TELEGRA Pit SUZIMIAItis Joirw STICKLER was accidentally shot and mor tally wounded near Mount Carmel, Illinois. THE Brownsville (Texas) Ranchero estimates the custom-house deficit at $35,000. THE fire-alarm telegraph of Indianapdlis, Ind.; N., as put in successful operation yesterday. Tor lOss by the burning of the steamer C. C. Leary, in New York. yesterday, amounts to $BO,- 000. Insured for $60,000. C. W. Aimms, of Cleveland,' Ohio, committed suicide at the St. Nicholas Hotel, Cincinnati, terday. IT is °fatally stated that the reduction here tofore announced in the Prussian army will Con fist of twelve thousand men. Tim: Pacific Mail Company's steamer Anson left San Francisco on a trial trip yesterday with a large number of gutsts, Including the Chinese embassy. Two MEN, named Frank Buchanan and Thomas Diller, quarreled In a Saloon in St. Louie; when Buchanan stabbed Lnher, severing an artery, from which be died in six hours. TliF. Louisville Carrier announces that General S. B. Buckner, who, since the war, has been re siding in New Orleans, will next month become editorially connected with that paper. Two street railroad conductors, at St. Louis, named Philip Ryan and Chaplin gdt into 'a quarrel yesterday. The latter shot the former, killing, him almost Instantly. YOUNG Jerome Bonaparte, of the French army. has sailed for America to visit his parents and grandmother. The latter is now in her Stith year, and resides in Baltimore. YESTERDAY a skiff, containing four boys, fish ing in the Wabash river, Mount Carmel. Illinois, was drawn under the dam, and all but one drowned. The names of the lost are Young, Williamson and Cavanagh. IN New York, yesterday, the association of cotton-growers, dealers and manufacturers formed a permanent organization, with A. A. Lawrence, of Boston, President, and a Vice President from each State represented. A BANQUET to Anson Burlingame and the Chi ne se Embassy we s given at the Lick House at San Francisco on Tuesday night. Gov. Haight pre sided. Speeches were made by Gen, Halleck, Admiral Thatcher, and others. All the represen tatives of foreign governments there were pre sent, MATamouns dates to the 14th have been re ceived at Galveston. The National Congress re assembled April 1. The decree of banishment against foreigners serving the em lire was modi fied, permitting them to remain on proof of fol lowing some honorable calling. The twenty Ne grate revolutionists captured are being tried by the military. WILSON, a stencil cutter, of Cincin nati, was imprisoned'yesterday to answer before the United States Grand Jury, for cuttind'coun terfeit United States tonicco brands, J. Sayre, at whose shop Wilson was at work, was held in bonds to the amount of $l,OOO, for future examination before the United States Commis sioner. TIuXERA 31MEDo, Brazilian ambassador to this Government,has recieved the followini news officially by steamer which recently arrived at Lisbon from Rio de Janeiro: The Paraguayans are shut up In Humaita. The outposts have•heen captured, as also the positions at Curuptiity and Paco, and their gunboa's sunk. Their President, Lopez. has tied. Humaita cannot hold out three days. A LETTER from a prominent source, dated Con stantinople, April 1, received in Baltimore yester day, mentions the particulars of the death of Mrs. E. Joy Morris, wife ot the United States Minister. She was sick about two weeks, and died the last week in March. Her funeral was largely attended on the 25th of March. She leaves two daughters, one three, the other eight years of age. HEAVY forgeries on various paper manufac turing companies and dealers, in the vicinity of ,Springfield, Massachusetts, by C. H. Thomas, of Boston, have just been discovered. The losses amount to over $60,000. of which the Holyoke Paper Company and Hampshire mills have a large share. Thomas represented himself as agent of the Hope Envelope Company, and bought paper on its credit. Au Artesian Well and Subterranean River. trrom the Chicago Timm] In sinking the second and last artesian well at the stock yards, three distinct veins of water were encountered. The first vein was struck in the thick bed of limestone follow ing the second shale, and yielded about 15 barrels an hour. After passina this stream, no water was seen until the 90 feet of lime stone under the first sandstone had been reached. In this rock a very extensive spring, flowing at the surface of the well about 65,- 000 gallons a day, was opened. The third and large vein was struck in the bed of hard limestone, 1,1110 feet from the starlight. The following table will show the depth from the surface at which the several strata commence, and the beds in which streams of water were found. Water was not found at the lepths! indicated, but was in the] rocks which commenced at those depths : Distance from surface Nature of rock Beneath surface of earth llardpan 4() feet . First Limestone 300 feet First Shale. 400 feet. Second Limestone. . 420 feet Second Shale. :550 feet (first water) Third Limestone. 877 feet .First Sandstone. 1,000 feet (second water) Third limestone. 1,100 feet .Last limestone. 1,13i1 feet 1,160 feet 1,172 feet 1,1:00 feet (third water) The vein from which the greatest sup ply of water was obtained appears to be about eight feet in depth, so far as can be ascer tained by sounding. The current is a very strong one, and is apparently passing from the northwest to the southeast. This fact was ascertained by lowering into the bore, by means of a fine wire,a long lead plummet. The weight would descend steadily until it reached the stream of water, when it would instantaneously be snatched or jerked out from the per pendicular line from the direc tion indicated. In relation to the velocity of the stream, one of the attendants explained that it was "about the swiftness of a cat fish." The experiment with the plummet explains this remark. The current of water is sufficiently strong and rapid to snatch the heavy lead, and bear it away, as a fish would snatch an insect, and carry it beneath the surface of the river. The water in the wells presents a marked and singular difference. In the old well it is strongly impregnated with sulphur. So thorough is the impregnation, that the water not only smells and tastes of the sub Stance, but deposits it profusely at the bottom of the trough in which it is received, and the tank in which it is collected. After exposure to the air for a few hours, the sulphur is pre cipitated and partly carried off by the air, leaving a perfectly colorless and tasteless In the second well, on the other hand, dim are no sulphurous evidences; but the water u strongly charged with one of the oxides of iron. It has no perceptible odor, but chalybeate characteristics are very appa r4 at to the taste, and to the eye, in the iron brown deposit which covers the bottom of the receiving trough. The force of the Water of the last well is sufficient to discharge Goo,ooo gallons a day at the surface. In carrying itself to the height , of the tanks, an altitude of 45 feet from the ground, it loses so much force that only 000 gallons are discharged at this point daily. It is estimated that at a further height of 130 feet, being 175 from the surface, the water would assume a stationary position, and would readily obey King Canute or "any other man," ifhe told it to rise no further. The wells are both now in running opera tion at the stock yards. They are the only The Compositors or the London Times. The last number cif "The Bookseller" gives us an insight into the system which prevails in the composing rooms of the London Tinter. Compositors evince the greatest desire to ob tain employment in the great establishment in Printing-house square. None but &EA- T ate compositors, however, stand a chanCe °Thing taken on, and the list of eligible can didates is generally a pretty long one. More over, the Dines' system of raising compe tent compositors from apprentices keeps the supply nearly equal to the demand. The Times is the only London daily paper that employs apprentices, and this employ ment is, indeed, the chief 'cause of dis pute between it and the society, though the apprentices are only engaged during the day, principally upon advertisements. When a compositor applies for employment on the Times, he is tested, in a room by himself, upon a piece of parliamentary debate "copy," which is natedly written in a not over-legible style, in abbreviated long-hand. If the applicant can compose sixty lines of minion in a fairly workmanlike manner, without "doublet," "out," wrong spelling, or disproportionate number of literal or clerical errors, within two hours, his name is placed on a register of competent hands, and he may expect to be called in at the first oppor tunity. Once engaged, the permanency of his post depends upon himself. No applicant over thirty years of age is eligible, and if he fail, upon trial, to come up to the required stand ard of efficiency, he is paid for his sixty lines and dismissed,—no one but the manager and himself being acquainted with the fact of his application: so that in no case can injury arise to a society man from asking for work on the Times. In the printing office of the "leading journal'' a capital system. prevails. Men are encouraged in provident habits as soon as they attach themselveS to the paper. Half a crown in the pound is de ducted from the earnings of each regular compositor, pressman, machine man, and warehouseman, whiCh sum accumulates at interest during the whole period of his employment, and is given up to him on his retirement and on no account be fore. A sick-fund has been founded by the men, to which nearly every one subscribes; and a surgeon is permanently engaged on the stati; and is always in attendance or within easy call. Refreshments of all kinds are ob tainable on the premises at nearly cost prices, and the club principle is carried out in nearly every department. Thus, not only are the emplopi's cared for during the hours of their working life, but none can leave the -Tires, after. any number of years' service, without possessing that penny in the purse which we are told is the best friend at court. Sand and limestone ...Same, but harder Last limestone Same means used in the supply of the immense amount of water there constantly required, and prove highly successful in every 'respect., A Fearful Fall. A London paper thus describes the recent accident to a female gymnast, at the Royal Circus: Mdlle. Azella went through her prelimi nary "flights" on the trapeze with her accus tomed grace, and successfully accomplished what is termed in the bills "a flight across the arena of 100 feet, terminating in a somer sault at an elevation of thirty feet from the platform." Loud applause greeted the per tOrmer, who then swung herself from the rest at the ',back cif the stage by a trapeze, with the intention of catching another, which, being set in motion, would reach her at the extreme distance to which the first trapeze would extend. In her "flight" Mdlle. Azella twisted herself round the cross-stick of the trapeze, using her legs as actively as her arms, and came into posi tion to spring to the second trapeze, but whether the latter did not come its proper distance, or Mdlle. Azella herself swung short of it, it is difficult to say, as, when she let go the ene cross-stick and sprang at the other, she failed to catch the latter, and fell a dis tance of eight feet upon the platform, com ing down on her face. Fortunately her arms were extended, and saved h3r face from seri ous injury. The platform is covered with 'a sort of thin mattress, but as it appears to be without any spring, the fall must have been very severe. The most painful sensation was created by the accident in every part of the house and there were suppressed screams from the female portion of the audience. Mdlle. Azella was on her feet in a moment but as quickly fainted, and was carried off the platform. One of the managers appear ed in about ten minutes, and said a surgeon had examined Mdlle. Azella. and found that the muscles of her arm had been injured. The fair trapezist came on the platform after a short interval, looking weak and deadly pale, and her face bearing marks of injury. She was loiidly cheered. The Beam aud the Mote. Amid the general rejoicing over the English triumph in, Abyssinia, one little detail of the news seems to have escaped comment. This is the fact that immediately upon the taking of the fortress of Magdala, the English sol diers' first thought and act were to plunder the treasure-chamber of the defeated mon arch. The military critics of Great Britain were very severe upon some of our generals, during the rebellion, for what they called the "freebooting license" allowed to the soldiers in plundering and destroying the property of the rebels. Of course, however,it is within the strictest rules of enlightened warfarei according to these English critics, to rob the heirs of dead Theodorus of their comparatively paltry trea sures. For these are distant heathens, not domestic rebels; and were defending them selves against an invader, not treasonably en deavoring to ruin the common country.—_V. le. Post. • CITY BULLETIN. BULLETIN. STnnnnn NV ITII A Few:.—Last night William 13. Robinson, residing in Spafford street, above Sixth, was stabbed in the eye with a fork, in the bands of Ellen Jordan, a next door neighbor. When Mr. Robinson came home from his work be found his wife much agitated in consequence of abusive and unpleasant language being boister ously used concerning her by Ellen Jordan. Robinson told his wife not to mind her and that he would invoke legal protection from the annoy ance. He then stepped to the hydrant to wash himself and, when returning from it, it is alleged that Ellen rushed at him and stabbed him with the fork which she held in her hand. The as sailant was arrested and Robinson was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where his wounds were attended to. REA:. ESTATE SALE.—The following real estate and stocks were sold at the Philadelphia Ex change, by James A. Freeman, at noon yester day, with the annexed result: Residence 705 Callowhill street, 22 by 153 feet to Willow street, Thirteenth Ward, $14,000; brick house No. 919 Lafayette street, Twenty-sixth Ward, subject to ground rent, $1,100; residence Tulpehocken street, Germantown, lot 3734 by 216 feet, $8,500; neat small house Linden street, Germantown, 15 by 75 feet, $1,800; property adjoining, $1,630; residence Queen street, Germantown, near Green street, lot 30 by 15434, $5,000. A r POINTMENT.-Mr. John C. Cresson, formerly Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Gas Works, has been appointed Chief Engineer of Fairmount Park. • TAxns.—TLC receipts from taxes of 1868, at the present time, amount to abent $16,000 per day. Tax payers are still allowed at the rate of on( per cent. a month for prompt payment. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1868. REWARD OF MERIT.—Ikii Mies, Emnma J. Sherer, the accomplished pianist of the T wolf th-stree t, was playing for the children of the Colored House of Rcfuge,last evening; oho of the Inmates of the Institution, a little boy, pre sented, her, in the name of his companions, with a handsomely-bound music port-folio, richly em bossed in Turkey, and enclosing a card contain ing the following neatly-worded wish "May the sunny songs which this folio shall hereafter hold brighten your own loving heart in the pleasant years yet before you, as beautifully as your presence and your music have brightened our Refuge Come to-night." Miss Sherer has mini tested a deep interest in these little ones this winter, and, gifted with great mualcal ability, and a sweet and highly cultivated voice, she his been enabled to contribute greatly to their social gatherings for song and recreation. We join with the children in their grateful hope. THE HISTORICAL SOCIETI OF PENNSYLVANIA.- Bor. Richard Eddy, late Librarian of the Histo rical Society, has resigned that position for the purpose of accepting a pastoral call to the Uni versalist Church, at Franklin, Massachusetts. The Society parts with Mr. Eddy with great re luctance and regret, his scholarly acquirements, historical knowledge, habits of system and order, and his gentlemanly bearinis, having won for him the regard and esteem of the members of the So ciety and of visitors to its hall. Rev. James Shrigley, who succeeds Mr., Eddy, as Librarian, has already entered upon his duties. Mr. Shrig ky, like his predecessor, is a. gentleman of tine literary attainments, and he is qualified in every way to perform the duties of the office. DEDICATION OF TIOGA HALL.—In close prox imity to Tioga station, on the Germantown Rail way, a spacious and beautiful ball has been erected, and handsomely furnished, at the private expense of Mr. John Calverly. The hall measures 26 by 4b feet, and affords room to about five hun dred people. It has been christen.ed "Tioga Ball," and is to be devoted to religious, literary and scientific purposes. On Tuesday evening, in the presence of a large audience, it was formally set apart to these objects, by Rev. Dr. Hotter, of the New Street Lutheran Church, followed by an address. Speeches suitable to the occasion wore delivered by Rev. Mr. McClary and Councilman Smith, of Germantown. At the close of the ser vices, which were liberally interspersed with music, the entire assemblage partook of a bounti ful repast. RAti.noAD ACCIDENT. -Evan Thomas, 8 years old, residing at Pho!nixville,had one of his feet crushed yesterday by a car on the Reading Railroad. He was brought to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where amputation was deemed necessary. N EW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE.— AN UNDISPUTED SUCCESS or J. E. MoDONOUGH'S Elaborate Spectacle, the BLACK CROOK Which has during the past three weeks been witneued by over 451k)0 PERSONS. BRILLIANT RECEPTION or Till: BEAUTIFUL DIAN'. THE ACCOMPLIhDED 6ANDA AND THE GRACE FUL LEAH. • BALLET COMPLETE. FOUR PREMIERES, AND A BALLET OF SEVENTY4FIVE YOUNG LADIES: Under the direction of CARL I%IARRAVIG AND G. W. SMITH. Thu piece produced with MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. Unbounded applauHe nightly greet the ARANTELLA, BY TWENTY LADIES. THE HUNGARIAN POLKA BY DIANE THE SKIPPING ROPE POLKA BY LEAH. THE PAS DE MATELO by SANDA and MARRAVIG. THE INCANTATION SCENE. THE CRYSTAL CASCADE. THE TRANSFORMATION SCENE FAMILY MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. A (iADEMY OF MUSIC. Ii ENGLISH OPERA SEASON. CAROLINE RICHINGS. .......... THIS (THUIRSDA . Y) EVENING, April 30, First and only time thin season of BaHe's Beautiful Opera, ROSE OF CASTILE. All the Artists in the cast. FRIDAY EVENlN,r—Benefit of S. C. CAMPBELL, CROWN DIAMONDS Fell strength of the Company. Full Chorus and Orchestra. Splendid appointments and Scenery. Box Sheet now open. • WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS (Thursday) EVENING. April 30, Hi , . Last Night but Two of MR. EDWIN BOOTH. Iturwces Beautiful Play, In five sobs. of THE LADY OF LYONS. Claude Arch:lotto... .MR. EDWIN BOOTH Ps Wine.. MISS MARY MoVICKER comlude with the Comedletta of THE LOAN OF A LOVER. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF EDWIN 800111. THE STRANGER AND TAMING THE BTIREW, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, EDWIN BOOTH MATINEE, THE LADY OF LYONS. • ItBJOHN DRIBVPS ARCH STREET TIIEATRE. Bogine to 3 o'clock. MISS FANNY B. PRICE. FANCIION, THE CRICKET. MISS F. B. . FANCHON Atli: iXfOIETT mako hie First Appearance RN FATHER BARREAUD. After which WHO SPEAKS FIRST. Captain Mali, Mr. C. Weleot Smart Mr. C. Wutrot FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF it ISS F. B. PRICE, l'irst time of Colonel Fitzgerald's Play, entitled TANGLED READS. • 1 :- ARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE :" WYMAN AT ASSEMBLY BUILDING. COMMENCING MoNDA EVENING, MAY 4111. MN MAN'S POPULAR GIFT EXHIBITIONS, YMAN :MONARCH O} MAGICIANS. VENTRILOQUISM AND DANCING BABIES. New Experiments, new Featurio and costly Giftd every night. \Nedra and Saturdaya. at 3 o'clock, PRESENTATION MATINEES. Eveningadmieriov,licente. Tickets admitting ars: per. r.mP. elO. Doors open at 7! commence at 5. an:91.411` (10NCERT HALL. k l ON MONDAY EVENING, May 4th (At a o'clock). and Every Evening until turther notice, A Novel Entertainment, entitled THE HOLY LAND. • A Journey through EGY PT, SYRIA and TURKEY, By the celebrated Wm. Telbin, of London, Ard Illustrated by FIGURES. STATUARY and MUSIC :NlatineeH every Wednesday and Saturday, at X paid 2 Admieemn. 00 cents. ap:o.4t 'ERMANTOWN HALL. SIGNOR BLITZ. TllliteDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. EVENINGS, April 30th and May let and 2d. GRAND MATINEE. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May Signor Blitz ham the honor to annonnce to the citizens of ,eimontown that he will appear in his :naming and in tructlve performancee on the above dates. Admiesion 25 cents. • Reserved meats 50 cents. N EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH etroot l above CHESTNUT. THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS do DIXEY'S MINSTREL% THE GREAT STARERO O U V PE OF THE WORLD. M NELTY. Firet week of au entirely new and original Burlesque, RU KLUX KLAN. Concluding with the new A Ethio LpiAaan burlesque, entitled • LIGHT T T. THE STATUE ON THE BASEMENT. Doors open at 7'4; commencing at 8 o'clock. pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. The Forty-fifth Animal Exhibition of Paintings, Statu. my and Architecture is now open daily from 9 A. A. till 7 P. . and from S till 10 in the evening. Admittance 25 cents. Season Tickets, 50 cts. ap27-11 VOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE, EVERY EVENING and SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesque's. Songs, Dances. Gymnast Acts, Pantomimes. &e. QUMNIER ROARIANG,—RLIG)BLE ROOMS, WITH IJ hoard, now vacant at 1341Losuot street, West Phila. deirbia. Garden Vases, Statuary, Fountains and Rich Fancy Goods. The large6t foeortment in the country, At Low Prices. S. A• HARRISON 1010 Chestnut Street. ap2B-4t6 FAR, WEA.VER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. all N. WATER and 98N. DEL. aventuo MO GROCERS, HOTEL-BEEPERS. FAMILIES AND .L Others.—The unders ig ned has just received a fresh supply Oatawba,CaliforMa and Champagne WineaTonle Ale (for invalids). constantly on hand. P. J JORDAN, SX Pear street, Delon , Third and Walnut etreeta. Ala UlSlbltlA.Cirl!b. Children 15 ce-n6 JOB. PARKER'S, Stationery and Newa Depot. Tielret.! for sale nt 81,25 t ioy3; BOARDING• HELMBOLD'S BUOR U THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIABETES' , Irritation of the Nook of the Bladder) Inflammation of the Kidneys. Catarrh of the Bladder, Strangury or Painful Urinating. For these diseases it to truly a sovereign remedy. and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose bit been known to relieve tho most urgent symptom,. Aro you troubled with that diotreselng pain in the emelt of the back and through the tape A teaspoonful a day of Holub°ld's Buchu will rellevo you. • • , pIi.MMTITTry.TrWn I \ : Z :i i I : iZ PLEASE NOTICE. I make !no regret of ingredlenta. Helmbold's Extrac Buchn is composed of Buchu. Cuboba and Juniper Bee dee. aelected with great care, prepared in vacuo and ac cording to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients are known CO the moat ♦al Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC that which acts neon the kidneys lIELNBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY. pletorint In tat and odor, free from all inlarioac pr o Pertiec, and immediate in It action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the United States, of which the 'following is a correct copy: "BUCEIU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive and some what aromatic: its taste bitterish and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs. such as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Bladder and Uretha, diseases of the Prostate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine;from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended In Dyspepsia' Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy.' OR FURTHER INFORMATIOD eee Profeeaor Deweee'e valuable worke on the Practicool phyelc. See remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. [Dr. KEYBIII is a physician of over thirty years' espe Hence, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College and of the University of Medicine and Surgery of Phila. delphi a.) M. 11. T. HIMMEOLD: Dear Sir:—ln regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Brent. I would say that I have need and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years Ido not think there is any form or preparation of it I have not used or known to he used, in the various diseases where such medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the blede der and kidneys, and the reputation it has acquired. in my judgment, is warranted by the facts. I have seen and used, as before elated, every form of Bomar—the powdered leaves, the simple decoction, tine tore fluid extracts; and I am not cognizant of any prepa ration of that plant at all equal to yours. Eighteen years experience ought, I think, to give me the right to judge of its merits, and without prejudice or partiality, I give your. precedence over all others. I value your Bucbu for its effects on patients. I have cared with it, and aeen cured with it, more diseases of the bladder and kidneys than I have ever seen cured with any other Buchu, or any other proprietory compound of whatever name. ReePectfolly yours, &c., GEO. G. KEYSER, M. D.. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa Augnet 11,1865 Ask for Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buohu. The Proprietor has been induced to make this state went from the fact that hie remedies, although adv bleed, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, and knowing that the intelligent refrain from naing any. thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order—most of which are prepared by eelfetyled doctors who are too ignorant to read a physician's simplest pre. scription, much less competent to prepare Pharmaceatica preparationa. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting males, such as copying p its of advertisements of popular remedies and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine etands SIMPLE, PURE AND MAJESTIC, having fact for its basis, induction for It - A Pillar, truth alone fonts capital, A WORD OF CAUTION. Health a most important; and the afflicted should no. use ani.dvertised medicine, or any remedy, tmless its conteng or ingredients are known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of qualified tiona of the party so Wean& BELMBOLDII GENUINE PREPARATIONS. FLUID EXTRACT RUCHE. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. AND IMPROVED ROSE WABEI Established upwards of 18 years. Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. HELDIDOLDIS DRUG AND CaradlCAL WARE HOUSE. voit tBROAD WAY. Nevi York. EIELKSOLD , S MEDICAL DEPOT. 104 South TENTH Street. Philadelphia. Pe. Price S 1 IS per bottle, or °tor 16 500 Bold by all Di:twist% TER 1829.rrairsiruikul --4)11AII VIELA.NICLAIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY gE. PHILADELPHIA; Noe. 435' end 437 Chesbut Street Assets on January 1,18@8; 02,003,740 09 Gapitsi. 