Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 09, 1869, Image 3
■'4, BUSINESS NOTICED Ellli’a Iron Bitten* Persvns miSering frem debility, ofthtn an? ifhPST®/- fched box'd, will And these Bitten of Groat.benefit to teem—lmproving tho appetite, giving a healthy. roey cemidexioni tin" to the Iron and other ingredients which Obey eent>in.Plea*«n!ly flavored and very palatable, prepared byWILLIAM ELLIS, Chemist, and for eale by Jot'hBTON.HOLLOWAY A OOWDEN.6O3 Arch street; T. W. EVaHB. 41 South Eighth street, and by Druggists, pcppraUy. jSrfT? lUEKEB & SCHMIDT, M»nof»ctnrere of FIRST-CLASS AGRfcFFE PLATES PIANOFORTES. WarcrooniF, No. 610 ARCH Street; Philadelphia. delO th b til BmB Elllt’B Iron Kilter#. Promotes digestion. slimuloUß the blood t-> healthy ao- Hod. TOW B and volatuble. Prepared by WaUiMßuis, Cbenlst Bold br .lolmaton. Holloway di eowden. tiua Artbitreet-.Evara 41 South Eighth Btrect, and druggie tn ecnerelly. tea St , -ti i BTECK * CO >8 AND HAINES BROS’. Mfin) Planoa Maeon A Hamlin's Cabinet and Metro* ■out an Orgone* with Vox Humano. J. 11 GOUi.ll. dtSSttt-th-s-tmhll No. 929 Chestnut street STEIN WAV'S PIANOB RECEIVED THE Bfr 1 ! ..highest award (flirt gold medal} at the Interna tional Exhibition, Ports, 1867. Beo Official Report, at Mte Wardroom of BLABIUS BROS., relit/ No. 1006 Chestnut street. Ellis’# Iron Bitters. These Bittcts contain iron in one of the most valuable forms;much,sickness is occasioned by its want in 'he blood. The Iron lo this compoundsupplies the deflclbncy: Its tendency isto enrich thehlood ana impart vigor to the frame. fosat ■llrfr I THE CHECKERING PIANOS RECEIVED ern ti the highest awardot] the Paris Exposition, SuTTOn'S Wardrooms, 14 Chestnut etreot seTUtfi EVENING BULLETIN. Febrnary 9, 1809. fIUSDIOKHB IN PHILADELPHIA. Among the many contributions whicn hare been made, of late years, to the local history of 'Philadelphia, very few have been more in. tereating or valuable than the work recently by Messrs. Lindsay & Blakiston, from the pen of Dr. Joseph Carson, giving the history of the Medical Department of the 'University of Philadelphia. The career of this how venerable institution has been, for <morhthan a'century, closely intertwined with •the general contemporary history of Phila delphia, and the admirable work of Be. Car taon,' although tfeating of a special subject, 'toucheß at-all points upon the general local 'histpry of the city, in such a way as to give the booh a deep interest to all readers. The-medical history of Philadelphia is an extremely interesting one. The long line of -distinguished men who have adorned the profession of medicine, and who early made this the centre of this department of scien tific influence, and gave to Philadelphia a supremacy which she has never lost, is com posed of names which are yet familiar to all Philadelphians,even though the great increase of population might have been expected to merge them in partial oblivion. Doctor Car son, with an immense amount of laboriona research,gives us a graphic sketch of the first experiences of the early Colony in regard to the healing art, and then traces out the his - tory of the foundation of the American Phi losophical Society in 1743. and the Pennsyl vania Hospital, in 1751, two institutions which prepared the way for the establishment of the .first msdical lectures in Philadelphia, from whlch the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania grew into orga nized shape in 17C5. To Dr. Thomas Cadwalader, a pupil of the famous anatomist Cheselden of London, be longs the credit of the first course of medicjbf lectures in Philadelphia. They were de livered, about the year 1750, in a building then standing on tbe site afterward occupied by the Bank of Pennsylvania. Dr. William fihippen, Jr., a dozen years later, delivered a course of anatomical lectures, the introduc tory'lecture being given in one of the 'rooms of the State House. In 1765, the University of' Pennsylvania was fairly organized in its Medical Department, and from this point we have a series of biographical sketches of the celebrated physicians of Philadelphia who have been connected with its Faculty,down to the present day. Drs.-Adam Kuhn,Benj.Ruah, John Morgan, Jas. Hutchinson, Sami. P. Grif fitts, Redman Coxe, Thos. C. James, Benj. .8. 'Barton, Caspar Wistar, John 8. Dorsey, William Gibson, Philip Syng Physiok, Wil liam P. Dewees, Robert Hare, Nathaniel Chapman, and others, who were “giants in ■ those days,” are all made the subjects of most interesting sketches, which involve much of tbe collateral social and scientific history of Philadelphia. From the University of Pennsylvania, as tbe fountain head of American medical seience, have sprung the myriad schools of medicine, all over the country; while its eight thousand graduates have diffused its direct benefits among all communities. In its old age it-is more vigorous than ever, and keep ing pace with all the advances of real science, and alllhe developments of the art of educa tion, the,Medical University of Pennsylvania will 'long wear the proud honor of being [first and .greatest among American schools, mot only by reason of superior antiquity, but for its illustrious line of professors, and for ,the incalculable influence which :l has ex erted,and yet exerts upon the whole medical .profession of this continent. Doctor Carson has done his work con Mmare. Everywhere are to be seen the evi dences that he has been engaged iu a labor of love. His researches have been most pains -taking, and have ranged over a very wide field, ;oavering the records of Philadelphia for well nigh two hundred yeara. lie has added a most valuable volume to our historical libra ries, and has contributed largely to do new honor to a class of men of whom Philadelphia is most justly proud. P&OSBG88 IS DELAWARE. The believers in true Democracy need not be in utter despair of Delaware. Althouga Seymour carried the State by a large maj wity, there have been recent signs of progress that are full of encouragement Saulgbury goes out of the Senate on the 3d of next mouth, never to reappear in it His place is to be filled by a Democrat, it is true, but one who is immeasurably superior to him,morally and intellectually. i A still more remarkable fact than the re tirement of Baulsbury was reported in a letter from our Dover correspondent in yesterday’s Buiaetin. The Legislature ol the State, Which is unanimously Democratic, has con sidered and passed a bill divorcing a married man and woman who were black' When ,tbo despised “nigger” arrives at the dignity of /divorce, in the opinion of a Democratic legislature in the j»‘white man s government” of Delaware, he must be rising in social as Rs]).&ajßpUtical position. Heretofore mar- rings amoDgnegroeahae scarcely beenrecog nized as a binding legal tie. But now it is considered sufficiently sacred to require legis lative action to dissolve it. In another way the Legislature has recog nized the black man aa a human being and at leaßt a quasi citizen. It has received a peti tion signed by “six hundred colored citizens” of the State, and has given it reijaeotfal con sideration, referring it, without opposition, to the Committee on Education. To be sure, the petition aßked that these and the other “colored citizens” of the State be taxed for school purposes. But, after ail, the recep tion and reference of the petition contain a recognition of Sambo's right to be taxed, which, taken along with “Sambo’s right to be kilt," which was recognized everywhere dnriDg the war, shows decided elevation in the status of the negro. The Legislature at Dover ought to go on in the way it has begun thiß session. And one of the things it ought to take in hand is the whipping-post and pillory. When these are abolished people will begin to think that the little Diamond State is on the high road to civilization. Unwisdom is a new word. The honor of its invention is due to one of the younger scions of the Philadelphia bar, and it was flrßt put upon the stage yesterday in District Court No. 2. The readers of the Evening Bfujcmn are intelligent people, and are glad to learn of any important contribution to our language or to any of the sciences, and they will want to know what “unwisdom” is. It may be defined to be that condition of mind possessed by a juryman who opposes his hard common sense to the legal adroitness of a voluble counsel, and insists upon Beeing through the fog and mist with which legal gentlemen strive to obscure plain facts and obvious principles. This is unwisdom. The word sounds a little awkward to unaccus tomed ears, but the thing signified will be easily understood by any one who has wit nessed the process referred to. It is a very interesting study to follow the process of litigation, as ordinarily pursued in some of our Courts, and to observe how much unwisdom is displayed by those stupid creatures who are usually addressed, particu larly by youDg lawyers, as “such intelligent men as I now see before me.” The jury-box is apt to contain some heavy, sleepy, inert looking beings, who have not the remotest idea ol what is going on; but there is almost always an admixture of Bharp, keen, com mon-sensible men, who are usually gifted with this quality of unwisdom. The student of physiognomy, who watches the faces of this class of jurymen, detects their unwisd.