Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, January 15, 1869, Image 1
j !.... ~.~~.r s. MB;SON' 'PEACOCK lam VOLUjiIE XXIL-NO,-/,38. 50 Per Cent. Dividend Declared on January Ist, 1809, BY THE AMERICAN Lill INBURANOE OOMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. • What' oes this sioaffy to those frumerea and those' about to tie inured in "The American 1" tet —lt elm we the pro tpertty of the Company. 2d.-1t shows that the Company does a safe bosh:tem shows that the iffaira Of the Conips* are well managed. 4th.—lt shows that the Company have placed Just one half of the annual premium to the, credit of participating panelist, mad may he used In the payment of future pro• stb.—lt shows that PI iladelptitans and Pennsylvanians need not go outside of their own city. and State to find all that is desirable - in any Lite Inusuranas Company and to secure all tbo potstble benefits of being Insured. Why didn't you go into the American Life tget year, See to tt that you go in for Vai nlzt divanui. MAL VHIII,IIII, Pint. co. NUM, Vice Prest. JOAN 8. W11.8,0N, Eccy. .10111 C. 8118, Actuary. jal4 tb s ta tttvd WEDDING CARDS. INVITATIONS Ma PAR Gm &a Nov stilts. MAHON & CO.. =MG 907 Chestnut greet. WEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED IN THE Vl' Newest and.ftt- manner. LOUIS DEENA. Sts• Ginner and Engraver. 1433 Chestnut street. feb 20,1 g EDWARDS—NIVIII. On the 14th inst, in the Presby terian Church., at New Castle, Delaware. by Bee. John B Spotswood , 1).D.. noorge Edwarde to Louisa, daughter of D. (1. Nivin, ail of No s+ Castle. HALLOWLLL—JEWETT. —On the 14th inst., at the residetee of the bride's paronts, Riverside, by Hey. C. U. DeattY. Chalks Hallowell. of Philadelphia. and Nora Belle. eldest daughter of lion. T. L. Jewett. of Btaubon. Ville, Ohio. LAEDNIII-1 V/ EETZER. -January 13th, at Emanuel Chtu eh. cony. Pa_ by the ;tee. John C. Protberve, Lyuford Lardner to Ella M., eldest daughter of IL F. Sweetzer, he/ . of Boston. DIED. AELTSEN —On Tuesday, the 13th instant, Robert B. Ar.lfs.tn, t h e MI year of hits age. Fusers I thla ( iday). 15th fart, at dt. Lake's Church. O. rtnentown. crerfeely at o'clock ISLEIDEN --On Thursday, January 11th 1130, Wilke E. tu et ak Illa den. the Roth year of his age. •I be relatives and ft feeds of the:amity are limited to at teu d his luntrut limn the residence of hie father, Wash. =stem L. Bladen -It o:1411 Reed street on Ilmidcy. I8:h at le o'clock A. M. Interment at Laurel Bill t_co etery 11l At li.BUY.N.—Euddenly, on thli 13th (mt., Oliver BD( koun argil til year*. lii. retail; et and trietidn are respectfully Divited to et. ter,d Lie tuncial, . ftorn him late ran:deuce. nil North Broad street, on traturfley i loth feet, at o'clock. 1 o pro. ce rd to Le , •tel 11111 ItChTtrk 6.—On Thirciday afternoon, tie 12th hant.. Bomb daug ergo the late Josiah Busting; in the 4t;th .year lot her age. The relatives end fritith of. the bonny are Invited to tatted 'the funeral, from her' late reridente. Darby, on First der.thelith tett.. et 2 o'clock P.M. - ,rgithoutfarther LOTirti KNEASE.— On the 15'h of January, Bp, Anna A. widow of the late Samuel 11.. KIIPARD. 11‘r .elativee and friends are invited to attend the fu petal. fn gn the residence of her con•in•law. Ed‘vard Wood. No 144 Enlace etreet. on 'Monday. the 15th twit. at 1 o'ciork M at _ ABY RICAN Glttin tLAIN BLACK SILKI3. AT ONLY .1 - 1 $2 60 per yard. at retaiL Tbe#e faillte are mann factunei hv ( Woo.. of B.rtford. Conn.. and are warrrnted by them "to be all SIM, fu every fibre and thr. ad.• FOr *ale by BESSON Ai SON, Mourning Dry Goods House, No. 918 Chestnut at , eet. MAGNIFICENT BLACK DRESS BILKS. SATIN FACED OROGRAINS. HEAVIEST CORDED SILKS. WiltoWS' BILKS, NEW LOT. BLACK SILKS WHoLESALE. EVER di LANDEIIL. Founh and Arch Streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. ler Academy of Music. MISS ANNA E; DICKINSON. HER NEW LECTURE, A STRUGGLE FOR LIFE, On Priday Evening, January 15th. RFSERVED SEATS._..... 'FIFTY CENTS. . ADMISSION DENTS PRIVATE BOXES In Balcony, bold- hike,. to be bad at (ii/ULD'S Piano Rooms, No. 91N CIIFASTNU Sti eat s and at the Academy on the Evening of the Lecture. Doom open at 7. Lecture precisely at H. SPECJAL.—Tn avoid intemiption. the audience is most earnestly requested to be seated before the Lecture begius. jotfrrl Uri 0 RAILROAD CONTRACTORS Proposals will be received at MAL7CLI CHUNK. Pa., until Fel:Weary she Mb. IBeN, for the GRADUATION and MASONRY of the NF.,EQUELION/NO VALLEY RAIL ROAD. including the approaches 01 NESQUEIIONING TUNNEL. Speciflcationa and information ELB to the work in detail may be obtained on application at dui Engineer% Oilire, Mauch Chunk. J. B. BOOREBBID, Pica!dent. jol4 tfal7rP goy- L r B A K T E I,VN AL BAN At the annual election heh ing gentlemen were clecte ear: Joeeph Moore, Joseph B. Mien. Charles J. Butter. Edwin IL Eider. Joshua Lippincott, Joseph W. hillier, Charles And at the meeting of JOdEPII MOORE Eact. w&4 dent. afbr PUBLIC TEMPERANCE MEETING AT CON CERT HAIL. • FRIDAY EVENING, Januarth under the auspices of the TEMPERANCE BLESSIRG. Speeches will be mode by' THOMAS &COLEMAN, Esq . ,. and • Rey. A. A. wiburs, D. D. Ladies specially invited. , Services congdence quarter. o 8 a% lock. • jal4-Stre siol.w. R. U. H. JARVIS; THE GREAT PIANO ..Tan the Mnemonic Concert, RATURDAY EVENING, .lBth, Apadenly pf Music. I 04 81 mottn... AMATEUR • DRAWING - ROOM, SEVEN "r" teenth greet, above Chestput M I "413 PAULINE BREW STE' a smirga4 Will deliver a sectors at the above named' place. on WEDNESDAY, J kr+ UARY 20. SubJect—AN APPEAL TO 'WOMAN. -Reserved seats, 211• to be had at Truroplers, No. 920 •Chestnut et.; Covert's News etand. Continental Ho tel,and at the door , between 10 and 2 o'clock. jal4 6troo GEORGE 'FRANCIS TRAIN 'AT CONCERT 1116 r HALL, SATURDAY EVENING. January 18 6 9, in the imereet of the Workingmen and Women of Arno. rice. and of t the Fenian Brotherhood. Subject—'The English Battik,: or. Train ye, John. Bull." Tickets, with reeerved unite, tO cents. Daily sales of tickets at Concert Ball box office. Gould% Continental and Poet-Wilco Nowa Stand. . jolt:kW Stir pel i ) t t A ll i e D • imig r E e tvk 3 e SIF R Y v -Flt h rE BELA' harmonic Society_ toncert, triI B TUIIIrAY Erdrali!T h a i rt . 