Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 21, 1868, Image 5

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CONSMIVATORY Oir Mustc.—The next, quarter
at this institution will begin on Monday next,
and will end in October, including ten weeks va
cation. which will begin on the 27th of June, and
end on the Tth of September. This summer
quarter will end the first year of this popular
music School. We present below the quar
terly report of the directors.
"The Directors of the. Conservatory, in issuing
this circular for the fourth quarter of the . first
year, take the opportunity to express their sin
cere gtatitication at the success which has at
tended their efforts to establish the institution in
rbiladelphia on a permanent basis and with the
prospect of continued prosperity.
"They would likewise declare their gratitude
to the many kind friends, among the students
and elsewhere, whose interest in the cause of
thorough instruction in the art and science of
music bus assisted so materially in bringing the
Conservatory to its present state of usefulness.
They can only promise, in return, that their de
votion to the object of raising the institution
under their care, to a high place among the great
music schools of the world, shall qe—as it has
been—the controlling influence 'at the Conserva
Top LAW ACADEMY. -At the annual meeting
of the Law Academy of Philadelphia, held last
evening, in the District Court Room No. I, the
following gentlemen were elected officers for the
coming year :
Provost—Han. George Sharswood. •
Vice Prorc4ts—Hon. J. I. Clark Hare, Richard
McMurtrie, E. Spencer Miller, Henry
Ramie, Geo. Junktn Jr.. Clement B. Penrose.
President—W. W .'Wiltbank.
Tice President—J. Depute Meredith.
Treasurer—Wm. A. Allison.
&eretary—Samuel V. Mays.
Assistant Secretary—R. D. Coombe&
P. 'corder—Jr.o. F. McDevitt.
L. Varian—A. P. Colesbury.
ROBBERY.—The jewelry store of David Martin,
No. 2120 Market street, was broken into last
night, and was robbed of eight watches and
chains and several rings. The entrance was
effected by forcing open a rear shutter with a
jimmy. A neighbor heard the noise, went into
the yard ard fastened the window abutter to
keep the thieves in the store until he could sum
mon assistance. but they escaped through thr:
back window, smashing the glass as they jumped
McLaughlin was arrested at Nicetown, yesterday,
upon the charge of beating his wife and threaten
ing to kill her. He has only recently been re
leased from prison, where he had been confined
on a similar charge. On the way to the police
station yesterday, ho was very troublesome, and
after being locked up, threatened to murder his
wife when he got out again. Ho had a hearing
before Alderman Good, and was sent to prison in
default of $1,500 bail.
Griffitts, Jr., Commodore of the Schuylkill Navy,
the different boat clubs composing the navy will
turn out for review on Saturday afternoon next,
at half-past five o'clock. When the river is dotted
with the various barges, manned with their crews
in uniform, it presents a very pretty and inter
esting sight, and attracts many persons to Fair
mount Park. Should the weather be clear, there
will, no doubt, be a large gathering of people to
witness the various manoeuvres through which
the boats arc made to go by their proficient
PRESS CLur..—A stated meeting Eof the Press
Club of Philadelphia: was held yesterday after
noon. Messrs. McDevitt, Westcott and Shep •
pard, a committee appointed at a previous meet
ing, reported an appropriate memorial in refer
ence to the death of 3lr. James J. Warner, a
member of the Club. After acldreSses .by several
members, the memorial was unanimously
adopted and was ordered to be entered upon the
lag about nine o'clock, as John MeManns was
- passing Sixth and South streets, he met two
inen,who accosted him in a friendly manner, and
offered to shake hands with him. As he put his
hand out he was seized. and an attempt was
made to take his watch. He held on to one of
the fellows until a policeman came up. The
prisoner gave his name as Pat. McKenna. Ho
was committed by Ald.
ConosEn's I.NquEsT.—Coroner Daniels held an
inquest, this morning, upon the body of Benj. F.
Wade, whose accidental drowning has already
been mentioned in the BULLETIN. The verdict of
the jury was, "That the said Benj. F. Wade came
to his death by drowning, caused by the acciden
tal upsetting of a boat off Greenwich Point, in
the River Delaware, May 10, 1868."
Tut: UNION LEAGUE.-A special mooting of the
Union League will be held at the League House
this evening. The object of the meeting is to
consider the propriety of taking measures to se
cure the nomination and election of good men
to the local offices in the city of Philadelphia
and to take such action in regard to national af
fairs as in the judgment of the meeting may be
FELL FllO3l A WlNDOW.—Edward Lemon,
aged four years, a son of Thomas Lemon, re
siding on Chestnut street, above Thirty-fourth,
fell from the second story window of the house
and was severely injured. The little sufferer
was picked up and was carted into the house by
Policeman McNeill,who was passing at the time
of the accident.
BRUTAL ASSAULT.—Florence McCarty, residing
at No. 117 Elfreth alley, was !before Recorder
Civin, yesterday, upon the charge of assault and
battery on his wife. Mrs. McCarty is ill, and it
is alleged that her husband dragged her from her
bed anti kicked her out of the house. He was
held in $l,OOO bail to answer at Court. •
ASSAULT AND BATTERY.—DanieI Friel was be
fore Alderman Maull yesterday for assault and
battery on Reuben Bernard. The,' two men are
boatmen, and got into a giarrel about the pas
sage of their boats through the locks at Fair
mount. Friel is alleged to have severely
beaten Bernard. He was held In $l,OOO bail for
POniT BIttEZE PARK.—There war. an exciting
trot at Point Breeze Park, ycaterday. The time
made was :
First Heat—Maggie
ceond Heat—Boston Girl
Third Heat—Maggie
Fourth Heat and race—Maggie
AN:OWNER INANna).—A. lot, of ruffled shirts,
Glik. handkerchiefs, Sze., taken from a woman
who was unable to account for their possession,
are awaiting an owner at the Eleventh District
Police Station.
WALKED OVERIIOARD.-A. man named Edward
Doyle walked into the Delaware at Chestnut
street wharf about eleven o'clock last night. He
was rescued from drowning by Policeman Baugh,
of the Fourth District.
Lad his right hand crushed by some of the
machinery at the U. S. Mint this morning. •
COAL.—Mr. W. W. Alter, the well-known coal
merchant, during a recent extended tour through the
coal regions, selected an immense stock of the finest
varieties of the black diamond, both in the Lehigh
zind the Schuylkill districts. - Be is now prepared, at
his yard on Ninth street, below Girard avenue, and at
his branck office, corner Sixth and Spring Garden
streets, to offer to the public advantages in quality and
price which cannot be procured elsewhere. Those
Who contemplate purchasing their yearly supply of
coal will serve their own interests by calling upon m
now. Indeed every one should make it a point to h lay
in a stock ut this season of the year. The saving in
price will more than compensate for the outlay, for
now that the winter's demand is over prices have
touched bottom, and will remain depressed but for a
tihurt time.
