Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 05, 1868, Image 5
tallrisln6l43:MlN. lassuar AT TEE ACADEMY' OF NATURAL Seances:-.:fluxing-.:fluxinguingast night tenof gold pieces` and twelve crystals of diamonds were Melon from the Academy of Natural Sciences, at Broad and SanaoM streets. The thieves are supposed to have been concealed on the prembre se there are no marks of violence on any of the doors or 'win dows. When the loss was discovered this, morn ing persona who are in the habit of purchasing suc h articles were notified of the robtery. This alcraragShout mite o'clock,,: two men entered Graft jewolry More, on Twelfth street near Fil berklind offered for sale several specimens of lold. As they answered. the description of those ost, the met' were.detained until Policemen( Ea gan, of the Sixth District, was called in. Eagan and Mr. Gray then started to the Station House with their prisoners. At Broad street Mr. Gray lett to go to the Academy, and then one of the fel lows broke away and escaped. The other was se emed, ea was oleo the gold. The prisoner's name is William Monk. He will have a hearing at the Central Station this afternoon. Crano,nn wrrn finon.nrructo.—Two women— mother Ind daughter—were before Alderman Batt ler last evening upon the charge of the larceny of a hOnnelfrOut - the - store - of I.,tirar -- Steeli — on Eighth street, near Stamm. The evidence showed that the elder woman entered' the store and whllekloohing at some bonnets,concealed one under her shawl. She declares that she is limo cent of the charge and says that she lan milliner and merely went to the store to observe the de signs of the latest fashions. The daughter re ll:mined on the outside until a policeman was sent for and then she went In. She• got excited and struck Mr. Steel in the face. The two women were committed for furher hearing. CAUGHT IN THE Acv...-John Hurley, zesidingat Twenty.fifth and Factory streets, went into a store No. 1614 South street, yesterday. There he took a fancy to a handsome- counterpane. He forgot to inquire about the price of it or to make any provision for paying the bill. As he got to the door he was reminded of his omissions by being seized by. Policeman Gittham, of the Fifth District. He was taken before Alderman ,Patchel and was sent to prison to await his trial for larceny:::: A Toms N'tgEVY CAUGHT.—A MOMaII vVent_to the First Diatrict Station-house yesterday and entered a complaint that some clothing had , been stolen from her house. While there a prisoner was brought in, and on his person.was found the stolen clothing. The fellow had been arrested at Seventeenth and Shippen streets for stealing signs. He had a hearing before Alderman Da les on the double charge of larceny, and was committed in default of $2,000 bail. A libtow firortm.—Bnow fell for several hours last evening in this city. The flakes were dry and hard and laid upon the ground. This morn ing the streets and house tops all presented a wintry appearance. To-day the weather is ex ceedingly 'disagreeable. The streets are in a slushy condition and a drizzling rain,interspersed with an occasional spit of snow, has been falling all of the morning. A BOSTON Tams.— Michael Tevelin hailing from Boston, was before Alderman darpenter this morning upon the charge of the larceny of a home blanket.flrom McCaulley's stable, on Gris-- corn street, in the Fifth Ward. He was com mitted to answer. GALL AeekrztV-10 - iv. DE E. Gr. -Brooke,, distinguished clergyman of New York, has ac oepted the call of the Church of the Messiah, in Locust street, below Broad, and , commences his work as their pastor on Sunday morning next. How TO MAIM IT PAT FOB BOTH PARTIEB.—It Is positively laughable to tee how envious men at. tempt to account for the very low prices which are at all times current at Oak Hall. Contracts for uniforms for the Poet-office,-for Fire men. for Policemen, are awarded to Wanamaker Brown because they famish the same identical gar ments at prices below the lowest bid of other competi tors, and people say, Oh, yes, that's very cheap, but they'll make it all up on their ready-made clothing. In the Ready-made Clothing Department, as thou sands of our citizens who have tried all our leading clothing houses can testify, they sell at prices with which none can compete when the quality of goods and the general make-up is considered; and people say, Oh, yes, that's all very well, but they will make It up in the Custom Department. In the Custom De partment it is proverbial they give Merchant Tailors work at ready-made clothing prices; and it is said that what they detinct here they add somewhere else—but where they add it no one can really tell, for, for every twenty cases you meet with of persons making good haggler.. believeo not find one who has, or even pro fesses to he har . been charged anything awn a.very moderate and fair price. . Now the great thing to be marked in all this is the fact. admitted by all, of low prices. And the real ex planation fa simple enough. Any man can understand it, and, if he is honest, need not rummage his brain to lied out "how they do manage to sell eo cheap at Oak Hall." Here it is as plain as the nose ornyour face. say one house sells 812,000 a - day (more than which amount has been sold in a day at Oak Hall; in bat ordinary times), and makes a profit often per cent , or $1,200; and another house sells bat 80,000 a day, and makes a profit of 15 per cent., or $9OO. The house doing the Largest business makes the largest amount of money, you see, bat at the same time charges its customers only a profit of 10 per cent, while the house doing the smaller trade has to charge a larger profit, 15 per cent. yet does not make so much money. if now you object on the ground of its costing so much to run such establishments, it is enough to assert what is easily enough proved, that the machinery and the running of each an immense concern as Oak Hall does not cost, in proportion to the amount of trade done, half so much as does a smaller house doing but half the trade—that is, if a small establishment has to add 5 per cent. on each garment for "store expanses," a larger one can make as great a profit by adding bat three per cent., thus saving two per cent to the caste- This, then, to say nothing of the advantages which must accrue to a house buying so largely, is the ex planation of the whole matter. Wanamaker & Brown started oat with the idea of a Popular Clothing Rouse, and it IS admitted that they have so far real ized their idea that they are even sometimes falsely called a monopoly, because they command such an un rivaled amount of business. That's their secret—it's out now, and all may take the benefit of IL They will do business on this same principle to the end, or until they have very different experiences from any that have come to them so far in their business career. So that every new customer who comes to Oak Hall does something towards the "low prices" which the people are marveling about. And here's a new little problem which we would like to see the people try to solve practically: 'What is the very lowest figure to which we could enable Wanamaker and Brown to reduce their prices if we were all to buy our clothing at Oak Hall t -fitt SABBATH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY.—The Sabbath Schools connected with the Spring ;Garden Presbyte rian Church, Eleventh street. above Spring Garden, will hold their twenty-second anniversary to-morrow afternoon, commencing at 230 o'clock. Rev. Alex. Reed, D. D., and Rev. George Mingle, of New York, will make addresses, and the exereiges will be of a most Interesting character. hESTABLISHED 1828. CA. HOLIDAY PRESEN S. '• Ca. W. YZALTSSEIAILA, 22 N. SIXTH ST., Offers a very large assortment of goods for the HolldaY trade. FINE WATCHES from the best makers; in Gold and Bayer ewe. FRENCH MARBLE CLOCHB direct from Paris FINE JEWELRY of the latest styles. SILVER WARE from-the Gorham Mfg. Co.. at the lowest poseible prices. o. ° l . V l4. ' A u dtl E flht. datittpi The Best-Fitting and Best-Made , . . s IX I it T , OF THE DAY IS --:- - The "Improved Pattern Shirt," • AT THE OLD STAND OF ( JOHN C. ARRISON v , - ,p(4 , •••_ Nos. 1 and 8 North Sixth Street, ~,,_ • - ~,.,...„,...• (And. nowhere Om), which . has given so muchft i tiz it t ~ .... ito ;Imo adi u =vo Used It. 1 t .:. :,•,.... Mao, a vaperfor amortment of r.., 41101-enlerrierk's Goode, ‘. 4.0 . Suitable for the season, comprising ..; ":%- kERAIO. . - ; WOOL, ' l t and COTTON ...', V 17 Under Shir.ts end Drawers, -`, ' . WraPpers, OfOots, Collskt&Scarfo,Tioa, (Roves. HAklsolgo. 1.V.-4. E o44 rs 02 —* 1 , 1:7. ',17 0: .. FRU AND ni woso magtsitiJl 1.1.. iNkliware avonasi DR 00011Mhi bTRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CIZN ri9Etakra DRY GOODS STORE, Corner Eighth and Market Sts„ • PHILADJELPIIILG• Among the bargains we are now offeripg daily will be found the following desirable line of DRESS GEO) O.EIS: One hundred pieces FANCY and PLAIN POP LINS at 25 cents, has been selling at 50 coats. Fifty Pieces CHANGEABLE SERGES and. DOIJBLEIVIDTH - ALPACA POPLINS - at - 31 cents, have been selling at 50 cents. Sixty-live pieces, yard wide, _CHAMELEON. POPLINS, at 62X cents, have been selling at $1 00. Two cases, very heavy, wide OTTOMAN CORDED POPLINS at $1 25, have been sold at $1 75. One case wide SILK CHAIN EPINGLINES at $1 60, have been selling at $2 00. BLACK and FANCY SILKS,' at very low prices. CHANGEABLE SILKS, reduced from $2 00 to., $1 50 per yard. LYONS SILK CLOAKING VELVETS, reduced $2 00 or $3 00 on the yard. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER deb 2trio - 1 70 ..A3Ras "LA BELLE" SKIRTS. All Styles of this Justly Celebrated Skirt. RICKEY,-,..SHARP & CO., 727 CHESTNUT STREET. der.6trO BALMORALS. OF THE BEST MANUFACTURES RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 CHESTNUT STREET. de.s4ltiv EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. REDREW IN PRIOE3 FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Magnifieent Shawls. Expensive Silks. Fashionable Poplins. Desirable Cloaking., 4-4 Pure Silk Velvets. Stripe Satin Skirtings, Stripe Poplin Skirtings. Grand Duohess Skirts, Belle Helene Skirts. First Quality Astraosos. 6,t00 Yards DELAINES for Presents for the Helps of the house. COO Yards Fast Colored CHINTZES. do. do. 2,000 Yards 4-4 French CHINTZES, do. do. BARGAIN.' IN HINDKIIRODIEFI, GLOVER, OMURA, WRVS AND NECKTIES. • del hut TO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS, BOARDING-HOUSES . AND SHIPPING. We have a special wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Towels, Napkins, Single Bad and Berth Blankets, and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. All the above kind of goods made np at short notice, desired. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GO )D$ STORE, Corner Eighth and Market Sts. AZ" . ‘l ooi p /1471 Fourth and Arch. HAVE REDUCED SOME DESIRABLE AND SEA• SONABLE DODDS, AS MUCH. AND PERHAPS MORE, THAN OTEIERS.EOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS; LYONS SILK VELVETS. EXPENSIVE LONG SHAWLS. FIRIT QUALITY POPLINS. BEST AS7 MOAN CLOTHS. VELVETEENS AND PLUMES. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. ALL•WOOL PLAIDS AND PLAID POPLINS. vn w • tf 727 OHESTEuT STREET 727 REDUCTION IN THE PRICES DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street, OFFER TO-DAY 50 Casts of Imported Dress Fabr:es, At 25 cents per yard, worth double the pilee. RICK ET I SHARP & 00. No, 727 Chestnut Street. Mltiv Cr) THE pAiLy,ETEN-mg : BULLETIN---P H ILAD E LPHI.A, SATURDAY,. DEMMER S. 1868. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS . ALPACA POPLINS-10 - easel' of Alpaca, Poplins of the choicest shades, reduced from 50 cents per yard to 25 cents per yard. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., • 727 Chestnut Street. RICH CHANGEABLE CORDED SILKS- 2,500 yards of Etch Changeable Corded Silks at $l. 45 per yard. RICKEY,SHARP & Co., 727 Chestnut Street. SUPERB STRIPED SILKS 1,000 yards Superb Striped 80 Changeable Slam ut $1 50, $175 and $l9O per yard. At. great bargain. RICKEY. SHARP 81 CO., 727 Chestnut Street. CLOAKING. VELVETS—Superb quality of 28-inch, 30-Inch, and 32-inch Mack . Lyons Cloaking Velvets. A great bargain. - RICKEY, SHARP & CO., '727 Chestrtut Street. VELVETEENS, VELVET CLOTHS and SUPER. ASTRACHAN CLOAKING, in great variety. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., deb 7 919 727 Chestnut Street. ISOS. EDWARD FERRIS, IMPORTER. N.W. not Eleventh and Oheetnat Ste. HOLIDAY GOODS, Per Steamers Scotia and City of Antwerp. 500 Embroidered Linen and Leo. Sets, Lace Collars, Handkerchiefs,4lo,„ Of the latest designs. suitable for , Which are offered to the trade at REMOVAL. I will remove en January let,lBE, to the Store, No. 807 CIEEBTNITTStreet. Until then I offer my entire stock of White (odds, Embroideries, Lases and Bdkfi. At a HEAVY SACRIFICE, making it well worth attention of RETAIL BUYER& la9l-tathr EDWARD FERRIS. I K4l * 'W LINEN STORE; 828 Arch Street. Several Cheap Lots of TOWELS, TOWELING by the yard, TABLE LINENS; NAPKINS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. ' The largest Linen Sleek In the city at hrzrt:rs prises. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, OFFERS SIS LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF WINTER DRY GOODS, EMBRACING AU OF THE Newest Designs and Fabrics, AT PRICES WARRANTED TO BE AS Low as they can be bought elsewhere. su2B Jan CLOTH HOUSE. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER With to keep before the public the fact, that they aim to keep the largest and most varied stock of all descriptions of C °THIS TO BE FOND IR PHILADILPOLL STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL CLOTH HOUSE; Corner of Eighth and Market Stn. INDIA SHAWLS AND SOARES, GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Real India Camels Halt Shah; & Scarfs Also. an elegant stock of SILKS in Black and Colors; FANCY BILK BLUSHES, POPLINS, SHAWLS and FANCY GOODS. India Shan , le and ecarfeAltere4,RepaLred and Cleaned in a superior manner. oe3o.2mrni OMER MUSLIN'S. ;k K. A line of Swiss at 17,19, 22, up to 80c., better than usual for the price. NET, FOR CANDY BAGS. Yard wide Net, at 1235 eta. a yard; narrow goods, 8 ets. a yard. Fair committee's Please notice. BLACK LACE CAMBRIC VEILS. A lot of high•cost Cactus Veils. at Bil each. Thin Veil will not 'soften in damp weather. LADIES' LINEN NDKERCHIEFfi. One lot warranted Linen tlO cents. Ocelot do. 19 cents. One lot 25 cents, One lot timp;it e l. 4 to SI 50 a dozen!, at $8 a dozen. WHITL. A AND BROWN CRINOLINE. E RA STIFF BLACK BOOK, , For Lining, tinder regular price. INFANT'S WAISTS AND ROBES. HAMBURG EDGINGS, iNSERTINGS AND FLOUNCING& Bolt Jaconets and Gainbrlce, loi ,. those who profor to make Infanta Robot' &e. NOTTINGHAM PILLOW LADE. J u t r e c eived, a largo lot special (pattern. fl)' cones a Yard. treat("' wader price. at - • WORNE.B _LACE NIITMILISHISTENT, It 38 North Mean stroot.. C.RERN GINOBIL—LANDLN FOR SALE Bir vi J. D. SUMER CO.. 1.08 s o uthotowsre avenue Entrance 80 South Eleventh, HAS JUST RECEIVED HOLIDAY GIFTS, EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Invitee attention to his dock of 18:68. GREAT REDTJOTION: J. M. HAFLEIGH, 1012 AND 1014 CHESTNUT STREET Monday, December 7th, FANCY SILAIK At a Great Reduction. 5,000 yards reduced from $2 50 to $1 25 10,000 " " 300 to 150 2,000 " " -" 600 to 300 Ribbons, Flowers, French Bonnets, &c., at Retail. Arg 91,,/ E. R. LEE, 43 N. Eighth Street., WILL OPEN . ONSONDAT Emma, FRENCH SPEARING DOLLS. Natural Hall% FRENCH DOLL HEADS, Natural Hair. ilneat foneorted: SILK AND GILT FANS. Closing side of elegant 500 PARIS FANS, NO TWO ALIKE, IN GILT AND BLACK GILT AND WHITE. SANDAL WOOD AND VIOLET WOOD FANS. dre. ELEGANT BEAL LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. REAL VAL. MIKES. $2 25 TO $l2 CO, GreitMargairui. NOVELTIES IN LADIES' FRENCH SEWING COM PANIONS. GENTS' PLAIN WHITE HEMSTITCHED AND COLORED BORDER MDSE . 'S. a LADIES' HMOS, the bed and cheapest in the market. SPECIALTIES IN HANDKERCHIEFS WILL OPEN ON - TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, ELEGANT PARLOR FLOWER VASES, on Pedestals. MOLDING BLOCKS AND GAMES for Children, and a variety of Useful and Handsome Goods for the Holidays., E. 11. LEE. It HAMRICK & COLE, WILL OPEN THIS MORNING, 3 Cases Fiend Wax Speaking Dolls. To which they call particular attention, as being the ONLY LOT OF REAL FRENCH HANDSOME-FACED SPEAKING DOLLS IN THE CITY. CLOSING OUT LAST YEAR'S DOLLS it Extremely Low Meer. A favorable opportunity for purchasers for Fairs, du. CARD—On MONDAY A. ?d., 7th inst., we shall open a very attractive display of HOLIDAY GOODS, in the Se lection of which care has been taken to combine utility with ornament That convenience may be offered to all wishing to inspect. the store will be open at 73.4 o'clock A. M. HAMRICK & COLE, Nc›. 4-ffo North_ INDIA SHAWLS. d few real INDIA CASHMERE SERWLS, long and square, dire 3t. from Calcutta. Imported and for sale by J. W. EtULON SONO. 82 NORTH FRONT STREET. deg 6 • (MYRA D. b . txo URT SALk .—Er , TATE OF DANIEL McGee, deceased.—khomae & lions. Auctioneers. Three•story Brick Dwelling, No. P 67 Otsego street. north of AVashingtor. stveet. Second Ward.—Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. will be mold at public sale, on Tuesday. December al. 1W at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the forowing described property, late of Daniel McGee, deceased. viz.: All that lot of gronnd.with the three-story brick messuage thereon erected. situate on the east aide of Church (now Otsego) street, No. 687. 47 feet 234 inchee north of Washington street, Second Ward; containing in front on ChurCh street 14 feet, and in depth 45 feet, including on the rear end thereof the southern part of a andt wide alley to no w eft open. Bounded on the north most by ground or late of WiViam P. Snyder, on the west by Church etreet, en the south by ground granted or intended to have been granted to winiam P. Snyder and Oeorge 13:Bewell. Under and subject to the payreent of a certainyearly ground rent of *22 50.100, payable on the first days of January and July. in each and every year. unto ClealentOnn3phreye and Andrew A. liumphroYe. their helm and aseptic That the maid premises have recently been nut in good repair, by the exoenditures of the rum of &308. By' he c o urt, jOSEPH 51EGARY. Clerk O. C. id JANE oGE E. Adminletratrix. M. THOMAS SONS. Auctioneer* dss 1928 Nos. 169 and 141 S. Fourth street. PEILENIVIVEY BALE.SDI.• THOMAS- & SONS, Met sneers .- 2 well - secured Irredeemable , Ground horde, $BO and $27 a year.—On Tnoulay, December nth. 1864, at 12 o'clock, noon, wi, I be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol. lowing described Ground Rents, viz,: No. I.—All that welbeecrued a ble irredee ground rent of 8130 a year. issu ing out of all that lo grotu,d situate on the northwest corner of Eighth and Wood streets; containing in front on Eighth direct 20 feet, and extending in depth WO feet to a 12feet wide alley. It is secured by A twasiorY•fralne store. No. 2.—A1l that well neared irredeemable ground rent of $27 a year, issuing out of all that lot of ground, situate on the sontheastwardly aide of Queen street or Point toed. 108 feet north of Cherry etreet, late Dletriet of Ben. eington: containing in front on Queen street IS feet, and in depth 70 feet. It is secured by a brick dwelling. • Salo absolute, M. THOMAS dc SONS, Anotioneere, It UN and 141 South Fourth street. PU131.10 SALE.—JAMES . FREEMAN, AOC-. .totioneor.—[,easing of the Tonto° Warehouse. Front atd.Dock ate.—On Wednesday. December 234. 1888, at 12 o'clock.noon.will be leased at public sole,st the Phila. delphia Exchange, the following described real estate: The premises known as the Tobacco inspection Ware. house` and its &Tendencies, consisting of the several buildings: nessuages and tenements, and their appurte nances, and the lot of ground whereon the_samo are erected. situate between Dock and Spruce ate., and Front and Platt eta., consisting of the said warehouse and five brick stores adjoining the same. The above property will be leased for one or five years, at the option of the lessee or lessees, with security to be approved of by the Commissioner. Or $5OO to be paid at time of saki, to be refunded on the execution of the lease. By order of the Commisetzio of City Property. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. de5,1047 More ell Walnut street. SILKS. WILL OFFER His sodire stock of Also a Wholesale Stack of REAL ESTATE SALES. ''', - :•.,.,',4, - 1;•..4...A...T. - :. : ,:,.:: . _::,4.::;: . .1;'.::...:.:' ' .:.'0.•.•0'.',;'- 'elk - 14 :TA. xri J ll #414m60 Chestnut and Twelfth Streets, FUSH IMPORTED NOVELTIES JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, SILVER AND PLAT! .9 WARR, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Diamonds, Emeralds, Soppitires. Opal Rubies, % Pea*, Solitaires. Clusters, Italian, Ronan, Byzantine. Venetian, Opera Glasse% Pipe., Match Boxes, Cigar Mande, Irk-stands, - Porte-monnaies, Cigar Cates, Bridal Fano, BRONZE GOODS. statuettes, Busts, From the beet French Mdellem. Marble Statuary, Parlan Ware, Paintings: SILVER AND PLATED WARES. - Cake Rabb, Castors, Flower Stands, Butter Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, 80., Eta. Gorham Plated Warn, French (Mocks, Vienna Chnke, Epergnes. Fruit Dishes, Walters. Gorkun Silver Were; Open every Evening till- 9 o'clock during December, BAILEY. -4-QQ„ Chestnut - -- GREAT SALE - 01' FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING , As per Arrangement with • ' THE EXECUTORS. The Bale has commenced, and is now in FULL PROGRESS AT OAK HALL , THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE OF THE CITY.' We are rapidly i.- • • SELLING OFF. Prices below - the Cost of Manufacturing. OVERCOATS, all styles. SUITS, every description. PANTS and VESTS, hundreds of varieties. FOR A. SHORT TIME A DEDUCTION OF 15 PER GENT. On all Cash , Sales. in the 'Custom Department. ---, BOYS' CLOTHING The Very Best Made, at Heavy Reductions. -- 26 Per Cent. Discount ON ALL MANNER OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS: Determined to close out quickly the Stock of the late firm, no other house can approach the low prices at which we are , selling off, as the large crowds who ' have filled the store all the week can testify. Ali these goods are of .our own excellent make and satisfaction warranted. Sir Hone open from 7 A.M. to 9.P. M., and Saturday Night later. • Any garment bought at night or ay other time cheerfully exclithiged, and, when not able to suit the customer, the money returned, according to our custom for years past. An extra force of salesmen in attendance, and most careful attention given to all. We are glad the noire appreciate the opportunity, and are getting such Bargains. We have still an Immense 13tock-. - WANAMAKER & BROWN , OAK HALL THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. REAL ESTATE SALES. rREAL EIiTAPE.. THOMAS — dc - 130N1P — EATa — On Toenail'. December '22, IS, at 19 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Ex• change. the following, described property. , viz.: Nos. 1 to 10. 16 threestory brick dwellings. hoe. 9111 to 2141 inclu sive, Christian street. between Twenty-first and Twenty second streets. All those 16 three-story brick dwellings and lots of ground thereunto belonging situate on the north side of Christian street, west of Twernty.flret street. Nos. Bin to 2141 inelusivel each 16 feet front, and 70 feet deep to a 8 feet wide alloy. with the vivilege thereof. Terms-122,000 may remain on ground rent and mortgage on each. Immediate possession. Bet's at Iv. W. corner Twenty. first nod Cluistian streets. IZ' They will be sold separately. •. M. THOMAS & 'MONS, Auctioneers, delis • 10 61 and 141 South Fourth street. fIAgNED FRUIT, VEGRTABLES. fr ti-1,000 WISES 1..1 fresh Canned 4311Cheei 500 eases ua t med.pi n g Apples L 260 an fresh Pine Apples. In glass 1.9(a) CNN Green Corn and Green Peas; 500 eases fresh Plums In cans; 200 cues fresh Green Gages; Re cases Cherries. In syrup; 54.0 cane BlaCkbernelk 111 _syrup; 600 CMOS fitrasr• bermee7 m syrup 600 eases fresh Pears, In syrup; 2.000 cases (Apnea Tomatoes.' 600 easei LensterN and CIaMBI 500 eases Roast Beef. Jduttom_veal. Sou p& &c. Per sale by JOSEPH B. BU di CO.. 106 death Gelsa wall AVOW% BRAND OPENING. Fen TIM JEWELRY: Viennese, Bohemia% Front*. English, - Russian, American, Swiss, Watches. Ilw • Englieb, . America% FANCY GOODS. Parii Fans, - t ee Glove Boxes, blonchoh. Boxes, Card Stands, • . Milo Boxes, Skate Bags, and, Twelfth Streets, Philadelphia. THE TURF. • Point Breeze Park. Itlonday Nest, 7th Mite, at 3 P. 111. 1 , Being a repetition, by request, of the Trot of Thursday. PURSE and STAKE, $l,OOO, • Mile heats, 8 In t,, handicapped. J. LOVETT names g. e.IBONBIDES, to middle. M. GOODIN names b. in. MARY, to harness. J. TURNER names b. M. FANNY ALLEN, to harness The above as handicapped. proralees to be tho beet contested and most interesting exhibition of the season. 2.80 time will be beaten. Members' privilege of introduction will be suspended. Omnibusaes will leave LIBRARY etreet. Admission, $l. It 7QONLPS BOSTON B7SOUTT.--BOND'S BOSTON Bikil 11 ter and Milk Biscuit lorkillogf rom 'roamer Normari and for oohs by JOS. B. BUSS= & CO. AVMs for Ekroll 108 South Dbloipre avtmo*, . .**l4-aie Bed Rings, Seek Charges. Sear! Pie% Snarl !fragil e Steil% sleeve Buttes*, Lookek, Neokbeee, Bros:odes, Ear Hinge, Bracidete, Eta., Jewelry Ceses„ DrUlliaff Cases, Bonbon Boxer, Jardialefes„ Vases, Toilet Sets, French Bouquets, Eto ft Eto, Groups, Etoii;