=z:z 4 - tls , TELF,9IIAP,U SIinvINI&RIC. -:---•—lris-stated-that-a-bill—will-bc-presenthclin the (leorizia Legislature empowering that body to cast the electoral vote of the State. THE schooner it. D. Bateman, with the Key stone Battery of Philadelphia, arrived in. Boston Last evening. All well on board. *lO,OOO worth of plate and othelproperty wore stolen from the residence of John - C. KehLsat, Fifth Avenue, N. Y., while the family were ab sent in the country. •RarcrinicAN mass meeting was held last evening at Atlanta, Georgia. Speeches were made by_sx-Governors Brown and Johnson, and Joshua MD, Senator-clect. THE State Lottery, bill passed by the Louisiana Legislature has become a law, by the non-action of the Governor. Another bill creating a metro politan pollee district out of the city and parish of New Orleans is before the Louisiana Senate. THE Toronto Globe professes to have positive information that extensive preparations are being made on the other side for the Fenian raid. It is also stated .that furloughs have been with drawn from the regular officers, _and the forces in the garrison have been ordered to hold them selves in readiness at a moment's notice. Tun election for members of the Corps Legis latif in the Department of the Jura resultettin the success of M. Gilley, the Opposition candi date, by 11,000 majority , over M. Hnot, the offi cial candidate of the Government. Two other candidates in this department , _ both supporters of the Government, hadprirtiously withd.rawn in favor of it: Hoot. GESERAL STONEILAN has issued an order recting the. Auditor of the State of. Virginia to remit%) from the railroads indelited•to the :State, the whole or apart of their debt, 'to lanpaid in current . funds, or in • State bonds at par ; the• amount of. Bade bonds) received ' exceiki two-thirds iSf the total payineritby aroad. The whole amount due by the roads is about ..$300:- . Vat - following are among the prismotiond and honorary appointments decreed by the Emperor of•Vranco on tibiae day : • - • • Pewit 'ile . ;Sartiges, formerly io thc Utilted'States,.Charles Etienne Contl;Cotinelllor of Stite; Seeketary 6!); therEinperor, an* /wraiths the' Isiillitebtl surgiein, were made Senators. .Bourdllion and Lecin; De Jardin, Vico-Consul at New- York, were- 4ecor ated Chevaliers of the lalgion cif r itonor-•. A Lim= from Romney, West Virginia, states that the insane son of Daniel' - MeLaughlln,near that plice, a day or two agO,,cressed - the Poto mac, to the farm of Mrs. •31yers,' and there boat • to death .with a fence rail. an .old man named Presley N. Rector, He literally, mashed,the skull and horribly mangled the., body. He , made an attempt kill others, but was secured and pat in prison. 'Mrs. Myers and -her family were at Capon Springs. THE English journals publish a letter from Rio Janeiro, in which the writer says the new Cabi net under Steborahy is inclined to peace, and that a great majority of the people are tired of the war with Paraguay, and clamor for peace. The same correspondent asserts that the people of the Argentine Confederation are no less de sirous of the termination stales that when the protocol of a new treaty of alliance with Brazil was recently admitted to the Argen tine Congress, it met with great opposition, and was in effect annulled. AnVICES from Port-au-Prince to the 10th inst. have been received at Havana. The revolution ista had met with fresh successes; and were steadily gaining ground. Salnave has recently committed arbitrary excesses which led to pro testa by the foreign consuls, and the British re presentative threatened, if the outrages were re newed, to order an English war steamer to bombard the city. It is reported that Saltine, feeling hisposition desperate , contemplated - His 'family and - baggage were—Capth--Fed on the steamer Sylvain, which fell into the hands of the rebels. The Will of Thaddeus !Stevens• LANCASTER, Aug. 18:—The will of the late Hon. Thaddeus Stevens was admitted to probate yes terday. It is in the handwriting of the deceased, and reads as follows: Last Will'and Testament of Thaddeus Stevens, of Lan'caster, Pennsylvania.—l give all my estate, real and personal, to my trustees and executors, hereinafter named, and their heira, , on condition nevertheless that they will dispose of it as here ingter.directed by the payment of the several sums Mentioned. They will teduee suth of the property rib they deem properr to casVand pat the net proceeds at interest by investing the same in . Government securities at not less than six per cent. per annum. I direct them to pay to the town of Peacham, State „of Vermont, one thousand dollars, the interest whereof at six per centis to be applied in aid al the Juvenile Library Association, which was formed at the Caledonia County Academy, if the same Is still in existence, and continue to pay the same so long as the same continues in active operation. I give and bequeath to the trustees or title holders of the graveyard in which my mother and hiother Alanson are buried, in the town of Peacham, Vermont, live hundred dollars, to be put at interest perpetually, and the interest to be Paid annually RPthe sexton, on condition that he keep the graves in good order, and plant roses and" other cheerful flowers at each of the roar corners of said graves every spring. If either of the said legacies should lapse, the same to go to the support of the Baptist Church or meeting nearest to Danville Centre, my native town in Vennont.. I &met one hundred dollars to be put at com pound 'interest, and the aggregate amount to be Baid to Thaddeus Stevens• Brown, son of John E. rown, of Philadelphia, at age. I give two thousand dollars to my nephew, Dr. Thaddeus M. Stevens, of Indianapolis. I give to his stater, Mrs. Kauffman, one thousand dollars. I give to George F. Stevens, son of Simon Ste vens,.orie thousand dollars, to be put at interest and paid to him by his father when he arrives at age. I give to Mrs. Lydia Smith, my housekeeper, five huhdred dollars a year during her natural life, to be paid semi-annually; or at her option, she may receive five thousand dollars. She may make her election, and then release all further claims on my estate. Mrs. Smith has some fur niture of her own, used in common with mine some bought with her own money, as well as others, which it would be difficult to distinguish. Now she must be trusted oh honor to take such as she claims, without farther proof. I give to my nephew, Captain Thaddeus Ste vens, now at Caledonia, my gold watch. I give to my nephew, Captain Thaddeus Ste vens, eight hundred dollars a year, to be paid half yearly. - If by reason of sickness he need more, at the discretion of the trustees. None of the legacies, except the annuities, will be paid for three years, during which time the. house I now live in, and furniture and books, will re main as they are, except the miscellanoonatooks, widen may sold. it any time. Mrs. Smith may occupy the house the first year, and if Thaddeus, son of Morrill, prefers to keep house to boarding, he may keep honse-4tere with her, or with any one else, during the three , years or any part thereof. If at the end of three years Thaddeus Stevens prefers some other mode of living, then the trustees shall dispose of said property as they may deem beat. While it is occupied by my nephew he shall . be charged three hundred dollars a year rent for it. The property occupied by Mr. Effinger,after adding two feet of the lot in width to the other lot, may, be sold. As five thousand dollars have been offered for it, it should not go for less. The furnace and all other real - estate may be rented or cold. The furnace must not be worked loneer than to consume, the stock, on imp, d. If, at the end of five years; - Thitddens, nephew, I shall have shown that he hits..batally abstained from all intoxicating drinks throughout that time, the trustees may conveyto him - one-fourth of the whole property. If, at the end of the next successive Sive years, he shall show that he has totally abstained from all intoxicating drinks, they may convey to him one-fourth, being one half of the:property. If, at the end of another consecutive five years, he shall show that ho has abstained from all intoxicating drinks, they may convey the whole to him, in fee simple. If he shall getmarried before the house I live in is sold, he shall receive the same, and occu sale.py it without - If the life estate of my nephew, or rather the annuity of said Captain Thaddeus Stevens, of Verutontohonld expire before he has enabled himself to-become entitled to the corpud -or fee simple:o2Myeestate, then: rdispose of whateve r may remain as follows: It the aggregate sum shall then - amount to fifty- thousand dollars, without *bleb no - further disposition can be mettle, I give it all to my trustees to erect, estab lish and endow a honae of refuge for the relief of ~.,,~ y . wt : `.~ the homeless and - Indigent orphins. Those shall be der mcd orphans who have lost' either parent. -I devise twenty tbousar.d dollars to be,oxpended in erecting suitable holdings, the residua-to be secured in Govern - Meat securities,- bearing• not Lees than sis ner cent. interest.,• I wish tho build in g to be erected in the eity , or- Lancaster, south of King street,_provided-oufficient ground, not less thanAwo,acres, sholibadonated therefor. If not, then at at the•west eidebfestidlitreet on same conditions. If sufficient ground is not gra tuitously offered, then I direct it to be built at ,ColuMbin. , The orphans who cannot be bound but may remain' in tha institution until the'age of fifteen years, and longer, if infirm, at the discre tion of the trustees. They, shall all be carefully ed nested in the various branches of an English edu cation, and in all industrious tradeo and pursuits. This must be left to the diseretlOn of `the author ities.., NO preference shall be showioneiccount Of race or color in the . admission or. treatment. Neither poor Germans, Irish or ; Mahomedans; or isnY other on,account of their race, or . their ,re ligion or their parents must be '.excluded. ',All the inmates shall be educated in 'Ars same classes and manner without regard to dolor.. .They shall be fed at the same table.. The dormitories to be under the direction of the authorities. The trus tees shall provide an act of incorporation..at some convenient time. This I,,deelore to.be my, last will and testament,. arid name as ray ;.execritors end trustees Anthony E. Roberts, 0. Dickey and Edward McPherson, this. 18th day .of July, 1867. 'T'afonates liirevatas. Witnessed int the nresenee i o Edward Riley, and Christopher' Dice. The codicil to the will follows: I, Thaddeus Stevertai-tif—Laimaster bloke and declare this a'eedied la My last mill atilt testa-. ment: Item—lbought Jelmilherts'e property at Sher- Ws side, much below its value. I only,wabt my own.. All except three! hundred dollars, the proceeds of it, and the•interest, I direct 441' be returned to.the estate. 2! lion—Ltivlthirt five years after my death the Baptlitt Bristhiewshould a house of public. worship in the city of Lineitider, for the -2tgrlo.oe • of wprshlpPlng aceordinttO theiriVreCii, 1-41 rest one thousand, dollars,to be paid towsirdsitst cost; I do this tint' of respect for 'theitietierryisif, Mother, tb Whom I owe what little of prmsperity, I had,. undWhieh. small usfif desire NAOMl leally to adkn O tyledge. /tent—lf 6:y nephew. Major Thaddeus Stevens, should get married before my . deeesuse; ho Will be at liberty to take possession of, in fee;' the honk' in which I now dwell,. with the 'furniture thereof ; and in that event ' feint:lye the restrictions which place Upon'the - difylse of that property in the'nhody of my*111:!. liter7 ti y elude the corner property,, , now ocdripi by Effinger, from:this proviblon. item—ln eight years'after my decease if my estate shall - - have sufficiently nem:ft:mimed to do it without embarrassment, I direct one thonsand dollars to bb 'lipid to the,Pennsylitawis College at Gettysburg, for the use'f Stevens'llall. There by request°. J. Dickey, Esq., to act' as executor to-this • codicil. , . . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my band and seal, this eleventh day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-seven. PASSENGERS In steamer Vyoming, irom Bivrannan—Joe A tweerte and wife. Robert Y Wayne and wife. John Gilliland and wile, Mies C Quirk.G J White, Ira I. &elm, Isaac Russia MHamilton; Robe Reynolds, W F Witte, W W Daniels, Sarni A Meentzer, A /,yon, W F Moore, T Baletdine. Nibs Maley, Justin Gardaller, B P Burt, Pauline B KoPorteito l igeWdeffattigg S ballettx BOWIGN--titeamer Roman, Hosea—!u Inns u.n At wooo & Rank; 40 es mdse B K Smith; 129 ca shoes Boker Brea; 10 bales mdse button. Smith & Ce ; 72 ago casUnga W A Arnold ; 10 balm melee Stokes & Caldwell; 36 eases carpet,l2o d:;filx4tsuArAO B e le ; ° s li t; & Co: 231 es s m hoes ite ; 17 pkie mdea C B Williattun g Lea wasted. Blakely', 16 climb tea J licath - eriYood: 212rnases Bailey & Cascaden ;50 rolls paper. T Ec.tt; 50 pkim indse- Brewer & Co ; 128 rolls paper .Howlett & Onderdoak: es shots Chandler, _Hart & Co; 45 do Cleft & Partridge 270 do Cunningham & Etnier; 295 do Coma renßerff & Co; 748 pegs flab crowell & Collum; 82 pkgs mdee B W Chaee & Son; 23 do Coffin & Alteraus; 87 do Frothing.bam fi Well.; 121 Ibis atlgarFearona & omith ; 72 bbla &,h J J . Glading ; 136 es shoes Grall.Watkins & Co 110 Pkga flab Harding & Bros; 2E9 ca rh , es A C Harmer; 70 do Had dock.lteeei& Co ; 200 boa nails Heaton & Denckla; %Wei rags Hey &111dsdale; 72 ca shoes F &J id Jones _, 830 pkgs. fiplo Georgel3 KerfoOt & Co; 54 es chair stock Kilburn es Gates; f 3 bib syrup T M Knight; - Let cares shoes R 11 LeNiek &Co £69 pkg. mdse I.l9wia.,Whartem & Co; la do T T Less.& Co; 150 bible abed J Nicholson; 57 ea shoes Nickersoo & Horsley ; 30110 W W Paul Ca; iB do Pet er & Markley; 110 do 'F. S Reeves; 61 biz nails Itessell. Erwin & Co: 7 cs mdreltoop & Kibbe; £6 bills tack plates T Rowland & San, 100 Pkgo 8111 .4 r 8 tr 01 119& Cot 308 do .J- N Shriver & Co; 187 ca lames Shultz .b = l se; SO ulls chair stock D Railer; 25 bales ski= D4J Spooner: 84 do B - C Stokea. • ROTTERDAM—Brig Leander. Warkmehter-52 easka zinc N Trotter & Co; 12 pkgs mdse C Vezin & Co; 50 We wire, Heaton &Denckla; 9 cks 'chains Lloyd. dapplee it Co ; 84pkga a ire , M Bicker; 1 , pkte lades Badge &Ja. neuaky; Ido John Catlin lido J . A Kemper; 85 do John Ritz; 15 do (I W Weiss; 20 do John Betz; la do J C Eber hart ; low pa lead 1250 empty petroleum bbls order. SAVANN.All—lelteatreldit Wraming. Captain Teal— el car wheels 14 bbla iron Briales Packet Line• ; 7bf bbls -12 kegs empty bbl F it P Baltzt*beiles' soften 128 do yarns and domestics Chighorn. Herring & Col-277 bales` cetton 29 bbls rosin 1 bbl mdse Cochrani - Riessall& Cci; 977 dry hides 10 balei d 0.4 do wool' bale waste pkgs tadee C4OA, E Mika 11 kegs empty ' Engel' & Wolf ;- 10 ht bbls 'l2'kesa Cbas.ftn. gel ; 28 bble 2 hlids and kit loose Old iron Punnet & Bampels9)l boles yam) and domesticclisy,deldtDevltt ; - 1 bone Jos J0b,122c0 ; 81111c18 iron .I.6thbury.Wickeralkam & ;" bah e cotton 1,9 do rage 2 'bbl . beeswax V bbl metal Miller &Bra: 7 Wes cotton It IC Neff; 8 bre books J It Lippincott & Co: 1 box ale J Langsdorf; 18 bze. sweet potatoes 13 .1 Maloney ; I bile e_h_ecippcins McNeely & Co; 18 empty 129 bf daMasfei;litiston&To ; 1 balq cotton order; 500 ft- luMber Pazey. Jones &Co 22,010 do Pat. tenon & ippincott; 6 bales cotton 1) 8 Stetson Is Co; I trunk .1 Ei Bmltb di Co; 2..b919 - rootis 2 sacks berries Sallow.. Bodder & Co bb IToklpt and lot loste iton A Whitney&ons 2 eroty.bi bbls Wbatney:dt Bons; 12 bales yams A Whlli dln it Sona HILLSORO, NB.--Brlg L L Wadswort-2550 bble emmtied , toaster 480 do ground 100 do farmere' 2 0 tom rock do E A Border &_Co. HATANA—Bark Cardenas, Payne-527 Wide 125 boxes sugar J Mason & Co. CIO YEMENIS OF OCEAN encEIkALEII6. TO • ARBSVE. . more TROY POlll !WU Denmarr.... .. , ... Liverpool-New York Aug. 5 Saitonia... ..... :Southampton..New Y0r15...........Aug. 7 Europa. . .Glasgow.. Now York... ......Aug. 7 Re110na.............„..-London-New Y0rk.......... Aug. 8 Belgian Liverp001...Quebec...,..........Aug. 8 Prop 0nti5............L1verp001. „Boston.. -.....- ...Aug. 11 Aleppo. . .... ..... ..Liverpool..New York Aug. 11 Hinnesola.... ...-. -Liverpool-New York ...... ....Aug. 11 Deutschland ....Bouthampton..New Y0rk.......... Aug. 11 City of Antwerp....Livernool-New York .. . ... ....Aug. 12 Virginia .... - .... -Liverpool-Neva Y0rk..........Aug. 12 Austrian . ............ Liverpool. - .Quebec . Aug. 13 Cuba Liverpool-New York ..........Aug. 13 TO DEPART. Guiding Star...... New York..Aspinwsll Aug. 20 Malta._ ~. ~ New York.. Live 00l Aug. 20 Pioneer...!.."...4thitadebibia. AV' .........Aug. 20 Union..... ...... ...New York... Bremen , Aug. 20 Colun bia. ......New York.. Havana .... ...... ...Aug. 20 Ville de Paris New York-Havre Aug. 22 City of Boston New York..Llverpool.... ...... ;Aug. ;CI Helvetia. - - --New York..Llverpool - - Aug. 22 Northern Light- -New York.. Bremen ............A.m. M Atalanta ...........New York.. London Aug: 22 Nestorian........ ... _ Quebec.. Liverpool .... ...... Aug. 22 Hibernia.. ... ...... .New York.. Glasgow ...... ...... Aug. 22 Saxonia New York_llamburg......- - Aug 25 Etna................ New York..Liverpl via HaPx... Aug. 25 Juniata ... .... .Philadelphia.. New Orlearm. Sept. 1 madEs p r. ila t r OF MADhI. COATES WALTOf t: Morrrircy Colowrriez. THOMAS POTTE pc, FA :4 la Di :14 nll SCA FORT 0 Eimg Roza f> 17 I Bins Elms. 6 431,8i0U WATin, 2 46 --- ARRIVE ESTERDAY. Steamer Wyoming, T e a l , 70 boons from Savannah, with cotton , rice, &c. to Philadelphia and Southern Mail SS Co. Steamer Florence Franklin, Pierson.' 16 hours horn' &JP timore, with mdse to A Groves. Jr. BaricCardenas, Paine, 9 days from Hivana, with sugar to John Mason & Co. Brig Leander (NG). Wriilaireitiiir,"Bl" day froin hotter-' dam with mdso toL Westensaard & Co. Brig L L Wadsworth. Bailey. 9 days from' Hillsboro', NS. with plaster to E A Bonder & Co. Brig Pert. Cole. 10 dam' from t}E Jobe; NB: wiGilumher to T P Galvin & Co. • Brig Ambrose Light, Higgins, 8 days from Charleston, with lumber. Brig H Bowdon. French. 6 dayir.from rioston, in ballast to Merchant it Co. - Schr Men. Grant, Coulbourn, 10 days from Richmond, with lumber to Patterson & Lippincott • Behr Sarah, Cobb. 8 days freni.li ow Bedford, with oil to Behr Ella F Cr'otiell.: , Halves. 4. disitetroM'Privlicettown. with rodeo to Calvin b Crowell. Behr Julia E Pratt: Niekersoll, , Vdays from Boston. vt ith mdee to Mershon & Cloud. Behr ladle, Minter. 1 dakfrom St Martine, Md, with grain to Jas Bewlek& Co. , . &hp B.l3.Lask, k ork.Stordngton. • • Behr lda, Wilton, Baltimore. Sloop Maria E Faueett, Booth, 8 days from Norfak, with cedar shingles to T & Co: • • Boat Exemplar. - Graham, - 9 - dayal ' from' Huntingdon, with white pine boards to T P Galvin & Co. CLEARED,YESTKLIDAI, Steamer Norman, Crowell;Bosten, Li Wineor & Co. Steamersnn Ehza, Richards. New ork. W Y Clyde&Co. Steamer H L Gawale,r Baltimore, A, Groves, Jr. Steamer W W hilden; Blume% Balthnore,"Banben Foster. Brig Alit:sae Miller. Anderson. Portland. Weld, Nagle&Co. Behr Ii Creskey, Potter. Providence, John Rommel, Jr. Behr . Kate V Edwards, Allen. Providence. do BeheD Gifford:Jirrell. Boston: • • •do Salt .IPonder. Hudson. B Boston, " . - Behr ,Paregon. Shute. Bath., • - .410 =- 'BChrlrettaidrd. Brigge, - "Bestori:L Anitenried Behr Franconia, Leavitt. Japlcsonyille. BeheAld'Edyearda. 'Richmond. Va. Tug ThoiPellereon. tition,lor Ilaltironre. with a tow of baraea. var. two di Co. istEmoutme,. Ship Gov' Lapgdon, Davis f. rom Cardiff for Callao. t. which put into Rio Janeiro Slith June. leaky. was ditch's tali ul TIM DAILY TirAni3=3 B,x. r.r.s. EGP~IA~A ~-~ : iv VENINU• 8b141.A.W.11b--1111LAI)kir4t1A,)V.E ton. au. go My 0 Shijo'Ci‘MtvelVllaidarrt., for Boa I tb a river horn' Calcutta 2.11 alt Eitap.Bitnla,Fortr....clearett atßombayfhh_nit. foe New. York. Stoat:her o ronawitailiCJenninga, hence at Savannah yesterday: —,--• Steamer Berlin (NO), Undntsch,. from, firemen. was soing up to Balttinorevestanlay., _ Steamer Mariposa. Kemble, sailed from N Orleans 15th inst. tor New York. • - - - /Rescuer Geo Cromwell, Vaill,tat New Orleans 16th inst. from New • 'r. • Steahaer Geo H Stout. Ford, hence' at Alexandrial7th instant. Bark Isaac R Davis. Hand,at Wilmington, NC. 16th last front NeW 'York.' , r. • ult. Bark Schein), I, Smith, tram Marseilles. at Leghorn 25th Brig Mariposa, Lancaster, hence tor Gibraltar, was seen . 15th inst.lat .Z) 80, lon 09 04. r Brigliazelle. Cole. at Ostia =tilt froin Stettin. it l i bii r f e k !l a % i s r st oin n itattertburg for thla port, was spoken .Brigliarnuel VlPaleb; Hoecker, saUetitrom 'Charleston yesterday for this port. A Brig Ruth, MeLearn. from Leghorn Gibraltar York, with I general mug., sustained damage at 2d inst. by collision., . Behr (ien Rnor, Lovell, cleared id Boston 17th instant for this Dort. Behr hi it Head, Benson; hence at N Bedford 16th last =tUzi NEW CRESTN4V STREET ATRE.— LESSEES,....... • WM. E. SINN dt CO BiANAGERB...: ... • .4A RRETT Is PALMER • ;, „ • , • Will bo presented, in s moo t elaborate atyle, the greatest Orectaefilar Extradaganza ever Pretionted to tiro Ameri canli entitled Rl4) °l T irn T B :- In.whlchwill appear • • • • • JARRETT dt PALMER'S COMBINED PARISIAN AND VIENNIESE BALLET .T OUPES.- • • - linputioNP.ONTl.llo.m., , ANDRION„ INVER. NiZZI, .MAZZAPI, FRAN. CIS(XV - P BOWL and'LA PETITE SOMA )Elt; '''' I4I.II V.WEPT4ItYCOAXPAISER. And Grand Tide lute THE SCENERYI . 3I3 LTBE."MOST , BEAUTIFUL AND Eve prcaetitos'at any AATT4Y- , *train 'ine *MI& Tier. tftletTlTs , •F. , „ • . Arelhe Moslbrilllant ever seen America. PRIVESOZAD 113910 N . Circle d ... . .. ...75 emits. Orehertrit''Seata...... .'..:One Dollar Family NO .......................... A LawA A 4rAulauY 'KAMER" ul7 U . • WAT.MT STREET: ATREL - 1 11Ognh at, V o'clock. #III(WEIINKD • ITSEIN test MSS% ' J . :P. - mow - sou BLACK • Third airPeld'ilneebt+ the belebrated; Stir-Pribinlere. , ,mpLLErAIDERAN., Third okocorat.a UM Celebrated Matte do iIIAN - iII4 4I3 9FINIE'P o '-'''.' Ir A oIE NE A TROIJPE._. THE GREATEST COMBINATIoN-1) ' ARTISTS IN THE- ootimilri pi - ErdilkEtANT .1 ATI: WE N . ALEXANDRENA:BARI, , ANDP ZRIA: THE ORIGINAL NCMDAN.44 ttl, • SATURDAY AFTE OOP, AT 2 O'CLOCK. BLACK CROOK MATINEE. - A C4DE.My - Open ' ii,MS B . if i ti" . Street. above Tenth. BeZunis' West's Greet Attare of ll n exhibition. Gll443llW4 " l) stio 1.3.1943 FOX• 8 AMERICAN vmarry TnEA,mr. EITERY EVE.NDiG and • IitAI`URDAY AFTERNOON. GREATMBIBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Gallen% Ethiopian Butionmea.,Ronii* Dan= Gymnast Acts. Pantomimes. dam. • ge.. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Office 997 South FOURTH Street. Plutanee.pirra. June =OM _DIV/DEND-bOTiCR.- Tbe - Fra - ifer books of tide Company will be closed on TUESDAY. June 60th. and be reopened on THURADAY. thely 16tb. 1801 A Dividend of Five per Cent. bat been declared on the Preferred and Common Stock. clear of National and State taxes. payable in Common Stock on and e...1er .4 1n 16th to, the bolders thereof as they shall stand on the books of the Company on the 30th lzurt., - M70,7 able at this o ffi ce. ie2E.4ms .surer. 3. BRADTreaFORD. . >, r . ~ ~r TC~7 TN TB E DISTRICT' COURT OFTITE UNWED STATES 1. FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF FILNNSYL VANIA. - CHARLES P. HAYES. of Philadelphia, Bank:mot, having petitioned foi Ms &wham% a meeffng of credi tors will be held on this EP:MTH DAY of SEPTEMBER. 1868. at 33in'eleck - P.Hz. beforef_tesister WILLIAM - 2a - MICHAEL. heq.„ at 80. 5 .30 WALNUT Street. in thecity of PhDadelphla, that the examination of the, banks t may be finished: and any huuloew of mew. required by_secticzta 27 or Mai the act of Congress trtgen The Regteter will certify whether the Bankrupt has conformed to Ms duty. A will also be had on WEDNEX-DAY. September 2S4L 1 before !teem:dal Philadelphia at 10 o'clock A. IL, when parties interests:l tr..a3 dns , came against thedischarg. e. Witness the Honorable SOHN - CADWALADER. Judge of the ceal of Court raid District .h Cc i w e , and the seal thereof. at r Andust thth. 1981, G R. FOX. Clerk. Me.VIIGRAEL, Itegietter. Attest: 1011743,i.."? EbTATIS OF Ft TAB BIOYER.DECESSED.—LET7 EMS at administration =an the *hones ate having been granted to the undersigned. ail moo= indebted to said rotate to =the trzynitorti and those having chums against the same t them to seiew - Et. BIOOLET. A/Imin* rathr.472 :crib Second etrest. or to his attorney, 31. G. BARTBANFT. 307 North Mb street milisna* 'STATE , OF PHILIPS. WHITE. DECD.—LETTEES tenementary having been.crented to the anbecribers upon the Witte pt. PFULIPS.WELITS, deceleed. all per eons indebted to th e rune will mate pa yment tu._End those having claims present them todt)UN THJENIANE. 603 Chestnut street; F. A. THEW, 506 Walnut. erect Executors.jy24 f • b A ' I ' fii. I - - s:: I.— • wk. Testamentary upon the above Estate have . bee• granted to the undersigned. persona Indebted there . will min:mut. and those havings=present them JAM B.IBM. Executor, 515)8. a t *on. or latorne WFVOGD 8, X% street. mrt fr 6 IN THE DISTRICT CQURTSIP THEUNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania .—ln Bankrupt cy,No.llo.—at Plifiadelphiejune &USIA The undersigned hereby gives notice of kb appointment.ar Assignee of GEO,RGE G. STAMBACH. of . Phiboi tolda, in the County Of Philadelphia, and 1 state of Pennsylvania, within said District; who hes been adjudged a Bankrupt ttiuponct his own petition by the' District Cotirt bf said Dia. JAMES W. LATTA. Assignee, No. 128 South Sixth street. To the Creditor' of mild Bankrupt. &WA m3t• T' E TTER TEBTAMRNTARY - HAVING BEEN granted to the subscriber unon the Mate of him ELILA,BETH McPkIEBBON, deceased. all persons in, dated to the 8 / 1 1310 will make payinerit_and those having &lima present them to SARAH ...u.msir,ss. Executrix, 1617 Mouth Street, Philadelphia. einem-tit* ESTATE OF JOHN R WHITE, DECEASED.—LET ter of Administration cum testament° annexo upoi. the above Estate - having been granted to the underaigned, all persons indebted to said Estate d are reqnested to make El a n 8 1 ,11t1f, " T d all4lllgAtr+' rrea t glfr: her Aflame , THOS.; . DIEHL. 630 Walnut at. au3m6t. 11E1:111 , ,T1:41 RODE/V v .; AND WOBTENROLIPEI POCKET lINI PEARL and BTAO ELANDLM: of beautt [al fi nish. It DOERR' and WADE & BIIT(W:MEI., and the CELEBRATED LE.COULTRE RAZOR. . 001880E8 IN CABEB of the fined quality c ßamnt. gyres; Be and a re Cutlery, Ground and Polished. EAR ERB% ME f 3 of the moakaproved oonatrnethm to sed.d. he &at P. fdAD , 11, Cutler and fitawdoel. Butte meet maker. Ile Ten Btreet.below Chestnut. Inv' tf AYER'S OAT TNARIIC PILLS, FOR ALL . PURPOSES OF A LAX.A- TrVEMEDICINE.—Perhaps no one medicine is to univer' tally required by everybody , e a cathartic, nor was eves ry before so universally !opted into use, in every 'entry and among all woes, all this mild but etil• ont purgative Pill. The wious reason is, that it fir a ire reliable and far more dectruti remedy than any Alter. These who have uorat_theee_whe_h ave _ mo t_ born and friends, and all —.en once it does always—that it never ft7llllh7o - 111a1;11ifault or neglect of its composition- We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their re. markable carve of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all cllmatea ; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever freak and makes them Pleaeant to tak e while being purely vegetable no ha= can arise from their mein any quantity. .They operate by their powerful influence on the inter nal viscera' to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the atomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body. restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of Minutedirection" are given in the wrapper on the box, - for the, following compb.ints, which three Pills rapidly For Ihteritiera Or Isoanarrrost, Lamisamras, Les. orrOrt. and Lose oyArzkirre; they should be taken moder• ately to Stimulate the - atomaek and restore its healthY tone and action.,• • p or Liven lbt vari ous ' sYmPtomti,_ Ras. evellitanacur, Brox saranamor J ATIN7)IO7. or; Sioasmas,' Sloane , Couo and_ Humus; Fsvocuis, 'they ahould judiciouttlytakert for each case, to correct , the; discaSed actionror remove the _obstractiolui which cause FOr Drsiiiiisay or Ddararcui: Mit one mild dose le gen. erally required. . • Far Iturruserunt, Garr; Griavatt, FSarre, smart HEART PAIN IN vim Sine, 8A0.14 an d wpm, they should be cont inuously taken ae'required„ to change the diseased action of the aystens., With . such change those complaints disappear.• . • For Dsorei antillsbramar.Swattibma they shaiiii t a j ori u large and frequentdostn to Produce the effect'q a drasfic purge. ' • For Burmese - los a large should ho taken, as It pro; ducea the deelr by sympathy. --. , • .A 3 a. Utensil take one or two Puss to promote digestion and re eve the stomach. An occasioWdose stimulates the stomach and bo welt Into healthy action. restores the aPPetite, and invigorates the system. - Heuce - it la often advantageous whem no ,se• 'Siena deranes:nett cadets. - One who feels tolerably welt'' :often that *dime of these Puss makes iihn feel 'de.: cideay a titterzt their deeming and re:wrath* offset on the fX4hre a amble. CO.. Practical Chet/gate: LotistW Maw: v.ll. - , . a. MARIS & CO. Phila.. WholmaleAsents. sc9 fly ITALIAN VRMICELLI-104 BOXEEt/DIE u whlte L imporred and fox cue at, jo B. B CO.; 1013 noun Delaware masa. wiy)*Anc ~1$~9:...~~ ~~i~sTve~:l~ ~~_. . VIELANICILAN: • , FIRE-INSURANCE COMPANY PEILLADELIPRIPY Noe. 435 and 437 Chestnut Stmt. Assets on Xanuary 1,1868; 0,0;003,74 ; 0 00 Capital....... Accrued rai. .. ' iThIBETIVED CW1111:6 INCIONE troilism sums 01. swum Losses Paid Since 1829 Oyer • - ~1$05,500;00i). • Pemettua ield'reMPOZlFFoliciei coplboral Terra cluiL ii . rtuicker. DIRECTORS. , Tobias Wagner. Visaftte... MIZIIIId % wi t, ilk AL 1).; Geo, W. . /.114.11° Lee. ' - • in.. , 8 P 111141114 MI, W KoALI _BO., . ,4131711Ri 4= 4 L.,,i jr , r.....seaM.T e rg.,, 4, 10 , . 0 DEL4wArmitutifirite g ji u n g u aik inc° .., r wtoi bY'113.6 r wtlW Othed;"B. E. eotnei :777 *nit WitLiillT 13* di. 1 . ' . ' i iq_• cd iii• wit 431 . ve . llel FES i r a , ... . 3., _ On Int rfirori‘isanali nol . OMAN to gu —. THE Nventbarl 1887. COMPANY . 18930.000 United/Rates Rive) Per Oent. Leath • U hl 44. • /11 . 1)3° Th il t e oouaritriTa Genf. Lean, s2°l4" a ' 18L100 00 50.030 unTstl . 3 " iiiel r.4 ` ,74 ' Motes.. mut nn sokooosta of r raillitiliW4l:63lt, 4. Mot (0 BO B b an Amon m tax) 60.000 S tate of - 8 /X " t: tl i ititt 20.900 Iwo .... PerCe_son,37, Co 15.0111 =Weld eecond Mort -25.003 vs = si l Per fonat. Bonds. „ 13.876 03 - Railroad Six Per Vent. Zmds Manna. RR. . ' , uarantee). . . • PAW (n 12.000 Stare of Teanteiii; Pave Per Cent 7.000 Sta l."3l: to of . ' Per 140 0 0 00 Loan.. axe a 16.000.900 shares stook ( immaatown Gas Company. Principal and interest b/ the Oita of Phila. elptr ili r ed _ 7,803 150 shares stock ressturranis kan. 15411:13 road Comunay. . MOO CO 5.000 100 shares st6cklicalii .. u . :i447433li Railroad OorapsAy, &MO GO 90.000 80 •sharea stock Ph iladelphia and Southern Mail Steamahlp Co 1f.,C00 CO MOW Loam on Bond and Mortgage. that liens on OW Properties. 907.900 00 81.101,400 Par Market Value 811,102.9311 /10 Vogt. 5L080.878 Real _ 84000 oc Bills &petunias for ansaranoeff roado• .. 4 ...... 3111.191 Balances ye. seams on erned Intend. and other debts due the Company.— . CAN d 5 IdOCk and &el, Of i a riniiintisi . a: ranee And other - compass. 03. E,tintated vatna. . 8,017 00 Cush in . cut, in Drawer: . 1103 . 017 u WEECTDEJS: S in e Thorns C. Eisend. . JAMS a e John C. Davis. Damn& E. Etches. Edmund A. Brodar. Janie* Traemte. Joseph H e fkal._ __ VaLliam C. WA, Theoptan Paulding. r0b1..J......, a„,hemis. . saus a ,111.cFadialL Edward Inatingiess. • dem P.Ervai Jain E.. Penrose. John D. E. Jones Ihnobs. 11=e c. Emu liM p i a s.to IL Boolton. 9MZ,332o4listahadriancrgb. Edward inicannida. D.T. : Jac" Bimel. ' iTIOMAII & C. I3 murc ali:6l .C.DANlE.Nizerzollailat HENRY BALTA. Anhstant 13exavitati. deg to ail ' ABSOCIATION CIP PLIMADEL 316, r blearcrOidE . • • Minh ri; im Mak Na. AWN. „own 'itreok andaum MEarniture ortlioea by: Mre,Gß! tettlairbeastoLffie a Assetear the descsdattai JeOrtscrnet tfiAtßajoinheskia ettnipr tkeitz wi r th the era vizione of an Bonde_LOOdirirrOPtatir s the az SUMP Ground Bents ..... So Bea . . . ....... 0u744,117 Pastan= and PiiTure — rui 4.4va oa G. Reentered ... 45.030 00 Cash • .... • • Utak& ....... .10.228,08 e SO .. William H. Biarillbra. Strand aPartusWk. John Ca charlea P. Bo wer. Sohn Cirrow o e Ai g tf o.= r Peter _ArAnmster.. 11 (J10 7P. Costs. M. mc.wnson. Peter Wlliameon. HAtikkTll9&_Presin SAMU weL EL BPARn&w w. de . Vice Pr t. esident. WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary. n-NITED HILADELPHIA. nitEmEtre rustatmion OODEPAIDZ OP a... 0 P TM" Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines Its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF MILLDEL OFFICE—No. 723 Arch Street. Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECT ORS ChuIa' : ' Thomas J. . R. Bun John Bind. Martin. AlkurtualLins.k, Wm. A. Bolin. Heary.Buram. James Mongan. James .Wood. William Olean. John .OW=4 James Jenner„ .1. Ilenry Alexander.% Dickson. Hugh Mulligan. Albert U. Roberta Finny gitzgatrick. CO B. ANDitEdA, Mrandent. Wm. A. Romig. Treas. W3L IL Fagan. See/. TINE COUNTY FIRE INBUBANCE COMPANY.-01. fice, No. 110 South Fourth atreet, below Cheatna, "The Fire insurance coma:g o of the County al delphia," Incorporated by e pennolys nisi in M. for indemnity ailainet f thi li v • damp Inv m , . exclusively. °HARTER mamma. Thts old and reliable hortitution.with ample °spit e land colitiusent fund carefully hrvested. napalm:ea lo hums buildings, furniture, merchandireoto. either j;u:mth or for aEmited time. aialnat lass or O.DI Dreg Mc Lowest rates consistent , with the abaolute Lardy, 9F cue , . , Lomeli adjusted and add, with 1101 e derpath. DMECTOBB_ Chas. J. Butter. ~, Andrew H. Mille r, Hem'y Budd. — James N. Bto a v t. Edwin L. Re S c aier u s i g i g 4 ore. I rerta r & 3. ° r Nam thi e mgsice - • CHARLES J sUrfEß,lVradamt. • 4 HENRY BUDD. Vimyroda...t. t— • • • • • Oa P G p u Gun I,IIS URA PULADti , OfEpARY ' :. ~ • 031 .• INCORPORATED isos--osAirrEa ,A PERPETUAL. No. 224 WALNUT street. oDDosite the Exchange, This Company insures from or damage by i • , _ -.- on liberal terms, on building, , merchandise, rnrnittist go., for limited periods, and permanently on bolidinp!* deposit or premium . • . , , . . The company has been. in • =tire r, :oPeraiden 101!iliort than sixtY ears. during Whith •aU ' tosser have 1...... prombUY sunned and i f il alci ai.