To LAmEs.—Ctiag. Oakford & Sons, Continen
tai lintel, have all the hturd, novelties in Ladies'
Misses' and Children'H epring and aunnner Bats an
HELLER IS In London with a new trick, which
be calla the lof the Period." He throws a young
womanaged 16. out of a hat. We hare seen a young
, aged 18, thrown entirely out of her head at the
'sight of a gentleman dressed in a suit of Clothing from
(linden btokea & Co.'s establihhment, under the Con
tact/tat. But we didn't regardita a great wonder.
live of Vngllsh Walking flats, in Drab, Brown, White,
&c., selling at
Also, fresh novelties in Fancy Bonnets; Ladles' and
idren's TrimmOd fiats, and every Style of Botiout
°Hats at the lowest prices. Elegantnew San ilats.
4215 Chestnut street.
IN "Spite of Wind and Weather," Bartlett's
spring trade, notwithstanding the backwardness of the
season, has been remarkably active, owing unquestion
ably to the elegance and marked superiority of his
spring styles of Boots and Shbes for gentlemen. All
those who want a really good fitting boot or shoe must
seek It at Bartlett's, 33 South Sixth street, above Chest
THE great ceremony next month of the A.. Y.
M. 'will acceeanate a new flat. Go to Oalrford'a, un
der the Continental Llotel. Order it now.
Averaging only about eight pounds in weight.
Very desirable.
For sale by Mitchell i & Fletcher.
1204 Chestnut street
Florence Sew ilk' Machine.
Florence Sewing Machine.
Office, 1123 Chestnut street, Philadelphia
Recommended by Railway Conductors, engineers
and expresernen, the moat exacting class of watch
wearers, as superior to all others for strength, steadi
neFs, accuracy and durability.
• Unscrupulous dealers occasionally sell a worth
less • SWISS imitation. To prevent imposition,
buyers should always demand a certificate of
For sale by all respectable dealers.
23 South Eighth street.
To Lanus.—Chas. Oakford & Bons, Continen
tal Hotel, hare all the latest novelties in Lathes',
Makes' and Children's spring and summer Hats and
JUDICIOUS mothers and nurses use for children
a safe and pleasant medicine In BOWER'S INFiNT Con-
J. Isaacs, M. D. Professor of theßye member
all diseases appert ' alning to the above members with
the utmost SUCCPAS. Testimonials from the most re
liable sources in the city can be seen at his ofdce, No.
80b MTh street. The medical faculty are invited to
accompany theirps.tients, as he has no secrets in bis
pracpce. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made
for examination.
flfty cents. Depot Sixth and Vine.
HAMS ! HAA;S I ! Mims ! I
Choice 'Maryland Hams,
Very ti Yirginla Hams,
DRY% "Scar" Cincinnati Hams,
Newbold's Celebrated Jersey Hams,
For halo by Mitchell & Fletcher,
1204 Chestnut street.
w ditional Premiums.
.c No. 10. Purse of 5150 mile heats,
3in 5 to harness, for horses that
hove not beaten 2.50; 5100 to first and 550 to sweand horse.
No. 11. Purse of WO, mile heats, 3 in 5 to harness, for
horses that have not beaten 2.45; 8150 to first and $5O to
second horse.
All horses must be eligible at the time of closing of the
Entries for the foregoing Purses mast be directed to the
°Mee of the Secretary, No. 144 South Fourth street. Phila.
dolphin. where they will close on Thursday, May 28th, at
13 o'clock, noon.
Entries must be sealed, and in every instance accom
panied with 10 per cent. entrance money on the Parse to
to be awarded.
Three or more entries to fill and two to start.
11.13°111d only one horse start in either of the races, he
will be entitled to his entrance money.
Name, color and sex of horses entered requested.
lime made under the saddle and at Fairs will not debar
horses from entering In above Purses.
iny3l.7t SAMUEL KILPATRICK., Secretary.
On THU itsDA Y. May 23th,1068.
No. 1. Purse of $175; mile heath. 3 in 5, to harness. for
11 , ,res that have never trotted for money; $125 to nut,
at VA) to second horee.
o. '1 Puree of ;SEW; mile heats, 3 to 5, in harness. for
1: ;tees that have not be atm 2.39; $l6O to first, and $5O to
ec.cond horse.
- .No. 3. Puree of $200; mile heath 3M 5. to wagons. for
kes that have not beaten 2.59: $l5O to first, and $5O to
srcoud horee.
No 4. Pw-se of $2OO ; mile heats, 3in 5, for double teams
uod and driven together ; $l5O to lira and $5O to eccond
r o. 6. Purse of $250; mile beats. 3 in 5, to harness, for
11, lees that have not beaten 2.35; $175 to first,s73 to second
No.. G. Purse of $175; toile bents, 3 in 5, open to all et al.
liens; $125 to first and $5O to second. Horses having
hes ten 2.40 to go to wagons; all others to harness.
N.. 7. Purse of $250; dasb of 5 miles to harness, open to
a!; horses; $2OO to first and $5O to second horse.
o. 0. Purse of $500; double teams, mile heats, 3in 5,
open to all horses: 18200 to first and $lOO to second team.
On. 0. Purse of $200; mile heats. 3 in 6. to harness, open
to all horses sit years of age and under who have not
b e
2.41: 8150 to first and WO to second horse..
All horses must bo eligible at the time of closing of the
Entries for the foregoing Purses must be directed to the
t Pee of the Secretary. No. 144 South Fourth street, Phila•
di I phla. where they will close on Thursday, May 21st, at
12 o'clock, noon.
kith ies must be sealed. an in every instance accom
panied with lo per cent. entrance money on the Purse to
b, awarded.
Three or more entries to fill• and two to start.
Should only one horse start in either of the races he will
be entitled to his entrance money.
N ame, color and sex of horses entered requested.
Time made under the Saddle and at Fairs will not de.
bur horses from entering in above Purses.
mvlls 7t,5 ti A Mil EL KILPATRICK, Bec'y.
No. 104 South FIFTH street.
P!II,..A.P.Y.L.I:II!AtYay 21,1868.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of
In- Chief Commissioner of Highways until 12 o'clock, M.,
MONDAY, the 25th day of May, 1268, for the constilic
lion of a brick mower upon the line of Chestnut street,
from a point about feet west of Forty.second street,
wee tward to Forty-third street; thence southward upon.
the line of Forty-third street to face of bluff.
'1 he sewer will be built of brick, with, a clear diameter
of 4 feet. and a 4,1 i-inch arch. with such asonry, excava
tion. and embankment as may be necessary, and is noted
in the specifications.
Bide will be received for the following items:
r 7ccavation, per cubic yard.
. Embankment, per cubic yaid.
'Bock excavation, per cubic yard.
M asonry. per perch of 25 cubic feet.
Stone to be taken from cut.
Brick work of sewer per liueal foot.
Prices to Include all material.. shoring, centres and
labor. All bidders are invited to be present at the- Mao
siLd place of opening said proposals. Each proposal will
be accompanied by a certificate that a bond lOW been tiled
tr ;the Law Department as directed by ordinance of May2s,
If the lowest bidder eh all not execute a contract with
ii five days after the work is awarded he shall be deemed
differenceg, and will be beld liable on his bond for the
between his bid and the next highest bid.
r.pecitleatietus may be had at the Department of Sur.
