Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 20, 1868, Image 5
Q|fTY Borsos OF Tint Commission op thb. Pju&uytkrian Ciubck Synod.-Tlio Commis sion reassembled this morning at g£%S£SsE£%£ and the session wasopened with P™*” gentleman. The minutes of the previous ses^i were read and approved. , K _ \r_ /aioi ' The following remarks were made by Mr- ander Kerr, .who had been requested to give in formation reepecUng a meeting heM aU Rclormed Presbyterian Church. Hesoi t„ meeting of the Reformed held to the Fimt Chnrch, Broad street near Friday, the ,l?th of June, at 4 P. M. ine mwu k was special. A resolution was passed thot me ££&« be considered legal. It wf thaUbo 2f J^B^oranTo g thTmaUe P m rt wtoh 0 mfgbt WAuX-mWm were except Mr. Stevenson, of Ulster. Alter mat i solution-bad been passed; several mombors de nounced the actioA the Synod as partial and -unjust, and that Jhei csgoou pad assumed certain things they had n ig Wylie read resolutions Svnod was illegally con9Utnted; thatite action ln taking the case out of thehaads df the Presbytery; that Mr. George H._ Stu should be reinstated: that dhAsnspendon of Dr. McMurray and Mr. Guy should bp continued, as before the meeting of the Synod, nntUitrascmaa its action in, reference to Mr. George HvStaa . Mr. Kdrr alone objected and voted against tu re Mrl 1 Thoniaß Stewart, of; New York, stated that he had seon Dr. Bterrett, as he ac knowledges the receipt of the requisition,, out said that he had not been able to get together the Presbytery in relation to giving up tho pro perty of & Presbytery: The report Mr Stewart complained of to ot the reoorte as toy appeared in certain papersof th£ dtv • He thought toy were partial, and Sllcnlated to bias the public mind. Jbo fonow w resolution was then offered by Mr. Stewart. Scad. That this Gommlsslon has nothing •whatever to do with to suspension of Mr. George •' TL Stuart; that its only buslneEs is to_ lnquiro into and adjust difficulties existing to to First Beformed Presbyterian congregation of rhu Mr. Stewart drew forth regties from the reporters of to Press, Ledger and ™LewisStated.that in justiceto the Pres, the reports had been made as truthfully fairly as could be, and that frona mn . *tThe caption of the articles had been the same. Th GhmchDWlcnlties/ tbe captions f -with the business transacted by to Uonnmssio nji ° The prSffigs of the morning session were IMssssH embodying theflnal action of to Commission t be properly prepared. Review of the Police FoRCE.-The annual inspection ana review of the police force of the city by the Mayor came ofl this morning, men from the several assembled in their reaDective Btationß and were marched to Droau npTchestnut streets. They appeared in their summer uniforms, consisting of Panama hatß, Unon vests, and blue flannel blouses and pants. The material of which the coatß and p vnndnis of fihe texture, and was all supplied oy ■ircTnhin At Pn ■ nt Second and Market streets, tUe S firm havihg also furnished similar goods fof nollco nnioms for Trenton, Pittsburgh Cincinnati and other cities. In their new rig the rfifflcATfi all presented a fihe appearance. °On b?oa P d Btrcet quite a crowd of speetators gathered The line was formed at 10>6 o ciocfc, theright resting on Chestnut street. The Liberty Silver Cornet Sand furnished the music. The. Henrv Guards had the right of the lino, and were followed by the Reserve Corps. Then come the District forces in their numerical order. • Mayor McMichacl and Chief Ruggles passed along the line and then the entire force waß marched in revi’ewbefore Bis Honor, who occupied a posi tion at Broad and Sansom streets. ... U Various evolutions were gono through with, under the direction of'Capt. John Spear and tho whole affair passed ofl very satisfactorily and creditably. _ Tkf. Annum. Regatta of the Schuylkill Navy •Bill take place this afternoon. The? race for boats of the first class starts front's point oppo site the Bkating Clnb House, at five o clock. Two boats are entered for this race—the Hespe ruß fow-oared shell, of the University Club and Uie Bachelor, slz-oired shell, of the Bachelor Club. At the termination of this race,the six-oared «ioolh gunwale barges, lono, of , the lone Club, Iris of tie Philadelphia Club, and Thlßtle, of_the 'fiuakefiCity Club, will stait. The course is to a Sptot opposite Belmont Cottage andreturn-a distance ot three miles. * j Mdbdekous Assault.