003 00 ••• 000000000 " o •••• • •••••••• 00000000 a". Accrued Bundue . 0000000 ................ 143040 03 utiorrrLED CLAIMS. .. INCOME von sesi $33,693 23. 11350•000 P • Losses Paid Since 1529 Over *115 5 4500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Tamil DIRECTORS. Chas. N. Bancker, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Geo. W. Richards, Lem Lea. Mee JAB. W. MoALLIBTER, : Except agL,exhigton. Ken :melee West of Pittsburg. nELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM. J-• PanY. Incorported b 1 the Legislature of -Peringyil. vents, JAM. Office, S. E. corner THIRD S and WALNUT. Streets, Philadehia. MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, Cargo and FreFght, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all Darts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwe ll ings, Arc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1. 1887. $200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan. 1040'$ . .... 8501,000 mow United St ate. Pei ... dila:" Loan. 1881.. . . . .... 184,400 00 10.000 United Bititee emit. i;OZ: Treasury Notee.. . . goo 50 1(k),000 State of Pennsylvania 111.x . ieiCin't. L0an...... 193,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Loan (exempt from tax) .. ... . LT0,625 00 10,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan ........ ••• •• .••• • • 11.000 0 gO,WO Pennsylvania Railroad Fi rst don. gage Six Per Cent. Bonds, 19.R4)0 0 HOW Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort. - gage Six Per Cent. Bonds 1:3.271 0 10.000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Six , Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. P.R. guaraniee)...... 110,000 it 80,000 State of Teruseesee . Tl;i Per Cent. Loxn ......... .... . 18,000 7,000 State of 'l ; enneasee Si: Per Cent. Lonn . 41470 00 18,900 800 shales stock Germantown Cu Company, Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia.. • ..... 15,000 00 7,800 150 shares stock . Pennsylvania Rail. road Company. • • • • •. • '. 7.900 00 I,TO 100 shares stock North Pennsy l vani a 00 Railroad Company. . 13.IXtt '.0,000 80 shares stock. Philadelphia — and Southern Mail Steamship Co 15,000 00 101,10) Loans on Bond and Mortgage, find liens on City Pr0pertie5........... 301.900 00 81.101,4 W Par Cost 81 67 Market Value 121.103.002 50 . .0 1 '11, W. Real E5tate..... ... 85,000 00 Bills Receivale for Insurances! made. ......., .. . ...... . MAIN 17 Balances d ue at .......... —Pre. miums on Marine Midas—Ac crued Interest. and, other debts due the Company...... ..... Stock and Scrip of sundry Insu. ranee and other Companies. Cashtn Bat $5,07d W. Estimated val t ul7 ue. 10 . • 8017 00 Calla 293 52 -----. 103.215 121 DIRECTORS . Thomas C. Hand. James O. Rand. John C. Davis. Samuel E. Stokes. Edmund A. Bonder, James Traqualr, Joseph H. Seal. William C. Ludwig. Theophilue Paulding. Jacob P. Jones. Hugh Craig. James B. McFarland. Edward Darlington, Joshua P. Eyre. John R. Penrose, John D. Taylor,. H. Jones Brooke, , Spencer Mellvaine, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett Jr.. George G. Leiter, Geor g e W. Bernadort. William G. Boulton. John B. Semple. Pittsburgh. Edward Latourcade. D. T. Morgan. Jacob Riegel. A. B. Berger, " THOMAS C. HAND, President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary. HENRY BALL. Assistant Secretary. FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PIIILADEL *MC p a. Incorporated March 37. IRE. Office. 7 t .. A No. 84 N. Fifth street. Insure Buildino. 1 ,,'. , Household Furniture and Merchandise 4.: - ~ ...." )" . -'• generally, from Lose by Fire (in the City of '..: ---.—.. Philadelphia only.). Statement of the Assets of the Association January lit, 1%3, published in compliance with the pro viaionaof an Act of Assembly of April 6th ‘ ,1812. Mods and Mortgages on Property in the thti 51.076,166 17 of Philadelphia only Ground Rents 18.814 93 Real Estate . . 61.741 57 Furniture and Fixtures of Office 4.480 03 U. 8. 620 Registered Bonds 15.00(1 9) Cash on hand. . .. . SLIM 11 Total 11.20,088 81 TRUSTEE/3. William H. Hamilton. Samuel Sparhawk. Peter A. Keyser, Charles P. Bower. John Carrow, Jeeee Lightfoot, George I. Young, Robert Shoemaker. Joseph R. Lynda% Peter Armbruster. Levi P. Coats, H Dickinson. Peter. Williamscm. WM. 11. HAMILTON, President. SAMUEL SPARE:UW/1. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. THE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—OF. dee, No.llo South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phi a. dolphin," Incorporated by the Leghlature of P'eruasylya. nia in Igie, for Indemnity against loss or damage by &O. exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL, This old and reliable institution,with ample capita land contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture, merchandiseobc., either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire,at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of is cue tomere. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIREC'TORS: Chas. J. Butter. Andrew IL Miller, Henry Budd, James N. Ston•3. John Horn, Edwin L, Roakirt, Joseph Moore, I Robert V. Massey, Jr., George Mocks, ark Devine. R, CHARM 'S M J. SUTTE President. HENRY BUDD, Vice-President. BENJAMEN F. HOEOHLEY, Secretary and Treasure; PTNITED FEaI , F DIBURANOE COMPANY OF This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to HEE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF FIIILADEL• OFFICE—No. 723 Arch Street, Fourth National Bank DIRECTORS: 1 Albert C. Roberts. Charles R. Smith. Albertos King, • henry Bumin, I James Wood, John Sballeross, ..• J. Ilenry /lain, ' , Hugh Mulligan. F tzpa rr_l_ k- I3.ANURESS, President. W3l. IL l'Acira. Bec.y. Thomas J. Martin. -- John Hirst, Win. A. Bolin. James Mongol/. Wllllam Glenn, James Jenner, Alexander T. Dickson. Robert 13. Parsols, hill y CON War. A. Rol m+. Treas. DIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN. .12 sylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated MI —Charter Perpetual—No. 110 Walnut street, opposite In. dependence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or dam age by fire, on Public or Private Bußdings, either perma. nently or for a limited time. Also, on k urniture,l3tocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, pn liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is in. vested in a most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured anD/BE undoubte dB ecurity in the ease of loss. CTO Daniel Smith, Jr.," John Devereux, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac liagelhurst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, Daniel Fiaddock J. Gillingham Fell, ,Jr. DANIEL SMITH. Jr., Preeident. Wirasau G. Cnowin.L. Secretary. I EFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF rm. ladelphia.-01Bee. No. 24 North Fifth street. near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char. ter PerpetuaL Capital and Assets,_ $166,000. Make Ti?..morgue° against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or.Pri.. vate Buildings, Furniture. Stooks. Goods and Morahan. dine, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel. Edward P. Moyer. Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner. Bohn F. Bolsterling. Adam J. Olen. Henry Treemner, Henry Delany. Jacob Sohandein. John Elliott, Frederick Doll. Christian D. Frick. Samuel Miller. George E. Fort. William D. Gardner. WILLIAM MoDANIEL, President. ISRAEL PETERSON, Vico-President, • LIP E. Comman. Secretary and Treaauren A ERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LNCOIN pora WALNUTh perpetual. No. 810 street,. • above Third, PhiladelPhla• Having a large paktut Capital Stuck and Sarnia+ vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in. sure on &wiling', stores, furniture, merchandUe, veinal c in port, and their argoes, and other personal propertl. All liberally and promptly adjusted. DO,ECTORS. Thomas R. Maris. James R. Campbell, 'Thh° W' Rdmun Dutilh. Patrick Brady,BraTaxies YoultneY. John T. L ow ii . rael , t • John P. therill. THOMAS R. MARIS. President. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. 'red Poilesy Alf Fluor. Pram. W. J.ends, K. D., Thomasisparius. Win S. Grant. N. BANCSAIi, Preddent, ' • Vice President. eters' pro tem. cky, thu Company has act telt La 11.6.6 deb to oat T LE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHIL. Incorporated In MIL ' Chute rorpiitutd. , oftim N 9.1108 Walnut etreet. CAPITAL. 1800A00. Imre' against Icae or damage by FUR (Atuonim Stores and other Bußdings,Nroltod or perpe and on Furniture, Goods, Ware* and kterchandlse In wn or ny. un LObiBES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED - AND PAM. „ ...... ... ..... .A 121.17178 Invested in the following Securities, tMg.': • First Mortgages on City Property,well secured..sl26,9oo 00 United States Government Loans.... 11.7,0t000 Philadelphia City 0 per cent. Loans 75.1:000 00 . POlMSylVallin 0,000,000 6 per cent. L0an.....16,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, Orst and s econd Mortgages. , —.,. . • • . 05,000 011 Camden and Amboy Railroad Co mpany's 6 per Cent. L0an...... . ... 0.000 09 Philadelphia ad 6 per (lent Loan.. .. . „ 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Bro a d Top 7 . per Coal. Mort gage Bonds.. . . . 4,560 03 County Fire Insurance Companrs Stock LOW 011 Mechanics' Bank Stock.. . .... 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock . 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock— ... 080 CU Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's _ _- Stock. . • . • rhzu Cash in 7 117 $411,177 ni Worth this date at Market rTOßS.ites $422,0t12 PS HIRE ' • Clem. Tinsley, Thomas H. Moore, Wm. Musser, Samuel Castner. Samuel Bhmham o James T. Yeah& H. L. , Carson. Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman. , BenJ. W. Tingoi, Samuel B. Thomas, EdwaM Sitar. . . . CLEM. TINGLEY. Freshes t Tnostas C. Etu.r Secretary. PIIILADICLPIIIA, December 1,1861. ial-th the ti Worth at Par A NTIMAULTE INSURANCE COMPANY.—CHAS TR ETUA Office, .E N PE RP No. all WALNUT L. street, above Third. Philada. Will insure against Lou or Damage_ by Fire, Bull& ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Househobl Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also. Marine Insurance on Vessels. Cargoes edia Freights. Inland Lususance to all harts of the Union DIRECTORS. Wm. Esher. Paler SIAM D. Luther, J. E. Baum, Lewis Andenried. WILL F. Dean. John R. Blakiston. John Ketcham, Davis Pearson. John B. ESHER. President F. DEAN, Vice Presides'!.. jalltu.thatt Wu. M. Siam Secretary. prICENJ.X. INSURANCE COMPAN OF PIIILADELPHLt. INCORPORATED 11394--CUARTER PERPETUAL No. itti WALNUT street, opposite the Exchange. This Company Insures from losses or damage by FIRE on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, (crenate. &c.. for limited periods, and permanently on tmihtings by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixtyyears, during which all Otligh have been iiromptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. John I. Dodge , David Lewts, M. B. Mahouv, Benjamin Etting, John T. Lecri4, Thee. IL Powem William B. Grant, A. R. Melletum Robert W. Learning. Edmond Castilian. D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Louie C. Norris. JOHN P.. WUCjisters. President, lis.serert. Wmoox. Secretary. 1 4 , 1 NA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY OF lIARTTUNJ), CBA O. C. KIMBALL. Prekident. T. 0. ENDERS. Vice Pio:Aden:. J. B. TOWER,,Secretary. Cohipao Ifi .I;SES, MULES AND CATTLE aifain4 Deathbv.Fire, Accident or Dhiefiae. againat. Theft and the Bazar - do of Trahaporfatioa. PLISLAI , FLPIIIA B. B. Riygptnn.„h•., C;ea. Freight Agent Venn*. R.R t. B. Brooke,..Mtinnget Carping Agency, Ledger L'viidinz. & IL I.rponbre, l..'nbingt-ware Nam:fart:lcm 1145 Chestnut etreet. David P. Al oore'd Bong, tindertaltetP,*":l9 Vine et. C. 11. 'hush. :linter At11:1 Life Ina. Co., 4th beL Chestnut It. it Deacon. ',umber dealer. 'es.44 Idatketst Geo. W. Reed & Co., tillipledislo clothier, 423 Marker, C. WARD, General Agent. Forreat Building, Nos. La and tza S. Fourth at., apl TLIE ENTERPRISE INSUILYNCE COMPANY OP . PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE —S. W. CUR. FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. FIRE ENSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. TERM AND PERPETUAL. CASH CAPITAL • eliklox a CASH ASSETS. Jan 1. 1i.c..... . —..... ..... ...divi,dii I/1 DIRECTOIIS. F. Ratchford Starr. J. L. trrinrer, Nalbro' k'rar.ler, (4eo. W. Fahneetock. ohn M. Atwood,James L. Claghona. Iten). T. Tredick, W. G. Boultou. George IL Stuart, Cherie* Wheeler. ' John H. Bros n. Thos. H. Montgomery. E. RATCHFORD STARR, President. THOS. 11. MON'FGOMEILY Vice Preeidest. 0r.30-ft : ALEX. W. WISTER. Secretary. "riIAME INSURANCE COY( A' Street.. PHILADELPHIA. FIRE INSXRAtiCE TOR EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECS. Francis N. Bock. ?My 8. Jturtice. Charles Richardson. John W. Evernisa. Henry Lewis, Edward D. WoodrtA Robert Pearce. Jno. Roaster, Jr.. Geo. A. West, (ibex, Stokes, Robert B. Potter, Idordecal BuzbY. FRANCIS N. B 'Cg, President. CHAS. RICHARDSON. Vice President. Wrr.r.tame L BILANCIIABD. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES• .1N 111 E ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND county of Philadelphia—Estate of GEORGE W. EL) 'SWARDS, deceamcd.-1 he auditor appointed be the Court to audit, settle and adjust the 1CT0111315 of ELIZABETH R. EDWA RDS, :IA MEd M. SMITH and 30115 H. ED. WA itDS, Executors and Tiustees ander will of Georga W. Edwards, deceased, and to report distribution of Om balance in the hand. of the accountant. will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on Wednesday, May d, at 4 o'clock P. M , at the office of John IL Edwards. Ext., No. WI South Fourth street. lu the city of Philadelphia. ap-'2b.'s.tri,° - TN TIM ORPIIANb` COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Philadelphia—Estate cf SAMUEL sre. SON, deceased —The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of TR JMAd R. SEALLE end WILLIAM NI. DAVID, Administrators of the tistate of SAMUEL ITVENSON, lute of the city of Philadelphia deceased. and to report distribution of the Dal:ince in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties in interest for the purix.,cs of his appoint ment, on 1 DURSDAY. May 7th. leisA, at 4 clock, P. M.. at his office. her; Race street. in the cite of Philadelphia_ a pt2e tu,t h. JOSEPH ABRAMS. Auditor. 11,N THE DISTRIcT COURT OF THE UNITED 1 STATES FOR THE EASTERN DisTitic r OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN BANJO:CPT= AT Pim ',pm, mils, April 15th, 1e.04. 'f he undersigned hereb7 gives notice of his appoint ment as aeeignee of JAMS.S A. P. )RTE US and citARLEs CANNER PHILLIPS, Copartners. Ac., of Phila delphia. in the county of Philadelphia and State of Pennevivsnia, within said District, who have been ad• judged bankrupts. upon their own prtiqott, by the maid. District Court. WM. VIAIDES, At , signee, South Sixth street. n the Creditag of the &Lary pt,Bt. 7~Tlli DISTRICT COURT DETRE UNITED STATES 1 for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.—ln Bankruptcy.—At Philadelphia, April the t'tb. A. D.. I —The undersigned hereby gives notice of hie ap pointment as as , ignee of JAMES lIORROCKS, of PhD adelphift. in the County of Philadelphia, and State of penusylvania, within said District, who has been ad• District a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Bald District Court. WILLIAM' VOGDES, Assignee, No. l‘2ll South Sixth street. To the Creditors of the Bankrupt. stpld,th,lt. THE DISTRICT COCRI OF TIIE UNITED Stated for the Eastern Oldtrict of Pennaylvania.—ln Bankruptcy.—At Philadelphia April 23, ito9 The under. signed hereby gives notice of Itla appointment ad assignee of dIMON M. LANDIS, of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania. said Di d trict,who had been adjudged a bankrupt upon hid own petition, by the add District Court. • AVM. VOHDES, Addignee, No. MI South Sixth street. To the Creditors of the said Bankrupt. ap.l4.th3t* iN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In liankruptcy.—At Philadelphia, April 16th, A. D., Mi. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment an assignee of JOHN A. BAST and ,TOLIN G. biIf..LER. Copartners. die., of Philadelphia, in the county of Phila delphia. and State of Pennsylvania, within said dis trict, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition by the said District Court. WM. VOGUES, Assignee. • I:18 South Sixth street. To the Creditors of the said Bankrupts. ar24 tlin• E ----STATE OF WILLIAM COLLINS DECEASE:D.— Letters Testamentary on the last will and testament of 'WILLIAM COLLINS, deceased having been granted to the 'undersigned. all portions haying claims or demands against the eetato of said decedent are requested to make known the sante without delay, and all persons indebted thereto to make psyn,ent to JAMBS T. YOUNG, Execu ter, No 132 South 1 street, residing at Chestnut WU; or to his Attorney, WILLIAM J. MoELROY, S. E. corner Sixth and Wolmit ptreetil, Philadelphia. ap2lll6t* LFITLRS TESTAMENTARY UPON THE ESTATE OF JOHN LAVERY, late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted by the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all persons having claims and demands against the estate of Itlllid deceased, are requested to make known the same without delay, and , those indebted thereto to make payment, to MORDECAI D. EVANS, Executor, NQ. 481 X, Walnut street, Philada. inle.N.thgt ESTATE OF WILISAdi MERCER, DECEASED-- Lettere Testamentary upon the above Cstate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment. and those having claims to present them to MARTHA MERCER. Execu trix, No. 715 Hepburn street, or to her Attorney,WENC EL BARMAN. Jr., No. 121 South Seventh et.• LOST. T owp GEKTIFIOATE OF STATE LOAN.—NOTIOE „Li to hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor.Oeuerat of Peamovlvauitt, for the footle of a dupli. cute of certificate No. 83t, of the Five per cent, loan of the Commonwealth of Penner lvania, for 05U—dated the Sixth day of April, A. L . 8 2 —lmued to JANE HULL, now deceased; under act of Asoembly. of March 24, HZ— which certificate has been loot. ANNA E. JONES. Admx.. - d. b. n. c, t. a. of Jane lieu, doo'd. riaNTON PRESERVED GINGER. PRESERVED Ginger, in syrup, of the celebrated Chyloong brand; also, Dry_ Preserved Ginger, in boxes, imported and for sale by JOSEPH. B. BUSSIER i t 4 CO., South Delaware avenue. N'w(MOB ARABIAN DATES.-100 MATTS, F E quality, landing and for aale by ,10S. B. BOMBE& CO.; 103 South Delaware avenue. . . , ITALIAN 'VERMICELLI-100 BOXES FINE !QUALITY white imported and for if alo by JOS. it—But:4lE l i I 108 Sou p h Delawaro uvouue. ['ANY. NO. N VI 403 CREST nio*Hurva ozen,‘yo,ptz. The sensitive nature &Com% tlint effect est of all musical composers, is well known. The slightest discord produced to him severe irritation, mei, when engaged in musical coin position, his feelings grew so intense that be almost lost coriscionsness of all going on around him. A story is told in Whitney's .Musical Guest which strikingly illnstrates this. Mozart was engaged in Arranging one of the most beautiful airs in an operahe was emntiosing, , when the butcher called 'for his pay, which had long been due. In vain his wife endeavored to attract the attention of the wrapt artist, who scribbled away utterly unconscious of her presence. "She ran down stairs, with tears in her eyes, telling the butcher that heat rt he husband could not be spoken to, and thamad come another time. But the man of blood was not easily to be daunted—he must have ,bis bill settled, and speak with Mozart tin).- self -L--and he would not send him another ounce e meat. Ile ascended the stairs. Mozart, distantly conscious that somethin4 had - passed in his presence, had continued pouring the effusions of his fantasia on paper whe l p the heavy footsteps resounded in the hall. His stick was at hand. Without turning his eyes from the sheet, he held his stick against the door to keep out the in- truders. `93l4.the:steps were approaching. 3.l)zart, more anxious, hurried as fast as he could, when a rap at the door demanded permission to enter. The beautiful effusion was in dau gkof .being lost. The affrighted composer cast a fugitive glance at his stick—it was too short. With anxiety Iyirderin4 on frenzy he looked around his room, and a pole standing behind the curtain caught his : eye; this he seized, holding it with all his might against the door, writing 'like fury all the :virile. The knob was turned, but the pole withstood the first clibrt. A. name succeeded.. Words were heard on the stair„nase,and the intruders renewed their efforts the second time. But the strength of the composer seemed to in crease with his anxiety. Large drops of perspiration stood on his forehead. Stem ming the pole against his left breast with the force of despair, he still kept out the visitors. He succeeded but for a moment, yet it Was a precious moment—the delightful air was poured upon the paper—it was saved ! •• `Mr. Mozart,' said the butcher— " 'Halt halt :' said the composer, seizing the manuscript, and hurrying toward the pianoforte. Down he sat, and the most de lightful air that was ever heard responded from the instrument, The eye of his wife, and even of the butcher began to moisten. Mozart finished'the tune, rose again,and,run riMg to the writing-desk, he filled out what was wanting. " 'Well, Mr. Mozart,' said the butcher, when the artist had finished, 'you know that I am to marry.` " Ido not,' said Mozart, who had somewhat recovered from his musical trance. 'Well; then, you know it now, and you also know that you owe me money for meat.' 'I do,' said Slozart, with a sigh. " 'Never mind,' said the man, under whose blood-stained coat beat a feeling heart ; .you make a new waltz for my marriage ball, and I will cancel the debt, and let you have meat for a year to come.' "'lt is a bargain!' cried the lively and gifted Mozart ; and down he sat, and a waltz was elicited from the instrument—such a waltz as the butcher had never before heard.' "'Meat for a year, did I say?' exclaimed the enraptured butcher. 'No: one hundred ducats you shall .have for this waltz, but I want it with trumpets and horns and tidklles —you know best—and soon, too :* " 'You shall have it so,' said Mozart, who could scarcely' trtr, his ears, 'and in one hour you may send for`;';,` "The liberal-minded butcher retired. In an hour the waltz was set in full orchestra music. The butcher returned, was flelighted with the music, and paid • Mozart, his one hundred ducats—a sum more splendid than he had ever received froM the Emperor for the greatest of his operas. "It is to this incident that the lc' :s of har mony are indebted for one of tb'' Jst charm ing tritles,the celebrated o2;:en .. -4,; , —a piece of music still unrivalled." . • v>. _J-=.- CITY ORDINANCES. ONINION COUNCIL OF CI CLERK'S OFFICE, PutmkoEt.riitA, Aprillo, In accordance with a rwAution adopted by the Common Council of the city of Philadelphia on That - May, the ninth day of April, 14i. the an mend bill, entitled "AN Onous,vo:u creating a loan for the extension of the Water Worke. the purchaF,e. Island, and for building au Ice Boat," ie hereby publifhed for irnation. a J01D..; ECK nfo STEIN. Clerk of Common Co-,im.:11. AN 01:1>iNANcr creating a loan fo~ the Extension ' of the Water Works,tor the purclia,c ut League Island, and for building. an . Ice Boat. SEcTioN 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That • the :Mayor of Philadelphia be and he is hereby autho rizid to borrow, at not less than par. on the credit of the city, from time to time, one million EiX hundred and forty thousand dollars. to be applied as follows, viz.: Firs—For the further extension of the Water Works, one million dol lars. Second—For the purchase of League Island and property on the back chaiaud opposite thereto, four hundred and eighty thousand dol lars. Third—For building an Ice Boat. one hun dred and sixty thousand dollars: for which in terest, not to exceed the rate of six per cunt. per annum shall be paid half-yearly. on the first days ofJanuary and July, at the - otlice of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of .the same, and not before. without the consent of the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor, in the usual form of the certificates of city loan, shall he issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dollars, or if required in amounts of five hundred or one thou sand dollars; and it shall be expressed in said cer tificates that the loan therein mentioned and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. SEv. 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be, by force of this ordi nance, annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on said certificates ; and the further sum of throe tenths of one per centurn on the par value of such certificates, so issued, shall be appropriated quar terly out of said income and taxes to a sinking fund; which fund, and its accumulations, are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. RESOLUTION 'TO ruaLisit A Lo As /11LT.. Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Council ofauthorized to publish in two daily newspapers this city, daily, for four weeks, the ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, April 9th, 1868, entitled "Au Ordinance creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works, fur the purchase of Lea t ,ttue Island, and for building an Ice Boat " And the said Clerk, at the s:tated meeting of Councils, after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall Present to this Council one of each of said news bapers for every day in which the same shall have een made.. nr,i SVIIIIER itEsonTs. REATH 110 USE, SUIIOOLEVS MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, N, J. Grow 15th June, with terms reduced. For part iculare route, etc.. addrcea S. T. GOZZENS, s to : and BOtara, BOSTON AND TRENTON BitiOUrn—TO.l trade slyed with Bond's Butter, Cream, MAX, OFh eters sad Ed „Aiwa West.& Thorn's celebrated Trenton and i ce Biscuit, by JOB. B. BOSSIER & CO.. Bede Agents, 108 South Delaware avettne. - • • VIONV: rHOSTON BIBUITIT.-41OND.d kSudTUN ULU ter and Milk Mca% landing from stoamr Norman. and for sale by JOB. It }MINER ds (*.Agent', for Bond., 100 South Delaware avenue. For Boston---Eitearnehin Line DLteoir SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAYS. FROM PINE STREET. rtiFILBOB ADE LPHIATOA . AND LONG • WHAR. diEgtThis line fs composed of the firstolass Steamships, SOIHAN, 1,488 tone, Captain 0. Baiter. SAXON, 1,260 tone, Cilptain F. M. Bo ge. 120 Hell A.N. 1.263 tone. Captain Cro - well. The NORMAN, from Phila.. on Tuesday, May 6.10 A.M. ROMAN; from Raton. Sat, rday, May 2, d. These Steamship' sail punctually. : and . Freight will br received twat . y day, a Steamer being always on the berth Freight for points beyond Boston sent with despatch. For Freight or Passage Ouperior accommodatioruo apply to HENRY WINSOR dt mvBl Sill South Delaware avenue. , ' PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN '(All*4 l e. STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM PIER 18 swat WHARVES. The STAR OF THE UNION will nil FOR NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVANA, ,Isturday. May 2, at 8 o'clock A. M. The JUNIATA will tail FROM NEW ORLEANS. Via HAVANA, ..