Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 06, 1868, Image 5
CITY rsVLA,BIrIN. R0111:Y.S) BY A CAB AcQV.AINTANCIL—James J Tvlot, a resident or Montgomery, county,eante LO thp city from Pittsburgh on Monday ast 'Wh'ett‘the train' reached Lewistown he Made the acquaintance of a passenger who said that he had traveladfrOm St. Louis. Qn the„xont4 the ; tow became quite familiar. Mr. Taylor was treated at different stations, and whist the train stopped for supper Mr. Taylor's new made friend:l%ood not allow him to pay for the meals which they ate. After arriving In this city the two men pat up at the Washington Hotel, In West Philadel phia, and went to bed In the same, roam. Yester day morning when Mr. Taylor awoke his room mate, h add isappeared. He made inquiries, but nobody seemed to know anything about his de parture. Mr. Taylor then discovered that he was minus about $5 90 which he had with him on the revious night. THE COMING ROWING, MATCH'. -The rowing match between .Hamill and Coulter is to come off on the 18th of next month on, the Schuylkill. Both men have gone into active training in Pitts burgh, and each will try his beat to get to the "scratch" in the finest possible condition. Hamill, since be-went into training, some two weeks no, has got rid of thirty ponnds of superfluous flesh, so that be now weighs but quo hundred and sixty-eight pounds, or a trifle over his ordinary rowing weight . The exercise Hamill takes is something extraordinary. A day or two ago he pulled eight miles, at s slashing pace, on the river, and then took an eight-mile walk over the bills. Coulter is also doing well—taking strong; -vigorous exercise. The race will no doubt be an exciting one. Btrarnns. , , , —A German named John Still , man, residing at. Forty-first street an d ; Lancaster _avenue, was arrneted yesterday aid taken before Alderman Maullwpon the chanre of haVing beaten his wife. He was committed for trial. Alderman Carpenter had before him Frederick Cass, residing at Ninth and Brown, streets, upon the charge of assault and hattery?on his' wife. 'no accused: was . held in 0400 be% William A. Firth WAS before Alderman Massey .on a similar charge. Be was held in 0600 ball to answer at court. REA% EfEnnicx joussoN, D. D., the talented g,entleman called to the pastorate of the Church on Washington Square (do long the scene of the Rev. Albert Barnes's labors, whose failing health made it necessary to • retire from active pastoral work), will come to Philadelhia, and commence his duties next Sabbath mo r nin g. This is now definitely fixed, and we,doubt not that it will be a cause of great satisfaction and pleasure to many of our citizens, especially those living in the eastern section of the city , to know that Rev. Dr. Johnson will so soon enter his now field. SHOOTING INSECTIVEROVS STRI 4 )B.-Wm. Holt was arrestill yesterday, at Forty-first and Lud low streets, upon the charge of Shooting insec tiverous birds, contrary. to act of Assembly. He was taken before Ald. Manll, and was find five dollars. JUVENILE THlEF.—Frank Gysi, aged 14 years. was arrested yesterday on Second 'streetl bolow Coates, upon the charge of the larceny of some mantel ornaments. He was committed by Alder man To;and. Aic'Own Fifth District Police desire an owner for a cow, :which was found astray in thb dries yesterday. Fouun DuoNvzimp.—Thot , body of a man was found in the Delaware, at COowhill street wharf, this morning. IN GREAT BEIM= gentlemen wir(Oonfer pub lic benefits, are often elevated into the titled ranks. A }louse that could clothe a battalion of citizene, from millionaire to laboring, man, at a few mo mente notice, would at once be styled "Clothiers to the Royal family." To the Philadelphia pub lic the great clothiers are Wanamaker &Brown, corner of Sixth and Market streets. The magni tude of Wanamaker & Brown's trade is such that all'competition Is distanced, whether In custom work or ready-made. NORTHERN DunnoTmuy.—A meeting will be held on , Tbursday evening nest at the hall of the Northern Dispensary, No. 603 Spring Garden street. The object is to increase the facilities and usefulness of the Dispensary. It Is proposed to introduce free baths and ether sanitary Measures for the prevention of disease. This institution is one of the most deserving in the city, and it is to be hoped that the managers will be successful in their new undertakang. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES.—To - morrow evening at 8 o'clock the Spruce Street Baptist Mission will •celebrate its tenth anniversary at the Spruce Street Church, Spruce, below Fifth street. The programme is an excellent one, and the exercise's will doubtless be very attractive. • NEW JERSEY MATTER% ELECTION.—The annual election for officers o the borough of Riverside, New Jersey, which was recently incorporated by the Legislature of New Jersey, was bold yesterday', and resulted as follows : For Justice of the Peace—Molledore Speigle. For Counclimeii—Edward A. Heintz Oscar Teitze, Henry Garbe, Jacob Wolfschmldt E. C. Elliott. For School Directors—Edward A Heintz, one year; George Plan, two years; Ru dolph Stoecker, three years. For Assessor— August Schell. For Collector and Treasurer— Wiencealas Pelletier. For Constable—Philip Espenshits. For Judge of Election—S. A. Bar thoulot. For Inspectors of Election—Charles Miller, Frederick Leak. SUPPOSED INFANTICIDE.—On Monday, a man and his wife, named Steelman, residing near Somers's Point, Atlantic county, were arrested, and committed to the jail at May's Landing, on the charge of infanticide. On the examination before a Justice of the Peace, it appeared that the child had mysteriously disappeared, and as no satisfaction was obtained in regard to it, the parents were locked up. The Courts will not commence in that county until the Bth of Sap- Umber next. MACS MEETING.—The Union League of Adan a&tic City have exercised a very important influ ence in shaping the politics of Atlantic City, and it is in a very flourishing condition. On Monday evening next the Republicans, under its auspices, will hold a mass meeting in the Mansion House Hall, for the purpose of discussing the issues of the day, and to commence the political campaign. They extend a special invitation to the Demo crats to attend, in order that they may hear some truths which that party generally overlook. Rouarco STOCK.—The Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company will, by the opening of the bathing season, have two additional losomotives, and eight very elegant new cars to place upon their road. It is anticipated that the season will • be a good and profitable one, as extensive pre. paradox's are making to accommodate those who desire to visit the seaside. It is proposed, also, to run the express train down to Atlantic City In one hour and a half, instead of two, as heretofore. This would be another great accommodation. CAMDEN Counrs.—The May term of the Cam den County Courts commenced yesterday. These courts have been so crowded with business for the past few years that it has been found neces sary to summon two sets of traverse jurors, one class to serve until the 19th, and the second class front that time until the close of the term. CITY*NOTIOES. Broom= is in'the field, al the head of the eptin,,„f , fashions. Specimens of his creative genius, in the ebspe of the most rechlrche boots and shoes ever worn by American gentlemen, may be seen and se cured at moderate prices, 83 South Sixth street abnve ebeetout. "A DISTINCTION W/TIIOIIT A LIIVERIZENCE. r, • Baglisb paper has discovered the line which divides a dlaU. nation from a difference: "A little difference fre quently makes many enemies:" while ' "a little clis- UallOn attracts hosts of friends to theperson on wlarnattis conferred." The cheapest way to possess an enviable distinction among Olen is always to dress in clothing of the cut and flash of that sold at Stokes Eko.'s, tinder the Continental. Juni(loss mothers and nurses use for children -a rare slid pleasant medicine in Down's IN elacr Con.. OAg73'aRD Xt . / SONR e now really all the talent Styles of Sprlng Hats and Crps. • Stores, 889 end RIO Chestnut street. FINK BOOTS AND GAITERS AT Low Prudes. Gentlemen who commit comfort, eoorimay, • eleTanee and good taste should call on Chas. !Nebel, the AC4OM pI !shed cotdwalner. MI North Eighth atreot,above buttonwood. Be has au immense stock of Boots and Shoes of all the prevallingetyles, at wort' low, prices: Youths' Boots and Gaiters on hand and made to order. FASIIIONAME BONNETS, MATS AND MILLINERY Goons.—Ache ladies of our city seem to be irresistibly tracted to the popular establisitinent of fileiSra. Wood & Cary, No. 725 Chestnut street. They have evidently won the affections of the fair bY, their su perb display of Fancyßonnets, Ladies', Hisses' and Children's Hats,' and cut materials of every description, of which they have the largest stock in the city, at, ,the lowest prices For elegant and fashionable article* in this department Wood .& Cary's store is unquestiona bly the headquarters. • CHAS. OATEFORD & BONS Have now ready all the latest' Spring Styles of Hats and Caps. Stores, 834 and 836 Chestnut street Hams ! Hams ! HAMS! ! ! Choice Maryland Hams, Very fine Virginia Hams, Davis "Star" Cincinnati Hams Newbold's Celebrated Jersey ' Hams. For sale by Mitch Chestnutcher, 1204 street. COUNTRY HAMS CottNnty HADIB ! ! Averaging only about eight pounds in weight. - Very desirable. For sale by Mitchell & Fletcher, 1204 Chestnut street. GF.NUINE French Confections, Hot•houseFrnits, fresh Jordan Roasted Almonds and other delicacies, at A. L, VANSANT'B, corner of 'Ninth and Chestnut streets. atinexam. inarauxerrrs and druggist/I'nm. &owns). n th 4-21aorana, 24 So Eighth street. BrEctAtat.—. All those gents desiring elegant: fitting pantaloons will find them at O. 0. Dittrlch & Co., Continental Hotel, Ninth street, as this branch of Tailoring Is made a specialty, and really warrants an invitaticni. Always sane stock of goods on hand. Bovasn's EIZNNA FIGS, ' FOR CONSTIPATION.... • • cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. GRovim & Smuts's Sighe' Premium Machines , 780 Chestnut street.. fiinviawroAimumrs. Florencelkswiqg Machias. Plorencel3ewing Machina. Office-JIM Chestnut street. Philadelphia. TIIE LUNGS ARE STRAIN/al AND SACKIED by persistent Cough, the general strength wasted, and an incurable complaint often established thereby. Jayne's Expectorant is an effective 'remedy tot Coughs and Colds, and exerts a beneficial effect on the Pulmonary and Bronchial Organs. Sold everywhere. CHAS. OAKFORD & SONS • .. , Have now ready all the latest Styles of Spring Hats and Caps. , Stores, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. DRAFWESH, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eyo and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. • Testimonials from the most • re liable sources in the city can be seen at his oftice, No. Sob Arch street. The medical faculty are. 'Wiled to accompany their patients as he has no Secrets'i n n his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No chargemade rr••• .3raminallon. ICE AND CO/L.L. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE.. ICE. ICE. ICE SUPPLIED DAILY TO MELARRGE OR SMALL CON in any part of the paved limits of the Consolidated City— WEST PHILADELPHIA, MANTUA, TIOGA • Ricumhrro. BIUDESBURG, and GERMANTOWN. Families. Oflices,etc., _can rely on being_furnished with a ri RE ARTICLE, SERVED PROMPTLY. and attire 'sweat market rates. COAL. COAL,'.; COAL. COAL. COAL. 0 • BEST QUALITY OF.: LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, at prices sallow as the lowest. for a first-rate article. BLACKSMITHS` COAL, HICKORY, OAK. AND PINE WOOD AHD KINDLING WOO SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ICE OR COAL TO Cold Spring Ice and Coal Company. THOS. E. CAHILL. RY Pres T%HOMAS, JNO. GOODYEARSuper% . Sec's. HEN OFFICE, No. 435 Walnut Street. BRANCH DEPOTS. TWELFTH AND WILLOW STREETS. TWELFTH STREET AND WASHINGTON AVENUE. TWENTY-FIFTH AND LOMBARD STREETS. NOH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND MASTER STREET. • • PINE STREET WHARF, SCHUYLKILL. m w KNICKERBOCKER ICE I E • COMPANY . Furnish ICE OF VIE BEST QUALITY at the LOWEST RATES tkroughont the city, West Philadelphia, Mantua. Port Richmond and Tioga, to Families, Stores, Hotels, Confectioners, dtc., in large or smaliqUantities. A deduction of one-seventh to stores and offices taking but six times per week. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. 118 and 120 as ß h r ioagdt street, con OFFICES, W n W han t d . W harf n D o l n w v r n ay.l DEPOTS. E. P. KERSHOWO A. HUNT, N.ERSHOW & HUNT. D. W. BUNT. ap2s dffitm&Elt a to thil BEDDING. FEA.THERIS, &C. 44 North Tenth Street Bedding and Feather Warehouee. Feathers of all qualltiee. Feather Beds, Bolster" and Mon% Bprhng and Hair Matressee. Huak and Straw Matresses. Iron Bedsteads of all sizes. Tucker's celebrated Spring Bede. Howe's celebrated Spring Cots. Honycomb Quilts. Lancaster Quilts Alha e mbra Quilts , Imperial Quilts. Germantown Quilts, Allendale Quilts. 1 103""With as handsome and complete variety No. 4i of Marseilles Counterpane as can be found in North the city, of white, pinkand orange colors. TENTI: Irriind we keep and Counterpane Blaads as cheap Street, as anybody. Window Shades in great variety below of pattern at the lowest market prices. J Arch. AMOS HILLBORN, No. 44 N. Tenth Street, below Arch, f m 23nrn TO RENT. TO LET. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Entire tipper part, Basement and Bub. Cellar. Apply a 430 Chestriut Street. ap22 tfrpp etk TO RENT—BY' THE YEAR. A convenient and ec mfortable residence. at the ALI northwest corner o RMANTOWN f Linden and Green streets, , having a parlor,dinireproem and kitchen on the first floor, and six chambers. Attached thereto le a good lot with handsome shade. trees. Inquire . at the adjoining house, or at the Mine 11111 Railroad Office. in the Ilan of the Franklin Institute, No. lb South Seventh street. niy6 W.&NTIS. fiWANTE • TO RENT BY JUNE IST, A HOUSE with all modern conveniences, by a small family. No children. Located in the western part of the city.Adress J. B. C Box 2695, P. 0. BOARDING• BOARDING.—FIRST-CLASS DOARDING AT NO 1108 Walnut street. tweetna Uumrsil FAR CAPERS, den—OLISTVAS FAROIES (filuneo Olives), unwell and Superfine Oarless and French °Lives: free goods; landing na Napoleon 111. tem; Havre, end for sale byJOS. Bun= & Co. 108 South Delaware Avenue. THE DAILYEVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNBSDAY, MAY 6,-1868; OAUPE*III4IOB AND :11.1itettila• IJARlifi; OIL IMPORTA.IIOIft 1809. All the Latest and Best Styles' ftEDUCIED PRICES. TOWNISE .48r. C0., No 59 N. Second St., below koh. &Al 6 .CARPETS, OJI MATTINGS, 60., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. d ace patiretr:t w r it e gi s ir.li P o r Nzvolter LEEDOM & SAAW, 910 Arch Street, f6o43mrp t , Between Ninth and teak atreerti, - NHAW cAiropurws.. JAMES IL ORNE, SON CO., 606 Chegtnnt -Street, Elite opened New Carpets, Oil Cloth. Draggete, Canton and Cocoa Matting, Bugs, dic. Wiltons, Brussels, Velvets, Extra Tapestries. The above aro our own Patterns. English Ingrains, Three Plys, Oil Cloths, rru g gepi, English Venetir, Cocoa Notting, Straw Matting, OF 011 it OWN EMPORTATION TOllll SPRING, Bowe very.superior, all of whichwe offer at lowest Prima JAMES 11. ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut, below Seventh. ap9 2mrpl • CANTON MATTING. Our Own Importation TM Spring. SOME VERY SUPERIOR 8-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 WHITE AND RED CHECK STRAW MATTINGS. JAMES H. ORNE, SON & CO., 626 Chestnut 84 below Seventh: ap9oAnnh 1868. CARPETING& 1868 GLEN EOHO MILLS, Germantown, Philadelphia, McCALLUM, =ASE & SLOAN' Reepectfully invite the attention of THE TRADE to their largeatock of CARPETINGS, Of their own and other Manufactures. No. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. 1868. REMOVAL 1868. OF OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT From 51,9 Chestnut Street, TO NO. 609 CHESTNUT STREET. Where we are now opening AN IMMENSE NEW STOCK OF FOREIGN . CARPETINGOi Embracing all the Latest and choicest styles of PARIIN,BRILE:VIESIArAravaI. BRUSSELS, TA' MASK, AND PALATINE VENETIANALSO. B RU SSELS: LIM OIL CLOTHO , together will a full line of DOMESTIC CARPETINGS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS and ' TIANS, for PAILS and STAIRS, with extra borders. - - MOO ALUM, CREASE & SLOAN' s m Bmrpi 1 No. 44 North TENTH • Street. lArch.. TENT.' Street, below 1 Arch, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CANTON MATTINGS, 4‘0,, Jed received per late steamer. E. H.GODSHALK & 00. 723 Chestnut Street. s. IL GODIIIIAIX. Tara Z. Alcaccm=lll: Janda= J. BTEWART DEPUY, 253 8. Second Street, above Spruce, In now stilling CARPETIi, OIL CLOVIS, MATTiNG% /NDOW ISHADEis, du)" &C.. at very reduced prime, rust 6tr .• QTEADISHIP ROMAN FROM 808 i'ON 1.3 aignees of Merchandise per above steamer wilt 'Ocala send for their gooda noW landing at Pine street Whaff, my69t ' HENRY MOOR & Ofd. SsQUA)", SWEET CORN-95 BARRELS JUST RE celvA and for rale by JOSEPH B. BUSSIBB &00 tee Boum Delaware alrellUe. ST. LOUiti li:PdisßOitt'Cdt•TPANVEl Virst Num-tit - age Seven Per Ott 25-Year Bonds. Infant CunPOto due lot February *Oti k Auguit,loable to the City of New Torii. The tide of the St. Louis and iron Mountain Raikoad having been confirmed by Act of the General AasemblY of the State of fdfascuri, and the Bonds declared valid. the work of extending r o a d s' am Col u mbus. nnection with "his Southern systein of , at fa notvioing rapidly sOrstard. Ninety-one miles being In profitable OPt talon, SOrty.llVo roiles of DOW wo graded. with rails enough on hand for forty•soven mil C . it is marred that the whole line, from Bt. Lords to Belmont, One , handl and ninety.three mike, will be opened for busineas oar next year, so that them will be a contlnuouti lino from d Cottle to Mobile,' hew Orleans and other litsnithern cities. A very largo traffic ia anticipated. The old part of tho. road (ninety.cme Milos) already earns enough to secure all the interest on the whole wort. gage debt, and the extension completed will 'rangy in. crease the earnings. The proceeds of these Bonds going into the extension of the road adde to the security, and a projected branch. aouthweatwardly front Pilot knob, for which - it cash eubsidy of $15,000 per mile is granted by the State, as a free gut to the Company, will add very much to the value of theirproperty. - THOMAS ALLEN. President, Bt. Louie, Mo. IL MARQU 4.ND, Vice President, New York. We, the undersigned, cordially recommend these Seven per cent Mortgage Bonds of the Eit. Louis and Iron Mous. coin Railroad as a good security. The revenue of the road will bo largt, and hie administration of the affairs of the Company is in caps le and experienced bands, and Is on. titled to the ideates confidence of the public. JAMES 8. TkiOMAB. Manor of ER. Louie. JOHN J. ROE. ,free . Union Merchants ' Exchange, St. Louis tehamber of Commerce) E. W FO7C. Pres. 84 Louis Board of Trade. BARTON BATES. Prea. North Missouri Railroad. J. BRITVON, Pres. Nat. Bank of the State of Missouri. _tn 8 Louis. WM. L t. . EWING, Free. of the Merchants` Nat. Bank. of St Louis. • , ORO HOE H. REA, Pres. Second Nat. Babk. St. Louis. JAMEO B. EADS, Chief Eosin= Bt. Louis and Ming. Bridge Co. lh GkoOE It. TAYLOR. Pres. Pacific Railroad (of Ma. eour WILLIAM T&USSIGr, P ea Traders'Bank, St. Louie. JNO. LIONBEitOBR, P rea.Trd riot. B an k O i l' St. Louis. too. ADOLPLIUS MEIER, ice Pre& Union Pacific Bailaral - (B. v.i _ RoBERT BARTH, Pre& German Savings Institution. ALLEN. COPP di P.IBBBT, Bankers. Bt. Louis. A limited amount of the abovanamed Bonds for sale at EIGHTY-FIVE for the present. We invite the attention of espitaliab and others' to-them as. in our onna very desirable, investment. destined to rank as ps.first.cland security. I escrlotive Painpidets. Maps and Information can be bad on application to TOWNSEND . WHELEN & CO., EMB OF IAS ST. LOUIS AND IRON HMO B. R. CO. ..2.9wfm6trd6 THE CEN TRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD has now an important and valuable traffic on bothalopes of the ,Sierra Nevada Range, and will command the through overland business. The Company offer THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE SIX PER CENT. BONDS (to the same amount only es the U. S. Subsidy bonds granted them) at their par value and accrued interest in currency, Both Interest and Principal Payable GOLD COIN. Pamphlete. &c., giving a fall account of the property pledged, famished by DE HAVEN &. 8R,0., No. 40 S. Third Sty DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, Ac 'NEW YORK STOCKS. ALL FLUCTUATIONS IN TUE NEW YORK MARKET Stooks, Gold and Governments, Constantly furnished us by our New York Hoop. STOOKS Bought and Sold on Commission in PhiLadelpie .4 Net York and Boston. GOLD Bought and Sold in large and mall amounts. GOVERNMENT SEOURITIEB Bought and Sold at New York Prices. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., NEW YORK, r PHILADELPHIA 9 Nassau St. I 16 S. Third St. Seven per Cent. Mortgage Honda OF THE PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORE CANAL AND RAILROAD COMPANY. GnaJanteed, Principal and Interest, By the Lehigh Valley Ralltoad. Those Bonds area kortton $OOOOO on ardwhi i li t ar= gu l a g tenbte Lehi Valley tilrot. nLt slaa are. In every respect. A E . 'irst.- °lass Investment. At 108 much int f ed " Rea r * V k "Lkf 6'e at a At 105 " " " Nona Penna. es at 90 We offer them for sale at 96 sad accrued Interest from Dee. 1,1867. C. & BORIE. 8 Merchants' Exchange, BOWEN & FOX, 18 Merchante' Exchange. cell em.rpo • BANKING HOUSP pyCooKRAGL 112 and 114 80. THIRD ST. 'PHILAVAL Deem to all Government Faultier!. Per-cetti v* Mtge. Bonds ors Danville, Haztetan & Wilkelibtme rEgfa*Si ALL Taus. Tlds road irWeinuault With this limas* 003 trill IPbtladelettla Md Erie ZOO Valley Lehigh Liavid* tioa. and *Alden Ragroft* and ovens one of On dare:Mallow of the great tamale Coal field. Weeder tor sale a 11mItod amount of thole cot* the wen , low rate of 'NAND 400RUEDrtiTERENZ Bowm& pox, 13 Pilerohante Exchange. I) .ESIRA 731. E INVESTMENTS, ?roaming ever 7ad Or ceak Interest. Llfilifin NAVIGATION MID ItAIWAD FIRM MORTGAGE SIX PEE CUNT. DS. • FRLE PROm ALL TAXES / LIVE _ ERIE CITY SEVEN • PER CENT. NDSJURED BY REVENUE NMI WATE WO Interest Payable in Nel t ark. UNION . AND LtonANSPORT 11.. ROAD YU= MORTGAGE BONDS, SEVII PER CENT.. Interest Payable In Iftw York • COLUMBUS AND INDIAN it OEN, RAL RAY_LAWALD' EMT MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BOritfri. Interest Payable in Mew York. The attention of parties &beat to Invest money or ea change securities is invited to the above. Informatics), and prices given on application. DREXEL & CO. 34 South Third. Street. JSWELILT, dr.l4 Trade Mark IN Stomped on tbs . of .. • base of each Electro Platb. c ooldatiVr o article • JAMES E. VA.LDWELL & arwEvEßs, 902 . . Chestnut Street, PIEMADELPIIIA. • Have been appointed SPECIA.I, AGENTS In this city fortheinde of the GORHAM 30 1 11. FINE ELEOTRO-PLATED WARE We gnerantee tboao goods to be decidedly Balmier to anything in the market. excelling in dada, hetet and A large aesortinent will be malntaintid, sad 9010 ai:the manufac turere' regular, • t • FIXED IPIUCESi mys urt m 2mrc4 BAILEY & CO. 819 OHESTNUT STREET Mere just received the • NEW PATENT "OCULAR GRADUATED" OPERA GLASS 819 CHESTNUT STREET. %eft:tired CLARK & BIDDLE, No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET ißq Offer for sale a libelee assortment of STERLING AND STANDARD SILVER WARE FINE PLATED WARES. fe6 wate-tfri4 BUTLER, McCARTY & CO., 131 North Second Street, WHOLESALE DEALERS American, National, Howard and Tremont WATCHES. mh2o-f m w 4out4 Et WATCHES, 4, DIAMONDS, STERLING SILVER WARE, AND FINE JEWELRY, AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THE USUAL RATES. JAMES T. GALLAGHER, (Late of Bello & Co.. formerly. Bailey & 1300 Chestnut Street. rn Um AUCTION. SALES. JAMES A. FREEMAN. AU.No 4CTIONEER, t 2 WALNUT atreet. REAL ESTATE BALE. MAY 18. This Pale, on WEDNESDAY, at 19 o'clock. noon. at the Exchange. will include tho following— No. 819 NOBLE BT.—A two.story brick dwelling and etable, lot 25 by 125 feet. Clear. Orphans' Mtn Hale— Est ate of John Weft,* deed. BUILDING LOT. on d. W. aide of _centre .A., in Ger mantown. 80 by 1109 feet. Orphans ' Mot MO—Estate of Charles itontter. deed. CENTRE BT., GERMANTOWN.—The °curbed part In a t wo-story'atone house, lot 80 by 116.59 feet. Orphans" Grurt Saie—Kame Estates. No. 1020 ItACE 13T.—A desirable threextorylirlek resi• donee, with back buildings, lot 90 by 170 foot.. Clear: Executors , Sate.—Estate or .11ev.P..G. Mawer,dee , d.. No. 911 RODISIAN BT.—A 2) story, brick dwelling, lot 15 by 52 feet. Mar. No. 915 RODMAN BT.—A 9,9 story „brlck dwelling, lot 15 by 52 rei t. Clear. AUDUBON PLACE, (above Front and Market iiireeetory brick bootie, lot 16 by lit feet "Orphans' Court Sate—Estate of Meru C. Hopper. a Minor. Ii EItMITADE ST.- Frame haulm and lot, 20 by 30 feet. (above Third and Green. ate.) Clear. Orphans' Court Sale.- Same Estate. No. 508 DILLW YN BT --A tsvoxtory frame house with threeitory brick on roar, Estes . by 70 feet. ^ Gear. Orph'aneCourt Sals--Surne • 81 ACRES and improvements, known9us "Evergreen,” FIBHEh'B LANE, 92d Ward—Stone Dwelling, Barn Out Buildinge; e. , It will bo intersected by 9th, sth and 6tb. .trecta, north and south; Rockland and Ruscomb street', east and west Fifth street, 60 feet wide, is opened: o the property, and is the only street entirely cafe to travelers. as no railroad crosses it at grade. May be etamined - at any time. -,Full particulars and plan at the auction store. t.lear of all incom i ranee. RIDGE AVENUE.—A twastory atone hone°. on west side of Ridge avenue, near the Falls of Bchuytkiu, lot 804 - bvi66o feet ,deep to low water mark In the river. lIIUOE ,AVENUE. -81x building lota, adjoining the Above. each:o feet front by about 855 foot deep to law we ter mark. Plan at theater° ()tearer all incumbranee. won s,UiE. FOR SALE--; • ' A full: blooded and beautiful - ALDERNEY ROLL CALF; • • fawn and .white, about three weeks old. Inquirg at the Railroad Othee, , Franitlin Institute, No. la Routh °youth street, or at the_sepand vlace above Fisher's Lane Sta tion. on the Nortn xonnsylvania Railroad. myB.2ts CAP,E MAY4iViObriikCifjOßyfiertiv. Bnua ior o t m h o o o o . llo2M m e o r t ort - Inn rooms eon. breorrernstiertdioilulani . 5 0 4 .. it t l kdo 9• 11 wn r at/M*l'll firLm gLD% 710:6 /1 44 (r E it al b rt v0Vi rraau ffalissy t i a lbo lu ngs o_ of va: _Letas. ARSAireßit, - black dpote. amyl** , la ten ast acti 'tt pti n ries T ol l the AIL - , , 111111111 1170iitillre 'MONTHS Tire NYS tem naturally undergom amnia, end HEMBOLD'S OtelttlkatTlGO,T,ED 14X1Rodl I' BARSAVA. nII.,LA to an assistant or the greeted value, TOED* LADlNA,nzwAkum t OF THE IN3IIIIIOIHCFNFECTO of FacePowdera and Waeleee4 /inch matinee close up the p tea of the ektp and in sabot.% Vale dtatraY the correxica. if You woe hiVe 'fresh , - heetby and yob fur iroteranee, um' lIMMHOLLPHHXTHAOT SARSAPaItItAWL NOT A FEW TUE 'WORST DV*. ORDERS that afflict aisaktail arise frost corn:Wien at the blood. • BELAU:it/Urn itATKA= SiaffSAlWKliacia. is a remedy of the utmost value. , WXT/EIIACT SALUSAPAP BILL& eleansea and reneeples the blned.izmulda the 04w 01 health into the eyetetn t and prow one ibehurnoni that puke disease. QLANTITY _TR. QUALITY .: NIILMIL Bui 1) , 3 EXILtoCr kaiIattPAIIILLA. doves le mall. '1 hose who desire 0, q 'nudity and large doses of medicine EJLB. 11111 . OSE WITO DESIRE sranauriimmir ov itx.mt PLEXION intuit au IfiCiuut the bloat' which II ir , LIS BOLD'S COI4CENTIit mom EP. lIA RPA PA 1111A.A. herwtichly dock Ask tor it. Take no othcr. . . , ItELICINOLD 9 II CONCIVIITHATE. EX MOT 8411:8aPARILLA LI the Quoit Mood PerWs. nuimrsorars Highly Concentrated Fluid Hatract SARSAPARILLA ERADICATE ICBM AND 01cW1 DIEM of"IHN Troat Nose, Eyes,' Eyelids, Sealp and UK Which so disfigure the appearance, PURGING the evil effects of mercury and removing all taints, the remnant., of DISEASF 0, hereditary_or otherwise, and is taken by ADULTS and CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. TWO TABLE-SPOONFULS of the Extract of Santana. rills,,added one bottle f water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and is equal to a gallon of tho Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoctions as ustuillY made. AN INTERESTING LETTER is published in the Med ico.Chirurgical Review on the subject of t' e. Extract of Sarsapariltek In certain affections, by Benjamin Travers. F. R. S.. dtc. Speaking of those diseases, and diseases arikiog from the excess of mercury.- be states that no restudy is equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla; its power is extraordinitin n is, so than arty other drug tonic ituiVIVAJZII; .1111.1'11,14 8 111Mi 11:11:161:1 am. of the system so sunken and so trrnable as sanders other substances of the tonic class unavailable or hilarious. HELMBOLD'S G'o4c,entrated Extract ,Sarsaparilla tetabliohed %Molls of 18 yeazo. PREPARED BY H. T. HELMBOLD, DilUGGin NM onMOT. s ~ i, ~. 594 BROADWAY, Tl'ew York. ill'oldlvDruggisbai everywhere Price $125 per bottle. or 6 for $2 60