Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 19, 1868, Image 1

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    {GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor.
• (Sunday, oxcepted), .
607 Cbeiunt Street, PblladelpUla,
’ nr tux
The Bmirrm fa served to subscriber* In • tno city at 18
Gents per week, payable to the cnrlcrg, or 88 per aminm*
. Amebic alf "i
Life Insurance Company,
Of Philadelphia,
s, E. Comer Fourth and Walnut Sts,
f&’Thit Institution hot no superior in the United
Slate ‘• myaMß
1 fcittW
‘ and Arch st*.
J3HN3-fiILGEB.-On Thursday-June 18tb. byttio
ilav ndtrin Harwood, D. D.. of NoffosTenjConiL wm.
W* .Johns. Jr., and Mary I’.. elduat daughter of Isaac
a the morning of 18th instant, at
1 '.... rVi »n Church, by Bev. Alesrander Kccd,
&&. £s. r o?M^Ch J X
daughter oi William H, Braddock, of iledford, N. J.
UIItNEV.—In Baltimore. on th« IBth Inat. at
■d, nee of her brother-lnlaw. ,I‘V„ N /L d,i,J
wile.ol the late Major Mtzbugh Bimoy, In tho 2jth year
°1 b" remains will be taken to Hampton, N. |
ln &': Suddenly. June 17th .Theodore Alien, eldest
sen of Theodore and Mary 0. Bliss, aged 13 years and 6
n! <;r'aTES.- Cii the evening of the 16th lnsfc, George M.
, Se‘ , n f drof%e family are Invited .g
attend the funeral, from hla late residence. No. 1»18 Arch J
street, on Hixth day afternoon, the 19th Inst., at three
° LEVEEING. -Suddenly, oh-the
only daughter of Edmund and Hannah Levering, In the
Jnd fpiSldi of the family are respectfully
invited to attend the. funeral, from £ bo -^*S£h?.SL b f.
parent*. No SttfO Cherry street, on Saturday, JOth insult
lB th Jus,L, Eoennna, relict pf ILo
at 3 o’cloca. Funeral service* at St. Jweph a Church.
Interment at fit. MarT's, Bouth Fourth street. . .
PKrFIGNAN.- On the 18th inst, anna Louisa, daugh
trrof Wm. H. and Catbailne B. Perpkpsn, aged 19.
The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully
lnvlLd to attend the funeral, fathcr*i re^idenoc,
• *76* fcrlo>treet, on Saturday, at 3 o clock F. M„ without
SIEWn -On »be 17th Inst, Maggie E„ daughter of
8 Tbrrefa.fvlSwVfluSS’rfthe family »re
Invited to attend the funeral, from hCTfathe£* residence,
Church, luterment at Mount Moriah Cemetery.
Pirn-Ainn-ynia, May 18th. I*®.
NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—In pursuance of ™o;
Intlone adortedby the Board «f 9“*325 AAfSJS?
Meeting held thU day, notice i* hereby given to the Stock
holders of thia Company that they wulhave the privilege
each rales tui may bo prescribed therefore tor
Par cS£ ofaddftlojua Stock at Par.ln proportion to their
respective interest* as they stand registered on the book*
°Vloide'S n o?lS , thl2 , nJU.be entitled to anb
ccribo for a full share* and those holding more Shares
ghana multiple of four Bharei will be entiflod to an addi-
to the new Stock win bo rereived on and
nfterMay loth, Isa, and the, Privilege of aubscrlbing
tonew Share* ehaU
bo lSh at thetimeof eubreription,
OT 2i r^°eSyte h e?(^i J <S y o®orethe 15th day of
D !i Twentyfive Per Cent, on or before the 16th day of
J ISa Twenty-five Per Cent, on or before the 15th day of
December. 1§» or if Stockholder* ebould prefer.tho whole
amount maybe paid up at once, or any remaining {natal,
roentamaybe paid up in fuU at the timei of the payment
rf'the «oW third inEtalment,andeach InaUtoret p^d
np abaU be entitled to a pro rata dividend that may be de
clared on ftiUabara*. . THOMAS T. FIRTH,
he the order ol the day: in a v
Military Review and Drees Parade 12 M.
National Salute .••■ • • ■■••.••• 's** p 5
'jelMßpJ ‘ PreEldcit -
JWT OF ARTS —Tbe Annual Commencement for Con
forrint Dfisrecs will be held on THURSDAY, Juno 25th,
in I tb?*AcadSnT ofMiuicT at 10 o’clock* A. M. oTheßevcr
cnd Clergy, Judges of the United States and State Courts,
tbe Mayor of the City, BMect and
Hoard of Directors and President of the Girard CoUege.
tbe Principal of Hie Cemral High School, the
forthe Degree of Master of Arts, and Jptlier Graduatoa of
the Univereity are invite dto Jointhe Foyer
of the Academy, at a quarter,before te^o
Secretary of the Faculty of Arts.
FACULTY OF ARTS.—The examination of can
•dldatea for admiaeion wfU toe held at the University, on
WEDNESDAY, the 24th of June, at 10 o’clock, A. M.
istudfinta can apply for admission to pursue the full coarse
-for the degree oißMbclor of Arts, or only that _ portion of
>it for which tho degree of Bachelor of Science ia given, or
sany portion. as teelfactoty JACKSON
j e li)4t Secretary of the Faculty of Ana.
3TREET. prfu.AJ>EtPin A, May 37.1868 L
NOTICE to the holders of bonds of tee FhUadelphia
and Reading Railroad Company, duo April 1. 1870
'The Company offer to exchange any of these bonds of
(X_X) each at any time before the Ist day of October next,
At oar. for a new mortgage bond of equal amount, bearing
?per cent, interest, clearof United Stateß and State taxes.
.feer nexturill be paid at matunty, to accordance wit
octl B. BRADFORD. Treasurer, h
The annual Examinations of the Junior, Sophomore and
TPreahmpji CUbbos. at the close of the College Year, will he
£3d d3gSaSfdaiß) from 10 till 2 o’clock, from
' will too examined on Wednes
•d¥ufcom4mencemeutwm be held at the Academy of
WusloonThursdw, Junoasth^^g
v jes-16tS Secretary; of the Faculty.
EXCUIt9ION.-*-The company will loave^ depot,
r-♦Thirteenth'and -Callowhfllf TO-MORROW (Saturday)
3IORNING at 8.5 k Tickets at Depot. 11
•r ( sar KPAMP «r
apgftfrp No. 613 Jayne street.
IS South Ninth street Club-foot, hip and spi
nal diseases and bodily deformities treated. Apply daUy
at 12 o’cloTfe. ■ aplSSmrp;
Lombard street. Dispensary Department,—Medical
treatment and medicine, furnished gratuitously to tea
voor. • . •
—ln Lewiston, Maine, a few evenings since, a
■serenading quartet sallied forth to serenade a
newly marrled couple, but made a mistake in the
residence, and sang their most sentimental love
ditties for half anhour under the window of .am
elderly gentleman, who finally arose, from his
couch, and, thrusting his head .out of the win
dow, gratefully thanked the Unknown friends for
•this ‘“unexpected honor.” "here was no more
pauslc under that window.. - ;,, o ■ ■
The llard-worUing; Industrious fflo-..
cbantcs of Pend»ilranla Ap
pealing to Congrei* for Protec
tion—They -Pray for a * Tariff
Bill tbie Session—Face* and. Figures
Sbowlng tbe Stagnation in Trade—
Tbe indnitrlßl League bard at
Wtorlc, &c<, ftc, '
[Correipondenco of tbe Philadelphia Evenlnx BaHetln.l
Washington; June 18,18C8. — Through the ef
forts ot the “Industrial League Association," the
manufacturers and mechanics of your city, and
in many parts of Pennsylvania, have almost In
undated both. Houses this week with petitions,
praying that Congress will resume consideration
of the Tariff bill, os passed by ihe Senate, which
failed in the House March, 1867, and enact it into
a law at tbe earliest practicable moment. The
signers to these petitions represent a large pro
portion of the industrial interests of your city
and State: both employers odd employed.
Among the petitions presented by Hon. Chan.
O'Neill were those of Edward W. Miller, Edward
Goshill & Co., and ninety-three othprs, book
binders in Philadelphia, representing; that the
customs duties, . which were sufficient to
invite the investment of capital and labor in
manufactures, have become inadequate, in
Sect of a continued decline in gold, and that
of the distress Uow.prevalent and increas
ing daily would be relieved by the passage of the
tariff bill referred to above, which failed in tbe
House last session for want of time to pass it.
Mr. O’Neill also presented the petition Of
Charles. Guenther and forty-two others, litho
graphers of Philadelphia, of similar import, and
also the memorial of Wolfe & Co., Hampshire
Paper Company, W. A. Wanhopp, Thomas C.
Pereival, William Shealds, George C. Ewing,
Charles C.Spenccr, and ninety-seven other manu
facturing ,firms and companies of Philadelphia,
complaining of the depression Of industry caused
by want of efficient protection to the labor of the
country. „
Hon. Samuel J. Randall also presented the pe
tition of Henry B. Aehmead, 8. C. Collins, W.
Harvey Miller, King & Baird, and one hundred
and twenty-four others, printers, of Philadel
phia, representing that the productive interests
of the country are suffering, and its industry
paralyzed for want of efficient protection against
the cheaper labor and capital of foreign coun
tries. Also, the petition of seventy-six employes
of Sberman & Co., printers, and Moore & Simp
son, D. Rodney King, Lewis 8. Moore and others,
business men of Philadelphia, to the same effect
Also, a memorial of Shields & Brother, 6. W.
Hnntzinger, Joints A. Needles, Horace EL Soule,
Samuel Kerns, W. E. S. Baker, and ninety-one
otbers, manufacturers, coal miners, shippers and
business men, ot Philadelphia, complaining of
the paralysis of productive industry.
The "Hon. Daniel J. Monell, representing the
Seventeenth District of Pennsylvania, has also,
within a few days presented numerous petitions,
from the fanners, iron manufacturers and
manufacturing firms of his district, asking for
such increase of protective duties as will revive
manufactures and restore prosperity to the
country. The iron manufacturers of Hunting
don .county, signing one of these petitions, em
ploy, when in tall operation, -100 workmen, but
dow employ only 137, owing to the stagnation
of trade. Reynold & Moorhead, iron manufac
turers at Clarion, employ, when in full operation,
280 workmen, but have how only 160 at work.
Tbe petition of 23 manufacturing companies and
linns of Blair county, Pa., presented by Mr.
Morrell, employing, when in foil operation, 1,536
1 workmen, but now have only 351 at work.
These statements, coming from so many re
spectable firms, and from such an extended dis
trict of country, show the 'existence of wide
spread stagnation in business in your State,
which it ishoped' the present Congress will take
the proper means to remedy, by passing the tariff
bill of last year. The parties interested, how
ever, should have commenced earlier in the sea
son to bring their grievances to the attention of
Congress, but even with the pressure of business
dow crowding upon the last hours of the session,
there will be a determined effort mode by Mr.
Morrell, Chairman of the Committee on|Mannl'ac
lures, and his colleagues, to bring about a revi
sion of the tariff, and if they dorft succeed, it wili
not be for want of energy and perseverance. Po
litical considerations demand that this measure
should not be neglected at this session, if the Re
publicans expect to carry tho State next fall.
