Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 09, 1868, Image 5

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    To the
The undersigned citizens of Phile-
delphis, who approve of the manner in
which you have discharged the duties
of D:striot Attorney, and have entire
confidence in our ability, intogiity and
fitness, respectfully ask you to become
a Candidate at the next eleotion, in
which event they promise you their
hearty and earnest support.
Philadelphiai May 4th, 1868.
George H. Stuart, David Paul Brown,
James Pollock, Horatio Hubbell,
Beuj. Bullock's Sons, Wm. H. Pancoa.st, M.D.,
C. S. Grove, George Fryer,
James A. Newbold, R. J. Levis, M. D.,
James Williamson, Wm. L. Dennis,
A. N. Atwood, Bumm & Brother,
John J. Burr, McFadden & Thompson,
Glading, Harding LC; Co., William Pepper, M. D.,
Casper - Souder, Chas. Boothroyd & Co.,
Thomas J. Williamson, W. S. Henry & Co.,
Reeve & Bauer, T. Chalkley Wood,
Jenke & Herr, Kemble & Co., ,
Kcnwarth & Brake, Edward S. Dobbins,
Thos. B. Reed, M. D., J. Garvin, Orr & Co.,
Rimby & Madera, Henry Disaton,
Shaw Brothers,T. B. Pugh,
George H. Roberts, 11. S. Boardman,
Amos B. Bailey, Thomas L. Lawson,
Chas. H. Adaui, M. D., Charles M. Wagner,
E Roberts & Brother, George B. Kerfoot,
John Hepworth & Co., Wm. Bumm & Son,
Gt o. C. Harlan, M. D., Lukens & Montgomery,
Wm. P. Cooper, Thomas D. Stiles,
111 nry A. Bower, Alfred C. Harmer,
Grumped. Brothers, John L. Lawson,
Edmund Castillion, A. Wiltherger,
A. W. Adolph, Thomas Moore,
H. fl. Graham, A. H. Snyder,
Alexander M. Fox, Thomas Patin,
Ezra Lukens, Paul Rodger,
Johatban S. Collom, James C. Keith,
M. C. Peipe ,r John R. Orr,
Eugene G. Kuhn, Henry C. Moore,
Edward Mullins,Jr., J. W. Knight,
E. Hartley, . L. R. Broomall,
J.W. Miller, Chas. H. T. Calla,
H. Phillippi, Win. Hull Foreman,
John J. Heisler, J. P. Morris & Co.,
Matthias L. Beale, W. N. Hamilton & Co.,
J. C. Collins, Fuller & Johnson,
Sam'L McCurdy. E. McNally Sr, Co.,
C. W. Bacon, Joshua T. Fletcher,
Win. S. Cunliffe, Bawl. M. Corson,
Ellwood Mitchell, Thomas Irvin,
David K. Joslin, J. & T. Gillespie,
' John G. Brooke, Wm. H. Irvin,
9 John Beggs, A. C. Gray,
Alfred Rubl, Aug. Thomas,
Robert M. Wallace, Israel J. Thomas,
E. B. Shapleigh, M. D., Wm. Dunlap,
J..W. Heisler, &mi. F. Watson,
E. Renner d,Sam]. Wilson,
A. W. Parsons, • Riehd. Wildey,
Philip H. Alburger, C. West Myers,
R. French, Jr., Nathan C. Lewis,
W. J. Hoffman, Brown & Jessyby,
J. C. Melvin, David Jones,
Christian Kneen, Lewis H. Womrau,
Egbert K. Nichols, Geo. W. Morris,
Philip B. Fisher, Samuel H. Rhoads.
Will. D. Baker, Wilbur H. Myers,
H. Clay Lippincott, Wm. Lacey,
Horatio W. Walker,. J. Jay Fisher,
Thomas Voigt, J. H. Bardsall,
John T. Stout, Geo. W. Harmer,
Thomas Ailerons, Paul P. Keller,
Chas. G. Newkirk,,
Chas. W. Epting,
J. Henry Bryan, A. H. Dingee,
Edgar L. Petit, R. H. Beatty, .
George H. Armstrong, James Hood,'
Walter B. Mitchell, Thomas MeClerkin,
John R. Mulllson, . Robert M. Wilson,
Samuel 11. Orwig, Wm. Lippincott,
John Lewis, Paul P. Keller,
Andrew Zane, Jr., James W. Palmer,
W. Hopple, Jr., Joseph K. Howell,
Wm. Gr. - Foulke, John T. Sigh,
John S. Harwell, F. AneaWargy,
Isaac Kilburn, Jacob F. Gretkihg,
A. G. Cochran, Benj. E. Davis,
Michael Mid, John T. Piggott,
J. T. Hopple, J. A. Spencer,
Chas. S. Thomason, E. J. Altellllll6.
P. Nlskey, John J. Gallagher,
F. C. Clemson, Geo. C. Evans,
F. A. Briggs,Sr. ' Ferd. C. Mandorson,
B. Frank. Bonham, 0. S. Wilson,
Samuel Oakford, S. W. Wendell,
Edwin S. Shively Lt. Col. J. H. Heidler,
J. C. Queen, Jahn Young,
Capt. J. H. Freeman, George Young,
Lieut. Win. Marple, Frank Young,
E. C. Somers, Constant Somers,
Jas. C. Thompson, Wm. Rohn, Jr.,
T. D. Bilks, Cant. 3. L. Crawford, '
Samuel W. Merrill, Joseph Baldwin,
S. A. Merrill, 3. R. Bonham,
J. C. Chapman, H. H. Allen,
Wm. Kates, John B. Allen,
Jos. Titman, John Gouldey,
Henry Wilson, Joseph Carver,
Wilson Carver, Chas. Flowers,
Thos J. Pratt, Edward H. Wilkinson,
Jesse S. Bonsall, Win. Graham,
'Wm. A Miller, David T. Mansfield,
Wm. S. Irwin, Wm. Louderback,
John Quint, Charles B. Larzelere,
David B. Baker, Joseph J. Owens,
John L. Graham, Andrew Morrow,
Thos. B. Morrow, Elise Thomas,
Thos. Henderson, Wm. Loughran,
Thomas Little, John F. Sherman,
A. H. Hamilton, Chas. W. Amy,
Chas. A. Bonder, Henry Vau Dusen,
• Charles S. Jones, J. F. Hill,
0. H. Wagas, Chas. Liebrick,
William Linker, George W. Conaway,
Lewis Price, Anthony T. Brown,
Francis B. Chute, John D. Brown,
Andrew Hague, Wm. Casey,
James Brooks, , John L. Roberts,
W. B. Gallagher, John R. Cantlin,
E. V. Machette, Henry J. Conaway,
-Joseph Hemphil, • Thomas Lawn, Jr.,
P. C. Davison, George W. Allen,
Z. Taylor Lewis, James Halms,
Joseph Brobson, George F. Brooke,
Joseph Newhouse, James Stouts,
Henry Radio, Samuel Eckel,
Benj. H. Brown, Lewis F. List,
Leo W. Buffington,Thomas Miskell,
H. , Newhouse, . William S. Campbell,
G. Itiachette,'Jr., Wm. L. Pennel,
B. Harper, John M. Rowe,
E. M. Crary, Jno. G. Kelley,
Henry Shikendantz, A. B. Watson,
M. M. Casey, Jacob Justice,
Ephraim Garton, Elw. K. Diatom
Francis M. Berry, J. R. Burton,
Constant L . Metracken,Thos. A. Engles,
Benj. B. Hill, Benj. F. Brown,
Jos. Menk, Sam'i. B. Mun i
Henry Simon, John Macintosh,
AndreW J. Boswell, William D. Moore,
Albert Bannen, Wilmer W. Bradley,
E. Taney Pleesh, George Croek,
Hammond Griffith, George Ulrich,
Albert &anima, Walter Brade,
Michael Rcdebaugh, John Johnson
George lib mingham, Chas. B. Robbins,
Abraham Davis, Jacob Gegenheimer,
Benjamin Wills, Jos. Gilbert,
Joseph Myers, • Mose Breadenbach,
George My era,
Chas. s
0. Fitch,
William Way, J. H. Johnson,
John B. Wallace, C. Burkart,.
John W. Martin, Herman Silberman,
Charles Fidel, W. B. Peak,
John,Cornell, M. G. Condon,
Stephen Cornell, William E. Condon,
Stephen Green, John Brooks,
John H. Birchall, Fred. Benkier,
Stephen Green, Jr., John L. Williamson,
Danl. Meeker, • William Lockler,
Samuel K. Johnson, Chalkley Kemble,
Samuel Margerum, Charles P. Coward,
William Wister, John Worthline,
Robert Few tcley, Caleb Way,
Abraham Fawteley, Charles•Wiashak,
Henry Greer, Jacob Lange,
George W. Mervin°, James C. Tyson,
Jebri C. Wetherby, Jededlah S. Murphy,
Nathan S. Kimble, E. Cornell Eaten, M. D.,
William J. Canning, Thomas B. Barman,
Jas. 8. Rhoads, Henry T. Murphy,
Win. Young, Wm. Long,, •
Ed. Rodish Geo. T. Tbackara,
Albert Rodish Jacob Apple,
Dan'l M. Williams, Win. C. Eyley,
Geo. S. Mellor, B. Cllne,
R. S. Garrison. R. A. Rowe,
Chas. H. Garrison, G. W. Sparks,
W. Adams, D. R. Walton,
Thos. W. Gardner; Jared N. Thompson,
Geo. S. Shugart, Manuel M. Cook,
Jacob 8. Haim, Sr., John A. Swart,
Geo. W. Haas, E. C. Boger,
Albert Haas, , Win. F. Bartlett,
Jacob S. Haas, !Jr., Wm. C. Ewing,
Henry Haim J. K. Bryaß,
Samuel Singer, J. Kinsey Taylor,
C. W. Haines, M. M. Barker,
John W. Hanna, Thos. S. Taylor,
Geo. W. Hanna, Wesley B. Freman,
Geo. M. Hanna, John Mecke,
Geo. Widener, Win. P. Ottey,
Robert Wilson, Joseph A. Matthews,
E. P. Camp, . Truxton Stilee,
John Sharp, John L. Bpackman,
John K. Green, Jr., , Samuel Crawford,
John H. Rihl, David B. Callerd,
David V. Whitfield, A. T. Moore,
Andrew Kelly, James L. Hickey,
J. M. Hencill, D. C. Richardson,
Joseph Griffith, Wm. H. Dinmore,
Norman C. Ash, Simon T. Shugart,
Samuel 8. Zelley, Wm. Glenn
E. S. Fitch, Charles L. Frobose,
Lewis Conrad, Job Davis,
Wm. Cabb, Ed. C. Harvey,
Henry Herring. Charles Epley,
George Vanorden, Laurence Woodruff,
David Vanorden, James Brearloy, Jr.,
John 'Vanordon, Joseph Rittenhouse,
Geo. W. Bartholomew, R. A. Poulson,
Samuel Sperrey, A. Silberman
Daniel Jones, H. Diddlebock,
Chas. IL Taylor, William Rohn,
Samuel Showaker, C. 11. Robinson,
L. E. Fridenberg, Eli Ridgway,
S. M. Fridenberg, Chas. H. Henkle,
Jacob Frank, Randolph Williams,
S. Frank, S. Ellis leurman,
L. C. Fisher, L. C. Zimmerman,
A. E. Shearer, A. C. Michener,
A. C. Fetter, E. Varnum,
A. 11. Miller, llanallton Disaton,
Reuben Haas. Thomas S. Disston,
W. H. Mullikin, Chas. Broading,
Wesley P. Wimer, Godfey Fallen,
W. C. McCauley, Hugh H. Scott, •
B. H. Taylor, Wm. H. Edwardson,
B. F. Olden, Henry H. Grosahols,
B. J. Hickman, B. Kimball,
William C. Bodin, William W. Grier,
G. A. Rodgers, Lewis C. Wanamaker,
Rulon White, Lewis Rains,
John Fordeley, Aaron Mathews.
George Steinmetz, James S. Conrad,
Jonathan Fordeley, . Thomas Scott,
Frederick Mehra, John A. Scanlon,
Robert Fordeley, R. Durham,
John O'Conner, William J. Givens, •
Wm. Scott Henden,MD Edward P. Jordan,
C. W. Schmidt, James Monroe,
Frederick Über, Harrison Clay Heler,
Robert D. Pinkerton, N. A. Ulman,
M. M. Barker, Campbell McGreager,
It. H. Bennett, Manuel Triol,
C. F. Mansfield, James Wilson,
E. J. Gruntree, George Stomley,
R. R. Smith,' Frank Lacey, .
G. Lindbord, J. L. Dempson,
A. M. Frecheil, Geo. Theodore Weick,
E. J. B. Thomas, Samuel Wilson,
Marcus F. Givens, Francis Dougherty,
• Joseph Bateman, Jas. K. Sunder,
Robert M. Kinly, J. Henry Geissel,
F. Mush, Wm. Stewart,
J. Wilson, M. D., Joseph B. Matlack,
Hugh Gamble, Stewart Robinson,
Thomas Fair, Maux Straus,
Joseph Russell, John Rihi,
George Moore, J. Bruner,
George Stewart, ' Isaac McKenney,
John Anderson, William Leon,
Janus Scott, John Hamilton,
James McLaughlin, John Dickell,
David Alexander, W. B. Crawford,
Edmund De Buck, Thos. McCauley,
James A. Briggs, Win. Neill,
Philip H. Klohse, Charles Senix,
Robert R. Smith, William McCain,
D. Rothermel, George Martin,
Josiah Linton, John M. Kelly,
Jas. A. Stewart, John H. Jeforels,
Thomas McAdam, Henry S. Myers,
Harry O'Neil, Henry Smithers,
M. J. Coleman, Charles Lowry,
Thomas Neely, Adam Crawford,
H. W. Arnold, Wm. H. Nevoil,
Thos. 8. White, Richard N. Kelley,
T. West Gardner, A. Shade,
Marcus Kauffman, Benjamin Rodgers,
Benjamin McCormick, Robert McCracken,
G. W. Taylor, Levi Peters.
Wm. Shields, Charles Platt,
Geo. L. Heitz, John Crawford,
Levi Eldridge, William Garden,
Wm. Bermge, • Win. Moore,
Wm. Wilkinson, James Medicraft,
George W. Till, John Hickey,
William F. Willard, B. P. Rich, •
George W. Edwards, Wm. Hallowell,
Geary Gibson, Wm. McClure,
W. F. Kane, John F. Monaghan.
U. H. Cress, John Simon,
J. Shaw, Win. H. Swain,
E. Edwards, B. F. Walker,.
Geo. W. Hallowell, D. A. Devereu,
Ellis McLaughlin, E. K. Taylor, .
William Britton, John Hitchcock,
Geo. W. Long, Win. H. Miller,
A. H. llallowell, Charles Rogers,
Jos. E. Hallowell, Harry Taggart,
F. Havilland, Josephus biartman,
Geo. W. Juetiee, John Brooks,
George T. Weaver, Edward Ford,
W. 11. Metz, N. H. Ealing,
Harry Ruling, Jos. B. Ridge,
James McKelvey, John Law, Jr.,
Geo. M. Clark. John Trueman,
Henry Atherbolt, Wm. Hall,
John Gray, James Tate
Athens Pitts, Jr., Alexander Pitts,
Enos 'Holy, C. W. Widmaier,
Ezekeil Rosenberger, Adolph Erdin.
Thomas &Imes, Henry Openheimer,
James Taylor, Wm. F. Kercher,
J obn A. 'Tweed, Jas. D. Hanno,
G. W. Paulley, Wm. K. Macferran,
Elias Hume C. F. Elwert,
David Martin, John Eckert,
Alex. Crawford, Jacob Hoyle,
John MeNeley, Henry Rothackoy,
John Crawford, Leonard Doerr,
Time. Cope, Cp. Beeson,
Geo. Crawford, John Martin,
Jas. McElwee, John Cromly, •
IL Addis, Henry Harper,
A. Mclntyre, James Johnston;
Wm. Greenfield, James Gorman,
Jas. Martin, Henry Granshack,
Thos. Porter, Oliver Hemphill,
John Kirk, Henry Hussey,
Robert Creighton John Sturatt,
.11. Mcßride, James Foot,
Cas. Black, Fred. W. Rohlfiney.
Michael Warner, John Miller,
'Davis Furey,
Goo. Roberson,
Jas. MeCraekin, s. Carrick,
Jas. Dougherty, Wm. Watson,
John Butcbison, John Scoot,
Robert McCuller, B. Wm.
Samuel M. Carr, Ralph Bader,
Peter Heitz, Franz Reeks,
C has. Framer, Solu Romoaer,
Chas. Kehler, Chas. Schmitt,
Ferd. Forster, ' Fred E. Über,
M., ,Hbeich, August Hecht,
0 el% n M. Kelley, Col. Thos. Crawford,
IF. Hooper, Chas. J. LOwry,
William Vandegrift, Win. •Bef.gold,
William Layton, George Martin, •
William S. Chappell, M. G. Rowand,
Ot Orge W. Fisher, Alex. Thompson, '
Hugh Thompson, Peter Plume,
William Ralston, , David Moore,
Ansel Collins, William B. Hough,
Irwin Alexander, Arthur O'Neil, .
