Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 13, 1868, Image 5
8. t CITY. BTILIAMTIM THE FIRE ZOUAVES.-Tho regular weld; drill Of Caropany A, Philadelphia Fire Zeuaves, Cap tain J. W. Ryan commanding, last mining, at the City Armory, was witnessed by a large.. -"um ber of ladioa and gvntlemen. This • company is composed of excellent material—yonng men, the most of whom have seen service in the field—and blur, thus far, earned a high reputation, and well deserves to be considered the "crack" company. Captain Ryan has Cause to be proud of his com mand, and if provided with accommodations whereby his company could be drilled several evenings every week, there is not the least doubt but that it would be the finest military organiza tion. in the country. It already surpasses any company in existence in the State. Those who witnessed the drill last evening were delighted with the entertainment. Every movement was executed with the most .remarkable precision, and dree forth hearty applause from the audience. The company, after having boon drilled by the word of command, went through the manual of arms by the sound of the bugle and the tap of the drum. The feature of the evening was the silent or mysterious drill by the company, which was performed in a triehly creditable manner. Capt. Ryan is a "self-made man," having commenced life in this city as a newsboy. When the war broke out ho enlisted as a private in Col. Frank E. Patterson's regiment, and served with great credit. Re.was afterwards senior Captain of the 11th Union League Aegiment, Col. Frank Waster. Be was in the service four years and six months. His military reputation gained him his present position, as the members of Company A were all strangers to him when they ;elected him as their commander. LARCENY OF POTATOE - --H. Fitzpatrick had a hearing before Aid. Carpenter this morning upon Ihe charge of the larceny of potatoes. Yester day afternoon, Mr. Simpson, a provision dealer, lett four barrels of potatoes on the sidewalk in front of a commission house on Second- street, below Pine. Fitzpatrick Boor afterwards ap peared with a two-horse team and commenced to put the potatoes into his wagon. The , store keeper remo"•.treted, but, Fitzpatrick claimed that he had teen Pnthorized by Mr. Simpson to, take the )otatoeA. Storekeeper argaed that he ought to have a written order, but Fitzpatrick continued to load up the, potatoes and was ar rested by Policeman Patterson. It was subse quently ascertained that he had no authority trom Mr. Simpson. He was committedin defe,nit of $BOO bail. Rosmrs rs A BAD Fix.—At an early hour this morning Officer Grimes o! tha Harbor Police was notified that a man had effected an entrance into the cellar of &grocery ,store at Second and Willow streets. He made an examination and found the individual them. The fellow gave his name as Jacob Murphy. He had bored a hole in the front door and slipped through.' While in the cellar be ate so much that he was unable to get out through the hole again. Alderman Tolland Bent Murphy to prison in default of $BOO bail. ANOTHER HOMICIDE.—WiIIiam Martin died the Pennsylvania Hospital at a late hour n Wednesday night. He was shot In the thigh during a fight which occurred at the polls at sixth and Tasker streets, on the evening of the October election. The deceased was 19 years of age, and resided with his parents in Tudor street. The Coroner will hold an Inquest in the ease to-tnorrow. Sr ux vicar.—Two gangs of boys indulged in A stone fight at Sixth and Shippen streets yesterday afternoon,to the great peril of passers; by Sergeant Broomell, of the Third District Folic°, arrested three of the juveniles and they were committed by Alderman Carpenter. NOT RECOVERED.—The Schuylkill Harbor Po lice have been engaged in grappling for the body of William Valentine, who was suppoSed to have fallen into the Schuylkill from the Columbia bridge on Wednesday night, but thus far have been unable to discover any traces of it. PICKING POCKETS. —James Whelan was arrested yesterday, at Vine street wharf, on the charge of having picked the pocket of a farmer. He was ittkn before Aid. Cahill and was commit ted in default of $BOO bail. MILITARY PARADE.