VI. ye, which will be strictly adhered to. Payments will
he made in mieecnient bills against the property fronting
ll] , oa the line of mune, excepting that portion lying upon
lor'ythhd street, south of Chestnut Weed, which bills
most be reegived as so much cash paid by the city; the
balance to be paid in warrants upon the City Treasurer,
drawn by the Chief Conlin issioner of Ilighwaye,upon esti.
antes made by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor.
Chief Commissioner of Ilighwaye.
.1 7 No. 104 South FIFTH street.
Plll LADY.I.vit lA, May 21, 1868.
SEALED PROPtYSALIi will be received at the office of
the Chief Commissioner of llighways until 12 o'clock, M.,
on MONDAY, 25th instant, for the construction of asewer
on the line of Twenty-third street from tho sewer in Green
et to Mount Vernon at. ; thende on Mount Vernon et from
Twenty. third greet eastWardly three hundred and thirty
three feet eight inches; provided the property owners pay
the tXCCEP of cost over the assessment bills and the al
lowance to be paid by the city; with such man holes as
may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor.
Thu understanding to be that the contractor, shall take
bins prepared against the property fronting on said sewer
to the amount of ono debar and twenty-five cents for
each lineal foot of trent on each side of the street as so
mach cash paid; the balance, as limited by ordinance, to
be paid by the city.
When the street is occupied by a city passenger rail
road track the sewer shall be constructed along side of
said track In such manner as not to obstruct or interfere
with the safe passage of the'ears thereon, and no claim
for remuneration shall be paid the contractor by the com
pany using said track, as specified in act . of Assembly ap
proved May 8,1866.
All bidders are invited to be present at the time and
Pince of opening said proposaL Each'proposal will be
accompanied by a certificate that a bond has been filed
hi the Law Department, as directed by ordinance of
May 25th, ism 0 the lowest bidder shall not execute a
contract within five days after the work is awarded,
he will be deemed as declining, and will be held
liable on his bond for the. difference between his bid
and the next highest bid. Specifications may be had
et the Department of Surveys, which will be strictly ad
hered to.
Chief Commissioner of Highways.
2.423 4 "
At Extreme Low rrlces.
E. S. F 414 SON & CO.,
'Foe. 220 and 222 Dock Street,
apl4 to th s °wPl
Near the Exchange,
MEW c.Artv.urrs.
626 Chestnut Street,
Save opened New Carpets. 011 Cloth. Druggets, Canton
and Cocoa Matting. Rum &c.
Wilton% Brussels,
Velvets, Extra Tapestries.
The above are our own Patterns.
English Ingrains, Three Plys,
Oil Cloths, D raggete,
English Venetian,
Cocoa Matting,
Straw Matting,
Some very superior, all of which we offerat lowest prices.
Chestnut, below Seventh.
a.: 2m
Oar Own Importation This Spring.
8-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4
626 Chestnut St., below Seventh:
ap9 23nrii0
Just Received by late Steamer, a choice assortment of
Of Rich Designs and Rare Patterns, offered at low Prices,
723 Chestnut Street.
J a27-6mno
OIL, CIL. orr
MA' TINGE, 60.,
zedatroee'fiwatr:ctegialgregi . cllnfroMlPerinendricae7l.
910 Arch Street,
Between Ninth and Tenth Streets.
30,000 Francs !!
Awarded the Prize. Redais at World's
London; World's Fair, New York;
Exposition Universelle, Paris,
30,000 FRANCS!!
($6,000 IN GOLD,)
At the recent International Contest in the Paris Exhibition
The public are invited to caU and examine the report
of the ,Jury on the merits of the great contest, and see the
official award to the Herring's Patent over a ll others.
829 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New York.
Herring & Co., Chicago.
Herring, Farrel & Sherman, N. 011011111:
imblo.tu th • 3mrPs
lo r / A li 00,11
4 1 1(11;
Itlenniactuurer of ElrstAelasa Carriages"
1009 and 10
01 11 Chestnut Street ;
Orders received for new and elegant styles of Carriage'
for the season of
Special attention given to Repairing , '
(,twinges stored by the month, and morance effected*
Non. 1014, 1016 and 1018 Filbert EL
WM a tu•Smrp
BLUM L 1868.
No. 708 Chestnut Street.
NVlonal Rubber Co.
ri t Toy, deceased, James A. Freeman, Me.
Comer. 32 ROM. and itliPlOVeCtlentli, Hive' road,
liolmeeburg. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for
the City and County of Philadelphia , on Wednesday,
Juno lutb. 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be solo at public
sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, •tho following de.
milted real estate. Into the nroperty of Harriet Toy, do.
.cen. ed. All that certain tract of larld with the improve
ments thereon erected, situate in tho Fwenty-third Ward
of the city, beginning at a corner atone of James Wil.
llama' land; thence S. 31 dog. 1:0 mm., E. 103.72 perches to
a atone; thence by march land 8.74 deg. 80 mill.. E. 16.84
perches to n poet ; thence by the same 8.81 dog. 80
E. 70.60 perches to the Delaware river, thence along low
water mark 16.1 perches to a corner; thence N. 132 dog. 80
min., W. 72 porches to a post; thence S. 74 deg. 80
W. 8:8 penilee to a atone; thence by land of W1...Ru0ff...a,
N. 11 deg. 31min.. W. 92.12 porches to a cornet , stone in a
public road leading to Flolmeabm g; thence along the
middle of said road and another pub
lie road N. 58 deg. 30 min., E. 40.46
perchee to the Once of beginning. Containing 31 acre*. 143
reface of land. Subject to a mortgage de
uated onbt oi 812,300.
The above property h
ie very pleasantiy sit ha
River Road. quite near to the station at llohnesburg, on
the Trenton Railroad. It has a tine view of the water, fa
high and healthy, adjacent to school and churches, and
in the midst of excellent Hociety, and in a neighborhood
rapidly improving. There are now many trains to and
from liolmeeburg daily, and the steamboat landing at
Tacony la within a and
of the property. The place
1111dtr rent till next spring, but portion desiring occupancy
cnn obtain it by arrangements with the tenant. Plan at
the Auction Store.
111 - *Wu to be paid at time of male.
By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C.
JACOB 11. TOY. Administrator.
JAMES A. FREEMAN ,Auctioneer,
toy 21,:".81r4 Store, 922 Walnut street.
ickAL n.IiTATE.--Belo by order of Assignee In
Cliankruptcy.—James A. Freeman. Auctioneer.—Un.
der coerce of the Circuit Court of the United States
in Bankruptcy, on Wednesday, Jane 16, 1868,at 12 o'clock,
noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex
change, the following described real estate of James Gal
lagher, a bankrupt: No. L-316 Acres of Land. MissourL
A piece or parcel of land. situate. lying and being in the
county of Ripley and State of Missouri, to wit: the west
half of section thirty-one (31) in township twenty six (26)
range one (1) west of the principal meridian; containing
three hundred and sixteen acres (31647 acres).