(3iis. , I E David lie H. 1 gL0n 4 4 % . , • . Betiba% rwi Abm John. T. Lewis._ -„' Thos. U. Powers. illiata &ems* • A. Rag bent W.. Learning; Edmour=o23. . Clark Whartoih , Bamuel Wilcox, wypnagiowlyr ilici , lanai C. Norris. B.LiciMLlVir.anz6eonstary. -. ,„ - EEF . ON FT= iNKTRANCE CONPANY,OF PIM eJ lid Ala , ...Odle!. No.dil -North Fifth street near incornorrX i beLedidatare of Pennaliania. (Tbar, !.ter 4 pmeru.m. •• spinal and dantkltl6s.ooop.b i ra maw.. vr.i t gnace bravire - Public' imi d e ir Furni.,_ Backs. Goorand , diworilaincra t er m . ~ . ^ I li. t 1. , ' 1 • I M Par i V 4 l ',', ' dinicriad Mo ritt; n, . obuy,nalaterung. dam J. °laza. Trotonneav ' ' 'PlenrOeilany„ t Jacob Ochandein. John =licit, FroderioAß,p_av - . 1. '. ,• ; . Mt:4ll*mM Frick.), ' Samuel cauwil v ii i i i i i i n , G eorge B. -," idoD President... _r _ : r ll l MPETEBBoll ire =naldiniC . I•Wsze S. Oorautan.'Becretary and AMZEICUM IMECII3I • COMPAXI4 , I9OII., fic: no WALNUT itmaboveltdrk Fbilaleipliii. voted in 11 11 sad amsYlabr 4 3eanritiak _eau ett = ma on d atom. furniture. maranatunae. • Apart. ass mom. and_ °thalami:Lai, . `Ass lOWA Tho u as E. garb: brim ,ti Efiiiitllh. John W Ponlinan Pa seinfi___" Jab" T. , John P. Wethanu. William . a. aulM: axon 0. L. cIAwr ILOKABU= Fr L' ' iio•• , re „ ,v 1111011 C =CMOS U MEE .1p9R41.11141314 61 - ico S E MUTUAL 'LIFE INSURANCE COIItrANY. NEW YORK. PLIN M Y /REO, Piesldeal. LORINO nee . ftestii . JNOi /LAMY rairson,j - HENRY C. FILICE11111; Secretary. Cash AN seter.• • .... . ... .$1,200,000 ORGANIZED. JUNE, 1864. • ALL POLICIES NON•PORMITt ANLE. PREMIUMS PAYABLE IN CULL _ LURES PAID /N CAUL ' It Receives No Neter; and Gina None. By the ° provisions of Ito charter the entire surplus belongs to policy holders, and must be paid to thorn In dividends. or reserved for their greater security. Divi. dends aro inadevn the contribution plap, and paid arunm ally. commencing two years from 110 date of the POllO7. It has already made , two , dividendr amounting •• to 0102,000, an amount never before *pulled durlng the fhwt three Years of any compels/. , . PERMITS TO TRAVEL GRANTED .WITH OUT EXTRA CHARGE,. NO POLICY FEE REQUIRED.' FEMALE RISKS TAKEN'AT TEE USUAL PRINTED RATES,' , WO EXTRA PREMIUM BEING.DEMANDED. llppliestiorw for all kinds of rdickin.life.- ten.. year-Ille endowment; term . or cnildren s endowment; tagen;•add all Information cheerfully afforded opt , • ,t, , , BRANCH OFFlcliormiN tionivv, NO. 4010 WALisitt C' Wi t ittET 'Wit Pp OMPFITTS; Jr. tifaugei Eastern Depute: eat of the Stets o 4 Pent*lvikels. Partici/is attention riven to ' FIRE "ID t En gar nEl kst.el Which. tnisll isuptiseses. sy_ll her , _in ass Coes. pmies ot tale eltresu as !eased /mown stoeutteg to New Vorir btejr ap_d Baltimore., ACCIDENTAL AND /NSW/ANON ON LIVE TOCK• water 4 )/tseded . Oarpl of that kind: c g e rs ,‘ sted tOZ - ;isszV ll l4rV i rser d rit/t eb sl seise fall share Oteshllelsarstut. writ. FA.* 472.• No. tog;W nt Street mh1431 w Ub inc:c r Wi — 14 . E . 12 , 1 1 URAL! .c. 0- a • 1:4129( . ' • : 1 - - 112 1 ' titer ParpOtala 'Nage Walnut.treat Imre/ asatovleeig Al eantitTy &area and other Bnildinp, thxd ' 'or Mi ce anlii" Wandtn.re, amds, Warp : snit • hwdW anal on ~.,...... ..... .1".0 Pant 'AtOadtrED AND g. : __ •••.••-•••• ..... •-.q. ....... ....man 71 Invested ha the tell Owing RectUffieg, alsx United B First lio W ,eart4agea onermzu Oitzr mt Prc=twell socured..sl2l.oPo Gov 11,000 0 relphis City 6 per amt. Loan 76.000 00 um i nvarda 244000 6 pec cent. isoan.. 61.000 00 mnylcatda Eilhoad Bondr, drat and abiziia Mongages. - • Camden and lb") Ca Cent. Loan . &OW cia Philadelphht 6 per Cent. Loan. „ ihooo a Huntingdon and BrciadToi . 7 . per Vent; 01 0 1 1. gage Bond/. . . ..... 4660 041 Conn* , Piro . LOOO oo Web t Bank Stook Commercial Bank of Permartrania . ... . 10 . 0 X 0 oOe3 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock, . • RN IX Reliance Insurance Company of phliadelploWe , tock.. 4160 to Cult 7.137 71 Worth at Par 401.127 71 Worth thb date at nu HME uhet CTORS inlets 11029.083 Clem. Thnloy. Thomas 8. Moore. Wm. Musaar. Samuel Castuar. Samuel Bbphsm. Jun T. Young. H. L. Carllol2. lasso ff. Salm. Wm. Eltevelnon. ChrbtlanJ. Hoffman. Boa W. Tinglai. Samuel B. Thomas. t3lter. - . ga.p.m. TINGLEY. President. p u t Anz a i m ecamber )us &attars :ism - reIRE TIiffIIRANCE FACLIIIHVELY.—THE PENN. ltraida Fire Insurance Campany—huxtrpamtad IRM -Ch . arter Penxlsuit-Ifo. 11 0 Walnut. stmt. MMUS ki• ded• en= Square. - - aver forty year~ azer. , fgor ti ez t te=to Os amount= age by lin , k on Public or Private - ihi al m t, netlike ae for a limited thoe. wat Uon. of Goods and idemhainiteell e ban t a w es. Their Capital, together a large _Saran la he ieeted In a moat weal nisinwilimi Main tq A to Um tonand an undoubted tn eaall Daniel }hank • hn Dervaiin t sx. Alexander Beaumn. Smih. W , Oe lioultrann, 'M ctip ama Sabina. , Wftzi* G. Cso Eaka: jr " saidamal, AHDCTFE 1118111141iCF. COMPANY.-0 fiVii ESPETALM.,_ , , , . OftheAlick. Ell WALNllT.streri. above Third. PhUnda. fWin mime goblet Lou er D n = a by Fire. on Enna ns. ;.:.-, ' . ..wnot or for a Ilmi Uwe. apusgtioU 6:Za ita indloo al 7 --.. 'Muth. cm- Vemki Cariont mil Freghti. to artsof the DM= DXs. - Wm. Ma. i : FOtearaieger. D. Lather. 4._E. Baum. Lewis Anaemia. win. F.Deen. ' 4.4bzt L E .I,: O =MA,, John Ketekunn. mote Johti !I; .t. . WM. .113: kilgik.rxerit. WM. F . DV.A.N. Vico Prmitlant. W. Ilf. Maw. lieerebirv. • . ialtri.thAtt VANCE INSURANCE xi MOTION (IMMT IV Street. , n;antarEca • • FIRE INSURANCE , E7LOI.I3I3IVELY. DIRECTORS. Slag srutm J E at ir See. Henry wis. Edw&ril D. Woodruff. Robert res er Jae. ,ismdwr. Geo. ILW Isoenli. P Busby. CHM, RI N vioePteddant. ISrumams L Btaloraffiaw. MAULE, 'MOTHER & CO. 1.868. BPRUCE SPRUCE JOIST. 1868 1 upaucMLz OCJOK, T. HE HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. LARGE STOCK. LARGE STOCK. 111.1111711. Et .101/OTHEII it 00. • = 250 Q SOUTH STREET. 1868. 1868. FLORIDA E,R . Qt RING. FLORIDA EL.° MEW OA RQLINA YU:W ° RING VIRok MIAFLOORIN__ ,411 DELAWARE FLOO tuN G. ,ABH FLOORING. wALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA fI.P --BOARDS. RAM rLANE. 1868. RrAi'llatut 1868; ,W WALN ALNUT UT BOARD% ,PLANX.,_ 1t368. 'lMPEAMtituung., 1868 • ALAC AND P EDAltikz.. 1 868. POPLAII . D 368 Aug warrE CIAK CK PLANK AND BOARDS. HIORY. f 368. CIGAR BOX MAZER& aeo CIGAR - BOX - MAKER& .LUILIO. SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARD& FOR BALE LOW. 1868. ecAIIoVIA '• 1868. N_ Q.ILWAY SCANTLING.. iI..A.M , EASSORTHENT.. ie; Q CEDAR SHINGLES.. onri CEDAR SHINGLES.. tn-7. Ia C TIRESS SHINGLES: iLy PLASTERING I.ATH. cams:HUT PL4NA AND BOAMDB. • 1800 - grAgnium 68. BE. - Ai - 3 - 05g - ti - J . CLEAER/NE.' 1868 OEOIOE PATTERN PINE. SPANIRWEEDARJOR PATTERNS. FLORIDA RMi =Mkt• -• " " • moms" nxitorn:Eß-4, co. - a2SOOSOOTS BTEEEI. • a • PHELAN • &:,BUOKNELI) Twentyrthirtnnt Chestnut Stem LARGE STOCK, OF , WALNUT. ASH' AND PO ALL THILIDNESS4 I3 7EAN ANE A rt RY. FINE LOT W VENEERS. CEDAR. CYPRESS A ND sumaLts SEASON ED L B• MICIEGGAN.,OANA B BA N AND FiEIi T NI E TFANIA. ALL SIZES D FLOORILNG AND ITV CAROLINA TIMBER. BYRtir AITENELOOK JOIBT. • ' MILD LITIPPap OP ALL XING% CrEUUMI• '144X.132, cliMg; cAßlaluOlieStll.l)Ell n , r ep ;invitee attention to nu largo stockid flithtipa s law Jordon t aken for Uawiagar of avail • s adaNup it AdICIItY , ANRWalnut' within one square. On Smidayii, the Market Street „(~.ani wait run to connect with the 6.2 e A. Sf and 6.20 P. M. linem BELV/DERE DELAWARE; RAILROAD I.,INIMS' from Kensington Depot. At 7.00 A. IL. for. Niagara Falls, Muffaler Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego. Itochoster,llinghaxaMon. Oinvego. 13 rac a e, %rest.B•ftd, Montt ose,Wilkcabarro. Schooley%) At 7.te A. M. and BM P. M. for :Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap. Belvidere, Ea/Mrs, Lambertville,blemingtoh. Ac...132e LBO P. M. Liao connects direct with the train [caving Easton for Manch tßiunkoilkuidown. llettilebium At for LarribertVillei and interniuldiate Stallone^ CAMDEN'AND BURLINGTON in,AND PEMBERTON AND 11 1( 1 1 1 TSTOWNRAMB,OAIgh-IFOM- Alikaet - Street Ferry (Upper Side.) At BA. M. 1, 4 and 6.15 P. M. for Mumbiellsvllim Moores town. Hartford, Masotorlde, Ilainsport. rMount Melly, Smiihville. Evansville, Vincentowm wham and Pemberton. _ • At 1 and 4 P.M.for Lewistown,Wrightato Cooketirivn. .New EK571 , . 13ornerstown, Cream Ridge, Imlapetatvn. Wharon and Fifty PoundaWgage only allowed each. Passenger. ,Passengera are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fdty pounds, to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re. suonsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound and will )20t be liable for anY amount beyond 8100. =apt bY ape. Tickets sold and Ibiggage checked direct through „to Boston, Woreester, Sprinelleld , Ilartfort, New Haven, Providencm hiew= kes eriny, Troy, Sarat o Falls woga, Irticsi Buffalo, Niagara e Sun on-14 ge. Aniddillonal Ticket. Mee Is located at No. 62/1 Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, • and all bmi Portant points North and East, may ue procured. Per. lions purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag ' f,age checked from reaideneca or hotel to destination, try llama Wramusfer Baiggsge prize. Lines from New York for lladelphiii will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7A. M. and 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via Jereev Ci and Can:Wm At CS) r. VIA JerOOY City and n. At 10.00 A. M. and,l2 n. and 5.(12 P. M... via Jersey City and West Pidladelpliia. From Pier No. 1. N. River. at 5.30 A. M. Accommodation and 2 P 51, Eirorms. via Amboy and Camden. , Jl3llO ' WM. cavaltfl. Agent. momT - PB(ItbgtkIIDIPGLPHT.gwWfLMINGT AND RAILROA ON BALTIMOD, TIME TABLE:-Commencing ßE., encing Mon; ' day; Aplil ' l ath. llfB 'Treaties:Will Denot,' corner ot -Broad street and "'Washington &vamoose follows: -- BWayanail Traim. at 13.811. A. (Sundaya excepted); for altimore.•atoppliag at all regular stations.. •• 'Connectliag with DelaWareßaßroiul at Wilmington for Crididkl add .interniedistersdnilmuc— : .• , • • , - • • • more train 1412.6) (Stuidaya excepted) for Haiti. more and Washington, stopping at Wilmington. Perry villa and Connects at Wilmington with train for New Castle.: • • • , • Exprest Train at lip M:(SendaYS loicepted).‘_fer Bal timore and "Wes stopping_at Cheater Thurio Linwsed..tßa v Ymont.:Wilmingtor,Newllertthteetelo. New. ark. Elkton, ortheastCharlestown, Pea,s v ej,(avre-de- Grace,. Aberdeen. Perryman% Edgewood, Magnolia, Chageatmd - Steramerts -Run. Night .Expreee at 11.00 P.M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington,. .stoppin - Barryvilbt, and Havre de-Grace. Connects' at gton (Saturdays , excepted/ with. Delaware. ; , Railroad aiming f, at Ne Castle, Middletown, Clayton. Dover.Harrington,Seafor, Saliebury, Princess Anne, and connecting at with boat for Fort:mai Monroe. Norfolk, Porta:month and the South,.. • • ' • Passenger; for Fortress Monroe 'and Norfolk via Balti more will' take the 42.. CO •Criatleld take the 11 8., • Wilmington Trains. :donning. at all statlent between Philadelphia. and Willnington: - - LeavePidlidelPhia'atllAAL.24o,s.oo,l and MAO May) P. M. The 5.00 P. M. train connects with the Delaware Lailroad-forliarrington and intermediate.atathma- - - Leave Wilmi ni tten 7.00 and S.lO A. Id. (daily) end LW, 6.15 and 7.00 (d )P;M,• •- -The 8.10 A; M.T.n will step between Chester and Philadelphia: From BalUmore to Phila delphia.-1 ea.ye.Bajtimore 1.25 A. M., MO- A. M., Exiarees.: , M. pram 6.M Y. SJ, gaprest. . 8.55 P. M, Express._ - SUNDAY TM.INS FROM BALTIMORE.' - Leave Bal timore .at 355 P. M.. atoppin,g at Says Ale Grace, Perry. villo staNitplington, ,Xso 'etnts at Nerd' Bas. - Eikton and Newark: . to take _pasSotigere jot Pinhuielnbia, , and leave par engere 'fromWtuthingt. on' or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Balti more- - • , Through Ucketa total points Weat,South and SontilWert may be procured at_ticket-office. Chestruotatreet,under Continental Ho where also - State Rooret and - Berthein • Steeping. Cars can be bemired during the day. Persons purehadngliekets at thisofficecantutve,htlnalle checked , at theirreaddeneelarthe DtdonTrioasfervordwar, , : A EL Y. KENNEY. Enerintendenf. F. 5110014101D1 'AND, PHILA.6I4INIA VIA MM;. ,_ SUMMEItARRANGEMENZ:L On and after MONDAY, April 13th, 1863. the trains will leaveDepatialairty-InrtandAheSlnritatreeiriorfollowe: Trains leave Philadelphia for -West •CheatQr, at 7.15 A. hi. 11 A. AL, 2.800.15. 4.K 7 and 11 P. ALI Leave West`Cheater for Philadelphia; from Depot • ' hl arket street. 6.15, 7.15, 7.841 and 10.45 A. AL, 1.55.4,50 anal oa and after l ifendl iii ' L aude 15th anitilditkma tra n will leatv:i.Philadelp ' , tor, Media :and Intermedla e, Points at 5.30 P. M. Trains leaving West Cheater at 7.80 A. M.;_and,leavl g rhuaaerptitivarttoP: stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. , Passengers to or froin etationi between West Cheater and B C. Junction going East. will take train leaving Went Chester at 7:1541:, m..ittla gond west will take train leaving Philadelphia at 9.60 P. B.L. and transfer a; jUIICtOIL lea r - - Tr eine Ving Philadelphia at 7IL .15 A. , and 4.50 PAL, and leaving.Wtst. Chester at. 7.80 A df: , .and 450 P. X. connect atako.oUnction with Trains on.P. and B. C. R. It tor Oxford and intermediate 'minim t:N SUNDAYS-...Heave • Philadelphia at 'B.OO , A. , kLand, Leave West. Chester 745 /1.1. and 5.00 P, M. I The Depot Is reached direct/y by the Chestnut and Wal nut Street cars. Those of the .Market Street Linerun within. Bile square. The care of both linetrconnect with each train upon ita ti' Passengers are' alb:cared 'to take' Wearing apparel only as paggagre. and theCoMPanY atlY•clee. be responsible for an amount exceeding 01100 union special contract is made for the same. Idb. SHY WOOD.' , riliLisoidEPtlia - 'AND - , 411,115l !..! • '..,......._• : z -' ',,, ItAILROAD-41Uhlaritil: al/EC , a`A , 4 _ _.----- .u.tAi...Tbrauo anftDheatat i e u t tween Philado4hia. -Baltintore, l Harris n p port, to the No west and the OnSrt gil: at 'Penn. gylvanla..-Alilesani Bleeping Cars on and t Trains: -; On and after ALONflay, day-alw l a m ~ .. the Philadele'da 'pi Erieltallrosta Ott da to 1 o wa :- Mail Train Lei.4/iii Pliiladelphia.-: 'u;11" p.44, ' ; • " - " Widiamsper"":...... .....-.. 820 A.M. .. " iuTivesat'ilid_ e. _,.,.,; ..4'.... ' ,' €1.0.P.A , Erse Expose levee Phliadelpole.- ..............Ll.OO Noon. Williarnepor , t........ 6O P. M.' __' l'' aretelhi at Erin, - ..... , .1...4.:;.,........;•..10X6 A. M. Eirnira Mac teavls4-Plailadelehhi! :..: .. ....,- - .1'.. ,:.--B.oo' A. M. ~ Williarwort. . 6.28 P. M. " 66 ardilltilitlialk , Tray_447.-;',....';:... 7.48 P. M. • EAFYPW - • tip Ta lidellveo 5 / 4 . "*.% AW -.z,17 - .if:1:1:f.::.%;'.11 00 A. M. , _ Iv illirt.. - „,...,.....,10. 1 16 P. M. " ' 6 iiiriviaxt h.iwe1p . tda.%;. , .. , ..,i.,.; 73 ,o*.k: id, ' Erie Eivoltea Rlavetarl4.'s:-. - .1',.. •_.- i....-,:.:.'..i4- 7.40 P, V. ' Wildaideport.- - ;.:. 1.:::'... 8.15 A.- M, 1 ..._ !' ardves 4t Philatioipbbk...,_,. ,-, .6.00 P, % . Mall and ExPrVO, - 4onneets • *ita vu icsoor nAd..a.nv-.1 datny li.ifr ilailroad. - PaesagaCluielled Thron4h. • - ' - ' At.a'RED• E.: -TY L..n., Ger;r - ral - Bus.orii4Wr.Cont. TAX MiggigipORTFLPPINNOYLVANIA• R R MIDDLE • ROBTR.-43hortest .and meet direct line to Bethlehem. Batton. Inentorsni, Mad& Chunk. , Hazleton. White Haven: WBkesbarre.Mabanoy CitY,Mt. Carmel, Pittston, EitrantonCarbendale and all the points In the Lehigh and Wieteing Coal regions. Pamenget Haat in Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Berk, and American streets. KHMER ARRANGEMENT_ ALEVEM DALLYTRAINB —On and after MONDA Y JULY WU:. 1888. Pas. Fenger Trains leave the New depot. corner=and American etreets, daily (Sunday:: except:6Q, follows: At &45A. M.—Accommodation for Fort W n. At 7.46 M.--Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations On North Pennsylvania Railroad. eon necting'at Bethlehem with Lehigh •Valley and Lehigh and a usgtuelomis Ralfroids for Easton.Allantown. Cats sentillaillalde_Lea..• Maack: Chonio,Weatherly, Jeanorville, Devote:3, white Haven, Wilkesbarre, Kingston, Pittston. and_ all point. in Lehigh and Wyommg Vallays.„. also, in connection , with Le hif h and iitahanby illtUread for Mebane, City, and with Catawina Railroad for Rupert, Danlllle, Milton and W litunsPort. Arrive-at Manch :Munk at 12.06 A. M. : at Wilkesbarre at 3 P. M. • at hifthanoy Citl at 2P. M. Passengers by . this train can take the Lehigh Valley Trak:. peering Bethlehem at 11.66 A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad tc New York. • • , -, . . 'At 8.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Dorlestoorm!etoP. ping - at allintownediate Stations, Passengers for Willow Orove. Hatboro , and Hartsville, by this tralm take Stage at Old:York ROSA. • ... ' , . .. -• . • At lila A. AL — Accommodation for . Fort Washington, . dapping at intermediate Stations.' , _At lAGP.," M.—Lehigh VallayExpresi for Bethlehem. Asentown. Mauch Chunk, White Haven. WiUtesbarre, Matestrat Cl 7. Hazleton, Centralia; Sh.mandoal,_ Mt. Carmel, PittstOn and' Scranton. and all points in Kahn. MY, 'line Wye:Wm; Goal Betio= . • 1 ,At2ab P i AL—Accommodation forDoTlestowit.ltoPPlng 1 , at all interniediatei stations.' , • ' • ' e. At 13.15PlId.•—Lobigh_ and Seuemehmmi Mimi, : for S,ethlehera. gastott. Allentown. Mauch Lliunk..Wlllees. harm .. ndcrantom. Passengers for Greenville- bLiP chi* train nakertowil and flumneytotret to, Berth 'Wiles At 4.15 QM.—Actieemilottation for Dallastown, stopping at, f all' intermediate,ltations... ' PAesengers for 'willow. (leave, ilatherongh and ,liarrssille take shwa .at A.bibg.. tartar Newnan° at Doslectotve. - - • o k ' ;Alt:ate M.—.Ctfr aocominottalion for" Bethlehem. and all ptAttella ohm line of North PenneyfAards, nom.; road, connectimAt lehem wiTriisisimill jrz iyaßeY,..l.4 - • high and tuseLiensalla ening amen. , town:"Mantlemimic t , _ ...- . • : , . • At 0.20 P, M.--Accommeetation for Lanathati. 'Wping a all intemiedlate Mations.' _, , ,_, At . 4.BRi a smmola N tlp tor Port Waidilngtom ' ?, :. . ', ..Fromllethiehern atil_.oo end 11:05 A. M.. SI and flee P. M. ADELPSIA 41 US, A,. IL fluid i1.00".W..M. - Traine znakee •direct 4xsineo , • tion with LA.M..O. Valley and LADJA and • Soettichruens trains &car Easton. • Bctszton. high LurAsbarre..: Mananog 41ity; land ;5/14Mston. , , • ~. • ~ . 1 Taare_ meta vi,ng_Nr Okeebarge at 1.45 P.JII. connect at 'Betnieham at 0.05 P . 51., and arrive In PbSMalptdis at From Doyheatown at 8.25 A. M., 545 and 7.00 ~ ...g. "&nn'temedale at 7.130 A. 21. .'' , . .. . • • kl'Om Fort Waahinatotz ad A. M. and 8.15 P. M Pldladilplata for Be out al IttlU A' M. PhiladelpWA for Dattoo :In I: it - . E k ieten,"o7-1141gidel Philadelp hia Pi at. ,if Al* amp streets laseettg,or Caro , convoy psalm. coot . — „,.. C to Mierfrom the new ,_. White Cats of•Becond and Third Strei3ti Mb and Union .1.,!n0 run within a ehort distatme_of the Repot. l •. ' • _.- Tickerbzmust beprocured at , the4leket ?Mee. In order to 'Metre thplowattrates of fare.' - . r..- .... , . , ~ . ~, rraJii MOM Agent. nckets sold and Baggage shocked through to principal, noints...skt,g..lNorth Tenn. Bagga,go Extrema Ogica 4313.0.1trE6T 11OUTE 'fp THE SEA BIEtOREI 11 - .6kfliltiq Arm AllAzrr/C 81:1511WEIVA2'RANGESEENT: FIVE TRAINt3 DAILY TO AT_Laisinaerry,_ on' h itteith,istz, AY, July 4 trains wit loavelline street Terry, as follows, viz.! graal.lage.ursion -- .......7.80 A. M. Fieight with aggebger'car A. M. Exprere (tlrough in two hours)..... ..... ...... 2.00 P. /IL Atlantic Atcommodatien.... -4.16 P.M. ItETLENING, WILL ...... ATLANTIC: ' ' . 5.18 P 4,90 a:AL Freight. with .Pamenger Car........ ...... ... ....IL4O A. M. Priwees (thwingh in;two home) 710 A.' M. Accommotatiou .. . . .. . . Ai M. , ,Junction Accommodation. to Atco and Interme diate Stations leaves vine atreet..... ........ ~.530 M Renaming,' leaves . . ........ A. M. .'1:1:123 . ACCOMMODATION . TRAINS WILL 2.1:0 P. BE Illuldenfield; at: ....-. ...... .LOU P. M. and .1.16 LSUNDAY' MAIL TRAIN To 'ATL.dtle CITY. eaves Vine Street. . ..• . 7.30 A . M. Leaves ........... - 449P51 Folto Atlantic. 2. Round trip tickete: good Only for the day and trnin whichthey are issued. SR. Tho Ildladelpbta LOC24 .Raprese Company. , NO. 625 Chestnut street. will call for baggage in any part of the city and — imburtte: 1 and: check to hotel, or. cettage at Atlantic A dditiOnal-Tfeliot Offices *have been lotated in the Reading-room of thepontinentei Hotel, and at No. Chestnut etreet. ' Je.lo.tf ; D. H. MUNDY. Agent. GEBMANI ArgiIIIMITOWN ANTS.NORIUSTI RAIL. ROAD TIME TABLE.--On sind atter T PrldaY. May I. 1863. • • Rolf GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, ROL 10. 11. 12A. IL. L 8.15. 83{. 4, V 403.10, V. 8. 9:04 IL 12P. M. Leave uermantown-8, 7, 146,6. 8.20. 9, 10, U. 12 A. ht. 9. 4.QM, 6, 0.36 7. 8. 9, 10. II The downztrab. and the'SM and 63‘ 69 train& wil not stop o = n the Germantown Blanch. RUNDAYB. Leave PhlhAelphht-9.l6minntesA.M;l,7aitd.M(P.M. Leave Germantown-&15 A. AL • 1.8 andP. /41.. = camsniuT tumaitar..RoA.u. Lea r ierhfiladelpldit-d. 8. 1002 A:11. - 1 erp. 7:9 and -.11 P. AL Leave Pseatnnt Hill-7.10-minates,-8. 0.40 and 11.40 A- L40.1,40.5.40.A40,1140 and-10.40 2. M. , • - • ON SUNDAYS " ' Litive era-9.1 S snintdes A. Id; I I and 7P. M. Leave CheLtaa 10kEs40,and 9.25 tornutesr. FORCONEMOHIMISMI•ANDNORRISTOWAL Leave nilladelphta-6,, 7)44,9,11.05. A. M. 430. pm. Ll 5, 8.95 and 1134 P. Leave NorritWwn-5.40. 7,7.60, 9r OA. M. ; 136.8.43d.6.11 and 01 P. AL . , • , ON SUNDAYS. _ M. te av 4 puradeirbla,L9 A-14:: PM and 7.15 P. M. Leave Nomistown-7AI ALA Wand 9 P. AL • moit - MANAYUNIL. Laave 9. 11.05 A. M.:134, 8, 434, SM, LIS. 8.05 awl 3.1„36 P. M/ . • Leave Marayank-6.0; WA= 1134 •a• M; R 834, S. BIINDAIG3. Leave Philadelphia-9 2351 and 1.16" P. IL Leave Ms.ne.yunk-114 A. t & and 9„i6 WlLSON. , General Superintendent, . Depot. Ninth and. Green street. mai:many/may; IRON. &Cr. _The - tmdereigned are prepared to receive orders for English Iron Fence of thetest quality, known as Hattie. Hurdles, the most durable and economical fence that can be tmed.i , This fence is especially adapted for country eeate or for the protection of lawns. It is in universal use in England in parks and pleasure grounds. YABNALL TRIMBLE, No. 418 South Delaware Avenue, . Ilithatelphi a. MERRICK oh SON SOUTH ARK FOUNDRY,. 430 WASIELEN ON Averine„Yhiladelphlii. MANUFAOIII= . . STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Ereeaure. Horizontal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Puma. BOlLERS—Cylinder. Flue; Tubular. gze., , STEAM .1 -I gmmPßS—Nacanyth and Da7 .ataler., and of CASTINGS—Loanai Dry and Green, Sand,_Brass, lloops--Iron Frame ,s for coveting with late or Iron. TAVHB—Of Cast orWrought .Tron.for refineries; water. oil, he. _ . _ _ GAEPHAIMENERItI4 iit as Hetorte , Bench Castings. Holders and Frames, era, Coke and. Charcoal Bar. rower_Valvm,"Govrn SUGARI I M,AIIe.EILY-rtSuch as Vacuum Rana add Pumps, Defecatorod3one Black Filters, Burners„ Wash. • ere and - Elevators; Bag Filters, Boger and, Bone Black Cars, itc. ---Bolemanufactureneol-thetollocringspecialties• Lo Philadelphia and vicinity:of William Wright's Patent Variable Cutoff Steam En e. InPow er Tenrertivatill, of Maw & Justice's PatentDead-Bfroke In theLlnit ain d States, of Weetcm's Patent Beff.Centaring and Belthalancing CentrifilgalSugar-draining_hlachine. Glass & Bartentin'Prov"lteent on AndIIWAll Woolavi Centrifugal. Barton' PatentZffroilsharen Ttetert 1 4.1 4 . e • • Stratuues Drill urinating Fleet contractors' for tbe deeign.gre Ind 'fitting OD of Re. ; finale!" for, Wo „, z ugar rebirth:nes , . COPPER DYIIITAOW =BM. EIEMATTiniat Brazier's Copper NUL% BOILS and. Ingot Copper, con. stonily on hand -an. for sage _by =nip?' waisall a co., No. , saa south B. O. 1 GPEtick • ; 11. Rant% VI4 IRON, FOR N ealainlotaiOardt puroh from store and to an, , PETER - GET dg BONB. Mow .•, .'.115 Walnut street. IDJULDeni ERE P PAM' WE OFFER WO THE TRADE MAE A- • Wh ite 4.ead. Zino WAR° an Colored Paiute of oat anufactute, of undoubted pluity;ln quanidttee to RoBERreE.OO,l3v,.. : I , ; t r i a • :Wa4.4 , Cr" • or and very sT i rqnsilli; White Cluin. Arabia, East ndla Castor 0 White an Mottled Castile Sean, Olive Oil, of various brands. For' sale - by ROBERT 81:10B. MUMMA ' DruggiO. Nattheadconzer tif Fourth and /face an . eaU , 1102741 EIIt_UOCIBTIP 81:V i r,-01tADUA wag Flu Tiles, Com • Writhes. Mirror% am Horn Scoopth- oAlinatenmentr4-Truaaes, ard and Boit Rubber . EloodwVlal • Crook -Owl NA who gyringesami all at "Find RILIAI3. PriCINI,,„I, _ , .... , . B.NOEN'irBROTIIIIOI.I aps.-tf , .- , r- 23 Boutb Eighth etreeti OBERT 8110EMAKEIL=A-00.i---WHOLES&LE R Drugglete. N. E. corner. Fourth !uut Rom etreelog, Invite the Attention 'citlite.;'Frsointo their large stock of Fine_ Prop and ChemicaTs.:Ertential -BPodg 7.11 _ciA, 1102 Elxviattras. ) V_AR FIICTURES. , 4I:IIMEY, fdfrnititt J aTi_AtillgArl•No4ll3-Gbeetßut qtreet.l4slinfattvlrAll of Gas FV=re Lammitu...huouould7Callificlattenldon of the public tothi3ir e and ciegant worth:tent of Gee GbandelielaMeridante, rackote,&e. They aieo introduce rue pipoolutodixel4tal and pnblic buildings, and attend o catoudiri, , - igtertc4 xrro rezOnn4 gar TaVe. welt nrtz:r.Ltod, FRENCH MEDICINEB' GRIMAULT & ca Chemists to its I. if Prince Nal.*leon, No. 45 Rue do Richeliou..Paria. PHOSPHATE OF IRON, By Leras. M. 'D., Doetetu' es Scioncee, Grishialt &Co. According to the minion of the members of the Paris Amide:Sy bf Medicine, this 'article fa superior Man the' ferrugisonspreparatiOns known-.lt agrees testwWthe stomach, never ,cau.sea costiveness; it con mtains the ele. met ts of the blood and the OBBOOLIS frame ' and eneceede where other preparations such as Varlets pills, irons reduced by hydrogen, lactate of. iron. And formalisms mineral water. Ono tablespoonful of the solution or BYTIlip , contains three grains of salt of iron... They are both colorless. Children 7 s,Diseases—lodized ffyrup of Horse-ftadiolu . . . Prepared by Grimault & Co., Par*, This syrup contains iodine -combinedwith the Juice of watercress, honored!. h and ecurvy-grain •which iodine and, ealphur exist naturally, and for t rea/In is an eXcellent isubstitute for cod liver ell; whio is'gene ruby supposed to *ice its efficacy to the presence of lodine: The lodized Syrup of. Horseradish in , . amiably predueeet, most satisfactory results administered to childrengaffer ing from lymphatism.'rachitism, congestion of theglindir of the neck, or the various, eruptions on, the 'facet*, Ire.; cment dining infancy- It Is also the beet remedy for the brat stage of Consumpthm. ffeing at once tonic and 'de. purative, it excites the appetite , promotes digestion. Anil stores to the tissues their natural firmness And vigor.; Dr. burin but .113uissonge . _ zeleges of' the Alkaline, if elates. The Lactatee exercise the. mist beneficial o In: s fluence over the derangements of digestion, „either bY their peculiar action on the MIICIIOIII3 membrane of the stomach. or by affording to the latter through thetr y kons , bination with the saliva to the gastric m aice sum; Of ladle acid, which all English, French and other Ob gists admit to be BZ essentiaL principle of tilgeotion; i?or the.information of those : who may he without medical, advice, it may be stated here that the sYmptords of ira. 'mired digestion are: Headache, pain in the forehead. betnierania o • gastntis. gastralgis. heartburn, wind bathe efonaich and bowels, ion of appetite, emaciation. &c. • PISEABEI3 OF TEiE CHEST.' Syitsp:9,l';:•ElLypephooptlite of Lime.' , . Grimault Clamalati,rarilk, • , 41'syrtip ecnioninde,d with Ulla . neW salt Imatasenintre... dueed by Dr. - ..l.:hurchiff, for the treatment or pulmonary phthiels: .'lleeent trial* made at the Bromuton consumn.4 Lion Liospitni..an Institution espeeially ,devoted : tothe) treatment'of dlceaces of the cheat, have abultdantly : •••• menet:rated the absolute necessity of obtaining this new there cotta .agent in the most perfectly pure and natural condition.. .ffach; table spoonful - of syrup eontaina7kam mina of perfectly pure hypophostdute of lime; and as compounded by NM Grima u lt n Co.. of Paris. the syrup m is the only preparation which guarantees to the medi al profession all the properties reqrured in this valnaole medicine. • DIARREtt.EA,-- , '-DERANGEMENTS 7 -OP 7 -THRI 1 " , ". STOMACH. • 11111.MrAttILT 4 CO. , S'GVAIL3.IIIA. - ' had been vegetable production, PerfautlYthaututlunc, had been long used In Brazil with the utmost enccee 0. aa a remedy for dlarrhces, Hick headache; 'dysentery ; and all disorders proceeding , from derangement of the stomach or bowele.. Thla powder le indispensable for all families., and far rr ore eiticacioue than opltuu and eabnitrate of bismuth, , • ' ' ' .6.15 A.M, IN PABILt. at ORDIAULT t co.'s. 4 rrie dia AGENTa riIILADELpaIA. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N., W. ear. .Tenth and Market Sts2 , del-11.9ra A YEE'S CHERRY•PECTORAL. FOR DIS - EARLItR 00 , - • .CL THE THROAT. AND LUNGS, SUCH AS,COUG 8, COLDf& WHOOPING COUGH. BRONCIIITISAST - ,i t AND CONSUMPTION. • - •• , . ..- •"••• ~, . ' Probably never before in the whole history, of me has anything won No.widely and so deeplyupon the co • ' deuce of mankind, an thin excellent 'remedy for•pohne: nary • complaints. _ Through a long aeries of'' care, anti - among most of the rages of men it has risen higher tuaelp higher in their estimation, as it has become better known. Rs uniform 'eharacterand power to cure the, varioortf. , fed:lona of the lungs and throat, have made it knotan ad ill , rellable_protector against them . , While adapted to Wider i forms of 'disease and to younichlldrert, it Is at the, alma • , Male the'most effectual reme • that can by given/or*: cipient coneureption t and the i angercua affect:loth bl.the throat and , lunga.- •AA a provision againat suddettatteeks.; of ittoup, it should be kept on fiend in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs:: all should be provided with this antidote for them,„ , ...1 .1 ~ ~.. Although. settled Censumption is thorig a hCinePreidel . , atilt great numbers of ' cases where the mmo seen:lea mottled, have been completely cured, and the patient re. ' stored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral , Sonora. ~ pieta Is its mastery. over the disorders of the :Langs - • Throat, that the moat obstinate of them pleb:lto it s " nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry pe,ctoral • they subside and disappear. , .. . • , . Singers • amt....public , ,Speakers find great ; protealling. Asthma lis alWays rellesied and often whollycured_ft.- - ___ Bronchitis iii generally cured hY tiddlig the ' fe d' ' tore/ in small and-frequent doses.- ; • „ ,i• , ~ , ~- Se,gerterell,y are its virtues known that . we.ieeiV to " publish the. certificsitea of .thena•here. or de - more thars'. , swore theptilllie that its qualities are fullyntabota ,,,5, AYEIVEI•AGUE" 'CURE, .FOR FEVER tiD AGUE., 1.: TERMITTENT FEVER, CHILL FEVER, ..'•• TENT '.FE DUMB,AGUE, ,_PERIODICAL. 4 BILIOUS FER&C.; AND INDFRD ALL THE . A.F.. r FECTIONB_, CH ARISE FROLI. Lis r , artIOUS • MARSH, OR MATH) POISONS. ' •- • • , - As its name implies, it does Curate:id does notfait.7. , , ; x '. taioing neither Arsenic. Quinine. Disinuth. Eine; nor ,' 1 . . other mineraler.polsonousaubstance whatever, it p,. wise injuretvany patient ; The number - and Rape - of its cureainthe ague 'districts. are literally beytiditio; : count, and we believe without a parallel,* the biatery of Ague medicine: Our pride is gratifiedvby the...aelmowl. , . edgmenti We receive of the radical etiree effetted . • in , ob. athlete casen.and where other remedies had wholly failed. I Unacclimated peraons,_ either resident in. - or traveling ; ' through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily; - • A.., , ,, •• - • • • For LIVER COMPLAINTS. arising tram. torpidity' of the Liver. it A an. excellent remedy ' ', atimniatimg the Liver into healthy activity ..• ' ' • For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaintii, it is an ei. cellent remedy producing many truly - =Arland° 'MUM' where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dr J . C. AI ER & CO., Practical and'Aug. lytical ChOmithi, Lowell, -Mass., and ;sold all round the world. • L: • PRICE, $l,OO PER BOTTLE.. J. M. MARIS & CO.„ - Philadelphis, Wholesale Agents,' „ au2t3 w Iv sPils DENTALLINEL—A SUPERIOR AIRTIME FOE' cleardig the Teeth. destroying , susinsidenla -which in.: feet them, giving tow to the gulniS, and leaving& fooling of fratrance ana perfect cleanliness in thereon Itreay.. be teed daily; and found to strengthens wear =di-- bleeding gang, *laths the aroma and. de tersiveness will recommend it to every onn' Beint.composetti with the , asehtance of the Denffth physicians and edleroacopist. is confidently offered as a reliable thhatitate for the an. certain washea'formerirle vogue. • - Eminent Bentham. acquainted with the constitnantlel the Contains, advocate its saes it contains nothing to Prevent Its nnreatrainedmnplament. • • lithe only by • JAM T. SELMI, Apothecary Broad and Spruce M 5410, 6 Draw* generally and • •• • Brown. /3.` L. Stacidemici, Mustard Co.. Robert C. Davis. , C..ll...Hisim i a• Geo. C. Bower. • Ches. Shivers.% • ffeedle4 S. M. • T. J.:Husband. ' S. C. Bunting. Ambrose Smith. , Chas. H. Eberle. Edward Parrith. James N. Marks. - - Wsn. B. Webb, E, Britighorst_el_Cn D_.fott I:logics 4 Combe. By O. Blair's Soroyl Henry A, Bower, ., Wyethas Ben 1116.BELL/kIkWATANNO. 81. D.. 925 Coilaultations free.: - .- • unlar OLOTII BTOMBIEB & LEE. No. 'NORM" A... 1 SECOND street, bave now on band.a large and choice assortmMerchant Tai l orter Goode.. particularkt apted to the Trade, comprielog in part. French, Belgian and'Amerlcan clothe of svery descriP -0 COATINGS. • Black French. Csetor Beavers.. Colored French Castor. Beavers. London Blne Pilot Cloths. . Black and Colored Chinchillas.. Blues, Black and Dahlia Moscow& PANTALOON BTUFFO. Black FrettChessaimeres. Do do,-,. 'Doeskins. • Fancy Casetmeres new styles.. Steel Mitred Doeskins. - • • Caeaimeree forfiults. neiret7lo6; 3.4 and ti 4 Doeskins, beat makes. Velvet Cords.Beaverteena, Italian Olotlis,r; Canvaa;witli every variety of othertrimmings; adapted to Men% and Boy& wear, to which we. itsvitathtbatten eon of. Merchant- Tailors and othe JA twhol de ettale and tail. .W. 5 NO. II North - Betrond.'Wftt. ----- Sign of the Golden Lamb. QOM MOBS GRIMM LEHIGH • COAL. PIUBTED'itMoCOLLIN - • No. $023 cluayuzehterst, Westrbultelphis; s• • Sole.Retall,Asext for.Cozeltrothers u ts celebrated: Cross tireek JAW/ Cosk from the Huck otuttalltllehr- This coal Is vs &Meat'. rlfilasta-for g Steam toll-- Sum mid Malt gooses. s calm erc..:lt io RIM 11P.far , " • 3174:kt!fa.l t itaila t ik tAT? Vogtwlil onr_prom Um: Liberal en'arytetnents made with, manta rejoilsr•ousntity. •• - • j101,.... 1 ••• e.ereeoetzessa.) 6-- -f. ; r : ‘• . , z -.- _croon r.•scatosr..•___- TIE 43Na ga etoo rkIXDANVITE -•- 0a7.434110 11 ;TO Orr% o ift locket Itotintab3 .02tA, wuchopith Mown avert bY oe. we thialcOse : be excelled b any other Cosi. 8 S strOefiCe4 , BVI •n6plUiPit_ teletr •• •^Weieteetwharf.B , nuvin ,e i. . , e , . . iii.ND - 15 AND ALMoNnB.--NEw , .CROY I/ KENO. T Die Walthte and Pupyr Ainiond4 far *ale* J. B. BUSSIER. & Ltd south Delaware. urns C. -~}. I'i Q~~J -. f'. MU'ABED BY 01 , ttnnUi. r • .