-m in the expression of incredulity, or positive-con tempt, which grows upon them as they recognize, by an unerring instinct, that some ambitious young gentleman of the bar haß addressed himself to pie task of bewil dering them about plain fasts which they un derstand perfectly, and about which they often know much more than the glib lawyer who is seeking to mislead them. This is where the unwisdom comes in. They see how the witnesses are tempted to trip them 'eelves, by cleverly mis-stated repetitions of their answers; they detect the transparent “trteks of the trade” by which they are to be deluded into believing that black is white, and falsehood truth; and their steady unwisdom shows itself more and more clearly, as the self-satisfied advocate of some bogus suit waxes warm and eloquent over the wrongs of his client and his own disinterested cravings after “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” It 1b generally about the time when, if it be a suit for damages, the point is reached where the man ol law spurns the idea that bis client is actuated by the greed of filthy lucre, that the unwisdom of the sensible juryman is clinched and rivetted. “Gentlemen of the jury ! me client is here to assert one of the gr-r-r-eat principles that lie at the founda tion of our institootions. The paltry damages which we claim are of no consequence (here Unwisdom invariably grins). Principle! gentlemen, principle is what we contend for. Perish the thought of the poor substitute of dollars and cents.!" Unwisdom is an invaluable quality in society. A jury without unwisdom would believe so much trash, would swallow so much forensic fog, that the very lawyers, themselves, would soon come to believe in the integrity oi their suits, and in the honesty of their own intentions, and then where should we be ? Unwisdom sits in the jury box, atjd interposes a wholesome eheck on this tendency, it saves the law from falling utterly into contempt, by opposing the via inertia of practical honesty and common sense to the lively tergiversations which Rre accepted as essential .parts of legal practice by many oi the younger members of the bar. As men grow older they appreciate the value and power of unwisdom, and gradually drop these tricky littlenesses which bring the dig nity ol juslice into contempt. Gradually they learn that there is often a great fund of practical knowledge, of clear discernment, of sound discrimination, lodged in the brains of the hard, solid-looking men of their jury boxes, and they fall back, step by step, upon the old-fashioned doctrine that alter all truth will tell best in the long ran. The un wisdom of the juryman proves itself wiser in its generation than all the small craft that goes to m. ke up so much of the practice of the younger members of the modern bar. The Passport system, that has prevailed all over the continent of Europe, has long been a great annoyance to American travelers. Borne years ago the Imperial Government of France abolished it se far aB it related to English tourists. Now, thanks to the unre mitting efforts of our Minister to Paris, Gen eral Dix, it has been abolished bo far as it relates to Americans. By a decree of De cember, “the Emperor’s Government has decided that citizens of the American Union shall hereafter be permitted to enter, travel and sojourn in France, on the simple decla ration of their nationality, and without being subjected to the necessity of passports." This concession on the part of France, on behalf of the two nationalities that comprise the larger proportion of the pleasure-tourists in the con tinent, ought to lead to similar concessions in Germany,ltaly, Russia and especially in revo- _ lutionized Spain. THE DAILY "EVENING BIiLLETIN-PHILADEIiraiA TUESD AY, FEBRUARY’9> 1869. UNWISDOM, iThfre is an aged lady living hi England, who receives a pension eighteen pounds sterling a year as “an-American loyalist.” Her loyalty, of showed itself during our revolutionary struggle, which began about a centtqy ago, and only terminated -in 1782. Mrs. McDonald must have been a quite young lady, when she rendered.the ser vices for which a pension for life was granted to her. Bhe is now 104 years old, so that at the end of the revolutionary war, she could not have been more than eighteen. Is there any person- in this country able to recount the early history and the services of this venerable dame? They ought to make a quite interesting narrative. Auction Notice.—We call tbe atten tion ot Itujcrß to the large trade sale of boots and shoes, comprising 1,000 coses, to be peremptorily sold by Barritt & Co., Auctioneers, commencing to-mor row morning, Feb. lOtb, at 10 o’clock. For farther particulars tee advertisements. WATCHES. JBWBLHT, <SS«L ENQAGEMEUT AND WEDDING RINGS, A large aueortinent of Coin and 18 karat always en band. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO , Jewelers 802 CHESTNUT STREET. te 9 rptft & WAtCHES, DIAMONDS, STERLING SILVER WARE, JEWELRY, NEWEST STYLE, DIAMONDS A SPECIALTY; J. T. GALLAGHER, 1300 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, jaSB th 8 to tfrp< J.E.OALDWELL&CO jeweIIers, Haring aoppllcd themselves with an entirely NEW STOCK OF GOODS Throughout, will be'happy to meet their many friends and the public generally at their present place of business, NO. BJ9 CHESTNUT STREET. lal6ttn> OFF IC E's. EAST PENN BUILDING, S. K. NI*CAY, 429 Walnut Street lt4p ONLY 2,000 LEFT OF THE NEW MUSIC ALBUMS, Handsomely bound in Leather and Rich Gilding, containing FIFTY of the Newest Pieces of Ernie for Piano, both Vocal and Instrumental Real Value $25, and Bold for Only $2 50. AT J. E. GOELD'S PIANO WAREROOMS, 923 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN CHUMP, BUILDER 1781 CHESTNUT STREET, and aid LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for hoiuebtiilding nd fitting promptly furzrised. fe27tf JJENBY PHIIJxIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 BANSOM STREET, }e3-ly#p PHILADELPHIA A WARBURTON’B IMPROVED. VENTILATED and easy-fittiog Drees Hats (patented) in all the approved faehiona of the eeasou. Gheetzmt street, next door to the Post-office. ocB tfrp For washing days we have various styles of Clothes Wringers (pome at prices), and .we repair most kinds. We also have Wasti Boards, Clothes Pins, Galvanized Wlro and Hemp Ciotbea Lines, Wash boilers, Tubs and Line Hooks. TRUMAN & BHaW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Markctstreet, below Ninth. Dog hardware, comprising collars of Brass. German fc liver. Leather and Stitched Morocco, Chain*, Muzzles. Ac., for sale by TRUMAN &SHAW, No. f*36 (Mflht Thirty five) Market street, below Ninth, Philadelphia. pLRLING IRON AND TONGS, AND HAIR Vx Pirchers of several sizes and patterns, and Circular Nail Trimmers, for sale by I’RUMaN & SHaW, No. 836 (Light Thirty-five) Market street, below i\inth, Philudeiphia. FENCE.- § Tbe undersigned are prepared to execute orders for ■ENGLIBH IRON FENCE, of Ihebept maVe. The attention of owners of Country Seale it especially asked to this as at once the most nightly, the most durable, aud the moateconomical fence that can be used. Specimen panelsmay be seen at our office. YARNALu & TRIMBLE, ft 9-3 m( 418 fioutb Delaware avenue. FOR BALE.—A FARM. CONTAINING 43 ACRES, at Weetdale. on tho West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, io miles from Philadelphia, the station be'Lg on the preuiieoß. The improvements consist of a Htoue Mansion. 4o feet square, containing 18 rooms, a large bain, a ep) ing nouee, a etoue tenant house, and a stone Depot, now rented to tho Railroad uonumny. '1 he property fronts on the public ro**d l,7tM feet, aud is opposite to the grounds and building of ••dwarthmora 'J he neighborhood 1s ropidU imrroving 'Jhe pioperty could odvantngeously be divided into lots of one or tuore aeres, and upon the openiog of the College the present year, a ready sale for most of tho lota could be effected. There is a fine deposit of clay on tbe premi ses. Apply to LEWIS U HEDNER, ItSiihS No. 781 Walnut street. LOST OR STOLEN FROM STEAMER NOKMANON January 2fith. 1 Halo W. Flannel. B. V., No. 3453. A reward for the return of the above. H. WINBOR & CO., ff 9 fit m Bout h Wharves. l&ftQ-TO LOOK WELL, GET SHAVED AND J-COt7. Hair Cut at JKiiPP’Sßaloon, by flret-clas* H*ir Cutters. Hair and Wliiskere Dyed. Razors sot in order Open Sunday morning. 125 Exchange Piac«. It* O. C. KOPP. Genuine farina cologne— FINEST FRENCH EXTRACTS FOR THE HAND KRRCHIP'F POMMA.PEB, RICHLY BCKNTED SOAPS. HAIR PREPARATIONS. &c., in groat variety For sale by JAMES T. SHINN. Broad imd’Spruco ata . Phlladtt. do»-tfrp& agazin deb Modes. 1014 WALNUT STREET. MRS. PROCTOR Cloake, Walking Suits, Bilks, Drees Goods, Lace Shawls, Ladies' Underclothing and Ladles' Furs. Dresses made to measure in Twenty four Uoura. f WATCHES, ir AND MUSICAL BOXES RE $v paired by skillful workmen. SB FARR & BROTHER. 7 * Importers of Watches, eta. oclfrtf Chestnut »treot. below -Fourth. n MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANKO rrc>r\u •JONEB A CO.’S OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Comer of Third and GaakiU atroota _ .Below Lombard. & N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, GUNS. __ FOB AALB AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. ja2HuirM CLOTHING *3“ CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK. _®l ■ Closing Out Winter Stock. jgi IHS" CIOBiDg Out Winter Stock. „gjj BST Closing Out Winter Stock. l£3“ Closing Out Winter Stock. jai 10* Closing Out Winter Stock. iS3" Closing Out Winter Stock. jem IET Closing Out Winter Stock. _<aft SPECIAL NOTlCE—Determined to cioso out ail tbe stock of the former firm, we again coll attention to the fact that Eince the appraisement we have reduced the prices of all our goods. The assortment of Men’s and Boys’ SUITS and OVERCOATS still very good. WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK BALL, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, THE CORNER OF BIXTH AND MARKET STS. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. REDUCED PRICES. Closing Out Pattern Coats and Clothes not Delivered at Low Prices? winterYhawimg OUT! Come! Come!! Come II! Come to the Great Brown Hall! And see the tremendous piles Of clothes, ol magnificent styles, For elort folks, and stout folks, and tali, For sale at the Great Brown Hall. Come! Come ! I Come! !! For the winter is almost gone ; And it’s marvelous sort of fun How the stock of winter garments goes; For the people will presently want spring clothes (Ae everybody certainly knows,) From the top of their heads to the tips of their toes; And the prices are down ; for we gave them a knock. To close cut the rest of the winter stock. Come! Come! Come! Te people all! For the winter stock ofthe-Great Brown Hall! Winter stock on the go! Prices never so low! Gentlemen, don’t be slow ! Everybody onght to know, that it is now the time to go, to the Great Brown Stone Clothing Hall ROCKHILL& WILSON 603 and 606 Chestnut Street, FIBE-PROOF SAFES. CHAMPION SAFES Pini.ADKi.PHiA, January 18, 1869. Messrs. FARKEL, HERRING & CO.. No. 629 CHESTNUT BtreeL Gedtlsmkn ; On the night of the 18th instant, as is well known to the citizens of Philadelphia, ©nr large and extensive store and valuable stock of merchandise, No. 902 Chestnut bL, was bnrned. The fire was one of the most extensive and de structive that has vlßited oar city for many years, the beat being so intense that even the marble cornice was almost obliterated. We had, as yon are nware, two of yonr valu able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF BAFES; and nobly have they vindicated yonr well’known reputation as manufacturers of FIRE-PROOF SAFES, if any farther proof had been required. They were snbjeeted to the most intense heat, and it affords ns much pleasure to inform yon that after recovering them from tbe ruins, we fonnd, npon examination, that onr bosks, papers and other valuables were all in perfect condition. Tours, very respectfully, JAB. E. CALDWELL & CO. P. B.—THE ONLY SAFES THAT WERE EX POSED TO THE FIRE IN CALDWELL’S STORE were -parrel, herring & co. s make. Philadelphia, January 18, 1869. Messrs. PARREL, HERRING & CO., No. 629 CHESTNUT Street. Gkktlemen : On tbe night of the 13th instant our large store, 8. W. corner of Ninth and Chest nut streets, was, together with our heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We had one of yonr PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, which contained our prin cipal books and papers, and although It was ex posed lo tbe most intense heat for over 60 hourß, we are happy to say it proved Itself worthy of onr recommendation. Our books and papers were all preserved. We cheerfully tender our testi monial to the many already published, in giving the HERRING SAFE the credit and confidence it justly merits. Yours, very respectfully, HOWELL & BROTHERB. STILL ANOTHER. Philadelphia, January 19, 1869. Mcßßrs. HERRING & C 0„ 629 CHESTNUT Street. Gentlemen : I had one of your make of safes In the basement oi J. E. Caldwell & Co.’s store, at the time of the great fire on the night of the 18th Inst. It was removed from the ruins to-day, nDd on opening It found all my books, papers, greenbacks, watches, and watch materials, &c., all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truly valuable safes, and shall want another of your mako when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, F. L. KIRKPATRICK, with J. E. Caldwell & Co., 819 CHESTNUT Street. HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, “THE MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN.” Manufactured and sold by FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING, PARREL & SHERMAN, No. 261 Broadway, New York. HERRING & CO., Chicago. herring, Parrel At shekman, n. o. featuthelfs Green ginger.—landing and fob sale bv jf. B. BEBSIEB & GO.. 108 South Delaware avenue niwi£U,AnEOiii!, ' THE HARRISON BOILER Has Sorely from Destructive Explosion: Great Economy of Fuel: Durability and Faoilily of Repair. For Illustrated Circular and price* apply to TEE HARRISON BOILER WORKS Gray’d Ferry Road, near U. I, Arsenal. fe9 14hrp HARRISON BOILER. [From the Sunday Transcript, Feb. 7,1 “Ae to whether a Harrison boiler will explode is an open qneßtion. its inventor is particularly positive on the subject, while others are equally certain the other way. Now It Is not for ns to eay that the Harrison holler will, and we cer tainly shall not over that It will not, explode. It may be proper to add that In December last there was an explosion In Drinker’s alley. Now what was the name oi the exploded boiler? Will Mr. Harrison please say? Oar columns aro open for explanations.’’ If the boiler in Drinker's alley allnded to is (he one in Mr.Yocum’sfonndry.it Is a Harrison boiler. In a pamphlet issued from the Harrison Boiler Works lor several ycare past will be found the following: Page 21. “Steam-boilers can no more be made absolutely secure against some kind of explosion or fracture than guns or ordnance. But they should be and can be made, so that no serious harm can arise when they do give way. To accomplish this most important end, the prevailing system has been found, after a century of trial, entirely at fault, and Improvements must bo looked for In its abandonment.” Axioms, pnge 23.—1st. That a steam-generator, ot w hatever form or material, must, as a para mount condition, be absolutely secure from destructice explosion, even when carelessly used. 3d. That its strength should In no respect be dependent npon any system of stays or braces, whereby the inefficiency or rupture of one of these braces or stays could cause greatly In creased strain npon the others, thus endangering the whole strnctnre. Gib. That a boiler, whether of large or small dimensions, should have uniformly such ele ments of strength, os would render it always capable of safely sustaining many times greater picssnre than need ever be demanded of it in practice, and that its safety should not be Im paired by corrosion, or the many other harmful Influences, which so soon and so seriously affect the strength of ordinary boilers. 7lb. That the parts should be so made and put together, that in case of ruptnreof any portion of tbc boiler, no general break np of the strnctnre could occur, the release ol the pleasure by such rupture merely causing a discharge of the con tents, without explosion or serious disturbance of any kind. Page 37.—“8y what has been adduced it mnst be seen lhat the Harrison Boiler is safe from de structive explosion. It is not, however, main tained lhat It cannot, under excessive pressure, be burst In some of Its parts, or that it might not, under certain circumstances, do injury, conse quent npon a sadden discharge of water or steam. But it is'maintained that under 130 circumstances can it ‘rtnd and scatter large masses of material , liberating at the same time large volumes of highly charged water and steam. ’ "On page 131 of the Journal of the Franklin Institute for Febraary, 1867, will be found a re port of the ‘Committee on Science and the Arts’ of the Franklin institute, giving an account of certain most severe testa that the Harrison Boiler was pnt to, In the effort to destroy it by stcam pressnre and other means. The attempted de struction utterly failed. Attention is called to this report, qb exhibiting some very remarkable results. “When it is considered that eight hundred and seventy-five pounds per square inch of steam pressure, failed to burst any of the spheres in one of the sections—that under Buch severe teet every joint becomes a salety-volve; and when it is cer tain'that, under all circumstances, the general integrily tf the whole structure can be surely maintained (a point most positively insisted upon), then bnt Blight injury can arise, in any contingency.” * For Coplcß of the above pamphlet, and other inlormatiOD, apply to HARRISON BOILER WORKS, GRAY’S FERRY BOAD, NEW! ELEGANT I CHEAP!! C do of the largest and choicest lots of Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, in Cambrfc and Swiss, to bo found fn this market—new and carefully selected patterns and at very low prlees. Also, a fine line BKSV makes PLAID NAINSOOKS, JUBT IN. Laoe and Embroidered Curlains AND CURTAIN liA.CE from Anotioa, very much below regular rat«B, at LE MAISTRE & BOSS, 912 North Eighth Street. it» H. P: db O. R. TAYLOR, PEBITHEBY ABB TOILET &OAJPB, 641 and 643 fit Blntli street* 'INDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING STEAM X Packing Hose, Ac, Engineers and dealers will find a fall assortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Bolting, Packing Hose, 6&, at the Manufacturers Headquarters. GOODYEAR'S,- • m Chestnut street South side. N. B.—Wg have now on hand a largelot of Gentlemen's. Ladles' and Misses' Gum Boots. Also, every variety ana style of Gum Overcoats. j WHITMAN'S FINE CHOCOLATE! FOR BREAKFAST, FOR DESSERT, To those m hoaltlu as an agreeable and sui taming nour ishment To invalids, for Its restoring and invigorating properties. To aD, even the most delicate, ns containing nolnfng injurious to their constitution. only by BTEPHEN F. WHITMAN, btoro No 1110 MAR KET street. ja23-2rarpS LIFE INSURANCE 00. F. 8. fflllHOll, Preildent, Sew fork. F. BATtHFORD ITABR, General Agent for Pennsylvania and Delaware. F. W. TAIiUXEB, Agent, 400 Walnut St, Phtla. Total Cash Assets, DIVIDEND PAID IN CABII TO POLICY-HOLDERS LAST YEAR OVER 83.210,000. CASH DIVIDENDS DECLARED AND PAID ANNU ALLY ON EVERY POLICY BEGINNING AT BND OF FIRST YEAR. Statement of the condition of the Mutual Life Incur* ance Company, of New York* on the let of «fanuarr*lB®. published according to law. Capital Stock* (Company being purely mutual) Nothing. Amount of areeteznente or instalment* on stock paid In ca5h...... (No Stock*) The value, as nearly as may be ot tbo Real Estate held by the Company (cost;. &%18C0O8 Ca*h on hand 7,500 13 Cash In Banks, specifying the Bank*~Mer» chants' Exchange National, N. Y. Gua rantee and I. Co.. Union Trust Co* Bank of New York, Central National. American Exchange National, V. S. Trust Company* Continental Bank (at interest) 517 475 93 Ppecle 74.537 75 Premium on Specie 20,088 31 Cash In hands of Agenda in course of transmission (See below) Amount of loans secured bv bonds and mort gager, constituting the first Uen on real eetatc.cn which there is lees than one year** Interest due and owing. 21*125*179 64 Amount of loans on which interest ha* net been paid wi'btn one year Nothing. A mount of stocks owned by tho Company, specifying the number of shares and the * par and market value - Par Value. United States 6 per cent, 1881 $2.1QQU350 80. Do. 6-20 2000,000 Do. 6 per cent, 10-4 U.... 50 (W 10. Do. 1871.. .. 300,000 Do. Do. 18*4 50,000 New > ork State? per cant Bounty.. 500,009 New Yoik City and County Bov. Bonds 500,000 Market Value of above stocks 6*659,678 60 Amount or rtoOubeld by the Company as collateral security for loans, with the amount loaned on each kind of stock* it* par and market value Nothing. IntA rest on investment* due and unpaid..... 14 4421 Accrued interest not yet due 1&4.128< Rent accrued 0,416 Other available miscellaneous assets, speci fying their character nod value. .......... Premiums in arrearr, chiefly due in Decem ber. add in couno of tronsmioion (esti mated) I*ooo*ooo 00 ‘Premiums deferred payable semi-annual and quarterly (estimated) 1,300*000 00 Giou Aistls, Jan. I, 1869, 981,017,320 32 A mount of losses during the year, adjusted but not due -... 