 'CHESTNUT sTitisET, jruit received exquisite specimens of Fine Dresden "Eiruinith " in) Pat #Ol2l, ID great variety. SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAP.US, Including a number of choice gems. A Superb Line of Ohromos. A largo azeortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS. 4reesi Akio. BICH STYLE.FRAMES of elegant uoir pattFA. tifiS - VEIJLANEOVEk Ii dtoLocc2l Ree‘ Ji a4 4 0 - 46(MA W . ed at -- feceounS 613 aariVidd s ib mh1641 " p EROT , I3 DEBT.. FAMILY FLONR—WARRANTED equal to the oholocet flour Lathe country. For sale to the trarle. . J. 8. & E. L., PERO% A North Delftware avenge. and t.D North Water etreet. mhl32t4 FLOUR -CHOICE BRANDS FAMILICAND BASIOIIII Flour always on band. "PEEtOVB BEeIIy , "I6IPERA.TAIZ..."VERIC motor.. _ "L X. L.." "E1.b.. 9 "UOLtiewld" and other Brands For Bale to the trade. PEROT. 228 North':Del a w are avenue, and =3 North Water street. 1533211 POUKEr &c. eIorTIP WlMMOlllaws sown, , OATEST - SHOULDER SEAlR'qmpor MANUFACT9Wit: I 3reans lir these celebrate/find/tit impale& priartrai brief nodes. Gentlemen's hurnishing 60064 - of late sbrlesto full WINCIFEESTEIt ' Pima wAtt7o6 CHE§T.NU*-. FINE DRESS mums G'E7 TB' J...'.WH .. .:§c0TT:::4,.: . ..#49 . .. 814 continental EDW.. ra below MM. ' ra Li ch es tnut iltreet, FOUL " GENT.I3 PATENT SPIIING44ND OUT. 117 ' . 4 r n orrrA C We l i t i i t l irh r itd r i eVelt tii armv:it , , y lO gs, also made to order i , , 4 4 .. GENT'S FURNI§IIING DI. • of every description. very low, 9113 ehortant street. corner of Ninth. %helmet Kid)klievee for ladies and sent‘at not e mtnx RFER.B E oz m u t. sold Hs I OPEN IN THE EVENING. IID ONDIS gOSTON 1318PUIT.-BOND'S BOSTON HUT jffio ter awl Mk Brom% lanAlit_ng from Ittearaer and for eak3 b 9671198, 13. 1311138a411' & CO., Apulia fur Aloud' los Botth mayn't° mum • MbMtifl ~ r,), .1 **1 (. 9 . .}: la Q. 0.0 1) ::: • admisetemer etsperermsetplanos Jokes. trammtemarobusoterokt 10 l 'Warm rnt,alliparig twarty,, (*Winos: whatever, - enerallf epeakinChint, ling up of- large lituariea, itoftur occurs that proper interior display, and convenience of in gress and e gr ess —frech (Mier parts of the edi fice Abultneffelaiihniediate collibittnicittion with thqprjnelptit_entrancee - 7 - demand the in-. titdihtibri bf gmall portals; wh oa COI7OIIIIO are mostly Called blo;:tiecaslon -allyJib doors,' Thee° are so eontrired as to pr the of shelves, well filied irtatijoelis, and.onn or,fiush, with the real 'shelves pr the library; and they thus , maintain the general effect,' which-otherwise wouldhe disagreeably broken by these very contoiideat,t,ibut?!rather abrupt and unhand • some doorways. Here scope is afforded for the most invete rate punster, the, moat subtle wit; and many literary ielithritles have availed - themselves of the tempo ing opportunity. Filecomilag , to the, most distinguished Brit ieh arehitect, Riohard BrOwn, some very cii rious devises are to be met with, on a jib door to:a book-case, in the library at Killer ton-Park: the seat`of Sir Thomas Dyke A.ch land, M. P., of Broad Clist,. Devonshire, England. As Specimens, Mr. Brown gives, from , hia note books, "Playfair, on the Late . Formation of Trap," "Friend's Right of En trabee," "Continuation of Chambers," "Pas quirt, at 'Efome," "Treatise on the Liw• of Partitions," "Trap on Fictitions Eatries," "hipllington on Covered Ways," "Noah's. Log' Book," and "Snug's the Word—By a Clerk 'of ,the Closet." The titles on , shatu booke„,'er .dummies, near the hinges, are equally aiTropriate, but even quainter, as "Squeak:. hnlletln.] ,Naw YORX, March 13.—Saper1ntendent Ken nedy to-day made'ruPiiitiiteatinz reribrt- Ito the Police Commissioners „en "the-, Boelal- Evil," showing that, on the`26thvf'January,there were, in New York and,Brooklyu,, , lpo,housflitotprosti- Uition; 107 assignatienr lib l uses;'433 pretty`walter girl saloons; , 2,107. publie• prostitutes -r and 255 waiter girls. - • - • - - Navy Depairinninnt '" WAsiiINGTOI4; tia‘rch hitisiedtlnk naval orders were yestordaYissue.d by Gacretary Boric, among them tho follow!ng • - - GENERAL C.PRDRIU!,-NO; --43,0far0 'aii:Officer takeli ceMinaild r of Ve131391 she Must,belixamined ny ti board consisting faf three line officers of the Navy, w,lis shall,report any delacleriebii . , may exist: No ships will 'carry more than two boat davits orreath cjuartep.:, The boatS may be hung double, but if this cannot be' done they must,be stowed on board. Where the latter course . % Impossible. the matter must be brortglit to the notice.of the Department. General Order No. t' prohibits the fUrther I .lt rift i - t a. k rj 011 j t '?" kt . :'. " t ll" .E. ' iTHE'DATAT - EVENI4I:4IIT A VInit -- Pfl l l;'AliELP) ll 4. - 4 tyractice of coveting the berth decks of vesseleeof lwar with shellac. I No. 93 provides that hereafter the spars of ships lof war will not be painted yellow as heretofore, and their yards will be painted black. A return ito the old custom Is oraered, No. 94 states that ill eMrans'ffutt have been put np in na”'-yards indicating the business to which different departments belong will bbee taken down, and simple signs, such 'as "Navigation Office," or "Store," "Ordnance Office or oterPordlotAiossi o," "of fice ofdpciptjatt,p4S.... their platells , —"Ehese - -officescit 12 , triet;tirantsues'• of the bumps;,but% sttp.-tekepaytmente , of,.tittgards, and are iiiide Pe Cfitite effrectiOndf the com taandant. c.l If; ;ai ;".% . • 1"5. .0 ft 1 ilikieCtOr nteIXISO) 2 • itbecial DWch 44001 nalltiplplakiEvotthgc Builettni Watannttrron,-Blarell 'announcement that General Bleklea Pvtrzf: kto meta to Mexico, to take as placo of Itoseerane, Tory general atlefacticin'hero in Wpabllean circles. BOSTON, March 18th.—The barque Fredonia brought as a prisoner, William Graham, sent ;to this country for trial, charged with killing the tmate of the ship John Bright, of New York. [Honorable Discharge of an American Banker in London. I, [From the Anglo American Times, Fob. 20.] After a rigid examination in the Court of Bank ruptcy, Mr. 8..11. Keith, of the late firm of Bold- Ong, Keith & Co., American tankers, was honor tablyracquitted on Thursday, February 18, of any , participation in the events which so unetpcctedly r 'wrecked that berm. We were not aware that (such charges had ever been brought ;against him, as we thought that the ex traordinary chr,txistabbes which destroyed ',the bruiness were known to have been caused by ;am aberration .of , mind 111 the partr.er then re ;maining in* London end ivhich-eventually 'led /him into suicide. The assignees opposed on the .grounds of excessive expenditure, rash and hazardous siteculatiotni and contractimr .. d.ebta iwithonfredsonable exilectation of payment, hut !Mr. Commissioner Bacon not only acquitted Mr. tHeitit of these tharges,but ftillparquitred the firm. ;Ho remarked on one ite m . of expense for enter tattling customers that it 'was the ordinary and i well-known practice of all large mercantile houses London, and he Asserted_ that had Itmot been for the. sudden .ilepertureln nelooked for a !manner of Mr. Belding the business might have gone on. Indeed, it is.now believed that the !house would have been a marked success had it ;not been for the unfortunate infirmity IBelding is supposed, to, have, inherited ' There /and no use, however,,in crying over rpilt milk,. ;and we now allude to' thew facts only to 46 an lea of justice we consider to be duo to 'Mr. Keith, to whose our articlewritten on, the re-,, Ma leelpt of the astounding 'rc% sof the failure of this firm, 4141.,thjusticuan [Honor said that Mr.-...Keitii.had been vitfOrtnnate; ;but not culpahle, and had aconlited.himseltig the ,face of the Court and of his creditors , with'credit to himself, and an order was grunted for an,allow- Immo to him out of the es tate-an unusual cir tcamstance, proving „hb*irgry' favorable was the impression left on the Commisaioner'e mind. laM PAINTS .— WE OFFEM TECETRADPIPITEE Ir Mite Lead. Zinc. white IRAcukceA Palls aOW town manufacture, of summed_ jatipstir L y ilWalatiell to :salt purchasers. EMMET BiltliDelliards &GO" Dealers on Paints and Varnishes, N. F 4 Dower Fourth sunt•Eace • ta. DHLBARB ROOT, OF RECENTIMPORTATION AND Olt very enperi_ or virility, WidterGnin Arable, East In: 41a Castor Oil. White and Mottled engldWnosp., Oliere Oa Of various brinde. For sale by ROBERT £O3OF:itARWA: CO.. Drag/ads, Nartheset omen Fonrtti atutlitsee • earn lIMGIBTS* BUNDW.S.,,GRADEIATES.4IIOII.TAA Tiles. Combs. BranheO; bibToro; TweemmF 'Boxes, Horn Scoops. Borgloallustromento.Tmumor. !and It Bab ler VW Cases. ,Glam And (4.41 Byrlises. dw... on at "rintHandon mime. -4 • • - SNOWDEN & MUYTELEIRJ IoPS tf 113 Eicnith Eighth Amt. From Boston. DISIISIE: ROBERT SHOEBLUCCR: dc CO" WHOLESALS & Draggiilet, 'Northeast comer Forath and Seto Babette l arval the attention of the Trade to their large stock of Fine Drags and.ClutaticalkEpeentha 0110.finanges w .Corka ar tf • zatilwz.tnrcs. : C: e :I.ll` IV VI .V 11 • PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes riaks at thelowest rates connistoni with gaiety, and confines ita Madness exiolusivoly to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF FECELADEL PHU. OFFICE —No. 723 Arch street, Fourth National Bank DIRECTO/3. TilolllB.ll J. Martin. Alberto It_Wth. John Hirst s AmA4 Hem" Binmw es Meng n.. James Wood. William Glenn. John Malleroso. James Jenner, J. Henry Askin. Alexander.T. ,ElPet! • Albert C. Roberts, • Punip_Fitspatrielt. CON B. ANDRES% President WM. A. Boxsn. Treas. WM. H. FAGEN. Beey. :4° INSURANCE EXCiLIJERTELY.—THE PENN. eylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 1g25 ,—C o harter PeC r tual—No. kip Walnut street, opposite In. ddence I This Cowper' favorablY known to the community for Over forty years, continues to insure against loss or dam age by fire, on Public or Private Building's, either oentiy orior alitnited thne... .Alsok, on F u rniture, W= of Goods and Merchandise generally. on liberal terms. Their Capital,ttogether with . a 'large Surplus Fund, is tested in a most careful manner, which enables them offerp the insured an undoubted lleellrity.in the ease of loss. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smithar.. I John Devereux. Alexander Benson: Thomas Smith. lonal. Hazletuirst, - Henry Lewis: Thomas Rubino J. Gillingham Fell, Daniel Haddock., Jr. , DANIEL aDuTH. Jr.. President. Virritum G. Orzowiax. Seeretsfy - THE COUNTY . FIRE INfirattilX,OE COMPANY—CF. fice, bio.llQ Bluth Fourth street, below Chestnut ,""The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila. delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of PennsylYs. Qia in 1 & 39, for Indemnity against loss or damage by fire, eschenvely. ; CHARTER PERPETUAL. { This cid and reliable institution.with amide capital aid Contingent fund carefully invested, contin- to insure buildings, furniture, merchandise. An.. either Permanent' ly or for a limited time,against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses aOluded exid i jnild with ßt aliposdble despatch. t. r Chas. J. Batter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, • , James,N. Stone. } John nom. Edwin L. Reakirt, ; Joseph Moor%, Robert V. Massey. Jr.. George Menke, Mark Devine. B_.j, BUTTER., heeldent HENRYBUDD, Vice President. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLAEY, Bearetary,and Treasurer p NIX X INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. 11 1P °"6, PATif UT Btree D 18ei—CHARTE te R tt P i E I MAL. I Tt ' iis Company insures &Mites or e daniade by FDIE oh liberal terms on buildings, merchaufflia, furniture. Bic. for limited periods. and pernianently en buildings b deposit or premium. he Company bee been in active Cperation fdr more than sixty_ ,yearN during which ,a ll lonics., halm been ProMPtly Minded inad_piiilL • D/RECTOItIik ' John L. nods% • • ; •'•rpaiiaLLowly_ M. 13. Idabonyi •Benjainin'Ettini. John T.Lewis. (Thos. Powers. Wm. S. Grant. ot A. 4.•Efelle ;nry, Robert 'VLelszninga Edmond Csatilion. B. -Wharton._ . Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis. Jr N "_ JOH IL WUCHERPIR, Preeident. '4AstgaLWlA. oo a, ,B earetarr. •••• lEFFERSON' FLEE: 'INSURANCE • COMPANY' OF Philadelphia.—Office, No. 24 North Fifth Wed. near mgmt etr ee t 'ii' ' ''". ' ' 'il i a '' '' '' T 1 corpted, j the Le *eV a11 32 4 1 T i t* perpetual. ' "" l an d s* timu l agahn . F LL ni orAitai t zti r oads a n . menonatese, on facorat i fe ' terms. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel ! Edward P. Moyer. mast Peton3on,. ~' f ' ' , '.,-._ Frederick Ladner. Jahn F,Behiterling.', '', . AdeanJ. Glass. Henry Troenmer. , ,'' -' He Delany. Jacob Schandelm .-. c'` - ,', . f ' John Elliott._: Frederick Doll. . • - Ohrietian D. Erick. Simnel Miller. George E. Fort. i Wrniam D. Gardner. 