= The WYOMING will sail FOR SAVANNAH. on Saturday. May 2, at 8 o'clock A. M. The TONA WANDA will tail FROM SAVANNAH. OD Saturday, May 1 The PIONCER will ail R FO WILMINGTON. N. C.. Thunday,M ay 7, at 6 o' t clock I'. M. Through Mt of Lading signed, and Paelago Tickets sold to all points South and Weet. WILLIAM L JAMES; General Agent, CHARLES E. DILRES, Freight Agent, • • . No: P,14 South Delaware avenue PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND,NOR• FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THEOECIII FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SAFI:RI/AY. At Noon, from FIRST WHARF ialove MARKET street. TIIROCOH RATES and Timm:GU P.EUEIP'I'S to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Mr. Line Railroad, connecting at Forternouth and to Lynch burg, Va... Tennessee, and the Weet, via Virginia and Tennensee and Itichn,ond and Danville Railroad. Freight li A NI)I.LD BUT ONCE. and fatten at LOWER RA'l ES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route corn• Mend it to the public an the moat desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission. drayage, or any expense transfer. Steninshipa insure at lowest rates, Freight received DAILY, WM. P. CLYDE Li CO.. 19 North and Sontb Wharves. W. P. PORTEROO,ent at Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWF.I..I. CO.. Agents at Ncrtolit. HAVANA STEAMERS. SEMI•MONTkILY LINE. The Stearnibipa ELENDER:F. Li I:DSON • • . Howes STARS AND— .. . . . ... _Copt. Liolir,ei Theve etearr.ers will leave this tort . for Havana even other Tuesday at si A. M. The rteamehip STARE AND STRIPES. liolinea,m a•ter. will fail for Havana .on Tuesday morning, May lw.h. at P, o'clock. Pareage to Havana, ebb, currency.. No freight received after Saturday For freight or mialaf t a il applyto (MIAS WATTSON G SONS. 1411 North Delaware avenue. tinaikr NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK,' Via Delaware and liaritau.flanal. EXPEEfiiii STLANIBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propeller , ot the Line Dally,ce load ing f3A7UP.DA) file.. leavingno u ,uaL `1111:‘01.:(411 IN 24 HOURS. Goodp forwarded by all the Linen going out of New York—North. 1- ant siEd Wept--free of couunh:idort. - Freight received at our ueual low Eaten. W P. CLYDE, k CO , 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS. 11AND, Agent, W 4 NV all rtz evt, New Yolk. NEW E?-PRES:I LINE TO ALEXANDRIA. Georgetown and Witahington. D. C., via Cherareake and Ddtiware Canal, with con oectious at Alexandria trorn the row:, direct rotate iv, Lyidtibing. Bristol. Knoxville, Nashville. Dalton and the Set.thv est. Steamers leave regularly %ram the first wharf abov Siarket street. even , elaturday at noon. Freight received daily.WM. andL CO., 14 North South Whin yes. J. 13. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. ELDRIDGE di CO., Agents at Alexandria, Viz felt( ilidt ... FOR LIVFRPOOI--THE lI7Li, I' , ,,WIIIIED .. i „a Iron ecre,to Steamship Enitm, 3,tke tons bur. then, clawed A. 1. at Lioyde, C. Carolan. Conant, nder, now loading at Pier 49, north wharves. will have immediate despatch, Lacing the greater portion c,f her cargo engaged. For freight or r aaeage apply toE. _ A. SOUDER & CO. 3 Dock 'street wharf. se.-- FOR 11 AV A N A.—THE SCHOONER S. .7 . cAsTNER, 3 t:, captain It-,binFen. is now loNd inn. nod will have quick despatch for above port. For freight, apply to MADEIRA lc CABADA. ari.L.H. 3..54 South Front street. NOTICE—FOR NEW YORK. VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal—Swift,ure 'franeportation Company—Delpatch and Swiffenre Linee.—'The businees by these Linea will be re sumed on and after the 19th of Mara h. For Freight. w hid) will he taken on ac,commodatior, terms, aply to W.M.. .31. BAIP.D & CO., 123 South Wharves. (mhlS-tf DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE Steam Tow-Bent Companyßargeg towed between Philadelphia, Ba .— ltimore, Has-re-de-Grace , Delaware City and intermediate points. tA,MLuPpq;lol.DcelTS(..(4A a g e ls ,is tiat i tt. JOHN LtliC.,t,p -1 ‘TOTICE --ALL PERSONS ARE TIEREDY C 4-1:- I.`t ti..m d agate:Ft taw ring any of the crew of the Nor• i wegian hark Pregre , g. Lindrup Ma-= , er. fr , mi 1.1...ern0a1, ) .1 no debut - of their ,outrarting spill he paid iv eith,r th , ,, 17,pinin , T Consignees. PETER. WRIGII I( A: ap: S ::4 tf NS, 1 111 Z• Walnnt ?trect, CONSIGNEES VF NI1111( HANDInE PER NORW. N. hark "Progre ,, i.," Lindrtip, mater, from Li , erpool, i will pleoi,El 'o, nd their i.errnit.4 on I.4s:lrd at Arch ~tr, ,,, t. achart. or at the office of the rnder&i geed.. The e..nerAl niter will he issued on FRIDAY. \l ay - I,t, when all era - li l 1,1 permitted will be rent to the pctltc !tore,. I'ETEI: V, RIGHT 4: SONS, 115 Walnut I•',., ------ -- :-- t)TICF,.—TIII: :.11(211Ttl charging V W.- 1:1n, Ma.-te. 11.nn dt-charging r general order at the fo:zith whaq: above dare reot. ill pl-a , t , attend to the re their goodP. PETER W RIGHT d: SONS, , 115 Walnr.t IM-110:\ PERSONS II EItEPN CAL. ,ued against ha , boiNg or tril,tiug any of the crew' of the Britih FLIPI ichigan. Wh. , litu. ni , ..,ter, fro.; Liv,r v.ol, at n, debt, ,f their ,: , :ut.r:tctinft will ho 1, lid t by cap. toin or ron,igLeec. . 1 . L. BAZI..1:1 - 0.. upf.'.Bt• Delaware aveulle, IONSIGNEES OF MERCHANDISE PER BR. SHIP k_, Dl ichfean, Whelan. Master, horn Ltccrpool.willplea - e -i-nd their permits on board nt h wa.rf, or to the ni:;ce of the nnder,ipted. 'file general order v. ill he i, -aed'on Wednesday, the 1..411 imt., when all eacel , not permitted w ill be -ent to the PETER WRIGIIT a SONS. 115 Walnut street. OTICE.—ALL vEtts.oNs ARE HEREBY . ( A tinned againt tru,tlng nny of the crew of the Brit i-h ehip MichigraL Whelan. , 51a-•r, from Liverpool, ae no debt+ of their cc , ntractinL 7 Fill 'be paid by either the l'ar tein or Coneigueei. PETER WialliT .1; I:UNS. 115 Walnvt Etreet ft' 11 BAEW. KA'IIII,EF.:".. WILL 'AM:, :OAS . ter, fr, m Liyt•rp -, 01. nOW gori, Old er Arc' fEc t Wharf. t. ill pl4.aee att-lld to 'the nrc.-ption of thdr go,Alt. PETER INT.I ;I: It 6f::%)S, 115 W alcott - t"."i! QTEAMSIIIP SAX6N, FRaINI IiOST• 'N. C L",iguee, abovA ,teamor, will plea, nnld their uuw :.t apf.`7.3t IIENI:Y \VI:\ Su?: ItAiTION.—ALL PEIZSONS AP,D HEREBY ronum V) harboring or trr-ting our of the crew of the l'rtr,• , ian ht rk "Meta." Schultz, ma:,ter, a, no dcl4Vi of their con tracting will he paid by captain or couiiguel2e. IVOh IC MAN & 0.9..103 Walnut 'meet. apf.s•rit VOTICF.—ALL PEI:SONS ARE HEREBY CAI'. dotted agairot tru,tiug Ally t the crew ca tlu brult.g.athleen t WILLIAMS, N toter, front LivernooL it no debt? of thrtr k,utractiug will h, llxid by either the Captain or eowiguega. PETER WRIGHT s Si nt I2 S, tf lls Walnut troet. : NIACIIIINERY, IRON, &O. CLARK'S AR !VIERS' BOILER in he made to boll with one third <a fuel than any other. It is par. tcolaily adapted for MAN LTAC. TREKS, FARMERS and ME. ;HANICS. Sold with or without icerA or wheels, and from :10 tc iegallonatn aize. Wholeaale and Retail. J. S. CLARK, loos ffiarket Street, PhiladtaPhia• mh2o . MERRAIN. ds SDNS, 801:T1-WARE FOUNDRY, 4SO WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENDINE—IIigh and Low Pressure, Fforizontal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, lihnit and Cornish Pump• ins. BOILERS—CviLuder, Flue, Tubular, etc. STEAM HAMMERS—N.A.-myth and Davy styles, and of all sizes CASTINGS—Loam, nrx and Green Sand, Brae', &C. ROOFS—lrou Frames, tor covering with slate or iron. TAKES—Of Cast or Wrought Rua, for refineries, water, oil, clic. • GAS MACIIINERY—Such al Retorts, Bench Castings, Holders and Frames, Purifiers,' Coke and Cnarcoal Ban rows, Valves, Governs:re. &c. SUGAR MACHINERY- •Such as Vacuum Pans and pumps, Dolecators,_Bone Black Filters, Bit , flare, 'Wash. era and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cars, dfc. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and ylcinity, of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut oil Steam Engine. , • In Pennsylvania, of Shaw & Justice's Patent Dead• Stroke Power flammer. Iu the United States, of Weeton's Patent Bali -centering and Self -balancing Centrifugal Sugar.draining Machine. Glass & Bartol's improvement on Aspinwall & Woolsey's CentrifugaL Bartol's Patent Wroughtlroa Retort Lid. Btrahan's Drill Grinding Best. , , Contractors for the design, erection, and fitting up of Rr fineries for working ßllgarer Molasses. • • CIOPPER A.ND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING. Brazieee Copper Nails, Bolt and Infsd. Cover. eon. atonal , on hand an i kl i f i or sae by GENKIC W/INSOR & CO.. No. South aryls. NutLV I A N dli ge°Taffif e lo N tT i a PETERni =Gar B dz BON 8,116 Walnut 6004 . , T.HE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.--PIIILADELPIJIA, 1 1 ,111IIISDAY, APRIL 30,1868 MIME QUICKEST MB ON RECOBA , THE PAN-HAND EE ROM. SWIM! HOURS to CINCHINATL, PENNSYLVA. NM RAILROAD ANT) PA 736 734 HOURS Less nem than by COMPETING LINES. PASSENGERS taking the ROO P. M. TRAIN arrive to CINCINNATI next EVENING at 9.56 P. M., 86 HOURS ONLY ONE NIGHT on the . ROUTE. fir THE WOODWEF'S celebrated Palace State Room BLEEPING-CARS ”un through from PIIILADEL PHIA to GINCINNATL Passengers taking the 17.00 M and 11.00 I'. 61. Trains reach CINCINNATI and ail points WEST and SOUTH ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE of all other Routes. Fir Passengers for CINCINNATI_ INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, CHICAGO, PEORIA, BURLING. TON. QUINCY MILWAUKEE, BT. PAUL, OMAHA, N. T. and all points WEST. NORTHWEST and BOUTII WEST, will ho particular t ask for TICKETS tar VU PAN•HANDLE ROUTE. 1117 - To SECURE the UNEQUALED advantaitea of this LINE, be VERY PAKIICULAR and ASK FOB TICKETS "Via PANTIANDLE," at TICKET OFFICEi3 N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Strolls, NO. 116 MARKET STREET, bet., Second and Front Sta., And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets,West S. F. SCULL, Gang Ticket Agt., Pittsburgh. JOHN U. MILLLR. Geu'l East'n Agt.,626 Broadway,N.Y - - _ . - READING RAILROAD.- GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila delPhia to the Interior of Pennaylva nia, the Seim* , tkill, Suequelianna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northweet and the liana doe, Winter Arrangement of Prteeenger Trains, Nov. IS, 1557, leaving, the G mpany'e Depot, Thirteenth and Cal low hill etreete, Philadelphia, at the following hours . MORNING ACCOMMODATIONS. -At 7.80 A. 'l. for Reading and all intermediate Statione, and Allentown , Returning , leaver Reading at 6.30 I'. SI., arriving In Philadelphia at 0.10 P M. MORNING EXPRESS.-- , -At 5.15 A. 51. for Reading. Le banon, kiartimburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, 'lam:villa, Sunbury, Williaineport,Llmitti., Itocheter,Nlagrira. Faille, Buffalo. Wilkeeharre, Pittston, York, Carlisle, Cham. beraburg, Hagerstown. Gra. 'the 7.10 tram Cobnecti at . Reading with the East Penn Sylvania Railroad trains fcr Allentown, Gtc., and the 1 , 35 A. M. connects. with 1 . 1 e Lebanon . % alley train for Harrisburg, te. ;at Port Clinton ith Catawieea R.ll. W trains for iiiiantrport. Lock Haven, Elnnr &c.; at liar iii'burg with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley. and Schuylkill and Suspiehe-nnatraina for Nortturinber 1511dr,Wiliihthrportk Y rk,Uliambeirtrlrg, .Pinegrove, ctc. Al FERN , (IN E.. PRESS.-Leaves ebtlai,-,..lphia. at 3.3.0 P. M. for Reading, PottZville. Ilarrirbarq. (c.c., connect ing with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col. van him Arc. PO'f'reiTOWN ACCOMMODATION.-Leavea Potts town at 6.45 A.M. '.topping at intermediate stations; ai - river in Philadciphist at 9.05 . A. M. Pet: irning leave 4 Phi ladelphia at 5.00 P.M.; arrive' in I'ottetovn at 7.0-7 P. M. READING ACCOMMODATIONI-,--I.aiaver Reading at 7.2.0 A. M., rte ,ping at all way station arrives in Plata delp lila at 10.15 A. Si. Returning, leaver Philadelphia at 4.03 P. M. arrives in Reading ittii.4s P. M. Tralue for Philadelphia leave Flarrieborg at 1.10 A. M. and Pottsville at 15.45 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 1.0) P M. Afternoon trains leave Ilarrieburg ai 2.10 and I:otteville at 14.5 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 6.45 P. M. . Liarrii , burg ,accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. 51.. and Han irburg at 4.10 I'. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 4.30 P. 5/.. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 I'.l. leave! Market train, with a Parrelleer Car attached, Philadely hia at 12.45 Doe n for Pot for ville n ad all Way rite. 'bone leave e Pottsville at 7A. SL, f Philadelphia and all Way Station'. All the above train' run daily, Sundays executed. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at C.l3k A. M., and Phila delphia at 2.15 P. M. • leave Philadelphia for Reacting at '.OO A. 51., returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. • 0111 ESTER VALLEY itAILROAD.-Paesengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 :nil 4.0 u I'. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Itowriitigroan at 5. Sc) A. N. and 1.02 P NEW 1 c.iRS. EtPlthiia, FOIL PITTSBURGH AND 111 E WES'I.-Leaven New York at; 9 A. NI.. 5.00 and 1.1.0 e passing Reading at 1 A. NI., L5O and 10.10 P. M., and connect at lintrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Exprear Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Williamsport. Limits. Baltimore. Gnu Returning E xprets 'Train leaver Harrisburg, on arrival f Pennsylvania 'Expre.s. from Pittsburgh. at 3 and 5.25 A. 51..9.35 P. 71.. peering Reading at 4.49 and 7,06 A. Si .nd 11.40 P. M., arriving at New York 10.10 and 11.45 rfld 5.1 t, P. 51. Sleeting Care accornyianying there trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. without chenge. 51ai1 train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 510 A. M. 105 P. M. Slail train for Harrisburg leavee New York at 12 Noon. bCIIII LEILL VALLEY leave Pottr.ville at e.t.tu, 11.0 i. A. 51. and 7.15 P. Nt,rtituming from Tamaqua at 7. 35 A. M. and 1 40 and 4.35 P. M. SCIIISY MILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAI)- Traits erave Auburn at 1.56 A. M. for Pinegrove and Liar riebi.rg, and at 12.35 P. M.- for Pinegrove and Tremont; re• tarring from Harrisburg at 3.55 I'. M., and from Tremont at 7.4 u A. M. and 5.25 P. M. TICKETS. -Through firnt-clasa tickets and emigrant rickets to all the principal points in the North and Weert, and Canadat. Excursion Ticket's from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate Statione, good for day only. are gold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Potteton n Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion '1 ickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. are sold at Reading and Inter ediate Stations by Read• int! and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at VSI ()ince of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 237 South Fourth erect, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superintendent, Reacting. Commutation Ticket, at 25 per cent. ditcount, betr.aen an_y points derived, for familiar and firma. Mileage Tickets, good for 2 000 miles, between all points at $ll3 50 each, for families and firma. Season Tickete, for three, aix, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Cler ,y man residing on the-line of the road will be far. 'tithed with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to princip re al duced et a tone, good for Saturday, Sunday and Memlay, at fare, to be had only at the Ticket °thee, at Thirteenth and Callo , hill etreets. FREnarr.-Goode of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot. Broad and V. illow erects. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.30 A. M., 12.45 noon, and Clinton,lor Reading, Lebanon, liarris.biug, l'otteville, Port Cion and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Poet-Office for allplaces oon t l he roadtion e oa nd its branchee at SA. SL, and for the prin. Staril s ya t , 3.1 5 P. 51. TRAVINI6I,B PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL :tailread. Winter Time,—Taking —effect Jan. 1503. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty.first and Market streets, which is reache dailway directly the by the care of the Market Street PaPseuger R, last car connecting with each train, leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before ltd departure. Those of the Cheituut and Walnut Street Railway rim within one square of the Depot. ON SUNDAYS—The Market Street Cars leave Front and Market streets S'S minutes before the departure of each tr:i in. Sleeping Car Tickets can he hod on application at the Ticket 011 ice, Nord m edt corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 901 Chest nut etreet, O. Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE DRPOT, VIZ.: MailTratu . . o ........ . Pacli AccoratkodationN; 1. Fast Line.. Erie Express .. .. .. • • , . • • • . Pitch Accom. Noe. 3 & 4. Flartieturg Accommodation.. L'iticarter Accommodation.. keluire Train.. . •.... ........ Cincinnati F..XpreER....• • • •• • • • • . Uri , ' Mail, Philadelphia Express .... ...... • • • Accommodation.— . . .. ... • • .... -- ... . . lirie Mail leilveir daily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Expreea leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Weetern Accommodation Train rune daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets most be procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M.. at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ: Cincinnati Exprees..... • • • • • • .• 1.115 A. 51. Philadelphia Express .... ........ ....... ....... " 7.1 e " ..Paoli Accom. No. 1. • . " Parkeburg Train.... ..... ..... • • ...... ...... " 9.10 " Fast Line . Lancaster Train ........... " 1.10 P. M. Erie Exprese... r . • • • • .• • ................. . 1 11) Paoli Accom. & 3. ....... ....... at 4.10 es 7.10 Day Express at 6.t20 Han ieburg Accom..... ...... . . ...... " 9.50 .. For further information, apply to ,3011 N C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUN /I. Agent,ll6 Market street. SAMUEL 11. WALLACE. Ticket Agent at the Depot The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not aesurne any risk for Baggage. except for winning apparel, and Limit their reeponsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken y_epecial cntract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa, gigina PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD—WINTER TIME TA BLE „--Through and Direct Route be tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams port and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvaula.—Elegant Bleeping Cars on all Night Trains. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 2.5 th, 1867, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..... .. ~ arrives at Erie.. .... , • ... Erie Fasten leaves Philadelphia.. Williamsport. -. . _ " arrives at Erie_. FAmira Mail leaves Philadelphia , " " arrives at Lock H aven. EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Eri0........- .......... . -1025 A. M. Williamsport. ...... -11.66 P. M. " o arrives at Philadelphia 8.55 A. M. Erie Express leaves Erie ... . . . . ...... ....... 4.26 P. M. arrives at Philadelphia 1.00 P. M. Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven .1111 .......7.10 A. Rt arr. at Philadelphia. ..•- P. M. Mail and Express connect with all trains on Warren_ and parr ailway. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 ve at Irvington at 6.40 A. M., and 011 City at 9.00 A. B 1 Leavinsthiladelphia at 11.16 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4.65 P. M. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make close connections at 011 City with trains tot erankLin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage checked through: ALFRED L. TYLER. / General Suwazintendent gialgiVWEN AND ATLANTIC RAW WINTER ARRANGEMENTS On and atter Thtutdak. October glat„ 1.861. trains will leave Vine Street Ferry daily (Sunday' excepted): Mail and Freight.. •., • - • ............. 'I.BO A. M. Atlantic Accommodation., 8.45 P. M. Junction' Accommodation to Ateo and inter mediate _ is:so P. M. DirruNpi IND Atiantio , w LEAVE ATLANTIC: • • ... MIS A. M. .Mail and;Freight: P. m JunetionAecommoaation &SO A. M. Haddonfield Accommodation will leave Vine Street Ferry..... • ... • 1(1.11$ A. ht., 2.00 P. M. Haddonfield ........ LOO P. M._, 3.15 P. M. oelitft) - D. H. MUNDY. Agent TRAVEL ' • ... r I , a giNEWI N IE R R I I/DlL V e ragAgirtße7it , and most direct Mel to Bethlehem. Easton, Allentown; Mauch Chunk, Razletan. White Haven. W ilkesbarre,Mahanoy City t. Carmel. Pittston, Beranton,Carbondale and all the Pante lathe 19613 . 11111a n a lb yarning Coal regions. Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Berke and American stream. SPRING ARRAN GLMENT—ELSN vAmy TWNS -On and after MONDAY._ APRIL iith,. 1868, stinger Tiaa. leave the New Depot. corner of Berke ' . and American streete, daily (Sundays , xceptedkas f ollows: At 695 A. 31.--Accommodation f or N ort Waehington. At 7.4 f A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad. con netting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and Susquehanna R h Railroads for aston,AllentOwn. Cats sauqua„tilatington, Mauch Chunk, Weatherly. Jeaneliville. Hazleton, White Haven. Wilkesbarre, Ringstoe. blebP tte t , o n n d , S cran t on ‘vy on, ing Valleys;Carbondale ah also ~ i inncdonalinectToinn points inLe. his h and Mahanoy Railroad for alahanoy City, and with lianurport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.06 A. M. at Wilkesbarre at 3 P. M. ; Scranton at 405 P. al,: at Maha. Cataw is. a Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Wil. noy City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can take the I ehigh Val ay 'lrain, passing Bethlehem at 11.56 A. IL for East. n sad points on New Jemmy Central Railroad to New Yu k. .."../ At P-45 A M.—Acconunodation for Doylestown,_ atop• ping at all intermediate Stations. Paeeengere for Willow Grove. Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old Yolk Road. At la 15 A. M.—Accommodation, for Fort -Washington, stopping at interniediate Station!. At 1.95 P. M.-- Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Alltov‘ P P . . Mauch Chunk, VVhite Haven, Wilkeeharre, Mahanma Ulf's, Centralia, Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel, Pittetrn and Scranton, and all points in Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal Regions. At 20 P. .M.—A CCOlli modation for Doyleetown, stopping at all intermediate elation!. Paseengers take stage at Doyleetnwn for New hope, and at North Wales for Sum neytown. At al5 P. M.—Lohigh and Susquehanna Expresm for ligthl. h. io, Enr , ton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Wilkes bat re and Scranton. Passengers for Greenville take this. train to r,makertown At 4.15 P. 111.—Acconlmodation for Doylestown, rtorping at all intermediate stations. Passenger! for Willow Grove, Ili :thorough and Hartsville take etage at Abing ton At 6.20 P. M. Through accommodation for Bethlehem and all statimai ou main line of North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even ing '1 rain tar Easton, Allentoem, illa,3cii Chunk. At 6 201'. 34.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate clarions. At Mao P. M. --Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRAINS . skI:RIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9.30 and 1L45 A. X 11„ 2 and 8.40 P. M. 11 45 A. 31. and :nue P. 31. T..ins makes direct connec tion with 1....10., Valley and Lehigh and Suaquehanna trains from Easton, Scranton. WiLkeebarre. Mahoney City and Hazleton. Passenger! leaving NVilkoabarre at 1.2) P. M, connect at bethlehem at 6.15 - P. 6L, and arrive in Philadelphia at 8.94 P. 61. From Doylestown at 8.25. A. H., 5.12 and 7.00 P. 61. Fi on, Le.usd ale at7:-.10 A. 7.1. From Fort Waehiugton at A. M. and 110 P. M. ON S liN DA); S. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 0 .20 A. 31. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 I'. M. Doylestown for Philadelphla at 7.20 A. 31. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31. Fifth and Sixth streets Paseauger Cars convey passen gers to and from the new Depot. White Care of Second and rhird StreetisLine and Union Line run within a ehort distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket office, in order to secure the lowest rates of f are. 'ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage shacked through to principal pa So uth aas North Penn. Baggage Express Office, l o ts, o Fifth street. gaMgPHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD— TIME TABLE.—Commencing Mon day, April 13th, 186 h, Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue as We.y.mail Train, at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and Intermediate stations. EXpTEEs train at 13.10 M. (Snndaye excepted) for Balti more and Washington. stopping at Wilinington. Perry. rine and Connect. , of Wilmington with train for New Caine. Express Train at . 3 301'. M. (Sundays excepted), for Dab "imore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Tharlow, Linwood. Claymont,-Wilmington.Newport,Stanton, New ark, Elliton,Northeast,Charlestown. Perr d.yville.klavnore.d Grace, Aberdeen, ferryman's. Edgewoo Maglia. chase's and Stemmer's Run. Connects sto at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, ppin N g at ew Lactic, Middleton. Clayton, Dover, Harr i ngton. Seaford, Salisbury - Princess Anne, and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortress Monroe. :Tortola:. Portsmouth and the South. Night Express at 11.00 P. 111. (daily) for Baltimore and Warhington, stopping at Perryville and Ilavre del:irate. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via Bait'. more will take the Lied M. Train. Via Crisfield will rake the 3.a) P. NI. train. Wilmington Trains, stopping at all stations between Philadelillia and Wilmington: Leave Philadelphia at 11 A.M.,2.30,5.00,1 and 11.30 (daily) P. M. The 6.01) P. M. train connects with the Delaware Railroad for Barrington and into' mediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.00 and 8.10 A. 61. (daily) and 1.30. 4.15 a nd(daily) P. M. The 0.10 A. M. Train will atop between Chester and Philadelphia. 7.55 From Baltimore to Pnitadeipnia.-1 cave Baltimore A. M., Way MaiL 9.40 A. M., Express. 1'25 P. AL, Er press. 8 35P. M. Express. h 55 P. Al„ Express. SUNDAI TRAINS FROM. BALTIMORE.—Leave Bal timore at 5,65 F. . stopping at liavre do Grace, Perry vine and ihnington. Also stops at North East, Elkton and Newark, to takepassengers for Philadelphia, and (Chesternge from Washington or Baltimore, and at sto leave passengers from Wm:Langton or Bain - MOTE. Through tickets to all points West.Sonth and Southwest may be procured at tick etotlice. INS Chestnut street a under Continental Betel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping-liars ean be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trans.fer Company. IL F. KENNEY. Superuiteudent PfILLADELPIHA. GERMAN• lag.:I:IN 'AND TA NODLE.—RRISTOWN RAIL. ROAD TIME On and after Wedneeday. May 1, 187. 'Pox GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-5, 7,5, 9.04, 10,11, 12 A. IL, 1.2, 3.15, 3%,1, i 6%, 6.10. 7, 9.9. 10. 11, 12 P M. Leave Germimtown--6, 7, 7}•l, 8, .8,.20, 9, 10, 11, 13 A. M.; 1, 2,3, 4,4 U, 5, 5.'41. 9, 10. 11 P.M. The 920 down train, and the 334 and s'.l‘ up tralne, Will not etop on the Germantown B D ranch. ON SUNAYS , Leave Philadelphia-9.lsminute. A. M; 2,7 and RN P.IL Leave Germantown -8.15 ILL RAILROAD. 6 d 9 P. IL. citEsTNuT M Le a.vo Philadelphia-6, 8,10,12 A.. M.; 2,3%, 57.1, 7.9 and 10 P. IL Leave Cheetnut 11111-7.10 ) minute., 8, 9.40 and 11.40 A. M.; 140. 3.40, 6.40, 5.40, 840 and 10.40 P. IL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9.15 minute. A. M.; 2 and 7P. M. Leave Uhe.tinit 11111-7.50 minute. A. M.; 1240, 5.40 and 9.`21, nlnutet .M. FOR CO PN S 11.01100 KEN AND NORRISTOWN. • Leave Philadelphia-6 , 756. 9, 11.00, A. M.; 114.3, 4... Vat 8.15, 8.05 and 11X P. M. Leave Norrittown— 5.40, 7,7.50, 9,11 A. M.;134. 3.06. 5.15 and 837 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. L Lea Philadepia-93"8 and M..eave ve N orri.tol wh n-7 A. M. •, and 9 I'. M. FOR MANAYUI.I(. Leave Philadelphia- 5, 7X, 9,11.05 A. M.; 1.34, 3, 4.36, 8.15. 8.05 and 1134 P.M. Leave Ilauaynal.-6.1 9, 5.5 1 . 11% A. M.: 3. Vti, 5, 8",,. and 9 P. 11,1 ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M. ;SM. and 7.15 P. Si. Leave Manayunl'M WILSON,and 9M P. M. W.S.- General Superintendent , Depot, Ninth and Green streets, :at 8.90 A. M. at 10.00 A. IL at 1100 M. .at 10.00 M. 1.00:0.011:61 , 10 30 P. atm. a 'n .. a aaaa t t i tttt l: Bs. l : : : 7 71: 1 5 5 PlPP ip l !..51N:11-111.. WEST CHESTER AND PHILA. DELPIIIA RAILROAD, VIA ME- DIA. SU NINI ARRANGENIENI73. On and after MONDAY, April 13th, 1858,traius will leave Derot. T'birty-first and Chestnut etreets, as follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for Weet Chester, at 7.15 A. M., Moo A. NI.. 2.30, 4.15, 4.5 u, 7.00 and 10.00 P. 51. Leave Weet Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street, 6.15, 7,15, 7.20 and 10.45 A. Di,. 1.65, 4.50 and t.bu I'. M. uu and after Monday. June 15th. an additional Train ii ill leave l'hiladehbia for Media. and Intermediate Islets at 5.20 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.10 A. M., and leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M., will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and 11. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chestor at, and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M., and transfer at B. C. Junction. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 4.50 P.M., and leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 4.60 I'. Id., connect at B. C. Jucon with Trains on the P. and B. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.50 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester '7.45 A M. and 5 P. M. The Depot is reached directly by the Chesturtt and Wal nut street care. Those of the Market street line reu with in one square. The cars of both lines connoctlwith each train u_pon its arrival. glr-Passengens are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case, be responsible for an amount exceeding $lOO, unless ape. clal contract is made for the same. HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent. . _ PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Summer • Arrangements. On and after Monda,y, April IR, IEOO. the Trains will leave Philadelphia,f rem the • Depot of. the West Chester & Phlladelphia.Rmiroad, cor ner of Thirty-first and Chestnut streets (West! Philada.). at 7.15 A. M. and 4.50 P. 51. Leave Rising Sun, at 5.15 A. 11.. and Oxford at 5.00 A. 51., and leave Oxford at 2.25 P. 51. A Market Train with Passenger Car attached will run on 'Tuesdays and Fridays., leaving the Rising Sun at 11.05 A. M., Oxford at 11.45 M. and Kennett at LOU P. M con necting at West Chester Junction with a train for Phila delphia. On Wednesdays and Saturdays train leaves Philadelphia at 5.110 P. 111..rutes through to Oxford-. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A.M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leaves' Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with Ike Afternoon Train for Philadel phia. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M. runs to Rising Sun. Md. Passengers allowed to take wearing apparel only, at Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case, be re. sponsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars. unless a special contract be made (WOOD. same. mhl2 HENRY General Stip% .11.16 P. M. . 9.00 I'. NI .1:I.90 Noon. 9.65 P. 9.45 A. . 8.99 A. . 1.46 P. 111: FAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NOR.T . II PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ' ROAD., to Wilkeabarre. Mehancy City, Monnt Carmel, Cen tralia, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its 'rancho% • 13y now arrangements, perfected this day, this road is enabled to give.increasektimpatch to merchandise corr Abated to the above sternest points. - Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, cfFRONT and NOBLE Streets. Before 6 P. M.,, wiili reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel Malianoy City, an the other statiOns in Mahanoy an WYOMillg vanes. before u A. 11._ Lot the succeeding day. 182.0 „ ELLIS CLARK. Agent. PEM AND LUGHTBTOWN BERTON ItkiL"". ARRANGEMENT. . 7- IPre - ighr ind'Pas' 6.60 A.M.,and a Pasaerigor Line at I A.M.for Philadelphia via Pembertt_ in n and Mt, Holly. iadelphla from the foot of rerigarrßl,hiWeGwilt leave Ilighlatorrn at Market r t eitrneeg,t..o,,rrl.LFrineeithrtialingdhraro.weit. ger Line, and at 3.80 P.M. MA L GATzmElt. Agent. Intact BiusrroL EENLINE , • , BETW • • NEW YORK AND BOSTON , VIA BRISTOL. • • For PROVIL °NOE, TAUNTON; NEW BEDFORD, CAPE COD, and an points of railway communication, East and Vorth. The new and splendid steamers BRISTOL. and PROVI DENCi. leave li,r No. 40 North River, toot of Canal etreet, adjoining Dcbracces street Ferry. New York. at f; P. 1.1., daily, Sunday.; ex opted. connecting with steam . boat train at Bristol at 4.10 A. M.. arriving in Bocton at A. M. in time to connect with ail the morning trains from that city. The most desirable andpleaAant route to the Whas Jtountairal. Trat,eters for that point uten make aired connect tom by way of Prot uteace and lf orceater or Beaton. State rooms and Tickets centred at office on Pier in NEW otta. 11.0. BRIGGS, Gent Manager. a .20 sml WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES ~.: , ~.: SPRING, ARRANGEMENT Coninioncing Ileednesday, April I,ISCS. • tRAINS WILL LEAVE FROM. FOOT OF MARKET sTREET WHARF (Upper Ferry) a.e followe: For Bridgeton. Salem, and intermediate .ttitior.t, at "?.lti A. M. and 3.30 P. M. For Miliville;Vineland and way etatione, at ti.t..11 A. M. and 8.15 P M. hor Cape May at 3.1 b P. M. } or Woodbury (accommodation), at d u 0 P. M. Commutation (Awoke, food between Philadelphia. and all atatione, may be Obtained on application at the Philadelphia. purer'. °nice, Camden, N.J. Freight '1 rain leaver! Camden daily at ISI o'clock' 'limn. Freight will be received at aecond covered whart below Walnut et Deliver) ay. from 7'A, M. until P. M. Freight t'llt? South Delaware avenue, WM. J. SIONELL, Superintend FOR NEW YORK.-TIIE CAMDEN t I IL DE • AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM. PANT'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way ptacee, from Walnut street wharf. Fare. At 530 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accord. $2. 25 At lA. M. via Camden and Jersey City Express Mail, 3 0.) At 3.80 P. M. via Camden and Jersey Litt ola 2 Express, 3uo At 6P. ht. via Camden and Amboy, 0 lot t'e. 25 Accord. and Emigrant, fld class, I et) At 0.10 A. 111, and 2.30 P. M., for Freehold. At 8 and 10 A. M., 2.30 and 3.30 P. 111., for 3renton. At 5.30 8 and 10 A.M.,1,2.30, and 3 P.M.,for Borden. town. At 5.30 and 10 A.M..1„2.30, 3.30, 4.51 and ,6 P.M.,for Florence. At 5.:1 1 , I abd 10 A.M., I, 2.19 i, 3.36, 4.30; 6 and 11.36 P.M. for Burlington:Beverly and Delanco. At 5,30 ano 10 A. ALL 2.k1,4.30, 6 and 11.30 P. M. for Edge water, PAvereide, Riverton and Palmyra. -At 5.30 and 10 A. M.. 1. 6 and 11.3,0 P. M. for Fish House. 'llar r ilie 1 and 11.80 P. M. Linea will leave from foot of Market street by upper ferry. From Remington Depot • • At II A. SI., via Kensington and 'Jersey City, New 0 Y 3 ork Express .;.. . ... .$0 At 7.45 and 11. w 30 and 6 forTrkinton and Bristol. And at 10.18 A. B. for Bristol. At 7.45 and 11 A. M., 2.30 and 5 P. hi. for Morrisville and Tullytown. At 7 45 abd 111.15 A. 151., 330 and 5 I'. hi. for Scheucks and Eddington. At 7.45 and 19.15 A. M. 2,30,4, 5, and 6 P.M., for Cornwelle, Turcedale, tiohnesburg, Tacouy, Wieeinoming, Brideen burg and Franklord, and 8 P. M. for liolmesburg and intermediate Stations. fiI.INIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 7.40 A. NI. for Niagara Falls,Elmira, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Itbaca,'Owego, Roeliester,l3ingliampton, 06wego, BYFACIJEC, Great Bend. Montrone, Wilkenbarre. Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap. Am. . At 7.45 A. Id. and 3.30 P. M. for Belvidere, Easton, Lam bertville, Flemington, dm. the 3.101'. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allertown, Bethlehem, ac. At 6 P. M. tor Lambertville and Intermediate Stations. From Went Philadelphia Depot, via Connecting Rail way At 1'.30 A. M.,1.30, 9.30 and 12 P. M. New York Express Line, via Jersey City.. The 6.30 A. hl. and 6.30 P. M. Lines run daily. All others, Sundays excepted. At 3.10 A. M., 1.30, 6.30 and 12 P. M. 'for Trenton. At 3.10 A. M..,6.30 and 12 P. M.. for tirieteL At 12 P. M (ight) for Morrisville, Tellytown, Schencks, Eddington, Corn welle, Torriedale, liolmeeburg; Twiny, Bridesbuni and Frankford. For Civet leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, ut halt an.hour bolero departure. The Cars on Market Street Railway nun di rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. tin Sundays, the Market Street Can will run to connect with the 9 30 A. Si and 6.3) P. M. linen. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Paseeuger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ae bag. gage but their wearing apparel. AL baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re snonsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound.and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by spa cial contract. Tickets eold and Baggage checked direct through to. Boston, Work enter, Springfield, Hartford, Now Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany Troy,_ Saratoga, Uticn Rome, Syracuse, Rocheeter, Baal°, Niagara Falle ana beepention Bridge. An additional Picket Office is located at No. 828 Chestnut street. where tickets to New York, and all hn. portant points North and Emit, may be procured. Per none purchasing Tickets at thin Cilice, can have their hag. gage checked from residences or hotel to destination. by Union Trauefer Baggage Express, Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7 A. SS. akd 1.00 and 4.(g) P. It., via Jersey City and Camden. At 6.30 P. N. via Jersey City and Kensington. At 10.00 A. M. and 12 51.. sold 5 . 101 P. M., and 12 knight), via Jersey City and West Philadel• phia. From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 4 P. M. Expte's and 4P, SI. Emigrant, via Amboy and Camden. ' -ril 110, 1665. . WM. H. GATZMEE., Agent. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL. (ILAN:MiI Or HOURS. On and after MONDAY, May 4th, trains will leave Vine Street Ferry ae follows, viz.: Mall., ... ... ....• ...... ............ 1..7.30 A. Nt. Freight, paiqoager car... :. • •...... ......... 15 A. M. Atlantic A ecommodatiou 4.15 P. M. RETURNING—LEAVE A 11-ANTIC. Accommodation ...... ........ ........ ........ Freight, •is ith passenger car.. Mail . .1 mgr lieu ACCI)11111101111t1011 to Atco and interim:. State etAtion., , , learrE Vine ...... Petui nine, leaves Ate() ....... •,•• • •• ..••••• Iladdettield Accommodation .......... IVIIVe Vine steel . • •.. ..... ......10 17) A. M. and 200 I'. St. Leave II athioutield. 1 00 p. H. and 3.15 P. M. :;uttd D. H. MUNDY, Agent. CCU CA NTY MDEN RAIL A ROAD. ND MILLINGTON !SPRING ARRANGEMENTS., On and after IdGuday,o,pril 2Ut 1.88., trainsor M leave from the foot of Market tit lt.ppr.rFerry) , fer• ehautville. Moorei-town. Dartford. Masouvifle, pot t, Mount Holly, 6n-1101%111e, Ewansville, Vincentown and Po:Lbs.:ton at 9 A. M. nod 1.1 , 0 P. M. RETURNING: Leave Pemberton :At and 8.25 and 2.45 P.M. Nee:ut 5 . ..1 and 847 and 3.08 M. Mooreetown 7.28 and 9.15 and 3.8$ M. The M. line \rill ruu through to Ilightstowu. stoppinv at all the plas. . Superintendent ay-atf C Sad=r4ll4 ec l :r i re t i j o N ua J ° Wilmington, l()i'') ( 14a. NV are. Steamer ELIZA lIANCOX will leave Arch Street Whart daily (dandaye excepted) at to A. M., and 4 P.M. leav , • lelarker dtrect Wharf. Wibehagtt h, at A. M. and 1 P. M. rare for the round trip. ...• • .•• ••• • • •..• •• • 'l4ingle ticketr‘ ..... ........ ........ ..... Chcrter and :Mama, • • .• eantainF•4. farther particalar apply on board. 6. BUOINESS all1H1111116• VIENNOT it, CO. GENERAL NEWSPAPER. COB. J, respondingand 'Advertising Agents. 