16, Academy of music. 3a14 3t !WY-THAI ANNUAL MEETING 01 , THE STOOK. , holders of the Mercantile Library Company will be neld at the Library Room, on TUESDAY EVENING. January Bch, 0. 7% o'clock. ja9tlPrel, JOHN LARDNER, Roc. Sec'y. 111%LE CAMILLA 111180, WONDERFUL VIO. 16 r Rad. at Grand Concert, SATURDAY EVENING. Jan.l6. Academy of Music. Jal4.3t. PHILADELPHIA PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, i l lar Grand Concert on SATURDAY EVENING. Jan. 16th, Academy of Music. jal4,3t N 4. 1b Routh Ninth .°"kroalicooll, ?diep"tnia ~,t8e..808, and Bodily Daformities troatod - ADO'S` daily at 19 o'clock. n098n0.r05 aeir HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOB. 1818 AND 1620 . Lombard street. Dleponeary Department—Modi ca! treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously to the poor. • • • - • , -- --- • - ~:. • , . , . . . • / . , , ~.,,, ~ ~. ... •. ~, .... , r '. , ; ..q - ' 4". - , -.: : !:, . 7 . ', rI . . .I.' l. 1 . , 1 , ',.. '''. `.' rli .. C . '.....' , .t . • r 'f',' 'Y rt . 4 'l. .1 si, . . c 1." , t ,,,, i :i , ;.1; ; ,t ,, :i . '..., • . i • ' • . . , . , ~',, . ..''..- 4 ;,. . 4 ;4? • ' ; ~..ht'... ,'-'' ''4' t , ":1": ,•'' I'-'' -. 4i"'• '','' ''''`' t - ''' '" '' •'-- ''''''. W • ' . . • • . , . _ ' ' ;41 4 4 • '•-•';q , '•`• •'' ' il.. ;Cc.' ~ .o.r , ' ~..:. ~...,.,., -,,• , t!TP . J. • ~ Li.) .4 •, ,-' it i, it .0.., ", -. 4. y.. 1 . - •., • r l• ' , . .._,,, ..... _... ~--,..,, ~ , , •,* I' 4 . ——. ,-, 1 --4.---- .. -• . ~ b , .1.. ~,,.. 41. )e. a , ih'l4 . ..'xJ:4;,-,•-. , .'( ~ ,-/,;-.11. . .0 ,Al lij - =-0 ..! •, N : . ', , ,ii •-.-.1.1 ' /•,,, J. ~3•11!A 1..: 4 ..• , ;13 .7 . , ~.1 . •, : .....,,,,., .• , i „„:•:.- • tv, /it.', (6 4:, r:.! , ..n- •:. .i '.i ;..,;•., 41, • :,.., ; ••,•.,•,..L••;• : !. , t •'•• '', .:!•:-.'' •,••• ':.+ .:-/. - f 1 . • • )t , ,... ••., ri,.. , 01. PI '. , r., • .• _4-- .., -... ,- .r.•:, •,..., ,r,.ifg , . .k, , up f :; •,r. , . - ..qtif.' ,1 . :',.4. ' •',';. , , .- , ,;... , , , , _,., • ~.,.....:- ~ , ''',! - ''';' , l . z,!:.' ...•.' ... ~.,,,, . .... • • • • --; -' . . '''.•''' . • ' l . ( ' . - 11.1 ..•,, 3' •::::;',.4 . 4.1 i'', -. !'14 ), , .., 1 .44 . .C , 44 7 , 1 , ... , ~.1 ~ I. 1 . ,w 11 ~, I; .. , ~..,. '. ! .... • ''`. •., . . ~., .. _ . ~ (...*; , W Vl' • . .. ~. _ . . - •' + , 4' . /- ~ ' . _.', . 4 - 4. • l 1 , i 4;4.. C 7, , 0 . .. ~ . :-..!, . ~,-, , ~,. , • " , .-. ..• , . .t'' ' . e 1 l ,- ,0, . . i ~ '. ' '...' k' ' ' :'• i . 1 ..'., r.:, : '. ~ ~.1; e!, ... ::: ~.p'... .r. ~,2.- g t) ..,:...:% , .. ~. . • ~ . . .. . 1 , ..•., ~....• ( ..• I ... ••.•%, . •: .••••• '• • . • . • • • . . • OF THE NORTHERN 1111-ADELPIIIA..IO.II 15. /5e d the 13th indent. the follow• d Directore for the chiming iJames N. Stone. Michael Baker, Israel Peterson. William Overington, Alexander M. Fox.. Jacob Mega i Young. the Directors, held this day unanimously reelected Yresi- W. GUM MERE. enabler SPECIAII NOTICES. • lir CONCERT HALL, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. A COURSE OF SCIENTIFIC LECTURES 1.1( DR: J. F. BOYNTON. • BEAUTIFUL 'STEREOPTICON' VIEWS. TNIERESTING' EXPEIUMiniT3. DR. J. BOYNTON. the celebrated and popular Lecturer on Otology end the Natorni Belewep. will eve, by mot. lotion, a coon° of SIX ILLUSTRATED LECTURES UPON GEOLOGY AND THE NATURAL HISTORY OF CREATION, au follows: ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. JanuerY 20. WORLD.MARING. ON TIIURBDAY EVENING. Jantiary 21. TILE EARTH AND MOON. ON FRIDAY, EVENING. January 22. INTRODUCTION OP ANIMAL LIFE UPON OUR ' PLANET. ON MONDAY EVENING, January 25 COAL'BEDS , AND:OIL BEDS. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 27, THE AGE OF REPTILES. ON FRIDAY EVENING, January THE MASTODON AND MAMMOTH PERIOD The above series of lectures were. recently given in New York "city. at THE COOPER INSTITUTE. to audiences filling every seat and occupying every avails.. ble inch of standing room. ' ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. RESERVED SEATS, SEVENTY-FAYE CENTS Tickets for the course. six In number, with reserved reatz, 83. The opening gale of ticket' mill commence on Monday morning, January 18. at Gould'e Piano Rooms, 9M Chest , nut street: Jals ill TBE FARMERS. TAONAL BANK. At an elottion held in the I following named la tocichold thia Hank: Ea* in 51... Lewie. John Arhharat. Anthony J Antal°, itenjentin A. Farnham, Francis Tete, .Lindley Snot th. Eicbard C. Dale. And et ameetirg of the D Lt:,,W IP, Fsq, use tusaldruo. jaIF-11,11 CitY NATIONAL At anelection held on the I g named Simla/olde' nark: Wni. F. re.lah Afft.ir4ork. .John Baird. Thomas rather. b. D. Walton, A. Boyd Cumminim I. V. Will . . ilnd at a meeting of the D 'F.I.IU(3IIES. Eeq., 'me it. dent- ter- COMMON WEALTII 'NATIONAL 13,0:8". Pitil.wort.rtni, Jac tiaey 15, 1i:4V.4 n t an election held on the 12th toot. the following gen tlemen were elected birectore of tiliA Batik : thee. F. Norton, . C. U. Dohrin& F. P. Slitchell, Theo. Wilton. 14. NJ l'iturouchc. - 11 W. Gray, W. A. Bolin, Samuel R. Achten, Pool P. Seller. /Yin. F. Lfareell, Jno. Wenerneker. Bebert B. Sterling'. And at a meeting of the Board, held rile day. Cherie! F. 1 . 401 , T0pi, Fen.. was unsabaotrelrrieelected Praddent Jal.s. ' • - ' H.C.IPLING, Cashier. . CONTINENTAL HOTEL CO3SFAXY. W. 147 The attnnel meeting of •the etockholdere of the 4 ontinental Hotel Column , . for the election o.f five m an agent end the traneactien of other haziness, will be held on 8 seTURDAY. January 224 lEal, at 12 *lock. M., at the lioteL - J. SERGEANT riat: El. i.ib•tv..l tecretarv. _ohm- M ElitalA 'Ts. FUND. The annual meeting of the Merchants' Fund will be held at the rooms cf the Board of Trade.on Eti DAY A FTIP ENuON, he I9W inst. at fous o'c °et. Members end contributors are particularly requested tab° preeent WILLtaM 11. BA :DN. aISI ,4 IRT§ '11:11.1r... ERNE +II Lit. 2.1. E. E. IfORAN Edward Moran is a producing power of se , h rapidity and force that it is difficult to lay the finger on him and say just what he is doing on any given day. The painting in progress as we pen the commencement, of this article may be finished ere we close, and another, of tome senti ment quite different, under weigh. We are always sure of a surprise to reward us for the breathless clamber up to his tower. When we last mounted the steps of Parnassus we found the busy painter actively distributing the finishing touches to a large picture •`Virginia Sands." It is a clear, diaphanous effect of after noon light basking upon the broad sands some where about the opening of Chesapeake Bay, and transmuting their silver to pale gold. The sense of solitude, and that of cool, salt freshness by the sea-side, are very well communicated. On those wide stretches guarded by the watchful guns of Fortress Monroe, the sweeping gall has all the breadth of nature for his privacy; or, if human society is found, it is likely to be in the simple, barbarian negro of the downs, whose dream of fortune is the dismantling of some great man-of war that rots in the ooze. A group of these bwart sea-side figures—scavengers as native and appropriate as the fish-hawks—give vivacity to the foreground. Tufts of rank grass push heavily up from their crystal beds, upon which their bluish, spiked shadows are printed ,by the Ban. Beyond, on the left, the harsh and bristling wild oak forest, defending itself against the east wind In hollow squares, with its green bayonets close ,-erried and bristling;on the right, the shelving,im maculate, dazzling sands, with the gauzy ocean floating across them like a blue scarf; that to the story of the picture. Moran never goes out of his way to seize the hidden sentiment, the ineffa ble motive of nature. Be is content to paint, as nearly as he possibly can; what he has seen; be is notlo much the library-peet as ,the Watchful, keen-eyed traPper, always amidst the myetery and neyer.sleeplogi and. We successes are thoSe of attentiveness and fidelity,` l&S thOde oi the plan iat who, by downright calculation of time ,and„ conscientious reading of his notes comes odt with more of the emotion of his master than he who ehandens lame& to 'feellitg , ' and': ob3enree the composer's thought with meanings of his own. A entailer picture reprefients a rich afternoon (fleet at Cape Elizabeth, a point a little south of Portland, Maine. MorbnL seems 'determined to give a romantic, Italian, Claude-like temper to this New England eoast,,,which the Pilgrims thought so bleak and forbidding. The deep sea side pasture, rich as L tufted gold ,in the Bun, with figures in attitudes of repose, and graceful bouquets of Mee en silhouette against i the sunset, receives an interpreilttion more fit.for our ideas of the Mediterranean' shore , , than that of the vexed, shipwrecking Atientia. We have placed this picture next the above because the treatment it' of the sea in' both—by very slight but felicitous method—is eindlar, and recalls the hazy blue of the Bay of. Naples. ',The paint is managed with a good deal of the easy transparency of watercolor. A little further up the Maine coast, at the en trance of Penobscot Bay, lies the tity,but impor tant island, of Whitehead, distinguished for its lighthouse, and for its thousand-pound fog bell. Moran has passed up the indented shore and found this wild--foam-washed rock, and levied upon it for two of his most telling compositions. - A small picture, partly painted on the seem where the salt spray, dashing back-:from:the cliffs; has mingled with the, oil upon the palette, gives an evening view, wherein, each sharp AND idEDEIANICS' NA Jan. 16.1869. Mth day 01 January. 1.601. the to were elected Directors of • • Joehua B. Lippincott, J. Edward Futuna, George W. Farr, Jr.. . o . 7 llllatu O. Woodward, (Marie, H. Hutchinson. Henri P. Sloan. !recto:re this day EDWIN .5L lsly reelected President . 111,81iTON. Cam hien BANK. . ummertrum. Jar , . 15, letla. Vitt) of Japnary, 180:1. the fot ivere electo4,Directorl , of thla Chan E. Lex. Codirk Collect. Nr.derick , J. P. WetherML i C. Hears Gorden. Wist..F. iierstmann. &IMOD. 'tractors this day. WILLIAM aanicaotady re-alerted 0. ALBEta LEWIS. Cashier. ),t[H,4l)EjApar:A., FRIDAY, JANUARY;I#,,,..B6. wave, 'atilt, lifhi 410inid ,the boats, is made.a, , innilr color's by;"the refracted ,light, The • other, a niiich larger composition, :represents the seen ; 'tinder effects, ao &relent AS to make . it feareolY recognizable . , It ha early morning. the • sun Choking in a thousand fOlds of isltite New England fog; indite lobitei-beits; , feeling . thEir way along, the craggy outline of the Wand, are taking np the traps; the sails in the distance look spectral ,behind the mist. This is an atmospheric study so different from all the rest—so glacial, cheerless, and dull, that it stands among the warm sunsets on the other easels like a bloodless ghost amen hicarnathins, A small study from Buffalo, with a long 'wharf and light-house, a distreseed schooner beating off the shore and ilfe-boat putting nitt to her assist 9,1308, is an Interesting reminiscence of an actna Incident on Lake Erie, communicated. - t - the ar list while on the spot • idoran's finest, or at least most imaginative and itioressive composition Is hardly yet in a state to criticise; it is dead-colored, and the story com pletely' made out, and a few passages are finished in detail; but it is still in the condition which leaves so much to the fancy, and which a land scape-paper we know describes as his , own favorite style, under the name of Unseenery. it is a representaffon ipf the coast by Cape Ann, after a storm, and includes the terrible sunken ledge proverbial for ill omen under the name of "Norman'. Woe" - It will be a chaotic and fear ! Cul melange of agitated water and rocks red with sunset, the whole telling in , another metre that sad story which Longfellow Etas made so pathetic in ballad literature,ol the Wreck of the Hesperus. "Such was the wreck of the Hesperab, In the tempest and the snow! Christ save us all from a death like this, On the reef of Norman's Woe!" A Philadelphia Lady Painter.—We observe in the Horne Journal, of January 13, the following graceful and merited compliment tort picture by a young lady of our city: "A noteworthy painting among those that now occupy the gallery of Leavitt & Streghbeigh, is Couture's "Decadence Romaine," reproduced by Shea Anne Lee, an accomplished lady, belonging to the highest circles of Philadelphia society. The original, as is well known,' ranks among Couture's masterpieces, and its raft: , artistic mer, its are preserved in the present work in a - manner highly creditable to the -kill of the fair artist. In breadth' and vigor of execution, boldnesS of eharac terization andAramatie power, it is especially ad mirable, reflecting so much of the style and ge nius of the great master, and affording art exam -ple of success in these qualities . , which rare onong.our hub' artists. • This reproduction, it is - created • quite - a sensation , —in Paris,, wherfit was first brought out, and we doubt not it will find due: ppreciation among our, ers on the occasion of its present exhibition. We are very glad tote able to say amen with all our heart to the criticism of the Home Journal. The progress and env:tees Of Mid's Lea in bit' art have been rapid, and, the ambitions copy aid has tinderteßen does berlininenee credit. A Statuette , for the Sportenzep.—Mr.ilcinkeY,' of Elmira, . has brought out a little group of brook-fishers,so full of the veritable spirit of tile. thing that the spectator who knows anything of ronting can almost feel the cool wattra•unning out at the toe of his boots as he assists at this "Land ing of a Beauty." The statuette consists of three figures,the hero bringan enormous trout, and the other two belonging to that order of mammalle known as trout-fishers. The moment is one of -nspense; the fish has been all but drowned by a ong course of chasing, 'the man with the rod is winding him in with the reel, while the comrade :8 caressingly managing him with the landing net. Beauty in distress has seldom been depicted ,n a more interesting . situation. .The figures are about the size of those in a "Rogers Group.' Copies of this and the other interesting works of Mr. Conkey are displayed by, Messrs. Earle- --...a.. DRAMATIC Ai! 0 _RIDEiII C: AL. —Miss Susan Gallon, the prima donna of the company now performing at the Theatre Gore- ique, will have a benefit to-night. Two naw operettas will be produced, Lischett an o i Frii:e%•.a and La Rose tit St. Fleur. We hope MISS G.ilton will sing to as large an audience as the little theatre can contain. She is worthy of the com pliment of a crowded house. She is pretty, graceful and fall of life and spirits. Her voice is /c sweet clear soprano, quite powerful enough for the room in which she sings; and she is; Withal, a very unusually good actress. It is not too much to say that in the brief period of her engagement here, she has won great popularity, and that, too, among people whose good opinion is worth having— people who indicate their favor upon the counter of the . box office. The company is a very good one, and quite large enough. for a snug theatre like the Comique. During the past three weeks the attendance has -been uniformly good, and if the entertainment in the future is, made equally attractive, there is no reason why the place should nothe Crowded every night and the heart of Manager Donnelly made glad, as he balances his bank account. This theatre is precisely the proper place for comic onera. 'lf performances of that class had ways tieen confined to such a , locality in this city, and had been kept out of the Academy, so that Italian and German 'opera could' have had a chance; if'other prime (bons had been as nice in their behavior as Miss Galton is, and as careful to exclude'nastlness from the stage. they would have received ntore encouragement from respect, able people, —To-morrow night the first grand concert of the Philharmonic Society will be given in the Academy of Music. An orchestra of flirty-five of aost accoMplished instrpmental performers irpthis city will be present under the direction of Mr. Wm.'o. Dietrich:_ The'greatattraction upon the programMe -is is; famous Seventh Symphony, which will be given Li splendid style. Mlle. Camilla Urso, the, violinist; will perform, and Mr. Charles Jarvis will give a piano 8010. There is every reason'to believe that this concert will be first rate in every respect, and as it is the beginning of a series from a society which de serves hearty support and encouragement, we sincerely hope there will lie,a large attendance. —The regular Sentz-Hassler orchestra matinee will be given.at Musical Fund Hall, to-morrow afternoon. The . following , programme will bo presented: Reformation O j zmphOtiy. , .... .Mendelseohn I. •Andante—, negro con , fueco. .2. Allegro vivace. _ _ 8; Andante. Choral—Ein' tests-Bum is unser Gott—Allegro YlVaCe --Allegro maestoso. .Piano Solo, 1 fa. 3 lSelierzo---B'llat minor Chopin ku The Mermaid's Rhapsody..Ropkins r. Jerome :Hopkins. Fest 0verture. ' .::.:.'...:....'.: : .Karl Hohußto clr Atad-Cap Galop---lligaelle pour Pdrehestre.HoPki us —Mr. J; E. McDonough will .appear, at the Walnut this evening in 44116- Dark. , At the'Arch to-night A' Flas4 of Lightning ,will be given. —The American Theatre announces a miscel laneous bill for to-night. —To-morrow (Baturday)evenlng George Fran cis Train - will - speak at Concert 'Hail upon the theme "The English Misfile; Or Train versus John —On the evening of Wednesday the 2otp, Mies Pauline Brewster Smythe will deliver a lecture in the Amateur Drawing Room, upon the‘.sublecl, -"An Appeal to Woman. OUR- HOLE VOUNMY. W . • .- Correisiondenee, of the l'hiladelottla EVeaLtet Banallril, • 'Nuts, Dec. 29, 1868.—IntipiteAAESettein qua , '" - tlenti and 'threatened' betitedeti ' . Greek . ' - fire' and Turkish scimetare - in Bpanislt and Carlist Spite of trouble in the East or the West- r intipite of pop tics; in short, in any part Of the world—the good citizens of Paris and their :Otigiortma fOreign, visitors are elevoting, themselves,. es ;lentil; to, lm enjoym cuts and occupations of.this festive season. All serious business is at a stand still, unless it be the business of buying and selling nicknacks, which is often a serious businesti enough, espe l i - cially for young gentlemen.` in society," at this - Hine of year. Countless croWels'fill all the thor oughfares, rendering locomOtion well-nigh full , : pOssible, especially in.front.of the favorite stores for n etrcnnes, and articles especially fitted for, New frear'e presents. The wealth,foreign and native, ,of she French capital mustbaye Increased per monsly of late, to judge. by the coeWnesa of the objects displayed In every window, , the, magnitl: gence of the decorations inside, the . number of ptuebasers, and the amount of hard cash which ie evidently being expended. Tel call,one of these '.,receptacies of fashion and inxury by the veil ... name of .. boutique, or , "shop," is . simply 'profanation. They are.saloturi magnificent - salons, fitted tip and decorated with the latest and most elegant inventions of modern taste and art, - and served by 'young clemoisillei, whose toilettes and-bearing are as "distingtffiffied" as those of any Duchess or Princess at the Tuileries.. There is a celebrated perfumer, Violet,.-at-a' choice corner , of the Italian Boulevard. One hesitates to cros s the threshold if the weather happeria to be bad ; and the streets ever so little dirty, or to soil the beautiful tints of the carpets; and one wipes one's shoes, respectfully, outside, before taking the 'liberty of going in and venturing to ask to be done out of one's money! Besides the "shop," a sort of imperial boudoir,, there is a second and . Inner . salon, a favorite rendezvous of the fair sex, and into whose recesses the male creation is seldom - allowed to penetrate., Hero "complexions" of every shade can be "tried on" under every light, I -• from broad day to a gentle twilight, or in the brilliant sparkle of a score Or two of wax boogies. 'To look arm:lndere in this paradise of foppery,one I would think that men, and women were born for • no other purpose-than to use the comb and the brush, the pomatum and the scent pot. It is hard to say whether the eye or the nose is most ,overpowered by the proximity in which it finds" ..lteelf. And everywhere, as you go along thp • streets, it is the same; everywhere you pee est. .• deuces of the enormous increase of luxury and extrevagance In the wares displayed for sale 4 . iiroughout the mart of universal Europe and the, world_ _The states of brorizee-mitrOlesitnalelieus, works of art, have assumed colossal proportions,• and tecome exhibition-galleries,filled with objects I Of dimensions suited ontf to a 'modein . palabe. It id wonderful to contemplate the wealth and the gime,. of customers which must be required to become the owners of such articles as 'yet :now seecommonly displayed everyivhere for eale,,at such prices as are demanded, and at such / nts. as are paid by the occupiers of such premises. There is one feature which strikes an American's I . 'eye in the midst of all this display, and imparts to biin.a sort of solid satisfaction to see the share hp takes in this world's fair. Even in this city of pourinets,.aud where delicate living Is thought to - be' filmed par excellence, the "good things" of America are steadily making their way to the 1. knowledge and favor of the public. Pass- I ing the other day before one of the best known pro Vision stores kir delicacies ,taf. - the . higher class in Paris, I found its win itA dowbsolntely filled with newly arrived Ameri etinigoods, such as Duffield's breakfast bacon and pressed beef, from Chicago; all carefully packed In.Waiffileather,and attracting a crowd of gazers, aS'tieing still something novel, together with a choice selection of hams from the same locality Then as to hominy, American peaches, pine apples, and preserved fruit of all kinds, they are becoming.indigenons among ns, and have long been.appreciated as they deserve. But the great est and latest :American triumph in the eating line .to 'the wonderful success, amounting almost .to Area!, of the Bostonian crackers establish-. ment, so famous at the Exhibition last year, but now . permanently located in the Boulevard 11aleshetbe, not far from the 3iadelaine, and be come- a F‘reneh national "institution."' "Have you. -tasted . toe biscuits Autericalimi" (giving a - French_ pronunciation to the words,) is the ones -lion-which salutes you on every side at luncheon or.dessert dine, And then those beautiful Amer icupilliitiVeal _We always thought "French bread" primatehabie until now, bat are compelled to acknOwledge that no compound of flour and water ever equalled these. It is really carious telteelhe 'crowd which collects round the winr . dows of this establishment at "baking' dine," and witnesitnewender and amazement of the Intdattde de.Paris, alias cockneys, as they watch the thou - . sands , of. biscuits of every shape and size being literally,-!‘turned". - out of the steam apparatus, "Well: `these Americans certainly have a way of doing , everything luster' than anybody else." was thipleptatk of, a petit rentier„ as holietbbled away from the sight, having very been -a boa langeriotti.'slower" description once upon a time hiitetilf:` The finest ladiett. of ' Paris now atop ~their, carriages' and descend. to . carry Off Weir "loaf," or their packet tit.bisetitte, or, an - Ainerican Mince-pie, or a New - :Fear's, day, cake . ' , -theieselVes,lrom the now well-knOWn and fash4 lonabie rendezvous, about forti• o'clock in the nftericiott,'whee all these choiceprodectionsare . het and freeli fratii the the - - Araerictui.. population '1641f . 18 now numerous in. arts; - that it' as become amore marked feature than , any other. transatlantic prodnerion. No wander that all its wants,, both native, and . fereigp are so will provided for; for, by general assent, Anierl, cans arenoW the hostel:m*loe - and the best Imp , - porter - 6'6f Parisian taste and 'luxury. 'From till that I hear; no American will' haire trtiehreed to regret his absence either front New Ybilr; - : or any other city-of the 'Union, on . New Year's day- next. There will, be open 'house threngiibut,tbe large.iniericalicoleny,Where it Is determined to receive all visitors and to celebrate the Oectiship hi regUlar:"hene"'. style. General Dix, and hierieWly married 'daughter who will, replace heithother in doing the honors.. of - the: inieriorin•lernbabsy this, inter• Will set,7the ex- .. - ainple - (and tie.at home-to . allneemers-orr: :• • neXt,/.i. Indoegkiviiatlietween.,F.reneb, brainier' can tiespitalltieb,Me dartbreateribto be nlormi dablo business tbritny ope. Who, undertakes duly, : 7 the'dittide , theretif tO.hinitielfarid - irlends! Tb ,I.lpperitil-audqhe::prlacel of-the"„ EUROPEAN LETTER *MOM( PAU'S. Asturias appear, to .be becoming "chums" to gether.. The night before last the former "gave a party" , to tho latter at the Talleries, , where a gigantic , Christmas tree; laden with "golden" fruit, had its - branches sitaiten: to ' 601316 purpose byl a mob of little Princes and' 'Princesses, Vfsdottnta and Viscottniesses, - and other titled lipittlans; Next day the Spanish Prince sent a superb writing-desk to the VrenCh Prince, and the latter, determined not to be outdone, re sponded by a . choice assortment' of toys. The two also take their riding lessons together, and are evidently preparing to befriends, whether In exile or,on the throne, time mint show. Ritualism itt aUglatid. An'English paper says': Notwithstanding thodecision against Rttualism, , lighted est:dies were need'at the " hlgh celebra tion" at St. Albans, Holboni. The Rev. Arthur Hr Stanton , preached a . short sermon-from the Epistle of she day (St. John the Evangelista day), "Truly our fellowship is with the. Father,,, and with His Son Jesus Christ." The preacher, said a grievous wrong had been done them—whether by the Judicial Committee or 'by the 'pro moters of the late snit the preacher did not say—but it had not marred their sacred i joy, and, perhaps, this was, the .hapPiest ,Christmas they had ever spent or • should spend. Their aim, he said, was not to obtain power ' nor to master the intelligence of. England, but to win the heerts of the people, and this they were do ing. Since the wrong' they had sustained had become known they had received the . warmest demonstrations of sympathy, and in hundreds of Christian homes St. Albans, Holborn, had,been remembered this Christmas with love and prayer. After observing that patient enduranee of wrong was one of the means by which the world was to be won for Christ, the preacher, without any for mal conclusion, descended the pulpit stairs and resumed his plece in the chancel. The service then proceeded, Mr. Mackonochie himself being the celebrant. is coons a evident in. a Mine. Caused by Carelessness. The English papers of the 30th ult. contain the following account of an accident of an alarming character which occurred a few days ago in an iron-stone colliery in Shropahire. About a dozen men were employed, when the gas,in the work ings fired and all of them were injured. It is hoped, however, they will recover. The Wel lington, Journal says: "The part of the mine where, the ignition occurred was a new opening, at a considerable distance and in an opposite difection , from the older workings. In which. also, there were men employed at the same time. In the part where the ac cident happened there were .usually -three; men set to "holing;" but in this instance, to expedite tbe work. there were ten men and a youth en gaged at this spot. The company had witlrthem a safety Latin, out we are not certain whether the lamp' was burning at the lime or not It would seem there were candles In use. Certain it is, the ..as took fife with• a terrible effect. The , men etupAeyed some five to six hundred-.yards off, in another part of the mine, felt the sudden-motion and draw on the air around Them; but the vie- LIMB eveloped In the burning element were, seri ously injured. Six of them were married men.' The enleven are all more or lees injured, soine of them seriously: hcatinctive Floods In the IProvt/inces, News received in London on the 20 tri alt.-states that great floods' prevailed yesterday in:SOO:10 parts of the Fens. Between. Ely and Teter uorough many thousands of acres were last night submerged. A Nottin g gbam pa 'per of the 30th ult. states that the continued rains have caused the (rent to overflow its banks to a serious extent, not only in the neighborhood of Nottingham, but along the valley of the Trent generally: The water at the Trent bridge was within 8 inches of 186-I. The works at the new Trent bridge are stopped by the' flood. In the King's Meadows there is water on each side, of the Midland Rail way, and there is much water out on all the low lying lands in the neighborhood, causing much inconvenience to the inhabitants. Between Not tingham and Ratcliffe there is a good deal of land water water. BORIS. The Guillotine and the •Last Condom, nation. R 0311.7, Dec. 22 1.868.—"T0 be or not to be" guillotined is still the, question with the con demned prisoners Ajani and Luzzi; bat as they have acpealed against their sentence, and the Consulta Tribunal will not give final judgment until after the Epiphany, there is time for diplo• matte influence to be brought to bear upon the wore merciful propensities of the Suorente Pon tiff in their behalf. I learn from the beet sources that this time tae sen tence of death will not be carried out, not from any increase of clemency on the part of the ec clesiastical government, which would have wil lingly dealt a second death-blow at its mulles, sheltered as it is from,4llconsequence behind the a?s.is of French protection, but because the French .Ambassador has received instructions to interpose his ucto, in order to avoid the tremen dous uproar which such a sanguinary bravado would inevitably excite throughout the kingdom of Italy. In his examination Signor Ajani spoke out with the stoic firmness of a Fabricine, acknowl edged that he had conspired against the priestly government,. as his fatties and grandfather had done before him and his eons would do after him until ecclesiastical rule should be extinct. He declared that hie accomplices were numerous; but he declined mentioning their names, offering kis life as a willing sacrifice for the achievement of a glorious end. Both Ajani and Luzzi are Ro mans by birth, but the latter is a much older man than the former. Among other signs of the irritation now exist ing in consequence of the Much discussed execu tions of Monti and Tognetti is the refippearance of the Roman Insurrectional Committee by means of a clandestine circular, which I translate as follows: Romuns—The unfortunate Monti and Tognetti have _fallen under the priest's knife. According to' hat results from their trial, they, would have been the least responsible, or 'at least the most excusable persons. Why, therefore, kill them in such an atrocious manner? .Because the Pontiff thirsts for blood, and he who thirsts for blood cares not whence it comes.., -But this, blood re quires vengeance. It would} have lied it if we had nof,been taken by,surprise; and had some more days tune. But never mind, Vengeance will come, 'and soon ' Walt little longer: Teti TrisunnucricrsAu CommxTruir OF RouE. Rome, 1868: A more,serions matter than clandestine circu lars is the prop9sition of the Italian parliamen tary committee in discussing the budget to sus pend farther payment of the. Pontifical dividends do recently accepted by the Italian :government. Carried into effect this measure may bring about a hitch with Prance, who considerslterself to be in duty bounds to guarantee the 'ltalian. oblige tions established by the September Convention, although sho,does not fulfil, her own:viz,, that of evacuating the Pontifical _territory. Austrliti!, Preparaticms for Wpx. The principat commanders Of, the Austrian navy have,been ordered to the naval station on the Adriatic, to prepare for immediate service, if necessary' The Vice Admiral Baron de Poeck has received very definite instructions to co-operate with; the commander of the French squadron. :The government of Hungary is actively prepa ring for war. One hundred mountain Datterlea have been ordered to Transylvania, and the en gineering corps are busily emphiyed in the form ation of entrenched camps on, the frontiers of - ' "EloodlimrFranee. 'Serious fears are entertained' that inundations viii occur-in Fralico,and the waters of the Loire," LI c li~NSTOIt PubllS~er; PRICE THREE, GI ri Rhone and Saone ; Dave already •overflowedlita several parte. Nantes and Lyons are. already partially submerged. Greek Jfirtsfarrants. , , Numerous famines of Greek, Gnigrankr/Itsve arrived at Galatz and Ismail, front Turkey., r , ; The Ronnialulan government aeeords tifeirt the prollee don of the laws of the country, but not thaedf the Greek consulate. All, manifestations hot rite Turkey have been forbiddenthem, rinder pan Of immediate expulsion. i rAirrs AND IFABICIES: —Forte crayon is in the 10cm:tit:Auld. • —The English residents at - Florence support a new magazine ealled.the Fleur-degyB.- -flue Denln is in London, looking'for ad en gagement. • 'Oysters sellat one dollar a thonseztd, In Ten saeola. —Tsventy.e i liht thousand miles of telographi wire lu the I/ ted States, —A son of Dr. MiWngen, Byron's physiChus, leads a band of Cretan insurgents. —A miserly human.monster,living at West port, Mo., the other day offered to sell his links boy for six dollarsi. -A little thief in Cincinnati has been sent to the workhouse for six months. He is fourteen years old, and the.laid arrest was his twentieth. —MoYerbeer'swidow has disposed of 'her ;only unmarried daughter .to an Austrian baron; and will settio in Vienna. , —Jefferson Davis has returned to London, but is going to the south of France for,the winter and for his health, which is bad. —Domestic cats have gone wild in 8314 Joa quin county, California, and are making great trouble. • —A method of extracting the indigo' ;from second-hand postage stamps has beeirpatented in England. -I-The