3, WILLIAM MoDANIE L. Pieeldent. ISRAEL PETERSON Vice ?readmit. runzi , E. Cotmaran. Secretary 'snit 'grammar. , FIRE ABBOCIATION OF PIIMADIII , p Phis; Incornorated March 29, 1820. Office . No. 84 NOMA Fifth !treat Insure Buildings. ' Household Furniture and Merchandise generally, from Lou lerFire, P. Beta Jan. I. $1,406.046 08 " illiam H. Hamilton, , Barnuelßparhawk. • eter A. Keyser, • CharleBP: Bower. ohn Carrow, . Jesse Ligffitfoot, e eorge I. Young, .Robert idtffiemer, 080ph it Lynda". Pe ter : Armbruster. vi P. Coats, H.. Pickinson. Peter WI hexagon. ' ' WM.H.SAMILTON,_Preiside t, BAMUFI4I3PARHAWK. Vice President. I iVA. T. BUTLER. fierre • , 'IILLE FAME • INSURANCE GOMPANY.ALFIOE N 406 4 1 / I ESTNUT BTREEF. i , • • • S UBIA. I,IRIE,IN,ANOE F DIREOrOiII3O ,4EBI.VgLY. Cliad,' , ltiehriedeoe; .',, C- iRo earee t Win. , ll.7llllawn, • .', ~ '• ' 41 .10 fin g:Nichiroir. Frariele N. Buck. - • • ,'4' John. w.gverni. Reno Lew* •, - •- • ••' • •' .11. Orne, Ouo. o... , ,Weiit. • • •' 't i.i 43havatokee.'• Nathah•HiLes. Mordecai Rugby. CHAR. RI HARDBON, Preeldent. WEI. 11. RHAWN, Vioo•Preeldent. Wu.araaui L Buizeitasp. Secretary ATIONAj4 , . 1W• , lIRA , 10, "-',...'''', . 4 .',..f.'.. ' , OF(TILIP: '': j'it.f.....%:',..:r:,.;, 1: 1" 10 30 SPAM b : .Washington .IVishingto% D. O. of. Conii`.l4 ',Ol by 111%iejt, 2 1818.' Cash Capital, 1,1,000,000 Paid in Fall. - salmon OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING . : ritzt.analuilki;Lac :where all correspondence should be addressed. DIRECTORS; CwatENcrE E crARA A A. RomNs. rAY COOKE I HENS' 'D. COOKK. W. E. CHANDLEE. W. a. MOIMMEAD. 'GEORGE F. TYLER. J. HINCKLEY CLARK. OFFICERB,I_ 'CLARENCE IL CLARK . Philadelphia. Preis'dent. JAY COOKE. Chaliman Finance and Executive Corn mitts& lIENRY D. COOKE. Washington, Vice President. '.EMERSON W. PEET. Philadelphia. Bee', and netain7 .E. &TURNER. Washington, &sodding Seeretatp. 'FRANCIS G. SMITH. M. D.,ltedleal Dln3etoi. ',I:EWING KELSO. M. D.. &distant Medical Dfteeterr. This Company, Nattonal in Ito thunder, offers. by Fesson of ifi Large Capitol. Low Rates of Premium. and _Wow Tables, the most desirable means, of looming Lila yet prasomted to the public.' Clitulans, Pamphlets, and fall pirthrolaii &lien on ap. Iplie.ation to the Wench Office of the ComienY or to its Cronus& Agents. General Agents of the Company ,LittCowl s co: Newyork, for New York Staid and northern New Jersit hinsw J • , AY POO/LE & CO., xi, D. C. for Delawar . `Virginia, District Columbia and West Virginia. E. W. CLARK A CO.. for Tennsylveinia and Southern Bqw JeTheY• B fl. Roan; Marriaberg. Manager tor Central and Viatern Pemisylvenia. O. AIME Er.rlS it CO.. Chicago. for Illinois. Wiatonsici . IiTEXIIEN MILLER, Bt. Pan]. ; for, M innesota and ti.. W. • '• ' • ' ;10/IE4 Vir.-11=3 & CO.. Cincinnati. for •Ohlo and Con tral andlionthern Indiana. • T. n: EDGAR; Bt. Louis. for Mimi and Smuies. rt. A. KEAN& CO., Detroit. tor MIMS= and. Northern Indiana. #l. M. MOTBERIBIED. Omaha. for Nebraska. OBNSTON BROTHERS & CO.. Baltimore. for Mary isr • ' England General Agrelley • under ecir lite . , Direction or i.A.;ROLISNI3 el the L Of th Board of Dirocton. I ieIf.E.GRANDLER. J. P. __. __ er. 4 P TUCBER, now, . ton. 8 'Merchants' Exchange, State street, /309 1. 829 . --OHARTER PERPETUAL. VELANMELAIrc TIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF'PHILADELPHIA• Office---435 and 437 Chestnut Street ARgets on J 871111117 1,1869, 02,1377,372 13. Capita Isamu 00 gird 74g kiNsorrum mums. n 4003011 1 . 011 1869, 103,7 ES IR MOP% Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 11,5 500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies uponberal Terms. The Company also 113PIIPP Policies the Rents of all Rinds of Buildings. Uroo.‘a Rents and Mortgagee. PIREORS. Alfred G.Maker. I TO Alfred Filler Bamnellirant. Thomas ii Geo W. Rictiardss Wm. B. Grant. Jamie' Lea, Thomas B. Ellis. Geo. False, Gustavus B. Benson. - - . BAKER, President. LB; Vice President. icretarv. ALFRED _ GEO. JAB. W. MoALLIBTER. Whi. GREEN. Assistant rIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM PANY. • - • Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1828. Office E. corner , of THIRD and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. MAINE INSURANCES On Vessels, Cargo LA N D to all parts of the world. INMtiUItANCEEI On goals by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all parts of tbe Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally; on Stores. Dwellings. Houses. &a. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1.1865. 0000,000 United States Five Per (ient. Loan, 1540'55208,50 1 ) 00 120,000 United States Six Per - Cent. Loan. 1881. . . . 185,800 00 50,000 United atvi.;, • (for Pacific Railroad) , . 511,0%) 00 Six Per Cent Loan 200.000 State of Pennsylvania Six - P . m. Cent. Loan. 211,375 00 I=ooo City of PhiladelPiiii; Six Per Cent LoanAgxempt from Tax) 1=594 00 50,000 State of. New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan . . 01,500 00 20,000 Pennsylv ania Ph l a &OR: ...gage Six Per Cent. Bonds._ . • =CO 0 25,000 P ennsylvania . Railroad Sensing Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds:. 24,000 00 25,030 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds (Penna. RR. guarantee).'. 20.625 00 30.000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cen t Loan. .. . 91.000 00 7,000 State, of , Tennessee Six Per Cant Loan. .. . . 5.1/31 25 MOOG Gormanto wn pal and Interest guaranteed by the VW- et Phihdelphia. 800 shared stock._ 1500 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Compansr. . 200 aharee stock. .. 11,300 00 Com 5.000 North Pennsylvania Railroad , Pany..lol.l shame stock ..... , 20.000 Philadelphians. Southern Mail &WO (10 Steamship Company, 80 shares stook. . 15,000 00 207,900 Loans On iiOna 'and liens on City Properties & 207,900 00 111.1e9.900 Par. Coat IBLo93Market value, $1.0).= 26 . .IX4 Beal Eatate.... , • • 38.000 Bills Beceiva . ble ** for' insurances made........'P 45 1 486 94 Balances ,d.uat Aaenciee—Pro. mime on Marino Policies—Ac crued Interest and other debts due the Comemi 40.178 94 Stock and eerie of eundry Corpora tions. 613,156 CO. .Estimated value" 1,9113 • Cult in Bank. ...6111t3.160 33 Cosh in 413 65 116683 73 DIRECTORS: rhomea C. Hand, James B. McFarland. Edward Darlington. Wiliam C. Ludwig, Joseph B. Seal, Jacob P. Jones. Edmund A. Bonder, Joshua P. Byre, Theophilua Paulding' William G. Bonltem Hrtgh Craig. Henry C. Hallett, Jr., John C. Davis. John D. Taylor. James C,_liand. . Edward Larourcado. Join R. Penrose. - ' • - Jacob Riegel. H. Jones Brooke, • ' --George W. Bernadou, spencer DPllvalne. Wm. C. Houton. Henry Sloan, D. T. Morgan, Pitteburp,h, Samuel E. Stokes, - John B. Semple. • • do., %Vanua): A. B. Berger, do. J8J1 " 35 ---- —.. ` THOMAS . 0. HAND. President . A , _ _ • JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice Preeident. HERI( LYLBURN, Elocretitry. . ' , HENRY BALL. Met SemetarY. . de2l..ti N MERRIANIFTRS INATIbINCE COMPANY.MOB , . .n- oersted 1810.--Charter PorPeteßL No. 810 WALNUT street, above Third,Phlladelphis. Having a line' paid.up Capital Stoat end Surplus in. voted in sound and available, Securities,continue to i s nut° on diVellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, veesels in uort..and their cargoes, , and other perserusi, property. All t, wee. liborallY and rang& eilleete4. - • emu XL MnHe. ' „ , 7tamutid G. Dutilh.. Jon Webb • , . 1. • ",I , ' Merles W. POultheir: • Patrick. Nrak,, ' ' Israel Morris, ___ • • John T. Lo - John P. Wetneriu. William. Paul. THOMAS it. MARIS. Preeident. At MST 0, osAwrosp, Secretary , +r w. rh ,___mo SAtiS:6 iTB6B inalinaVESOritt"et'l Area /rirra l i tthellllll"ll , b 31 1.; Illarmtbriattre ,,, Omni , it tzuk 'An= 13 EVERT ; 17,13rati3DAY , „ • bu, b" • • • • • , • " ,:4 ;4 ' • '•• ' 11-AEI7OIA OIL PAIN'IING ' OtnnprishlSPEarbortant parts - of, TWO-PRIVATE COL. ' LVAMONII. to be 'sold at No. 1231' Chestnut street en HUREIDA4E rand •IfIEDAY EVENINGS. March dik and d& On tree Exhibition from Wednesday. 17th Wt.. at the Pennlylvardslleademyncritte Arts. JOHN D. DySittltB., EDWARD DODGE. . . ' A esigitees' Peremptory Sale—V A LUABLEPROPERT Y known as the "LEHIGH Iti. , LLING MILL." containing about 9 acres. City of Is lleutown, Pa . adjoining la de of the Allentown Iron Company and Rolling Mlle. between the thigh -Valley Railroad and Lehigh Canal, with all the Buildings and valuable Machinery, Steam Engines • 2 BRICK BUILDINGS and LARGE LOT, North Twelfth street. between Ogden and Myrtle. DESIRABLE IDIAIL - FABM. 16,4 ACRES. Oakland toad, about 2j miles from Oakland Station. on the Penn sylvania Railroad. (theater emu" Pa: Byname Srann—MODERN THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLIN to. N; W. corner of Nineteenth and Thompson eta. Immediate possession. Master's Peremptory Sate—THRE.ESTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 630 Ca th arine st. Same Esta te—THREESTORY BRICK DWELLING. No. flag Catharine et • Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, O.W. corner of Catharine and Godey streets, No. 6116. Same Estate—THREESTORY REICH DWELLING, Godey street. south of Catharine. Same Eetate—THRERSTORY BRICK DWELLING, Clothy street, adjoining tae above. Same EstatsrLille-DbTORY BRICK DWELLING. Godey street; rodjoining the snore. Same Estate—TWO-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING. No. Mg Routh Tenth Street. corner of Rod. plan: _Master's SaIe—MODERN' TIME-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No SW North Seventh street_above Poplar. L Admirirtratrix's SaIe—TtiRERRTORY BUCK DWELLING, No. 21 South Twentieth street, below rd Atka. THREESTORY BRICK DWELLING. with Side t 'Yard. e o. 612 North Twelfth 'street, abuse -Mount Vernon. Lot i ft front. • M ee ODERN. THREPATORY BRIM( DWELLING. No. 1016 Chem et g.WELL.SECURED GROUND RENTELeacti 560 a Year. H. G. FAHNEBTOCK. foil tde3l_ '.1,647,367 13k1 STOCKS. LOANS. lifo;' ON TUESD AY. MARCH 16, At 19 ihloCk noon. at Philadelphia F.vs • a'nge. • ( „- , Executors Sale. 8 shares Camden - and Atlantic Railroad Company AcOmmon.) . • • ICU ahares Buck bitamishi Ceal Co. ' 10 shares Enterprise insurtnee Co. 6 shares Academy of Musia with ticket. kabala Point Breeze Park.:l (, Box Stall l oint Breeze rark. . I share Academy of Fine Aim. Adminirraters , Sale -20 shared Reliancel insurance CO. 6 shares Western National Bluk. For tither Accounts -1 share Philadelphia and liputhern Mail Steamship _company. 