— Chas. Ravenor, rest-* ding at No. 1249 South Thirteenth street, had a hearing before Aid. Bonsall this morning, upon the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill It appears that last evening he got into a quarrel with George Richie,at Twelfth and Federal streets beeanse Richie asked him about some money mature. He had a pitcher in his hand at the time, and, it 1b alleged, struck Richie on the head with it, causing such a serious wound as to confine him to the house. Ravenor was com mitted to await the result of the injuries inflicted. Attemi-tkd Suicide.— This morning about 1 o’clock a man named Cyrus Wright was found in Seventh street, above Arch, by Policeman Homeyard. He had taken Paris Green and was suffering greatlv. He was conveyed to the Fourth District Police Station, where the proper remedies were given and the would-be-suleide wub relieved. New Masonic Temple.— The perspective view of the new Masonic Temple, after the design adopted by the Building Committee, and approved by the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania, can be seen on and after Monday, th® 22d inst., in the window of the print 6tore ot James S. Earle & Sonß, No. 81(1 Chestnut street. Till Tapping.— Two boys named Samuel O'Brien and CUarlts Walls were before Alderman Fitch, this morning, upon the charge of larceny. It is alleged that they sneaked into Mclntosh’s cigar store, on Poplar street, abovo Eleventh, and robbed the money drawer of two dollars. They were committed to answer. Bold Theft Elizabeth Reep was arrested yesterday and taken before Alderman Heins upon the charge of having stolen brooms,_bußke La, &c., from the front of a grocery store, at Germantown road and Columbia avenue. She was held in ijrStKbbsilfor trial. • - An Absconding Book-kekfek —A young man who has been employed for some time in the wholesale liquor store of Mr. John B. Champion, No. 17 Soutlr-Bisth street, has collected bills amounting to several hundred dollars, belonging to his employer, and has fled from the city. The Dog Was.- During the* past week one hundred and eighty-nine unmuzzled dogs were captured in this city. Ot that number but very few were considered of sufficient value to their owners to be redecfeied. The others were killed. Suspicion of Lakceny —John Kindell was arrested last night, atThird and Brown streets, on sue icion of having ribbed a man of his watch. He was taken before Alderman Toland and was committed to pryon. Gape : M-av Bokday Excursions The West Jersey Railroad Compaq.,- -rill to-morrow com mence running iheir Sunday mail and passenger train to Cape Island, leaving Philadelphia, at V.JS and returning at 6.10. It affords a full day’s’ enjoyment of the ocean. The fare has been placed wShin the reach of all—being only S 3 for the •onnd trip, or the return ticket will be received ‘ <m tie first train up on Monday morning. * •* , , * *■ r -Sam of PAiNnNOs.-Partles wishing to con tribute to the sale pf Paintings 0“ Tneaday evening next, 23d Inst, at Scott’s Art Gallery,, musthave thorn on tho premises on or before Monday morning, 22d. . . ■ i i :. Atlantic . City,— Tho_ Camden «td Atlantic railroad furnishes excellent facilities for brief and dclightfol excursions, which can be made without Interfering with business. The Sunday mail trmn, leaving Vino street wharf at 7 o’clock A. M., nos already become popular, and as the season ad vances will bo extensively patronised. Excur sionists by this train can spend several hours on tho beach. ■ SrspAY Excursion^.