Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 06, 1868, Image 4
WELEGRAPHIO SIRMIIMEtIfe Diner MCCARTIRY, aged 16, committed suicide in Memphis on Monday taking morphine. • TifiRTY•ONE hundred and seven seven etni, granta have arrived at New York since Sunday. Tao Germania yesterday took out $1,000,4,A) in specie for Europe. ' Si M. CottAmkr has been renortiliDted for Con gress— by the Republican ConVention of the Eighth district of Illinois. CHAS. E Forma, formerly of. New.Tork,, has been nominated forcongress by the Republican District Conventiori at'Riehmond, Ye. A risono chicken-thief, named fihalcross, was shot in Memphis by a policeman last night while attempting to escape). BARON Burman° Ambassador of Prussia to France, gave a grand' dinner last evening to all the foreign envoys present in Paris. IT is said that the French Minister at the Court of St, Petersburg and Prince Gertehakoff have had a conference on the Cretan question. Tun South German States threaten to with draw from the Customs Diet if the address issued by the party of German Unity' should be faVora bly considered by the Zollverein. Tug Indians 'captured and destroyed 'a train near Trderosa, 'New Mexico.on April 18th, killing seven Men. They had previously killed thirteen persons near the same place. THE 'United States officers at Buffalo have seitedll7 head of cattle, imported from Toronto by, tiPtilladelphian, and invoiced,, as is alleged, at halftheir value. • . lf,roirrzno persons were poisoned with arsenic, at et:soarding-hense,. on Bnnday, in New Orleans. Nous have died; ',tang %saved , by taking an over- jABEEB Gamma!, a well-known ticketagent at Buffsloehas beetf#ol2tenced to the Auburn State prison - for four years for forgery." ills '„Pottrum. moved for a stay sentence on a writ of error. , , Tas United SAW mail Wet robbed at:l:lards burg on Monday night. The bores containing' letters from Chico go to Philadelphia,:and trout Harrisburg to , ,thiaeity, were 'abstracted. <J , „.„,„ , , UDGE WATROVS openea the' Amulet Court at Galveston yeat,erday. his %charge the Judge Bilstahied the constitutibnality of the a Civil Rights' bill. • , ' • _ , A TP.ESTLE work atthe Erie o f aatwardtepot, In Jersey City, glVe Yeetdrafin letting , an enghle into the Nerd" river. • - The ,epgineer and fireman, named NeCoit and. Carhart, were drowned. • ; H. I. Massnsown, a banker with extensive, connections with the interior, failed in New York yesterday. He is President of the Ontario, Can ton and Cortland Banks.. His liabilities are not stated. THE Legislature of Connecticut meets to-day. The 'Republicari last night nominated' Charles Jones, of East Haven, for Speaker of the House. The Democrats have nominated Wm. L. Bennett, of. Huntington, for Speaker, Tan jury in the Cole trial; at Albany, N. Y., have been out since two P. AL yesterday. In re ply to an inquiry of. Judge Ingraham, they sent word that they would not probably agree last night, and the court until to-day. 'A delegation of Choctaw Indians were intro duced to General Grant yesterday. The Indians, on behalf of the Southern tribes, assured the General'of their willingness to preserve order on the frontier, thereby saving 92,0 . 00,000 yearly to the Goverriment. Tux grand musical festival of the Handel and Haydn Society, Boston, commenced yesterday in Music Hell, with a promise of great success. The orchestra numbers about one hundred and fifteen pieces, and the choristers eight hundred. Parepa, Adelaide Phillips, and George Simpson, of New York, are among the distinguished singers. THE Mississippi Central Railroad has been leased to a Delaware company for sixteen years. The lessees assume the entire indebtedness of the road, except the debt of the State of Tennessee. The road Labe returned to the stockholders at the expiration of the lease in the same condition as delivered. Arrangements are being made for an extension to Louisville. Soldiers" and Sailors> - State Central Committee. General James A. Beaver, of Centre county, chairman, of the State Convention of Soldiers which assembled in this city on the Bth of Jan. last, bas appointed the following committee to take active part in the State and National elec tions this fall: Chairman--Gen. Chas. H. T. Collis, Philada. Adams—Col. W. W. StewarL Allegheny—Col. John A. Stuart, Maj. Wm. A. Robinson. Annstrong--Lient. Geo. W. Cooke. Beaver—Capt. J. S. Ratan. Bedford—Capt. J. H. Longnecker. Berke—Capt. Wm. A. Sands. Blair—CoL Jacob Higgins. Bradford—Gen. H. J. Madßl. Buelni—Capt.'Alfred Marple. Butler—Capt. George W. Fleeger. Cambria—Col. R. A. McCoy. Cameron—Not yet appointed. Carbon—Gen. Chas. Albright. Chester—Col. S. Oetavius Bull. Centre—Maj. G. D. Pifer. Clarion—Maj. IL Weller. Clinton—Col. S. A. Lyman. Cleartield—Col. A. M. Smith. • Columbia—(Not yet appointed.) Crawford—lien. De Witt Clinton McCoy. Cumberland—J. D. Adair. Dauphin—Col. H. J. Sheaffer. Delaware—Wm. C. Gray. Elk—Col. James C. Burke. Erie—Gen. Thos. M. Walker. Fayette—Maj. P. A. Johns. Franklin—Col. D. Watson Rowe. Fulton—Lieut. James Potts. Forest—Capt. D. S. Knox, Greene—Lieut. S. K. Evans. Huntingdon--Maj. W. F. Johnston, Indiana—Col. Dau. S. Porter. Jefferson—Lieut. A. B. McClain. Juniata—Col. J. H. Robinson. Laneaster—Col. Emlen Franklin, Major Rel noehl. Lawrence—Col. Daniel Leasure. Lebanon--Capt. A: R. Bouchter. Lehigh—(Not yet appointed). Luzerne—Col. Henry M. Hoyt. Lycoming—Col. Thomas Chamberlain: Mercer--Capt. A. B. McCartney. llicKean—Gen. Thomas L. Katie. Mittlin—Capt. William Mann. Monroe—(Not yet appointed). • Montgomery—Capt. W. B. Hart. Montour—(Not yet appointml), Northampton—Gen. J. L. Selfridge.. Northumberland—Gen. Win. McCormick. Perry—Lieut. Samuel Foster. Pike—(Not yet appointed). Potter—(Not yet appointed). SchuyikW—Col. Beath. 40" fr Snyder— Major B. F. Wagonseger, Somerset—Capt. Adam Grim. Sullivan—Licut. H. R. Dunham. Susquehanna—Col. Jones Burnitt. Tioga—D. L. Dian. Union—J. Merrill Linn. Venango—Col. Duncan. Warren—Gen. Roy Stone. Washington—Maj. J. R. Day. Wayne—(Not yet appointed.) Westmoreland—Gen. Gallagher. Wyoming—Captain Banatyne. York--Capt. W. 11. ItleCall. • Philadelphia Committee, representing each ward in the county—Gen. J. T. Owen, Gen. Benj. C. Tilghman, (Tear Hector Tyndale, Gen. A. Von. Steinwehr, Col. James C. Biddle, Col. John H. Taggart, Col. Frank .Wister, Col. Frederick O. Newhall, Gen. Lads Wagner, Sergt. Daniel Bas tian, Capt. IL C. Hicks,N. M. Redding, Seaman Ed. Ilelterty,.Major J. T. Pratt, Capt. aobt. A, Thomas, Private Arthur Scott, Private Samuel Phillips, Capt. Richard Donagan, Lieut. S. C Perbine, CoL Charles S. Green, CapL F. EL Mar tin, Col. J. H. Sines, Major U. L. Ashurat, Col. Wm. McMichael, Maj. Richard • Ellis, Major Charles Smith, Col. S. B. Wylie Mitchell, Sergt. S. P. Jones, Jr., Capt. O. B. Griffith, Capt. J. B. Allen, Maj. E. De Buck, Capt. A. J. Knorr, Capt. Wm. D. Rank, Capt. Frank Gregory, Capt. F. Boland, Gen. li. G. Sickel,Capt. Wm. J. Mackey, Colonel S. B. Tapper, Captain J. P. McQuade, Sergeant John Sine; Sergeant James Henley, Captain J. W. Alien, Sergeant It. J. Miller, Col onel Jacob M. Davis. Captain Jacob S. Stretch, Captain Thomas Bringhurat, Captain Henry C. Bach, General Gideon Clark, Major Wm. Oliver. Colonel S. J. Givln, Private James Magee, Major Marshall Hong, Captain Joseph Gibson, Captain John Olask, Captain Harry Conner, Captain S amue l R. Jamison, Lieutenant Frank R. Duke, lAentenant Thomas 11. Ford, Colonel James 43iv00, General E. R. Bites, General Charles M. Prevost, Private T. Bransby, General R. L. Bo cline, Captain A. M. K. Storle, Colonel James Brady, Captain Edmund Switzer; (lenetc4 Efftey; Major; Robert /IL MdClure, Colonel' Janes Latta, Captain Georg N., Watson. The above committee will meet at the rooms of the National Union" Club, No. 1103 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, on the 4th day uf July next, at 11 o'clock, A..11L CnAnuta H. T. CoLim, Chairman. A. L. RUSSELL, Secretary, Harrisburg, Pa. Important Legal Proobedltifft titid:De6 otittons at Ilarrtoburg. HARRISISURG, May 5, 1868.-4iieveral State cases of importance are before Judge Porton this week. The case of the Commonwealth against the city of Philadelphia, for arrears of taxes, la set apart for, trial to-morrow. In the case of the Commoilwcalth against, the Central Petroletkm Company, of Now York, for arrears of taxes ou capital stock, a verdict was rendered against de fondants f0r'510,762 50. The Company claimed immunity from taxation' under: the act of 1863, allowing foreign corporations to hold three hun dred acre of land in this State, and that the act of 1865, repealing the act of 1863, was unconsti tutional, because it violated a contract between the State and the company. Ruled that the act , of 1855 was valid. Commonwealth vs. Dale Farm Oil Company. Suit against the defendants for a bonus on the charter, amountinglo,.sl,97l. The act of 1867. enables oil companies to reduce the capita; stock without-limit, providing also that the companies shall pay a bonus only upon reduced capital, which should be recoverable from the net earn-, Inge of the company after the passage of the act, ,The defendants reduced their capital from $lOO,- 000 to' $lO,OOO, and averred that no profits have been realized. Verdict for the Commonwealth for only $l4. In the:following cases settlements were made against defendants for tax on net earnings of in ,come under act of April 30, 1864. This act ex emPts from payment of the tax in question all companies paying tax on their dividends. De ,fendants are obliged, under act of April 12, 1859, to, ay a tax on capital stock, which is measured.: by the amount of their dividends. They con tended that taxes thus paid by them under the act of April 12, 1859, were taxes on diVidende within the meaning of the act of 1864, The court directed verdicts to bo entered .for the Common wealth as folinws:—Glasgow OR Company, $72,- 095; Allentown Iron Company, $897,795; Harris burg Car Manufacturing Company, $61,182; Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, $11,070; Dickson Manufacturing Company; $149,427.-- Inquirer. 'rho Uri tisk Min Istry. Loxnox, May 5, Midnight.—ln, the House of Commons, to-night, 'Mr. Gladstone referred to the Duke of Richmond's assertion in the House of Lords, last iaight, that the Queen left it to the Ministry to dissolve Parliament whenever they pleased. He said such power was unconstitu tional, as it left the Ministry at liberty to deal with cases which have not yet arisen. Ile asked for an explanation of that statement, which contradicted the one made in the House of Commons by the Premier. Mr. Disraeli, in answer, said there was no dis crepancy between the statements made in the two Houses. He had offered to resign, but the offer was declined. His advice to the Queen was to dissolve Parliament when the state of business permits. This was without any reference to the new constituencies; but if the work of the House was soon completed, dp new House woald be deeted by them. Sir Stafford Northcote said the Ministry had no intention to menace the House. Mr. Disraeli, again rising, said the right to dis solve was only reserved in case the Issue on the Irish Church was pressed. Others spoke, when the debate ended. The ITI. E. Conference at Chicago. CHICAGO, May 51—The conference was called to order by the Rev. Bishop Clark. The report of the Central Centenary Committee shows that, while the General Conference of 3:64 felt authorized to ask for but $2,000,000, the aggregate amount raised is bound to be $8.887,662 35. Bishop Simpson delivered the Episcopal ad dress, occupying forty-five minutes. The conference ordered the printing of 8,000 copies of the address, and the various portions of it were referred to appropriate committees. The order of business was taken up, being the reception of petitions, memorials, etc., of which a very great number were presented for lay dele gation, and many against it. Prof! Williams, of Delaware, Ohio, offered a resolution requesting the bishops to commu nicate to the conference their suggestions in re gard to re-arranging the boundaries of the con ferences. Mr. Walden, of Cincinnati, offered a resolution requesting the book agents to furnish copies of all our periodicals to public libraries and reading rooms on certain conditions. Mr. Lowry, of 4.lneinnati, offered a plan of finances, which was referred. The Rev. Mr. Carruthers, of the Erie Confer ence, presented a petition in favor of so amend ing the discipline that bishops shall be elected for a term of years, and inducted into office without consecration. The Chair then announced the special coinmit ces previously ordered. CITY BULLETIN. - • LI.TEENTII ANNIVERSARY OF THE NORTHERN HOME Fon. Fnininunss CHILDREN. - The six teenth anniversary of the Northern Home for Friendless Children, and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, which takes place at Horticul tural Hail on next Tuesday evening, May 12th, is already attracting great attention, and promises to excel all that have preceded it in point of gene ral interest. These anniversaries have been very popular,always attracting greatly larger numbers of persona than could possibly be accommodated in the churches in which they were hold. To give as many as possible an opportunity of wit nessing the coming one, the lady managers have resolved to issue tickets without charge to as many persons as can be comfortably seated in Horticultural These tickets may be pro cured on Saturdaynext, at the music store of J E. Gould, No. 924 Chestnut street, and of the Managers. Those who desire to secure seats sheuld make early application. In addition to short addresses by several popular speakers, the exercises will consist of spirited dialogues and re citations, and the singing of a number of new and very beautiful songs and hymns, the music of which has been composed expressly for this occasion by one of our most talented musicians. Nearly po of the children belonging to the Home will take part in the exercises. Tun Iturunac.....n INVINCIBLES.—Last evening a numerously attended meeting of the Executive Committee of the Republican Invincibles was held at the National Union Club House, 1105 Chestnut street, to take action on the report of the com mittee appointed at a previous meeting to ar range for a mass meeting by the Invincible Club to protest against ring nominations and ring cundidates. The committee reported, progress, and stated that they had already issued a call for the meet ing' but had not fixed - either the time or place, butthought that it could be so arranged as to be held on or about Juno 1. The report was ac cepted. The Executive Committee decided that a meet ing of the club should be called at' an early day in order to perfect the organization. Also that the club shall bold a meeting to ratify the nomi nations made by the Chicago National Republi can Convention. FUEL Savor° SOCIETY.—The forty-seventh an nual meeting of the Fuel Sallng Society was held last evening. The managers reported that during the •past year nearly 600 persons have partici pated in the benefits of the Society. There were 153 depositors, and the sum deposited was $1,211 48, making an average of ea 92 from each. Of the depositors, 41 are occupied as washer women, 36 at sewing, and the other as laborers, shoemakes, dressmakers, &c. The following officers were elected : President—lsrael E. John son. Vice Presidents—George Yana and Elitm Roberts. Treasurer—E. H. Williamson. Secro tary—B. W. Beesley. Managers—George W. Conarroe, Randolph Wood, C. P. Perot, N. E. Janney, Jonathan Evans, Ed ward Bettie, Jr., Charles Richardson, William Hacker, David Scull, Jr., Wm. G. Rhoads, Marcellus Balderston, Charles Roberts. ComurrEn.—Louis Devine, alias George Kra mer, alias Louis Langer, alias Wm. R. Lange, was before Alderman Bottler, yesterday, charged with cheating and defrauding the tirm of E. C. Pratt; Bros. and Co., No, 28 Bank street, of the snm of $6O. This is the man who presented the bogus telegraph despatch, as stated in the Buturrisi of yesterday. He was, committed to answer. THE DAILY : EVENING,BIILLATIN.:4IIILADEL,PHIA, , WEDNEgDAI MAT .-'6,4808 SlP;4lllins."—i W, illlam Pricicati4 ,Ci ofnas Joblit44l;ll2o_fornier frOm Washinglim :and the y latter from Danville made ,a raid..on .varions stores on,Thipl, and Market streets at an early honeyedterday morning, taking from each a few valuable articles. The house of Dorn, King & !Seibert, No: 818 'Market 'street; suffered to the 'extent of two boxes of silk; that of Barritt & llvo. 180 Market street, lost two pieces of all-wool idelaines, and Strauss,Ben & linchstadter, N0.,139 'North Third street, "a number" of shawhi. The two boxes of silk were found •on the prisoners when arrested by Officer Terry, pf the,Third *let, and Sergeant React; and :identified bv ;Mr. Seibert. They were' both eliminated by AI- Aerman Beiller in default of two thousand dollars bail each. • ALIJERMATTIC ForEs.—The fines and` penalties paid into the City Treasury for the month of April amount, to $437 50. They, were paid in as foilows : Alderman Tittermary, $34; Godben, $3l; Morrow, $97; Holmes. $11; Paueoast, $11; Heins, NG; Manic, $32; Swift, $35; Shoemaker, $34; Fitch, $3O 50; Ransdell, $B5; Jones, $29. NEW SOHOOL HOUSE.—The contract for the erection of a now school house, at Forty-flrst and Oregon streets, In the Twenty-fottrth Ward, • for the sum of $32,986. has been confirmed. The con tractor is Mr. John _McClure, and his sureties, Messrs. Theodore Cuyler and J. T. Linnard, both of whom have been approve& FATAL ACClDENT.—Yesterday Frank Murphy, II syears old, residing at 417 South Nineteenth street, while riding on a pile of lumber, was thrown off, and the wagon passing over, him he was terribly, crushed and bruised. The unfortu nate sufferer Was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where he died in a few tours: The de ceased leavesimife, but no children. SERIOUS , ACOIDERT.—Owen Petted', 61. years old, residing in Wood street, above Broad, while at work yesterday at Fatdkner & Hoopesqumber yard, , Was infured by a plle of lumber falling on him. One of his legs. was broken, and he was poich•Brtdsed. ' Lanacm—Yestettay• the steam yacht Isabella was launched-froth the 'ship-yard, foot of Norris street, on the Delaware.. She is forty-five feet in length, .ten feet beam, four feet depth of hold, and has a cabin twenty-four feet, capable of accom modating about seventy-live people. ANOTLIER DEATH.-John Young, one •of the workmen who was employed at the Penn Treaty Iron Works, and who was injured by the recent boiler explosion,died on Saturday last. He lived In Lydia street, near Hancock. EXTENSIVE SALE Or REAL &TATE AND .STOCES. Messrs. Thonms Sons' sale at the Exchange, yester day noon, was largely attended, and the bidding quite spirited. They sold about $200,000 of real estate and stocks, viz: Lot, Sargeaut street, Twenty-fourth Ward, $4,850; four frame dwellings, el 4 and 810 Spring Garden street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $75, $2,1410; desirable residence, southwest corner of Thirty nit.th and Spruce streets, 100 feet front, 150 feet deep. $17,500; lot adjoining, 100 by 150 feet, subject to a yearly ground rent of $2lO, $5,900; lot adjoining, 40 by 150 feet, subject to a yearly ground rent of $.20, $l!150; elegant country seat and farm, 58 acres, known Its Woodfield, Old Yorlr road, and Fisher's lane, ssll,- M 0; elegant four.story brown stone residence', No. 1531 .Locust street, 20 feet front, Oil feet deep, $10,250; coun try place—two story stone dwelling, northeast corner Township Line road and Tioga street, $5,200: soar story brick residence No. 1534 Walnut street. $40,000; lot, Sixteenth street, south or Walnut street, 2t) by tiu feet, $6,154); superior three• story brick residence, No. 1225 Spruce street, $11,400: two 'three-story brick dwellings, Nos. 404 and 400 South Twenty-third street, each subject to a yearly grout d rent of $6O, each $1,150, $2,300; -four brick and frame dwellings, Nos. 1322 and 1324 Bed! ord street. $2,800; two lots, L Street, $2OO. At private sale, previous to public sale: Residence,' 1920 Rittenhouse square, $23.030; 2 shares Mercantile Library, $O. $l2; ii shares Unien Bank of Tennessee, $l2, 572; 1 share Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, $5O; 200 shares Shamokin Coal Company, $6.50, $1,300; 2 shares Point Breeze park. $127 50, $255; $603 Schuylkill Naviga tion, 60c. ' $397.80; $l,OOO shares Mingo Oil Company. 7c, $7O, 13,0L0 shares Mcßae and Cherry Bun Oil, Xc, $l5. ANNTVEDSARY OP THE PHILADELPHIA TRACT AND bitssion Socie.TY.--The forty-first anniversary of the above society was held last evening at the Church of the Epiphany, ogner of Fifteenth and Chestnuit streets. Although the evening was inclement, a lame number of persons were present. After the usual devotional exercises,the an n ual report was read,show ing that the society is directed by Managers from the different Evangelical Churches of the city. It has one General Agent, three Superintendents, seven Mission. aries, fifty-five Assistant Superintendents, and eight hundred Visitors. It circulates monthly 50,000 En glish, 8,000 German, 141 French. 4 Spanish, and 1 Ital ian Tracts over about two.thirds of the city; 5,000 monthly to the shipping on the Delaware and Schnyl kill rivers. It invites, through .its visitors, to the house of God; gathers children to our Sabbath and other Schools; furnishes the Bible to the destitUte; visits thatick and relieves their bodily and spiritual wants; aids in the Temperance Reform; secures a better observance of the Sabbath. and holds religious meetings among the poor. It endeavors, in the spirit of the Gospel, to carry out its teachings. It needs funds to enable It not only to carry on the work, but to extend its Tracts and Missionary operations through the city. Addresses were made by distin guished speakers. PPHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY ler, 1888. Mr. J. R. Butler (brother of E. H. Butler) is a part nor in our fum from sad after this date. mhl4-tfa E. IL BUTLER At CO. MPOUTAWNS—• Reported l for them I ruilade ma Eve O ning bulletin. CARDENAS—Behr W 11 Tiers, Hoffman -474 hhds tee molasses Geo C Carson es Co. biATANZAB—Behr Alice C Noyes, Crowell-322 casks molasses Harris, Ileyl & Co. cALAIB, ME.—Behr Helen, Carroll-400,000 laths 1700 Hackmatack ship knees W A Levering. TURKS ISLAND—Behr Joeie Kennie, Harris-3008 bushels salt E A Solider & Co. 2110VIERWIT9 OF OCIEAti ISTEASUERai TO ARRIVE. SHIPS THOM POE DASH • Rellona . Londop —Ness' Ycgt .Aprills Tarifa . . ... . . .......Liverpool—Boeton & N Y April 2. Delitschland outhampton.. Now York_ ..... .A pril 21 City of liceiton. Y0rk..........April 22 Erin . .... New Y0rk..........4pri1 22 Nova Scotian Liverpool.. ortland— —April 23 Al lem ania Southampton.. Now York —April 24 Caledonia...—. ...01aegow..New Y0rk.......... April 24 Denmark...—.. —Liverpool—New York. April 24 Citylof Washingion.Liverpool—N Y via Hailifax..,April 31 Villa do Paria ilreet..New York April 25 China_ * Liverpool.. New Y0rk..........April 25 Union Southern pton..N w Yolk Apri 28 Palmyra ... —Liverpool..Now York...—. A.. April 28 Nebraak a . ....... ...Liverpool. New York April 28 TO DIIPART. Siberia.— —New York.. Liverpool .. . .... Pioneer. ..... 7 Columbia ..... .New YOrk..Olitegow... • . ........ Malt 7 Union New York..Bromen ... May 7 Louisiana...:New York.. Liverpool..... May 9 Colun bin.. ........New York.. Havana. ...... May 9 City of Boiton....Now ....... May 9 'towline New York.. Havana........ ..... May 9 Allemania ..... Netv York—Hamburg ...........May 12 C010rad0..... ... . . Y0rk..Liverp001............May Tonawanda.....ithl adeluhia:;Savannah 51 ay 13 Juniata .. . .. Philadelphla..N. 0. via Havana.. May City of Now. . ork.New York.. Liverpool....... ..... Mayl3 China Now York ..Liverp001........ ... .May 13 Morro Coale New York..Naesaudalavana....May 14 • . —..—.. New York.. Vera Cruz, die May 14 Stare andlitripea....Phllad'a..Havana.........i....May 19 c. TifoCAMftiO ßO/U.ID OF TRADE.' ri. J. PRICE WEI BERILL, Moirtmy COMMITS= WASHINGTON BUTCHER. MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-MAT 6. Bun Mere, 6 21 BUN 16rre, 658 I Mon Weras, 1 BO ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Florence Franklin, Pier. on. 13 hours from Bal. 'more, with lade° to A Groves. Jr. - . . liteamer Chester, Jones, 24 hours from NOW York, with mdse to W P CI do & Co. kteamer CWalker, Shoran, 24 hours from New York, with rodeo to W Id Baird dr, Co. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison. 24 hours from Now York, with mthe to W M. Baird & Co. . . . „ Behr Win El Tiers, Hoffman, 12 days from Cardenas, ith molasses to Geo C Carson & Co. Behr Alice C Noyes, Crowell, 16 days from Matanzas, with molasses to Harris, Hey! & Behr 1r II Naylor, Naylor, 5 days from Charleston, with lumber to Collins A: Co. Behr Helen. Carroll, 7 days from C&111111, with lumber to W A Levering. Schr Alphabet, Beauchamp, from Deep Creek, Ve. with lumber to Conine & . . Behr Caroline Virginia, Brown, II days from Choptank River, md. with railroad flee to Collins & Co. Behr B C Fithian, Tuft, 1 day from Port amosit, with g ße n r oGan L t B . Marshal 0 1 day from Lewes, Dol. with grain to Jas L Bewley 4 Co. Sclu C L Vandervoert, Baker. Boston. Tug Fairy Queen. Alexander,fromlßaltimore,with alow of bargee to W P Clyde & Co. Tug Thos Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of bargee to W P Clyde & CLEARED Y ESTERDAY. Steamer Norman, CrpweiL Boston. it Winer & Co. Steamer litlyflower. Itobilmon, N York, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer E N Fairchild. Trout,Now York, W B Bairditoo Steamer,. B Shriver, DOIIEIII3, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr.' • Brig A L. Palmer (Br), Kay, Matanzas, C C Van Horn. Behr eborab, Lizzard, Bridgeport, Wannemacher dt Co. Behr J B Moore, Nickerson, Boston, Van Damn & Bro, Behr Jas Aliderdice..fackaway, Boston, do Behr Nellie Potter, Somers, Danversport, Suffolk Coal CO. Bchr J B Allen, Case, Nantucket, - .. Behr A A Andrewa Kelly, Boston, Doves', Son do Co. Tilg Obeaapeake, Mershon, for Baltimore, with a tow of bargee,' W P Clyde & Topeka-Ir, Queen. Alexander, for Baltimore, with a tow of barium .. P Clyde da (Jo. F" -' 1 J I • : ,, Ittokatittsj Ship Lance/or,. Jatilliedwfititt s .!JV erfittifrOr thit r ,,OUTa` M was spoken 2d that 14.23cM64: • -• • • Skip Belle of the BON: , Chahthan ts clehreititt litinelrotk Yesterday for thhirkirt.,, ( • I( (.6 (06,..,• I'.l Steamer ~ Gerniania "(Bomb): Salivation; cleared, tat Now.. York yesterday ror Hithiburg. • , Steamer 1 , 111 ton, bibrq, cleared it New York yesterday' foN Aspinwall. • , Steamer Colorado (Br), Cutting, from Liverpbot•4lMil 21. via Queer (down ' ad, at Nevi , York yesterday,; with 1100 passengers. Steamer Lulled Kingdom (Br), Domdtition. eloared' at blew York yesterday for Glasgow. I• Steamer Java. (Br); Macaulay, 'cleared At, Ne* York yesterday for Live , pool. Bark (3 W Horton, Butler, hence at Trinidad Olst nit ‘, Bark Anhie Augusta; Davis at at Jar 18t h 'ult. from Now York. Bark 'James E Ward, Landerkin, sailed from Cardonait HF V ult. for a port north of Hatteras. , Brig Maurice, Carlson; Sailed from Cardenas' M*b*. fora port north of Hatteras- since spoken by the steamer kioneer. Brigs Thomas Walter (Br), Robinson, and Pedro, Dick. son,ealled from Cardenaa 27th ult, for a port north of Hatteras. Brig Condo**, Eddy, sailed from Matanzas 26th ult. for a non DONA of , 1.) arterial). • • Bahr Amos k dwards, Somers, sailed from Clenfttegos 25th ult for Now 'York. rchr Man , ' Bolters, Somers, at St Jags 23d tilt. from, Newport, Wales. Behr Hattie E Bishop, Weber, sailed from Cardenas 25th tilt, for aort north of Hatteras.' Schr Eliza Emery. Clayton. sailed from Cienfuegos f,2d for th is port. • s, hr Sallie 4.1, Batenian, mailed - from Cienfuegos 21th ult, for this port' Behr Maracaibo, Hanley. hence at Portland 4th Inst. Behr Olive L Rourke (Br), McAlmon, sailed from St John, NB. let inst. for this port. Behr Lewis Chester, Gookin, cleared at Portland 2d inst. for this port, , Behr Hannibal, Cox, from Bangor , for this port,:at Port.: lend 3d inst. Sara Lottie, Taylor, and Mary G Farr, Maloy, cleared at Boston 4th inst. for this port. MARINE MIBCKMANY. Bclfr C Fantauzzl, Cart °bed Parritt. was obared at Philadelphia 21th March. by Meyers Bonder QG Co. loaded with coal, for Portland. sin , :o which time nothing has been t card from her or the crew, and it is feared she has been lost with anon board. The following is a list of the portions on board: Obod Parritt. captain; Edward Jones. mate; Isaac Wallace. Charles Matthews, Joel Kendrick •and Charles Cox, seamy. Cox belonged In Perry, Kendrick at Campobello , an the others were from Eastport, Me. AlEtt/8 MUSICAL FUND UALT.. • SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 9. 13. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT MR. SAIAUEL MoDOUGALL. The entertainments will comprise solections from the most 'minim NEGRO SONGS. MELODIES, DANCES AND CIIARAC. TERL& IC ECOENTRICITIES, YOUNG AMERICA STEELS, (a company cf 'young gentlemen of Philadelphia), whose: performances during the past, two years have received merited and unbounded applause from delighted audl mess. The Evening's Programme will be presented in , a manner that cannot offend the taste of the most fast'. dious. 'the Deneficiare respectfully, returns his most sincere nod heartfelt thanks to tho friends and patrons who hare honored him upon this occasion. • Doors open at past 7; performance to commence at 8 o'clock. A dminion. 50 cents; re served seats, 7t cents. my 6.40 AOADEAIY OF MUSIC. LAST NIGHT BUT TWCPOF ENGLISH OPERA. c CAROLINE RICHINGS.... ..,—..DIREGTRESS THIS (WEDNESDAY)EVENING, MAY 6th, BENEFIT OF MR. WM. CASTLE. Balfe'a Charming Opera, BOHEMIAN GIRL. Fickt appearance of MISS EDITH ABELL AS. ARLINE. Camplall, Castle, Wylie, Seguin, Mr:l. Alnold, all in the cast. THURSDAY—COMIC OPERA NIGHT, Etch berg's DOCTOR uF ALUANTARA. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MISS RICHINGS. FBA DIAVOLO. Box Sheet now open. Ni RS. JOHN DP.EW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE,— • Regina to 8 o'clock. LA ST TWO NIGHTS—TANGLED THREADS. LAST WEEK. OF MISS FANNY B. PRICE. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS. TANGLED THREADS. ROSE CLINTON.... ........... P. B. PRICE iht) Mr. C. Walcot • After which the Burlesque. BLALK RYED SUSAN. William... .............. .............. Mm. C. Walcot Dame Batley Mr. R. Craig FRlDAY—Brriefit of Miss F. B. PRICE. An entire change of Performance. • - NADEI.AINE AND LITTLE TREASURE. W ALNUT STREET THEATRE. • THIS (WEDNESDAY.) EVENING, May 6th,18.68. Third night ot the Great Comedian, MR. JOHN BROUGHAM. Who will appear in hia Original Character of TERRY, THIS BWRLL, In his Great Dramatic Satire upon the Vices, Follies, and Sensations of thepresent Hynes. entitled Tli E LOTTERY OVLIVE. Received nightly by large and intelligent audiences with . . UNQUALIFIED APPROVAL. N EW CHESTNET STREET THEATRE.-- - FIFTH WEEK OP J. E. MaDONOUGEPS Elaborate Spectacle, the BLACK CROOK. ENTIRE NEW DANCES, And introducing for the first time to a Philadelphia audience, THE GREAT MORLACCIIL Acknowledged by the entire New York Preen to be the most fotordebing artist that has over visited this 'country. BEE DANCE. PAS DE DEUX. And for the Bret time in Philadelphia in TUE "CAN.CAN." ' MLLES SAND& DIANA. LEAH. AND A FULL CORPS DE BALLET. ELEGANT IoCENERY. THE GRAND TRANSFORMATION SCENE. FAMILY MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. • , ITARIETY IS THE`PICE OF LIFE !" • V YMAN AT ASSEMBLY BUILDING. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, MAY Ora. WYMAN'S POPULAR•GIFT EXHIBITIONS, WYMAN—MONARCH OF MAGICIANS. VENTRILOQUISM AND DANCING BABIES. New Experiments, new Featart and coe'ly Gifts ovary night. V edneedaye and Sattirdays. at 8 o'clock. PRESENTATION MATINEES. Evening admission, 25 cents. Tickets admitting et' per. sone, SI. Doors open at 7: commenco at 8. rriFeetn FOYER OF ACADEMY. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY Bth, 1868. CARL WOLFSOHN , S LAST BEETHOVBN MATINEE. MAD. BEHRENS. MR. WM, STOLL, Jr..' GIANT SONATA. T1CKET5............. . ONE DOLLAR, EACH Doors open at 4. Contort at 4M. my44t4 NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. THE FAMILY eet RESORT CIIES%IIiT. THE ,CARNCROSS do DIXEY'S MINSTER THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE W I OII3. Drat week of the new Burlesque entitled IM PS .CP ME THEI4L; OR, WtiO STOLEBeIERP. First week of an entirely new local Burlesque. TANGLED THROADe; OR, BLINES AND JiNKS. Doors open at 7.4; commencing at 8 o'clock. A MERICAN CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC.— IL Fifteenth Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 16th. at 8,0". Second Grand Concert, THURSDAY. May 21, at MUSICAL FUND HALL. See notice under Imtruction. myl-18t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, WIESTN UT Street, above Tenth. The Forty-fifth Annnal Exhibition of Paintings. Statn. ary and Architecture is now open daily from 9A. A. till 7.1. M. and from 8 tllllO in the evening. • Admittance 25 cents. Season Ticlone, 50 eta. ap27.tf FOIL'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE, EVERY EVENING and SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Songs Danes", Gymnast.. Acts. Pantomimes. die. SUMMER 'RENOIVIII. S PRING RICIIFIELD SPRINGS, OTSEGO COUNTY. NEW YORE. The proprietors of the Spring House would inform those seeking health and recreation • that their New Hotel will open on the let of June. Connected with the hotel are quite extensive grounds, upon winch the CELEBRATED SULPHUR SPRINGS and Bath Houses are situated. • Richfield Springs are fourteen miles south of the New York Central Railroad. Stages leave Herkimer for the Springs on the arrival of all trains. The country is picturesque and beautiful and the cli mate invigorating and healthful. Address, BACKUS, RANSOM . dr CO., a , 29-wduil2t , Proprietors. CARRIAGEM. WAGON FOR SALE, IN o JACOB LITIDENSLAGER, nvE.6t• 1217 Chestnut atreeL JOHN 8. LANE, COMAIM&ICER, 1C0.1901 Market attest: has on hand an assortment'of superior built carriages, which he offers at very reasonable ricea. m • 4.m,w,f,4m BOAJIIDINO SUMMER BOARDING .— ELIGIBLE ROOKS, WI CH board, now vacant at MI Locust street, West Philo, delphia. atialm• TOTICK—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY 0 AU. Honed against trusting any of the crew of the Nor. wegian Bark Progreso, Lindrup Muter, trona Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting will_l;op_ald by either the Captain or Conalitoces. PETER wittaHr ar sums. 11$ Walnut street. apBo ii BOBTON AND TRENTON •BIEICUTr."—THB r aderiCred With Batch Butter. Cream. Mk. Oya. eters and latactdt. Mao.. Weet di Mows celebrated Trenton Ili bee. Blacralt, by JOB. B. BDOBLF.R di OM.' Bole AdentaJOßßouth Delaware avenue. t::::,i. o.4t:A*lltitOto... ton.. ItAWAViatiiiero 4 ,4 1 „, • 4 sti t i#4,4l4" , i‘toirhaq-rgiovrghia Ambosingaseitimay 00. Roßßestas foll4ml ....., . A YEWS CHERRICX'FOrir ft HIS a tpe . JCL THE THROA:I`: D L UCH All C• rH . COLDWIIO9IP N o OUCI 13 NCIIIITLEI,Aff i I AND ENS IM.7I' • , a ~, . ~ . Probe ly never heforein the whole history of majejpgr„ has anything worts° widely and so deeply ti t ian the conel.. dente of mankind; as this excellent; reme for tirthao. nary complainbr, Through a lop; Aeries ,0 "vat* !WA among most of the, room cs men it.bes fin ; higher arida higher in their estimation . as it ham APCOOMe better known, Its uniform character and power to _cure the variOqa of. fections of the lungs'and throat; have made it knownie* reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder term of disease and to youri c hildren, it is at thosamt time the most effectual reme that can be giventloy rm . cipient consumption, and the &rigorous affectietts of the throat and lungs. AA a provisfonagainst audden attacks bj gi Croup. it should be kept on handle every family, Imo deed, as all are somet i mes suect to coma and cough*, a 1 should be provided with this antidote for them. , Although settled •Wnsumption Ja thought inourabl% still great numbers of calms where the disease seemed panned have been ceteplotely tester% and the patient re stored Li. sound health by the Caerrv,lV., So;corn plete is ts mastery ever the disorder* e ..., lINIS Throat, that the most obstinate of theinYieurtb en nothing, else could roach them, under the Chan qi they imoside and disappear. , . • - • , , briar era and, Public Alnettainta listal, great ,Pentectlas • Ir a demo is always relieved and ofteik .iithelli a tgA Brenchth W sis generally cured by an the Loral in email and frequent doom. .. ' . ' So ge nerally, are its virtues knqwn that we need not publish the certificate/ of them here, of do Mete than aeaure Om public. that its qualitie v are full maintained. AXER'S AGUE OURF,, L FOR .. ERe Apt, ' . _to, TERMI7t FEVER, (/ ILI. EEan • Re TENT FEVE 'DUMB AO_ ,110 P k litlii ti; • • BILIOUS FE %die., AND LNDEED A • 1.1 ,Ak : FEta/ONS WHICH ARISE ' F R _ I. hit 111311, OR B yIATIII POISONS. , i As its name imp it does Oura,nrie dons net fail. , tatting neither n c, Quinine. Demuth, Zinc; nor other mineral or poisonous subatance whatevet it in sot wise injures any patient. The number, and pertsruse of its cures in the ague dletricts are literallybeyond cc. count, and we believe without a perellel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride Is grsAined by the Ernst, edrments we re else of the radical corm elected a ob. stinate crules,and where other rem es had wholly. railed.. Unacalimated persons ,_ eithe r dent in. or traveling- throuih miasmatic localities. be protected by Bikini . the A UR CURE dant. , For IVER COMPLAINTS , arising' fro m torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy. stimulating ' the. Liver into healthy activity._ , . r orlfillous Disofders and Liver . Con/plaints, it is an ex. cellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, %here other medicines' had failtd. • , Prepared by Dr. 4. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Ati* lyticil Chemists. Lowell, Masa., and *old all ro und the world. PRICA $l,OO PER ROTTLE. _ J. M. MARIS a CO., Philadelphia, Wholesale Agent& aa2B ly IPAL DENTALLINA.—A BUPBRIOR AUtTRILE rum U cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcule which ta feet them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a fulling of frarran, ce and perfect cleangewasin the meth. It may be need daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gurna while the aroma and deteadvettess will recommend it to every one. Being composed with. will mai tance of the Dentist. Physicians and ,dloteseotohltat is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the no certain washes formerly in vogue. F.minent Dentists, acquainted with tbe oonstitnenta of the Dentalltna, advocate its use; It contains nothing to Prevent ita unrestrained employment Made only by JAMES T SHINN, Apothecary eroad end epreee Wee% and ID. Q .L. Stacklarass. Robert Davis, 800. H. Hower. Outs. Shivers, S. M. McCollin. C. Bunting, Chas. B. Eber - Le. James N. hiarka. E. Bringhund & Co. tott sa Co.. Bisies Sons. Yeth ft Bro. For sale by Monists gene Fred. Brown, liszeard & Co.. - C. R. Keeny, • Isaac H. Kay, C. H. Needles, T. J. kluebtuad, Ambrose timith, Edward Parrisb, Wm. B. Webb, James L. Blupbaro. Hughes & Combo. Henry A. Bower, IJEKIPPEBSI QUIDS* For Boston—St:gunship Line Dim% SAILING FROM MOH ,POlllizvEgy RIVE DAYS, FROM PINE STREET, P.ADELPML AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. anit Bte Th amstu h lipsne. Is ecommed of the dratcleis ROMAN, 1,488 tons, Ca O. 0. Bakes. SAXON, 1,200 tone. Cap F. /1. NOR RI AN. 1.203 tons . Ca a Crowe . The ROMAN, from Phila... on Saturday, May 9,6 P. N. The ,SA XON. from Boston. 'Friday, My a, 3. P.M. fleas Steamship! sail preictuetty. end iftehMt will he received every day. a Steamer being Always on the berth. Fret t for pothto beyond Baton sent with despatch. For oe Paasseth i Mrimehowialtoec), .4 Ply dr CO.. mill iffB Boa ware avenue. PHILADELPHIA AND . JIDJITHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP, COMP 511.014. AM LINES. FROM print 18 SOUTH "erigAßVllt . The JUNIATA will sail FOR NE.W ORLILeztSSIS HAVANA. Saturday illaipie, at 8 o'clock A. M. The STAR OF TOE IMON will sail FROM NEW ORLEANS, VIA GA ANA. ----. The WYOMING will sail FOR SAVANNAH. on Saturday, May lgth, at 8 o'clock At M. he TONAWANDA is withdrawn for the present. The PIONEER will sass rim WILE/NOWA, N. C.. Thursday, May 7, at 6 o'clock P. M Through Bills of Lading did, and Passage Ticket' told to all points South and West. WILLIAM L JAMES. Ileneral Agent. OHARLES DIMES, Freight Agent. nog No. 814 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND ANDAJOEt FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY At Noon, from FIRST WHARF above'EAßECT_Mgliet, THROUGH, RATES and THROUGH R.:. sns to AI points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air. Line Railroad. connecting at Portsmouth and to Lynch. burg. Va., Tennessee and the West. via Vin=l Tennessee Air•Linst and Richmond and Danville fight FreANDLED IMNEW taken at LOWER EtAg EAN ANY 0 The resularity, safety and cheapness of this rents eons. mend it to the public u the most desirable media= for carrying every description of freight. No charge for *commission. drayage. or any MOM ' transfer. • Steamships insure at lowest rater. Freight received DAILY. WM. P. 9ILYFIE & 14 North and South Wharves. W. P. PORTER. Agent at Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL & CO.. Agents at Norfolk. fel.tf HAVANA STEAMERS. SEMIMONTHLY LINE. aft Th_e_Steamships HENDRICIE HIMSON Capt. Howes STARS AND STRIPES. ... . . . -Capt. Holmes These steamers will leave ..... p ort for Havana every other Tuesday at 8 A. M. The steamship STARS AND STRlPES.Holmes.master. will sail for Havana .on Tuesday morning. May I9th. sill o'clock. Passage to Havana, $6O. culTenc,- No freight received after Saturday For fr4tht or seusafht : Mo vfxrison son. 140 North Delaware swam. _ NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propellers of the Line will .commence load. Ing on SATURDAY, 21st inst. leaving Daily, as usual. THROUGH Jf 24 HOURS. • Goode forwarded by all the 'Lines going" out of New York—North. P at and West—free of commission. Freight received at our tumal low ratee. WM. P. CLYDE & CO. 