Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 04, 1868, Image 1

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    GIBSON - PEACOCK. Editor.
(Sundays excepted). '
GOT Chootntsit street, IPhilutdelphlll.
FRANciaWELs 8,
The Enitarros is served to subccrtbers in the city' at 18
.ts per week. savable to the carriers. or 88 per annum.
ifyrieW 10 / 43/16 attestout street.
!Y Newest and best manner. WEIS DII.EKA. Bta•
limier and Engraver, UM Chestnut street. , feb Wl.ll
' *.. MA RULED.
RORIE- NEILL'-uu tht t 1 in•t.. by the Rev, Alb e rt
Baritte, Mr. Betureau Boric to Mire Patty D. Neill, both
of-this city, • It
CLA ER-441Hr FEIL=;;O d nerd ay: De cembe - 2d7 at
the City of Bergen. N. J. rot N. . French - Bollard.
Clara to Adeb , . daughtf the late Henry W. 641ffr.
MOIit.PAUL. - Ou the :A kat , at the church of the
Bole Trinity, be the Her. l'hilltral tionottr. Witila a ti.
M t o thiete n and natio W.. daughter of W m illia W. Pau!, Ali
a thy •
l'oll'rti-J"•NES.-in New York. 'December 2d. at
cleat Church. by the Rev. Henry C. Po ter. D.t./....fkrna.l
Ntilecn Putter to Harriet Deer, daughter of Edm.t.rd
dotage,- - _ _
ATWOOD,—Suddenly, on the 4th ingt., at hie late tett •
dente in Camden: Daniel V., younseet eon of Rev. All
tbony Atwood. in the 25th yentof lila age.
I he relatives and friend. of the family are regtoetfully
Invited to atb od the general. from hie father's redden - Ca.
l'io. Cottartutt ttreet n Tueiday, the Pitt intl., at 10 •
a' Lock. " To trocced to Ebenezer M. E. Van - tua
ANDBI W 13.- II•rt the ad Wet., Josiah li. Andresot,in tho
LW year of he age.
The relative's and 1 lendr of the family are invited.to
attend the funeral from th• reeldence of We brother. D.
Cooper aadrewe. Wendbury, N. J.. on deventleday after
noon. sth anal.. Ent o'clock. Train Leave. , uoper aide Mar.
tact etseet quarter before 12.
DEPI: W.-1111 Wedoeeday. December ad, in New York.
of apoplexy. Wm. It. Damn% the
year of Ma age.
LVAh el —On tho 2d mit.. Hannah it kvatte, in the dub
year of her age. •
1 be relatives and friends of the f inal) are invited to
attend the funeral. frau., her lute :cadence. 111 Franklin
'beet. on proceedsug. th idtt fart, at nine
o'cloak. Fouctal to to Smingfield. Delaware
NUSTOCE..—In **etc Yerk. iteeene•er ad. Mts. Ss
rah Ann a abneetock. widow of the lota Woz. 11. Fatale
'stock. of lio.dentowok 11t .to the nit n year of tier ago.
MITCHELL,. -On'Wedneeday. the.-.d instant. at the
relictar n4n.law. Henry Mitchell,. Marla
blitthell. of the late Themes tothe 1 1 24
yeas of her age.
Funeral a. rvicee wIR bi held at St. Ettlate• Church.
Thirteenth atre....t. below Spruce, on Saturday, the 6th
Iv•t.. at-10 o'clock A. M. precteely. •
SIINICIL-.--buddenly. on the let tart. George Minich.
in the 07th tear of his ago.
fits relatives and frienda of the family are respwilully
Invited to attene his funeral. from hts tare reoldotace. No.
a2A North Twelfth a reel. on Solider afternoon, at 2
o'clo. Interment at Laurel MIL at •
SII ck ERN . On the ad hut.. Mr. Patrick Shorn. aged a,
) ears::
The relatives and friend. of the family are invited to
attend the funeral. frog, hie late residence. No. 12.40 Ran.
cock below Thorwoon. natordav motio•
574 o'clock. Service. and futon:nen. at 4.. .
A Itilowichold Word.—Colgate &
in illy manufacture of Toilet Seim have attained a
national Mt brlty. Their name b a • hotmhold
Fld kith PPh Ca Ifegiod.4ll.lome Journal, dee e,m w
aul2tf EY R LANDELL. Fourth and Areb.
• AT'
(Brand. below Locust)
The Home for the Aged aid Infirm of
the M L Chown,
A grand display of uwful and fancy articles. giving a
.nood opportunity to chow) from the almost endless va
riety on ealribluon el things suitable for BOLJDA.Y
aFTB. and to aid a good work. Come and hung all
your Mewls with you.
Sell6oll Ticket% hi. M cents.
A splendid. Gallery of Paintings. Beautiful Fountain.
Fine Music. Come.
dal atrp___
Galleries of the Fine Arta,
No. 115 Chestnut Street,
ice row permanently opened to the imblic. and during
week clay and evening, In order that all may have .11
OPPOrtYnit) h • to the rare and elegant pletur,a on exhi
bllnal,le MEISSIMICK an ltOsA BUSHEL) V. can-
be 3.
ee T en h attar batarday night d .
de4 •2tre•
}IA LL 1117.1 . 01 ,1 (11a14T1 A7*.: ASSOCIATION.
E2to (tDE WEN E I el'inEST.
Rev. DANIEL StAlitill D. I). will lecture thle I Eltl-
Dal / evening. at b o'clock:
December 11— r: KEYSER. Subject -"The Anat
omy and Phy iotogy of t h e Eye."
DecenibertS—lir E. It. EtUTDEDEIS. Subjecit—"llealth;
how to rrescrve It."
J aml ary B—LIEDEDE W. MEARS, FAQ. SubLect—"A
Ride Through Aw It zetl An d. "
January 15- ELIA E. LES, Flag. Sanjeet--"Lun-
Ito age ; Its Origin and LIEOA:i . i
Ticket...lmo to members. Terms of membereblp, $1
pet- annum. It)
4 ,0,1E11 GRAY'S kERHY BRIDGE FOR 01471 j WE,ix,;
Regtxu:Sog MOND VV. Dee.
