01 1 111:131:1144EITLN. Ariutvansakr.--qhe Twenty-5000nd Ittaniver - - ears exercirca of , the Spring Garden Pre s byteria n (March wets held yesterday stfternOota. The Church. wee crowded to Its utmost capacity by the friends of, the school and others interested in the cause of Sab. bath. School training. Very interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Alexander Reed and Rev. Goo. J. Slinging. The reports of the Superintendent showed a greatly increased growth of the school, and from them tee gain the r following facts: Zinmber ,of officers and teachers, • 41; number of echolars„ Lire ; 'amonnt contributed to various be nevolent _objects $696.83.,.. .. A branch school, called the McDowell Sabbat h` School, was started at Twenty-second and Columbia avenue early in the summer, and has been growing in • • numbers with each succeeding week until now it bidsfair to be* the nucleus of *church in that locality.. One feature of the exercises,' the Miming by the large number of children, deserves especial notice, as it was admirably dose, and reflects much credit on those having charge of that department. The officers and teachers feel greatly encxutragedby rue prosperity that has attended their efforts in the put, and etart on the new year with renewed energy and zeal. ANNUAL Tily.sairm . —The anneal meeting of the Moyamenehig-Itunitutcrwas held-at- the-Hall i -corner of Eleventh and Catharine streets, on the evening of the %instant. The annual ~ eport of the President watt read; giving malty interesting facts of the - work = ing of the ',Winne for the put year, At present a night school. containing eirthty boys. is in very sec ceseful operation, with gratifying resells. The fol lowing gentlemen were elected °ulcers to serve for the ensuing year: President, John U. GIllar; Vice President, Patrick A. Eagan; Secretary, William J. Reed; ;ere sa urer. Arthur Hughes; Managers, John S. Davie, Henry B. Tatham. William Laughlin, James D. Campbell, Thos. Richardson, B. H. Bartel, Jean Kelley,. James C. Adams, Francis Graham, Joint 'R. TaL•gre Peter . Glasgow, Thomas S. Stewart. SCHENCK'S POI/lONIC SYRUP, SiAWEED TONIC AND DIANDBAIXE PILLS will CUM CONSUMPTION, LIVBIL CompLaorr and Drsrxrere, if taken according to the. directions. They are all three to be taken at the same time. They cleanse the stomach, relax the liver and pat it to work; then the appetite .becomes good; the pat digests and makes good blood; the patient begins io grow in ilech; the diseased matter ripens in the longs and the patient Outgrows the disease and gets welL Tbis is the only way to cure Consumption. To these three medicines Dr.l. Schenck, - of Phila. -- WO% owes his unrivalled success In the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption. The Pulmonic Syrup t. ripens-the morbid_matter thelungsomanre _thro wa it - off by an easy expectoration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to cleanbe the stomach and liver, so that the - ,pulmonic Syrup and the food will make, good blood. Sclienek's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, re moving all obstructions, relax the .ducts of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely and the liver is soon re- Hayed Cthe stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing has ever been invented except calomel (a deadly poison which is very dangerous to nee unless with great care)qbat will unlock the gall bladder. and start the secretions of the liver-like Schenck's Man drake Pill& Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the alkali in the Seaweed, which - this preparation is made of, assists the stomach to throw out the gastric Juice to dissolve the food with the Palmonic Syrup, and is made into good blood without fermentation or souring in the stomach. The great reason why physicians do not cure Con samptiun is, they try to do too much; they give medi cine to atop the cough, to stop chills, to stop the night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers. lockin i tt i p the secretions, and eventually the patient sinks andes. Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chills or fever. Remove the cause, and they will all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Canker, Ulcerated Throat, unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. ' If a person has consumption, of cour ts the lungs in some way are diseased; either tubercles, abcessee, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inflammation and fast decaying. In each cases what must be done? It is not only the lungs that are wasting, but it is the whole body. The stomach and flyer have lost their power to make blood out of food. Now, the only chance is to take Dr. Schenck's three medicines,whlch will bring up a tone to - the stomach, the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body be gins to grow, flesh 1 commence to he up, and the patient gets fleshy and well. This is the only way to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease and only Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without the Pialmonic Syrup, Take the Mandrake Pills freely in all bilious complaints, as they are perfectly harmless. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, nil physicians having pronouncedltis .caselumeless, andabandoned him to his fate. He was cured by the aforesaid medicines, and since his recovery many thousands similarly , af flicted have need Dr. Schenck's preparations with the same remarkable success. Full directions accompany each, making it not absolutely necessary to personally see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs ex amined, and fen this purpose he is professionally at his Principal Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all letters for adice must be ad dressed. He la also professionally at No.-32 Bond street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover street, Boston, every other Wednesday. Ho gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Respi remoter the price is $5. Office hours at each city from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. -- - Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic each $1 50 per bottle, or $7 50 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. Tantonnow afternoon at three o'clock the hall at the northeast corner of Broad and Spring Garden streets will be thrown open to the public, and a fair will be inaugurated under the auspices of the congrega tion of St. Matthew's Protestant Episcopal Church. The proceeds are to be devoted to the erection of ad ditional buildings, and so earnest have the managers been in their work that even in this day of superfluity of fairs, they have made their fair very attractive and well worth a visit. One of the most interesting de partments is the art gallery. In this (nuts a number of pictures are collected—pictures of great merit, by well known artists, among whom we may mention Sully, Winner, Such and V, do V. Boulleld. The cata logue 01 paintings is varied, and•the gallery is deserv ing of the especial attention of lovers of art. Besides this there will be a book table, where the last editions of everything from Shakespeare to Jack the Giant Killer can be procured at prices which should make the retail dealers blush; a iefrethment saloon waere all the delicacies of this season, and of other seasons, can be had for a merely nominal number of "carrea cies t!' ancttv multitude of tables containing a multi tude of articles, from a pin -cushion to a mattress, from a pinafore to a suit of clothes, all at low prices, and all vet y suitable for Christmas purposes. The enterprise deserves magnificent success, and we recommend all who wish to procure articles for the approaching hol iday season to givt St, Matthew's Church fair the first chance. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 Chest nut.street, are new selling all books, at retail, at a discount of from twenty-five to forty pelican& of from publishers' retail prices. They have on hand the largest and best selected stock of all kinds of books, from the cheapest toy book to the most expensive il lustrated books, ever offered for sale'in ! this city. We advise all to call in at Peterson's, 'No. 300 Cnestnut s t ree t, before purchasing any books, and see for them selves. POSTPONEMENT.—On account of the weather the salevf- elegant French Bronze Groups, Figures Soc., has been postponed until Wednesday morning, 9th instant, at 10% o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery. 1020 Chestz* street. The collection comprises Ante of the best assortments ever offered at public sale in this CITY NOTICES. VISATICAL RAILWAYS have removed a great ob jection to large hotels. One of the &Hat in the cOun try is that t7l the AMERMAN Honing. Boater. Messrs. Rica have left nothing undone for the comfort of their patrons, HOLIDAY GIFTS. Charles uakford & Sons have a splendid stock of 'Rata and Caps in the latest styles, for Holiday Gifts, ,citable for both Ladies and Gents. Jean BrLutcas says— Tha mast smatLest animit -which grows is the BUMBLE BEE. talgrit have also added that the MOBT LARGEBT Stuck of really fine fashionable Ready-made Clothing iB to be found at STOICEB & Co.'s, No. 624 Chestnut street. VERY Fine Spanish Olives, • Imported and for sale, By the gallon or quart, At MITOUELL & FLETOLIZIeti, 1204 Chestnut street arnaDAY Gins OF Fuss. Al] the varieties and latest styles. Cheapest and best in the city. Oaaroays', Continental Hotel Wtwast H. RELWEG.—Who has not heard of liebreg, the incomparable Boot Maker, at 535 Arch idlest? Ma fame as a manufacturer of tine calf boots le proverbiaL lie never tails to tit his patrons neatly and comfortably, and moreover he uses the beat mate riat in hie manufactures. Of lielweg it may be said that he has brought the business of boot-matting to an art, 80 exact 1.8 he in his measurement,and au neat ele gant and substantial In the malting of hie wares. Mr. Helm confines his stock exclusively to mews an d boys' wear, of which he has at all times a very large Igo*. ready-made. intrude° jtutropened a full as amtment gentlemon'a parlor slippers, very suitable :or prilflahtth A Ltirtntts.wr Gnowrit on' Hint may be ob tamed by tiltLtig Jayne% Bair Tonle. Those who have lost their hair from general or local disease. , ind_thia A moat 'excellent .reatorative, kels plug the scalp clean and el/mutating it to healthy action, as well as, preserving the hair motet and glossy. ,Pro. pared only by 1)r. D. Jayne its Son, 242 Chestnut 'NEW BETHLEHEM BUCKWIMAT, Choke Pamily for sale by Wirrentn.r. & FiZTOIIRB, 1204 Chestnut street. VERY Fors BLAOIC TEA At Sac. by the Cheat. Mlrouxr.t. &, FLICTOEIZE, . 1204 Oheatnut street. "Bowtoes Gum Arabic fieerets"—Use them for your Cough and pulmonary troubles. Depot Sixth azidirine. Price 85 cents. Sold by Druggists. Qumx end soothe the pain of children teethlne— Uee Bower's Infant llordiel. Sold by all Druggists. Coitus, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, Na 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. SURGICAL Inaraummarta and drUgghita t sun driee. EttowDzer_.% Bsortres,_ 23 Beath Eighth street. DEAFNESS, BIAISIDNESE4 AND OATARITO, _ J. Isaacs, M.D.. Professor of the Eye and Sir treats all diseaSef3 appertaining to the above members with the utmost BUCCEIBO. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets in hie practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No * charge made for examination. N • Renortenf ERRNeltilnening%Uettn. -tAGUA.--Brig Mechanic, Dyar-869 hide molasses 86 tee ArJWaMCI BIILLETEN. PORT OP PHIL LD 11W - ace gains Bulletin en /aside Pao& !MUM) Tllll3 DAY. Steamer Fasita.Freeman. 24 MEWS from New Yorkwith rodeo to John F OhL Steamer Volunteer.thdhugher. 24 bourn from New York. with sada° to John F OhL Steamer Richard Willing. Candid; 18 hours from Balti more. with mdm to A. Groves, Jr. - Brig Mechanic. Dyer, ti days from Bogue. with molasses to E O it mutt & Co. Behr Mary O. .Sipple. 1 day from Milford. with DeL grain to Jpa Barrett. SchrZouava, Short, —l-day -from bisqpiolia,Del.witit grain to Jos Barratt. MEIMOB.ANDA. _ . Slap Beranek, Turley. was up at Mobile 28 UAL for Liverpool . Ship P Pendlettm, Pendleton. for New Zealand. put back to Liverpool 23d tat. leaky. Ship Clecpatra, Doane. cleared at Now York 6th inst, for San .Francisco. Bark Josephine, Hilton, hence at Queenstown 23d ult. Bark Meridian: Lenz. sailed from Bremerhaven 21st ult. for tins port. Bark Fannie. hence for Bremen. passed Deal Sith uIL Bark Lepanto, Omen& sailed from Granten 234 ult. for this port. Bark Geo Bell Cann A hence at Helvoet 218 ult. Bark Thee Dallett,.-Duncan, from Rio Janeiro for New York, was spoken 2d last, let 8614. lon 74 56. short of pro visions, and was supplied by steamship Charleston. from- New York, at Charleston. ' Brig o brood. Larkin, sailed from Falmouth 23d ult. for thian. Scbr rt Samuel L Crocker, Crocker, from Taunton for this vort.at New York veaterdai. • Bthra James Ma rtim Puller; C W May, May; T Sin- Dickson. Dickenson ; Ira Laffrienier, Wilson; Mary D Haskell, Haskell; (3 Loeser, Smith; T T Talker, Allen; Z Steelman. Adams , and A F Ames. Ames. hence at Boston sth inst. Sant Jos Haskell. Haskelll hence for New Haven and Emma Brown. Jones, hence for Hartford, at new York yesterday. Schrs Mari A Predmore, Hart; Amelia, Beebe; S L Russell, Smith; Wm F Phelps, Cranmer, and Success. Richards. from Providence for this port, at New York yesterday. Sabre Elizabeth De Hart. Lowe, from Portland, and M J Russell. Smith, from Pawtucket, both for this port, at New York yesterday. Schr Jobn H Allen, which was wrecked near Scituate was sold as she lax for $260, her cargo for $800; and her cables, anchors and suds would be shipped to Boston: Bahr Minnesota, of Sandwich, before reported in col lision with schr A M Aldridge, below Providence. on the 2d, sustained more serious damage than was reported, having lost jibboom, had her bowsprit broken and driven inboard. tearing up the windlass and dock. carrying away head board and some of the bead gear. . •M Uiß* . JONES' CoNIQ-IE9EtICIP. CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA: First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work: !WI f:lti KIT;10 BRONZES OF OUR- OWN IMPORTATION.' The bed assortment In the country, now open and for sale by MISKEY, MERRILL & TRICIIARA I Manufhoturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamp, Bronzes,&e., AT 718 CHESTNUT STFIE4T I PHILADELPHIA. oclB f m w Smavil THE HARRISON BOILER Hee ABSOLUTE SAFETY from destructive oxploeon with great (lc owns' in the use of fuel. For circulars, terms, ho., apply to the HARBISON BOILER WORKS, GRAY'S FERRY ROAD, S ear V. S. Arsenal. de3 6trpa FT"FrITTPIIVTI - 9''7 1 1 LOOKING GLASSES, THE VERY, CHEAPEST AND 13 JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 OHEBTKIIT STREET. wOR — BILE. - 7 - - - - AN — INV - OM OF HANDURO RAW saaortad linen and canon, PETER WEIGHT & BONO. _ 017 i 11 1111 Manama& TaTORTOWS PINE APPLE OBEEBE.-100 BOXES ON conaboomant. Landing and tor sato by JOB. B. BUBBLES & 00.. Agents tor Norton & Ebner. 1011 dontb Delaware weave. • • ... F AN olawera a GES.--FINEI BIIPTr AND IN D . 14. oilier. ding and r i or e ar JOS. D. DIM : • A . Eldn P THE DAILY. EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADEIYHIA, NOtrbAY, DEOERLPI 7,'1868. /GREAT -BARGAINS IN DRESS :GOODS_ Dreit °acids for Holiday. Prelates GREAT SAORICFICLE t•IN.PR,IOES. _ , Dress G o ods at about Half'Prlces. As we wish to Giese out our entire stools of choice Winter Drees Goods, we are prepared to offer soma VERY Oftlegir 13A.IROAXIVEL Mixed and Plaid Poplins. 25, 28, 81. Double width All• Wool Gray Plaids, 26 oentai worth Double width All• Wool PoSplins. worth 87X. Finer qualities of Dress Goods.very low. (VINE BLACK. ASTRACAN CLOTHS. FOE BROWN ASTRACAN CLOTHS. FINE WHITE ASTRACAN CLOTHS. FINE LYONS CLOARING VELVETS AT REDUCED PRICES. HANDSOME SHAWLS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS ALL OUR SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. STEEL & SON, Nod. 718 and 715 N. Tenih Sts SILKS. GREAT REDUCTION: J. M. HAFLEIGH 3 1012 AND 1014 CHESTNUT STREET WILL OFFER Monday, December 7th, His entire stock of - FA.NCIt Six At a Great Reduction. 5,000 yards reduced from $2 50 to $1 25. 10,000 " " " 300 to 1 50. 2,000 " " " 600 to 300. Also a Wholesale Stock of Ribbons, Flowers, French Bonnets, &0., at Retail. orsttroi DECEMBER 7 EP.901E3 "LA BELLE" SKIRTS. All styles of this Justly Celebrated Skirt. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 CRESTNITT STREET. .34 6, BALMORAL& OF THE BEST MANUFAOTURE. RICKEY, SHARP &CO., 727 VIESTATII STREET. - vti K LINEN STORE, 828 Arch street. Several. Cheap Lots of • TOWELS, TOWELING by the yard, TABLE LINENS; NAPKINS. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. liX" The largect Linen Stock In the city at importer's prim. dean •• EYRE 8z LANDELL, • • -- tour I h and A_rch.. BEDUOTION IN PRICE 3 FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Magnificent Shawls. Expensive Silks. Fashionable Poplins. Desirable Cloakings. 4-4 Pure. Silk Velvets. Stripe Satin Skirtings. Stripe Poplin Skirtings. Grand Duchess Skirts. Belle Helene Skirts. - First Quality Astraoans. 6,ooo,,Yards DELAINRS for Presents for the Helpe of the house. 6,000 Yards Fast Colored CHINTZES, do. do. %OW yards 44 French CHINTZES, ' do. do. BARGAINS IN BAUM BOHM, ELMS, CoLL IBM, EMITS AND NECKTIES. a., HOTELS, BOARDING-WISES W e have a special wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cot' on Sheeting. Towels, Napkins, Single Bed and Berth Blankets, and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. An t h e a b o ve Ida of goods made up at short notice, if desired. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner -Eighth- and Market Sts. DRraoo Dle TO PROPRIETORS OF SHIPPING. Dalt 446.01108. STRAWItitIDOE &CLOTHIER DRY GOODS STORE Corner Eig h th and M arke t Sts,, rinutparizems. Among the bargains we are now offering dally will be found the following desirable line of DRESS (4003 Dig: _ Oneiliundred_pleces,FANCY_and_P.LAlN_POP-_ LING at 25 cents, has been selling at 50 cents. Fifty__ Pieces CHANGEABLE SERGES and DOUBLE WIDTH 'ALPACA POPLINS at 4M, cents, have been selling at 50 cents. Sixty-Ave pieces, yard wide, CHAMELEON POPLINS, at 62X cents, have been selling at el 00. Two cases, very heavy, wide OTTOMAN CORDED POPLINS at $1 25, have been sold at el 75. One case wide SILK CHAIN EPINGLINES at $1 50, have been selling at $2 00. BLACK and FANCY SILKS, at very low prices. CHANGEABLE SILKS, reduced from $2 00 to $1 60 per yard. LYONS SILK CLOAKING VELVETS, reduced $2 00 or $8 00 on the yard. STRAIVERIDGE & CLOTHIER, i ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT THE Elee-Inve." J. W. PROCTOR 4 CO. will offer during the holidays an elegant assortment of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, chiefly purchased at the recent LARGE AUCTION SALES, at about one-half the importation cost, comprising FANCY DRESS GOODS in large variety. from 25c. to $I 50 per yard. DRESS BILES AND SATINS. RICH BROCILE AND PAISLEY SHAWLS, From $l5 to $l5O. FINEST QUALITY FURS IN RUSSIAN SABLE. - HUDSON BAY SABLE, AMERICAN SABLE. ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA. &a REAL ASTRACHAN BACQUES, MUFFS =SHAWL FINE CLOAKS, a splendid collection in VELVET. PLUSH. MONTAGNAC VELVET CLOTH, BLACKS AND COLORS; RICH ASTRACHAN AND SEAL CLOTHS; also, OPERA AND PARTY CLOAKS. LAMES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHING GOODS. SCARFS. TIES, LACES, EMBROIDERIES. PLAIN AND FANCY lIDKF£I., FRENCH SETS; ito. HOSIERY AND oLoyEs OF ALL KINDS. DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. and other useful and ornamental articles too multitudinous to enumerate. all of which will be sold AT A GREAT SACRIFICE from the original Coat. J. W. PROCTOR &CO., 'I he "Bee Hive," NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 2 Cases Richardson's Linens. 1 Case Pillow Linens. 1 Case Table Napkins. Table Cloths, Superb Double Damask two to eight yards long. 8 Cases Marseilles Quills, 1 Case New Table Coverings. 100 Pairs Rich Lace Curtains. 350 Emb'd Tabltand Piano Owen. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Importers of House) Furnishing Dry Goods, No.looB CHESTNUT STREET. no2o f m w I.otry CLOTH HOUSE. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER Wish to keep before the public the fact, that they aim to keep the largest and moat varied stock of all descriptions of CLOTHS TO BE FOOD IN PHILADELPHIA. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL CLOTH . HOUSE; Corner of Eighth and Market Stn. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nov. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, OFFERS BIS LARDIC LVD ELEGANT CITOCK WINTER DRY GOODS, EMBRACING ALL OF THE Newest Designs and Fabrics, - AT PRICES WARRANTEE TO BE AB - Low as they can be bought elsewhere. a l as tl Pare • ' • -, G • 4 • • THE E T . sAtE • , FINE READY-MADE - CLOTHING Aki.per Arrangentent with . THE EXECUTORS. 4 ' The Bale has commenced, and it now ia _IPUMAILA. 3PRCOI3 : 36tOSS OA ST HALL THE - LAmnes t r - CLOTHING - 110 US E- -O P -THE CITY: We are rapidly SELLING OFF. Prices below the Cost of Manufacturing. • OVERCOATS, all styles. SUITS, every- description. PANTS and VESTS, hundreds of varieties. FOR A SHORT 1 14 HE A DEDUCTION OF 15 PER CENT. On all Cash --Bales in the Custom Department, BOYS' CLOTHING • The Very / Beat - Made, at Heavy Redactions. ais Per Cent. Discount ON ALL MANNER OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODSA Determined to close out quickly the Stock of the late firm, no other house can approach the tow prices at which we are selling off, as the large crowds who have filled the store all the week caa testify. All theee goods are of our own excellent make and satisfaction warranted. tom` Douse open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Saturday Night later. Any garment bought at night or any other time cheerfully exchanged, and, when not able to shit" the customer, the money returned, according to our custom for years past. An extra force of salesmen in attendance, and most careful attention given to all. We are glad the Peop'e appreciate the opportunity, and are getting such Bargains. we have still an Immense StoCk. WANAMAKER FG BROWN , OAK HALL THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, TOE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS. ALPACA POPLINS-10 cases of Alpaca Poplins of the choicest shade.s, reduced from 50 cents per yard to 25 cents per yard. RICKEY,,SHAItP 8c CO., • 727 Chestnut Street. RICH CHANGEABLE CORDEDASELMI-2,509 yards of Bleb Changeable- Corded Silks at,,sl. 45 per yard. RICKEY, SHARP* CO., 72.7 Chestnut Street. SUPERB STRIPED SILKS-4,000 yards Snjerb Striped and Changeable Silks at • el 50, 491 75 and $1 90 per yard. A great bargaiti. CLOAKING VELVETS—Superb quality of 28-inch. 30-inch, and 32-Inch Black Lyons Cloaking Velvets. A great bargain. RICKEY', SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. VELVETEENS, VELVET CLOTHS and SUPER ASTRACHAN CLOAKING, in great variety. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. des 7 9 12 . MARKET ge, ego 0 4 4° et) NELPTEL, Ity Blank Beavers. Black Chinchillas. Black Velours. Blank Astraoans. Black Moscow, Black Doeskins. Black Velveteens. Blank silk Velvets. White Chinchillas. White Cloths. • , Fanny Cloakings. Fancy Cassimeres. Which, with others, makes a stock unsurpassed in ye• f i l i e= e igieapness, and embraces every desirable thing sos2gro to w 3m 4 ) , tAt !Fourth and Arch. HAVE REDUCED SOME DESIRABLE AND SEA. SONABLE GOODS, AS MUCH. AND PERHAPS MORE, THAN OTHERS, FOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS. LYONS BILE VELVETS EXPENSIVE LONG S_HAWLS. FIRKT QUALITY POPLINS. BEST ASTRACAN (MOTHS. VELVETEENS AND FLUSHES. DRESS GOOCED. ALL WOOL PLAIDSAND PLAID POPLINS. m w off INDIA SHAWLS AND SCIABFB. .• GEORGE FRYER., No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Invitee attention to hie stook of Real India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Aleck, ,an elegant stock of SILKS in Black and Colors; FANCY SILK BLUSHES, POPLINS, SHAWLS and FANCY GOODS. • India Shawl, and Scarfs Altered,Repalred and Cleaned Ina superior manner. oaBo.2corp6 GREBN CLINGR.DENG A D e la ware SALE 81l J. B. MOM= & Cv...108 Eiout avenue RICKEY,: SHARP & CO., 727 - Chestnut Street. 727 CHESTNUT STREET 727 REDUCTION IN THE"PRICES OF DRESS' GOODS. - , RICKEY SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street, OFFEit TO-DAY 60 Cases of Imported Dress Fabrleo l dt 25 eats pET yard, worth'doable the prim. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street. trl.• • ro INDIA SHAWLS. A few real INDIA CASHMERE SHAWLS, long arld square, &rout from Calcutta. Imported and for sale by J. W• 810L0811 dc SONS. 22 NORTH FRONT STREET. ELASTIC SPCINCIE• • Pennsylvania Elaatio Oponcre 1111 Chestnut illretet, 1311...A.5T10 SPONGE A BUBST/TVF () Pa R ADR ALL CHEAPER THAN Eggral c ia lt. oß HAIR, AND FAR The Lighted. Hottest and moat Elastic and Durable ma. terial known for AND I PILLOWS, CAR_ CARRIAGE AND CIIAIR CUSHIONS. It M entirely indestructible, perfectly clean and free from dud ' IT DOES NOT I°AOH AT ALL I Is always free from insect life ; Ls perfectly healthy, and for the sick id unequaled. If coiled in any way. can be renovated quicker and easier than any other Mattress. Special attention e givn to FURNISMNO UHURCHRS, HALLS, Mo. the Railroad men are 001MeteU9 invited to examine thiablim RPinTH A = C TIAVN GUARIED.ED. bin m w f Iy4 ENVELOPES 1 ENVELOPES I 6,000,000 'SPI.PETY ENVELOPES , All colors, ualitie s for solo at roamed prim at the steam Erke t lo Aaa mi toja itsßT. serlard% SAMUEL TOBEIC. AAOut.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers