Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 13, 1869, Image 5
'YONKERS E W YORK fire insurance CO., NEW YORK. T he following statement of tho condition of the C°“' P «ny on the SUt day of December. 1868, 1b published in contonnlty wlthanaetcf Assembly: Capital Bloolc,full paid...... ASSETS Cash taßsnkt, wectfy tag too Banka (Metro- gl Cash tahandaofAgenU, to course ol trarumte- 4g Amooit»M'£oßEßaecnredbj Bonds ondMort-' torest dno »nd 0wing...... 11D ’ ftyifl market value * Par Market Value. Valao. UnH^Ute. Bond. OMBBI.. ,*mm 81^ ‘ 6 80*8. 18® lOoOOQ 107«0>}0 Now York State Bonds, ”77 SUM 00 Amount of Stock heM by the Company as Col lateral Security per loane. with the amount lowed on each kind of Btock. its par and JBJIM M market value pm" Market ’ Value. Value. II R.SoBonds of 1864......... 825000 $27,600 4tli MoTtaago Bonds.. 10,000 o IHX 9,000 2.000 NiJhota ti ‘ ,?na -“ °° K " S ® ewSSSSB" •• 8,603 6.000 Widow*' Orphanß’ Ufa Insu eurance Company 5t0ck...... 10.000 11.000 Security Insurance Company... 10 MO 10.M0 Universal Life Insurance C 0... 8,000 B.OOJ 66,000 70 000 ij« g United Btate* 5-20 Bonds of 1885, 10.600 11.650 national Bank of Yonkers.. .. WOO I'M Kutger*e Inßuxance Company.. I* ooo 1 » &W Accrued Interest not yet due Other available miscellaneous asfleta,apecUylng their character and value : Salvage due on losses paid.... l>uo Company on Policy of re-lnsurance Oftice furniture." LIABILITIES Amount of lessee during the year, adjusted but „ 13 Amount of iosßes reported to the Company, but Amount of losses resisted by tim O mpany..... 00 Amount of all other claims against the Com pany, contested or other a iso - Kent.......... 66, 00 Amount required to safely rotmmre all out standing risks m,3au INCOME. Amount of Cash Premiums rccoircd. Amount of Premium! earned lntereit received from investments. EXPENDITURES. Amount of losses paid during the year Amount paid and owing for re-insurance pre miaefl—ss3,l33 deducted from premiums rp ccived above •••••: •« * Amount of Return Premiums. whether i aid or unpaid, deducted from premiums r«eirod IIIIATA • onSutKioe uU Amount of Dlvidenda declared during the year, 60,003 00 Amount of Dividends paid. •. •• v 0 Amount of expenflfß paid during the year, in cludiru oonimUeionß and feee paid to Agents and Officers of the Company 119,562 61 BICHABD &• FBISELIS, President. Vfn. COSHER, Jr., Vice-President. JOBS W. BHJBBIY, Secretary. TILLINGHAST & HILT STATE AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS. Horlh Pennsylvania Ballroad Office, 409 WALNUT STREET, FHILAOELPHU. feft-tn-th-gIU “Our Old Folks.” With the above title Mr. R. Haflelgh Introduces to the favor of the public a now monthly maga zine,which he publishes at No. 731 Walnut street The editor Ib Mr. D. Boyer Brown, a gentleman of taste and cultivation, who proposes to present in it a full discUßßlon of (he great progressive ideas and reforms of the day. We observe In the initial number a judicious mixture of biography, fiction, travel, and practical advice, with a cor rect aud harmonious poem. "Ah Passant,” by the editor. An article on ibe resumption of specie payment, by means of a gradual substitution of demand notes lor the legal tenders paid inlo the treasury, is worth deliberate atten tion. The magazine is an octavo of eighty pages, each printed with one column oflargu clear type, so as to ovoid the common error of rendering contributions illegible from condensation; every attribute of the magazine seems to render It at tractive to quiet readers who have passed the noon of life and desire pure and refined entertain ment for the seclusion of the family circle. The editor, in his department of Wit and Humor, quotes Lowell’B “Without and Within," us a dipping from an exchange,duo to an author who “withholds bis name.” The poem has been largely quoted by tho English and American re views as tho bright particular biar of Prof. Low ell's last collection, “Under the Willows and other poems.”