New York World says, "the Dentoerats of New England have never had* justice done them." Perhaps, as the rogue •anggested tto the judge, that is the very thing they -dread. —ln California, after three wet winters a dry one is on hand—and a dry winter. Impltesa► de ficiency of cereals. The granaries of the State am overflowing with the surplus product of ~20,000, , 000 bushels of wheat. - • —The widow of Marshal Daionst ,has, died within 'the last few days, at the age - of„88, in Pariti: Her brother Was General Ceelerc .rairried in 1798 to Pauline .33onariarW -- -the-Stperor's sister. • —An Alabama paper, speaktn of Florida says: "There. : are also numerous smalllakete oepure water, filled with fish, mine of which are only a. few rods in extent, while others are froja two to ten miles in length." , —Etotatio Seymour is going to run for Borne office, •I suspect, for,ile told tile 'Jackson 'anion, the; other day, ttiat - he "will - hever seek po litical honor bt• Office." Ale has an eye du Some thine, or be would not talk in thisklacllning - way. --Letterto Troy Times. - = —A learned Sgi:(l7li writes to the Americati Nat urglin that othe male mosquito is beautiftd; both physically and morelly,as may do not manners are more;retiring - thau those - of:i their stronger minded partners, as they rar•SlY: 4 enter our dwellings, and live unnoticed in the woods." —A little operetta called "Les, Horreurs.de la Guerre," has been having a great nail in Paris. Its -central-idea-is Ahat-two--Germais-Grand-Dukes, - with four soldiers , apiece, resolve to go , to war for the possession of a fair damsel, and its pur pose is, of course, to, ridicule the profession of arms. —The late Baron Rothschild left a fortune amounting to the enormous sum in rontid.num hers of 1250.000,000. Of this vast estate he left 150,000,000 to his widow, sloo,ooo,ooo'=to his eldest son, 40,000,000 to his second, and $10.000,- 000 to his youngest son. He also left $10,000,000 to his nephew, son of his brother Solomon: —The Marquis de Caux (Patti's husband) is fair, fat and forty-four. His nose has the ruby lint imparted by much champagne, and he is very fond of his siesta. He sleep!, three times a day, and Patti calls him renttorm. The Marquis ie not fat, but has a pronounced abdombial prcr tuberaned. —Baron James Rothschild said one. d4y he always knew when people Were talking about his fellow-Ilehrows,--whether the latter 'same rich or poor. Upon being asked to - eiplaluhoW,lnicame to know that, he replied ! • "Why, yodinfeilwhen people are talking about a wealthrmtm;:qf my creed, they call him an Israelite, bat ilheile poor they call him a Jew." —The Emperor Napoleon, in return for aproof copy of M.Gustaye_Dore.'s illustrations of. Dante, sent the artist a pencil surmounted- withAlargo diamond. The following autograph letter atcom panted ;he present: "Monsieur Doril—Youi pen cil produces such beautiful things that 'should he pleased if you would do something for my sake with the pencil I now .send• you. , —Napo- LEON." "0, tell me wherhis fancy hred,': She asked, and getting bolder, She placed her little'darang head And chignon on nty shoulder. And with no more poetry in M' soul than in a quaker's. Replled, with idiotic grin, "You'll find it at tlie,baker's." --For sonic time there has been a spicy torree nondence between the Archduchess Sophia, - Idsviimillan's mother, and the committf3o-whica has charge of the project to erect a montugo It to the Archduke-Emperor of Mexico. The' cOrres pondence regarded Napoleon's sabscripition to the monument, which the old Archdneheas did not want the committee to accept. —The poem which was recited In Stockholm at the inauguration of the statue of thakterolcmtid man, Charles the Twelfth, was written, ny the present King of Sweden.. His daughter, the Princess Lomaa,who listened to the mailing of the ode with radiant eyek'was the ) onl;p'Persou present on the occasion who knew that heiqather WOO the author of the pOem which waa raptnr ously applauded. , t, —The Leipsig Theatre CAroniele' contains the following warning: "We beseech, the fair readers of the Titeatre Chronicle, - for their `IMO good, to remove the so-called and much, used -PonAde de Lyons from ,their dressing cases, foithe official organ of, the physicians and dreggists of the kingdom of . Saxony asSures the public,. on the best scientific authority ; that the aforesaid po niatiani is made of human 'fat, obtained froin the Parisian dissecting,-rooms." 7-The hair of the Caprian peasant l o comen is dark, Instrous,'and heavy, massively rippled la thick furrows over low classic brows, as titian la antique Grecian and Roman statues. • Therwear it ; plaited in two long plaits, and tliet3o;b4pg half way to their heels when let down._ They.ll,Kener all; wear the plaits coiled up and,lo4,tl)rough with a long, carved silver bodidn. I,AO3tudkho, about as large as a small dagger,, termlntilos at the hilt in an open hand, , if tho wearkbi.Unmar ried; and If a married woman, you may Itnow it by the band being closed: —A. citizen of tVashnigten, whom wo Will call Mr. P.,once rang, at the door Of•the British. Minis ter, and toning the servant that bad , important business with the Minister, was ;;shown' into an ante-room, where ho ivies oboe joined by that offi cial, when the following dialogrte took place: "May I ask, sir, 'Whitt Intsinesa It is that 'you have with me?" "CertairtlY, sir; it •is this:lb passing your house I learned that you have.% whist - party here to-nighty and, us , I am remarkably fond of the game, I thought I would just stop fa and see what are trumps." The sublime impudence of the thing se amused' the Minister thst ,he In vited the intruder into the room whore the guests were assembled, and introduced hint as "Uteraoat impudent man• in America."