For the Purpooo of Replanklng the itridFe.
de4 3t. IT§
;or THE ANNUAL 21EETING 01." t ILE r 3
holders of the Lawrence Coal, Iron and oil taan
pany will be held at their Miler. Gel Minor etreet,2d story,
on TUESDAY. Dec. Fl, at 12 o'cbck, noon, for the election
of live Directors, to nerve for the anteing year, and for the
transaction of such business as may come before the
=toting, E, J. St'ANGLX.EL
It* Secretory.
SuLdny-sebo ol Roo
FanevArtleles m will be bold all ,thiv week in the
Eighth street. aboye.fiproce,
In id of the frlizeinuary Cause. cIoSO al wfr3trpO
ALCO' Company, Office Ne. 118 South Fourth'
Agents svoll qualified to tlolicit for Life irourauce will
Le employed on very favorabic t ulna. --de3.fit.rp!
I twrebY g'vo notice thatl am no longer connected with
the Colton Dental association of this city as their opera
tor. Persona wishing teeth extracted a h4olutely without
pain by nitroue oxide gas will find me in my now office.
No. 1037 Walnut street
n 023 Nita.
No. 16 south Ninth greet.-- Cht 'foot. Hip and
&final Di vases. and Bodily .Deormilied tics tod Apply
daily at 12 o'clock. n l 2rn.roS
DIME DISPENSARY. N. W.O m.N out Pr wltt
end BDring Garden. streets - On - .MONDAY and
FRIDAY. from LI to 1 o'clock, cepoclal attention given to
I/lees/Ka of Women and Children. d.32-4Crp
, • Lombard street, Dispet i stry N Y) S eiegletit iti
vi is dT
cal - treatment and =catkin() furnished. gratuiteuniAte
the poor. ,
Will be offered at public ask., na thopromiees, ,
ntime - o'clock on the 15th of twelfh month (Do.
comber). a farm of id acres, situated on the Phimdelphis
road about one mile east of Wootchoeter There are un it
a large stone dwelling, frame tenant house. stone barn
and other farm buildings in good repair; fruit trees,
Land in good condition, Well fenced and watered; being
within fifteen minutes' ride of a railroad station makes it
convenient as a country ro.id nee for a citizen. Terms
accommodating. The property will be shown by the
subscriber, who resides on it.
de4.l ni.w.gt,* • JO SEPR. SCATTER 0011).
A4ORTGAORS FOR RALF. OF tfi11,1500,t134,00,1,84,6.10
.13U- $1.609, and $1.200 ;Ant mortg tees And tvelt 8 nou rod.
Apply to
No. Ed Nnrth fi.xth tro.o.
T 9 4Valn . 4lge l et T . BTU" ' WU." '
• lite hautloomo doa rani dwolilug,
',det r Ott . No, 131i)tiocurit utroet,
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tVorrestandenea of the InutadeteWs Evening Bulletin- 1
Pants, Friday, Nov. 20, 1808.—Fanerals are
not very lively things / nor are wholusaleproseen-
Slone of the press exactly what are most agrees
' ble to the public Or gratifying to those who are
the object of them. Yet. funerals and press pros
ecutions have been of late the order of the day in .
Frames. We have just "assisted," se the phrase
goes here in Parts, at the Obscqntes of _the "last
of the Barons" of She second generation, of the
•Rothechilde; while we have read of a great po
litical funeral, that of M. Ravi°, the late editor of
the Bieck, at his native place, Torlgny, in
the Department of . La Manche, which he repro
suited in the Corps Legislatif; and, again, to
toOrtew We are ferwitnees s t r'ratifer listen to the
grand musical ceremony which will, swan-like,
consigti to their last resting-place the remains of
-him who may be called the "soul of melody,''
the illustrious maestro, Gloacchino Antonio Ros
sini. Here is enough surely, and more than
enough in the burying line to , satisfy the most
morbid temperament, and enough also to afford
a wide field for the public to' manifest feelings of
a very varied character. And, first, a word
or two respecting M. Ravin. The BPefe
is altogether an exceptional isewspaperin France,
and eo,therefore,is its editor,or political director,
en exceptional personage. The opponents of the
sesek call it the journal de* cabarets, or as we
should say, the "pot-home journal." Its friends
name it the journal du peuple—the "people's
paper;"- and with more reason, for it is certain
ly the representative par excellence of the really
democratic feelings of the French masses. In
this respect the Biecle has been bold, straight-for
ward and consistent, and has exercised and still
exercises a very wide influence. It is to be wished
that its -religious principles were on a
par with its political teachings, in wider'
ease the SiMe might be safely pronounced to be
an cmipently useful pnhlle and political organ
However, apart from this, its grand aim has been
the diffusion of ' democratic principles in a direc
tion tending to the re-establishment of repub
!lean institutions in France when the times and
the people were ripe for such a change. That a
journal of this character should have remained
so long the popular organ, and that its editor
should have been returned by immense majorities
as deputy both for the capital and his native
Province, speaks volumes for the sentiments
Which still lie at the bottom of the hearts,of the
French people. And now let us see what sort of
manifestations the funeral of AL Haven has
evoked among his own constituents. Every
thing passed in the quietest order, as was befitting
the solemnity of the grave; for it is deplorable to
see a churchyard made the scene or occasion of
political excitement. But there was no mis
taking the popular homage paid to the principle:
of which 3L Ravin and the Slick are the repre
sentatives, nor the extent of the sympathy so
manifested. lam assured by those present that
not less than 10,000 persons followed the remains
u, the grave or assembled round the tomb.
The concourse was immense. The "people"
;locked thither from all parts; and it must be re
membered that by far the majority of those pre
sent were composed- of desserts freed the-rural
communes In which it laimpposed that juinerill
ism finds its--stronghold. And so it does--tor the
moment; but there is something beyond imp.
Hallam which these people are secretly yearning
for, and which, depend upon. it, they wilt
demand, as soon as they begin to feel
stronger upon their legs. They believe that
the Empire "saved" them from anarchy, and
therefore they cling to it; but It is only un
til they learn how it Is that 3 people "save
themselves;" and the true eecret^ of the
popularity of M. Ravin and the Bitcle and the
manifestations made of it the other day in La
Manche, is that the late editor and his journal
were employed in "educating up" the nation to
The funeral of Baron Rothschild was of alto
gether a different character from the above,hnd
was remarkable chiefly as a display of universal
respect towards the memory of a man who had
been. in his life, so universal a benefactor. The
concourse of people was prodigious, but it wte.-
iedividnal, rather than popular feeling, welch
made it so, and was a proof of the widely spread
beneficence and charity which had been
exercised for so many years, and called forth
spootaneous gratitude from the objects of it
Never before have 1 seen the funeral of so wealth.)
an individual followed by such a host of poor
people. Of the thousands present, by far the ma
jority belonging to the laboring classes,and were
;he noblest tribute to the life of the deceased .
And so the late Baron seemed , to have thought ,
for except this best of Amoral splendor, the tear
of the widow and the orphan and tire blessing of
the unfortunate, there was little to decorate
his hearse. The simplicity was such as might
have been mistaken for meanness in a less
wealthy person. But the train of real mourners.
reaching over nearly a mile, replaced all other
trappings of the pompes
-1 in made the
ceremony one of the most striking over seen in
the streets of Paris.
ROSSiDi'S obsequies have been deferred till to
morrow, and will take place at the new Trinity
Church, at the bottom of the Rue de la Chausseie
d'Antin, instead , of at theldadeleine, which, as the
papers express it, in " engaged " for, another and
similar purpose. The programme of the musical
service is so inviting that " tickets " are greatly
in request and entrance extremely difficult.
Patti, Alboni and Nilsson, with Aware, are the
chief vocalists, and the pupils of the Conserva
toire will form the chorus. Ainongst the pieces
will of course be selections from the Stabat nigter
of the great deceased. 7...
And now enough of funerals, and let us take a
look at the living. There is . nothing very lively
going on at the present moment. in Paris, where
political life remains dull until the opening of the
Chambers, and social life hardly ever begins in
earnest until after New Year's Day. The Prince
and Princess of Wales have arrived amongst ne
and intend spending a few days between Paris
and Compiegne, before proceeding to Egypt to
pose the winter. They only arrived at the Hotel
Bristol, 'in the Place Vendome, at SA. M., infter
a night's journey, but nevertheless were - present
at the Varietes, in the evening, to see Schneider
in La Perichok. Such activity is
quite reassuring as to her . Royal
Highness's "delicate" health. But is there not a
little too ulna or this scampering atter theatres
and every species of amusement by these exalted
personages? People at last got to think that
they really have nothing else to do but to amuse
themselves, and begin to ask "next what is the
use of them? Here we have Queen Isabella, too
also "amusing" heraelf,- and tinding consolation
for the loss of the crowns of Aragon and Castile
in frequenting the small, minor theatres of Paris—
such, for instance, as the Polies DramatiqueA,
where the pieces, and the audiene,es - are about on
an equality, and neither possessing anything to
boast of on the score, or morality.
Then again, at Comp Eve, we bear of nothinz
but amusements and theatricals, and danzing,and
keeling, and what not. Everywhere it is the
same, and Ibis royalty seems to hale adopted for
its motto, "let us eat and drink, for to-morrow
we die;" and "dying," indeed, Is likely to be the
word; when such a portent as a "Spanish Repub
lic" is looming on the other side of the Pyrenees.
There will•be great events before long in Europe.
Kings and Queens are dancing - and - feasting—or
doing worse. But the "people" are attending
Havin's funeral by tens of thousands, and Sub
eel iblog to Bandin's monument, and I am much
mistaken if these things do not bode Li, change
and a reversal of parts, in which the first shall ba
bat and the last first.
'THE SPANISH ittEvoLurioN.
An Important Electoral Addreos.
Correepondence of the London Daily News I
MAtono, ttov 14 —*the oracle has spoken. 'the ettUaesa
ct the eat It inortiinz that indescribahte period when a
meat city lies between sleeping and waking. was broker'
to day by tbotLtiilvotcea.of a thousand nswevendors.
VlOClairrlirg , hatthe Oosreirponliencia had published WI
~,,P 2Alll,l7elo.x.rati Ontario: This supplement contained
the "Manifesto de Concilifacion of the pro.
vestiges. democrats. and untonittan to the etcetera.
it beats the signature, of nineteen well-known
t uNic r en, with tile addition of those of cto
t ditto if tif teen of the pi lacipsl newspapers of Malrld.
ec mu mires by stating _that the electoral law being
ion pettish/rd. and the gathering of thopopular as tune.
Liles being proximate, it la the duty of all goal- ms of
the tution to manifest truthfully. firmly and otiotty
• bele bites' Pima the great queStiou they will shortie be
called upon to settle with irrevocable sentence—we new
destinies of theconntry. - It then lays down at prinetelvt
to be sdop ed by the National party what was bro nul
gated at Cadiz. repeated by all the Juntas. and expressed
to all the Rapti hlicans and Democrats in their discourses
to the public, via.:
"The sovereignty of the nation. universal suffrage, con
tocration Of that sovereignty and Mateof all power.
All itglits and liberties which retain to every citizen
his dignity and titles.
"Individual security and suppression of all arbitrary
Inviolability of dorritile and of correspondence.
'eight of public meeting and peaceful associating for
all tn., loyal calla
- Liberty of the prem. -
- Ft ei dun of education.
"keligious liberty. consecrating and guaranteeing for
ever the lights of conscience.
ity of legillgJOll and of statutes; trial by Jury."
The manifesto then pewee on t) streak of the i. 1 1 43 1 ,1”
problem %bleb for the firet time the nation is called amid
to solve by - the votm of all its citizen—what the tiortes
Constittif ernes is 'o build upon the ruined throne of -the
Row bonst—a problem which may be or may not be
sowed by elements peculiar to the situation by the mope
nor exigencise of the Foment, or by the inflexible condi
tions of the future. The writers then proceed
to say that in their judgment the form
of government should not be that of
slat orate systems. nor of seicatific deduction". if they
a °it'd have icon a firm basis. , if they desire its duratlat
end subsistence : 7 bat they had in the first place to pre•
rerve the integrity of the national proclamation; then
to associate true liberty with order and to extend the
hand to all who had contributed to the distinction
betth Bourbon domination. tor the 'leant schism
een them would dot:di - Jess be the ruin
of the revolution. The pith of • the whole follows:
"Takir g into account the grave state of affairs.. the
hall IS and spirit of the country. and considering its wet
tare paramotu.t to everything; they .do not hesitate to -
ray that, in their judgment, the monarchical form of
government is that which adapts itself with irresistible
torte to the cousolidatios of liberty and the requirements
of the revolution, which has been conamonuated not by the
impulse of one.. but by the concerted action
of the three • great libmal partite. But net
monarchy like that which has fallen. not - a
utima.rchy of right divine or of family origin. not a
monarchy which considers itself superior to the nation
end makes its tioverelg.nty and liberty imposiible. • Bath
monarchy is for ever dead in Spain. Our monarchy. on
ho contrary . the one we are going to vote for. Li a
monarchy born of the people, consecrated by unis - ersal
suffrage, symbolic of the itorerelgriti of the nation,
a Weil will consolidate ail liberties and which personify
sit the lights of citiamostdp. superior to alt institutions
and to all powers. It is a monarchy which
riedvally destroys the .. right divine and the su
premacy of one family over the nation—a monarchy
surrounded by demoefatic ' institution; in
chort, a pools: , =Guard's. Wsi shall vote unanimously
for such a monarchy some of us because we have' al
ways proieased this prineiple, and love the traditioret of
our country,: ethers, been se the eatabliahmeot. of a mo.
e able power at this time would be a cetettant source of
danger to peace and liberty even though we believe trial
demom'atie prtheirees ere logical in their form, and that
the great tendon y of civilization le towards the, &boll
. thou . of.. , hereditary -and - petroanemt po sere, - th
Mete ideas we will go to the electoral .urna, and offer
anew trm aigrette of our ,
Such is the spirit of this electoral tiddre"s, but in cave'
it should tail to heCtlie the end aimed at. the signers pro
rob e, as the Provisional Guymn mit did. to abide by the
fiat of the nation. atm ted by the suffrage of the people.
/ hey ccnclude by saying that, 114.4 that suffrage has been ,
column compact. they iteclam with their hands upon
their heart+. that they will obei."Stristain. and'defend. by
.heir adhesion, whateve.r the (forte...may decide.
senor Eigusrole„Spanishldhahter of Finance, has issued'
decree granting to the tourtiripal anthorities in per
petuity a large plot of ground., formerly the property of
the. Grown, which is to bo employed for the purpose of
tablishis g largo cemetery. he came decree anolislics
te present celnetcties. which aro considered prejudicial
to health.
Curious .Procittutusiou.
'The Yariacorr&pondeidof tiWGto&TISaYsTWe have a
curious piece -of slows to-day from Spain. It is thst a
proclamation has been Issued to the npaniards (by whom
,s :sot stated), calling on them, in order to avoid "an in
evitable and paintuft ttenst." to fill up,, the vacancy
to the throne by nominating Juan trim Emperor. A
P 23 onus tatvs spaper saye that it has received the procla
mation from "an agent of General Prim' , at Madrid.
The Dune off Moutpensier.
The Parte correspondent of the LO`ndon ?Unica, under
date t.f bovember 18. saps that the Duke of Mentpouier,
ho iy satin Lisbon with bill family, has again been re
quested by the provlaionai government not to return to
: , pain. on tbe ground that lite presence would greatly add
o the difficulties of their situation. and these, it appears,
Election 'Riots In Ireland.
Riotous proceedings characterized the Irish elections in
many of the cities. A; sheriff's deputy, bringing in poll
Kooks on a car from Green street. Dublin. with a cuuttn-
Lie; was assaulted by tbb mob. They took refuge in a
o o nse On Mary et eet, and mounted police charged the
mob. but were received with stoqes, bricks and bottles,
mod obliged to retreat. A division of foot police dispersed
.he mob ii ith ddllculty, receiving some injuries About
went , / persons ri ere arrested. In Limerick the rival
awl, smashed windows and injured several pers. one.
uteat violence was committed un both side, , , In Canvey
half drunken mob gut into the Court house and a
amproar and violence occurred.
Rossini's funeral.
A telegram from Florence atated that the Itsllan,
Goveinrueut had determined to celebrate a funeral ger.
ricflinbotteLof.Jtoeaipi, and that the Parliament would
be ached to vote the Bum neceseary for the purpose. The
Government Wan t also, to promote a notional .übsc lotion
for a monument to the deceased composer. The inunici
polity of Pesaro had requested lame. Rosetta to allow the
remains of her late husband to be transferred to
Florence. but according to the French papers Itreatui to
ois line specially ordered that his body is to be buried
in the Yale LemeterLet_ Wire la Chaise, and to remain
lucre Permanently, in rocogniViiiceif the hospitality he
eceivtd in Franco during his life. Ile bequeathed to the
Inrdtnte of France the necessary capital for creating two
annual prizee of CP2O each for the author and composer
of the beet opera. The teat of hls fortune he left to !Awe.
Eruption of ITIOUnt, Vesuvius.
A N aplea detpatch. dated Nov. IP, stated that the erap.
grin of Mount Vs snvins eontinued with undiminished in
tensity; the lava was invading cultivated land, doing
considerable damage and threatening villages beneath.
the maximum velocity of the lava was 180 metres Per
minute. Now cones in active eruption had opened althe
oo t of the great con e, and from them issue two streams
of fire flowing into Foeso Vetrana. The great cone
emitted 'unfrequent but formidable 4.eolotterta. violently
ejecting stones and fire amid a dense overhanging cloud
of smoke. The sismograph was still greatly agitated.
A Negro Embrooiy amt.
A coniniitAon from the Sultan of Zanzibar has arrived
in Loudon, accredited to Queen Victoria, for the purpose
of ant4rensing the negro treaties on the east coast of
rica, and to make same arrangement respecting tiro re
cent revolution at Muscat.
SINGULAR Timpani( cv 0111(10.
Mita Willed by Bears.
The Dayton (Ohio) Journal of Monday says
Captain Worst, of the canal boat Sentinel, No.
2, met with a tragic fate one day last week.
Captain W. started from the Junction for a deer
taint, to be absent only a portion of the day.
He did not return the same evening; and not
getting in the•next forenoon, his men thought
that something was wrong, and started in
quest of him. ' About the middle of the
afternoon they found his dead , body!
Ho had 'evidently had a combat with bears, and
he had been overpowered anktnost terribly torn
by their fangs. His gun lay a few feet from him,
and the barrel was bent out of shape,-and the
stock had been hanimered into fragments, which
plainly indicated that the conflict had been ter
rific. A few rods distant away, a large buck was
"swung np" against a tree, and a portion of it
bad been devoured by, beara—thetracksindicating
the kind of animal which ,had made the attack
on him. It Is the uiost terrible death in the
woods that we havo'heard of.-for a number of
years. The captain had evidently had a ,very
Bard fight—the ground being beaten- with the .
tracks of the combatants for several• rods around .
—and he had , died game. The probability is that
Capt. Worst cacao, uPonl tlAtv boars aftor.they liad
.begun to feast on Ms buck. and. In attemptiox to -
deepateh the ferocious brutes,they turned on him,
and proving more than a match for him, he lost
Me life in a manner so fearful that it makes ono
ahudder to con template the affray.
pI)• -4 il>lo 414 :•• :if:I:CIE &I) f 1.4..0.0111
Chicago, like Philadelphia, la afflicted With a
fire epldt talc. From the Rep uMwan of the 2d we
clip the followings
The solitary cherub that sits Up aloft in the
Court Rouse tower, whim+) special duty it, is to
sound notices of fires, must have been kept re
markably busy for about an hour last evouing.
At 6.15 an alarm was, struck from box 10, occa
sioned by the discovery of flames in=room b. on
the third floor of Judd's five-story brick building,
at N0..151 Randolph street. Two young- men. -
mined L. B. Sturgis and A. Z. Salomon, were the
lessees of the apartment with the one adjoining it
and used No. 5 as a sleeping room. In No.
they bad Itist arranged an extensive sample stock
of fancy imported holiday goods, valued by them
at over $4,000. These were totally destroyed,
and the furnbure, personal effects, &c., of the
proprietora were injured enough to bring the total
loss up to nearly gd5,000. The goods were in
sure d for $3,000,1n the Germania.
While the engines were still at work at the
above fire. the bell in the tower pealed out an
alarm from box 175, which was shortly after
ward followed by one from box 21. The last
one was caused by a conflagration in the two
etory frame building at No. 418 State street,
owned by Mr. B. E. Crane, of the firm of Crane
McManus, carpenters and joiners, who were
its occupants. The building was as dry as tin
der, and the flames spread With unusual rapidity
to the adjoining structures, and for a time it
seemed as though every endeavor .of the fire
men to stay the progress of the conflagration
were doomed to prove unavailing. No. 420, in
the same building, occupied by Wherrin do
Emory, cabiretmakere, was destroyed.
Several surrounding buildings also were
burned down.
The exceedingly combustible nature Of the
buildings destrcryod in the above conflagration so
hastened the progress of destruction that in a
trifle over half an hour from the time the alarm
was 'given there was nothing left of any of them
but a smouldering heap of ruins.
The general alarm of fire, proceeding from box
N0..L70, which was sounded at about 7 o'clock
last evening, was occasioned by the burning of
the handsome residence of the well-known
brewer, Mr. 3. A. Huck, situated in the town of
Lake View.
Three Serious conflagrations!,
The fire, which originated in the basement,
either from a defective furnace or from some
flaw in the gas generator, spread rapidly, and be•
fore timely aid arrived the building had been
completely gutted, the Interior, together with ab
the furniture, pictures and library being totally
destroyed. Mr. Huck and his gardener, Charles
Kernatz, who first discovered the fire, need every
exertion to stay the flames, but in vain, they
being driven from the building by the dense
volumes of smoke proce - eding from the base
meat: The gardener,while endeavoring to quench
the fire, was seriously injured by the explosion
of the automatic gas machine, being severely
burned about the head, hands and breast. Re
was kindly cared for, and under the treatment of
Dr. Wel 'ban, bids fair to recover.
The fire department was on hand, but only in
time to save the brick walls, which still remain
The estimated loss is fixed at about $40,000,
which is only , partially covered by insurance
in several coma %les to the amount of $15.000.
111113810.01.1. DLfattlA.T.lll.•
—The appearance of Madame De La Grange in
a German version of Robert le .Diable, attracted
an audience, last night, larger than any, that has
attended the Academy during the present season.
The excellence of the spera was, perhaps, nearly
as great an inducement as the popularity of the
prima donna. Robert was Meyerbeer's first great
success, and it is one of the finest of his compo
sitions—surpassed, probably, only by the Hague , .
note. Previous to its production, the composer's
works had not been received with favor, and it
was not until Meyerbeer had guaranteed its pecu
niary success,that a manager could be found who
was willing to rehearse it. It proved an immedi
ate triumph. For two hundred nights it was• Pe
rformed before enthusiastic audiences, and the.
frenzy of excitement over it in Paris was .as In
tense„as any that ever existed here during the
fiercest political campaign. That was thirty-five
years ago. The music to-day is as fresh and beau
tiful and charming as it was then. There is
hardly an episode in it which does not abound
with exquisite harmonic and melodic effects. and
in some of the passages the passionate expression
of the music is equal to the best that was ever
The performance last night was very satisfac
tory. Madame La Grange,. without the vocal ca
pacity of former days, was very great. Her
voice has lost its bloom—its richness and power;
.but she sang with her old grace and feeling, and
her acting throughout was spirited and filled
with fervid passion. In this latter respect she
remains unsurpassed upon the lyric stage.
There is no one who can give snen physical in
terpretation of emotion as she does. This
atoned for deficiencies in her vocalization; but
her singing was by no means poor. At first she
sang with difficulty, and her listeners
bad uneasy forebodings of a catas
trophe; but in the second act she
gained strength, and in rue superb duet with
"ffertram" her reserved power was wonderfully,
manifest. She sang up to C sharp with apparent
ease, at the same time displaying such great his
trionic ability that elm wa.3 warmly applauded.
in the succeeding trio also, Mad. La Grange did
admirably well, and, indeed, from that time
onward, her performance was that of a rest
artist. Sho sang alternately in German 'and
Italian, using both languages with equal ease'
fluency. The trio above mentioned was spoil.
by Mr. Hermanns, who sang false, and failed 11
reach the low note, E flat. Elsewhere this gen
tleman acquitted himself in an extremely credi
table manner, but he suffered throughout by com
parison with Carl Formes, the great exponent of
the character of "Bertram." Mr. Hermanns ar
ranged his costume and face upon the diabolic
theory; but as "Bertram" is supposedto have ap
peared as a knight, we think the Meplaistophe
lean dress hardly proper, albeit very effective.
Sig. Brignoli sang sweetly, and displayed rather
more earnestness than usual; Mr. Hableman was
an excellent "Rambaldo," but lie committed the
fault—comm On-with him—of singing too_plotyly
at times. Miss McCullough's "Isabella?, was
Tho ballet in the third act was conducted by
Mlle. Marie Wesmael, who danced exquisitely.
The music of this episode is moat delicious. It
displays more genitts,and is better worth hearing
than all the jig tunes, hand-organ melodies, and
eccentric effects ever produced by Offenbach
This evening La 7'raviata will be produced, with
Mad. La Grange in the cast. An exCellen ; t per
formance may be expected.
To-morrow afternoon The Sicilian Vespers will
be given, and in the evening Faust, with .Mr. .los.
flermanns as "Mephistopheles."
—At the Walnut Street Theatre this evening
Mrs. D. P. Bowers will appear for the first time
in this city in Elizabeth. To-morrow night Mrs.
Bowers will sustain the characters of "Lucretia
Borgia" sniff "Mrs. Haller, in The Stranger.
—A wise aneous entertainment will be given
at the American Theatre this evening.
—On TunWO' evening next Mr. Rufus Adams,
the well known elocutionist, will give select
readings at Concert Hall betore the Young Men's
Christian Association." Tickets can be procured
at Clotild's music Store, No. '923 Chestnut
street. . . .
—A grand vocal and organ concert will be
given on Monday evening, December 7, at the
church, corner of Broad and Bans= streets, In
aid of ' the lirintlng Association for the Blind.
The Programttle ia, Mccellent and the performers
of, the highest class '
---Meesrs. - Beliti mid Hassler's eighth oieliCstral
mann be given at Musical Fund Rail to
merrovUttitetnoon. We s,ppend the programlxto.
The Waltz is new and Very beautiful. The Sym
phony Is repeated by request.
Grand Symphony, Na t• Beathosim
1. Adagio motto—Allegro' con brio. 3
. Audeete
cantabile can motto. 3:--Allegro moitovivace. 4.
A dagio--Allegm mono e Asses.
Selections irom. .. '..Waltace
Waltz—Winter Night's Dr 84121, (snit time).::. sterns
Overtunsra Dlavolo, (ny request.). • ••• • • • • .Aallec
—At the Theatre Comique, on Seventh street,
below Arch, a 'varied entertainment will be , given
this evening. At the matinee to-morrow after
noon the entire company will appear. - The
spectacle entitled The Child of the Devert will be
given, together with a grand baUet.divertficrententr
coo firth g of performances by the Miniature
Circus, trained lions, leopards, dogs, etc., slog
leg, dancing and gymnastic feats, concluiint
with a laughable atterpiece. The admission to
the matinee will be 2( cents to all parts of the
—Colman's fine old comedy The Mir at Law
was produced at the Arch Street Theatre last
evening, with Mr. Craig in the character "Jr:.
Pangloss." Mr. Craig's conception was not
strikingly original, but it. partook of the good
qualities of two or three of the best that have
ucen given by other actors. The performance
wee, however, very good indeed, and reflected
credit upon the comedian. With larger °poor
tanify to attempt, characters of this description,
Mr. Craig might win reputation in high comedy.
:low he is cast for everything, from a boot-black
op to a Great Mogul. This evening Goldsmith's
comedy The Good Natured Han will be played.
oa Monday the play Wolves at Bay will be, pro
—The Circus company now yerforming at the
Chestnut Street Theatre is really worthy of the
most liberal support. The whole troupe is good,
but a number of them are great artists in their
line. James Robinson's riding and summers,anits
on a bare-bucked horse, going at full speed, are
wonderful to behold. His little son, Clarence, is
no less a wonder. The Mtuligans and. Madame
Tourniairc are very fine riders, and the little
girl, Mize. is a real phenomenon.. The LeVan
tine Brothers are models of manly " beauty and
grace, and their acrobatic exploits are remarka
bly fine. The tricks of the trained dogs and the
monkey races are extremely amusing. Mr. Sinn
deserves to be well sustained in his cute Ow - of
introducing this capital circus company to the
Philadelphia public. In addition to the evening
prprormAnces there will be a math*: to-morrow
at 2 P. M.
An-American actor in LOlldOtto
The following acknowledgment of England's
indebtedness to America for professional talent
is from the London Times.. The tribute paid to
Mr. Clarke is noticeably just:
"Through the phase of mere Yankeeism wo
have now passed, and so strangely has the rela
tion between England and America been altered
within the last thirty years. that instead 'of the
English "star" shining at New York it la the
American "star" shining in London. We need
only look at the great theatrical successes "of the
present day, and we perceive at once that we
must mentally cross the Atlantic to trace them
to their source. Who is the actress
that at the present anoment can.- , most
stir whole multitudes With tragical emotion? Un
questionably, Miss Bateman,whose "Leah" never
seems to lose its attractiveness in capital or pro
vince. Which is the theatrical figure of late that •
has become an acknowledged symbol, the signifi
cance of which everybody is expected to under
stand? Unquestionably the "Lord Dundreary"
of Mr. Sothern, who, though of English origin,
la professionally, to allintents and purposes, an
American. Which is the most natural, finished,
and easy performance that within the last few
years has been seen
_on any London
stage? Few will object if this question is
answered by a reference to the "Rip Van
Winkle of 31 - r. Jefferson. And let it be distinctly
observed that these three instances of American
icre-eminence have•rinthing to do with .Yantee
peculiarities. The actor of celebrity who has,
most -recently come from, the New World is
Mr. John B.,Clark, with whom we first became
acqUainted at the et.Jaines's Theatre last winter,
and who is now playing at the Strand.' In his
own country he has long been famed, especially
at New York, where he was manager of the Win
ter Garden, reckoned ono of the first theatres in
that city till the time of its destruction by fire.
In London, however, he has virtually been
seen in only one character, for, though
be' Came out as 7'eike iu the 'School for
ReeTlll,' it was not in this now bygone
part that be made any deep impression, whereas
the late Mr. Stirling Coyne's comedy, 'Every
body's Friend,' newly named the' Widow Haat,'
which followtd the dull play, was at once identi
fied with a great success, aid hitherto Mr. Chirke
remains permanently as 3lajur Wellington de Ituutg
who, as he at present stands, in purely a crea
tion of his owr, 'Everybody's Friend,' was no
more written iu the first place for the mere sake
of exhibiting this semi-military oddity, than the
'American Cousin' was constructed for the sake
of Lord Thendrearg, who it entirely cat out of
the piece would leave the plot intact. In both
eases the exceptional merit of the actor has con
verted into a practically ono part piece a com
edy ortainally designed for the combination of
many talents.
NEW JEBSEIC nevrrEics.
SIA'CV3SI ON Himmel' too. - The Camden B.M11.1.! for
FrleLdless Children is a complete success. Starting
under not very favorable anspfces, and considerable
straitened in circumstances, the managers have
brought it up to a high conditten of usefulness. Ef
forts are being made to extend to. operations over the
entire First Cungtesklont.l District, including the six
lower comities Of Smith Jersey. This movement is
meeting with encouragement. The managers have re
cently purchaked about forty acres of ground two
miles from Camden for the purposes of the institution.
On this tract of land it is the intention to erect, early
in the Spring, a commodious structure, with all the
conveniences necessary for carrying On the operations
of the Home. The present buildings arc far too small,
not having room to accommodatemore than one-half
the number who apply . for its benefactions. This in
stitntion ought to receive liberal encouragement.
lernovartxxts.--South Jersey is rapidly being im
proved, especiilly in the matter of railroads. The
commencemen of work on the Vineland road between
Bridgeton and theenwich point, has stimulated efforts
itiodier directions, and an application will be made
corning session of the Legislature for an act
thorizing the formation of a company to construct
another railroad from White Horse Station to Black
woodtown. The friends of this road are energetic and
will push the work forward with vigor. This road is
designed to connect with and form a' portion of the
Vineland and New York Railroad.
laneirsim.—Sneak thieves 'and robbers are ope
rating. extensively iu Camden, and in some instances
are quite eucevssfal. On Wednesday evening the store
at the corner of 'Mineola and Berkley streets, an
Cooper's Bill: was entered by a thief, who rubbed the
drawer of ahem twelve dollars. A few dayS since the
store of Noah Band, at Fifth and Stevens streets, was
entered in a similar manner, andethe villalne escaped
with quite a quantity of plunder.
Lononne - -During the past week about one han
dled personh have been accommodated with loilglogs
in the station house. Some of them - are hearty and
stalwart men and women, capable of performing work
which could not fail to produce them a good and cola.
BEDIEVOLraiII&—Tho Camden City (Amite'ls,in view
or the approaching winter, have made an approprht
tionOf ono thousand dollars for furnishing the poor
iu the different wards with fuel anti other LlCOCHBatititi
There are a great many persons worthy (*these bene
factions who ought to be sought out and assisted.
The Richmond newspapers of Tuesday publioh the fol
lowing :.
Nov. tgi, lett!B.—l find that I have been very
cruellY.andincsolicality mißroprettented with referenco
to proccidinto in the Idayer'e Court against my brothent
murderer, one paper printing in capitols "E. A. Pollard
digit:lee to take part in the preetatutiou of James Grant.'"
and ether paper* inktroporting me.. What I did say to
the Mayor tutu that I detained to appear in any p cooed
logs Wore hint. 1 dld to bemuse 1. contudered that he
h.d not, property jurisdiction over the q 'cation o' ball.
and that his action in this respect had been unauthorized
a nd ritrgal l tx. treaty said, •'I leave you to act on your
own zeitttousibffity. i.
One more number of The ()Anton ie to, be printed.'
with which J. ru. Ilauna will have no connection, end
the paper will then coned to tixlet, as will be Been from the
itmtuesu, Rea.iStiB —Will the '
of Richmond,
de,gisie notice that tho broil:or of It It. Rollo: d will
prepare an edition of The Southern Opinion okanoively
as a math of respect to .his istumorY. Without 'general
111,e b" ooutaluing a full and detailed. etatetne"t of the
*plum illation. ell obituary notice of the &ono:se mid tele
Incidint bit weak the dates of his nittider and burial.
oho, that 3. N. lla.na has no connection will the pro
p lion of - this special edition of The 4,, - A r o (Minton.
'no publication will be next Pratirtinv.. The Southern
/,if. rttett Aslll not be couti nu"! of t o ,(tor.
F. L. FEllEgitklibi. 11611,4hei:-
The English Ministry
By Atlantic Cable,.
Louram, Dec. 4.—The Right Hon. Wm. It
Gladstone bad an audience with the Queen yes. ;,,
terday, arid formullY accepted-his appolafmaiiit7
es Chief of the Ministry. Tiler() was M greig
gathering of Liberal chiefs at Mr. Gladatomfif *
house last night.
Tho Times of thin morning, in an editorial on
the Cabinet about to be selected, thinks Lord
the present Master of -the Rolle r - -
be appointed Chancellor of the, Exchequer, gate
Sir Ronndell Palmer Master of the Rolls.
From blow torn•
NEW Tons, Dec. 4.—The loss by the fire at tha,
Theatre Coraique e 30,000, with no insurance.
The upper part of the theatre is all burned oat.
but the lower part is damaged by water..
theatre will be rebuilt as soon as possible.;
Croat iteittiatoree;,
BArinmonE, Dec. 4.—ld the caae of Stephen T.
Detmey, for the murder of Charles Childs; the
jury to-day rendered a verdict of- manslaughter;
and recommended the priaorter_to,thicieirieuey_et:
the court.
The machine shop of the Western Maryland
Railroad Company, at Union Bridge, Carroll
county, was turned last night. All the locomo
tives and cars were saved. The loss is about
—Venison brings five cents a pound in Western
_coal has been found under the foundation of
the new Illinois statehouse.
—Songfor magistrates—Let us speak of a "Omui.
as we've fined blm. •
—Why is praising childrenlike a preparation
of opium? Because it is landlu' em.
—The post-office clerks In Cleveland, Ohio, are
all females.
-111pe strawberries were gathered on the
river, Va., as late as the 15th or November.
—What is better than a promising young man?
A paying one. , - -
—The Canadians predict that we are Ito have
another severe -Winter.
—The Monnons prOpose to introduee the.arti
fiefs] cultivation of the oyster in tho waters of
Utah' Territory.
• .
—Our able young man says that the only map
not spoiled by being 'lionized" Was the prophet
. -The Mormon organ In Salt Lake City com
plains that the young saints wear their hats in the
Tabernacle on Sunday during service.
—A St. Louis husband has applied fora divorce
on the ground that his wife is in the habit of
throwing the children at his head.
anything .wilt., .
ranke a woman swear, it is loOking for her night
cap slier the lamp's blown out..
—The pawnbrokers of Paris are unusually briety;
which is an Indication that trade is dull in 0*
—An Ohio fanner hns raised forty bushels of
new vAtifty of corn in two years, from foor,ker
—ffarper's. Weekly for the present week con
tains a very accurate foil-page picture of the Near- ,
(*tette whipping-post and pillory, together ,with ,
an account of the proceedings on Satrtrday week.
—A silly lowa elk tried to overtake a ralltnad
train. The conductor good-naturedly Stopped It.
allowed the elk to do as he liked, and carried hire
along in the shape of venison. •
—What is the difference between a civilized
dinnCr and a person who subsists at the North
role? Attention, again! One has a bill of fare,
and the other his fill of bear.
—A matinee goer says that a noted compoSer
always sugaesta hash to his mind, since it is '
variably Chopin. A dull chop That from a dal •
—Among other bequests, Rossini has founded
two annual prim for the best 'libretto of att
opera and the best musical store; the. Musician
must, however, be a ittetodi3t,
—Rossini was very particular about receiving ,
favors. Baron liaussman and the city of earls
wanted to give him the house in which he sp int.
his last years, but be Insisted on pitylog torit s atot
be did. The price was half a franc.
—There being no Christmas 'number of All Mc.
tar Round this season, the publishers have re-!'
Issued all the Christmas nuMbers from the begin-
ning„ bound together in a volume, makiag tt,
very acceptable substitute. '
—Once more the Emperor, who is todd of that
sort 'of diet, has been permitted to eat hil3 owes_
words: His letters to Walewskl have been re-,
turned tip the Couut's widow, and, aro gone-tor ? ,
—A Washington couple, having the mightr
tune to lose a child, and wishing, to convey the,
body to Baltimore, evaded the express charges
by dressing the child in its usual- clotidug, and
taking it between them on the. cars.
—ln reply to a request, to describe the Gulf
Stteam, an applicant for a teacher's position in.
one of. our cities wrote "The Gulf Stream;is a
branch of the Atlantic Ocean, and the and ocnoka
issue from it, and is situated oast of Florida."'
—A daughter of llonlzetti, the celebrated-coca—
poser of so many popular Italian operas,: Imps
a secondrato coffee-house in the little city - of
Novara; and.a eon of'Belllnl, the composer of
Norma and La Bonnambula, la a school teacher.
at Milan.
—The late Baron Rothschild was.. uncero.
root:does with high and low alike.
A great personage once penetrated•into his
cabinet while the Baron was very busy.,
The Baron, never looking up, said, tvith • that
slight German accent which gave, such character
to his remarks,—"Take a shair."
"Pardon," said the visitor rather haughtily, '
"you didn't bear the announcement of my, name.
I am the Count
"Ferry well," replied the Baran, without '
lug his eyes from tho sheet, "prenei tetu &oleos"'
(take tee chairs,);
. f , 7 The Press, describing the tiro of last night',
says: ' "Every start' seemed full. of Dunham
and loig limo 'of chairs ware auspanded front
the ceilings. The flames, as they burst from
consuming chairs, were of every huo v tho painta.,
upon them being variegated in character. Rook"
nag chairs that would have atfordee. great luxury.
to persona, burned as they, hung, or wore taken,
by a stream of water andwashed otf from their.
faeteninga." .
Thrilling as this spectacle• 'ins, it-is terrible to,.
think of what It would have been if them. WIZ"
been any bobby-horses in the store, and they nuo.,
broke loose among the crowd. - • "
—The young Princes 6 el Presets, who 'mutter.,
reed in 1867 to that scapegrace,. DukoWWlaut oaE
mealeubtirg, lasis" succeeded in Unplug hlm,, aud
io said to be a very happy wife' and mother. At
the time of their martiag,e it was predieted that
a divorce would be ".applied for in, kiss than sirs
—A tabacconfat in Hartford offers Ilvo per coat. -
On the itcciptalrorn the ante of a new brand of .
cip,ara toward the erection of a mouttment to gait L
Pate Gov. Belmont., of. Connecticut, which ay, ,
be conbideri cl an Ingenious way of honor!u the
i n , cmory onthe dead, and vj r the saw° Unto a s crezNut
tiOug ono's b . ue t illefirb . , \ 1 I , -