No. 2.—Building Lot, Carpenter street.—Also all that
certain lot or piece of ground situate on th westwardde of
Carpenter street, at the distance of 68 feet from
the west side of Sixteenth street. In the city of Philadel
phia; containing in front or breadth on the said Carpen
ter street 32 feet 4 inches, and extending of that width in
length or depth northward between lines parallel with
the said Sixteenth street 76 feet to a 3 feet wide alley,
leading eastward into and communicatinp with a certain
other 8 feet wide allay which leads into Montrose street
together with the tree and common use, right, liberty and
privilege of both the above mentioned alloys, as passage
ways and water courses forever. Being the same lot or
piece of ground which Win. C. Stiles, by indenture dated
October 18, 1866. intended to be recorded, granted and
conveyed unto the said James Gallagher in fee, reserving
'therefrom and thereont an annual ground rent of $B4 158,
to•which the dame is still subject
By order of the Court.
airtso to be paid on each at time of sale.
-,. CHARLES Si. GIL CERSON,Administrator.
JA2,IES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.
Store 423 Walnut street._
mill 28.304
rAucrioneerValnable Brick Clay 'Tract,. Acres,
-4 Old York road' and Thirteenth street, Twenty-fifth
Ward. On Wedneeday. June 10, 18a, at 12 o'clock. noon,
will be sold at public sale, withont reserve. at the
delphis Exchange, the following described real estate,
viz:—All that valuable tract of land with the dwelling.
vestse and other improvements eon situate on the
side of the Old York road lb theTwenty.fifth Ward
of the city; extending from the Middle of Butler street,
as laid down on a plan of the city tb,a point beyond the
crossing of the Reading Railroad. also along the said !Int
im street to the middle of Thirteenth street, as laid down
on the said plan. •
Containing 7 acres end 54 perches of land.' The above
tract Is within 200 feet of the crossing of Broad and the
Germantown road, and is in the midst of a neighborhood
rapidly improving. It is leased for 8 years from Jan, let,
1"4.8, at a mot of VW per annum.
Ur - :9 0 0 rent has been offered for 8 acres of it fora
brick-yard. It is very vain:ol6\lw its deposit of clay,
which is largo
.=•ale peremptory. $4,000 may remain if desired.
21f - $5OO to be paid nt rho time of sale.
JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer,
Store. 422 Walnut street.
!tr, AA, tx, IAI /1:---.1A Mho A. FlicoßNl At*, Alit:.
tioneer. Handsome Brown stone Residence, No.
t 1024 Walnut etreet. On Wc.dneeday, Juno 10, Mi.
at 12 o'clock, noon, will be eold at public male, at the Phil.
siclphla Exchange, the following described real estate:
All that lot of ground with the improvements thereon,
situate on the south side of Walnut Area (No.:MI) In
t c Twenty.seventh Ward, 20 feet front by 160 feet deep
to alb feet alley or street. On the lot ix erected a theee
story brownstone residence, with mansard roof, with dou
ble three-story brick back buildings. saloon parlor, dining
10010 and 2 kitchens on find door. 2 ranges, baths. heat
Pti. 2 sinks, gun mid fittings. water in the chambers.
water closet. &c. II! - Walnut street is to feet wide. and
this house (us are the adjoining once.) heel back 20 feet,
My, Mg granite base and a portico front. A culvert to
about being constructed in front when the street will be
paved. The situation is very eligible, opposite the Free.
bj Wrier, church, and the purchaser can have immediate
It may be examined at any time. lEllr 447502 may re
main if desired.
,z 52.00 to be paid at time of sale.
JAM e.r3 A ExtEENIAN, Auctioneer,
Store. 422 Walnut etreet.
r - 0- 9 2't.Jr4
EJames Rooney, deceased. —James A. Freeman,
Auctioneer.—louse and Lot, No. 2513 Germantown
Road, Nineteenth Ward. tinder authority of the Or
phans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on
ednepday. June 10. lea at 12 o'clock. noon, be sol 4
at public sale, at the Philadelphia F,.xcliaoge, the follow
ing described Beal Estate, late the property of James
Rooney. deceased: A lot of ground with the three-story
brick niessuage and side lot, on the easterly side of Ger
rnmitown road (No. 2513), 92 feet north of Cumberland
street, 36 feet front by 130 feet deep, more or less, to Tyson
sheet. Subject to $4.5 ground rent per annum.
(in the above lot are erected a three-story brick house
with one-story frame kitchen fronting on Germantown
road. and a two story triune stable fronting on Tyson
stretit. Title indisputable.
pr'sloo to he paid at the time of sale.
By the Court, JOSEPEI MEGARY, Clerk 0. C.
PATRICK ROONEY, > Executors.
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
Store, all Walnut street.
Tns"2l% je4
tioneer.—Building Lots, Spruce street, below Twen.
ty Fifth.—On Wednesday, June IMF" at 12 o'clock,
noon. will be sold ar public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex.
change. the following described real estate, viz.•. Al! that
certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of
Sprees street, in the Seventh Ward of the city, bounded
as follows: beginning at the distance of ik) feet east from
the southeast corner of Spruce and Twenty-fifth streets,
running east along Spruce street 40 feet to a 4 feet wide
alley; thence southward 100 feet, more or less, including '3
feet of le feet wide alley thence continuing 40 feet,
more or, to the southeast corner of land now or late
of Thomas Spratt; thence northward along the east line
of the said land of Thomas Spratt northward to the place
of beginning. 1:11 ,- The above will be divided in two lots
each 20 by 100 feet.
Clear of Incumbrance. hail of the purchase money may
$lOO to be paid at the time of sale.
JAMES A. FRhEMAV, Ailetionnor.
Store, No. 4`../ Walnut street.
lieb Bchweikert, deceased. James A. Freeman. Aue.
tioneer. Property No. f 0 St. John street. Under
authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and county of
Phila., on Wednesday,June 10, 1888,at 12 o'clock, noon,will
be coin at public sale, at the nitadelphis Exchange, the
following described real estate, late the property of Got.
lieb echweikert, deceased. All that certain two-story
franc meesuage with two-story back buildings and lot of
ground situate on the west side of Bt.. John street, at the
distance of 74 feet 3 inches northward from Green street,
in the 11th wet d of the city; containing in front 22 feet 11
Inches, and in depth 100 feet, more or lees, to a 15 feet
wide alley, Called Rose Alley, with the priyilege of said
alley. Clear of incumbiance. Firt - 12W11 to be paid at the
tine of sale.
By the Court. JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk O. C.
JukiNchLEß l4 Adigainistrator.
JAMES A. FREEMA. Alictioneer,
Worn. 41'12 Walnut ONtet..
♦ kS. a",ut.o ix. t ItbmOrldi.ol. A
laltioneor.—Genteel DWeiiil3g, No. 12 Wednesday,eventh
' street. above Girard avenno.—On June
110.. 12, o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale.
at t the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described
real estate: All that certain three-story brick cottage and
lot of ground situate on the west side of Seventh street.
100 feet north.of Girard avenue. 18 feet front by 88 feet 114
lychee deep. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of $5l
per annum. 'The house is well built, has double cellar all
paved, range, hot and cold bathe gas fixtures, wash
house, iron, fountain, iron railingin front, new' roofed,
and in perfect order, having recently had $9,000 spent
upon it. Paceengor Card pass along eleventh streetiand
double track on Girard avenue.
P5OO rent has been offered. Occupancy with the deed.
IBM to be paid at the time of tale.
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.
Store. 922 Walnut street.
w v2.1.V.1e4
tioneer. Modern Four-story Brick Dwelling. No.
2115 arch street. On Wednesday, Juno 10th, 1889, at
12 o'clock, noon. will he sold at public sale, at the Phila.
del phis Exchaegc.the following described real estato,viz:
All that modern four. story brick dwelling, with three
story brick back buildings, and the lot of ground, situate
on the north side of Arch street (No. 2115), at the distance
of 144 feet wtst of Twenty•find street, in the Tenth Ward
of the city ;containing in front 18feet and in depth 102 foot
to a 4 feet wide alley leading into Twenty-second street,
and with the privilege thereof.
Si as hot and cold water, bath, range, permanent wash
stand, marble mantel, furnace in collar and gas through
• out. Clear of all incumbrance. $6,000 may remain. Oc
cupancy' September 12. May be examined on application
to the auctioneer.
tic SOW to be paid at tho time of sale.
JAMEti A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer,
Store, 422 Walnut street.
nov2l 2504
Auctioneer.:-3 three-story brick dwellings, Nos.
2912 2214 and 2916 A street, near Gi ra rd College, be
tween Tn caty-second and Twenty-third and Thompson
and Master streets. On Wednesday, May 27,' 1868, at 12
o'clock. noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the Philadel.
phis Exchange, the following described real estate: All
throne 3 three-story brick messunges and lots of Around,
situate on the south side of A street. near Girard iLollege,
between Twenty-second and Twenty-third and Master
and Thompson streets, (Nos 2212, 9E4. M`l6;) each con
taining in front 16 feet and In depth 60 feet. .
Each subject to a yearly ground rent of $66. They mill
be sold separately.
tor woo to be paid on each at time of sale.
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
n1y2.1.1 • Store, 429 Walnut street.
Ell Threatcse.James A. Freeman, Auctioneer.—
'" ory Brick Dwelling, No. 2,5= Pine street.
Under authority of tho Orphans' Court for the city and
county of Philadelphia, on Wedne•day, June 10, 1803, at
12 o'clock, nom, will be sold at public Bale. at the Ph
delphia Exchange, the following described real estate,
late the property of Jelin Clark, deceased : All that tier
threc-ttory brick dwelling. containing six rooms
with basement, and the lot of groundmituato on the north
side of Pine street (No. 2.528.) in the seventh Ward of the
eity,containing in front 15 feet and in depth 100 feet three
inches to a 20 feet wide street, called Kent street.
B o wed, to gat grouud runt per annum.
B 1 to p4id at the time of sale.
By the Court, JOSEPH MEGA RY, Clerk 0. C.
(.IA.TiIARINE tv'NEIL. Administrotrix.
JAMES A. 'FREEMAN, Auctioneer. t
Store, tr. Walnut street.
Er. deceased.—Thomas & Auctioneera.
--Valuable property, known as the Auburn Parlor
Mills, 110,4 acres. . Dwelling, Tenant Houses. Machinery,
ale, Franklin township, Chester county, Pennsyvania,
near Avondale titration on the Baltimore Itatiroad.--Pur.
want to an order of the Urphanso Court fa the County of
Chenter, will be told at public sale. on Tuesday. June 16th,
1308, at 12 o'clock. noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange.
the following described property late of John F. Deal,
decd, viz.: A.ll that mesauage, mill helm, buitdings and
tract of -land, situate in the late Now London (now Frank
lin) township, in tho county of Chester and State of Penn.
sylvania. Bounded and described according to a recent
survey made thereof by William McDowell. Esq., Sur.
voYor, as follows, to-wit. Beginning at a chestnut tree, a
comer of land of D. Ome; thence extending by the said •
13. Orne's land the f °Bowing courses and diatancen, to wit:
8.87 U, deg., W. 2825.100 perches to Is stone, 8. 64k( deg
W. 12 perches to a point, and S. 6021.' deg., W. 00 2 5- 100
perches to a point, a corner of other land of the said I tob' t
Lysie; thence extending by the same the following
courses and distances, to wit: 8. 19 deg., E. 16 novelle.,
crossing a certain public road, to a point s 8. 794 deg.. W.
15 45.100 perches to'a point; thence O. likf deg., .80 75.100
perches to a cherry tree, and S. 164 deg., E. 28 44.100
perches to a poplar tree, a corner of land of David Evans;
thence by the' same N. 703,1 deg., 45 perches to a point.
a corner of land of John Wiley; thence by the seine N.
809 dig. E. 28 porches to a point; thence still by the same
N. 134 d. 4.. W. 55 perches, crossing the said public road to
the fust.mentioned chestnut tree and place of beginning;
containing 24 acres, 1 rood and 01 perches of land., be the
game more or lets. Being composed of parts of 3 several
tracts of land, 2 of which containing /00 acres. and 5 acres
and 12t perches, are the same which Jas. Woodron by in
denture bearing date the 7th day of April, 1827,recorded in
the office for recording deeds in and for the county of Ches
ter. in Deed Book 7.. 3, vol. 72,page 573, &a, granted and
convoyed unto the said ROM. Lysle fee. And the
other of them containing 7 acres and 95 perches of land,
width James Lynio and Hannah, his wife by indenture
bearing date the 'first day of April. 1847. recorded in the
office aforesaid, in Deed Book
vol. 101. Page 484, &0..
granted and convoyed unto the said Robert LYsle, in fee.
Together with the steam engine and boiler. rag-engine,
rag .cutter, duster, paper.rnachine, and all the machinery
and belting whatsoever were in and used upon the said
premises above described. And together with the free
and uninterrupted use, right and privilege of the water
flowing in the creek, muffle through these and the ad
joining premises of the said Robert Lysie,and also of dam
ming up the said creek at the place, and as the same is
now dammed to the height even with a mark,
being an auger hole in the butt or main stock
of a maple tree now standing on the pre.
mines on the east side of the said
dnm, for the purpose of always affording a
competent supply of water. by tho preeent or any future
mill-race, leading or to lead to the mill for manufacturing
purposes, now erected upon the said premises. It being
distinctly understood and covenanted that the said Rohl.
Lsele. his heirs and assign,. owners and occupiers of the
said adjoining premises shall keep that part of said creek
on the said adjoining premises,free from obstructions and
shall not divert the comae of the same from the d'irec.
lion in which it now flows, at all times hereafter forever.
By the Court, G EORGE. iIIeFAhLAN. Clerk O.C.
REMSEN, Administrator.
N. B.—Tbe improvements are a two.story atone mill.
containing rag-engine, nteam•engine, papermaeldne, rag.
cutter, duster, duffer, chest, dic.: stone house, containing
7 rooms; frame barn, wagon-house, spring•house, &c.: it
stone tenant-hennas, &e.
M. THOMAS & BOS, Auctioneern,
1W and 141 South Fourth street.
rt. 111.14.: SALII—TIIO3IM3 & SONS. AUX .
tioneers.--Very deeirable Country Mee and Farm,
acme, known as "Crystal Springs.," liolmosburg.
Twenty-third Ward, Smiles trom Market street, and near
the Turnpike and Hofnesburg Station. on the Philadel.
phia and renton Railroad. On Tuesday, June 9th. ISA
at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale. at the
Philadelphia Exchange. all that valuable country place
and farm, known as the "Crystal Springs." fronting -on
the Pennypack creek aed a road- leading to the Bristol
turnpike (being about 'AO yards from raid turnpike).
liclrnesburg, Twenty.third Ward; containing about 29
acres excellent land. The improvements are a three.
story atone rough-cast mansion. with two-story hack
building: contains large parlor, hall. dining-room and sit
ting-room, ldchambers and winter and summer kitchen'
woodland excellent water; beautiful lawn; 2 acres of
alcrig the Pennypack creek, which crook can
be boated for 3 or 4 mitre; good fishing, &e.; stone tenant
home, barn and other outb.illdings; an aPle orchard.
.grove of fine largo trees. a garden plant en d wfith fruit
trees, berries, &c.; also several noted oprings of excellent
Terms— titB,ooo may remain on mortgage for several
1 he above to well adapted for a seminary, boarding.
eelmol, private residence. &c. The now passenger rail
way, when completed. will run near the property.
gitr" Mr. G. S. F. Pfeiffer, residing in the mansion, will
chow the pkembos-
M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers.
MI and 141 South Fourth street.
mv2l %tut 6
Eeere—liandsorne Country Residence. with stable
arm carriage 2 acres. Darby plank road, above
Church laze, about 154 feet front on the road, about 2% .
miles froni iunction of Market street and the Darby road,
Twenty-seventh Ward. Un Tuesday. June Bth,
PO, at 13 o'clock, noon, will he !sold at pub.
lie aale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that hand.
some country rmidenee. situate on the westwardly
side of Darby clank road , above Church lane. 27th Wazd;
thane' ezttnding along the same North 53 deg.. East 10
fret to a point; thence along land now or late of John W.
Ma eyey North 40 deg., west 445 feet to the middle of an ,
to fact wide street: thence along the middle of said street
South 52 deg.. West Ka feet ri inches to a pc int ; thenee by
•is tal now or late of the heirs of George. P--. south
drig., East South de g„ to a point; thence still by
tee OalliP lard 4 East 424) feet 3 inches to the
place of beginning; containing about S acres of ground.
lln improvements are a handsomely.finisbert 2kt story
frame mansion. papered mad painted throughout ; °irk , va
tory on ten of the home; has piazzas on 3 aides; contains
2u r norms ; hall In the centre, parlor. dining room and 2
kit,-hens oa the first floor; has the gas introduced, bath.
water, water closet. 2 cooking ranges. furnace, &c.; also,
linndsomeatable end .coach berme, grounds brututlfully
Isla out choice variety.,of excellent fruit treeseek.
7.7 -
Clear of all incumbrance.
immediate possession. The Darby passenger care pass
frt cry bait hear.
M. TUOMAI3 & SONS, Auctioneers.
13.2 and 141 South Fourth street.
r` , 9lB o jP6
- SALE—'fHoMAS & SONS. Auction.
eent.—Valuable Country Seat and Farm, 41 acres,
Frankford and Germantown Turnpike and Row.
let &Ina Road, 1 mile Weet noon.fonLOn uesdaY.
June llth. Pat. at 11 o'clock, will be mold at public
male. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valusblo
C,untry scat and farm. containing 41 acree.altuate on the
{Beet side of the Frankford and Germantown Turnpike.
corner of Howlandville toad, about 1 mile west of Frank.
ford. The improvements are a large story pointed stone
Inaneion: containing 16 rooms; has gas and water. &c. •,
pointed-atone bean, with large and conveniently arranged
hellar; stabling for 7 horses ; large atone and frame barn
and cow stable; ice-house tilled. and all necessary out
buildings; an abundance of fruit and old shade trees,
evergreens. email fruit, &c. Access to the city by 3 rail.
mole every 31 minutes..
'ferule—Half each. Immediate possession.
Will be shown on application to the owner and occu
pant. kir. W. E. Bailin
M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers,
114/ and 141 South Fourth etreet.
eers.--Small Farm, four acres. Chester county, Penn
" sylvania. On Tuesday, June 9. 1868, at 12 o'clock,
noon, will be sold at public sale, at dui Philadelphia E 6 -
change, ull that small Farm of four acres, situate at East
Whitelend. Chester county, Pa about one mile from the
Paoli 31emorlsi Monument, fronts the West 4,bestcr
Branch Railroad. and only 2CCI yards from Hood a Road
Station. This read connects with the Pennsylvania Con.
tral Railroad at the West Chester intersection. which is
only 1 mile distant, being 23 miles fro n IPhiladelphia.
The improvements are a foar roomed bons., with tine
47.1, neatly paperedagon and painted; barn, with room ng for
3 head of cate; w house, y boar.
tog apple orc tl hard, cherry, quince Mg , plum, pear and peach
trees; also, an abundance of small fruits; a good vege
table garden; well of water at the door. die.
Will be shown on application to the owner and occir
pant, Mr. P. H. Decker.
M. THOMAS h SONS Auctioneers,
leg la) and 141 South Fourth street._
rry2l 30 3
Eliam.Fleraing. deceased,- , Thomas & Sons. Auction
eers. Three story Brick Dwelling, No.lllB Shamokin
drat, west of Twenty.second street Pursuant to an
order of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of
delphia, will be sold at public sale. on Tuesday. June
16.1 l at 12 o'clock, noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange,
the following described property into of William Fleming.
deceased, viz: AU that lot of ground, with the three-story
brick mestuage thereon erected, situate on the south side
of Shamokin (late Church) street, in the city of Philadel
phia, 174 feet west of Twenty.second (late Schuylkill
Front) street: containing in front on Shamokin street 15
fret, and extending of that width in depth southward 5(1
liar - Subject to ft yearly ground rent of $2O.
By the Court, JOSEPH MEDAItY, Clerk 0. C.
EUGENE Y. JOHNSON, Administrator.
M. Ttiomee. SONS Auctioneers,
rt , 211et1,13 139 and 141 S. Fourth street.
Miller. deceaeed. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers.—
' Genteel threeatory brick Dwelling. No. 657 North
Tenth street. above Wallaee Orem. On Tuesday, Juno
ed. kto3. at 19 o'clock. noon. will be Fold at public sale:at
the Philaalphia Exchange. all that threo-etory brick
meemage Mad lot of ground, situate on the east eide of
Tenth street. 90 feet north of Wallace street, No. 657; con
taining in front on Tenth street 18 fest, and extending in
depth on the north line 109 feet 83f, incite'. and on the
soutb line 106 feet 9J4 inches. Subject to the restriction
the ((no no building for offensive occupation shall ever be
erected on said lot, It has the gas introduced, bath.
rani e. &e.
DIV - Clear of all inemnbrance.
1 mum—Cash.
1W - immediate possession. Keys next door soutb.
SAMUEL P. MILLEIt./ Executors.
M. THOMAS & StAS, Auctioneers,
189 and 141 South Fourth street.
rn) 21,23.20
Eit state of Jonathan Chapman, deceased. 'Thomas
S Bons, Auctioneers. Ground Rent $9O a year. On
Tuesday, Juno 80th. 1868. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold
at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that
yeasly ground rent of S9U, payable Ist of April and Octo
ber. /awful silver money of the United Statee, each dollar
vi elphm6ll pennyweights and 6 grains, issuing out of all
Hutt lot of ground. situate on tho north side of Boring
Garden street. 164 feet oast of Eleventh street; containing
in trent 16 feet, and in depth, on tho oast line. 79 feet 9
ins hes, and on the west line 74 feet 6?,', inches. $lOll to be
paid at the time of sale. By order of S. N. niCh, Deputy
&theatre, 186 South Sixth street •
M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,
my9l-30,june13,20 189 and 141 South Fourth street.
Itarnhurst,decessed.—Thomas & Sons,Auctioneers.—
Well-secured Redeemable Ground Rent, $lBO a year.
—On Tuorday, June 2d, 1808, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be
sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that
well.secured redeemable ground runt of $lBO a year,
isruing out of all that lot of ground. situate on the south
asstwardly side of Ann street, in FranciretWe, District of
Spring Garden: containing in front en Ann street 40 feet,
and in depth 160 feet. It is secured by two brick and one
frame dwelling, erected on the roar end of the lot.
J. HALL ROHRMAN4 Execu tor&
M. THOMAS & SONS Auctioneers ,
my 21,23,80 189 and 141 South Fourth street.
Lot comerßlock
of Fortieth and Centro streeto, Bloloy
township. On Tuesday, June 9th, 1818. at 12
eclocic, noon, will be Bold at nubile cute. at the Vhiladel.
phis Exchange ; all that lot of ground, situate on the
west aide of Fortieth street, and coat side of Coates street,
in the Townohip of Blockloy. and County of Philadel
phia, 120 feet nor% of Hutton street: Ordaining in front
on Fortieth street WI foot, more or leas, and extending In
depth 120 feet to ()entre street. -
M. TLIOMAO & SONS. Auetioneers,
120 and 14l Fouthirourth otreot.
tr 3 21,206
tioneera.—Elegant and Valuable Country Seat and ParlD, 70 Acres, River Delaware. Bensalem town
ship, Bucks county, Pa.. fronting on the Philadelphia and
Trenton Railroad •, about 14 milee from Market atreer,
Philadelphia; late th , . residence of Wm. If. Allen, Esq.,
President of Girard College. On Tuesday, June oth. 18d0„
at 12 o'clock. neou,will ho sold at public sale, at the Phila
delphia Exchange: All that elegant and valuable country
seat and farm. with superior nuprovernents, containing
10 acres, situate on the west hank of the Delaware river.
in Bensalem township. Buck. county, Pa., about 14 miles
from Market street, Philadelphia, and extends from the
river back to the Philadelphia and 'fronton lialiroact,
having a depth of about 8000 feet, and uniform widrb
.from Oyer to railroad of 880 feet, with an outlet ors the
which id abouthe railroad towards Cornwell's Station,
1. l.OOO feet from it. southern boundary.with
a steamboat landing on its river front at the northern line,
leaving thegrounde retired from public intrusion, and ,yet
accessible six times a day each way. to and (rein the city.
and lees than an hour distant In time either In summer or
winter, The mansion in constructed in cottage style. the
main building threes* erica and wing, two 'dories high s
with wide and spacious halls running through from front
to f ron t o n each Hoer, having very easy stairways of full
width; the parlor, library and conservatory attached ere
on the south side of the hall, and with communicating
doors. 'The dining-room, e inter and summer kitchens,
and enclosed sheds and outhouses. are on the north aide.
On the second floor there are 4 chambers, with water
closet, bathroom and servants' room; and on the third
floor 4 other chambers. all well finished. There are largo
and airy piazzas on the railroad and river fronts; the cel
lar,' are ceol and well ventilated,and floored with cement.
The house is well supplied with hot and cold water in the
principal roon.s,from an slevatedtank.and is warmed by a
large When furnace. and fitted for a %inter as well as
armuner residence; it is by measurement 27 feet above
high water mark, With au undulating slope to the river,
and a elope on the opposite front towards the railroad; it
is surrounded on all sides by lawns of several acres, and
laid out with winding graveled roads, underlaid with
stone, and planted with evergreens and deciduous trees
of great variety. The grounds are abundantly supplied
a ith unfailing springs. and aro com,detelv drained. so
that the water is under control and is led into ponds
walled sp with atone, stocked with fieh,and ornamented
by rustic summer house. &a., with over-hanging trees and
vines. The farmer's cottage, in similar 'style with the
mansion, Is well built, with good cellars, and 8 rooms on
each floor. The gardener's dwelling is connected with
the garden. and la built of stone, with slate roof.
There is good stabling for 11 horses and
cows, with a cattle shed, work shop, Lennie.
went ' house, carriage house, corn trib, barracks for hay.
poultry house, an ice house well filled, with milk vault
attached. There Is a young thrifty grove on the place
near the house, remarkable for its profusion of magnolias
and other flowering truce, The garde blackberrie s, ith au
abundancaot strawberries, risapherries. cur.
rants, gooseberries. ,of the boat kinds. and a carefully
selected variety elf the finest pears, apples, plane, cher
riot% grape vines in bearintoind provided with frames and
hot beds for forcing early vegetables. There are several
hundred dwarf and standard fruit tree,' of the finest va
rieties, many of them selected (rem northern nurseries
with much care. to insure their hardiness. The place has
been cultivated for tome years past with especial r o t e .
recce to its real improvement. The poll is of such variety
that the finest vegetables and fruits, and the heaviest
rr ewes and grains can be and are grown upon It. here
are three locations On the farm well Fulled to the con
sir .ction of 11nd - class country homea, from which them
would ho a view of the river for miles,from Beverly above
to Andalusia below.
Terms—A large portion of the purchase money may re
main on mortgage if desired.
Can be examined on application to howls H.
ncr, Esti., 731 Walnut street hire.. .
M. THOMAS cis SONS, Auctioneers,
Maud 191 /South Fourth street.
mySl 34. tit 6
deceased.—Thomas & Sous. Anctfoment—On
Tuesday, June Pth, 1868. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be
eold at public gale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol..
lowing described property. viz: No. 1 —l'breettory Erick
Duelling, No. Inge friankford Road. All that threemtory
brick misuse() and lot of ground. situate on the west aide
of the Frankford road. No. Ise containing to front 15
feet 4 Inches. and in depth 73 feet, with the exclusive
right and privilege d' the alley adjoining on the north 2
feet 67i inebes wide, by 35 feet 4 Inches in depth.
No. :t.-Btore. nod Ravelling. B. W. corner of Frankford
road and Otter street, adjoining the shore.—All that
three-story brick store, and dwelling and lot of ground.
situate at the B. W. corner of Utter end Frankford road.
N o boo : containing in trout on Cold road (including the
abovninentioned alley) 171cetb inches, and in depth 73
feet. .
N o . 2-2 Two.efory Frame Dwellings, Noe, 8 and 10
Otter street. —All that two.story frame inerenage and lot
cf ground. eituate bnthe south aide of Otter street. 73 feet
creel of the Frankfort] road, No e; containing infront 14
feet ftSe inthee. (including an alley on the east side laid
out for the nee of this and the adjoininglot„) and in depth
22 feet
No. 4—All that twceetory frame inersuage and lot of
ground, situate on the mouth side of Utter street, adjoin
ing the above. being No. 'Cu containing in front 12 feet 25f,
inches. and in depth t3lrci, with the right to use the
alley on the east ride of the adjeining properly. No. 8.
Terms—One-half may remain on mortgage, payable in
M. TIMMArI ts SON . Aucticneers.
13.t+ and 141 South Fourth ptreet
fp,. William Eager. deceased. —l - immaa SOW.
• Auctioneers. On Tuerdgy June 2d, 1' ',at 13 o'clock.
con. will tie sold at teiblic sale, at the Ptilladelphis. Ex.
change. the following described property. via:---.10. IL.—
Two.and.a half story brick dvrelling. No. 1114 Frankton'
}toad; all that tiro-ands-ltalf story brick dwelling with
o.atory brick and two. story trams kitchens, and lot of
ground. situate on the west side of the Frankfoid Rost].
foe feet from Otter street. Na. 1114; containing in front
Di feet. at d In depth ]to feet.
TlO -- Clear of ail umumbrance.
N o. 2.—Tkiee-story Brick De. elling.No. 9 Denton street,
in the tear of the above MI that three-story brick dwell
ing. with one-story frame kitchen and lot of ground, situ
ate on the ear side of Dunton street. 100 feet from Otter
street. No. 9; containing. In front :Xi feet, and in depth
fAi fret.
Cld" Clear of all locuintratite.
No. 3.—lhreeatory Frame Dwelling. No. 3 Minton
street. All that threcatory frame dwelling and two-story
frame kitchen and lot of ground. situate Otl tne east side
of Dunton street, No. 3; containing in front LS taet, and
di depth 47 feet.
Clear of all incumbrance.
iflrfialo absolute.
SCBEIIS. 1 Executor&
M. I%I : MBAS Am SONS, Auctioneers,
llto and 141 south Fourth street.
Francis Quinn, deceased —Thorned a Bow, Aug
tloneers. Threeatory brick Dwelling. Pro. IPI3 But
tonwood street. west of Sinteenth street. with a three
story brick dwelling In the rear on Bait street, No. 1913.
Pursuant to an ant irder of the Orphans' Court for the city
isnd count of Philadelphia. will be sold at public sale. on
Tueiday,Juno le. lhrti, at 12 o'clock noon at the Phila
delphia Exchange, the follow - Jog drferibtil property. Late
of Francis Quinn, decetured,All that lot of groin:id.
with the :1 brick buildings thereon erected, situate on the
north side of Buttonwood street. 16.1 feet west of Nine
ter nth street, Fifteenth Ward. city of Philadelphia: con
taining in front on Buttonwood street 15 feet, and extend
ing in depth SO filmt to a 153 feet wide street, called Eara
street. Bounded north by said Earn street. east by ground
now or late of '1 bomb Earp. south by button wood street.
and west by ground of — .
Being Dui same premises
which William W. Laird and .3 , lar.y b, hie wile, by inden
ture bearing date the lid day of liebruarv, A. D. Is*. re.
corded in deed book L. X. 8., No. 154. page 249,
granted and conveyed unto the said Francis Quinn, his
belie and assigna. under and subject to the paymegyi of a
yearly ground rent of 8.%3 7i, payable half yearly, on the
let day of January and July, in every year, without any
deduction for tax.es, &c. Together with the free use and
.privilege of the maid Earp street. at all times hereafter fee.
ever. 137 Dm Comb_
JOHN 13 CODES EDWARDS, Administrator.
.11. THOMAS di SONS, A uctioneer,
139 and 141 South Fourth street.
ry2l if.c.l3
of Jacob Ether, deceased. Thomas & Sons, Aug.
tioneers. Large and valuable Clay Lot, six scree.
Ridge road, not thwest of Mifflin street. On Tuesday,
June 16th. IW, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pubile
sale, without reserve, at the PhiladelphiaNExchouage • all
that undivided onemighth 'merest in all that lot of
ground. in the 'Cwenty- eighth Ward of the clty of Phila
delphia, beginning at a poi , on the southwest side of the
Ridge road. 60 16.100 perehea northwest of 31191 in street
thence north 36 deg. fa 113113., west (along said itidge road)
6 44 100 perches in an angle or bend in said Ridge road:
thence extending further along said 'road. north 27 deg.
5 min.. west 134&100 perches to ground late of Robert Pol
lock; thence by said ground, south 59 deg. SS rota.. west
40 524110 perches to a corner; thence still by said Pollock's
ground. south 34 deg, 87 min., east 24 27-100 perches to a
point in the line of /Ind of Charles Dinner; thence north
53 deg. 1 min., east 476.100 perches to the [dace of begin.
ning ; containing 6 acres, 61 610 perches. Tho whole tract
subject to a lease (for brick clay) of $350 per annum.
which expires on March IstILL , 1870.
By order of WIM ESHER, Executor.
M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,
my2l 106 13 139 and 141 South Fourth street.
Three story Brick Dwelling,No.l9) Green st.between
Front and second streets. On Tuesday June 9th.
1888, at 12 O.clock, noon. will be sold at publio sale, at
the Philadelphia Exchange, all that threeetory brick
situatege,with two•stoack buildings and lot of ground.
on the south aideof Green street, between Front
and Second streets, No. 120; the lot containing in front on
Green street 18 foot, and extending in depth 75 feet more
or lees. _-
re- Clear of all incumbranee.
M. - V - 1051AB a SONS, Auctioneers.
1->•al. PlllOl 129 and 141 South Fourth street.
No 422 WALNUT street.
Peremptory Sale No. 25 South Fourth str eat.
June 2, 1868, at to o clock, will be sold at public eale,
without reserve, at No. 25 South Fourth street. the entire
and complet o stock of M. Goff A Co., including Harness
Mountings, Stirrups, Bite. Spurs. names, Chains. Webs.
Threads, Saddlers"Tool, Curry Combk Brushes. Princes
Cheek. Serge. Saddle Cloths Leather, Bridle Fillings, sly
Acts, Welch's Fine Silver yFtted sfountings.Castings. dm.
Also, the Leese of tho - fm r.story store No. 26 South
Fo”rth street, the Good•will and the complete Fixtures.
Shelving, Counters. Office Furniture, Large Safe, Ac.
Far The whole wilt be offered in one lot, and i,f not so
dienosed of will be sold by catabolic. 't he sale to con.
tinue until all is disposed of. 110"' Terms cash.
Ws' Sale Peremptory.
ors ,- f.,•.1,9,,ep Wry 7111111. 4 1 1 1 , 7,
FOR 11/11.101re
IIWit. /322 Pine Street, with throe story back building,
wan all modern improvement', built by the late
owner for his own use. POSSCBBIOI3 With deed. Apply on
the premises or to JAMES CITAMBERs,
Illyal-th s tuft. 718 Callowbill street.
vino roome
ard in front and roar to s back etreot.
Sgt 0 calm: Y .Poinseavioia at once. &pals at No. aLO3
otreot. my2o,ttn4
m Country Reridencos, furnished and unfurnished. ttuo
" the immediate vicinity of the city.
731 Walnut street..l
vt i +l l a 2t
T Addrees, with reference.
iny2U-3t IT* "OIL," Bulletin office.