Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 11, 1868, Image 2
- .... v - • `.1.4ri....i...- _ 4,.,, TM) - -•-• -' e" 4 r-'-'7"'" -•''''''' - ' 4 7 4 " . '" -•,'''-'4c - •'-'. 1.4., ,• • • N... , . , - .-- -,,, - . ,' ~" - . ~, - • ) __:_. ____ __. ___ _ _ ___. .- - • - _ _____ _ . , . • • - . • .. , • , • rk , , • • , • . , _ 2 - THE DAILY EVENING BIILLETIN---PHILADELPHIA TT - ESDAY, AUGUST 11., 1868. ~., M1L.....,................1 .....................-.....—..-..-....„ -% ' , ~ . : , lO N s*. THE COPPERHEAD. martial himself and dea f thenceforward the in' ilithry' school where he was taught. rineeigueside. • aimoomeinese, imillitions, ace , . ,•,, from a plotter of campaigns to be a rho- _,Hence; , yon can see the Blue Ridge near by,' : ' cv ~.. - , • .. Of an the factions men we've teen, ''' roughly subservient creature of General Lee„ unscarred by the loeg War, and rugged patio- -700 MILES ' ' ' . Tia 3PAIUNI:JOMES • ' - WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPKRTIES Existing now or long since dead, who is directly responsible for all Jackson's runes of nature on either ; .slye, With the ' - " ' Brown I S 4 to a n n e d 41tiES16ID8ENpliCuEel, Sr.at. • No one was ever known so mean . t. : , - -FOIt SALE OR TO itIENT.. . .it successes. ---. 7 4 . prat village stretching bene,ath. 1 felt,with . . , , As him we call a Copperhead ,. .41708 e , j1 4 8 1 11 1t ni -I c tl ß 2 ro , ' Residing in , the Rural Districts, 'r) , A draft evading Copperhead; I li e d through the ' irginia valley that all this emasculated stature Of Jackson re- ' OF.. Tim . i.. J. C. o'Cut. A: Filth.. A rebel-aiding Copperhead; Jackson never had the confidence of . the Gently ; made known, some sense of, grand as- . - . , A growling, slandering, rational dlicers under his command. Be sociation with his grave, if no more than of We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fitmilies at - 120 South FE Street. Scowling, pandering, was ambitious almost to maniacy, moody the mighty battles he mingled in. But I their country residences with every description of _Jvltith a Ram. o.____Yr Vicious, States' rights Copperhead. and muttering like a gibbering person,qacked heard a negro singing as he worked near by,, UNION PACIFIC - . , __________,.,,_ Abe element of organization and order entirely, free and cheery, and I wondered if this man FINE GROCEFIIES, TEAS; &o n &o. IFC)3R, 5.A.:1...E.. From him the decencies of life, thel, bad altogether the worstAieed, most slat- had died in vain; he lived on in a dirge, not ' - And all its,courtesies, have fled. _ Be' lives in fretful, factions strife- ternly body of men in the Beryl& of Virginia. in any song ! , - MORTGAGE OF 84.006. MORTGAGE OF '4l 600 A testy, touchy Copperhead- He knew nothing of distance ; being himself .------.---.0 4111...---..--...—. ALBERT C.ROBERTS, A negro-fearing Copperhead; an extraordinary pedestrian , ' he made his seinefaue's History — Napoleon Lc Petit e etc. n,i.iratCOA:ll3 APPLY TO 4.1. 9 , ss 1 A rebel-cheering Copperhead; men walk for weeks, and his own example rno re Eleventh and Vine Streets. An unlearned, unlicked, on the march shamed ,them from murmuring; Mr. Kinglake, M. P. and Victor Hugo do , ..„-------- .-C----i BALDERSTON & ALBERTSON Oft-spurned, oft-whipped, and his successes, late in the service, so con- not like Napoleon 111. The former is pub- , 1 e Donghfaced, cringing Copperhead. tented them that criticism was disarmed , fishing a history of the Crimean war and FAIRTHORNE & CO., amitunna.) ' No. 120 North - 'Thirteenth - Streets . I state these things here because I have other things, and is very severe upon the Dealers In Teas and Coffees, When "Save the Union" was the cry, Emperor and the Earl of Cardigan. The apBo tf And thousands for the Union bled, been undeceit-ed in the current Northern esti- and s now finished and in active operation. One hundred No. 1030 MARKET ST v EET.: British author failed to be a good statesman, , Manufacturers, Commission Merohanta, The Nation's right he did deny '.'.' mate of the famous warrior's ability at almost ixty miles have been built in the last four months. - All goo d s guaranteed pure, of the best uality, and sold To save itself;-this Copperhead- every point I have touched. He was absent so writes a medioare history. His style is More than twenty thousand men are employed, and this at moderato prices. A Son of Liberty Copperhead; _ and unsympathetic by temperament, rash in tinged, tediously vekbose, and his narration is average of forty mile, per month will bo continued .th a tri tun Grain. Dealers . A Golden Circle Copperhead; judgment, and his victories are ascribable to not everywhere reliable. His description of throughout the season, making NINE HUNDRED COM TABLE CLARET.-= CASES OF SUPERIOIisTABLE FOR SALE - OR TO RENT. A scheming, lying, the coup detat in 1831 is faulty where he PLETk..D MD PS by January Ist, and it is now probable 1 claret, warranted to give . a in For sale br . his insensibility to fatigue and hip regardless- Screaming, flying, speaks of the events of the 2d of December. that the ENTIRE GRAND LINE TO THE PACIFIC Mk' sPILLIN N W comer Arch and ' the LARGE AND COMMODIOUS Mean, Canadian Copperhead. ness of it in all his army. He led a strong, WlLL BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN 1869. • •• " 1414 stmeta. He is no more correct than is Victor Hugo. Two-Story Brick . Building ardent body of men, the flower of the No other Bret - clues railroad in the world has been built Si l eef el t* - 111 (i csi lA enMe importa tion . fAiTe's Pe 'b i "LAD M. F. in Napoleon le petit, who also related and equipped so rapidly as the Union Pacific, which runs BPILLIN. N. W. corner Arch and Eigliat streets . On Washington Avenue, west of Twentieth it. ,. When Southern miscreants designed valley; and they would march anywhere in Their helpless prisoners' blood to shed, the midst of success, and straggle anywhere the details of that eventtul day. west from Omaha . H AM . DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES. -JOHN 155 feet front and 110 feet deep to Alter street. Can be And Libby prison undermined, after defeat. Some of the follies of this wild- The subscriber was an eye-witness of wd's Justly celebrated Earns and Dried Beef. divided, Baltimore Railroad Drums the property. Who then approved? The Copperhead- brained soldier are so notorious that I shall much that transpired on the Bole - ACROSS THE CONTIN E NT. and Beef Tongues; also the best brands of Citiciti Possession at once. llama. For sale by M. F. Brlr TAN, N. W. corner Arch The soldier-ahooting Copperhead; yards between the Chaussi.ie d'Antin and the and Eighth streeta. LUKENS & mon TGOMERIT be old in relating them. When he seized • The United States Government makes of this railroad The patriot-hooting Copperhead; rue du Faubourg Poissonniese, which Messrs. 1035 Reach Marcel l above Laurel.. The war-abusing, Martinsburg 'he burned forty locomotives a GREAT NATIONAL WORK, and aids its construction WATCHES. JEWELRY. &C. auB aim 4w. Aid-refusing, worth half a million of dollars, and all the Kinglake and Hugo depict in such tragical by very liberal grants of money and of lands. To further - Crime-excusing Copperhead. bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio road, and but inexact terms. If Mr. Kinglake is as insure the speedy completion of the Road, the Company 0 DESIRABLE reckless with other incidents as he is erro- are authorized to issue their own then began to haul engines along the turn- ts,WIS LADONUS & co le Who scoffed at Pillow's bloody fray, pikes to Winchester by horses, whereas he neons about the coup d"etat and venamo - And Andersonville's murdered dead? could have run them all up by rail had he towards the Emperor and Lord Cardigan, his FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS• .DIAMOND DEALERS it JEWF '. '. : GIRARD AVENUE RESIDENCE Who victory's hour did long delay ? book will be of little sterling value. Victor • The traitorous, treacherous Copperhead- not destroyed the road. The locomotives . W.ATCIIES,JiirThiai k i lktilin, D , A; FOR, SA3L..E. Hugo is a great mind and a great poet, but having thirty years to run, and having interest coupons The crime-creating Copperhead; were a serious loss to the Confederacy, and p a ya ble semi - annually at the rate of six per cent. in goId. 'WATCHES and ,TEWELTLY LE? . I: us, Assassinating Copperhead: the best live battles he ever fought could not even his admirers regretted the publication of *inprincipal, as well as interest_ Lei made BO2 Chestnut St., Phila' ' The strife-exciting, compensate for their loss. "Napoleon le petit," which was childish in . . - Beautiful& Commodious Dwelling House, Wrath-inviting, At the beginning of the war he seriously tone and filled with prognostications of a PAYABLE IN GOLD. . Death-delighting Copperhead. counselled the taking of no prisoners, argu- France chaos within ten ears from 1852), and Watches of the Finest Makers. Southtide of GIRARD AVENUE. 60 feet west of Fil ing that a soldier was bound to fight till he an invective altogether unworthy of the author The Mortgage Bonds of nearly all other railroads in this country, are payable , principal and interest, In cur- ' Diamond and Other Jeweirvo ' teenth street. 117 feet 10 inches front on the avenue, by IE6 feet deep to Cambridge street. Stable and Carriage. When widows mourned their lonely lot, of "les Miserables." Napoleon HI. is nd And orphan children wept their dead, died, and• that the Yankees had no right to saint. Who is? Not Mr. Sul lake nor M. renoy ; and it is asserted , without fear of contradiction. House. with beautiful grounds surrounding. Of the lateat styles. Who said: ' Their just deserts they got"? , aspect quarter any way. - that no other tanned company in the world, building so Solid Silverand Plated Ware , Lox N & SIONTGNIERIi, are, j/: Possession given at on ce. The Northern rebel Copperhead- .He had been accustomed to all sorts of V. Hugo, surely. , I, for . one Rho has passed great an extent of road, Issues bonds of equal value with The widow-libelling Copperhead; - rough travel, on nig and foot, and with any a portion of his humble life under the Emperor the First Mortgage Bonds now offered for sale by the Etc., Etc. , bias sv et* tf..35 BEACH STREET. The grief-deriding Copperhead; other body of men than the Valley of Vir- since the commencement of his reign, have a Onion Pacific Railroad Company. The price of these Bonds is now 102 and accrued in. SMALL STUDS FOR EYELET HOLES. The false, conspiring, ginia contributed, he could never have kept great respect for the ruler, and a great'admi- terest from July 1 , In currency . The Company believe City-firing, ration for the working of the Impanel system. Ala rgo assortment just received, with a variety of WILL w IAL LI CRE ft r i E O..E . orI R dif F s i p A riA L ,LuNe E s. s p r sIN A nv. y :f A mi GE G N T T o . N ST,, his command together. General Leo had to that at this price their Bonds are the settings. Booth-admiring Copperhead. Defective it is, and plat government is not? subdue this eccentric zealot's crude notionsßeal Estate bought (;Al desirous of Gilt Make out the Empire as black asyeight; admit Safest and Most Profitable Investment E ti Nor woman's grief, nor orphan's tears, of warfare before he became useful at all. I WM. 11. WARNE & 'CO., ing cottages during the season will address or app Nor e'en a nation's honored dead, have - picked up some points about him at .that all that is said be true; that its finances are Wholeeale Dealers in above. in the market, and they confidently expect that they vrill .Eli t:f r p o eclf e ul , . IyreferC 3 h i ar i l l es A. Rtibicam. Esq., Henry (1. Are sacred trom the jibes and sneers Lexington, Winchester and elsewhere, which in a wretched condition, that/its chief is ever c eh uri orti ty y , c ommand a higher premium thane ny eihntar - se. I. 'WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Seventhand o ' clue E; i ' Francis c %tun. Esq., and Augustus hie Of every brutal Copperhead- you may like to have related , ready for war, and pricked by an unlucky Company reserve the right to advance the l3' • cornerhestuut Streets, ___2 t _q• isism Each church .aspersing Copperhead; ambition, and that more* his subjects are price at any time, and will not all any orders j'ecei d ir And late of No. 85 Synth Third street 10 jelly c g A T n Q el f ig L(Yr ant i ße ilE th r en .- e - e iV in AN i j ev F e .,D rly r ? kr j e lg y. G for Each preacher-causing Copperhead ; JACK SOl7 A FRAUD. 4 hideous-still the Frenelf wader the Empire, any subscription on which the money has ° riot bee v n ° -As ' Each Union-hating, . The family of Stonewall Jackson came Ip6` in material prosperity, individual happiness _ _Ready_ made_Clothing. Frivv $7 0 W actually pald at the Company's alien before the time di estENTLEILENts sr istrutstairs6llo - 001011 - With real name, WEST. office of this Paper. . Rule 2 r4"- t* War-creating, such advance. • Ainerica 120 years ago. His remote ancestor and popular virtue, Will not suffer by corn- . c FOR SA LF, WITH POSSESSION, A VERY Repudiating Copperhead. Subscriptions will be received in Philadelphia by• nervier four story de near , with Fide yard-No was a common soldier in the Revolution,and parison with the Russians, the Germane, the FINE 'DRESS 'S IRIS • :1•• 1430 South Petsa square, near Fifteenth. Aptly to . Crawl to your dunghill, vire; crawl! the third generation promised well, interwar -, , . :k.gitsiftnen, or the Americans. Let any one DE HAVEN & BROTHER, M. IL 110FPNIAN, For U. S. Grant, with conquering tread rying with Mrs. James Madison's family: recall the condition of things in 1848-con- AND aufls.m.w.tfp No. 324 Walnut street, 24 awry, -Marches to crush - the thing men call, Jackson's father drank, gambled, and -ben, trast-the nresent-with the past-and say, if ho In politics, a Copperhead- - can. that - the Eritheror is not in hthe main a .....__ --.--._ ..-'_.... (4 - ENTEVNO V .N.;14-Trie_lS. - g liters - ... - erirreerove die greet, . ," 421 South Thirteenth street. • I emocra rc opper tea ; A vile fanatic Copperhead; A murder-jeering, Widow-sued ing, Assaesin-cheering Copperhead ISTONEWAA L JACKSON 4 tho Land of Ms First Exploits—Au Ins. portant Chapter Omitted In His Btu graph y—Jackson a Fraud. [From G. A. To%N mend's Letter to the Hartford Poet) BERKELEY SPRINGS, BATII, Va., July 28, 1868.—Describing the circle between Canala and Virginia, I find myself at the outs tart at the oldest watering place in America. Here in the heart of the mountains,at the northerly cape of Central Virginia, stands the town of Bath. A warm sulphur spring was discov ered here two hundred years ago, and the great estate of Fairfax claimed it. Lard Fair fax erected a cabin in Bath Valley, and here congregated, due ing all therevolutionary years, the cabinet of Washington, and the Virginia gentry at large. They brought with them their running stallions and game ch‘ckens. and the Father of the Countr himself is tra ditionally reputed to have sent some of the gamest-rocks hither that ever drew blood, and to have watched them conquer, with less than his usual calm demeanor. K sox, Jef ferson, Hamilton and the rest, have bathed in the Springs of this mountain gorge, and the sites of their cabins are still shown where the cabins themselves are no longer visible. Here fell the war like a meteor, and found a 'Union population SJ staunch that the rebel lion never budged them. Many yeats before, an indomitable old Virginian, named Cilonel Etrother, came to this basking place. The test bloods of the Commonwealth crossed in him, and when he had built a great hotel close by tlit4iprlngs, he drew around him the noblest of l' , rk,inia and Southern society. The old man's ..,-vere, ver-anxious example influenced a im t 'at loyal devotion to the Union which ide 1 th a stea fast popu latiOn when all th v lleys beh nd it fell .) i. away. A few desk ate 'bankr pts, who hoped to cross out iNr borrowings from Northern men, ran off to Richmond, but out of the hundred villagers there Were not half a dozen tainted families in the place. LAND OF sT(PNEIVALL JACI•si , N. It was here that Stonewall Jacksni inaugu• rated his first lunatic campaign, a chapter in his life that the rebel biographer.; have ma dent's, omitted. In the win teg of it-4;i he suc ceeded in obtaining commafill of a district under Joe Johnston, and at once, in the terri ble cold of the mountains, moved his fifteen thousand men upon Bath to whip Kelley at ltomney, Lander at Hancock,. and all the other windmills that this strange old Quixote could conjure up at impossible points, lie froze a number of his men to death in cutting the Potomac canal, and on the march from Winchester hither brought 32 pieces of can non, two of them being twenty-four pounders, drawn by ten horses each. At Bath there was a little picket, which escaped with ease, while the redoubtable General was moving 1 troops up the slippery spines of the moun tains, as if he were to take an immense army captive. The retiring troops emptied some dozens of his saddles, and the bulk of Jack son's command seemed unwilling to ip on, when he himself blustered into the town and ordered a crushing advance. The freezing troopers of Ashby, and all the foot soldiers, were now standing upon fence-rails and planks to keep their feet warm, but some of them were urged forward to Hancock, where Jackson cited Lander to surrender, or he would bombard the town. "Fire and be d—d!" replied Lander. The General then had artillery planted on the mountain knobs at prodigious labor, and attempted to cross troops on a raft with the river swollen to a torrent. He scarcely put to flight one goose in Hancock, while his pioneers were shot down all along the river bank. Meantime he pushed along the road to Romney, lost two cannon at Hanging Rock, got no prisoners anywhere, was re pulsed at capon Bridge by a few village boys of Bath, and when he projected the burning of bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio road above and below Cumberland, rank mutiny broke out in his ranks. Almost all his officers signed petitions for his removal on the general grounds of insanity and thick headedmiss. He was ordered from Richmond to fall back to Winchester; and while affecting rage he resigned and secretly got the Presby terian clergymen of his acquaintance to threaten to desert the Confederate cause with tbeircongregations unless, he were retained. In this campaign he lost by cold, exposure said the bullet, live hundred men who never earned a minket, again,and his crazy method of blanking ao disgusted above a thousand otheis that they went home and quit the rebel eeryice forever. Ile narrowly escaped court, rigid twice, and died of grief. he orphan boy ran away froth the cruelty of one of his uncles, wearied of the protection of two others, and finally disappeared upon a vaga bond career, down the Otto a d Mississippi rivers. Returning, almost reeked, his uncle put him to hard work, and as he had the dyspepsia at an early age, he took the. active post of constable in a mountain county. Here he was celebrated as a rough, fighting character, and his uncle put him upon " the saddle as a jockey in the country. He de scended low in the moral and social scale, and his accounts were short in several casas, so that his uncle, the security, had to make them good. His biographer admits that he provided himself with an outfit for West Point by selling some publiel claims that he was intrusted with; and leaving the uncle to adjust them. He ranked among the poorest of hie class, but slipped through the institu tion just in ti?se for the Mexican war, whqxc Magruder mentioned him favorably 4 forliadd? ling artillery well. His common origin,dolness,and the mean-• ness of his assJciations, made him morbidly. bashful and grave for the most of his lite. Hence he began to covet religious associa tions, nod a shy self-retrospection and self measurement absorbed him altogether. ,g He used to say that an officer ought to sa ifice everything else to the attainment of ranlf 4 . 11 hen Jackson applied for the ProfdCsor ship of Philosophy and Artillery Tactics at Lexington, in ISM, his competitors were George B. McClellan, (.lens. Roseerans,Reno, and the rebel General G. W. Smith. He had probably the poorest success of any of the Professors, being 9Lbtuse, illogical, a jumper at conclusions, itjaisortally unsympathetic with his pupilf. He used to fail dismally with his philosophical experiments, to the laugh,ter of his classes, and his mind seemed always set upon dreamy contingencies, while odds and ends of things made up the mass of his actual acquirements. Ile became a Presbyterian the first year at Lexing ton, but was so skeptical upon the main points of Galvanism that he twice meditated joining the Methodist Church. He was a rigid Sabbatarian, whipped his 0612 slaves frequently with his own hand, and often whipped them for tailing to come in to morn ing and evening prayers. When he went to war he hired them out, and he died without making any provision for the freedom of any of them. His gossip Dabney says, in h life of him, that Providence made Jackson the hero of the war because he was the best type of the Christian Master. When he became a deacon of the Church, he used to make his slaves give out of their extra labor,. contribu tions .o the Bible Society, whose books they could not read. He married Miss Jenkins in 18.;;3, daughter of the President of Wash ingon College, and in 18:17 married Miss Morrisonoo Presbyterian preacher's daugh ter. A daughter, now live years old, sur `vives him. Much of his power originated with his seudonym, "Stonewall," given him by Gen. i Lee t the battle of Bull Run. "Texan Ran rs," "Louisiana Tigers," "Stonewall Jac on," scared as many as they ever shot. Of jack sbn's dramatic piety on the battle field I hear dubious statements. He had lost some of his fingers and used to hold them up, as if in the attitude of prayer, to get the blood out of the stumps. This was said to be prayer on the eve of action. He had a fash ion of creeping around camp in the dark to overbear what was Bald of him. This was prayer in ambush. He was addicted to dull controversial discussions in his fly-tent, such as local preacbers in agricultural sections in dulge in, and his estimate of himself in contrast to General Lee may be in stanced when he said: "I would follow Lee anywhere, blindfolded." That this sort of man should call the Notkthern people "fanatics," is odd. His life, ekcept for the great events to which it, was attached, was essentially a common-place life. No cadet of the United States owed it so mu i th grati tude. That cadetship saved Thomas Jona than Jackson from keepitt a yo 7 room or jockeying horses for all his days. lic,,never said a shrewd thing that stands in, record or memory, and is de&th is a commentary upon his generalshi . •,, ,,, He ordered ins men to fire on anybody c ming up a certain road, and straightway ent up it himself. The same troops that Jackson led,ss recklessly xnarched, would have conquered under anybody. They were the flower of the South, high-spirited, fighting stock; but in the history I , of their leader 1 see only! one power in excess, tha over fatigue. He seems to me to he the mos •exaggerated personage of the war. i His last words were : "Let us go over the river and rest in the shade." His grave is in the village cemetery, upon a grassy knoll, in view of the blackened and hollow walls o wise an. goo ru er, an. t. t ranee has not aclva , (iced astonishingly in solid thrift.. One needoiot particularize figures and abstract results, though they are at hand, to confute Mr. Kinglake, were he a fair man, but that he is a bitter and unjust one shows forth in his wild abuse of Cardigan and N 1-* poleon. Victor Hugo chooses to be a great martyr; it is profitable to him,and he caresses, by refusing the Emperor's invitation to return to his country, his peculiar vanity. But Vic tor Hugo is a French red; a violent hater of the Bonapartes, and a man of towering and blind conceit. One can call insignificant in "Napoleon le petit" what becomes exaggera tion and perversity in Kinglake's history.— Paris Cor. Boston Post. 8U0111.E819 OGIIILDO. JOIN J. WEATER. WEAVER & PENNOCK, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. 37 North Seventh street, Philadelphia. Country Seats fitted up with Gas and Water in first 'class style. An assortment of Brass and Iron Lift and Force Funps constantly on hand._ LVAD aI ARIIING AND gpshugAL PLUM RING. N. B.—Waver Wheehs supplied to the trade and others at reasonable . prices. ROJ . O'KEEFE, Plain and 0 amental Home and Sign Painter 1 q 21 Walnut Street. Glazing promptly attended to. my2o JAIL= A. WRIGHT, THOHPTOA ME E. ca.numerr A. 0111150011 FRANK 1.. NEALL. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, Importers of Earthenware and Shipping and Commiation Merchants, N 0.115 Walnut !street, Philadolphia. OTTON AND LINEN BAIL DUCK OF EVERY width, from one to six feet wide, all nu mberp. Tent and Awning Duck. Papermakere Felting, Sail Twine, &c. JOHN W. EVERMAN & CO., No. 14X3 Church St. DRIVY WELLI3.—OWNER2. OF PROPERTY—THE I only place to get privy wells cleansed and disinfected. at very low prices. A. PEYSSON. Manufacturer of Pon. drette. Goldsmith's Halt Library street. THE FINE AMTS. New 'Ming in Art. BERLIN PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS. A. S. ROBINSON, No. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Hite just received et euperb collection of Berlin Painted Photographs of FLOWERS. They are exquisite gems of art, rivalling in beauty. naturalness of tint, and perfection of form a great variety of the choicest exotic flowering plants. They are mounted on boards of three sizes, and sold from ft cents to $3 and $4 each. For framing, or the album, they are incomparably beautiful, COAL AND WOOD• CROSS CREEK LEHIGH COAL. • PLAISTED & MoCOLLIN No. MS CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia, Sole Retail Agents for Coke Brothers & Co.'s celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Coal. from the Buck Mountain Vein. This Coal is particularly adapted for making Steam for Sugar and Malt Bounce. Breweries, &c. It le also unsur passed as a Family Coal. Orders left at the office of the Miners. So. 841 WALNUT Street (let floor), will receive our i rompt attention. Liberal arrangements made with manufacturers using a regular quantity. jyl6 tf R. MASON 131.11E15. .101111 F. ems,. rpHE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO 1 their stock of spring Mountain. Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal which, with the preparation Riven by us, we think cpnnot be excelled by any other Coal. Office. Franklin institute Building, No. 15 B. Bovontb street. BINEB & BREAM • Arch street wharf. Schuylkill COPAJITNEUSHIPS 1 - 118SOLLTION OF COPARTNERSHIP.—TDE CO. partnerohin heretoforo existing under the firm of I.Dbi.tilqD YARD di CO. to this day absolved by mutual coneent. EDMUND YARD, JAMES S. FENTON, LUCIUS P. THOMPSON, EDMUND YARD, J. The buelneee of the late firm wW be settled at 617 U ESTNUT treet. by the above. PIILLADELPIIIA, July 31, 1868. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE—WE HAVE THIS DAY formed a copartnership, under the name of the firm of FENTON & THOMPSON, for the transacting of the Im• porting and Jobbing businees. in silks, foreign and dome& tic dry goode, at our old stand, 617 CHESTNUT street. JAMES S. FENTON. LUCIUS P. THOMPSON. Pnit.e.Drd.rute.TAuguet let, 1868. au1.120 ALL.e.PINP'ETeen'figNIOI7I4XIbAIET.TitIE EPH. AT• TITUS and J. W. SoiRONG. late trading as TITUS & STRONG. is this day mutually dissolved. 'WINE% 1141130115, tice. BENEDICTINE. LIQUEUR, ' Des Moines Benedictine do l'Abbayo do Fecamp. (France). Curacao Imperial, Russian Rummel, French Bitters,, Brandies, Champagnes, Clarets, and other Wines and Cordials. C. DE GAEGUE dt CO_ General Agents and /mporten3 for the United States and Canadal. No. 3 'William street, New York City. ion-w,f,m,SmS} TTALNUTS AND ALMONDS.—NEW CROP OREN% ble Walnuts and Paper Shell Ahnonde, for gale by J. B. 11121.11Eil & CO.. 1M gout& Delaware aver C. No. 86 S. Third Street. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., And In Now York At the Company's Office,No.2o Nassau St John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, 59 Wall St. And by the Company's advertised Agents throughout ,Remittances should be made In drafts or other funds jar in New York, and the bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents will look to them for their safe delivery. A PAMPHLET AND MAP FOR 1803 has Just been put.. lobed by the Company, giving fuller information than is possible in an advertisement, respecting the Progress of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and"the Value of the Bonds,which will be sent free on application at the Co.o oany's offices or to any of the advertised Agents. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. Jr.n.T 21. Ifki& jyBlBms POPULAR LOANS. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, At 102 and Accrued Interest. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, At 103 and Accrued Interest. " Bonds on hand for immediate delivery Full reports, maps, (Sze., furnished upon appli cation. ' l lEffee 110. No. 40 S. 'Third St. GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHT BY P. S PETERSON do 00.. 89 South Third Street. Telegraphic Index. of Quotations ',tenoned in a eon opicuous place in our office. STOCHS. BONDS. &c.., &8., Bought and Bold on Commi..ten at th e teseee tth m De a rth delpof Brok enhia. of New York. Boston. Baltimore and Phila. myle dm, BROWN, BROTHERS & No. 211 Chestnut Street, Issue Commercial Credits; also, Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers; available in any part of the World. $15 . 900 T at g?le l ! i au7.-orr ON4oLFESTVAISOST'P,ITY No.= South Fourth street. $lO- 000 . 86,5 A $ 2 , 500 . 6800, TO LOAN ON MO A T. - • , gage. L NORRIS, anEr6t. MS North Tenth streot. WTORTON , I3 PINE &PP= CHEESE. BOXES ON ./. , 4 Consignment. Landing and for ale • JI • • . BUBBLER & (X).. Asento for Norton & Elmer. 1: Son y. Delftware Mental 16 South Third Street AND BY the United Statee. 7 hi tit a ti, 1020 sm• J. W. SCOTT & CO., 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Four doors below Continental Udell mbl4 m w tt PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIM MANUFACTORY. reieti tot these celob rbrief eted Shirts supplied prompay notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of Lste styles In foil varlet,. WINCHESTER & CO.. 70e''CLIESTNUT. w,f.tt GENTS` PATENTIIPANO AlSt , T .FI toned Over Gaiters. Clo th . if e ath we a l ecrirm% order , • eara '0 OODS, of every deseriptiorkvtepOorv. 903 Ehertdrf street. corner or Muth. The beet Eld Glove or ladles and Mts. at ILICTIELDERPIMPB BAZAAIrE. rteletft OPEN IN THE EVENING, EXCURSIONS. Belvidere and Delaware Railroad Co "DELAWARE WATER CrAP." NOTICE.—For the medal accommodation of Paeten• gen deaireua of spending Sunday of the DELAWARE WATER GAP, an additional Line will leave the Water Gap every MONDAY MORNING, at 6 o'clock. Arriving at Philadelphia about 11 A. M. Liner leave Herrington Depot for Delaware Water Gap daily (Sundays excepted) at 7 A. M. and LSO P. M. jylB tau3l W. H. GATZM.EIL Agent. Old, Reliable and Popular Route BETWEEN. NEW YORK AND• BOSTON, And the only Direct Route for Newport, Fall River, Taunton, New Bedford, illddlehoro', an the Bridgewater, and all Towns on the Cape Cod Railway, and Nantucket, This line is composed of the BOSTON, NEWPORT ANr, NEW YORK STEASI, BOAT COMPANY (Old FaU River Line), comprising the magnificent and fleet steamboats NEW. PORT, OLD COLONY, METROPOLIS and EMPIRE STATE, running between New York and Newport, R L and the Old Colony and Newport Railway between Bos ton and Newport, making a through Line. One of the above boats leave Pier 28 North River daily (Sundays excepted). at 5 o'clock P. 51, arriving in New port at 23 A. M. the first train leaving Newport at 4A. M., arriving in Boston in season for all Eastern trains Families can take breakfast on board the boat at 7, and leave at 7%, arriving in Boston at an early hoar. Returning can leave Old Colony and Newport Railway corner. South and Kneeland streets,-at 434 and 04 o'clock P.M. .L:or further particulars, apply to the Agent. E. LITTLEFIELD, '72 Broadway, New York. mv27.5m BRISTOL LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA BRISTOL. For PROVIDENCE TAUNTON, NEW BEDFORD, CAPE and all points of railway communication, East and North, The new and splendid steamers BRISTOL and PRO VI. DENCE leave Pier No. 40 North River, foot of Canal street, adjoining Debrasses street Ferry New York. at 5 P. M. daily, Sundays excepted. connecthi n with steam boat train at Bristol 04.80 M. arriving Boston at A. M. In time to connect with A. all morning trains from that city. The moat desirable and pleasant route to the White Mountain& 2avelerefin_that Defile elan make direct eonneetiefna by way of .ftvroldence and Worcester or Boston. Staterooma and Tickets secured at office on Pier in Nxw Yens. B. 0. BRIGGS, Gang Manager. ap2o smb pags=att FOR CAPE MAY.— On TUR TU DAY BD YS. THURSDAYS and SA/3. The splendid new steamer LADY- OF THE LAKE, Captain W. _W. Ingram, leaves Pier 19. above Vine aired, every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 9.15 A M.. and returning leaves Cape May on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Fare 52 25. including carriage hire. Servants ®1 50. sawn Tickets Ste. Carriage hire extra. The Lady of the Lake ia a fine sea boat, has hand. so e state.room accommodations and is fitted up with everything necessary for the safety and comfort of pas. angers. (L H. HUDDELL. CALVIN TAGGART, Office No.BB N. Del. avenue. s il dMit - OPPOSITION COMBINED " A B OmIoAD a, RIVER MONOPOLY. Steamer JOHN SYLVESTER will make daily excur sions to Wilmington (Sundays excepted). touching at Chester and Mama Hook. Leaving arch Street whar f at 10£ and 4 P.. 11. Returning, leave Wilmington. at 7A. and! P. Y. Light freight taken.' L. W. BURNS Captain. . FOR CHESTER. 'HOOK. AND WM. MINGTON—At &30 and 9.50 A. M., and a 50 P. IM The steamers 8 M. FELTON and ARIEL leave Chest. `nut Street Wha • (Sunday's excepted) at 8.30 and 9.50 A. K. an d ago P returning, leave Wilmington at 6.50 A. M.. 12.50 a P • • 50 . M. Stopping at Chester and Hook each w Fa 0 cents between all points. •Boaf • cession Tickets, 15 cents, good to return by either 1 , 22, 1 o end V. 15 South Eighteenth tit. South Second ets eet—atore. " eartlylo street. apply to COPPIXEC JORDAN, 433-Walnut etreet. JRFUR 13ALE,—A 11,1N1).3051E ilitiDEliti TR/LEE- Story Prick ileridenre, with three-gory double, back buildings, situate on Poplar street. between Fif tecntli and tilsteci.th treetr. Ilse every modern con venience: iE welt built and in Roo d (itchy. Lot 2i feet front by Ee feet deep to a eri•fect wide street Immediate pos e/Mon given. M. GUNMEN !SINS, Rid Walnut St. FOR SA LE.—A HANDSOME MODERN TORRE story brick rexidulee. ertth attics and three-Mory double back buildings, situate en the cad aide of Nineteenth street, above Arch, tialthed throughout in a eupetior, (manner, ;silt] extra corn - cub:fleets. of 25 fee trent by lie feet deep. J. N. GEMIEY Walnut eUcet WEST II'III 4 .ADELPIIIA—FtiIt SALE.—THE handsome Stono Residence, built in the best man. ner. with every conveni,nct, and , large lot of ground, situate No. 217 South I . ...erty -sec 'mint/tot. tine of the bort locations •In West blbsdelphle. J. M. (WHALEY SONS'. bett Walnut a tot. EFOR SA,• THE MODERN TUREE•STORY l Brick flee once, with three story , hack buildings. situate no 'times': cornsrof Nineteenth and Filbert strrets. Has I the reed( na conveniences, Including two bath rooms. tot 21 feet 6 inches In nt by 100 feet deep. J. M. GUMMI'Y d SONS, guri Walnut street FOR :1 LE--THE HANDSOME THREE-STORY t brick yelling, vRh attic a. and threesitcvv double back Mince- situate No. N 2 Pine street • Hui every mo ern convenience and he pro7ment, and is in good ord 1 lot 22 feet front by 116 feet eep. J. M. GUM- .. 'O , MEY A LNS , W 6 Walnut etreet CF R SALE—A lIANDSONIE FOUR-STORY brick residence, with marble dressings, threeatory double back buildlop.extra convenie i • and lot 110 feet deep to a etreet,rituate on the south el ,:. of Arch salsa' well of Twentieth street. J. M. GUMMIX A SONS. bud I,' , nut etreet. CAPE MAY COTTAOP FOR SAL CONTAEW Log 7 rooms; eligibly located ou York avenue. For particulars address M. C... this ofhco. my -U FOE SALE—BLIMING LOTS. Large lot Waalangton avenue and Twenty-third at. Three icta W. S. Franklin. above Poplar. Five kis E. B. Eighth, above Poplar. Lqt E. 8. Twentieth. below Spruce Lot E. S. Frankford road, above Huntingdon. Apply JORDAN..sa3 Walnut et. mv270,1 TO Awn. FOR RENT. Pre - mises 809 Chestnut Street, FOR STORE OR OFFICE. Alen, Otlieee and large ROOMS. SU Mb for alGommarcial , College. Apply e.t BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. Ntf E . HANDSOME COTTAGES, ri ieely Furnished, To Bent for the Sammei Season. APPLY OR ADDRE S S WILLIAM L. CRESSE, WASHING 7 ON HOUSE, Washington Bt., Gape Island, N. J. MARKET AND FOURTH STREETS.—STORE SOUTHEAST CORNER TO LET. Apply at No. Btk3 Morkot street. Daily. from 10 to 11 o'clock. rTO KENT—ISo. 10 HAMILTON TERRACE WEST Philadelphia. Large yard. fine shade, &c. ate pos.tigelon. Aript n t door above. an 544 TO RENT OR FOR ALE.—TIIE THREF,STORY Brick Dwelling, situ. to N 0.230 South Twenty-first 'street; has ovary dery convenience; lot 18 feet front by 180 feet deep, tb a I feet wide street. Immediate possession given. J. M. GURNEY dt SONS. US Walnut street. WANTS. - WANTED—THREE FIRST.CLASS SALES LADIES at a good salary, on the completion of our now build. ing, about September let. Those only need apply who have a thorough experience in silks and fine dress geode. Communications only received and considered . confiden. tial._ STRAWBAIDOE Cti CLOTHIER, INFORMATION WANTED OF EDW. P. KENNA, OP .Llthiladelphia. who was oh board U. B. EL Somerset in Gulf Squadron in '65-66. Any person knowing Me whereabouts will confer a favor b,y add JOHN J ressing. .KENNik, P. 0 Box 386, Nowburyport, MAUL WANTED.—ACTIVE AND INTELLIGENT GENTLE men to engage as Solicitors for the HOME LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, in thin city and adjoining count ties. Apply at the (Ace of the company. B. K. ESLER, General Agent. aulfkm w f Bmo Corner Fourth and Library Ste.. Phila.:. AYOUNG LADY COMPETENT TO TEACH MUSIC. and with the beat reference, desires a poeitton in a. Seminary. Address "F," 3119 , Cheatnut street._ Philadel phis. JY3Otata WV. BOARDING• DESIRABLE PERMANENT BOARD CAN BE HAD. on School lane, fifth house above the Norristown Railroad. aule3t* A DESIRABLE ROOM VACANT ON SCHOOL LANE,. XL. fifth house above the Norristown Railroad. • ante 3t• RETAIL DRY GOOD& 84 AND 34 BLACK IRON BAREGES, BEST' qualities. Pure Silk BlackOrenadines. ' Summer P.opllits..steel colors Black - Lace Shawls and Rotundas White Lace Shawls and Rotundas. Beal Shetland Shawls Imitation Shetland Shawls, Whittuand Stark Barego Shawls. White and Black Llama Shawls— Slimmer stock o£ .Bilks and Dross Goods. closing out cheap. EDWIN HALL & CO" IYIB tf' 38 South Second street. (A LIVES FAR • 13,_CyEREI, dm—OLIVES an (Stuffed 011vee • No areil and Superfine Capon aria French Olives: fresh it ode; landing ex Napoleon from Havre, and for sale by JOB. B. flUf3B MR a co; 108 Hoc rufievivare Avenue. kiglafizawciEzt . - - . . . ._• •, , , • -.• . _ _ - ~ • . - -- --- ---- -- - ---- -- - - . - l'' , ..---., • -- ---- - ---- ._,..., . • _ • . _ 1 ' • - . . . ~ .• . . . • I , •. , . . . ,_ . ' - . ...---- . . / . l• • • • ~ . , . • . .. . • • ...... * .. • • , . • . ~ •„ 3 • • .TUESDAY; AUGUST. 11. ,1868. . THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN--PHILADELPHIA,' • .. , • , I.llllVllllllllllllli • INNIURAPIOIIt e . s irr.LEGßA,ruito . SIDNIALILRY. up . till a late hour.a•Perhapkon no previous . F:DIFDAW.IOIII. ' . ~, ,‘ • I ii.II7O'XION 1L111.18514 I T2LNI ING s . ,, D er L es •R . B n O ri ß t O o ntr jot : B (Xl .m ., ,, A ctt CoC ONEEER. , ..; similar occasion wagthere more real enjoyment. A CADEMY OF THE - PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL ' I \ • THE South Carolina Legislature,in $ session of All seemed to •be - -highly., pleased. Th is inter- .11. cilium:l.i, Locust and Juniper streets. Nos. 222 end 234 MARKET street, corner Bloke: .7 thirts days, hair passed butflve bills. . ~ • - change of courtesieg between six sister lodges of The Autumnal session will open on MONDAY. SePtem .I.B29:4I3IIARTZKPBEEMUALI4 1 . 1 . . . ) -43- I t -0 )13 1M , . ': , " • be 7th. Application. forednunsion may be made during • Hog. THADDRes 877NR:ft has recovered from Odd bellows Is one of untie - cd - occurrence, and the preceding week. between 10 and 12 o'clock in the .......... MUTUAL LIFE ItsIBIJRANCE DOMESTIC DRY 0001)13. , his recent attack of illness, and is now in the to the record of it -lihave scarcely done justice.- morning. JAMES W. ROBINS. U. A.. LA- A ll ug G . E l3. r a L tl ßo o 7l o'c T l l 7c i k °U . llß 4 YD fo l u 4Y r i' m lit4 o °W n it t F hli NE ' llki ere ll: l7t. EAN • en.ipy eat of his usual health. F Riggaginr. atilltmth.e24tit Head Muter. ' JENELEUNTEELIAT : : . • • - COMPANY. - DoMESTIthi. . fa 'THE WEST PENN SQUARE SEMINARY FOR Cases brown and bleached /Meetings, Shirtinge and • • ' . It erraur-GarignAn THOMAS left:Washington • . . . J. Young Ladies, No. 6 South Merrick Street, Plinadel. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Drilla ast evening to examine and report on the con- CITY BITLILETIN. . phis, win re-open on Monday. September 21st. NEW YORK. do. Fancy Madder Prints. Detainee. Padding& ' • slition of the National Cemeteries In the West. MRS. U.S. MITCHELL. ~ ,__-- , do. White and Scarlet all wool and Canton Flannels. _ auliiii,th.ea,Ct• Principal. VP A. ,A. Busniarr, the negro member of the BERRY CAMPAIGN CLun.--The Republican.citi- _ 'PLINY lIRREIIIN, President. do. Domet, Shaker and Fancy Shirting Flannels Georgia Senate, who is undergoing an investiga,- zone of the First Congressional District atetern. CIERBIANTOWN ACADEMY, SCHOOL LINE AND PHILADEIAPHIAi LORING (ANDREWS, do. Kentucky Jeans, Miner,'" Flannels. &scouts. do. Corset Jeans. Snaring, Cambric., Gingham*. , - , lien by that body, has resigned, and the Senate bled last evening at the House of Industry, Cath- a_x Green tilreet. Fall Term opens on MONDAY, Sep. i55a....., -- limes! j Tiee-Prestle. do. Indigo Blue Stripes, Checks, Ticking ' , Denim,, . • tember 7th.. Boys prepared for College or badness, N oss 435 . gnu ch es t nu t_ in nos t i JNO• A. ILIRDs Its do. Citesimeree, Satinet& Tweeds, Limeys, Satinets. , k IS diacurislug the point whether, being ineligible, arine street above Seventh, for the purpose of or- Send for circulars to 15109 Germantown Avenue. BERRY C. FREER/Nl' &tertiary. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS . ,• lie can tender his resignation. . • . ganlzing thoroughly for the eampa . The stamp; ti. V . MAYS. A. M. ..-... • • ~. i Principal. !knots on a gue I; 1888; • . --- .. Pieces Black and Blue French and German Clothe. . . Tint varnish factory of Hobbs, Illigh & Hub- meeting was large and much (Tithes asm was Cash A:ssets.• • ..... ...... $1.,200,000. do. French Black Tricot's. Doeskin% Mellow. Pilots. eIHESTNUT STREET FEMALE SEMINARY. PHIL- $2,003,740 00 - do. Eequirnanx. Moscow and Castor Beavers. do. French tiattrisS,Chinchill.a, c am e neres , ' bard, at Hunter's Point, Long Bland, was de- manifested. l.Jadelphia-Mies Bonney and Mine DiSayo will reopen ORGANIZED. JUNE, 1864. 5 cABI , 8 LeNDON BLACK ITALIAN CLOTHS. . '*. ntroycd by, fire yesterday afternoon. .Daniel A. The follow ing . officers were chosen: their Boarding and Day School (Thirty-seventh session) ---. _ _ • ALL POLICIES NON FORFEITABLE, Of a superior make. Johnson, the superintendent of the factory, per- President-Major J. T. Pratt ,_ September 16, at ' 1615 Chestnut streei. C& Acenne Pftal a Surplus SI I =B es ~, PREMIUDiS PAYABLE IN CABE. 12 CASES SHIRTING LINEN. • !shed in the flames. - , Vice Presidents-Robert IViltbank, William H. • Particulars from Circulars.' 111110-oetl4 Prere4nan ••• • **- • " '''''''''' ....LISS", 10 ''' LOSSES PAID IN CASH. Embracing very fine grades of a popular hiesiit. A commirrEE from the Journeymen Tailors' Moore, Lewis Sheet; one John Bonham. •• - - It Receives Ito Notes arid (ave. lions. -A LSO- International Union Conveution,now in session at Seeretory-John S. I.ammery. P. ADAME CLEMENT'S BOARDING AND DAY t aialennED ma ims. woomiz roans M School far Young Ledfee, Weed Walnut Lane,Ger. , 03 .geg e a By the provisions of its charter the entire surplus IWO PIECER WRITE GDODS_, QUILTS, Esc. 2001) DOZEN L tr. HOKE'S $ 115 C 144 ' belongs to policy bolderee and must be paid to them in Washington, yesterday visited President John:- ~ Assiitant ,Secretaries-Jas. Stokes, Jesse rnantown. The next session will open WEDNESDAY, •Including 8-4 and 6.4 Plain, Hemmed and Hemstitched. September 9th. • dividend.. or reserved for their greater secutite. Devi. of all qualities. ' non.• The entire Convention will be received at shelhdre- kor circulars apply to the Principal. aus w&ftselr4 - '' Lessen Paid Since 1829 Over dende are made on the contribution plan, and paid anne. -ALSO ihe White House to-morrow. Treasurer-John Orr. . ally, commencing two years from the date of the policy. Pieces Barnsley Sbeeting. Toweling& Diaper. Drills. Colonel of the Club= -Colonel William H. THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, $5 3 500_9000e It has already made two dividends amounting to r f histrlu (; str Al3 :f do. Crash. Cativa& rucks, Damiseke, Shirt,Fronts. _ it ADA.ms Expvps _COM.PANY__ have _applied to - SOUTH BETIIERILEMPA.. - -----\ 0102,00 e, an amount never before equaled during the first DRESS GOODS. SILLCS, dm. ~. .-- Judge lindaswood, of Virginia, for an injunction ' Sicke/8. First 'I ern operis 1 uteday, Sept. let. Applitantalex• - three years of any compani. , . renames/ and Temporary Policies o= Liberal Taoist Pieces Paris Plain and Printed Merinos and Deleted& &mined at any time after Augur, 15th. Apply to do. Empreme Cloths , all wool Pled Persians, Rem to prevent the Washington, Alexandria and ARREST or BilorLu-rans.-Deteetive Stephens HENRY COPPEE,_ L.L.D. min."-m,,,,,, PERMITS TO TRAVEL GRANTED WITH- • • Georgetown Railroad passing into the hands of a President, Chas. N. slancker. ------ TO:raiet er OUT EXTRA CHARGE. NO POLICY FEE S rom MO d H ss et t lß s b d egt AN gs D al A it b y. ACAS. yesterday arrested two women and a man on ange Imo receiver, as ordered by the State courts. REQUIRED. FEMALE RISKS TAKEN AT Also, 4 cases fine White Cobents, ,Bank street, on suspicion of being shoplifters,and COSY ACADEMY, FOR BOYS . . NO. 1415 LOCUST 'Sonia Wagner, Awes pi . ~ Principal. EDWARD CLARENCE smien. A. M., namnel Grant, Pram. W. D.: -ALSO- THE ' USU A L PRINTED RA TES, NO Foolery, Glovee, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts Ttavellng '• Accourra received from Spain represent that on bei - escorted to the Central Station they Pupils prepared for BUSINIJ3SOUIIIOIt STAND- 060.' W. Richards. Thames Sparks. the disturbed condition of the country is leading - NG 12.; COLT:ROY.. First•cl.ee preparatory department Isaac Lea. Wm. S. Grant. EXTRA PREMIUM BEING DEMANDED, and Under Shirts and Drawers. Sewing Silk. Patent . Were scorc hed, 9,13 13 a to disastrous results. Later advices from Madridd 1 double pocket in the ti n I I bread, Silk Tit s and Scarfs, t. robrellas; .bc. dergarmente of one of the females was a quantit y Circulars at Lk.14,5; WALKER'S, No. 722 Chestnut area; CHARLES N. CKER. Predden; Applications for all binds of policies. life, ten-Tear life say a financial crisis is anticipated there. Juan - - - ' or by addrusing Box 2611 P. O. Next session begins GEO. FA.LES, vice President. endowment, terms or cffildretee eudowment, taken. a , d of sewing silk. which,was afterwards identified by September 14th. au3,36t6 • Jon. W. IIIeALUSTE R. Secretary pro tam, all information cheerfu ll y afforded at the • LARGE POSITIVE -SALE t•F. CARPETINGS, OIL reallela has been appointed Captain General of Except at Lexington, Kentucky.this Company km ne CLVTIIS, dm, •,_ , Catalonia. • Mr. Louis 31 c . Baer, No. 200 Market street, as hay- DPORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, Agencies Wert of Pittsburgh. tell BRANCH OFFICE OF Tlik. CO lIPINY, ON FRIDAY MORNING, ': • ~ lug been stolen from his store In this morning. In is TIORDENToWN. N. J. August 14. at 11 teclock.on four months' credit, about 20d . • Tnean are very favorable reports of the grain the afternoon the accused were before Alderman Pleasantly located on the Delaware River. about 30 miles , . NO. 4.08 WALN U ' S Cab:lElT pieces of Ingraim•Venetian. Ld.t, Hemp, Cottage and Sag, • crops in Utah' and Colorado. The estimated - DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM. north of rbilndelphia. The very beekeducatic i V ie a . dvn- . _ _ _ _ _ oast= Of p PHIL ADELPHIA. , Carpeting., Oil Clo th s, Rugs, die. . . , Bottler, who committed them for a lurther hear- tages frunieheffiln connection with a pleanant Sc.. .I.."iii.'""''' "' " . WM.F..aIIIFFIT I'S Jr., manager, . 71eld-of corn in Colorado is 30 bushels to the acre. l a g, • don opens September 15th. For terms. Ac., addres. AT PRIVATE BALE. The crops were partially destroyed by grasshop- . JOHN IL BRALKELEY.• . . ICOO rolls 41 to 5-4 CANTON MATTINGS, of choice Pere in Utah, but the breadth of land sown will ACCIDEET.-Andrew Lynn, aged . B 5 years, had au1,360 Mrs. O. B. corner TUIRD and WALNUT Streets, Eastern Department of the State of Pennsylvania. brands. • . • • p aNNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. Philadelphia. , , - give a harvest equal to last year's. his shoulder dislocated yesterday, by falling from _ - - MARINE INSURANCES AI THOMAS A SONS. AUCTIONEERS. .. Particular att en tio n to • DELAWARE COUNT Y ,PA. On vacua% oar and Fre4.l4t,to all nuts of the WeriA .01. Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ' . TIM Emperor Napeleon, on his return from a ladder at Mr. Baird's new hall, at FrankfonL- Flak) AND MARINE RISKS INLAND INSURANCES e . wi ll b e placed i n fi n t,...h ea C o rn 8 •ALES OF STOfiii El AND RdAL ESTATE. _ Academy corn. Flom bleres, stopped a short time at Troyes, - --' . ,Oh goods by-river. canal. lake and land carriage to all i r l at l e ,,, , I t n a i al aV y n ail - W e b as time of k nown stan di ng i t , 1 ' Public sales et the PhiladelPhiaExchange EVERY ' where 14e was removed to his home at No. 4418 Paul mThenceeaa?len, Sev ent h nual Session of fhl° THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 0. ' parts of the Union. TUESDAY. at 12 o'clock. ~. ' he was received with great enthusiasm. The street. ~ New YOrit,New 1. 4 ;3_ g _land and B a lti more , The buildings are new and complete in all their ari. FIRE INSURANCES ACCIDENTAL RISKS, AND ISSANCE ON LIVE Handbills of each property issued separately. in add.tion to which wo publish. on the Saturday previous Mayor and Municipal authorities waited upon ~.„. potion:Dent& , , die On merchandise generally. .. STOCK.. the Emperor and presented- au address of wel- RY.PLOSION OF A !COAL OIL Lam.P.- L nom as The departm/iK .of M a thematics and Civil Engineering On Stank se g ee • • - carefully attended to. in leading Companies of that kind - to each sale, one thousand catalogues, in panichtet form. come. The Emperor replied, thanking e Loughlin, ten years of age, melding at Frankford is conducted by Weet Point graduate, of high scientific -.. By enict personal attention to, and, prompt despatch of Melee lull descriptions of all the property-to be sold on attainments; the Classical and Eoglish departments ay , -- ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. she FOLLOWING TUESDAY. and a List of Real Estate bantams entrusted to my care, I hope to merit and re. liria3 or, niunicipality and people for their war road and ' Otis street, was slightly burned yester - competent and experienced profess re and i tructors. November 1.1867. cave a toll share of publivatronade. at Pr vote Sale. deruonstrations of affe.ctions; expressed the hop a Careful attention is given to the moral and reUtotureek , , $200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan , M. F. RIFFITS, JO., la" Our eale4 are alto advertiSed in tie. following day afternoon by the explosion of a coal oil ture of Cadets. ' . 10411's . ..,....,,.-.., ... ~,r • z• • ••• . 00E030 0 nalil3l '' HS No. 408 Walnut Street _newsP.pers: NORTH AGE essr, Parse, LIMOER. Lama. that no untoward event Would disturb the peace- l am • , For Circulare. apply to JAMES H. ORNE, Meg No. WA ' 120,000 United States S i x P e r lasnr. 'Doan. , iNTILLIGF.HoER., INquilu 4 Aar& Evenings Bum:wrier. ful ,progress of trade and agriculture and con- Chestnut street; to T. B. PETERSON,, Esd., 'No. 806 1881.. . i3C400 al CIDUbd with the invocation, ''God protect FATAL Rnsurr.-Itichard Barren, the employe Übe. 'nut street, or to Col, TILEQ. II VATT, Presidet4 500:03 United lila; "iif-iiiliiTiiii:isito. • - '', .„........,, ~.,,,,,„ ~.,,.„._ A. ,„ s , ~..,„ ~„,„ pr Furniture- Sales at - the • Auctien ' Store- EVERY - , _ ,_ . 13-.l.lini TressuryNotes . 62,Sfd 00 - THE l'-r-.Ll•ir , Lao kulAlll‘ , . , r , ...- , ..i.-. - 43 , .. u. .... THURSDAY- . _. .. . . - . - France.' The Emperor's speecir -was received at Gaill'Abrewery who was caught - in the belting -P- Y. -4 - - - - WORN State 'of Pennsylvania ERE - Kakint ADELPIIIA. - ... . charter _ p er kt ua r - - Ear fialesatlkeidenceareceiva especial attention. --, -- with. prolonged - cheers:, and - repeated cries of nix Sitiu - litir - iiighf, -- dleif yesterd4 a t the hos- INFANT DAY SCHOOL •IN THE SCHOOL BUILD. tlit, . _,Loan._„. ..- ..,.. ... ~....,„...,..,.. SUMO in 'lncorporated in IiMT. _Ling of the Church of the Holy Trinity. Philadelphia,. '' 125,000 City of Plilladeliblablix Per cent. • OfficiN No. SOS Waln ut street. - . "Vire l'Empereur."Aceissnees' Peremptory Sale on the Premise& ' • pital. - corner of Walnut street end EittenhonSe square. Loan (exempt rom tax),. ....,.,. 12%626 Cel CAPITAL 5800,000. VERY VALUABLE WOOLEN AND COTTON MILL. \.., ....--- Mfrs A. L. Clark will 'open a tchool for children be. 60.000 State of New Jeniey • Sin P er Cent , Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on House. MACHINERY, FIXTURES, dm, Al/fairs in Louisiana.oan......„ ~....,....._ ~.... ~,.. .. Low 05 atom and other Buildings. limited 'or perpetual, and on Known as the "Dexter Mill and Iye Home,. Main it.. RelreameAN IrOXINATIoN.-M.r. FritnelS Logo tween the ages of five and ten years. on MONDAY. Sept. Seat. The following is a copy of a letter Of instruc- 14th. 1868. II ems from 9A.M.t01 P. M. , iti.ooo Pennsylvania Railroan - Firsa Mort. Furniture. Goods, Wares and Merchandise In town o• south of Lock stre et. extenaing through to the &hey'. has been iiii*nated as a candidate for Represen- Terme : $25 per half year. The School year will begin gage Six Per Cent Bonds.. _ r ,. ..... 12,890 CO country, kill river, hianavnk. Pa. lions sent from the army headquarters to Major LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTKD AND PAID. . 2.54 A Pentoylvanta Railroad Second * Mcrrt.ON WEDNESDAY, General Buchanan, commanding the Department tative by the Union Republican Convention -of September 14th and close June 2.5 th. REFERENCES. _lnge Six Per Cent. 80nd5.......... 23,3760 duets.. . -$ 4 ......4M , Auguet 12. at 12 o'clock. will be sold • at public sale. on of Louisiana: the Ninth Representative District. Rev. PtirLi.tra Banos% ProL Cana. J. Srri.Le. 0 mum western Pennsylvania Railroad Six -the premiees. ----.0....---------. 21r. Jour; Boman's, Mr. A.I.I.IX.ANDEY. SHAWN, Per Cent. Bond. (Pezma. RR, Invested in_the following 13ocurittes, Arm . Ihe heal Estate and Machinery to be Bold in one lot. IIEAIottIARYERS 0.1 , THE O ARMY, ADJUTANT LEN MT. GIPSON PRAOOoK, guaran t ee ). _ ..... ,_,, _ , ex) ee First Mortgages °nut Pro=well secure,d..sti ti lit s, 4ol wig ket particulars see handbills at the auction reenui. MEAL'S OFFICE, WAsill,arrON, August 10, 1868.- URDIE. ~, Mr. Len rm. COFFIN, Mr. Molscr - RE Rouni&ON, Mr. THOMA.B H. POWEas, 39,000 Stare of Tenneuee * Five * Per Cent. Plinked States GOVETREID .t _ Breret Mai* General R.-C. Buchanan, command- , Mr. Wm H. Answerer, Mr. Wut-ram P. Ceesson. Loan wow es) Philadelphia City 6 ..r . eat. Leane............ 75.000 CO Sale at Nos. l'a and 141 South Fourth atreet Js ,teepl4 s. - 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Eeni Pennsylvania •'' " " ' Per cold- i'°"• • • ••''• •• • "•...22 ° , 9t SU PEI.IOR FURNITURE PIANO FORTE,_ HAND inn the bepdrtment if Lenrisiana New Orleans:- Bold Robbery in Wiltaington, Del. \ (1-Itrinem.-: The 16litivritrg- in - girlie-tient from tic - - N. _ .I - Erom - tile - Wilmington - Ceramerclist, Abglist-103 T-ASELI. FEMALDSEMINTARY, _ - id gem ING MACHINES, dm:, Ai. _ll4 AT AUBURNDALE, MASS.. - Camden and XiniWil iiiiirohT6) . l . liTiaDi'll i COI Company. Principal end interest ON THURSDAY MORNING, Secretary of War are furnished for your govern- On Saturday night, or rather, at an early hour Ten miles from Bolton, on Boston and Albany Railroad, (LOW et \ mow . eco Le_ ihat il• • .. iica .. iiiiician ... tz . tvit ..... iiii 4,---rn_oo Pennsylvania . arka 0 ' Ho uagt fint and eaten`. S c SOME_B_RUSSELn nein (r_THEß__CAltp.sen, _nE,ey,„__ guanuateed by the City of Phila. Cent. Loan Aug. 18, at 9 o'clock, at the auction rooms. by catalogue. mem., to the end that the necessary aid may be Sunday morning, a bold robbery was perpetrated /*dor& euperior fa ties for a solid or ornamental educe. delphia Leon 02 Philadelphia and Readies Railroad Company'. ‘OOO et a large assortment of superior Household Furniture. • rendered by the United States as promptly as at the residence pf Mr. A. A. Ca ells N 0.906 tion. Rare advan eil for Music, French and Painting. 7.500 150 eharea stock Pennsylvania Kali. 6 per Cent. Loan.- - ~,....... _ . ~.. .. . crroprising-Handsome Walnut and other Parlor and Location beslthful d beautiful Number limited to road Company_ .-•. . ....-•... .... 7,990 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per' Gera. Meet Lhember Furniture, two Suite Oiled Walnut Chamber possiblkin any case of insurrection ,or domestic West street. There is a street lamp on the op- forty-six. Nett y - gins ceptemielir 24th, 1808. Ad• 5.003 100 shards stock North ''''''''' gage Bon& violence in the States embraced In your military posits side of the street which throws quite a dress 11y27-m,w,e.1.201 cases W. CUSHlNG.Fuilittule, superior Piano Forte, Sideboard,, Extension department: ______ _______ _ bright_ligh,t_oriAir-Capelle!_a_honse-Thialictit -4„--LLEc - T--innasL3Ordoor, ___2o,9ce lie shares ailih.;_laUl Tebbe, Bede Hair blatresses, Desks and Office Furniture, iierriseratersr_s-owiegataceinea-ty-cowe„--„C.ablnet-sia---- __ _ _ __________ Railroad C°mPali - . - " 11.WD °° County Mmh:l F ic ir ' e s B hm ank uran Sto ce ck C .. ° l l4 ... a.nr ....... 6°A . .......- - 1., 110 59 IX Southern Mail Steamship Co - 15.1X1003 - Commercliil Built OfPermay - uffuguliiirea .... ittro , 114. , v . : . 1.1 . e n nA11. i.. 1.1 .,, aa 5 t0m .b. ? Brunelle and other Carpets. You will keep yourself informed of the condi- was extinguished by a policeman at about one . .. _ . .. _ _ . _ _ m..., • -e- r--..„, Deuge.A Nntnh,r, Dmiteal I, Daernf-ir A L.) AT AVEURN DALE. MASS. M1.9C0 Loan, an Band and Martansa. first -.......-. -..- -_,....... -.-- Union Mutual Ineurance Compen_re Stock- 5 - 18 u °E-C. • I f•• D• .01 • 0 11 01 I 0 In PS promp ly by telegraph tot6Vas Department, thr u• headquarters of the army, any facts whit. may matte it the duty of the President, under the Constitution .duty laws, to employ the military force of the United States. Xon. , will 11130 maintain such disposition of the troops under your command that they may be ready to net without delay on the receipt of the Presi dent's order, stationing them at or from time—to time moving them to points where you may have reason to apprehend necessity for their use. The following extracts from the Constitution and laws of the United States indicate the con dition under which the military force of the "United States may be employed to suppress in eurrection against the government of any State: ARTICLE 4, SECTION 4. The Unita' States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a republi can form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the Legislature or of the Executive, when the Legislature cannot be convened, against domes tic violence. Act of Congress. approved February 28, 1795: Sin .I. And in case of an insurrection in any Etate against the Government thereof, it shall be lawful (or the President of the United States, on application of the le.Tishture of sucliState, or of the Executive when the Legislature cannot be convened, to call for such number of the militia of any other State or States as he may judge suf ficient to suppress. such insurrection. SEE . 8. And be it further enacted, That wltn ever it may be necessary in the judgment of the 'resident to use the military force hereby dis reeled to be called forth, the President shall forthwith, by proclamation, command such in surgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within a limited time. Act of Corgref9, approved. March ad, 1801: -iud be it further enacted, Sze., That in all cases of insurrection or obstruction of the laws, either of the United Sts4es or of any individual State or Territory, whete it is lawful for the President of the United:States to call for the militia for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection, or of causing the laws to be duly executed, it shall b 9 lawful for him to employ for the same purpose such part of the land and naval forces of the 7..:nited States as shall be judged necessary, hav ing first obEerved all the prerequisites of the law :In that respect. By command of General Grant. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. The following correspondence in reference to the debt of the State of Pennsylvania Is pub fished : UNION REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMIT TEE Rooms, No. 1111.5 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, August 4, 1868 ; General John F. I.l4rtranf, t, -Auditor General :—.DEAR SIR :—Pleas.e furnish me nt your earliest convenience, with such official in formation as may be in your possession relative to the following questions: First.—How much was the total debt of the t. ate, January 1, 1861 ? Second.—How much was the total debt January 1, 1868 ? This d.—To what extent during this period has taxation been abated or repealed ? Fourth.—What amount of extraordinary ex penses have been paid by the State during the _period. Very respectfully yours, GALESIIA A. GROW. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, HARRISBURG, Ausust 6,4868.--/fon. G. A. Grow, Chairman. &c. .-DEAR SIR In answer to yours of the 4th inst.. annex statement of public debt at the close of the fiscal year 1860, and at this date : 'Total State debt Nov. 30, 1860.-437.969,847 50 ,Total State debt Aug. 5, 1868 33,651,637 47 Of this latter amount the interest is stopped on *851,641 13, and the amount redeemable on pre sentation, the funds being on hand for its pay "neut. The tax on real and personal •estate has been Tedneed as follows ',The net amounytharged to the coun ties annually from 1862 to 1865, was $1,657,314 33 'The net amount chargeable to the counties annually for 1866, 1867, and 1868 313,222 19 Annual reduction $1,344,092 14 Extraordinary expenses to a large amount bate been paid during these years-for military services, &c., the items of which you will find in the annual reports from this office from 1861 to 2867 inclu i re. Respe tfully yours, J._F. HARTRANFT, , Auditor:Gerieral. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 10th, 1868.--:Alr.. last Saturday evening will be long remembered by the members of Enterprise Lodge - No. 201, 1. 4J of 0. F., and the Conimitted of Arrangements of the, Grand, Union. Excursion to. Cape Island, 'whielgook place on the 2.lid of July last: It was on the occasion of presenting a prize, which that lodge had won in a contest- against -five- other lodges. The lodge met at an early, hour, and after the' regular business of the eveniim had• been transacted, the Committee of Arrangements entered the lotge,•while in session, and presented a beautiful and richly-ornamented Past Grand's Regalia. The presentation address was made by Past Grand Garrigues, of Morning Star Lodge. It was responded to by Past Grand Kline, on behalf of Enterprise Lodge, in a very forcible and eloquent address. After adjournment of the lodge, the cos" mittee was hand.zomely enter, taineds , . Speeches, Bonze, and - re eitationsmere made, and the exercises were kept The Debt of Pennsylvania. Presentation Of Prizes. moon r a. It is supposed that the robbery was committed after this, as the thief would have been in full view of any passer:by if he had at tempted it while the light was biu-ning. He boldly placed a ladder at the end of the front porch, ascended to the porch root, and en tered one of the rooms, leaving his footprints on the sill of the window at which he entered. The room he got into was that occupied by Mr. Ca pelle's father-in-law, Mr. James Bryson, of Phila delphia, who was down at Mr. C.'s to spend Sunday. The thief took from the mantle a fine gold watch and nhpin, and carried off Mr. Bry eon's pante,containing his pocket-book, in which there was a considerable sum of money and several valuable papers. The last, however, the thief can probably make no use of. Mr. B.'s loss in money and the watch is about 1500. No clue to the thief has yet been obtained, bnt from the similarity of his operations he is suppflased by many to be the same rascal who recently robbed Mr. Heald'a house. Had not the existing regu lations re aired extingnislaing of the light the robbery nlcl not have taken place, though the present n f night policemen is ridiculously inadequate. The pants were found on Woolaston street. near Eighth, this morning. 7 2 7 CHESTNUT STREET. 727 RICKEY,SHARP& CO. I NI PORTERSt JOBBERS and OFFER in extensive stock of superb qualities of WHITE AND PRINTED PIQUES MARSEILLES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Stzt - V3t. PHILADELPHIA. -‘) GEM LA/v :6 ' ."? Fourth pd Arch._ SUMMER AND SEASIDE SIIA,WI S p OiIIPit4AVAI I lej LADIES' SUMMER GOODS. LAWNS, ORGANDIES and GRENADINES. SUMMER POPLINS, FOR SUITS. TRAVELING DRESS GOODS. EDKFB. COLLARS, GLOVE/3, etc. dellm w I tf K 41),.. , LINEN STORE, IP 82S.Arch Street. Linen Ducks and Drills. White grills and Ducks. Flax Colored and Ducks. Buff Coating Ducks. Fanoy Drills. Fast Colors, Striped Drills, Fast Colors. Mottled Drills, Fast 'Colors. PlOllllO Linen, several colors. plain Colored for Ladies' Traveling Buil% Printed Shining Linens. Linen Cambric Dresses. The largest amortaneut of Linen Goods in the city Selling at Less tlusn Jobbet op Prices. GEOitht , ..MILLIKIEN, Linen Importer. Jobtier and Retail Dealer. 808 Arch. Street. 49 atiazt w a LETTERS TESTAMRNTARY HAVING BEEN t i v i titt r eMo s tiv i nia s i : gr ( i te n: e n aa the t Estate of Mra. ed ons in debted to the same willmake a s Land and thosehaving claims present them to SARAH HARKNESS, Executrix, 1617 South atreet, Philadelphia, aulOrn-43t• first class bome school f.rtrainutg r.yit for • tunness or or colt< ge. Location and building not surnamed. Physical training and general manners have special attention. Next year begins September llth,-18 , 68. Address < jy27izt wl2tO CHAS. W. GUSHING. I.)ISBOYTHORPE.—TEUS CHURCH SCHOOL FOR loong Ladies will be opened tho (trot of September next. Particular attention given to the physical educa non of the pupils. Freud!' sell be taught by a reeldent governors, and. Eo far Eus practica t made She language of the faintly. Address, for Circulars, MISS ou&sn, Blehopthorpo, Bethlehem, Pa. 13 21.tu tL patocl; EGARAY ThiSTITUTE,ENGLISII AND FRENCH. FOR YOUNG LADIES. BOARDING AND DAY PUPILS, 1527 and IbieSPRIXE Street, Philadelphia. Penna., Will RE-OPEN on MONDAY. Sept. W.& MAPAME DIRERVTLLY has the pleasure of annotate. ing that DR.ROBERT H. LABBERTON will devote his time excluaferty to the Claegaray Institute. Frtneh is the language of the f and is constantly spoken in the Institute. iel3-a to th 6m EUGEBILL SCHOOL, PRINC TON, N. J. Boye thorough", prepared for Collage, or for Buaitiera. Next ef , etion begone August 55. } or circulara,addreaa. .11-6.511 ITILE DISTRICT COURT OFTHE UNITED STATES for the Eartern District of Pennsylvania.--in Bank. raj try.—At rhiladelphia. May 7. 1801.—The undersigned hereby gives notker.of his appointment as Assignee of rabi SNIVELY. of rhiladelphia. in the county of Pt nsdelphia and State of Penns - y.ll-Imin. within said Dbtrirt, who has been adjudgedupon liia own petition by the 1 trtrict Court of said District. AVM. VOUDES. Assignee, No. i 8 S. Sixth street. J 1 to 3t• A bTERN DISTRICT- OF PENNSYLVANIA.—IN PAtat.kniPtcy. at Philadelphia. July 24. 1868. The on. der-igned hereby gives notice of his appointment as AssigLee of ALEXANDER M. SHIM. of the City of htlAdelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and State of Pimr,ylvanla, within said Distria, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Li.trict Court of said District. G. IRVINE WHITE HY: A n. Assignee. No. 615 WALNUT street. Philadelphia. To the Creditors of said bankrupt. jytN w. 3t • I D. TILE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES IZETAILERS, _ for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania:se. In Bank. rwitcy. At Philadelphia, July 30. A. The under sikned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of ELMER F. JEIsNINGS, of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania. within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankroll; upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. G. IRVINE WHITEIIEAD,Assitmee, No. 615 Walnut street, Philada. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. jy3l-1.3t• I,ilt TATE OF PHILIPS. WHITE, DEC'D.--LETTERI3 .I'J testamentary having been granted to the subscribers upon the estate of PHILIP B. Wir,decessed, all per sons indebted to the same will m e payment to, and tbote having claims present them t JOHN T110.13-NLEY, 6C3 Chestnut street; F. A. TREGO t 646 Walnut street. Executors, lratf 6t• - - LrTATE OF JAMES DICK, DECEASED.—LETTERS I. Testamentary upon the above Eetate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted thereto tt ili payment, and those having claims present them to JAM LS Di CIE. Executor, MEd S. Thirteenth street, or his Attorney, W. VOGDL,S, 128 S. Sixth street. au7 fr Bt• IN N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.—ln Bankrupt. cy.bo.7lo.—At Philadelphia,June 30.18(38. The tmdersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of (:E(1 GE G. STA,MBACII. of Philadelphia, in the Cr.noty of Phßadelphia, and I State of Penneylvania, u irLin said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt o pen his own petition by the District Court of said Dili. t Mt. . JAMES W. LATTA, Assignee, No. 1..3 South Sixth street. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. aulo m3O Linti ATE OF JOHN E WHITE, DECEASED—LET. J ten of Administration cum testament° ann. upon the above Estate having been granted to the undo - hitmed, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make pa% ment, and those having claims to present them to MARGARET WHITE, 413 South Eighteenth street: or her Attorney, THOS. J. DIEHL, 530 Walnut et au.3. t6to Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the at tacit of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed inf cc- Urn throughout the body and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either en the surface or among the pasta. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or .tuniors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin.or foul ulcer. ations on some part 'of - the body. Hence the occa sional nee of a bottle of this SARSAPARILLA is advisable, oven when no active symptoms of disease appear. Per sona afflicted with, the following • complaints. generally find immediate relief, and, at - length.' eure, by the use of this SARSAPARILLA: ST. Asa/lorry's FIRE, ROSE Os EItYSIPELAI3; TRITER, SALT HILEIM, SCALD HEAD SlNG would, SORE EYES, SORE HAILS, and other eruptions or visible forms of SonoyuLone disease. . Also in the more concealed font* as DraTicrais, DROPSY, HEART DISEASE, _FMB, EPILEPSY; NEURALGIA, and the various ULCEROUS affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Svriumis or VENnuraL and Illeuouakax. DISEASES are cured by it, though along time is required for subduing these olattinate maladies by any medicine. Rat long con. tinned use of this medicine will cure the complaint. DEIJOORRINZA Or WHITEILDTEIII/TE ULorsextorta t andl MALE DISEASES, are commonly soon relieved and ulti. mately cured by itenpurifying and invigorating effect. Minute Directions foil each case are found in our Al. manna, supplied gratis. linnurasTiala and GOUT, when caused by accumulations of extraneous • matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Lycra Com - PLAINTB,, TORPIDITY, CONGESTION or - iNFLANNATION of the LIVES, and JAUNDICE, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. Thin SARSAPABMI.A is areat restorer for the strefngth and vigor of the system. Those who are LANGIPID and LiSTLESS, DESPONDENT, SLEEPLESS, and troubled with NERVOUS APPREHENSIONS or FEARS, or any of the affee Sons symptomatic of WEAKNESS, willtud immediate re lief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial Prepared by Da. 3. C. AYER di CO., L0W.914 Practical and Analytical Chemists. Sol So:by all Drug is everywhere. au3/11,1y J. M. MARIS& (.0.. Philadelphia. Wholesale Ageit,O. REV. T. W. CATMLL. liEGAL NOTIELIES. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, 'Oll PURIFYING THE 3LOOD.—The reputation this xcellent medicine enjoys is lerived from its curbs, many f which are truly marvellous. weterate cases of Scrofulous lease, where 'the system :mod saturated with corrup _on, have been purified and Aired by it: Scrofulous affec. 'ons -and disorders, which 're aggravated by the scro. lour contamination until Ley were painfully afflicting, ave been radically cured in ;every section of the country, to be informed of its virtues 81.101.403 Par Marhet Value 611.102.8051 50 Cost. EL089.619 Real Ertate... 55.000 00 Bills Receival;g . * * ./;;;Ol : a . tices . made. .... . . . . . - - 21.9.E35 6 Balances due at Aierccles—Pie mlums on Marine Policies—Ac crued Internat. and other debts due the Company.. . . 43,334 86 Steck and Scrip o sundry Inca. ranee and other Companies. E 5,075 Estimated value. . 3.017 00 east in Bank 8103.01 i 10 . 103,815 68 ECORS.. Thomas C. Hand. OBJ T James a, Hand. John O. Davin, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Solder. James uair. Joseph H. Seal, William C. Ludwig. Theophilas Paulding. Jacob P. Jones. Hugh Craig. • James B. McFarland, Edward Darlington. Joshua P. Eyre. John B. Penrose, John D.. Taylor, N H., J 01306 Brooke. Spencer hicßvaine, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Hallett, Jr.. George G. Lei per. George W. Bern ado liam G. Bonlton, John B. Semple. Pitts burg.b Edward Lafonrcade. D. T. Morgan. Jacob Riegel. A. .Betrger, _ THOMAS C. HAND, Preeldent, JOHN C. DAVIS. Vise President HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary. • - , FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PM:LADE% p_lda. Inconierate e d March 27. ISM Office. 4-: iturehg'd"Altil t h r g t ar i fg rar gle ßuA rc generally from Lase by Fire (in the City of rhiladelptia onlyM Statement of the Assets of the Association January lit.lBBB. published in compliance with the pra visions of an Act of Assembly of April 6tk.1842. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia only ..• - •• • ...... •••• • • .131,076,164 17 Ground Rents . . 18,814 99 Real Estate E 1.744 57 Furniture and Fixtures of Office . 4,490 03 U. B. 6.28 Registered Bondi ..... 45.000 00 Cub on hand, ..................... ..... 81.873 U Total. kniffif a. ........... swoon so te - . William H. Hamilton. Samuel Sparhant. Peter A. Keyser. Charles P. Bower. John Carroty. Jesse Itghtfoot. George L Young, Robert ii'l=. • Joseph R. Lynda. Peter Arm Levi P. Coate. M. H. Dickinson. _ Peter • Willampon. . _ . WM. lECHAMETo__,_I4 Precident. SAMUEL SPARRAWK. Vice President. WLL T. BUTLER, Secretary. 1:4 AIDO • 1' : 1 ITAI` . ~1• .1' • S. PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to FIRE INBIIS4I4CE IN THE CITY OF PEELLADFar PHU.. OFFICE—No. 723 Arch Street. Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS: Thomas J. Martin, Charles R. Smith, J o Hirst, Win. hn A. Bolin, , Albertna Sing. Henry Bumm, James Mongan. James Wood, William Glenn, - John Shallcross. James Jenner, J. Henry Arkin, Alexander T. Dickson. Hugh Mulligan. Albert U. Roberta, Philip Fitzpatrick. CONRAD B. ANDRESch President. Wm. A. Romer. Treas. Wm. H. Fawns, flec'Y. TBE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—OP. Tice, No. DO South Fourth street, below Chestnut. ''fhe Fire Insurance Company of the Coun of ..Phils, dripina,” Incorporated by the Legielature of ereuylys. Ma in IM, for indemnity against lou or d b 7 Gra ezeinvivoly. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and mashie institution.with le capita (and contingent fund carefully invested. con nes to Insure buildinu, furniture, merchandise,dtc. et rpermanently or for a limited time. against lots or e by S r e,at the lowest rates coniiirteint with the abeolia, safe ty of its ens toners. Losses adliaited and aid with all po! 8 despatch. DOECTORS I Chas. J. Sutter. Andrew EL =lei. Henry Budd'. James N. Store a, John Ilona, Edwin L. Joseph Moore. I Robert V. Massey. Jr.. George Meek°. Mark Devine. S J. SUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD. VicaPreeident BrOJAKCIS F. Honaiany. Secretary and Treasurer. LI(ENIX IN P SURANCE COMPANY OF HILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1204—CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Exchange, This Company insures from losses or damage by FIRE OD liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, farnitUral &c., for limited periods. and permanently on buildings b 7 deposit or premium. The Company has been - In active operation tor more than slaty _years , during which Imes have bee* Promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. John L. Hodge, David Lewis, M. B. Mahony. Benjamin Elting. John T. Lewis. Thoa. H. Powers. William S. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Robert W . Learning. Edmond CaatillOn. D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis Jr. Louis C. NotrisP. JOMI WUCHERER.PreaIdent, Swum. Wrcoox. Secretary. TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHI. e) ladelphia.—Olitce, No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legbilature of Pennsylvania. Char. ter Perpetual. Capital and Aenets, 12166.000. Make Irk. eurance a Must Lou or Damage by Fire on Public or.Pri. Tate Bu Furniture, Stocks. Goods' and klerchaa. dig% on favorable terms. DLRECTORS. Wm. McDanielo Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson. _ Frederick Ladner. John F. Beleterling. Adam J. (Buz. Henry Troemner, henry Delany, ' Jacob Schandeiri. John Frederick Doll.. Christian D. Elliot t,Frick. Samuel Milier. George E. Fort, . . William D. Gardner. WILLIAM MoDAYIEL, President. BRAM..PETERSON sTresident PHI LO EL Coureme. Smelters and Trealmres. ..MEXICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . rticort, porated 181a—Charter perpetual No. Rid WALNUT street,. above Third. Philadelphia. Having a hulto paid.up tiepital Stock and Surplus in. vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in. sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels n port and their cargoes. and other personal property. All losses liberally and primmtly adjusted. DM :13.5. Israel Thomas R. Marfa. 'Edmund G. Dan. John W Charles W. Poultnei. Patrick Brady. Israel fdorris. John T. Le Jotin P. Wetherill. William . Paul THOMAS 11. Mans% preddenL &um? C. L. GRAW/021:k seen/tart E!!M=2 Worth at Par W7l m a t nurkat DIRE tm- Vm.Mu Samuel in ILL. Ca r so n , Wm. Ste Christian: Hoffm an Bent. W. Tin gley. Edwar si efo r Sa muel B. Thomaa. CL TINGLFV. Prudent napTimm" fillav, Secretary. pu ELPHIA. ec ember 1. e4=7.6C5 lb FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —TUE PENer. 131vania Fire Insurance Company--lucomorated 18 —Charter Perpetual—No. IGO Walnut street, opposite In de_peardence Square. This Company favorably known to the community for over forty years,continues to injure against toss or aan, age by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either perms nently or for a limited time. Ales, an Furniture,'Scock, of Goods and Meauhandisegenerally, on liberal terms. ' Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is in 0 , ... •din a mord careful manner. which enables them or Pf. to the isunred an undoubted security iv the saga or DIRCTORS. ,el Smith, Jr.. IJohn Devereni, . rider Benson, ' Thomas Smith. , : Hazelhurat. Hen Lewis J. G ham Fell , Themes Robin; Daniel Haddock, r._ -; - WILLIAM G. Caowina deb to oell .61. A NTHEAC PERPETU kFt. IN A SUBA L NCTE COMPANY. 4.: TER Idd Othce, No. Sli WALNUT street. above Third. Philada Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire. on Build lugs, either perpetually or for a limited time. 600aehole Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels Cargoes Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union DIRECTORS. U A Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Wm. P. Dean. John Ketcham. John B. ESHER, President. F. DEAN. vice President. ja.224u.th.54 Win. Editor, D. Luther, Lewis Audenried, John IL Makiaton, Davis Pearson. Wu. M. Blom" Secretary. WAKE INSURANCE CO: 1! Street. FIRE INSURADIRECTONCE EX RS. CLUSIVELY Francis N. Buck, Philip B. Justice, Charles Richardson. John W. Everinan, Henry Lewis. Edward D. Woodruff. Robert Pearce. Jno. Kessler. Jr.. Geo. A.. West, Chas. Stokes. Robert B. Potter Mordecai ßiusby. FRANdIB N. B CH, President, CHAS. RICHAItDSON, Vice President. Wriraiima L BrAnnitslin. Ekstretarr. It OA -7 .4 4.V.1.J.11 V LIII,II Whittier's Barefoot Boy Pue.rio dr Co. have now ready the _fourth edition of Eastman Johnson's poetical iiiantration of Wnittier's famous poem at "TEE BAREFOOT euY one of the most charming genre ,oicturee ever painted in this coon try. The first three edition!' of this chrouto were sold to advance of publication. . .... . E POET, John G. Wl•lttier, ears of our chromo: "I our admirable chromo of 'The Barefoot Boy.'. .Jo a CRAMMING Illustration of my little poem, and in EVERT WAY SATISVAOTORY as a work of art" _ . . THE PAINTER, Eastman Johnson, writes of opt' chrome: "It strikes me as being one of the best chromo lithographs I have ever seen." Sold at all Art Stores, or sent by express. free of charge, to any address in the U. t 3., east of the Misais.sippl, or ^ ceipt of price. Size x J 3. Price. ... Ft E DOLLA.6I3. L. PRANG & CO., Art Publishers, Boston. 1525 auB 3l 3t4 ENGLISH & EIIROP Eta Nr VS "THE MaIL:" A Paper containing the news, the principal loaders, a well digested summary, and alhintereeting matter from The Timm, The Tcewepaper hitherto known as the El:mina Mail, having become the property of kite proorietora of ehe 'lmes, 18 h)W published twice a week under toe title of "THE MAIL" at the price of Threepence per copy as heretofore. or d. a Week, poet free. Ihe days of publication will be Tuesday and Fri ay, and each paper will contain the news and all matterr of interest appearing in the three previous numbers of !'he Yemen, which will thus be rendered availaole, in a cheap and convenient form, for persons residing abroad' or in the colonies. Subeeribere can obtain "THE MAIL" through News• Paper Agent& or may have it from the rublither, on pre payment, at Printing Home square, London. i) 1125 auB eel-) TL ST READY—BINGIIAM'S LATIN GRAMMAR— eI New Edition.—A Grammar of the. Latin LorrAleigo for Willise of Schaal. With exercises and vocabularies by am Bingham. A. M., Superintendent of the Bitotharr School.. The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to Teachen and friends of Education generally. that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other works on the same subject, "Copies will be furnlehed to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for this nurpo;o at low rates. Prics3in 60. Publimbed by And for sale by Booksellers generally Lectures.—A new Course of Lecturer. as delivered et tin Now York Museum of Anatomy, embracing the sub jeote: How to live and what to live for; Youth. td.turibs and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; The cattle of indigestion, fl atulence and Nervous Merv:* accounted for. Pocket volumes coutsining there lectures will be for warded to parties unable to attend on recelj,t of fon, stamps, by addressing J. J. Dm, 3f School otrc et, 80. ton. (Op PRANG'9 AMERICAN CIIROLIOI3 FOR 'BALE AT all respectable Art Stores. Cats.lques mailed free by mytt s.tket L. FRANC( ds CO., Boston. JAMES BOUGHT. SOW AND EXUMA NGED AT 0 JAMES BARR'S. DOS Market street. Mt.& 'al - h. D. M. LiA. INT CARRIAGE BUILDER, respectfoily invitee attention to his largo stock of finished also,,orders taken for Carriages of. eyes., atscri , P. i c alt6 v rllrit4ND.WAßEßoolslll. 541!8,5nd M MARKET street, d De Three ellMarea . O lt °I .. ri t , l3l 'iu ld l it i bla. - 148 anta 1 -L a th • OA% JOHN S. LANE. COACHM&KEtt,.t•O.29aI Market street, hits on hand an lesortuteut of superior built earrlagesorbleh he offers at very rearinabW prim. • mya.m.w,f3m ,ai•ro CI, a ti ESiiMMOI ANY, NO. N U 1406 ORES? PEOI.AD E. LL BLTTLER 137 South Fourth dtroot, Plain&lphla. au2l CAM. RIAG THOMAS MIRCH dr- SON, AUCTIONEERS AND 11 C. Mao LIMON M ERLII I. ANTS, No. 1110 CHES'T'NUT' street. Rear Entrance No 1107 Sansom street HOUSEHOLD FUuNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. tales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the most reasonable terms. Sale atlllo Chestnut street. NM AND SECONDHANI) HOUSEHOLD FURNI URE PIAN.9 FORTES, CARPETS, PIER AND MA ATEL GLASSES, TWO ALE WAGONS, WINES AND LIQUORS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNIN°, At 9 o'clock. at tbo Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, it ill be soul, by catalogue— A large assortment of elegant Walnut Cabinet Farni to: e. Piano For tes, Carpets. &c. Also, an assortment of Secondhand Furniture. WAGONS. At II 4 d.will be sold, two Ale Wagons, ono nearly new. LIQUORS. Also, an voicei of Wines and Liquors, In eases. BILLIARD T &RIX. Also, one Billiard Table, with marble beds complete. tr. 11.177 71 _ I3 Y BARBITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No 230 MARKET street, corner of BANK street. - Can advanced WEDNESDAYts without extra. charge. oN MORNING. August 12, commencing at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, 850. Lots Staple and Fancy Dry Coeds Notions, &a. Also. 200 Lots of Ready made Clothing, Shirts and Drawers, Fanry and White Shins, &c. UNDERWRITER'S BALE. At 11 o'clock, 6 casee, 785 doaen,Elastic and Stitched Suspenders, slightly damaged by fresh water, Also, in voicee of Bate. Boots. Shore,Quilts,Shawls.&c. 1101USEHOLDFURNITURE A on, on the second floor, at 10 o'clock precisely, via— Ft take! Heds. Matresses Bedspreads, Bureau and Sada, Mirrors, Kitchen Utensils, Si. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Aup uat 14. at 10 o'clock, WO tote Zttepte and Fancy Dry Good.. T. L ASLIBEIDHE 4: t CO.. AUCTIONEERS, above tre E bove N 5 Fifth. SPECIAL SAGE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. UN WEDNESDAY MORNING. August 11. at It o'clock. we will sell by catalogue, a large line of FIRST-CLASS (TIT? MADE BOOTS and SHOES. Also a largo assortment of Eastern goods, to which the attention of city and country buyers is called. Open early on the morning of sale for inspection. D. MoCLFES cb CO.. c AUCTIONEERS, No. 606 MARKET street SALE OF 900 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS. BALMC.,RAD t 3 ON THURSDAY MORNING. Amulet 13 , at 10 o'clock, wo will sell by cata!ogae, for catt., 900 cases Men's, Boys' and loathe' Boots. Shoos. Brogang, &C. Ain°, a superior assortment of Women's. Misses' and Children's City•rnado goods. r r o E rn P er R IPLVITT A IIIM Y CE 3 sTrtre MICM. 8. Money adVanced on Merchandise generally—Watches. Joy elrl. Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time mreed on. W ATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE BALE, Fine Gold Hunting Cale, Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Flue Gold Hunting Case and Oipen Face Lepine Mitchell Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and Open Face English, American and Swig, .Patent Lever and Lepine Watches; Double Case English Gautier and other Watches: Ladles' FancYathes; Diamond Breastpin/ ; Finger Rings; Ear I a; Studs. do. ; Fine Gold Chains. Medallions __)l Bracele _; Scarf Pius ; Breastpins; Finger Rings :Pencil Cases and Jewelts generally. FOB SALE. —A larga and ?Mb able Fireproof Chest. suitable for a Jeweler ; cost Sall Also, several lots in South Camden, Fifth dnd Chestatit streets. J AMEN A. FREEMAN, AUCTIOEER No. 499 N , WALNUT etreet. AT PRIVATE SALE. A valuable property near Fourth and Walnut, A valuable business property No. 819 Arch street. tsk, c..,...iN0T0N.—A Handsome Mansion. on Main Itt. lot 66 by MI feet. oODEAND TERRACE—Handsome Modern Reit th nen. DAVIS & HARVEY. AUCTIONEERS. Lete with M. Thomas & Sons. Store No. 421 WALNUT street. Rear Entrar..e on Library street. IA A RTIN BROTHERS. AUCTIONEERS. j (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sons), o. 529 CHESTNUT street rear entrance from Minor. B 1 13. SCOW.. JR. • S 'WOW'S ART GALLERY. .No. 1020 CRESTNUT street. Philedelehist. cdLOT.UIO I 0/0131.111E/LEcip IkChp • OTH STORE—JAMES LEE, No. 11 NORTH • SECOND street, buve now on hand a large and choice ae•ort ent of ball and Winter Goods, particularly ad apted to the Merchant Tailor Trade, comprising in part, • nch. Belgian and American Cloths of every dencrilf dos. OVERCO &TINOS. Black French Castor Beavers. Colored French Castor Beavers. London Blue Pilot Clothe. Black and Colored Chinchillas. Blues, Black and Dahlia Moscows. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Cassimeres. Do do. Doeskins. Fancy Cassimerea new styles. Steel .Mixed Doeekine. Cassinieres for suite, new styles. 3 4 and 6-4 Doeskins, beet makes. ' Velvet Cords, Beaverteens, Italian Cloths. ' Canvas, with every'varlety of other trimmings, adapted o Muck's and Boys' wear, to which we invite the atter - Oen of Merchant Tailors and others, at wholesale anli retail. JAMES LNE. No. 11 North Second street. Sign of the Golden Lamil, HARD WARE. . . ( ) e,DGEREP AND wosTENnonais - POCKET (t KN.I.VM PEARL, and STAGRANDLM of beano. ful finial. RODGEBB' and' WADE di BUTCHER'S, and DELEBBATED LEDOLTIMBE RAZOR. . BOIRBORB IN OASES of .tbe fined qaality, Razors. Knlva,- SCiABOZT and Table Capers'. Ground and eolished.' DAR DUMMY., 111F.NTS of the moat approved ennstmetion to sasist the bearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical Instra meat Maker. 115 Tenth Street.below Chestnut. myl tf 411ISTITUCTI011i HORSEMANSHTF—AT THEPHILLID.M , —, FIlLa. RIDING SCHOOL, Fourth street. above 4r1L.7- N ' Vineovill be (eland every. facility for assluhing a tmcinilAdge of this healthful and elegant isocomplisha mint. 71024480h00l is. pleasantly vetkWa d and avaanOil. be horees safe and weal trained. - - ktfrAft onto= Clam for Young Ladies. 3addlo horses trained in the beet manner • Saddle Horses. Boma and Vehicles to hire. Al d o' earriztOS to Veneta, Parties. Medan" 13h0 P 1 e 8 tf rao • cuiGE atom