Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 04, 1868, Image 2
A CHAPTPAIL ANECDOCFA.,, Adven•nre• of irravol—Odd Experi. 4ences--ot Visit to a Coop:trier—Tricots of Legerdemain. ' • The author of "The Piccadilly Papers," in London Society, gossips about the adven tures which befall travelers. He insists that, human life being suchas it is, with so much that is odd, incongruous and: uncertain hap pening in it, it must needs happen that ad venture cannot altogether be eliminated from ary stage of life. If a middle-aged man tum bles off his horse, or has his pocket picked,or is garroted, or catches cold, be may call that an adveoture; and after a certain age this mild sort of circumstance is taken as the equivalent to such. But society, about and around us may all the time be teeming with the elements of adventure. ADVENIIIRES OF TRAVEL The writer continues "A middle-aged men told me the other day that he never yet witnessed on a railway any thing that nartook of the character of an ad venture. Ile must have been unobservant, I think. Adventures of this kind are not very uncommon on railways. Some of these ad ventures'l grant, are not at all of a cheering description. The other day a man was jour heying in the west of England, and he was talking a long time with two very gentlemanly men who were traveling with him in the same compartment of a first-class carriage. Bud denV he became insensible. He next found himself lying on the floor of a waiting-room of a wayside station. They told him at the station that two gentlemen had been obliged to put him out because he was so intoxicated. The gentlemen, however, had eased him of watch, purse and valise. "It is not unusual to be travelling with a sick man or a lunatic. On several occasions, on arriving at a station, I have been taken aside by soine fellow-passenger who has the it his duty to inform me that he was in charge of a lunatic. I met a man once who had been travelling with a violent luna tic, held down in the carriage by two keepers. The poor fellow had lately come into a large fortune. It was too much for him. He was unable to sleep for days and days, and went raving mad. "Only the very day that my friend made his remark some curious circumstances came under my notice, which certainly had a col oring of romance or something worse about them. A lady got into a carriage, we will say at Newton Junction. She was rather an elegant and handsome woman, aged about live-and-twenty. A. spectacled gentleman placed her in the carriage, with a very ab struse and absent expression of countenance. He talked to her about her plans, evidently speaking with some degree of influence and authority; and I heard her say that ahe was going to stay for three or four weeks with her aunt at Exeter. After a chaste and sedate salute they parted. He had scarcely moved away from the carriage door when a young man entered, and as soon as the train was in motion began speaking with his companion, being evidently on the most familiar terms. He said to her, 'We will get out at Teign mouth, and catch the express to Torquay. At Teignmouth they got out, evidently in pur suance of the expressed intention of getting back to Torquay. That is to say, the lady would have to traverse again all the ground which she had just passed over from Newton. It was quite clear, first, that she had found a companion altogether unknown to the spec tacled gentleman; secondly, that she had told the spectacled gentleman a deliberate false hood in stating that she was going to Exeter; thirdly, that, in point of fact, she was going under questionable circumstances, to Tor quay, proving that the journey in e Exeter direction was simply a feint. The circum stances were certainly noticeable, though an unobservant man might not have noticed them. Such as they are, they are very much at the service of sensation novelists or of private detectives. INOLDENTS "It is an awkward thing when yon meet an agreeable man, and make some progress to wards intimacy with himi t to hear of him next in a condition of penal servitude. A man I know met a fine, manly fellow in a romantic district of Wales. They boated and climbed mountains together, and, altogether,he proved a very interesting and agreeable fellow; one, moreover, who had traveled in many parts of the world with an observant eye. A. year af terwards this fine fellow was arrested on the charge of scuttling a ship, and got a long sen tence of penal servitude. "I remember dining once with an elderly gentleman with whose parental and even patriarchal demeanor I was strongly im pressed. The dinner was excellent,ttie wines old, and the stories new. He was surrounded by a charming family; and the landscape wag perfect in its beauty and repose. Amd yet all the while this man was surrounded with the elements of passion and tragedy,and got some female accomplice to personate a lady at the bank, and make the transfer of a large sum of money. TOURIST'S TROUBLES "The tourist frequently meets with a share of adventures. Tne peripatetic philosopher has necessarily bad his experiences. How disgusted I was when, having worked through a occult country to see a fine house and its famous gardens, I heard that the proprietor had changed his mind, and did not now in tend that visitors should be permitted to make any inspection of his property. I began in dignantly to consider that a man has no right, as it were, to keep Nature under lock and key. While I was smarting under this inju rious treatment I wen: to see another great show-place in the same county. The owner, a man of high mark in the world, detected the chance tourist and showed him every po lite attention. He was just on the point of going abroad—the horses were champing at the gate—but his servants would show me every point in the Abbey and its grounds,and his mother would be very glad if I would take lunch with them afterwards. AN ITALIAN ANECDOTE "One day, when I was staying by the shores of an Italian lake, I was told that a visitor wanted to see me. It was a charming English lad, covered with the dust and soil of travel, who was in much tribulation. He had spent or lost all his money in some great city, and in great terror he had journeyed to me, with whom he had passed some pleasant days no.t long before (happening to have my address), to ask me to help him. He was 80 thoroughly a gentleman, and had such a good and happy expression in his face, that any chance traveler or even any hotel-keeper would be happy to assist him. In his ig norance, however, he had never thought of opening his case to any stranger, and had come on to the old Englishman whose whereabouts he knew in that part of the country, and I felt truly grateful to him for giving me the preference. He spent a few days with me, and we then passed the Alps together, and when we came to Zurich he found ample remittances awaiting him, and he acquitted himself of his trifling obligations to me." A CONTI:REA AT 1.10.11 E. A writer in Bety? aviu describes a visit to the "magician" Hermann, at his private resi dence near London, and the tricks there played for the entertainment of his guests. The dinner passed off handsomely; the 'viands were of the best in the Beason; the wine was of the choicest; the conversation MEI brisk, if not brilliant; and g pal humor threw a radiance over the whole party. It was, in fact, a merry meeting; and there was just the number seated round die table to concentrate the talk and prevent the party from breaking tip' into knots. Herr Hermann, who was seated at the head of we table, had Skeptic placed at his right hand. Tuis coilu cation, which was supposed to be accidental Stt the time, was glesigned by the cottjur.q. He bad seen and noticed the incredulity of his ;guest, and was determined to make a con vert of him, or at all events to show off his powers at his expense. The conversation turned upon prestidlgi tateurs and their various feats of legerdemain. Herr Hermann—who, having passed many years in America, and being no stranger to England, spoke English with much fluency— said, "I am well aware that all you sevens have an idea how the best of our tricks are accomplished." "I should think so !" from Skeptic. "But I fancy I could puzzle even you." "0, indeed !" again from Skeptic. "Aye,sir, and even you," turning to Skeptic. "By all means try It." "I shall; and after dinner I will show you a few tricks, and will defy any one of you to have the remotest notion how they are done." "Bravo !" from all the company excepting Skeptic, who laughed and helped himself to wine, and con gratulated himself by being so much cleverer than the conjurer. The tricks played by Hermann are thus described : TRICKS WITH CARDS. "Presently Herr Hermann rings the bell, and tells the man-servant, who answers it, to fetch some cards. The man retired, and came back with two packs of cards in se cured cases, and placed them on the table. 'Take one of these packs,' said our host, ad dressing himself to Skeptio; 'open the cover, and see if all the cards are right.' No pre paration?' demanded Skeptic. `No, I assure you. What lam about to show you now I could do with any cards.' Of course,' ejac ulated Skeptic sneeringly, and began to tear the cover from the pack. Skeptic looked at the cards, and we all looked at the conjurer. When Skeptic pronounced the cards 'all cor rect,' Herr Hermann took them in hie hands, and flinging them down on the table with their faces uppermost, said, 'There are eight of you. When I leave the room and the door is shut on me, let each person draw a card from the pack, return it and shuffle the cards.' He left the room, bidding us recall him when we were ready. Each man took a card and put it back. Then we all had a shuffle at the pack, excepting Skeptic, who thought he knew all about the trick, and the conjurer was brought back in due time. "He took the cards in his hands. 'There are eight of you,' he said. 'Each one has drawn a card and replaced it; and the eight cards, if you have well shuffled them, should be dispersed through the pack. No eye could see into this room when the deer was shut. Even knowing the cards—were that possible —would 'cleave the seeming impossibility of bringingithe eight cards together; you will all acknowledge that. Behold what art can do!' He gave the cards a sort of flourish, and placing the pack on his left palm, drew from the top the eight cards which we had drawn. He then turned to Skeptic, and with a good natured smile inquired whether he had any idea how that trick was done. Our nil admirari friend laughed, and said nothing; but shortly afterwards he was heard to ob serve, 'Curious, ain't it?' This trick gave rise to a good deal of talk and some disputation; but there were no two opinions about it; it was allowed by all to be the most complete and inexplicable feat of legerdemain ever witnessed. "Trick No. 2 was even more astonishing and incomprehensible. You know,' said Herr Hermann, addressing the whole party, after some discussion had gone on about the sleight-of-hand performances, 'I work by wit and not by witchcraft.' For wit read trick,' interposed Skeptic. 