21(1684 GO Dividend additions to above 2&*tf7o 10 Amount of losses reported to the Company hut not acted npon Amount of losses resisted by the Company. None Insult. Amount of dividends duo and unpaid Nothing. Amount of money borrowed, and the nature and amount of security given Nothing. Amount of all other claims against the Company, contcetcd or otherwise. Nothing. Amount required to safely 1 e-imam all out standing risks, valuation mode February 1, lfctt 22,012*288 0J Amount of cash premiums received: * Origins) 4,604.808 63 lienew el fi.4oB.Mb 63 11,013,677 Iff For Ant allies .. 24,748 © Amount oi premiums not Daid in cash during the year, stating tbe character of such pro* miume Nothing. Amount of premium* earned interest received from investments Income from oil other lourcea, specifying what source*—For Kent Total Bccclpli, Amount of iofßOs paid during thoyeor Paid Matured hndovtmente Amount paid atfd owing for rc-lnsuranco premiums Nona Amount of ictum premiuma, whether paid , or unpaid Nothing. Paid Annuities 16,185 27 Amount of dividend* declared during year.. 2.37U.817 86- Amount of dividends paid 3.257,187 26 Amount of expenaea paid daring the year, including commiwjionß and fees paid to agent* 80L433 77 Paid in commutation of future expenses 754 406 28 1 Amount of loose* duo and unpaid Nothing. Amount of toxin paid by the Company ft)Bs3 It Amount of all other expeneoe and expen ditures.. (800 below.> Amount of promisor; note* originally form ing the capital of the Company Nothing. Atuouitbf said notes hold by the Company as part or tbe whole of capital thereof..... Nothing. Paid for Policies surrendered 422,821 60 Philadelphia. l*ar and taarket value of tho Company’^ _ etock ypT share. No stock. For &3fdlci»i EzatuiCHtiObe. For Salary and Law Exponeeq. Fur Exchange and Postage For .Advertising For Pi luting and Statiooery... For Sundry Office Expenses... Mate of /few York. Counti of JVfct o York* «/». Bo it rememborcd that on this Sfcth day of January, AJD. 1860, before the sabtcrlbcr, a Commissioner in ana for the Btfttu of Pepm>vlvfu>Ja.duly commissioned and authorised by the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other writings, to he used and recorded in the Bald State of Pennsylvania, and to administeroatlis and affirmations, personally appeared ltiehurd A. McCurdy, Vice President of The Mutual Life Jmuianco Company, of New York, and made oath that tiro above nnd foregoing is a true statement of the cpnoi* tion of taid Life Insurance Company, upon the Ist day of January, 1809: , dud J further cort»fy that I have mado personal exam!- nation of the condition of said Minual Lifo Insurance ( owpaiiy on this d»y. and am sa'isuod that they have assets safely invested, to the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars; that I have examined the securities now in the hands of the Company, as set forth in the fomio*Dß statement, and the same are of the value reprcpentcd in the statement . _ . _ , I farther certify that I am not interested in tho affairs of said Company. . „ Iu witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal tills 38ih day of January A. D. I86!l MOSES B. MACLAY, [Signed] jeeji 1. 1 Pennsylvania Commissioner In the City o New York. F RATCHFORD STARR, Gen’l Agent,. , „ PHIIABEIPHIA. fcJ thß tu et rps HinraAmns THE MUTUAL /; OF NEW YOKK. - $31,017,320 3SS FIBST. SECOND. THIRD. FOUBTH. FIFTH. 400 WALXJUT STREET, 1.706,603 70 63,000 00 $12,807,319 61 U 80,705 «> 37,000 00 79.311 83 193,467 10 63320 84 26,518 67 66,741 39 66,059 H SECOND EDITION. TO-DAY’S CABLE QUOTATIONS WASH IN Q- T ON. CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS THE SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT AS ALL SIGHT SESSION By tbie Atlantic Cable* London, Feb. 9, A. M. —Console, 93>£ for mo* ocy, and 93%@93 W for account. United Btates Five-twenties, 7G%. Brie Railroad, 25#. Illi nois CentraL93%. London, Feb. 9, P. H.—Consols for account, 93#. Brie Railroad, 25. Other securities un changed. Liverpool, Feb. 9, A. M.—Cotton dull and un changed; Upland Middling, 12#@12%Orleans, 12#@12#. The sales of to-dayaro estimated at 10,000 bales. The shipments from Bombay to the 6th, since the last report, Is 18,500 bales. Breadstuffe quiet. Turpentine 325. 6d. Liverpool, Feb. 9, P. M Cotton Is & shade firmer but not higher. Mess Pork fiat and no minal. Bacon 395. - Lnrd L fr7s.-6<J. - —- London, Feb. 9, A. M—Tarpentlne 84s. Cal cutta Linseed 58s. Sd. Tallow 47b. London, Feb. 9, P. M.—‘Tallow46s. 9d. Southampton, Feb. 9.— Arrived, steamer New York, from New York. ; Liverpool, Feb. 9, P. M.—Manchester advices are less favorable, and cause some dullness In the cotton market here. " California Wheat Is quoted at Us. 3d. Corn 335. for old and 31s. 3d. for new. Other articles unchanged. "W- \, fortieth Congrcsa—Ttiird Setiion* CONTINUATION OP YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Wasbiwotoic, Feb. 9. Beji ati —Mr. Morton made a very ungenerous at :. taek upon Btato..sovereigutv and upon the Democratic , party, which, be said, had lived for tweoty yean upon u Its boatility tothe negro, and was now embracing the putrescent corpAeotafaverr. Mr. Doolittle replied In defence of Btate rights. Mr, Morton earn he did not deny the existence of rstate right*, bat only of State sovereignty. Mr. Doolittle Baid-that it was essential to the con ; tinned existence of onr Government that the right* of the Spates should be recognized as well as the right* ' of the Federal Government In the coarse of bis re- • marks be expressed the opinion that if the Supremo ? Conn had decided in the McArdlc case that the mill ; tary tribunal by which ho (McArdie) was tried was pin - constitutional, the Chief Justice would hare been f nominated at New York for President and would have f been elected. Mr. Drake asked him whether if the Coart bad dc : clarod the acts of Congress unconstitutional, that de ; cislon would have been of any force. Mr. Doolittle thought it would.and would have been 7' acquiesced in by ail departments of the Government. Mr. Djohe denied that the Supreme Coart had a : aonstlintlonal right nnder any circumstances to pro nounce «ny act of-Congrcea anconatltutional. Mr. Wbytc <Md.) asked him wbe her,ifthe Supreme Court thoald decide the Legal Tender Act to be unconstitutional, the decision ought to be respected. Mr. Drake replied—not at all,and he would he fraud standing to his position, and both Houses of Congress 7 would have to come to that position at last, or else sweep from the bench of the Supreme Court the men who dared attempt to cifpple by their judicial proceed ings the law-making power of the country. Mr. Norton.at 2.20 A. M , moved to adjourn. Lost, yeas U, nays ». Mr. Davis spoke for one hour Id an elucidation of his views of the capacities or incapacities of the negro. Mr. Sawyer wished that the Senator from Kentucky bad lived for a lime in a reconstructed State, because then he could* have seen that the negro, although not the equal of the white, had yet within him the germ of improvement: which will enable him to develop Into an intelligent and good citizen under our institu tions. The objection made to the amendment that it would change the relations of the States to the Federal Government, seemed to him a strange one, because there could he no amendment to the Constitution that wonld not, in some respects, change those relations. At 4 A. M. Mr. Norton to»k the floor to address the Senate, but yielded at the request of Mr, Sumner for a motion to adjourn, widen was lost—yeas 19, nays 98. Mr. Norton then read a large portion of Mr. Sum ner’s speech, mndea few days ago, on th** amendment, adopting it as bis own,and applying Mr. Sumner’s lan gQme ased about slavery ana caste to what he ealled Federalism under the alia* of human r’gbts. Mr. Wilson spoke in advocacy of the amendment. Mr. Drake offered an amendment in the following words: “No citizen of the United States snail, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, be, by the United Stages, or any Stcte, denied the right to vote or bold office. ” Mr. Edmunds was unable to see any difference be tween this and the report of the Judiciary Committee. ’ Mr Drake called attention to the different arrange ment of the words, which be thought avoided the im plication contained In the amendment reported from the Committee, that a right to vote or hold office ex isted independently of any constitutional of legal errant of such right. Mr. Howard made the same objection to the amend ment' f the Senator from Missouri that he had made to the report of the Committee, namely, that it left it still possible for a State to deny a man the right to vole or bo*d«fflce upon some other ground than race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Fur Instancy for religious belief Mr. Edmunds said be was one of thogc who believed that the 14th AmcndmeuLproperly understood,already conferred the flight to vote and ail other rlrhta ana prvl'eces of clilzenshlp.and he deprecated the attempt of the Republican party to press the constitutional amendment, because it-woald be construed as a legis lative acknowledgment that the constitution, even with the 14th Amendment, did not confer those rights and privileges. lncidcntally,he remarked that In case the right of suffrage were given to women his only fear was that the baa women woald all vote while the good women would all 6tay at home. Mr. Warner asked the Senator from Vermont h ow ■son In bis judgment it would be before, without the proposed amendment, the colored population should be allowed to exercise the rights, wnlch he thought were conferred by the 14tn Amendment. Mr. Edmunds replied that that depended upon the vigor with which Congress would assert the-e rights for them It required intervention not outside the law.bat with the law As the weapon of Intervention. Mr. Drake thought Mr Edmunde's view of the effect of the Fourteenth Constitutional Amendments,tery in correct and iphchlevoutt one, aud made an argument to *how that it Was so. Mr finmnerwas understood to take the same viow pfl Mr. Edmunds of the scope of the fourteenth amend ment. Mr. Howard remarked that be had been a member of (be joint committee which had reported that amendment, and this was the first time he had heard the claim made that it wne designed to confer or that it dH confer the right to vote. At 7.40 A. M , Mr. Sumner moved to adjourn. Messrs. Cragln and Stewart opposed the motion,and the latter called for the yeas ana nays, which were or dered. The motion was Jo6t—yeas 11, nays 87. Mr. Cragin was enrprised at the position taken by the Senators from Massachusetts and Vermont (Messrs. Sumner and Edmunds) in regard to the design and ef fect of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitu tion, because he remembered that at the time that amendment;,waa ~passed, it was distinctly stated by more than one Senator, and contr idictcd by none,that it did not confer the right to vote upon anvbody; and be protested against the introduction of this view at this time, because he believed that the debate woald be continued on this ground for the purpose of defeat ing the pending amendment Mr. Yates explained bis position on the suffrage question, and contrasted it with that of the Demo cratic party, much to tho disadvantage of the latter. Mr. Morrill (Yt.) urged tho friends of the pendlug emendment to come to a vote without farther debate, as they would probably have future opportunities to be eloquent in the Semite chamber. Mr, Hendricks made a brief defence of the Demo cratic party from the attack of his colleague (Mr, Mor ton and the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Yates) which he thought;entirely unprovoked by anything that had been said by the Democratic Senators. In the contte of tho debate Mr. Norton said that if this amendment was adopted. It would be adopted not by the will of the people.Dut by the will of a party and by tho operation oi jmrAj^achinery. Mr. Yates that he hod been elected by the Republican party; • Mr. Norton—l .woe, sir.