CITE JBUIxIiKTOJ. Pennsylvania' Military Academy. A Gala Day .at Chester. COItIMENOEMEIJT EXERCISES. Speeches. Muelo, Parades, Salutes, &o. Thn old town of Chester, Pa., after sleeping a sleep longer than Rip Van Winkle, woko np about a dozen years ago, robbed Its drowsy oyes, stretched Us lazy arms, and suddenly started ■out on a career of progress and Improvement ■which bids fair to rank “Old Chester,” at no dis tant day, among the,first towns of Pennsylvania to lmoSg d th?ffiindicaUons of the new lease of life which Chester has taken, Is the location there of the Pennsylvania Military Academy, which was removed thither from West Cheater, about two years ago. This Academy has rapidly nTOwn Into a deserved prominence among the Educational institutions of Pennsylvania. Combining all the advantages of a first class boarding-school with thoso of an admirably-conducted _ military education it ■ has attracted a large class of Y°“®S: men and boys from various parts of tho country, -who, on Tnetsday last, celebrated thelr second Commencement, since their removal to Choater, and also the dedication of . the beautiful new < building, Just erected for thclt use, toe corner stone of which was laid on their last Comtnence- exercises on Wednesday; -were conducted with great spirit, and exhibited not only a high degree of literary improvement, hut also of excellent discipline in all tho depart ments of the Academy. ■ ' At ten o’clock a largo audience ofthe ladles and gentlemen of Chester and its vicinity filled the assembly room, leaving barely sufflpienVspace for the cadets, who occupied' the front centre 01 X the large hall. ' % A very good brass band- was posted in an s adjoining room, and enlivened the occasion with / ; spirited muMc. The stage was oecdpled by Ex • % Governor Pollock, President of the JBoard of Trustees, Colonel Theo. Hyatt, President of the i'S Academy, and a number of the clergy of the jtj. -neighborhood; trustees, members of the faculty Uf and invited guests. „ _ §?' After ahrfef prayer by the Rev. Dr. Clemson, % an Anthem, “Re. Joyful in Go A” was *%■ tho cadets with capital effect. Tho orations-of the day, interspersed with music, were delivered in the following order: “On Guard,”. ...3. R. K. Carter. Baltimore, Md. i • Conversation . .F. G. Paulson, Pittsburgh. the Atlantic Telegraph.. J.J.Ppst, Brooklyn,N.Y. j&nemosyne.. ..ErH. Perkins, Jr., Baltimore, Md. ,Tho CoUsbum T. C. Van Buren, New York. j Stonewall Jackson... A. G. Bastablo, Clarksburg, J Monuments and their Meanings. .W. D. Wilkins, / . [Allegheny City, f The Common People. .M. F. Paruee, Oswego,N.Y. [;• Bribery, with Valedictories...-. .H. C. Bnghman, - . Tho degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering •was conferred by ex-Govemor Pollock on the following graduates: . , Cadet Captain H. C. Bnghman, of Pittsburgh. V. y. Q Paulson, “ “ « Ist Lieut. J. J. Post, NewYorkClty._ ; “ >* A. S'. Woodwell, Pittsburgh. Cadet W. D. Wilkins, Allegheny. , Governor Pollock, in. conferring tho agrees, nadc ono of bis happy, off-hand speeches, in Which much sound judgment was blended with a inumber of Humorous hits, which were received --with’rounds of applause by his audience. Another flho chorus was sung by the cadets, and tho audience was dismissed to the parade; ground by the benediction . being pronouncedly the Rev, Mr. Sproull. ■ . ; In a few minutes the cadets were ; under arms, and went through a drill and dreSs parade. Up ton’s new tactics have been introduced by Col. ’ ■ Patten, and the cadets performed their numerous '.evolutions with the precision and steadinosa of veteran troops. At tho conclusion of the dress parade, the ranks were broken, and rin a few moments, the boys, with coats, off and slcoycb • rolled up* were posted 'at 1 their slx-gnn battery; from whicii they fired a toatlonfil' saluto with great skill and rapidity, only interrupted by the occasional failure of a defective cap. ■At two o’clock a large number of guests dined ' with the cadets, and after thus ebjoymg the hos pitalities ofthe Academy, the company adjourned to the now Academy building. This fine edifice is situated upon a gently rising ground, a little northwest of the built portion of Chester, about half a milo distant, but InfnU view from the rail road, and commanding a splendid prospect_of the snrronndlng country in all directions. The main hnlldlngiß of brick, rough-cast, in imitation of granite, and admirably contrived for all the uses of the Academy. It Is llanked by two one-story wings, one to be used as a drill-barrack and the other as a laundry, &c. It has been ereeted at a cost approaching 8100,000, within the brief space of ten months, and will be entirely ready for the reception of tho cadets in September. The archi tect of the building is Mr. John Crump, of this city, and the builders Messrs. Bhed wick 23d |t>b» : for this port.' —L-l—' TO RENT. The First Floor (Back) or tub NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, No. 607 Ohestmib Street, (And 6M Jayne Street,) BCIT4BLEFOII4SISIVRMCE IOHPASI. Inquire in the Publication Office of the BunnsriN. TfStfrp • TO LET. NEXT DOOE TO POST OFFICE, OITV NOTICES. Hf» a atiMifl JBiilzlifia'A’JMMs POET OF PHILADELPHIA—JCNE S 5. XO BENT. Entire Upper part, Basement and Sub-Cellar. Apply a! 480 Ghestnut Street. apSßtfrp} SHEKEL fINES '■ ■' : ’ l ' op 1 ■}?/'. ■' - SUPERIOR QUALITY. AMONTILLADO. MAZANILLA, LOBO. STAB AND OABTEB, YBATE. The above were aolocted from the stock ol , COnzaleg & Duboic, Xeres, EXPRESSLY FOE OUR BET AIL BALES. A small invoice »f . VERY PALE SHERRY, At Three DolXaiß pet Gallon. HE,& A/d/WiiL Wine Merchants, No 1310 OHBBTNUT STREET. myl6»tuthBmm ■ '-v •, ■ ¥ehti> fßiiMMmw «oop». GENTLEMAN’S FURNISHING GOODS : : TOBas..;a : AitEig@N'.: Nob. 1 and 8 North Sixth Street, Would reapectfuilj invito the attention of Gontiomen to IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, Which has given euch general satisfaction fornoatness of fit on tlie breast, comfort in the neck and ease on, the ahouider-mado of the beat materials, by hand, and a per feet fit guarantee A . ALSO. A superior assortment of Summer Underwear. Hz: Conze-Herteo, Bilk and Cotton Shirts, Linen and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery, dopes, Stocks, Ties, WBAFPEBS, Ac. my 7 th b tu 2mrp - CVBTAIN MAIEHIALS. CURTAIN GOODS . , ■ And , . WINDOW SHADES. CABRINGTON, DE ZODCHE & CO., 1Q32 Chestnut Street* Are now opening, In addition to their largo stockof Curtain Materials and Window Shades* : / MOSQUITO NETS, In Lace and Bar, which forcconomy. for convenioncaf or durability and for ornament are not snrpaaaed bv any in the country. Made to order in any size, color or shape, and shipped to any part of the United States. LACE CURTAINS Wesbed. Insured and kept until Fait White Holland Window Shades Made And Hong as low as $1 60. ap4etu thSmrp • -. _ ~ RBCGB. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO. N E corner Fourth andßaoe Sts., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND PAINT MANTJFACTUBEKS, Offer to the trade or consumers. Pure White Lead, JZino White* Colored Painta, Varnishes, Oils, Artists’ Materials, &o. Agents for the celebrated VIE ILLS mOHTifIHE SHOW-WHITS ZHC, ■nperlor to any other White Paint for inside work We solicit orders from those who want PURE PAINTS: 201 and 203 North Fourth Street, Northeast comer of Bace Street, aplStfrpt mUIITDRE, AC, FINE FURNITURE. GEO. S. HEKKELS, LADY A CO, Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. 101 l BmB - FOlt SALE. gg FOR SAX.ES. *ihb desirabletbrehtory brick dwelling, ' 'WithThree- story Doable Back-Buildings and 'Stable a rear of lot, with elegant side-yard, No. 1515 POPLAR STREET. Built ln best manner for owner’s nae. LOT 28 BY 168 TO A BACK STREET. . Apply to J. C. ARRISON, Je2o-lmrp Nos. 1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, § FOR SALE. A Large and Elegant GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE. . First class In 81l respects. For particulars, Address Box 1706 I*lillaaa. P. O. ■ Te236trp» ■ NEW PUBLICATIONS, mo BE PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY, JUNE 27tu. I TheTdveaof GRANT & COIiFAX. ! GRANT A COLFAX. PETERSONS’CAMPAIGN EDITION. PETERSONS’ CAMPAIGN EDITION.. -The tlves of GENERAL GRANT and HON. SCECUY. LEH COLFAX. Campaign Edition. With Lifelike por traits of Gen. U. 8. Grant and Hon. Schuyler Coll ax, and other Ulustratlre engravings. This work contains a com plete history ol the Ryes of Ulysses S. Grant and Hon. Schuyler Colfax, from their birth, up to the prosent tirno. Complete in one large duodecimo volume of four hundred closely printed pages. Price One Dollar in cloth: soventy ilvo cents in paper cover. WHOLESALE PRICES TO AGENTS. ' SS~ Booksellers, Agents, Ganvasiera and Clubs will he -supplied with this work at the following low rates for net conn, or eight dr eft with order, vlz.: with the Taper cover edition at $5 00 a dozen, twenty-five copies for $lO 00, fifty copies for $2O CO, or $37 130 a hundred: or with the cloth edition at $8 00 a dozen, twenty-five copies for $l5 00,filtycopiosfor$28 00, ors6s 00a hundred. Circu late and Subscription Lists furnished gratis. , -• ’ Send for our Mammoth DescriptlTeCatalogue.' Address all cash orders, retail or wliolesale, to T. B.PETERSON * BROOHEBS, aoti Cheatnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent, poatapo paid, on receipt of retail price. ALL NEW BOOKS ARE AT PETERSONS’. Ue2s-2t COLUMBIA CAPE MAY. THE COLUMBIA HOUBE, at Capo Island, N, J., will bo opened this season on the 26th of June. ; Situated bnt a few rods from the beach, with three hundred good bathing rooms standing di rectly at the enrf, and with fine shade trees upon the lawn, this house must surpass any other at the; Capes as well for its outride attractions and conveniences as for its extensive and well regu lated'interior.- ' J i- The Columbia has long been sustained by a sub stantial and BOlcct patronage from all parts of the country, and its appointments may bo depended upon as strictly arst-clasa Forrooms, &c., address GEO. J. Bolton; Proprietor. Capo Island, N. J., 801/TON’S HOTEL, . : . ■ - Harrisburg, Pa. ielS s tu th tfn>B ——; UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC qiTY, N. J., WUI bo opened for this reception of guesta on SATURDAY, JUBE 27. The homo baa bten repainted, papered and otberwis# Improved. . ’ Music will be under the direction of Slmoa Haralor.., , , Persons trisbing to engageroomsoandosoby applying to BBOjffN ft WOELPPBB. . AUanttoClty.or • featfn* 1 ’ SU R F HOUSE. ATLANWC CITY, N. J. I Thlafir*6cla*sHotelwlU tpen for the'jieaßon on 25th Jana Terms, $3 60 per day; 828 per week.. ADDBEBS ■'/ B. R. THOMPBON, Proprietor, . (Formerly of Congreaa HaD« Gape leltnA.) ; . if. B.—The xnosio will te under ; the direction of .Mr > Corlßentz. - - -vV"' •" /' : /COTTAGE BOABDING 'AT MIB9 BILL’S -ON oppoßlto DcUwaro House, Cat>6 Tcland. WATCHES, JEWEIBT, &C. JI BG aldwell & c°- JEWELERS* 902 CHEBTMUT BTREET, Have jut received direct froiq Paris, a largo Invoice FRENCH JEWELRY. TTntf sets, Sleeve Buttons, Medallion Reoklaces. Bracelets, Chains, , &0,, Ate., In beautiful design*, tbe newest and choicest PARIS NOVELTIES. ap4stu thtfrps t! :• Saving Pprcitaged the Interest of TDOS. WBlcein^Eaq,, My late partner In tMe firm of WHIGtHNB A WARDEN, I will continue the Watch and General Jewelry Business At the old stand, S. E. corner Fifth and Chestnut Sts., And respectfully request a continuance of tbe patronage ■o long and ÜberaDy-beatowed.upon tbe late firm. Particular attention given to' tho repair ng of WATCHES and JEWELBY. \ A. B. WARDEN. Philaua.,MarchlB. 1868, : ~CARPETINBS AND OIK. OLOTHI, NEW CARPETINGS, Of the best French, English and American Manu facture,' embracing Moquetto, Chenille, Axmin ster, Wilton’s Velvets, Brussels, Tapestry, Three ply Ingrains, Damask and Venetians. Also, Oil Cloths and Mattings, every quality, great variety. All at the lowest Cash Prices. R. L. KNIGHT & SON, 1222 Chestnut Street. jestfrp l WHITE CANTON MATTING, Less tban Original Cost of Importation, 85c. PEB YABD. E.H.GODSHALK&GO. 753 Chestnut Street. CARPETS, OIITxLOTHS, Ao., At Lew Prices. B. B. OOUBHAIX. BUBO. b. wnsnsnataiM IftgLfimrp * ——— THE fglE ABTS, NEW STALES : |IpL OF [looking glasses. NEW ENGRAVINGS, i I ' ’ . : 1j /'.fi-.. i. j NEW OHBOMO-MTHOGBAPHB. • v.i, . ’ !*: - ' •' ; EARLES’ GALLERIES, ! 816 Cb.estn.ut Street, j EDUCATION, tember. 10th, at the eamo hour. THOMAS HILL, l joOtu.tbist prosideat. U®6. REMOVAL. UOO. IHB IDtCßft HAHCFACTmUHe comm : \ Have Removed their Wareropma to , , ; ■ No.vlXOO Chestnut Street. SIHOEM NEW FAMILY SEWINO MACHINE b simple, durable, quet and light running, and capable of performing an a tonUhing range and variety of work. It will hem. fell, ctltcb, braid, gather, coni, tuck, quiiC emtooidep, Ac, . - . ■ • . Tn»9lvrp / WMg EL COOPER, Agent. BEAI ESTATE B*X,EB. —~ , EXiitiU roE’S PEREMPTORY BALE.—ESTATE ,■§» of Samuel Crag'cr, dcceaatd.—Tiiomt. 4t Bona, Auc ■Jmsi tioneera.—Deetrable X'anu, Forty Acres, Kldge Ave nUe, Twenty-firat Wsrd.-On Tuesday, July 14th. 1888. at So’clock, noon, will M. told at public sale, without re i erve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, aU that two-story iitono messuage, stono barn and other out buildings and tractof lanfl, rtluata pai tly lnEoxbotough, in tbo Twenty, lirrt Ward, of l'bllauelpma. and.partly in Gerraantowu,, In tbe Twenty-second Word of .Philadelphia, bounded and described according to a recent survey thereof, mado by John )J. levering, Surveyor of the Eighth District, aa follow., to wit; Beginning at a atone set for a corner in tbe middle of Thomas's MIU road. (leading from tho nidge : turnpike road to the Wissabickon: eroekfln Roxboreugb -aforesaid, and extending thence by land of Jonathan Shuck, (formerly William Johnson.) N. 87 dog- 80 min;, E. 83 49100 porches to another clone set for a corner; thence by f nid J, Shurk's land B. 48 dog. 61 min.; E. 19 49 ICO percbec to ihe middle■■ of said Mill road; thence fi. 61. deg..6l min.. E. 88: 80.100 ptrehoa to a corner, and thence by land of -- Stallman N. 48 deg. 28 min., W. 40 26-100 perches to a certain stream'of water; tbeneo by tbecame.N. 41 dsg.ilS min., E.. 6 perches to another corner inthellneof ——— land; thence by said '■ Batiey's land hi. 41 dbg. SS min., w; 40 40100 perches to a point in Thorp's lone (leading to tho Wfasahlekont) fbence by land now or late of - Morkley 8.'45 dcg l 5 .min., W. It 76-110 perches to a stone in tbo fine of land of Thomas Whiteman; thence bv the game 8.24 deg,S min., E. 178 10 perrhee to!jaCorner-stones thence sthlby said Wblttman 1 * lend 8. 69 dbg. 64 min.. W-19 24-lOOnerchae to tho elds,of tbe along tho game B. 34dsg.'2l min.. All SOlOOperehu to a point: and thence S. IS 0cg.17 min.,,E. 4.»10u perchee to a point in .the middle of Thomaa’eMiU read, end. thoneobvtbe middle of seid Milt road B. 64 deg' IS min., B. 23 87-100 . perches to the place of .begtoning; pontainlogto acres and , I*s perches of land, more or less. „ Thls.fana It eligibly situated at the 10 mile stono on the Kldgo avenue, to n - rapidly Improving neighborhood* ~. In the tract there ere alwnt 6 acres of woodland. The house Is well .shaded with' fruit and shade trees, and. there it a pomp at the backdoor. Boe plan at the Auction Booms. • *^ e '*Bv a o?dirmi WILLIAM IE XHtAOEE. Executor. ' Mi TUOMAB & BOJJB.Auctioneera, * 1»25jy311 ' , y 189 and 141 Bouth Fourtusticet. .ndUAJimiU’S. BAUJ-EoTATE OF GAIN A ■PI Roberts, deceased. Thdmsi ft ’ Sam. A net loUotrx. JVil 4 well-secured Redeemable Ground Rents, 835. 856, see, 873,» rear. On Tuesday.. June SOI 1868, at U o’clock, l oon, will be eoidat pnhlio sale, (vt the I’nUadalphla Ex change, > *ho following , described prooorty.., viz.: No. 1. —AD tbatwejrsecoredgronnd rent, 885ayosr, is suing out of a lot of ground and messuage. south eldecf Vino street6B feet Slnehes west of Sixteenth >trcct, 17 feet front,P6 feet deep. % No. 2.—A1l that welitbCured ground rent 858 a ;year. leaving out of a lot of ground and S-story brick messuage, north side of .Winter street, tl feetS inches west of fit*, teenthetrtet. 17 feet front 45 feet deem . , , . .No. a—All that well-secured gronnd rent 866 a year. Is suing ont of a lot of ground, east ride of Twelfth street and south sided Wood street. 63 feet Z'A Inches front on Wood street, end 70 feet In dep th. ■ , ■ Mo. 4 —All that wetl-secured gronnd rent 873 a year. Is suing cut of a lot of gronnd, north slde of Callowhlll street, 227 feet ll s . Inches essr of Twenty-first street M feet front 100 feel deep. The buildings known as the In dustrial Gun Works By order of ALGERNON ROBERTS. Executor. ■' M. THOMAS ft Bi)NS, Auctioneers, ... 133 and 141 8. fourth street KbAC KoTATE.—'THOMAS. AiBONS*SALE HS]) . Building Lot, I ’bestnut HUI, Twtnty-eecond Ward. Stalin 'J tu-idap, June CO, 1868, at 13 o'clock, noon, will bb told at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all tbatlbt ofaround, Chestnut Hill. Twcntj-fccond Ward, beginning at a atone on the nortbeut aide of the Ctestunt HiU Kallroad, a corner of .land now or UtaofSamuctU. Austin; thence by eaid Austin's land N. 41 dog. 1 into* E. let feet 6 Inches to another corner etono on the 8. Wv aide of Prospect avcnno:. thenco along the said 8. W. sldo of Prospect aTfnuoS.4hdeg.2min., E. 200 feet 814 idchcsto a state on the N W. aide of Child's avenue; thence along tbeeald w. W.sldoof the said Child's arcane B.stdcg. 43 min, W. 179feetBElnchca to a stake on the N.E. aid- of the Chestnut Hill Rallroadt thenco along the said aide thereof H.;4°.;3inin4 iy. 200 feet, 1 to tbeplsco ol be ginning. M.THOM.AB & SONBJ Auctioneers. • : 139 and HI S- PoHithetreet fflSfitodenaVcmrrtpiy'Brie? » •wit No. 1347 Hprlns Garden atroetw«»t of Thirteenth street 4Q.feet front Ou Tueeday, Jane 30th, 16C3,ai13 o'clock, noon. Will be cold at public cans, at the rhtlu delphiaEarhause, Ml that liandcomO modern four-story nnck Mebnaae, with doable, throo-atory back buildlnn and oniklfchen nrd lot of ground, eituato on tile north vide of spring Garden ctraef. Treat of Thirteenth itrect No. 1347; the lot containing In front on .BprinK Garden rtreet 49 feet, and extending in depth ICO feet The house lain excellent repair;papered and;painted throughout; baa the gae Introduced, balh, hot and coin water, water closet?furnace*. cooaingrango.'ec.' :■ Gro^it^t M, THOMAS&SONB, Auetioneens, 139 a&d HI 8. FourtlwtrWt. ■— JtcAL. £»l'ATk.-THOMAS * SONS’ SALE.- wS Three itory Brick Store.and Unrolling.». K corner •scaol Thomreen and‘Marcher afreet* On Tneaday, Jnne zoth. 1888. at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo soldntpnbhc rale, at the Thiladelpbia Exchange, all thatthrce-etory brick (tore and dnclllng.apd lot of ground, eltnateet tho S. E. corner of Thotnpron, and Maacher alrecU; contain ing in front on Marcher afreet 19 feet 9?! Inches, and thence eastward 41 feet ?* of an Inch;'thence northward about 18feet lOJiinebca.more or lew: thecco westward 45 feet 411 inches, »n Place of bcai. niu*. M.THOMAS* SONS, Auctioneer*,- 139 and 141 Sontn tourth street. i-.'Ai. i J a'i'&l'£>*lUUMAS .4 SONB* SALE,— SO Modem three atony brick rciidcnce, JSo» 833 .North •Wm Sixteenth etreet, above Brown etreet. OaTueeday. June so, 1868* ntl3 o'clock, noon, ; will be eolfl. at public the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick tneteuago and lot of ground, weetsldi of Sixteenth etreet, 18 feet north of Brown street, Stv,*2; contalnlna Id front on Sixteenth street 18 feet, and ex tending in depth 60 feet to a 8 feet wide alley. It baatfao 189 and 141 South Fourth St Mt/HHIA»B* COUBT BALE-EBT ATE OF Thomas ° Brooks, deceased.—James A, Freeman, Auctioneer.— Dwelling, Jefferson street, near Main street Germantown.—Under anthoilty of the (Indians’ Court for tile city and county of Pbi)adelphla,on Wednes day, July 15.1868. at 13 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public tale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia exchange, the following described real estate, late the property of Thomas Brooke, deceased: A messuage ana lot on tho toutheaet aide of Jefferson street, between Wakeflold and m Q j n streets. Twenty.eecond Ward, beginning at a comer of this and groundof Bamuel H. Collom: thence pawing through the partitlomvall dividing this from the adjoin. Ine bouse, and beyond the same southeasterly 68 feet, more of less, to tho lino of land now or late of John M. Bocklos i thence with the same southwesterly 33 feet to a stake, and thence still with the same, being along a 6 feet wldenaesegeway westerly 13 feet to n_ corner;thence northwesterly 47 feet to a comer by the tided Jefferson street end thence along the. isms 87 feet to the place of beghuiln& a nont throd story brick and roughcast divelllnm parlor, dining-room and kitchen on first floor, «ith chamber* above, gas, water. &c. Clear of Incumbrance. Bale peremptory, nr aim to bo paid at tho tiluo of sale. BvtheCourt, JOSEPH MEG ARY,Clerko. C. uy me wmrr, JAUE(J A F HEEMAIf, Auctioneer. Store. 432. wabout street t»25 U 1 8 ' MiuaioNß- OOUBTBALE.—ESTATE OF.HENRY ®si orV. deceased.—Jdines A. Freeman, Auctioneer.— ELM. Two-story brick Cottage, No. 4013 Ludl°w atrect. Twenty-seventh Ward. Under anthorify of tlie Orphans’ Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on Wed nisdftv July 16i «68, at 13 o’clock, noon, will bo Bold at SublfcVrief without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex- Jhange. the following described real estate, lato thopro uertyMHenryOrr.deceased: All that certain two-story iHck meeeuago and the lot of greund on- which tho aamo screcrodT eSuatoon the of Ludlow street at tile Twenty-seventh Ward of the city : containing In front 2u jsr aent per annum, and,-to a n the time of sale. • LvtheCourt, JOSEPH MEGARY,CIerk O,C. tfy tne u JAMES MUiLEE. Administrator. JAMES A- FREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store, 423 Walnut street je2s.Jyi. 8 HbB.tSMtTOKY SaWSt-JAMES A. FREEMAN. story blacksmith shop. frajuo Btablo and genteel threo story brick dwelling-bonaO, .nrth two-Btory bacfc build- Ides thereon eituatoon the east elde of Fifth street. 121) feet 6J<( inches north of Oxford street, id the Nineteenth'Ward of theci'y; to feet front on Fifth BL, sndta depth at right angles therewith on the south lhro lnU feet lo& inches, and' on : the north'lino 145 feet 61* inches. The above'is a. very Valuable property for a menu) acturer.'f Clearof.incrunbranctv •’ Non used as a carriage factory. Balesbsoluto. $2OOl0 bep 4^JllSlFß^FKEJlMANjAuctionoor; uajuswo. store< 433 Walnut etreot. lyi 8 • nttpn ANfi* COURT F A TiB.—ESTATE ■ OF JOHN f^M?i!r7 w Auctioneer.- Hmißß and B arc, N. E.'corner of Biker and Nice streets*.' 25tfi -Ward.. Tender nhanß* Court for the City .and County of .Philadelphia, on July 1B» 18w» nt 13 o’clock«'noon* vvlll beeold Jrnifbliciaieiatthe- PWiSdelphla;Kxch4ngd.tlifiioUow- W described Beal EBtate,. late .too property, of .John deceased ♦ All that certain frameTbarn, meianaee, 1 K™f eet“o N t f Clab ofincumbranco. ■. f&r W> toljo pud rt.Qgtgro O; 0. By tbo Court. M A 2TIN kOBTLEU. Admini»ttator.' aKHE S^iaet jpos jylB B fory Wding *mMot of. ground thereto, bo liSpTnir !m thowest ßido of Ninth street, above Spruce in front 19 foot by 11X) feet deep. Houeeund storehave recentlybeen put,in complete ro- Mir Bm BOS With flttlnga and chandelier, extra meter Brd'connection for the Btore. Hoater in cellar. " New heater m bach buildings, botlia, range, &0. ■ The property wW refit for $1,600 a year. - iST"S4,OOO may remain if neared. ■ Occupancywfth the deed. - , •- ■ -- . BT $2OO to be paid at the time of sale.- - ■ JAMES A, EKKEMAN. Auctioneer. . i ■’ Store. 422 Walnut street. ti'"B I vl.g boarding; Eligible rooms with board. at am looust Street, West Philadelphia, jel.m,tU,rpBt*