'But what,' continued the conjuror, not heeding the interruption, 'supposing .I were to interpret your thoughts —to know what was passing through your minds?" That, indeed, would be a trick above natural magic,' I exclaimed. Skeptic filled his glass and winked at his neighbor, as who should Bay, 'I know all about it.' We shall see,' said Herr Hermann. `Now,each of you two eentlemen,' he went on, speaking to his two right-hand guests, 'think of a card; I do not ask you to touch one;' and, taking up the pack he threw the cards front up wards on the table. The choice was quickly made. Mr. Hermann recovered the cards, shuffled them and spread them out as before. 'The card,' he said, 'one of you thought of is there; the card the other thought of is absent.' The gentlemen searched. One of the cards selected was not to be seen—the other was found. 'So far so good,' exclaimed Herr Her mann; 'but the trick is only half done.' The conjurer took up the cards again, shuffled them as before, and exposed them on the ta ble. 'Now,' he cried, 'the illusion is reversed. The missing card reappears, and the card thought of that was present is not to be found. Search!' And such was the case. The cards had come and gone at the bidding of the ma gician, who seemed to exercise a mental rather than a physical influence over them. Wonder was expressed in ,every countenance, and Skeptic, annoyed because he was foiled, drank °lran additional bumper to qualify him for elucidation. "A moment's consideration of this trick must satisfy anybody of its extreme clever ness and incomprehensibility. The only pos sible solution that offers itself is in the suppo sition that the conjurer, by some process of his own, was enabled to follow the eyes of the gentlemen in their direction to the cards spread on the'table, and to mark those they made choice of. Knowing the cards, of course an expert practitioner would find no difficulty in manipulating them as he pleased; and getting rid of a card and returning it to the pack, contrived with whatever rapidity, is no extraordinary feat of legerdemain. As certaining to a certainty the cards upon which two persons have thrown a glance for the shortest possible space of time is, it must be allowed, one of the most remarkable and puzzling achievements of the conjurer's art, and may be termed its crowning feat. Ido not assert that it was by this process Herr Hermann ascertained the cards his two guests thought of ; but if not thus I sari eCiii ceive no other method by which he made them known to him, unless, indeed, it were veritable witchcraft. "Some ten or fifteen minutes had passed, and the conversation was about to lapse into generalities, when our host rose from his seat, and, taking from the table the cards, went to the other end of the room. 'I want to ask your opinion of a trick which, no doubt, you have ofteu seen—your opinion as to how I do it. Will you oblige me by taking a card ?"Would you allow me to suggest the unopened pack of cards?' in quired friend Skeptic, looking round him with an air of wisdom. 'O, certainly,' answered Herr Hermann, 'open the un touched pack yourself, and then give it to rue.' Skeptic removed the envelope from the new pack, and scrutinized the cit o rds carefully. The eyes of the company : were D ew_ fixed on_ the pair, and no one spoke. Skeptic; -having - satisfied himself that the cards had under gone 'no preparation,' handed them to the conjurer. 'Take a card,' said the latter. It was done. 'Now take the pack in your own hands, put the card back, and shuffle.' Skeptic did as he was told, and smiled as he shuttled the cards in a variety of ways. 'lt would be difficult, would it not,' asked Her mann,l‘to tell you the card you drew?' 'Rather!' ejaculated Skeptic. 'What if I were to do more, and make you draw again the same card ?"I should like to lay ten pounds to a half-crown of that.' Keep your money, my friend, I don't want to rob you: give me the cards.' He took the cards from Skeptic, and, shuffling them said : 'This time when you draw the card do not let anybody see it, nor say what it is until I ask you. I must do my tricks after my own fashion. Draw!' "He drew. Now place the card on the table back upwards, and cover it with your hand, holding it doily.' Skeptic did as he was desired. Now, sir, is not that card the THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4;1868. , one*hic . you drew first?' Certainly not!' exclaimed Skeptic loudly and triumphantly. Indeed !' cried Hermann, ' there must be some mistake I' .or coutowitiere Is,' rejoined the guest, 'but it was your mistake;'.,and ho laughed with much glee. " Are yon sure?' . Positive." Name the 'Cards.' I drew the -Queen of Spades first, and this , under my, band is the Nine of Diamonds.' 'Let me look at it.' Skeptic took away his ,hand, turned the card, and beheld—the Queen of Spades. An Rxplosion of laughter at Skeptic's ex pense was followed by a volley of cheers for this wonderfully clever feat of sleight-of hand, if indeed it was so, for I was utterly at a loss at the time—and am now, when I think of it—to account for the manner in which it was accomplished. "Many other tricks were 'exhibited in the course of the evening, but those related above were decidedly the newest and best, although some of the others would have made a common conjurer's fortune. Several times Herr Hermann held out a pack of cards, and named beforehand the card anyone of us '"would draw, in spite of every effort on our parts to foil him, and this without failing in any one instance. Of course 'passing a card' Is one of the commonest tricks in card jugglery; but to 'pass a card' and name it be forehand, and 'pass' it on a company so 'cun ning of fence' and so wary as ours, was a very different matter. "Better than 'passing the card,' with such magical dexterity—which we know is achieved by rapidity and neatness of finger ing—was the trick with the pear, which, in deed, was as inconceivable as anything shown that evening. One of the party was asked by the conjure:: to take a pear from the table and mark it, then to cut a slice from it, to eat the slice, and hand the pear to Herr Herffann. This was done,and the pear given to the conjurer, who, taking it in his hand, threw it up towards the ceiling, caught it as it fell, and returned it sound and whole to the gentleman, who declared it was the same pear he had marked and from which he had cut the slice." ./E A.srr 1 - INT 3D lA. TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This Company have an exclusive grant to lay Subruarine Cables, CANTON TO TEIN-TSIN, connecting all the ports on the whose foreign commerce amounts to One Thousand Millions .Aimpally. The Company is chartered by the Legislature of the State of New York, with a A limited number of shares are offered at $5O each, payable .:10 cash, $l5 November 1, balance in monthly instalments of $2 50 per share. Vie inquiries for this stock are now very active, and the Board of Directors in struct us to say it may be withdrawn at any time, and that none will be of fered on the above terms after Novem ber 20 next. For Circulars, Maps and full information, apply to No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, To duly authorized Banks and Bankers through out Pennsylvania, and at the Nos. 28 and 25 NASSAU' Street, au2.q.tf rig Latest Improved Patent Low Steam and Hot Water Apparatus, For Warming and Ventilating Private and Public Baling Aleq tha approved Cooking Amman*, AMERICAN KITCHENER, On the European plan of heavy castings , durability and neatness of construction, for Hotels, Public Itutitutiong and the better class of Private Residences. HOT AIR FURNACES of the latest improvements. GRIFFITH WENT AItCIAN VENTILATORS, Union Steam and Water Heating Co., JAMES P. WOOD & CO 41 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. B. M. FELTVirELL, Superintendent. 178 4mrp§ E. .13 001e1D, UPHOLSTERER, No. 136 North Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA, WINDOW SHADES, BEDS, MATRESSES, CURTAINS AND CARPETS. O' Furniture Repaired and Upholatered. iwaSmre WOR SALE.—TO MERCHANTS. STOREKEEPERS. a' Haab and dealers.-900 casea Champagne and Crab Older. 250 bble. VbazoPasne and Crab Cider. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street. RIISCE ELL alli SOUS. T H E (the seaport of Pekin,) ASIATIC COAST, Capital of $5,000,000; Shares, $lOO Each. DREXEL & CO., PILIJLAIDELPIIIA ; Office of the Company, NEW YORK. GOLD'S Et GIW ERB, VENTILATOBB, Sic, 11118CELLA.NEOUB. _ `: 'cow oirA3r,. THROUGH FREIGHT DEPARTMENT Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. On and after MONDAY. November 2d, iecB, freight for Baltimore, Warbington, Richmond, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Lynchburg, and all points in Virginia. Tennotree, Ala bama. Missiesippi, Georgia, Arkaneas, and North and South Carolina, via ANIVABIESSIC LINE, VIRGINIA AND TENNEGIIEE AM LINE, ORANGF, ALIXANDRIA AND RIASSAS RAILROAD, Rie!mond and 101 l River Railroad, Will he received at the New Freight Depot of the Company, Corner Washington Av. and Swanson St. Instead of Broad and Cherry streets, as at present. Freight loaded and despatched daily by rail lines to all Southern and Southwestern points. Cartmen will find a good driveway via FRONT and WASIIINGTON Street& 'JOHN S. WILSON, General Through Freight Agent. oc2B 10t§ IMPROVED ti BALTIMORE ifttoil I %kei I FIRE-PLACE HEATER, Illuminating Doors and Windows, And Magazine of sufficient capa city for fuel to last 24 hours. The most cheerful and perfect Neater In nee. BOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY J. S. CLARK, 1008 Market Street, Philadelphia. oc6 lmrP CORNELIUS & BAKER. ITIANFFACTUAZERS OF GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, BRONZES, LANTERNS, &o. Store, 710 Chestnut Street. Manufactory, 821 Cherry Street. oc6 to th latrig ENVELOPES 1 ENVELOPES 1 6,000,000 SAFETY ENVELOPES All colors, qualities and sizes, for sale at reduced prices at the Steam Envelope Manufactory. 223 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. aer7.3mrpo SAMUEL TOBEY. Agent. FITLER, WEAVER it CO. E 4 IEW CORDAGE FACTOR' NOW IN FULL OPEItATION. No. S 2 N. WATER and SR N. DEL. an INDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING STEAM Packing Hose, &c. Engineers and dealers will find a full assortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packing Hose, &c.., at the Manufacturers Headquarters. GOODYEAR'S, 6th Chestnut street South ride. N. B.—We have now on hand a large lot of Genßoman's, Ladite' and MifßoB . Gum Boota. Ala°, every variety and style of Gum Overcoat& MO GROCERS, HOTELREEPERS, FAMILIES AND Others.—The undenngued has just received a (reap supply of Catawba, California and Champagne Winez. Tonic Ale (for Invalid). constantly on hand P. J. JORDAN, - - 22u Pear mtreet. Below Third and Walnut etreeta SAA(.; NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E. CORNER"Third and Spruce Streets, only one square below the Exchange. IVY) to loan in large or small amounts, on diamonds. silver plate, watches, Jewelry, and all goods of value. Oflice hours from bA.M.to7 P. M. M , Estab. Relied for the last forty years. Advances made In large amounts at the lowest market rate!, 10..tfro TIIE FINE LOOKING GLASSES, THE VERY CHEAPEST 13 JP. R IP . JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. TBE TRIUMPH OF ART. Splendidly executed Chromo-Lithograph after Prayer. entitled llg REGAL DESSERT." NEW AND EL e!ANT CURER NEW PAINTED PHOTOS, NEW FRENCH PHOTOS, NEW DR :DEN ENAMEL NEW ENGRAVINGS, 3c. Juet received by A. S. ROBINSON No. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Free Gallery, Looking Glasses. &o • ELASTIC SPONGE. Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge Co 4 1111 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. - - ELASTIC .SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES CHEAPER THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR, AND FAR ERI The Lightest, Softest and mon O Elastic and Durable ma teriel known for MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, CAR, CARRIAGE AND CHAIR CUSHIONS. from duet.. to entirely indentructible, perfectly clean and free IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL is always free from insect life; le perfectly healthy , and for the sick is unequaled. If Boiled in any way, can bo renovated quicker and eaaior than any other Mattreee. Special attentionven to FURNISHING CHURCHES. HALLS. &e. Railroad men are eepecially invited to examine the Cashion Sponge. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Heal m w f lyt 111/IACKEREL-121 BRCS., AND SHAM.' BB LS., NO. 1 JAL Mackerel; 45 do.. and 8 do., do., No. 2. do. 9 do.. and 2 do., do.. No. 3 do. ; in Moro and for 8010 by E. ; SOUDER U CO., Dock street Wharf. oc3o 5t - ~,. '=.l 'BARKING 11.0X1EM -- - ,ParCoo.llE6ooi, 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAID'A DEALERE, IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the now National Life Insurance Company of the United States. Pull information given at our office. - ,1, 11 / 11 /L • ANDOINII GA RS 1 DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Ellie of Exchange for sale on London, Frankfort, Paris, ete We IOSIO Letters of Credit on Ileum James W. Tucker ft Co., Parte. available for travelers' use through. out the world. Having now direct private column. nication by wire between our Phila.. dolphin. and New York Offices, we aro constantly in receipt of all quotations from New York, and aro prepared to execute all orders, with promptness,in STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. SMITH. RANDOLPH Bc CO. 4G- OIL ID - 13 N . 13 S CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. CO. A limited quantity of the TIIIRTY•YEAR 81X PER CENT. FIRST MORTGAGE BONES of the Central Pacific Railroad Company alb adored to invortote. for the present. at 103 and Accrued Interest, in Currency. These Bonds aro secured by aTrnet Deed upon tho most important link of thti. great Inter-Oceanic Railroad, two thirds of which are already bulit, at a cost of nearly ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS, And which enjoys already a veil-eustaining way traffic. The whole lino of continuous rail between New York gird Ban Francisco will be completed by July next, wben an immense through buelneee will undoubtedly follow. More than 1,3110 strxxs of the dietanco between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean are already travereed by the loco motive; and it le probable that 200 miles additional will be completed during the current year. The future of thie Line, therefore, in unueually preparing. The Central Pacific Railroad. Company eeeive from the United States Government 2:bon iten millions of acres of the ciliated along the line of their Road; also a SulAdy Loan of 1.. S. SIX PEAR GEN P. BONDS, averaging &,35,000 per mile, as fast an the rex-Bona of twenty miles are corn. pleted. They have received, In addition, important GRANTS from the State and cities of California, worth more than C.1,0Uu,000 IN GOLD. The proceeds of tht.o Lands. Bondi, Capital Stock, Subscriptions. Subventions, at d Net Ent ninge are Invested in the enterprise, to which Ss added the amount realized from First Mortgage Bonds, TIIESE LATTER HAVE TILE MIST LIEN GP , iN THE WHOLE PROPERTY, and are Leued to the serum amount only as the Government advances, or to the ex tent of about one-third the cost value of the Roao, equip. meet, etc. The Caeh Resourcez two abundant for the completion of the work. and the NET EARNINGS. FlioNl THE WAY TRAFFIC UPON 850 5111E8 NUW OPEN Foil BUSINESS. ARE MORE THAN DOUBLE THE CUR. RENT INTEREST LIABILITIES. W Besides a mileage upon all through badness, this Road, having the beet lands for settlement. the most pro• ductive mines, the nearest markets, and being exempt from competition, will always command LARGE REYE. NUEB, WHICH ARE WHOLLY IN (301 N. Two-thirds of the entire Loan is already marketed.and. judging by past experience, the Loan will soon be closed. Investors who desire an unusually safe, reliable and pro fitable security would do well to purchase before the Bonds are all taken. The Company reserve the right to advance the price at any time; but all orders actually in traeutitte at the time of any such advance will be filled at present price. At this time they pay more than 8 per cent. upon the investtnent, and have, from National and State laws, guarantees superior to any other corporals securities now offered. The First Mortgage Bonds are of 81,000 each,with 'semi annual gold coupon's attached, payable in July and January. Both INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL ARE MADE EXPRESSLY PAYABLE IN UNITED STATES GOLD COLN. The back Internet from July let L 9 charged only at the currency, rates. We receive all classes of Government Bonds, at their full market rates, in exchange for theCc' mtrsi Pecifie Railroad Bonds, thus enabling the holders to realize from TO 10 PER CENT. PROFIT and keep the principal of their investments equally secure, and receive the same rate of interest for a longer Period. Orders and Inquiries will receive prompt attention. Irr formation. Dhcriptive Pamphlets, etc.. giving a full ac count of the Organization. Progress, Business and Pros pects of the Enterprise furnished on application. Bonds sent by return Express at our cost. ti/r" All descriptions of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT, BOLD, OR pXCEUNGED, at our office and by Mail and Telegraph AT MARKET RATES. gar ACCOUNTS BANKS. BANKERS and others received and favorable arrangements made for desirable accounts. 1g) 1 1 .?- 1 A Igk 1 1 u .,,, ~,i , ) /,....: 1_ Bankers and Dealers In Government Baud. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHT BY P. S. PETERSON & 00. E 89 !South Third Btreot. Telegraphic index of 'Quotations stationed In a cow spicuons place in our office. STOCIRIN, BONJOS. &co, Oirst., Bought and Sold on Commission at the.respoctive Board; of Brokers of New York. Boston. Baltimore and Phila. /2.olPila. =lB dm; WINAMOHOsto OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, Mc Gold, &e., PECILiLDELPHIA. EJLNANCIAL. GOLD BOUGHT. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET ec 17 2m6 .1 arrel • -LEWIS LADOMUS &, CO DIAMOND nEALERS & JEIVIZERtj. VCATeIIFI4, Ji.55 LI: .te tiILYE.I4 151 . 11 E - ' WATCHES and JEWELRY ILEPAIIIED, 802 Cheßtnut St., Phil Wetohee•of the Fined Makers. Dicannond and l Other Jewelry. Of the latest styles. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, SMALL STUDS A c iN3YELET HOLES, A large assortment Jtut received. with a varlet, ed settings. • 7 .. t WM. B. WARNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES AND JEWELRY, L E. corner leventh and Chestnut litreetip And late of No. as South Third street. fell la, vvirgx.s, milli - Jonas. &Gs ADOLPH WOYTT, No. 82 , 8 Walnut Street, IMPORTER OP MILNE AND ROSELLE WINK GLARES, CHAIPtfINE3, Plitladelphla Agent for DININGER & CO.'S celebrate/I GOLD MEDAL PORT. MERRY AND MADEIRA. OLD COGNAC. RYE. LONDON DOCK GIN. oc6 Ita) ESIPAILIILANTS. HENRY .EINITA RDT P Hotel and Restaurant, No, 116 S Sixth Street, below Chestnut, OPPOSITE TOE SEW COURT HOUSE.) MEALS SERVED A T ALL SWELLS. Wines Liquors etc. of On chokeet brands. JUNES HOUSE. IiAREIBBURG. • PF-1, NRYLVA.ri lA. The undersigned having leased the above popular and crell.ki3own House. which has been thoroughly repaired and greatly improved. as well as entirely refurnished throughout vrith elegant new furniture. Including all the appointments of a first-clan Hotel, will be ready' for the reception of guests on and after the 15th of November. 11959. THOMAS FARLEY. Proprietor. MITZI estoozial ea, LIQVOIELI, MEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR First of the Season. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer ID Floe Groaner, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streetas A NEW ARTIO LE OF FOOD! [Translation.) It was M. Balt-LAT dAVAUIN. the celebrated French Gastronome, 'Who tint said. that *lb° man who inirenta a new dish does more for Society than the man who dir corere a Planet" THE CACI° DI 314CCARONI, or I t.rallrm prepared ()Mere Marcaroni. Is now offered rasa mart delicious wholevome and I,lqrarant cootoMbie (con. venieht luncL) for tho ure of Catutuer. Rschelorr, E.:nar rator)), (Pic...Nies), Tr.velers, rano for 11P0 to Beer Saloom. Fier or Sample Roomra It le erten on Bread. Btocult or Tomei. It le ,uitable for Eandwicher ilngtexe, "Duf: 'Wine di pane condentro."l Especially IA it adapted for those cli rnatve w here the article of C1te43!13 Cann Or be kept in a sound couOilik. ti far any length of time, it may be need cc a seasoning fo- Sours, flash or Stews - -and warmed upon a stove, after the can tiro been opened. it makes, without farther preparation, a Da- LICIOLO WELall RAILEIsII. I. or 'I la's-eters and minus, it le far more economical and Couvcuieut than Sardines. Deviled or Potted Stoats. _ . , ..... . '1 be i'myrittora and Patencea cannot but ar_st (Or it a trial. etnd $5 for SAMPLE Dip:MN iF lb. USTI!. and 1:1171iLY chow card, sec:meta packed, and chipped per ex preca to any addrcira, Liberal ditto nta made to the trade. N.8.