Robert Smith, . Jacob Morebeack,
Peter Karansackner, James Flaker,
Stewart Forbes, G. Heyberg,
Wm. Dolby, Thomas Chown;
Mom Miller, A. Herzberg,
Fred. Thumm, M. D., Charlet, Diehl,
W. Josey, Wilhelm Apenzeller,
Gottleib Trapper, • C. F. Wehmeyer,
• M. C. Chapline, Joseph Neff,
h. 1 hornton, John Fried,
Charles Promon, Jas. Byle,
Win. Both!, Jh. Zeh,
Christian Herter, Francis Blackburne,
John Lickel, Franz Zink,
Charles Mann, Joseph Schmid,
G. W. Hawk, Andrew Menecly,
John. Thompson, George Tyson,
Simnel Knox, Samuel George,
William Godshall, Jos. E. Weiss,
Joseph Neal, Henry Earman,
Andrew Thompson, John Thompson
Aken Pitts, Thomas Clifford,'
Thomas White, James White,
John Black, Joseph Comte!,
Thomas Simpson, Thomas Brown,
John Tate, William Rementer,
John Rementer, James Comae,
William Thomas, Terrano Wood,
Hugh MeDevet, Edward Blamer,
John Thompson, Arthur Wattorson,
J. B. Kenan, Charles Schalk,
John Dorfmyer, J. C. Shaeffer, •
R. P. Taylor, J.' T. Moore,
J. Marie aylor, Thos. E. Ingram,
Wm. A. Blumner, Benj. K. Paullin,
John P. Hanson, Isaac P. Taylor,
John Reiss, W. J. Finley,
Andrew Wiltenberger, Joseph Serf,
Bcrkhard Meyer, Franz L. Wisaman,
August Heider, Christian Rentehler,
John F. Vicker, Peter. Beisel,
Edw. Christman, Lloyd Davis,
Wm. H. Davis Lewis Kens% Jr.,
J. 0. H. Banks, Chas. Swint,
Wm. Hartley, • Lewis Kens% Sr,,
David H. Lawson, Wm. H. Turner,
J. H. Condon, Lewis Oppenheimer,
Geo. B. Thomson, John W. Turner,
Geo. Eller, Jr., John Schneider,
Benj. F. Taylor, Hew.afill Fox,
J. M. Mahon, Butterworth,
Theo. H.Veters, Geo. Hawkes,
Jas. P. Wiley, Wm. H. Middleton,
H. IL Thayer, Sr., Samuel Whilt,
Samuel D. Craig, Wm. Kiebel,
H. A. Thayer, A. H. Wright,
E. A. Hughes, S. A. Ruhl,
Elmer E. Smith, John Commons,
Jas. Hartley, Thos. G. Decoursey,
W. H. Brady, Victor Penrose,
Geo. W. Keller, Abm. Rush,
Arad Barrows, Louis Torreny,
John S. Burr, F. Fromhagen,
Albert Benton, Peter Schlaefer,
W. R. Wyman, S.-Lazarus,
Wm. P. Prickett, N. H. Wilcox,
Jos. Cook. Win. J. Goodwin,
Chas. W. Beck, Harry , Fetters,
Cooper Kensell, Jos. H. Smith,
Geo. Kensell, Chas. Albright,
James MeChristian, Jacob Munch,
.Tames Creighton, Isaac Kahn,
F. Hanna,Albert H. Ladner,
John Haywood, J. Gudehus,
George Brown, Solomon Levy,
Richard Brown, Edgar B. Whitfield,
B. Harpers, Edgar B. Whitfield,
Wm. B. Bah), Wm. Moore,
Wrn. Ferguson, J. M. Schniepp,
Thomas Mitchell, George Reach,
John P. New, Jacob Boltz,
Franklin Voorhees. James M. Moore, Sr.,
William Deitz, Thomas Cope,
Valentine Fisher, John Johnson,
George Boyer, John Crabtree,
Wm. Glenn, John Kidd,
Rube rt Smith, Jacob Atherholt,
Geo. W. Esher, Huey Tatt,
George 0. Gransback, William McConlin,
Thomas Glenn George Fleming,
John Alexandre, John Mink,
George Mink, John Woods,
Samuel Bowers, John McGee,
John Tate, William McCully,
William White, William Lenart,
Charles Blotter, Jacob Blotter,
Edwin Ginty, G. F. Woemlein,
T. Ilillejast, 1 F. W. Fridetici,
H. Eger, Andrew Waltenberger,
John S. White, Peter Palmer,
C. Rose,William King,
Bennett Cummings, George Fink,
Chas. Webster, John A. MaeFeeters,
Ames Rennerd, Theodore F. Reed,
Liebert S. Moore, R. N. Nicholas,
Samuel M. Berrnet, J. Lochard,
James McCauley, Jacob Fink,
Arthur McCauley, Ge0r,..,-e Fink,
Danl. Balmy, George Jones,
Richard Wanton, George Wyant,
J. Ash, James H. Jones,
Chas. S. Noble, Charles Edward Engel.
Alexander Russell, George H. Baker,
Jose ph Campbell, Richard Wood,
Matthew Michael, Charles Hurdrack,
John Donald, John E. Shaw,
Milo Lord, Henry Agnew,
D. M. Mathieu, Thomas Shier,
Frederick H. Wilson, George E. Barnes,
-John A. Shermer, Charles Whiteman, Sr.,
H. Timken, Charles Whiteman, Jr.,
J. Sargent Dares, Jos. Graul,
Alfred Tucker. R. M. J. Siner,
H. L. Donnell, Wm. Wilgres,
Wm. D. Potts, Philip, Dougherty,
James C. Dounell, Thomas Wilson,
A. Forderer, Jr., George Storm,
W. M. Bunn, Henry Ehreman,
Wm. Wilson, Charles H. Cake,
Isaac Eddie, N. Spearing,
Wlll. SiLICT, ' Charles Eager,
Eugene G. Kuhn, W. Bonet,
Wm. A. Jones,- Joehua Myers,
I. K. Wilson, John Stinson,
Charles Sinew, John Flodges,
G. B. Bunn, . James M. Lee,
John Kurtz, Jr., George P. Little,
S. S. Armstrong, T. Lamplugh,
Lewis Terrence, J D. Hardy,
A. Threbald, J. M. Glashey,
Wm. •J. Bainnie, Mathieu Scanlan,
Robert Devlin, Thomas Neely,
Joseph Forsyth, ' George Filoon,
James Williams, John Barr,
Robt. McConnell, Jacob Harris,
Charles Bonier, . August Miller,
John Caldwell, Wm. W. Wood,
Wm. Ilepdon, Wm. Mintzer,
Isaac Dmity, Joseph Esherick,
John Devlin, Wm. F. Donaldson,
Thomas Anderson, W. H. Welton,
William Penny, Isaac K. Stauffer,
Thomas Little, Joseph Wrigley,
Win. Smith, John Smother,
Thomas Farley, Wm. L. Smith,
John McKilibin, D. H. Sargent,
John Shermer, W.D. Houseman,
Albert Reynolds, Isaiah Bates,
John Tinders, John McGough,
Philip Lush, Charles Been,
Thomas Leach, George Davis,
George Blue, H. H. Young,
Samuel Tieser, David Banks,
Jan Morrow, Isaac Mcßride,
Jacob Dietrich, John G. Butler,
Jesse Evans, James P. Evans,
Stephen McGowan, E. W. Lukens,
Samuel Magill, M. Watson,
John Bell, J. H. Taylor,
Andrew Stevenson, George F. Heppard,
Jos. A. Lybrand, Chas. McShane,
Matthew Murray, . • • Henry Bouvier,
D. M. Mathieu, ar., Francis Phiotz,
Richard D. Walnut; Jacob Brown,
Peter Glasgow, Wm. M. Bouvier,
Thos. Robson, M. D., Jos. H. Dallas,
Jas. L. Wilson, Wm. H. Wood,
Samuel Wallace, i Thomas D. Sparks,
Charles Clayville, Lemuel T. Selby,
M'o'ses Clayville, James G. Steel,
John Rogers, Geo. Diolony,
Jobnßocklus, David B. Graham,
Will am Otter, Joseph H., Bower,
William Brookett, George W. Voigt,
Thomas S. Lyons, Thomas J. Graham,
Alexander H. Gibson, Thomas Graham,
Wm. A. Neff, Jas. A. Ziegler,
Win. Peke, Francis S. Delp,
Lytle J. Hurst, Henry Whiteside,
William H. Tile, A. W. Wright,'_
James Humes, Ellis Ewell,
J. F. Coinell, George Monelly,
James Taylor, John Thellacker,
Patrick Carroll, Henry Vankitinpen,
Samuel Henderson, Samuel Gooawin,
E. Polhill, John Sitter,
Geo. W. Reed, Robert Duncan,
John V. Brown, Jacob Smith,
John Allender, • William Ingrim
M. Beile Uriah F. Rlcha
Samuel S. d Do r,
naldson, Asa P. Allen.
William Lehman, Henry V. Lemitistro,
Stephen Lagrange, William Leidy,
John McCarthy, John M. Rogers,
Charles Graff, Geo. Sherwin,
Edward Graham, F. B. Kenner,
C. K. Becher, Henry B. (Wish,
William Griffith, John W. Dobson,
William H. Gilbert, ' Eatell Evans,
John Demps, y,. D. Boyer Brown,
William H. King, Carlos Mondunee,
William Greenly, J. W. Mon,
Granvllle ,13. Haines, Robert J. Rusherford,
Alex. C. Lehner, Robert H. Smith,
Wm. J. Kelly, William J. Rogers,
M. Fisher, Thomas W. Thayer,
Samuel Kelly, Charles W. Weston,
Michael Fischer, Joseph Moore,
James Garretson, George Hawkins,
Jacob Fisher, William Elliott,
David Cook, William Dickson,
Thomas Gilbert, William Donal son,
William Delaney, . John ,
Wm. King Andrew M. B onder,
G. A. Beidier, Wilfred McDonald,
John Irvin, .1. K. Wilson,
Robert Burns, ' Harry F. Shoemaker,
J. Irvin Sterett, Wm. T. Spearing,
James R. Negley, Henry A. Robinson,
Arch'd Catanach, Ellis Masson,
Major Henry Reese, Chesley Henderson,
Edward Simpson, John Galley,
Charles A. Evans, Isaac T. Bedford,
John Smith, Charles Franks,
S. Felton, Fred, King,
William H. Wood, C. B. Deaterieh,
Chas. Burlingame, F. Boland.
James Doyle, Wm. B. Allen,
Nelson M. Macauley. Clifford P. Allen,
G. J. Naylor,Henry H. Ruth,
Joe. C. Thom as, Eli Lour
Chas. G. Bockenkany, Edward'T. Jackson,
J. A. Moberg, Peter C. Gibbs,
Geo. H. Powell, Jesse S. Jackson,
Joseph Neter, Harry R. Weyant,
Robert Mclntosh, John F. Wegant,
James Ewing, Henry Myers,
John W. Baker, John Dupree,
Jacob Kiples, James Brown,
Thaddeus C. Grange, Wm. Blocker,
Wm. C. H. Pluck, Job R. Gibbs,
G. B. Runyon, John Durable,
A. W. Hoover, Henry Gorham,
S. Wertheimer, Wm. Feairhellor,
Geo. W. Watson, John P. Feairheller,
Thomas I. Jones, Isaac Gibbs,
P. McManus, James Fitton,
J. P. Gallon, N. J. Blackman,
Charles Lees Levi P. Coats,
Thomas C. Parker, Samuel Bolton,
Wm. F. Martin, Abraham Yerkes,
Peter Castor, John Briggs,
Joel P. Colebaugh, George T. Mills,
John Fort, H. Holden,
Aaron Yerkes, Benjamin Shalleross,
Wm. Baldwin, Harry T. Garsed,
George W. Thorp, Joseph Ball,
Robert R. Leviek, Lewis Shalleross,
Peter Ott, Wm. Blakor,
John H. Shallcross, Albert W. Carver,
Charles W. Durr, Allen Chilleott,
Henry Foster, Wm. Koch,
William Rens, George Weaver,
Samuel Stanwood, George Marston,
J. Berton Hayes, Win. Hubbard,
B. Rowland, Wm. Gegenheimer,
A. K. Hoff, Lewis Gegenheimer,
John Cartledge, John B. Dinge,
Ed ward .Hayes, Peter Green,
Enoch Foster, Levis Dingtie,
Jonathan James. Benjamin Hutchinson
Lewis Brenholy, John B. Price,
Hare Blaker, John Collins,
Isaac: E. shalleross, J. Kende Kent,
Edward D. Chipman, Lewis Schoening,
Jacob Lutz, Henry Lubbe,rman,
Jacob Lauber, James Logan,
Wiliam Meyer, A. S. Canglin,
Joseph Lubberman, Thomas Ryen,
Thomas R. Bogen, Samuel Burns,
Martin Ganser, Philip Ganser,
Phillip North, Jacob Green,
Henry Hewitt, Theodore Ashmead,
William Fairman, John W. DMus,
Hurry Evans, A. E. Shearer.
Jacob Milne, B. Myers,
George Busch, Courtland F. Folwell,
William Francisco, John Zinser,
Wm. J. Brown, Mortimer Nippes,
Nathan S. C. Folwell, Walter Ashman,
. F. H. Taylor, Wm. E. Tolan,
M. L. Kurts,
• Samuel F. Wood,
Richard W. Dilley, Benjamin Smith,
Harry Seidle, J. G. Rieche,
William Shuman, Edward Faron,
Wm. H. Connelly, E. J. Spangler,
James Connelly, Wm. M. Reex.
John Diliman, Daniel T. Custer,
William Ruoff, Isaac P. Taylor,
Edwin li. Webb, Win. M. Crawford,
Win. H. Webb, Jos. B. Newman,
John Fernley, Hu g h Alexander,
Geo. W. Statzell, Jr., Geo. W. Statzell, Sr.,
John Hill, John Bowen,
Samuel M. Glasby, W. P. Harris.
Chas. P. Danzenbaker, Nelson Swallow,
• George Male, Wm. G. Rightley,
John Diddleback, Samuel Sennix, Jr.,
John T. Johnson, John Sennox,
Ludlam Matthews, Chas. E. Starrett,
Thus. Robinson, J. S. Hickman,
George W. Atkins, The. Armstrong,
Caldwell C. Jenkins, Mick. Hartman,
Chas. Ellis, Joseph Eckley,
Wm. Male, Christian Stafford,
John Decker. Jr , Godfrey Haines,
L. Diddelback, Wm. Haines,
E. W. Male, Jacob Albright,
Thomas Elliott, Chas. Town,
Peter P. Baker, Jeremiah Robinson,
James Berry, George Jones,
John A. Whan, William Phillips,
Jos. W. Wilson, John Goyant, Jr.,
Ed. C. Buekmaster, Geo. K. Wise,
Wm. Brumell, Walter T. Billington,
John E. Reinhart, ' William Morris,
Edward. Gilman, Win. S. Donnell,
Daniel McClain, J. Richard Myers,
Samuel Lennox, Sr., William Rich,
James R. llitzeiberger, Chas. J. Smith,
William Eekley, T. G. Garvey,
John W. Male, Vim. Johnson Smith,
John Ryan, Jas. D. Orne,
Peter Rutter, C. Winzeny
Samuel P. Smith, George Gay,
Atwood Smith, Ellwood E. Hopkins,
James Smith, Chas. P. Phariton,
Chas. Spangler, Peter Mcßride,
Samuel Taylor, Charles McNeal,
Laurence McDonald, Thos. B. McNeal,
George Mitchell, Win. L. Bickham,
Arthur Henry, Chas. P. Huffman,
George Hansen, George W. Hoover,
Thomas Flemming, James Jeffries,
James Devine, J. B. Shannon,
William Dobson, John Nugent,
John Donahue, Henry Parker, O
H. Culbertson, Edward J. dwens,
John W. Bodine, John Welsh,
Chas, J. Spielberger, E. R. Beldier,
Wm. R. Elliott, 0. W. A-,
Wm. McLoughlin, R. W. Park,
Robert Nuttail, Wm. Fryer,
Alfred Walton, Robert Noble, Jr.,
James Whitaker, G. A. Schmitz,
Geo. W. MePherran, R. Sehrrarz,
F. Jacoby, Jr., H. Permoek,
Theo. H. Bucher, - F. E. Dickinson,
Chas. F. Street, Thos. G. Brown,
W. A. Withernp, Edward Conley,
B. J. Woodward, • Chas. J. Eagle
F. Knox Morton, M. D. Abram Weckerly,
H. C. Paist, M. D., RaPhares.
Jno. H. Portman, Joe. H. Edwards,
F. S. Helverson, A. H. Dunlap,
I. Detwiler, Jas. Travis,
E. M. Johnson, Jr., Edward M. Johnson,
R. S. Young, A. H. Hallowell,
Wm. Senderling, C. S. Harrington,
Jacob Trlpler, Jno. Thomas,
J. E. Taylor, Benj. W. Bedford,
Chas. H. Roberts, Edward Johnson Jr.,
Chas. Scattergood, Wilson W. McN amee,
Isaac Fox, Eli Edwards,
Geo. D. Roberts, Henry C. Irwin
Samuel Matthews, John Z. Petze, Jr.,
Chas. Sees, John Waltnsley,
W. C. Heneer, , t, Theodere State.
Jl3O. R. Parker, W. W. Shepherd,
Geo. F. Uler, Wm. S. Toland,
ft. G. Nutt, John G. Wolf,
Jno. Elwell, Robert Beckenbach,
Wm. Morton, John Beckenbach,
EdmuudGreenwood. John D. Cook,
Isaac Hicks, Aug. M. Thommasson,
Benj. Talley, A. Langebartle,
W. H. Saybolt. Vincent P. MeCalley,
Benj. I. Stuckert, Win. et. Watts,
Jo.hrta E. Taylor, T. W. Garner,
.1. Perry Robinson, Samuel 8. MUM,
John Paul Smith, George Griffith,
Peter ( C.Gibbs, Jr, Thomas A. Meyer,
R. J. Caldwell, AndreWS. Flick,
Joe. Rank, George Heitz,
G. W. Jackson, William Houck,
Amos. G. Hellman, George W. Beak,
John W. Plieger, • Franklin Macauley,
William Andress, -George E. Hart,
Wm. B. Connell, George Barger,
J. W. Richards, Abraham Leibriek,
John A. Franks, Jr., Geo. Corson,
John Wolff, William E. Corson,
Ed. Wolff, Gordon J. O'Neill, ?"
John T. Murray, • 0. H. Summers, a
William R. King, Albert Cuthbert,
Wm. K. Coniston, James Beal,
Joseph Burch, Simon Lacount,
J. H. Wiltberger, Godfre
V y lutmon,
John B. Powell, L. G. o S lk,
Lewis Tonrny, S. L. Simonds,
Charles W. Ridgway, Charles Reiner.
Crawford Miller, Michael McVey,
P. McManus, S. IL Smithora,
C. B. Smith, . II H. Dieabold,
Joseph H. Field, Harry Malone,
John A. Franks, J. W Ashton,
John G. Finn, J. a:Winter,
Samuel Fisher, . W. Rogers.
Frederick Wolff, Chas. Bennett,
Wm. A. Hagy, White,
Thomas Mahlon, Win. Taylor,
John K. Green, Sr., Samuel F. Shur,
Charles T. Amok), Wm. A. Haag,. Jr.,
John K. Green, Jr., J. S. Webster,
Joseph Leverle, Chas. Webster,
Charles Oeischlager, H. Kennedy, Sr.,
Zechariah Wolff, Louis Noot,
Charles Millard, Philip Noel,
George A. Kers, J. R. Shelmire,
W. W. Rex, J. IL Jeffries,
Wm. Fox, Jr., John L. Conner,
George N. Shepherd, Rob er
tbt W. Newton,
Johniller, .
Andrew J. Eisen, Joseph R. Keller,
Henry Sutherland, John lklanderson,
William May, J. J. GuieSpor,
WM. P. Cumming, Chas. Pipet, •
Henry Naylor, Bcnj. Malette, •
Chas. Redheffer, Jona. Holism,
Wm. Palmer, Geo. Avery,
Win. Allmindinger, Geo. Hawkes,
B. Dare, Jr., C. T. Foss,
B. W. Walter, Sami. MeEste,
John 11. Hubbs, Maurice B. Murphy,
Robt. C. Folwell, Thomas M. Locke,
Henry H. Kirk, Frank Evans,
H. G. Nolen, 'Thema C. Jones,
Alex. R. Thompson, D. F. Emerey,
Albert Singer, Moses H. Emerey.
John B. Groves, • Win. 8. H. Barnes,
John Smith, Thos. P. Watson,
Michael Jolly, Thos. C. Wood,
John Buchanan, Sr., Samuel Harris,
Jos. R. Loud, Crawford Miller,
Barclay R. Leeds, H.Kennedy, Jr.,
Mark Remsbottom, W. Watts,
John Buchanan, Jr., Jos. J. Beekman,
Peter Rice, (Justus F. Potts,
Samuel Maxwell, Thomas Leach,
Paul J: Bechtel, Edward L. Leland,
Alexander Crooks, Alf. B. Huston,
Thomas Foster, Henry Smith,
John Shirley, Geo. W. Taylor.
John Bechtel, Charles Alexander,
Wm. Crawford, Alfred Hutchinson,
Wm. Crooks, H. W. Avis,
Frederick Stiles, H. C. Morrow,
James Crawford, E. H. Walters,
, William Thompson, A. A. Deer,
1 John W. Shonk. Wm. MeGlue.
George Cliff, '- John H. Shaw,
William Stephenson, Thos. Wood.
Robert Magill, John P. 1). Keene,
Steven Byrne, Joseph Hughes,
Samuel Livingston, A. J. Patterson,
A. H. Shoemaker, Sara C. Sayre,
W. 0. Hillman, Thos. B. Shim.
James White, Frederick Smith,
Edwin C. Johnson, Jas. Smith,
E. W. Fontein, David Wolf,
Jas. Lucas, 'John W. Walker,
Lieut. Danl. Craig, Jacob Smith,
Jas. Craig, John G. Clothier,
Anthony Craig, Jamnel Dlaston,
Robert Craig, Jas. F. Stileman,
W. P. Craig, R. B. Duncan,
Enoch Walton, Daniel Young,
Daniel Morrie, Geo. Satchel,
John Jackson, Jas. Lawrence,
Albert Arick, lease Barr,
Chas. F. Wagner, Edmund Hopper,
W. D. Stockton, M. A. DeGroote.
Wm. Mogg, V. Hirst,
John J. Donohugh, John Boyd,
Lieut. Chas. Raisner, Francis Farly,
Peter Wilson, Andrew Crawford,
Geo. W. Vanaken, Hugh Boyd,
Jas. Kenworthy, Samuel J. McCandless,
Joseph Rose, John Glendenning,
Chas. Borth, Win. W. Watt,
Wm. Rose, Wm. White Smith,
Chas. Hell, J. Irenens Myers,
Matthew W. Sayre, Wm. Robinson,
John P. Sayre, Wm. F. Hill,
John De Forrest, Jr., ' Samuel T. Hambly,
John Palmer, Win. G. Hambly,
W. Mullen, James R. Webb,
P. S. Byrne, James Logan,
C. W. Hepburn, 31. D. 8. C. W. Pancoast,
Harry C. Ewing, George Mitchell,
John 13houlstcn, Win. Mitchell,
William Palmer, Thomas Lynch;
Benjamin Jamison, Joseph Martin,
William Mower, H. Orne,
Thomas Collins, A. B. Chapin, ,
James McGee, ' John Davidson,
James Cooper, William Clark,
John Lyons, John Montgomery.
John Morrison, William Warner,
James O'Neil, James Maclutyre,
William Maull, Henry T. Foster,
James Mathews, Samuel A. Goodall,
George Bllnkhorn, Oliver Fuller, -
Lewis Frederick, Isaac A. Sheppard,
Robert Cunningham, Jonathan Baltison,
James Cochran, ' Francis O'Neill,
Win. Booth, . James Craft,
B. F. Ferguson, Albert B. Voorhees,
Eugene Herbert, William Stevenson,
A. Richards, Peter Schrank.
E. I'. Knipe, Christian Hagnerty,
John Tub, John Scott,
C. Monroe Parker, Philip Smith,
Robert J. Black, • J. Matthew Dallas,
Samuel Cliff, A. A. Young,
D. B. Skerrett, M.D., George Delaney,
Eph. H. Shaw, John Henderson,
Thomas Shaw Rob't Patterson,
James McKen icy, George \Valorem',
Sam'l R. Henderson, John Kilpatrick,
Nicholas Boggs, George Clark,
Robt Harris, Martin Morrel,
Chas. 11. Sears, Sam'l McClellan,
Jos. A. Sears, Jas. Mitchell,
Percival M. roils, Rohl Brown,
John Bulb% CL,az. Stewart,
John E. Grove, Felix Donnelly,
Thos. Henderson, Andrew Berens,
E. Willey, Joseph Campbell,
John W. Leigh, Geo. IA. Williams,
Gilbert R. Jordan, Robert Mitchell,
William Adams, Rob't G. Donaldson,
Chas. T. Begley, Allen Torrey, Jr.,
Joseph Riley, John R. Caldwell,
Samuel Philips, John Hagan,
William Devinny, James Campbell,
Stephen M. Wagoner, Thomas Hebrew,
Datil B. Cobb, Joseph Hubert,
William Blearier, John Wisner,
M. Moses ,
Sam'l F. Houseman,
Edward Kendall, William B. Hutchinson,
Joseph Donnelly, Sam'l Marshall,
Augustus 'Ramage, Joseph Tallman,
James Robinson, D. Ramage,
Francis A.'Smith, J. C. Dyre,
S. H. Goldsmith, Lewis L. Smith,
W. Jiirland, Hiram Campbell,
C. Pride, A. H Shelter,
James Freeman, B. Simmons,
A. Saylor, W. L. Patterson,
Richard Roberts, Lewis 8. Paulo, -
John MacDonald, Thos. A. Bailey,
John B. Goned, • J. H. Hunt„
H. R. Coates, Ozeas H. Ramburger,
Jas. Watson, John Ramsey,
Frank Bn3 der, Israel Hackney,
Christian:Klemm, 8.
Avert!, .
M. P. Hamburg; Isaac Hamberg,
Harvey Ott, ' • Jas. G. Wells,
W. A. Hughes, S. M. Sheer,
John T. Evans, Charles Miller,
Geo. Wood. Washington Lowry,
William Goff, • Jas. W. Weyson,
Ed. C. Rempsey, Jas. Gilmore.
/3eptimes Ambler, .'' J. K. Bentz,
W. A. Walferberg, Joint J. Cowam,
8. S. Ritter, Jas. W. Blaylock,
J. Showerts, Min. J. Drool%
John Reilly, Robert Walker,
Wm. T. Jones, John It. Coes,
Philip Repseher, John Brown,
And 4800 others.
Gentlemen :---I thank you for the eipreesione of
confidence contained in your communication,
and in reply inereto,,l inform you that my name
will be presented to the Itnion Republican Con
vendor) for the nomination of District Attorney.
As this will be done by my desire and Consent,
I do not hesitate to say that I am a candidate .
, for said office.
It seems to me thttt the present is a proper
opportunity of stating some facts to the public,
about which considerable clamor has been raised,
and concerning which there has been great tar
understanding. Let me allude to them briefly.
The grossest exaggeration as to the sums re
ceive,d for my services has been paraded before
the community, in order to inflame the public
mind against me. A writer for a public news
paper thus states the account:
From the city yearly $16,000
For misdemeanors 16,000
For tavern licenses - 7,000
For services in Foreign Insurance.... 12,000
Now what are the facts, which that writer could
have ascertained from the records.
From the city
DELPHIA, May 9, 1868.
This le to certify that William B. Mann, DLs
triet-Attorncy, received the sum of fourteen
thou sand five hundred dollars ($14,600) from the
city for services during 1867.
For Misdemeanors
The Sheriff collects the money for, misde
ineanors, and the following is Hs certificate:,
rItILADELPIIIA, May 9, 1868.—The moneys
received by me far =demeanors will not exceed
the sum of two thousand dollen . ; per Year,and all
this sum is paid by me, by Mr. Mann's order, for
ebaritles. The receipts for the last four months
are less than the _payments made, and leave the
Distriet-Attonsey in my debt.
Tavern License:,
The number of tavern licenses granted, as will
appear by the books of the City Treasurer, will
note xceed thirty-els hundred.
Foreign Insurance Companies.
Now what are the fillets lu regard to foreign In
surance Companies? Iu 1857 the act was pained
subjecting these agencies to the supervision of
the District-Attorney of each county, who ap
proved their securities, examined their books,
the extent of their business, and the agents thetn
selves upon oath, and made annual reports to the
Auditor-General. The compensation fixed by
law for these services was one-tenth of the tax
required to be paid by said agencies on the pre
mium, which was three per cent. on the same.
This sum, Insignificant at first, rose rapidly
from year to year, until it reached one thousand,
then two thousand, then four. next eight thou
sand, then twelve thousand. Becoming a large
sum, it naturally attracted attention, and by legis
lation this compensation is reduced so as not to
exceed half that sum. It will be observed that this
compensation really came from Foreign compa
nies. It reqpired the employment of an addi
tional assistant, who performed part of the
duties, and I may add that I know of no case
where a citizen, doing business with these Agen
cies, has ever lost a dollar since the law was
passed placing them under the supervision of
the District-Attorneys. Now I am at a loss to
perceive where, in all this, there was any moral
turpitude. I presume Senator Lowry could not
see it—for he bad the bill reducing the compen
sation recalled from the House to amend- it, so
that his friend, the Attorney-General, should
perform the services, and take the compensation.
The Attorney-GederaLin his communication to
Senator Lowry, says that he tried to get the boi
-1 nests and the compensation, because he had been
under the -impression that it had once belonged
to his office.
The Attorney-General did try. He • failed.
After which he declared it was wrong
that this money should go to swell •
the enormous receipts of the District At
torney—and proposed and urged that the ,same
business should be performed by additional clerks
to the Auditor-General, 'and the State thus save
the money.
It Is not generally known that the District-At
torney is compelled to pay his assistants. The
city. it is true, paid last year $14,580. But this
money went to pay for the services of four other
persons beside myself—all of us almost continu
ally engaged in attending to the public business. In
all other departments there le provision made by
law for the payment of salaries to clerks and as
sistants. The truth is, after paying all the ex
pensea, taxation and exactions, incident to the
office, the incumbent knows the difference be
tween actual facts and the estimates of news
paper writers.
It may be considered unbecoming in a com
munication of this character to allude to such
matters, but they have been talked about,written
about and published to such an extent that I
conceive it due to myself to state these facts.
It has also been alleged against me that I have
failed to prosecute persons charged with election
frauds, yet the records show that I have
tried seventy cases of this character
and have given to the prosecution of such cases
the vigor of my youth and the best years of my
manhood. It will be difficult to find on the rec
ords of the Courts, since Philadelphia was a city,
a case of this kind tried, that I did not prose
Any prosecutor has the right,by law,to employ
counsel to conduct his case—and if the District.
Attorney delays, or, if the prosecutor'a counsel
differs with the District Attorney in regard to the
management of the case, tbe prosecutor's coun
sel then has the entire and exclusive control of
the case, and le, by law, the District Attorney for
said 'case, and is alone responsible for it and its
proper prosecution.
No case for gambling has occurred for four
years that was not thus in the hands of private
counsel,who are alone responsible for these cases.
I allude to this because lam often asked: "Why
don't you prosecute gamblers and such and such
cases ?"
It is an easymatter to damage the character of
a public officer by vague rumors and indefinite
charges. I invite public investigation into any
ono act of my official life in any one case.
Let those that censure name the case and give
me the opportunity to be heard, and I
fear not the result, as long as truth has power or
men have a love of justice.
I might dwell longer on this subject, but I feel
it to be needless. My past life is knowri to those
who haVe shared my friendship; and by long ac
quaintance know me as I am. I am willing to
leave my fate to them, and such of my fellow
citizens who do not craidenin withoutknowledge.
Very respectfully, W 6%. B. MANN.
Josnrn B. Lynottr.r.,
City Controller.
F . F. WALT,
Deputy &writ!: