CITY BULLETIN. 4,,T4rartr or' A VIIIIIOIIAIO,--Wllll9.nit• Itotga.of the arm ollksggs ds Kirk, wholesale grocers, doing Misfiles' at left Arch street, died at ble residence, near . Cbelten Hill, on Saturday evening idr. Boggs wee in big fifty-first year,fand has been engage. d In We busineee upward" of thirty years, having commenced Maumee; as a clerk in Me 17th year. lie was remark ably kind and,sympathetic in his disposition, and his mend qualities made him very popular With the trade. Ills funerti will tske place onWF A neaday next, and proceed Noimment Cemetery, _ . _ AN Y. DEPENDS= PoLioa..—The retildento of the Twe . Ward have become., alarmed 'at the fro. (men f the barglarleis In that election Of our ctty and t "`" lances with which they ore perpetrated, In a ring e block , rive robberies or att wipte to , rob wore made in a *lngle week! The insufficiency of the po lice ill this Ward b 3 proverbial, and an , order toprotect themeelven, a amber of the reablente have been com pelled to ,employ private watchmen, who now patrol the etreeta nightly. LARciPTY OF MONEY -Daniel Davls,John ICU% doeeph TepOr,RobertWileon and John Devit were tu6 meted on Saturday,and taken before Alderman' Yen coatit'on the dumb of the larceny of sloo,the proierty 'of - Idrew . Hai- residing at Twenty-third and- Rare /streets. They were bold in WO to answer at Court. HOBOttraA HOTEL. - . Ellen Quinn has been held in $5OO bail by •Alderman Pancoast, for a farther bearing, on the charge of the larceny of bed clothing and other - articles, from Horner's- Hotel, on Spring 421Eirden street, near Twenty-third. SLIGHT Fzuo.—Toe roof of the restaurant of Prank Carr. at the , northeast corner of Thirty-ttritt and Cbettnat [streets. was somewhat damaged by fire on Saturday afternoon. ROIIDERT or AN Anatosr.—The Armory of the First City Troop. oa Twenty•first street, near Cheat net; Was'entered a few nikbts - sgo,- and was rolibed - of fourteen cavalry pistols." • • SoICINCIO3 FOOIOI4IO SYRUIN EINAWIIRD TONIC AND MANDIULEN PILLS will CUM CONSUMPTION. LIVRIS COIdrLaINT anti Desecrate., if ;Aitken accordlng to the directions.. They are all, three t') be taken atthe same time. They cleanse the stomach, relax the liver and put it to work; then the appetite la:Comes good; 'the food digests and makes good blood; the patient begins wgrew in flesh; the diseased Matter ripens in the I ang.s-end-the patient outgrows -the -ditlease.--and-gets - well. -- 'Thirds - the only way-to cure Consumption To these three medicines Dr.l. E. Schenck, of Phila delphia owes his unrivalled success in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption: The Palmer& Syrup ripens,the morbid matter in the lungs,natumtbrows it off by enemy expectoration, fee - when the- phlegm or matter is ripe *slight cough will throw it off, and the patient bas remand the Mega begin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Tulmonle Syrup and the food will make good blood. Schenck's- Mandrake Pills act upon . the. liver, .re. moving all obstructions, relax the ducts of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely and the liver is soon re. Ileved; the steels will-show what the Pills can do; nothing has ever been invented except calomel' (a deadly poison which is very dangerous to rise unless with great care) that will . unlock toe gall bladder and :start - the secretions of the liver like Schenck'e Man drake Pills. Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of codeampti on. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this prepatatios is made of, wrists the stomach to throw out tho gastric juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup,, and i 8 made Into good blood without fermentation or souring in the stomach. The great reason why physicians do not cure Con sumption is, they try to do too much; they give medi cine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to Stop the night sweattchectielever, - and by - so doing theyderange - the whole dim . digestive powers, locking up the secretions, and eventually the patient sinka and dies. Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, nighLaweate, chills or fever. Remove the cause, and they will all stop of their own accord. No One can be cured of ~Constimption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrlvediker, Ulcerated Throat, unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. Ifs psreon has consumption, of course the lungs -in Fome - way - are dirreased; either. tubercles, abeeeses, &melded irritation, pleura adhesion, or the. hinge are a mass of Inflammation and fast decaying. In 'stitch cases what must be done? It is not only the lungs that are wasting, but it is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Now, the only chance is to take Dr. Schenek's threemedicines,which will bring up a tone. to. the. stomach, the patient will begin to want food,- It will digest easily and make Rood blood; then the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body be gins to grow. the hinge commence to heal up, and the patient gefe fleshy and welL This is the only way to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease and only Llyer Com plaint and Dyripepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without the Palmonic Syrup. - Take the Mandrake Pills freely in all bilious cOmpleints, as they are perfectly harmless. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weighs 225 pleads, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, pis phtysicians - having pronounced his case hopeless, and abandoned him to hie fate. He was cured by the aforesaid medicines, and since his recovery many thousands similarly af flicted have need Dr. Schenck's preparations with the same remarkabie success. Direofiens for Using Schenck's Rulmonie Syrup, SOR , " toad Tonic and Mandrake Pills. Take a tabkopoonful of the Polmonle Syrup every two or three hours; when the cough is very trouble some a wjneglaesfal on going cc, bed will frequently prevent coughing all night. Schenck's Mandrake Pills are to be used according to circumstances; when the lunge are deeply diseased and the appetite nearly gone, it is best to begin with small doses, say one pill every night, or perhaps half a pill .113 sufficient, and although the patient may be feeble, vet it is necessary to empty the stomach of the slime to restore the appetite. Where lungs are not so deeply seated, the cough may ,be troublesome ; it is necessary to use the pills freely, say from four to six, once a week, and in some stubborn cases eight or ton am necessary, and one or two every night. They are perfectly harmless, and act more promptly on the liver than blue mass cr calomel, Two-thirds of the cases of Consumption are caused by a disordered state of the stomach and liver, and sometimes it takes a long time and heavy doses of the Pills to unlock the ducts of the gall bladder, so that the bile can flow from the liver. The Seaweed Tonle 3.1 taken immediately after eating; a wine glass full is the proper dose, bat less at a time will do when the stomach is very weak; it is perfectly harmless and can be taken at any time, bu t it acts 'on the food at once after eating, and it is a very paheable and gentle stimulant. Not only in Con sumption; bat these met icines are used for many other diseases; wheneJor the stomach and liver are iu fault they Ewe to remove it, andif these medicines are taken in any kind or reasonable time there would be no call for Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Kidney Disease, Gravel,Gont, Rheumatism, Jaundice, Paralysis, Female Complaints, and all bilious or in termittent lovers, for nothing of this kind can occur when the liver and stomach are in a healthy condi tion. The Pills alone are sufficient to remove almost any ordinary kind of bilious derangements, and which must be done to feel well, eat good food and have good, healthy4aomatn to digest it and make it into blood; this is all there Is to be done in order' to prevent all the above named diseases, and that is all Dr. Schenck -dues to cure Consumption. Got the stomach and liver to work and make good blood, and the patient will grow in flesh, and the lunge will heal • op When a person has Consumption, or even a. cough. 4 the stomach, and liver are more or less in a torpid state; in fact, the inactive state of these organs is fre kt queenly the canoe of the cough. When In this State mucus forms iu the stomach. It gets loaded with I slime, the appetite becomes poor, for there is no room r for fcod; the entreaties membrane -of the bronchial tube betwmes irritated and diseased, sympathetically, et „.from a disordered stomach. Coated tongue, constipa,- uV tion, dlarrinsa, sick headache, ulcerated throat and ra canker, all proceed from the disordered state of the 111 stomach and liver; and diseased tangs cannot be dr; healed until those organs perform their healthy tone tat done. no Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Schenek's Mandrake t ,„ Pi,le are required in nearly every case of Consumption; `'`'• fur the appedte should ne restored as soon as possible, ere_ in order to get the Pulmonic Syrup to act as an expect torant, to relieve the lungs of the mucus and matter. The. St aweed Tonic will restore the appetite as soon as the Mandrake Pills cleanse the stomach, even when the bowels are leggier. and often in diarrbcea. It is proper to take the pills in small doses,"especially if the appetite is poor. To take medicines to stop a cough, night-sweats ; arid creeping chills, will soon stop the patient. Such remedies muigate the disease di bat never cure. Make good, healthy blood, and that will heal the lunge, and all those symptoms will disappear, as they are all -caused by diseased lungs. Null directions accompany each, mak ing it not absolutely necessary to personally see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs ex amined, and tot this purpose he is professionally at Lis Principal O ffi ce, Philadelphia , • every Saturday, where all letters for advice must be addressed. He to also professionally at No.-32 Bond street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover street, Borden, every otr er. Wednesday. He gives advice e ' free, but for a thorough examination with his Respi k: remoter the price is $5. Office hours at each city from AA. M. to 3 P. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic each $1 Lo per bottle,-or $7 50 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. Tint Fins Awra.—D'Huyvarran's CoLLlceriorr AT Tux ADALZMY.—One hundred and seventy-els palnttnga, by D - usseldorf and Belgian paintera of more ' 1 ';• or has note, aro now hung for examination in the eastern gal leries of the Academy of Fine Arta. M D'ilayvetter. who has brought us some of the beat examples of those Schools that we have ever had, au -. periutends this importation. The paintings may be classed as gpoti furnhshing pictures, jusi adapted (or 5 4 . - that commodious refuge rafted 'the home of task)." nastily examining the collection on Baturday,we were favorably Impressed with a very sunshiny little Bosch, called - " One, AWO, three" (No. 125.) This artist ea. joys the distinction—rare for a Belgian —of being fa vorably noticed by Ruskin, in the fast part of "hi ,dery Pointers " Henrietta Renner and David Col together have eninposed a very good Interior with dogs, No. I44.—We cannot undertake, however, to specify the individual names signed upon these inetures, among THE DAILY EVENINGIAILLETIN - 7 - rniLADELPMI MONDAY; PEPEMBEIrt4; 1868 ;1 , , rochlch' isidY:itenOthied ipihh 'faioritet IPS :do *:" Ilockkbeki Pottielle, Ten Kate. Elarsog:.:Verechtteq` and Sondem:Ann.. .The time granted for inotetriatinn is ehort,„as the sale will take' place on thneVeiltelts . of Thursday and Pridny, the 17th ant tatit tustente,under the management of B. Scott, Jr. An the condition of : hurry and bustle, however, to which most people are reduced during' the fortnight.befores Christmas, We will suffice f9pench • a double-pressure Inspection as will secure some of these eligible decorations for , toll- , HOLIDAY GOODB.—we particular attention of all that aro about to Make presents.tto the Bale 'at Messrs. - Birth t Sous' auctien store. No. -1110:Ohest-_ not street, this.evening. at 734 - o'clock. They, have a. largerassortment of floe goods on exhibition that;most bo sold, comprising • rrench _,bronzes, sSwiss carved wood work, French toys, fine perfumery,' toy houses and many other goods suitable for holiday , presents. A Mzbakrunir, EmolciAlpmpre, to be pbtatned for twenty eentB, ithe "Old ,Franklin Almanac for 1869." It 10 fairly crammed with neon') and valuable information:and will serve as an almost Indispensable book of reference tbrolthont the coming year. A. Wineb,Publieber, 506 Chestnut street. CITY ,NOTIOES. - FINE 1300i8 AND Cia.rricus.--HelWeg, the In comparable cordvrainer,on Arch street, next door to — the 'corn er cif Sixttr,rhaa a really - elegant stock-of-Vine Calf and Patent . I.eather Boots and Gaiters of ex quisite make and finish, which he is selling at prices to snit the limes. Gentlemen who aro fastidious in this particular should call on Mr. Ifelweg, as he uses only the'best material and , employe the finest work men In the city. We have worn boots made byllel weg, and therefore speak by the cark Arch, below Sixth, north,side, la the location.:,.. Mix ONNT OR LADY wishing to make A Chrlatmas present of Fine and Handsome Fars can get the cheapest at Qakford's, 884 and 886 Ohestant street. _ . , THE L est EST HOTEL BARE 111 the ,country that in the Asti:mm.6:n Hoses ' Boston. The American - Is an - agreeable stopping placa. in the centre of busi ness, and supplied, with; every modern improvement. CLeTuits WAlN°sas from e; t it o o s l4 lo .i, Co. W4retecnni, 2,0 922 Dock below Walnut E. G. Will'l'MAN '456 Co.'s Onntsrues CONEMO. Trons.-L-The wants of the:holiday_.season_ are always more thoroughly anticipated and more richly supplied by Ailesers. E. G. Whitman ;& Co., No. 818 Chestnut street, than by any other house In the confection line. - Alt their preparations 'are - pure, - healthinl and deli SrsciAt, Airao/iOrt la called to tho large and superior stock of fancy goods, umbrellas, sc., at Dix on's, 21 South Eighth street - . , • GREAT REDUCTIONIS, HATS 411.413 , BONNETS.-- , We invite attention to the great reduction In prices of their Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, by Messrs. Wood & Cary, No. '125 Chestnut street. Their stack of these and all their Millinery Goods is the richest in the city, all of which they are selling from this date far below east. *HEARTED RAILWAY ENGEMEE says .10'er a xaanif he can help it; mama A Ti he never Ttlli up the engine s& Cummas SToxll4, never allow a garmont to leave their FIIIBT-OLA6S CUSTOMER CLOTIIING BOMB unless it is a perfect tit, and entirely satisfactory to the pure:baser. The First Pantaloon Cutterin the Union la employed at CUMCLISS STOKES & Co.'s, No. 824 Chestnut street.. 'Rowan's Gam Arable Secrete—Use them for your Cough and pulmonary troubles. Depot Sixth and Vine. Price 115 cents. = Sold "ba Druggists. • - Conics, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfallY treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Chagos nioderaW DRY, HAREIII, lINZJANAGRA73LR HAiR, is soon rendered soft andglossy by Jayne's Hair Tonic, properly applied. This article, by stimulating the scale, promotes the growth of the hair and prevents it faille g out. It is also a capital dressing for the hair, and cleanses it from dandruff. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne It Son. 242 Chestnut street. VERT FINE BLecns , TEA At 86e.-by the Chest,' htlyouira. it-FLarrougn, 120 Chestnut street A GOOD investment for any , Gent at the present time, is to Go, to °Word's, under the Continental, and purchase one of the latest • Styles of Hats or Cape. Qtrurr and-sootbiTihe pain of children teethine— Use Bower's Infant Cdtilial. Sold by all Druggists. NEW BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT, Choice F amity Fleur, for sale by hfrrOLIELL & Fixrennu, MI Chestnut Street Summer. INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sun dries. BEAMEDS BLINDNESS AND CSATARREG J. /macs, , D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this °thee, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. iLOTSINO• JONES' . ()NM-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE 004 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for 'Custom Work. DUX aooie. J. CH AMBERS, NO. 810 ARC El STREET, BARGAINS FROM AUCTION:: French Embroidered Mkt's. Childrfrea Embroidered Mkt& Hdkfs, all styles. Embroidered Linen Setts, Bargains. • REAL LACE GOUDA. Real Valencionne Mikis Pointe applique Mikis from $4 00. Pointe de Gaze, from $l5 00. Point Applique Colton, ve cheap. THREAD yz ry u 3. Coffieurs Barbee, Sto. Bought at the late French Sales at about ball of the cost of Importation. del4-12t* MARKET ce, o icke NINTH l ei ... 4' & 03141 ®AY 04. F, r i g Of subetantial worth and ahvays of an acceptable kind may be eelected from our large, varied and fresh stock. than which none In our line Is superior. We have reduced many goods,and suggest our superb Cloaking Stock. Cloaks, $4 to 5125. Shawls, 51 to 670.. Desirable Poplins. Dlerinoes, 50c. up. Cheap Blankets. Every Kind Quilts. Merrimack Prints. Elournlog Goods. 2S cent Dress Stuffs. Handkerchiefs. Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Cuffs, ate. _ seas w am INDIA SHAWLS AND MAUS. GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHIISTDIUT STREET, Invitee attention to his stook of Real - India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also. an elegant stock of SILKS in Slack' and Coloin FANCY SILK PLUSSES. POPLINS. ONAVirLS and FA NOY ROODS. India bhivirli and Beads Attered,Repalred and Cleaned in a OUVOriOr manner. 30 511nre4 SNOWDEN & BROMINE, 23 South Eighth tared. DKr 600X* .*44.40N.8.-1::.:;':::..'-: . :**413;:Al..i'8.'-!'1' FINB,.:i'DRY -. :::GOODS HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! EDWIN HALL -& Nck f , 2,oBoimi!Ecopa .. .p:A.T.a. Will offer from to-day their large and 'elegant stock of NEWLY IMPORTED DRY GOODS At Such 3Prioes As will insure - RAPID SAIES Thus Offeriog to the public UNU S UAL A'DVANTAGES To select from ono of tho f largest and best selected atoclM to be fonfid in tbis city, conStsting in . part of iIILKS.DLACK AND COLORED. • - •--FASHIONABLE DRESS fOODS.----- • - SILK CLOAK VELVETS. • - • SILK 'FLUSHES ALL slurp Es. FINE ASTRACHAN CLOTHS.- , • • • MONTAGNAO VELVET CLOTHS. • DESIRABLE CLOAKINOS. • BROCHE AND BLANKET' SHAWLS. LACES AND LACE GOODS. • EMBROIDERIES. NECK TIES. - - HANDKERCHIEFS, VEILS. 'EMBROIDERED LINEN AND - • - LACE SETS, LACE COLLARS. &o. TABLE LINENS,-TABLE CLOTHS;-TOWELS, &o. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. -- BLANKETS. MARSEILLES RIPIiTS. FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, &o. "DUCHESS " SKIRTS.. ' " LA BELLE HELENE " SKIRTS. ° STRIPE SKIRTINGS, Aa. LOW-PRICED DELAINES. DRESS GOODS AND CALICOES. EDWIN HALL & CO., NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND.ST. dell. w St - BARGAINS FOR TEE iTOLIDAYS AT THE Ere e-lliv-e.” J. W. PROCTOR •SeCO. will offer during the holidays an elegant assortment of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. chiefly purchased at the recent LARGE AUCTION SALES, at about one-half the importation cost, comprising FANCY DRESS GOODS in large variety, from 26c. to $1 50 per yard. DRESS SILKS AND, SATINS. RICH BROOKE AND PAISLEY SHAWLS, From $l6 to $l5O. . FINEST QUALITY FURS IN RUSSIAN SABLE. HUDSON BAY SABLE, AMERICAN SABLE. ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, do. REAL ASTRACHAN BACQUES, MUFFS and HATS. FINE CLOAKS, a splendid collection in VELVET, PLUSH., MONTAGNAC VELVET CLOTH, --iffLACKEI AND COLORS; RICH ASTRACHAN AND SEAL CLOTHS; also, OPERA AND PARTY CLOAKS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHING GOODS, SCARFS. TIES, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, PLAIN AND FANCY HDKFS., FRENCH SETS, do. HOSIERY AND GLOVES CIF ALL KINDS. DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. and other useful and ornamental articles too multitudinous to enumerate. all of which will be sold AT A GREAT SACRIFICE from the original cost. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The "Bee Hive," NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. 4 0.41 K , LINEN STORE, S2B .Arch Street. FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. LINEN HANDICE - PbOHIEFS, A Splendid Stook! ELLSS FINE TABLE CLOTHS, FINE NAPKINS, VICTORIA TABLE COVERS, FINE PIANO COVERS. A Great Mark Dowft in Price& Surplus Stook Selling Off. LA 47 Fourth and Arch. r NAVE REM:DIED , SOME DESIRABLE AND SEA. SONS BLE GOODS, AS MUCH AND PERHAPS MORE, THAN (YI HERB FOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS. EV °NB SD.B. VELVRTS. EXYENBIVE LONG itiLIAWLS. FIR-T QUALITY VOPLI 4 e. BFBT AsTRAOAN CLOTHS. • VELVETEENS AND PLoSlißia. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. ALL-WOOL PLAIDS AND PLAID POPLINS. SIGNIME ..J.; : :: , .:4:' , ;....0:! : AF'5i'.•0i1;. 1012 and 1014 CHESTNUT STREET. Ca., In great variety, at oneAitlf theifformer PrIM. 50,000 YARDS DRESS GOODS, To be sold . withont - raferenoe - to - tomer Pvlees embracing .1118 entire stock of Winter Textures, every yard of which mast be _sold before the_ ._ close of the year. Black Silks, Black Poplins, Bombazines. Black Serges, Crapes, Lte., 2 Cases Heavy,PoplinAlpapa a 50e. D' YS . IS NOW PREPAB.ED TO OFFER GREAT BARGAINS - - IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. As FOLLOWS: F.A.wcx SILK S SILK-CHAIN ROLLED_ POPLINS Reduced to 50 Gts. MOURNING GOODS. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. . Point Lace Collars, Point Lace Setae Valenciennes Collars, Beal Lace Shawls, Handkerchiefs in new stylee. Linen Collars, Cuffs, &a. WHITE GOODS. Edgings and Inserlings, French Muslims. Nainsooks. Hoop Skirls. Muslin Skirls. - Duchess Skirts and Skirting. INDIA CAMEL'S HAIR BRAWLS. India Son.rfb. Fine Brooke Shawls, French Blanket Shawls, Tartan Plaid Shawls; English 'Hosiery. Fine Merino Shifts and Drawers, Merino Iltoeklege. Merino Half Hose, and Drawee, Fancy Wm, Engllth Umbrellas, &conc. KID GLOVES. 500 doz. Hid Gloves at $1 10, Every pair warranted perfect, or -e;c/tanged if not 80. French Cloth Gloves, Children's Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Neckties. Satin Scarfs ROBES DE CHAMBRE, FRENCH CHINTZES, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers French Bonneti, At a Great Sacrifice. , - ...;,..,,..,.4•,...;,.,,,....„, T. ..:,_. 1., , , READY-MADE FINE THE 'EXPO TO EL The, Bele Lea commenced, and le now, in OAK ,HALLT ----- TEE , LARGEST CLOTHING ROUSE or THE ,CITY; Prices below the Cost of Nanufactung. OVERCOATSSi - all styles. 7 SUITS,' every description. PANTS and - VESTS, ht undreds of varieties. A DEMOTION OF 15 PER CENT' Oa allCash' Sales The Very Best Made, at Heavy Rodnetiones 25 Per Cent. Discount ON - ALL OF GENTS'- FURNISHINa GOODS:. Determined to close out quickly the Stock of the late firm, no other house can apProseit the low prices at which we are Wing off, as the large crowds who have filled' the atom all the week can testily. All these goods are of our own excellent make and satisfaction warranted. House open from . 7 A. M. to 9P. M., and Saturday Night later. - Any garment bought at night or any other time cheerfally_exchanged, and, when not able to Salt the customer, the money returned, according to our custom for years past. An extra force of salesmen in attendance, and most careful attention given to all. We are glad the Peep' e appreciate the opportunity, and are getting such Bargain. We have still an Immense Stock. DRY GOODII• DUNK - LE & DREISBACH;. SPECIAL REDUCTION OF r .1a 'Y Gr . 0 0 FOR THE HOLIDAYS. - '3 more Cases Black Alpacas frOM New York Auction. Lease of Block Alpaca Poplin for Walking Suits. Striped Pot Ime reduced from 75e. to 25e. per yard. Black and Wined Velveteen,. 8,000 yarns choice style Detainee. 18 20, 52 and 25 cent per yard. Merino, 2 yards wide, at 75 cents per yard; four yards for a dress patt,rn. BARGAINS FOR THE LADIES Handkerchiefs, Nackaies,Glover.and the only place in the city where the real . French Bows Are Sold. A few more left. Something nice for CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Also. a large selection of Ladies' Laos Collars, Linen Collars and Cuffs; Lace and Embroidered Handker chiefs. -- - Splendid Cloth Cloves and Elan torn' cent a pair. Towels. Table Cu the, Napkins, blankets. Counter. panes, Cotton Flannels. All Wool Ftannela, Diaper Linen, Bird Eye. die, Great reduction in Lyons Bleak Silk Velvet to close out before the let day of January. 1869. Persons brasglng this advertisement with them will have a lib.ral discount made from their purchases. Call at the Large Four• Story Store. 140 E. Eighth Street, above Arch, DIINKLE Ac DELEISIB&CEI. SPECIAL NOTICE. Te store will be kept open every evening until 8 o'clock. from now until New Year. for toe aecommoda. Lion of the public. ' deli B,m.wslOrpk, EYRE & LANDELL Y Vourth and Arch. REDUCTION IN PRICES FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Magnificent Shawls. Expensive Silks. , Fashionable Pooling. Desirable Cloaking:l. 4 - 4 Pure Silk Velvets. • Stripe Satin Skirtings. • Stripe Poplin Skirtings. Grand Duohess Skirts. Belie Helene Skits, First Quality Astraoana. MOO Yards DELAINES for Preoente for the Helps of the . house. 6,000 Yards Fast Colored CHINTZES. do. do. 2,000 Yards 4.4 French CIIINTZEJ. do. do. BARGAINS IN. BANDRIRCHIEFP, GLOVES, Cif LLABO v ICIIEVALABILNEORTIES• i„,• 727 011ESTNIIT STREET 727 REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP &CO. No. '727 Chestnut Sfreet„ OFFER TODAY 50 Cases of Imported Dress Fabrics, At 25 ants per yard, worth doable the price. RICKEY SHARP& CO No. 727 Chestnut Street. Gavin i.i'..,'li: ~ :jig . - . .','±',:; . .. 4.:5i'i . 1...6r .. - ,: if , .. r ''..' : • , • r , "Aa per Arrangement With F'IMILt-IPFZO4S4-36M16 - 6 We are rapidly SELLING OFF. FOR SHORT, TIME BOYS' CLOTITING. WANAMAKER & BROWN, VIE LARGEST CIATHING-14°U8E1 THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MAREETSTREETS. =i== CLOTHING; the, Custom" Department. OAK HA.LL CLOTH HOUSE. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOT HI E R With to lieeip tem° the mane the fact, that they aim to keep the bused and most varied mock of all deealytiona of CLOTHE TO BB FORD PHILIDILPIILL STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL CLOTH HOUSE; Corner of Eighth and Market Sts. INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS, For Holiday Gifts. On exhibition a large dock at leaa than nand primp& CURVIER STODDART & 13110.„ 450, 452 and 454 Sera Second Street. 13roche Long Shawls Of New Onefirda front recent Auction Batas, pt MO. 819. ®l4. 81& $lB and EIV). A full line of superb: grades In Penis and Viennese Fabrics, Prom iitZ to $lOO. ALL AT REDUCED 'WOES. CIIRWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452 and 454 Norlh Second Streets CLOAKING VELVETS, At e 8 60. $7. $B. $9 and $lO. A full lino of LYONS VELVETS, compthing all width, and gradea, AT REDUCED PRICES. CIIRWEN ISTODDMIT an BRO., 450, 452 and 454 North. Second Street. deli IMO STRAWBRIDGE& CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner Eighth and Market. Sto. • TO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS BOARDING-HOUSES 'AND SHIPPING. We have a special wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cot'on Sheeting, Towehi, Napkins, Biagio Bad an &Berth Blankets, and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. AU tho above kind of goods made uP at short notice, if desired. EXTRA NOTICE. JOHN W. THOMAS Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Invites especial ilittentiosi to his LARGE and ELEGANE assortment of Staple and Fancy 110 JR, "Sr Or 0 COD S 9 SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The entire Ito& Is offered at tile Very Lowest • Priem arm 41 11:4.4 ',VIVI rt 'Saddlers, Ilarness.Blakers, 11101tufate. turere ofd Witting. Boots, NbOegi&ali p find it to their Interest to nee our UNIIIvALL MACHINE TWIST mid the "Milford Linen Tureen.. Manufactured expreeely for ue from the beet mahertai„ and warranted a superior article. • TOE 1111‘61131111iPitivACTIUBING•COOP 1111 t • m mfacturers an d Prop: ietore of the BINGEN tonnage kIAOtILNE. 1g0.1106 Cb.leVrt)ititglfr_pe i' t.. trvitivre uuurteit. ages FiIIERANT.TRIAN.—OHNULNE OUTEttA.Nt .11141.1 r I) in 5 and 10 lb. cane', for oda by J. D. BURNER $ 000, Illeouth Potwar° (minty).