—Tbe price of. Our Old Folks Is only $3 per annum, a rate at which we cordially wish it a long subscriptiOD-lißl. OITY NOTICES. Goon Nkwh kou Bk\vek3. Good news for Bt-wun*. Good newb for Hewer*. An extra reduction will bo made on oar aeual prices where parties purchase our Bpool Colton in qaautiilea exceeding one doieu. TUU Couon W the bout In tbe market, and in all eaten oitocdu *2OO yard® to the spool. .font; M. ViSN. •= Southeast corner Arch and Seventh atreets. Bummed ahd W ihtf.ii. Colo.o. & Co.'s Ton.xt Soxpb wchavo used for years, and found them always soticulog to the skin in winter, and so pleasant In summer, that we could not do without them.— Religious Telescope. Quiet and eootho the pain of children teething— Use Bower's Infant Cordial. Bold bjr oil Druggists, INSURANCE COMPANY The following statement ot the condition ot ' Jjo Com pany on tho 81st day of December. 186 J. is published In accordance with an act of Assembly: Capital Stock, full paid. 5600,000 00 The value as nearly aa may be of the Real Estate held by the Company Cash on hand. C&sh In hands of Agents in course of trans mission * *J * Amount of Loans secured by Bonds ai d Mortgages, first Hons on Beal Estate Par Value. United States Five-twenty 80nd5..600 CO Mis sonri Btate Bonds 24,000 00 Vlreinio Btate Bonds.. «> Tennessie Stole Bonds uiooo oo Alabama State Bonds. iK? do Wisconsin State Bonds Kofi no New Haven City 80nd8... • 61,000 00 VJgr- g aU . 0D . 81 ..? rr8 . ,108 “ a . n f. 6.600 00 690 Shares'Second National iianfc 200 SbarCß Yale National Bank, v w '.Ti'-; iWtvWU vJ 668 shares National Bank, N. H..... 6i.800.Q0 fcuu shares New HavCu County No tional Bank, N, H........ •••. 6.600 00 90 shares Mech*nica* National Bank, N- 11 ....••••• 6.000 00 68 shares Merchants* National Bank, N. U v 2 * 6do 00 160 ihareßf? New Britain National Bank, New Britain, Conn— 15.000 00 Aroouut o{ Stocks hold by the Company as Collateral Securiy lor Loans, with the amount loaned on each kind of Stock, its par and market value Clln,on . Nttoonal sl,ooo $l,OOO I °rH B^o A . , Sn ?an . r ! re > . lnß . U . 1.000 1.000 300 Shores Adame Manufactr r mg Co . Cnsticboro, Vt 30.<g0 3U.0U0 Accrued Int’st not vet duo and rents accrued. Coeb loaned t n call •• • Bills Receivable for Inland Premiums Sundry Balances due the Company.• Fire and Inland Salvages, Agency Supplies, (>fl\«je kumlture and Sundry Inveatmont. . 190,100 211.650 . . ; 16,091 00 Amount of during the year, adjujted Amount\>f Losece reported to the Company. but not acted upon..—• v* ;r "’ll " Amount of Lossesresisted by the Company.. Amount of Interest due and unpaid on Scrip. Amount reclaimuble on Perpetual 1 oliclos... Amount required to safely reinsure all out standing A mount of Cobli premiums received.......— $1,979,659 25 \ mount of premiums not paid iucaah during the year, stating the character of aucb pre miums • Amount of premiums earned .. .. lutereet received from Investment* ........ . Income from all other eourcee.-epoclfylog IQ . Qanfl what uourcea—ltenU IMSB 08 444.870 74 386.319 09 -41,641 96 H 0 ME Hew haven, conn. ASSETS. liabilities. INCOME. EXPENDITURES. Amount of lo8 B eß paid daring theyosr— Amount paid for rc-inpuranco premium* Amountof letura premiums, whetherpald or A mount of di vid enda deplftied during sear.. 100,000 00 Amount cf dividopdß Paid..••••• 10J.001) 00 Amount of expenses paid during the rear in cluding commieetons and feeß paid lo agents and oflieen) of the Company «0 617 46 Amount of taxes paid by tno Company....... 00,431 40 Amount of all other expenses and expendl- v, i:' Pur end market value of the Oompony*B Block per ehare. • • • - • • • •• • ;•;/ •; Par Value. Market Value. 8100. SlO3. D. E. BATTEBLBE, President. Win. B. 600 DELL. Secretary. TILLINGHABT & HILT BTAI B AGENTS AND ATTORNBVB. Berth Peniuylvuila Railroad E alldln ; 409 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Spooi. Cotton I Skwkb6, Look ! ! Six 81*001.8 FOft 25 orntb!! Six Spools rou 25 okntb!! Six Spools fob 25 cents!! This cotton, after a year's trial, finds no rival. It baa proved the strongest, smoothest, and beßt adapted for machine or hand use, and in all coses when meas ured exceeds 200 yards to the spool. At the low price of Sxx Spools for 25 Cents, It can only be had at John M. Finn's, 8. E. corner of Arch and Seventh stree ts. Pekok Souchong.— A very superior English Breakfast Tea. On sale by Falrthorne & Co., 1031 Market street and 205 North Ninth, Tub Ear.— The stay of Doctor Hartly in Phil adelphia is positively limited to the day named for his departure. 1107 Chestnat_Btreet. To the Ladies. We now have a splendid and largo stock of Ladies’ mid Misses’ liate, which cannot be excelled for dura bility and make. Oakkordb’, Continental Hotel. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nalls, skillfully rested by Dr. J. Davidson, No, 915 Chestnut street* barges moderate. • Reduction in Prickb, To close oil' Winter Stock, CUAULKB StOKEB&Co., Clothiers, No. 824 Chestnut street. Hot CuoBB Bohs, fresh every day through Lent, Moiibb, 802 and 004 Arch street. Dkakkesb. Blindness and Catarrh. J. i Bancs, M. D.. Professor of tho Bye and Bar treats all dtseases appertaining to tho above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from tho most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office. No. 808 Arch street. Tho medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patients,as ho has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes Inserted. No .charge made for examination. Surgical Instruments and druggists' sun <^r*tB‘ Snowden 8a Buotube, 23 South Eighth street. Gents’ Hats—Gents Hats, • Of the latest and most fashionable Btylo, At tho lowest price. Oakitoui>b\ 834 and 830 Chestnot street, Green ginger.—landing and fob bale bit J. B, BUSBIES A CO„ 100 Bouth DtUware BTonao THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 1869. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. SI,COJ,OOO 00 435,025 00 1,844 18 99,621 85 278,831 81 139.239 87 22.562 50 26 035 68 18.005 00 9,000 00 12 360 00 51*000 00 Par Market Value. Value. $l,OOO 00 15,600 00 14,896 38 4.616 24 69,855 20 78,527 21 93,347 07 27,872 32 33,260 00 8,600 00 80 68 43,775 32 681,939 45 46,392 60 1,6*5,6 *0 69 35,336 52 $1,331,746 01 8.5% M 103,016 88 INNtTBANCE. ATLANTIC PBOVIDENOB, B. I. ft The followinfi statement of the conditioner the ICom pany on the Slat day of Deoemher, 1868, ia publhhed in accordance with an act of Assembly: Capital Stock, full paid. ASSETS. The value sa nearly as may bo of the Real Estate held by the Company 6.88» 00 Cash on hand * 7.937 08 Caßh In handa'of agents In course of transmission 8,631 10 Amount of stochs owned bv the Company, epecl* lying the number of shares and their par and market value • uirket Value. Katue. 1027 shares National Bank of Commerce, Pr0v..,896,360 a ares Glob© National ww Bank. Providence.. . 25*000 27*600 aarce Fourth National Bank. Providence. .. 20,000 21,600 barea Northern Bank, . twn Providence •• • • 16,000 14,250 h «£ZtfiKlswiteiS 20,000 21.300 200 lO.OOO U. 400 101 uharee Merchants’ Nat’l Bank* Providence 5,030 5.464 146 shares American Nat‘l „ Bank, Providence..... 7,200 7,.67 200 eharea National Bank of Commerce, N Y 20,000 Js,uuu 300 Bharcs Fourth National Bank, N. Y 30,0 w $248,000 $268,038 Other available miscellaneous ussets.spectfying their character and value..... 20,638 .1 Dills receivable for marine risks..... ..$3,057 85 Bills receivable other than those taken lor marine risks 19 060 60 Dents accrued . RS !S! Personal property 101 " LIABILITIES. Amoudt of losses reported to the Company, hut Ainouni of loßses resisted by the Company [X Amount of dividends due »n<S unpaid... W Amount of all Other claims*,gainst the Lorn- , i-nny. contested or otherwise •••••• m Amount required to safely re-lusuro all out standing risks 46,086 88 INCOME Amount of catli premiums received dednctlng reinsurance >nd r, turn premium 5.............. 103.470 48 Amount of premiums not paid in cash during the year, stating the character of such pre mlume—note tor marine premiums 1.207 25 Inteicsi received from Investments..... 22,856 74 Income from all other sources, specifying what sources iij-ij 61313 72 EXPENDITURES. Amonut of Losses paid during the vear, Aaount of dividends declared during year Amount ot dividends paid..... v • • ••• Amount of expenses paid during the year.lnolu ding coinmia-*ionB and fees paid to Agents and Officers of the Comp *ny. *>,020 14 Amount of taxes paid hy the Company ... 5,62-47 Amount of all other expenses and exnendl- 5,070 70 t. in Alia IN, PfcsNcnt. J. 1, PABISH, Secretary. TILLINGHAST & HILT AGENTS AND ATIORNEYB. j orth rcniuyiianl i Batlroad Building 409 WALNUT STREET PHIL VI ELPII I A. THE PIKE ABU. LAST DAYS OF TETB EXHIBITION OF CHURCH’S NEW “NIAGARA,” AT EARLES’ GALLERIES, No. 816 Chestnut Street. OABBUGES. D. M. LANE, Builder of First-dan Ll.ht ard Heavy CARRIAGES, Renpectf ully Invitee attention to his large stock of finished Carriage*. Also orders fc&ken for Carriages of every do* scription, at SWIIIFitmi AND WAREBOOHS, 3432, 3434 and 3430 JUBEEr BTIIEET, Three equates west ol Pennsylvania Bailroad Depot, West Philadelphia. fe2-ta-th.B-6mn> TO LET-THE BASEMENT OF STOUR S. W. COR ner of Eleventh and Chestnut street*. Rent low. Apply at the r. omi of the AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, on the pro mires. folMtl ,$200,000 00 $20,623 91 72,748 36 »,000 00 8,066 00 XO BENT. IKMOKANCr* LUMBERMAN'S" INSURANCE COMPANY CHICAGO, IULu The following Statement of the condition of the Com* puny on the 31et day of December, 1868* is published .In conformity with an act of Aasemblyt ~.V....8&00.000 (» Capitol Stock— full paid. ASSETS. Cash in Banks, specifringtho Banks—i» i/nion National Bank of Chicago..., w Cash in hands of Agent* in coarse of txacsmis- • e| on OiW> w Amount of Loans reoured by Bonds and Mortgages, constituting the first ilen on Beni Estate, on which less than one year’s interest is due ard owing... it. Amount of Storks owned bjr the Company.Bpo cifjixig ibe number of bhares, and their par ana market value: p„ Market t Value. Value. ** f&v- LotncdoneaS. kind of Stook-lts par and market value Par Market Value. Value. Government 6£s- .. .... ; -#19.800 00 *21.3,0,6 19.600 00 K, ? t Nat Sauk “fChlca* o tfmoo ROCOCO llf!h h " “ " 2&600 00 28 500 W 251476 00 foilnerclal" _ “ 9.000 00 9.900 00 62500 00 Co S CMcaKO°“ 1,600 00 2,260 00 850 00 Uty Nadonii B'aDk " :.. 6;100 00 6.100 00 5.100 00 C Q I Sb B «"S™ 1.100 00 1.914 00 850 00 '°ljonds 0 .'.. a !!. ) ..^* r — U — 2,300 00 2.173 60 2.075 00 Chicago?!. B . a . kor . y . of 9500 00 2,600 00 1.700 00 ChiraCO Fruit UnQBB C 0... 6 (X# 00 I*Boo 00 1.425 00 th t?* eo DsitComp!!nr.... 11.200 00 11*200 00 8,600 00 F « to “°::. 0f 9.000 00 9.000 00 8,860 00 CMra.u Tributo Co 8.000 00 82 000 00 B. 8« 00 rh.rafcrr of Com.. Chicago, 2.100 00 2.200 00 2,000 00 rbicsgoCity ltailway Co.. 2,600 00 1.876 00 2,600 00 M o"thlcago lnßU f” nC6 .. °V 7,600 00 7.500 00 6.800 00 LU J"!’T“ica s o l “ oraD< ; 0 3.000 00 3.000 00 1.630 00 Young Men’s OnrliUan Ae l hlcafV.!. 0 ..”... 0 . ■ C - 5,000 00 4,000 00 2.492 60 N o| i ?”gin'—• Ch . L °” P —WO 00 3.000 00 3,000 00 Mei ebauts* C nlon Express Company A6ou a> $191.700 00 237,900 25 oterfut accrued aod Dot du* itliti available miectUaneous aaseta LIABILITIES, Amount of losses reported to the Company, but Amotmtof loseS resisted by «be Company ... lu. BUU (W au oust of all other claims .against the Com pauy, contested or otherwise... •••*••• • • •• • Amount required to safely re lnßUro all out standing risks 01,1,1 INCOME. Amount of Cash Premiums received.... Amount of Premiums not paid in cash during the year, stating the character of such Pre. DiiUUlB For Inland Insurance not yet paid Amount of Premiums earned.— Interest received from Investments EXPENDITURES Amount of losses paid during the year ... Amount paid and owing for Be-insurance Prc Amount of Beturn PremiuinH, whether paid or Amount of Vxponres paid during the year.lnciu e ing comuiisstons and fees paid to Agents and Officers of the Company. 43.473 90 Ammint of taxc# paid by wifi Co hid any 1L672 99 Amount of all other expenses and obligations. .. 17.4J1 27 Par and Market Value of the Compan/’B Stock per eharm Value, 8100. HEBUAH 6. POWIBI, President. THOMS GOODHiff, Bf tret ary. TILLINGHAST & HILT STAIE AGENTS AND ATTOBNBYS, Fortb Peißsylvii la Balhoad Building 409 WALNTJT STREET. PUILADELI HIA. hjeax estate sales* _ in-AL h.bi Alia,—irruMad & bUN6' BAI;fS. If!? tValuable Buiinesß Stand. -Three-itory Brick Store Blii and Dwelling, No. 616 South Second street, balow South itrcct, with a two-story Bhon in the rear.—On Tu<u dav February i 3.1869, at 12 o'clool, noon, will bo sold at nubile Bale, ai the Philadelphia Exchange. all that vain able lot of ground, with the Improvemente thereon erected, eituate on tho West Bide of second street, below South street. No. 616: containing In front rn Seond street 17 test and extending in depthl2ti feet IJe fmprotremente consist of a three-Btory brick sto-e and dwelling, with two atory back buildings, fronting on Second street. No. Mfl and a two-atory shop in the rear. ... Th “above fa situate in one oi the best business squares on South Becond.street. Clear of alt incumbrance. Immediate posfictslon. May be examined any time previous to Bale. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, f( ,j 3 2 q 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. PEREMPTORY SALE.—THOMAB ft BONB, Auc tioneers—2 Twoatoty Frauio Dwellings, iroot street "outh if Moore street. First Ward -On rues dav March 2d. 1869. at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at uuSic sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex clinnn. all those 2 two story frame mestuages anti Jot of around, situate on the west side of Front street, 69 feet south of Me rost eet-kirat Ward; thonco extending wost ward 54 feet, moro or less; thence southward-3 foot 9 inches, moro or less; theuce 61 feet 8 incues. more or less, 10 font street; thonco north ward along 1 rout stroot al feet 4 inches, more or Ipbb, to the place ot beeinning, in eluding on the north side of the lot a 8 feet alloy left open for the use of thiß and tho adjoining property. gair- Clear of all incumbrance. **** Bale abIOI M. t THOIIAB & SONS. Auctioneers, 189 nnd 141 South Fourth street _ RE4L ESTATE—THOMAS ft SONS’ BALE.- fiSFrsme Dwelllugand large Lot on Chatham streot, Jaillnoitheest of Somoreet street. Twenty-tilth Ward. OuTuesOay. K obruary 23,1869 at 12, o’i lock, noon, wll. be sold at public aals, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that irnino messusgo and lot ot ground, situate on the northeast sldo of Chatham street BUU teot northeast of Somerset et r eet. Twenty-iifth Ward: tho lot containing In front on Chalham street 43 feet lt cites, more or loss, ind Extending In depth 160 feet to Cedar atreet-2 fronti. BuMectto a yearly ground rent of 542. Bumeci to a r & SONS, Auctioneers 189 and 141 South Fouith street. felO 20&27 —— pBBEMnOitY BAI.E.