—Orders will shortly be ta nned for a parade of the First Division, Pennsyl vania Militia, on Thanksgiving Day. There will no doubt be a very fine turn-out. Mr. J. E. Gout,), 928 Chestnut street,wlll soon have for sale a second edition of Mr. Jules Berr's cel ebrated music albums. These last aro a decided im provement over the first, not only in their general ar rangement, the music being printed on both sides of the leaves instead of on every alternative page, but also in their containing a greater number of pieces (fifty more) of the newest and choicest music. They will be sold for the insignificant sum of two dollars and a half a copy, considering that they are worth twenty-five dollars each. The musical public ought certainly to be indebted to Mr. Berr, the intelligent and enterprising publisher of these extraordinary books, for he has achieved a thing which at first sight would seem imposer. le and absurd, that is, selling a book worth twenty-five dollars Itir two dollars and a half and making a profit on it. As the Christmas hol idaye are approaching, many will, no doubt, embrace this opportunity for purchasing a beautiful present for heir friends in the shape of one of these albums, and as their whole number is limited to five thousand, we advise those among our readers who wish to obtain one. to secure their prize without delay. We will very soon publish the catalogue, which contains both vocal and instrumental music for the piano. Is THERE any limit to the amount of trade that may be done by a real stirring and enterprising Cloth ing House f Many people, envious of their success, long since prophesied that Wanamaker & Brown had reached their limit; but any man who has posted himself as to their present trade, knows that the past was but "as a :sop In the bucket" in comparison with what is now doing at Oak Hall. In fact, to see this you have only to pass their House at any time. It looks like a Fair or some popular place of amusement on benefit night. Puor. JAsins C. BOOT/I will open the popular and instructive course at scientific lectures before the Young Men's Christian Association ' it evening, at their hall, No. 1210 Chestnut street. rof. Booth's subject is "The Manufacture of Glass ancient and moitern:" TILE COURT& QUARTER. Elusions—Judge Peirce.—This morn ing Mike Fitzgerald wasin the dock. He is rep resented to be a New York politician, and the charge against him is that of illegal voting in Philadelphia, in October last. Ho was brought on from New York on a requisition issued by Governor Geary. Mr. Mann, who represents the prosecution, wished the case to go to trial this morning, but this was opposed by Mr. Brooke, as the repre sentative of Fitzgerald's counsel, who was said to be sick, and unable to attend to the case. The Court directed the officer to go for the counsel, but upon his return with the statement that the attorneys were unable to attend, Mr. Brooke was engaged by the defendant. Mr. Brooke then applied for a continuance on the ground of the absence of important witnesses. These witnesses, whose names were given, reside in New Yolk, and Fitzgerald Alleged that they would come to Philadelphia by Monday; that these witnesses would prove that he didn't vote at any poll. Mr. Mann opposed any continuance, as no ground was laid, while public justice required the speedy trial. Citizens are present ready to give their testimony—witnesses whose lives are in danger because they are here. One citizen has been shot at-three times at his. door-step, and is compelled to move from his house; another citi zen has been struck down near his own dwelling, and all the witnesses are in danger of these as saults. Mr. Brooke denied that the witnesses had been assaulted because of their connection with' this particular prosecution. He urged that as he had but within a few minutes came into the case he was entitled to a reasonable time to prepare for trial and ascertain what the defence was to the Commonwealth's charge. Judge Peirce decided to allow the defendant to get his witnesses from New York, and therefore continued the case until Monday morning. Andrew Allen, colored, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a pair 01 boots. He was in a shoe store pretending to purchase when he helped himself to ,the boots. win. Davis, colored, was convicted of a charge of stealing a barrel of flour. Hp entered the store of the prosecutor, pretending to be sent by amen to purchase ai barrel of flour. Subsequently •he comeback with a push-cart, placed the flour in it, and was about to leave with ft when he was arrested. IJohnson Bolly was , convicted of a charge of assault and battery. John Macalevey and John Carr were charged I on cross bills with email' and battery. Both were aoquitted, Nit Carr was ordered to pay the costs. Dorrnicr. Covia—Judge Etrond.—Koon & Grubb vs. John W. Callen and John O'Neill, trading as John W. Cullen. tr. ruction to recover $1,950f0r molasses fern shed to defendants' dis tillery. The defence contended that O'Neill was not apartner, and was not liable, and the suit was therefore improperly brought. Verdict for plaintiffs for $507 87. DISTRICT COURT,NOV. 9„:—Judge Hare -131ahop, Son & Co., vs. Bishop, Bhnona & Co. An action to recover $BO.OOO, money loaned. Verdict for plaintiff for $28,458. FROM NEW YORK. Nnw Yonx, Nov . 18.—Griffin, who was charged with compliel in the Royal insurance bond' robbery in 186 , was yesterday committed to the Tombs in default of $lO,OOO bail. Dr. Cremmen, of Henry street, has been arrested on the charge of having some of the stolen bonds in his pos sessipn. A ll:meting of. the Cigar Manufacturers' Asso ciation took place yesterday afternoon at the United States Hotei r when it was agreed to pay an advance in prices of Si per thousakd till Ist of January next, and an additional $1 rrom that time till the Ist of May next, providing that the state of business permitted it. The Sub• Committee of the Congressional Re trenchment Committee sat yesterday afternoon, with closed doors, at the office of Mr. Jenckes, No. 229 Broadway, for the purpose of examining into sundry revenue frauds. Dr. Isaac I. Hayes read an interesting paper on "The Progress of Arctic Exploration,' before the faeographical Society, last evening. CITY NOTICES. AGAIN TRIITAIPHANT !-Our advices state:— "To the GREAT ' AMERICAN COMBIN A.TION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE was awarded the GOLD MEDAL at the close of the HAVRE INTER NATIONAL EXPOSITION, Oct. 115th, over FORTY TWO competitors.” It also took the GOLD MEDAL •at the MARYLAND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE just closed at Baltimore. Victory is easy with THIS Machine! g It can be bad at the S. W. corner of Eleventh and -Chestnut streets, Phila. THE ANtEmonN Houss, Boston, is most conve niently located to all lines of travel, as well as to the business portion of the city. Billiard rooms, cafe, pas senger elevators, &c. Newly furnished throughout. DON'T FAIL TO. TUX BOWER'S "Gum Arabic Secrets" for your Cough. Sore Throat and Pulmonary tronbles. Physicians we them. De pot, Sixth and Vine. 85 cents. JUDICIOUS mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowmen INPANT Con. dial. PANTALOONS COT TO FIT. Pantaloons cut fashionably. Pantaloons cut in the French style. 'Pantaloons in the English style. THE ISES'i PANTALOON CUTTEIL IN TEE UNION IS CHANGER STOKES & CO.'S, No. 824 Chestnut street. NOVELTY! . Prince of Wales Walking Coat, ' cut by Fairchild, The Prince of Coat Cutters. A perfect gem of the art. Call at Cuss. Eqouss & Co.'s, No. 824 Chestnut street. Tnx was A suit made from the New Colored Scotch Cheviots and Irish Frieze, as they are gotten np at No. 824 Chestnut street is far ahead of anything is that line in the country. Try one. Crucames STOKES tit Co. Corms, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No, 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. To THE LADlES.—Charles Oakford & Sons, under the Continental, have opened a stock of Fine Furs, unsurpassed for beauty, durability, and cheap ness by any in the city. To mu LADlES.—Charlea Oakford 8c Bone. under the Continental, have opened a stock of Fine Fars, unsurpassed for beauty, durability, and cheap ness by any in the city. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESS MAKING,III the latest Paris styles. M. SHOEMAKER & CO„ 1024 Chestnut St. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' Sun dries. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS .AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, 31. D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. SOS Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. TILE FINE ABT7!• LOOKING GLASSES, THE VERY CHEAPEST AND 13EST. JAMES. S. EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. aihOTIIIIIIO. JONES' CoNIU-1 7 '17,1C.V. — CLOTHO -- G- -- 11.013-Sig--- 604 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. AUCTION SALES• UNDERWRITER'S SALE. FOUR CASKS BLEACHING POWDERS. On MONDAY MORNING. at 11 o'clock, at the Auction Store, will be mold for account whom it may concern, lour casks "Deacon's Bleaching Powders," damaged on the voyage of importation ex ship Thomas Howard. novl3Bt4 SAMUEL C COOK. EDUCATION. _ itENCII TAUGHT BY CONVERSATION.—PRIVATE F leeeone. Cleans. rrof. A. DELACOURT (from PariE). 46 N. Eleventh street. nol3 2t• LEGALI6OTIUEB. J-N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Philadelphia.—Estate of JAMES BROWN, decelseed.—The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, eettie and adjust the account of JOSEPH BROWN,Ad ministrator of the estate of JAB BROWN, doc'd.,and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the eald'accountant. and also to report distribution of the fund in Court aria mg from the sale of Beal Estate of said decedent, will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of hie appointment on Tuesday, November :A. 1818. at '9 o'clock I'. M., at the Wotherill House, No. DM Ban som street, in the city of Philadelphia. GEORGE T. DEISS, bolS f m Auditor. !SEWING roacimuorze. addlerst liiirness-ITlrtkers, Ellanufo.c. turoris of Clothing, Boots, ishos s o c c.,_ NV ill find it to their interest to use our UNRIVALLED MAURINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Taroad." Manufactured expressly for us from the best material, and warranted a superior article. THE SINGER MAKIVACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers and Prom ietors of the BINGER HEWING MAURINE. No: 1106 Chenkut3t - r_qset. roy2/STP Mai tivOrta Agent THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN - - - PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1868. SNOWDEN &BBOTTISE, 23 South Eighth street. OF THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. FIULADELPIIIA. Novemberllth. left The following statement of the affairs of the OompanY is published in conformity with a provislonof its charter. PREMIUMS. RECEIVED , , From November let. 1887. to October Slat, 1868. On Marino and Inland Rieke $803,506 74 On Firo Rieke 148,205 06 • - 11918.711 80 Premiums on Policies not marked off November 1, 1867 PREMIUMS MARRED OFF Eia earned from Roy. 1.1867, to Oct. 81,:1888. On Marine and Inland Mike. ...$748.06$ 77 On Fire Itielca 148,817 TS Interest during the same period -Balvages, LOSSES, EXPENBEB. During the year as above. • Marino and Inland Navigation Losses ........ ....... ...... ..... $424,052 74 Fire Losses.. ..... ............ 73,485 87 Return Premiums 59.141 03 • Re•lnsuraimes.. . 136,106 51 Agency Charges, Advertising, Trinting.. ....... ......... 80,586 63 Taxes—lJnited Sta tes, State and, Municipal 43,555 B 9 Expenses . . 23,908 66 ASSETS OF TUE 0010F4rf. November 1,1888. , 5200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan. 1040'e _ 52010,00 00 120,000 United Staten lul. _.;;; . . 136,800 00 50,000 United/Rates Six Per Cant;Loan - (for Pacific Railroad) 50,090 OD ,200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 211,375 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan ( exempt from Tax) /A 291 0 0 60,500 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent, Loan . . . 51,500 00 20,000 Penn s ylv ania * MOH; , gage Six Per Cent. Banda 20,200 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad Seerrad Mortgage Six Per Cont Bonds., 24,000 00 25,000 Western Penns yl vania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. , Honda • (Penns. RR. guarantee).....- 20,625 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Five Per- Cent. '• Loan . 21,000 00 7,000 State of Yetin . eitiee . Sli - lei: 7 Cesii: Loan.. . . 5,031 25 15.000 G ermanto wn •. Gee Company . prinoi: pal and interest paranteed by the City of Philadelphia,' 800 shares stock_ .„.. 15.000 00 10.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 200 shares stock. . - , 11,800 00 ' 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad 'Com. any. 100 shares stock 00 20,000 Plill ' adelphia and Southern Mail 3,Ea Steamship Company, 80 shares stook. . .. .. 15,000 0 9 207,900 LOMB on licMa end Mortgage liens on City Properties. .. ... 900 00 -- $1,119,900 Par. Market 'aloe. $1,180.820 ' 25 Cost, 51.093,604 26 Real Estate. 88.000 00 Dills Receivable for Lutlaranees made.......... 322,988 91 Balm:lces duo at' Agencies-Pre mium on Marine Policies-Ac. crued Interest and other debts duo the Company.- 40.178 88 Stock and Scrip of sundr y Corpora. t 10133. 601./56 00. ttmated value. .. . . /Jag 00 Cash In Beik Fs' Cash in Drawer......... 418 65 116.563'7a PRILADELPILIA. November 11, li The Board of Directors have this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the CAPITAL STOCK, and SIX PER CENT. Interest on the BCRIP of the Company, payable on and after the let December „proximo, free of. National and State Taxes. Thay have also declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND of THIRTY PER CENT. on the EARNED PREMIUMS for the year ending October 81, 1868. certificates of which will bo leaned to the partlee entitled to the same, on and after the let December proximo. free of National and State Taxee. They have ordered, also. that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATES OF PROFITS of the Company, for the year end ing October 81.188 b be redeemed in CASH, at the office of the Company, on and after let December proximo, all interest thereon to cease on that day. Or 'By a provision of the Charter, all Certificates of Scrip not presented for redemption within live years after public notice that they will be redeemed. shall be forfeited and cancelled en the Books of the Company. 1557 - . No certificate of prttlits issued under $25. By the Act of Incorporation, "no certificate shall issue un. cos claimed within two sewn after the declaration of the aiviclend whereto' it is evidence." DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder. John C. Davie. Samuel H. Stokes, James C. Hand, Henry Sloan, Theophilue Paulding, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, George G. Le!per, Hugh Craig, Henry C. Hallett, Jr.. John R. Penrose, John D, Taylor, Jacob P. Jones, George W. Bernadou. James Traquair, William G. Bonito% Edward Darlington, Jacob Riegel, H. Jones Brooke. Spencer HWY/line, James B. M'Farland, John B. Semple, Pittsburgh. Edward Lai °unlade, A. B. Berger, do. Joshua P. Eyre, D. T. Horgan. do THOMAS C. HAND, President JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL. ABA Secretary. nolltdelf OARJELIAGES. C.AMLELI A.Gr]Et s. r az i t i All ,Jo Notice ill reEneetfullyven to anatomers and others de siriu • CARRIAGES of tb o MANUFACTURE of WM. D. ROGERS, OF CITESTNUT MEET. to place their orders as soon as possible to insure their Lompletion for the DRIVING SEASON OF 1869, CARRIAGES REPAIRED In the most neat and expe ditious manner. CARRIAGES STORED and Insurance effected. WM. D. ROGERS, Nov. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut 01., Phllada. no 6 f m w 2mrD LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Nlagazin des Modes, 1014 WALNUT STREET: For the better convenience of her Patrons, Mrs: PROCTOR has REMOVED her DRESS-MAKING ROOMS to 1014 WALNUT STREET, where ehe will be happy to see her friends The general Dry Goods Business will be con- tinned as heretofore, at 920 Chestnut street. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. noS-IrarpO INDIA SHAWLS. A Pmall invoice of REAL INDIA CASHMERE SHAWLS, direct from Calcutta, imported and for s ale by Ja W e 11.IILO S de; SONS, Si North FRONT Strout. uo7 6tIPP ILIEILME6 GENUINE PREPARATION, - Au Highly Concentrated "_ Compound Fluid Extract Buchu, 408,846 71 $1,85!5.557 51 A parith , e and specific remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys. Gravel and MOWN! Swellings. 83894,933 49 107,498 88 131,00.422 31 This medicine increases The power of digestion, And ex. cites the absorbents into healthy action.. by which the water or calcarons depoeitione and all unnatural enlarge. ixmenteen Are snduced. ea well ail paM and lallananspon. amid tak W. $710,837 81 tIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIIT' From weakness arising_ from excesses, habits of Was nation, early indiscretk Vim, attended with the following synmtoms: fnghiposition to exertion. Loss of tower. Loss of memory. Difficulty of breathing. Weak nerves,Trembling. Horror of diseases. Wakbfainesm ' Dimness of vision, rain in this back. Rot hands. Flushing of the body. Dryness of the akin, Eruptions on the faeei. Universal lassitude of the Pallid countenance. muscular systoon. . These eymptcoms. if a ll owed to go on. which this me tine invariably removes, soon follows Impotency, Fatuity, EPileptio rite, 8291 585 00 Who can ray that they are not frequently followed by Ulm ' direful dlaeaseas" Insanity and Consumption. Many are aware of the cause of their eniTerin& bat none will confee& Tan RECORDS OF INANE &ULM, And the melancholy deaths by consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The constitutionenceaffected with. Organic Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and [miser* the system. which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUONO — in many affection! peculiar to females. THE EXTRACT OF BIICIIII le unequaled by any other remelt,. No Family should be without it. MMM '2OIM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MK MIA MM MM MMMM MM MM MMM MM MM hIMM MM MM MM MM $1,617.967 Taken !floreh alaaam, mercury, or unpleasant medietao HEILMB OLD . chLICTBACT BJCHT7 AND IMPROVED ROBE WARE Cures these Diseases in all their stages, at ,c. tie expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. Use Relmbold's Extract Buda For ail affections and diseased the urinary omens. whether existing in Male or Femais,from whatever cause originating. and no matter of hew long standing. Di sease of these organs requires the aid of a diuretic. HEILIEBOLD'ErEXTRACT 81101113 le the Great Dlarretle, and is certain to have the desired effect in all'iseases for which it Is recom. mended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicine. Physicians, please notice. I mak Eno "secret" of "In gredienta." HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEU eomPosed of bnchn. mamba an Juniper :berries, so. lected with great care. By H. T. HELMB OLD, 1 Practical and analytical chriet, and sole manufacturer mb 01 d's Gennine_Prepantion Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia. FL T. Helmbold, who, being duly sworn. doth say his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury or injurious drugs, but arepurely_v_egetable. H. T. rv..LfdJBOLD. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 23d day of No. vonaber. 1864. WM. P. HlBBERD,Alderman, Ninth Street, above Race, Philadelphia price—sl 2B per Bottle, or 6 for $e 50 Deliver to any address.securely packed from observation. -addvists-alliettenito H. T. HELMBOLD. Drug and Chemical Warehouse r 594 BROADWAY• NEW YORK. 594 104 no' TENTH lit, MILL 104 Beware of Counterfeits and unprincipled Dealers, who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and other , articles on the reputation obtainedbY Helmbold'a Genuine Preparations. sold bit aU DlltooBl4 ever ywhere. Ask for Reinhold's—take no other. NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up in ateeten graved wrapper', with ew.trintste of my Chemical Waro house. and signed H. 2. HELIIIBOLD. : : : • a wl rat i ff lIHEI BEM Efill BEE • REM - MEER BEE BEE BEEEEEEEE ErmEREEEE Men, Women and Children. In one of which the pattent may expire. Invariably Does. A trial will convince the most skeptical.. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLT.T.T.T.LLL 7J.rx.r.LLLL 88888888 888888888 888 88888 888 8888 8888888 888 8888 888 88888 888888888 88888888 0 0 00090 0000 0 000 000 eoo 000 000 000 000 000 0 0 000000 0 000 00 00009 • I:PREPARED IN VLJUO. L L E LL I:L LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLL AFFIDAVIT: DDDDDDD DDDDDDDD DDD DDD MOD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DOD DDD DDDDDDDD DDDDDDD Or Helmbold's Medical Depot, GRAND HOMER, Nos. _SILS and a 420 Chestnut Street, Below Continental Hotel, PHILADELPHIA: Sales to Commenpe November 2cl, COMPRISING Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Laces and Embroideries, , Linens and White Goods, &e., Hosiery and Gloves, &c., Mourning Goods, &c. &e„ &c. Owing to the wide reputation et their House, it is needless to detail the character of their stock. H., O. & Co. would merely state that their IMPORTATIONS OF THE PRESENT SEASON, WHICH MUST BE SOLD NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD, Have never been surpassed in Philadelphia, containing an Of texture in medium priced goods, as well as the CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. H., C. & Co. would advise all desirous of obtaiOing GREAT BARGAIN'S IN DRY GOODS, To lose no time before inspecting their stock, feeling assured that the ' UNPARALLELED PRICES, At which the entire stock will be disposed of, must insure RAPID SALES. 4 A REVOLUTION In the DRY GOODS TRADE has been caused by the Inauguration of the "FAIR VALUE FOR MONEY" system adopted by the "BEE HIVE." Old Stocks of dear-bought goods are reduced to "ONE-HALF THEIR FORMER PRICES," and are still "TOO DEAR BY HALF." The "BEE-RIVE" does not require to REDUCE prices—their Stock, ALL NEW—BOUGHT AT TUE BOTTOM OF THE MARKET—and BOLD AT FAIR PROFlTB—outranks the ouppoeititiotus bargains fulsomely promised by "GRAND BALES" and "IMPORTANT NOTICES." The "BEE-HIVE" 18 now offering bona fide bargains in all their departments—no catch- penny trifles to mislead—but a pure and un- equivocal moderation in prices—in other worlds, "FAIR VALUE FOR MONEY" will be found to pervade all the stock J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. INDIA SHAWLS AND HOARE'S, GEORGE FRYEtt, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, /mites attention to hie dock of Real India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also, an elegant stock of SILKS In Black and Colors; FANCY SILK FLUSHES. POPLINS. SHAWLS and FANCY GOODS. India Mamie and Scarfs Altered,Repalrod and Cleaned in a superior manner. oc3o.2mrpri TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have now in store a very large an led assort. went of LADIES' CLOAK IN GS. By calling on no you can not only see all the styles in vogue. but be supplied In quantities to emit at the lowest wholesale rates. Ma==g3i2;M;;;iil Bam pies sent by mall wnen desired. IiTRA_WBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL EMPORIUM, Corner of Eighth and Market Sts. WINTER GOODS For Men's and Boys' Wear. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS., VESTINGS, English, French and American Suitings, Heavyeavers for Overcoats JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street. an2B u Jalro TO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELSIBOARDING-HOUSES SHIPPING. We have a special wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Towels!, Napkins. Single Bed and Berth Blankets. and other goods particularly adapted to Your wants, AB the above kind of goods made up at short notice if desired. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner of Eighth and Market Sta. se2s 6m SALE OF DRY GOODS COLLADAY Preparatory to removal to their Endless Variety The "BEE-HIVE," MISCELLANEOUS. plat•Di EAST INDIA: TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Thia Company have an exclusive grant to lay Submarine Cables, CANTON TO TEIN-TSIN, (tho seaport of Pekin,) connecting all the ports on the ABIATIO COAST, whoao foreign commerce tunonnts to One Thousand Millions Annually. T 1 Company ts chartered by the lAgialattin, of the State of New York, with a Capital of 1: 5,000,000; Shares, $lOO Each. A limited number of shares are offered at $5O each, payable $lO cash. $l5 November 1. balance in monthly instalments of $2 50 per share. 27te inquiries for this stock are now very active, and the Board of Directors in- street us to say it may be withdrawn at any time, and that none win be of fered on the above terms after Novem- ber 20 next. For Circulars, Maps and full information, apply to DREXEL & CO., No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA ; To duly authorized Banks and Bankers through out Pennsylvania, and at- the Office of the Company, Noe. 28 and 25 NASSAU Street. NEW YORK, au294.1 rp. BRONZES OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION, The best assortment In the country, nor open and for sale by MIgKEY, MERRILL & THACKAILA, Manufhotureret of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Bronzes,&e., AT 718 CHESTNUT STREET, PUILADELPECIA. oclB f ra w amrp§ 'VOA SALE.—To. MERCHANTS, STOEEKEEPERS. A' Motets and dealers.-200 cases Champagne and Orab Cider. 259 bbis. Champagne and Crab Cider. P. J. JORDAN. • 220 Pear street nURRANT JELLY—GENUINE CURRANT JELLY kJ in 6 and 10 lb. caw. for sale by J. B. BUSSIER & 108 South Delaware avenue. :&CO3