1311 Nassau street, New York. (Established in 1882.) Advertisements inserted at publishers' rates in all the leading newspapers published to the United States,Britb3h Provinces, Mexico, South America, East and West Indies. REFFSIENCES: Mr. 11. T. Belmbold, Druggist, 694 Broadway, N. Y.l Messrs. S. R. Vanduzer, & Co.. 198 Greenwich et.: Messrs. Hall Ruekel, '2lB Greenwidlt street: Messrs. G. Bruce, Son & Co., Type Fouuders,l3 Chanibers st.; Messrs. Hagar & Co.. Type Founders, 98 Gold at.. N. Y. fel.9-3011, COTTON AND LINEN BAIL DUCK OF EVERY V width from ono to six feet wide, all numbers. Tent and Awning Duck. Papermakors' Felting, Bail Twine,'Sig. JOHN W. EVEItMAN & CO., No. 103 Jones's JAMES A. WEIGHT, THORNTON PIKE, OLKMENT A. GIUSCIOII TLIEt.DORR WEIGHT FRANK L. NEALL. PETER W 1114 & SONS. Importers of Muthenwate and Shipping and Commission ISt erehants, N 0.116 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Y - RIVY WELLS.—OWNERS OF PROPERTY—TI only place to get privy wells cleansed and disinfected, at very low prices. A. I'EYSSON, Manufacturer of Pot.. drette. Goldsmith's Library street. sAiliiir:Es,TuittuvEss, am. y t A ~ 1 . % RDDLE ]. ~..:;'' - i b AV .4 SS;,.. s.+ Q HORS e.URNI.tiiRE-, • ..- , cASSBi:Co , ... - ' , O ~, IMARY,..EIT S TH T E , p OO a xWG 110.11.9EMAN8111P--AT TILE PEILLADDE , PtilA RIDING SCHOOL. Fourth etreet., above Vine, will be found every facility for acquiring wentwleg of thin healthful and elegant accomplish. . The School ie pleamantly ventilated and warmed , the hones safe and well trained." Au Afternoon Diana for Young,lidiess. m Saddle Horned trained In the beat manner. Saddle lioniet,lloreen and Veldelee to hire. Ale°, Carriage, to Depot!, Parties. Wedding,. . Sho ping, Ae. ff TR CI OMAR RATGR. At SON. PAJFFAIt HANGING& Q F. BALDERSTON AND _,N WALL PAtERS WINDOW WADES. ap2 2030 903 SPRI 0 GARDEN Street ADVERTISIN G A O G RGE DEG ENCY. LP is CO., Agents for all newspapers at the lowest rotes, Office, No. 109 Cnestnut street. second floor, PREStuS BUILD. 1N0.... noL,th,say 1r; lthrilAkiel . lA/ trk, C. 'Hopper. am mur.44ames A. Freeman. Auctioneer. On a ednesday, May 111th, 18 at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at Lira FhiladelOhla Eat...bumps the following described real estate, the prMertY et Mary O. ;topper. a minor: No I.—Brick House, Auduben mace (west from Front, above Mats ct), thronetorr brick personae and lot situate on the north side of Wallis alley, now Audubon place, between Front and, Second' stYeett, beginning at a p. int in the north line of pnid alloy 84 feet west of Front strut t t thee ce exyrailttg northward through the middle of the wall dividing this from the hoese next adjoining to the eastward. lb feet t, a point: thence west ward through the middle of the well dividing this frond the bouse adjoining to the westward 15 feet 4 inches to a, point. tht nee southward at right angles to tire •lasbmen tionedline, 5' inchr a to 'a brick wall, thence Westward along the south Fide of the said brick wall. 4 feet 4 inches to a point. thence southward in a Straight line 7 feet 9 inches to a point at the north end of the partittomdivid log the privy belonging to the lot thereby granted Mtn the privy belonging to the next lot adjoining to westward, thence through the middle of the partition aforesaid,4 feellto the south side of paid privies, thence eastward Parallel with the said of_ alley, 7 feet to a point 8 inches from the west side of the hereby granted dwAting house, thence southward parallel on the west aide of said tyniso, and at the distance of S inches therefrom, 4 feet 8 melt , . to Wallis alloy aforesaid; thence eastward al. up, the north side of wild alley 16 feet to tiro place of lorinning. Also. a strip of ground. situate on the north Fide of Wallis alley, being 2 feet front by 5 feet deep. Clear of n.ll incurolr ance. No. ].—Fransc Bounds, Hermitage street, All those he:minces and lot on the went ride of ilcrulitage 'street (between '1 hire. Fourth, Green and Coates), beginning 54 feet front the n ethwest corner of Coates street 12th Wnrd, brine la) feet front by 35 feet deep. ;IV - Clear of inert tube:elec. • No. 3—" Frame ii(lll.9C, No. 500 tdllwyn street, with brick home on the teat. A two story frame 11,,ure t.ftd let, on -andet Ine of DP tws n et, ert, 81inches north vof Buttot weed t, being feet front by 70 feet d, p, KW - There is a threeeVory brick house on thereat of the lot. Clear of Mean, brahee. illEal l, .‘ be paid en each at the sale. • by the Court. E A 'a E ERICK. Clerk O. C. JAMES A. FRE.ENAN, Alletietieer. n 0.422 Walnut get. 5.50 A. M 11..1 M . 4.20 P. 51 5.40 P. ti.3o A. 11 iTRUCITION. PERSONAI.f. kl Inv; Pi..12:11.4.; SA LE —.IA NI SA. 1 f tRE q ALIC- Etioncer.— :it Acres and Impro.:ollUntr,Fisher's.banev " ifth and iNth fitroop, a . nd N. L'. R. IL, Twent y , gecc.nd Ward. On Wednw,day, PM, at o'clock u,on, be sold a' public Fah., at the Philadelphia EX cluinge. the 'allowing deem ined real ',tate viz.: All that ..duatile propel tv , known as "Ev , r4u:en," situate at tho N. E. corm T of PudierrB Lane and lirl , tol street, in the Tir en ty-recond Ward of the city; coutAining in front no -!tiect It ?, near LlOe feet, and on Fisherta Lane floor L fee, th. lot being newly equate and con taining about 01 e ore,. of lend. Ibe ImproverrionN are a stove house, peed. b u t old ..tyle. could by a not large expen , e be riled , a betide., e residence,frame ' barn, for milk-how e, ice-hodor (filled), outbuildings, well of excellent tenter in the kitchemeeveral opringa.a istreara of wat.T through the prom , Oltide trees, an ohundance of very nt: pear tree:, in full hearing, also rherrie, apylve, crap. 8 and email ;colt: , The eituation is liritfu having tine view :+ and being adjacent to the ga llon. 'I he lot will divide very advantageouely. Rockland and Ruecomb Ftreet , will cut it ea,n and west. 'Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets intor,ect it north and south. Fit th ..'reef 01 feet wide is opened to Iridicr'e Lane, the south line of the property. and to the only 4treet entirely safe to travelers, qs no railroad ertleiz`ee, it at grade. It id already the best. and will coon be the principal avenue to the northeaetern pact of the city c'ar - r he Property may be •x ndned at any tine htl ore tho 1.111.! ou application to. Mr. James 11. Stevenson, owner and occupant. Plan at the Auction Store. far $51.0) to be paid nt the time of -sale. JA.3I.Lb A. F ISttoN, Auctione64 E re, 4::,2 Walnut street. Itup n}y7 011PHAN'S COURT SALE'.— EST S.TE OF .1011'.4 lIELAV el b a n k. deet'liSed. Jam •1 Freeman, Ace " homer. Dwelling, N0.8J4 Noble stree., lot '.15x1t5 feet. Under authoi hy of the Orplotn , ' Court 'for layiy and County of Philadelphia. on We duesdaY, l3. leii at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real es tate. late the property of John Welbank, deceased. All that certain two-story brick house, brick stable and tut situate on the south side of Mulberryalley, now Noble street. between Eighth and (hit den streets, to the 'late i)i it let of Si ring Barden, in the •1 hunts uth Ward; con taining in breadth east unit west i 0 teet and in length or depth north or EOllOl 125 teet. 'Neighed n ith tbe free use and light of the westernmost 7 feet in breadth on Noble beet.l,ytdifeetindep,h of. Mathias Sowers' adjoining let of trotted, in common with the said Mathias Sowers, his heirs or te.signe. Clear of incumbrance , riir'The above is a tato-Flory hi ick house, a hit frame kitchen, and brick atablo on the rear of the lot. i 2.00 to be paid at the time of sale. By the E. A. MEhRICE, Clerk 0. C. JOHN WELBANK, Trustee. JANES A. FRYE:ILAN. Auctioneer, n",, Ric rinv7 store. 422 Walnut street. EX ECETOR'S GALE.—..T-.57 ATE OF REV. DR. P. F. Mayer. deceased —Jamem a. Freeman,Auctioneer , —Residence and Lapse Lot. 'No 102(1 Race street.— Ender authority contained in the will , t the into Rev. Dr. I'. F. Mayer,deceased, on Weiler:9d ,, y; May 13th, at 13 o'clock. noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel phia Exchange, the fdlowitig detcribed real estate, all that desirable thret•story b•ick residence with two4tory back Windbags and large lot of arc und, on the south ride of Race et eat (No. 1020); con teaandiug i nf o r o C n h e 2 r o fe s e tr eatn. d T n depth a ve7oy f d et ito b a l P re r e o t eartY, in what is known as Montgomery Square, with torso lot; all the propertier in the square are large and valuable. It fain the midst of the city and in a few WARS will be in demand for bliPilieBni pmpuses. Elf" Occupancy with the deed. Part of the purchase money may remain if desired. Clear of incumbrauce. May be examined any Ch/0 to be paid nt time of oRk. I ir. E MAYER. Executor. JAMES A FREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store. No. 422 Walaut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.--ESTATE OF CHAS. .Moutier, deceased.--James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. I~L ' —Properties Centre! street. nermantown.—Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Pliiiaddrhia, on Wedeesday • May 13. 1868. at 12 o'clock, coon, change w , itlhl bef o t l o lo ld w aint p & bl s ic r s ib a e le d real Pate l a l d a e e lp thea Ex. pro perty of Charles Morino', deceneed.--No. 1., AR that lot of ground situate on the soathwesr aide or Centro street, being marked feet it plan &Me by Joseph King, no No. its, being 30 feet front by 110 feet 7 inches deep, e nters or • No. 2 A half part of a two-story stone mericuage and lot marked on. r Lai of real estate of Robert H. Thomas and Samuel S. nichie. made by Joseph King. Jr, being No. 39; contuluing in trout ou Centre street 10 feet by 116 6-10 fe. t deep. Clear of it cumbrance. . tint aid on a ach at time of sale. My Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. 0. JANE MON a halt, Administratrir. JAMES A. FREESIAN. Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. PUBLIC SALE,- JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUC. 4 3; Hm oer.- Two Tta o.and.a•half story brick Dwellings, a.itu-Nori. 911 and 915 Rodman street. On Wednesday, Islay 13, bib at 12 o'clock, coon, will be sold at public, sale, at the Phil..delphia Exchanga.--No. I.—All.that cer tain stOly brick mess tinge with kitehen attached, and lot of ground, rite ate on the north aide of Rodman street (No. 911), at the distance ci lo test we 4 of Niuth stree s t, iu the Seventh Ward of the city ;,coutiening in front 1 test nod in depth 52 feet. Clear of i membrane°. No. that certain `h e, etory brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the math ride of Rodinau street No. Fliin at the dietnuce of 1:7o feet west of Ninth street, in the Sever lii Wai d of the city: containing in front 15 feet and in depth 52 feet. ineumbrance. • rer 61e0 to be paid ou each at the time of Bale. JAMES A. It I•:EMA'N, Auctioneer, :ten 20 my 7 :tore. 432 Walnut street rclouot,ALE.ol' REAL ESTATE.-- Will be Fold on the Premises. ou TiIERSDA Y. May ':th. Pteri, at 3 o'clock P.M., Vie pt onerts - km wn no PENS COTTAGE, • Late the residence of Mary Penn Gasket!, deceased, Situate-in Lower Merlon toss uship. Montgomery county, milei from :Market Street Bridge, raid 1 - mile from Wynne Wood Fiation, Pennsylvania Railroad. containing about 76'. acres of laud. The improvements con let of a stone mansion. with modern improvCllll2.lltP, stable. green house, ice house. stone farm house and barn, with all the necessary farm buildings. Stone lodge at entrance to lawn and two frame tene ment houses. The above described property on account of Ms proximity to the city, and its eery aCCCNA by railroad. a very desirable location ler puree: , Suing businceit in the city. bale voiitive. ~2umy7 a 03, ' lips 7 rl'iiE VERITABLE EAU DE • UOLDGNE—JEAN 1 MARIA FAWN A.—The most fascinating of all toilet casters, in festivity or sicknesa, and that which has givou Dame and celebrity to this exymisito and refreshing per fume. Single bottles, 75 centa Tore° for two dollars. • DEBBI:1.1, AriothecarV, 1410 chestnut street. 1L I)rußglsta. n• E. corer Fo trth and Race atreeto invite the attention of the •Trade to their large etock oi Fine Lruge anti Cheinicale, Esitential Oils. Sponge tts. Corks, die. noon TIIII7I6ISTS' SUNDAIt S.—GRADUATES, MORTAR. 11 Pill Tiles. Combo, Mirrors, Tweezers. Pie Boxes. 110111 Scoops, hurgicA et..... Trusses, Dialed? And soft Rubber Londe. al Eases. Glass and M e ta) 6yringes, die., all at "First llands" EN prices. SNOWD BROTIIES. tl3 South Eighth street. D IIIUBARB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATIO. and very superior quality; White Gum Arabic. Eat ndia Cuetor Oil, White cud Rotund Chotile Soap, Olive till, of various brando. For eale hy icoßEltr SHOE . MAKER CO., Druggists, Northeaat corner of Fourth Bud Race 'streets. YUltk PAINTS.—WE OFFEICTTi 'PILE TRA putt]; 1 White Lend, Zinc White and Colored Faints of our own xnanufactui ROBERTutedityquantities to suit purchasers. A & Malan§ in Pointe and Varnishes, N. E. corner Fourth and Race Atreeta n 00741 OAS r•ixTtußl:y. ill AB FIXT IJ R 1.1 S. —MISKhIY. MERRILL it 1-11 VIACKAIta, No. 718 Cheatilut Ntreet, manatactamlfll of Gad Fixturer, Lamp', (t.c.. Arc , would call the atteritiod of the public to their larg , and elegant uteortinent of Allui Cbandeliere, Pendants. lirock.ets. Sc. 'lbw , also tnttoduce gag Om into dwelllnge and public buildings. mid attend to extending, altering and repairing gae Optic - Wrong. warrantrd. . • , •p• MMXlOtittillE 14 (1' 4 'i 15 ) XO4• Air:4"V PaltLi • . , :14 441;1.'0 • ' "` tau oo • • CHA:I3.(.IgS Patent Fading, " t g soar rind rstatl i tk rEnmsißuLA MANIIP4I., " • 414 ABOEL- tenet,: ehlladol They cantle taken apart or folded up, and , pacitort, the limalleq place possible. or hung up if not 03(17:.: Their equal has never before been amen In fares lierond•hand Perambulators repaired sir taattte.sze change. ovvEN - JoNEs, 'ENeentor augTruateo. Jos. 'l'. PEARCE uc, . ti.oneer DRUGS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers