Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 09, 1869, Image 1

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(Sundays exooptud),
60T Obestnat Street, Philadelphia.
The Btnxrrut ii served to subscribers In the etty et IB
eente per week. peyeblo to the carriers. or 88 per annum.
4CO Chestnut Street,
This Company, incorporated in 1856, and doing a Ftro
flnanranco baeincea exclusively, to enable it to accept a
targe amount of business constantly declined for want of
•adequate capital, wtU, in accordance with a supplement
to its charter* increase its
mm stock mu $lOO,OOO, ns peesbsi abocst,
To $200,000,
end for which Subscription Books ore now open at thla
By order of the Board of Directors.
And aQpertfliu contemplating loiaranee,
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.
ja!6s tu tb tf Ipj
'' tiM,ic. New styles. MASON A CO..
,n26tlc 007 Chestnut street.
Neweet arid' beet manner, LOUIS DREKA, Bta*
rion.T end Engraver, 1C33 Chestnut street feb 30,-tt
LEFF.VRE—BLACKBURN.—Thursday' evcnlnß. Feb
ruary A 18®, at the refill race o 1 the bride’s parenis.
Cluuehvtbe, llarlord county, Md., by the Her. P. F.
<*>nner, Hr. Edward C. Lefevre, of UaUlmsre. Md., to
MLs Anna M. Blackburn, late of Philadelphia, Fa.
. /DIED.
AVERY.—On tbe*ih*infitant, George W. Avery, in the
Atth jet. of bis age./
Lue notice of tb<*/ionrral will be pi veiL ♦
ULLCUEU—On the 6th ixutant. In Baltimore, altera
lingerie* iUncas, WiMUm G. L cleber, ia hu Mtb year.
LATXAtr-lQ thla city, oo tbe Pth instant* Urt, Mary J.
Latta. wife p| the Her. W. W. Latta, and daughter of the
late £ion. Robert Jeekina. of Windsor. Lancaster county.
Interment at Windsor on Thursday, the Utb instant, at
fi-o'nloefc t* M« _ ♦
„ PIAW.-UB February 7th. m Fannie D„ wife of W.
Harry Plait, and daughter of Joceph D. and Cornelia
M urphy* aged St yean.
Puserat front tbe reefdrsce of her parents, on Wednes
day. February 10th. 18C9, at 10 A. M. Interment at Wood
lands n
B’IOUT.—On tbe Bth instant Charles A. Stout, youngest
son of Julia and the late Charles titout, in the 33d year of
Tbe relatives and friends of tho family, also members
of Apollo Lodge, 2K L O, of O. P.. and Washington
Lodge, No. 6. oi the order of Good Fellows, are respect’
fully invited to attend his funeral from the residence of
his brother Inlaw. Wm. J. fnomaacn. No. It£B Coates
street, on Wednesday next, at 3 o’clock. To proceed to
Mount Peace. •
Hi satin faced ukograins.
EYRE & LANDEMa Fourth md Arch Streets.
Proposals will be received at IMAUCff CHUNK,
until February the 17th, 18®, for the GRADUATION and
EOAD, Including the approaches of fiESQUEHONING
Specifications and information as to the work in detail
Day be obtained on application at the Engineer's Office,
blanch Chunk.
V J. B. BOOBHE&D, PiccMent.
)al< tlelTrp
tenul or external—blind, bleed tag and Itching—
poetSvelj. perfectly and permanently cared.without pain
danger, inetramente or catutlce. by W. A. MoCANDLESS.
M. D., 1088 Spring Garden street Referencee to over one
thousand of the beat citizen, of Philadelphia.
Mre. Dr. MoCANDLESS gtvea her attention to all
female patient..
At the annual meeting of the Stockholder* and
Xoanholden held THU DAi ( the following gentlemen
were elected officers for the eonulng year:
-Jrseph B. Townsend,
John N. Hutchinson,
George Brooke,
(Charles W. Wharton,
ITbomasT. Loa,
(Charles Baber, of Pottaville
A Lecture will DC delivered on the above subject
by the
REV. OEO. J. MINGINS.of New York,
in tbo Spring Garden Presbyterian Church, Eleventh
trcet, above Spring Garden, on
. , bRIOdi EVENING. February I3th.
<kT b , e b .*.‘L at Trumpler's and at tbo office or
the hunday hcheot Tints titig Arch street. fe9 Strpi
g©~<eighth anniversary of the
i „ Pbflsdelchia Branch of the Women's Union Mi*.
Sf«fe£.°{. A, ?f ri SS. fnr Peothen Women, will bo
hud ip the Fint Btpllit' birch, N. W. comer of Broad
aid ArchstreelA THURSDAY EVENlNG™February 11,
at 1H a clock. Eminent clergymen of different denomi
nations are expected to conduct the mooting. AU are
earnestly invited to attend. fe9 S rp*
ors of the Mercantile Library Company to servo
for three years, in accordance with the amended char
‘">7lll bebeld at the Übrary Room on TUESD VY.the
16th inet., between the hoars of four and eight P M
rea-Qt. Recording decretory.
Obtained at GOULD’S, 923 Chestnut; TRUMPLER’S.
