Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 27, 1868, Image 4
I.From the l'oletio NASBltßlaetc.i • . • ltbc rinrversion of 'Eisler roman, flicker -lir Piers - a Vision widen rats His "ees-ostiasoniLneniziexaitinfibmiiincla PrOgr Orris. Coarionar X - Hamm (With is-in the State nv Kentucky), Aug. 16 1868.—Joy to the world I Elder Pennibacker, wich, ever sent" the Noo York COnvenshuri; hex bin st skoffir mad a sort-begd, is wunst morevithin the fold. There wuz more rojoicin whetthe come back than over all.within the fold, for ho wuz a "venomblo lamb wich bed gone astray. Like the prodigal son we alayd for him the fatted calf.. particularly pleased With WA return: He wriz'thekinde.st nv men, and made the best corn whiskey in this SPckehun. , Ha bedsits:lz bin in t'ao habit of sendln, now and then,'s jug to his Pastor at the Post Offds, but sauce dissatisfackshun and consekent estrangement; these delekit atten shuns, so grateful to ono in frail heith, hoz bin intermitted. But that its all over, • thank Hoven. Yesterday morning he come Into , the °Ws bearin that which to me Is the most blessld'nv peced •offerins, the old familyer jag, wich settln'down, he fell onto my neck and wept. • "Parson!" red ho, his voice quiver/1i with Imoshen, and tears chasin each other down his nose "it's over. I've sinned and hey repentid. Foo me!" " der!" sad I, assoomin a dignified air, "he who departs and cometh back—don't kick over that jug, for the stopper ain't in rite—is to me more precious than if he heilia!t kicked over the traces. Bless yoo, my son. " Here's` a tin cap wich will do." The Elder then told me how he lied bin con verted. Ho hed determined :,not to vote at all. He didn't bleeve in Beymore, cog he is pledged to pay the debt in greenbax, and he detested Blare becoz he wfiz. wunst a blootid hiridinoind be cozin mariyin him we marry the entire Blare family, wich is too much. • He didn't bleave:that , either uv em wuz to bo trusted, He • didn't fife; ice," t: that either nv em wuz trop tolheßodth. l Feelitit ekoolyorly bitter, he went to bed Menne afore, and • nnrsin his wrath he fell asleep and dreamed. That dream saved him. He dreamed that ha was In a vast.assenitlage .. uv the'Democracy.very like the Ntishnel Conven shun. There wuz ahoutin and hollerin,, but he walked about gloomy and giul,fliled With the most fearful foreboding. Presently in his drcom he approacht the grand stand wich wuz okkopied by the leaders and de voted to the moosic nv the occasion. Here a moat peekoolyer site met his gaze. He notiet one small but soft-toned instrument, holler and very much like a flute, evidently made for peaceful stranea, out nv wich ,Wacie Hampton wuz, a strainin and blowin the most feroshns and war like sounds. The hed nv the instrument wuz Bcymore's head, and ez ho lookt cloister he found it assoomed•the genral appeerance uv the man, It tried hard to keep the smooth melojns tones to wich it wuz normelly adapted, but the grim vis e Hampton, whose wind, is inexhaustible, lirwd etch strong blasts and fingered the holes so adroitly, that it played his toons and his only. Just beside him stood Boregard a playin a brass instrument wich wuz shaped so like Blare oz to be him, wich instrument wuz nv the trombone nacher. Boregard bed no trouble with it. It wuz ez discordant nacherelly az it cood be, and it wuz splendidly adapted to the capassity nit the player. I give the dream henceforth in the Elder's own words: "Wat in thunder." sed I to a man wich seemed to be sort nv engineerin the concert, "wat in thunder is Seymore and Blare and Bich ez them farnishin moosic for strata Bnthem Dimocracy for? 'Aro ice to be compelled to submit to the tool nv bondholders and to Federal sojers and rich? Ez for one, I will never—" "'Don't talk like an eggrejis ass !' " sad this man. " 'Hovn't you any sense ? Can't you see that Seymour and Blair are merely the bistros) ments wick are played unto, and that Boregard and Wade Hampton are the individools`whd far= nish the wind and fin. er the holes ? listen, how swells but unto the air and. fille enrroundin space! And, see, ez Boregard shoves oil, the trombone how it hez knoct off the stand all them with from former attachment to the inStrooMent witz close to it, and how sweetly the pizen broth wichle bein blowed, tho its combined with that vay; instrooment itself, hez smothered all ' them whoa presence wood hey embarrast us. Milett O'Reilly it killed, and all that pestiferous breed of War Dimocrats like him.arelayin, over powered with , it, flat onto ther backs-heY may possibly survive but they are so stoopified that they wont git up till after ther opportunity for httrtin us is passed. "Then," sed the Elder, "my dream changed. Methawt the eleckshnn wuz over, and that we had triumphed. I wuz to home in Kentucky. All hero wuz peace. The Bnro offiser's lied folded ther tents like the Arabs, and silently stole away. The military wuz withdrawn, and ther wuz nothin bloo in the South, save and except the faces uv the few Northerp men with coodent git away. The very air wuz full uv the goats uv the ded Fedral soljers in the south, all nv wich wore an expreshnn uv hoomiliashen ez tho they felt they hed bin mannfaktered into goats for very considerable less than nothin. Reconstruckehen hed bin undone, and all lawsenfranchisin niggers and deprivin our heroes nv suffrage wuz bustid. We wuz free. Thor hed bin a gineral cleanin out uv Northern settlers, carpet-baggers and ob streperous Diggers. I notist with infinit pleasure that Pollock's store Lied bid gutted. and Joe Big ler's corpse (he spoke this in a low tone, and lookin-fearfly over his shoulder -to make - spoor no one heerd him) wuz a lyin on the Square. "Bich nv the niggers ez cood be controlled were at work under laws we had passed for em, regu latin labor, at an average nv $4 00 per month, and sich ez lied become too independent for that, hed either bin shot or driven out uv the coantry. The Amendments, givin nv em votes and sich. Led bin overruled, and in Tennessee and the other states they hed bin redoost to their normal speer, and the power wuz' wunst more in the hands nv sich patriots ez Forrest and Bich. Brownlow htd bin hang, ther noosepapers de stroyed, and them wich supported em scatterei to the four winds. In the Corners all wuz pence. We hed niggers on our plantations ez before the war, and we, the roolin race, wuz releeved nv the degradi labor wich so onlits a Caucashun for the LI) joyment uv life. Tae en tire Corners Levin nothin to do and plenty to live on wuz perpetooally gathered in front of Bascom's, pitchin coppers, runnin quarter-races, and ever and anon ceasin in their manly amooserneuts to quaff the flowin boles with he supplied. We coed hear, any time, the cheer ful yelp nv blood-hounds in the ElWamp beyont the Run, chaein runaways, ,ana ez ther wuz no long& any law agin ther shootin niggers, scacaly a day passed that one or more wuz not killed. My, distillery wuz a runnin fall blast, the smoke uv the torment ascendin from its chimney for ever. Oh, it was gorgus! " 'Audis this to be?' " asked I nv the disem bodied spirit nv Bishop Poke, with wuz showin it to me. • " 'All this and more,' returned ho. 'Thus will the South regain her lost rites. • Thus will the lost coz be restored. Elect Seymore and Blare k, and all will be well.' "At this pint I awoke," sed the Elder, "feelln how nnjuit I hed bin—how vilely I had sinned and how fearfully I hed departed. I wax again back on my party on the greenback question Wat is greenbax to this?. Wat is payin a debt in one way or another compared to the extacy ut , niggers, chasin Northern men and Kevin our instooshens pack agin ? Way is, a mere greenback idea compared to the luxury uv hevin the entire Northern Dimocrisy in our hands agin.for us to mould ez we will and do with ez we like? Why, I woodcut give the luxury uv hevin a Noo Yorker on his knees afore me ez nv old, a minnit, for all the taxes I will hey to pay for a century. Besides," and he bustled out afresh, "if Boregard can make Sey more pipe Dixie, can't he also by different linger ie make the same instrooment play Repoodi ? I shood say so. We have em Parson— we have cm. Forgive me ! Forgive me !" And we embraced and wept. and took a drink. and wept again fcr joy. Verily my way is now pleasant and my paths is made strate. In the etz , • utterance uv his joy will he ke my basket and my store—or rather my jug a*id flask—full for a Month. PF:raoi.num V. NAsily, P. M., • • (Wieb is Postmaster.) —Two elderly ladies were contemplating one of the family, of the Falcond:e. at the 7.0 J1 ,, g1- eal.Gardens in. London. "nitre's a great bowl for . vou!" said one. "Get along with you, stooiddr rejoined the other; "tliat's not a howl, — that e - ir,:h r ellgle the--controversy growing warm : between them—" Ladles," interposed one • of the officers of the society (as in the fable of the Chameleon), "youneed not quarrel, for you are both in the wrong. It is neither an howl nor a hoagie; the bird before you is an ork." TtiE Ebin I fkkk' vow states:sten'. The following Elbows the shipments of coal over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad for the week ending Aug 22, compared.with the same time laat season: We 6:. "tear. L Tordcetort" 18,949'16,338.649 10 23.331 00 892,501 17 • 37', , For c‘ . .l-tespond in g time labt year • Week. Shipped North. Shipped South. Shipped North..... Shipped South—... 576 04 Decrease.. • PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In steamer I onawanda-from Savannall.--A. li Ketchum, children and nurse: T Nichol.% wifeandaon; Mrs Wor rell and Bon, Mrs Ambrose. Mu G Damon, Mr A 1? Stroller. Mrs M A Batty, Mr Kalil% Mr '-Throadcratt, Jbalah Hill. E Russell. IVIPQX3T r P.N flortel for the rhuadel 4 nnia LO nvening mnetin. BAY NNAH—Stesurnship • Tonswandark Jennbags-750 , Wes i bales wool and• pkgs -*middles Beaten BS tlo ; 210 pee lumber Piney ,Jones & Co; 14.8 bales,domestics 161 do cotton Claghorn. Herring. & Co; .901-. bales Cotton 70 bble rosin Coebran. Rvssell & Co; 53 bales notion order; 16 do yarn Hay *McDevitt; 16 ?Aids 87 bbls and Plot loose Iron Parnum & Banmels; 18 *kg! mdse F .liareed; 8 his do .1 B Lippincott & Co; 11 bales raga' 1 bbl metal Hiller& Bro; 9 boxes books Porter' & •Costes: CO- railroad frogs-6 driving wheels 94 truck wheels A Nyllllllo7 & 80n: sundry parcels C E Mikes. - ' - • ST. JOHN. NB.—Schr - Peren - Moblman-188,600 laths 45,000 pickets T P Galvin & C 0.1.1 • BANGOS--Sebr. Porto Wentworth-77,080 feet spruce lumber 186,200 latbs'lso,ooo sprilce aldngles T ' P Galvin de Co. ' OF OCEAN -STEALILLISIMI. agree ' irok nava 8e110ru4.:.............L0udan:.Nar Yak. Aug. .......Aug. 11 ..... —.Liverpool—New York.. ..... Aug. 13 Austrian ............Liverpool—Quebeo ..Ang.l3 Cuba • • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •LiverPool—New York 18 lowa •,L;Glasgorvil'..NeW York...: Aug:l4l City of Waehington.Lir 001..N . Y Hallfax.i:AUg. ;„§ Hausa— ...... Southampton: .Newt ork.: •• 4 •••::Ilug.B lAverpooLalostortiN Yori....Aug. 18 City of ra.40.0.1. _LilllrPoOL:NannYark; Aug. 19 prime° .......Livexpeol,.Now York • Aug.• Java................Liverp00r.'Nety York.. z.... Aug. 22 .. . Aug. 26 C)._,DBEARZ, , ,„.•• Europe: . ...New York..GlaagoW • • • ...• •• • • Alit 29 City, of An . twerp..,New York.rerpOol Aug. 99 Ton , Aug, 29 Cortee. York:: ew-0rrean5........Aug.29 Nova &eau . . Quebec „Liv.orpo 91 Aug. 29 Denrear York... Liverpool . Aug. 29 Semnionla ---,New. York. XI --Sept: 1 Jul:data ..... Ykiladelphia..New Orleaux. Sept. 1 Cuba .... ork.._ 14verPool.. '2 . Pioneer.. .. ...1111tadelobia—Wflnitagtott.........Seet • Deutschland New Y0rk..8reme13......:, •••Sept. 8 Eagle. , New York. Mayans —Sept. 3 . ..... New York..Liver.pooL... —Sept. I City of Para New York. •Liveropool ..... —Sept. Pereire............,N0w York..Elavre Sept. 6 York..Loudon Sept - THAD JAATESIFIT.IVOAUPGII°. OF COATES WALTON, Morrnrut Commrrrsze. THOMAS POTTER, NIEAEINE POET OF PHILADELPHIA—Aua 27 um/ Rums. 5 251 atm Bm, 6 551 lion Viwrzs. to 8 Luavatalt . aL4:...2-11 Steamer Tonawanda., Jennings, 70 hours from Savan n M ah, with cotton. &c. to Philadelphia and Southern SS 1313 Co. Steamer Lady of the Lake, Ingraham, 6 hours from Cape May, with passengers to captain. Passed in the bay one bark, name unknown; brig Samuel Welsh, from Charleston, SC; five light brigs and several schooners, all bound up. Steamer Frank, Pierce. 24 hours from New York. with nide() to W DI Baird & Co. Behr Porto Rico. Wentworth, 18 days from Bangor,with lumber to T P Galvin & Co. Schr A Myrick. Stevens, 4 days from Provineetovra, with mdse to Calvin S Crowell. Schr Potosi. Trouax, 1 day from Leipsic, DeL with grain to Joe E Palmer. Schr M G Farr. Maloy, Boston. Schr E Arcuiarius, Gregory, Vinalbaven, CLEARED VESTERLiA . Steamer H L Gaw. Der. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Bark Blomidon, Cowen. Antwerp. John R Penrose. Brig Ambrose Light, Higgins, Boston. John Rommel. jr. Schr Trade Wind, Corson. Salem, chr Lawrence; Fall Fall River, — So Behr J J Worthington. Terry.. Fall River, do Schr Grace Watson. Nickerson, S Norwalk. do Sells Fawn (now). iley. Providence, Westrr'd Coal Co. Behr Annie B Hays, Love, Boston, Lathbary, Wicker- Bct al ,fuL G A L Behr Pratt, Nickersen, Boston, Colds; ell. Gordon dr, Uo. San Edwin, Tuttle, Cohaeeett, Lennox & Burgeee. Behr E Arculariue, Gregor➢, Rockland, captain. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening BEADING. Aug. 26. 1868. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schylkill (,anal. bound to Philadelphia. laden and consigned az follows: Swatara, with limestone to Peacock dr. Orth ; Union Lime, do to J B Brown; N Overf:eld flagstone to N Over. field; Louisa Wm A Simpson and 'llB Grant, lumber to 'Faj for & Bette; G W Strine. do to Qeo Embower: Lizzie oomer, do to R. Wolverton; Merchant and W Wag. ner. do to Patterson & Lippincott; W McFadden. do to H M Boyd ; Durango, do to J Neely; Clipper, do to Galvin & (Jo; Sabbath Rest and Our Girl, do to Watson Malone & Co ; ood Again. do to' HMcllvaino; Monitor, do to Mr Fuller; .1 B and Mat Ranger, do to Saylor. Day & Mm ey ; Gen Pope. do to Jno Sloneker. F. hf Fad ORA NDA Ship Thomas llarward. Strickland, hence via St John, B. was off Liverpool 15th inst. Ship David Crockett, Burgess. at San Francisco 30th ult. as taken up for N York at abcut $30,000. Ship Star, Loring, from Callao for Antwerp, passed over 14th inst. Ship Moneka, Taylor. sailed from Mauritius let ult. for Cork. Steamer bhina'airs. Bockloy, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Virginia, Thomas. sailed from Liverpool 13th and Quet nstown 14th inst. for New York. Steamer lowa. liedderwick, sailed from Glasgow 14th inst for New York. Steamer Peonsylvanta, Murphy, from Liverpool for New 'ors. sailed from Queenstown 13th inst. Steamer Flag, Baxter, from Fernandina, at Now York yesterday Bark Industry. Bischoff, benee at Genoa 11th Met. Bark L G Bigelow°. Corning. hence at Bremen 12th inst. Bark Woodside, Edmunds, sailed from Clyde 12th inst. for this vort. _ . . Bark Daniel (Br), * Chisholm, cleared at Now York yes terday for Buenos Ayres. Bark Aurora, Utley, sailed from Brouwershaven lath inst. for this port. . Brig Juliet 0 Clark, Whitmore, hence, sailed from Gib raltar 6th inst. for Leghorn. Brig Dildegaard, Wicktkerg. hence at Stettin 10th inst. Brig Insulaneren-(Dan), Neilson, hence at Copenhagen 11th inst. Kris kurce. Wiley. hence at Boston 25th lust Brig Romance, Duncan, from Baltimore for Nayasea, was spoken 16th inst lat 19 69. lon 76 50. Schr Flying Scud, Mitchell, called from Alexandria 24th inst. for this port. . . Behr Grey Eagle. Mullin: cleared at Baltimore 28th inst. for this port. Schre Kate E Rich, Miller; Nickerson. Kelley :.1 L Maley, Russell, and D Talbot, sailed from dalem 2ith inst. tor this port. &Ms Aea Eldridge, Hickman; Kedron, Eldridge and W B McShane, Christy. sailed from Norfolk 22d instant for tins Dort. Schr Foam. Johnson, at Providence 25th instant from 'Trenton, NJ. Behr R W Brown, Rodman, hence at Wilmington, NC. 24th inst. Bahr Lady Ei:nma, Sinclair, hence at Norfolk 22d lush MARINE MISCELLANY. ... A Telegram etatee that the brig Helen Rich, of New York. Stout, from Providence Aug 19 for Jacksonville, t. aehore north of Oregon Inlet. Asaletance was sent to.her from Norfolk night of the 25th. The H 6 R registered 219 tore. was built at Harrington. Me. in 1867, and owned by Warren Ray, of New York. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA,' - FOR PURIFYING TELL BLOOD.—The reputation this excellent medicine enjoys is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous disease, where the system seemed saturated with corrup tion, have been purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affec, tiona and disorders, which were aggravated by the sera fulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in Lost every section of the country, Led to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulona poison in one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, thin unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the at tacit of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infec Urn throughout the body and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly - develop into ono or other of its hideous forms, either en the surface or .among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, _or -foul ulcer. atione on egme part of the body. Hence tho crew sional use of a bottle of this SAUSAPAILTLLA is advisable even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Per. sons afflicted with the-following complaints generally find immediate relief, and at length, curedsy the use 01 this SARSAPARILLA: ter. ANTHONY'S VIRE, ROBE OR ERYSIPELAS, TETTEII, SALT RHEUM, SCALE) READ MRS'. wows. Sent EYES' Bona Emig, and other eruptions ea visible forms of Ber.orsmous disease. Also in the more. concealed forms, as DYSPEPSIA.. DROPSY, ElzAirr Desk/air. FITS, EPILEPSY: NEURALGIA. and the various 'ULCEROUS affections of the muscular and nervous systems. SYPHILIS Or VENTRIAL and MEROURIAL DISEASES ars cured by it, though a long time is required for .subdifing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long con tinued use of this medicine will cure' the complaint, LEI:IOC/REHM& Or WIUTES,UTRRINE I.D.saxa.s.Tionts,andl Fie MALE DISEASES, , are commonly. soon' relieved and ulti mately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect Minute Directions for each case are found in our Al manac, supplied gratis. RHEUMATISM and Gorr, whoa caused by accumulations of extraneous matters ill the blood. yield quickly to it, as also Lim CO M, PLAINTS, ToariiirrY. Corioterion or Deriutatintyicsy , of the Livea, and JAUNDICE, when arising as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the hlooi This BARELAPARDX. a .is asreat restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. „Whose who RIO .LANGUID &:.P LISTLESS, DESPONDENT, bLEEPLYSB, and troubled wit: Itenvosay Aregynxusions or FgAr.a, or any of the affec done symptomatic of WeAstrAssevrlll find immediate Het: and convincing evidence of its restorative power up v trial. Prepared by Da.- 53.--C. AYER d CO., Lowell. Mass., Praetical and Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. J. M. MAWS sk CO.. Philadelphia. WhOleeale Agents. 21,181 'O2 1.031,160 01 Tons. Cwt. Ton&Cwt. .10,385 13 202,078 18 .87,171 13' 833,831 11 37,1575 06 1,102,90 S 09 71,758 O 2 N EW CHEBTNET STREET Tiff THIB . EVENING TH E 15, HITE F-A And JARhEat & PALMFirs COMBINED PARIS AN AND VIENNIESE BALLET WLLES RONFANTI. voDLIKV., ARDRTON. CERF BLUE,. k.l3Elll'l. ZZA ILL FRANCISCO. PIN. ZUTTI and LA PETITE SOUL AfTE R. . _ _ SUPPORTED- BY 40 CORYPIIEES. And a Grand Corps de Ballet • TUE SUENSItY IS TILE ?QC/ST, BEAUTIFUL AND - "'" Ever presented at any theatre in the world. .THE CUSTU)StEd Are the most brilliant ever search, America. PRIDES OF ADAIIBBION. Drees Circle ar d ........ cents Orebeetra Feats ..... .. : ... ..• Ono Dollar .I , :unily Circle.... . ' .25 cents NO EXTRA skAra. BA TL RDA —wan% FAWN MATINEE. TALNOT STRE'ET THEATRE.. Begins at 9 o'clock. ' ' Tins (THURSDAY) EVENING. Aug 97. Triumphant success oft he Great Barlesque Actor. LEF,INGWELL., WhOivill appear in two-of Ms epee:tallies. DEPFO. F OR THE LAST UM In Byron's Buries JA Fra - Diavolo. and ROME FFIER JENKINS. In Edmund Falconers Neneeneical Farce of TOO MUCH FOR GOOD NATURE. FRIDAY. BENEFIT ()F•LEFFINO WELL. Byron's celebrated Burlesque) of. (AND/MELIA. In nhich Leftlingwell-, will appear.aa OLORIN DA. In prep arationovith now scettery.ito Drama entitled • FOOL kLAY. . • CADEMY OF FINE ARTS ' .16 01)At; from 9 A. m.gne; r l: ll7eat ' RavP Tenth. BenjaminWeat'eGre tPlctureor CWUB milli on exhibition. - ItEjEG7 '" .. -"'" -je.l94f VOX'S AMERICAN VABIGTV EVEILY EVENPIIII2d my, TIIMAT V ozifitbitiaTioawara I r • II Grua Gthforlaretrautuu &rug; Dumas fIIVIDSTiD ,NQTIOER. m a r - OFFICE OF . THE - LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY. NM 230 RODTII. THIRD Pintsott.virta. A it 20,1868, At it meeting or the Board'of Directors, held this day, a riemi-Annuelnieldettot ;FOUR, PER CENT, on the CaeltalOtock, clear of State taxes was doolared. payable to the tiwokholders or their legal reßresentlttlyes on and after August 31st.._ • ' ' The Trsnefer Bens will be clued untu the let proximo. EDWARD ELY an2o teat . Treasurer. ;,CONTINENTAL, HOTEL - COUPANE. -- THE Beard Of Managers of: ."Tbo Continental Hotel Company') , belie declared; aerni:annnal :dividend of Three Per Cent.. on the Preferred Stock of , the Compaannyy payable. clear of Stab:, 'tax, on and A D After TUESAY. September let: la% at the office of ' the Treasurer, No. MB Arch Street, in the city of/ Philadelphia; au26 6 J. SERGEANT PRlCE:Treasurer. 131!EIJX&L NOTlCiffi. NOTICE.—THE PENNBVI,VANIA, FIRE IN eurance Company.—Augast 25th, .1868. The nnnual meeting of the stockholders of the Pennsyl vania Fire Insurance Company will be held at -their office on MONDAY, the sth day of September neat, at 10 o'clock, A,. M.. when an election will be held for nine di rectors, to serve for the ensuing year. WM. G. CROWELL, nut% dteePso • . Secretor • . rinimocuhe GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHT BY P. SI PETERSON & C 30.; 39 South Third Street. Telegraphic Index of Quotations stationed In a con• splcuous place in our office. STOCKS, BONDS. &c., Bought and Sold on Commission at the respective Boards of Broken of stew York. Boston. Baltimore and Phin• delphla. Mild ItoiS BROWN, BROTHERS & CO., No. 211 Chestnut Street, Issue Commercial Credit; ; also, Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers, available in any part ,of the -Wort& - z3113.AR1V. - 7,l=r titifs". S. W. THAOKARA SON, 244 South Third street. Vir.NIL II 1,71 DIAMOND LADOMUS & CO. DUMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS. WATUIFS, JEWELRY SILVER WATOKES andIEWELRY REPAIRED.. j 802 Chestnut St., Phila Watches of the. Finest Makers. Diamond and Other Jewelryi Of the latest styles. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Etc., Etc. SMALL STUDS FOB EYELET HOLES. A largo amortment just received; with a variety of settings. a : Witt. B. WARNE d. CO., , Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES:AND JEWELRY, 0. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut Streets, And late of No. 81 Booth Third street lel ly mgvw rtuelLaveuorers. EZI GMBH & -213-ROP-.EAN NE WS. " THE MAIL :" A Paper containing the news: the principal leaders, a well digested summary, and all interesting matter from l'he Timm ' The Newspaper hitherto known as the Horning Mail. having become the property , of the proprietors of The ItiltOW publishecitwice aweek.underthetitle of .E MAIL " #•-•• at the price of Threepence per copy as heretofore, or Bd. a week, post free. The days of publication will be Tuesday and Friday, and each paper will contain the news and allmattorsof interest appearing in the three previous numbers of The which will thus be rendered available, in a cheep and convenient form, for persons rekTding abroad or in the colonies. Subscribers can obtain ''THE HAIL" through Hews; paper Agents, or may have it from thed riihtteher, on pre• payment, at Printing House Square, London. J 3 l, auB alga, 6t • - t:ST READY—BINGHAM'S LATIN GRAMMAS.— ti Now Edition.—A Grammer of the Latin Language for the Use of Schools. With exerciser and vocabnlkries by William Bingham, A. M., Superintendent of the Bingham SchooL , The Publistiers take pleasure in annonucingg to each and friends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is pow ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other works on the same subject. Copies will be furnished to Poachers and Superintendents of Schools for this purpose at low rates. Price 1 60. p Publ d hi E. H. BUTLER & CO.. 137 South Fourth etree hia t. Aud for male by BookeelLera generall Philadel p y. au2l ectures.—Anew Come of Lectures, as delivered at tbt /J New York Mnaeunl of Anatomy, embracing the sub sleets: Row to live and-what to live for: Youth.. Maturity land Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; The cause of Undigestion, flatulence and Nervous Messes accounted I for. rocket volumes co ...fining the r e l ec t ured will b e for. I warded to parties unable to attAdd on' receipt of four stamps, by addressing J. J. Dyer. BC School litre et. Boa ton. role Lvi PRANG'S AMERICAN CHROMOB FOR BALE AT 1 L all respectable Art Stores. calitleguee mailed free by mye 8.6 m L. PRANG As (*.Boston. ,10P.00HB BOUGHT . , SOLD AND EXCHANGED AT JAMES BANIVA. 1106 Market street. PhWs. tela.ll intuws. .130 URE PAINTS.—WE OFFER TO THE TRADE ?LIRE L White Lead, Zinc White and. Colored Paints of out own manufacture, of undoubted _purity; in quantities to leuit purchasers . ROBERT SHOMARER & CO., Dealen ;In Paints and Varnishes. N. E. corner Fourth and Race .xtreets. n 02741 HIMARB ROOT, OF RECENT INWORTATION e ill and very superior quality; White Gum Arabic, East ' India Castor 011., White and Mottled Castile Soap, Olive .011 of vations brands. For sale by .ROBERT SHOE. MAKER & CO, Druggists. Northeast corner of Fourth and Race etreets. 1 - 1111311GIST13' OGNIGHLS...4IRADUATES, MORTAR. VlxPle3.llllTeila;'fice bomb !n * PV 4u n i r nets t Z epz : n :H P aill ; and Soft .Rubber..oods. G and,. Metal Syringes:Op:4',•all at "First Hands" prices. v 13NOVVD 23 EN BROTHEH. aps4l, South Elenthntro.ot. RHKEET SHOEMAKER tt CO.. WHOLEeA.Lfs Anvite r te g atte andc tfal li T r ra k d 'o e u t r Pthre l i a t 4 c e e sto r ed 'Flue , Drugg [4 l O A l EhOpaicatb r aPorl-el - • RE'T'AIL ipip!ans., 1 .0 A AND 34 BLACKIRON '''BititEDE&" 'BEST .C.-x qualities. Pure Bilk BlackiStsmadiues. -, 7 - 0 ) .--r •-• - 3 SuMmer Porline.-etsusicelou; -' Black Lace Shawls and Rotundas, White Laco Shawls acid Rotundas. - Real Shetland Slag. . Imitation Shetlan'd Bhauds, c ., ... . White and B uw laSkß ia ry L li ii hArr 4 4_ Summer'atoCk: Of Bilks' and - Drrenr • °oda.' clo ing out eshesp. EDWIN HALL & CO.. jylde '-'-.--- ...- • .- i - rW3iliolth Reirtaht. MN . 1 . TeIIEDEINZDTAMAIIINDB.--M ILEDs hLaRTI.NiguE amar i n fr savir, landing and for sale bl BUMMER & CO.. 103 Math Delaware Imam& Belvidere and Delaiiare Bailread,Oo. • - "DELAWARE WATER GAP.'.' NOTICE.—For the especial accommodation of Passen gers desirous of spending Sunday at the DELAWARE WATER GAP, an additional Line still leave the Water Gap every MONDAY MUItNIEG. at 6 o'clock. Arriving at Philp , Mph% Alicia 11 A. M. • Lines leave Kensington Gavot for DelawartiWater Gap daily (Sundays excepted) at 7 A. M. and 8.80 P. M. jylB taut! W. a GATZMER, Agent . _ Old, Rtliliable and Popular Route BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BOSTON, And the orily Direct Route for Nesport, Fall Biver, Taunton,'New Bedford, liddlebere', an the Bridgewater', and all Towna on the Cape Cod • Railway, and Nantatket. " A. ,...k 0 i•• This Imo to composed or the 110STOn. SiEWPORT• AND NEW YORK STEAM. BOST COMPANY , (OId Pall-River Lune)' coti r rising thb magnificent amboats NE • PO OLD COLONY. and ERE' STATE. running between New York and Nowport. R and the Old Colony and Newport Railway betweee. Boa. ton and Newport. inekter.a.threufh line. One of the above boats • leave er 28 North River daily (Sundaki eseepted). at 5 o'clock P. M . arriving *New. port at A. M.; the first ham leaving_ Newport at • M„ ars ng in Boston hi season' for a ll Eastern halm heavecan take breakfast orP earlyhe boat at 7. and leave at IX, arriving in Walton at a Returning can leave Old.Colonyand Newport Railway. corner South and Kneeland streets:at 43d and 536 o'clock P. F M. or further particulars. apply to the Agent. E. LITTLEFIELD, 72 Broadway, New Yak. BRISTOL 'LINE Bigle*REN . , . NEW YORK AND:BOSTON, k VIA BRISTOL. For PROVIDENCE, ThiRSTON. NEW BEDFORD, CAPE; COD, and all points ot • railway communication,Eut and Nor, The new and epics:old steamers iiitld'roL and PROW. f a BEM* eave Fier No. 40 North River foot of Cosy street, ad °tains Debrasses etre c t Ferry New York. at g P. M.. 11 :Blandly' excepted Conn with ' 'team • boat trot at Bristol at 4.80 .11. ht.,, =bring Boston at S A. M. in e to connect with all the: morning trains from that'city. The most dadrabte and pietist= route to the, White Mountains. , ginvelerajbr_ _Mat point cam make Bowconnections by way of .vidence and Worcester or Boston. • . Staterooms and Tickets seenred at office on Pier In Nsw Yosa. IL 0: BRIGGS, Gaul Manager. apgo Eanl FOR CAPE Id A Y.— On TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. The splendid new steamer LADY OF THE LAKE, Captain W. W. Ingram, leaves Pier 19, above Vine street, every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at. 9.15 A. needand returning leaves Cape May on Monday. Wed ay and Friday. • Fare $2 25, including carriage hire. Nerveusts $1 50. Beacon Tickets WO. Carriage hire extra. re- - The Lady of the Lake is a fine sea boat, has hand. some etate•room accommodations, and la fitted up with everything necessary for the safety and comfort of par stingers. G. IL lILTDDELL, CALVIN TAGGART, Office N 0.38 N. Del. avenue. A: Mg OPPOSITION TO THE COMBINED RAILROAD & RIVER MONOPOLY. Steamer JOHN SYLVESTER. will make touchingen? done to Wilmington (Sundays excepted), at Cheater and Marcus Book. Leaving Arch Street whar' at 10 A IL, and 4 P. m. Returning. leave IVilmington. at 7a. r., and 1 Ir. • 'Light freight taken. L. W. BURNS. Captain. FOR CHESTER; HOOK, AND WIL fig l iMit3l/NCTOM-_,,At_B.Boand.„and 0 I"., The steamers 3. 13. hf. FE M. LTON and ARIEL leave Chest nut Street Wharf Sunda exc.(' .ted/ at 8.80 and 9.60 A. ie2o Bm• 61..12.50 and 2.50 E l . M. Skipping at Cheater and Hook each waY Fare s 10 cents between all points. Excursion• Tickets. lb cents. good to retorn by either Boat. • .177•tt• MAULE, BROTHER .& CO. 1868. SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST. 1868 1 SPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK. • HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. LARGE STOCK. LARGE STOCK. lOULILLE, BROTHER & CO. SOUTH STREET. 1868. FLORIDA. FLOORENG: 1 I_B6B FLORIDA FLOT • _ _ _., CAROLINADIG. • VIRGINIA FLOO IRO DELAWARE ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. • . FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL FLANK. 1868. livriuluT STARA AND PLANN. 1868. W.PuTr BOARDS, 186 8. Evaß ß lffla - ; NEEL . 1868. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1868. ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS, HICKORY. CIGAR BOX RAKERS. 1 QQ CIGAR BOX MASERS. LULA.; 1868 SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. FOR SALE LOW. 1868. ceAßEStiali k plM. 1868. NO4WAY_INAII LING. 1868. CEDAR SHIN GLES. CEDAR SHINGLES. 1868. CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH, CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. 1868. MANE CL f:111. 1868. CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FOIL PATIT,II.NS. FLORIDA BED CEDA.m HAULM, BROTHER git CO. 9600SOUTHsnmEi 'L ARGE BILLS OP SEASONED LUMBER FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES. R. A. & J. J. WILLIAMS, Broad and Green Streets. au24 6t PHELAN & BUCKNELLI Twenty-third and <Chestnut Sta. LARGE STOCK OF WALNUT ASH AND POP LAR. FINE THU, LOT f:34t_c&EAN ANI L %BV. FINE WAL NUT VENEERS. CEDAR. CYPRESS AND WHITE PINE SHINGLES SEASONED LUMBER, MICHIGAN_ L CANADA AND PENNSYLVANIA. ALL SIZES•AND QUALITIEfL____ FLOORING AND HEAVY CAROLINA TOWER. SPRUCE AND- HEMLOCK JOIST. BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. mhStm . JOHN .T. wz.evzs. J. BELLE= PENNOCK. WEAVER 8C PENNOCK, PLUMBERS. GAS AND STEAM FFTTEES, s7.riotth Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Country Seats fitted up with Gas:and Water in first class style. , Au assortment of• Brass andiron. Lift and Force Pumps constantly on band. • LEAD BURNING AND CDEMICAL PLUMBING. B.—Water Wheels Implied to the trade and others at reasonable prices. j • 8113 mi 4AMILIS A..10.71.11611T, T/1011.EtT031 PIKE, OLZICIVT A. OHM= TILLODOWL WRIGHT. ITtAttli L. PETER WRIGHT &SONS, . , . Importeta of ;Earthenware Shipping and Gonaminion Matchants" • N 0.11.5 Walnut 'street, Philadelphia: 'COTTON AND 'LIKEN BAIL .DUCS.. OF- 1 EVERY width. from one to six' feet wide, all numbers. Tent- and Awning Duck. Pape_rmakers 4all Twine. dre., 'JORN - Vir.'..M'ERMAN CO41.19:103 Unwell . , DEWY WELLS.—OWNERS , OF 'PROPERTY—TEITs only place to get privy wells cleanged•and dielnfebted at very low prices. A. PEYBSON, Margifacturer of Pot* grette. Dobinnitb`s Halt, Library street 1:1_14.13 FIXTURE B.—MISKEY.—MERRELII-^-8 IX VIIACII„Altil, No. 713 Chestnutstroet roanufactureri t of Gas Fixtures, Lamps ea, would ca I the attention 'of the public to their l ar ge and elegant assortment of Go ;Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, dtc. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings; and attend ;to extending. altering and repairing 4 10 Alpe r ;All work usirEamt. FRENCH PRUNES.-i 0 CASES IN TIN eanniatere and fanny boxes imported and tor sale. b's Jo& B. BUS131E11&160..110 south Delaware mime. Ex.cminsiomu 1110..3;):4;1 SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY {t: ~ N u orputruEssa 4/341.mta. OAS I.l.X9Mittlir3. ezmmar ammaia: Poi Baatonm,Stetunehip Line SAILING FROPLEACH PDSIIETSEYFIVE DAYS. FECAL ME STUB P..A.DP1L.1111.11. AND LONG ARF.,DOSTON. , .rms um, 11 . competed of the en‘clan Steamships. ROMAN, 1.1188 Was, ca p es 0. BOW. SAXON, 1,280 tons. Cap , F. M. BOMA NiIIiMMAN. 1.203 tons. Captain CrowelL The SAXON From Phila. on Satorday. Aug. is.at to A. M. The. ROMAN from. Bosten. Monday. i y. 3L at 3 P. These fitesnishipe sail punctually. Prelim gtt received every day.• liteam=st aya on the Freight for coin& sent with t Frehdat taken for rate in New England and far. warded u directed. — lnsurance - For Freight oe EausgeLfuperier OPPtI , tO WThsoli & CO.. ineti 839 sown Delawareaveau. 'PHILADELPHIA. IHOHMOND AND NOR. FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE_ THROES/REHAIR *NE TO MI AND EST. . _ • EVERY sATA% At Noon,lroni Fair fft WHARF Oasis 171 ROUGH KATES and THROUGH ILM'il lit".t. to all point. in North and South Oarolhut via. Seaboard Air. Lino Railroad, connecti4 at Portsmouth and to lona. burg, Va., TOM 10004) the Welt. via Virginia and Tennessee Air• Line and &mandarin Danville Railroad. Freisilt HANDLED BliT ONCE, ane taken at LOWEB KATL'S THAN ANY OTHER LANE.' The regularity, safety ann cheapness of this route corn mend it to the public -surthe most' desirable medium to; owning every description of freights • No charge Tor cep:maiden. drayage or WI MOOS. •WthiPli Immo at lowest rates. • Pret recatyod DAILY. • • • - -- WM. r. CLYDE A OIL. 1 N SII4 BotiWhatvos. W. P. PORTER , at 4 Agemt Richmon orth n_and am ity Point. T. P. CO.. Agents at Norfolk. . 0016PAPPO REGULAR EPh • ROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. _ The JUNIATA wilt sail FOB NEW, tißLEaroo. via HAVANA. on Tuesday. Bcptienberlyt, at ft , o'clock A. 24. The JUNIATAiriM eall PROM NEW ORLEANS. VIA 'IIAVANA,on noelomber—• • , The TONAWANDA. -win eat FOR SAV ANNAS on Saturday. Atoned 29th. at 8 o'clock It. • Tbe; ; WYOMING will call PROM SAVANNAH on Saturday -1 • The win' call POE WILMINGTON. N. CL. on Wednesday: Sept. 2d, at o'clock P. M. - Throng_li Bun of Lading ;skim% and Pongee Makin gold to W pointy South an Wait • GEAELEB iltitretignt nog . No. 814 Sout h Delaware avenue. HAVANA :13TDANE1113. • f $ teami hi ; smamorawar LINT • The re I mot. uunsoN:. ..... . ................caps Hear& STABS AND STRIPES Cailt.'Ho=e• 'Haase steamers•Willteave this tart for ELavalis evert other Tuesday at STABS The iteamhin STABS AND STRIPES, nobles, teener. will &air for Havana on •Tanifiay morning, July 2124 at 8 ado*. PawaS Havana, S4O; encrenry. No f t received after Saturday For tt or passagA_apply to , 'RHONA'S WATTI4OII 1400 , 140 North Delaware a O vaue., ,•- NOTICE. roil. NEW, RORK, Via Delaware and anaL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propellers of the Lino leave Dully from first wharf below Market street: THROUGH IN St HOURS. Goode forwarded 'by alt the Lines going out of Neu York—North. East and West—free of commission. Freight received at our usual low rates. WM P. CLYDE gc CO. • South Wharves , PhiladelPhla. JAB. B AND, Agent, 119 Wall street, our. South, Now York. Mhl9.tt4 NEW EXPREOS LINE TO ALERANDRJA. C G h e e o s r a ge pteoaw n d De Wa w shn C n an aI D with vie con nectione at Alexandria: from the most direct route fat Lynch uthwest burg. Bristol, Knoxville , NastorUle. Dalton and the So. Steamers leave reolarly from the Brat vrAarf abov Market street. everv. Bahama, at noon. Freight received daft Whi. P. CLYDE & 14 North and Booth Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. 111. ELDEIDGE & Agents at Alartandrla. -VI: alai& 101-tt FOR CRARIESTON, C. DIRECT. The A I Steamship Prometheus. will positively sail on SATURDAY, August'de, 3 P. M. For freight apply to EDMUND A. SOUDEE & CO.. No. 8 Doak street Wharf. 'O3l --- ANTWERIPETROLEUX. The Isritieh rplp BlintPren.Ptak , MA ALPJN. le now loadin. for above port for • • 1211 ME WANTED IMMEDIATELY. VESSELS TO ,s 4;1, load at Charleston for Philadelphia. Liberal freights • paid and despatch given. Apply to Edmund A. Bonder & Co.;, 3 Doer sheet wharf. 18304 f NZFox Ater weacr.—THE - Filtlfr - ZZABEr WHIP ). ”ORAJIAId 'a.POLLYn is now loading for Ant werp. Laving n e large portion of her cargo co- g d._ R ill have quick despatch. For freight, Banned Oil on l y, apply to WORK 51/1,11 d CO., 123 Walnut street. aul2 tf OFOR ANTWERP.—REFINED . PETROLEUM only, The fine British bark ••illomidon," - Cowan, •niaater, Raving a large portion of her m cargo engaged. win haveufek despatch. For balance of freight apply to PETER WRIGHT etc SONS, 11'; Walnut street. ' . ault•tf NOTICE—FON NEW YOMr. VIA Delaware and • Raritan Catiatz-dwiftsinv. - Transportation Company—DesPatch :and fiwifteire Liam—The business by these Lines will ho re aimed on and after the 19th of March. For Brateht, which will be taken on accommodating torms. ayplv to WM. M..BA IRD di CO., 192 South Wharves. tmul9 tf DELAWARE 'AND * to. - • )/T:T7r Steam Tow-Boat Cannpany.—B towed between - Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havreole.Oraeg Delaware City and fhtentlediatepo WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents. Capt. JOHNLAUG LIN. Book Office, 14 B. VVbaraea. Phila. fel.tt XTOTICE.—THE AMERICAN BARE. "NEREID." .41 Beane, master, from Liverpool, is now .dlactiarging. under general order, at Smith's wharf, Consignees will please attend to the reception of WEIGHT PETER& SONS, 115 Walnut street. NOTICE.—ALL PERSONS AKE HEREBY CAUTION. ed againnt.trimpog spy of the crew of the American Bark "Nereid," Warm, Neater. from Liverpool .1:to bte of their contracting will be paid by either the Cap• tain or coneignee,e. PETER WRIGHT & SONS. tf 716-Walnut street- 1868. CiAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY EAU. V Boned against trusting or harboring any_of the crew of the N. O, ship' lIERMANN, Hamner's. Master. as no debts of their contracting will be paid by master or con. !Mmes. WORKMAN az CO., 1M Walnut street. CIAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU• timed against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the Brig (Thief. Bartaby Master,-as--no-debts of AIM/- contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. }yM•tf WORKMAN di CU., Consignees. NTOTICE.—COIifiIt4NEES OF MERCHANDISE OF 1. 1 1 Br. brig Chief, BarPaby master. from Leghorn, will please attend to the reception of their goods. The 'Camel will commence discharging under general order, on FR(• DAY, A. M., 24th let., at banes= etreet wharf. dchayl kill when all goods not permitted will' be sent to the public stores. . WORKMAN & CO., jy2i tf 123 Walnut street ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against trusting any of the crew of the British bark Ada, Murphy, master. from Liverpool, as no debts of then. contracting will be paid by either the 'captain orreceL tf onsignees. PETER WRIIIIHT'Ac;SONS, W e alMbnut et ALL PERBONB ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against trnating any of the crow of the Br. Bark John Lille. Melvin, master, from Liverpool as no debts of their contractinfi will be aid by either the Captain or Con. .Hisnees. ETER wßiala dc BONS. No. 115 Walnut 'street. , „ . . JY2atf ISJOTICE.—THE CONSIGNEES OF MERCHANDISE 'l"4 per Bark SARAH A. DUOMAN, Perry, - blaster. from London. will please attend to the reception of their goods. The vessel will commence discharging at Race !Street Wharf, under general order, on THURSDAY, A. T M., 9th inst., when all goods not permitted will be sent to :the Public Stores, WORKMAN & CO., 133 Walnut 'street, Comdguees , J.Y741 !riAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORBID V harboring or trnsting any of the crew.of the Norwegian bark Andrea!, Captain Dahl, aa no debt of their contract 'log O will be paid by captain or agenta, WORK *N ' C. iY1341- CAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY, CAU. fluted against trusting or harboring any of the crew of the N. G. ship Neptune, Dineke, master ; as no debts ofitheir contracting will be paid by Captain or Consirtee. WORKMAN dc C0..23 Walnut street fIAUTION.—ALL PERSONS AR.I HEREBY CAE VV tioned against trusting or harboring any. of the crow of the N. G. ship Electric, Junge, master as no debts .of ;their contracting willhe paid by captain or, consignee. WORKMAN & CO., I% Wahiut stroet. . tf 1 - IAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HERESY OAE •., ‘..) timed against trusting of harboring any of .the crew of the N. O. bark z Oc3munde, M. KfiPten. master. as no ; debts of their contra be paid by container con. signees. WORK & 00..,= Walnut strpot. iyl tt ' IAUTION.—ALL PERS *NB ARE HEREBY CAU. lJtioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the back SARAH. A DULMAN, Peru master, from Lon don, as no 'debts of their contracting will he najd h Cap , tain or consignee& WORKMAN N et CO.. Cbnsigneest. : fiLOTH STORE—JAMES' & LEE. No. 11 NORTH V SECOND atre'et. have now on hand a largo and Choice aseortc., cut of r all and Winter Goods, particularly ad. pted to the Merchant Tailor' Trade.' comprising in part, French, Etlgian and .Americans Clothe of . even' rleanriP . Lien. _ OVERCOATtNGS. •• Black French Caatar Beavers. • , Colored' French Castor Beavers.• ' ' London Bine Pilot Chitin). ..• Black and Colored Chinekillas. .Blues. Black and'Dahlia Moscow& ~ PANTALOON STUFFS. • • • ' 'Black French Cusslmeres. ' Fancy Caasimeres new. atyles. Steel Mixed Doeakine. • • Caesimeres for suits new atylea. 3 9 and 6-9 Doeskine; hcai makes. _ Velvet Cords, Beavertcens,ltaliatiOlotha. Canvai, with every varietyof other trimminga, &dental" to 'Min's and Soya , wear, to 'which rr c e - invite the' atten Don of Merchant . Tailors andethetek_ati wholeaale and ' JAMES dr. LEE. No. 11North SeCond street. Sign of thetloiden Lamb. . null tf MOB:DEWS HEIN W.A.—HAW AN amen OF THIS extract will make a pint of excellent Beef Tea in a few minutes. Alwaya on hand and for male by JOSEPH B. BUBBLE.II & C0..109 Solgb Delaware aveaus.3 ITN TIIF. DIPTRIUT COURT FOR THE wry Am) COUNTY OF PHILARELFIIfA: illintignoN iL 01.3llsll• vas ALANI. B. iisuscitr. • Al. Lev. Fa. March Teren..lB6B; N 0.827. !ho Auditor appointed by the Court to snake distribu ...tion.ofiltellind_srielpg_fronx_tite_sale_tindet-the,above writ of thololkming described real estate, to Wit All that certain Lot and Buildings thcreou NI uatl ott" the eoutheastwatdly sidu of Frunsfot d or 'slain street, and on !het ortheastwardlesids of Margarettsstr"ot. in ltrankforde in. the Twenty third. Ward. , containing . La, frobt on Frankford street, ninety four feet two iuchea and extending of that width toutneastwardly netween parallel lines along the said Mergaretta Street two hun dred and twelve feet six inches. win Inset the p.rtion interested for the purposes of his appointment on Tuesday, nerternher Bth, INA, at id o'clock M., at his office, No. al Walnut street. when aid -where all persons interested- will- make their claims or ho debarred from coming in upon raid fund. VAL WALADER DIDDLE. - - • Auditor. • IN THE ORPHANS? COURT FOR TILE CITY AND County of Philadelphia. —Rotate of MERCHANT MAULtiIIY. dcc'd.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, Fettle and odjust tho SCCOIII32 of MAULbOY and JOHN . J HALIAWELL, Executors of the last will and testament of MERCHANT MAUI, aDY. , deed., and to report Aistiibution of the balance In.the hands of theascountant, will meet the parties interested; for the pu, poses of hie appointment, on MONDAY, dep. • tember 7th, 1858. at it o'clock A. M.. at tee °Rico of ED. WARD 8. 11A PRELL. Esq.. No. WI Vine stret, in the ,City of .Philadelphia. en.Z-ut afdt- AuSs4ot , TN TUE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND' UCounty of Philadelphia. Estate of JOHN HOWELL. PRAIT. deceased. The Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit. settle and adjust the first and `find account 'of RICHARD C TAYLOR, Executor of the estate of JO till .11 0 WELL PRAIT. deceased,and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, is ill the parties interested. for the purpose of his app dritmeat, MONDAY. September 7th.1E.68, at 11 O'clock. P. M.. at his' office, 128 South Sixth Street in the city of Phibtdalphia. JOHN V. REDLIEF auM.tu.tit,s,so, . • •• Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR' THE EASTERN DISTRICT OP vENNSYLVANIA...--In liankruPt<l—At. PhlladelPhts. jilts lg. A. , ISGS—The undersigned hereby given coMiee of his appoititment aselgnee of HERMAN H. litßACtt • ENBOlitrof Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and Stetter PennsYlvania, wfthtusaid district, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dhstrict Court of said District. . WM.. - VOODES; 'designee.' 128 South Sixth street. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt aotts t d in? ESTATEOPDAVIS sr PEA'RSO, DErflagEn..4;Ef tern l'entamenting on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned. all tenons -Indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims Ore sent them to • CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, JOUN au2br'titth,e-6tli h.xecutere, DX' Walnut street. IN THE Di STRICTCOURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR IHE EASTERN DISTRICT OP PENNSYL VANIA. CHARLES P. HAYES. of Philadelphia, Dankrittlt. having petitioned for his ditcharge, . meeting of credi• tore will bfi held on the Bill LITLI DAY of St PTEHDNIS. i11t73, at 2% o'clock P. I'4,lx:fere Register WI MiCHANt, Leg, at No. UN WALNUT Street. in the city of Philadelphia, that the examinathin of the banitrupt may no flubbed, and any bottoms of meeting. required by recti‘ns 21 or IN of the act of Concrete travaaoted. Tim iicimter will certify whether tho Bankrupt has conformed to his duty. a heating will also be had on \% EDNESDAY. beptetaber 2d. Ina, before the Court at Philadelphia at 10 o'clock A. M.. when mulles interested may show cause acalust the discharge. • Witnees the Honorable ( OADWAI.ADER Judge of UM • Seal of Court.% said District Court. and theses] --i thereof. nt Philadelphia, Augltat lfith. 1503. • 0 R. FOX. Clerk. WILIALANI 'legit ter. A tteet • aur tat' IN ORPIIANS` COURT FOR TDB CITY AND County of Philadelplaia.—Estate of JOS BP ii DELIA S, deed. The Auditor appointed br the Court to audit. settle aiid adjust the account of ANDR,W HARPER., Adcctinlstrator d. b. sa of ,10.af:Pli• DEt..IAB.- decanted, and to report dlarioutiou of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested. for 110th..urpsca of o'clock ppoinmot. on TDURSDAY, SePt at 3 DI.. at his office. 4.f.13 Library street, In the JO ci tyUN of P K hiladelphia. NOX. Auditor, an.^.i•m.wf.6t• TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TILE CITY AND I. County of rbtladelphia.-lEatate of JOHN HUG HE3. deceaeed.—Tbe Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. Fettle and editlet the Recount of MARY IlEOFIEd• Adminlatratrix of -the estate of Jollli ELEGIIES, deee..aed. and to report d• • 'Won -of the 4 oter o batanee In the bands of the att. .- • eet the rattles intereeted for the pa . of h appal nt. on 111 cnd ay, leptember 7th„ • at 12 o'cl.ek U. a hie t, dice. Ao. IMtiouth Fiftb - the city of hlhulelp 1,.."_.• Ed D. FRE lAN. onSEI•IVO3I.S , •_ " _ Mir_ _:__ _. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TUE C AND I.County of Pbiladelptdo..---Entato of TiMOTIS UL M. audit, settle and adjust the account of DENNIS SUL LIVAN, Executor of the la, t will and tett/among 0fT131.0- THY SULLIVAN. detest-ed. and .to report distribaticrn of the balance in the bands of the accountant. will meet the earlier interested for the purpose of ids anointment. on TUEeDAY, the Eth day of September.l.9"A at 4 eclocir.ficellicetNo.-614-Weinutatreetto the-city of rbiladelphia. IL SU ARKSY, Auditor. (au33,cr.fttl sr EBTATE O — F ELIAS MOYER.DECEASED.—LETIERI3 of admintetration upon the above ea ate haying been granted to the underalioned. pastes indebted to said estate to make payment. and those baying elohu4 against the same present them to SAMUEL, BEItONT. ittfroittfo. tr0t0r,472 North Second etrret. or to hta attorney. Lf. G HARTRAN FT; Url North Fifth" Arcot. atin riat" IbTATE OP klittlP9. WHITE, DEN/ —LETTEM3 testamentary basing been *panted na the subscribers upon the estate of virunr.. deceased, all pen. eons indebted to the same will make pkymeut to. 'and those baring claims present them to citiflN T.1141:44.511(.. 503 Chestnut, street; F. A. I'REGU, 50e Walnut street. Executor& jyti f et. 1? ATE OF JAMES DICK, DEOEM3ED.—LETTERti - Ili Tenementary upon tho above Eetate fume been, Rritl tho undereittned. MI portent' indebted thereto paypuent„and theme having claims preeent gum to JAMES DIM. Executer, 61.539. Thirteenth street. or hie Attorney. W. VOODeli, Me B. Sixth dtreet. ant tr ft' TE T TEAS TESTAM v-NT/IRY HAVING BEEN 'ranted to the subscriber 'anon the Es' tate or Atm. ELIZABETH IcrIIERSON, deceased. all persons debted Lathe siaMO payment, and those having claims present !nem to SARAH LI Atiltlie.SS. Fixeutrix. 1317 eolith etreet. Philadelphia. aulOmtlt• P:STATE OF' JOllll It WITITE. DECEASED. tern of Admintetrstion cum testamento tinnier* upon the aboye_Ppite having_h.en granted IA the undersigned, _ all persona indebted tosafet Estate are requested to ulako meur t and thooe having claim to. present then to SIARGAEET TN.IIITE 413 South Eighteenth atneeti or berAtto .o • , TEES. J. DIEHL 530 Walnut it. auSin6t• M7NIT.V7MrMM IIeTAYAL STORES:=2BO BARRELS No.-1 ROBIN; 50 1. 1 1 barrels Pale Rosin; 800 barrels No. 2 Rosin; 100 Dar rel! Prime White ROMsurpentine; 64 barrels North Carolin• Tar; 272 barrels Anchor Shin Pitch, For sale by ED W. H. ROWLEY. Ru 3 tf No. 16 South Dolan-are avenue. Rog o. ilf ir eN 4 p b BPlTT%Of piRPE . NTI BBLS. from steamer Vi s. n reri to - of Mang tl tm l"" 4. C . nd for raiz by COCHRAN ° e :RUSSELL & Cv., 23 . North Front Artert. OTTON. 277 BALES COTTON. NOW LAND Na J from Stenroebip Wyoming from Savannah, G&. and for eale by COCHRAN. RUSSELL k CO.. 22 N. Front street. 13 (SIN. •99 BARRELS ROSIN. NOW' LANDING I I, from Steamship Wyoming from Savannah. Ga.. and for ealo by - COCGRAN, RUSSELL & CO.. 23 N. Front street. PADDLEI9. JEILAILPIESB.—drec A k EMI CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR DISEABES'OF 4101.- THE THROAT AND LUNGS. SUCH AS COUGHS, COLDS,WHOOPING COUGH, , AND CONSUMPTION. _ Probably never before in the whole history of medicine. • has anytft_won so widely and so deeply upon the cond.. - deuce of ni nary complaints. Through a long series of years, and • among most et the tame of men it has lige= higher and higher In their estimation, aa it has become bettor known. its uniform 'character and power to cure the.sarlous tedious of the lungs and throat, have made it =ovni as a reliableprotector against them. While adaptedto milder.; , farms of &awe and to younchildren, it is at the same ti me the moat e ff ectual reme dythat can be given for cipiertt consumption, and the dangerous affections of the •throat and lunge. As a provision against sudden attack', of Croup, it'should be kept - on hand in every family. and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs. all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although eettled. igensurn , Ptfon to thought iucurabl% 'still great numbers of cases where the Waettse seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient re. stored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So corn, Oete is its Mastery over the disorders tof the' Lump and' Threat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nOthing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pectoral ;they eubsido and disappear:, • . Singers and Public 'Speakers find great protection from ft. Asthma le alwaYs relicied and often wholly cured brit. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry,reo toroth) anon and frequent doses. Senerally are Its virtues known that we. need not publish the certifigates of them here, or do more than assure the public that itsaualities are fully maintained; AYER'S AGUE CURE, FOR FEVER AND AGUE. IN. TERMI'ITENT FEVER, CHILL REBUT. TENT FEVER, DUMB AGUE,. PERIODICAL OW; BILIOUS FEVER, &C., AND INDEED ALL THE A.F. I FECTIONS WHICH ARISE FROM lif A r.artgOcik , , MARSH, OR MIASMATICPOISONS. • • As its name implies it does - Cure,and does not f all. • "taining neitherAraenic, Qv inhae, - Biamnth; Zinc, nor other mineral or poisonons substance whatever, it ; wise injures any ,patient The lumber. and IMPartsttelf in e ague districts of its Cured ' are literally beyondao.. l count, and wd believe without a parallel in the history of : Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the salreowt• I edgments we receive of the radical cures effected in,_o4, athlete cases.and - trhere other remedies had wholly foiw,, Unacelimated persons, either resident in. or traveling' - through miasmatic localities, will be protected by takhig the AGUE CURE'dailY. _ r —For LIVER CO.DIPLAINTS. arhing from t orpidity at the Liver, it is an' excellent remed.r stimulating the Liver into hettitliVitsti i Complaints it is _ For Bilious Disorders a Iver,es,, cellent remedy. producing many truly reunitriFubb) curer,. : -where other medicines had failed. _ jyt pr c ep a ru t i u ed e Ly is Df Lo . J. w O e . u. AIE IB3. R do CO Pra sora ctl im eal ro an wari d An 4 I world. PRICE, $l,OO PER BOTTLE. J. M. mum & CO., Philadelphia, Wholesale r /443=n, au23 W Iv rrom-cmr Late Edittemr Of Yeac t yda T -- , sitiarshael - Tberlawgiveiryoulitt A 4 ,, eurer tottiaa- -- mend all necessary issailitante?* the military Ittatriem at the 8011111. within, - - - yOtir --- dlitriet - are - elempt - frora - the tarecial Despatch to tho Phuadebbie Evening Bulletin.] Obligation to., -- b --- in common with Wasitmorcer, Aug. 26:--Letters - regarding af- 8 , /1 th e eitizens itrA S E l MMOna in' °U.° of Eeeza. re fairs in the South continue to be ceived here_ 4.1Vh"_ Y A!!.. 1 .14 11 0 - ne ftr s cu n i nl i ro r t ' r ty , o ir bser ;% th ---t i t t .- t l B 3- --i ronaßepublicans of that.. section, and they are marshal only in - aid . of his duty—to execute . uniformly of the same description. throughout the District ' - all' lawful precepts Froth Natchez, /Ilea., - a leading -Republican directed to him and Issued under the au w rlt(iir, ``l'he Seymour-JAW doctrine ',is ,kully thorny of the United States; and only in case of inaugurated Imre. Not a daY passes' bfit some • ene4gßY ler Chits extraordlnary:sldi Mei minter* persons obeying this summons of the Marshal will one, White or black, Is assassinated.. actin SubordinatiOn'and - obedienee to the Civil "Strange to eay the murdered are always Re- t Meer, the marshal in whose aid in theexecution publicans, while the murderers are always Rebel of process they are called, and only to the effect Democrats; and still`moro'atiange, of securing its execution. This special duty and till More •Istranke, perhaps, is and authority in the execution of proceee issued the,itteha ,,.. ~t the rebel press with` one accord2,4l3- to you mast s not be cpnfoundeit with the duty elares hew acts to taialivays committed' lit self- . and authority Of - siippreeeing disorder and pre defence. , Every assassin is taken before a rebel serving the niece, which, under our Government, magistrate one released on strew bail. , , • belongs to the civil authorities of the States, Another and not to the civil authorities of the United States. prominent. lidissihdpr.lan ,Writes from 3f a N t o e f t fr a th ex e speci al duties and authority of the Jackson that the Democracy are making deeper- 11 g process isaned to him to ate efforts to carry Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, he.confolnided with the authority and duty of the and Alabama , on the same plan they • pur President of the Malted Stales in the simeitle cases erred ., , in'Mississippi . -He 'strongly' ur g es :the of the'Constitution and under the regulations of meeting of Congress In S P tetni3er ; sa ys the statutes to protect States against domestic ' violence; or with his authority and du under the loyal militia must be organized and armed. special statutes to ,employ‘ the militmy tY force in as in Tennessee. Ho says Gen. Howard passed 'subduing combinations in 'resistance to the laws through Jackson on the22d, and represented that of the United States. For neither of these duties' an alarmirig condition of things prevails in Georg or authorities is shared,bY-the, subordmate. ofti sc:rs of mi a the , :Goverrnpent; except when and . as the gin, and intelligence, which he knows to be ream. hle, gives the same accounts from Louisiana and by the piY,:iedesEte..cYl"Py communicated to them Alabama. Lhaye thus called ..your attention to the.gen . .. 4 well-known gentleman sends from Vicksburg. oral ,considerationa bearing upon the subject., to . deo:par ti culate. " the attempted assassination of ~ Which , your, Letter i- refers, ;, for the purpose of Me Judge j. &Morris, by ono of the Ku Klux K securiug . a due observance of lan".. du_ yt ,and anthority in, connection limits of your therewith., Ile says: „"These assassinations Are of daily , Nothing can be, lees in accordance with :the occurrence all over the State. GeneMi ,Glifern nature of our Government or the disposition of prtenda to investigate all such', outrages-, that o ur people than a , frcquent. or ready resort to military aid in execution of duties confided"•to conie to his knowledge, hut'it is a noticeable'fae - , c e ivil o ff icers. , - Couragerviger and intrepidityare' thatnot ono of these rebels hatfeierbeen punished ypropriate qualities for the civil- service which for Murdering a loyal man. I State meit em- e Marshals of the United States are expected to phatically, and without fear of Contradielion,that , P erf isiiii , l i nd firelidnreernent of their power by; . extraordinary means is permitted by the law of the thousands of freedmen- 'and Union, only in extraordinary enaemencies. - ' . men who have been murdered by the Union- If it shall be thought that a n at any men of Mississippi since tne war, no time exists instrUctionsto the . - military au one of their • - rtitkrderers das yet been thorities of the United States _within any„of the punished by a relkil jury, and they are States; In donneetiorcwith the eitectition of pro tbe only kind we have in s State The ' cess of courts of the United States, the instrue \tr. ey dont ' lions will be In accordance with the exigency stand in fear of the law \when theimurder a then appearing. " ' • loyal man. They have net; thought' of 'beitig L am, sir, very respectfully, brought -to condign punlehulent. Hence they . Your obedient servant, murder inaserimittattyy, as their brutal puis i one I Signed] - , Ilirtrxxxit 111.-Eyanys, dictate.„ , Attorney-General. " He concludes by giving his opinion that the September session of Congress Is their only sal vation: , The names of the netletnen NOM write these letters arc suppressed b from prudential motives. WASUINGTON, Aug. 26.—Instructions as fol lows have been tent to Major-qeneral George G. Meade, con: manning the Department of the south, Atlanta, Georgia ; Major - General George H. Thomas, commanding the Department of the Cumberland, Louisville, Kentucky. and to. Brevet Major-Gerieral R. C...ilucti imam corn mantling the Department of LouWana, New Or leans, Louisiana: ‘. The letter to Gen. Buchanan was publiihed some days ago. linsnot MITERS OF THE ARMY, ADJUTANT - GirmErtAt's OFFICE. WAsonsuroN August 186 8.-114.-Geri. G. G. Jleadc, li. S. Army, commanding the DTartment of the South, Atlanta, Georgia. GictußAL—ln reply to your request for instruc tions relative to the case of the troops' under ycror - command - irrald Orthe civil authorities, the Secretary of War directs to be furnished for your . so 2..• • cnrtmlf_ --- - • • of a letter of instructions to Brevet Major Gene ral Buchanan, -commanding the Da partment of Lottislana, dated August 10111;1868, and of ,a letter from the Attorney General of the United States to Alexander Magruder,_Ese, lJnifidShifealfarshal, of - the northern district, of Florida, dated August 20th, 1868. The letter to Gen. Buchanan indicates the conditions under which the military force of the United States may be employed to su2preas insurrection against the government of any State, and _prescribes the duties of the department commanders in reference thereto. The letter of the Attoiney-General sets forth the conditions under which the Marshals and Sheriffs may command the assistance of the troops in their respective districts or counties, to execute the lawful precepts issued to them by competent authority; the obligation of the mili tary, individual, officer and soldier, in common with all citizens, to obey the summons. A mar shal and sheriff must be held subordinate to the paradount military body; hence the troops can act only in their proper' organized capacity, under their own officera and in obedi ence to the immediate orders of those officers. The officer commanding troops summoned to the .ald of a _marshal or sheriff must also judge for , himself, and upon his own official responsibility. whether the service required of him is lawful and necessary and compatible with the proper discharge of his ordinary military da ties:, and must limit his action absolutely` to proper aid , in execution of : . the_ lawful precept exhibited to him by the marshal or sheriff— - time-- will --permit,- every demand from a civil Officer for tnilitary aid, Nr hotter It be for - the - executiott of, civil process or to mayoress insurrection; should be forwarded to the • President, with all the material facts in the case, for his ordera, and in alt. cases the highest commander whose orders can h: given In time to meet - emergency will alone-as sume the responsibility of action by a timely disposition of troops where there is reason to apprehend a necessity for their UFO, and, by their passive interposition be tween hostile parties, the danger- of col lision maybe averted. Departhent commanders, and in cases of necessity, their subordinates, are expected in this regard to exercise upon their own responsibility a wise discretion, to the end that in any event- the peace may be pre served. By command of General Grant. {Signed] J. C. KELTON, Assist ant 'Adjutant, General. ATronsmy Gcsurriais OFFICE, Aug. 20th, 1868. ka-ander .If4ruger;'..esg., United Stater. Mar shal Northera.Distrect of Florida, St.' Augustine, :Your letter of thel2th inst. reache4 me yesterday, ,and has received my „attentive. consideration., COlonel Sprague's informs tion to ,you, must have been. based upon his own construction of General Meade's order lately issued, and not upon any special imilrne *lona from, the President to Colonel• Sprague through General 3leado or otherwise, as no such special instructions have been issued by the Press. dent._ You add: ,4.7nder some circumstances I should be clad to;have, the aid of the milit!uy, and, if practicable, .would be pleased to have instruction given to; the military to , aid Me when necessary. I asked. this, and COL Sprague -informs me, under his instructions, he cannot do so." This desire and request:for the aid of the mili tary "ander certain circutastaaces," I understand to refer to the .occasional necessity which may arise 'Haat a Marshal should have the .means_of obtaining the aid and'attendance of a more con siderable force than his regular deputies supply, for the execution of legal process in his district. The seventeenth section of the judiciary act'of 1789 establishes the office of Marshal and names among his duties and powers the following— "and execute throughout the district all lawful precepts directed to him and issued_ under the, authority of the United States, and he shall have power to epmmand all necesSary assistance in the executleh of his duty, and to appoint, as there may be occasion, one or more deputies — let P., 87." , You will ob serve from thislhat the only measure of the • assistance - which you have.power to command, is its necessity for the execution of your duty, and upon your diacreet judgment under your official responsibility, the law reposes the deter Min- • tion of what force each particular necessity re quires. The power of the Marshal is , - equivalent-- to that of .•x a sheriff, and ' with either embraces as a resort in necessity the whole power of the pracinct, county or district over-which the officers authority ex-_ , •l tends. In &fining this power Attorney-General-Cush-- leg, and as I understand the subject, coryctly, Pays: comprises every person in the District or county above the age of 15 yearn, whether civilian or not, , ineindinz the military of all denominations, militia, pc OR SALE—A 2 INVOICE OF • HAMBURG RAGS boldiere, marines, all of whom arc - alike &maned / 11 /4M : ezd.eovram.. - bound to obey the commands of a or i ny z.ut "ma' virßfortr ar Was. -up wauntevea. IFrom Washingtoni By (lie Atlantic Cable. LONDON, Aug.26.-I,t is said here that the Ocean mall service bet Ween the United States and Great ;Britain by the Southampton steamers will soon be discontinued, and that the mails Will all be sent by British steamers from Qtteenskiwn. though' this Is known to be in nceordance with a proposition made to Postmaster General Randall EOM o time since' by the British Postal authorities, through 31r. Trollope, Ameri cans herentsitate tc believe their Government has assented to an arrangement which would reduce the, present service nearly, one-half, and deny mail carriage to several steamers which have proved to be utnOng the fastest engaged in the merchandifpe trade. MADLID, Aug. 26.—The reported death of Gen. Hulce, which has been extensively circulated, is denied on good authority. LONDQN, Aug. 26.—The Hon. Iteverdy Johnson has had an audience with Mr. D'lsraelt at Hugh enden Manor. Front tycnver. Sr. Louis ' Attugust 24.—A Deaver despatch says a large band ogArrapaoes have committed depredations on Southern Colorado. Gov. Hall' a • died to General thariflart.lor assist - -- or the threatened settlements ante, an to-morrow. Ine!!!!maii!riai!emm Sanders yesterday. General Sherman's daughter Minnie was thrown from her hone on Wednesday: and badly bruited. This accident will keep the General at Fort - - From Coliromia. BAN Faxsasco, August 25t11.—The Board of Supervisors last night passed a resolution to print an order providing for a transfer of city stock for $300,000 In the San:Francisco and San Jose Railroad to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company,on payment of $l,OOO, and the engage ment of the latter Company to — complete the rail road to Gilroy. by July lat, 1869. Flour quiet at $5 5016 50. Wheat, $1 8001 87R. Legal tenders, 703{2. Fire in St. Louis. ST. Louis, August 26.—The wholesale drug house of Brown, Weber ~ k, Grahatn,No.2lo North Second atreetovas almost totally destroyed by tire to-day. The etoek in . the building was valued at eBO,OOO, with an Insurance of about $70,000, mostly in Eastermoffices. The 119 nor house of Hughes,Chance tt, Fletcher, and the grocery house of Merriman, adjoining, were much damaged. IFroni Horton. BOSTON,. Aug. 26.—Company B, Washington pra 3 s, and a battalion of cavalry of New York, arrived here this forenoon. They were received at the depot by, the Boston Lancers, and escorted through the principal streets to the Hancock House., They leave to-morrow morning for Pro vidence. During their scijottrn in this city they will he the guests of the Lancers. Anefion Salo of COal. NEW Yonx, Au 26.—Fifty thousand tons of cold were - cold to-da g. y, aPa m'athed advance in prices: Lump. $4 45©4 47.3. 4 :: Steamboat, $1 80 @4 97.3,-,; Grate, ss@s 85; Egg, $5 3232'qp5 40; Stove, 42.3 - ,15 523 , 6; Chestnut, $4 30@4 52h. Accident. CON( OrD,N. H., August26.—Charles Clark,son of G. W. Clark, Esq., of Enfield, 'accidentally shot himself through the temple and died instant ly, last night; while out coon-hunting. 11111143m1lz1nt. 1111.0191. RON EMCING The undersigned are prepared _to receive orders for . English Iron Fence of the beet quality, known as °attic Hurdles, the most durable and economical fence that can be used:- This fence is ally adapted for country seats or for the protection ofwna. It is in universal use In England in parks and Pleasure grounds. YARNALL dr. TRIMBLE. No. 418 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelp je29anf, MEERICIi & 8 , 124 7 BO ARK FOUNDRY; WABHIN TON - Avenue, Philadelphia, BiIeaIFACTU.. STEAM MIGINES—EIigh and LosrPressure.linizontal, Vertical. Beam. Oscillating. Blast and Cornish Pump. i STEAMERSer, Flue, Tubular, dro. all sizes. BAmmEßs--liesonyth and Davy stains, and of CASTINGS—Loam. Dry and Green Band, Brian, &c. ROOFS—Iron Frames. for covering with Bite or Iron. TANRS—Of Cast or Wrought 'lron. for refineries, water, TAN dm. GAB MACHINERY—Such -as Retorts. Bench Casting.. Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal War rows, Valves, Governors. &c. SUGAR, MACHMERY—Such as Vacuum Pans atm Pumps, Defecatork_Bene BlackFiltemßurners, Wash - era and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Bina CMS, &C. Bole manufacturers of the folloWing apecialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity. of William Wright'. Paten, Variable Cutoff Steam In Pennsylvania, of Shaw d E V l' etice'lFatentDead•Strok, Power las.mmer. In the 'united States, of Weston's Patent Self-cmuterin. and Self balancing Centrifugal Sugar-drainingfdashine & Glass Bartol ' siinprovement on Aspinwall & nobler. Centrifugal. Bartors Patent Wronght-Iron Retort Lid. Btrahan's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design , erection, and fitting up of Re. fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. COPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATEELNO, Brasder'a Copper Nailo,Bolta and Ingot Copper, con. atantly on band and for ado by HENRY WDIBORA No. 8 South Wharves. MO. I GLENGARNOOK • SCOTCH PIG IRON. FOR 11 Wain lota to suit parchasera, from atom and to ar- Lye , PETER WRIGHT & SONS. 154 t 10 • Malwat atabet. CMCRLIMISIIr. int-D. ;M. LANE, CARRIAGE BUILDER, respectfully invitee attention to We large stock of finishad Carriahee;. abo. ordeal taken ~ for. Carriages of eves 7 UFACYORY AND WAREII,OOIOI. 8,144 8434. and atkt MARKET street. • • Three squares west of Pestrusylvania_ltailroad—lleeot. AventlWitalPhis.t •Jallif.tath la7ml . t . • • --JOBIT-S:MAIMVOAORNIR. O. MI _Market etree--Iras on - 'ne:•4lixim - AXE issortm N ent of VitportAr built,caniageo,' which , he, offers at very reskionanie iriceek: •1. ••• , a urv9-m.w.f.4ln ____llllEAWriX fir4l,l4,AT 0,---rmLAD T.r eT---ATIGVaT-1-7-1868. Big.htstown. FiftYromads of Baena° only allowed each Pseeengea Pamencers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their:wearing apparel. All b e over fifty pounds to be psid for extra. The Company t their re. sPonsibifity for baggage to One Dollar per pormd,and will not bezametor any amount beyomittloll,-except bYlias; cial contract Tickets sold and 'llagg i re n checked direct through to Boston.; Worcester. Bp Id. Hartford. New • 'Haven. Providence. NowNa e f ier l y. Troy..;Baratom Rome. „Budd% Niagara Papa and finepenefor( Bridge, • - An addllional Ticket Office N ew eatd at No. 8:13 Chestnut rtreet,where tickets to York. and all ha- Portant points North and East, may be procured. Per eons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gege checked from residences or hotel to destination, by Colon Transfer Baggage Lines from New York fi); lr Mielphis will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7A. IL. and LOO and 4.00 P. 51.. via Jersey City `` and . Camden. At eau P. M. vie Jers ey City and ITengton. At 10.00 A. M. and 12 31.. and 5.00 P. DI. via Jersey City _and West Philadelphia. Fro"sc Pier No. 1. N. Elves. at 5.30 AL M. Accommodation and 2 P 11L Express. Via Amboy and Camden. June 15,, 11E8. WM. li. GATZMEII. Agent PHILADELPHT.A,_WILKINGTON AND BALTIMORE BArr • OAD— _ _. TIME TAI3LB.--ComMencing Mon day. April 12t14186, Trains will - Leave Deuot, , corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Way-mail Train. at 8.3/ A. M. (BundaYs excepted), for Baltimoreortopting at all regular stations. Commting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and intermediate stations. Ezpreea train at )200 M. (Sundays wetted) (or Balti more and Washington, stopping at WilminKton. Berry ville and Havre-de-Graze. Connects at Wilmington with train for. New Castle. Exprese Train at dB) P. a (Sunday , excepted) for for Bal timore and Waahington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington,Newport,Stanton, New ark, Elkton,Northeast,Cliarlestown.Parryville,ffavrede- Grace. Aberdeen. Eerrunan'a, Edgowood. Magnolia, Chases+ and 'Sten-linens icon N" t Express at 11.00 P. rd. (daily) for Baltimore and Wn. stopping at Pau villa and liavredsrGrace. Connecta at 'Wilmington (Saturday, excepted( with Delaware Railroad Line. stopping at New Middletown„.Clayton.Dover. llamng on,Seaford, gatisbury,- Princess, Anne, and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortreas Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. •Parifieh take the Norfolk- via Patti more take the "I= 51. Train. Via Crisfield will take the 11 P. M. train. Wilmington Train..,•atopping at all static= between Philadelphia and Wilmington: Leave Philadelphia at 11 A.M.„,7and IL9O (daily) P. M. The 5.00 P. M. train connecta with the Delaware Railroad for Harrington' and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington ,7.00 and 8. 8.10 M.ldaily) end L3O. 4.15 and 7.0 Y) (daily) P. M. TheA. M. Tran will ego between Cheater and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to Philadelphia. Leave Baltimore 1.25 A. M., Way Mail. 9.40 A. M.. Express. 2.25 P. M., Ex presa umm. N. Expresa. 8.55 P. E'aproni. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM 1 3ALTiMOil.E.--Leave Bal timore at 2.55 P. M. stopping at Havre de Grace. Perry. villa and Wiimroston. Bgeo atops at North Fast. Elkton and Newark.' to take _p_assergers tor Philadelphia. and leave panerurers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Cheater te leave passenger" from Washington or Bard mr.u..eugh tickets to all pante Weat,Bouth and flonthweet may be procured at ticketottica. 828 Chestnut street,ander Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Bice ..Cars can be secured during the day.. Persons p tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Transfer Com any, H. r. KENNEY. Bnperiateadant. WEST 'CHESTER AND PHILA. - DELPHIA RAILROAD, VIA ME. DIA. EIC3IMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, April lath, 1803. the, trains will leave Depot, Thitty first and Chestnut streets; as follows: Treble leave Philadelphia for West Chester,' at 7.15 A. M 11 A. id., 2.80, 4.1 b, aNi, 7 and 11 P. 31.4 Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on 31arket street, 6.1 A. 7.15. 7.80 and 100134. AI. L 50.1.50 and &BO P. M. Oa and after MoodaY t June 16th, an idditional Tra will leave Philadelptua. for Media and /ntermedia e Pointe at 5.E0 P. M. - . Trains leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. M., and leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M.. will atop at B. C. Junction and Media only. • Passengers to or "from stations between West Chester and B C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.15 A. M..and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. bL. and transfer at B. C. Junction. "iraiiui leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. AL-and 4.60 P. M. and leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. AL and 4 AO P. Al., connect at 13. C. Junction with Trains on P. and B. C. R. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. • GN SUNDAYS—heave'.Philadelphis. at &00' A. ?d. and Leave West Chester 7 45 A. M. and 5.03 P. M. The Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wal- nut Street carn.• Those. of the Market Street Line run within one squam. The cars of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival; • • • • O' Pamengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the COMpaliy will not, in any case, be responsible for an amount exceedhat Wee unless special contract is made for tire same. ;•HENRY WOOD. . • Gimeral Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA ' AND ERIE .ess. •RAILROAD - SUMILER TIME TA BLE.--Throu. mei Direct Route be. twe ak philadelphia, Baltimore: maxne m l g,, port, to the Nor th west and the Great Oil on of Penn syloarde--Flosent Bleeping Cam on ail t Trawl. On and after 1110NDA1s, May llthiledB. the Trams on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad run sa follows: Mail Train leaves Philadelphia ' jilt; " ....... • 820 A.M., =lves at Erie... , P. M. Err Faivreulestvee Philadelphia MOO Noon. W i li ff nt"re ss a rrives at . . ........... MarArs leaves .... . &pp & . . '123 p. _ - - arrive* at-Leek-Paven.. . - WO - P. EASTWAREI.. - -!•'" -- "7 • • • • ,td?,ilTreir. leaves . . ..11 BL • - ' 10.1 S P. arrives at elPhia 141.. Evreca Ifavec ...... 7.40 P. id. arrive, 511571.'1.'11=0.. 34: Maii and Express connects with . on. . a.arook, and Alla. eheny River Railroad. Baggage Uliocked Throtigh„ ALFRED L. - TYLER, - Genera! Grunrintendents .ini!taumauw_innessi; FOR CAPE MAX ,via. WEST .JERSEY RAILROAD. faxmlia, Froin'Foot of Market ,Street, (UPPER FERRY.) - • CommoncfAtor SlitorirdsiyvltElly IStli,ll36Se TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: - FOR CAPE MAY. 8.00 A, M., Cape May Express, due at 19 7 (noon.) 8.15 P. M.. Cape May Passenger. due at 7.16 P. 4d.. 4. OOP. M., Fast Express. due it 666 P. M. RETCHED, G LEAVE CAPE :BLAND. 620 A. M , Morning Madne at 10 06 A. M. 9.00 A. M. Fast Express. due at 1107 e. K. • 6.00 P. M., Cape May Express, due at M 22 P. M. und ay Mail and Passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. Returning leaves CaPo Maned at 6. 10 P. M. Excursion Ticket,. tit 3 W. Cave May Freight trains! leave Camden daily at 0.39 A. M.. and C..pe Island at 8.45 A. M. Commutation Tickets between Philadelphia and CaPe May. at the following • Ann ual Tickets. am; Quarterly Ticket's SA for Bale at the alias of the Company in Camden. , Through thkets can be procured at .No. RZElChestant street ( G o hiinental Hotel). where orders can aLso be left for Bab aye. which will be called for and checked at resi dences by the Union Transfer Company. WEST 'JERSEY RAD ROAD LINES. For 13ridgeton. Salem. ViMiland and inter roediate stations. at &00 A. ill. and 2.80 P.ll. For Cape flay. 9.a. A. R. and 8.16 P.M. and 4.0 P. M. Woodbury Accommodanun train. &MI r. M. Bridgeton and Salem Freight Min leaven Camden • daily, at 12 (noon).} Commutation Cheeks between 'Philadelphia and.all stations at reduced rates. • • :Whi. J. SEWELL. Senerintendent. • • :4: 54 4.4 ?IS • 4 ,„ AND AMBOY v . PrtiLn.DEIX • FAN vs raNto, tcVl4l("ll79Pork.°°: Way plates, tram Walnut meat start. . ,Pare. At 880 A. 12L, via Camden and Ambon_Aecom. 82 25 At BA. M.,Via Camden and Jamey Bit:, Ramon Mail. 8 W At 2.W P. M.; Via, Camden and Amboy Ramat, 3 w At 8.80 P. 21.. VIZ Camden and Jersey City Rxpreae, 8 in At 8 P. M. for Amboy and intermediate nations. At 5.80 and 8 A, _M.. 2 and flue I'. M., tor . Preebold. . At 8 and 10 A. •M.. 2,8.80 and A.BO P. M.. for 'At 6.80,8 and 10 A. B.Bot 4.12). 6 and 3 1MV).81.. for Itorcteatowu. Burlington. Beverly and Delanco. At 6.80 and WAAL.. 1.2.4 RS% 41 . 80 4 and MSG - 1 7- 11 .. for At 5.80 and 10 A. M.. 1 8.01,4.30, 6 and 11.80 P. M. far Edge. water, Riveraide. Riverton and. Palmyra. P.ll. for Riverton and 3'30 P. .111; for Palm yra. At 6.80 and 10 Attd.. ,1 3.4 80,6 and 11.20 P.M.Sor Flab Boum WlVlthe 1 and 11.00 P. m. Linea will !save from foot of Market !treat by upper ferry. • FromrSetutingtm peed* • _ AL • 11 A..lchz e ra Renton and Jersey Vity,bletv, York et 7. (xi ato ¢ nt on arid Briatal And at 10.15 A. hi. for Bristol. • 'At 7.Wand 11 A. K. 2.80 and SP. M. for Mortleviiie At 7.00 and 10.15 A. 51.,i1.20 arlds latilebetiekt rind Rddiagton. At 7.00 and 10.15 A: M., 2.804 6, and 6 for Cormeelit;., Torreedalerbiolmeaourg. Tacony.Wileinoming, Brides. burg. and, Pranktord, and BP. M. for HobneaWrg and intermediate Sfttione. From Wert Philadelphia paint. via Comiecting Rail , At 920 A. 1d... 1.20, ti.2o and LS P. M. New York Exp , ress Line, via Jersey City. . , .SII 2$ At 1 A. M. Emigrant Lino, DO The 9.20 A. M. and 6 . 20 P. M. Limes Ind * dilly. AU others. Sundays excepted. At KW LEA dee aiid 12 P. M., ( 11 AT:eaten. At 9.20 A. M.. &BO and 12 P. M. for BrntoL At 12 P. M. (Night) for Morrisville. Tullytown. Seheneßse Eddhegton, Cornwcile , Torriedale, ilolmeeburg, Tacon.Y. Wilediaoming. 'Widest:tura and Frankford. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the ears on Third or Fifth streets, at Cheetnut, at half an hour before departure. The Cars on Market Street Railway run di, rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Cheetnut and Walnut within one equare. On Sundays, the Market Street Oars will ran to connect with tho 9.40 A. hi and 6.20 P. M. lines. DELVIDEKE DELAWARE it tI.ROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 7.00 A. m, for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Drinkir' Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochecter Binghampton, Oswego. Eyracnse, Great Bend, Montrose, herr% Schooley , . ' Mountain, &e. At 7.00 A. M. and 3.30 P. SL for Scranton, Stroudsburg. Witter Gem kletviaere. Banton. Lameartville.FlVelegton, dm. the 3.a1• P. M. Line rennects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk,Allentown. Bethlehmn. &c. CAMDEN M. forLatrittille and intermediate Stations.' AND BERLINOTON CO.,AND PEMBERTON AND 111GETBTOWN RAILROADS, from Market Btreet Ferry (Upper Bide,) At bA. M.. L 4 and 6.16 P. for Merchantaville. Moores. town. klarttord.'Matonvill M. e, Hainaport, Mount Holly Pemberton. At 1 and 4.P.M. for Lowietown,Wrigbtatown.Cookatown. Nara TEArsmt_ flrsasm Tarim, limsla.sratemra. Q II IOaST---ir,l2M-ONLIEOM TBS MUM= souri. ICHOURS_ CONCINNAT/_, PPM NifYLVA. NIA rta.u.ROAD AND PAN.HANDLE. 7111 HOURS kw TIME than by COMPETING LINES, , `PASSENGERBtakI eMOP. M. TRAIN arrive to OINUMNAT/ next EV . GMUSA P. M. Sol HOURS. ONLY ONE NIGHT on the ROTJTE.. THE WOODRUFF'S celebrated Palaen &AB'. Room BLEEPING -CARS nue thrtmeh from PLICILADrA. Ato tiLNCINNATL Passengers taking the. 12.00 EL ancr ILOO AL Trains reach CINCINNATI' and all l other Volute VVEBT and SOUTH ORE TRAIN LN ADVANCE iir of al outs. Paesongers for CINCIN_NATAINDIAHAPOLIS. ST LOUT& cAIROCHICAuv, r.e.rald. HURLING TO.N. VVF,BTQUINCY biILwAUHMI MAIM 1.11.1 v all tints WEST. N0RT . ..,,w and will particular t sak for TRXELTS Via . PAN.H.faiDLE ROUTE. Jar — oro , 43£,C11E the UNEQUALED Minn_ Aolit of - this MINE, be VERY PARTICt.LAR and 613/6. FOR TICKETS rVia PANHANDLE." at T/CINET OFFICES. N. W. CORNER NINTH, and (IfEIWITNUT Streets. rio.• He MARKET STREET, bet.; Socond and Front Us., And THIRTZPIRST and MARITET Streeb.Wert Phila. Gezel Ticket Agt. Pittsbnigh. • JOHN H. MILLER. Gen') Essen A1it..52118r0adwa7.14.11 iginpIaBERRINtLRAILROAD..... G GREAT TRUNK. LINE from Phila. • delphla to the interior of Penmrylva.. the , P_thankfill 14asquebanna, Cumberland . • anti Wyoming' valleys, the North. Northwest and the Cana, das,Bumuter . Arrangement of Passenger Trains. dngUat S3 sB .l l l4 l :viDg - th.9_ .1 13 :argiDerrt. Thirteenth azul Cal. joillbui st i rAts. A ila _e_lp at the following hours 1.400 TIONe-At 7.80 A. M. fat Reanand all in ediate litationk_and, 'Allentown. lea Re ves Reading, at 11.30. P.M.d *riving in -HMOQ RX.PREBB.-At baron," arrisburg, Pottsville. Pine Grove, Tamaqua, 611.17 4 711k il =latt.BilittMars Pans , . be e lsbnritHazer- cone . The 7 . 90 friffi connects at Reading . . EistPenn. .zylvania P.ilawd trains for , Allentown. Ac.. and the 6.15 A. - co=ecti with rte Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg,. ha.; at Port (Wilton with Catawissa trakiw for Williamsport, :Lock Haven. Elmira. ace.; at Hanatabbrg with Northern Central.: Crimberlauld - Valley, lard , Schuylkill and Suaquebannatrahus for Northumber. IMriti N iamsport, 'Y o rk„Chamberebnrs„ Pinovove, t.,ON EXPRESS.-Leavea khlladelphia at 920 P.M. for Reading, Pottsville. Haniaburg. dre., 'connect ing with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col um_bla,dre. POT --Leaves Potts ;'town dab. li stopping at intermediate stational an riot/aim Phlladelp aat 9.05 A. M. Returning loaves Phi. ladelphia at 4.80 P. DL • arrives in Pottstown at 6.47 P, M. rorADING A.C(NiMMODATOrI-Leaves Reading at 7.80 A. M., stopping •_at all way 'stations; ^arrives in Phila. • delphia at 1116 A. M. ',Returning. leaves Pbiladollibla at alb P. M. ; arrlvoa in Reading at 8.e5 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 6.10 A. M., -and Pottsville at 9.45 A.M.:arriving inThiladelphia - ar LPO Afternoon trains leave Harris L2bmz 4205 • arid Pottsville at 2.4 b P. rd.; arriving at Philadelphia at 5,45 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation,leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M., and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Alttxrnoon AccommOdatlon - south at gal P. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelt Ida at 12.45 noon for Poftsvide and all Way Sta. Atoms ; leaves Pottaville at 7 A. 11.„ for Philadelphia audit', Way Stations. Ali the above trains ran daily, Sandell excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsvil le at 800 A. M., and Phila. deiphia at au P. M.; tears Philadelphia <for .Reading at M. returning from Reading at 4.26 P. M. CELE STER VALLEY Bali hOd.D.-Pameruters for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.80 AM.. 12.45 and 4.80 P. M. trains from returning from Downingtown at 6.30 A. M. LOO P.M. and 5.45 P. PEItRIOMFN RAILROAD.-Passenger. -for College villa take 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. trains from Philadel phia, raters trig from Collegeville at 8.27 A. M. and 1.49 P. M. Stage line* for variona poled yin Perkiomen - Valley connect with lb ales at Collegeville.. NEW YOBS EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at; 9 A. Pd.. 5.0) and 8.00 P.M., passing heading atil A. M.,1.60 And tuo P. M., and connect at idatrieburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Williamsport. Elmira, Baltimore dtc Returning, Express 'train leaves Ilarriebure on arrival of Pennsylvania fßapreta from Pittsburgh, at 8 and 5.25 M.. 9.35 P. M.. pawing Reading at 4.49 and 7.06 A. M. and 11.40 P. M., arriving at New York 16.10 and 1L45 and i 5.00 P. M. Bleeping Care accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without chane. Mail trabu for New York Waves Haluisburg at 8 10 A.JSL and 2.05 P. M. Mail train for Harrisbing hams New York at 12 Noon. efIeirMaLL — PAILIMPItAirrftOAD.- - °aye Pottsville at 8.45,11.80 A. M. and 4.40 P. hi..retaminig from Tamaticus at 2 S 5 .M. and 2.15 and 4.85 P. AL _ 5?! .. •;9 . T ... ,111 ..: 7: lEkplax,rtankvz la xh_m_ Trains leave Auburn at '4SA. rinegiWv;;ii,4 liar rieburg, and at 12.15 P. M. for Pine grove and Tremont; re. turning from Harrisburg at 8.20 P. M.. and from Tremont 'at - 7.40 d. M. and Eu3s P. M, TICRETS.—Through first-clam tickets and t tickets to all the primaleal Points in the North and Wes t and Cos:Laded •, , Excusion; Tickairfroni Phßadebbhs "to Reading S and Intermediate Stations, godd - for_ day otilY. are icild bY Morning Accommodation, Market Wrath, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excuraion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. are sold at Reading and Inter White Stations by Read. r V ez and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced The following tickets are obtainable only_ at the Office of S. Bradford , Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street. Philadin g. elphisa - or of (1. A. Nicolla. general RePentlteildeut. React Commutation Ticketolt Toper cent discount, between any points desired, for Lamßeze and firma. Mileage Ticketa, good for 3AIO milts% between all points at $52 60 each. for families and firma. Beason. Tickets, for three. Biz, nine or twelve months for holders only, to all pointa at reduced-rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be fur. nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Exam/lon Tickets from Philadelphia to Principal et &- dorm good for Saturday t . Sunday and Menday. at reduced fare, to be had only at he Ticket Office , at Thirteenth and Caliowhill etreeta. FREIGHT.—Goode of all descriptions forwarded to all the ahove_points from the Dompanrs New Freight Depot Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia datly at 4.85 A. bd.„ 12.45 noon, ate and 6 P.M., for Reading, Lebanon, Hams.burg.' Pottsville, _Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Malls close at the Philadelphia Pod-Office for all places on the road and Bs branches at SA. M., and for that:win s/pal kit/Lanni pall at 2.15 P. M. BAGGAGE. I)ungan'e Express will collect 'Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot Orders can be left at No 255 South Fourth street. or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Cal. lowhill street& PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Railroad.-Summer Time.-Taring aralOg gEeffect 1868. The trai naDepo of the Pen nsy lvania Central road' the at Thirty.firet and Market etre° which laleave reached directly by the can of the Market. Street Paseetegef Railway, the list car connecting 'with • each Unlit, leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before lie departure. Thee° of the Chestnut oxid-Waintrtlitreet Railwayrun within one Kluane& the Depot.. _ ON SUNDAYS-The Market Street Care leave Front and Market street. 25 minutes•before -the departure of each train... Weeps.. ar Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Othce, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets. and at the Depot. Agents of tno Linton Tranefer ComPany will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. POl Cheat nut street, N 0.116 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. VIL : • Mail Train -.at fl.OO A. M. Paoli Accommodation .. .l4. 1 at 111.00 A. M. Fast Line..:..:................. :at 12.00 M. Erie ExPmse. . . at I M. ........ ..2.00 Paoli Accom, 10130 P. as Harrieburg Accommodation. at 2.80 P. M. Lancaster Acc0mm0dati0n............. ........ at 4.00 P. M. ParksburgTrain.. .at 581 P. M. ............................at 5.00 P. 51. Philadelphia Fsprom ...... at ILIS P. M. Accommodation.. ... .atiLto P. M. Erie Matt leaves.diiiii...iiced.}KZGiair. Philadelphia . Express May duty. All Other: trains gay, except Sunday. The Wectun'AcconunOdation Train rune daily. =alit Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 5.80 P. M... at 118 Marketetreet. Cin qua. .. .TRALNS.-.A.RR. AT DEPOT. VIZ: cinnati B. -1.. Philadelphia 0 , .. ... . . ...... ...." 7.1085 A. fd" Paoli Acconu No. 1.... .... . .................. " ELM . ' Parksburg ..... " RlO •• Erp .............. " 7.10 Putfine. " . . .. G. ass Lanceeter . Treln. . . . "MO P. M. Erie .. 1. • ..... •-•!: " 5 • 00 " Paoli Accom. or. 7.10 " Day Expreaa..-.... ............. ...... ...at 5.00 " Harrisburg Acc.om. . ...... " 0.50 " For fiugerAnfoKiatlotf,ilßDW * JOBN Ci ALLEN, Ticket ant, 901 cheztpt 'treat. FRANCIS FUNS 116 Market ,t- ..,...,.....kats FUlit'ainl . rleTtaiii;ifit nAIdIIELR.-.W a f. 1 ACE.-Ticket Elgent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not immune any risk for 13aggage; 'except for seatin g,-apparel, apparel. and limit their rrsponaibdrity to One Hundred ollarainvalue. All Baggage exceeal... that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by ey al contract. EDWARD.H. General Superintendent. Altoona. a. PHILADELPHIA ds milautoßn CENTRAL. RAILROAD., . — Bummer Arrangements.'On and aftr Monday. April 13, 1868, the Trains leave Pldladelphia,from the Depot o_f, the West, O'hester Philadelphia:Railroad, cor. nor of Thirty-flint and Chestnut streets (Wad Philada.), at 7.16 A. M. and 4.50 P. DC Leave Rising Om at Alb- A.Pf.iand Oxford at . &Oa A. and leave Oxford at &25 P. Ic.- - A Market Train with,Paasenger Car attached will run en Tuesdays antlPridik;% leaTingthel=rus A. M., Orford at 1L46 and Kennett at P. M r con. netting at West Chester unction with.* for . del his . On Wednesdays and .flatays train' eaves Philadelphia atlteUP.'..runs throua to Oxford. - The Train leafing Philadelph ia i at 7.15 AM: named. at Oxford with a da il y line , of as for . Easels Bottom, in , Lancaster county'. Betnrsdrz, eaves- resush' Bottom' to. connect. at Oxford wt., the ternoon Train for Philado. The Train leaving Philadelphia at if Hieing Ban.DSd. .60 P. M. rani to perscmgers_allowed to take wearing apparel only', as Baggage. and the Comport not, tadny eade, - be re. rponsible for an amount one .hundred dollars, unless a spealal,contractiad thelame. mhl2'. cmmtgbiet. ' _ _ • ,• . - •itiginkrAine inErratrit'--iaNE: ORM-PENNSYLVANIA- - ItMir te- Wilkeabarra. - ditharloy iaant (j au ttli. `vanes'Rain) . tirbraneh aw l * Plint ! cinamign an ß ardedlo dhre - Pell enlist:l4 is 1 1011Potok to" diaa crar GU:the Orme —_ • Nam • • , 1 1 -, • delivere4.4t . a .„ . . rrehthe g loteroi ... attlXso, .. Before is P. M.i wi11....... . • , , I_. • .., m am a , Idahanoy City. amino atger TT; • • • • - 11,11ailkoy an wyngdzis vanaa betcro it 11, AL_ A stfAhe enaceading day. 1 Mg . 1 'WoIdaGLARE. 4Kaoot. . . VIIIGEPArr 41111 ADE: .NORTH PENNBI LTONIA R. R.— _ • THE MIDDLE ROUTE. , —Shartest and Moat direct line:to Bethlehem: 1013,jillentown, Mauch Chunk., Hazleton, White : attn. Wilkeabarre.Mahanoi_Citsr Mt. Carmel, Pittato Scranton,Carbendzh: cacTpotailin - tnetalitlgit and ...W_yoming Coal regions. Pluseenger Depot in P lailadelPhia.Wooroor of Bork , and American etreeta. W . SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ELEVEN DAILYTRAINB —On and after ,MONDAY JULY 26th. 1868. Pas senger Matti! leave the New depot, corner of Becks and American erects, daily (Sundaya excepted) ,_as follows: At 6.45 A 4 M.—Accommodation for lort Washington. At 7.46• A. M.—Mon:dna_ Morels for Bethlehem and Principal Stathme on North Pennsylvania Railroad. con meeting at Bethlehem with Lehif a t zu y t alley and •Lehigb and Susquehanna Railroida for Alladown. Cara sauqua,MaUngton, Mauch Chtuak_,Wea erly,Jeaneirvllle, Hazleton,White Raven. Wiliceabarre, Kingston Pittston, and ail points in Lehigh and WYommg Valleys.; also, in connection with high and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy CIO. and with Catawisea Railroad for Rupert, Danville., Milton and Wil lieummort. Arriye at Manch Chunk at .12.06 A. M .: at Wilkesbarro at 8 P. M. at I'dahatioy City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can' take the Lehlgb Valley Train. panting Bethlehem at 11.66 A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad tr New York. , At Mg A. M.—Accommodatlon for DoylestoWn,"4oP ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, liatboro. mid Martsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. At 10.80 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. stopping at intermediate Stations. • -At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh .VallAy_ Express ler Bethlehem Allentown * Mauch Chunk, - I.lte Haven. Wilkosbarre, bialianoy Cky. llazieton,,Centralla, Shenandoah, Mt. carinelj'ittaton and' Scranton. and all points' In - Malta• noo and Wyoming Coal Reglorm. At 2 86 P. M .- accommodation forDoylestOwm, stopping at all intermediate stations. LAt 8.115 P. AL—Lshlgh 'sun Susquehanna Elton* lot Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Manch Lhunk, Wilkes Barre and Scranton. Passonimrs for Greonvillo aka this train - to Quakertown and flumney town to North Wales At Lig P...llL , LAccotrunodatton tor LOytestown, st_o_pplue at all . Intermediate . stations. Passengers for Willow Grove.Matborougb and'ilartaville take stage, at A.bint toe for New Bore at DoVlrstewn.. • • At AoU r. la.--TtirougeSotrairenottatiork for. Bettdehem , and all stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Rail. road. connecting at Bethlehem .with Lehigh Valley,' Le• high and Susquehanna Evening. rain for Easton. A ll en. town. Mauch Chrsk. • At 6.20 P. lid.—AccommodationforLansdale„ draining* all intermeamte asthma. . • • • At IL2O P. BE-:-.AccOramodationfOr Fort Washington rTRAINE4 ARRIVBIEN •PkiIL&D.E.LPLEIA.. From Bethlehorn.atil.6o an d ILB6 M.. 8 and 8.80 P. M. IEO6 A. andli.oo P. M. Trains 'makes direct connec tion with Lehigh Valley and. Lehigh and Butqaehanna trains- from 'Easton. Scninton, )ifilkesligrre. • Mab.nol City and Magleton. . Fame e rn leaving Wilkesbarre at connect at Bethlehem at 0.05 P. 81., and arrive itt Phtlai elphia at . . Front Doylestown at 8.25 A. hi. 15.00 av 4 to° P. is. , FrouvLansdalt) at 7.80 A. ht.. • • • • • - FronrFort.Washh%ton at A. M:and 8.1.8 P. M N SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem ai 9.80 A. M. ' Philadelphia for I.llestown at 2.00 Pi M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at,7.00 A. M. Bethlehem forThiladelphits at 41:20 Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cars convey mussels. gars to and from the new Depot. - White Cam of Second and Third Streets Line and ilnion Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket office. in Ordel to naturalise lowest rates of. fare. ' - ELLIS_ L'LA digent. Tickets sold andEsuitge checked through ßK. to,prineleal p9ints, at Vann' horth Penn. Baggage raprecs °Pica fio. 106 South Fifth street. pk„ : : 0 "' SHORE: CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRA NGEMENT. FIVE TRAINS - DAILY TO ATLANTIC CITY. On and after SATIJRDAY, July 4th, 1603, trains will leave Vine street Ferry, as follows. viz.: Special Lxcursion , 6.15 A.M. Mail .... . 2v: .. A. M. Freight, ........ A. M. Yxprees (through in two hours) 2.00 P. M. Atlantic A cc0mm0dati0n.....,....., .A P .15 P. M. RETURNLNG. WILL. LEAVE 'ATLANTIC: Special Excursion. . 5.18 P. 5L Mail 4.2(1 e M.. Freight. with Passenger Car ..IL4O A. Si. Express (through httwo h0und................ . .710 A. M. Accemmodatiou. 5.50 A. 151. Junction Accommodation. to Atco and Interme diate Etations leaves Vine street. Returning, leavers Atc0..... ........ HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAINS WILL LEAVE Vine Street Ferry at 10.15 A. 31. and 2.0 d P. EC Haddonfield, at ..... .............LOO P. M. and 0.151'. M. IMMAY—MAILZBAIN—TO-ATLANTI643I Leaves Vine Street. .... .. . . ......... . 7.30 A. 3J, Leaves Atlantic ..... ...... . . ....... ...... . . 4.20 P. . . an - •. un p ets, good only for the day and train on which they are irsued, 23. The Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 625 Chestnut street. Will Call for baggage in any part of the city and Suburbs, and check to hotel or cottage at Atlantic d dditionaCTickot Offices - have been located in the Reading-room of the Continental Hotel, and at No. e 2.5 Chestnut etreet. je3041 D. EL MUNDY. Agent. t , PHILADELPHIA :' GERMAN I - " -... l O lX.MArbi AND Ncntateamrim RAIL ' ROAD TIME TABLE.-On and after MaY 1 1868 Friday.. • FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6. 7,8, 9 . 0 10 t 1211 - L 3 1 4 ,', 4. 6. SA. 6.10. , 7. & 9.10, IL 12r. M. LeaVe Utnnantown - 6, 7. 736 8. 8.90. 9. 10. U. /2 A.M.; L 44 4,4 M. 6,6 AS 8. 9. 10. 11 The EtW down tram, and the Mx and 55L ut , tralna, wil not atop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minUtes A. MIS, 7 and 10M PAL Leave Germantown-815 A. M. L and P. BL CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. AS Leave Philadelphia-4 & 10.12 A. M.; 9. BM. 536.7.9 and P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 minutes, S.. 9.40 and 11.40 A. M.;140. 3.40. 5.44 6.40. 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M.; I and 7 P. M• Leave Chestnut 11111-7.50 minutes A. M. ; 12.44 5.40 and 9.25 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelp O hia- 6, 734, , 1.05, A. M.; 136,8, .116, 531 6.15, 8.05 and 1136 P. M. Leave Norrigtown-5.40. 7.7.54 9, U A. M.; 136, 4 434. and 836 P. M _ _ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 236 and 7 . 1 5 P. Leave No.istown-7 A. M. ; 06 and 9 P. M. FOR MANAJNIC. Leave Philadelphia-6.736. 9. DA A. _M. ;136.3..06.634, 6.16, 8.06 and 1136 P. M. Leave Mana3rnnk-6.10. 731. 8.20. 935. DM A. L. 2.835.6. ex and 9 r. m. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M. ; 236 and 7.16 P. M. Leave Manay - unk--236 ; 6 and 1-36 P. W. R. General Superintendent Depot, Ninth and Green atreeta ftEAL - ESTATE - ti - EUGES. °BPIF ANS' COUR!! SALE.—ESTATE tIF CHAS beblertlecreased.—James-A.Frceman, Auctioneer."... larder - intthority of the Orphans , Court for the city' and county of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, September 2, lthlt. at 12 o'clock; noon,will be eold at public stile, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate late the property of Charles Sheble, deceased —No. 1. Three story Brick Store and Dwelling, 1.• o. 12,33 North Second street, All that certain three-stou brick store and dwelling, with three story brick buck buildings and lot of ground situate on the West Bide of Second street, at the distance of 46 feet 6 inches south of Thompson street - in the Seventeenth Ward of the city; containing in front on Second street 18 feet, And in depth on the North lino, 69 feet Ci in& est, and on the South line 63 feet 635 inches. Clear of incumbrance. No. 3..-Threeetoty brick house, No. 1235 Cadwallader street. All that certain tbree.story brick house situate on the eastwardly side of Cadwallader street, at the dis tance of 80 feet 10% inches soutbeastwardly of Thomp son street; containing in front 16 feet and in depth 70 feet. Clear of incumbrance. No. 3.—lots. N. W. corner Fifth street and Erie avenue. AU that ceitain lot of ground composed of seven separate lots of ground described as follower' Beginning -at the northwest corner of Erie avenue and Fifth street, in the Twentv-tifth Ward ; thence extending northward along the west side of Fifth street, 10 feet; thence westward at right angles with. Fifth street 113 feet 8% inches; thence southward parallel with Filth street 90 feet; thence east ward at right - angles with Fifth street, 10 feet 4it; inches; thence southward parallel. ith Fifth street.loo foot to the north side of Erie avenue; thence. eastward , along Erie avenue 103 feet 436 inches to the place of beginning. 4.llear - • ' of incumbrance. Or $lOO to be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Court, - JOSEPH MEGARY. Clerk, O a • JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 433 Walnut etreet. 84212 20 27 PEREMPTORY SALE—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—Modern Residence. Woodland Terrace. On Wednesday , September 2, 18E4 at 12 o'clock. noon, will bo sold at public sale, without ro• serVe.. at the Philadelphia Exchange.. the fol. lowing deecribed real estate,' viz.: AM that cer tain three-story brick rendre eat dwelling, with three-story - brick back buildings, 'Situate on Ve oast Bide of Woodland Terrace (No. 4)- at the 'dietance 0f.31 feet southward from Bellmore avenue, in theTwonty-seventh Ward of the city: containing in front gO, feet and. ex tending in &Alt-135feet. , • • . The above .a mated residende, with verandah and side )card scams parlor library and dining-roam con noting with ye/ding. doors, and kitchen. on the first flobr. marble niantels, butler's cloSet, with hot and old water, bath room and miter etoset, rano, rtirnace, &v. The yard,is laid out with a Oct.let yof shrubbery. orave vixen CL" - Clear of incutubrance. Sale absolute. 11?-r" 5200 to be paid at the time of eale. JAMES A. FREESIAN. Auctioneer. Store. 431 Walnut street. aul2-20,57 ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—.ESTATE OF AUGHR Zdinors.—James A. Freeman. Auctioneer. Dwirable Building Lot, Twenty-second street, south of Wainut,::Eighth Ward. • Under authority-of--the Orphans' Court for the City and County of PitiladelPhia, on Wednesday: Sept 2, 18P8' at 12 o'clock. noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following' described Real sstate of Huoer Alinork: All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Twenty second street. at a distance of 49 fest 9 inches northward of Locust street in the Eighth Ward of the city : containing in front feet 6 inches; and in depth 188 feet to Aspen street. Far Clear of incam, trance. •Salo absolute. • • - air Sire to be paid at the time of rale. By the Court. JOSEPH MEGARY. Clerk 0. C.' GEORGE G. MEADE. Guardian. JAMES A. FREEMAN,_Anetioneer. aul2 20 27 - • • fitore.'4ZlAVabint atreqb • PEREBLVTORY•SALV.—JAME2' A: FIi,ESUAN. Auctioneer,. Dte!rable-----,Rulldins- Lot - Kiev nth . - eet,-below z Girard - avennst -, T*oatieth .leltartttr- - OrtWedneedayi Sept 2, ism, at 12 o'clock.- noow witbe solo at public sale, at the I.,hilsasloblit Exchange. the- a 4 escribr estatelAl/- that: cortatalot! or pa co of pc , raid Innate on the west' Bide; o Eleventh street, at the Arms of 291 feet ON inobeeena, l / 1 -010 airezd enue;in the entioth Ward..ettha ertyl n 041114102 in . treat on Eloyezi h street 17 feet and. In 0( 1 0470114a' lair Clear of - - lneumbranee , , Sale aheotete.. • . rir *too to bO paid at the time of lade. • JAM:F.I3A: AuMionecr, 1.1,1: 20 27 - • _ Store, 922 Walnut street. SEAL ESTATE BALE*. I..r.ths,,nige.r.l.rJoßgEz y. , ...0e1,..7:11,1V,geg.1' Vi:11:, - , attuned Ground Renta..-in pitrenance of . a Decese of ;• ' the Court Of CommenPless-fer-th-,Citi, and. ''''s - 4 - 4 - -,,,at-• — l - 1) - Iftedroblat'. - lif Equity. IL _Clinton aLtelb.; . 7114t.fr, ~.._(......„... Leib trod Octavio J. Lett., a Minor, or- . • whom Jorep tt 11 ing_has. -been - appointed Guardiazir" -'--- -:itv-dihifo. Junerimm,ls6B. . N 0.9. On VV. edneeday.Rep; tember 2 1868. at 12 o'clock, neon wit' bo sold at public,' eole, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following :der seabed real estate, viz.: No. 1. Irren.emable Ground_ Rent of $2O- per annum (654.)9) All teat certain' year, y* remind rent or sum of 630, lawful money charged on half'.' . ofarly. Inning ad able on fhb first day of the months. April and .Oc to b erby Ulyrocs Maker, his heirs end' assigne. . oleo ; of lazes, a c„, out of and for en that certain let or piece of ground.:., situate. °tithe Weil e'de of :Apple aired, at the distance of 153 feet northward frans - •the .. north side of Diamond street in 'he Doe District of gm;; &Mitten, now in the city of • Philadelphia; containing hi Dont or breadth on said Apple street 15 feet, and extehd- leg in depth between parallel knee at right angles there' with•s4)ieet 7.4 , 1 Incberr. -. • • . • . ~• • 4 N0. , 9.-Irtedeemable ground rent cf $43 pee annum (6500). money,t certain yearly ground ront or turn of 643.. lawful cluirged on half yearly. issuing and Pay able on tho Brown, his enths of April and October. - by John A. i d eh ut efiary t b a ic kdwe n l ingt he r r . poin e e r o c te g , o situ a te oh the west Fide of Filth' street. at the distance of :2643,5 feet' -. ninth of Diamond street., in the Nineteenth Ward of the. city; containing in front 12 feet, and in depth 100 feet to Carry street.. .-. • - • - - • ." No. 2.-Ground . rent of $23 per annum, (8466 GO All • I, that certain 3 early groundreni . or sum of ;$4 lawful silver • money of the t. tiled States. fronting out and _payable by lean° Cole,'his heirs and aseigns, out of . all • that certain . ' - let of ground situate on the southwesterly side ofrefano ver street, beta rem Thompeen street runt' Girard avenue, in the Eighteenth Ward of the city; containing in front 11 feet 8 indict , . and in depth 100 feet.... Bormded •north west by ground granted to Joseph and Alexander "Burr" 4 . southeastward by green d of /Fano Porter; routtiwcetward.. • by ground forrnerly of George Daniels, end. north east by Hanover street - - . .- ' - . . . . Ne.4.-.4oround Rent of $ll4 per annum (61.1)(0)-AII • that certain yearly _ground rent or aura of . sll4,,lawful . ro ver money of the United States of America, chargeable upon half_yearlY.'lissuir g end payable by William J. -:'. • Johnsombia nay and .liseigne. on . the finit:•day of.. the .. months of . May . and November, in ' earb.•;andAveryr year •• forever. without an, deduction for taxes...kn.. ant of and all that certain lot or,tiece of ground, with the three-- story ',tick residence thereon erected, situate on the west tide of Broad street, .as ;widened to 113 feet, at:the dia.. fence of 116 feet northward from the north tilde of Parrish. street. in the late - Markt of :epilog Garden,: new its the , . • • city of Philadelphia; containing 113 ,front or breadth on . .. the said Broad street 19 feet... and - in . ..length or 'Mitten . be.' • . tween lines parallel with the said. Parrish street 1.60 feet -to Catlisle street. Bounded • northward. by other around.. of the said Denry,P ',Leib,. southward 'by ground new or Into of:Benjamin. Stiles, eastward by , the 'said • Broad ... • street, and westward by Carlisle street . aforesaid. , (Being • the came lot or piece of ; ground. which the.said Cleary F. : Leib and wife, nectnee .beneing. 'date the ~ twentY- fourth day of'April,' A. It 1851. recorded at Philadelphia.' in deed book G i W. C., No.• 100. page 153,. thix;. granted and conveyed unto the • said .William. J. -: Johnson,* in fee. re. relying tbereont "unto . him the said 'l4enes.E,,Lett.lll6 • heirs and sedges, the yearly ground rent Or sunt OEOII4 as' aforesaid ) ho. 6. Grotind rent of 6300 per annum (65000 5 All that certain yearly ground rent or on of $3OO. lawful limner charged - on half yearly, issuing and paykble' by:Charles' Liming apd George Sill, their helm ar.d. assigns" on - Abe first day of thmenthe of January and . July, ~cleaOf Nava. &recent of and for ell that certain lot or'pfeee - -of' . reountii-withqbe double lbremstory brick and rough cast dwelling thereon erected.. situate on the north nide of, Green street, (as now widened to 70 feet.) at tho:dNtance of 252 feet westward from the. West ride of 'Nineteenth' street, im•the ell& Vita , t of . Philadelphia ; - containing' in tending breadth on the said Green street 06 feet, andex. el. that width in length or dep h northward 96 feet tea certain' 5 . feet wide alley leading westwardly into Taventiotk street' -: (Being the same 'yearly; ground., lent which Edward Taylor Rondo ph and wife, by . 'a deptly e hearing date the fourteenth day of September, 'A; D. 1855, recorded in deed book it. D. W. No 42, Page 2EI, lem.granted and assig ned n unto the said Henry F. Leib in fee.) . ' • . 7 ; . . ~ . No. 6 - -LGromid Rent of '6240 per annum (54,000).-All that certain .yearly ground rent or sum of s24o,lawful. money, charged on halt yearly, inning and payable by Charlet. Liming and Deorge Sill, their heirs and assignp. on the firet days of the menthe of January , and July, clear of f axee,.dtc., out of.and for a ll that eel tofu lot or Piece of ' theund, with the threeatory brick messuage or tenentsnt ereone erected; situate - on the south r•est corner of Mount Vernon and Seventeenth atreets. in the eaid city of Phila..' de Iphia ; containing in front or breadth on the said Mount southwardeet 20 feet, and extending in length or depth of that width 89 feet 5 inches to a 4 feet wide alley le eastward into said Seventeenth street. (Be. leg the same yearly ground rent, inter al o, which Oliver Parry and Nathaniel Randolph, and wives, by indenture bearing date the eighth day of March. A. D. 1856, recorded in deed book R. D. .W.,N070. page 299, dre...granted and arsigned unto Henry F. Le i b, in lee.) • Imo' 6100 to be paid on each at the time of sale. WILLIAM D. BAKER.. Master. JAMES A. FREEMAN,Auctioneer. Store,422 Walnut street .5.30 P. M 6:25 A. 51. au12, 0 0,27 .—S j r n : ra TO CAPITALISTS AND OTIIERgALE BY" order of the Court of Common t lefts. _Jestioa_A-Anre , t;r - Apetionee .r7 - 1710wrade church property. Fourth end Cherry'. Gernian Lutheran Church. tn pure u ence of a decree of the Court of Common Plefte for the- Citend A Innrrtve. 1856. a 13 o'clock. noon, will be Bold at pub !Coale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following ' described real' estate the, property of the German Luthern conareoa. tion:-1 he church - edifice and Lot of ground at the south, w eat corner of Fourth. and Cherry streete, .known as Zion'a Church. in. the 'city ofipitiladelphiti.axteneUng--. Rond:ratan - 4 Tdur - fff - iffief 125 feet, esistwat,d on. Cherry etinet 96 feet:- thence eouth 43,16 feet ; thence east' 9 feet,...' thence south 26 feet 9 bitten thence west 3 feel 11 inches; thence south 16 feet; thence east lt inches; thee south to ground lately conveyed by the said Congregation unto Willianal. Grove, and thence westward by.the same to, ' Fourth street' ax sip:tintl2s - feet south of Cherry street. tom' The- attvexs.avaluablepreperty. in the heart of the business portion of the city. Th 2 church Intadino is very large and massively constructed. and trout& be suitable or any maim, acturtno TurPose• IM - Clear of all incumbrance. Plan at the Auction Store. The following are the conditions of sale:— let —The came shall be subject to the aPProval and confirmation of said Court. ild.—sl,ooo to be paid in cash'when the propertfsholl be struck off. the remainder of one-half of the, purchase' money to he paid, in cash within 15 dap, after the con. firmation of the tale by the Court. The other onwnalf of the purchase money may remain on band and mortgage on the premises for a period of not lees than one ,or 'mote than five years. at 8 per cent 'lnterest, clear of taxes,' or the wholejmuchase money maybe paid in cash, at the • option of the purchastr. - " By order of the Quirt. FREDERICK G. , WOLBE RT. Prothonotary. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store '421 Walnut Street. a 1112.20.27 EPt BLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, AEC- - titneor. Genteel Dwelling _and tilde Yard, lliebrnond St.. Bridesburg. (ln Wednesday,. Sept. 2. 1203. at 19 o'elock, noon, will be sold at pnblic sale; at the Ph , ladelphis Exchange. the knowing described real es tate. viz: All that certain three story brick "reentuage, and the lot of ground composed of contiguous lots of ground marked Noe. 18 and 19, on -a cert.:in-plan of-lots- - laid gout by Beaten Reynolds, situate on - the .nerthWeet erly aide of Richmond St.. in the 36th Ward of the city at the distance olllifect_Blocheacontlxwestward-of- , Ash- Bt.. Vellig also a-corner of John Denninger's land; thence extending along the cot thwest sids of -'itichinond St., southwestward 40 feet to a corner of of N0..17 on odd pion; thence along the side of said lot northwestward ltA feet to the side of a2O feet wide street called Emery St. : thence along the same northeastward 40 feet to a corner of Dennlnger's land, thence southward 15u feet to Rich mond St., the place of beginning. On the above are erelted a nent,cl threv-store_--bidak-, fhcchive, utrh brtEk v-- aluzme - back — bnitt:ic.. tare two•fltore frame stable, in peed order. The pretends' are neatip laid out With. ,a variety of fruit trees ' c cur rants. raspberries. goes , berries, blackberries, izrue crave arbor, with a varfete of drapes. eVerareons. kF immediate Dome eel op. Clear of inaumbrance. Ea , A Ito. 811 that lot of ground, situate on the northw side of Richmond street,- adjoining the above meths southwest at the dist+nco of 184 feet 8 incites 'south westerly of Ash street in the 28th Ward of the city con taining in front SO feet and in depth 160 feet to Emery street. Subject to 556 ground rent per annum. The above be gold as one ,property. -120 feet front by 152 feet deep. 1af5200 to be paid nt the time of sole. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 422 Walnut street. aul2 20 27 riORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE JOHN Cleggett. deceased.--JamegA. Preeman,Anctioneer. Building Lots corner of Thompson, at Birch over ts, Twenty-fifth Want, Under authority of the Or phone' Court for the city and county • of - Philadelphia, on Wednesday, September Id; 1868. at 12 'o'clock. noon. will he EOl d at public eale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following'deseribed real estate, late the property of John Cleggett, that certain lot of ground alto ate on the cast corner of Thompson and Btrch-strects, in the Twentv.rifth Ward of the city; containing in front on Thompeon street 20 feet, and in der., h southeastwardly along Birch street 124 feet 36 an inch, and on the N.E.side 125 feet 4 inches. 2.-All taint certain lot of ground rituate on the southeast oily side af Thompson street, at the distance of 20feet northeastward of birch street; containing in front 20 feet and in depth on the southwest side 125 feet 4 inches, and on the northeast side 122 feet Mit:whet% B.—All that certain lot of ground situate on the southeast side oh Thompson street, at the distance of 40 feet north eastward of Birch street; containing in front 20 feet and in dcpth on tho senthwest side lid feet 7,?4; inches, and on'. the northeast side 127 feet 114 Mows. Buildfpg Lot, Thompson street above William. 4.—A1l • that certain - lot of ground sit uate on the southeasterly .•side of Thompson street, at the distance of 42 feet northeastward of Wil liam. -treet ip the Two»ty ilfth Ward of the city: containing in frontlil feet and in depth southeastward 121 feet? inches. 6.—.911 that certain lot of ground situate on the:touth: easterly side of Thompson/street, t 3 fee t northeastward of William street; containing in front 21 feet and in depth. 131 feet 7 inches. • - . . . that certain lot of ground situate on the south enaterly side of Thompson street, 84 feet northeaetward of Wiltiam street; containing in front 21 feet and in depth 131 feet 7 Mama 1118 - ,Fach of the above - clear of 'all ineumbrances. 1880 to be paid on each at the . tirne of sale. _ By the Court. JOSEPH IdEIIARY, Cleric O. C. MARY CLEGGE Ad JAMES A. BASEMAN. Auctioneer, au12.N. 1 ,27 Store, 422 Walnut street. lc--JORPHANS' COURT bALE. — ESTATEOF.J6, I 4ES :r.Brown,, deceased.amea A. Freeman,L Auction " eor. —Tbree.story Brick Doh Wog. N 0.2117 Frankford Road.—Under authority of the Orphans Court for the. and county of Philadelphia, on WednesdaY, Scut 2, 1868. at 12 o'clock. noon. will be cold angelublic olio; without maws*. at be Philadelphia , Exch the fol,- - lowing.described real estate late the prouerty of Janice . Brown:deceas: two - storyat certain three.story brick diced ling with the brick building and the lot of ground situate on the easturardly side of the Frankford Road. at the distance ef 122' feet - IP‘' inches northward from' the north side of Dauphin street' Ihthe • Nineteenth - Ward of the city; containing in front 20 feet. and extend ing in dtoth 120 feet to a 20 feet wide street called dray . street. Sublect to 0.5 'krourarent per annum. kW -- $lOO to be paid at thestime of sale. • .. • By the Court. . JI/SRPH .11IEG AIM: Clerk O. (.7. JOSE ti BROWN. .adtrth.letrator. - JAMES' A. FREE:VAN; •Auctioneer. TJ- Litorez*B-WahritiOnvt--- Jiwip'vk . J-111/E; Rune? Eats*. • vrosTErrnoLVe - roacer: yaNiv Es. P tL tOrId'IoITAG.HANORrA 'boialti• RODGERS sod& AtiMPAEIVO - s - and, dho CCLERRATED.LECCULWEEMO/L ' "SOIF,SQRS' TV CASES - bs 'the taieett 12:14 ‘ 7,.."-Raservi..Karze: oductra- Vh ) olitthod. CAR isuati. P :NTS of . took ,:Droved construction to Sleet MO .•et P. 'NI A DEICA `S. Cutler and Surged lurtra. =CA. Mae. Tentb btroetbdow z2yl