-16e CACIO 131 is put up in tin boxes, and packed fn CasCa of two dozen at $4 per case, t cast. 1 . 01 Side by all respectable Grocers apd at the Fruit Storer. Agents wanted. All ord'vre and communiextionv ehould be addressed to THE LIVIIGeToN C ConPANY. 98 Liberty Street, Now york. oe fm w 6in OR LUNCLI—DEVILED 11AM. TONGUE, AND Le>heter, Potted Beet, Tongue, Anchovy Paete and Lobeter. at COUSTY'S Eaet k.nd Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. KTEW GREEN GINGER. PRO M AND GOOD ORDER nt CsitißTl"S Ewa End Grocery. No. US Soutn Sec ond Facet. NEW MESS SIiAD, TONI:WEB AND BOUNDS IN kitts, put up expressly for family use, in store and for sale at COUST'S East End Grocery. N 0.115 Booth Be cone street. TARIL CLARET.-200 OASES OF SUPERIOR TABLE Claret, _warranted to give satisfaction . For gale by M. F. SPILLM N. W. corner Arch and Eighth etreets. SALAD OIL.-100 BASKETS OF LATOUR'S SALAD Oil of the latest Importation. For sale by WILLI - N. N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. TiIitAPER SHELL ALMONDS—NEW CROP PRDiCESS L Paper Shed Almonds—Finest Dehesia Donhki Crown Raisins, New Pecan Note, WaLanta and Filberts, at COUSTY'S East End Grocery Store. No. 118 South Second street. • " • :loi: • • • e G i• ;•• • • . Isit •• • of the celebrated Chyloong Brand, for sale at COUBTIOB East End Grocery. No. 118 Booth deconel street. Htani. DRIED BEEF AND TONQUES. —JOHN Steward's justly celebrated Hams and Dried Beef and• Beef Tongsues; also the bat brands of Cincinnati Hams. For sale bY M. F.IFUJJ:N. N. W. corner Arch and Rischtb streets. • POCKET'ICOORIN. VOA". AND WOOD. CROEIS CREEK LEHIGH COAL,, PL.AISTED di MaCOLLIN No. 8033 CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia, Sole Retail Asts for Coxe Brothers dt Co.'s celebrated , This Creek Le Coal, from the Ruck Mountain Vein. Coal is pa cularly adapted for making Steam for Sugar and Malt Houses. Breweries, dm. It is also unsur passed as a Family (loaL Orden left at the office of the- Miners,-No. 841 WALNUT Street (Ist floor), will receive • our prompt attention. Liberal arrangements made with manufacturers using a regular qusntity. 1.16 tf .14.1030 N BINEBJOHN V. BEIHAVY. MIL MILE eillr NThaRSIONED INVITE ATTENTION TO A stook of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation given by IA we think can not be excelled by any other Coal Office, Franklin Institute Building. No. 15 S. Seventh street. MANES AI; SIIEAFF. jalatf Arch street, wharf, ticheylkill. C. FETTER 7 REUBEN HAAB. ffiarE FETTER, COAL DEALERS N. W. COR. NINTH AND JRI e'R MON STS Keep on hand a constant raptly of LEHIG and ScHE H TYLKaa , COALS, Irma the hf Jones, for Family. Factory and steam Purpotes. oalOtno2s* MIACLE VEIN AND LE.I.IIGII COALS. AT REDI.7,:KTD ..12.1prices, No. 1885 Aiarktt etreet. A vibe; ul reda.,Son: Laade,to rotailara. ae2.2.2mt.. WALTER LEE., TELEfinspme BVan &RV. A LABOR military and naval • expedition for Cuba is fitting out at Cadiz., • kr is Warred at London that Leper, of Para guay, is desirous of English mediation. Hon. &mum. R. 'ism, Judge of the U. S. District Court for New York, died at New Haven on. Monday night, of apoplexy. ONE hundred and forty thousand ~dollara in specie was shipped to Europe from New York yesterday. Wrruussza ip the Dyer court-martlal have been summoned to appear W. Washington on the 10th inst. THE United States steamers Franklin, Ticon deroga, Stratum and Frolic were ht the harbor of Gibraltar on the 9th ult. Taw Swiss Consul General at Washington ap peals for assistance for the sufferers by the inun dation In Switzerland. He estimates their loss at over $3,000,000. G. ?nxx has publicly declared that the pro visional government has not had under con sideration the name of any candidate for the Spanish throne. THE Paris Ifoniteur, of yesterday, had an edi torial on the Benatus Conan(turn of 1866, as in tended to prevent the liberty of the press from degenerating into license. A DISTURBANCE occurred at the polls in Au gusta, Ga„ yesterday, and the sheriff and a negro were killed. The riot was suppressed by the aid of the military. A MOTION to dismiss the appeal from the de cree of Judge Wylie in the Burratt case,Avas ar gued before the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia yesterday. Decision reserved. CITY .113IILLE'TEN. THE PIIILADELI'IIIA MUSICAL ASSOCIATION.- The annual meeting of this body was held yester day afternoon, at the northeast corner of Ninth and Callowbill streets, when the newly elected of ficers for the ensuing year were Indnoted into their respective positions. These were : Presi dent, John Wright; Vice President,C. E. Stroke. i Secretary, Jacob . C. Heim; Treasurer, Ludwig A. Tschirner, and an Executive Committee. The annual reports of the several officers were ro ad showing a state of much prosperity in the organ ization. ft Is possessed of assets amounting to or over 06,000, properly invested, and such steps will doubtless be in time taken as will greatly in crease this amount. The object of the Associa tion is to afford protection and benefit to mem bers in their professional capacity and to have a uniformity of price for services: It includes within its membership cue greater part of the musical talent of the city, and among them are fostered and encouraged feelings of prudence, harmony and friendship, which go far to promote the success and dignity of the profeftion. Tne meetings are held quarterly . , excepting; those of the Executive Committee, which are monthly. The latter are quite an im portant body of the main association, be g intrusted with all matters apper taining to complaints againit members for un professional conduct, with power to punish the same, and sundry other matters relative to the general management of affairs. One member of this body has yet to be elected, in consequence of but a sufficient number of votes being cast at the election of six out of the seven nominees for election, the rules of the association requiring that fifty votes shall be necessary to elect to any office. Authority was yesterday given the Board of Officers to till the vacancy, which they will likely do at the next Meeting. There was quite a large attendance of members and much interest manifested in the proceedings. POINT PIMEZE RACE/3.—The races snnonuced to take place between the horses General Thomas, Lady Lightfoot, Carrie and Little Pet, beat three to five in wagons, attracted a fair attendance yes terday at the Point Breeze coarse. On the drat heat a fair start was obtained, and after an or citing contest, General Thomas succeeded in coming. In the winner, Lady Light foot second. Carrie third, and Little Pet distanced. Time-2.4031,. The second heat was won by Lady Lightfoot after a hard straggle, General Thomas second and Carrie third. Time -2.39X. The third heat was trotted by Lady Lightfoot and General Thomas, Carrie having been withdrawn, and was won by the former in 2.11, The fourth and last heat was also won by Lady Lightfoot In 2.40 X. The race was well contested, and came fully up to the expectations of the spectators. FATAL ACCIDT.—James Pepper, a brakes man on the Pennsylvania Railroad. was crushed between two cars yesterday, and was so badly injured that he died at the Hospital soon after. He was twenty years old, and resided at 712 Lloyd street. BEATEN AND ROLMED.—Charles Williams, aged twenty-eight years, and residing at Williamsport, was badly beaten about the head in a melee he got into, and he, in addition, claims to have lost $3OO. Re was admitted to the Pennsylvania lips Swiss Lvirsirneriox Firso.—The amount o contributions made by our citizens in behalf o the sufferers by the inundations in Switzerland, as reported by R. Koradi, the Swiss Consul at this port, is nearly $BOO. SHOT fiIIISELF.-A ;nen named John Money residing at No. 723 Hubbell street, yesterday of ternoon shot himself In the left band, while hand ling firearms, and inflicted a painful wound. Homeopathy in Editor of Bulletin— Dicen 8m: The Russian le gation at Washington authorize the statement. Mat there is not a word of truth In the assertion that the Czar of Russia has issued a ukase pro hibiting the practice of floinieopathy in Russia. This story arose from a joke perpetrated by the editor of an Allopathic journal, to the effect that the Czar had prohibited the practice of Ho meopathy in Russian America: The joke was that Russian America was at the time a part of the United States. It required no great stretch of imagination to suppose that he had also pro hibited it in Russia. HENRY HOAR MARTO?, M. D. Reported M for tPheWITe vbi&°enNget_ nfauetin. NEWBEItti. NC—Schr L. Sturdovant, Crnra-106.L51 ft yellow Dine flooring Norcroea & Stfeete. 190V1.,MENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO Asaivx. 6.111 T. TRAM TOR Dlll2 Britannia ............Glasgow..Now York Oct. 16 Ce11a........ .... :% London..New York... ...... Oct 17 G&W any ............Laverpool-Quebec.. ... .......Oct. 17 Tarifa ....Liverpool-New York . .....Oct 20 Manhan an. ..... --Liverpool-New York... .....Oct 20 City of Antwerp.. .Liverpool.. New York. " Oct. 21 England .Liverpool.. New York .....Oct 21 Etin ........ .........Liverpool.. Vow York ....... ....Oct. 21 ..Glasgow..New York .... - -Oct, 23 Cub ..a. New Y0rk...... Oct. 24 Laurent...........8L . . lirest..New York ... ... Oct. 24 Etna ........ .... .. Livanxpol-N Y via Halifax- ...Oct. 29 TO DEPART. Pa1myra........-..New York.. Liverpool.. . Nov. 5 Eag1e...............New York.. Havana. ...Nov. 5 Palmyra- ... ~.New York..Llverpool. ..........Nov. 5 Pioneer... . .. 6 Penney iv aida........New York.. Liverpool Nov. 7 Britannia.... New 't ork. _Glasgow... ...Nov. 7 City of Antwerp.. New Y0rk..Liverp001............N0v. 7 Stars and Stripas..'.Philaira..Havana. Nov. 10 Granada -.New York.. Vera Cruz,dic Nov. 10 Cuba ....... New York..Llverpool Nov. H. ..New York. ,Liverpeol..... Nov.ll Tarifa ....... . ... . .N ow 'Y ore ..Livarpo -oL . Nov. 12 Juniata . ..... Philadelphia.. New Orleans. N0v.14 ...........New York.. Glasgow . Nov. 14 8t Laurent ... ....New York - - N0v.14 City of Paris New Vork..LiveropooL Nov. 14 Java ....... York.. Liverpool Nov. 18 1-10 ARID 01- TRADE. EDMIMD A.tioUGEBI GEO. L. BUZBY. Morrnuar Coxecrimar, JBAMUEL E. STOKE% MIAJIMNE BIILLVIIN. _XatiT_OF PHILADSLIP_RIA—NoxpAnza. Scrn Were& 6 6:31 Elmar Brrs„ - 5 ' 61 - HiGn W 431131; 4 40 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer W C Pierropont, Shropshire. 24 hours from New York. with indite to Wm M Baird & Co. Steamer A C Stinkers. Knox. 24 hours from Now York. with mdse to W P GPM e & Cc Bark Wilhebnine.. (NG), Rhetz, 66 days from Loudon. with general mdse to C F dt O 0 Lenmg. Scar L Sturtevant, Cruse. 15 days from Newborn, NC, with lumber to Norcross & Sheets. Tug Thos Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer E C Biddle. McCue, New York, W P Clyde&Co. Steamer l 3 L Garr. Ben, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Bark Eva (Br) Hilton; Antwom Merchant & Co. ' Bark Savannah, Ames, Sombrero, Warren & Gregg. bchr West Dennis, Crowell, Boston, L Audenried & Co. ,Schr Wm & James, Outten. Richmond, do Rehr Ralph Bonder, Crosby, Salem, do Behr W H Dennis, Warner, Boston. do Schr E G Willard, Parsons, Portland. ;' - do Schr War Steed. Nickerson, Boston. do Tug Thcs Jefferson. Allen. Baltimore. wick bargee, W P Clyde fi Co. WRIGHTSVILLE. PA.. No. 8,1868. The following canal boats passed this office today. east,. Ward bound, viz: J P Wolverton, and Two Brothers, with lumber. to E Shoemaker b Cu: Poncho!". do to Pattarson Lippincott; Convoy, do to Taylor & Bette. MEMORANDA Ship Tonawando. Jane, hence for Mobile was off the 4:tar Uethalt. Ship Northwester. Mosher, miffed from Bala Frinetsco 18th nit. for Port Townimtid- „ Ship P Ellanchard.ThonlM nt orro lOW iiimorarD was off Deal Starr ult. • Bhip Uncle Toby. Leavitt, asißed from • Ban Francisco yesterday for Liverpool. Ship Gentoo. Freeman. cleared at Ban Francisco yester day for Uverpool with .n,:(10 sacks wheat. Neptune..Pestxrdy. cleared at San' Emu:boo. 24 inst. (or Liverpool with 49,000 sacks wheat. Steamer Juniata, Bozic, railed from Havana. mato:day for this port. Steamer Tonawanda.Jenninge.Cleared at Savannah 90th ult. for this port. with 487 bales cotton. 100 do domestics, 24,000 feet lumber. 45 bbis rosin. 20 do liquor. 47 casks rice. 1048 cheep skins, 69 empty barrels. 1 bale wool. and 29 tons old lion. Steamer Tarifa, Murphy; sailed from Liverpool 20th ult. for Now York. , Steamer Vicksburg. Burton. from New York via Key West, was going up to New Orleans 29th ult. Steamer City of Cork (Br).Pbillips,cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool via Halifax. Steamer Louisiana (Br), Forbes, sailed from Liverpool 20th ult. for Boston and Now York Steamer Manhattan (Br). Willi ani 8, sailed from Liverpool 20th ult. for New York Bark Dlrigo. Morrison, hence at lielvoet 16th ull. Bark Alen& (i'rus). Kruger. at Leghorn 4th ult. for this port lath inst. Bark Cereal (Br). tegenean. at Leghorn 04th ult. for Boston sad this port. to sail 20th. Bark Achievement (Br). Cook, cleared at Ban Francisco yesterday for Cork with 15,000 sacks wheat. Brig Gondolier (Br). 'Cohorta hence for St John, NB, re. maimed at Holmes' Hole PM list nit. Brig 111 E Haskell. Haskell, hence for Salem. at Holmes' Hole let hat Brig Fanny Butler. Bartlett, sailed from Bangor 31st tilt, for this port. Behr EL. Porter. Sparks, hence at Portland tlist ult. Behr derail. Cobb. hence at New Bedford Slat ult. Behr Thos Jefferson, Briggs, sailed from New Bedford 2d inst. for this port. Behr Di Monson Dayton. sailed from Wareham 81st ult. for this Dort. Bohr Lydia A May, Baker. hence at Boston 24 hurt. Behr C C Watson. Adams, sailed from Pawtucket 2d Inst. for this port. Behr Lamartine. Salisbury hence at Bangor list ult. Sohn Maggie Van Duren. hence for Salem; Edna, Har wood : Joseph Williams. Willey:Joseph Shindierateeves, and Ben Bolt. Mike, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hobo Ist Instant Bohm Annie E Martin; Buell. and W W Plutro, Allen. cleared at Portsmouth 31st ult for this port. Behr Sal ah A Hammond. Paine. hence for Boston a New York 2d inst Behr lda A Jayne. Brown. from Boston for this port, a New Yon/ 2d inst. Behr J Cadwalader, Steelman, sailed from Salem 315 ult. for this port. lichr Ellen Holgate. Golding. hence at Portsmouth, Va. 29th ult. to rail to 4 days for Fontes°, NC. to load lumber for this port.. Behr vabelle. Barrett, hence at Marblehead Mb nit. and sailed Blrt to return. Bohr Clara, Mulford. hence at Danvers 29th ult. vimurtz MISCELLANY. Ship Ocean Belle, before reported seen an fire by th i Pennsylvania, at New York, sailed from Quebec Oct. for Cardiff She registered 1096 tons was built at Wal• doboro, Maine, in 1864. and hailed from South Shields, England. Behr Victoria- Ryder. at New Bedford Slot from New. port for Sandwich, ran into In Newpo P ort land . ve Ling of by s chr Henry Harteau. of Ct, for this port, and had quarter cut down. transom timbers, stanaheons and rail broken. • CrAMPETINGS. &u. CARPETINGS. .70..A.L.L. °pie ror IN a.. Elegant Wilton, Velvets, Brusseb3, P TAPESIEIIa 3 PUB and BRAM Parlor, Ball and Stairs to Match. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Btreeta. sels-dr7rno NEW ARRIVALS. Opening Deily, CARPETINGS, Wiltons, Velvets Brunett i OIL CLOTHS &c. REEVE L KNIGHT & SON, 1222 Chestnut Street. Imurp 1868. FALL. 1868. "GLEN ECHO MILLS." McCALLIIM, CREASE & SLOAN, Manufacturers and Importers of CA RPETINGS, Wholesale and Retail Warehouse, No. 509 CHESTNUT ST.. Opposite Independence Hall. iw».m th e Bmrp ri * :4•1AB 11 4DT : 1 :Zo 041 14 , 1'• I ivE•11111 MARY, B. CONWAY, LADIES' D m FURNISHING AB SHOPPING MOPE!, 31 South Sixteenth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ladies from any part of the United Mateo can send their orders for Dress Materials, Dresses, Cloaks, Bonnets, Biases. Under Clothing, Mourning Suite, Wedding Troa neat'. Traveling Outfits, Jewelry, drc. ; also, Children., Clothing, infante . Wardrobes, Gentlemen's Linen, &c. In ordering Garments. Ladies will please send one of their BEST FITTING DRESSES for measurement; and Ladies visiting the city should not fail to call and have their measures registered for future convenience. Refers, by permission, to MR. J. M HAFLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 Chestnut street lIIESEIR,S. HOMER, COLLADAY CO., 818 and WO Chestnut street ant) Bmro E I.LIANERY GOODS. VAIL/L. 40r" .0 ria.N4G-. CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS. S. A. & D. STERN, 724 Arch Street. selr,tu the 3m6 ASBURY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW 1101 M. $1.50,'000 LEMUEL BANGS. ?reelßent. Vice President and Seey. Capital, EMORY M'CI:INTOUK, Actuary The Asbury Company issues Policies in all the forms In Presentiggiert.th_e most_jiberal terms in r ppysp_t to rates. division of Drobts , restrictions on occupation anr - t - ave compatible with safety, loana — one=third - of when desired, and makes all policies absolutely nomfor feitabie. Commencing business only in April lastAkias been re ceived with so much favor that its 81381.1 r ea already amount to over $1,000,100, and are rapidly increasing day by day. PENNSYLVANIA AGENCY, JAMES M. LONGACRE, M#nager, 302 'Walnut Street, Philadelphia. LOCAL BOARD OF REFERENCE IN PHILADELPHIA. Thomas T. Tacker, John B. M'Creary. James B. Lan acre , , JB. Lippincott. Arthur G. Co • James Long, John M. Mar , James Hunter. Wm. Divine, E. H. Worne, John A. Wright, • Chas. Spencer. S. Morris Wain, 0c24 a m 26t0 CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, &o--1.000 CABER fresh • Canned Peaches; 600 eases fresh Canned Pine Apples; 200 eases fresh Pine Apples, in glans ; 1.000 eases Green Corn and Green Peae; 600 cues fresh Plums in cans; 200 cases fresh Green Gages; 600 018011 Cherries, in sire ;so CRUZ Blackberries, in syrup; 500 cases straw. berries. in syrup; 600 cases fresh Pears, in syrup; 2,000 eases Canned Tomatoes 600 m 5OO eases Oysters, Lobsters and Chum; 600 cases Roast Beef, Mutton, Veal, Bo n . &a b'or sale by JOSEPH B. BUBECIER & C0..08 South Dela. IMPERIAL FRENCH PRIINIM-1.0.. CABER TIN J. ministers and fanry_ bozo& imported and for sala b 7 JOB. B. BIIERHER tb W.. 1011 Rant& DalaWarti avoutuL THE DAILY EVENING BILLLETIN--PLIILADEI.LPHLI, WEDNESDAY, - NOVEMBER 4,186 g. NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED STATES OF AMERIOA, Washington, D. C. Chartered by Special Art at fongreci, proved lair' 25, 1888. Cash Capital, 61,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING DIRECTORS. CLARENCE H. CLARK. I E. A. RQLLINR, HENRY D. .GOOSE. JAY COOKE, F. RATCHFORD STARR. W. E. CHANDLER. W. G. MOORHEAD. GEORGE F. TYLER. J. HINCKLEY CLANK. • OFFICERS: CLARENCE H. CLARE. Philadelphia, President JAY COO= Chairman Mance and Executive Com mittee. HENRY D. COOKE. Washington. Vice PrezMatt. EMERSON W. PEET. Pidlikdolohla. Rec'Y and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Washington; AmaWant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITH. M. D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEA -9, M. D.. Aeeletant Medical Director. This. Company, National in its character, offers, by reason of its Large Capital, Low Rates of Premium, and New Tables, the most desirable means of Insuring Life yet presented to the public. Circulars, Pamphlets, and toll particulars given on al). pllcation to the Branch Office of the Company or to its General Agents, General Agent"; of the Company. JAY COOKE & CO., New York. for New York State and Northern New Jersey. JAY COOKE &. CO., Washington, D. C., for Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. E. W. CLARK & CO., for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey B B. Rceszra.., Harrisburg, Manager for Central and Western Pennsylvania J. ALDER ELLIB & CO., Chicago, for Illinois, Wisconsin and lowa. Hon, STEPHEN MILLER, Bt Paul. for Minnesota and N. W. Winconerin. JOlth W. ELLIS sit CO., Cincinnati. for Ohio and Cen tral and Southern Indiana, T. B. EDGAR, St. Louie, for Missouri and Kansas. 8. A. KEAN fts CO., Detroit, for Michigan and Northern Indiana. A. M. kIOTBERSHED, Omaha. for Nebraska. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO.. Baltimore. for Mary land. New England General Agency under the Direction of E. A. ROLLINS arti Of the Board of Directors. W. E. CHANDLER, MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANT. MART C. FREEMAN, secretary. Cash Aggete......... ..... $1,200,000. ORGANIZED. JUNE, 1864. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE. PREMIUMS PAYABLE IN CAUL LOSSES PAID IN CASE. It Receives No Notes and Gives None. By the provisions of its charter the entire saran belongs to policy holders, and must be paid to them to dividends. or reserved for their greater seenrity, Divi• dends are made on the contribution plan. and paid arum. ally, commencing two years from the date of the policy. It has already made two dividends amounting I /to 81.02,0003. an amount never before equaled during the brut three years of any wmPanY. PERMITS TO TRAVEL GRANTED WITH OUT EXTRA CHARGE. NO POLICY FEE EXTRA FREMIUM BEING DEMANDED. Applications for all kinds of policiea, life, ten-year life endowment, terms or cnildren's endowment, tak=. and all information cheerfulls , afforded at the BREECH OFFICE OF THE COELPANY, NO. 408 WALNU C STREET Eastern Department of the State of Pennsylvania Particular attention given to FIRE AND MARINE EIS Which, In all Instances, will be placed iFarstelasa Com• penile of this city, ela nd ll as those of known standing in Now Y ork, New Bhpa_ and Baltimore. ACCIDENTAL MKS, S YN O D CK. INSURANCE ON LIVE carefully attended to. in leading Companies of that kin& By strict personal attention to, and prompt despatch of business entrusted to my care, I hope to merit and to. calve a fall share of public patronage. M. M. BARKER. No. 408 Walnut Street. mhl3l w tf4 - r NITEI) FIREMEN'S INSURANCE eOIIPANYOF L PkiILA T)ELPIIIA. Tbis Company takes riaka at the lowest rates consistent wltb safety, and confines its business exclusively . to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PIILLADEL PIIIA. OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS. Thomas J. Martin, Charles R. Smith, John duet,, Alhertus King. Win. A. Roan. Henry Bumm. James Mongan, ~ James Wood, W illiam Glenn. John ilhallcross. James Jeaner. J. Henry Askin, Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan. Albert D. Roberts, Philip Fitzpatrick. CONRAD B. ANDREsS, President. WV. A. ROLIN, Treas. Ws.t. H. FAC,EN, Sec'y. . FIRE ASSOCIATION OF HULA]) ~• ' plain, Incorporated March 37. 1820. Office, No. 34 North Fifth street. Ineure —, Household Furniture and Merchandiee generally from Loss by Fire ()lithe City of • - . Philadelphia ; 77 „ , • •• ---- Statement of the Attests of the Association January let, 1868, publiehed in compliance with the pro. visions of the Act of liesembly of April 5th.1843. Benda and Mortgagee on Property in the City of Philadelphia only $1,078,186 17 Ground ....... ......... 18.814 98 Beal . „... ......... 51.744 57 Furniture and Fixturee ...... 4,990 08 U. S. 5.20 Registered 80nda......... ..... 45,000 00 Caah on hand 31,873 11 .$1a28,088 Btl TRUSTEES. William 11. Hamilton, bamuel Sparhawk, Peter A. Keyser, Charles P. Bower, John (Jarrow. Jesse Lightfoot, George I.) oung, Robert Shoemaker, Joseph R Lyndall, Peter Armbruster. Levi P. Coats, M. H. Dickinson, Peter WI iimuon. WM. H. 13AMILTON. President, SAMUP L'SPARLIAWK. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary. Rai N _X rt a N C E -C-0-M• PAN OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804—CILAR'rER PERTETUAL. No. 19.4 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. Ihis Company insures from losses or damage by FIRE on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, furniture, dte.. for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium. - The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all /oases have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS:.. John L. Hodge, David Lewis, M. B. Mabony, Benjamin Etting, John T. Lewis Thos. H. Powers. Wm. S. Grant; A. R. McHenry Robert W. Learning, . Edmond Castillon, a Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lei/JOHN Jr., Louis C. Norris, /JOHN R. WUCHERER, President. SAMUEL WiLoox, Secretary. A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. DICOR. JCL porated 1810.—Charter perpetual. No. 110 WALNUT street, above Third Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up" Capital Stock:and - Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in Dort, and their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. - - - Edmund G. Dutilb, Charles W. Houltneg, Israel Morrie • - John P. Wetherill. . William V.PauL THOMAS R. MARIE. Prbaldent. A.I.IIEVT 0. Crewrouv, Secretary. -- Thomas B. Maris. John Webb, Patrick Brady. John T. Lewis. OF THE Paid in Full. PLIIIL&DELPHI&. Where all correspondence should be addressed. J, P. TUCKER, Manager, 9 Merchants' Exchange, State street, Boston. GI- I_4 CP 13 JO NEW YORK. PLUM FREEMAN, President. LORE % ANDREWS, MO. A. BARRE V BERGH, Viet-Pregglas REQUIRED. FEMALE RISKS TAKEN AT THE USC.AL PRINTED RATES, NO piumADELPEIA. M. M BARKER, Manager, 1829 -OHAB,TER PERPETUAL. PHILADELPI-11A, Nos. 435 end 437 Chestnut Street. AEsets on January 1, 1868, • *2,003,740 00. Accrued Burpltul Premiums ...... UNBETar i g &LAMP, Loma Paid Since 1829 Over 500,000. • , DIRELIORK. - • • Chas..N. Daimler, Oco. Fates. Tobin.' 'Wagner, Alfred Met'. Samuel Grant, Eras. W. Lewis, M. D., Geo. W. Richards, Thomas Sparks. Isaac Lea, Wm. S. Gra. CHARLE N. BANC:KER nt . President. GEO. FALEB, Vice.Preeldent. , JAB. W. MgALLISTI , R. Secretary , pro tern. . Except at Lexington, Kentucky . tilts Company hoe no Agencies west of Pittsburgh. 1012 IinCUAL IRE INSURANCE COMEA. OIL' PHIL. fkIDELPIIIA. UFFICE, No. 8 SOUTH FIETH STREET , SECOND STORY. ASSETS. $170,000. Mutual system exclusively, combining economy with safety. Insure* Buildings, Household Goods, and Merchandise generally. LOSSES PROMPT/4Y PAID. DIEECTODS. Caleb Clothier, William P. Roeder, Benjamin Malone. Joseph Chapma n, Thomas Mather. Edward M. Needles, T. Ellwood Chapman. Wilson M. Jenkins. Simeon Matlack Lukens Webster. Aaron W. Gask Francis T. Atkinson. BENJAMIN LO O N EReeldent. MALVice Preddent. THOMAS MAME& Treasurer- T. ELLWOOD Cassia/a:. Secretary. JOHN D. DEFREES. EDWARD DODGE. IL O. FAIINESTOOK. MBE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL. I. ADELPIII A. Incortorated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. Office, No. 306 Walnut street. CAPITAL 5303.000. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stirrer and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares and Meichandbe in town or country. LOOSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets 5421.177 76 Invested in the following Securities, viz.: First Mortgages on City Property, well necured.sl3B.6oo 00 United state. Government Loans .............117,000 00 PhDarelphia City 6 per cent. Loarts_.. ..... 7,3,000 00 Pennsylvania ss ooo.o ' o 6 per cent. L0an........ 26,000 00 Pennsylvania Bath oad Bonita. First and second Mot tgager. .. . ... aOOO 00 Camden and "iin — ltey per Cent. Loan. ............ 6,C00 (N) Philad, 'phis and Reading . genrealitierePanrs 6 per Cent. Loan 6.000 00 Iluntingaon and Broad Top 7 per Cent. Mort gage Bonds 4 UV 0 I County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.. .... 1.086 (X) Mechanics' Bank Stock....— .. .... 4.000 00 Commeretal Bank of Pennsylvania Stark 10.000 ee Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock . . 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelpida Stock 3,230 00 Cash In Bank and on hand 7,831 70 Wor.h at Par. Worth thin date at market prices. DIRECTORS. Thomas EL Moore, Samuel Castner, James T. Young. Isaac F. Baker. Christian J. Hoffman, Samuel t 3 Thomas, I Biter. "M. TINGLEY, President. VDU , . INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN• .I.' eylvania Fire 'neurone° Company—lncorporated 1824 —Charter Perpetual—No. 510 Walnut !street, opposite In dependence Square. This orr parry, favorably known to the community for over forty yearn, continues to Insure against tom or dam age by tire, on Public or Privateliaildings, either perma nently or fora limited time. Also, on Furniture, Btock4 of Goode and Merchandise generally. on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in a most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the infrared an undoubted security in the case of lore. DLRECTOts.S. rPHE COUNTY FIRE 'NUL - RANCE COMPANY—OF ./ fice, No. 11U South. Fourth street, below Chestrmt. • The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia," lnco , porated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia in IM, forindemnity against Loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable ins -- titution,with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture, merchandise , either permanent thor for a limited time,against loss or damage by fire, at e lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of - its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS • Chas. J. Satter, Andrew IL Miller, Henry Budd, James N. 'stone. .lobn Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Hobert V. Massey, Jr., George Mecke, Mark SUTTER,, President. .5 J. SUTTER, President HENRY BUDD, Vice President. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY or Philadtlphia.—Office. No. 24 North Fifth etroet, near Market etreet. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter pet petnal. Capital and Assets. SItSIOOO. Make i 112311- ranee against Losa or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner. John F. Beleterling, Adam J. Glaaz, Henry Troemner, Henry Delany, Jacob Schandem. John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick, Samuel Miller, George E. Fort, William D. Gardner. WILLIAM goDANIEL. President. ISRAEL PETERSON, Vice President Pllll.ll. E. CoLziLs_ri, Secretary and Treasurer. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY,--CHAR TER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 WALNUT street, above Third, Phila. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels. Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Lnion. DIRECTORS. Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Wm. F. Dean, John Ketcham, John 11. Hoyt. WM. ESHER. President. WM.. P. DEaN, Vico President. Wm. M. SMITH. Secretary. ja2.34o,th,s,tf - VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 408 CHESTNUT stree MERRICK ds SONS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. 410 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia. MANUFACTI= STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizontal. inVert g_ ical, Beam. Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pump . 110thERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, dre. STEAM B AMMRRA—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and of all rises. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, &c. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron, for refineries, water, oil, dm. GAS MACHINERY—finch as Retorts, Bench Castings, Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar. rowis,Valves, Governors. &c. SUGARMACHINERY--Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps; Defecators,Pone Black Filters, Burners, Wash. era and Elevators; Bag Filters. Sugar and Bono Black Cars, &c. Sole manufactirers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity, of William Wright's Patent - - Variable - Outooff - StemorEsignis. InPemmtivania.of_fihartustica'sPattmtDeadatroke Power Hammer. - In the United States, of Weston's Patent Self.centering and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar.draininachine. Glass & Barton' improvement on Aspinwall & Wooisers Centrifugal. Bartors Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Strahan's Drill Grindingßest • Contractors for the design, erection, and fitting np at Re. fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. fIOPPEE, AND. YELLOW METAL BEIEATHENO, V Brazier's Copper Nail.% Bolts andlingot Qomer. con. CO an band and for -sale bp '..tißat 1 130/1 & a, No. Ba 3 South !Wharves. TO. 1 GLENGARNOCIC SCOTCH FIG IRON, FOR .1. 1 1 aaloin iota to snit pnrchmeri_„from store and to ar. rive. • ESTER WRIGHT & SONS. 15.triS llaNTalnut street. JAMA. VIAIGIIY. TIIORISTON MIMI= A. GEI6OOIII VELOTORE IVBIOIIT MAIM L. =ma. PETERWEIMIT & SONS. .Ih2Pettors of Earthenware Shipping and Comminakin Ifferehanw N .1.15 Walnut 'tree, Philadelphia. COTTON AND LINEN BALL DUCK OF EVERY midth from one to six-feet wide all numbered Tent and Awrant i permakers Fe ti ng. Sail Twine, dm JOHN W. vnaraAN, di CO., No. 103 Unurall PIUTY INVELLBr-OWNERE) OF PROPERTY-:-TITEI - nly Plate, to- get privy wells cleansedtindAiain• fected, atvery low pricea. - A. PEYSSON. Manufacturer of roudretto, goldsmitiVi HaU, LibrafY Effect. .7FELANIKALIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms Clem. Tingley, Mueser, Samuel bin:alum, B. L. Carron. Wm. Stevenson. Benj. W. Tingley. Ed war. CL Thomas C. 13 ILL. Secret Plan A» El.PntA. December Daniel Bmith,Jr.. Alexander Benson, leaac 'lsaiah tint. Thomas Robins, Daniell Ha DAN Wn.liara Q. CISOWELL. Set - - -. John Devereux, fl Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis J. Gillingham Fell, . &Jock, Jr. 'L SMITH, Jr., President retai y. Win. Esher, D. Luther. Lewis Audenried, Joan E. Blakieton Davie Poareon, PHILADELPHIA FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS.. Francis N. Buck. Philip S. Justice, Chas. Richardson. John W. Everman. Henry Lewin, Edward D. Woodruff, Robert Pearce, John Kessler, Jr., Oeo. A. West. Chas. Stokes, Robert B. Potter. Mordecai Buzby. FRANCIS N. BUCK. President. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. Wu. L. Bx.artdicsa.D, Secretary. RILILOBIINERT. IRON. . !kith. WIINIPIEIII CA IJI. MAR THOMAS & SONS AHOTIONBASS; • .1 , 1 a.. 189 and 141 South Foam street. . _ . •= BOOK BALES. gtursday. Nov s'h- Miscellaneans, May. IN or. O'h- , fdeffieal and , MiscelPanocent. Tuesday and Wednesday. lOUs and I'M -Bare and Va. luable Private Library. 'I Mired bov. 12th-Valuableidiseellaimems. Friday, Nov. 13th-Law Library. Tuesday. Wednesday and ThuradaY.lnhi 18th M il 15411 Very Valuable Books from the Stock of John Camp. bolt Friday. Nov. 20th-Private Collection of B. w.satiqt. SALES OF STOVES AND REAL ESTATE. VW" Public sales at the PhihulelpldaExchature E VERY TUESDAY. at II o'clock. gar Furniture Sales at the Auction Store EVERY THURSDAY. 1 Sales at Residences receive especial attention. SALE OF STOI Re, LOANS. dm. ON TUESDAY, NOV. 10, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, For Account of Whom it may Concern s3,,,ooo t on , ated Mortg- ge Bonds of the Huntington and Broad '1 op Mountain Railroad and Coal Co.. with, three overdue coupons attached. - Executor's rale- $5OOO Colon Canal Coupon Bones. $2OOO McKean and Elk Land and Improvement Co. second mortg.ste mix per cent. bonds 1. chart, Academy of Fine arts. • A dmintsirators' Sale- • " 30 abates West •Ihester and Phila. R. FL_preferre d. 21 stun es Cared, nand Atlantic Railroa d. old. shares Corn Exchange Bank. 10 shares Pann'a dice. Co., par SICO. 147 shares Atlantic Co. For uther Accounts -5 shares Academy of Music, with ticket. 1 share Point Breeze Park 150 shares Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph- • 41 shares Central Transportation Co. $l6OO Philadelphia and Baltimore Central R. R. Co. PAZ 3 00 + X181,e.46 20 INCOME FOIL INA • IBZOMXL Sale re Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth street HANDSOME FURNITURE, PIANOS, MIRRORS, FIREPIX EOF SAFE, HANDSOM 'VELVET. BRUS SELS AND OTDEEI cexpelra. acc. _ • ON THURSDAY MORNING, Nov. 6, at 9 o'clock, at tha auction rooms, by catalogue, a large assortment of superior Household Furniture con/priming—ll ndsomo Walnut Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, superior Rosewood Piano Forte, made by E N. 4cherr: two . Mahogany Plano Fortes Erench Fiats bitin ore. two suits tine Damask Window Curtains. Wardrobes, Bookcases. bideboards, Extension Tables. China and Ulaesware, Beds and Redoing, fi ne Hair Matreeres O ffi ce Furniture. superior Fireproof Safe, nisde &gams do Watson; Rolling Mill Scales,. weigh 2000 lbe.; Tffniing Lathe, Batters' Pressing Blocks. Steam Va. and Trougbe, Garconsutning and Cooking Stoves, Handsome Velvet, Brussels and other Carpets.dtc. Also, 2 Theodolites and 2 Surveyors' ComPaiisna- A so, by order of Execu ore Eetsto of C. F. Hagedorn. deconsed—Large quantity of Engravings and Photo. graphs. MISCELLANEOUS AND !STOICAL BOORS FROM LIBRARIES. ON TEIURSDAY AFTERNOON. Nov. 6, at 4 o'clock. Sal STOCK South Third etreet. OF LlQUisitii. ON FRIDAY MORNDIG. Nov 0. at 10 o'clock. at No. 139 South Third street. will be sold the Stock of Liquors' of James Jones. comprising Irish Whisky. London old Tom Gin, Port Wine, sic.. In barrels, demijohns and bottles Also, three years leer° of the office. Particulars at sale. To Nnrooryrnen and Others. EXTENSIVE ISTUCK OF PLANTd. TREES, dm. .. ....... ON FR LD - AV MUSNINIa. Nov. 6 at 10 o'clock, at B. Maupay A Co.'s Nursery, No. 3118 Germanto n avenue, Elting Sun, will be sold at public tale, by eider of the Sheriff, tt e entire valuable cent ction of Ireet. Plants, &a., comprising a general 02mm - rent Gam" Full particulars in catalogues now ready. Car Articles to be removed at the expense of the pur chaser befere December2.stb. 'Terms—Cash payable on Saturday. VALUABLE MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS 11001 is PliuM PRIVATE LIBRARIES. Including Early Printed and lliciatrared Works, in Fine Nadia ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON Nov. 6. at 4 o'clock. To Lumbermen. Shio Builders. Wheelwrights and Mere Peremptory Sale on the Premises. BO ACltvs STANDING TIMBER. Turner lane, west of iiioTlC:fieet,OirpOiligibionumept $ 121.176 70 Cemetery ON SATURDAY biORNING. Nov. 7, at is o'clock. will be sold at public sale, without reserve, on she remises, thirty acres of Standing Timber, comprising White Oak. Chestnut.% allow Poolar, Hickory and a variety of osher hard wood. it will be sold in one lot. and to ship builders, lumber and cord wood men this is an opportunity seldom off.red. The object of thin sale in to have the land classed by the first of April next. "Sale absolute. $432.0a1 24 Terms—ebee to be paid at the time of sale, balance when the party purchasing shall commence to cut the Umber. and appruved security given that the land will be c,ea , ed by April L lgat For further particulars apply at the office of Mawr. C. H. & H. P. Illuirheid. Ntd. 21.5 South BUM Street, or to the auctioneers. th s tt °ale No. 128 Bottoawood street. NEAT HOUBMIOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, MIR AOIt. Cll d NI) ELIERS. ON MONDAY MORNING., • Nov. 9, at 10 o'clock, at No. lad Buttonwood 'street. by catalogue, the Entire Walnut and Matmgany Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Funilture. Pier Mirror China and Glare ware. Bruagela and Inarain•Ca• pate, relater Bede and Bedding, Venetian Blinde, Chandalieralitchen Utennia, An. Peremt tory Sale No 211 South Second street. STOCK ON AXPE EDN R IORESDAY CABIMO RNEN NS P FU ts. RNITURE. W Nov. 11, at 10 o'clock, at No. 211 South Second street by catalogue. the entire deck. of asperio.• Furniture, incite ding Walnut Parlor units, in green plush and hair cloth; Sideboards. Walnut Centre and Boquet Tables, Hat Stands, sup°. tor Walnut Chamber Furniture, elegant Walnut Wardrobes, Lounges, Cane Seat Chairs. Cottage Suits, rtc. SFr The entire stock was manufactured expresely for private Sale Pe lee, ry. Halm and finished in the beet manner. Bale No. 1919 Mount Vernon street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, PIANO, MIRROR, CARPETS. OIL CLOrIII3, &a. ON FRIDAY MoRNING, Nov. 13, at 10 o'clock. at No. 1919 Mount Vernon street, by catalogue the entire Walnut Parior. Dining Room and Bitting Room Furniture, Handomthe Rosewood Piano. seven octaves; Pier Mirror. 011 Paintings , Hall Furniture. Walnut and Mahogany Chamber Furniture, idair Mat reuses. largo Wardrobe, Brturaels and Imperial Carpets Oil Cloth. Upright Refrigerator. Kitchen Furniture, ,tr,o. RANI/SOME MODERN HEBB/ENOS. Previous to the sale of Furniture will be sold. at 10 o'clock precisely, the Handsome Modern Three Brick Residence. with three•etory back buildings, 19 feet 9 inches front. 100 feet 834 inches deep. Has parlor, din ing room and kitchen on first Hoer, gae, bath. hot and told water, stationary washstands, water closet, furnace. cooking range duo. Clearof all incumbrance. $4OOO may remain on mort• gr se. inireedi- to possession. MaitTlN BROTHERtI, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sons.) No. 529 UHEnTNUT street.reat entrance from Minor. Importer's Peremptory Sale. STOCK OF FLNE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ON FRIDAY HORNING. At RN o'clock,at the Auction Rooms, by order of the Im- Porter, a ithout reserve, for cash, a very excellent assort ment of Fine Watches ; included will be found Fine Eng lish and American movements, quarter seconds. Apple. tort, Tracy & Co.' English Levers, by Johnson, Beesely, and others ; Ladies' Pine Watches, in fine Gold Cues. Plain rosted, linamelled and Engine.turned Silver and other Hunting Case Watches. Catalogues ready and the goods arranged for examina Lion on the morning of sale. SALE OF A MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Nov. 6, at 4 o'clock, at the auction rooms, by catalogue, a Valuable Medical and Miscellaneous Library, including many scarce Medics) nerenh.ts Open for examination on Thursday. rtthrulrzu.. slurat coTecumniardliNT— S. E. corner of SIXTH and RAUH streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry, iamonele, Gold and Silver Piste. and on all artictee of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Series Patent Lover Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Lepine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lover and Lepino Watches; Double Case English Quartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond Breaatpine ; Finger Rings; Ear Rings; Studs; 4c.; Fme Gold Chains; Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Breastpins ; Finger Rings ;Pi.ncll Cases and Jewelry generally. FOR SALE.—A large and valuable Fireproof Cheat. suitable for a Jeweler; colt $6511 Also, several Lots in South Camden. Fifth and Chestnut streets. IiCOTr, JR. AUCTIONEER. , 13. • SCOTT'S ART GALLERY 1020 CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia. BALE OF MuL ERN PAINTISGS. CRYSTAL BCE DALLIONS. &a. Part a Private Collection and Part Belonging to the American Art Galleryy New York. ON TOURSDAY ano IIIiWAY EVENINGS., Nov. 6 and 6. At 734 o'clock. at Scott's Art Gallery 1090 Chestnut et., will be eold o Pitout reserve, a collodion of Modern Plc. turee, Crystal Medallions. &c.. &c., of varied and pleasing subjects. all elegantly framed. BY BARRITT di CO., AUCTIONEERR. CABII AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET area, corner of BANK etreet. Coell advanced on conehmmento with of 'extra cham FIRST FALL, TRADE SALE OF DIPORTED AND AMERICAN FURS, SLEIGH AND CARRIAGE ROBES. BY CATALOGUE. Commencing 'illUilfiDliC,Nov 6 at 10 o'clock. coin. Png Ladies', Mime' and Childrou'a Hudeou Bay, Blink Sabi.. Siberian Squirrel, Preach Ermine, otters, American Fitch dc., in large variety. Aldo, Buffalo, Wolf and other Babes. in large assortments. MoCJITaII dc CO., No. 506 MARKET street. SALE OF 1800 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS. BALMORALS, 6m. . ON TIIUESDAY .MORNING. November 5, commencing at 10 o'clock: we will sell by catalogue, a large and superior assortment of Boots. Shoes, Brogans Balmorrls Ab.o, Women's. Misses' and Children`, Citymade goods. e l - ANLEB FREEMAN. AIICTIONFMR, No. 49.2 WALNUT, street. AT PRIVATE BALE. A )LV U • ABLE TRACT OE 20 AC RES OF, LAND. Witb Mansion 11 mute, Rising Bun Lane, intersected by Eight.h.lcintb, Tenth and Cleyenth, Ontario and 'Pole etreetr, within 200 lea of the Old York Road. Eitittabie depoett Of Briek-Clay. Terme easy.. , • A yalnable barium property - No. 819'Areh street. BUKLINOTON.—A ilandeome flanalon. on Main st.. lot 68 by 700 feet. C LABE & Ey,ftNE3..AUCTIOMRas Will tell THIS D. MORNING arid EVENINifiI. A large invoice of 8kag.1 3 fete,.8e3...d., ; 12 , v ie tio , CClothe 8,26, e zti0. .7.. Stationery . a and Ctty and c i c 3 ngt e tz , rast,e will find bf . trgaine. Ter Goode packed ni free of charge. DAVIES & HARVEY, AUCTIONERRs. with V r hontas A; Sons Store No. eViIW E Rear Entrance on Librarytiftei. -I ABHBRIDGE & CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. 605 MARKED street, above Fifth. ALOTIOIV ISALERA. AIT O THON SMOti "lORIN9 G. DURBO R O W fi ADDrADNERES. ,, • ,N 05.942 and 934 mabART eft.; wan Bank 94. 1, Ceettoor• to Jobb D. avers a - wino= GALE OF EUROPEAN AND LADIRESTIO 1030015. --- ON THURSDAY MORNING: Nov. 5, at 10 o'clock. on Your months' cr!kilt.: DOs.EST/CB. _ : Pales bleaehed and brown Shirsinga and Sheeting& do. Bleached and 'aimed Drills. do. White, Blue and Gray all wool B lanke ts.ls . do. White and Scarlet all wool and Canton'Elarnalha. Cares Miners', Domete and Taney Shirting Fianna& do. Indigo Blue Ticks, Stripe& C,hecks. Denims. . do; Kentucky Jeans Gingham& Prints, Debases. do. Corset Jeans. Cambric& Linings, S leclas._ . do. Manchester. and Scotch Gingham& do. Kersey % Cassimerca. Satinet& Limeys, dro. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS' Pieced-Belgian, English and 9axonY all wool and Untold Black and Blue Cloths and uocaklss& do. Aix's. Ch.pelle Black and Colored &squints= do. Chinchillas. French Cloakinga, Moscow's: ' • . do. Elbeeuf Fancy Caseimcree, Castors, tßota' do. Whitney , , Velours, Petersham, Mations._ do. Black and Colored Italians and satin deVILIOO4 • DRESS OCCDS, SILKS, dm. Pieces Bl a ck and f 'dorm Mohair's. Alpacas. Colnirg&A do. Empress Cloths, Poll de (Meares, Poplins. do. Pane Plain and Printed Detainee and merino/. do. Black and Fancy Dress Silk,, Velvets, Shawl& etc., sm. . . Full line Brocho Shawls, Linens, White Goode, dec. Full lines Irish Blvrting Linen., Barns& y Sheotingv. Mill fines Cream Canaan, Ducks, Ducks, Drills, atC4, Full lines Bleached and W. B. Darnask4Diater,_Cride. Full lines Cambric , Jaconets, Nahisoska Laws& . Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. Traveling and Under Shirts and Drarrete. Seirii,gs, Tailors , Trimmings, Lmbrellas. lidicts., Sasrendera, dom , • IMPORTANT-SPECL4L SALE OF FINE IMPORTED GLOWS ON THURSDAY MORNING Nov. 5, at 10 o'clock; on four mouths' credit, inclndint— Full lines Ladles' Colored Duchene() Gloves.. Full lines Ladies' Colored Berlin Gloves. . Full lines Ladles' Colored e'llk Mixt ' Full lines Ls d fen' Colored Id nano .01oves. , • L - I till lines Ladies' Black and Colored Silk' and Cloth I. WI lines e Ladies' Colored Berlin and Duchene Gaunt . ta. Full lines Ladles' Falk Mixt Berlin Gauntlets. Full lines otent's Black and, Colored Berlin and Cloth. loves. I r ll lines Gent's Black and Co'ored Bilk and Merino Cloves t till lines Gent's Colored Berlin and White and Black. Cloves. - Full lines Children's Gloves and Gauntlets. - . . N. B.—The above line will com prig° llama of tho finest geode imported. in plain, pilot' lined and fleeced. and as all fresh goods of a very poJular make. LARGE BALE OF CARPETING% 150 FIECER FLoOk GIL CLOTHS. C. ON FRIDAY MORNING. Nov. 6, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 306 B pieces of Tapeetry rasaele, Ingrain, Venetian. LArt. hemp. Cottage and Reg Carpetinge, Cloths. Rugs, &a. • LARGE SALE OF BRMSII. FRENCH AND GERMAN DRY G(l3. ON MOND IIY AJD mohNING. Nov. 9, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. BALE OF 21)00 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. TRA.VFLING BAGS. .ca ON TUESDAY MORNING. ov. 10. at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit . THOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERUHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Rear Entrance N 0.1107 SIXESOM street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the mod reasonable torma SALE OF ELEGANT SHEFFIELD PLATED WARE, FINE PEARL AND IVORY DANDLE T ABLE CUT LERY, RICH BOHEMIAN VASES AND TOILET SETS, JAPANIED TEA TRAYS IN SETS, Aro. Will be cold at public eale, .n a few dayr, a large and elegant assortment of the above Ware. just aryls ad from Megan. JOzEl'H DEA.I3:IN E SONS. Sheffield, England. Particulars in future. BALES OF VALUABLE OR PADITINGS. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS - - - - - Nov. 12th and 18th, at baLtpaat seven o'clock,at the auc tion store, No. 1110 Chestnut street. Mr. Chas E. Hazeltine (previous to removing to We New Bculding.No. 119.5 Chestnut Street) will close several , aluable coruegnments. Including specimens. of ,he fol lowing famoua artists, European and American: B • Backalowicx, Beaumont. Patvois, Englehardt, Debrechcn, Waaters, Pape, Duch°. yolocnez. Plena, Batters, Prof. VTatraven, Rico, Meinter. ' Van Btarkinborgis W. T. Rich tr de. Nowt*: De Drackeleer., 1. B. Irving, . Maze!, Laurent. do Buel, kt wicket, • Rothermel. . Behusaele, Boutelle, . • Brtrvoort, Pairmsn, , Bully, Bellows. Bristol, J. D. Smillle, Y. Mertes Parton. Paul Weber, O. W, Nicholson, Crosson. W. B. Young, Ramsey. &e. • . The Paintlinga will be open tor exhibition from Wed nesday. Oct. 013, until day , of sate. .• , ' Pr Persons having Pictures at the Gallery are re queated to have them removed previous to the eale. • . • Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR HOCSEHOLD FURNITURE. FINE' CAR; PEII3. PIANO FORTES, M Rilogs so..vcg ELATED, WARE, PAINTII‘GB, FasENCII ' CHINA. PIN& GUNS. dic. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Commencing at 9 o'clock. at the Auction store. NO. 1110 Chestnut 'street, ill be cold—A large assortment of. Superior Household rEurniture, from families declining housekeeping. 'consprisine—Piano Fortes. bv Chickering.: Schomacker Hardman and others; Suit of elegant Parlor Furniture, covered with blue silk, with Brussels Carnets to match; Rosewood Parlor Sul', in green rent; plush Parlor Suits. Library Sults, in reps; Walnut Etagere, Walnut Chamber Suite, Velvet, Grussets, %%vestry ang• Inerain Carpets, Walnut and tusk Sideboards. largo Library Bookcasea, Uxtension Dining' Tables. Ward robes, French China Dinner Set, Bronze., Parfait Fi cures, French Plate Mantel and Pier Glasses, Silver Plat e ` Ware, Paintings - , FINE GUNS. Also, an invoice of fine Fowling Pieces. . Sale aiNo..l.lo9? , pring Garden street. STOCK AND INSTRUMENTSOF A PHOTOGRAPH OAL£ERY ON MONDAY, NOV. 9 Particulars in future advertlaementa. GEWIIP FIIMMISHINISS 61001/16 FINE DRESS SHIRTS GENTS' NOVELTIES,. J. W. SCOTT & CO. 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Four doors below Coptlnental Hotel. mhl4'm w PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SKIRL MANUFACTORY. Wan for thus celebrated 13bI notice, rts Fanned entaletb rief Gentlemen's Furnishing Good% Ot late dyke In full vartati. WINCHESTER & CO.; w 40 706 CHESTNUT. • GENT'S PATENT 14PRING AND BUT , . W toned Over Gaiters,Cloth,Leather,white and ik t' brown Linen; Children's Cloth and Velvet 41 , -, Lea _em; _also made to order r . ,04 ~ 4 [a' GE} FURNISHING GOODS, i - ~-: of every description, very low, 103 Chestnut ""' street. corner of Ninth. The bast Kid Gloves far ladies and , gents, at RICHELDERFER'S BAZAAR. note. tfs OPEN IN THE EVENING. CIOP/LILTIVISIISMILPS TBE GOPAETNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING under the name of STEABNS BROTHERS le tide day diaaolved by mutual cement, Mr. WM. SrEA.RNS retiring. WILLIAM STEAR.NS: Yuma.. Oct. 81,1868. GEORGE EiTEARNII. The under signed have Me day formed a Copartnershiti under the name or firm of GEO hOE STEARNS & CO..anct will continue the business at the old stand, No. Rh Chest nut street. GEGRGE STEARNS. C. S. RUTTER, JR., ISAAC TOWNSEND., . not St* Fume.. Nov. 2,18 BE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED AT Porta orehip. under tho titto of OSWALD JACKSON & BRO., for tho purpose of carrying on a general com mie:don bueineee, and for the importation and aalo of brandier, Wine& WM, °ale e,117 Beaver et., New York. 204 South Brontet., Phila. OSWALD JACKSON. CHAS. CARROLL JACKSON." Is or. 2. 1863 HEA.TEIitS AND STOVEN• THOMAS S. DIXON SONS, Late Andrews ie. Wixom No. 1324 CHESTNUT Street. rhllada.,; Marineactur=Pol'ite United States Mixit t LOW DOWN, PARE° tr, CHAMBER. _And_nther_AS. For Anthracite. Bituminous anti Iv ALeO. WARM -Ain FITRNABES _ • For W Ing Public and Private • ti r i n HISTEBS, VENT/L4TORe, AND _ ' • O.IIIIINEY- CAPS COORINH.RANGES, DATFenomißs. wuoLEsaix, and RETAIL. . PROPOSAL 94 QEALEL) PROPOSALS ENDORSED PROPOSALS 1.7.f0r Printing Blanks and Roports'of the , Board- of •Con trollers for the year 1869. will bo received by the under• signed until December Bth. 1911, at, 12 o'clock.. DI; No proposal will benweceived from any but responsible, prac tice! printers. Information willte given: and-satnelar of the paper and printing required can be seen at the , office of the Board of Controllera. Security will' be re qu ire d for the faithful performance of the contract. By order of the Uommittee on StlpPliea; •". TIPP3Iit24. rlc3o.no 4. , 1g.ta, deg • • . Chirman. I idzo o :tato ki co.), HORSEMANSHIP—AT THETHILADELLPHLII. RIDINGF,SCHOOL. Fourth street, , above. Yine. will be found - every facility for acontirlng a lotowledge of this bealtbfal and elegant accomplisbnunat. Te School is pleasantly ventilated and - warmed. Qua horses safe and well-trrined. • -' An Mt ?neon Glass for Yonnx Ladies. Saddle Horses trained in the best manner ' , 7, Saddle Horses. Horses and 'Vehicles to hire. alto, Varriaxes to DePote, Partleo,Weddmis, BhoPClinfo. &C. ' - Victit&B CELSIUS & BON. ood Fire;