LECTURE AT 8 O’CLOCK. fe6 s tn at rps
Little Wanderers,' > at the Academy of Music, on
FRIDAY EVENING, February 13, 16©. Addresses by
Ilre..WUlitts, Newton «nd others. Singing by tbo
Little W nnderers, under the direction of J. E. Gould,
open at half.past 6. Exercises commence at half-
RA e . tri , 60 cents; to bo had at the door and at tbo
Home, BS3 Bbippen street. fe66trps
day at * *aco Exhibition every Wednes
instant, the price of admission
la advance Is necessary to avoid
overcrowding the rooms K 5
S&* tS2J7£PS. hospital, nos, uis and 1530
•ski Dispensary Department.—Medi
£e poor inenfc and * medicine furaiahed|®mtou*ly %
—Tfae American announces novelties for thU
Miscellaneous performance will be
(Correspondence of tho Phtlada. Evening Bulletin.]
Paris, Tuesday, Jan. lath, 1869 —Tne groat
event of the French Legislative yoar took place
yesterday, when the Emperor delivered the speech
which ho facetiously calls the “elncero expression
of the views which direct his conduct”' Con
sidering that no one yet has ever been able to
make out precisely what Napoleon meant on any
one occasion on which be has opened his mouth,
the above definition respecting the extreme “sin
cerity" of his oracular utterances Is rather
amusing. Perhaps, however, it may bo said
with more truth than usual that the Emperor has
never been clearer on one point of his policy
than bo)wos yesterday. And that point Is, that
the power he holds he intends to keep. In no
former speech that he has delivered does his own
personality stand forward more prominently.
The great monarchical principle, L’Eiat, c'tst
moi, is written In every line! of what he said, as
plainly as though Louis XIV. were still reigning.
It is “my” conduct which is the rule of the State.
It Is on “my” firmness that the country relies for
keeping order. It Is “i" who of my
own free will " augmented the powers
of the deliberate assemblies”; it is “I" who de
clare (hat the “fundamental bises of tho Consti
tution," which “1” originally laid down, shall
“not only not he changed,” bnt “shall not even
be disenssed." So fixed and immutable ia the
imperial decree, that the great French nation
shall not even be allowed to deliberate Whether
Its present form of government ia exactly what
suits it or not. And these are the conditions
under which Napoleon colls himsalf the “respon
sible chief of a free conntry,” and this is the
"basis" on which he considers
that an alliance between "liberty
and authority" (the old stereotyped phrase)
Is to be boilt. But the intelligence of the cone
try has learnt by fatal experience—by Mexican
expeditions abroad, and by loan upon loan at
borne—that such “responsibility" Is a mockery,
and that anything like real liberty must be
claimed and won as a right—not conferred aud
accepted as a favor. It is useless, however, to
expatiate on such matters, which are os clear as
day, notwithstanding the “sincerity” with which
they arc and dressed In colors not
their ownTMv the*oratorical dexterity of the Im
perial style''* \J, . .
It is strange at the moment at
which i now writcAhat, the Emperor has not
been more out*Mpcen on the matter of the Con
iertnee. It wagjJiillr expected that he would
have made this the cream of his speech,
and indulged UPSnme self-congratulations upon
the successful Issue of the deliberations which
havo just teimlnaled. But he has chosen to be
cither designedly reserved, or modestly reticent
on this topic, and simply announces that the Con
ference “approaches Its conclusion”, and that
“all the Powers are agreed la principle”- It
would have been more satisfactory had he
told us plainly that the matter was at
an end, and that those concerned had agreed
how to act,as well as how to think about it. But,
as you may have gathered from my previous let
ters, I have always been of opinion that there has
been far more fnss made about this trnmpery Tar
co-Grtek affair than it was worth. From the mo
ment It became apparent, as I think it did long
ago, that not one of the greau r powers was
either prepared or desirous to foment the quar
rel, the altercation assumed the proportions of a
sqanbble. And in those proportions
it will doubtless remain—for the present
—and until some one or other U
ready to take it up again at a more convenient
opportunity. What the Conference has really
done now,.has ooen to admonish that trouble
some little kingdom of Greece to be “quiet,” and
not trouble the peace of Europe, just now with
its pretensions. With this “admonition” the
Greeks will sulkily profess to comply, for the time
being, and the Turks will also profess to be satis
fied; and so the parties will be left in statu quo as
to real feelings, only morally bound to keep the
peace. This is just the conclusion which I al
ways anticipated for theConference.bat certainly
nothing more final or definite.
There was a grand wedding at Court the other
day, the names of both parties being closely al
lied with imperial traditions of a very marked
character. The bridegroom was the Prince of
Moskowa, the lineal representative of Marshal
Ney; the bride was the widow of Count de La
tedojere, son of that Colonel de Labedoyere
who was the first to induce bis regiment to revolt
and join Napoleon I. on his way from Elba. One
of the earliest acts of Napoleon 111. was to draw
the father from obscurity, and make him a Count;
hut even imperial favor could not wipe out the
slain upon military honor. But Napoleon is al
ways staunch to his friends; and Madame Labe
doj ere 1s now Lady of the Palaoe. and her mar
riage was celebrated with great state in the
chapel of the Tuileries, and she and her husband
loaded with imperial presents.
The Brussels papers give an account, which has
been re-copied into all the French journals, of a
Brand dinner, or rather banquet, given by Mr.
landlord. United States Minister at that city, to
twenty-four guests at the American Legation, in
the Avenne de la Toison d'Or. The remarkable
part of this banquet—which, with the “ memoir '>
of it (to repeal Rothschild's well-known pun)
will doubtless long remain with the
munificent donor and those fortunate
enough to partake of it with him—
was the fact that it was composed entirely of
American productions, and comprised the mo3t
delicato and recherche specimens that could be
procured of oysters, meats, game, poultry, forced
trult and early vegetables, cheese, preserved
meats, &c., all of which had been expressly sent
from the United States for this unique occasion.
Even the French wines which were introduced
had been in a manner “nationalized." For
they had been made to perform a voyage
across the Atlantic, and had returned in
company with their , “ feilow-citizan3, ’
American champagne and other products of
trans-Atlantic vineyards. The gourmets of the
little Belgian capital are notorious for good tasto
and good cheer of their own. But I understand
that on this occasion they were compelled to
avow themselves fairly beaten in the superiority
of the viands supplied to them from aoross the
Mrs. Jefferson Davis, who recently arrived in
this city with her husband, has been seriously tu.
She Is attended by Dr. Christopher Smith, who
however, I understand, gives hope oV her
ultimate recovery. Prince Napoleon is
'better, and once more at the Palais
jßoyal, where, it has beon remarked, one of his
first acts was to recoivo to a long Interview, M.
Rangabd, tho Greek Minister, who has so both
ered the Conference. As to the Emperor, ho
seems never tired of impressing npon his sub
jects the fact that he is Id tho highest state of
health, and has not the least intention os yet of
following the many other actors in the coup
d'etat who have takon their departure. I saw
him tho other day leave his carriage at the en
trance of the Bois, snd with tho Empress on his
arm, walk at a stout pace the whole of the way
back to Paris, through tho dense crowds of Idlers
which never fall to line tho sidewalk of the Ave
nne de 1’ Impetairice at that hour of the day.
Russian sympathy Cor Greece.
The Bassians In St Petersburg are showing
their sympathy for the Greeks by 1 sending large
sums to the Hellene committees at Athens. On
the 12th of January, at a ball given by one of the
principal bankers of tbe town, two collections
were made among the guests; one for the poor,
and theotber for tbe Hellenes. The first pro
duced 950 roubles, the second 8,680,and the latter
sum was at once despatched to Athens,the police
making no objection. Five young Greeks em
ployed in merchants’ offices at Bt. Petersburg,
having declared their intention of returning to
their conntry to serve as volunteers in the Greek
army,a subscription was opened to provide them
with the necessary outfit, and 4,600 roubles were
collected in a few days.
Grecian Submission.
A gentleman calling himself the head of the
Provisional Government of Crete, but who is now
in Paris, M. Constantin Voioudaki, has written
a letter to the Siicle, In which he says:—“Many
persons sympathizing with the sufferings of my
conntry have asked me if we could, on condition
cl obtaining reforms and concessions, again sub
mit to the Saltan. In tbe name ot all my coun
trymen, of whom I only express here the inflex
ible determination, I reply: No, never; even
rhculd Greece, constrained by diplomacy,
abandon us, never shall we again fall
under the yoke. Can wo ever forget the
massacres of our children, wives, and old people,
accomplished in cold blood by the Turkish troops
under the orders of Mu6tapha Pasha and Omar
Fasha? We might forgive these crimes; but on
every road in Candla the bones of our fathers,
sealtered about by the Ottomans, torn from the
lomb alter one or two centuries of repose, do
cot permit us to either forget or pardon. We
shall all know how to fulfil our duty as we have
hitherto done—namely, to be killed to the last
man or obtain union with Greece, our country,
from which no human force will ever be able to
separate ns.” M. Yoleudaki adds that he Is on
bis way to the United States to communicate thla
resolution of his countrymen to the American
The Roman police pretend to have discovered
* deposit of arms and a secret press used for
printing inflammatory proclamations. Prince
Troubetske i, coming from Florence, was stopped
by the police at the gates of Home, and aent
uiider escort to the frontier. This proceeding la
wholly unconnected with politics, and Is due to
the intervention of the Cardinal-Vicar. The
guardian of pnblic morals is also busy among
I be choristers of the Vatican, and measures are
being taken to put an end to notorious scandals.
The police seem to have been precipitate in the
affair of the Wurtembcrg sculptor Kopf,
arrested on a charge of tampering with
Pontifical soldiers. Through the intervention of
Baron d’Arnim the sculptor had been released on
parole, though he has bv no means established
“is innocence. The case was much debated at
■he German club in the Fontana di Trevl, where
one party acquits while tho other condemns the
accused. The majority drove the minority out
of the door, and, as these are Prussians, they
threaten to complain to the King of Prussia of
Baron d’Arnim, Count Tranttmansdorff, and the
Minister of Bavaria, who side with the majority.
