Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 21, 1868, Image 1
WWI PEACOCK.' Editor. voi,umE 193. A A.:MEIZIOAN LIFE , INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia, E. Corner ,Fourth arid Walnut Sta. NIT This • Institution haiful superior in the United Staters. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT INSURANCE 00, OF 1131A1111FORD, CONN. $1,0p0,000 Persons Leaving the city especially will tool bettor sails• fled by being insured. WILLIANW. ALLEN. Agent and Attorney; FORREST BUILDING. ili Nouth fourth Street. Philftdelphlti. sett 9 tu th . Aeseta over 1117 INDING CARDS, INVITATIONS FO COAR &o. Now Myles. MASON &, Cheatant street. WEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED IN TILE Tr Newest and butt manner. LOUIS DREKA. Sty Omer atid EIIVILVer itS3Ohnstrint etreet. feb MARRIED. BRODET-WEAVER.-On Sunday ; November let., in Covington, Ky.. by the. Bent. J, Mr. William 11. Brodet.: of Covington, to Mile Georgie W. Weaver, of phUadelp Pa GRAEI+-741.ODENRIED.-On Thursday, 19th Mot.. at the reridenee of Wm G. Audostried„ hy the icor, J. dwitnrew„ Mr. Alfred wad to Miss Jennie M. Au ird POW ER--DE DEEMING or -On Thursday, Novem ber Leib, at the Cathedral. b his G M race the ost Rev. Arebbiehop of New Volk. Je n H. Power to Ilettriette. daughter of the late Henry It* Bermingham • _ hAW,IX-IPAItiON.- On W..dnesday. November ilib. et Unlit Church. illiarosport, Pe., by the Rev. APrra Wadleigh, Charles Ramie end Mary .1 daughter of Oliver Watron, Wildameoort. KOBE S -seisLEN.-In Trinity Church. Pitteburgh. can't) Mb, wet- by theßev Mr. licarborongh, W. Milo= Roberts to Adeline. dangnser of the late Ankh , ny Beam STEWART--KAISTLACK -November Pith, 1169. at the retidenee of the brides father, by the Rev . w „f venson, Mr. J. Marry Stewart to MI,. Annie A. P. k. or Philadelphia. • • DIEM LORE.. --At fit. Louis, Miami. on_ Fonder. November Ittbi the- Mersoreble Outlets IL Lord. one of the Judges of the !Areal t Court of tit. Louis.. itUNN.—At'rrooklyn. NOW York, on Friday. with inst., Usu. D. Munn. M.l .. in the. 56th year of kis aim Funeral at 9 o'clork 1. M. on Monday, MI Inst. Ser vices and Interment st Mown:tent Cemeterv. Ells friends and rilittioss are invited to meet at the reeldenoe of Isaac It. Helmer:. No. 121 P , orrb To entleth street, at 1 o'clock M.• grtiele-carriages will be in waiting to convey them • GOOD iLACK. AND COLORED BILE& - El OUT BLIL- CORDED SATIN FACE ORO GRAIN PURPLE AND OILT EDOy.. • DROWNS AND BLUE OR O GRAIN. NUDE (XIL'D BILKS. Anl.2tl EYR•e, LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. 11ELIQIOD9 NOTIC!l. s w. t t il i gk ;i f ir t. i. A l ptr e r 3 . D. ten [4. 1 .. WLIA. PREtte /I IN "inert street!, on Sabbath at 1034 artgreuteenthlra ser MORAVIAN MORO% 00RcER. OF WOOD Dud Franklin sireete.—Rev. Chubs B. Shultz will • :estik-io-morrow morning. . - - - or ARCH STREETrt. E. 0121HtCH TO moßßow Ciarir aticrifit: Biaboviitupson at 734.. Y. AL-Mahn, RT. STRPllif mvAsonaata, LUTHEB.A.N Church. Fcrticth and Arch etroeta. West Plaada. Rev. 8.. pantor elect, will preach at 103 e.; o'clock and 4 o'clock P. 11. lt• RPV. HERRICK JOHNSON, D. D.D. PASTOR OF ow Ho First Prexby erten ''barrh.Waahington Square. st ill proath to.marrow at 10M o'cleek A. hi. an 4 7,L,i P. M. Also Thanksiising Day at 11 'o'clock A. M. It. 46r REV. DR. J. P. NEWMAN.OF NEW °MEAN?, will preach to the M. E- Church. Green street. above 'tenth, Sabbath morning. WM A. M. The Paewr 736 P. M. "Dangers of Young men." It. ter SPRING GARDEN BAPTIST CHURCILTIIIR teenth street, above •ce. Rev. L. P. Dori:Mer ger, Pastor. Press-Lang to-morrow at 1034 A. IL, mad / Y. M. Sabbath school as 2P. M. It. FiV i l w e t E r-Rev. MO?' TT NTHAND e BrUIISITICZwriI preach to-marrow. ' Service at o f New morning and 7% evening. air ST. CLERENT'S CHURCH. TWENTIETH and Cherry itreet.. To.tnorrow being the fourth. Sunday in the month. the o ' clock will bo omitted. Service In the evening at Tid It. pair TRINITY. CHURCH. EIGHTH ABOVE RUN.. Pee. T. B. Unson. D. D.. of Omaha. at leX A. M.. Bev. Bishop North smalettot,• and Rev. J. P. Neivm.m. D. D. of New (Jetsam. at 73d P. U. It. stir HOME OF THE RUM—REV. DR. STARCH will preach the tow th sermon of hie series on "Dome llife of the Bible" to-morrow (Sunday) evenin g. at L. 414 o'clock. In Clinton Street 'Minch. Tenth street. below Spruce. All persons cordially invited to attetuLlts ter THE FEAST AND ITS VICTIMS—Rev. Wm. P. Breed.D.D,wili preach the second of a scrim of Die. courses on the Book of Esther, In the West Spruce street Church; Seventeenth and Spruce streets, on Sabbath morning, nd instant. at lON o'clock. It• intikh... NORTE( BROAD STREET PRESBYTERIAN Much. comer Broad and Green etreete.-Preachlng to-morrow by tbe pastor, Rev. Dr. Stryker. at 1036 A. M. and 7,56 P.M. Subject inthe eventrik:..obristian Pilgrim in Interpreter's nouee." . THE FIRST OF A SERIES OF SERMONS, a l i r at request of the Advent Broawrhood, will be do. Ilverec by tiny. H. J. Mo ton, D. D., at Advent Church. Volk avenue above Buttonwood street. tomorro evening at 7$ o'clock. All are coLdiaily invited. Si r men specially 0 men. I jar HOME FOR LITTLE WANDERERS, NO. 813 Shinpen street. A Meeting in behalf of this institu- Hon will be held in The Church of God, Germantown avenue. above Fifth street, to-morrow at 10M A. ii.. and In the First (15-tnalogion) Presbyterian Church, Girard avenue, near Hanover, at 73‘i P. M. Singing by the.children. It' a SERMOWAVYOUNG MEN. tndsr the auspices of the Young Men'e Christian Association Bev. A. A:Nplits. D. D.ovill preach a sermon eepecially,to young men to.morrow (Sabbath) evening. at the West Arch Street Presbyterisn uhnrch. corner of Eighteenth and Arch streets. at 7%, o'clock. beats reserved for young men. Medical students and strangers in the clay are cordially invited to attend. lt4 TUB SECOND OF A, SERIFS OF SERMONS before the Young People's Ameoeintion of the. First Baptist Chureld*llt-be-otoczhed --- • On SUNDAY EVENItt NciVerabor 21d. - REV. J. V. ELDER. Suitigar—”Bucceza in Life." Services commencing at 7311 o'clock. N. W. corner Broad and arch streets. lt§ MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURUH. REV. P. S. Benson, D. D., Paster. Services at Athieti c Thirteenth above Jefferson streets ; Sunday morning, MX o, clockA evening, 934 o!clock. Seats free The Fair In aid of the Building F“nd, which 'cremates to be ono of the most attrac iv° of the Beason, will open at the new chapel on Master street, below Broad, on TUESPAY bVENING. the Nth inst., and he continued till.further notice. it• Or CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPRANG Garden. below Broad.