-. Mr, Yates—Thbn permit me to say that I think the party made a mistake. [Laugh er ] Mr. Norton said he felt greatly complimented by the reminder of the Senator from Illinois, and went on to tell at length the reason why. _ The question was then taken op tho amendment of Mr. Drake, which was rejected, •‘Citizens of the United States of African descent ■ball nave the same right to vote and hold office as other citlzchs, electors of the most numerous branch of the Leglß’ature.” !Mr. Howard offered again his substitute for the re port ofihe Committee, in these words: ' Mr. Dqolit»le made an argument to show the men rai and physical inferiority of the negro, and the in consistency of tho Republican party in seeking to give ballot while denying it to the Chinaman. The amendment was then rejected—ayes 10, nays 85. The question was then taken on *he amendment of Mr. Warner, which was pending at 11.30, A. M., when the Senate adjourned till la o’clock. j ■ fFlrelnPortiaxid/ Portland, Feb. 9.—A fireoccurred to-day in the Fox block,or Jdlddle street; bywhleh tho fol lowing firms are loeete—Metter <fe -Anderson; shoe dealers. Insured for $3,600. Edward G. Swett, watchmaker. Insured for fi1,300. A. M. Paine, music-dealer. Several other stores in the block were damaged by smoke aud water. 6'rom Boston—Prize Flgrhters-Acoi- ■ ; deni. Boston, Feb. 9— ln the case of O'Baldwin,tried in Salem for prize-fighting, the jnry, after two hours deliberation, found the defendant guilty. Exceptions were taken by hia counsel and de cision was reserved. John BulllvaD, employed at the Eagle Bagar Refinery, on Gray’s wharf, fell lmo a vatof boil ing engar laet evening. His akin peeled o(f from bis waist to bis neck, and he Is not oxpectcd to recover. Obituary. Baltimobe, Fob 9.—A. Sigonmey, a citizen oi Norfolk, Virginia, died yosterday afternoon at Barnnm's Hotel in this city. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, the poetess, and daring the mission of Caleb Cashing to Chins, was attached thereto. He was on a visit to Baltimore,to his two children,attending school near the city. ‘ Weatber Report. Feb. 9.9 A. XL Wind. Woather. Pher. Plalater Core N. W. Clear, 30 Halifax * N. W, Clear, 30 Portland .N. E Clear. 30 Boston, 8. W. Clear. M Hew Fork. N. W. Fogey. 40 Philadelphia 8. Raining. 39 'Wilmington, -8e1r,,...„.„.S Raining. 40 . Washington... ....8. E. Raining. 43 Angnata. Qa. . Raining. 60 Savannah. 8. E. Raining. 60 Charleston ...B. Clomdy. W Oswego 8. Clear. 82 Buffalo ...N. E. Clear. 32 Pittsburgh. Raining. 40 CMcaeo Foggy- 87 Key West Cloudy, 74 Havana N, £, Clear. 72 State of thermometer: tills Day at the Bulletin Office. 10 A. M 89 dec. » M....,.» dec. 8 P.». *0 deg. Weather raining. Wind Northeast. Grant'i notification. The Washington correspondent of the Times tends the following: The following is a copy of the notification which will be issued. to Gen. Grant after the' declaration of the vote by the Electoral College to-morrow, and which will serve as the certifi cate of hia election as President of the Uaitsd Slates. It Is in the handwriting of Mr. C. C. Sympson, of Illinois, one of the clerks in the office of the Secretary of the Senate, and is written on a sheet of parchment nine and one ball by thirteen Inches. In the left-hand corner at the bottom is the seal of the Senate stamped in the parchment. The same gentleman wrote tbe notifications of Abraham Lincoln and of Andrew Johnson, and also the summons which was served on the latter when he was impeached: Be it known, tbat the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Btates of America belne assembled at tbo Capitol, in the city of Washington, on tbe second Wednesday, being the lOtb day of February, in the year of oor Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-Dine, tbe underwrit ten President of tbe Senate did. in the presence of the said Senate and House ot Representatives, open all tbe certificates and count all the votes of tbe electors for a President and Vice President, by which it appears that Ulysses S. Grant was dnly elecled. agreeably to the Coostltution.Presl dent of the United Btates for fonr years, com mencing on tbe 4th day of March, 1869. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of the Senate, this 10th day of February, 1869. , President of tho Senate. the oouiers. Qvuteb SxssioNa—lodge Ludlow James Mc- Grath pleaded gailty to stealing a backet of lard. JohnUnlllTan pleaded guilty to atealfng rope. Frederick Etlay was convicted of a charge of assault and batten upon hla wife. Emma Swann (colored)'was convicted lof a charge of tteallng a diamond ring. The accused was a ser vant, and took advantage of ber position to steal the ring. Henry Kernel] was convicted of s charge of com mitting an assault and battery upon a policeman, and wa* bentenced to four months*' imprisonment. As the evidence developed the fact that Howard Stanley, a co defendant, bad attempted to rescue Kernel! from tbe oflio-r wnen nnder arrest. Judge Ludlow directed him to enter bail In SI,SOO, to answer the" charge Qf at- U mpird rerene. .. Libteiot Covet— Jndge Stroud. Wright Bnd others vs. Beatty. Belorc reported. In this case, in volving the question of* violation of the Act of As sembly in regard to obstructions In places of amuse ment, tbe jury was out all night, ana came Into Court th e morning with the statement that It was impos sible to agree. The Jndge refused to discharge them, and they again retired. District Coubt— Judge Hare.—Worman <fc Hover vs. Adam Warthmau. An action on a book account. Verdict for defendant. Alex. Smith vs Thomas M. Gray. An setion to re cover for the keep ofa horse. Verdict for plaintiff for $164 48. John F. Biliary & Bro. vs. Thomas McOsbe. An action on a mechanic’s lien. Verdict for plaintiff for $l4B 86. Cochran & Gowers vs. D. 8 Ronaldsoa. An action to recover commissions on the sale of certain stock. On trial. raiAnoiAL ana oo Tbe FtLliflULelpUt Bales at the Xtilladelj VIBSY 6200 city Ssnew 100% 500 LehteU Qld la 00% 1500 do Its 90% 1000 Pitta bore Da 71 5500 Pa Ga 8 eer 3ebMechßk 88 1000 dn&Axn mtOs’SO 65% 1000 Lehiffh Val bds Dew tranf 100 eh Oil Creek & Allegh’y R bBO 88% 1C" eh North Cent K 49 'i sh Cam & Amboy 184% 4 ph Sprnee and Pine 86 l(f0 fch IXeen’vlle R 12 BEOORI 11 no CltvOenew Ita 100 % l"i 0 Pa 6a 1 acre 104 6500 Penna 6'B 2d eer 166% <1 oo do l eerica 108% 500 NPenna R 6s SO OebFar&Mecbk 184 7 si) Ca&Aroß b 5 124x| BET WEEK 4 N PenDaß 7 d c scrip 84 41C0 City6'p new c 100% 000 Leh 6’fcGold In 20% Feb 9, ls63.~Tbe money market duriag tbe past week wae amply supplied with funds, as the weekly dhiiK statement show*, though the harmony between supply and demand wae such as to prevent .any down* ward movement in the current ratee of discount. The loans are in excess of last week's exhibit to the amount of s42d9rtt whilst the deposits havo increased 8830,193 Tin T* bus also been an Increase in the specie reserve of 8>W,269, which is no doubt due to the falling oflfin the shipments of gold during the past week. On the otho batid the legal tenders show a derline of $510,976. which is accounted for by the increesed domand during the past week for all kinds of Government securities, This re port is ia pert ect harmony with the course of the money market during the week, and is quite favorable to a future condition of case and plenty. There is a more active demand for capital for busin* es purposes to-day than for some time past but tor speculation it has considerably fal en off. This, eua hies the banks to continno their liberal treatment of cus tomers and to diaebuot freely on good, acceptable paper. There te no quotnblo change in the rates for money, which remain stationary at D<®2 prr cent on call, secured bj government bonds, and at6£s7 per cent, on other se curities. Prime mercantile bills ornyare negotiable at 7(29 per cent. The business At the B'ock Board this morning was a little more active' in tho speculative, but Government loans were not sold to any extent City loans were a shade lower, and tho new issues sold at 100%. Lehigh •Gold Loan was steady at 90%. Readme Railroad receded %, and closed at 47%. Po iu sj Ivanla Railroad was steady at 47%; Camden and Am boy Railroad at 124%; Little Schuylkill Railroad at 49; *'Cnigh Valiev Railroad at 55%; Philadelphia and Erin i» °, ac * a t2s%»and (jatawl?sa Railroad Preferred at 83%. Uank and Canal shares unchanged, in Passenger Railway wo noticed balqb of Hos tooville at 12, and Bprace and FineStroota at 26. Philadelphia. Produce rnaruet* Tuespav. Fob. 9.-—Tbcre Is a goad demand for Clover, seed, and further sales are reoortod’at s9@9 50, and some from second hands above the Matter figure. 100 bushels Small sales of F axteed at $2 6*. at which figure it is wanted by the crushers v There la more doing In Flour, and the homo trade are buying more freely. Prices, however,, aro unchanged. About 1 BOG barrels lowa and Wtumnein extra family at $7 S6®7 60; and Minnesota do: do. at $7 60®7.75. Includ ing 100 barrels winter Wheat do do. on secret terms, fiomo Pennsylvania, do. do. at sB@B 75; 100 bamjlsiow grade do. do. afcs7 90; Ohie do. ao. at $8 76@10: and fancy lota at higher figures. Rye Flour la quiet, and ranges from s7@7 60. Prices of Com Meat are nominal The Wheat market Ib very doll at yesterday's figured Small sales of Red at $1 6Q@l 70: Amber at slBs®]; 90. and Whitest $2 10@2 25. Ry oranges from $l6O to 81901 Corn comes in slowly, but the domand is limited. Small Bnlesof Yellow at 87@89 cents. Oats are firm, with sales of 2,000 bushels Western at 72@76 cento. Whhky is very dull and nominal at 97 cents to $l. Jen Tark Honor market*' jFrom the N. Y. Herald of to-doy.l ' - Fas, B—Tho notioe&ble feature In Wall itroet to-day THEBATIjY EVENING BTJLLETIN-PHILAIfMiPIIIA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 9,1869./ Klonejr KArtie t» la Block Rynhahge, !0 6hßcalß 47% 23 ah do tranaf its 47% 100 eh do c 47% 300 sh do Its 47% 100 eh do c 47% soo Bh do Its 47% 100 eh do 2dye 47% 100 eh do 47% 100 eh do 2dye 47% 200 eh do lie 47% 200 eh do c 47% 100 sh do 4f.3l 203 eh Pennaß Its &7% 100 eh do b6O 07% 400 sh do 57% D BOABD. 300 eh Read B 47% 100 ah do e 47% 100 Bb do 47-31 100 eh do 4)00 47% 100 eh dorg&ln 47-31 ,100 sh do 2dye 47% BOARDS. 11000 Penn R Ime 6e 98 I4OOOC & Am 6s 'B3 Itß 66 25 sh Leh Val R Its 55% 14 ah do 65% tvu ibe eerier condition of * the money market, which was abundantly supplied at five to coven per cent.on call loans. Between stockhouses and on stock collaterals there wo* no concession from tbe foil legal rate, owing to tbe uneasy feeling'produced by tbe large “drop™ in . Pacific M all, which tbo tad tired brokers to be mere sero tinous of the extent Of margtairon hand* wo government collaterals, however, the market was snppuea at five Ana six per cent. Tbe yielding of the rate comes tardily,more. than a month bavJnspossed since the qnarterly-bank Btateineptand Its attendant contraction, The vast spec ulations in the stock market were; the occasion ©! toe eoctJnuedactivity. ; . . Gold was hesitating at the opening, dealers being in uncertainty as to *he extent of the •’corner” made open tbe “shorts,” tbe first tightening of which was felt late., *nSaturdayatternoon. They were,not kept longia doubt, for the market' beeamo firm at an advance ora quarter of one per. cent, under which many or foe« •sborta” were forced to **cover," tho loaning rate dtnly ranging tip to 1-82 for borrowing. Gold? cantata* from some au After nnexp?ctedly, and the “corner* dHTSg£ pcared. while as high as seven per cent; was PMd-jfote carrying before Clearing House time, ana four per cetrtg Tbe market gives signs of a renewal of' the spjcul&ytf excitement whi»h prevalod when U wasmaalpnlated ad boldly by t*e EriecMqua Tbe gross elearinrs 4 to-day vrcßfv 8® 284.000, tbe gold balances $5.201936, and the bslancea 84 872.484. '• At five o’clock the quotation stood W3&@l96J£, with sales at the intermediate sixteenth. . Over 87Da000 la specie has been engaged for ship men by tboCfnbriAtomorrsw, . . Foreign exchange was unchanged on the basis of IWX® It 9)6 for prime bankers’ sterling, eixtv days* A Commercial paper was steady at .7 to 8 per cent, dis count for prime acceptances. Governments were buoyant at the opening, as a se quence of tbe premise Implied In Congressman Hooppfs bill that tbe sold bearing debt Is not to. be further to crossed. 8 xty-twote were quoted at UWS&IIS# and *67*e touched < Under sales and tbo usual .reaction the market was one to two or threo “points” lower at the last board, but the cable telegram announcing a rise Of fivs-twenties to London to 70* made prices again buoy ant. i specially as this advance Is likely to be followed by farther rbipxnent*. This foreign appreciation of our se curities Is evidently tbe effect of .the introduction to Con gress of the bill referred to. • | From tbe New York World of to-day.) Fra a.—'The foreign exohong* market nru doll and lower. . - Theme® ey market wsa rattier aelive early farthe day at 7 per cent „ but became eaalor aa the day advanced at 6to7percent* •*...• . . Iba govemaent bond maiket waa active aadapong. tbe 1867 s selling at 109#, hut afterwards there was alight reaction and the market closed off from the highest quo* tattoos* The geld market opened firm at ISBK, declined to 135#, advanced to 185Jtf, and closed at 3.45 P. M. at 185#. The rates paid for cam tng were X 8.1,6.6. 4. and 7 per cent, and for borrowing from fiat, 1-61 1-83,8, and 2 per cent dfte* the board adjourned the qnotations were 135# to 185# at 6.80 P. M. . The operattonsof the Gold Exchange Bank to-day were as followa: . ■ ■ • Gold balances ..$8,201,026 56 Currency balances.. Grow clearances... Tbe Latest Quotation* from Roar fort [Bt Tdtmp&.i New York. Feb, 9. Stocks dntL Gold. 135; Exchange 109%; Five-twsntiee,lBG2, U3%tdo., 1854, 110%; do. 1865, 111%; new, 109%; 1867.109% {Ten-forties. 108%; Virginia Fixer, 63%; Missouri Sixes, 86$;Canton Company. 67%; Cumberland Preferred. 87; New York. Central.f63%:Ueadlog,94fct; Hudson River 136%; Michigan Central, 119%; Michigan Southern, 92%; IlHnoU Central, : Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 91%; Cleveland ana Toledo. 104%: Chicago and Rock Island, 180%; Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 117%. narkete by Telegraph. I Special Despatch to the Phi la. Evening Bulletin.] New Yobk, Feb. 9, 19% P. AL— Cotton—The market this morning was dull and weak; sales of about 1.000 bale*. We quote as follows: Middling Uplands,Bo%; Middling Orleans. 80%. Flour, Ac.—Receipts— 5,184 barrels. The market for Western and State Flour l« dall.heavy and lower; the sales are about 7.000 barrels. including Superfine State at $6 05® $6 40; Extra State at $6 70®$7 10; Low grades Wes* tern Extra at 86 6C@B7 10: Southern Flour is dall and drooping; California Flour is dull and drooping. Grain.—Receipts Wheat LOOO bush. The market is firm, with a moderate demand. The sales are 15.000 bush els No. 2 Milwaukee at 81 68® 1 60 in store, and 61 61® I 63 afloat Com—Receipts—ls,ooo bushels. The market is firm; demand fair. Sales 25.000 bushels New Western at 88 <*PO cents afloat. Oats—Receipts—l.loo bushels; market dull and heavy at 76% cents in store, and 77 cents afloat. Provisions—The receipts of Pork are 240 barrels. The market is better and salable, at 883 26®34 for new Western mess. Lard—Receipts 860 pkf. Toe market it firm with a fair demand. We quote fair to prime steam at 20%<g2L Hogs— Receipts—46o; market lower and dull; Western. 16® 15%. City at 15%<ai& WhJsky- Receipts 280 bbls The market is firm and saleable. We quote Western at 94@95c. Tallow—there u a good demand, but market is lower at of the Associated Press! New Yobs, Feb. 9.—Cotton easier; <oo bales se'd at3o%. Flour dull and without decided change; 5,000 barrels sold; Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn firm: 29,000 bushels sold; mixed Western at 89®90c. Oats heavy; 15 090 bus. •old at 77% afloat and 76 on shore. Beef quiet. Pork firm 838®53 76 for new mesa. Lard firm; steam rendered. 21® 21%. Whisky quiet. BaxjmfOEz, Feb 9.—Cotton quiet; Middling Uplands nominal at 30. Floor dull and nominal. Wheat dull; re ceipts email; prime Pennsylvania, 81 Bo®sl 85. Com firm; prime white, 88@90e: yellow, 86®88c. Oats firm; prime 76c, Byefiim atBl 6Q@sl 65. Pork firm at BS3 60 ®B3L Bacon active; rib aider, 17%®18c.; dear do.. 18%® 19c.; shoulders, 16%@16c; hams; SOc. Lard firm at 21c. MABD9EB POST OF PHILADELPHIA— Fkbvuajiy 9. V&e Marine Bulletin on Inside Pace, arrived this day. Steamer Herman, Crowell, 48 hours from Barton, with mdse and passengers, to Henry Winsor ft Co. Bark Bam Shepherd, Evans. 16 daye from Cienf uegoa, with sugar and molaases to Geo C Canon ft Co. Left In port brig Jm B Kirby, schra PA Gran, J Ricardo Jova, leading; F B Baird, W 8 Tiers, diseh'g; Annie Greaves, just arrived. Off Sombrero light, Fla. 27tb ult was in company with ship Pequot, from Mew Orleans for liver pool. rrr.nagßro yang OAT. Steamer Brunette. Howe, Now York. John F OhL Bark Meridian (Pruts), Bremen, L Westergaard ft Co. Correepondenee of the FhH adelnhla Exchange. LEWES, oxu Feb, 7—6 PM. Brin John Welsh£7r. for Sagna, and Louis C Madeira, for Cienfuegos, went to sea yesterday; bark Ann Elisa beth. for Barbados, went to sea this afternoon—all from Philadelphia. Yours, fte, JQ3KH) LAk'CTkA. cukxain ha: I. E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL. No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET Calls attention to his varied stock of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, LACE CURTAINS Embracing some of tho richest ever Imported. Tapestry Table and Piano Covers. Eider pnd Arctic Down Quilts, For Invalids cannot bo excelled. WINDOW SHADES OF ALL VARIETIES. BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW STYLE SKATING BOOTS. BARTLETT, The Boot Maker, 83 SOUTH SIXTH BTBEBT. NEW STYLES FOK THE PROMENADE. NEW STYLES FOB THE PARLOR. NEW BTYLEB FOR HEAVY WEATHER. ~ His largo stock enables him to furnish a good fit at Ml times.) ocl7 pfathlyrpB .. ~ gABDINES.— 100 CASES. .landing and for gale by JOS. B. BtJBSIER, 109 South tlawareavenue. •• • - .. .... :• ’ YUURBANT. JELLY—GENUINE GUKKANT BhbY JLT in 6 and 10 lb. cans, for ealfi by 9. B. BUSBIEBdI CO.. 108 Broth Delaware a venae. THIRD EDITION. THE BDFFRMJE AMENDMENT sv : Tlie Suffrage Hill in .the Senate* j?, (Special Despatch totheFhila. Eveningßulletin. 3 c,&Wabhington, Feb. 9.— The dlecussloD in the peoate, on the constitutional amendment was daring the whole of last night, and it was not until half-poet cloven o'clock: this morn ing that a recess was taken nntil twelve o’clock. .The debate was very spirited throagh- THJt. -the night session, and most ofraSuehators remained in their seats listening closely to tbe line of arguments. The longest speech.against the principle of universal suffrage wob mode by Senator Norton, who : spoke two hours. Between six and seven o'clock this morn ing, Senator Tates made an eloquent and earnest appeal for the rights of the colored race, and; for the proposed amendment. Although speaking bat a half hoar, he succeeded in thoroughly; arousing tbe Senate, and was closely listened to by his colleagues, and was warmly congratulated on closing. No speech during the entire debate has at; tracted so much attention, with perhaps the eln gle exception of Mr. Sumner's. At twelve o’clock, when the Senate reassem bled, nearly' every Senator was in his seat, and: dlßpCnsed wlthln order toT continue the discussion of the amendment 40T2&4 08 65484,000 00 DECORATIONS, The Slight Session ia the Senate Pennsylvania legislature. Senate.— The following bills on prlvate calendar were passed: A farther supplement to the act'incorporating (he Creahelm Turnpike and Bridge Company. An act exempting from taxa tion certain real estate of the Home Missionary Society of Philadelphia, No. 633 Arch street ■. . An act incorporating the Press Club of Phila delphia; an act incorporating the City Mutual Lila; and Health Insurance Company of- Lehigh, county;' an act establishing law libraries In. Montgomery and Perry counties; an act incorpo rating the Wheatley Dramatic Assoeiatlonjan act Incorporating tbe City Mutual Live Stock Insu rance Company of Lehigh co.;an act in relation to. binding by the Trustees ot the Home for Friendless and Destitute Children. An act reducing.the tax on capital of the.. St..NlcholaB Coal Company. An act authorizing the mana gers of the Honse of Befnge to compensate their Solicitor, An act incorporating the African Col lege; An act incorporating the " Northeast Tnrnpike Road Confpany, in Montgomery county. A farther supplement to an act to In corporate the city of Philadelphia, relative to the incompatibility of members of Connells to office. An act to incorporate the Chihnabna Silver Mining Company. An act reqnihng the profits arising from the life insurance business of the Broadbent Life and Trust Com pany to be divided among the policy holders. An act. being Honse bill supplementary to the act incorporating the Philadelphia County Real Estate Association. An act to Incorporate the Colombia National Fire Insurance Company. An act extending tbe charter of the Reading Savings Bank. An act Incorporating tbe Kutz town Savings Bank. An act extending the act of April, 1862, for the protection of sheep, to Mont gomery connty. An act authorizing the con struction of a railroad tnmont on Gold street, Philadelphia, was killed. CRIME. Border to York county, Pa.—Arrest of the murderer. The Yt>T\UPamsylvanian says: About half past seven o’clock on Thursday evening a mnrderons crime was committed in the village ef Loganville, seven miles south of York. Two wagons came in collision. George Hart man, Jr., who bad a companion in his Bpring wagon, was driving the one team, and Michael Hartman, with a one-horse spring-wagon, was, the occupant of the other. Albert D. .Haitmw. g son of Michael, had been walking near the wfc-# gone when they collided. An angry quarrel sprang np Immediately, which terminated by George Hartman's dealing, with a club or other weapon, a deadly blow upon the skull of A. D. Hartman, the gentleman who recently kept a store at tbe comer of George Bed King streets, in this place. All the parties are distant relatives. Both the assailant and assailed are about twenty-three years old. The blbw was so terrible that Mr. H’e skull was broken, and the poor victim vengeance lay uncon scious until 11 o'clock the same night, when death, ended his Bufferings. Information was sent to R this place as soon aa possible, and a warrant for the arrest of George Hartman (all the parties reside In Springfield township, Tork connty, two or three miles from Loganville) was Issued to Constable Wallick, who brought the offender before SquireTreger about nine o’clock yesterday morning. Hartman was promptly committed to jail to await the action of the law. When the news of the terrible deed spread throughout town, Intense excitement ensued. Heavy Bobbery m Wilmington 815,000 Stolen. The Wilmington Commercial of last evening says: A heavy robbery was committed at the depot of the Philadelphia, WilmiDgton & Baltimore Railroad Company, in this city, on Saturday night. William J.m&r, paymaster of the road,brought down here 615,000 to pay off the [employes, which he deposited with some other money In the safe in the office of J. Mahoney, road master. Some one effected an entrance into the office and unlocked the safe with a skeleton key, tak ing over fifteen thousand dollars from It. The only cue to the thief yet found Is the skeleton key, which was picked np on Fonrth street be low Pine. This, however, affords no evidence of the Identity of thecriminoL The robbery is quite a mysterious one, espe cially when we consider the public place at which It was committed, and the fact that portions of the building are occupied day and night the year round. The “job” must have been well planned and skillfully executed, as the office where it was committed Is within a shprt distance of the rail road telegraph office, which is always occupied. FROM HEW TORH. New York, Feb. 9 A complimentary banquet was given last evening to Senator Casseriy, of CalUornia. Hon. (Charles O’Oonor presided, and speeches were made by Samuel J. Tilden, Erq., Wm. B. Ogden, Rev. E. H. Chapin, and others. General. Grant yesterday morning was driven bv Mr. Bonner behind the horse Dexter to the Union Homo and School, at One Hundred and Fifty-first street. He returned to meet the Re publican General Committee at 3.80 P. M. In the evening he attended a reception at Mr. 8. B. Chittenden's, and then set off for Philadelphia. In the Rogers murder case there were no now developments yesterday. Tallant was discharged on his own recognizance. Robinson and his companion, Edward Reilly, made statements which seem to Indicate that they are innocent. Two bold thieves last evening, at 7.30 o’clock, broke the show-window of Benedict Bros., jewel ers, No. 691 Broadway, seized a tray containing twenty-four rlßgs valued at $l,BOO, and made good ibeir escape. Recorder Hocxett, yesterday,sentenced Patrick Moore to State Prison at hard labor for twenty years, for highway robbery; Patrick Martin for ten jears, for burglary; John McGuire for five years, lor grand larceny, and Andreas Schnelz tor four years and six months for a similar of fence. In the Board of Health, yesterday, a report was submitted relative to smallpox in one of the industrial schools of the city. The inspectors had immediately secured the Vaccination of all the children who needed it. ■ Tho debt of the city and county ot Hew York, independent of tho sinking Bind and bonds' and mortgages applicable toils redemption, amount ed to $26,868,094 on tho Bist of December last, Tho accumulations of tho sinking fand will prove sufficient to pay the whole, while the value of the property of tlfe corporntlon plodgod for the payment of tho debt is $90,760,000. Internal Revenue Assessor Webster Is turning his attention to the returns of capital made, by the large banking associations In this city. He thinks: that-a propor enforccmontofthelawwlll produce millions on millions of dollars from this source (done. . , 3:30 O’Olook. Hxbeisbubo, Feb. 9. FOFOT ®)ITIQK LATEST CABLE QUOTATIONS DEATH OF JAMES T. BRADY By’tbe Atlantic Cable* London, Feb. 9—Evening.—U. 8. Five-twen ties, 76%. Stocks steady; Great Western, 41. Liverpool, Feb. 9, Evening—Cotton firmer but not higher, and is more active; sales to-day 12,000 bales. California wheat, 11s. 4d. Old corn, 88s. 6d. Beef quiet. London, Feb; 9, Evening.—Sngar active at 275. Bd. on the spot, and 265. 9d.@275. afioat. Havre, Feb. 9.—Cotton opened at 141 francs on the spot, and 146 francs afloat Obituary. New Yore, Feb. 9.—James T. Brady died this morning of apoplexy, aged 64. All the Courts adjourned in respect to bia memory. man Killed on the Hudson IXlver Kallroad. Poughkeepsie, Feb. 9.— William Bouton, depot master at Spuyten Dnyvll Station, on the Hudson River railroad, Was killed last night by being caught between a tender-and a passenger car.; He was a married man. Bnrglury. Worcester, Fab. 9.— The stores of Messrs. -Wrlght&JVoodward,aßid_E_L._F.airbanks,Jn Fitchburg; Massachusetts, waro ontered by burg lars lastnight. About $4O were taken from Messrs. Wright & Woodward. Mr. Fairbanks’s safe, which contained a email amount of money' and $4,800 in United States'bonds, Was opened, and the money taken ont. bnt the bonds were left on the floor. fortieth Congress—Third Session. ‘ Washinoton, Feb. 9. ■ [BraaTa-Contlnncd from Second Edition.) The Senate, reassembled at 12 M. On motion 1 of Mr. Stewart, the reading of the Journal was dispensed with. - Mr. Morton introdneed a joint resolution to prevent the building of any bridge over the Ohio rivet 1 with a central epan of less than 400 feet. Referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. Mr. Williams, from the Military Committee, re ported with an amendment, the bill for the relief ol certain drafted men. Also, a joint resolution directing the Secretary of War to take possession ot the Gettysburg and Antietam National Cemeteries. Also, a resolution directing the Committee on Military Affairs to Inquire into the operations of the Freedmen’s Bureau from May, 1865, to De cember, 1868. Mr. Wilson, from the Committee on the Pacific Baliroads, made a minority report on the Omni bus Railroad bill. Mr. Sherman Introdneed a joint resolntlon giving the assent of the United States Govern ment to the construction of the Cincinnati and Newport Bridge,on condition that it have a span of 400 feet over the main channel, and to be otherwise built in accordance with existing laws. Mr. Wilson, from the Military Committee, re ported with amendment the joint resolntlon rela tive to bounties to colored solders who entered tbe service os slaves. Aa attended, it provides that such persons who volunteered as soldiers, end were honorably discharged, shall receive the some bounty as other soldiers. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the joint resolntlon proposing a constitutional amendment. Mr. Vickers moved an amendment providing that none rbonld be disfranchised because of participation in the late rebellion. Lost—yeas 21, nays 32. Mr. Bayard moved an amendment confining the application of the provision against disfran chisement to voters for United States officers. President and Vice President and members or tbe House of Representatives. Lost—Yeas, 12; nays, 42. Mr. Brooks, rising to a correction of tbe jonrnal. referred to tbe fact that evening ses sions hod been agreed upon by unanimous con sent, with the understanding that they should ne v exclusively for the consideration of the tax bill; and yesterday, also, by unanimous consent, the consideration of the Army Appropriation bill should be tbe exclusive business of last even ing, and that, nevertheless, other business had been transacted last evening, including the pas sage of a bill for the sale of tbe steamer Atlantic, and of the concurrent resolution In reference to the electoral vote of Georgia,&c He moved that these latter proceedings be expnnged from the jonrnal of the Honse. The Speaker stated that If the facta stated by the gentleman from New York were correctly stated, as the gentleman supposed they were, the point would bave been a good one, bat the ar rangement as to the business of the evening ses sions on both occasions had not been made by unanimous consent, but under a suspension of tbe rales. Ib proof of this, the Secretary read'extracts from the proceedings as published in tho Globe. Mr. Blaine statea that he had framed his mo tion yesterday with special regard te allowing a motion to suspend the rales in order to pot on its passage the concurrent resolution relating to the electoral vote of Georgia. Mr. Wood desired to say that 107 members of the House appeared to have been laboring un der the same impression as his colleague (Brooks) and himself, that no business was to be trans acted last night except the Army Appropriation bill. He asked unanimous consent to have his vote recorded against the concurrent resolution in reference to Georgia. ThC Speaker said that under the rule unani mous consent could not be asked. The House then proceeded to the business of the morning hour, the consideration of the bill to authorize the building of a Military and Postal Railroad from Washington to New York. Mr. McCarthy having charge of the bill In the absence of Mr. Cook, reported from the Commit tee on Roads and Canals an amendment striking out the fifth section of the bill, which authorizes the company to make railroad connections with other companies, and to amend the sixth section by making the schedule time between Washing ton and New York seven hours Instead of four. Mr. Kerr proceeded to address the committee in opposition to the bill. Interesting' Correspondence. The Toll'wing correspondence speaks for Itself: ExßerrrxVß Ouahbbu, Habbibbubq, Feb. 3,1869. — General Ulysses S. Grant , Washington, D, C.—Dear General— Learning that yon contemplate a visit to New York city, this week, tbo undersigned have the honor to Invite you,ln thenameof thepeople of Penn sylvania, to pay tbo Capital of our State a visit on your way to, or returning from that city; In deference to yoar well-known dislike for display, (ill demonstrations will be avoided,save that inexpres sible enthusiasm with which oar people will hall and welcome the soldier whom tht y have just choten for the management of the aflalrs of tbelr country. We have the honor to be, with the highest esteem, your obedient servants, Johm W. Qbaby, Governor of Pennsylvania. ROSSUI. fiIIEBTT, Speaker of the Senate, pro tern. Joun Ouabk, Speaker of the House of Representatives, g Ftitii Avencb Hotel,New Yobk, February 5,1869. —HU Jixcelleney, John W. Geary,Governor; lion,Rus eell Brrett, Speaker of the Senate; Hon, John Clark, Speaker .of the House of Representatives, — Gentle - Grant directs me to express his thanks lor yonr very cordial and flattering invitation to visit the Capital of Pennsylvania, and hla great regret that hlB engagements already made will preclude nls avail ing himself of your courtesy daring his present ab sence from Washington. I nro, gentlemeD, very respectfully, Your obedlont servant, Adam Baobab, Brevet Brig. Gen. and A D. C, rUtAHOUb DREXEL & CO., Philadelphia. DREXEL, WINTHROP & CO„ N;Y. DREXEt, HARJES &CO, Parier. Btilitti arid Dealers In V. 8. Bond*. ' Parties going abroad can make ail their financial arrangements with vs, and procure Letters qf Credit available inall parts of Europe, jpvafts gor Sale on England, Ireland. France, Uermany, *c. 3:16 O'Olook. Bore Brevets— Air JLlne Kailraod. {Special Despatch to thePhlla. Evening BolleUn.l ... Washington, Feb. 9,_The President trans mitted to the Senate a large number of brevet promotions,in the army; also, an Indian treaty* .. Nothing worthy of note has occurred In the House up to this hour. Tho blll chartering an ■ ■ air line railroad from Washington to New York ; 1b under discussion. _ . 1 : —Bnt-few-BpetralatoraareTnthegiUefiesrMany^ members are upon the floor of the Senate listen . lug to the debate on the snffrake amendment. FIFTH EHITIOI LATEST FBOM WASHINGTON THE DEBATE 0E TBE AMENDMENT MORE BREVET APPOINTMENTS Debate'on tbe Amendment.- {Special Despatch to ttie Pbfla. Evening Bulletin. 1 Washinoton, Feb. 9. —Mr. Vickers’s propoßl tlon to make the amendment prohibit disfran chisement for rebellion was rejected by 21 ayes, ’ to 32 note. ‘ Mr. Bayard’s, is to make the amendment apply exclusively to federal elections and federal offices was rejected by 12 ayes to 42 nays. ' Mr. Wilson’s amendment, prohibiting the re qnirement of property, educational or religious qualifications, was rejected—l 9 to 24. Fires at Portland, He, Wpedal Despatch to thePhtlada. Evening Bulletin.] Portland,’ Me., Feb. 9—A destructive fire oc-r enrrad here, last-night, in the block of stores on Middle street, occupied by Nutter & Anderson, boots and shoes, and Paine’s music. store. The stocks of goods were badly damaged both by fire and water.' . Nutter * Anderson were insured for $3,50.9 Paine’s insurance was smalL ; Another' Are occurred In , a clothing store On Middle street. The stock was seriously damaged. Insured for $2,000. Shipment of Specie, (.Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evenlnf Bulletin.] New York, February 9.—The Clmbria sailed for Hamburg, to-day, taking $703,000 in specie. Fortieth Congress.—Tlilrd Sessloii, [Continued from the Fourth Edition.] Senate— Ur. Sherman thought that the best form of amendment would be one making the' right to vote and hold offloo equal and universal for all men who have reached a certain age' and - are not otherwise disqualified. > ' Mr. Corbett again advocated briefly his amend ment excluding from the operatlon of the pro posed amendment Chinamen and Indians not tßxed. This was voted on and rejected. ' Mr. Wilson moved the adoption of his amend ment In theee words: “No discrimination shall be made In the United States in the exercise of the elective franchise, or In the right to hold office in an; State, on acconntof race, color, nativity, property, education or creed." Mr. Dixon renewed bis motion to amend by striking out the Legislatures and inserting tha word “Conventions,” so as to requite the ratifi cation of the pending amendment by conyen-- lions. The discussion of tbo general question of tbs policy and propriety of the proposed amendment again sprang np, and was participated In by- Messrs. Doolittle, Connesa, Fessenden and Hen dricks. - Mr. Williams nrged the necessity of excluding Chinamen from citizenship and political power in this country, lest, haring these, they should 1 come over in such numbers as to take possession of the country. - CITY BUIJdETIII. Sebxradk.— Mr. John K. Mlchener, the Presi dent elect of the Commercial Exchange, waaser enaded lastevening at his residence at the comer of Tenth and -Mount Vernon streets, by tbe mem bers of that organization, together with Me- Clnrg's Liberty Cornet Band: The music on the occasion was of a delightful character, and 1 the many expressions of regard madeby tho speakers were of the most complimentary character to Mr. Miehener. Bemarltablo iSastornl Letter by Blshen Coxe The Protestant Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Western New York has Issued tho following pastoral letter, appropriate to the eeason of Beat:' ’ * ‘ “The enormities of thsatrleal. exhibitions, and the lasciviousness of dances too commohiy tole rated In our times, ore there so specially pointed oat os disgraceful to the age and Irreconcilable with the Gospel of Christ, that I feel It my dnty to the souls of my nock to warn those who.rnn with the world to ‘the same excess of riot’ io these things that they pre sume not to coma to the Holy Table. Classes preparing for confirmation are informed that I will hot lay hands,-knowingly, on any one who Knot prepared to renounce such things, with otherabominations of ’the world, the flesh ana the devil.’ Let all each choose deliberately whom tbey will serve; and if salvation be worth striving for, let them be persuaded to a sober life, to self-denials, and to the pnro and Innocent en joyments wblcb the Gospel not only permits, .but which It only can create. It la high time that the lines should be drawn between worldly and Godly living; and I eeo no use in a Lent that Is not sanctified to sacb ends. “I have heretofore warned mv flock against the blood gniltlnese of ante-natal infanticide. If any doubts existed heretofore, as to the propriety of my warnings on this enbject, they must now disappear" before tne fact that tho world itself is beginning to be horrified by the practical results of the sacrifices to Moloch which defile onr land* Again I warn yon that thoy who do each things cannot inherit eternal life. > If thete be a special damnation for those who ‘shod Innocent blood, what mnst be the portion of those who have no mercy opon their own flesh ? “Dearly beloved, 'eave youraelvea from.this un toward generation, ’ “Your affectionate Bishop, “A. Clbvblano Coxa, "Bishop of Western New York, and In charge of the Diocese of Central Now York. “Hartford, Jan. SO, 1869. •“I ask attention to an article oa ‘Population,’ which appears in Harper’ «• Magazine for February, 1869 ” No. 35 South Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. - Aooonnta of Banks, Sixmo, and Individuals rceeived, surJw fco ebook At sight. interest allowed on balances. <^ENERAIT%ENT3 ; a,, PENNSYLVANIA .A, iff hL /aT^^^CSi UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The National Live Insurance Company Is a tnrporntloa chartered by special Act of Congress, ap proved July 23, 1868, with a . : CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID.; liberal-terms offered to Auenta and Solicitors, whir are Invited toapplyotour olllce. ■ Fnllparttoulars.fobehtwlon application at our officer Heated in tbo second story]of our, Banking House-, smote Circulars and PAmphiets. fully describing 'V-, anvontagcs otftaedby the Company,imoy be hod. ■'■-.•Si , '•B. W. C&fcßK A CO.. • • Jio.SsSouiM7Urase. an <fc:Op O’Olook.