A correspondent in Rome writes as follows:
A great deal has been said here of an auto
graph letter to the Pope from the Emperor Na
poleon, explaining the omission of all reference
to the Roman question in the Imperial speech on
the opening of the Legislative Corps. An Italian
journal, the Corner*della Marche has even pub
■ lshed the letter in full, though, being a complete
lorgery, this publication can have no object
but to excite the Italians against
the Emperor. Nevertheless, I am
lold that a letter from the Emperor has
really been received by the Pope, bat that it
-imply confirms the assurances of the MarquU
Je Bonneville, adding only that the corps of oc
cupation will furnish a guard for the (Ecumeni
cal Council There are whispers that a guard
will be required to preserve order within the as
sembly, as well as without, and certainly the
Pope is evincing uneasiness as to the unanimity
of the numerous bishops on some of the ques
tions for debate. I have already informed yon of
the arrival of Cardinal Mathieu, Archbishop of
and it appears that he has
come to announce an intention on the part of
some of the French bishops to bring the question
of Galllcanifm before the Council. The Pope is
so alarmed at this threatened interpellation that
he has despatched a brief to several of the mal
contents, giving them good advice, and trying to
’ring them to reason, which, in this case, means
-iknee. The Holy Father has also spoken se
verely of the movement in Prance for a monu
ment to Voltaire. ■
The Osservatore Romano of this evening con
»ins an article on the Pontifical army, which it
-tales to be 16,834 strong: The authorities are
cxptctlng from France several transports with
mproved arms, and tho Labrador baa arrived at
Uvita Vecchia with munitions for the corps of
occupation. Horses are being purchased through
all the Pontifical territory, and even in the
annexed provinces, ana the troops are
constantly exercised in the operation of defends
lug Rome agauist a foreign army. This
oas lately been done ai night, nndcr the eye of
ijon. Kanzlerand his staff, and a day or two ago
he Minister of War commanded in a sham fight
at St. Paul alle Tre FoDtane. A commission of
French officers appointed by Gen. Dumont has
inspected the fortifications of Rome,
which they pronounce very defeciive,
and they recommend great alterations.
Gen. Kanzler disagreed with the report,
arid showed the officers that the works were a
lalthful embodiment of the plans of the French
General Prudhon, as sanctioned by the Minister
of War in Paris. This induced the commission
10 reconsider its conclusions,which are now very
tavorablo to the fortifications, bnt the incident
tius not raised tho prestige of the French service
with the Pontifical authorities.
Tlio Burlingame mission in Paris— Of.
tidal Heceptton at Use Tuileries.
[Fr orn the Paris G.Ugnani, Jan. 23 i
His Excellency Mr. Burlingame, the Chinese
Ambassador, and his two colleagues, were oili
dolly received yesierday, at two o’clock, by the
Emperor. His Majesty was attended bv the
Marquis de la Valette, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
the officers on service and several dignitaries of
the conrt. Mr. Burliogame delivered the follow
ing address :
Bike— On behalf of myself and my associates
I havo the honor to preeeo t oar letter of credence
to your Majesty from the Emperor of China, and
in bis name to express good wishes for the health
and happiness of your Majesty, the Empress, the
Prince Imperial-and the great people over whom
yon preside.
The mission is a novel one. it is the first that
has ever been sent by China to the nations of the
West. It is the expression of a sincere desire on
her.part to enter into the family of nations, to
submit her questions, .as yon submit your ques
tions, to the enlightened judgment of mankind,
and to avail herself of the privileges, while she
called upon to accept tho obligations of inter--
national layy. This desire was the outgrowth of
a better appreciation of the civilization of the
ii rcB P* t^J P fr° m a considerate policy estab
lished ana maintained by the representatives of
the treaty Powers on coming Into more Immedi
ate relations with the great men of tho empire at
Pekin. That policy was the snbstltntion of fair
diplomatic action for the caprice of Interest and
the rnde energy oi iorce.
Among the ministers at Pekin none contributed
more to promote that policy than the enlight
ened representative of yoar Majesty, M. Berthe
®.ns “ fwa great consolation to us all In
inat distant land to know that our views were
warmly supported by your Majesty's government;
and may not China hope that the same sense of
justice that appreciated and sustained those views
y* will.attend them ..as they are
art * Pore enduring forms?
The Emperor was pleased to make a most gra
cious reply. Mr. Burlingame then made a sign
to Mr. Brown, bis secretary, and the latter ad
vapeed, holding a perfumed case of yellow satin
tied with ribbon of tho same color, and which
had figures of the dragon with five claws, the
Imperial arms of China, worked into the texture.
From this receptacle the functionary proceeded to
draw out the credentials of the embassy, a docu
ment nearly 6 icet long. It was written on thick
yellow paper, with a wide edging of emblematic
dragons. The text was in double
Chinese and the other Mantchon—the characters
in both running from right to left. In the mid
dle was the imperial seal, a square of about four
nchee, signifying “the imperial jewel,"in ancient,
that Is, Mantcbou lettering. This curious manu
script of the Celestial Empire was handed over to
the Marquis de la Valette.
After the audience the ambassadors had the
honor of being received by the Empress, sur
rounded by tbe ladles of her household. Court
carriages conveyed the Eastern envoys to and
from the palace with all the ceremonies employed
on such occasions.
Funeral of tbe Prince Royal.
The funeral ceremonies of the Prlnco Royal of
Belgium took place at Lacken, near Brussels
on the 25th of January. The body was entombed
in tbe presence of the King and Queen. The
mournful ceretgony so much affected the royal
parents that there was great difficulty .In
getting them away from the bier. The
Church at Lasken, where the service took
place, has been erected especially to pro
vide a vault for the Interment of the Kings of
Belgium. All traffic within a distance of
two kilometres of the church was stopped du
ringtheday. The decoration of the church was
i-imple In the extreme. In the midst was a cata
falque for the reception of the coffin, canopied
with black drapery fringed with gold, and orna
mented with black feathers. The aisles
and the choir were hung with black.
The two sides of the choir were adorned with
back and gold hangings, and were set apart for
the royal family and the high dignitaries of the
state. After a portion of the fnneral office had
been said by the priests, the coffin was raised on
the shoulders of twelve officers belonging princi
pally to tbe Civic Guard’ and to the army. Im
mediately behind the coffin came the King and
the Count of Flanders, both of whom appeared
in the uniform of a lieutenant-general of the
Belgian army, the insignia of the Order
oi Leopold being covered with crape. It
was difficult to see the King’s countenance, but
his appearance—which was that of a man bowed
down, with grief—and his fixed look, struck
■ deeply:lnto the heart of the immense crowd who
thronged the streets through which the proces
sion slowly wended its way. After the Agnut
Dei, the coffin was carried to the vault, the king
and his brother accompanying it as far aa the
threshold, and the child was laid beside the re
mains of his grandfather, Leopold L
Farther Particulars of the Accident
ana VesUmooy ot the Passengers,
The following extracts from the Courier au
Havre of January 26 wifi tend to elucidate the
disaster on board of the Pereire, the particulars
°‘which have been so mvsteriofislv withheld:
The steamer Perelre left Havre o'n the 15th and
Brest on the 16th nit, tinder eommand of the
able seaman, Captain Duchesne. She experi
enced fearful weather, and on the 21st the wind
calmed, bnt the sea was tremendously agitated.
At about half-past two P. M. an extraordinary
volume of water struck the forepart of
the vessel, destroying the saloons, tho
cabins, and ail the forward fixings, sweep
ing off tho boats and causing the fall of one of the
yards. This occurred at about 1,300 miles from
Brest, and the vessel was fully four minutes in
righting herself. Six persons were killed, three
of whom were passengers. More than half of the
fires were extinguished. If the sea had caught
the vessel sideways, instead of forward, she must
it evitably have gone down.
The fist of killed Is os follows:
Deisonr, sailor, and Jean Cahoguet, employe,
were swept off bv the sea.
Juan Jonan, saflor, skull fractured by the fall
ing yard.
Miss Flnkelbcrg, a passenger, had her neck
Mr. O’Callaghan, a priest, killed by the yard
falling on his chest
Mr. Fpulquler, passenger, died from concussion
of the brain.
Twenty of the passengers, officers and crew
were injured, but are progressing favorably, with
the exception of a misaioDary, who had one
ep l crna * le< l> and gangrene is setting in the
The city authorities have spared no efforts in
alleviating the sufferings of the injured persons
to the utmost in their power.
"“i thei undersigned, passengers on board of
the French steamship Pereire during her voyage
from Havre and Brest, bound for New York;
having leit Brest on the 16th and returned to
port under damage, desire hereby to testify to
the noble and solid qualities of the vessel, and
especially to the admirable sang fruid, the apti
tude and the intrepidity of our brave Captain
Duchesne, daring the fearinl trials we just ex
We dare to affirm that If, by the infinite grace
of onr Almighty Father, we are permitted once
more to see those dear to us, we owe such favor,
after God, to the quick decision, knowledge and
ecnenmmate talent ol Captain Dnchesne, ad
inliably seconded by his officers and erew, be
cause tbelr activity and zeal caused the adopted
measures to be crowned with success at tho
moment of the catastrophe.
Four days after leaving Brest, on the afternoon
of Wednesday, January 21, a heavy gale gave
wav to a tempest and afterwards to a terrible
hurricane. The vessel being brought to at two
o clock, was strnck, or rather was buried under
the most huge wave that any of ns remember to
have witnessed, although several of our party
hove crossed the Atlantic many times during the
last twenty years. The bulk of water, estimated
at Irom 600 to 700 tons, broke on the bows, de
stroying the saioen and carrying all before it,
killing and wounding some of tho passengers
and crow, end leaving the fore part of the vessel
open and exposed, so that tho continuation of
the voyage was rendered impossible in tho face of
rough weather.