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia, JAS. HAND, Agent, 104 Wall street, Now York. mh1944 NEW EXPRESS LINE TO At 11 .7 A NDRIA, Georgetown and Washington, 'D..0.„ . Chesapeake and Delaware Oalud, wlthL eon• metope at Alexandria from the no direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Bonthweet. Steamers leave regularly front the fret wharf abov Market street, every Katorday at noon. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., • 14 North and South:PG:unveil. DAVIDSON, Agent A g eetoNni. M. MDRIDOE 'OD., at Alexandria , Vlr ginia FOR LIVERPOOL. —TITE FULL POWF.RED *.'.1f,01 Iron Screw Steamship Union, 0,000 taus bun th Commander, A. n o w LloYds, • 'C. Carolan. loading at Pier 40, South wharves, will have immediate despatch. having the greater portion.of her cargo engaged. • For freight or passage apply to E. A D . SOUDER di O. 8 ock street wCharf. NOTICE—FOR NEW YORK. VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal--Bwiftsure Transportation Company—Despatch and Bwiftsure Lines.—The business by theme Lines will be re Burned on and after. the 19th of March. For Freight, which Will be taken on accommodating term, apply to W BAIRD iket).,, 182 South Wharves. [mhl94 DELAWARE AND OSESAPEURE Steam Tow-Boat Companyßargee , towed between Philadelphia. B a ltimore, — Havre-de-Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE &CO Agents. Capt. JOHN LAMS. LIN. BuP'‘Otlice. 14 8. Whervem4 Phila. feLtf NOTIOK—TIIE NORW. BARS "PR.OGRESS,n Lb/limp, Nestor , from Liverpool. hinow diacharging. under general older, at Arch Street Wharf, Oon m al y ttmea W plPsee attend to the reception 9f their goods. g. Fat WRIOBT • & SONS. 115 Walnut street, et XTOTICE. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY OW. ti Boned against trusting any of the crew of, the British able Ansel, Haney. Master, front Liverpool. as no debts of, their contracting will be paid by either the Captain or COnslgnces, PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. , inY4ll4 OTICE,—TFIE BRITTISH 8111 P MICHIGAN. WOE len, ,Master,' from Liverpool, now' discharging under general order at the fourth wharf above' Kace i street.;, Consignees will please attend' e_ the recast. 031 of their goods. PETER UT tt 90NA.. ap3o4f - - - -- - - -,- -% 4: , -. 116 ; Walnut street. XTOTICE.—TELE BRITISH SHIP "141 0 VY' " N wl i 1!1 ma ß itle, teem Liverpool. Is 110;ii!UtgrIr rir gi ri()TTON--600 OTTON IN STORE ANGPOR - H X general order at Race atm!. wow we s. please Mundt° the. reepition; of t Olr Esode. ri RUSSELL & gg Dt or th p ros WRIGHT & SONO.' II& wflnat wad. ,‘ • oireew. • , ,„, Anyttf soprAmatilp, loißtiA.N. ,rxi• AO TON.--00N. sispeeno matie.per above Init.-tat i'‘PlLoago ond 1 for thefr,gooda nOw touding at CO SOW ill Art 0-milAt BURY w fivlt&oo. 1 . 10 1 7 7iaf ~ -m tkl-b — VP. 4 i O MCSI •`=-NEW • lul Soefgai T. 4, PIITERSEN.4IIIIIMIIESS, 1.141. SA Ulf ESTED 7 STEEET;PAILADELPIIIB 4 TDB OLLY• TREE TINY', .4 _4S AND OT i IIjIER STORIES, pro.' tyre; loaded, i•Prico buries, Dfelcilos„, the volume of 'Peterson+ , People's Edition, ilustrated, of Charlee Dickens% Werke." Is published this day.in uniform idyl° with ail of the previous volume, nf tbiaiditlen, eutiful edltion,ta now complete in ineteen 'iroltirage‘ artstfonttitnit One I: l l l 44redand llustrations on tinted paper, and cam book is printed from largo type, leaded, and to the only . complete, as well na the cheeped and beat'edlihin At the price pub tidied in the n orid itvcimlatl.aliff.plekeme eliort,Stories. pomplete, Ida( eqo r deem,' Each volume ia pound in fie „ t A MESSAGE FROM THE rEA. By Charles Dickens, ; Complete and unabridged edition. lino large octavo • volump,p;lnteA tram new. large. and clear tyl* ea Twetittlime ; ~,a nts Bete_c:the Twin.' ty.stk i'volttrde of -- retorsones Cheap Edition for the Million of Chick* Dickons'a Works." " TOE /num By Sir Walter. Scott. . Doing: the Tvp4elft farl'etorecoi. , now 'edittou,"o( "This ' Waver et *bode, 'to be completed in turenty.six weekly volumes. at Twenty cents each. ar Five Dot : Lars for a complete set, 'and sent post•paid everywhere. A FEW , syrs , or FIELD CROQUET. TUE BEST MADE.. Fried reduced from $2B to' $lB a set.' Bend for our Mammoth Ocacrintliro Catalogue. Address all cash ordem, ret.ll or wholesale, to • T. B. I'ETERoON & IIItOTLIEIO3, 206 atestnat PhliadeAphiai Pa. : ; ' ; . BOO= sent.' toza. receiptof retail Prim ALL NEW BOO.M ARE AT PETERBONB'. mySkt It _ST , LATIN ` !WIRE.— CY New EditionorarantafroUthet Latin' nage for the of Schools. With exercises as d. r tes by Williani Blifallun.' A. M., Stfptufntendent Of theßituthans '1 be Pub !Amelia°pleasure in announeing to cachou and friends of Education generally, that the new edifkut. Of the above, work is now ready, nod they Invite a careful itaminatlon Of the same;and a - comparison with ' other mint on Stallone subject,. Voiljem will be .f bed to Traekera and superbsendepe 01 00 b 00 1 1 1Wu purpose at low rites.. Price 11,50. . Published by . BUTLER dr CO.. • • . I t tioutb fourth a ticat ti And for sale by Booksellers generally. Phil ip a T eetuam—A new Course of Loctures t Mk dolly at .it. 4 New Yolk )(talcum of Anatomy. emb ieotii i Mow to live and what to live for; Irciritii PA 0100 e tha titiomil general ly tecalowea, ~.gbo cause eg r a or,TeXit:verwm:tvrtiiiiii..7,•ttv,:evt,rm4ragg. Worded to partieao unable to attend on 'retells boot at firtir st tonam. ps. by *4l4lrosaLait J. J. Dyer. IX &41001 a. 800. , - - MTh* os qpAH:Luajm BOLD EX W ED eAmw l ax , "I° rwi ie 'IN T 11&:.• RlB7All(rr, (I)WLT , fir :TUE UN/TED States for the Ecetera I etrlct Prsylvania. .I* Bankniptcy. At Philadelphia. -Aprt The LW denagried bei*lty gives notice of his app., atutent :as A. glance, of El/ CAB% of Phil/WOO/R.ln the County of l'hiladelphin. and. , 'State of rennsgivania, within said District. who has bens adjudged a: Bankrupt upon his awn petition by she ssid,PNifies COurft VAL 100DE3. Assignee, /South Sixth Street. To the Creditors of said Bankruptcy. was 1N "THE ORPHANS' court , vi - nt TflE' CITY and Xottnty ,of rblladelphisit-Eetate of SAMUEL PALMER, decceeed,-Tbe auditor a-pointed by the Court to audit, oottle and ndlunt- the *crown of SIN (iLt:TON A Mt xecutor of the Wets of Sun. MI Palmer, fee filed by 'the ExerntOre , of *gad Singleton A. Mercer.) deeeneed.and to report, diStriblaio/1 Of the balance in the bands of the per/mutant. will meet the partial interested, for thb purpose of lite app-intm lit. 6t3 FitillAlf, May 36tb, Itioh, at 4 o'clock, P„ at hie Whet. I+ 0. 426 Library street, in the chy PliPadelphia. iny4m w (St* JOUN C. KNOX, Ja.„ Auditor. _ - TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE car AND County of Fitiladelphia..—Estato, of dillitiEls F. TRUNlBULL.,.deetased.-,The Auditor appointed by the (Jona to audit. settle and acßust the accounts of B 8.. uttit yulto..'p and L'ELLSESIIO Ur; 11, Executors of the last Will of SAMUEL. F TRUMBULL, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance, in the hands of the accountants. trill meet the patties interested for the &rooted Ma appointoteptort MONDAY. mar nth, 18091: at 11 o'clock A. 51., at his office.. N 0.9 Law Builditutdd. E. corner of nfith and Walnut streets. in Ms city of Philal delphi" ApS grfr MEW, .I . N 7HE ORPHANS'COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of iliiladclphlit---Eatitte of ABRAHAM JOR DAN, dece.asod.-1 be Auditor appointed by the I :ourt to audit fettle and :Wind tho account oi MAROAAET ANN .foRDAN, Adininiatratrix of the Estate of ABRAHAM JORDAN, deceased. and to report distribtrtion of the balance in the hand* of the,accountant. will mat the partici' intereated, for the turrets of We appointment. Monday, the 11th day of May. 1923. at 4 o`e,Wc/OP.AL. at hi# office. et F.. corner Sixth and Walnut, etteota. 1* the city of Philadelphia. W. J. ilfeELitHir • . ap22-w,f,tuf.t• . ' ESTATE OP MARTIIA EMMY,. IClECEiltiED.—ocr. tern Tettamentety to tae Estate of 'MARTHA EOM late of the city Of Philadelphia, &emoted, hoeing been grenttd to the: underalattod. all persons indebted to said Petite are regorged to make payment, and Mote hoeing aflame to veeent them to JANE EASSV,Exoeutrix, No. WS North sixth greet; or to her Attorney. (11.7 d [AIMS ItElddE, No. 1.0) South Sixth greet. and w Bth TN DISTRICT COURT OF TDB UNITED 1 STATES , FOR TIIE. P.ASTERN DISTRIOT PEN NBYLV4NIA..—In Dankruptey.— At Philadelphia, April2t. MR Titer undereignett hereby /Wee ippointment as medal:Lee of WALT*. it S. 11,004 RD, of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennaylvania, within taid district. who ha., been ad. Judged a bankrupt "upon hie own petition, by the saki District Court.. V. M. VOGDES, Amaignee, No. L4B South Sixth etreet. To the eredltora of the baztkrt. pt. age -wit' TN THE DISTRICT COURT OP ,TIIE UNITED States for the Eastern District of Peruasyleanta.—ln Renamin-1n the matter of EDWIN b. auxeliLl a bankrupt —Ube undersigned hereby ghee notice of auvoinisnent Artignee of Edwin HOiocislor. of e city of Philadelphia, in the county of rhiladelphia and State of Peonsylvania.within said District woo bat been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Courtot said district ' 4013 N ROBERTS .% , Asslsnae. L South Sixth divot. run...t.ror..t.pirtA, April 21g., 18ai. - IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOE THE CITY lane County of Philadelphia.—MAßY N. BOLLEd by her next friend re. JLit sE N. BOLLES. p. P., September . Term, ISM No. b 2 In Dtrore‘i.. 'lO JESSE N. BOLLES. Reeptmdent..--Sna—Take notice that the Examiner appended by the Court to take testi molly of Übe/tattoo wltoteeem, will meet' for that yuryose on the alit day of May, A. B. ISM, at 4 o'clock. P. M, at the Ofhee of the undersigned. No. 2; second door of the . New Ledger Build/3:OW South Stithetreet, in the city of .Philadelplda ; when and whereyou may ettendll you think proper. OEO ROE 11. RA LP. t0y2154) Attorney for Libellant. 111 THE DISTRICT COURT OF D IS T RIC TTED 1. STATES FUR EAS'PERN OF PENNSILYAN/A. tr. In the matter of uLDENB ERG At TAGDERT. of Phila. delphla, in the county of Pnliadt 'phis, in the said dir trict, a bsnkrupt The said bankrupt having, under the act of Convent of the second of Mare.h. 1867, filed his petition for discharg e from all his oebta provable under the said act, and for certificate thereof, alleging that six months have elapsed since the adjudication of bankruptcy. it is order ef that a second meeting of the creditors be held on theeigh th day of May. at one &deck P.M..before the Register, W (AJAX hf 3IICHAEL,Eaq ,at hip offica.No.s3o Walnut atirbnattel phia, to be continued by adjournments. if necessary, when and where the examination of the said bankrupt will So finished; and that, if neither assignee nor badaupt op. testy, the Register certifies to the , itrt whether the said bankrupt has in all things conforMed to hie duty tinder the said act and if'not, in what respect „_• which certifi• rate and the said examination, when closd, with all other papers relating to the ease, will be filed• by the Register in the Clerk's When. It is further ordered that a heating bo bpi upon the said, petition for discharge and certi fi cate on 'WEDNESDAY.. the Toth day of May. A. D. 1868., before the sad Court at Philadelphia.. at le o'clock A.M., when and where all en tutors who have proved their de le te, and other persona in intereatonsy appear and show canna any they have. why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALa DER. Judge *of the liteal of Omit. ' said District - ocent, and the teal —.... thereof atThiladelphia,ttesZlnd of ApriI„A.DANN- Cr , lt FOX. Clerk. ap.w.3to N THE DISTRICT COURT' FOR THE CITY AND I Ct()UNTY OF PIIILAIaEL , PLIIA.—JOIIN 4(1.-BUL., • LITT Vs:JOSEPH Ufill En and MARY A. HUGliErls his wife. ',Ley. Fs. September Term, 1867. No. fa& The • auditor appointed in the above ease to make distribution of the fund now in Coutt, arising from the see of the fel" lowing described reel estate to wit: All that full, equal, undivided, halt part of and in all , . those two certain lotti,or plecei t uarcels of land mitaete l y ing end being late fu the to p of Biocide>: now in toe Twentydorirth Ward' of t e City of Philadelphia. - One of them beginning at, a- stone in Coulter'a road, • thence by lan s i e l i t Hotted to Rachel Illankley. north 62 de. gTeee east 81 bee to a done In the line of land of Peter deo' . thence by the same north 6 deareea west 9 perches to a stone.thence by land allotted to Sere/ (Leel. day. south.6lX, degrees West 76 perches to 'Coulter's -road. aforesaid, thence by the said „road south 9 degreee west 10 perches to tbe place of beginning: Containing 4 . ' acres of land be the same lore or les& ' '• And the ether of meld pieces or parcels of land I.); i yin• nine at .a alone fa a corn.r in the middle of the, eat (jhesterroad; thence in a line with John ,Fleher's land. north 8 degteee'4s mit Mee east 16 perches and' 8.10 of a Perch toe stake; thence. In aline of. land al'ot ked f t Elia . &bolt Pooh, north OS deg.rees tent ,75 perches and 719 perchto a stake and ' poet, thence-1n line of land late •of the _paid Peter Wikoff, eolith 6 degrees edit. 17 parches and 9.10 et a perch to a stone. • dience in a line of iand of George, U Sentner, Harp; and ; James Edgar. south 62 degrees, west 70 perches and 2.14 of a perch to a atone apt up - for a corner in the middle of the said Went t 'tester road, thence;tip the zoiddla of the said toad north 45 degrees. west '4 perches and 110 of a perch to the place of beginning. Contalubig sores'- , ang 10 perches of land. _ Will m eat the perties interested for the purpose of hie Intmentat his °Mee. No. 615 Walnut etre.t., in • the ' a rt, v P° " o - 1 - - philadelphla. on Monday, May 18th. 18,01, n at 1 O°Olock. P. 111, when and where all persons interested are requested to present their claims or to be debarred from coming in upon the paid' fund; 4. IRVINE WHITEHEAD. Auditor. mylloll Wahaut street.- , 4 COTTON. -86 BALES COTTON NOW LANDIN AND: for solo by CoolllLth, RUbtIELL & . 004 No. Mt North Front. • my4o T•ERCES RIMY!, IN STORE AND NOE eale e . COCHRAN, R U SSELL 4% CO., Nortk Front otree , , tay44ll OP tIIITEI TURPENTINE AND NAVAL STOREI2.--150 , .1 ) „ gallops spirM Turpentine, 800 barr4.la Rosin,_2o of Tar. now landing from "Pioneer," and for sale by 01001 i Ra.N. RUSSELL di CO.. 22 N. Front et. my44l LEGAL NOTICES. NAVAP STORES• W' 8 Ira ........7 , ...;,...,,„... From bu r aeh not" Xetter Y ri.6 LI Mao . "1k ---it-rwit '' - ii ~i i . wi . , ibletarto: ‘#,, y e 110111 , os► 0 1 4:<L1. ''.' 14 "1 1 ) 07 1;MP:i10,':g..+,;. 4 .:Cp, # 40, 04, lik ' money Lutoi 02)4092igfo r e dcolitiVei.d.l - ' ingl;;I Other Eecurilles unchanged. • FRANKIVIVr t May 5.-15-20 s firm 'it 95%. . - Nate, May b.—The Pours° le firmer.: Mutes M. 42c. • LivEuroor., Marb r P. M.--Cottoa-casier,and unchanged. Petroleum firm. Spirits of Petro leum Bd. Other article° unchanged: ANTWERP, May b.—Petrolcum 44% francs. Now ualoPql47lß4TlP.4thmek 91PT . M7 tepectifirein;idelit4; thiPlilli4 l o. 2 l4 * ll ata i nh 4 7;„ Conceal', N. It 4 detegdte iteoubli can Convention met here at Phtenix. Hall to-day. There was a large attendance. Hon. Meson W. Tappan, of Bradford, was chosen President. He made a short address, eulogizing General Grant highly, and stated that whoever was elected Vice President, he would not attempt to Johbionize the Republican party. Several despatches were read from Republican Congressmen, Washburn, Ela, Benton, Stevens and others, pending the close of the trial, the removal of Johnson and the, inaugurati_op of Waite. , The . rouowini was from elenear Macre " 7 " ' "Wasnatorces, dth.ltlB6B,--ffea, ,Onalow Btearns, , Conowil l II.: The , removal ,of the Great Obstruction to peace *ha ,quiet is certain. Wade aed,PtePerlii Arc ante to , owe with 'the', apple blossome. [Signed] "lbw. F. &men." The following resolutions were presented : Rese/red, That the Republicans of New Hamp shire hereby re-affirm their perfect confidence in Gun. U. 8. Grant, whose fidelity' to law and right has proved an insurmountable barrier to Execu ti*nswpation and treachery, and confirmed our faith in his patriotism, his sagacity and his pre-eminent fitness for the highest office in the gift of the American people. • iltuolvak That tbe Repubibutna of Newamp shireheartily endorse the action of their Reprel. seutitiVeit in'Congreeit,J EL , Bliti If; Stevens, and J. Benton, and the bridging to the bar of the Senate, for trial, that great apostate, Andrew Johnson ; and send greetings to their Sena tors, Aaron H. Cragin and J. W. Pat terson, feeling confident that they will aid in finishing up the work so gloriously begun, to the end'that peace may come again, and come to stay; and that they shall rejoice with joy in. expressible when the usurper is dethroned from the Presidential chair, and that tried and devoted patriot. B. F. Wade, shall become the OM ant of. the White ilonsa• i _to remain 1111 enoceeded by our great Captain; U. 8: Grant. • The fottr'deleotea elected to attend the Chicago Convention were Elijah M. Topliff, of Manches ter, Charles S. Faulkner, of Keene,Wm.Chandler, of Concord, and J. H. Bailey, of Portsmouth; with D. IL BuffuL Henry L. McFarland, B. F. Whedde and Gov. Harriman as alternates. Public Debt Btaiement. Warrntoron, May s.—The following state anent of the public debt of the United States on the let of May; 1868, has jest been betted : DENT eLAJUZIO 0011 f 111110 WIT. . . . . 6 Writ tends..,,_,, 012.947 tID?00 ncr Ant: mode. inniASIL ... SM.= Pft th 2.. do 1821' 283.817,230 00 Do: lL4obbnde.... 1,412.064.164 00. Navy Pension fund • 13.00.000 00 01.963 878.487 80 Dr/Yr ISTADING ODABSINOT INTLILDST. Six per cent. bonds- =982.003 Three year ecopon interest n o te s. 44.573.010 Three year 1.30 notes 163,403.250 Three per cent. certificates 22,231000 12260,976,920 DATTMED DEITT DOT TIITDERTZD FOE PAT/12NT. Three year 730 hetes due August 15,1867 $1.074050 CO Couipound interest Notes. matured Jtum 10. Julils. Aug. 15. Oct. lb, and Dee. 15. ....... ............ 4.743.280 00 Wipulthißtfahli..-s • PARR Go. . I OtteooloMS tral eo gr 41 ve si t ry 1 1 1 100 64 oteo. 614 . 130 T • en cer i= Loan. ... 1,031400 00 of Indebtedness. 1.000 00 DEBT swarm; NO INTIM - UM U. a Nate $353.1.441.7117 00 Fractional Currency.. ... . 32,460.439 91 Gold Catificatea &eposit.. L 4,367.903 00 --- 407.93/3.116 81 Total debt Amount in the Treasury. Coin' .11108 A 01,3150 00 4174,L1S 1119 44 Oa3.7 PS Total debt late cash In Treasury 814000.0014. 4, te7 The foregoing is a correct statement of the public -debt 4.45 i appears' •frona. , the 'book* and Treasure:Pi returns in the , Thipartnient'on May Ist, 1868. IL lifcCutLocn, Secretary of the Treasury. By comparing the above with the statement issued on April Ist, it is shown that during the put month, the debt bearing compound interest has increased $18,937,450. The debt bearing cur rency interest has decreased $21,390,700. The matured debt not presented for payment has de creased $1,131,100. The debt bearing no interest has increased $1,471,640. The total debt has decreased $2,106,710. The amount of coin in the Treasury has increased $7,630,040, and the amcunt,pf„ . -eurresAw ,hase increased V 3,9 4 4 110 9. Making , ddertase In the torsi 4 debt lesSaus' la in the Treasury of $18,680,859 80. XLth Congress—Second Session. Wssuncororr, May 5. Hoeß N —The Speaker announced the Who wing NS ibis Select Committed to Invesegabs , thechair against Mr. Ignatius Donnelly, contained in t e letter and remarks of Mr. Elittu 13. Washburne: Mr. Banks, of Massachusetts; Mr. Thomas, of Maryland; Mr. Poland, of Vermont; Mr. Gris wold, of New York; Mr. Blaine, of Maine ; Mr. Woodward, of aVermsyltinia, ands and Mr. Beck, of Kentucky. Mr. Dawes (Mass.), at the request of his col league, Mr. Butler, offered the following, viz.: That the select committee ordered by the House on yesterday he also charged, underAttenutbority given them, with the investigation of - the allege- Nations made on Friday by the member from ow York (Mr. Brooks), in the words following: "Sir, the honorable gentleman from Massachu setts will never forgive me because I extorted from him, or was the means of extorting from SM. bete and through,tehe Courts in Now :York, soo,ooo,whicit he had extorted from a New Yorker in New Orleans when 'he had command there—a sum of money which he was obliged by the Courts of New York to pay back, not exactly in the gold which he appropriated in New Orleans when It was at 280, but in paper a& legal • tender. It is because of fhb act of mine upon the 'floor of this House when he was ,commanding general and as a public tiann*posed his acts here, that lam as sailed as I have been here to day, and upon other oecasioni elsewhexe." Which all, miens, if true, with the inuendoes with which: they were made, ought to affect the position of the member charged, and if the charge is ; false and not knoWn to be true by the ,mem her making it, the;House may take such order as may, be necessary and proper , to protectlmem biro of the" aase front false charges. , ,The Speaker ruled that this was a question of privilege; as it affected the character of a mem ber of the Reuse. Mr. Brooks (N. Y.) said he should not object to the consideration of the resolution at this time, provided he could have an amendment ex tending the limit of the investigation. Mr. Davisleet' led tbettinS , gentletenn could pre sent his proposition as , b,'separitte matter. MT. Brook,s preferred that it be added to the pending resolution. The Speaker gave notice that business would be transacted of • r the members of the Houss re tarnl4l,olotkih . , • , • It HI itTlaeTS n v e. that Mr. Brooks wishes' to investigate the truth of the assertion of Mr. But ler. in the debate on Friday, that ho was applied to by Mr. Clarke to conduct the suit against the Brooks Brothers, of the New York Erpress. Mr. Schotleld.offered &resolution that the same number of copies of the report of W. Taylor, on the subject of gold and silver mining, be printed for the use of the House, as.were ordered of the reports of J. Ross Browne,en 'the gold and silver mining of the Pacific States, and that the said reports be 1:101/1qt9gether. Referred , to the Com mlttee. emPnritingh • A.. , • The House then accompanied the Impeachment Managers to the Bar of the Senate. Mragedy• CINCINNATI, May 5.—A des atch to the Com mercial, front Delaware, Ind eta, says that on Sunday, while three boys, eons of Henry Fog% were put - in sleld togeher„. a difficulty arose between them; when the "oldestralished theleads of the younger brothers with an axe, killing one outright and leaving the other near dead. At the approach of the fathenthe oldest boy, ran,, to the barn and hung hinaself. it01011 , 1014 ., '00 1 / 14 P LADELPHIA, 014 ' 5 attn , 4041,11110 . , accordancewith a resolution adopted by the Common COnnell of th4tity:of Philadelphia on pursidayi the ninth dsy of April, 1868, the an ., ne. tottilAW ;, "An uo62,l4AlNWOftung ,10injor the extension alp vyater vyiarltel, ' purchase of League ; Sp i d for btfildlnglan'lee Bekit,"' isherehy" for Vallein ecirdiationi ;TOMITOPTEIN • I • ' Clerk of Cordmerf Cornell. Ontoriasce creating a i loan for the , 'e ' , of the Water Works,for the ` pttrchtere of League Islandi,andlor,bu ..11aingfaingce Boat. Sacriox I. The Select and Common Councils Of the city of , Philadelpb4 -do ordain, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and he is hereby autho rized to borrow, at not less than par, on the Credit of the, tityificim`time tette°, One mallet) )3ix hundred and, forty thousand dollare, to be applied as follows; wiz.; First-J-Pcii the further ;extension of the Water Works, one million dol lars.' Second-4or the purchase Of League Island'; and ,proppeerty= on , the back channel - ,oppitelte therets,'lder hundred : and' eighty gienuetad dol lars. Third—for building an ice Boat, one hun dred and " slity , thdusand ifellars; for which in terest, not to - ezedathe rate of,' six per cent. per annum, thsll hOpalii half-yearly, on the first days of January July, at tithe office of the City Trausuret.,Ttieprinelpal of sidd lotto shall be payable and paid at the erxpiration of thirty years from the dae of the same, and oot before, without the consent of the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor, in the usual form of the certificates of ifity loan 001 ,bojesued In such !amorists as the lenders may require, bat not for Any fractlOnal part of ' tinelatinftw 'dollars, or if Xequired,ht'am albite Of tific hundred or one thou -nand dollars; arid It shall be expressed in said cer tificates that the loan therein mentioned and the lateuest thereof are payable free from all taxes. Sec. 2. 311 4 1annerver any loan Audi be made by virtue thereof, there shall be; by.force of this ordi- Dance, ..annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates, lisetfrom the mud Wised . by fixation,* sins shM,dos , V to- pay the interest On said certificates; and the further sum of three tenths of one per cetitdm on the par value of &Leh certificates, so lamed,. shall be appropriated quar terly out of &Lather/me and.taxes to a' slating fund; which fund, and its accumulations, are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. nn sournow To MIRIASR A LOAN SILL. Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Council b e setborieed to,pnblish intwOd4U,P=Pells of this est , deilf, for for wiltks,ltte nee prtecote4 to, the ,Lloinmon Connell on ; Thursday, April iNhi_lB6BlnolUna ‘,`AnOrdirtarioe creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works, for thepirchase of League Muni, and for building ; an bre Boat." - And the led Clerk, at the stated 'meeting of Councils, alter the expiration of four we' froth thellret day' of said publication, shall 'present to this Council one of each of said news papers for every dayin which the same shall have been made. apll-24t PHELAN & BUCKNELL! Twenty-third and Chestnut Sts. WALN i ttair s AND FLAIk ALL TB CON AND DRY. FINE LOT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR. CYPRESS AND min* 3 1 7 SHINGLE& SEASONED Mom NTCI3IGAN,oANA OA AND Ul m Ig•VANLS. ALL 13 _ AND QU FLOORING AN • • • I Vy c•kStRkrr4TTMBEIL SPRUCE J 1 HEMLOcIE JOiST. • BUILDING • MEER OF ALL KINDS. Waft MAULE; bR THER CO. 1808. SPRUCE JOIST. 1.860 ER IC L OX . , HEMLOCK -14.11QE STOCK. R,biE STOCK. '111447/...,:mportustit. &go., 7,906,2E3 GI 1868.:, 1868. • r -- "A • RE • 6 • WM FLOORING. WALNUT BIN t SLOW:NIL? • • 9 202a.612,622 186 Q. WN W T B O M O A'S ' A D PA K K. 1868. /If& 1.868 UNDERTAKERS*LUMBER. 1868 . UNDERTAXERS' LUNDE& W. ADDGMDAD. WALNUT AND PIN'T.. 1868: EEM • - 1868. OAirPLA 4B Pr iy AND BOARDS. BIOKO C I GAR BOX • CIGAR BOXMRS._•:: /868• 011•ANIBII 11:13PAILBOX OARDEH, • , 1F0R:8.4.1•E LO W. 1868 CAROLINA SCANTLING. • .186 a CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. • t LARGE ABSORT2SIENT. 1868. CEDAR SHINGLES. CEDAR SHINGLES. 1868. CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH, • . CHESTNUT PLANK AND MAROS. 1868 SEASONED CLEAR PINE. 1868 . SEASONED CLEAR PIN E. . CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. FLORIDA RED CEDAR. ICIAUIiEs KROMER et. co. .2500 SOUTH STREET.' P A. d¢ J. J. WILUA.SIB, J.aik Broad and Green streets. SEASONED BUILDING LUMBER; WALNUT, ASH, at low prtc&. myelatl IUITARIUCK & SON • Aka SQ_ ARK FOUNDRY, WABlllasi ON venue,__Philadelphis. ACT STEAM ENGINES— gh and Low Pressure, Horizontal, Vertical, Beam, Oactilatingp.Biaat and Cmnish Pump BO ERS—Cyllnder, Flue, Tubular, &c. STEAM kl A urßS—Naamyth and Davy styles, and of alt azee CASTINGS—LoSun.Dry and Green Band, Brags, &a. ROOFB—lron Frames. for covering with Slate or iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron. for refineries, water, .GAS CHI:NEW—Such as Retorts. Bench Cantina Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and (Marconi Ban BU r n i bt iral ltdA ve tkWar.