— Tho now stoamboal Twilight makes two excursions to Burlington and Bristol every Sunday morning and after noon, from Chestnut street wharf. The Twilight isaenperb boat, fitted up In the moßt elegant style known to the cabinet-maker, tho gilder, and the upholsterer. The promenade saloon runs the entire length of the vessel, is palatial in size, and has appointments which would, do credit to Windsor Castle or the Imperial , parlors of Ver sailles. Captain Henry Crawford commands, and is all, in experience'and courtesy, that is ex pected from an officer holding so responsible a position* . The spiendld steamboat John A. Warner also makes two excursions to Burlington and Bristol, stopping each way at first pier above Pop ar street. For time and place of departure see advertisement. ' THBATB The THEATßEsZ^MrTjos^^refferson willap- I pear at the Walnut this eveningas R‘P J; We. The Arch will close its Under the Gaslight. - At the. Cutout ' BumpUl lhimntu will be given for the last time tuts even i fog? P A general entertainment wUI be given at the American to-night. ... , ■Richings Opera. — On Monday evening, I the °22d instant, a grand find perform once will be glvtn at the Academy of Music by tho RichingsiOpeia Company on the occasion of Mr. James Arnoldj bcneflt. The opera Fra Diavola will be giveff with a splendid cast including Mr. Theodore Habelmann, Mr. Castle, Mr. Joseph' Hermans, Miss Richings and others. Tickets for-this fine enterteinment can bo procured atTruittpler’a. Hooley’s MnisTftELs, —This tioupo plan performers will appear at the Seventh Street Opera House this evening, in jfrat rate minstrel entertainments. Among other novelties they will present a “spectacular burlesque ” entitled the Wild Fawn. This piece s placed upon the stage in very handsome stylo, with scenery, transformations, &c., of the most beautiful character. . _ . Lingakd's Concerts. —At the Eleventii Street Opera House thiß evening Mr. W. H. Llngard, ■ the celebrated mimic, will give an original enter: tainmet, in which he will appear in a multitude of diflerent personations: Mr. Llngard possesses very remarkable talent as an imitator, and the celerity with which he changes from one charac ter to another is simply wonderfuL His per formance Is in tho highest degree satisfactory and interesting. - The Very Latest Improvement in Sewing Maouinks.— The Wbeelor & Wilßon Sewins Machine Company, which bad already won the highest honors hi this magnificent domain or invention, htui jnat brought out, and now presents to the public the very latest, and we think, one of tho moet Jmiiormnf, improvements that.have yet been added to any Saiv lim Machine extant. The improvement consistsofa Silent Feed Motion, which makes the Wheeler & Wil son the vvmt oniet running tyarhine tn use. IMS, added to thelr many other hicomparahle merits, ron flers these instruments more than ever the champions in the Sewing Machine Held. The Machines, with the improvement referred to, can he seen in operation nt the P warerooms of Messrs. Peterson & Little, agents for tho Wheeler and Wilson Company, No- 704 Ctaest • nut Street. What we Eat, and What is its Conditiof, Immediately Conoep.ns Am..—The health, happinem and the life of individuals are involved; and the man who cate wilted vegetables, stale meats, or milk, fruits,. 'or any particularly decomposed food, will have his reward in dyspepsia, complicated diseases, and death. "'"avoid this is the duty of all, and in no one mode can it be accomplished with so much ease, with so Ut ile comparative expense, and with so ranch system, as iu the Dosscssion of a good Refekif.iiatob. Some lave advantages superior to others, but in all the qual ities combined, and in obvious improvements, none seem to equal the Polar Refrigerator. This celebrated Refrigerator can be obtained at J. 8. Clark s, No. 10l)S Market street Call aDdexnmlnc. The "Rif Van Winki.e" is the name of the Infest novelty in Bun Hats, just brought out by Messrs. Wood & Caiy. 725 Chestnut street. For the country and seashore nothing could bo more charming. The ladies will please bear this in mind. Messrs. W & C still continue to sell their elegant line of Fancy Bonnets nnd Hats at much Vclow coat; also, every style of desirable cut materials, in quantities to suit purchasers. For every description of hats and Bon- IX for Ladies, Children nnd kisses,their stock is by far the richest ii the city, and their prices are won -111 Every lady" should procure the “Rip Van’Winkle,” which is really as exquisite a covering for the head a Boucicault’s humorous repiesentation of the eccentric ltlp himself is a sterling play. Beware of Tooth Poisons Vended under the name of Dentifrices. Adopt and ad here to the only preparation that really preserves the teeth and hardens the gums, fragrant Sozobont. Its effects on decaying teeth ar^mnrvelioas. “Sfaedino’s Gi.rn" mends Crockery, Wooden Ware, die. Kkrr’s China Hall— l2lB Chestnut between Tweltth and Thirteenth. WHITE L'RENOU OIIINA, As cheap as common Stone Wore. WIIJTE FBBNOU CHINA. Dinner Plates. 9 % doz. f -< - $3 00 Meat Dishes oval shape, 22 inches, each, - - °OO Meat Dishes, oval shape. 20 inches, each, - «• 275 Meat Dishes, oval shape, 18 inches, eac*», - m \l* Meal Dishes, oval shape, 16 inches, each, - -1 00 Meat Dishes, oval shape, 16 inches, each, - - 88 Call andexamino these goods, and compare them with any for double the price. Pa wan China Statuettes. . Jnst received, a flue selection of Parian China St it leues at Kkuh'6 Cnina Hall, 1218 Cbeetunt street, be ween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Green Enamelled Ware. - Wo have now open, per late arrival, a fine assort ment of Green Enamelled Dessert Ware and Fancy Articles generally, of entirely new designs .suitable fur the fruit season, at Kebbs china Hall, No. 1218 Chestnnt street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Hot House Grates, elegant bunches; Hot House Peaches, tempting and doUclous even to the sick, with the richest and pnreßt French and Ameri can Confections, at Vansant’s, Ninth and .Chestnnt etreets. . L.Gcteeunst’s Model Bath-house and best Hair dyeing Saloon, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Corner oi Fourth and Branch _____ Notice to the Patrons of St. John s Day . All natrons of St. John’s day are required, according to tne regulations Issued by authority, to be dreßsed on that day in black cloth. To bo sore the weather may be a little warm on the 24th of this month, hut that -is not St. John e fault: and to accommodate things Stokes Co., the celebrated clothiers, under the Continental, bavo now on hand a number of suitß ofilght summer doth made-UP.atlP_w.P.tig. ea -- _ Fink Watches.— -We desire to call the attbh tion of watch-buyers to the very fine Watches made by the American "vatch Company oi Waltham, and known as the % -plate, 16 size; . ~ _ To the manufacture of these watches tlio Company have devoted all the science and skill in the art at their command, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, not less than for the greater excellencies of mechanical and scientific correctness of design and exeention, these Watches will compare favorably with ' the best made in any country. In this country the manufacture of such Watches is not oven attempted except at Waltham. For sale by all respectable dealers. Bounins & Appleton, Agents, No. 182 Broadway, N. Y. ‘To the Fraternity. Chas. O’akford & Sons have a fine stock of New Silk Hatß, suited to the wonts of the Masonic Frater nity on the coming occasion. Stores under the Con tinental Hotel. Florence Sewing Machine. Florence Sewing Machine. Florence Sewing Machine. ■ office, 1123 Chestnnt street, Philadelphia. Judicious mothers and nurees use for children a Bafe and pleasant medicine in Boweb’b Infant Cor dial- _ , Surgical lesteujienjs and dries. THE I> IS, Etc. CITY NOTICES. gKOWDEN SSJ3bO™KK, 23 South Eighth street. \ Fubw' I Tho' weathor fa-hot and .everybody lwho<san'eccampH»li -it IB i ,ei ”sSLSSJS'iia SiivSiS' .tohrißts ana astute seekers for Thfev tbelow Fourth. These '•BmUOTMjdW* gfhdaate •BRS#grSftSftS^SSWS»sS gai®Sars«waansaa?- m£ie the daintiest and mosteeasonablq coiifectlonery St^butfoeyare^perfect ■■***s*£&*£& nniitv and wholesomencss. , Nothing that is .not aa solutely pure and wholesome is over uscitin their con fections. . ” '-s' ' ‘ ■ ■ Foe the Bummer —To prevent Sunburn, Freckles, and keep the akin White and beautiful, uao Wright's Alconatod Glycerin Tablet of Solidified Glvcerin. It is the bestof all Toilet soaps.-- Sold by aU Dragglsts.- R. & G. A. Wright, 624 Chestnut street. Misses’ Hats, Children’s Hats, Rundowns of, every variety, Stylo, and finish. Oakford & ffons, Continental Hotel. ' ‘ ' : 1 ; ■ Furniture reupholstcred and varnished cqni to new, at Patten’s, 1403 Chestnut street. Union Hotel, Saratoga. ... • PopalarPrlccß. _ Superior Accommouation 1 for Families and uen- U «4AO per day, S2B per week, $lOO for fonr weeks. . omnibne ana Baggage' Master to rccclvo Checks at B “^^^ t ° < SroBROTHERS. 7 01 aLE MeS?p?UwS”HoteI. ; Fine Boots and Gaitkes at Low ; StaMA o 7 aUthe prevailing . Youths’ Boots and Gaiters op hand ahd made to order. ; Brown’s jAii4lc\ :GiHQEB.---yainlll6s. leaving : the clt? ehonld not fail supplying ■*5«5“J 1 T Sj[ i * S£' in valuable remedy., Itsmerfts arenowso ■liehed that it docs not require a detail 'of Its efficiency as a tonic. 7 There has been lnttodnced Into by druggists at Various time' a ginger to, cope trot i Brown, but so far he has maintain eothe palm i for su periority. : : Bo wee’s Senna Figs, \£or ■fifty cents. Depot Sixth andyine. Fob promptness, good- workmanship and low prices, go to Fatten? West End Upholstery, 1403 Chestnutsireet. . : ■ > » ; Fine Cnstom-made Boots and ShoeSj for. Gen tlemen. 33 South Sixth street, above Chest nut. "■■•■■■■ ' ■ .. ’■ Members of the Masonic Order can get their Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. m ■ J. Isaacs, at. D., Professor of the Bye and Ear. treats all diseases appertaining to the the utmost success. Testimonials % c bs;‘ ™”to »r y aMeree te l^r%^^ for eTnmlpatjon. NEW PtIBUCATIOWS. JULY MAGAZINES. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. COHTENTB-Along the Hudson Elver at New York, by Charles Dawson Shanly; The Dole of Jari Tr arkell,> by J-. G. Whittier; St. Michael’s Night, Part XL, by Mias Agnes Harrison; Minor Elizabethan Poete. by E. P. Whipple; gome Coral Islands and Islanders; The Poor in Cities, by Mrs. C. A. Hopkinson; My Ship at Sea, by R. S. SpofTord; De Gr.y ■ A Romance, by Henry James, Jr.; Stage-Struck, by Juetin Winsor; Modem French Painting, by Eugene Benson; TonelliV Marriage.by W,D-Howolla; AFour o’clock, by Harriet Prescott Spofford: The Great Erie Im brofllo, by .fames K. Medbery; Reviews and Literary Notices, OUB YOUNG FOLKS. Coutents-A Story ol the Sea. byMay Mather; Straw berries, |,y J. T. Trowbridge; About Elizabeth. Ellaa a Piano, by Lucretia F. Hale; William Henry’s Letters to his Grandmother, Fart/SX, by Mrs. AM. Diaz; Among the Cages in the Centra Part by Charles Dawson Bhanly; Cast Away in tmT Cold, Part XI, by Dr. I. L Hoyeß-.Outin the Shower, by Mary N. Shoalfl and Quicksands, b'y Helen C. Weeks; A Birdls Nest, by Florence Percy; Leeßons in Magic, Part XL, by P. H. G., Tiny Davy, by Mary N. Prescott; About Me on 'My Travels, by Mrs. Edward A. Walker; The Rivulet, by LucyLarcom; Music; Round the Evening Lamp; Oar NINETEEN ILLUSTRATIONS. For Sale every, wbare. TKEIfOE & FIELDS, Publishers, Boston, T. B, PUGH, Subscription Agent, 007 CHESTNUT STREET. (BULLETIN BUILDING.) |yj AbIETTA MABIETTA! BYT. A. TROLLOPE. BVT..A. TROLLOPE. TROLLOPE'S gEWBOOK.MAIOET^ No. 806 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MARIETTA. ByT.A. TVollooo, authorof ,;W Romeo and Juliet?” "Leonora Casaloni,” "Giulio Malm. Price $175 In cloth; or, 61 50 In paper cover. jiead ivhat He-nry T. Ttickarman, Em., says of Marietta, ; “ fl mthc Atlantic Monthly. “Marietta takes us into one of those massive old Floren tine palaces, with its lofty river, olive orchard and vineyard,- dome anid to™**": 1 *? adiacent church with the family chapel and ancestral ofll* Swi£i£eeverid floor* let out as lodgings-its heavy portah ntone stair-case, faded freeceeß. baned windows, paved courtvard. moss-grownstatues damp green garden. two recoßDJze ihe 1 amiliar elements of tho local lus the inValdiiVer, the V ine flask, the coal brazier, the antique 1S thevioiiu, the snuff box, the ample coarse cloak, tho Frugality, 6on/iommiCv shrewdness, proverbß. greet, ings. grace. Cheerfulness, chat, rural and city traits, pre ludices pride and pleasantness of Tuscan life and character. These all appear in suggestive contrast, and with accurate detail, woven into a tale which breathes edition of all the workß written hyT. A. rROLLOPE, in ‘ A. ms. of tUo r.FMMA. A Novel By T. A. Trollope. Fully equal to G "i lie Initials." Complete in one large duodecimo vol ume. Price 62 00; or, in jm£or cover, for $l6O. hourly FALSE. By Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, author of U “Fashion and Famine.” otc. Completo In, one large duodecimo volume. Price ffil 76 in cloth, or $1 50 ip S. STEPHENS'OTHER WORKS. Tbp WUc’b Secret. 1 COiTho Gold Brick. ••••♦• } ThftßciectodWifo..... 1 BOlTho Old Homestead.... 1 BO The above are in paper cover, or in cloth, price S 3 each. rrrvi\,f n* T DDLER’B GROUND. Price 25 ' ceute, '■and T \VREOK OF THE GOLDEN MARY. Price 25 cents. Tho y complete list of Peterson's cheap T edition for themllUon of Uickonß’s Works. Dttvid C 25 Christmas Stories....... 25 SS?«iMSSSwit. . 25 Tho Haunted House.... 25 I irr.^vrrrr; —20l Ar-HOUBe-JO-Jjei~-..-.... tofife..- priBon - as £ r “ a a l TTnira lllloll !2s Wreck of Golden Mary 25 ATalo of Two Cities... p Tom Tiddler's Grouni g> Luci&co .. 2ol Joseph Grimaldi.......• W Mc“ o«c7rom tfie lea:. SlThePic-Nic Papers. .. 60 2s|No Thoroughfare W Mrs! IJrriper’s Lodgings imd Lirrlrcr’s L?gscy, 26 Mugby Junction and Dr. Proscription.... 25 Hunted Down; and Other Reprinted Pieces -B The Holly-Tree Inn; and Otfier Stories... 25 All Books sent, postage paid, on receipt of retail Pjice, All books published are for ealebyus the moment they are issued from the press, at Publishers priccß. Call in npraou or Bend for whatever hooka you want, to person, oreeuu T R PETERSON & BROTIIERB, ■ floe Chestnut street, Phllada., Pa^_ WALLACE & KEENE, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 4*3 @ oath Third. Street. lel3 Imre? • iggißts’ Bun- ti ta I .NUTS AND almonds. —NEW CROP GRENO, WMe Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds, for 'aala by 3. B, BUBSIEB b CO, 108 Booth Delaware avenue. HjHB DKIEABLITHRIMWBI BBlffi BflllWß, ■ aDd 8t#!>10 “ No. 1515 POPLAK STREET. ' BuatißW ? .nnerfojo^ ( S%TKEET. ■ Auply to -J. O. ABBISOUf • JeSOliW No». 1 and S NORTH SIXTH STREET, joSSTIPATIOK- MARIETTA ! MARIETTA MNAHOUU, A RARE CHANCE A Hood 10-bone Engine, Boiler and Ihaftlng FOB SALE. Apply te the Engineer of the Buttixnr Office, 607 CHESTNUT Street. ■ iolB6trpB TO REST. TO' RENT. The First Floor (Back) OF THE / NEW' ■ BULLETIN BUILDING, No. 607 Ofceutxrut Street, -,<••; (And 60t Jayne BtroeU SUITABLE FOR AIIWMIBASCB COMPART. Icqnlre In tho Publication Office of tho BeuLaTW. • ■ . Je9tfrp " : ' ■-■■■■- ..-yr;:, NEXT DOOB TO POST OFFICE. Entire Upper part, Basement and Sab-Cellar. Apply »t 430 Chestnut Street. anißtfn* ' : .u ICE AND COAL. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ■ lOE • SUPPLIED DAILY OR SMALL CON. to .nvp&rt of thojpaved itmlu of the Consolidated CStr- BHIDESdUEO dg n- lANTOV^ and at the lowest marhot rates. ■ ” COAL. COA3L, COAI- COAIi. COAJL. BEST QUALITY OF LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL. .. SEND YOUB bBDEBS FOBICB OR COAL TO Cold Spring Ice and Goad Company. THOB, E. Sec*. .OFFICE, No. 435 Walnut Street. BRANCII DEPOTS.,, - SSSff”™ AVENUE. AND S&EETO. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILBOAD AND MASTEB STREET .WHARF. Bun UYLK [IjR r i apll.B m w sm-4pg —i CARRIAGES. "WM. I>- ROGERS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, manufacturer of First-Closa carriage. ONLY, 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Orders receivod for new and elegant Btylee of CarrfsgOi for the season of ,— t XBo9* THE NEW WAREHOUSE, Nos. 1014,4016 and 1018 Filbert 3L mv 28-th a Btrp rCBSIXCBE. ftp. FIICE FURNITURE. OEO. J. HENSELS, LACY* 00, Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, -jell amt ■ : Milt oi»i mwm WHITE CANTON MATTING, Less than Original Cost of Importation, 360, PEE YABD« E. H.6ODSHALK & CO. 723 Chestnut Street. CARPETS, Oil, CLOTHS, Ao.j I At Low Prices. la2?«emrp sewing maLonavEs. 1106. REMOVAL. 1106. THE BISCEB nANITACTCBISfi COTMI • Have Removed their Wareroonw to • SRsMORSRsa&E “S?a IJTO **■ WM. E. COOPER. Agent. Blpisoir boieer; Tiia is the only really SAFE BOILER In tb© Market, and can now be furnished at a Greatly Reduced Cost. For Circulars, Flans, Ac., Ac,, HARRISON BOILER WORKS, PHIL&DEI.PHU. I 1 ■ - jwwgutT,. *■*» ■: ;i- ■ !jyEiC#^^C°v I : '..; •;• JEWELiERbV;. V . 802 CHESTNUT 3TREET, > Have Juet received tUiect from P»ri«,a large tavotea FRENCH JEWELRY. Half Sets, Bleove Buttons, Medallion Necklaces, Bracelets, Chains, &C., &0., In beautiful dcalgni the newest and cioicert • PARIS NOVELTIES, j apt sto th tfrp* THE APPLY TO ICE PITCHERS, ■ WAITERS, GOBLETS. YSTo arc now offeriii a very, PLATED WARE ; A T HANUrAOTVBEBS 1 MICKS. ; Wo triple plato onrgoodi» i«id guawifcea full weight of Silver oneacharticle. ~ CLARK & BIDDLE, No. 712 CHESTNUT STBEET. ftf-wAa-tlrp} i : Dating Purthaied tbs Intereit of ■ ' THOS. WBIOGIIVB, Esq,, My lato partner in the Arm of WBIGQINB b WARDEN, I will continue the , . ■ : r Watch and General Jewelry Buslnos* . .At the old stand, v j'- - S. E. corner Fifth and Chestnut Sts* And respectfully requert, a eonUnnanee of the patrtnage ■o long and llboraUy bestowed upon the late firm. . . Particular , attention given, to ; the repairing; .of; WATCHES and JEWELRY. ’ ■ A. B. WARDEN. Phiuada..March 16,186 a >.‘ nganmrM SUMMEB BEBQKTB. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY. | THE COLUMBIA HOUSE, at Capo Island, N. J., will be opened this season on the 25th ol June. , ' • Situated bnt a few rods from the beach, with three hundred good bathing rooma standing di rectly at the surf, and with fine shado trees upon the lawn, this house 1 must surpass any other at tho Capet as wdi for its outside attractions and conveniences as for Its extensive and well regu lated Interior. , . . . The Co/iimiia has long been sustained by a sub stantial and select patronage from all parts of tho country, and its appointments may bo depended I upon as Btrictly flrspclass. For rooms,&C-, address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor,. Capo lilxma t N. «J.j BOLTON’S HOTEL, I , Harrisburg, Po. I lol36tnthtfrpt UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J„ Will be opened for the reception of guests on SATURDAY, JURE 27. The house Ims been repainted, papered and otherwise improved. 'Music Will be nnder the direction of Sim<m Hasaler. Persons wishing to engage rooms bap dp so by applying to lilt OWN & WOELPPER, Atlantic City, or So. 827 Richmond Street. le2 tfrpt OBOCEKIKS, KjqPOl Extra Choice JAPAN .TEA. This Tea is grown in the gardens on the 4, hSiTftlS&a caro in largo baskets lined with Bilk, over a slow fire. - FOB. SALE BY THOMPSON BLACK’S SON & 00,, Broad and Chestnut Streets, nolMuthst* CRIPPEN & MADDOCK, 115 s. Third Street, below Ohestmn (Date W. L Maddock & Co*,) Have on hand a large and choice stock of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, wbich they are offering by tho package at Greatly Reduced Prices, BALTIMORE FAMILY FLOUR I CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I mhlS-th «tn 6mrp AI.CTIOM gdL«SB7 1 AMKBAFREEMAN. street. Baler-Estate of Dr. John SootLdeceaßed. SUROEON.^ M lovelock at No. i °AIIo 0 ? 0 vi e ua l "6°JayM«“]n n f o al:a; lalUngltop Wagon. Furniture, Ac. Alio, a coniplete set of Veterinary Inrtiumente. ; M THOMAB *^dMutoFiurthßtreot. . • ■ ' STOCKS. ON TUESDAY. JUNE 23. . - At 12 o'clock noo^atthePhUadrtpbiMikohange 100 shares Ceptral Transportation CgL— — WHITE. BLACK AND SLATE CHINOLINE Becolving and for eale by THOMAS R. GILL, "7 ■ 6 Strawberry Street.' Jeio lOtrpS REMOVAL. The Business and Publication Office THE AGE Has Been Hemoved TO THE HEW AGE BUILDING,” 14 and 16 South Seventh Streep ABOVE CHESTNUT. 101 l th a tn «t WIBHI, uqiioits, AC. SHERRY SUPERIOR QtTAlilTy. AMONTILL Abo, uazanilla, X.OBO, STAB AND GARTER, The above wero iclccted from the etoclt of Gonzales A Duboic, Xeies, • EXPRF.BSLY FOB OUB BETAIL’ BALES. A email invoice of VERY PALE SHERRY, At Three Dollaii per Qaßon. H. &A. C. VAN BEIL, ' ' < Wine Merchants, No 1310 CHESTNUT STREET. mylft ttn th Bmrt> * _j C'tiaTAin MATEBIAtS. CURTAIN GOODS WINDOW SHADES. CABRINBTON, DE ZOUCHE & CO., 1232 Chestnut Street, Are now opening. In addition to their large stock of Curtain Materials and Window tihade*, • MOSQUITO WETS, In Lace andßar, which for economy, for convenienee-for durability and for ornament are not surpassed bv any in the country. Made to order in any size, color or shape, and shipped to any part of Urn United States. LACK CURTAINS Washed. Insured and kept until Tail. white Holland Window Shades Made and Hung as low as 81 M» «tvl b tti th frnrp ~ . IiWXA'JE SA-IJKX. hraL ESTATE.—THOMAS ds SONS* SALE.— rfE* 1 On TnimJiiv. .Inno 23d. 1868. at 12 o’clockvjioon, VI ill ■Bill be Bold at public rale, at the Philadelphia /.^Ji^nge. ironttoeSmnd story) mesauajm n n7lotofVound™itSrteattlio N.E comerofSirtecnrh nnfi Pino streets: containing in fronton Pine street |g feat s”ncKSSfextending in depth HO fret to an alley, 'fee house is new and weU haa all the modern conveniences; pat lor, with bay window* dining ™m an§ kitchen on the first floor: bnth. hot and cold water, iuraacc, cooking-range, Ac. “ Subject to a morteage of ffiP.WO, winch can remain. gggr J Immediate possession. May bo examined any day previous to t ealo. NoTltadsbme Modem Residence Fine street, fourto finmneart of Sixteenth etreet. All that handsomemo dern four-story brick messuage andl lot of groußd *Huate on the north ride of Pino street, o 3 feet east 9* street containing in fronton Pine sijuet 16 inche and extending in depth llu feet to a 8 feet wido alley* *1 ho house is now; brown- stone front to second story; hasbaae* v} o JiJ?kStehem reception room, hitler’s pantry and dining ?oom Sntbcfimt floor “large parlor, hall and sitting room, on tliß- second floor; gas. bath, hot and cold water, fur- SJaclfcooldnE muge.S- May bo examined any day Pr |ubj«t‘to'amortgagoof SWWjvhichcan remain. Immediate g & SONS, Auctioneers, ' 139 and 141 8. t ourth street. M- LXKUIi TORS* AND TKUSTEES* SALE. v B tate of James McAlpln, deceased, & Bone. Auctioneers. Very, Boßinesa 'Phree-fitory Brick Store* No. JUB ulcstnut street* nvificb- pApn. pfn bO'BOld atpuDllc sale, at- the rliik* delpui: ExittSw. all that very valuable threwtoiy hrlck Btoraand lot of ground, situate on the south side of fhpfitmit street*' east of-Fourth street. No.-836* contal* Idk hllront street 22 feet 10 inches, in deDth 80 feet to 44 feet wide alley, wlm.the privilego the di“ tanre of 80 foet from tbo eouflr line or. Chestnut street, any htillding which shall exceed the height of 10 e ft’iße?tuawlnavcry'deßtowS > hMlness location, con vcnlc^tothe,!^^^^^ 141 South Fourth street ol K ro 2 ,3 ?* B i» u -MA itK-^oiSainitiK in ftont on New,street 17 “?t6taSc”»%d ing In W fe jt contaiM IB rooms; has parlor, {tin- Possession* Beptorober $ BONSiAuctioneers.' je20,27 - 139 and 141 South Fourth street. . 1,1. »T " i'HTATE.—THOMAS, & SONS’ BALK.- a China Btreete. between Fourth .and Itreete On TuCßdßy, JaneBotb, 1868, atj.3 o’clock, wifi be Bold at public Bale, at the Philadelphia KSft.ira all that three-atory brick messuage. with ,£ xc k£FJl?Wk building and lot of ground* situate at the northwest comer of Buttonwood aid. China Btroeta ; con front on Buttonwood street 16 feet 6f6 tnchoa. *„? ‘extending in depth along China street 60 foot, .jpF? immediate possession;- . r i *®* Ke^ B nex tM. 0 TOOMAB 0 MA8 «s SONS.Aucaoneerß. ' l j e jj 0 27 I39andlll South Fourth street. M* ltKAli e'bTATE.—THOMAS- irSONS' HALE.— Tliroe-Btory Brick Dwelling No; 313 Branch street, cast On ■Tueeday. June !»th,lB6a; 12 o'clock, nooni will bo sold at public Bale, at tlia Philaueluhia'Exchange. all thatthree-atory brick dwell taß anllotof ground, situate on thonorth Bido of Branch itrect 18 feet, and extending in depth 107-feet. Subject to an Irredeemable ground rent of $42. . Tc^^^^&Wig&ctlonee™:V 139 and 141 South Fourth etrcct . kalk.-td MiiMiHAMB, SXOREKEEPEBB f Hotels and dealen-rSOO Gasei Champagne and Crab Cider. HOJjbl*. Champagne and Crab Cider. i" saQ Feaeatreeh WINES YE ATE.