Notwithstanding the inconvenienco arising
from onr return to France, wo consider tho
prompt action taken by the captain to have
been the only means of saying the vessel and tho
passengers. We wish to proyo that in our
opinion tho crew gave convincing ovldenco of
order; discipline and capacity during tho sad and
terrible circumstances through which wo passed
and that our confidence in the solidity and the
nautical qualifications of the Perelre, the con
summate ability and intrepid courage of her
valiant commander, only increased on Booing
them put to the test during ouch u etttastropho. >
On board of tho Pereire, at sea, January 2-1, ‘
' Here follow the signatures of tho possongers.
LEma FBon Washington.
How Internal Rcvcnno Affair* are
Conducted in New nrleana—A Collec
tor and Deputy collector Suspended
for Alleged Malfeasance in tlfflce-
Geii. Frank Blair and tbe Colored
Member on tbe Floor of tbe Mouse—
Washington Firemen In Trouble—
Tbe Last deceptions at tbe Wbtte
Mouse During Johnson’s Term.
TCorreepondcncoof tho Philo. Evening Bulletin.)
Washington, Feb. 8, 1869.—Supervisor C. E.
Creecy, for the District of Louisiana, is stirring
up the revenue officers in his district, in a quar
ter where iteeems the services of an active,honest
time in December he suspended Collector Tis
dale, of the Third Collection District of Louis
iana, for alleged malfeasance in office, in collect
ing moneys for the government and not deposit
lug the same, as required by law. It is charged
that Tltdale collected sums amounting to $150,-
000, which be failed to deposit, and that his sure
ties are only responsible for $50,000. Learning
these facts, Supervisor Crcecy suspended him in
December last, and the name of a new nominee
was sent to the Senate by the President for con
Ihe suspension of Tisdale caused a vacancy in
the office, and tho oldest deputy took charge un
der tho law, and made collections. This deputy
was named W. H. H. Mullen, and it Is charged
against him that he never deposited any of the
money received for taxes, which continued until
the Supervisor suspended the Deputy Collector
on the same charge as the Collector. This depu
ty, it seems, had given no security whatever, and
tne amount he may have received daring the pe
riod hewas In charge of the office has not vet
been ascertained, but It will reach a large turn
The matter Is In charge oi the Treasury officers!
who have commenced the proper proceedings
against both these dishonest officers, to Danish
them to the fullest extent of the law.
To-day there was amte a flutter among the
members of the Honer%t the presence on tho
floor of two distinguished visitors. One was
General Frank P. Blair, the late Democratic can
didate for Vice President, who was cordially
erected by the few Democrats ia the Chamber.
He spent some time os tbe eofae, listening to the
debate, and afterwards returned to one of the
cloak rooms, where he engaged in conversation
with his Democratic friends.
The other ‘ ‘distinguished stranger" was Menard,
the colored individual from Louisiana claiming a
seat from one of the districts of that Btate He
attracted a large number of the Republicans
around him, smoeg them Gen. Banks, Gen. Lo
gsD, and others, who treated him with great
kindness and courtesy.
The firemen here are in trouble about their
Chief Marshal. Some time since a convention
met and nominated as Chief Marshal, to have
charge of the firemen’s department of the inau
guration procession, Col. James A. Taitt, who
was also to have tho supervision of the reception
of the visiting firemen from other cities. Meet
ings of firemen have been held since, at which it
has been charged npon Col. Talti that he was
dishonorably discharged from the military service
of tho United States on the 21et of Septemoer,lB63,
and a protest has been prepared against his serv
ing a* Chief Marshal, by some of the fire-oompa
hits, who ask that another Marshal be chosen
which will probably be done.
Two more receptions wlil(b6 given at the
White House by President Johnson before he re
tires from office, bnt the lime when they will
tuke place has not been fixed. This will give all
who desire it an opportunity to give the "old
pnblic func.”a shake of the hand before be retires
to the shades of private life in Tennessee, or per
chance to become a candidate for Governor, to
fill Brovnlow’a place, who comes to the Senate
on the 4th of March. Among the most devoted
friends of the President is the authoress Mrs.
Ann 8. Stephens, who is a frequent visitor at the
Executive Mansion. Sbo has Deen writing a life
of Mr. Johnson, which will probably bring all the
Incidents of his eventiul career up to tho last
hours of his Presidential term.
A I'llOKlUtih Tntinu*a IN PI (TF.
A Cblld Killed.
The Pittsburgh Gazette of yesterday contains
the following:
The citizens of the Ninth Ward, residing lu the
vicinity of Eleventh street, were thrown into a
stale of excitement Saturday evening by the per
petration of a most brutal and eold-blooded
murder, the victim being a bright little boy
scarce seven years of age, and the murderer,
Michael George Kanffmann, a German barber,
and proprietor of the barber shop under the St.
Lawrence HoteL
Edward Millar, the murdered boy, in copipauy
with one or two other children, were, It appears,
in front of Kanffman’s shop, and for some pur
pose went down the steps leading to the shop
and looked through tho window, or npper part
of the door. Kauffman was at the time engaged
in shaving a man, and noticing the boy looking
at him. ordered him to go away. The little fel
low ran away, but returned In a few moments,
when he was again ordered awav by Kauffman.
He did not go away Immediately, whereupon
Kauffman stepped to a drawer, near
where he was at work, and taking there
from a revolver, fired through the win
dow at the boy, the ball taking effect in
his back, between the third and fourth ribs, near
the spine, and passing through the cnest, lodged
under the skin over the right breast. The child
ran up the steps and fell on the pavement, where
he was picked up by a gentleman and carried
into Alderman Aibeitz's office, which was Imme
diately over the barber shop, where be expired In
about twenty minutes after he received the
wound. Dr. Dnncan was called in and arrived a
few moments afterwards, but the boy was dead
when he came. He examined the 'wound and
i xtraeted the ball, which had lodged under the
fkin over the right side of the sternum as previ
ously stated.
An officer was notified of the affair and ar
rested Kauffman, who acknowledged to having
fired the shot, and took him to the watch house!
Coroner Clawson was sent for on Batarday
evening, but having gone home, the inquest was
not held until yesterday at twelve o'clock, at
which time a jury was empaneled.and after being
sworn proceeded to an Investigation of the case.
After hearing the testimony, the jury found
•that the deceased, Edward Miller, came to his
death in the Ninth Ward, city of Pittsburgh, on
Saturday, February 6th. 1860, by a wouad from a
pistol shot fired from the hand of Michael Kauff
Some two hours uflcr tho arrest of tho prisoner
ho was taken bof'oro Mayor Brush, to whom
he made a voluntary statement, which was la
substance as follows:
lie frunkly acknowledged to having fired tho
flhot which killed tho child, oud aa his run*
sou for doing so that he had been annoyed and
aggravated by tho boy and his companions, who
bud been standing In front of tho door darking
his eliop, so that he could not seo to work. Ho
had driven them away once, and Millor, tho de
ceased, returned, when ho (Kauffman) allowing
his passions to assumo control of Ills actions,
drow the revolver and fired, with tho fatal result
as described. He states that when ho fired the
shot the boy was fueing him. '
W-.W- Miller, tho father of the docoased, hav
ing made information beforu tho Mayor, charge
ing Kauffman frith murder, the Mayor,'after
hearing tho facts, committed him to Jail for trial.
, In a few moments after tho murder was coin-:
milted, a largo and excited crowd, assomblol
about the barber shop and Alderman’s office,
whore the body of the boy was lying, and had the
facta or circumstances connected with the affi
nriS a M tl 'fu s®®? generally known. It is hardly
probable that the county wonldhavo had to
£® nr cx Pe“eeof hanging Kanffmaufor mnr
liroin o^t, p . , iP m ?. t . nnd d o°Wvo action of the po
lice in arresting him and conveying him to' the
P r °J sob, J prevented the porpetre*
lion of another crime,for as soon as the facta be-
Losluon n o e n l n ly bno . w “* thore was an evldontdls
ofn i=™ n i °^ Ul .® part of 11,0 excited crowd to taka
derer *" thelr own hands ' and lynch themor
an h °or after the tragedy had take*
place, a crowd of excited men, tho triends' and
lellow-workmen of the father of the mardered
ever, were taken charge of by the poltco. and
when the excited crowd were about to carry out
iheir Intentions, Lieut. Barker appeared and pre
vented the outbreak by ioformlngthem that tho
property did not belong to Kauffman, and that
any attack on the premises would be of no
damage to the murderer. The crowd then dls
peised, and quiet was restored. ■
Michael Kauffman, the perpetrator of this foul
deed, Is a native of Germany, about thirty-three
yearn of age, and has a wife and one child. He
has been doing business at the place where the
reorder was committed for over five years. Ho
is said to be a man Of very high temper, over
which he has no control. Hols addicted to atromr
drink, but at the time the tragedy occurred la
said to have been duly sober.
—The zoological drama atthe Arch, last e'TC
olng, attracted a large andience, and w*s.ln a do
gree, successful. The name "Tame Oats.” as wo
stated yesterday, Is applied to a set of parasitic
‘conndreis, male and lemale, who abase the hoe*
pltallty of their host by getting him Into a snarl
with his wife, trying to rob him of his fortune:
and by rattling things to pieces generally, untu
the Inevitable, jolly,old,returned Australian uncle
turns up in the last act, sets things to rights, dfa*
comfits the villains, and proves himself the to*
warder of virtue.
The drama is, in some respects very excellent
in others defective and weak. The dialogue
might have been expected from the able author oC
"Black Sheep,” “Broken to Harness” and other
clever novels, is natural and easy and full of
bright,witty sayings. To bo sure, It Is upon oc
casions somewhat too Anglican for au ordinary
American audience and eome of the beat humorous
allusions fell cold and dead upon the listeners last
evening; but it is worthy of all pralse'fo'r purity,
elegance and sparkle. The plot is hot entirely
original; In many respects it is altogether
impossible; in most particulars it is in
leresting and well sustained. Bat a more
experienced dramatist would have ddoe
better with the same material. There'
is a certain rawness about Mr, rates’entoHiodof.
handling his subject which botrays a’prentice*
hard In dramatic literature. The story is not told
with proper distinctness and clearness; and the
author has saved up all his developments care
fully, so that the lost act may he a perfect mine
of surprises, to be exploded all at once. The*
consequence is, three or four of the character*'
wander around through the play In an absolutely!
Incomprehensible manner.apparently engaged in,
eome very deep game, which baffles evemwdy,.
even the spectators, who are always entitled
to -be taken Into confidence in explanatory
“asides." The first act Is so tangled ana
Involved, that it is altogether unintelligible, and J
consequently rather dreary. The climax, too, la
of the weakest description. The author cools hia'
andience down to zero before he drops the car? :
tain. At least two of the characters are of no
apparent consequence until the closing scene is
reached. “Charles Hampton” and “Mr.Tweb-'
die”s6em to have been tossed Into the play for no
reason bnt that they may assist at the denouement;
one as a triumphant lover, and a vindicator of
the heroine's honor, the other as the beneficent'
undo and the dispenser of cash and blessings.
Some of the characters, however, have strong
Individuality. Mr. Barton Hill made " Mortimer
Wedgewood” as the author drew him a scoun
drel who assumes the guise of a dreamy, improe-,
tlcable, dainty poet. He Is a dissembling vfilahi
—rotten wood varnlehed, so that the decay.la
bidden beneath tbe gloss. This Is a novel and’
original person. Mrs. Drew personated, of course 1
with admirable skill, “Mrs. Langley," a sort of
female swell, langnld, enmtied, and bored to death
with mere existence. We recognize in herchar
acter an imitation of Lord Dundreary, made morn ’
palpable by vagne forgetfulness of words and 7
tbings. Mr. Craig’s “Biddies” was Amt-ratei
as far as it went, bnt the distaneo
was brief. Might we suggest to Mr.
Craig, and to Miss Davenport— who played lady’s ~
maid charmingly—that Pall Mall is pronounced
Pel) Mell by blasted Britons? Mr. Everiy played
“Waverbam” the mouso with which the Tame -
Cats toyed, with skill and judgment. In the first >
scene he might have had more ease and natural*:
ness without hnrting the personation, but after
wards be was fully up to the requirements of a
somewhat difficult character. Mr. Hernple, as
tbe representative oi the avuncular relative} was
eminently pleasing. It was not hia fault, but the
author’s, that nobody could discover what ha
was about half the time. "Mra. Wavorhata"
is the heroine and injured innocent of the
piece. On this occasion Bhe was dressed with
exquisite taste, and found in Miss Price a
representative who gave her every grace and at- '
traction to which she was legitimately entitled
and tbe name of them is legion. “Annie Tem
ple” (Mrs. Creese), one of the lovers In distress,
was as interesting and pretty os yonng ladies
who are distressed with thwarted affection should
be. Bnt the two best personations were thoso of
"Ezra Blead,” by Mr. Mackey, and “Mrs Bop
pett,” by Mrs. Thayer. These two artists—en
tirely unapproachable In their respective lines,—
covered themselves with glory. Mrs. Thayer
was the tabby of the Tamo Cats; a rusty, forlorn,
second-hand, semi-decayed meddler, with her
ear at every key-hole and tOßgne in every quar
>cl. Nobody bnt Mrs. Thayer could have gtyon
snch an amnsing representation of this kind of
creature; the very stylo of femaio of which pro- '
fceeional auction-goers and fnnerat-attenders are
tbe types. “Ezra Steed” is a sly, hypocrUlcal.di
lapidated, shabby-genteel returned convict—a
compound of Aminadnb Sleek and Robert Ma
cairtT. Mr. dackey did more than justlco to the
character; be took the bud of a suggestion and
warmed it into a blossom with bis intelligence.
These two Impersonations are worth all the
others in Ute piece.
The play is very elegantly mounted; the .
scene in the first act, by Hawthorne, being’ no* ’
markable for beauty. The drawing-room lit the:
third act is also very pretty. Tho performance
concluded with Craigs capital burlcsquo of Barit'
lileue. The same bill is announced for this
—The Barney 'Williamses began their engage- '
inent at tho Walnut last night with a crowded ’
house, and with ua hearly a welcome as they
could have wished. Tho pieces played are not ,
new, hut thev aro received with as much enthu
siasm as If thev bad been given for the first time.
Barney Williams is tho very beat
actor in his line of parts In the
profession. Ho Is tho only genuine .representa
tive of the traditional Idea of a stage Irishman.
Ho has that creamy, not impossible brogue, in
which tho Irish Emigrant ought to have suogjila
lament; he la a potent and muscular wfelder of
tho Inevitable ehlllaleh; he la cratnmedfull of pa
triotic alinsions to Ireland the Gem of the Ocean;
be is down on traitors,; informers and tyrannical
Brilons; ho is a vigprous dbudeen puffer, and. ho
never fails to vindicate virtue, rescue tho imper
rilled, and protect injured innocence. Huso
compUshed wife Is even more versatile, and a* a
matter of courßO far more’ charming. To-night. ’
they will exercise themselves In The Fairy Circle
and The Cu stoma of the Country.
—Tho Galton Comic Opera Oompany will sp
pearat the Chestnut St. Theatre this evening in
tho operotta A Marriage by Laatenw.
F. L
’ON. Palilislier.