Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 02, 1868, Image 5
••• • • • CATALOGUE MB J. P. BEAUMONT'S (OF NEW YORK) (mEcTiom OF PAINTINGS OF 111116 HIGHEST CLASS, To be Sold on the Evenings of TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, December Ist and 2d, AT 154 CPCLOCK. NOW OPEN FOR EXAMINATION /IT THU PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY TILE JFIII4IE ART ,3, (Eastern Galleries,) Day and Evening Until Sale, J. P. BEAUMONT, Beg., of New York, tae, at the solicitation of many friends of Art in this city,been , induced to offer the following col lection of the highest class of Pic tures for public competition, and hopes it may meet the approbation of our connoisseurs. The Catalogue oOnsista almost exclusively of works painted expresEly to his ordet by eying celebrities with whom he has been for many years in correspond ence, and warrants me in saying, that' the collection, for merit and beauty, cen hardly be surpassed. Yours, respectfully, B. SCOTT, Jr. " „ 0A2M.1.4404GiV.E1. C. BakiNAas, Pupil of Louis Meyor. A Calm. P. G. HAMAER—The Hague. A Game of Draughts—Candlelight Scene. EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN—BruseeIs Sheep, Lamb and Fowls. E. von RAVEN—Dusseldorf. Lake Lucerne. Mt. Pilatua in the distance. COUNT A. de BYLANDT—The Elagy.e. Mountainous Landscape with Cascade. F. STROEBEL—The Hague. taa Interior. Preparing for &hoot. EAKTNIAN J I )II.NSON. N. A.—New l'o,A "The fiOttle." A case of Difficulty. THE DAILY_ EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, WED.NESDAY I tDECEMBEIL 2,1868. 1 k 2 STUYVERT—Br tank A Bleoping P. C. VERTIN—The Harm A Town View in Holland. W. HESTER—Rio Janeiro, "After Dinner," a Scene in Brazil. C. V. WYNGAERDT—HoIIand. A Cottage Family. 0. OAMPE—A ndwerp A Village FestivaL L. MIGNOT—New York, Sunni in tho Tropics. BOHERMERS—A Wiwi). Harvest Scene. HENRI de MU—Brussels The Young Brood. LANFONT de ISIETZ—Paris, Child PluCking Grapes. L DEVAUX—Paris. The Morning Repast. V. BENOIT—Paris. The Cottage Fireside. N. RlEGEN—Atusterdam. Marine View. A fresh Breeze. N. RrEGF.N—.Amsterdam Marine View, A Calm. E. von -RAVEN--Dusseidorf. On Lake Lucerne. W. AMBERG—Berlin Pleasant Thoughts. J. B. KLOMBECK—The Hague Pupil of B. C. Kookkoek. Winter Scene. - 3. B. KLOMBECK-7'he Hague The Path through the Forrest. & C. BRAYER—Shirley l'he Dairy Farm. C. HERTEL—Duseeldorf. The Young Choristers. THEODORE FRERE—Paris Twilight in Arabia. FRANCOIS DE LEUB—Bras.leis The Dairy Maids. JERNBERG—Dusse/d,oif. The Atelier in Disorder. G. WALKER—London May Morning. H. SAVRY —Haarlem Landscape with Cattle IL 8A VItY-11aarled,i Landscape with Cattle 11. VAN SEBEN—iirussek The Prophecy of the Flower T. RILVERDINCK —A mderdam Ruined Castle on the Rhine. G. 1 1 .0itriENTI1A1,—Dris,qp/doij Landscape Isith Mill. JAN PlATTEEC—int;tieis. Marliet Day. ,The Fine Art Review of Antweirp compli mented this Painting, by obtaining permission to engrave it as an illustration- for their Journal, adding the following remarks: ”Vie . had hoped to have seen in the present exhibition a second picture by this excellent Artist, (Platteel,) name ly, the one commissioned by the Beer . Beaumont of New York, and in this expectation.w c had or dered an engraving of it. Unforseen dream stances have prevented its remainingg - for exhlbl- - lion, but the Engraving will, we think, Bad an acceptable place in our Journal:—llt is entitled 'Market D_av ' a scene In the Island of Wal cheren in The Hoer PlAtteel is an an cient. Eleve of the School of Kremer, and has long enjoyed a well-earned fame." ' A. copy of the Journal may be soon in the G. BARRETT—Lo,Kbit. The expected Lotter. E. ACCARD—Azrif' The Mirror. M. ABNOUY--Parith The 1.6!m.n. A. BCHELFHOLIT—The Ma,qtte "Evening." J. H. DELL—London. Tho Thrush's Nest. V. CHATET--Pari.c. Contemplation. H. DUVIEUX—Paris. Viow in Venice. L. DEVEDRUX—Paris. An Arabian Fruit Beller. F. VAN WYNGAERDT—The Hague. "After Dinner," P• VAN WYNGAERHT—The Hague Going to Service. PAUL BEIGNAC—Parif. Luncheon time. H. SCHEERES—The Hague—deceased. The Guard Room. H. SCHEERES—The Hague. At the Dinner Table. 16th Century. HENRI DE BEUL—Brussels The Farm Yard in Winter. W. GENTZ—Berlin. The Market In Grand Cairo, Egypt. Esteemed as the Master piece of this artist,whoee works are extremely rare and of very high cost. F. KRUSEMAN//ofiand A Grand Winter Scene. —E.—FORT—Party. View in the Pyrenees LAURENT DE BEUL—Brussels. Shepherd with Flock. Early morning P. LEVINR--Lcmdme "ARCHERY." A. VELGHE—liorf, Feeding Time. I'. F. V ANOSB-17aarieni "On tho Dofeneivo." JULES MASSE—Paris Lady and Cavalier. A. BOBENBOOM—Br•useeI9. Devotion P. J. TOUSSAINT—Brume/4 The Bop Pickers. . ItONSDORP— The Hague View of • tho - Hogue. VAN HOVE Jl.—Antwerp Anlnterior. sa VAN HOVE, JR.—A ntwerp. Interior. Companion to the above. J. B. B. KOEKKOEK—Ai,,tilerllcn Morino Vlow—Morning. J. H. B. KOEKIWEK-4 nesterdagt Marine View—Evening. h. F. DEICKER —Dusseldoy: Grouse Shooting-, Esteemed by the Proprietor aS the finest aint ing of the class which ho has ever been ale to obtain. CARL HOFF—J),,,ee/d„ 1 A rich Interior. B. DE LOOSE—Bili.sseis: Lady arranging Flowers in a Vase A.J,ERNBERG—Dosaticienf. The Idle Oook. lAURENT REDIG—A nevem. View on the Mee 0. . LANFONT DEldETZ=Parie. Tho Bepaat. A. BESES--Menio4.- An Interior In the Tyra ALEX. IiILVERDINOIC--Amiterciam. View in Leyden. M. ARNOUX—Parie. The Now Doll. LlMAY—Parie. Coining from the Spring. EL DEVIEU3. Viow in the DardnikeWs. FRANOOIB DE LEUB—Brussels. The rot Dove. T. VOST—Munich. Ltuidik4pel with Figune. A. BORCKMANN—BerIin. The Cabinet of Antiquities. J. R. ILINTERBERGER—Mu 'nick The Coast of Norway in Bummer. C. LEICKERT—T/k , Ilagw3. View on the METUEC. ' Evening C. LEICKERT—The Ilague. Morning. Near Amsterdam, H. VAN DIEGIIEM--Brumeis. Landscapo with Sheep and Lambs. H. VAN DlEGHEM—Brussels. Landscape with Sheep and Lambe. J. J. VAN EECKHOUT—Prendent of the Royal Academy of the lia,gue. Fortraq, of Madame to Contesso de * s SECOND EVENING'S SALE. DURIEZ—Paris. Unriosity. BCHERldEßS—Antcrerp The Axchere. PAULINE CARON—Paris Domestic Interior. P. FAURE—Paris: Garden Scene. Period of Dads XV A. MEARNS—London The Watcher. IL VAN DlEGHEM—Brussels. Landscape with Sheep, Fowls, &c. • li. VAN DlEGHESl—Brussels.' Landscapo with t r 3heop, Fowls, &c. IL HOLLENDER—A msterdam. Feeding the Pet JAN LOKHORST— The lifttgue Village Scene. J. VANDER WAA.RDEN—HoIIand Fruit and Flowers. A. SCHIEDJES—The Have Veeeela in a Breeze. A. EICHIEDJES—The Hague. Vessels in a Breen. F. G. VERTIN-77re Itg flue Street view in Amsterdam. P. G. VERTIN—The Ifgryue iStreet Viow Ltt Amsterdam. d..T. PEELE—London The Young Cottager. F. KELI3-I.himeldorf. 4 l'ho first Grapes. A. ROSIER—Paris. Constantinople by Twilight MORITZ CALlSCll—Cheralier of the Order of Charles lii/, of Spam,. Preparing for tho Masquerade. 104 J. ItOSIgRP . CBa"DoI. "Gwa..4kOlt. =ELI= AiDERT.:IYILLIMS—Brectoeb. not and Malguefite , . • _KRUSEHANItrtioek. Winter in Holland. kiammer Evening Laudaospe. ANDIIEN3 ACRENBACH--Dustekiorf. Tho Vont 0184'0mill:igen. OTTO ERDMAN—l)makiarf. The New Nolghbora' First Visit. GUSTAVE DE JONGHE—Paris. Leisuro Hours. J. F. HERRING—Landon The Farm Yard. WM. SUAYER, Bum—Shirk/ Going to Market. J. JACOBS—Brum& Fruit and Flowers. 3. JACOBB—Brum/4s Fruit and Flowers. W. H. WILLI&MBON—LoIuion. The Coast of Normandy. W. H. WILLIAMSON—Len:don. Companion Pleinre to tho Above. A. SEBRUUi.—Brueaels The Chateau Garden. CAMILLE VON LEEMPUTTEN—BrusseIer Landscape with Sheep, &e... IL VON SEBEN—Brtmets Fire Wood Gatherers. NORDENBERG—Dum/dorl: . . The Unwelcome Stater. 121 i H. HOLLENDER—A Inreerdam. The Home of the Artist Re.abrandt. LEON ESCOBOU —Parie ContkmplatiJa. MILE ROSENBOOM— The I. agu.q. RAWL E. KOBTER--liaar/eni. The Village of Ilsuirlom, Holland. 125 COUNT A. DE BTLANDT—TIec Hague. Winter Beene. 126 A. KLITYVEB.-4 nuterdarn The Coming Shower. W. 8. MOUNT, N. A—New York "On the Fence." THEODORE DE HEUVEL—Brussd,q Pleasant News. BENRIECTE RON nß—Bruse !Id Rlturn tiom Market. U. HOGUET—Berlin. The Coast of Normandy. C. IRMER—Dusseldorf. The Rhine. Plains near Dusseldorf H. ANDREWS—London "Blind Man's Bar." C. BCHLEBINGER—DusseIdmf: The RarvosteeeEvening Rebut/. LAURENT T)E BEUL—Drusseis Shophordess with Flock. F. KRUSEMAN—Brussels: Winton Scone. 136 E. GESELSCILES.P—Durse/doff. - Christmas Morning. LOUIS TOUSSAlNT—Ausschiorj Tho Dull Lecture. V. EDEL—Thisseldorf. Landscape in Tyra H. PiAVßY—Haarkva. Lawleoapo with Cattle, I r IL BARON--Path "Reverie." • , A. 1311ILLE 14 MIN-,Paris. An Interior in Normandy 14e. w. 'ultra A Blirllio in the Tyra- 143. atm Most of April. 144. H. E. aERYNTIENS.. , .7U Marie, 4.n fazorlort • __ • 145 B, BEYNTIHNB—The Hague. Interior. • L. TATMANS—Biunae. Tbo Bride. 147 BODDINGTON—Locton. Evening on t.ho Thaw*. 148 L. P. VERWEE and ETRIENT. VER3ORCK BOVEN. Landscape with Animals and Figtuta. BYRON. WEREl—i2inburg The Bunter's Return. E. BODEMAN—The Landnape with Distant View of Leyden. 151 CARL BECKER—/krtin. Carnival Tlmc Venice. Esteemed as the Master Piece of this ceilebratsiel 152 E, P. VAN ROMMEL —At/Wet-dam The City and Port ofAmsterdam. J. BTEPHANOFF—Loadon. George of - Aspen and Isabella. Vide Sir Walter Beott'e Mirka 161 E. IL ECHEEREB, (deccased)—The Haunt. The Gaud Room. 165 J. H. B. HOEKKOBK—Ameertisin A Cairn Evening. 156 HENRI DE BRUL—BruAtele Rural Felicity 157 P. SAUAGE—Paris. The Cottage Firmldo. 158 JULES MONTIGNY —Par is. , The Pet Lamb. H. HELMICK—Paris,. Hamel in tzez Study. 160 LAURENT DE BM—Brude 'Sheep anitGoats. J. C. DlEFACTZ—llrusxth An Interior. 162 G. LIEEREBART—AinOerdam View in HOltand. 163 L. DANEILEEM—Pari3. A Conversadone. DAVID DENOTER—Brzwelo, now Paris, Fruit and Life. FAUVELP.,T—ParS. Lady Reading a ,Letter MG GUSTAVE DE JONGUE—Paris The Pet Spaniel. 167 GEORGE AIItdFIELD-14,11den Just too Lutz. 168 FRANCOIS DE LEM—Brussels Fetding the Canary KLUYVERS —A raster dam winter in We Forest. 170 H. DT:VIEUX—Paris. View of Constantinople. EUGENE DE BLOCK—Bruseels The Spinning Wheel. 172 C. LEICKERT—The Harm. Village Scene. F. STROEBEL —The flaytte Winding the Crock. 174 KNELL—Lon6n ~ V lew off Yarmouth. F. LEBRET-Lltrussetr. .14indbcape with Sheep, &c 176 J. OLIVER —London. The Stepping Stones—View in Wales 177 REMBR FIN DT PEELE —Ph iladelphta Head of Washington, A. MORRIS.—London. Scotch Mountain Bhcep L. THOMAS—London. Landscape with figures 180 "ECCE HOMO." Fainted by au Artist of the Bolognese School, about Anno 1590 This remarkable work was.purchased by Mr. Beaumont of the venerable Professor Rudde man, during a journey Inßavaria in 1848, hav ing been originally selected by the Professor from the Collection of Eugene Beauhaniols, Viceroy of Italy, the sale of which took place in 1815. It bus never before been publicly ex hibited In this country. The Painting is supposed to have been the work of Goma ItErri,of Bologna, being in the earlier, dark, or Cara' ggio manner of that artist. The Frame is a fine wood carving of the 16th Cen tury, in a fair state ofpreservation , repremit ing the emblems of the Crucifixion, and is probably unique of its kind. ' - DESCRIPTION OF TIIF FRAME. Right side.—An angel holding the basket of Im plements used in erecting the Cross, below which is a spade, and a ladder on which are two Cherubim, one of whom holds . the bag with the 80 pieces of Myer, and the other the Reed dipped in Vinegar. Left side.—Contains the Pillar and Cord, the Roman • Soldiers' Weapons, the Lantern to the Tomb, &c. At the bottom—ln the Centre is an allegorical rep.- - resentation - of - thaGrayevon - tha , which is an illustration of the casting lots for the Garment, and on the other the washing of thabands by Pilate. At the top of the Frame afire angels holding the Motto of the Cross, ite, NOTICE. The Paintings will be removed on the Evenings of the Sale to: our Store, where Ladies and Gentlemen, desirous of being present can be comfortably seated; and it has been deemed advisable. considering the importance of the Sale, to 'issue tickets of admission, which may be obtained gratuitously either at the !Store or at the Gallery. B. SCOTT, Jr., Auctioneer, 1020 Chestnut, Street.