—'THOMAS & 80NS <3s* Bale 1 hreoctory Brick Store and Dwelling, No' Mi iifiaßouth Twolfih etroet, above Federal street. On Tnf.dav February 83. ltW, at IS o’clock, noon, will be Sd at oublloeale, at the Philadelphia all that ♦l.rie stoVy brick More and dwelling, with fraino kitohon lot rif around, situate on the oast elde of Twelfth SSSn’ llßfeot 4 inches south of Ellsworth street, No. 1163: in front on Twelfth street 16 feet 8 inches, and c 0, i £!*ilr!rin Hi ntn 01 foot 6 inches on the north Une, and 8 fnche on toe eSutb line to anaUey 3 foot wide. Ks f dlna into Anita street, with the prlvUege of said alley. *ST fclear of SONS. Auctioneers, feISW 18» and Ml South Fourth street. : 'piDele;.s . 1 '* FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY WOIUESTFK, MABS. The following alatement of tlio condition w'f tjjo.Com any on tho Slot flay of December, 1888, la pa/illancd in ccordance with tn act of Capital BtOck, foil paid.. The value u neatly aa may be ef thoEeal Estate _ iia tile ” on which there la leu then one ye*:*# w Amount of Lo'anßon which interest has not been paidwltbinoneyear............ * -v *» QQ Amount of Stocks owned by the Company, speci fy {d» the number of eh arcs and their par and market value, i 27Mw> 00 Par Value, Market Value, 0 U. 8 Bonds of 1881 and Five. twenties. 8103,000 $llO,BOO 1 Massachusetts Bond.. 1,<«0 hSWO Rhode Island Bonds 10,000 10,000 City of Poitland Bondi. b OOO SOW Bank Block# 37,200 46,455 Railroad Stockland Bonds.. 76.9J0 97 Amount of stocks held by the Company as cob lateral security lor loans, with the amount loaned oneach kind of etock, lu par and mar ket T “ e Par Market r zatxu. vai'us. Loaned, 1 U,B. Gov'ment tain fc WJ „» 4 “ 6.000 7.800 uoo 60 shares Worcester Gas Light Company. . £0 shares Eagle Stove G 0... 20 ihares Mercanule Sav ings 8ank..... 19*b&res Central Nat Rank 228 shares Bay State S. at vxf wtaif Company »•«* *•«!’ On personal property **‘° 63 720 &M? 5 Interest on Investment* due and unpaid R.C37 25 Accrued interest not yet due ...... 3 wr oo Other available mleceUaneoua narels, specifying their character and value ™ 04 1.0 *nu on Jfeteonal Security »,«« 00 Town Loam Mg? “ (Jfflce Furniture }•£* *J hents accrued Ll,u w 400 00 750 00 Amount of lorees during the year, adjusted but not dee. . , v-vr'-.V 1,500 Amount of low es reported to the i, Company but not acted upon. . . estimated.... 7,23 00 Amountoi loerea reeisted by the/ Amount”of Mutual Dividend.unpaid. ........... 1.565 00 Amount required toßafulyre-tiumre Ml outitand ipgtl.ke. / UI - M3 00 (istimntcd»t 60 I<sr cent) A mount o( c<wh premium. received m|o7 Bjj Intrrert receive* from investment*.. 23.61» « lD«>me from *ll other eotircei, epecifylng what source** (Boots)-.. • 224.223 77 712 BO 137,7*8 50 29,604 43 Amount of loeaea paid during the year Amount paid ard owing for re-in j aurance premium* estimated... 17,557 54 Amount of, return premiam*. dariogthe year.. a.m 00 SSSSi °o'fßli-dmi-i'in cludin* commteßiona and fee* paid to Agents andOfflcentf the C0mpany.................... 15,251 1? Amount of tax« and etampa paid br the Com- iSi of nlloticr expenditure.' Paid mutual dividends 7,®8 C, 7,544 © p?r e and e maikfct ) vidua of the Company** stock per share. -8100. SI3O 122,943 77 TILLINGHAST & HILT, Bortb Pennsylvania Ballroad Building! 409 WALNUT STREET, -- HEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS a> S'>NB’SALE.—4 ®§l Three story Brick Store* and Dwellings, 8. W. comer JBJMof Germantown avenue and Jeffereon street. Seven teenth Ward.—On lueeday, February 23d. 186 S. «tt2 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at pubUo sale, at the PbUa delnbla Exchange, all that large lot of ground and the Im nrovcmf nta thereon ei ected, situate at the 8. W. corner of Lennantown avenue and Jeffereon Btreot, SuvrDternth Wart: containing in front on Germantown avenue 87 foot gu Incließ, on Jefferson street 411 feet 6% Inchee. otHjk sireet 68 feet X Inch, and on the other line « f™t inches. The Improvements a< e a throe-story brick store and dwtlliug on the corner of Germantown avenue and Bl !E?m«-Oash Clear of all incumbrance. Terms- -/ * SONS, Auctioneers. i;i!i A 141 South Fourth streot. bvAT prtatE—THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— MTbrM^tm! T Biick Dwelling. No 8170 Franklin 8t„ Above Diamond atrost Twentieth Wflid. A' l ® 8 : g ib^nt^on'Franklin fict 3V n Sbc;”Ud extending in kenth 7.) foil to a 3 wide alley, wltii the froe use and privilege thereof, lire tlTe bath, hot and cold water, marhfo mantole, veeti- all incnmhronce. rj> »»vaa 411 fflfl ITIBV rClTlAin OD JDOrt(tttßo» VhOMaB & 80NS, Auctloncera, fMB 20 27 * 189 and Ml S. fourth stroot._ i,i? A T PSTATE —THOMAS & SONS' BALE.— MThrM-etory Brick Dwelling. 1918 North Eighth etreot. aoutli of Thompson aireet, with a brick 4 kio infhfl rAflr on Darien street. On Tuesday. Ftbru- Ai v b £Bd ln iB69, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be nold at publlo Rnie 'at the ° Philadelphia Exchange. oil that three ??'?i brick rneeauage and lot of groumf.eftuato on the west atroet. 257 feet touth ot Thompson etreot. No 1218 ; cSnteining in front on Eighth etreot 17 feet, an* extending in depth 04 feet to Darien etreot.on whloh e C trcetle erected a brick stable, bubject to a S'oKctioneere. fe 18 ao 139 and Ml South Fourth street all that t I)or^ brick meeBUOR© and lot of eituato o ntreot, Bide of Christian;treet* WSfeetoy tof Ninoi t wfeot# Wo. IBißi containing in ponton Chrlaua and on laS«. It bBB the gwi Introducod. &o. IIP SIT K&ta CEi ASSETS. 7 £OO 6.000 2,500 GOO 3.200 L6OO 1,500 I£UQ 26,080 13,000 LIABILITIES. INCOME. expenditures BEHBY CMPIB, Preildent. iCfl. H. CU Si 8188, Secretary STATE AGENTB AND ATTOESEYB, PHILADELPHIA. BEAL ESTATE BAEES. SP RLE Cir FIELD F®E AND M4RINE ISSDEANCB CO. SPKINGFIISLO, WASS. Tho following ntsteracnt of tho condition ot U !°. ???■ psny on thoSlet day of December, 1868, ispubh. , “®“ ln accordance with an tot of Assembly: Capital Stock, full paid. Tb? ,^J ie .V IT ,. u m * y •>« ®t tho Beal Estate hero by the Company. 60.009 011 Cashon band.. &.07&B1 Cafeh Id Banka, specifying cho Banks: Agawam Nat. lUnk.., ~,...10,11144 I*tlrd " *• 7,47139 Lakh In hand, of Agent* In course of tranuals id on (ueo 00 . Amount of Loan, secured by botds and mort- : gages, constituting tho first lion on Beal testate, on which tbcfo Is lesa than one year*, interest due and owing SlXSlfiS Amount of Loans on which Interest has not - teen paid withinono yctur..................... SJOBOt Amount of Stocks and Bond, owned by the Company, epecl'ylng tho number of ebares '• and their par and market value. 329,182 W Par Market Vaiae. Yalta. D. 8. Vt, of 1881, Begin(ored Bonds *60,000 667.276 If. B. Litre. 1865 170,000 183700 U. 8. 62U’s, 1803 SO0(0 S3lOO U. S. 620's, 1868 10.000 11,136 1117 shares B,nk Block. 111.700 127.870 1267 ,bates Batlroad Stock U6.7i0 180,632 Home, Watertown and Ogdon*. - burg Bailroad Bonds L6OO MOO Potsdam and Watertown Ball. road Bends.... 7,009 7^oo St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Katlraad Bonds 6,000 4.790 L'nlcn Pacific...., 6,000 6000 BprfnifieldAqusductCa Stock. 6XOO A4BO Amount o' Stocks held by the C< mpanr as eaL lateral security for Loans, with the amount loaned on each kind of stock. Its par and market value - 63188864 Market Amount Value. 9 shares Chleopec Nat. Bank Stock, nprtogneld 1,977 00 800 00 10 iharta Agawam L£oo 00 1000 00 S 3 1 hare* Howard 3,663 U 0 ZjaOO 00 5 shales Third 660 On \ , ip pharea Agawam 1300 00{ I£oo 00 tb.Dd U. B 5>20 <‘ouron 10*00 LOOOO a bonds U. 8. 5-90 Coupon L62J 00 1.400 00 67 shares CWelaodvCohimboj', f Cincinnati and L F. H 4233 00/ 20 shares Third Nat. Bant.... 8.380 00) 0,600 00 ‘M eba xtß Third Nat. Hank... £.220 00 8.238 M 33 shares Agawam Nat Bsnk.4£So 00 S.OUO 00 10s hares Agaw am Nat Bank. 3 900 101 56 share* First Nat. Bank. 7,000 00 j 15 tbartt Third Nat Hank IMO IX) /12.000 00 a Honda Weaiero Union Tele* I graph Co U6CQ 00 i GO than* Central fiat. Bank. 1 N V 6,200 00?. 20 tharca Bboe and Leather I Nat. Bank, N. Y ...2*500 00] B£oo « 1 b©nd Detroit. Monroe and Cleveland Railroad LOW 00 LOOO 00 4 bond* U. 8. 6-3) Coupon 4.1E0 00 4.000 00 lotbarea N*w London and 1 Northern Kaßroad 1.100 00 t 5 short* insurance Co. . 9 (Stock xomco) 1,650 00 5 bends. Bt Joseph and Council Blufl* Railroad ..£,00300 s£oooo IU. 6. 5-20 Coupon 510 00 600 0> 61412 00 63.238 64 Interest on due and unpaid 4J2 » Interest accrued, not > > t du- 3,000C8 Other available miptvupnt* ** aeieta, specify* j log their charset, ; end v» lu _Vs**g Bruts acerueo IjT Cflice and Agency lut mtuit ......a »19 10 Total A«cte, LIABILITIES Amount of lonws during the year, adjusted but rot dm 20.738 Zl Amount ot los*es reported to the company but ~ „ not acted upon... 14 60129 Amount oilowe* resisted by the Company..W*J7 .ST Amount of all claims against the Company, Amount required to mfely re-ins ure all out- standing nckr 2wSa£4 ® 163,127 37 Amount of r«h premiums received 6JJ676 41 Amount of premium* earned... «H? 5 X Interest received from investment*... . 63.431 « Income firm nil other cent tea, specifying wh»t sources (Kents) 3346 40 EXPENDITURES. Amount ot losrea paid <1 urine the year Amount paid and owing lor re-.ciu ancc pro- Amomot oVreturn premlumß, whether paid or unpaid SU2B4 6* Amount of dividends declared during year. ... 17-« j 72 Amount of dividend* paid... ••• 67.891 78 Amount of expt utCE paid during the year, in. eluding commitricM and feoe paid to AgonU and t fflrera of the Company. 19 A mount of taxes paid by the Company..... SQ-oW Amount of all othei expereea and expenditures 25.301 81 Par value. Market Value. 8100. 8120. EDliliro FBI EDM, President. B&IfFOBD J, BALL, Secretary. TILLINGHABT & HTLT, STATE AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS, Rorth Pennsylvania Ballroad Building, 409 WALNUT STREET. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, " 343 Broadway, N. Y. JAMES B. DOW, ■ President. January 28,1869. Xhe Board of Director have this day declared a Cash Dividend of Fifty Per Cent. on the animal premium rate of all Participating Ufo Policies, and FORTY PER CENT, on the annual endow ment rate ol all Participating Endowment Policies issued ntne year 1867. . E. H. JONES, Vice President. BRANCH OmCEi No. 429 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. J. S; GAFFNEY, General Agent. fe4 th e tu Otrpft KEAE ESTATE SAXES. ... ..krtaTE—THOMAS & SONS' BALE.— MKI AH tsi ai ’* “ bHK Hcsidonec. No. 1t29 Vera bOcd? between Thirteenth and § ,,r . otP'saVoet front On Tuesday March 2.1 W, Broad atrorta, M ju b 0 Bol <j at public Bale. at tho at la o clock, noon. u a jj tb[l j very desirable th ee- Phlladelphla Itochanac wJ)h tbrco f tory double back alo’X. S“ o upd, aituoto on tho aouth aide of bulldloga andl lot bctwfCn ,j hirteentb and Broad upring Sk’jgnp., ho lot containing In fronton Spring o»?doiVt%et 3i foot! and extending In depth 100 feot to WhltobalUtreet- a trenta. Thehouao con'alna 11 rooms. ilfSrritlichenß and 2 bath rooine; has tha modern lm- SrovcmJnlei wS.ba*h. hot and cold water, cooking. E; ,2 bee lore; < ompleto oralnago and aowerogo, &c. **££-' ■> “k ar of sll fncumbrancfl. Poeaeailon onorbefore May lit. 1869. M»v be examined on application to the Auotlonoora. May neexauim M TB Jj{j AB SONHi Auctioneers, 11» and 141 Booth fourth street. fc138027 FOK BALE-ELEGANT COUNTRY PLACE, 8 fiSacrcr; large mansions six miles out, byJMedia Kali. .Bill! road or Darby care. Apply to W. *. F. GA.RPEN TFR. bo 8?6 Chestnut street. U* Fob bade.—an invoice of Hamburg bach ■uorteil tinea ana cotton. FETEB WEIGHT* SONS. qul W Walnut street; ....$609.0C9>® ASSETS. INCOME. P HIDADELPHIA. 901.681 a W 8 13