9 shares National nank of North America. 200 shares American Buttonhole and Overseaming "sanitise Co.. 16 shares Franklin Institute 20 shares Empire Transportation Co. 600 shares McKean and kik Land and. Improvement Company. ,60 shares Union Railroad and Transportation Co. 80 shares Consolidation National Bank Pew No. 20 T.nth Presbyterian Church. Dr. Borden. 109 shares Mechanics. Nao tonal Bank. 40 shales Central Transportation Co. 100 shares Delaware Division Canal Co.. guaranteed 8 er cent. stock DEAL ESTATE BALM MARCH le Will inch de— Bala for Account of LIGHTy Concern. WATERBURY GAB kiTo(llf -UN TUESDAY.' MARCH 211 At 12 o'clocknooa. tue Philadelphia Exchange -700 shares Waterbury Gad Light Co. Bale at the 'Auction ROOM. NoL 189 and 141 South Fonitt, HANDSOME HOUEHOLD" FURNITURE. PIANOS, . IRROBB, HANDSOME VELVET. BRUSSELS AND I OTHER CARPETS. die. i& ON TEit.lti3DAT MORNING. March 18,at 9 o'clock.at the auction rooms.by catalegar a large antortmento of 'impeder •Hotoehold )Furniture, comprising-2 Handsome Walnut . Parlor Suite, covered with plush and reps; superior tAbrary arid 'Dining Room Furniture, 4 Oiled Walnut .Chambef 'Suite, 4 Cottage Chamber , Suits. superior 'roeeword Plade Forte, fine French Plate Mirrors. Wardrobes, Bookeises,Bideboards, Extension and Centre Tables, Beds and Bedding Haw , Matreeses. China-andHlaisware. inverter Office f`urni tun% Gas-consuming and Cooking Stoves. 600 poen& White Lead. handsome Velvet. -Brussels and .other Car pets. dm. BECONI) BALE OF ELEGANT CABINET Ft ENITURE, TO GLOBE A PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNT. ON FRIDAY MORNINti. • Idarsh 19„ at 10 o'clock. wilt be sold at public sale, in em large second story warerooms, without reserve; by cats love, a large and extenaiVe assortment of Elegari. Cain net Furniture. including Rosewood. Walnut and Ebony Pariou,Chamber and Dining. Room Furruture.finished in the latest style coverings and marbles r all made by tb.. Felebrated manufacturers. Geo. J. Henkels and Lacy & comprising e choice selection. warranted in every respect well worthy the 'attention of persons for fibbing. Extensive tale at the Gunner's Run Distillery, Ne• 1653 Cumberland at. , Nineteenth Ward. VALUABL.F: ISLIXHINERY STEAM BOILER BEER PUMP , STILL. WORMS. PUMPS, SHAFT PULLEYS, BELTING, TUBS. STEAM PUMPS, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, BELTING, CuPPF R AND IRON PIPES. &o. • ON MONDAY MORNING, • March Z.', 1869. at 11 o'clock. will be sold at public sale. hy catalogue. the entire contents , comprising Steam Boller, about 75 horse power, made by Morgan ea Orr ;•,- Fermenting Tube, holding 7500, gallons each; Large Still, bolding 10.340 gallons ; Mash Tubs, holding 13.600 gallons each ; 2 Brittin & Henderson Pumps, Nos. 5 and 6; Low Wine Pump; 1 Mill, with 4 feet stone and Elevator coos. piste; Yeast Tobs Beer Pump 4 large Receiving Tubs, Charger, I Grain Elevators. with ConveYanoss; Co.mer Coolers. Copper Condensere, Shafting Pulleys, Belting, Copper andiron Water, Steam and Gas Pipes, Platform Scales, Tools. he. Full particulars in catalogues. May be examined on the morning of sale- at 8 o'clock. Terms—Cash. Sale abablute. - MARTIN BROTHERS. AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Saleemen for M. Thomas dr B