---fl al uch e. as Vacuum ` Pane and Pumps, Defecators,Hone Black Fitterr, Burners. Waal/ expand Elevators:l3as Filter& Sugar and Bone Black Cara, &c. Sole manufacturers; of the folkuving epecialties: In Philadelphia and vicini*W Wright's Patent Variable Cutoff Steam In Pennsylvania, of & nett Patent Dead-Stroke Pow er Hammett.- I n the United Statee, of Weston% tent SelLtentering suid Self t balancing Conitrifnial 8 Machine Glass & Bartel% improvement on Aspinwall & °oleo's • CentrifugaL • Bartol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Straiten% Drill Grinding Rest. .• • Contractors for the design, erection, and tilting up of Re. fineries for working Sugar or Molasees. (IQFPNIi AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, Brazier's Copper Naibh Bolts and "nt Cooper. con. stoutly on baud , and for sale by 'HEN o RY WbfißOß & CO.. No. 889 South liVharvea. , IV - UMBER 10. re TU PIG i n n of /A nook bnin 'in e re and for Ede in tote to stut, by PETER WBJ OHTSONB.II.S Walnut street, - • I.)OBERT 'ffEICEit&NER & CO., ' ;WHOLESALE 11 Oruggieta.N. E. corner Fourth and Race etreete invite the attention' of the Trade to their lame stock of Fine Druipi and Citocabs, Eeaential Qila Oflungea Cor&e. dsa no27.tr • DILUBARB , ROOT,' OP REGENT IMPORTATION. Ilk and very su i terlor mvility.,_ONllte Gum Arable. .East India Castor 0 'Whtte and Mottled Castile Soo, O li ve Oli r of.vorious raids: For sale by ROBERT RHO& MASER & CO., Gruplista, Northeaat corset' of Four th and Itene streets. , . • . • • • n 0274 P " Ai l aiii t lirCoW l ed, T P4 ll ties q. P l U c i gx . ournmanufactinsroi tuidoubtedignriVA qtantialas to suit ntirelnisers. ROBERT IMO••=e..l 'lft Peden in Paints andtVarnishes, N. Ea corner Fourth snd Rase streets t.'40274 TIRLLOGIBTS , .BUNDRIBO.--OItADILATM 'MORTAR. Bo Pill Tiles tc ‘conbss Br.ne. hes. MirrcV n eavant run Boxes. Horn dope, burMeJilinstrweeft TruMm. ard ; and Bat Ru ber bloods, oriel Cum AI Ant tal t3yvinges, &c., all at "Fi,• rst Hala"Bgeea_ • 13NOWV & BROTHER. apb•tf 28 South Eighth Week VERITABLE EAU DE COLOG NE—JEAN 1 MARIA FARI N A.—The Bloat faeolnettrup of- all toilet waters, in festivity o t r o s t iams, Z i t tlu s tt Avnalialls e l'lncgirroittrea. Tonefort;vo dollars. 'll außßstirkApothecarn_ • 1410 nt eheek afirldf 'l"'"Lvi'd 3 1 1"Lnor l i r trir iga rr- vhi • Lh o mle-JILP • 41,1 ±..... • ! • 4 4,4, CO.. lUtl wows avow. LUBILMEM. F7lr - KVTII oalitm TITE,DAILY EVENING. BULLETIN:---PHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 1868. ' Zhi:i:tMUU,Ot*IMDW and Reading . Railroad.. CHANGE OF 'HOUR: er MIRIDAT.Itar 401, 1068, Gus Aceiniunti-' dation Trains will leave Depot, THIRTEENTH and U 414 OWHILL Streets., follows: POTTS row.N gOMMODATION, fotPottatown and Intermediate tiht 4.1 4.30 V. M.. arriving inXottetown at 6.85 P. M. (OM an Met' Mey 9th, TraMe will ran on Perklomen Railroad in connection with this train.) READING ACCOMMODATION, for Reading and In termediate Station', at 9,19 P. M., =him; at Reading i at liiggiM "Fr . . " THE IDDLB SOUTF.,—Shortert , . . . and meet direct iine to Bethlehem. finWon.,4ipltown, Mandl Chunk ( ' Harleten. White MI esbarre,Mahanoy_ City,Mt. Carmel. Pittetoni gain n. &Mondale and oil the points in thrfloffiligh and WINE Ceti regime. . . r 60 rier t AilhiladelPhlili N. W. conker of Serb and erican _ SP GARRANOBAIRNT—ELSVENDAmr TRAINS —On and after MONDAY/ APRIL 6th. int ' Pair, onager Treble leave the New Depot, corner of Berks and American _streets,'llally (Sundays excepted ) _ose folloWs: At 6.45 A. m —A... commendation for Fort Washinici 311 , At 7.46 A. M..—Mortting_ Mizoram for Bethlehem an d Principal Stations cal North Pennsylvania' Railroad, con. nesting at Bbthithem with Lehigh Valley a ie rt % i tgh end ibuimehanna Railroade for Easton,Arien tau., tuitionatattitn, Mauch Chunk.Weetherly.l e. Bseeton, White Haven, Vi'llkesbarre, Kingdom Pittston, Scranton._euthanasia and all points in Le* high's nd Wyoming Valloye also . in connection with Le. high and Ma.hanoy Railroa d for Malvin°, City, and with Catawba & Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and WIL lialturpott. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.06 A. _ _ ,M. •at W ilk esbarre at 8 P'.ld, ; Scranton 0406 P. M. r. at /MAC trlVl Cl Ntll 2 4 l l r tlid,lrmr ll 3c Ale il li z em era l ° l l t6/ 6 1 8 . t r or Mon and points on New Jersey Central. lialkoad to 8.45 A. M.—Aodation for DotioNtarotop• tang at all intermtations.' 'Paneergers for Willow Grove, Hatboro , d ate s übville. hi thls train:take State ; ' at Old York Road. At 10,16 4. M.—.Winferi foe Fort WeellingtOn. stopping atintem At 145 P. M.—Lishle Nalig hi llixprom for Betbleheni, Allentown,__Olauch Chunk. te Haven,Wilkeribluriu rbatioy My, Centralia, Shenandoah. Mt. , Carmel, Raton and Saositon, and all points ,in btahallaY and .yonifnc Coal.Rone. ' •, • , .. Atli 801 i, M.—Aszsmunodatton for Doyieetomn stopping .1t all intermediate stations. Passengers take. stage at Dollestown for BOW HMO. and atNorth Wales' for Suns twlt I t lisP. M.-I.rhigh and flusqueluuma ExPrestr for Beate/ism; Boston, Allentown.: Mauch Ghtink. Wilkes. bane and Scranton. rmencess for Greenville lake this „ _ eta. , —Acixenmodation for Dcifentnirt4 rignins" ra ' lntegn it allinterm ediate shalom, jilt/mincers for i mune Grove. Liathoongli and Hootirvilla take dace. at. Abbut:. At 6.101% jle. 3 -Tbaceortmin for Methlehem and oil etaßonf on line of North Pennsylvania Rail. rostre a onnacling at iM with Ishtar Valley Wan. biin for Easton, Allentown,Mattch Chunk. t MP; /kL—Atetelniodation for Lonfidalb, Mopping at all intermediate stationo. , At 11.80 P BE—Accommodation for Fort Washington, TRAINS AItRAP. IN, PHILADELrMIA. From Bethlehem &tam and 11.46 A. 11.21314 MOP. M. 11 46 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Trains makes direct canners thin with isinigh Tilley and Le 124,4 .and 15miq_ whams trityains ' front Easton. Scranton, winunbarre. mammy . C Hazleton. , Passe and ngers leavinc:Willuiebarte at LSO _PAL connect at bethlehm at 6,15 P. M., and arrive In Ph.llMelphla at 8.40 P. id. From Dayleetown at 8.86 A.M., 6.1.2 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.2/i A. M. From Fo ON SIDAYrt WoMiugton ea,aa,ii.c l3. lo A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Philadelphia for Bethlehem al 0.80 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. N. E:gwn for Phasdelphla at 7.23 A. M. httan for Philadelphia at et* P. X. Fifth and Sixth streets romancer Can convey puma. gars to and from the new White of Second an D f e lVird Streets Line and Union Line runw ith in • short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket office. in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. 106178 CLARK. Agent Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to principal pointe, at Mann'e North Penn. Baggage Enrols Office. No. 106 South Fifth Meet. •ROWI'HILADE WILMINGTON AND =HSIIIMOBE TIM T IitAILROt& dak, April ISt/3W, Trains will le=ner of Broad street an ashington avenue, se follows: • Way.mail Train, at 820 A. M. (Sundays , excepted), for Baltimore. stopping at all regular stations. Connocang ?with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and ludesinediate station& • . - Express-train at 79.0011. onnaiprlMeofoi Balti more and Washington. stopping at W - gton. Perry , vile and HavredeGrace. Connects at Wilmington with train for New Castle. Exprase Train at BAD P. M. (Scoidays excepted) Jar Bal. times° enst, ► t Cheater; Thurlow. ,Ltnwood. n, nt, ewport,Stanton,New. ark. Elkto o Perrytille.lisivrerde• Aberdeen, Perryman's. Edgesvood. Magnolia. Chase's and Eltemmeee Run. Connecta at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, _stopping at New Castle, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, Barrineon. BalieburyV Princess Anne, and connecting at with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk. Portsmouth and the South. Night Express at 11.00 P. M. (deny) for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Perryville and Havre de-Grace. Pimengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via Bahl. more Will take the 1..00 hi., Train. Via Crisfield will take the &BO D. M. taw Tr od% steePing at all stations between `Philadelphia and Wumington: Leave Philadelphia at 11 A.1kL,,7 and 11.82 (daily) P. M. The 5.00 P. M. train connects with the Delaware 'Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. , Leave Wilmington 7.00 and 8.10 A. M. (daily) and 1.3). 415 and 7.00 (daily) P. M. The 840 A. M. Train will stop between Chester and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to Philadelphis,.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. Id. Way Mail. 9.40 A. M. Express. 2.26 P. M.. Ex press. 8115 P. M. Express. 8.55 P. SL„ Express. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE.—Leave Bal. tlmore at 556 P. M.. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perry. - vile and Wilminn. Also stops at North East, Elkton and Newark. to take passengers for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Wardington or Baltimore. and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Bahl -11:110713. ThrOUgh tickets to all points Weet.Sonth and Southwest may be procured at licketoffice, 898 Chestnut streetunder Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths In 'Sleeping-Care can be secured - during the day. Persona `purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the U FK o E T N r N n E s YS Cm er Y dent Siam PHLLADELPEULA. GFAMAN. ROAD AND NORRIBTORW RAU; ROAD TIME TABLF.--On and after Wednesday. May 1, 1667. FOR GERMAN'TOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7, 0, 9.0%; 10,11, 12 A. M ., L 9, 3.15, 65(,, 6.10. 7, 8.9. 10. 11. 12Y .114 , Leave Germantown-8, 7,7 X, 8, 8.2%9, 10, 11.14 A.M.; 1, 2,3, 4,4 X, 6, 6}6 7 8 9 10, 11 P. M. The 8.20 do G erind the 3X and 5X up trains, will not stop on ttown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. LeAve Philadelphia-916 minutaiA. hi; 2,7 and 10X P.M. Leave Germantosvn-8.1 ILL 1, 6 and 9X P. M. CIiESTNUT RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6.8.10,12 A. 14.. ; 2r 8%. 6%. 7.9 and 10 P. hL Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 adnutes, 8, 9.40 and U. 40 A. M.; L4O. 8.40, 5.40. 8.400140 and 10.40 y. AL, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. ; 8 and 7P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.50 minutes A. M. ; 12.40. 640 and *26 minutes P. M. FOR CON SHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia--6,134.9,1L06. A. 11.; 134, 3.434. 534, 6.15. Fit* and 1136 P.M. Leave town-, 11 A. M.; 134. 3,06, 6.15 and 8.% . ON SUNDAYS. Leavo 7.15 P. H. Leave Norristown-7 A._ _ • sWand 9P. M. -- FOR BIANAYONK. Leave Phi/ndelp_h l e- -6 , 7 3 6. 1.1.05 A. ; 136,324 X, s)d , 6.15. MS and 1136 r. M. • • Leave Man .Tank--6.10. EiSO. 836, Ms A_ M • 2.1 w 6. • • e and 9P. M. ON SUNDAYS. _ _ _ . Leave Philadeloigi:::ol7M7;l4ind 7.16 P. K. Leave ayank— w c t i Mant i 6 L . : v a n / P. ILL teiiii . B. • Depot.,Ninth and Green etna. WEST CHESTER AND PHILA. , DELPHIA RAILROAD. VIA ME. DIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, April 18th, 12,88,traine will leave Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streep i as follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for West eater. at 7.15 A. Mll.OO A. 1.1..1L80, 4.18, 4.50, 7.00 and o.oor. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market etreet,7.ls. 7.24 and 10.45 A. M.. L 55. 4.50 and 6.50 P. • On and after Mo nday. June 15th. an additional Train viti leave Philadelphia for Media and Intermediate Pointe at 5.33 P. M. _Trains leaving Wed Cheoterat 7.30 A. M.. and• leaving Philadelphia at 4,50 P. M., willatop at 13. C. Junction ana s Paesengens to or from stations between Wein cheater and 13. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving ,Weet Cbeeter at 7.15 A. L, and going Watt will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4. 51) P. IL, and ,transfer at B. 0. Janotlore. • s „,... Trains leaving Ph il adelphia at 7.15 A.. M. and 4.50 roe., Viand leaving_ West Cheater at 7.80 A. M. and 4.50 P. 31., connect at D. C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. B. R. lor_Oxford and intermediate poinb3. 00 ' ON SlMlDAlllB—LetivePitiladelphia at 8.00 A. M. and LP.M. • •• • • Leave Wart Chester 7.45 A M. and 6P. M. The Depot Is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wat. nut street cart• p i : 11 0 0 f the Mar street line You with. is one square. Cant of both ea Connecttsfith oath ft r at r igi i st ijte arrival. are allowed to take ,Intatinit apYarel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any owe. be reatonAldo tor an amount eauxtrOmt aim sigma moth dal contract n madeoc tne some. • .• HENRY WOOD. Genera Sunerbitendralt, PEOLADEItPHIA: di BALTIMORE 11511111 M=P All emelits. R4I un latb an ° d Ap isfter . — M B o lun ad m ay ar , April 111,11369, the Trains will leave Phlladelphilohnm tan Depot of*the West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad. cor ner of Thirty .first and Chestnut streets (West Phllada.). t 7.15 imi 4 / rr if. at a Leave Mang oh at LIS and Oxford 6.05 A. Il and leave slord at L 95 P. hl. A Market Train with Piunesi lu ir Car i attached will ran en Tuesdays and Prillaxis the Rising Sun 1411.05 t oc h t Wixfor_d at IL4 s Kenn ett Lou P. M. con. at West Chester lon with a train for Phila. el , hit ~4 Wedn and Batculays Wane • .611 , p at ' •• • ugh to. Cdord. •;• .; et train 7.1.0_,A4w connects At I:. relit Bo= m ireb - H - ord wit c h ' treMor n hdledr ,r iti n*Un a i o t e eind d'ldiedete4de et LW P. mu to .4.1N44150414004 wed to take apparel only. se Pouge. arid Voloweew apt. Any wee, be ro, 11901NONIP fee ea weep enered OM" 31 = 1 .0 4 4 11 *-AtO M& 00 Genewdl4ool. iirtimuuMiSir lalliNE.rte, MININ QUIOKEST TIME ON BEOORD . THE PANHANDLE Bourg. a•-ii Timm_ kiglideri, la nINEM e t NU RAILRO A AD ND PAN NlO/.. LIS. HA HO TIME than by COMPETING LINES. PASISENGERS taking the 100 P. li. TRAIN arrive in CHiCINNAM next EVENING atifka.,,P.74.o 14 * ll 4ta ONLY ONE NIGHT an the ltol W THE WOODRUFF'S eelebratad Palace • i r t . Roo .CARS nni through : • " ' KU* to ClNta NNATL Passengtha ,:r , 12. , . gg, and MOO PM. Trains reach (HNC A and all points WES l t o tnd SOUTH ONE TRAIN APYANC,IE of all other tan. • ,__,A, L ~ Ur Passengers' for CINOTNNATL ko AN Lte• 5.C111.114 CAIIIO,_UHICAGO, P RIA, 1 1 a' TON, QUINCY, MILWAUKEW T. PAUU 0 T. and all Rints WEST. NORTHWEST and SO - T. _will particular $ aik tor TICKETS Via .11A1SD ROUTE. ' • , r , Sw — ro SECURE theCUALED advantages of this LINE, be VERY P I 'MAR and ASK FOR TICKETS "Via PAN. '" at TWIT= OFFICE& N. W. CORNER HINT and CHESTNUT . Stmts. NO. 116 MARKET STREET. bet., Second and Front Sta. And THIRTY-FIRST and LODI= Streets.Weat Phila. S. F. SCULL. Gann Ticket AO. PiNsbungb. JOHN H. MILLER. Gen'l East'n Agt..6ool3roadway.N.Y. ,_ i graimi . " REAI3ING' RAILROAD,- GREAT TRUNK LINE from PEW* delphia to the interior of Penneylva. nig the fiebuylki Susquehanna, ' L'Uoberland and Wyoming Valley& the Nh., • Northwest and the Gawk as,Surdnier Arrangement of Passenger Trains, May 4, 1868. leaving the Company.* Depot, Thirteenth and Cal low hill streets, Philadelphia; at the following hours . MORNING ACCOMMODATION: , -At 7.80 A. M. for Beading and all intermediate Eltations,Amd A llentown. Iph • Betumin_ g leaves Philadeia at PIO P i . t rg ',s '. 6 * 30 , . 4- * M l . sFriYing in • MORNING EXPRESS.-At LII A. M. for Reading. Le. boron, Harrisburg. Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williamaport,Elinha, Rochester,Niagara Falls. Bulo. Weeebarre, Pittston. York. CAMBIA. Clam.' beilbur . etc.- The tra i rcri I nsets at Resoling with the East Penn. Railroad aeMst:fer 4811entowri„ dm, and the WI; A.IIL connect* tll'llteloebasion Valley train far Harrisburg,_ dee. ; at Port Clinton with Catawba", KR. trains for Willlamsport, Lock Haven. Elmira, die..:. at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cumberland VaneY. and and usqueluumatrains for Northumber. lan ' o rlr.(lluunberithurgPinegreveoka. ue : RE1113:- . .-LeaVes Philadelphia at 8.80 PAL ler Reading. Panty/Re, Harrisburg. drc., connect ing witn Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col. morM tc. TOR I o a IOCOMMODATIOM-Leaves -Potts fawn at ,M 5. _ stopping , at intermediate stations tar. riverrinPb.. eelp_ at 9.06 A. M. Returning leaves Phi. lanplga at 420 P. 61. ;_arrives in Pottstown at 6.65 P. M A G AOLVMMODATION-Leaves Readies at , 7.ll64l;Nc i atoppinsLat all*fty stations:- arrives in PM& del his a 10.16 A. M. gamine, loaves Philadelphia at 6.15 P. II.;' arrives in Reading at &e 0 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at LK A. and Pottsville at 8.45 A. arr iving in niladelphia" at LOO P. M.. Afternoon trains leave Harriebuft. al 2.06 P.M,. r Aptuda, at 11.46P..M.; arriving at Misdelphla at Hairisbrug accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M.,_and Harriebnin sit VA P_'..6l. ,Connectlng at Reading with Afternodn AccomMedation 'to 'at 133 P. M. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. Market Arabs. with a Passenger. car S'attielu& leaves. Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Poturnue and all way Sta , Mu,- leaves Pottsville at 7 A. 61.. for Phllswie'phla =flail Way stations .. o • .t. ~.., _,.. • . All the above heave ran . Sunday, encessted. ' Sunday trains ve.P 8. a. 31., end Phila. delphia at 816 P. .. teave for Reading at 800 A. BL,_ m Readies a 4.86 P. M. retan k y CHESTER VAL B A 11. 11 0AD.-Passenagera for Dont:darn and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.IsL and 4.80 . Itt. trains from Philadelphtg returning from 11101ww_atitao A. M. mid 1.00 P. M. 11 VORK EXPR=3,_FOR PI TT SBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at; 9 A. M.. 6.00 and 8.00 P.M.. Varraiql .Reading ORA. M.. 1.60 and 1110 P. and connect at illutistrotit wath , :Penneylvardas and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains fer Pittsburgh. Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira. Baltimore. gre Returning It prase Train leaves Herrisburg, on arrival of Pennulvama rExprees from Pittsburgh. at 8 and 125 A. M.. 1186 P. M.. paining Reading at 4.49 and 7.06 A. M. and 11.40 P.M., arrtving at New York 10.10 and.IL46A.M., and 6.1 M P. M. Eleadog Cars accompanying these traini thru ugh between Jesse)* City and Pittsburgh. without I Mail for New York leaves Harrisburg at 810 A. M. nd 2.06 P. M. Mail trainforliarriaburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. - , - . 1 SCHUYLRILL VALLEY Rerr,RoAr4.mrsine leave Pottsville at 6.91 11.00 A. M. and 7.16 P. turning from Tamarma_at_l_B6 A. M. and 1.40 and 4.85 P. M. 13CHIna.M. LL AND SUSQUEHANNARAILROAD- Thane leave-Auburn ist,ls6 A. M. for Pinegrove and Har. debug and at 18.46 P. X. for Pinegrove and-Tremont; re turning from Harrhsburg_at 866 P. X. and from Tremont at 7.40 A. ilt.' and 6.36 P. FL . ~..• - ~ . ' M TIETS.-Through firstrlais tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada& Ettrundon Tickets from Pidlaitele di l . thh to Readinc_and Intermediate Stations, good for only. are sous by Morning Accommodation,- Market Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced tette, .s Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, tood.Tor day. only. are sold at Reading and Inter - ediate Stations by Rug rout and_ Pottetoinx Ancommodationi Trains at, reduced • . .. • - The following tickets are'obtalnable oniit the Offlee Of S. Bradford, Treasurer, Nd!..227 South Fourth 'street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls. General Superintendent. Readier. Commutation Ticket, at 15 per cent. discount, between any points desired, for families and firm& Mileage Ticket& go od for 1(00 miles, between all points at SIM in each, fbr f , lees and Irma. Sewn Ticket& for three. six. nine or twelve menths, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will belie niched with cards.. entitling themseaveg and wives to ticket, at half are.• L_, __' ' Excursion Tickets from Phßadelphiri to principal et a tiont , good for Saturday. Sunday and Monday. at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office. at Thirteenth and Callowldll etreeta. FREIGHT.-Goode of all deecriptions forwarded to all the above trointa from the Companre New Freight Depot, Broad and. Willow street& Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 6.80 A. IL. 12.46 noon;` and 6 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon , Harrisburg Pottsville. Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-oMco for allplaces on the road and its branches at 6A. M., and for the prin. tipsl illations only it 2.15 P. M. ' BAGGAGE. Dungante Express -will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot Orders can be left at No tin South t ourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Cal lenbill streets. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Winter Time. Taking ffect Jan. 26th, 1803. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty•firet and Ider,k,et streets, which is reached directly by the cars of .the .Market Street Passenger Railway, the last car connecting with each train. leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within One square of the Depot. ON ISUNDAYS—The Market Street Cars leave Front and Market *recta 'M minutes before the departure of each train. l ' Sleephie Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 901 Chest. nut street, No. 116 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE,DEPOT. VIZ.: Mall Train. ....... ....... ..,....at ROO A. BL Paoli Accorniiiiida . tlonWo. i ...................at MOO A. M. Fast Line at 1200 M. Erie Express,. at 12.00 M. Paoli Accom. Nos. 2, 3 & 4. . at L 00.6.00& 10 30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation at 230 P. M. Lancaster ... ..... at 4.00 P. M. Parksburg Trairt............ .... . ... . at 6.00 P. M. Cincinnati Express. ..at 8.00 P. M. Erie MalL . ,„ .at 11.15 P. M. Phi1ade1phda . Expree5.................... at 11.15 P. M. Accommodation.......:.. . . _at M. Erie Mail leave .... ezcept Saturday. Phil.delphia. Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The WelLtern Accommodation Trainruns daily, except Sunday. -For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered b IEOO P. M.. at 116 Market street. TRAINS AT DEPOT, VIZ: Cincinnati Expre55............. ....... ..... ..at 1.35 A. M. Philadelphia Expreas • " 7.10 " PaolLAccom. No. .......... " 8.20 Parksburg Train...,..... ...... 9.10 Erie ........ . ... . ... ............ ...... " 9.35 " Fast Line ... Of 0.0 G. Lancaster Train' • " 1.10 P. M. •• 1 " Erie EXPreBB. Paoli Accom. Nos. 2 & 11. ..............at .10& 7.10 •• Day ExPreaS . ... , ...... . ...... " Han falling .. • .... • pp • ..... ". 9.50 '• For further information. 'aly JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNIL ',Uen• 116 Market street. SAMUELI3I. WALLA , C E, Ticket Agent at the Depot. Thit e Peinlayisi b a Railroad Company will not stemma limany risk or. age, except for wearinj apparel. and their Sep° ility to One Hundred Dollars invallie. Ali Baggage exceeding that amount in valueVill be at the risk of the (Muer: unless taken by_a id cataract. EDWARD m. , . . General SuPerintendent. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY, May 4th, trains will leave Vine Street Feny,as follows. , • • . 'Mall Freight, with passenger car 915 A., M. Atlantic Accommodation 4.15 P. AL RETURNANG—LEAVE A CLANTIO. Accomnindatiott ....• . kw Freight, with passenger * car • M. Mail. • • . . . ... . 4.W P. IL Junction . ACc . ,timn'ic4atioinio and intel : MO. • diate stations, leaves Vine &Id P. M. Returning biaires Atco.. • •.. • 6.89 A. IL Iladdonfield Accommodalimi l lcsiins leave fine 5treet............................1 0 . 16 A. M. and 300 P. M. Leave 11addonileld •„ 100 P. M. and 3.15 P. IL ap3Otfir D. H. 'MUNDY, Agent. AMPit'd tiT FIiEIGHT LIN% VIA NORTH r*Nl4lsYLVAttiln RAIL. ROArk, titizreber. , . Emo.l, Ot a l, Bimini arineliVe=T. 3. ail Points an Lehi YE T e n Y e l 4 lllN anvax ad i rg i en t a r itrr e te i ctd this da , this road is enabled to Weaeed Olesp etch to Zl3 { fg d=o4l toAhe a atiitatftls#o• Frt , i i. Be t f io oroed e 5 P. 15.4 5 I, ae t.n:huei m5bR O W Na i s' l r k p e nebda Oaet,-B . .u,e_es n s t M leis Mahasoy City, nd _ other stations in . lis=nr IMO wyeraing "toMvi Intern 13. ..IL .: . th! day. UM -4-1-<:. :„. 4 , ,-..,4.1:777.7Citmc. ltest l trgellW g 1 1.411 4 93 4 . 0 j 1 rfa A lt S ur AkS wl, 4T l3 ,r , r 4 w isu g • - ne Oder tales4d 4 l 31 , wing- ,• **ha 4f3, L a 11 1V9 46 ' r , • • t . • . 4 11 a • - 80fteilt*i . SA* O : ,, A,. uittterA la lalilii44 •• ••• 115. iTr THAVICIALRIP 111171DS: BRISTOL LINr , lIETWJECBS • • • NEW YORK:AND BOSTON VIA BRISTOL. • For PROVIDENCE. TAUNTON. NEW BEDFORD; CAPE COD, and all pointed railway communication. Newt and, 'lath. The new and splendid steamers BRISTOL and PROVI DENCE daily kier, No. 40 North, River, _foot_of Camd street. ad °Ming Debrames street Berry, Nov York. at 6 B. Bandar' exrepted, connecting with steam boat train at Bristol at 4.80 A. M.. arriving in Boeton at 6 A. M. in time to connect with all the morning trains from that city. The most desirable and pleasant, route to the Whtte Mountains. Travelers for that point can make' direct connections by way of /ftlrldellee and Worcester or Boston. Staterooms and Tickets secured at office, on Pier in NEW lona. 'lf. O. Bars. Don't Manager. a WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. BPRING ARRANGEMENT. - . COMMenclum Vytednatidety, April 1,1868. TRAINS WILL LEAVE FROM FOOT OF . MARKET STREET WHARF (Upper Ferry) as lotion's: For Bridgeton Seism. and intennediato stations. at 8.00 A. M. and &80 P. AL ' • For Miliville, Vineland and way station, at 8.00 A. M. and 8,15 P. ?. • ' .. For,Liape ay at 8 . 15 P. M. - For Woo bury (accommodation), at 8.00 P. M. ~ Commutation L'hecks.ood between Thiladelphia and all stations. ntrigbeohta ed on apptication at the Tres., surer's Oftle4CeMdeti, N.J.. Freight Train Staves Cant/lei daily at 12 o'clock (noon). Freight will be received ettnecond covered wharf below Witinuretreet,dailYt e from 'lllatelnall P. M. , , Freight Denver, StmtbDeldware avenue. , .. .• •• • •i • Al .1, SE WELL, Superintendent. igrigiMEREISP :I fi l i . _.• .• ' lAD PANT'S LINES, LINE% from Phileddkilds: to' New., York, and way glues. from Within, sireetirharf. •• . c-.• _ • • c- ; • . _ ~, ,9 3 i RCM At 680 A. M.. via Camden - n og Amboy Aced= 612 25 At Bd.• *ft Camden enfd. &rent eityit= a 01) , At 8.80 P. via Camden antlJNita . 800 At BP. M.. CamdenandAMW, use. . 2 . __ 26 Accom. and Ear : B :3r , ^•' • e t t e ne m as t : . . -•8 BO At 5.130 A. M„ and P., M.. I • • At 8 and 10 A. M., 30 and 4 B.Bo' .. 4 At 5318 and 10 A. • 8.10.420 6P.116,f0r Norden. At 5.80 and 10 &MALIAN 8.80,-4.Boand 6 P.lLAti___Fletrettela At 5. •EV I I 10 •A.M.„ 1; alga 8^ 420. 8 and IL= rat: for Bur Menterland Damen ~ • ~. . , • At 5.80 If 820.4.161.41 sad 1/6).P. AL far Edge. water. Etv, Vertia Plug. At 6.110 nittill - Il k , .P. Fish 'Nome. • et 1. . MeV, ikon foot Of 'fail - ' Idarrkerst=g on men .s .• • • - •• At 11 A. a M., na Kitregton and Jersey Clty,,•NeW Yorke Expre55........• --, .. , . - Mil Oil At 7.00 and 11.00 A.X.2.110,&80 IPM . and .. ror . Vaiiton and Bristol. And 5t1.0.15 A. M. for Bristol At 7.00 and 11 A. N.., 2.80 and 6P.M. for Morrisville and Tullytown. , _ _ . At 7.00 and MIS A. M.. 220 and B P . ii. for Sclunteke 'and Eddingtem. At TCO and 10.15 A. M. 4100,4.6. and 41P.M.:. for Cornwell,. Tonesdals. lloimesburg. Tason.NWiesdrunnintr i den. bmi and Frankford. and aP. m. for Whims 1 0 1 3. intermediate Stations. • . - BELVIDERE DELAWARE, RAILROAD LINES from Kettringnen Depot. • At 7.00 A.•M for Niagara Falls, Itallala, Dunkirk. Elmira. Ithsca...lq, _Roeheater.AinAamntak Oswego., Syracusae:treat Alontrtee; Wilkesbarre, Wanes; trondeburg,Water aP. dd. • At 7.00 A. /1. and LSO Theidete, Easton. Lam bertville, Flemington, dm. 8.5) P. M, _Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chuck. Allentown, Bethlehem. Ac. • • • At 6 P. M. for lamberteUle and intermediate Stations. - From West Philadelphia Depot, via Connecting Rail war. At_ SAO A. M.. 1.80, 8.80 and 12 P. M. New York. Eres Line via Jersey City.. ~.,„............. ........ .... 96 The 820 A. AL and 6.80 P. AL Lines , run daily. All 0 era fianday• exceeded. At 9.8 u A. M.,1.0.8 6:80 and 12 P. M. for At 8.90 A. M.. 6.80 and LI P. M.. for B At 19 P. M. (Night) for Morrisville, Tullytown, Scheneks, Eddington, Cornwell', Tarried/An Holmesbura Tacony. Wietinoming.M= We rd '• '- For Lines lea tr takd thd MO on Third or Fifth , at Cheetnttl_at half an hour before departure. The Care on Market Street •Raihraytrindi".• sect to Weet Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. Ain Sundays, the Market Street Cats.. will run to connect with theitn) A. M and 6.80 P. M.lines. • FtftyPonntis of Baggage only allowed each Passeniger. Passengent are prohibited trot' taking anything .aa bag gage but their wearing appareL ,All.. baggage over fifty pounds to be_paid for extra. The Company limit their re • roonsibdity for baggage to One Dollar per pound,and will not be liable for any amount beyond 111001 exempt by ape. dal contract. - _ ..-. • • Tickets sold and Ban ded. cheekal direct Womb to Boston. Worg_ester. Li Hartford, New maven. Providence, Newport, A any. Troy, _Random Utica, Ro Bw ma i t if 3vracua Rochester. Buffalo. •Niagarg. FaMs and ge. An add! on ' Ticket Office Is located at No. 898 Chestnut pareekwhere tickets to New York, and all int. portent points North and East may tre procured: Pen ions purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel, to destination. by Union Transfer Baggage Express. _ Lines from New. York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at TA. M. mid 1.1 g) and 4.00 P. M.. via Jersey City and Camden. At 8.20) F. M. via Jersey City_ and Kensington. At 10.00 A. Aland 12 M.. and 5.00 E. IL. and 12 (night). via Jemmy City and West !Wade!- . From Pier No. 1, N. River. at 4 P. M. Entrees and 4P. ' M.Emisrana via Amboy and Camden: . • May 4. 1868. WM. H. GAMIER. Agent, . AramPHILADELPHIA- ANLIIHUS „ERIE RAILROAD--WINTER T IM E BLE t —Thronekanct Direct Route be. port en Philadelphia, Esithnore, burg,'' port - port and the Cheat Ou pion of , Peunsylvania,--Eledant Sleeping Cars on all N t Trahei. ,, . ..____ - , . On and after MON AY:, Nov. 25tniber. the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Relived will run se follows; WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves P. M. " " snivels at Erie..... ....... 9.00 P. M. Etsress lerear N bMadeiptila 12.00 Noon. " arrives at Erie.. ............. 9.46 A. M. Elmira Yail leaves Philadel bin ....... 1 . 1 0 6 A. M. arrives at mearviratil M!11 Train levee Erie......... . . ........... ..10.26 A. M. art . vea ll a r t im patqia' ..... " -"at M. Erie Elnress at i r tv es es a fril o s hi ... 1.00 11, Elmira Mail leavr t Lockayienva. M. arr. •:••••••••••••0. P. ' Mail and Ewe!" cronnect with a ll ' trains on Warm an Fr anklin Earwax. Paaseneers leaving . Philadelphia at 00 M. arrive at irvlngton at 6.40 A. m., and Oil tety m,_ • • Leaving_ hiladelphia at u.16.P. 91., arrive at Oil CUT ••4.86 ~ • All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway ineke.elose connections at Oil City with trains for amnesia and petroleum Centre. Rasesse che RED ckedro tAL ER H , 41 . General itaperthteedent. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY RAILROAD. (SPRING ARRANGEMENTS. On and after Monday, April 20th 1868, trains will leave from the foot of Market street (Upper Ferry), for Met , cbantrille. Moorestown, .Hartford: - Mascerville. Haines; port, Mount Holly, timithville. Ewansville„ Vince:Mown, Birmlagham and Pemberton at 9A. M. and &SO and 5.39 P. M. RETURNING: _ Leave Pemberton 680 and 925 A. M. and 2.45 P.M. • - Mount Holly 659 and 8 47 and 3.66 P. M. Moorestown 7.20 and 9.15 A. M, and 6.88 P. 51. The 3.30 P. M. line will run through to Hightetown, stopping at all the intermediate places. apW•tf C. SAILER: Stipeirigindent. jagimi PEMBERTON ANDHIGNTOTOWN RAILROAD. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. A Freight and Passenger Line wilt leave Riattatown at 6.50 A.M.,and a Passenger Line at 7 A.M.for niladelphia via Pemberton and Mt. Returning, will leave Phßideinbla from the foot of Market street (upper ferry) ati P.M. Freight and Passers. ger Line, and at 8.80 P.EL pamenger Line for Hightatown. nib% ' WM: H. GATZMER. Agent r 73 : I:rri Q BALDERI37 3 ,4r, SON._ • 9. WALL PAPE AND oIiDOW SHADE% to 2 2mo tat SPRINGN O GARDEN 'filfroot. rl-=.nrr-w•rr:.r . w77ll I -,- THOMSON'S LONDON EEITORENER. I IS --••• rowkan Rouges, for families, hotels pr pule ..n' i vtykilatill twenty ro t iArKtr i n t soo dz i e t. t i t rettlesters. Low-down Grate:, Ftreboard Stoves. Ds ~_: ._0 _4"fitew. bole Plates , Broiler% Cooking Move% ( O. w /. • 11134 retail. by the manufacturer% r _.___ 0)3 A Vril t 4 l .'1130100031. noBa6an.w.t6m4 N0.,511/9 cortb second street. N & BONG. ;101 TH°111" ta l trl2Vive & Mx° No. 12414 CHESTN E.itePlkielchia. Opposite united timer I. mantqacturepi, of • • LAVW DOWN. , ANIAO%_ OFdanßrx.. - FICE , And other uRATES. For Anthracite. Bittoninons and Wood Fitt WARM-AIR PURNAteeriA For Warming m Piddle and Private tritiLdhisii t . , IFIGIBTRR. V EY EIMI4PaR B * oti 110LESALE , arid RETAIL , . REUBEN HAAS. ' - _ : r . ' - A: 9.:FETTERAI 1 la/LA.B 41% FFTTER. COAL TtNALKIII3i,„ . . .Ll. , N., W. GOB. NINTH. A.NDJKPrESSON S I ...,.._0nhand......nt_,....„.... t ..... SCHUYLKILL COALS: nom. the pest Mtnee, - to m .y. Factory, and Steam Purivana44 • • - anl4lY tvi y d artiv 11*4493 CELEBUYEDI, X ~ ~ uopro-Bytu is, .: :, iTry , c . I , ' . , it:h it A, ... MAUI,: WEIGIITAND' Wi x r tl.. . 3 1" BAT 7 . - regfiald: ~,„,.„ ~,,,..i.,r 1 0 , 40 .. .T :r4.74 iligtr.:.„,.,,': Liuso_lam inc i N te,; , iiiaiplawiri t egni V i ler gtookytt,Wk i aZti t atstoi, L* , .. Axiii ,Loomn , , i4 * 1 ; g,% 4 1 . 41F0 f ', l' ,. , "itt i ts, , Aut I ,l' ktiJ:l!'344,4i',''-'U.A.',..4414;;Ptw-'047-0-4wl4"` ram HALE* VOll. MORTGAGE OF 14,000, MORTGAGE OF ;::4 600. APPLY TO , BALD6SI'ON & ALBERTSON, Noi xao North Thirteenth Street. It:,FOßsAtir,,-41310A1117111MIUMIDIrciti Uti . . en the River Bail*, le the utipe et Bev ,'.' ' N. J. containing western, eate to Ws it':' , street. The house lb large and con vents witki II the centre ; large shod° Una. groats 4s buitefodlg mid 0 and garden fared with , au , kinds St ' tratt; wi th in A f minutee',walk ot , steamboat 'or 'railroad. 'iligply. on the rereisee, or to ; waft/4 4 'N, ; 4 0.30, ; * TOrth "wth A rtr ri t c c llllloa. " - old $s - LA VERY DESIRABLE RESIDEjiMPO_ FOR IN MANTLA, WEST PIIILIDKLFH/C--Meilerrl built converient , bongs; large lot filleirtee , Fro% Flowers ; Ac. Inquire ,on premises, No sem Hart- rt.FOB BALE OR TO LET A 'FIANDIRME 114.011: ern heeldence, Jost at Mt. Air9..ohellalrllfff,„ Rairoad. Terms way:" ittoptt to G.• BAlrraxi% 210.0i1e0414* ap3.°,lBt! Fort SAGE.—THE FLANWQM3 - 3. No, AM Pine litreek with , 4ll,the Wedeln itencerye.. ' Intnts; built. in the beat manner. Also, th e Three- . etot7 , DwelLing. No. BIS seventtiptree wail all provemennk. intro edlete. poteeeelon• ZO'betZi. &Paige' COPPLU.K & JORDAN, ,433 Wahnititnie‘ ifFOR BANDBOILIR' , TURESSTORY l i gti r c Residence, TA feet fxont.. with 8 footaide Vol AverydOnyeeleuce. situate on the en ti li On Clinton • eet:Vmd Blab street; ' SONS, 508 *Want street, , , r , Allen STRIDE •IV • sALE—THE'EtIiOASTS brown stone Cottage. built in a el:leerier Ma 66190 9, with extra ennvenleneee, and Lot. 69 feet front_ ,3r 166 feet des northweet corner of Arch and Wsventr-ffner ti, streets.. J. GUMILFX k 130N8.608 Wainutsb Ott.. FORJAD-11.1.14.Lirdr.smENARD tosttfi gi ate on thelsout gide of Mister street, went o , „. FYeteenth street. Lot 4O 1d). C. D myflat* ' , ' , • • : 4 t /0/ Isiiniora street EOR 13.041 4 -,,E4G • 07 avenue, near warDY... 715 Weinntartet. lito j e t a lf— n A n Tinigasfroft -sepaltoue& with, double In& bulb:dam No. leNortat ',l*entleth uise on the prembee. .mraut*, VOA BALB—BUILDING LOTS. A: lotWaab tegbet avenue and Twenty.ibird 14. ,20* .15; Et. wwiatereeeeed. above Arch etc r aEtyAt.. above Tb4ty4eveath eked, ,'Peat , set. 11 •Protnigr Npu. 5 01E. 8. os:.bq st. 2 lifts Ftaanceitteadi above Hontlegdoil et. Auth- ' ogibtorahoed• 41013 to GOPPUCI a nt street. sent TrALIJitiLR'WHARF- PROPERTY FOR E1A1.1% ONI I' the tvire :trim heytag Ina of 400 feetwith Fier 71 eat wide. J. AL GYds 80N8. WI Walnut WO MM. STORE, 809 CHESTNUT STREET', TO LET. APPLY AT BANE OE! THE 11EPIn3LIC. TO IGIOSIDSOMZ ruminant. House, on. Tepth,o#loo. i)bopo rch. for.afxno,.. ) ilyseecrion on . or watt - tbe lot of••Juna. ' KEW 810 ElOtitb 1 istiterothocreet • geTo RENT FOR TSB BUMBLER SIO.NTIIS-4V 'At' rngh i l i gnu e TAILIV e RI, I 4 Ta l li r" 44l. es from theolLF. nit hone 1442110110 , 0 1 01 Ant tigt f bed. More bi - a welf.trtoeiretfrfnu nag 4 mesa .rden, fce.houee filled, etablluin 44:, _ik.it,zibo. , rossuicra yen nth of June. Addsees .-.LUXOR:. Shoennixen. mt P. 0., Moutdomerr Conran' PL ' .- . .ffa.7244%; 4,T0 BENT ;3.. °maw a Beat with large a rrdetus,fiait and shade troosieAblo ' sad ice•hottse. c_coP NOB 12 rooms wrIM tries,hot sod col water, botb. TwOntf minutes from rotantOwn DOW , Atiply to G; WATIODN4 SOO Sotitb • TO RENT L FROM. JUNE 11 , TO Met Bilge •"," 'l5; Forntoned 'Haute; on' ?Aide street: Omit town. Alt modern' coma:neat Ad(tremo'tWM x 2064. re°. - . ••Inntif, • A, PLEASIOAT ,REOIDENVE TO RENTiFnf innomernionum.--A modern Hauge,' well! htel: , wittieline grounds, 11,Irteded, WoO4Pa._ tt nirlx to lidny, LADD, e the premiees, ,or =GILT. de Commerceetteet. • tay4 WK.! P - TO RENT =A DDISIGABLI4 COTTAGE,/ EIGHT =triiw 44 " l / vu "nrik i ti l aO" tsp 24 m wit* West kisverfor4Ve: FUR RENT.—EQUSW 'NO. 1426 WALNUT etreeet, handsomely (webbed:. and stable on 4centh etrlet, near Locust. _Appiy_to • .w.aisur & 1100 RE. : ,. - I my 4.20 No. 21 -North street. TO Pe2lT.-4DEBISAB4& OWELLINaiTr about e acres of lank ettuated ors. blitin street. Veg W mintown. Convenient etter*: and. borne , railltaar . gas, water,,stabllag, and, s large number of fruit eee ; large' vege_table garden; 4c. Apply' to NW' EItSZ.EY. 1137 Market street. mr9 TO BENT-r-A FOENIOLIED MOUSE AT: GER+. mantown. delightfully situated; with gas, water, etabllrig, kitchen, garden, &a. Apply at 737 Market sreett. 1 0 RENT—DESMABLEROOMB FOR BUSPIRS4 purposes, at No.' 117 South Third street. APPIY tis• Executors and Trustees,. Fatale of Wm:Richardson. daceased,)3. W.'corzier Fourth and Wept streets. tayStati inTO' RENT-A, DOUBLE COTTAGE, WITEt Coach MMUS and Stable, at j'Aflealriombliti StatiOn. on Trenton Railroad, erten miles from the c ity, . apBOeft9 Apply' No: 717 WALNUT Street,. inTO LET. —A LARGE COUN :Y SEAT, FtJR. nisbed, 4 miles from idarkStiltreet 13 , idge, 10 min utes,' walk front WOW Cam %awn with shade, good Garden, fruit, stable, carriage bolus°. ice house full. Ap• ply 1221 Market street, irom 12 to 2 o'clock. ap3otft jaTO RENT.—THE HANDSOME FOHR.STORY Residences ,Nos. 1806, and 18115 Synth, Breaded:eat_ in Apply to ZS Routh Fourth greet. , inyl St• -r tTO.LET.-:-A COUNTRY PLACE. THREE MILES from the city, Ivith eh norm good house. ahade. ITU% garden. , geape.houto. stabloo, dtc . and every . (onvenitnee, andpartly fprzdehed. ~ Apply to apls Iv aHO . . , ,B. B. COHEGYS... irTO RENT_ FURNIISIIED. OR FOR BALEn-A Random° Modern Hoidens" with 14 Welt Ole ground' attached, ritually in Darby Township; Delaware county, within 10 minutes walk from the Darby Road, Station on Philadelphia and. Media Rama. J. GUMM kY & SONS. 5W Walnut Street. 0 FOR. RELIT. NEAR GERMANTOWN, .A DEM rabic , stone Cottage. on Abbottaford avenue; near 1 ownehiptine road, adjoining the residences of Geo. Blight. J ohn WWIAMJI, &a. By U. H. & 11. r. MIJIRIIE11), • apV.lot . 206 South Sixth atreet. irr-A SUPERB COUNTRY BEAT—A7Gr papered, paintedote. near Franktord, with eta- Mug. Carriage•house, garden. iee•house, dm' inquire 1421 Girard ave Pa. apMG) t. FOR RENT FOR THE 'SUMMER SSA=, furnished: Aft elegant Residence, with ;dab vegetable garden and several acres of land a . situate on Blenheim street. Germantown. J. MEV & SONS. 5O Walnut street. • , , in Polt RENT ON AN IMPROVING LEAS =A large building, having &front of 26 feet, by 120 -R e st depth altuate_on thegonth Bide of Walnut o west of Tana. , 'J. M. GIMINWif & BONS, ,6061 W FUR Rh NT--THE THRELSTORY BRICK REM deuce. with Ores story doil_ble book holhijyyptilattlitAl. o.L 1281 Arch street. J . Gillet t IKEIr isurospsoti . . ItE,PT-111E TEILLRD 1.41011.3 a. of Bonding sitoato'No.'.B34 NO ird ootLsojto.- lip for otortop, furniture. M. et Ey 14018.608 =II= , PUDLIO SALE QV NEAL . Will be sold on the Fteanimst. ort " THURSDAY, May 7th. lttsWeit II o'clock P.M.. The ptoperty smown ita PENN CO ry ena kelt, deceased. VAD as tate the residence of Ma Situate in Lower Merlon townidifp, M ontgomery eerier. 7 miles frt m Market Street ;Bridget_ and 1 mile from Wynne Wood Station. Pennsylvania Railroad. t ontainiog 0013 idicatcres of land. ' The improvements - conshit o a stone mansion. with modern . improvement*,.stable,' green home. ice house. atone burn Inns° and barn, Napa all the necessary lams buildings. hit we lodge at entrance to lawn and two frame tens. meat boosts, • • • The above , deseribed property is , on account of its d e sirableProxim te'elty, and its easy access by raikoad. Wiry kx:aUon tor Per doing business in the. city. '. ! bale ymitive. O . WEN JONES, E t ergiil• te 'v JOS..irklef . _ Anctioneer. HAItDWU E. cutehattit AND WOSTENtIOLhIt3 • o 1.• Id's. JAL , HNIVES, I , EARI , and STG D AANIFt tut finish. RODGERd'aud WADE di B • the CELEBRATED LECOULTRE RAZ ' ; IN CARES of tho tin et qyality,Razors. end Tablo Cutlery, Ground and Polished E MU of the _road approved oonstrootie• r'the hayloft. at P. edADEIRA . B, Cutler and an . , sknr. DK Tenth Rtreatbelow Mg CMTAGE. - : IMABY de IPASolluttw