Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 05, 1868, Image 1
OBSON PEACOCK. Editor. 'THE EVENING BULLETIN 111BLIBRED EVERY EVENING, (Sunday' excepted). • AT THE NEW BULLETIN BUILDING. 607 Chestnut a treet, Philadelphia. ITY TUN EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION, PRAPRIETWIL GIBBON PEACOCK. GASPER BOUDEE, V. FEDIEBBTON. TOOL J. WILLLUdISON. FRANCIS WELI B. The Brusierno Is served to subscriber! In the city at 18 sent, per week. payable to the carriers, or $8 per annum. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia, B. E. Comer Fourth and Walnut Bts, 11:11 - This Institution has no superior in the United States. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT IN TILE TRAVELERS' INSURANCE CO., OF lIAJECIFOUD, CONN. Assets over • Pereons leaving the city especially 1U feel better eatir fled by Wine Insured. ‘ti ILLIAAI W. ALLEN, Agent and Attorney, FORREST BUILDING. I 17 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. et2A to th a tt TV ki.DIJINU U • • S. - TAT 0 VCR Y. &e. New etylee. MASON & CO., sulfa§ .O 7 Chestnut street, EDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED IN THE TT Neweet and beat manner. LOUIS DREKA. Sta ttoner and Engraver. IM Chestnut atreet. tab MAI MARRIED. CAPP--BTITT.—on Wednesday aventne November 4th. by the Rev. Alexander Reed, ID D.. W. Capp to Ida,Extelle, only daughter of Beth B. BUM Fay, all of this city. DIED. BELKNAP —On the 3d inst. Eunice E., daughter of Elizabeth and the late btephen hellmap The relatives and friends aro reaPertfrakr Invited to at• tend the tunnel. from li/r brother`/ residence, No. 633 North Tenth street. on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. • HE. LlT.—buddenly, on the ad inst.. Sophia. wife of L. If or ht. . The ;defied, and male friends of the family' are invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her husband. No. 459 North birth street. on Friday morning. Bth the, at 9 o'clock. LE ILX/UNT.—In Brooklra. E. D. N. Y.. on Wednesday. November4.l homy Le Leant. in the 76th year of his &Se : POTTB.—At Pottsville. Ye.. on the 30 t h nit., In the 234 year of her age, s-auretto. wife of George G. Potts, and daughter of Alex B. Earths • DOLMAN.—On the ad Met., at his residence in Bur lington. N. J.. Thomas B. Woollens's. in the lid year of his age. The misfires and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his Late residence, on Sevent h. day, the 7th fast ., at lo o'clock A. Id. • • _Lutiu BLAcK AND COLORJELOBILK.B. Li B 7 OUT BLK. CORDED SATIN FACE ORO alum PURPLE AND GILT EDGE. BROWNS AND BLUE ORO GRAIN. MODE (Kato PLAIN BILKS. aulltt EYRB LANDELL. Fourth and Arcb. wrzaLaz noTzamu Mr NO MORE OBSTRUCTION OF CITY isTiteMed. —The proposed eetabliehment of another Cemetery with an area of 1081119 seventy acres,' •CNTEALLY 9170. Arm.' as le said In the published Card of its projectors, and the purchase of another largo tract of land, it:minding and covering the nee or bourn Brost) eraewr for some distance at a point where that avenue is not yet opened, by evother party of highly respectable rpecelatorkf or still another burgle fl place, eur.gest the lineation to the public mind whether it is not now about time to stop the folly has ruled in our city for the last forty years, of impeding the growth and greatness of Philadelphia by piscine right on the direct line of its advance and pro gre® impassable barrier' to its onward march- Looking norrir and west especially, we see, is immerse proportions, the evil results of the want of foresight which him characterized the last generation. A few instances will suffice for oar purpose. It was not enough that our constituted authorities should shut out half a mite of valuable river ft - out on the Schuylkill from public use by the residents on the west aide of that river by locating that great unmitigdted nuisance, rag Motorola!, with its lee acres of idle farm laud on the opposite shore; but private rpeculetion in PAO was allowed to turn the ad joie Eng property, the Hamilton artiste. with Its 70 acres, into the beautiful Cemetery of the Woodlands; thus placing two great b.rriers to the direct outlet of the city in that direction and preventing immensely the growth and rapid increee of Weet Philadelphia. ito too. Mr. Girard, when ho devoted his ''ourter" to the great purpose of his College, a piece of ground then as far out of town" as le the site of the proposed Old Oaks Cemetery at the present moment• and directed the erec tion of en ugly stone wall, near 3.000 feet long, from East to West, to enclose it, little dreamed that be was inter fering with the conveniehce, comfort and prosperity of the thoneande who hereafter were to reside north of that NIF all, er that he was placing a diet - toes obstacle in the way of hie favorite city's growth north of his "or-rtcrr. ,, And to the half-dozen cemeteries, more or leas, that already block up avenues running northward, which without such obstacles would ere this have been opened. graded and largely buillton, we see the same laments, bin want of foresight w has proved so injurious ebre where. Look, for exam ple at Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, running northward, nearly solidly bunt up with •elegant houses to Moldy-verve Cieurrerx, and there stopped abort by that euccessiul enterprise of Dr. Elkins ro popular at the time of its origination. no. too, already of the Odd Fellows'. American Me chanted, and Glenwood Cemeteries: and so, too, prospect tively, and that very coon, of Mount Peace, Mount Ver non and the much-admired Laurel Hill; each and all, in some way or other, more or Ime, bound to interfere for all time to come with the convenience of the public, and, of consul -mice with the general interests of our citizens. The mid_chief done cannot bo remedied; there they are and there they must remain. But we can prevent any more such short-Bighted folly, upon ground/ of public pol icy, and for the future greatness and unobstructed growth of our city, let it at once be understood that gen tlemen who wish to speculate at the expense of the public, and by interfering with our future general pr must go outsW the city finites, or to_points en tirely unobjectionable, They willfind ft theirinterest to do so. The gentlemen whopropose to blockade Broad street can con fi ne their operations to one or other side of that magnificent avenue, or crossing . over the city line, mal e Montgomery county the theatre of their operations. Mess s. vat= by going a little further out, or by crossing the Schuylkill and occupying the heights along the city line. which overlook the plain on which Phila delphia is built, can easily find ground aeon AND Lama& toirably adapted to tbeir purpose, which is oery far /rem being the-case on the level fiat piece or wet meadow land on the line of the Richmond branch of the /leading Radroad, which constitutes most of their proposal cem. etery of Old Lake. Extending westward from Twenty-fourth street 'to Thirty-first street, and northward from Nicetown Lane, this large area, equal to sixteen solid squares of our city, if allowed to be encloted and shut up for all time to come as a cemetery, will prove another hindrance to free and direct travel through our great city; and, like the other obstacles to- ram - progress - before noticed. - thran - evidencti that Philadelphians of 1868 - have learned nothing from the serious blunders and dear-bought experience of the past Having eeon many citizens and property owners In the northern part of the city whose interests will be damaged by the success of this enterprise, purely speculative jolts incei tion and character, an enterprise not demanded by any imp ethnic public necessity, for of cemeteries of every class we have an abundance for yeard to come, find a general disposition to - protest against this last at tempt to block up forever avenues which in lees than twenty years will be demanded by the immensely in creased population and travel of that day. I presume the r rune is true of the cemetery to be' located across Broad street, and of the sentiment of the people np in that locality. Of course, no er by the Court can give these speculators ouch a guarant y against opening streets through their ground as any purchase[ of a lot, if there be anybody ample enough to buy there, would like to -have against being dug up hereafter by the employes of the Bighway Department. Lot us see to it that no such guaranty ie obtained elsewhere, and when_ th et_falletg_e g pithlit — may — Pect — tifiretifed — thirtThiur_tnittli-o = structed - and highly importtat northern thoroughfares will be preserved froin any more barricades. LET NO BLOCK PUBLIC INSTILTTIONS OR CEM ETERIES UP O UR STREETS, is the sentiment efltt§he people of the iggisr. AN EXAMINATION. OF CANDIDATEs FOR Certificates of qualification for Teachers in the Public Schools in the First School District of Pennsyl vania will be held in the Zane Street School House, above Seventh street, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY; November 12th and lath. 1868. The examination will commence at 1 o'clock I'. M. on Thursday, and at 9.A. M. on Friday. No applicant under 17 years of age will be examined, except in accordance with the following reso lution adopted by the Board of Controllers: "liesolvecl.That in future all members of the graduating class of the Girls' Normal School may be permitted to at tend the teachers' examination. and that the certificates obtained by those under seventeen years of age shall be withheld from them until. they attain the proper age." One_seteLquestions_wiltne_preparedior_thosedeserving thst-class certificates, and another for those applying for certificates of the second, third or fourth class. An aver• age of 75 is required for a certificate of the first. dam' Applicants receiving an average of 65 for tho first-class questions will receive a certificate for Principal of a Con solidated Grammar School. An average of 75 is required for a secondclass certificate. An average of 65 for a third class certificate. An average of 55 for a fourth-class certificate. By order of the Committee on Qualifications of Teach' ers. 11, W. HALLIWELL. nb3 45 7 9 11 6trpl Secretary. N • •• • al: t • • .11.18* A: • Raper, &C.. bOUglit by E JayneE ap25.11.rp No. 618ttiNt. ml3T•tf6 $1,000,000 TWENTY•FIRST WARD. SPECULA. NQTICEQ. IWIYPUNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION,— t'b thirty-seventh annual meeting of the 1.7. B. A. was held at the office. N. W. corner Seventh and liansom streets, on Friday evening (adjourned from Tuesday), Oct. 23, PIA The following gentlemen wore duly el cted officers and managers for the ensuing year, to wit: Pepsins:sr—SAM I.IEL H. PERKINS. Vto r-1- nrarnzscra—RlCllAßDD. WOOD and J. FISH ER LEA MING Titzsaimmit—EDMUND WILCOX. COISRESPONIIINO BEOETTAILY -L. MONTGOMERY BOND. Rammnixt; SExingrARY—JOHN H.ATWOOD. meivAurrui. Benjamin Coates, Thames A. Budd. Thomas Latimer , Charles Rhoads. John Bohlen. Richard Wood, William Purees, (ffuia. B. Wurtr., Arthur G. Coffin, E. lt, Wood. Benjamin Onus,. Joseph A. (flay , John W. Claghorn , Alfred M. Collins, Thomas Wattson, John E. Graeff, Joseph H. Dulles, floury D. Sherrerd, John Aslihunit, Randolph Sailer. At a meeting of the Board of Managers, held nubs°. quently. Dr. George P. Diet:aliment was appointed agent. and Thomas Evans and John T. Walton collectors. he siaroclation thus enters upon Its thirty-eighth year. It begins the season h lady visitors. Its work covers all the built up p ot i onrs of the city except Ken sington. The field is organized into districts, with score tarlesjor each, and eubdivided into sectiOnS, with visi tors over each. The annual report shows that there was distributed last year tin aggregate stun of $21,290 55 in money and materials and that 4MS families were fur nished with coal. The number of visits made to tbe dwellings of the poor was 19.011. and I 098 persons were found employment. Though this is but a partial state ment, it shows a large work suffe r ing insigcant in view of the vast amoont of in a crowded population of 700,t01. The entire sum thus distri buted is not more than is expended annually by many singiejamilfts in our midst, and is not a fourth part of the annual incomes of others. If the lady visitors of our society are willing to visit the nick and suffering in win. ter, their bands should not be tied for the want of means to give I elief. The email amormt they have to distribute is always insufficient and discouraging. The collectors above named will make their annual calls immediately, and their requests are commended to Contributions may also be sent to the Treasurer, Edmund Wilcox. 40.1 Chestnut street. or to the agent, Dr. George F. McCallmont, Northwest corner of Seventh and Ransom streete. SAMUEL H. PERKIN% Pica'dent. JOLIN H. ATwoub. Beery. 114 THE FBANKLIN INSTkruIE LECTURES 16 Y - w 11l commence on TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. Loth. at B o'clo c k. and be continued on TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, as follows: Ist Coarse—On . Light. by Prof. Morton. 2d Course—On Electricity by Prof. R. E. Rogers. 3d Course—On Pneumatic Chemistry. by Mr. N F. 11 -itnounse—On The Metals, by Prof. S. B. liovrell, 6th Course—On Astronomy. by Prof. P. N, Chase. 6th Con nst—On Mechanics, by Prof. Morton. Synopids and full particulars will be furnished on appli cation at the Hall of the Institute. No. 16 South Seventh street. WIT LIAM HAMILTON. nos-64 Actuary. IC—WE AGREE TO DJ& 116r trrb l i j it i e L t I o C ll E. the Poor of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Wards of Philadelphia, One Thonaand Pounds of Mutton and Btu Hundred Founds of Beef at the EMAIL at Ridge and Coates, Not. U. and 44, of Mr. JOHN DEAL add M. ON FRIDAY, 6th of November, From P to 12 o'clock A. M. Philad'a, Nov. 5, 18.3.. &by- UNION LEAGUE HOUSE. BROAD STREET. NOVENIIIEIt 3. 1863. A meeting of the Union League of Philadelphia will be held at the League House on THURSDAY Nov. 12.1843. at 8 o'clock. P. M. for the purpose of nominating clad'. dates to be voted for MA members of the Board of Directors. By order of the Board of Director!. nos7try GEO. IL BOKER. Secretary mgr. MACH PELAH CEMETERY SOCIETY OF Pidladetpbhi.--The Society will bold an adjourned meeting on MONDAY EVENING. November 9. 1801. at 7l o'clock, at the Hall of the House of Industry. No. 716 Catharine street, to heat and decide on the report of the Committee on New Ground, appointed at the special meeting on the 10th of September met. Punctual attend ance is earnestly requested. kly order of Committee. nob-3t' M. GRIER, Secretary. ler PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COLLEGE, 108 North Tenth street, Wed aide. Operations twr formod for patients from 9 to II A. M., and trom 2 to 4 P. M., daft) . Services gratuitous. no2,tit.ea.tti.6t* air A MEETING OF THE GERMANTOWN CRICKEI CLUB will be held at Na. 419 Walnut reet. second-story back. on FRIDAY. at 3 P. M. IC HENRY EARLE. Secretary. I Lombard ELOS D P is ITAL, NOS. ISIS A peneary ND eal treatment and medicine furzdsl gratuitously to the peer. :.11) LETTER FRO.II PA RIB. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin-1 PAnis, Friday, Oct. 23, 1868.—1 made special allusion, at the time the incident occurred, to the prompt and friendly action of the United States Minister in Spain, who was the first to step forward and recognize, in his diplomatic and official capacity, the movement by which the Spanish people bad vindicated their national sovereignty. You will see by the manifesto pub lished by the Provisional Government at Madrid. and addressed to its diplomatic agents throughout the world, that this generous policy of America has not been lost sight of or forgotten. After vindicating, in the eyes of the world, the late Revolution, on political,social,moral and na tional grounds, with considerable force and effect —the manifesto expresses a natural desire on the part of the Provisional government, to find itself sustained by the moral support of the other gov ernments of Europe. And then it adds as fol ows : But (it Bays) if this support should be de nied ns—if these governments should be slow to imitate the "noble example set them by that na tion so remarkable for its ardent veneration of the principle of the emancipation and liberty of the human race—more remarkable, indeed, for that sentiment than even for its own power and gran deur"— if this should be some will still not allow ounseives to be diseO_Uraged. in our enterprise- Bis 'dal qui cao dad—says the proverb. Had American action been less prompt, the Spanish Provisional Government would have been unable to pen the above grateful acknowledgment of a service timely rendered, or to have held up the example of the United States as a lesson at once and model to Europe. On the other hand, a generous policy is rarely lost to those who prac tice it, and American influence in Europe will bo all the stronger for the above example, " The United States," says , the Debuts commenting on the act in question, "have not made Spain wait for the expression of their encouragement and sympathy. We presume the powers of Europe have had some reason for allowing America thus to get the start of them. But since they have allowed it, they must not grumble at the ever increasing influence which begins to be exercised over Europe by the American people and gov ernment. The latter act in the light way to in crease that influence; it is not they who try to thwart other people in their legitimate aspirations; It is not they who frown when a monarchy crumbled away beneath the weight of its own faults and follies; nor do they give' themselves much conoern about what becomes of the 'Lilo thentirrierids-everywhere; and since it is at once able and profitable, the wisest course would be to imitate it as speedily as possible." The above homage paid, by so able and serious a journal as the Debats to American example shows at onie the-value of the support which has been afforded to Spain in a great crisis of her fortunes, and the estimation in which that sup port is held by the other nations of Europe. And this reference to. American action at Ma drid induces me to mention thl course of conduct adopted by an American Minister in another and an adjacent Capital, and which I cannot doubt will have been equally approved by his country men and govefntnent at home. It was with great • satisfaction that I learned, by letters from Ameri can residents at Lisbqp, the action taken by Hon. James E. Harvey, representing the United States government at that Court, in face of, the atro cious outrage perpetrated by Queen Isabella upon her own sister and brother-in-law, the Due and Duchesso de Montpensier, and the some what shabby and pusillanimouS policy ' of - the Fortnum AutherltAes Oil incitelOn- TI3O • JOSEPH DANVELD JOHN H. HIGHT, JOHN DEAL FREDRICK N. LUTZ. Here in France, pacific ideas are predomi nant for the moment, aid were manifested the other day by a rapid rise in public and alt other securities. The talk is still of disarmament and retrenchments. It is semi-officially announced that the chambers are to be opened again before Christmas, about the middle of next month; and that financial measures and reduction of the bud get of the Ministers of War and Marine will be the first business laid before the House. There is a talk also of completing the operation of the conversion of the 4% per cents. The Emperor has ordered a new map of Europe to be engraved, showing the respective positions of France, as to her frontiers, during three . marked epochs of her history; and making it evident, according to the imperial judgment, that the late changes beyond the Rhine have by no means rendered the na tional boundaries less secure than at former Po ric d s. The Pall Mall Gazette says: When it gtas said a little while since that Mar fort had gone to Brussels to demand satisfaction of M. Henri Rochefort for certain unpleasant ob servations on the conduct of the ;Spaniard's au gust mistress, we had little expectation that such an encounter as that gentleman proposed would come off. But according to rumor in Paris the duel has been actually fought, and M. Rochefort ass been wounded. This brings back the ques don which must have occurred to many people when M. MarforPs intention was first rumored— Was M_ Rochefort obliged to go out with such a man? We da not pretend to not, learned in the Code of Honor, but is there not, was there not, some provision in it, excluding from its priv leges men who had forfeited_the...consideration due to a gentleman? Nossoall the world may be in a conspiracy against M. Marfori for anything we know to the contrary; but what all the world says of him is so much to his discredit that sup. posing it to be true, he has forfeited all right to call himself a gentleman. What is said of a woman who becomes a "favorite?" What ought to be said of a man who becomes a "favorite?" To us it seems that M. Marfori is either infa mously wronged, or he is a person disqualified from appealing to any code or honor whatsoever. One of the most significant and disgraceful stories of the time is that which describes the Queen of Spain, the Fang her husband, and M. Marfori, belakint , themselves-all in one-coach together from the scene of their glory in Spain. Perhaps that story is not true either; but if true it is one of the prettiest texts for a sermon at present be fore the world. A Madrid correspondent writes: The Minister of Justice at Madrid yesterday issued a decree formally ordering the • immediate suppression of all monasteries, convents; chapels, congregations and other religious establishments of both sexes founded since the 29th of July, 1837, and the transfer of all their property, move able end immoveable, to the State. The convents established before 1837 are to be reduced in num ber by one-half, and those left are forbidden henceforward to receive novices. The monks and nuns thus released from_their_cloisters can enter Wco We nventu — aT establishments which are not suppressed, or return to secular life. All congregations of women who have devoted them selves to the education of ..youth will be pre served. The Forni.of Government. Marshal Serrano, Admiral Topete, and Senor Olozaga, on their return from Sargossa to Ma drid, were entertained at.a breakfast at Guadala jam, and each made a speech in reply to toasts that were drunk. Senor Olozaga said that he and his friends were of opinion that a monarchy was a necessity for Spain, as the people were not prepared by education for a republic. Ad miral Topete said he was of the same opinion as Senor Olozaga, but promised to support a re public if established by, the Cortes. Senor -Moras, a Demoeratr -- who ------ wirs present, spoke in favor of a republic, but said that the Democratic party would support and respect a montachteal Government if such were voted by the nation. Marshal Serrano also said that the Provisional Government would respect the national wishes. At a democratic meeting, held at Madrid on Sunday, a resolution was adopted, after a very animated discussion, that a federal republic was the only ford •of go vernment in consonance with democratic princl- - plea. It was also resolved to propose to the Go yerninciAt to (WAR WM pli ppaniatda tIVCRIY Montpensiens, I learn, were actually kept a fort night in the Tagus, on board the Spanish ship-of war which brought them there, "for fear of French displeasure," and efforts were oven made to prevent them from disembarking at. all. It was rumored at one time that Napoleon had written to demand their withdrawal, and though the act was denied "officially," it was credited "privately." Now Mr. Harvey, I heir, did all Ih his power to give the Montpeneiera a manly countenance, at a moment when all his diplomatic colleagues, even the British minister, it appears, not excepted, rather showed them the cold shoulder,for fear of giving umbrage to the Court. Determined that a family who had' displayed so friendly a feeling towards America during the war should not be turned out uncere moniously, Mr. Harvey, with his usual energetic decision of diameter, arranged With the com mander of an American ship-of-war to offer them a passage in case of need. I understand the Duke and Duchess were most , grateful for this considerate act of politeness, and also greatly strengthened by it in their awkward position. The Ducheee is, I hear, an excellent, good and pleasing woman, an exemplary mother and model of domestic life; and, in fact, in all things the very antipodes of Messaline Isabel. To have rendered a service to such a person so treateikwill be recognized, I feel sure, as an act both chival rous and graciously the American people. The Marshal Serrano has, in his turn, written a letter to the Paris journal s the Gaulois, in which, like Prim, and without prejudice to the will of the Spanish people, he declares himself In favor of a constitutional monarchy as the only form of Government fit for Spain; or rather, as he might have said, but d6es not, though he probably thinks it, the only form of free Government for which Spain is fit. M. Olozaga even has made the same declaration, staunch re publican though he be,but with a certain reserve don to that effect. Constitutional monarchy, he said the other day in his speech at Guadalaxara, was a suitable transitory regime to lead a nation from an absolute monarchy to a republic. But Spain, he added, "was not yet fit for the last mentioned form of political existence; she was not yet sufficiently enlightened, sufficiently ad vanced, to realize that beau ideal, which ought to be the first object of modern society." You will see how absolutely this judgment of one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Spain, as well as one of her most liberal statesmen, , squares both with my own opinion on the point and also with those which I recently quoted to you of American residents on the spot. You will see that besides the suppression of the Jesuits, and many other religions corpora tions, the Provisional Government has followed the example of France in exacting the diasoin_ don of the powerful body known as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. In many respects the obligation felt to do this is to be regretted, for the charitable work of the Society was no doubt beneficent. But its vast funds and organization were also often, no doubt, misapplied to the furtherance of other ambitions ecclesiastical de signs, dangerous at once to the liberties both of the State and the conscience. AFFAIRS IN SPAIN. queen Isabolitt's Favorite. Suppression or Contents. OUR WHOLE COUNTRY years of age are entitled to exercise political pri vilege, to •, collect resources for pablishinzpam phlete explaining all forma of government, "and to establish political schools for the people. Isabella's Future Itesldeneer. A Paris correspondent of an English Paper writes: Queen Isabella's friends are endeavoring to dismade her from going to Rome; their advice is That her Majesty should eettle in Switzerland or in the centre of Franco and devote herself to the education of her children.. Martens House. - • The following notice appears in the Cologne Gazette. 'Whether it is an advertisement or a pleasantry it is not easy to say: My house in Madrid, No. 11 Calle de la Cate dral, new, handsome and well situated, is, in consequence of my departure, to be sold or let on advantageous conditions. Immediate posses sion may be bad: MARronz, Intendent General and Major Demo. The Spanish journals state that Queen Isabella, during the thirty-five years of her reign, received 1,785,000,000 reels, or $149,500,000 in gold. The London correspondent of the New York TriMuzc says— The Liverpool papers record from day to day the progress of the intimacy between Mr. Reverdy Johnson and Mr. Laird. On the day following the dinner, this affectionate couple embarked together on board a steam-yacht for a short cruise. Their yacht, like the Alabama when she left Liverpool, had no guns on deck. They pro. sently landed at Birkenhead, and Mr. Johnson, escorted by Mr. Laird, visited the ship-yards of the latter. Here, no doubt, Mr. Johnson was shown.the historical spot where the keel of the Alabama-was laid, the ways over which she glided into the water upon her merry mission, and the buoy in the river from which she finally slipped away. It is not stated whether Capt. Bullock of the Confederate Navy, who superintended her building, was present to explain to Mr. Johnson the qualities which enabled her to outstrip in speea both the merchant vessels who were her victims and the vessels of war which churlishly sought to interrupt her career. Captain Semmes, it is only too certain, wait absent, but it is believed a despatch has been sent to his home in Memp his, re questing his immediate return. No future ban quet to Mr. Reverdy Johnson will be deemed complete without his presence. Even the mirth fulness of the pending negotiations between Lord Stanley and Mr. Johnson lacks the zest of his jovial humor. It is thought he will be able to testify in respect to the value of the shies to be burned, so as to mince the extravagant claims for damages presented by their owners; especially by sundry widows and orphans, whose fortune bad been foolishly invested in some of the yes sels which fell in Capt. Semmes's way. Anticipated Tremolo in Prague. Sedicions placards are daily posted in the streets of Pra gue,and during the night the populace utter die cry, "Death to the Germans." It is feared that more serious disorders will occur on the 7th, Bth and 9th of November, on the occasion of the annual pilgrimage to Welasenstein. The New York Evening Post of last. evening Bays: The election must show the Southern Demo cratic leaders that the American people will not have Congress coerced; will not have the region struction measures overthrown; will not have our bonds dishonored; will not approve of or bear with the invasions of the sacred right of free speech, or the atrocious intolerance which has been openly fuenicated and zealously practiced by the Southern Democratic leaders for months past. IL ought to teach these badmen prudence. They have exhausted the patience of the people; they have insulted the laws, and defied right and justice. Let them now be quiet; else exemplary punishment will overtake them. We trust these Southern disorganizers will now learn wisdom, and submit to what is inevi table. Let us have peace; let us have liberty; let us have free discussion; let us have tolerance. Let us have no more murders; no more invasions of the people's rights; no more disorders. Grant and the new Congress are instructed by the peo ple of the United States to demand only justice and order; but they will insist on these. Brick Pomeroy's Democrut whistles its courage Up after this fashion : "No, not beaten, Democrats! We have only not won! We have 'moved upon the enemy's works, but have failed to carry them. But we are not routed, thank God ! Our lines are un broken, our spirit unsubdued, our courage as high as ever ! We are still a great army, of near ly three millions of men, with nothing lost in the present campaign, auft the same objects to con tend for that we have' just failed to win. "The fight goes on ! It must go on ! We can not give it up ! This broad continent, baptized lu the blood of the martyrs who made us free, and which was thereby not only dedicated as an inheritance of freedom to their posterity, but left as a free-will offering to all others of their own high, leading, governing race, of whatever na tionality, who should become incorporated into the citizenship of the Republic, cannot be sur rendered to despotic military rule,i and made the home of a mongrelized, debased, low-btowed race of political slaves! "No. never! By the Heavens above us, and the blood-soaked, sacred soil beneath our feet, this shall never be! We are still men ! We come of a stock which spurns the chain and defies the tyrant !" The National Intelligencer is gloomy. It ob serves: One of the most extraordinary political con tests ever witnessed has just terminated. It has ended, as we have for some time apprehended, in the success of the Radical party. This party have already secured a majority of over two-thirds in tie United States Senate, and they have also a decided majority in the next House of Representa tives. Whether they will elect two-thirds of the latter body is, we believe, contingent upon elec tions yet to be held; but any deficiency occasioned by a popular vote will be made good by the ma chinery of the House Committee on Elections, and by expelling Democrats whose majorities are small, or because they represent Southern consti tuencies. The history of the past affords ample guarantee that these outrages will be practiced, and a not lees emphatic assurance that they may be practiced with comparative impunity. The Pittsburgh Gazette says : Rail to the dawn of a New Era for the Great Republic ! To its long, black night of wrong and shame, of crime and blood, 'farewell forever ! No more shall liberty be dishonored by the un bridled license of man's oppresbion, or a lawful freedom be made the cloak for a lawless anarchy! The -shmxteitl_cyrie following of - - war and woe is complete, and Time's now revolution brings peace at last! No more rebellions—no more spilling of blood like water—no more partings of States and peo ples against themselves—no more trampling of laws and organic order in the duet—no more popular carnivals of crime—no longer the third part of the Republic smitten with an infernal fever of' private and public wickedness, which could only have sprung from Hell itself—no more the highest hopes of Human Progress on earth to be denled—once more 4ind forever, Human Liberty isprocliumed, Public Justice vindicated, and the Nation confesses its ultimate responsi bility to Him who holds all peoples in the hollow of His hand'! And Rahn given us this peace at last! The Bosion:PiiiftriesTO — lie cheerful as follows : If victory is not yet the reward of exertion for the Democracy and, their Conservative allies,thei faith, their steadlastness, their arguments and their well-maintained positlonlVvlll by do means pass withont'their moral' effect on;the politics of the State. Something of .the prestunption.of the power of sheer numbers may be abated; and the assurance which too often sad:genies a party triumph may be modified and, mellowed into ma soil tablet ess. - • • - The baltiniore American observes : Wks tho pooplo o tip) aonth Ung WESEktd Isabella's Income. lioverdy Johnson and Laird. POLITICAL. THE GREAT VICTORY. Opinions of the Party Press. bine() the close of the war has been a steady and strong band to curb and keep in cheek the Hareptona, Formats, Wins, and other leaders of the rebellion—the men who ought forever to for feit all right of participating in tho National and State GOvernments. Bo long as they are permit ted to continue to "fire tho Southern heart,". there will be no peace and mo prosperity. The elec tion of General Grant is an emphatic proclama tion to these men that they. must abandon their dons to sow dissolution and discord, and that the reconstruction of these States must progress without further hindrance or interference. The Newark Advertiser sorrows for Jersey, but rejoices over the national result: We thank God that the Republicans of Now Jersey have taken no secondary position. In the hard tight forced upon them, they have stood up boldly for the right. Not one word do they re tract. Their resolutions, their addresses, every utterance they have made, ring clear and true. All that by authority they have spoken, every word in behalf of freedom and universal suffrage, tands yet upon the record. If they are beaten, it • is not because of the abandonment of their priaciples. In the face of every difficulty; know ne well how hard a struggle lay before them, willing to be everything and to do everything for he sacred cause, the Republicans of New Jersey have met the issue; arrayed themselves with the party elsewhere, and propose to win in any fu !tire contest. In the still hard fight before them, they propose to stay Where they are, the self sacrificing opponents of all that favors the cause of oligarchy, of slavery or rebellion. , The Baltimore Sun is sweetly conservative. It r •marks: The result, however much it may disappoint those who had anticipated any other conclusion, and however unsatisfactory it may be to all the op ponents of the successful candidates for the Pres idency and Vice Presidency, whether they expec ted it or not, will,be acknowledged by them, as wood citizens, to be decisive, and, as the declared verdict of the people, be universally submitted to. * We haVe before observed that the more health ful sentiment of the public mind in the direction of conservatism was recognized In the nomina tion of both General Grant and Mr. Seymour, and if this shall continue to be deferred to, the country has still reason to be hopeffil. The in stincts and impaled+ of General Grant are be lieved to be conservative and national, and if these are permitted to shape and give tone to his administration, there will be no reason to "de spair of the republic." The Harrisburg Patriot thinks we are in great danger. It says: Unlike all other political conflicts in this coun try, this contest has decided nothing. The De mocracy emerge from it eager to renew the battle with Radicalism, in defence of the Constitution. The military despotism established by Congress has only gained strength by the elsrction of the Radical candidate. The States are yet to be re stored to the Union, and 'that work must be por formed by the,Democratic party, the party of the Union, if it be performed at all. With a reckless faction of Radical politicians directing the legis lation of the country, and with a raw and inex perienced soldier in the chair of President, our republican institutions were never so greatly im perilled. The unceasing vigilance, courage and patriotism of the Demotracy alone can preserve American liberties. The N. Y. Tribune of to-dav says : One of the most gratifying aspects of our great national triumph is the rebuke thereby adminis tered to the base spirit which, while vaunting itself conservative and opposed to disunion is forever seeking to foment jealousy and ill-feeling between the East and the West. Few meaner exhibitions of this spirit have been made than those of Horatio Seymour during his recent, stumping tour, wherein he managed to swell the majorities for Grant at every point where ho held forth. To excite envy at the West of the more ample banking capital of the East (as though borrowers and debtors should be bankers Instead of creditors and lenders) was among the most characteristic displays or the arts of an office seeking demagogue. The vote of the people gives the proper rebuke to this meanness. The magnificent majority of Massachusetts is almost matched by that of 1 . 111- 11018 : lowa is as hearty for Grant as Vermont; Pennsylvania and Indiana pull together as tbey have almost always done ; and the gain of Con necticut in the East is paralleled by that of Cali fornia in the West. New England Is solid for Grant; so is the region northwest of the Ohio. Blessings on the East and the West, one and in separable ! " What God bath joined, let not man put asunder." The N. Y. Times says : The reconstruction measures will now have a fair trial. If they work well and promote har mony and prosperity in the Southern States, they will enter into the fixed policy of those States and become part of their tntdamental laws. if not, they will be amended, repealed or replaced by others which will answer the purpose better. Those Southern States, which have resumed their practical relations with the General Government, have now complete control of their own affairs, —as fully and in the same sense as the other States within the Union. The people of the South have no longer any motive for the disorder and violence which prevailed before the election. They can gain nothing, and they mit lose much, by continuing it longer. Their alliance with the Democratic party of the North can no longer be of any service to them; the party is without pres ent power or future hope. MILILIGIATICI AND 1111131 CAL. —The Paris correspondent of the New York il'orld writes as follows of the decline of Offen bach's cheap popularity In the French capital: - We have had this wetk—shall I say the last?—of those extravaganzas which have made M. Offenbach's name known throughout the musical world. I be lieve it is generally admitted here the public are be ginning to grow weary of this class of pieces. MK, eilhnc and Halevy drew their book from a charm ing piece by M. Proepes Merimee, played at the French Comedy in 1850 (although published long before in the Theatre de Clara Gaze!), where it met with indifferent success for want of a little judicious pruning. It is said the Gymnase will probably revive It this winter. La Carosse becomes La Pe riebole in the hands of Messrs. Mellhac and Halevy. The scene Is laid in PCM. The Vice roy, while prowling about the streets in quest of ad ventures, stumbles upon a street songstress, La Peri chole (Mlle.' Schneider.) She is very beautiful and very poor. lie falls in love with her, and, to intro duce her to his palace, mart les her to her lover. Each is faithless to the other. The authors, during the two acts, parody the corresponding scenes of 'La Fa vorite.' The public did not applaud warmly, The pieee which was, no 1 have said, a two-act piece, has been cut with an unsparing hand since the first per formasce, and little remains of the piece. Mlle. Schneider showed herself a consummate artist in her peculiar line, and saved the piece by the art with which she played a drunken scene (since 'cut;' imag ine a women drunk on the stage I") —The sensational and very good drama, He's Got Money, will be repeated at the Arch Street Theatre. Miss Fanny Davenport will appear in the- afterp_itee.-- On - Monda,y The Lancashire Lass. —At the Walnut Street Theatre this evening Mr. E. L, Davenport will appear in a drama entitled The Pilot, previous to which Mrs. ISlow att's comedy, Fashion, will be presented. —The Worrell sisters will appear at the Chest- nut, this evening, in an English version of Barba Bleue. —The Grand Duchess is announced for this evening at the American Theatre. —Miss Caroline McCaffrey, supported by other excellent musicians, will give a concert at Musi cal Fend Hall, on the evening of Friday, Novem ber 20. 'No FAY° pit pro‘vpori, Borne malicious person sent a despatch to the Boston Post on runday announcing the destruc tion by fire of the Ocean House, at Newport, Rhode Island. Thlaturns out to be wholly false. The Newport News says: "We are glad to be able to assure our friends abroad that there is not a word of truth In it. The Ocean House is all right, not having even the well of fire upon it.. The %pedal-despatch, like a good many others, is a humbug and a fraud. There has been no fire In the vicinity of the Ocean House, and nothing ' whatever out of WNCIt W.fflkr/Clag the aory.o E 1 FACTS AND FANCIES. —Horatio was a greedy lad Who cried and shouted for Aef many cakes as could' be given. And then would sleal some more. Ulysses was a quiet boy, And to his ma did say.— "Please let us have a piece," and then Went quietly away. So when the next cake-feast was given, Well knowing 'Ratio's tricker; _ Columbia gave him only seven, And 'Lysses twenty-six! —The city clock of Galveston, Texas, hail:este sold for debt. It went too much on tick. —A Missourian was killed by baptism in tha Platte river. —Watering places that remain open all winter— the mouths of ,milk-cans. —Why are Curds like the Opposite HoufT2 Because they are over the Whey. —The brigands are said to be gettingzo power ful in Italy that It is no longer possible to con vict them In the courts. • —There will be a total • eclipse of the sun nest vear, visible in many parts of the United States. There was an effective eclipse on Tuesday. —lt is calculated that there are now about 62,000 Chinamen settled In California, nearly all befog natives of the province of Canton. —The Pope recites daily when celebrating mass a special prayer for the re-establishmentut order (Bourbonism) in Spain. —A one-armed pugilist in Coloutdo has issued a challenge for the championship of the State and e5O. —Aerkedontoperilizataon is advertised as an "awespiring feat." It can't be half as terrible as its name. —ln Offenbach's last operetta, called "La Peri chole,l the lady, Mlle. Schneider, illustrated the vice of'drunkenness with great effect. —"Many tons of the Giant's Causeway are yearly shipped to America, and the English don't like it." 'Cause why ? It spoils an ancient monument. "What now, Horatio! Yon tremble and look pale— Is not this something more than phantasy?"— Hamlet. —A large Belgian vessel arrived recently at Cl vita Veeebia, having on board for the Papal gov ernment a considerable number of Remington rifles, 600 kegs of powder, 200,000 cartridges and 60 tons of lead. —The "wooden walls," once the pride and de light of England, are rapidly passing away. The Agamemnon, the Queen, the Illustrious, and the Salle), all famous vessels in their day, are adver etised to be sold at auction. —A young Albany girl, after receiving the at tentions of a young man for several months, abruptly asked him when he intended to marry her. The younman then said he was not on the marry. She then broke a tea-pot, filled with boiling water, over his head. —Mrs. Schmeller has been contending with a police justice in Chicago for her rights as ' a mother to fusticate her offspring with a broom stick, from early morn till dewy eve, and to lead them in the way they should go by ropes tied about their necks. • —Correspondence from Rome suggests that the fall of Queen Isabella will be a sad blow to the Papal Government, considering that under her reign $l,OOO were eent to Rome daily as St. Pe ter's pence. In these bard times even a govern ment cannot well miss such a contribution. —Mr. Moore, the author of the "Dean's Eng lish," is a London tradesman, who keeps a well known shop for hosiery and similar goods. His peculiar weakness is the belief that he Is apoet, and if he had not printed an epic on the subject of "Elijah," he might have passed for a very sen sible man. —The favorite occupation of the Empress Eliza beth, of Austria, is to cut silhouettes out of black paper. She is so skillful in this that she is able to produce, in one or two minutes, a very excel lent likeness of persons who sit to her. The Em peror's sitting room contains over a hundred silhouettes cut out oy his pretty wife, and hand somely framed. —The magletzetes of Colchester, England, re cently sentenced' a young girl to twenty-one days imprisonment and hard labor for having plucked a branch of lavender. Although stunned by such severity, on leaving the court she said to the magistrate, "May trod punish yon." —The portrait of Marfori, the intendants of Isabella of Spain, has a great sale in Paris. He is said to have the physique of one of those hercu lean footmen who stand behind Belgravlan Car riages. He was originally a fourth-rate actor,. and gained the favor of his royal mistress'by Ids personation of a knightly warrior on the stage. —Proudhon was employed at the printing office, where he served his apprenticeship, in set ting up a small-print Bible. lie says that, in set ting it up, he reflected all the time about the most striking passages, and that the ideas which then came upon him were the same which he af terward laid down in his famous work on the truths of the gospel. —A writer in the France Littjraire charges Mrs. Ann S. Stevens, the American authoress, with gross plagiarism. He says that nearly all of her novels are little better than translations of French books written by second and third-rate author& A communication addressedte the Steck cent-tans similar charges against several rather obscure American novelists. —Rosa Bonhenr has been incapacitated from painting during the last two or three months by a very malignant felon on the thumb of her right hand. A number of physicians whom she has consulted in regard to it have been unable to ~crive her any relief. She has grown very fretful in consequence of this untoward: ailment, and refuses to admit any visitors. —The Viennese are in ecstacles over a young Polish actor, who, they say, is oven more gifted than his great countryman Bogumil Dawisorf. His pronunciation of the -German - lanzuage - is - not yet very pure, but the Viennese remember that there was a time when Dawison, now the greatest German actor, spoke only broken Ger-, man. The name of the talented young Pole, is Newakowaki. —When Christina Nilsson recently sang in- London, and lost one of her hair-pins, which one of the scene•shifters found, he showed'it to one of the young aristocrats who were behind the scenes. "How much do you ask for it?" said the lord. " Twenty-dye guineas," replied the scene shifter. The lord actually paid him the twenty-. five guineas, took the hair-pin and said he vrould preserve it as a precious relic. —.E. few days sinco a warrant was issued from a St. Louis court for the arrest of a truant band.- - Tho -- aileged - offence'rarysteten - stn - c_ - _ - _ - his wife tad - - deserting his (aridly. The culprit being arraigned, the hapless "better half' .w put on the stand. "This man is your husband, is. he ?" inquired: the Judge. "Oh yes, your honor!" was the confident re— PLY- • •'When were you married ?" ''Sir !" "When did yon marry him?" "About a year ago." "What minister performed the ceremony. "Bir ?" "Were you married at church ?" thundered tho agietrate. • 'No—sir—we—just 'jumped the'broonistick' '' was the naive reply. The man wasn't fined. —The rails journal, the Cloche. extracts , from Baron Pelet's work entiled "The Opinions of Na poleon," the following words of the first Empa ror: "I might have - ionbilely executed the Doke' d'Eughlen. If I did not do so it was not frorar fear, hut to avoid giving occasion to tlia secret partisans of the family to rise and ruin them-, selves.". The Torun suggests that after this planation there Is nothing to prevent M. Gemara' from etbibiting the shooting' of the young prince at night under this title, "Fine Trait of Illuasa . itY ill the EttiPgrtg kin/Q/09/2• r~uuaumc