Col. R. M. Roe, of New York, is here to urge
upon Congress the extension of his patent for
“Hoe’s Last Fast Press,” for seven or ten years
longer. It has been extended previously through
the Patent Office, but a further extension cannot
be made without ah act of Congress. He has a
large amount of evidence in support of his
claim, from whk%it appears that during the first
fourteen years he received little or no benefit
Irom bis invention, as his presses did not come
in to'general use for years after their introduc
tion. and costing such large sums of money, few
printing houses or newspaper establishments
could afford to purchase them.
All the arrangements have been completed be
tween the officers of the various railroad com
panies between here and New York, and William
Prescott Smith, who has been appointed general
Superintendent of the through line, and vested
with plenary powers, will assume the duties of
his position on the Ist of July, witij his offlee in
Washington. Among the reforms Mr. Smith
proposes to inaugurate is a reduction in the
iehedule time and lower fare between the two
citleß named and intermediate points.
Among the distinguished visitors at the White
House to-day were Senator Fessenden and Mrs.
Cobb, of pardon-brokerage celebrity. This is
the first visit Fessenden has paid Johnson since
the close of the impeachment trial. Mrs. Cobb is
a periodical visitor. She holds a confidential posi
tion in the Treasury Department It is Burmlsed
that Fessenden’s object was to keep Johnson
‘•all right” in regard to Secretory McCulloch, as
tbe National Intelligencer for the last week has
been demanding McCulloch’ssammary removal.
Fessenden is a devoted friend'd!' McCnUoch.'and
at'this time has peculiar claims upon the Presi
dent. Senator Ross, too, one of the “immortal
■seven,’’ has become a regular visltorlat the White
House within a week past, and a few days ago
an assessor'of internal revenue m Kansas was
appointed at his request. He is now understood
to be urging the. nomination of Pony Fuller, of
Kansas, as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
New York, Juno 19.—Tho twelve vessels to
compete in tie annual regatta of the New York
Yacht Club wero punctually at the starting-point
off Clifton, Staten Island, but did not get away
until over half on hour after the appointed time.
Tho breeze was very slight and as tho yachts
reached Sandy Hook dlea out altogether. Tho
yachts then drifted, and after waiting some time
the race was declared off, and the contest will be
renewed to-day. . . , 7 ~
The jury in tho case of Laura Waldron vs.
Caroline Rlcbings, an action brought on contract
to recover $lOO os compensation Tor two weeks
services as a'vocalist in Miss Richings’ English
opera troupe, at Boston, in December, 1867, ren-,
dered a verdiot for plaintiff for the full amount
claimed.' -
John Shea obtained a veldict for $360 againßt
the Third Avenue Railroad Company yesterday
in the Marine Court for damages sustained by
being knocked down while attempt ng-to embark
on one of the company’s cars in December, 1867.
the meeting of the . Central Grant Club in
thia city last evening, Judge Richard ■ Bustoed, of
the United States Court in Alabama, delivered a
speech. ’
'- ;, '_goine young men' have painted Scripture
texts and warnings upon; rocks in the neighbor
hood of Norwich, Connecticut. In rather bad
taste, we should say, to advertise religion as we
' do bitters.
Terrible Cate strophe in Hew York.
Explosion of a Steam Fire Engine
Lifit of the Killed and Wounded
[From to-day 1 * Now Y ork Herald.]
At a few minutes post 9 o’clocklast evening the
fire bells sounded on alarm of Are near thocorner
of Canal street atid the Bowery. Engine No. 9
was promptly on tho ground, When ft was dls-'
covered that the premises No.-53 Bowerytvere on
Are. ' The'engine shortly got to’ work. and tho
water bad been turned on. the: burning, premises
but a Short time when a loud explosion was heard
and the street became almost instantly filled with
steam. This was just the time that a number of
people were coming ont of the Bowery Theatre,'
and from the fact that a large concourse
of people Were seen running from there
it was thought at first it was in that
building the exploalontook place. Too soon,
however, the dreadful nature of the accident was'
ascertained. The groans of the dying and man
gled forms that lay stretched upon .the sidewalk;
in the street, the shrieks of frightened women
hurrying across and down the thoroughfare, run
ic g they knew hot where, in Wild excitement; the
confusion and turfflcil incident upon occasions of
great excitement; the. unmanageable prancing of
ihc horses attached to the street railroad cars—all
helped to render the scene one of most indescri
bable confusion. . But when this; in a measure,
subsided, and an examination of the cause for
alt this excitement was made, a scene of .most
sickening horror was revealed.
From what can be learned of one who was con
venient to the theatre at about the hour stated, it
is ascertained that Engine No. 9 was standing
almost opposite to the pit entrance. It had a
full head of steam on at the time,and was playing
on the fire at No. 53 Bowery. As Is usual la
such cases, a large number were collected
I round the engine, nearly all boys; com-
I poEed- principally of those poor little urchins
I that most do congregate round the theatre at
I night. Ail of a sudden a loud explosion was
htard, a volume of steam spread over the streets,
I a moment’s silence, and then followed a
I scene most sickening In its details. It was then
discovered that the boiler of the engine had ex
ploded. Upon the ground lay the prostrate
I Dodies of over thirty people, dome, however,
I wi re more scared than injured, and some arose
I and mingled in the crowd. Close by where the
I eDglne stood lay four mangled corpses, mutilated
|in the most fearful manner. Tho brains of one
I «trc dashed ont on the sidewalk, the entrails of
1 another protruded and the face was dreadfully
I disfigured,'another had both his legs broken and
I was badly scalded, while another, a poor. little.
bootblack, was run over. , , „
I Many of the wonnded were Injured badly,
nearly all had broken limbs, and it is feared that
1 the majority of them have sustained internal In-
I juries which may prove fatal.
1 A short time after the accident took place, a
I platoon of policemen from the Sixth precinct
I was at the scene of the disaster, and succeeded in ■
beeping back the crowd that by this
I time Tiad swelled to • thousands. Another
I body of men from the Tenth
1 precinct shortly after arrived, and there took
I charge of the dead and brought them to the sta
-1 doc-house in Ludlow street, near Grand. As the
I bodies lay there in one of the-back rooms,the dim
I light of a single gas jet shedding its rays upon
I their ghastly features, the anxious and hmried
I glances of friends who came to seek among the
| dead some missing one, and as they left thanked
I their God that there still was hope, as they failed
j to recognize among the stiff, cold forms those
I they sought, the scene was sad in tho extreme.
I In the Sixth precinct station-house, where a
I number of the wonnded were brought previous
I to being conveyed to the hospital, the number of
I people who assembled there to moke inquiries
after those they thought were injured by the
dreadful explosion was very great. As soon as
I they tound they were sent- to the City Hospital
I thither they bent their steps in anxiety and
trembling to ascertain, perhaps, the worst anticl-
I pations their anxieties had conjured up.
The killed were brought to the Tenth precinct
I station house. Up to a late hour last night their
1 names were not ascertained. No. I—About
twentv years of age, dressed in black clothes,
I high cheek bones, light hair, abd about the
I average height; brains dashed out. No. 2—A
I bootblack, about fourteen years of age; black
' I coat and pants. Internalinjuries and legs broken.
1 I No. B—About twenty-one years of age; high fore-
I head light hair; was dressed in dark clothes. Had
; I an arm broken and both legs,besides internal mjn
nes. No. 4—About twenty years of age. Was
1 I dressed in dark clothes and had on a checkered
; I shirt. Badly mutilated about the body, and face
; I dreadfully disfigured. During the night these
1 I bodies were conveyed to the Morgue. At half
' I past twelve o'clock last night a boy about fifteen
’ I i ears of age, whose name could not be ascer
tained, died at the City Hospital from the inter
, I nal injuries he sustained.
Patrick W. Hand, engineer of steamer, badly
scalded ana bruised about the body; John Con
way, fireman; Edward Roach, fireman, scalded
and arm broke; John Clarrisson, injured by the
shock and badly scalded about the face; Coins
Lighlbody; Lyon Vetter; John McGuire, badly
scolded and thigh broke, resideaat 75 Mottstreet;
Frank Clarke, only slightly hurt; Jas. Sullivan;
Louis Storms, bad scald in the lower extremities;
Jas. Macken, scalded and badly bruised in the
oody; Thomas Keating; Theodore Bates, com
pound fracture of both bones left leg, lives at 096
Grand street; Stephen Wooldridge; Frederick
Roscol, 185 Clinton street, arm broke; James
Broderick, scalded, and leg broke; Frank Evers,
ih)“U broke, lives at 15 Bowery; Thomas Cronin
scalded, lives at 17 Doyer street; Thomas Foley,
scalded and bruised; Robert Scholer; James La
den, aged 13 years; Thomas O’Donnell, aged 17.
The explosion is supposed to have resulted
from a lack of water in the boiler, the iron plates
becoming over-heated, and the cold water being
suddenly put in generated a species of gas as weU
as steam, thereby'causing the explosion, which
blew the boiler into fragments, many of which
were cast a long distance from where the engine
stood. An inquest will be held on the bodies by
the. Coroner to-day, and inquiries as to the cause
of the explosion will be made. The fire
men succeeded in confining the fire to the
fourth story. The loss of Mr. Nuetman, who oc
cupied the fourth floor, is estimated at about
$500; partly insured. The fifth floor is occupied
by Joseph Ernest, hat manufacturer, whose slock
was damaged by water and smoke to the extent
of $300; insured for $l,OOO in the St. Mark’s In
surance Company. The second and third stories
are unoccupied. The first floor is occupied by
Jacob Ellis as a restaurant. ■ His 6tock was da
maged by water about $150; insured for $3,000.
| The building is owned by the Astor estate, and is
I damaged about $500; insured.
THo Examination at the Brooklyn Po
lice court Continued!— Extraordinary
■ [From to-daj’a New York World.]
The case of Mrs. Madelaine E. A. Pollard
against Mrs. and Miss. Crotty, for assault, was
appointed to bo hoard before Justice Cornwell, in
the Brooklyn City Hall Police Court, at eleven
o’clock yesterday morning. Previous to that hour
Mr. Pollard appeared in the Court and asked the
-magistrate.to.recclve a complaint which ho had
to make against his wife. Ho said ha had been
about to do so on the previous day, whim he was
arrested for an assault upon his wife, alleged tp
bo committed some weeks, ago. The Justice re
ceived Mr. Pollard’s complaint, to the effect; that
his wife had : threatened, on the 15th of-June, or
thereabout, to shoot, or kill him; and he asked
that] the '..should-be put under bonds to keep the
* At 11 o’clock the case, against Mrs. and-Miss
Crotty was taken up. Judge Dunne appeared
OUR WHOJjE country.
for the defendants; Mrs. Pollard was without
counsel. Mrs. Pollard was directed to take the
stand. Bbc did so, and asked permission to make
a statement beforo she took tbo oatb, abont a
paragraph that - appeared in a Brooklyn paper,
dbc had, she said, a keen sense of the ridiculous;
and must “say, In regard to Mrs. Crotty, that
while under her footT the atmosphere from her
polled undergarments Wfs such that she was .very
willing i to leave her hat there rather than her
bead. Mrs. Pollard was proceeding in this style,
when the Justice, with some difficulty, brought
her to order. -.-'x
The oath was then administered to her; and as
she kissed the book she said, melodramatically,
“So help me Almighty God ; and may the curse of
God rest upon me If what I am about to say is
not .the truth, the whole truth, and nothing nut
ihotruth; ghothengavethefbUowingenaence:,
My present residence is 247 East Thirteenth
streeu l saw the defendants for the drat time in
my life at their residence, on the day of the as-;
sanlt (June 16th), between 12 and 2 o'clock.
The Justic©—Well, what occurred ?: . <
Mrs. P.—Shall! tell it In my own way? .If yon
would allow me to go back into my past life—
The Justice informed her she must confine her-'
self to the'charge. , ,
i Mrsj P.' (resuming)—l met my' husband by
accident that day, at 'his publishing house, and
asked him where he was stopping; he said' I will
not tell jy on ;*T said that was a queer answer if it
was a resectable place; he still refused to tell mo;
1 said I will follow Jrbn and find out;'.
Mr. Dunno baked the witness to come to what
took place at Mrs. Crotty’s house.
Mire. P.—l went there with my husband, and
we went up stairs into a small hall bedroom, and,
fromthq appearance of that room, 1 would hot
Imselho that a decent person would live In It,
Mr. Dunne (impatiently)—Well, we don't want
that gone into. , , , . -
• The Justice—We have been very Indulgent, to
you; Yourself and husband seem to be very
anxious to make statements about your own af
fairs. We intend to confine ourselves to the as
Mrs. P. (resuming)—l was quite sure that that,
was not where mv husband slept; I knocked at
the door of the adjoining room and saw a lady
and gentleman there; I inquired for the lady of
the house, and was told she was in the parlor; X
went down to the parlor with my husband; sit
ting by the piano was a lady, not, I thlnk,onb of
these present (the defendants); I asked for the
lady of the house, and this lady (Miss Crotty)
was sent in;l said to her, “Madam,will yon, please
tell me how long my husband haß been
boarding In this house?” She threw herself into
a chair, and Said: “yon , ask mein a
polite manner, " and' I will tell you;’’ I said
it was very strange that a wife mustosk a woman
in a respectful manner who had kept her hus
band three weeks concealed from her; she replied,
“this is a respectable house,” and I answered,
“Madam, your manner evidently denotes it;” she
said, “get out of this house, get out of this as
quick as you can, what do you mean?” my hus
band, who was walking up and down the floor
in an excited manner, then put his hand oh the
lady’s shoulder, and said t 9 her, “go and get a
police officer, I am tired of this trou
ble;” 1 said to my husband, “come, let
us go,” and he started out ahead of me;
as 1 was about going out of the door, this lady
(Miss Crotty) raised her foot and kicked me in
my side, and attempted with that to shut the
door in my face; my husband was then standing
on the stoop; I pushed back the door;, she jerked
me back and 1 fell upon the floor in the hall;
while in that position she beat me, kicked me,
caught hold of my hair, and jerked my earrings
off, and pulled my hat off my head; I screamed
to mv husband to come to me, but he
would' not; my screams brought another per
son Into the room, an old lady; I do not recog
nize whether this lady (Mrs. Crotty) is that
person or not; I was told by nay husband that
ibe women were Mrs. and Miss Crotty; they both
took hold of me, and this lady (Miss Crotty) said,
get out of my house you -—; I screamed
murder, at the top of my voice, and ran down
. the street; my husband at my first outcry had
run down to the comer 6f the street. When he
was shot by young Mr. Noyes; I threw myself
between them to protect him.
The Justice directed the witness, who was be
coming apparently affected, to confine herself to
the case.
Mrs. P.—l ran down the street and overtook
my husband, and insisted that ho should come
with me. He said: “I told you that was a bad
woman before I took you there, and it serves you
right for going to such a place.”
The Justice—Did you give any other provoca
tion than what you have stated there ? Was
ihere any undue excitement on your part, or did
you use any violent expressions that would justify
this conduct? -
Mrs. P.—No, sir, beyond the slur that I doubt
less cast upon the lady’s fair fame in saying that
it was strange I should bo asked to speak in a
polite manner to a woman who had kept my hus
band three weeks; that provecation I believe any
pure wife that loves her husband would give.
The witness being cross-examined by Mr.
Dunne, recognized a parcel shown her as being
hers. Being closely questioned as to the circum
stances of the assault she adhered In the main to
her first statement. Being asked If she had any
''witnesses, she said she had not, that it was not
necessary. Bhe would like, she said, to employ a
lawyer If there was one in court.
The Justice asked Wm. C. DeWitt, who hap
pened to be in court,'to undertake Mfs. Pollards
case and he retired with her for consultation. On
ihtir return to court she was questioned about
Mrs. Crotty. She said she could not swear to her
identity with the old lady who assaulted her, but
io the best of her knowledge and belief she was
the safne person.
Mr. Pollard was then sworn for the defence,
and was asked to state what occurred on the 16th
of June. Ho said: I entered the house (Mrs.
Crotty’s) with my wife for the purpose of letting
bermakean inquisitorial visit—to let her see
where I lodged and slept. I took her to my lodg
ing-room and said, “You see in what circum
stances of poverty I live."
Mr. Dewitt objected to this as irrelevant. Ths
Justice said that Mrs. Pollard had been allowed
to make extraneous statements, and Mr. Pollard
should not be too strictly restrained.
Mr. Pollard (resumed)—She shut me up in the
room by placing her back against the door; X
said “for God’s sake let me out;” she said in a
very excited tone, “yon Bhall not go out till I
have seen the lady of the house;” I offered to go
down and bring her np, but said “for God’s sake,
for my sake, for your own Bake, be do
cent in addressing her;” I made the condition,
that 6he should do so, and beforo I wonld
consent to go down for her; my wifo went
into the adjoining room occupied by one
of the boarders and asked for the lady of the
house; she was directed down stairs; she went
down and preceded mo into the parlor; the sister
ol Miss Crotty, the defendant, was sitting there;
I introduced my wife and Miss Crotty bowed; my
wife asked very abruptly if she was the lady of
tho house; she said no, but offered to call her,
and went down stairs; Miss Crotty, tho defend
ant, appeared in the parlor; I Introduced my
wife, and said with embarrassment that my wife
had not been with me for some time and was dis
posed to ask some questions, and I asked Miss
Crotty for my sake to,respond to them freely and
fully; Miss Crotty bowed assent: my wife asked
her how long I had been 1h the house. ,
Mr. Dunne—ln what tone of voice ?
Mr. P—l must say that.my wife's, manner was
very overbearing and insolent, her eyes .flaring
! and her face coloring, and she evidently playing
the part of an inquisitor. . ■• . ~r .. • , i
Mrs. P. here exclaimed—“ Mr. Pollard! Oh,
shame,-whero-ia thy blnah?' My own husband!
and then.burst Into tears. Mr. P: remarked Jhat
he was “used to that” •. .
Examination resumed—Misß Crotty said “about
three weeks. Has not your husband informed
you?” , My wife asked “ when did ho arrive?’
Miss Crotty seemed to bo consulting her memory,
and I Interposed to remind her that it was on a
Monday. My wife broke out with—“ What
women arein this house? Mias Crotty replied,
excitedly;When you asked me oucstlons in a
; respectful manner I replied to yon'as to a lady,
but - now leave this house,” and- stamped -
her foot with emphasis. My wife at the time
was standing at the piano and Miss Crotty op
posite her, having risen from her chair. I feared
a scene, and, tonching Miss Crotty on the arm.
said: “1 want no scene Or scandal here; yon hod
better send for’a policeman.” I-didnot want to
have my wife arrested, but thought the presence
of a policeman might awe her. Miss Crotty mndo
no reply. I moved towards the door to make my
egress.- As X left they were, confronting one
another In a defiant attitude, my wife retreating
towards tho' door, and Miss Crotty advancing,
and both uttering exclamations. , I opened. the
dOor and went out -As I-did so, iind was going
down the steps, I noticed over my Bhonlder my
wife , and Miss Crotty, both in the door
way, the former trying tovget in, and the other
to push her back., I sawno-blow struck boioreor
at that time; I ran away from the bouse, and
down the'street; my wife ran after,’ and In. about
a sqnnre and a hair she earner up with me, Ihav
ing stopped; she was’screaming murder, and n
crowd was collecting, who, F thought, would
mistake me for a murderer if I continued to ran.
My wife said that “these prostitutes” or ‘‘yonr
prostitutes nave beaten me; come' back; this she
said in a very violent manner, and kept repeating
in a loud me by : the; lap of. iny
coat 1 ;
',: Mr. Dnnne—la wliat condition was" yonr wife
as to dress? ■-‘
Mr. Pollard—Her head-dress was torn ;ofT,: and
a portion of her hair and her dress was, t0m.,..
Mrs. P—— (defiantly)—Yea, I bad on false
curls; I have them on now. Ton' can look at
them. - ■ ’.. -s.
Mr. P—— (resuming)—We went back to ; the
house, I wishing to: get. away> from the crowd.
She attempted to go into tho< house again, but
did hot succeed. She kept shouting and haran
guing the crowd all the time. The hair was
found in her hat on the stoop. ■
Cross-examined by Dewitt—The hair you speak
of is an ordinary gritelte.
Mr. P.—Yes. sir.
Mrs. P Yes, and it was made of my own hair,
gulled from my head by him in a fit of passion.
The hair was not bought.
Mr. Pollard proceeded to say, in answer to
questions; I was boarding and lodging at Mrs.
Crotty’s at $8 a week- 1 told Miss Crotty to send
for a policeman, instead of my wife, because it
washer bouse. I repeatedly requested her to
come away.
Mr. Dewitt—Did not your wife ask you to
come away ?
• Mr. Pollard—No sir, most decidedly no.
Mr. Dewitt—Did not, in yonr judgment, Mrs.
Pollard seek you on that day from a desire to re
turn to yonr society?
Mr.-Pollard—No; she said, she had come to
have me put in jail. She wanted to see, she
said, what the character of . the -house was. I
do not know any object for her coming but rd
Mrs. Pollard said it was love.
Mr. Dewitt—Was the .expression —,
used? ...
Mr. Pollard—Most decidedly and most abso
lutely no.
Re-examined by Mr. Dunne—Mr. P. said: I
protested to my wife, that the house was perfectly
respectable, though au humble Jplace. This I as
sured her again and again, and at last carried her
to see it, I approached the place three times be
fore I entered,and then only entered on condition
that she would conduct herself quietly, and not
insult and mortify them and me. I boarded there
about three weeks. The house la perfectly, res
icctablo, and I was treated with a great deal of
lindness. I went there consulting economy—it
was such a house as my circumstances permitted
me to live in.
Mary Dwyer, servant to Mrs. Grotty, being
sworn, eaid .- I was in the kitchen when Mrs.
Pollard came to the house ; Miss Crotty’s sister
called me up stairs; Mrs. Pollard was m the par
lor speaking to Miss Crotty; ,1 was in the back •
parlor door near them; I heard Mrs. Pollard ask
bow long< her husband had been in the house;
Miss Crotty said about threo weeks; Mrs. Pol
lard wanted the date; Miss Crotty could not give
it; Mrs. Pollard said “Are you the thing that kept
my husband;’’ Miss Crotty stamped on the floor
and told her to go out of the house; then I saw
them going towards the door; Mrs. Pollard
spit in Mrs. Crotty’s face and « hit her
three or four times in the face with her parasol
this was just at the street door; I did not see Mr
Pollard at all; when Mrs. Pollard struck at Miss
Crotty she put up her hand to guard herself, and
then the parasol got entangled in Mrs. Pollard’s
hair, and the hair came off; I did not see Miss
Crotty strike or kick Mrs. Pollard; Mrs. Pollard
•ell down on the floor; I do not know why she
fell; she tried to go out after spitting in Miss
Crotty’s face.
On motion of Mr. Dnnne, Mrs. Crotty was dis
charged. She was then placed in the witno-s-box,
but it was found that she knew nothing in re
spect to the assault of anv importance.
The counsel then spoke to the case briefly, and
the Justice, after a tew remarks, dismissed the
The Justice informed Mr. Dewitt that Mr. Pol
lard had that morning made a complaint against
his wife for threatening,, and read the affidavit
made. ’ , , ’ .
Mr. Dewitt said he supposed there was no ob
jection to allow her to go on her own recogni
Mr. Pollard sold he had no objection if similar
courtesy waß extended to him. His wife, ho said,
had commenced proceedings against him, and he
not Swish to be prevented by them from at
tending in his own case.
Mr. Dewitt proposed to suspend proceedings
in the charge ol assault against Mr. Pollard by
bis wifo tflf the complaint, against her was tried,
and suggested Monday for the latter. .
Mr. Pollard was- anxious to have it come off
sooner. He was suffering under the publication
of ex parte statements, and wished to have an
opportunity to exculpate himself as soon as
possible. -
It was finally arranged that the case should be
heard to-morrow before Justice Cornwell.
The Boston National Hide and -
_Eeatl»er Bank. -
(From the Boston Journal, June 181 .
The exact amount of. defalcation of this bank
is ascertained to be $575,000, which sweeps away
the surplus of $350,000, and leaveß a deficit In the
capital stock of $225,000. When Martin’s Irreg
ularities were discovered, an attachment was
placed upon the property of Felton, who was
implicated in the fraud, and from this source and
ihe premium upon Government securities held by
the bank, it is anticipated that snfflclent will be
realized to secure the capital, which is $1,000,-
000, unimpaired. For ' a brief period of
seven years the bank did not lose a dollar,
on any paper discounted, which Bhows that 1 the
loans of the institution were carefully looked
after. Martin’s first misstep was taken two or
three years ago, and upon examination it was
ascertained that he haß falsified accounts in his
endeavor to cover up his own delinquencies.:
Where it was "supposed a balanco remained t,o tha
credit of the Hide and Leather Bank with a corre
sponding bank,a large deficiency actnallyexisted
lnoneinstanco a broker who failed overdrew his
account, and in a few days after he was solicited
by a friend of Martin to make the amount good.
As*he was without funds he was unable to ao so,
The books of the bank do not exhibit any over
draft at a11. . ; 7‘ . .. , :
Howsolargean amount of money could be
taken without exciting the surprise of the officers
appears .unaccountable to those conversant with
the management of banks. .It must: be remem
bered,.however, that Martin made up- the. dally
. statement of the bank, and whenever an exami
nation was jnade by tho . officers or the Bink
Commissioner, that he famished the figures by
which the condition Of lhe bank was to be tested.
As no snsplcion cver attached to Martin, he en
joyed 1 the unlimited confidence of all interested.
(Why he, retained ; the checks of Felton, which
wero the only cine to the channel through which
the money had disappeared, had not been ex-
11, miEßSTOir.Paliljto
plained. If these: cheeks bak been destroyed,
while the defieit wonld have been discovered, it,
would have beerrimposelble to have twacfttiJ 1
outlet ■ . ■ • ■
—‘‘Alaska Soda” ia the latest name given- in
Bostontoo cooling beverage.
—The Alaska Herald is printing the 1.-nited
States Constitution In-Rasrslan. - -
—The ladles of Northampton, Mim, have sent
to Nova Scotia forfifty domestics.
—The Roman* pollco have prohlbftedthepio
tnies of Prince and Mrs. Humbert .
—T. W; Robertson.is-writing ttvonctvpiaya,
-one of them for Hr. J. S. Clarke,- ;•
—Disease has made sad inroads upon the once
fine personal appearance of General Hooker;
—Dante, translated bp King Johnof Saxony,
has beep published at Dresden.- ■
‘ —lt is proposed to substitute a log- and chain
in place of a muzzle on the unfortunate ■■■ dogs la
Boston this season. ;/ '■
—Tho JewlshTempleEinanuel/at NewTfork,
will cost over a million. That lathe con-temple
atedcost .
—Some tme Starts the story that Mh Seward
will support Grant, but for Grant's sake ‘we sin
cerely hope not ;
•—The largest gold brick ever seen in-Montana
is on exhibition in a bank in Helena. Its welght
is 1,682 ounces, and Its value.ls 831,050.'- s■: -
—The Mobile Tribune says: ."Let negroes he In
formed that if thev vote at all they will .be dis
charged from employment.”
—The temper of Mr. Alfred Bhett, of Charles
ton, has been aroused by a newspaper artlcleand
he wants to fight a duel with Capt. F. W. Daw
son, editor of' the News. ...
—Hon. Edward McPherson, Clerk of the Houso
of Representatives, has received the appointment
of American editor, for the present year, of the
Gotha Almanac. ■
—Sawing Wood in the bottom of a pond, thirty*
six feet below thesurface, is rather a novel teat
which was performed in Woonsocket,.R. 1., on
Wednesday by a diver who repaired the waste
gate of a dam. 1 .r, ;
—An Ohio Democratic paper finds fault be
cause some white girls in the town-' are workbtg
for a colored dressmaker. Tho Republican paper
retorts that publisher bas done tho
same thing, having printed her handbills ahd re-*
ceived. the pay. ,
—A Londonletter writer says: “I well remem--
her a celebrated clergyman at Liverpool, the
well known Dr. Hngh McNeill, preaching a ser
mon when Prince Albert visited that citjr, and
taking for his text, ‘Lo, tho Prince comoth in all
his beauty.’”
—One of Father Ignatius’s “brothers” In the
Lalcbam monastery was recently tied with a rope /
- to a garden fence and kept four days and nights;
sleeping on the ground, and with! only a saucer
before nirato drink out of. He was doing pen
ance for the horrid crime of killing a swallow, r
—A citizen of Portland having procured from
Paris a door mat-made of steel wire, with the
word “Salve” (welcomo) wrought in the centre,
a visitor,overcome by curiosity, innocently asked
the host what kind of bolvo he manufactured. •
The owner probably answered, “ Wl’re yhu so
—Nextto the success of Sir Robert Napier, the
Abyssinian correspondents seem to be astonished
at that of a little Greek antler, who pitched'his
tent on theheights of Tilanta, where hesoldluci
fer-matches at two boxes for SI, cheeso at 82 a
pound, candles two for $l, champagne at $2(l a
bottle, &o. The Greek made a small fortune.
—One of the members of tho Arkansas legis
lature lately introduced A resolution to procure
ice water for the House. After a dtscusßlonthe
resolution was lost. Thereupon another mem
ber moved to refer it to tho Democratic State
Central Committee, to report after Mr. Pendleton
is elected President. “The resolution ia dead,”
said the Speaker. “So is the committee,” was
the unanswerable reply. • ;
—A Londonletter say:i “Formerly, whenever
a clergyman preached In tho presence .of any
member of the royal' family, it was the etiqnette
for him to write ont his text, which was placed
in the royal pew for the benefit of the august
occupants, whose ears were supposed to be ex
empt from the tax of heeding the preacher at the
moment of delivering the extract, like those of
commoner persons.
—lt is stated that experiments made in the
sewers of Paris, by which sonnds canbe carried
a great distance, prove that the rapidity with
which' sound is conveyed differs according to the
pitch. Low tones are transmitted more rapidly
ebon high, and in playing well known airs the
succession of the notes was’changed in a surpris
ing manner, contrary to the generally received
—The London. Record prints on account of a
meotlng of the Scottish Reformation Society,
whose principal object appears ’ at present to
bo to educate and send torth'upon the news
paper world, two hundred Protestant yonths, well
skilled in the mystery of shorthand writing, for
the express .purpose of counteracting “the
machinations of the Jesuit newspaper reporters
in the galleries of the Houses of Lords and
—The merits of Sir Robert Napier, now that
he has conquered, are greatly extolled by the na
tive Abysslnians. He nas been tormented with
parties of serenading priests, who appear; how
over, to have self-interest in view. It is, related
that when on one occasion the General' paid them
for their congratulations with some money and a
promise of books which had been captured from
Theodoras, a priest tool? a drum, slung It over
bis own neck; and sang; thumped, and danced,
with a vehemence that recalled • a nigger break
down in a burlesque at a comic theatre..
—A young Russian Princess had a wonderful
house in Paris. In the bath-room the', walls and
ceiling are hung with white muslin on .a: ground
of rose-colored satin .and the floor is covered with
white velvet cloth. The .water falls into the mar
ble bath from chaßCd silver taps, and above is
suspended a date,‘froih which filters, scented wa
ters. Thedressing-room.is lined with gold, shot
with pink, gray and silver ; two columns of pink
and white marble support a tablet, upon which
rests a mirror framed in gold and silver foliage;
a few choice objects of art. standing about; and
in the mirronroom. sky-blue hangings of velvet
drape the numerous looking-glasses.
Those who think that prima donnas and
actresses sometimes receive ovations in this
country, should read the following acconnt given
by the Fremdenhla.it of Vienna, of the farewell
performance of the cantatrico Helene Magnus, at
Klagenfnrth, in phlegmatic Austria: “After
having literally covered her with bouquets and
flowers; the audience with one.voice begged her
. to crash a rose with her foot, and the petals were
distributed to the spectators,-who disputed, for
them at the peril of their persons and clothing.
A young and beautiful baroness’, transported by
• her inexpressible admiration;,cast herself at the
feet Df the diva and feverishly kissed her hand.
Several ladies of riper atre wore bo agitated: by the
bravoß and acclamations that they , fell fin ;.*
swoon.” " '.l’j-rfa
—Miss Kate Rcignolds’s first appearance at the
Princess’s Theatre, in London. fe veiy favorably
criticised. The Wmes says: “Tho object of this
revival was the introduction to the London pub
lic of Miss Kate Reignolds, a lady who has ac
quired celebrity in the United States; She has
tic advantages oi good personal appearance and
a commanding figure, nor movements are easy
and graceful, and she eweeps the stage with that
imperious air proper to, the strong-minded belle 1
of Lisbon., Most remarkablp is her laugh, which,
joyous ana ■ spontaneous, as it is, may remind
-some of us of the ring; of the'lath lamented Mrij.
NiabetL She is supported by Mr. J. C. Cowper,
■who Is by no means an inefficient “Don Felix;”
The success of.Miss.Reignolds is unequivocal, hum
thus the object of the revival is attained."