—Sunday morning the Rev.J. W. Bonham will preach a sermon on "The Essential Re quisites to Real OhnrchiProsperity ;" and in the evening on "The Duty of the Faithful Preacher." On . Wednesday evening the Rev. J. Sanders Rood will preath the fourth of bis series of sermons now In course of delivery. • Day. He will also preach on the morning of Thanksgiving its THE FOURTEEN= ANNIVERSARY OF THE ung - Men's Chrir tianAlsociatiotrwill-be-eld—rit— the Academy of Music on TUESDAY EVENINti nev, November .24th, at 7.34 o'clock. Addresses by the Rev. John Cotton of the Protestant Episcopal Church of New .York; Rev. Herrick Johnson, D. D., of the First Presbyterian t hurch, Wsahington Square Rev. Warren Randolph, D. D., of the Fifth Baptist Church; Ray. C. H. Payne, of the Arch Street AL E. Uhurch. and no2l :11 others. , • to trpu . jeotrip. . THE GOSPEL FOR SPAIN.--A. SEOOND Union Meetiog._of the I Honda of the_ American Bible So. iety, American Tract Society' and' American and Foreign Christian Unien.-with reference to the evangeliza tion of Spain. will be held in the Alexander Presbyterian Church, Isitnoteftrth and Green str.ets.' TO - MORROW , (Sabbath) EVENING, at 7311 &clock. - -Addresses by: Rev. For. T. M. Cunningham, Rev. Edward Hawes; Rev. Prof. C. M. Bun n% D. D., of the Episcopal Divinity School, West Philadelphia; Bev. Lemuel MD e; D. D.. of the Na- Venal Demist.. THE ANNIVERSARY .0E TUE NOON. day Union Prayer Meeting will be celebratA on MONDAY, the 23d of "Novemter, in the Church of the Epiphanyt corner of Chestnut and .Ftfteentli starts, at 12 o'cloek,neon. The following brethren have consented to take cart in , services: Rev. Drs. Newton , Johnson Church, Atwood, crewel], Bomberger. Stork, Jlendricks, and ICennard;together with B.Vet al laymen. Public Invited. The 12th Union 4, ceting , for Prayer will beliold at the Church,: Broad below Spruce (Rev. Or. Wylie, Pastor), •on Monday afternoon, 23d, at 4 o'clock. Subject f r Prayer -" Tile put of the Spirit' to the City."-_Pubilt Invited. - SPECIAL NOTICE* ORTHOPAIIDIattORPITAL, No. 15 South Ninth streat,,Clatbiaat. Hip and Bpinat Diseases. and BoilityPorormitfes troated Apply ()any at 19 o'clock. nog Bpa,ros • ' , ,"- ''- ' ' • .-• ‘i . ~ •'. ' ~.'-' s ' -'' ;c' '-, .- ,'. - - ,' ' '..7.. ''." t' .' :. '',, ,;`, , :',''' ''. '-' ' '.! ;.,_;: :' -: ' l ,' , ~-, ‘" ,' '. ' ;.' ..-• ' ', ',, ... '.'''' . ,!. '' '[:f., . '-::. . 2 , : l'. i f - ;, . .' : :'..': , , _ _ • • -' . ' : - , . • -... . ' -,- - • .. . M ~'.', -.. • .-: -.' . • 14 ... ',' ' .. . • , , •. . - ' :'', •';-:, -''.,- ' ... - . . 't`' , -''' , %:',''-'...f, ' - l' ' '' • ,',.:':, '' ." '.''' ' .. :,..' i •• •-• ~ f . . ' ~.".,,,- ' • • ..... - " , •,. , ,__..,,..., . , . . ... • . . . • - . .' , . „ . . mynAti IPECIAL NOTIOE CELIGSATION OF THE GREAT VIOL'OItY 410116.. 0t the election of Grant and Cellar. A magnificent display of firework!, will be under the enpervhdon of Professot F. Jackson, in cAmmeniora• tion of the election of Grant and, Colfax. The Union League, Union National Ci b,,Union Republican bleu , Campaign Club , and a il °titer clubs and citizen!' of all political complexions are invited to be present P. IL—Time and place of exhibition hereafter della flitted. . ger. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE.—THEE FIFTH Annual Meeting of the Btockholdere wilt be he'd at Race Street Meeting tiouseibiladeloh's, on 'THIRD DAY. the Met of twelfth mon 1843; at 8 o'clock P. M. lt'' 'MOW RD PARMA, Clerk. : : • : • .11 • I : L - A '6 .'''. Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Wed i•al treatment and pnediclno tunelehed dratultenelY • the poor. OF A NIE vi . :IIIO LUNATIC Particulars of the Calamity.. Commune, Nov. 18.—At a few minutes before 10 o'clock to-night a fire broke out in the north end of the east wing of the Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum, and the entire building is now being rapidly destroyed. The fire is said to have origi nated from a defective flue.. The Fire Department was promptly on land, but owing to an Insufficiency in the supply' of water, was unable to arrest the progress of the flames. The engine belonging to the institution has been constantly pumping water, but not in sufliclentetuantity to keep the steamers constant ly employ( d. The wing where the fire originated was occu pied by women, six of whom were suffocated be fore Mil could reach them. Their bodies wer e saved. One more was carried out alive, but has since died. It is rumored that others are missing. No Mimes of dead and missing could be ascer tained to-night. The other patients have been taken to the hospital on the Asylum grounds, and to various public institutions, where they will be properly cared for. None of the men were injured. About all the furniture in the Main 'building and the west wing was saved, but much of it in a damaged condition. A portion of that in the east wing was also taken out,. The loss to the State will be about 8800000,to say nothing about now this terrible calamity will affect an unfortu nate class of our community. The institution had about 850 patients, accom modations but for few of whom can be provided at the other asylums in ,the State. The scene during the Progress of the conflagra tion was most appalling, and baffles descriptiom the officers of the institution did their duty no bly. Many of the citizens made themselves use ful in taking care of patients and carrying out furniture. If Columbus had been supplied with Water Works this fire could have been readily suppressed, and property saved exceeding in value the future cost of such an improvement. There is tow no hopes - of saving any portion of Ike building. (From the Cincinnati Tim cal • Cor.umnus, Nov. 19.—The Central Lunatic Asylum was last night entirely destroyed by fire. ,Tho fire originated in the north- dcrimitory - of the east wing, and was discovered about nine o'clock. It was amusement night, antniony.orthe in mates 'were collected in the concert hall. The alarm was telegraphed to the engine houses, and •he entire department was almost immediately on the grounds The flames spread very rapidly, and the work of rescuing the inmates was at once commenced. In the eonfusion six persons perished in the flames or were antrocated by the smoke. The bodies were secured by the most strenuous exer- done; thofigh the persons who carried th em out were much injured. The water thrown by the engines seemed for a time to retard the flames, hut about 10 o'clock the cisterns were exhausted. The scene at this time beggars all description. The frantic inmates were being hurried from the burning building, the whole east wing of which was now in flames; coming some. of them from their beds of slumber, and others from beds of eickiess, taken from windows, and rushing out of doors, the engines all at work, men shouting and rushing from one point to another, carrying out furniture and tossing it from windows. When the water it the cisterns in the vicinity of the Asylum was exhausted, water was forced from other cisterns in the city, though this weakened the working force of the department on the ground. A strong and steady stream was poured upon the building for a number of hours. After the Asylum cisterns gave out the fire ex tended soon along the roof of the entire east wing then Along the front part of the main building to the extreme Brest end. The greater part of the furniture was saved, though much of it in a damaged condition. There was no Insurance on the building. A. M. Smith, President of the board of Mana gers, was early bn the ground, ana remained to the last, working with Dr. Peck, the Superinten dent, to manage for the, best. Numerous citi zens spent almost the eatire night at the build ing, assisting the tiredepartment, and joining in the work of removing the furniture. The following are the names of the en orta nates Who perisbedin - the flames at the burning of the Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum: Caroline Connor, Athens county,. Lizzie Herold, Athens county; Mary Murphy, Wyandotte county; Brid get Brophy, Columbus; Mrs. Bradford, Athens county; Mrs. Parker; Licking county. Three of them were young women under 25 years of age, and oven in their terrible death presented a beau tiful appearance. A large amount of. Property was stolen—one man, who represented himself as an officer of the institution, being , seen to walk off with a flye thousand dollar Government bond. Medic it stores and other articles of value are scattered promiscuously over the city. Much blame is at, Inched to the Chief Engineer of the Fire Depart ment, for the loose way in which ho performed his duties; while much credit reflects upon the officers of the institution, who worked heroically to the last. 1411)B1CAL AND DICARILVICIV. Wolfsalm -gave :therf • ntt ,- his. posed siimatineeslin the Foyer of the Academy yesterday. As usual the weather was stormy, but the attendance was• good under the circum stances. The opening piece was a Sonata in A minor, by Rubinstein], in four movements, for piano and violin. Mr. Wolfsohn played the piano, and the violin was in the hands of M. Edonard Colonne, a newly-arrived. French vir tuoso, who must be regarded as a great acqui sition to musical circles. He plays with great purity of tone, with perfect grace and feeling, and his style is wholly free• from the trickery often resorted to by solo violinists. The Sonata, which is full of variety and novel effects, requires to be heard oftener to be appreciated; but the masterly performance of Messrs. Wolfsohn and Colonne made it enjoyable even on a first bearing. Mr. Colonne afterwards played a sole by Viotti, in which his mastery of his , instru ment was even better displayed. The Beethoven rio—in_l3_llat major,optis_fiL_was pla .ed b • Messrs. Wolfsohn,Colonne and Hennig in exqu - site style. Mr.,Hennle, Who is altogether the beet violincellist now in the country, also played a most beautiful Elegie Bazzint. Mr. Wolf sohn performed arrangements by. Liszt of Schu bert's "Ave Maria" and the "Shakeepeare Sere nade," a beautiful setting of the words from Cymbeline "Hark the Lark at Heaven's Gate Sings." Both of these wore charmingly played, - and the whole entertainment give qualified delight. —The season of Grand Opera, pr ised at the Academy of Music by Max Maret , will begin OD Monday 'week.. The manager's announcement will be . foundlo-day in our advertising columns. The lists of artiste, and that of operas, Italian as well as German, is very attractive. The orice of admission; especially for season tickets, is very moderate and there is a reasonable hope that the undertaking will be' liberally supported by the public. —Blind Tom, the wonderful negro-boy Picoilst, gives his last Ooneerts—on tci•!day, Monday and Taesday—ln this city. On' Wednesday ho goes to NorristOwni;Yrlday at Manayunk, and Battu davlitgernaaritoWn. - • —The spire of the new cathedral in Pitts burgh is - to be surmounted by a hollow, iron nrOsli 'l4feet in height,whlch is to be illuminated by 800 gas jets. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1868. Etrazil and ]araguay The Washburn Muddle Latest Reports from the Seat of War Minister Webbts nefence of Minister Wasinbturns LITGATION or nut UNIYgoSTATire,BOA ViAOEIII, October 22,1868.-*-To the Editor of the Anglo-Bra ---ziliart-Timesr---81m---Now-that - the t3c-Alled-for and inconsiderate abuse of Mr. Washburn, the United States Minister to Paraguay, has ab ated, if not ceased, I-desire to state one or two facto, calculated to vindicate the Character of an Ame rican official, who has faithfully discharged his duty under very trying circtunatances. In the first pl.ce, Mr. Washburn is the same individual who, in 1864, then United States Min-. 'stet. at Asuncion, protestcal against the treatment' of the Brazilian Minister, Senor Vienna da Lima, by President Lopez; and when he found that re monstrance was unavailing, threatened the tyrant to Insist upon his passport and break up his Le gation If 1)a Limn were not treated with the con; sideration his diplomatic character demanded," end the necessary facilities afforded him to leave the country in a manner suited to the dignity of nis position. For so doing, his conduct was greatly extolled by the Brazilian press and Bra zilian officials. including hie Imperial Majesty. Secondly—The peculiar character of Mr. Wash burn's official correspondence with the Para amp= Foreign office is to be attributed solely to the dangerous position in which he and his family were plaeed by Lopez, with a view, probably, to their destruction ; and which is thus described in bis report to me of what had occurred, dated.' Buenos Ayres, September 26: vet: will find a ridiculously long correspondence in re gard to the different persons domiciled in Legation. which wait find pub l ished by Lopez in I dsSeminarto, end has been republished e. On the continuance of this correspondence I felt life depended; and my whichwas to prolong wo uld the arrival of the Wasp. lllwas certain you rend up. I wrote to gain time, ad" the while cherishing the hope that she would - eome before Lops committed any violence against me; for had be at once proceeded to that. he would have gone to the last extremity. For one whole month I felt that I would have compromised by simply being shot; but I was afraid of Ida tortures, which he applies to all who do not make ouch declarations ache desires. And then I did n6t like to give him a chance to put forth soy deals, reams as coming from me, when I should not be alive to arrived m .to e a l e co tgulgati7l2 cseottegwbrin t ili c lnrl l ; rettui ng the first despatch containing Imputations on t i or tt =ct. s e i r a s; o orl . tt rTA, insured asp mydestruction. and wce saved. Thirdhi—Mr. Washburn is no more responsible for the publication of that correspondence than I am for the United States squadron's lying idle In this harbor, when all of the available men-of-war belonging to other nationalities have long since been occupying the waters of Paraguay, and do ing all in their power to protect the lives of their citizens. There is just as much justice in censoring Mr. Washburn for publishing his correspondence with Lopez as there is in visiting upon my Government, her people, or myself the Just indignation expressed by the public that our squadron—all of which, except the flagship, is peculiarly adapted to river service —should be the only passive one on the coast, in - an emergency 'which demands prompt action, not only in vindication of our national honor, but in the discharge of our duty to the civilized world;-: which, equally with the. United States, has been insulted by the gross outrage perpetrated on our Legation irk Paraguay. • - Fourthly—Mr. Washburn may have been im prudent in giving expression to his feeling in re gard wale dilatoriness of the Marquis of erudite. Ai concluding the war against Lopez but it must notbe forgotton that tie was the- victim of that dilatoriness, and that it nearly cost him tile life. The Brazilian army has exhibited extra ordinary dash and abundant daring, whenever it has had an opportunity to exhibit its soldierly qualities; and tie who vindicates its charactet merits the thanks, instead of the condemnation, of the Braziliap public. Fifthly—Mr. Washburn is censured and called nard names, because he seemingly abandoned members of his legation to the tender mercies of the Wild Beast of Paraguay. The condemnation bus its origin in a manly and generous feeling, which 1 fully understand and appreciate; but it is based on erroneous information. If the Wasp had been lying at the wharf of Asuncion, doubtless, from my knowledge of Mr. Wash burn's character ; he would--have placed. his wife and child on board and ordered the a.eamer to leave, while he returned to brave the tyrant in hi s den, and share the fate of he members of his Legation. Bat such was not he state of affairs. Mr. Washburn say's: "I de :landed and received my passports, and aban doned pay residence; and with my wife, child and •ervfints, amine two members of my Legation, started for the steamer—not the Wasp, bat a l'araettayan steamer, which was to take us to the Wasp. When approaching the steamer Bliss and ilasterman were arrested at my side and forcibly :arried away. What was Ito do? Follow ihem, .nd leave my wife and child in the streets of Asuncion? We had no home to return to. Should I hese placed my family ciiiiitiard the Paraguayan steamer and left them to the tender mercies or Lopez's minions? My diplomatic functions nav bg been brought to a close by my own act, Lo pez would not nave permitted me to resume theini. in - 1 tire seizure of the members of my Legation, s much entitled to protection as I was, demon -Ira s what kind of protection was in store for .11 of ns, and of how little value it was to my le i,ation as to my family." . "". • I will only repeat the larrg-Large of the Buenos Ayres Standard—• It Mr. Washburn has erred,he hue erred on the right side; and hid korve rumen t and his country will telly indorse his conduct Against all the calumnies and slanders now heaped pork him by evidence not worth the paper upon A hich it is written." Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. WATSON WEBB. News from the Seat of War. By the arrival at New York of the steamer which,.l4ftjtipioaktetri/oft_Oetotter 26, we " - hive iidViees frohi are seat awa - 0Cr0: . ber 9th. Two engagements of some importance oc curred lately. In both, the allies, under the Commander-in-Chief, Marquis de Oaxiiu3, were this attacking parties. The encounter which took placCon , the 28d ultimo was brought about by tne Brazilian forces , advancing to take When of the bridge on the . stream Piciguires. When tho attacking division, under the im mediate command of our General. 'Baron do Triumpo, arrived at the bridge, the Paraguayans made a vigorous resistance; which, oi•course, caused a fierce 'fight between the contending irmits, which lasted several hours, and ended in the - defeat of the Paraguayans, by the Allies taking full possession of the bridge, as wall as of e very important position beyond it. General Unities in his order of the day, September 26th, announces the losses to be 58 officers and 166 men killed and wounded. The position was de -Teb-cled—by-60tr-of-the-bodyguard"of-Impoz. A second but less important engagement took place on October 1. The Paraguayans are reported to have been defeated. Vllleta, the new position of Lopez,is represen ted to be of considerable strength, owing to the dense woods, deep ravines, and the extensive marshes that, surround it. it appears that the natural position of Villeta is in /act, much strong er than was at first generally anticipated. The Paraguayans are posted upon high hills, where they have mounted their artillery, and it may be tMt so long AB their supplies hold out, they may yet have a chance to resist (for some time) the victorious armies that surround them. The allies are throwing up earthworks to fortify their nosittons. which fact appears to indicate that General Caxias moans to commence siege op•erations against his foe. The allied squadron, at, the latest date, was anchored at a place called Palmas; abreast of the -encampment of the allies, which is facing Vll leta. The pass at Villeta is defended, but iron- clads can pass up with mt much trouble. It' is asserted,that some of• the allied iron-clads have gone up as' far as Asuncion. Nothing definite Is known about it. _ . iromr a e received at Ban Paulo Qom an I tter Oflleer of the army, stationed in. the Province of Matto Groseo, welearn that all the Paraguayan OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. . • lad left that Province. This seems' to:prove that 'General Lopez needs every possible soldier he can raise to defend him in the lower, Paraguay. The English gunboats 'Linnet aud Beacon are . in the Paraguay river, with Secretary Gould on board. The French man-of-war Decides was at The commander had dined with Lopez. The story of a Paraguayan ball having carried away the bows of the Decidee, appears to have been a hoax. She was not fired at, and her coin ,mander states that Mr. Pereira, the Portages° Vonstil, has not , been shot,but that he is alive and well. , Lopez, it %said, refuses to allow any of the -foreign gunboats to,pass tip„pnaisa_sent tions to the commander 6 to - make a trip to his 'encampment, where he assures them that they shall be well received. On the 12th ultimo, his Excellency, Senor Sar- Inieito, the new President of the Argentine Ro ptiblic, took.the solemn oath of . °Wee before _.Congress,. at Buenos Ayres, and entered upon the high duties of Chief Magistrate of that noble Uft tion. Senorßarmiento advocates the vigorous prosecution of the war and the continuance of • *eminence with Brazil and Uruguay. It is asserted that General Lopez, of Paraguay, ' has condemned,to death and executed his two brothers, Benign° and Venancio, and also the Bishop of Ascunsion. The Brazilian Government's loan for thirty thoneand (*braes of mid has been a complete suc cess. Not only the whole amount was readily -taken by the people but the subscriptions,during the seven days in which the loan was to be sub scribed (from the 28th of September to the sth of October). amounted to one hundred "thousand and five thousand contos eight hundred and thirty-three mil refs. Capt. T. G. Corbin and Lieut.-Commanding - R. It Wallace have been detached from the Oiler , xiere and ordered borne ; Captain M. B. WoLsey has been transferred from the Guerriere to the Pawnee., Comniander H. Erben,Jr., nas been transferred from the Kansas to the Pawnee; Lieut.-Com manding H. B. Seeley from the Pawnee to the Kansas; Lieutenant-Commanding a B. Ramsey from the Guenter° to the Pawisee. The Guerriere, Pawnee, Kansas and Quinne baugh were on the eve of sailing for the river Platte, taking the. United States Minister, Gen eral M . T. McMahon, to Paraguay. The United States steamer Wasp, Lieutenant Commanding William A. Kirkland, is at Montevideo, having brought down Minister WashbiOn from Para guay. The United States steamer Shamokin, Com mander Branie, was at St. Thomas, to leave on the 25th, and come home by way of Nassau. Grand Sall on the United States Frigate teuerriere. " _Et correspondent of the BuLLwrIN, writing from Rio de Janeiro, October 5, sends us the fol lowing translation:, [From the Condo Mercantil.) • Rio DE JANEIRO Oct. 3 1868.—1 n addition to the slight notice already given yesterday, we are going to satisfy the just curiosity of our readers by noticing all the dritalls of the brilliant ball given on board of the American frigate "Guerricre," on the let inst., by its distinguished officers and worthy Admiral. These gentlemen, being desirouset returning the hnspitallties that bad been extended to them by the society in Rio de Janeiro, resolved to give a ball on board of their magnificent vessel. It was to have taken place on the 30th; but they were disappointed by the day berriTrahlYißid - dfria - gfeeritaTit W - 115 coin -sequently postponed until the next day. • Without the slightest exaggeration we are able to say that this was the most splendid ball we have seen for many years in the placid and serene . bay of Rio de Janeiro. The frigate, which le about 840 feet long, was divided into two parts, the forward part being an elegant "fromr et promenade," and the after part a large and mag nificent ball room. Among other varied and profuse adornments artistically distributed were seen stacks of arms, banners, flags, flowers and plants of all descriptions. In the middle of all these adornments the general attention was at tracted to a picturesque fountain of artistic as pect,surrounded by rare and beautiful plants; the clear and crystal water falling upon them re flected the thousand lights of the brilliant ball room. The whole was adorned elegantly with Brazilian and American flags. This metamor phosis-of a man-of-war, which has generally a simple and severe aspect, into an enchanted palace, was owing to the exquisite taste of Com modore Ramsey, Chief of the Admiral's staff, who, in addition, has the rare gift of a skilful painter. • At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the invited guests commenced to arrive, and at 8 o'clock the tithe lug began, there tieing then on board about 500 persons of the most choice and elegant society. The sight,was rendered beautiful by the surnoptu ons toilettes of the ladies, rivaling in their ex treme richness the dazzling uniforms of the English. French, Portuguese, American and Bra zilian officers. To all mix was added the view of theeity,_with. Its thousand lights,and the pale re flection of the moon upon the waters. it may be affirmed that seldom has there been a spectacle so grand. One circumstance of the ball caused a general impression at the time. On the poop were united in one group the Ameri can, English, French and Spanish Admirals, representing with the most affable cordiality the lour principal maritime nations of the world. At midnight a supper was served on the gun deck of the frigate, on two extensive tables. Everything wart most exquisite and delicate; wines and liquors were seen in great profusion. Champagne was served- to theuests from 460 bottles.' The service was splendid, exceeding the requirements of the nibst' fastidious. Durlog the splendid supper, and also during the •entire evening, two bands of music, one of the Frigate and the other n.German band,played without ces sation numerous waltzes, polkas, quadrilles, Ltc. The guests were received at the gangway by Ad miral Davis and the Committee on Reception, andin the most gentlemanly manner were con 01,1mitWeatiortre^",_ .55lre received -with glen cordiality end pairfet Once - by Mrs. Webb, worthy wife of General Webb, Minister from the United States. Among the officers of the Gnerrlere that bad the happy idea of offering this hall,to the Flumenente (the city of Rio,) so ciety, reigned the most gentlemanly • conduct— which proved that bravery can be united with delicate feelings of courtesy. The Committee on Invitations were Lieutenant-Commander Rum sey, Dr, Duvall, Chaplain Henderson, Lieutenant Davis, Captain Pendell, Lieutenant Neill and En sign McShane; and that on Reception, Dr. Brown, Master Hubbard, Ensign Lisle and Tlrull, presi ded over by their worthy Admiral. We cannot forget to mention Paymaster Gibson, Chief En gineer Baker and Chaplain Henderson, to whom Jell the direction of the supper, which was per formed 111 such a manner as to satisfy the greatest epicures and the delicate tastes of the ladies. The accommodations for golog on board and re turning were most excellent,the boats of the Fri gate beink essistedlytho steam launch of the Eii:• - blish Flag-ship Narcissus. At the end of the all, as the last of the guests left the ship, the band played the national hymn of Brazil, which was responded to by hundreds of enthusiastic voices in "v as" to the Frigate Gnerriere. This ball will be remembered by all who were so fortunate as to attend—and the recollections of the brilliant officers and. the stay of the American frigate in the *titers of our beatitiftirliii-y. BRAZ 11. —A wild story is circulating in the French papers about the`Viceroy of 'Egypt having been seized with a sudden desire to have a theatre in ()alp?, and setting 'seven thousand workmen upon it, in order that he may see again without loss of time .".f.Ja Grande Dachesso," which amend him so 'Much when in Paris. 100,000 indite have been offered, so' rubs the story, to Mlle. Schneider for three performances. All of which is a pleasant canard, probably. --Mozart% monument, in Vienna, Injured some, months ago, Ima again,becn despoiled by unscru pulous sdmirera. , The Medallion-Portrait oft the composer; a candelabrum and an inscrirption, all in - bronze, have been carried, off 'bodily. , , —The Council of State of tho Canton.of Ob 'maid (Switzerland) has publtehed an edict forbid- ding anryouth under eighteen years of ago to' a woke, undorsa some penalty. INNS FINIS ABM. . , . Ourru.tur.:--Having had- recently_to_chronicle _ t tics death of Ma. Shepard Mount, we rezret to re cord that of his Oil .more celebrated brother, which follows with but little interval.' Tttere were three brothers Mount, all devoted to paint iii some kind, of whom the present decedent became better known than the others. . . 'William Sydney Montt, the artist, died at Se tauket, L. 1.,0n Thursday,in the 61:X4r-third year of hid age. Mr. Mount was born in Setatiket, lost Ids father,a substantial yeomanoLthe_old school,_ at the age of seven, and, as he has said; "at the age' of seventeen was a hard-working farmer's boy." One of his brothers, a. S. Meant, a skit fnl eign-painter in New York, at this time, sent ,or him to the' metropolis. Sydney strove to r.xcel him. He eagerly sought _and examined J.lctures, and was led to study . composition by West's Ophelia and Madness of Lear, at that time considered the masterpieces of art; after study ing two years in the_National Academy's School of Design, he painted as his first pieta:ire In 1828 a pot trait of himself. From this time his career is a portrait painter began, and continued with Wet - ea - Sing success for many years. Mr. Mount, however, was more than a painter "of pintralts. He produced many works of peen her merit, especially in the humorous line of art, and was especially happy in drawing scenes and times from negro life. Some of these, such as the "Banjo-player," the "Power of Music," ticc., tinve been widely circulated in coloredlithographs through this and other countries. Said Washington Allston, in 1834, of thiti ar tist: "I saw some pictures in the Boston Athe- Lamm. last year by a young man of your city- Mount—which showed great power of expres , eion. He has, too, a firm, decided pencil, and seems to have a good notion of the ilgtre. If he would study Ostade and Jan Steen, especially the latter, and master their color and chiaroscuro, there Is nothing, that I see, to , prevent his be coming a great artist in the line he has chosen." . , PRIVATE VIEW OF-- ME. -BEAUMONT'S COLLEC TION LAST EVENING.—IWO 'have not space to-day Lo treat the fine catalogue of Mr. Beaumont so deserves,but feel it due to swat leatit that the collection amply fills the , two eastern gal leries of the Academy of Fine Arts, and that it containszome bijou& We do not know where me could light on a better Andreas Aettenbach than No. 108, - the Coast of Scheveningen. It is not large, but the water is: most nobly painted. —Gents, of Berlin, is a master. Ever spice the ,importation; by Mr. Bailey, of the large Eastern scene by him which attracted l i Auch attention in 1865, we haVe been longing for An opportunity to examine Other works from his pencil. Mr. Beaumont's example, No. 51, repro .,ente the Market in Grand Cairo, and eitbraCes a bewildering throng of figures, each one minutely made out and full of life; it is seldom one meets a painter able to combine this Hogarthian vivid nese of expression with broader pictorial quality; ant Mr. Gentz's picture, regarded as a landscape done, is a chef d macre, exquialts In t - dEe and distance. Ho one should omit seeing this jewel. —Rosier, of Paris, has a sednctive "Constantino ple at, Twilight;" it is a painted reverre.—One of the loveliest tichlesing - ers we ever saw is, , his No. 133, "The Harvester's Evening Return ;" it represents a, family slowly passing over a piece of water in a great barge, while the enclosing hills are washed in evening light: it is perfect enough to hold its . Own against a great picture which it slightly recalls, the Malaria of Hebert, in the Luxembourg at Paris. —The Carl Becker, No. 151, "Carnival Time at Venice" is a picture of overpowering brilliancy, containing Becker's well known and never tire -ome young blonde, a couple of his stately male Vetetians in toques, some other imposing figures, grand red draperies and a framework of rich and crumbling marble. Who can paint an imposing gallery picture . with the assured magnificence of Becker, of Berlin ?—A fine de Jonghe, No, 110, "'Picture Hours," rep resents 'a single female figure in crisp silk drapery, a sleepy face very broadly understood and painted, background, accessories, Japanese fan, &c., all very ably touched. The above are but specimens of a gallery to which it will be our duty to return with a more detailed examination. A speciality of Mr. Beau /1101We collection la a group of pictures by Eng lish artists, of a genre and quality not seen in public here, that we know of, since the great Gambert gallery of some years back. There are also pictures by German artists of a date now be ginning to be antique, and to take a position among the treasures of the curiosity-hunter. There is an Ecce Homo attributed to_extifich . in a curious frame of the sixteetrar cehafy. The gallery is covered, as it were, with a bloom, a tone, of history and long love of art—just what we should have expected when the collector is so respectable, so learned, and so long, identified with the business as Mr. Beaumont. The pictures are visible day and evening, at the Academy of Fine Aets, until the sale on Decem ber Ist and 2d. INKY BIILLET.OI6 ARREST Or ALLRORO URGLAII9.- WO young men who gave their names as Smith and Stanley were , arrested at an early hour this morning, by Chief Lemon and Officer Tryon of the Detective force, on suspicion of burglary. About four weeks ago Smith's booketore,at Fifth and Walnut streets, was entered. Some trunks which had been stored there were broken open and clothing valued at about $9OO was stolen. The prisoners arc suspected of having been concerned In this robbery. They were arrested while in bed in ' Independence Hall," on Chestnut street, below Sixth, and In their room several boxes of cigars. a pistol and other articles were found. These articles were identified, this morning by Mr. Fredericks, residing at No. 7 South Tenth street, whose house was entered and robbed last night. Smith and Stanley were locked up at the Central Station to await a hearing this afternoon. HIGIAWAY ROBBERY, —Jobe Campbell was AT - rested last - evening by Policeman Carroll, of the - Seventeenth District, on the charge of highway robbery. It is alleged that he seized a man by the throat, took 1137 20 from his pockets,and then 'knocked him down. The affair happened at Seventh and &ippon streets. Campbell was committed by Aid. Bonsai!. Samuel Wardlow was before Aid. Pancoast last evening upon the charge of highway robbery. - It is alleged that alew nights ago Wardlow and a companion seized a man near the 'Market St. bridge, and while one held him, the other robbed his pockets of about $BO. The, accused was sent to prison to await his trial. LARCENY OF A Rugs.—A youth named Charles Barns was arrested yesterday and taken before Ald. Carpenter on the charge of having: stolen a wt dding ring belonging to an old lady residing on Lombard street. He was committed to an swer. AMERICAN Button-hole and Sewinz Machina Company, S W. Corner otßleventh and Chestnut eta.. 'Philadelpbia. • ' GENTLICNIEN::Your machine one received at the. Basra Balniaitien, In adeltton to the Gold Medal, the grand "Dipionia d'Uonneur,".the highest award that can be given. I will Eend ytin all particulars Bard tolt. Yours, truly, A. Atatun. Iretibi, November 2, 1868, The above needs no comment. SucCcaB, evcrytahere 'Witt% 1:11113 marl:duo: -4' F. L. NTON: PIMA= PRIM THREE COM' FOUTH. : YEDITION:c BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. HEALTH OF GEN. RAWLINS @I an .Juan Difficulty THE DYER COURT OF INQUIRY The Health of General. Haarllnti.- LBPecial Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin WASHINGTON. Nov. 21.-- Gen. Grant is expected to return froth Philadelphia this evenink. The health of General Rawlins, of Gen Grant's staff, is , in a very precarious condition, such se to cause much alarm anion; his friends. The Sun Juan Difficulty. (Special Deepatelt to he Philadelphia Evenituatalletin4 WASIIINGTON, Nov. 21.—Although a statement has . been put forth by certain correspondents, apparently upon the authority of Secretary Sew ard, denying the truth of your correspondent's despatch several days ago, announcing that the San Juan difficulty had been settled with Great Britain, there •is the authority of a member of-the English Lenatton for saying that my for mer despatch was correct in every particular,. and that the disputed point at issue was settled over three weeks ago. Assistant Secretary. Seward says that to his knowledge this contradiction of your correspondents despatch was not authorized by Secretary Seward, but made without the au thority or knowledge of the Secretary. The Dyer Case.. alpecial Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulietinj Wisunicrois, Nov. 21.—The Dyer Court of In quiry met to-day, and without taking any , testi mony, adjourned tilt Monday to give the steno- Traphers. timeto_write_ap the records. General-, homas, President of the Court, announced that after sitting three days next week, the court would on Wednesday adjourn over until Monday following, far the purpose-- , -of considering and • digesting the whole of the evidence thus far taken, much - of which is documentary. The present-lpdications are that the case will be very protrteted. and that the members of the Court will be disap pointed in the hopes they have entertained of getting through in a few weeks. fire at Lowell, saw; LowaLa, Nov. 21.—A fire at Nos 96 and 98 Merrimackstreet this morning, badly dam• Aged the buildirg,which was owned by John Nismuth. It destroyed S. R. Fletcher's bowler, bleaching es tablishment and damaged the boot and shoe stock of Eldridge Dearborn. The loss is from $3,000 to 84,000—partiall" 'int - tired., Five persons'-who lodged in the upper Storlqi were suffocated bat not burned. Their names were Marshal B. Gaff ney, aged 20; it temporary lodeer; Bybill Snacks ford, aged Ib, recently from Ellsworth,' Mane; and a stranger, supposed to be_George Monary, alewateroecently from Boston. . , Obiriittry. WASHINGTON, Nov. 21:—Hon. John B. Pendle ton, formerly a member of Congress from the seventh district of Virginia and Minister to Chile. died at his residence—near—Culpepper Court House, on: Thursday. Philp News. New Yozz,Nov. 21.—A rrived—St eamshlps Ariz o na, from Aspinwall; William Penn, from London; Eagle, from Havana, and City'of Dlanchester,from Liverpool. LETTER MOH WASHINGTON. Confirmation of Soniftwortit as Super. visor for the tastern Distriekot Penn. sylvanux--Secreary BleCulloen-ltfeld- ing" Ills Objections to Republicans, and Confirms Whem—He Accepts tile Result of the Late ,Idections—the. Confirmation of Col. lielger ras su. pervisor—His Autecedents—CoMmis. stoner is Satisfied With His Honesty, and Nominates Him. [Cotrespondenee of the Philadelphia Evening EtaMain.] WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 1868.—The -confirma tion of D. P. Sonthworth as • Supervisor of Rev enue for the Eastern District of Pennltylvania took every ono by surprise, as it was unexpected. It proves, however, that Secretary McCulloch has ceased his opposition to Republican supervisors on,the ground that these appointments should be equally divided between Democrats_and Re publicans: Mr. Southworth was an outspoken and earnestand Mr. McCulloch knew this, but he yieldeareferences to con siderations of the public good, and cdnfirmed the nomination of - 111r. /South worth. Both the Supervisors' for Pennsylvania dee Re ,publicans; Mr. Tutton for the Western,and South worth for the Eastern District. The Deitiocrats hers:Niro very -much dissatisfied at this and confirmation of other Republicans — by Mr. Mc- Culloch this week, and complain bitterly that the Secretary has-deserted them in this matter: They seem to forget that the appointthent of Supervi sors rests with the Commissioner and Secretary, and it is a certainty that a Republican Seeretary of the Treasury will have charge of that dbpart ment alter the 4th of March noxt,and the chances are that no Democrat would be allowed to hold one of these important positions long after that. date. 'So Secretary McCulloch acted wisely in confirming avowed Republicans, which will ren defany.chorterra ” ,,, -. , :..v.P.l.r}rlu t except for other - - cad& - .. - An effort was made to-day - by certain parties to have Sonthworth's confirmation reconsidered, but it faile,d. THE' CONFIRMATION OF COLONEL BELGER. Considerable stir was occasioned to-day by the 'nomination of. Colonel James Be!ger, of Balti more, as Revenue Supervisor for Texas. He was immediately confirmed by Secretary McCulloch. Colonel Belger was recommended by numerous influential Republicans of Baltimore. Lie was. during the war, a United States Quartermaster at Baltimore, and, it will be remembered, was - charged with defrauding the Government in the purchase of coal. Ho was tried on these charges before a court-martial, of which Major-General Hitchcock was President,and honorably acquitted of the charges. Subsequently, Secretary Stanton reviewed• the proceedings of the court, dissented from.... their verdict, and recommended President Lincoln to 'dismiss COL Berger from - the - army, which was done on general.. orders. About d year ago,' President Johnson revoked the order: - - of dismissal,. but Beluer could not be reinstated, as his fornier pities In the army had been fined. -Many persons be- Heim that injustice was done him, and Commis stoner Rollins was so well satisfied of hie honeakf and integrity that - he recommended him for ap pointment to the very arduous and responsible position of a Supervisor of Revenue..- , The facts of the trial, and the enbeeqUent proceedings, are familiar to your readers. Susquutrassa.. _ . —lllstoriwrili.ehortly play Marie Antoinette for the first time in Italy i • at Florence; , —General Grant' repugnance to sneeeh-making is said to, be owing to his having had a surfeit of Badeau rations. —Parepa-Rosa, eroased the Rocky Mountaino'from Callfornia,was singing in Omaha last week. '' —The Queen . : of the Netherlands; is a emelt Holmes in Engloxid. Prince Napoleon - and eho ,took tea together at Torquay. —What two animals took tbolcast baggage ir,to the ark? The cock and the fox, who took a brush and comb &tweet; them. - - - - . —Faabionabie, young _lady, Act:aching her hair before retirinfc—'.'What, drparaa may Cope wlaea, wo have ehuillod off thini wortg,Co3l . 1 9 ' • -Sils