HIMI:NSEIB N0'1'1431194 'llllFei IBlllauretatiteo estk.trrices Viewer litattl ilimierreeteberrtieretidnomsaraeteefoll mitidactice to every truchaser; or the , sale cancelled :said money refunded:. Ineettenes to Ova Pommies —To fully early oat the above badness ride et the , present Orme we At aliPerD ida; imam Our stock at Idea's. Teethe: Hord And Children'. Beady-made Clothing. which le large, meopkge and comprehensive maugh to ashram all desirable etylee.eir.ee and Aber nine. limn. Komi Menninetared for that ea. Pedal pirrPose To inane thistve hitend to con thine, as heretofore, to`glve all omenstomers Uwe Vnaturrou Tema MOTURC then they. =mallet ebitr ahem. uniler any ana all cirounistance4 on no. bear our prices, and examine our roods before purchasing, "half way between j Barreirry& Co., Fifth and Towers Harz. Sixth streets. bit Mom= ST.. . s " too BnoLowair New YORK 160 inedlociaio irl , er appeared •Willa boo iter vouchers, fait. gieceral arra substantial exc.), leper than the Peruvian Syrup. Invalids,. especially Otsse n 1 60'1141 from dYmepsio of dabllltyy, should send to J. P. DihilliltatE.436 Day street, New York. for Ntsl pfilet Wet tree). concemins thl4 retnarkble remedy. Hat irgg4i tlAtioa. pIANOs. ETANoti. tiREAT SALE OF ELEGANT. ROSEWOOD ir,&.,Atto AT AN EXTRAORDINARY ktEDOLICION cm }quota. MIMI DUMMER lffr. 1868, TO JANUARY ler. 18139. Wit navy swots. ncoocrrion or panne ON OVR mann gnu nom OP sursatota Ann nr.strristn. Boeucwoon ri- ADM% AS VOIAOS B. 'VIZ.: ta. II Cleo $4OO for 01250. Na. • 7Claas $575 for $426. 4. 1 a d 0 0 . r fid gf f er dr 2 ,011 75. N ri o. o. 9 8 . d ll O O , 650 600 r i ot er . 4 5,1 50. ta. 4do 476 for frt. No.lo do 700 for: 650. ab do 500 ler OM Square Grand 600 for 609. saw 6 do 650 for 4011 tJoneertGrandl2oofor 875. We rffer the above great inducements to those wishing t porehaso at baronies before the holidays. We have She lamed assortment of instruments on .hand that has ever been offered in this ; pity. and are determined to time out our present large mock at.mmulanureraViast seat totem.. Every inatruinent is warranted to give SI Uefaction; and at these low prices we place within the reach of every ono the opportunity of obtaining one of "Justly eePlwrated and highly improved Pianos." Call and examine them at our new and beautiful WMIBitOCMet , ~...._ No. 1103 , Cheetnutstreet. ittillOid.a.u.nEll PLello MILATIrAC rURING CO 31•25.5..e404 deal§ y ri ggi 4l STECK & C 0 & HPIANO AINES BROS'. & _ .041E7 .AND with the new w ldlg e O s MiTAN ORGANS. VOX AUMANA Vvery inducement (lentil() purchasers. '• J. E. GOULD. No. 928 Chestnut street. m atn6 Manufacturer amEtingebilltvANVl AND -raz received l the Priz l e illgs al at t rra V er i =el gra Vta l atZ el lAsr ''. '"'"x"TT:rdtfich ilftSTa.l h WAY'S YIANOd Rh:Ur:Wel) ktiE highest award tfirPt gold med..l) at tho Interns rbibition„ Paris. DM. Bee Ufticial Report, at the Wareream of - BLABIUS.BROd., AMP: ' N 0.1006 Chestnut strerd. frwil3 BE I.IIIIO.KERINO PleNcitl Ha:PAVED the highest award at the Paris . Exposition, DUTTON'S Wareroome, 914 Chestnut street. se2l,tfq EVENING BULLETIN. Monday, December 14, 1868. NATIOfiAi. TELNAFIVION. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury shows that with some modcrate economy in the expenditures of the Government the an on) total can be kept withins2so,ooo,ooo. Of this, one-half is needed tor interest on the debt, theitst for the cost of governing. liew•as we receive, one ytiatmith another, ever $150,000,000 from customs, we have under $lOO 000,000 to be raised from all other sottrees. It is the settled • drspositlon of the sentry that as much of this as possible shall be raised by the excise on spirits and tobacco. And as the balance can be covered by the sales of stamps, and by some other sources of revenue, .it is very clear that there is no occa sion (hat the odious Income tax should con thaw totelevied for another year. It need scarcely be -said, however, that Ito inch common-sense view is to be found is the Secretary's •report.. Common sense, in— dick-and that fturctionttry have long ceased to be on terms. 'This Act must be evident to every one who reads his report and obseives that: First-4n the face of the fact that we are increasing (as he states) by some sixty mil lions annually our foreign indebtedness, which he estimates as already eight hundred and Any millions, and which is thus growing year by year by our over-importations of foreign luxuries, he actually advises a reduction Of the tariff. SeeClid—at is the wellsettled conviction of our people that in honorably meeting all our, engagements, we do ,enough, and that there is no reason why this generation should Impose upon itself the paying off of the prin- Opal of the national debt. In the face of this. the Secretary wishes to raise by internal taxa tion one hundred and seventy-tive millions per annum for the express purpose of reducing the debt. Third—lt is .thogertera. conviction that the country is now •very' prosperous tinder its „paper currency, and .that whilst a return to specie payment must not be lost sight of, it is a measure that must await a spontaneous appreciation of the currency. That whilst legislation might be useful to bring about a resumption when gold •should fall to 5 or 10 per ocent premium, any attempt to force it ,under other circumstances would probably re2nft in disaster, and - eventitaliy fail after amusing much misery. Bat the Secretary appears, in favor of attempting this by lone. If, as we have shown, hisviews have little lo do with common sense, it is fortunate that they will have no weight with Congress, which body will, there is little doubt, be guided by wiser counsels than those of ,fir. McCulloch. Affairs in the'East are approaching a crisis en more rapidly than we anticipated. " "Sthont waiting for the appointed five days given by Turkey, the Grecian government has answered the Sultan's uitimatum With a fromptness that proves a predetermined pehey, and the consciousness of strength gained from •powerful support. Greece has refused to yield a single point to the demands of Turkey, but still claims the right to aid the brave Cretans in their unequal struggle. The Prince of Wales, in some sort represent - kig England, the ally of Turkey, and the King of Denmark, father of the Sing of • Greece, have united in urging the latter to an cent the Sultan's terms, and pinveat a tern'- , ble—perhaps a general war, But the Grecians obstinate; and we are informed that their relations with Turkey will be immediately itlittspended. The result possibly may ad'act 'these two powers only But it is not likely . ,lhat the war will have such narrow A: weak government like that of Greece would not have dared to act so deli 4, sully unless with the assurance of assistance ',near at hand. it would have been suicidal madnesti. Russia is the power upon which it 4elies and upon the Czar probably rasa+ the ' . .tzsesponallity for the present very unpleasant fg nation of Wawa' Turkey has bigua al . ready to concentrate troops upon the 4.4 ream ‘ 0 .40 , frontier. The first blow will be the sigual .Ip:toren:lied luterVention on the part of It testa ''r,ifitnd in snub an event, it fa impossible to per,. teiVB how England and Frames can avoid bu `COP2ing involved in the istrife. So, the peace of Europe' is 'laud" to be broketiin a dheetion away, freak whioh all eyes have been - turned for ' many- months past. Instead-of fighting' , with Prussia, Napoleon will twee even a more powerfni adversary to contend agaltitt, and While a war may dispel revoluthmary ideas in the minds , of his people for the present,it is not impossible that Pnissia may seize the opportunity to carry out her schemes of annexation, and aggrandize her , self so thg , there will be frOsik 01128f3 for content fir Prance when the War is ended. The cable news daring the next two or three days promises to be interesting and im- We shall: publish to-morrow very able and eloquent report ppon Indian . affairs, which the Right-Rev. Bishop Whipple has Just presented to the EpiscoPal Board of Mitt -alone. Bishop -Whipple has /ong nwle ttie condition of the Tudiani hie special study, and their , civilLzaticui his special mission. He has jtuit returned from Fort Wadsworth, where he has been engaged- in distributing supplies among the destitute Indians. In a private letter Bishop Whipple says: "I reached home to day from Fort Wadsworth. It has been a perilous journey, a part tif it over prairies as dreary and desolate as, any country I ever saw, for I had from six to fifteen inches of snow, and a part'of the time one of the'moat terrible storins I ever met. , The stopping places were the poorest, dirtiest log shanties, some as cheerless and as dirty as any attic in your city, and for diet salt pork and sakeratus bread. * * * I - am overpaid;'-in \ the thought that God has kindly permitted me to 'save'ma y poor creatures from death :'You have no idea of the want of this people. • I knew them six years ago, `and : I . thought they were the finest specimens of Indians I ever knew, but poverty and sorro,w haye changed them so that it made heart ache. * * * I am worn out with the trip, and, it seems, ten years older, but I am overpaid." 1103 Chestnut street, . Philadelphia. FAMILY FLOUR. In Lob to suit GROCERS, or by tbe singe Barrel, For Sale by J. EDWARD ADDIOKS. 1230 MARKET STREET. re 26 MR A. D'HUYVETTER'S (OF ANTWERP) COLLECTION OF HIGHEST CLASS PAINTINGS, NOW ON EXHIBITION IN THE Pennsylvania Academy of Fine .Alts, (EASTERN GALLERIES.) To bo Soft] on the Evenlnto ol Thursday and lEo.riday, December 17th and 18th, AT Od J.CLOUR, AT SCOTT ' S ART GALLERY 1020 CHES rNUT STREET. a. libtr% SCOTT, Jr. viunts! liFlTErdig A. E. & F. E. WOMRATE1 0 No. 1212 Chestnut Street tLate etand4l7 ARCH Street), ,ARE SELLING 01#1161ren 7 e Sets of Euro at 966 ',admen ! , #6l4l6eriew egtarrel el eta,9B Upwards 6, Rink Sable 44 $lO 66 tierinan liter" 46 $l5, 6# 64 biome elartea " 1 920 o 64 Royal .16 rmlne 66 940 66 "H ueson Ilayt6able u SR) " 46 Itneetlan Sable o 0100 66 MUSH ERB CI RA SRAII iG UFO, k, FUR GLOW, FOOT RUM, LAP BLANKIII3;` A great variety*, Carriage and Sleigh Robes. A. K. & F. K. WOMBATS, No 1212 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. suaq-a an w 4mrci JE" .7EL At 30 per cent. lose than Invoioe Prices tourlS GERBER, No. 825 A.reh street, ouir way bt to nen Eighth and Ninth, north tido s ) *ND 1011 s riteevr, RAS REDUCED 1118 BPLENDIU 8 COOK ON' PLIES SO PEE CENT. LEBd T'aAN V01(14 Eltlt.l/313. Itgr" 7ho anode have be Import d• and manotattured by bitot u- 1. and are warranted to be tot reproveuunL dtn 181, A statement has been published by Mr. Chas. S. Landis, the son-in-law of Commo dore Mea'de, in reference to the recent con_ flnement of the latter in the Bloomingdale Asylum. From this document it appears that Mr. Landis was in no way concerned in the Commodore's removal to the Asylum, which was done by and with the consent of members of his own family. 'LOU R. Christmas Presents. The best and most suitable 'Present to a friend or the needy is a barrel of oufl"J B. WELCH" FIRST. PRE MIUM F LOUR, and a bag or half barrel oTERLANG`B "hiOUNTATN" BUCKWHEAT HEMS warrant/33 an perior to any in the market. Constantly on bend the beat assortment of different brands FLOUR,-HUMAN and BYE MEAL. HOPS. GEO. F. ZEHNDER, ode wt to tiFa2ourth and Vine: AUOTIODI SAIF,E!4. FURS. Inc. H. P:4, 0. H. TAYLOR. WERIIJIII it 41111 D 'MILE V SOAPS, 641 timid 648 S. Muth Wool. THE DA/PT ENTRINO,BITL4Vii - "TWILAD ' lll 4, lUMDAYOIMUNSIBM 1868. 00oOnd Week Of :the GREAT SALE of READY. MADE CLOTHING, as per arrangement with, EXECUTORS. Priees Atill Down and Stook being Rapidly Sold. 0 W is your beet opportunity for a GREAT BARGAIN PINE CLOTHING WANAMARER 4SZ BROWN'S. 800 otheriiireiti sar'Open from 4 A. M. to DP. M. .V.AXACA 0-040313 es. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR Se_X. cor. Chestilu(An4 013yezik_Streets. Lord_ Chesterfield Clothes. Neither Lord Chesterfield, nor-any other man oftpast generations, could get as beautiful clothes, as well-fitting clothes, as well made clothes, as durable clothes, or as desirable clothes, in any respect, as you can now buy, for a mere trifle, at the great BROWN STONE HALL. In olden times, good - clothes were .worn only by , the wealthy few. But now the great public some with their cash; and, in Chesterfield, Sacks, Cheviot Overcoats, Beaver Cloth, Trisat, and other materials„, look a great deal NANA* than even old Chesterfield himself ever did. ROCKHILL & WILSON BOYS' CLOTHING. COOPER & CONARD, B. E. corner Ninth and Market. • We have an umumally large stook. It La remarkably well.fitrlug. Oar prim are as low aethe lowest elsewhere. nol:'map EL LIEINLEWS WURNIOJEKING 610000 ESHLEMAN BROS. WILL ()PEI AI MIX nvex OF NIUE /%7' 'S FURNISHING GOODS ON DECEMBER 15th, AT (3 1.2 1 1 CHESTNUT STREET, The Best-Fitting and Best-Made s ri I ]Et 7E` OF THE DAY 18 The "Improved Pattern Shirt," AT TEIE OLD STAND OF JOHN C. ARRISON ) Noe. 1 and 8 North Sixth Street, tndBVIITT . Valhla B lven 84nntht 5 1 IeitL V h ave Decd i(6 l fA.Aft PAaTIxULARS. Alto. a merlor ageortment of Grentleznen's Goode, Suitable for the matron, oomPriana BILE ILERINO. WOOL. and COTTON Under Shirts and Drawers, Wrappers; Steaks, Collare,Searte,ThavOlove^ - lidkfe e te. DO4-1V e m rp2in London and Voirls Styles FOR CHRISTI:I.AS PRESENTS. WM. A. PRO VVN & CO., WATCURS _ AND MUSICAL BOXES 103. t 's - Ap, Pawl by aklllful workmen. FA RR dr BROTHS'S. 091 Imp neve of liNchno, etc.. Meetnuf irtreetg. Deww Fourth. Lord Chesterfield was a gay old fellow; A gay old fellew was he; He died on the twenty-fourth of March, In seventeen seventy-three. A splendidly gotten up sort of a man, From hie hat to the tips of his toes;-- But what he was chiefly famous for - Was the elegant style'of his clothes. In Chesterfield's day they bad to pay For a coat to put on one's back, Five times as much as you do, to-day, For the finest Chesterfield Back. ' And, if you inquire the reason why They bad to pay so much more, We answer; they then had' no such thing AS ROCKHILL & WILSOFB STORE. COME-AND BUY OF Great Brown Stone Clothing ilaßs, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, 1101.11111/111( 'GOODS. UMBRELLAS OF THE •LATEST run OUR BY 24433 Market St. ii(4lW-Tp ' HOLIIIPAIr GINNIM-7z: Tun oxram.A.lr , -, ..• - ::;...• . :.: , .. - :....:.: . - : :-..,.. , ft.pb"p - A . T , .. - ...:,.._:,•••••:...::..:-..'••• c.0...,:NF.-E.--0,..'T..1'0'...',N.'.S NOW READY. The largest 'and most virled stock of TLAJELIE ANTED TV-MW CONFECTIONS LOP TIM rnsiti7 QVAL:ITY. Bon-Bons, Brilliant, Bon-Boni, Commis. Bons-Bona„ Viotorlag, Crystallized and Mooed - Waits; Whitsit;t o igits' Plataoho andOrgeat Past e. Chestnuts and Choooßite, - - Crystalline Almonds, Glutted Chestnuts. CHOCOLATE'DIPARTMENT. Citocolatena, Nichoht. Pia:ache Chocolate, marat4ifiett,‘ Chocolate filled wia Jelly,' Por tuguese Chotviate, Pralines, t Jim . , Ovio • Chocolate, Chocolate , Nougat,- Chow -late Beans,- Chocolate -Burnt-A ---- -- .monde, Chocolate, Walnuts, _ Chocolate Paste,Chocolate 7 Chocolate- . r Rolk,Segare,elc; RICH CREAM' CHOCOLATE, FLAVORS AS 'FOLLOWS: Vanilla, Orange, Strawberryi'Raspbarry;liniion, Cocoanut, Orangoylower, Peach and Celery. Snferfine Ch6colata _Confections: A Specialty with tl* House. Also, a large variety of RICH FANCY BOXES, TOGETHER Making a splendid assortment to salept from for MURKY GIFTS. . STEPHEN F. WHITMAN; a NA, 1210 Market Street. 11 0L 1 DTA - Y . TIFFANY & CO., 550 and 552 Broadway, New York, Are now able to offer their recent ins. portittions of Fancy Articles and novelties. LONDON Cases for Liquor, Shopping, Dressing, and attadentsi Bags, t riting•Desks, Stationery Trays, Buries ror Jeveels, Cards Cigars, dm arc.; Umbrellas. Out Toilet bets, and fine Leather Goodb. VIENNA Gilt, and Leather. and Gilt Articies,• GM and Bronze Library bets and sins ie articies; Bonbonnieres, facer. sebaum Pipes, and /gilt Grotesque Articles in great variety. PARTS 'Porcelain Decorated' Vases, aardin. *cries, Coupes llositionniere, Toilet pets with tillt Mountings, Pans, ',peril Glasses Periumery, bruetsing potties, Vinaigrettes. Batch Boxes, and Mello, and Ivory Goods. FINE BRONZES In great variety, including Small Arti. cles, Vases, Lard.ireceivers, coupes, Birds and Animals. Figures, single and in groups, some of large also amid reductions from the Antique. Fine btationery and- Printing. TIFFANY, REED & CO., 57 Rue du Cardinal Fetch, Pada. f m tdal " PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS. Perrone selecting their Promote in good 1101120111 Dave RH) advantage of a larger aseortment and better attention. FARR & BROTHER, 324 Clieetnat Street, below Fourto, Invite attention to a handeomo acsortment at FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, JRUSIOAL BopEes SILVER WARE, BITITABLB FOR CHRISTMAS AND WEDDING Gi-I FTIS. CO - PRICES HODERA TB. deg 111 a La 18 fall* 0011FISERIE FRAITOAISE; • OHRLSTAKA.S, 1808, C. PE N A.S, No. 830 Walnut Street. FRENCTI CONFECTIONERY. PARIS FANCY BOXES, AND CHRIbTAIAB TREE'ORNAMENTS. do 7 I Stryo ]f cx LI DAY cur - i °Oros R. le G. A. WRIGHT, 024 eliesi nut istreet, Have Just received a large assortment of now and ciegtwit BOIIIIIIAN CLAM VAS'S AAD 10KETO9,DIMIN8 O. z SHP CHAIM AND PAT! COAROAL Together with 'a profit variety of FANCY zuerwms. specially adapted for IF WUAY PitEbipumerbtah cloy Pier for sale at VERY. JIEDUCIEI) des woo .inkozalo4.7, , ',:vg!ana:7 - ..n.;-..'...,: , „ , : , , , ; - . , .. , . , :'...... , ~ +2 MUS1C : AL:17B:01(:, The Onset iietwainwsit in the city; /Limb Invoke lost received direct tram °mays, with beanilial mews" vatitnentii. • ' • • 'Our teleitions owntwitto the ohoiewil Qporstio 61i Bowe '•• ' • FARR & ' BROTHER E • IMPORTERS. No. 324 Cheetmit Street; below Forth, deli 1(1106 Serpi ':.sly::,'.i . ,gx.o* . Aym,94: NEW , CHROMOf. I O PHOTOGRAPHS,&e, "THE SITEPITERDESS." "`GOING TO GRANDFATHER . " `3IAY DAY." - - "THE GOOD. SHE'PHERD." "A LESSON:IN CHARITY." "THE LITTLE SCHOOLMISTRESS:" "CALLING GRANDMA TO DINNBIL D - , GUSTAVE DORE'S "PEACE" AND "WAR." "THE CHRISTMAS TREE." "THE COUNTRY LETTER-CARRIER." "THE FAIR READER." _ "THE:VICTOR OFTBEGLEN."_ And many others. BIERSTADTS "SUNSET." ' THE REGAL DESSERT.. "DEXTER." "KENTUCKY." "ATTENTIONS SIR!" "GOD'S ACRE." "LITTLE JACKY , "LITTLE MISS MUFFETT.? , " , 'THE UNCONSCIOUS SLEEPER." , "VALLEY OF GRINDELWALD." "BAY OF AMA - . "LAKE OF THE FOUR:CANTONS." -- "VIEWS ON THE THAMES:" &e., JAMES 6. EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. dfl2 7trp• FINE JEWELRY. J. T. GALLAGHER, J.F I W.F 4 L,ER. 1800 CHESTNUT STREET, (Late of Bailey Its Co Sterling and Coin Silver Ware, Of our own mrurafbeture. PREPARED FOR BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY-GIFTS, WATCHES Of the most celebrated makers. . FINE JEWELRY. Diamonds, rend, river ElblEree t Yearly. E truscan . Vulcanite sad Jot, Amethyst.. Malachite, Hein 101311. Stone Cameo, Garnet Carbuncle Ensagememt. do. Beat A Inerican awl English Plated Ware. London B as. Eouque , , French Clock,. &a.. &a, &parlor Table Cutlery with Ivory handles, plain or plsb d blades Watches and Clocks carefully repaired by competent E MI men. All goods warranted of FIRST QUALITY, at, prim much below usual rater. BYZANTANE MOSAIC, NEWEST STYLES. deli, dritir 1 WILTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut Street, Invite attention to the followlist New Malaga Raisins. New Zante Currants. Fresh Leghorn Citron. White Spanish Grapes. Florida and Havana Oranges. Princess Almonds. Lady Apples. Barbary Dates. new Bordeaux Prunes. Turkish Figs. Pates des Poles Gras. Dried and Canned Fruits, And all the choicest delicacies moat deeirahle at this tosror. in quantities and at piece to suit large or small Dui ere. CHARLES RUNIPP PORTE MONNAIE, POCKET BOOK AND SATCHEL IikANITPACTIIREI4, No. 47 Noth Binh Street belt:4 Arch, I'HJLADELPUL& Rrt e a r g i" Rtikar*..cages. r,rigtb k ___Book Dressing Cares. 'Money Belts, ' Work .uxott. Bankers' Cane, Panes, Etuloo. sc. Wholesale and Retail. de2 121acoodiStryi) CHRISTMAS FOR THE CHILDREN H. J. SHILL'S, JUVENILE OAICRIAGE WORKS 214 Dc ok Street s above 2d. • Olnildren's dren Velocipedes. lUhddr•-n' s,(Jarrtages._ s igs. • itei4l - barrowAs C'hildreiee Wagons. U. The dead assortment in U,o ally. At most reasonable prices. WEILLEMALE and RETAIL , delStl Sup 'ESTABLISHED 1828. • ' • t• - •5',. HOLIDAY PRESEN rs, • w.'3U-USSEE4I4 9 22 N SIXTH ST. 9 Offers a very large arsortment of ... goods for the, Rollda.l l trade. PINE WAYOIIEB from the best makers; in Gold and Silver cases. • • PHEW IL MARBLE, CLOORB 'direct item Paris. E JEWELRY of tho latest atylee. SILVER WARE , from the Gorham Mfg. co., et the lowest potable priori. • G. Y. RUBSELL. dc6t2BroW.A. Math ;Arcot. - , - 110LIDAY VIIFIIENTI3. . . North '• .., 4EI'ISAAC: .r, 'fftAUFITTItt, No. 14E1 N liotoitd street, corner of Qparry. hits .ao ..aasorimi-ot of WA 'l 411E13. .1 , AVP...1.RY, 'A7 BO AND tin. - V#II. I IVAIIR, suitable for tioliday Prt.sento,whigh 0171111 be acid law for oath. . - dOS4tOrPt 04,i0iitokt .- .li.H . oliik.!':. - .i - -1 , .'... , . ,. ;., ,, ......i :4jz'oy, .' , .•':...•ri.' . ..:- ,- .'•:.: . !'!: - ;,.'....'..4 ,- ':'•-.:-i...'..;,: . :.. COMPANY, 1::.k..:1c.3..., - .:N:0. , ..m.,•]1) YfEALERS.. HENRY HARREIi; No- 520 ARCH STREET, Hu a oomileto asoortmeat of new 'dyke of Vaiclie*j Jewelry, , Nand Silver, lII* Plated IWdree , , delo,lBtri4 NM ' V Litt.TAN/10 ar ,:: Now fig Any. • THE JAZIOAUT Nl7/41iElt 11PP1NC0T.r.3".;.,M40 , 44i1X& A HOLIDAY.: NUMBER. The epodes ehapters el the brilliant and original An:loiters ploveli,stitten rtxpreatly tor thin itegazins. BEYOND: THE ABILEAKERS: A STORY OF. TUE PRESENT DAY. . ' vith a fallpaga llitatratura. U. POEMS YOU A 4,01.. DEN WEDDING.. 1. )1:110n-emit. SI ft It Stoddard., ' 13ecoadpre4 Ong.. By D to. IL'Baker ET, Roue. 111. CHIOS 115 AS PA. Nerult imso. ! /v. TDE BLUE OAIGNIT: A Chrietmas Ity - , LueyHamilton tlo•per. V.q'TDEELD.XEAR AND .THE NEW. • VI. Tny OE.4JRET AGENT tor Napoleon - 111.4. JEcTICE-Fltlf.. biLIiF r ISRA .- - CROSS-AND GROWN : APooni.' By Edna:Yaw. IX,. YEAtiL . OF GREAT ; PRICE. Ity Robecia Iteada. • L lI3E PARISIAN NEW YEARS.. By George M.: • , • XL NOR DEAD NOR LIVING: r,A Lore Story. By • • Jane ti. Auatin. • XIL MULL SPAIN DE A REPUBLIC? By Karl 131htd. XIII. GOLDEN DREAhltai A Chriennealitory, XIV. UDR MoNTH OONH.P. XV. LITERAI VIM OF TIDE DAY. The 7bitd Volume and asomen Viten of LIPP/N• OAT% MAGAZINE or,lifteratu , e.Hotoooo and R Mc's; ' lion to manta-with the Number for January. 1863; and It is the Intention of the Pabliebers that the Magazi:,o shall mot cull maintain the 10011 LITERARY ItttrU.' TATIoN which it haa acquired durluir the that year of Ha publlcatlon, but that it NNW/ bp anti more valuable.. attractive. e.entertainlnE Each number will contains taiga ;01 . 0j);31110)1 of LIGHT' BEADING..-tosetber 'With intlelea 0 1 - a mote thoulthttd NOW is TUB' 11. 1 611 1 : ro SUBSCRIBE: and ieetwe the opening eluiptas of tt e new and entertabalmg Serial , . • OF LIPPIN(X/TPS MAGAZlliearty euheeriptlon. Sea angle number. DI mitt. N. 11---ThoSlogastne Is delivered: at the reeldenees of the city eubteribtft. ' • - • -- LIOPIPICOTT. & CO: Pub il ohers, . 711 .111aiket - Pbjtadalphia. • • det4mbe-2te • New Book and Stationary Stare. HENRY.,GRAMBO & CO., (B. Grambo,_ of the late firm of LIPPINCOTT. GRAMM & CO.. and °MOO, ELLIOTT 4 601 Chestnut Street - , (Orpocifethe Now Leger Office.) WC , olesale and Retail nooksellers r !Stationers, Blank nook and En. velope Itlantilactorers,l.ltiao. • grapliers and Printers, ans. porters or Engineer's naterials. We have just received our ehipments of fancy articles and novel:tee for the holiday trade, which are respect. folly submitted for examination and sale to our frfonde ana the public. , tier aloes or Brat clue Blank ilocAte and Mat:awry for merchants is complete !nevem respect. dnured 190 enumerate slew of .he leading articles of the fancy trade: Work "loxes in every variety : Jewel Cares:Odor Canes; Travelling Bags; ehoppiele Bate; Bilk Baga; Bronze Maw co; I.adlea , Brennen Caves; Gentlemen's Dressing Cases:Card reccivers; Pocket Books of the finest and newest patterns, imported;library and Office Inketands: moicgany, kogeßand end Fancy , Writing Desks in every variety of sizes and altos; . Pans; Match Boxes; Papier liscbe ;Ca bitets. Tables ar.d Deers ; Dreading Caeca ;Work Bor a and Jew. 1 Oast v.; cob h Goode; Pearl Thsrmome. ter.; Pearl Miima; Pearl Penholders; Pearl Folders; no plus ultra Deals; Brink tium.bands; Cribbage and Cribbage BOSeb; Chessmen; Rodgers' Knivee; Fancy Note Pap. r,lnew styles) A superb r aaeortn - ent of Ft itionery. Domostinand Ported. all at the very 105Vaat price& den 18; pl FINE ILLII§'F\RATED CHOICE HOLIDAY 110011:.! HENRY GRAMBO & CO., de3 Imes)) 601 Oheistintt Street, nave just opened, with a large assortment of STAND ARD ENGLISH AND OTIIER BOOKS, in fine bindings t also, a very tine selection of ALL THE NEW AND CHOICE ST ILLUSTRATED WORKS. JUVENILES AND'' TOY BOOKS, ALBUMS, &c.. adapted for the present Hollday Eleaion, and to which they invite the attention of all In s search of elegant Christmas Preeente, at modera r te prices. * ER01,4311 AND FOREIGN BOOKS, PERIODIOALS. dim imported to orderwcekly by steamer. delSlßtrp W WI" . 1 2.311 13 7r(WAN t)T STREET. NOW READY, A NEW ILLUSTRATED WORK FOE THE HOLI DAYS "NOTHING BUr LEAVES; " A POEM, ILLUMINATED BY J eAN LEE. popalsi Noeu, has beta . illuminated by Miss Jean /AC RO W 441 and!. vo, ab y known as the illuminator of "1 go Seatitudt P." published by L. Prank .&(,,.. The• 'work is produced in the best style of the lithographic art. th"lollllolHinsfullyequalindrawing and 'color to the original Tin u hol., forms a small quarto and bound in element ci ape • loth, hevelled boards, gilt adios. and in . Turkey morocco egfra. Price, in cloth, Turkey.mo rote° extra, $11). 0/11y •rnidl editloxt publlabed. ALSO. ALL 111 E NEW ILLUSTkATED WORKS, STANDARD Wt RES IN FINE DINOINOS, JIIVENI , ES AND TOY RODER.. CIIRISTM .TIONEfty, -- 45C, dre.; For K , le by • DUFFIELD A'illiMEAD. No. 724 Chestnut street: lIPIO-th i rnBhT4 FOREIGN CHEESE Rootivtd thlo day an Invoke of Fino Canienbert, Neuftohatel, Brie, Roquefort; and other fine i - .*..,Q4 : T. , '5p,:....ip..jigg3g . ,::. SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES,, By the Gallon or Quart SIMON COLTON & CLARK&,, W, corner Broad, and Walnut Stn. , r ,90./ .4,10 ' - ,'446cLe (Oppocite Ledger Office) SECOND EDITION. TO-DAY'S 1 42rAELE NEWS. *thE COTTON MAlt ''VV A. 0 II (3LW Mr. Cushing's .M b3OOll to Europe The Chiba!). Insurrection hem Dopakhes Dotained at Havana Uy Use Astrapile„Ciable. Lormon,Dee.l4,A.:l4.infols for uniney l 92,i; for account 9290923. • D. 13. t tive.twentles, quiet and steady at 74%. Eitocks quiet. Erie buojarit et 219611111iiOlift3eiitio, - 6631: Fuenstrour, Dec. 14, A. 13. ffve-twen *lei unchanged. • , Liinnroot.,‘ Dec, 14, A t 11.•-;-Cotton quiet ; the sales will probably reach 10,000 bales. frank.* Pee..l4, 31 . -- 4 4 Piritit of Turpentine heavy and unchanged. caplet) eniassanges Blirsion. Medal Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bolietia..l *Aintrvrox, Dee. 14 air. ,Caleb Cushing'a minion abroad Is , a continual source of much` speculation. lam permitted to say,upon author_ be . gantioned that hir.Ctishing Das not gone to Span ' , nor is hh3 mission connect ed In any manner with the acquisition of Cuba. Notwithstanding the policy of territorial exten sion advocated by President Johnson in regard to Cuba, it is now positively/ known here that Secretary • Seward does not contemplate, taking any practical naps for the purchase of Altai :Island. No pro position has been or will bemade to Spain while - she in lhe - present - prastrate - positicra. It not expected that the object for which Mr. Castl ing left tins country will be made public for some weeks to`come, unless it leaks out throngit the inability of the odicials of the State Dep La ment to keep the matter a secret from corns . TURKET AND onisscr. Letters received here from 'London represent the troubles between Turkey , and Greece as ofco morner t for the preservation of peacein Ehrope. The prtsent Ministry of 'Greece bbast• Openly about the support they aregiving-to the Cretin insurgtnts and that open violation- of interthi timid -- obligations is - the - cause - of the - prcsartt crisis, but It is perfectly well known that as soon as Greece realizes that she Is powerless .to main lain her present policy towards Turkey, she will yield> It is believed among English that the Cretan insurrection ettanot outlive the laithdrawal of the suPPort of Grow. ESTIMATED Goyim/Nu:l , 4.r Expassms. The t slim t.ms for the expensee of the Goverrt ment for that:lent fiscal year were sent to the House CommittCo.on Appropriations on Satur day tag. Thitibtai amount ts three hundred and three millions of +tonere. Included in' this estl• mate are one hundred and twenty-nano millions' of dollars for the interest on the public debt: Ally-two tiatillouit of dollars for the expellees of the army; twenty millions to carry on our navy; twentv-efght millions for the pensions and forty act millions for civil and miscellaneous expenses. TbeApptoprlation Committe° meet to-morrow to consider lids estimate. No doubt aziets,hoW- Mar, but that the amounte asked for will be seriously cut down, probably to two hundred and,llftymilittm _ , • van intomanastnix ItINCKLEY haa turned no as, an, applicant far Ma position of Moister to Ectualor. The insurrection In Cuba. NAV YORK. Dec. 14.—We are 'atom:led that huportant Rowe, despatches, prepared at Havana for the New York Associated Prms, within the loot few days, have been,suppressed by tho Cuban antborilles. - From this it - is reasonably to-be in— ferred that the insurgents on the island hsse wen somo important successes, whith the autho. e do not fled it expedient to have published In the Molted States. - Weather tteporla Weeder. Vier. Clear. at W. Clear. 22 ...... "Vir. Clear. 22 W. Clear. 24 Clear. 22 Des. 14, 9 A. M. Halifax Port H00d... Portland. Stwton . New 1 Wihalogton. Del W. Clear. 60 Wis./ono:al .. . ...... , .....8. W. /lazy. 25 Morino' a Norm; e.... ....... .8. W. Clear. at itiebuiond. W. Clear. 29 Annuals, Ga.. ... ... ........ W. Cloudy. 69 0zweg0......... ..... .. .... ..8. Cloudy. SO 8uffa10....... B.W. Pittsburgh ......... 8. Cloudy. 24 Mauro W. ' Cloudy. 80 L0ain , 11%..... .......... ....N. Clear. 20 Mobile. ..N. W. Raining. 44 New 0r1ean5......... ..... at. . Rainlog K ey Wett......... . '— Cloudy. 69 litwati. Clear. 73 state of ;Inernienueter Thin Day at the Bid Rutin Ofliee. II A-• de*. ES ..-- " Weameicion4. Wald thathweat. . 31 4'2l° The New Bishop of Long . !Inland and the Episcopate tot central Piewtorit. Diatoms Littlejohn. in his letter declining the Episcopate of C. ntral New York, eliYa] Thu• conelusion has been reached only after much osier and die culty. I nave conscleatiou.ly endeavored to emir eaten all private Intonate andprsfurences, and to be goy. erns d by considerations of which the whole Church will approve. i have been loaner:lced totems extent by what bra already &eyes re e i in venous wave, to be the desire aidjudinarne of the Lauren but much more be the di. met taxied and edv cc of Hight Rey. fathom and varier. obis prec byte re and cayman, whose character. position. and servieeer not only ea:Mated their opinion to profound respect slam myself, but give to all who aro Interested in soy d. vision ti.e most certahs guarantee of a wise and dis interested judgment upon the cohabiting claims welsh have occasioned noe such unspeakable anxiety as to the p•Lb of duty. • Nothing wail needed from you as the representative of the t sores., of Central New (fork to convince me of the unusual advantages end , attractions] of its Episcopate. it has erred to rue that ~one has ever been offered to any Petrie ter of she I Lurch se free from hindrances in the present or Imbarrepaing entanglements in, the future, nano a bich carried with it the promise of a more cordial cad united support by the clergy and laity and therefore of *morn peaceful and lumpy administration. it I have chosen number field, accepted another Eels. ornate. kl' a *knell because is hoe seemed to me.'after solemn aid s ona lentious review of the whole ease, and after so. h wise comet as thrive poen able to secure, that ii was God's will that i should do so. Bishop. Cox° has published a letter dated See Dbitilo. Dec. In which he says: Thu Bishop in charge of the Diocese • of Central New York annougos et to the Dloceee that the Rev. Dr. Little. Int n has tett it his duty to dscane the Episcopate it kas offei ed him, In view of •Is 'similar call - to' another work. Whilo the diseponi•itmeat which this intllcta on us greet. tot tie rejoice that another portion of the field is to enjoy the benefit of , his nolo and zealous efforts In the same both office. Your Bishop feels it his duty and privi lege to add that. Ho has Conferred personally with 'Dr. Littlejohn. and has seen the letters of counsel and ea. treaty, by which he has, been influenced in this decision, and that he,„ cannot but regard the result as ivevisable in the circum Deuces.. Dr. Lattlelohn ham been lofted to la. views of duty by circumstanced to which. all must allow, the gravest consideration and respect was eminently due. Tho Mahon haa asked counsel of the bus] db g Committee at to the ailing of a special non• retain. end will beuided by thela ...lisfsaresen' tatiood as to the wishca of the Diocese. Until a Diocesan shill be duly core crated. It se ed not be geld that he will coca] , luny to tend to the beloved clergy and' laity of Oentral Alamo York thc eame bitereet and - oversight as heretofore. ANCIAL Ond . COMMERCIAL The Siemer lijairao I. Bales at the rhiladelphla Stock Szehahge. goo ettvosatoge&p' 10411 8 eh• Cam &AM lte 1893 i WOO do due bill Re 100 Ii 90 eb do 180 0000 Lehlth Old L- 98 20 eh-Penne R' e 40 Lehigh Val bde 40 ell Lab Val It Its - 55.% . • tour , ' neart)lll Weh.Leh Nv etk 11400 MorrifiCenal htbs 84% 100 eh Britlpf. Oeal, OM* Leblelt Cuo , 78 200 , sh Reedit Its 48.81 tape Lehlebs4 R b 5 84 -7 eh do eSsvn. 4,9% TOO eh lta, 4 , • • , _' 'OBTWCEN 1104LISDO. . '• 2000 1;1Eti.20'69 cfr , 11016 100 ail LehNsv.atit • 283,1 1 900 O 8 . b-Yea 430Jy ep 110 X 100 eh do b6O 9336 Mail tettiohtlld In iis 93 100 eh , do -USG , 28M liStill thtv Os old c&p 97 , 100 sh,,Read U blO 48w 109 eh Penns It Sidys 53% 160 eh .do WO 40q: 9 sh,clo - . NU -1.00 eh do l lts 49.8-10 20 tdi Idinehilln C 07 . 190 .eh • do. bib 481 i to eh 11'Pa ft lie ' 80' 400 eh do' ' 48.3.16 100 eh ,NY&Aliddleaiiwn 4 700 eh do US&lnt Is 48-3-16 liatiner, December 14'—Toe tendency of the money market le undoubtedly for greater stringency. wil ~.a upward men meld in the rates of dlowtud. This few tat all remarkable conaid• ring the hoar approach of the lacw seer. and In quyrier day of the hanks, wham we ;shall no . doubt V itno-c an lucreayedprc wore for capital The drain of currency to the Wilot and tiodialt. ptrticit• !any the latter continues heavy, and until there for u m, decrease it is not nicely th , t the banks will feel Waves fl_ to extei,d their io4mrmuch beyond present iitnitY. 'Cradle I,„ Purl ly uti oati.eactory in all departments. but silo mar. °haute aro confident of a more profitable elate of affairs attar the first proximo. . The business at the Stook Dowd continues - dull. Ger vertment and State foams are without change in price. City 6- are floae , . footpad at loOlf for the now Dertitissatag. • S ceding lt, MA. Id is , a limited extent at 48 Cl, the i3lasing 'r~te.. on Satntday i Peaneylvanla 11. ft. at salf ; c,anigh Valley at 05.51, and. Camden and Amboy R.it. at - 180 - an, advance of U. ' , Usual Olan very , are quie t , with sales of Lehigh Na,. ... Valicua tit 20,4 b. 0. ;20 waa bid for Lehigh Nava gailoa preferred,: CoM stooks , were.' nwie ,: itetleet Mont 1406 !shares of Fl ew Yerk and Middle gold sold at 1. acid Butler , , changed hands at' I 17; Pant and ' Piteigenger . Railway ',stocks were without qu otable eltanim, _ ' blears, Be haves anti Stegner. So.'. 40 Down -rum greet. make M i l ewqtions at the rates of ex. chantto tndaY. P„sit_.• United Stater Sixes. 1881. 114)6 Go tdo.de l ifli,llo%llsllo% d0.de,.186C106%rea,, GO . 110 icus r: do. do,NO new. 1668.04111 i do do. 1867 AM% 110 1 4;0&r. //DIM/3U% • VO. Tea , fat% 106 , 4141 une Dolma liderea4loes.l9lgl I,Blligteiw4 : surer .11Plagiadolpista. Prothite teserket, llionne'r. Metz 14.--The Roue market COW lanes recoaricp ably quiet. but we continua Saturday's quotations, with tbe remark hat the home trade- hay very Fps:inlay and only . of - higher Irides. of which - the , surely is light, small silts of roperflue at 6.5 68445 70 per barrel• extras ats6o6 46: 'Northwestern extra ar ozi lir at $7 7518 25 ; Penns, ' , vault'. and 41blet do. do. at 18 10 75, and Utley lots at $9411. There is no change in ye Flour or Corn Meal._ Small sales of the former at $7 7M48 WLer barrel. , here IS but little demand for wheat ,, an d no Mama from lost weekho.6guncr. Small esles.of lair and good R.ed et si 60,42. and Amber at $210(42 25 Per blualel• • 11 / , In demand, and has sash: advanced' ,800 inusbela , Penn. ay lvania sold: at $l . OOOl 82 1 and buyer. now ask $1 65. The receipts of Corn have' fallen off. but the demand it limited' sales of 4.005 -bushels damp and prime ninr.) , ello or at I 9004181--einefly at $1 in the ear& and 600 bushels new white at M. , old yellow may beoted at $1 20. Oats are held very siffly. and sale* of Western are repored at 71(479c.: some light POMP:M.6OM at am. Barley may be, $2 f6O4J 86. quoted at $2 05, , and, Malt at ILY is dull Ind . steady at $f Otal 01 for wood aid Ironbound pkgs. The ilLekeees Quotastwee Yawns new Vern (Dv TeletpNtph.7"'' Naw Yotur. Dec. 14.—Stocks steady:. Chicago and Rock Island, 108; __Reading, 98 1 .41 _tianlOtL tit,r...41: Erie. 4036: Cleveland and Toledatelhit 'ln land and Plitetrungh. eV Pittsrgh ad Fort Wayne,. frAi...kilnithlits; Uwe 1174'; Michigan Southern. Mix; ew x ork Central x Illinois Central, 14,354: Cumber. ..nd Preferred. 87 t i l n irs. Sixes, fa; Mtwouri Sixes. WM: Dodson litstr, 126 : PLvotwenties A 18 , 21, 110 M; do.. 1864,1011 f do. 1885,1 ; do. new.llo3i Ten.forties.lol,l4; Gold, lib,%; Money, 7 per rent; Exchange, 109)si. , e p . Mleurkete by T ' (Special Despatch to the Phila. LPemne Mullatin.l Saw Yong. Dec. 14. 12,V P, M.-4k•ttun--The market this morning was firm with pi good denustlßales of about 2.000 banes. We quote as follows, Midddng Orleans, gag; do. Uplands, ffi34_ _Flour, Sc.—Receipts, 8,500 barrels. The market for Western and State , was moderately active and ieendv. The salts are *blot 6,009 tibia. including Supordists , _State at 03 2CA4 10; Extra Etats at $7 1001 80; Low grades ' Western Extra $6 9045121 40 Southern Flour is quiet and un. changed. Ostlitonsia Inoue Is dull and heavy. ,eirath—licoelpts wheat 1,400 tutsbels. The market b thee. Siva and nominal, NO. :Milwaukee at $1 tlueel 82. Cora —receipts W,Ote bushels. ibe market Ia dull and heavy Old Western it $1 Oato-80,000 .thee market fa steady at 700. Provisone—Pork—Reiel phsloB Isakels. The eeeirei fe quiet - at $2B fur new Western. Mess .___Lard, receipts 700 packages. 'lho market , flex* wp quote prime rtes Itl.T 16L'. Whisky=-ReeMPtiifillthll.7ThtVintaiket-li quote We dem free at $1 CCM at itasociated Fry; Yolut. Dee. 14.—Cotton firmer at 161 fr. Flour amiss: sales of 7.fied barrels -at Saturday's quotations. Wheat dull. fr.t spring, and ironer for mietar; t.ooo. bull. sold ;State at $9 00. torn dull; sales of 2.990 bushels at $110(41 la." Vats quiet; salts of W,OOO NI!. at 13%79. Beef :quiet.Pork Srm at .$25 50426. Lard firm at 16.kie. gel6L". Widely dull.. • . • PAK:rowan, December. 14.—Cotton quiet smd steadr; middling uplands. 24Ke. Flour quiet, nut fain and un changed. Wheat dolt, (especially Car h•gb grades, and th. re is scarcely nutlleietit market for , quotations. Corn firm: new se tuteiS3e, for dry. Data firm at WI/a tiro firm ono deruane strong at Si 411451 45. cloverseed sells readily at $7 75. Pork firra at $ 4 .4 50.}g37. BaCOll quiet :-rll/ -17 e ; elesr do . -17'44:17ibe.; shoulders. ; horns. 'We._ Lard more arAlve. 16340.. Christrrias BOXES OF Firm, STATIONERY: ' " • ' INKSTANDS, 'a large assortment. WErilNo DESKS. CAM CASES. . . POCKET BOOKS, SCOTCH GOODS. FLvE ENGIJSEL PLAYING CARDS. Emma!! KNICKKNACKS. rt 1130 M.A., STATIONER AND CARD ENGUIVEN, No 1 033 CHESTNUT fiTREET. del4 12 • - MOAT FIIIN ON COMMEEWE ST. MOGI' Victory far Herring's Champion fun.ADELrinA, Dee. 14, 1868. Messrs. Farrel, Herring 4, Co 4 No. 629 Chestnut litres e—Gimmusno: On the morning of the 13th inst. we bad themisfortune of having our entire steels of BIM ovate destroyed by fir& We had In nee one of your Patent: Champion Fire Proof Safes; it saved ourßooks, - Papers, Bank Notes, and all we entrusted to its eare, to our entire sat isfaction. rime eend ns one of the came size for present use, and we want one of larger size as soon as we get built np. Respectfully, yours, HABSINGER & BRITTAIN, No. .501 Commereo street. del4 SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE TRADE 413-REAP SAJLIF. LINEN COLLARS, At 627 Chestnut. Street, Commencing Dom 12th. and Ending January Ist, 1869: Our 'Whole block will be sold Ear Net. Cash, regardless of cost, comprising more than 5.000 dozen of the latest styles Troy- - made Linen Collars. manu factured expressly for 6or regular trade. LOOK AT TRP-Ar PRICES 600 dozen 0. Cord Edge, 2 ply, Byron 600 do. V. P. do. 8 do. do. 600 do. V. better do. 12 do. do.. 300 do. 130'beist: 'ijo. 3 do. do. 300 do. 40 and 41. Stitched and 11 Cord. Byron, SOO do. 1. Extra Qua). 3 ply„ Byron i 800 - do. Round and Square Shakspeare.... 1 25 000 do. Finest Round. Dickens ........... 1 25 1000 do. Bishops, Garotes, Piccadillcs and other stylco,at corresponding prices. As we shall continue the Linen Collar business,these prices will positively be advanded twenty.dve to fifty per cent. after the let of January: • VAN DEUSBN, BOEHNIER & CO. del4-Btav Leven Per Cent. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. NEW YORK AND .PENNSYLVANIA CANAL. AND RAILROAD , . Guaranteed prineipal and'intereat BY Lehigh. Valley Railroad. Co. We bay° but about Eighty Thonsui4 Pellare Of lime Banda left to offer. Parties dealroue or porehazios at Prompt low prices must apply early. ILIELUX.EI_. & Co., 34 SOUTH TRI:RD STREET. GOLD COUPONS Lebigh Coat - a4d . 'Nfivigatlon Co.'s GOLD LOAN Due December /6, Boogbt by •E W CLARK' : sis CQ.; • ',"p&NKEEsiughimexcene, ' No. 86 +South 'Third Street. dotla THE DAISY BYSIUTIP: P- 1 .44;h 4 VP -4 1 1 ,LAD.41-rgiiki, MOT DA Y-: PgPPPE4, 14.1iRL Per Doze A. .... 50 .... 1 75 .... 85 ....S1 20 - EDITIGN. 2:30 cYcnocag. HIC TELEGRAPH,. ADDITIONAL CABLE NEWS Financial and Commercial Quotation. FR 0 Pi WASHINGTON' The ' , Contested Election ems The ilississi'ppi • Constitution Attautie • Lormau,Doc.l4,Plif.:—Conaola for money 92w; for account. 92%. ",T:I. B.five-twenties 74g. • lavuiutot, Dec. 14. P M.--Cottou easier, but not lower. Breadatuffallnuer. `Lard 68a. ' Ram o; Dec.' 14, •1 .114--Cotton - irregalir at 126 francs Ot the spot. - • The Contested Election Cann. i Medal Despatel to the MIL Eienbis Mdletlea Wasitmorox, Dec. 14:—The Committee on Elections expected to have beard- the evidence in the election case of Mr. Hamiltox,lCOM Terme*. ece,, bat the parties not pang ready, it wimps"- posed for a few days at their request. ' The Georgia election case of Christy against Wimpy will be heard hi;morrow. , Gen. Butler Is 'Bruning a confiscation case before the Supreme Court,this afternoon. • The iillesiseippt Constssnaleon. tilveatat Despatch to the ,PbUndelphli Evening Bultatip.3 WATIIINGTO2Z; 'Dec. 14.—The iteconstraCtion Cinimmittee; at their meeting" this ' morning; .ex ermined several persona from, Mississippi, who compose a delegation from that State, in refer ence to the meanansed to defeat_the_ratifleation__ of the constitution. The examination was not finiatied,btit was con tinned until temorrow., The iiireattier—llecention oi.Trains— , Accident*. • • , °ammo, Dec. 14.—The storm, during the past Week, bus been of unusual severity for this time of the year. Snow has fallen - to. the .depth of about two: fedi, which bas very Much drifted. . The Express train ou the Rome and Oswego Railroad, which left Richland ten minutes past 2, Saturday afternoon, for Ossiego, got stuck_in the snow WhctiWithlrathree mites of the c-ity,and.. did not arrive until 2 o'clock in -the afternoon, yesterday. Some of. Ole passengers remained on board the train all night, which was 22 hours in the snow. A freight train, which left here this morning with two locomotives for Syrsense, - mer with a eerions accident at Seneca. River bridge. As the train was passing over, the south span gave way and the three rear cars were precipi tated into the river,and the next live were thrown from the track. Arrest of a.Bond Robber. BUFFALO, Dec. 14.—8. H. Beat, a detective m the employ of the American Express Company, has jostreturned to this city from Aspinwall, New Grenada, where he found H. V. Clinton, who robbed William Fargo of two $lOO,OOO bonds in January last, and supposed to be the person who robbed the Express in August last. Best bad an interview with Clinton In the jail at Aspinwall, and saw the stolen bonds. In' a few days the result of the detective's successful. ope rations will be made public. . • ffiirlotssippi Elediten Frande. Wasurso - rost, Dec. 180.—The Committee on Recoustruction ibis mtiorniag examined the Re publican committee from Mt twippi, who seek to show, that 'frauds were . committed- in that State at the election by the opposite party, and that throwing out illegal votes, the constitution was adopted. The Committee cn Elections will this week take up the cases from Tennessee and. Missouri. Marine fateitilienee. NEW YORK, Dec. 14.—Arnved, steamship City of Paris, from Liverpool,' 81Lth CONGRI NS. r atlt, iird Session. . . . _ Moran—The eat bisitintes — frT - Crffe - V - w — ni - i6e — Ball of Mar eV for lilts and joint resoltrtiona The follo wing were irtrsdrerd : By .Ir. iretere (Me.). to nrovide for the defence of the northeastern frontier. arid snaking grants end COLlCVslorus to the Eni opean and Horst) American Hallway Company. Mr. Peters moved ita reference to a Select Committee of seven. Mr. Wed:Moyne fill.) did not see why it should not go to one of the vtiiiiding committees. Di r. tchentk °blot moved to refer to the Committee on Military Afrair... A are( d IS& nay., 45. lExplosive A St. Petciriburg telegram eummariges the resnlis ar ri ., ed at by the international conference for preventing the use of certain explosive missiles In war. •As already announced it Ls decided that the powers which edge the convention sball relinquish both in sea and • land warfare the me of explosive projectiles weighing less thou 400 grammes • and filled with inflammable metier. This obligation is not binding upon any of the eon. tractirg. powers when -at war - with a State which ban not signed the convention. The Prussian Plen ipotentiary prorosed that the question should be reopened for a more extended discussion. but:this proposition wee rejected. The protocol embracing the decisions of the conference isslaned by the representatives- of Great Sri. lain. France, Prunds. Puss's, rtery, Austria, 'enrkay,Por tngal, Denmark, Beiginnt,,Hollandareece, davaria, temberg. Sweden and Persia. IDITH 11171aLETIN. PHILADELPMA CATTis MAttitET, Dee. - 14th, 1668.—Beef cattle were in fair demand this week, at en advance. About 1,800 head arrived and sold at emginc. for extra; 10xic. for choice; B@ec. for fair to good, and 6(4734c. per lb gross for common, as to quality. The following are - the particulars of the pales: Beau. h'ar'e. Price. let Owen Smith. We etent.....:................61414 94 50 A Christy & Bro.. Western, gre . 8 tb P. tlatbavroy. Western, gr 5.......... ~..... 8 Oa 9% 80 James S. Blot. Chester co, gre 7 (4 76 James Mantel'. Western. gra. •• •• • • •••• • • • OA 9'4 2tl) Liman 4r.. haehraan, Wes'ern, •• • • • 7 (4 939 te.7 Martin Fuller 2.T Co,. Western gre 7 91t, 140 Mooney &, llmiih, Weetern. gra.— ........ 7 9 3 e HA Themes Illooney &•Bra,Weetern. gra . .. 6 al 8 65 H. Chain. Penns gn , ••••••• •• • “. • ••• • • •• •• 5%'( . i 7 1, 150 John smith. Welders'. gre. 714:410'.9 78 L. Frank, Virginia. gre 8 118 'lope co.. Western. im 8.1.. . . 7 as *p i , t•!0 we were unchanged; 160 head Enid "54 . 6465 f•n• Springers. and Sr.9ASSS per heed for Cow and Calf, fiur.an ever( in fair demmd p 3,000 head sold at 4(45k cents ter pound grcise,as to condition. Boos were in demand at an ndranctl; 4.510 beads sold at the different pude at $12012, 25 per lel lbe. tot. SINKING OF A Tow Bear..-The steam tow boat Zest ern Railroad. belonging to the ;Camden: and Amboy Railroad. C r op:many, Ip..tho first dock above Walnnt vet. on the Delaware,Was sunk about half-post ono o'clock this morning. It is supposed that the Ice cut through h6r 'stern. .M the time of the accident the Captilb, plibt and creW,in ttl eLett moo, were asleep in the cabin. They were aroused by the Harbor Police, who had discovered the condition of the boat, and all sucteeded In making their escape in safety. The water rose so rapidly that some of the men were obliged to swim out hatween deers, before they could get to shore. The real' portion of the boat is Mall)/ under water. This SUFFERING r001t..-- The present cold weather has breught suffering into many a f anily whose means are not sufficient to provide against a long winter siege. Those who have nice comfortable homes and watm clothing to shield, them rims the bold, should not forget their suffering brethren, whose „w misfortnne it is to.behhout, the necessary .clo.hlog and fuel so tench needed. The charitanly disposed can leave contributions of clothing. money, &c., at the iltme Mission Office, No. 533 Arch street, where all information in regard to the workingi of this Society will be cheerfully given. Aetutuvr Burnous , UPON A WIFE. Peter Smith, residing on Tenth street, above Coates. was ba. fore Alderman Massey, on Saturday, upon the charge of assault and, battery on his wife. It Is alleged that be struck his wife, on the head with a piece of iron, causing severe injUrieff. It Is also charged tharhe has been in the habit of t busing his wife. Staith waa held In 4800 bail to answer nt mart. TUE INSTITUTE PQR COLORED YOUTIL—The sixteenth annual commencement of the Inetitnto !or, Colored Yonib, on EthiPpen aim% west of Ninth, will take place to.morrow and Wedneaday. , Teoeday will, be devoted to the examination of chases in the High Bebe& and its preparloory departments, and the ora torical exercises will be given in Concert 011. Wednesday evening. • 41, BBLUGERENT ,Fist,t,Ow.---Jamee , Smith was arrested on Creeseikatreet, in Mannytinir, tut evening, on the , charge of ineriliffeibinites, lle thou pnnched the poliCeman on the none. lift was taboo before Alderman Ittonedell, mid was helitin $BOO bail on the charge of agenult and FLoNrirro • low.—The' Delaware river le now , . Oiled with &slim; Ica: • hotnO of ',the takes era very heavy, and are ealcnitited to . serlottely damage entail rift. , • . Ossitcenli.--Th estit Or an tifi. In•the Sixtcentlt Dbstrl ctlkeee IltatiottionJ , • 'Saturday mondmr..was noticed in the OfillaqVg of • flieurday. - -ne body bas been recognise as th of. 'JohniCets,el, aged 69 yeah.. testdingon PiModst street, ;below•Green. 'Be was In tbe employ of the Peunill lvanlallallrostConmany. • Vastest Wall found on Irrt- Tday evening. etandino against a wall, at Thirty , third. and Bridge etreets. He was in .an unconscious state. ,and, nodes the supposition that he was drunk. be was • taken to the station house and locked up. Atter he died an examination Was made and three CUM On the back of the head were found. The 0011 was fractured on : the :MIA side, and there was clottedw bided upon • the brain. These Wastes could not baseborn caused by fail, -• and it is opposed that - was at tacked. and beaten. , • MIMS! A. BAb Bort—A. youtik Ulan named - loiterph mezer. Ise. before Aldennan 'Walsall, upon the rge Of larceny. Ile resides at Twelfth and Briaton 'streets. It is alleged that he has been in the 'obit of tatting clot.hing, bed clothes, dre., front, the house of , his father. pewninß thent,..and.using: the money for the purchase of whisky. lie was sent to prison. _ DEDICATION OF A SCHOOL, .001713E.—Th0 t gars' ceremonies or the Keystone Grammar School, bn liineteentb street above. Chestnut, will - take place • ,Gdsinerdsig: The nen? building is eubsUrntiaUr and bandsomely are is provided with , every con venience for the purpose for . which it id Intended. • L • ' 1 TM iiicutrxxxim.. - - - -The -- Schuylkill 'elver 'la `closed hylce bath below ordain:we pie dam. " The ice beiow tbe dam is about three inches in thickness. , Above the dam tbe skating la excellent, and during &esterday a large number of penions were 'enjoying themselves on the Ice. 4 • " STEALING ♦ TINISE.—Tay/Or Hendricks carried Off a trunk harm the front of the store of S C. Hamill, at Ninth and Spring ttarden streeti, on flabirday' af ternoon. He was pursued by Mr. Hamill and arrested. Aidermat , Carpenter held Hendricks •in $BOO ball or r enAllOlll3 WITH BOBBECION-:-Kate Ittcharda hae been comnaltted by Alderman Patchett. to answer the charge o the robbery of $lO from' young man whoin lie had enticed trio a bones to Briar Place. THE •1X)013M3.. • The. mbar Homicide.' Ossts stun Trianwitp4odges firewater and Ludlow,. Tbia morning the case of .3- Grace, charged with Pat rick Burns and Michael O'Hara with the murder of John °They, Was.taken op, a jury being , obtained from the regular panel. Patrick Bums and .Michael . O'Mara -claimed , and obtained vestige trials. The CAtonionwealthili case; as (Mimed. bV ffii.Hagert, Was that late on the evening of the 130th of August, nfre. OlibaY., got into a quarrel: with, the three •defendants, arid Mr. todh.y interfered end ,the difficulty Was .ailed,.' and both Mr. and Mrs. 013 hay retired to their horse and to bed... It being a warm night, Mr. O'Shay, subsequently came crown stains. eat on his front step a few minutes and then virittda neighboring l.avermwhere he was amsulted b to the defendants and received • such Lialuries Ka caused death . Dr. shapleiskteetified that_ he made aped Modern examination And found bruties • Abdul the face. but the rn6. t serious was on the toji of the head:and mita° trort of the neck. 'r hero was no fracture If the skuV, but the blood yo-eels of the brain were congeated; upon din meeting the neck, found the muscles ve•Y much contused _andAbe_vollium adarn_fracturtd, - The deceased came to bis death from comprezeion of the brain. canoed by j•r.. - ora - blcw - or - A semi e - blow-uponthe 'neck a earn etimes caw() injury to the blood.veseels in tin brain. e case was still on trial when our report closed-, floater=s . firbewine Judge Peirce. Tyie stiorrdng • a special y appeared in the 01 , 1 court room for the per ,rote Ff . diepoeing . of prison, cases. tif3venti•five Prilioaer" acceered in the 'dock; make' and , Teinalet..blatt tud n btre, yonntunci o!d. Philip Finnegan was' convicted Of larceny and aen tented to one month. - • John Welcome pleaded guilty t o a charge of burglary at, d was sentrnad to tuo years and three months in the Eastern Peri , entlarv. l W ilham Manger pleaded guilty tern charge of burglary and an. sentenced CO two yeans , and 8 menthe : he the Eastern Penitentiary. _ Win= COISWeIy oletide,tgriltv to a charge of entering a Ater with intent to steal. benteneed to one year in , the County rrison. Carson 'Enures pleaded guilty to a - charge oflarceny and was tette:need to six months In the County Fitton. John Hardy rlesded•gulity to a charge of larceny. and wee sentenced to ope_year it! the County Prison. • • • John Song pleaded guilty to a charge of entering an office with intent to steal. - `sentenced to nun your lu She Michael Count y Prison Tcvelia Pleaded guilty to a charge or lareenY. and was loutenced night months in the County Prison. FA 12114F-STOCK.--Euddenly, on the eh inch. George WFahnertoelr: - - Funeral will take place on Tueaday morning. Ur* 16th Incr., .et le o'clock. - from the realdence of hie mother. No. 1804 Arch atreet. - _ PAH^ Eh7OCIL--Buddenly. on - the 4th tnat..,Graeo daughter of the late George W. Fahnoatock. Funeraiwl.l eke place on Tuesaav moniker. (be lith bat: at 10 o , clock.from the tocidenee other grandmother. N n isc4 Arch Ft.rppt •• WANA -- o.iuY tie:we who have had come. years! pale deuce. deed aprly. Bodary_el.eoo rer . year. it ddreee. gliddd natne rafereneo. J. P. P., Emit:era ofrve.lta . _ CHRISTMAS P - REtiENTS. 'Opera Cr-lasses, A large and elegant amortment MAGIC L•AN TERNS, GOLD SPECTACLES, Eleregeopes, itereopeopts and Otereascople Vlevir. 610 be., liallelderroder t ilaihe =teal Inatiumentil A ac t And a variety of rueful and or n amental CIARISTMAS PRESENTS: ' 'GM. Y. M'ALLIBTER, No. 728 CHESTNUT STREET. dell ittrpti W ABIIINGTON. Doc 14. HOLIDAY PRESENTS 'Popular Cheap Book Store Alt Books at . a itedottion of 25 to 75 per rent. from rebirotter , o Moro. Bales at all micas. Test mann", Prayer Books and Ibmn Books, of all de tcminatiow. Prayer Books in tine bindings. Pevotlonal Books—a nice asso•tmrnt. The Standard Poets—a large variety, in varioas bind togs. NEW AND STANDARD NOVEL 3 AND TALES, COOK A'D FECEIPT WOES. ...nrvEvux, BOOKS, For 'Boys end Gide— an immense stock; In separate vol meet ot in rots in neat loxes. `TOY BOOKS. Colored and Plain, English and American. JAMES 8. OLAXTON. No. 1214 Ctrcntnnt Street. deld `otrii areo LATE roseLeiniEleienori. Elegatitly Illastrated Books. T. A. Me- )LELLAND, Auctioneer s No. 1219 Chestnut Street, • EiIIItERT GILL BUILDING . , Largo Peremitory Sate of SUPERIOR SILVER WARE , flanufaetared Expressly for • tte Retail Ts adeby 4130. B.BECETEit, On Thursday 100 r ning,.Deo. 19, AT 10% O'CLOCK. Will be Sold Without Reserve. • A large quantity of TRIPLE PLATED BILVEZWAIIE. comprising elegant Tea Bev, of the latest and meet desi rable Myles, Tea Ind Coffee Urns, Boum Vegetable and o.yetcr Tureens, Breakfast end Dinner.llastore. Watter e Butter Dishes, Ica and, tbrup Pitchout. Wine and Pickle Unsttirs,Frait and Cake Baskets.Oardlltands and Bouquet Holders. Bettens, :Berke. Napkin Hinge. Ooblets, Mega. Baltr. die.. die.'_ • I - .••••'. • . In ale will be einbrated Ten . Bete plaied on fine Eickel Metal, very handeonw. •- • T. 4. EcCLELLAND, Auctioneer. deltfitrn , • Looktu 6r Glasses at Reduced Prices .1081111 A O , IWPLANII. NO. ri) South. , rourth .strook about removing :a w o:7151 Market etraor, draw fek u ff.V O day' bk. ',tack AlluttOkti Fllttlet.,B et reduval.:psigea. ptrooae h‘vltut, Ldoktug 01 seen on atoras e . riu - ilque pay chargoaaad rouiova therwllLe week' 4 .:4011.46 ) ,0 "Ir'SWAM TAtitallibt*4l3 K:r.ANS MAKTR4I9.I4I mluisW,o mom out for oideq,bar IR. i3MIEU & Uo.llllolloutts ware sitaulei, FOURTH EDITION. BY TELEoit LATER FROM WASHINCRON Besuimptloni of .Specle Paiment Senator Morton's Great Bill Wayaielcita—fieniator IllortoWer ItlyedaLVernateh to tLei Phila. Z`v g i Bulletin. WneuttiatrON Dec. 14.—flenator Morton intro duced a highly mportant bill on finances, in the Emmett( .this M.,. vrbich , orabodiesbis .views:-of ' returning to a specie baste. He will address the Senate at length sn',•Wednesday, In support of The fBlloWing le the bill ' ,• A =Vie novnnt Vell . WEDIDOTION IN oom COP 7711 IL Pi. * AMES_ iAIOP rnairrioner., ouiutanor , Aso an. 1 QIIOLING TON NATIONAL' BANKS TO EIDXfal Tnitin Norm invone4 - 13trit enacted by the Senate and Rouse"of Rep retentatirds of the !Jolt, d► Wes in Congress Assembled. • Saurian 1. That hereafter there shall be no mks of g 'ld belonging to the Treasury of the Uttiteil - Ststes, that the rurPhis gold new in the Treatury. and that which. lOW hereafter accrue oyer and above the amount required to pay the intend °tithe public debt. and for other specific uses speciftid by lasts. shall be reserved and set apart for the redemption si United States notes and fractional cur. 2.8 e it further enacted, That and and after the first dar of July. 1871; the Tremors Of tbA United' States' Shall pay In coin, at the Tresturr of the United States at : Washington, and at ouch other poi em may be desig nated by the secretary of the Treasury. a l United States 1 , :) , a and tractional currency that may be presigited' for Lim& IMO on and after the that daY of Jainary;l973, the b ;glottal Banks shill pay Cab such of the(ir noted as rosy' be,presented fo . r_redytton.. and. than, on and after -Mel firstof.Julye 1670. reserve and hold their; venlig; all the coin which maylse received by them as igr, terett ire *heir stocks. hold. by Me Government for the redemption 'of thrirnotos.' ' • • . Mime: abat until the first of Januar*, tip • it, Which time they, are required to begin the reds= on Of, their note•;, the natlepal basks shalUkeep sad old - . In their vaults the full reserve of legal tender notes; as now re gutted by law: and that on and after that • time the reserve • egal- (tender setae' as fact sale itodraw ?halt be replaced With coin to a like amount. and the said banks shell thereafter - be sigtdred tehold Maar reserve fo'coin to'a like amount. and for:, the game reader notes provided that ; . the ` Comp - ttoilof of the et Me Beitretary of the ;Treasury.: sulow 'Bald banks to held a portion of said reserve. not exceeding two fifths of Unsaid amount required by law in United States not- a. figa d. That the Secretary of the Treasnly may cause so many of the United States notes that . wit be -redeemed. under • the pmvisialia .at this act to be careened., as .in his Judgment b- necresaro to iboloroper limitation , of tUe currency.- Provided further. That all fractional currency that may be redeemed shall be cancelled. • • _ Sze. 6. That on and atter th e first ` J of anne/9,172. U n ited States stows eball cease to bo' a legal tender in ray° ent of debts. but obeli be receivable in payment of s °realms nt dues. as sow provides by, law r go. 7.• Ile it further enacted. Tb at, the Seuretery of the Treoeury-stsail hay.. pervertO eg °tilde-11ot eell Donis eU tbe United States. Mlle due in thirty years, and:redeem-.: able by the Govertm(ept at his pleasure. o tter: ten years, bestir g interest at the rate of -- per cent.. priocipto and Intere.t napalm ta gold, to such amount as may be no- Ce emery to CITTT into operation the provisions - of - the sec— cod es ellen of thin act. • , • increase of Pay Mt Impartment. Clerks. tkipecial DesOatch to the Mils& Iphia EveilinelYnnetiml WA imiuxos;Dec.l4.-ln the flour 3 during tho morning baur the time was occupied in calling the roll of: emotes forjoint erolutions and bids of retort nal, At the close of thamorniug ht , ur Mr. Stokes: of Teonesi , em offered hill givinr clerks" in the deOnriments twenty per cent. extra to th. 1r present :lay. Mr. Benjamin. of allssouri moved to lay /ho bill upon the table., Upon this he called the ems and vas& I - • - Al at. 'a WIC voteLoil the Who)* question;,Consicier. able interest aas manifested while the .vo , a. was - being taken as to the probable result. - it tram dltiiosed of by be. ins laid upon the table by a vote of 91 ayes to 74 nays: The Copper .41.1414 113111,. lipr dal Despatch to the rtilledelphia Evening BalletliL:1 WABILIIIGTOM Dec. 14th—Tile' Sonata Finance COM% mittee•win Lod , tneettott to.-morrow to consider the Copper tariff bill passed ey , tbe House This to ab )nt Mt the business the 'Committee expect to do before tbe boll. Prestiletiktial mominatibne. Wastritioroir. 14.-:1 he President fades 'nand. mated to the -c mate Henry d. Smythe. to be Minister to Russia. Alex. Cumming% of Pennsylvania, to be CommteidOner of Internal-Pevi nne. • um. J. Collins, Superintendent of Indian Affairs; for !dabo and Montana. Pen.i. P. James t Chief Examiner of the Patent Office Alfred Maoy, Collector of Custards at Nantneket. Masa . The Freeditieuve Buirectia • • (Special Deei,atchto the Philadelphia Everting Bulletin] Waennierron. - Tlec. 14 —The fleeate thIS afternoon re ceived a communication from the Beeret'y of War. tram milting a cornmunie‘tion 'trona(fen: Howard. 11 13 king •an invtatisation into Lb edmioistraiinn of the Freedmen's Bureau._ and. recommending that, his requeat be Fortieth Congress—Third Session. . . _ . anwarz.—Tlhe Preddent presented a communisation from the Secretary of War tranetnittieg the report nr the Commissioner of Freedmen, Refugees and Abandoned Lands. asking for the appointment of a committee to in vestigate toe operation* of that bureau from the time of its organisation to the end of tee present month. Re. tarred to ommt tee on Military affairs. Also. a con nottication from the Governor of Oregen. trans re it Hug the resolution or the I gialature rescinding the ratifiration of the oonstitntional amendment Ea lelf..d Bathe Comintr ec on toe Judiciary.' Alec. the laws of Colorado and Dacoteb. Referred to Committee on Territories. nor. Pomeroy presented a petition of the •citizeas of. Kansas. fraYing that in any amendment of the Conatitu lion in regard to suffrage, no diatinction be made on ao.' count of sex. , iticlusz — eontinued from Third Edition ) fty Mr. Els—Relating to pay. pensions and bo ,nties of non-residents. T. the Committee on Invalid Pension. By Mr. Eliot—Relating to Yreedmerra hospitals. To the G'untettree on Fresdoien's Affairs. By Mr. Poland—To repeal part of section fin of the act of August 9d, HAL in reference to fhe appotutment of West Pt int Cadets. To the Committee on Military Affaim By Mr. emith._provitilns for, the payment fur horses bit by certain officers in the service of the Uniterißtatea Same refrretce. By fe r Barka, instructing the Committee on Appro. t riaronetococonsider the expediency of making appro priations to carry into effect the provisions of an act m istier tre ne'one. o t emmittee on Appr'prtat one By Mr I hurchilL designating eke oeicers authorized to take evidence in cases of coutested election. Referred to the Committee on klectione. By Mr. Robius.n=7o remove obstruction from the Fast River: in • the harbor of. New York; appropriating ea IEO.IOO. Relents d drthe Committee on Commerce lit? Mr. Van stout (N. Y.), to anth mho the Southern Maryland Railroad Company to enter the District of Crier:obis. Referred to-the Committee on the Diatrletof Columbia By hir.Broomall (Pa). To incorporate the tdrioan Col. lege. Referred to the Judiciary Co emitters By Mr. Miller. Declaring that the pried') at all U. B. bowls shall be paid in coin. Referred to the Committee of Wit)B and Mears. fibril By Mr. 3 rence (Ps.) -Authorizing the ineorpora ti- n of certain railroad compani 'dia.= To Judiciary Com mittee. ry O'Neill—A supplement to the Bankruptcy act. To Cr minit'ee on Revision of Laws. • By Mr. ••ettis—To provide for tho paving of 'enrisylea niti avenue. To l'ontmittee for the District of Columbia. By Messrs. Whittemore, 'Bowen and °there—neve - al bills for the removal Of po.iiical disabilities from certain per. one.' To Committee on Reconstruction. • By Mr. M bitts more—Directing luquiry into the elec. Gene in South Carolina. (cowrie and 1. r , telana. Same reference. d 9 0 By Bs. Kellogg—Greeting to time New v i es,tsie, M. ilia and Coen Browns t ail cad tbo right of, way through the Public lands , . de To the Committee on Public to orb. By fc r. Not rie in relation to appoititment of mblehip. , met• from the lately reconstructed snake. ro Committee on Naval Affairs. By Mr. Buckly-:-Providing that tbe State of Alabama may accept within two years the provisioned the sgri. cultural l'ollcgo Bill. 'Io t emtnideo on Public Lands. By Mr. Bypber—A monist tel of the Louisiana 1 sates. turo an appropriation . ols3oll Ora for the Meals• tleei and_Mexitan Gulf Canal. To Committee on Ap. proplationa. • . RELIGIOUS LNTELLEGENCE MERVH:o or EPISCOI'AL .CtatitaTatiatt—A large . . el- • • meeting :Of FrioroPet ergyinen in reference to the lots of Revi Robe: t Farr Financial Secretary of the Evang-lical Education Society of the EphseMail '‘,hurch. and 'be Rev. r rat:1111ln r.ltising, took hoe et th e oh irc h of th e Epini; any to d.y. Bishop .VOl/ took the chair and Rev Mi. .I.:bi . .de watt appointed Socrotarr. After devotknal exorcisee; Rev: 111.. Childs read a Ist ter f Itt kt t v: gtevone. dated tiothlehem. De comber 12 in 1.% bith he . alluded to, the bereavement which had be n sustained in .tue loss of the Roo. Mr. Birrnimtniu. Deo. 12 --Dear Brethren: Though unable Om rearm Cl toy invalid condi , ion to bo with yen on Monday in person 1 shall be with you in spirt:. I beg through this letter to Join'ttevsympathywith yonra in this our rommen.boreavoment. limed not. beforo d you, attempt to eulogize Mr. Pastan, for he hag long live in your midst. and you hnowand nypprociated his wee th. He wie• a good man, full of faith d • of, too Holy Spirit 110 was a faithful minister of Motet, Hewes a good aoldier amyl. t rut h. na Vie foreo.tau. standard.betwers of Evangelical Writing lu a r..re Iniumer paettoral, and executive abilities of. a high eras he . held for e , pvernl Yit are poet occupied a commanding and responsible poel• hon. to the satb ..faction of hte co.lsthmian; and to the up building of tho I:hutch of Gqd. lie lea es acsp to our (berth cork which it will be extremelv difficult, to SO. Of too fearful circomataer.ta of his deat h I dare not trost myself to speak. "God's Judy ineute. are a great deep. , 'His well. ore far .dtrove oat of eight: , It pleased flint, whoa f ..ithfulservant he suet% to translate him &- Trott as by a chariot of lire. 110 la , aot, because Clod took him. We bow in subminern, onv log no we strike alma hr, pots: 't oven N.., Father, for .no.it luxe seemed , good In Thy . Hear toren, Wo cannot mours for our hel wad flro. tber as those who have t a hope, for we have over, coal dencathat bid ransomed soul mats is the Paradise of But that dreadful midnight acetic Scalia tie warning voice to titY r lO 'Ye oleo ready. for in • Ouch MI hoe- as think rot int. Soniof Mao comet". , Let It Made, to d lap searchloss.ot heart , to ate. that we have befit upon the rock. and that we cling for salvation solely to the Atoning Shedd( e and Perfect tighteoune4 of onrDrilne dubstituto let', 4 t 4f t % 41 , 1 .. 11 1 t1 m s Win t g ° 432: P lMp a .. „ ' l2 ie tte d°ing Nun o r . u ;K r lirg • dont by the sant% Chrlat and ' fat t Mona• as the eavinur of the lost, tact when , we obeli be called bet tts.to better° tiomoro we may Red that our wink that ab4d.t. ag.4 not, n • the hsy wood awl Inn hie of a toilsomely fnittMmt minbtryin thip ad tma teat tro. whei. taervoica'of Ihe Cheroh it." The GOrdill.t , Art pa eikell 013111. as,ln the night of God. trite on . Is inpa—stre up our lotra‘aratcb unto eraYer. that whoa delta shall whkipOr le no 4 •Salkaild the Milo/now EI:ES CYOloolt: Pi'AelliN6TON. Dec. 14 Isl a* oonteul,go yeont io meet bilia;,ll YorfrifaY be . lie the , summons which o=.-; :call f. you -.., , t''',-1/0,;, , , as At/ hal ' tolled,. our 1"' Belore4::"g" - % „_, 4., absent/ front the bed a t' a lWesellf ' www ' waw 'Ay qt.'s deepest ems goest.with Yow towarde • ved wife and cbt en, and ,/' • Jan Moat Aware* wit you in tonnuesidirg therti fOmansest prayer to the God of the widow and of the &Umtata. who hi 'll , ltr'' LW God of all comfort and mar olatien. • '.•'• . , . ,--' ' • I remain Dear Brethren, in gimbaled o f a ocermon'end. heart rend ing sorrow. very DMA yotirfriend ai Bishop., Rev. Dr. Vintinatd a litter of regint.frout Rev. ii..Y. Morton and Rev. Itellogg,,now in 'Rhode, laibutid.-,--&--, letter was also read rata Wormy Bedell, of the Omen* Ohio. Jtev. Dr. Claxton read e serute.tuatfttruferenera" 2 ' to the death of the Rev. Mr. n. ~- _ . y..;,. r • '• . .-'s• ~,_. Rev. Dr. Newton addressed et martini tn referdMftFP the loss mstained by the death of Rev fdr.RielPet.__ L ._.." Bishop Vail followed in an addrem i , n widebnestunusia' feelingly to the'death of Mr. Rising. _„• „. i ..- ' Rev. Mr.•Barrb, of Chestnut Hill. salad rellieititirt of Rev. Mr. Pant; and. o ff ered Ids , humble " tribute ; •, sorrow at his loos.. . . • , - - -—,„, " : ._ .Ifl ' , , Rev. Mr. Darborow Abe felt deep regret the 1. sustained by the Church In the decease or ' Mr. - l'amm' Hie acquaintance • extended , back severalleare, dliring which ,br:hid had the sweetmt ChrtatiawCoMmunlow. , with Me deceased., ' In their , religious studleatir calk:Ms.. , they were associated. and all of his acgnaintance was or, the most endearing character. flu motion, a retell:4lov of regret was pawed at the. deathtf Mr. Rising. after 'glair the meeting was brought to +time. • 1. 1868 HOLIDAY. SEASON.I:B6BO. - • LACE' 0 1 1titelttgar401. 1'' ' . 13ROME. STRIPED .ttitleitt PONcEAu EPLitigkEts;f. - ,.:" s . TERRIES IN PLAIN Cretonnes,Tansals and Lo ' ,p St t PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. '‘ " The above goods are fresh, ant are - offered .with confidence Ate the. Minot recherche and complain asooriment of Fabrics for she embelllifinient of Par., Jeri!, Libraries, Chambers, room, ever ailithlted 'this city. . ' , • I. WALRAVENs: MASONIC HALL. -• No.. 719 CHESTNUT STREET.. /MIL - Obi - Ent" 7~EB K. &B. OFFEB Piton *0.0 , 1T? 50. doz. Ladiea' and Ohildren's Hats At . Hatt (lost. Mao. Me largest, eussortment of "31.! BIRDS, FEATHERS and FLOWERS to be toutd in Amorim BOYS' FINE VELVET RATS, o es-014--&fid- THOS.._ KENNEDY 84 BROS, No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, 0e2.8 2mrP MRS. ft, MELLON. 823 and 821 sourtt STREET. Millinery for Ladies and Id rose& II stills: • Slike.. Velvets, Ribbon . • Flowers. Featbon& Frtunee, MOUTTIIIIR Mtiliremerape Veils, ace. Silk Velvet and Bolin Dais, Sash Ribbon.. - nog limoro INFIX ' FINE ARMS. ELEGANT OHRISTMAS GOODS. LO CHIN G,GL ASSES, 0 OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, THE BEST CHROMO-LITHO-': GRAPHS, fi ALL THE ROGERS' GROUPS, FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHS, CARVED EASELS &a &0., All at Very Moderate Prices, FAAALES' GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. hx , . .. K t .AR , 4 • 4,• BANKERS , a: No. 35,SOUTH - THIRD STREET;' :.,. 'PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN , • ' ' . 4- , eDICERICAtENT SECURITIES- , STOCK,GOLD .- ,AND 'NOTE BRO KERS. ~' Amounts of Banks, Firms, and. Individuals received, gabfest ' to ohook at sight. INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES. : c a`:- ` qENERAL ACLENTS - ,'• .4 , . .. .FOR '- ' : ' - ~' l' ••• - "i o e, n(l'.lPft.EN..aN... PENNSYLVANIA is L i o VA N.,3IA *-. _. .; :p1 OF -THE , 77, :. , ... Xgrio OrIYIE , ..: - ViE 0 . .' UNITED STATES . OF AMERIQA:, TllO NATIONAL LIV/CINattItAINTCE (. I .6urANY le . 116, Corporation cbartered by special Act of Congress,' 'up," proved July 25, ISM, with a - ' , ~, CASH . CAPITAL, SI,000,000; FULL PAID. . Liberal terms offered to ,Agents and Solicitors, wita are invited to apply at'our office. . , Full particulars to be had on applicatinn at Our °Mee, located in the second story of . our Banking.; House, , where Circulars and Pamphlets. fatly deacsibing fbe advalltitE oiler c d by the(.•lnPanY,'nuky bebad. 4 E. 'W. CLAIM &Vt. ' . ' ` NO. ao oiah rum c s, . Vialttowbi BRANDI , UNE& ItA.IBINS. WHOS. e f entLinti ‘ bo i r &this sa U 1 R rdid frilt.' l l , . b n Aawar: avenue...: '... ' :: •:., !) VVBUB WarthE ITAT •;•-likl BOXES , 010 MIN • White esetilft Soap, matt fromildff.r.trisov kora 8en 09 6 Rnd forum by JO B. BuSama Smith •ElataWare menu& • ' _•• 1114 Wir. — kOR BAGS: Ito TONS , Or OEIALIC k) , &Hoot. Apply to woMiet4 Walltut.' 1046